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As soon as I saw Marqoth on Artfight, I HAD to attack this character! She belongs to @serrangelic-art who is an amazing artist. I'm still in love with the Uriel drawing you made, you don't understand ♥️🧡💛
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dmnxart · 2 years ago
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Asta Fanart I made last year
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kodoukat · 2 years ago
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My oc Hetka ma as an Elf-Demon hybrid(reason for arms)
Interested in a commission?
Check out my Com page!!
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twistedsketchproductions · 2 years ago
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Emote doodles
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bugpysforge · 2 years ago
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To deceive his rivals, Morgrem pretends to be injured while fighting. He then feeds off of sympathy and optimism until his foes succumb to despair.
Race: Tiefling Class: Warlock Subclass: The Nightmare Alignment: Chaotic Evil
View the pokedex of all dungeon pokemon by following the link in the menu.
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vellchro · 2 years ago
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Bakemono!! 👹 • • • • #vellchro #nahualamericano ##yokai #バケモノ #oni #bakemono #shapeshifter #fullmoonenergy #fullmoonatvirgo #monsterverse #fullmoon2023 #👹 #mythicalcreature #lunallenaenvirgo #moonphase #halfdemon #seshomaru #moonenergy #playadelcarmen #sunglasseslover #howlingmoon #maskon #wearblack #blackrobe #daywalker (en Xaman Ha) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgyufwN9nG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ispeedilysillybouquet · 1 month ago
Mariala is named after a half human half demon ancestor of Manny Rivera
Mariala was born to a healer and a demon
Mariala was bullied by the cruel humans for her half demon heritage
One day a monster was about to attack Mariala and a man saved Mariala
Mariala starts to fall in love with a man due to his curly hair and his muscles
On their wedding, Mariala gives her husband a mystical belt buckle as a gift and later puts a curse on him causing him to go insane
Mariala and her husband have a son
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animoholicredux · 3 months ago
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"Under the shadow of the moon, a light was born."
Happy Birthday to Sanae Kuze, the half-demon who carries the mystery and power of the lunar eclipse within her!  Her journey with her Kasugai bird Yuki (a Swan)is a testament to resilience, strength, and the balance between darkness and light. Here's to another year of forging her path in a world of demons and slayers!
Stay tuned for her birthstory : chapter "Half Demon Heart"
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foxwinchester83 · 1 month ago
Late Nights (Sam x Half-Demon!Reader)
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summary: Sam wakes up in the middle of the night, seeing the reader awake and looking stressed.
warnings: none
rating: fluff ୨୧
an: wrote this for myself tbh, hence the half-demon!reader; Not super long; one shot
word count: 600
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Late nights were usual for you and the Winchesters. It wasn't a surprise whenever you'd be up late at night researching or fighting something dangerous, leaving you all even more exhausted than you might have been before the hunt.
It was exactly because of this that moments where you actually did get sleep were cherished as if they were a gift from God Himself.
So as Sam stirred in his sleep to the sound of quiet shuffling, he could only groan and curse to himself. As he sits up on his elbows, he squints his eyes toward the moving figure on the other bed across from him.
"Y/n, what are you doing up?" His voice is hoarse and groggy from being woken up, but his concern for his fellow hunter drowned that out.
You were thrown off by hearing his voice, not expecting him to wake up. After muttering a quiet apology for waking him, you let out a sigh and shrug. "Just can't sleep." The lie was obvious, and Sam could see through you like a damn window pane. His brows knot in that oh-so-adorable way, the blanket pooling around his waist as he shifts to look at you better.
"Right, I'm sure that's all." His voice drifts with sarcasm, and he slowly slides out of bed. "What's going on? Something keeping you up?" Sam looks down at you as he sits on the edge of your bed, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear.
You knew he wouldn't let go if you denied anything being wrong, so after a moment of hesitation, your voice finally broke the quiet silence of the room.
"It's the cage. It's in my dreams every single night. Your memories of being stuck in there, of being stuck with him."
Sam could see the pain in your eyes, and he felt the guilt wash over him. Back when he was still seeing Hallucifer (as you so generously called him) you volunteered to take the memories of the cage from him to stop his hallucinations. Now, they're only torturing you.
"You should have said something. I'd take them back so you don't have to deal with that, y/n." His voice was concerned and almost pleading in his sleepy state, knowing he'd do anything for you.
You quickly shook your head, denying his words almost immediately. "No way. I can handle it a lot better than you can. We don't need you getting hit by another car and going to a mental hospital again, hon." You tried to joke, but it wasn't received well.
He just looks into your eyes, tilting his head. "Well, you can't just stay awake all the time. You're gonna ruin yourself, half-demon or not." With that, he began to get under your covers, settling himself into your bed.
"Sam, what are you doing?" You asked, furrowing your brows in confusion as he got awfully comfortable, almost scooting you off of the small motel bed.
