campsupernova · 8 days
Hello Campers!
It's been a bit of a slow news week. There hasn't been any major quest updates, and even the smaller quests have gone off without a hitch. Naturally, this makes me feel like something worse is waiting down the road...
But regardless! Here's our Weekly report from last week! Feel free to send in all of your stories for this week's!
- relatively peaceful!
- Someone started digging mysterious pits all over camp
- Cabin 7 attempted to make some kind of tiktok trendy food, which backfired and caused the kitchen to burst into flames. Luckily, Cabins 3 & 4 were on the ball that day, so there wasn't any major damage.
- Cabin 11 declared themselves as an independent country, and petitioned Chiron for their freedom
- Cabin 11 got bored with being an independent nation and have returned to being a part of the wider camp
- Campers Annika Jenkins, William Tyrs and Kattia Guillaume returned from a successful quest; and more importantly returned from a Costco run with gifts for every cabin!
- This week on Capture the flag:
The Hecate cabin made a last minute decision to join The Blue team [ Led by Ares] and, through use of pig balls turned the entire game into chaos.
- pig balls are no longer allowed during capture the flag
Game tally:
Red team: 0
Blue team: 1
- There was a very public breakup in the strawberry fields, it was messy af
- The Tyche cabin and The Hebe cabin have declared war on each other for unspecified, and unclear reasons.
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hearthstonesart · 2 years
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Guess who’s finally posting! Day 1 of @raesploveart ‘s #percyjacksonprompts2022 : so you think you’re a halfblood? Draw your demigod OC/sona(Better get headed to the exits now~) This is how i imagined my OCs Pallas and Meritamun in the riordanverse, pallas is a child of apollo while Merit is a scribe at brooklyn house P.S: they’re girlfriends uwu #percyjackson #pjo #percyjacksonfanart #pjofanart #fanart #OC #originalcharacters #ancientgreece #ancientegypt #greekgods #camphalfblood #percyjacksonandtheolympians #riordanversefanart #riordanverse #kanechronicles #kanechroniclesfanart #ogcharacter #lesbians #sixthemusical #harrypotter #hufflepuffpride #apollo #art #procreate (at Camp Half-Blood) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgt1xckh8Um/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sky-whale-creations · 5 years
Halfblood Prophecies
I wrote out some prophecies for my friends and I! We’re doing some percy jackson sona stuff!
This first one is for the children of the Big Three
One to rise,
One to fall,
One to barter and risk it all
One to glory,
One to fame,
One to walk without a name
One to necklaces,
One to rings,
One to claim a crown of kings
The 3 will go and wash ashore
And they will pass through West’s Door
The pattern is cyclical!
Zeus kid: one to fall, one to walk without a name, one to necklaces. Because from the sky you can only land, stepping out of Zeus’s shadow, and an artifact to show their independence
Poseidon kid: one to barter and risk it all, one to glory, one to rings. They make a gamble and it pays off, and artifact ring as a trophy
Hades kid: one to rise, one to fame, one to claim a crown of kings. The Underworld can only go up, they’re effort is seen and appreciated, and an artifact to show their found status
West’s Door is the name I gave to 3 gates at the edge of the world! The entrance to Poseidon’s palace, the Gate of the Sun where Helios parks the Sun Chariot, and past Oceanus, the doors to the Underworld!
4 great halls and 4 hearts twain
4 great winds and 4 great names
A compass, a point, an atlas, a map
Fall from the heavens, but not for the trap
The one who stews and the one who saves
The one who gives and the one with rage
The one who flees and the one who stays
The one who dies and breaks the cage
This one was about a demigod for Nemesis, Dionysus, Hecate, and Persephone! (in that order)
Traveling to the 4 pillars of the world to get the golden apples from Atlas’s children. Fall from the heavens implying Atlas will make them plummet, the trap being switching places with him
The world may shake, the world may bend
What was forged will become the end
The world may shatter, the world may quake
Do not make the Old Mistakes
The world will fracture, in due time
Bring back the tools which were mine
Mend the world
Make repairs
Fight back the darkness
Close the tears
Son of the scholar
Heir of the queen
Child of the forges
Fix the In-Between
A prophecy from Hephaestus to one of his kids and one for Athena and Persephone.
Hephaestus shattered the barrier between the world and the Underworld. Erebos, the Great Primordial Darkness, isn’t a fan. A glowing white hammer and chisel fell in and it’s like a thorn in his side, driving him crazy.
Don’t be like the Olympians and declare war on the Titan, as tempting as it will get but retrieve the tools, close up the portals, and force Erebos back into the Depths before the whole planet cracks
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artiboi-navarro · 4 years
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I saw a fanart of Annabeth with a red plaid shirt the other day. And because I’m a comic book NERD, my brain thought it was Spider-Man’s costume. It got me thinking.
What would a Spider-themed Athena Demigod look like?
My first thought is that their character would be a lot like batman. Spiders are Athena kids’ natural enemies. They would fear spiders. So if one of them adopted the spider as their theme, they would be embodying their own fear to leverage against others.
There might also be some kind of pride involved. This child takes pride in flaunting what is generally agreed upon to be a pretty jerk move on Athena’s part. It’s so weird cuz that attitude is exactly what Athena turned Arachne into a spider for, but perhaps in this context Athena might treat this demigod as some kind of dark favorite.
Another idea is Heracles. As in Hera - cles. Hera’s glory. This child of Zeus was named after Hera and after putting him through the ringer, she came to sponsor him. They had a very complicated relationship. What if this Athena demigod struck some kind of deal with Arachne (who is in the Riordan universe some kind of monster-goddess hybrid)? How would Athena feel about that? Would she disown, hunt down, or