His arm opens up and he gestures for you to lie down with him. "Giving you a heater to help try and get you to rest."
You can't help but smile softly, laying down with your head on his bare chest. It made your heart race and your face flush, but that was quickly combated by a sense of peace and exhaustion.
His quiet yet deep voice, his smell of flannel and gasoline, his warm arm around you and chest underneath you. All of it was enough to put you into a trance.
And for the first time in almost six months, you slept peacefully.
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feyhunter78 · 1 year ago
Among the Sun Masterlist
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The Conqueror, the Ravager of Lands, He who deals in blood and war. Emperor Miguel and his armies have scoured the land, and now they have set their sights on your kingdom. Will you fall to the Demonborn's blade, or will a strange connection between you and Miguel turn the tides of fate?
Teaser🔥 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4🔥 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7🔥 Ch 8 Sorta🔥 Ch 9🔥 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13🔥 Ch 14 Ch 15��� Ch 16 Ch 17🔥 Ch 18 Ch 19🔥 Ch 20 Ch 21 Ch 22 and more on AO3
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witchxdemon · 1 month ago
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— blasting 100 % by angelspit down main street we’ve spotted baek han-na sporting their hypnotic poison by dior, knowing smirk, silver ring adorned with obsidian & nuummite stones. the seven hundred / appears fourty year old warlock who’s been in town for two hundred years often can be seen staring at her students in an unsettling manner, clicking her one hundred and fifty years old silver fountain pen, wearing black, red & white coloured outfits or working as a professor at portum university. people say they display helpful and vengeful traits, but we rather trust their vibes: aged whiskey in a crystal container, cigarette between slender fingers, high heels clicking against aged pavement, friendly smiles exchanged in passing by.
Aries by sun, scorpio by rising. Pluto and Mars fight for dominance over her soul. Neither win, neither loses.
Born seven hundred years ago to a demon father and a witch mother. Her childhood had been... a very difficult one, given the whole religious crusades going on all over the world, and she being both of the detested species.
Her parents are still alive, though her mother had been straining her existence for some good few decades now, if not even centuries. She keeps in touch, but they have relocated from Portum a century ago.
Works as a professor at Portum University, teaching demonology, conjuring and curses.
Swears like a sailor in a storm.
Avid smoker. Loves alcohol but never gets drunk.
Has three cars, all from various decades. Her favourite is a black 1924 Bentley.
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unicornconnor · 4 months ago
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"Ok, feel better now 👍 "
2D mood (poor little halfdemon)
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twistedsketchproductions · 2 years ago
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bugpysforge · 2 years ago
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Impidimp is devious and loves to break into people's homes to steal valuables and simply be a nuisance to their residents. These mischievous activities keep both himself and his trickster god amused.
Race: Tiefling Class: Cleric Subclass: Trickery Domain Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
View the pokedex of all dungeon pokemon by following the link in the menu.
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lurafita · 1 month ago
Ruthless Alec
Luke: "Inquisitor, these are the reports about the 3 rogue shadowhunters we arrested."
Alec, taking the reports and starting to look through them: "Give me a run down?"
Luke: "Of course. We have witness statements about them robbing the vacation home of a vampire, and the attempted kidnapping of a seelie. As well as physical evidence of similar planned future crimes."
Alec: "Did they kill or plan to kill anyone?"
Luke: "Not that we can proof. Lacking that, I suggest that the standard punishment of 10 years of incarceration applies."
Alec: "Yes, that seems appropri-"
Jace: "They also called Magnus a depraved, dirty halfdemon who seduced you to gain power."
Alec: "Their execution will be the day after tomorrow. Good work you two."
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betterstay-dead · 8 months ago
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T h e r e ‘ s a special p l a c e in hell
reserved just for me and it‘s called
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There was blood everywhere, on the floor, on his hands, everywhere around him. And bodies drained in blood. Bodies he knew as neighboors, classmates, family. But he felt nothing, nothing except satisfied revenge. His laugh echoed in the empty area, or maybe it was in his head, it was empty as well. He was overwhelmed by the taste of power and darkness inside him and didn’t want to miss it anymore. „Good job, my son.“ There was this voice again, an eternal companion of his thoughts. He knew exactly who he was. „I’m not your son“, Iljà answered, still looking on his bloodied hands. „But you could be“, the devil answered and revealed his appearance, red eyes looking down at him. Iljà knew what his answer would be, even before he spoke. He made a deal with the devil, the very first one. And the very best one.
— iljà kazàchenko, born human but raised in hell alongside lilith, alphademon and lucifer‘s right hand, married to a werewolf, father of (soon) four little halfdemons
(fictional supernatural character, always looking for nice and long conversations, crossover friendly; just hit me up, fc: jensen ackles) promo credit to my hubby
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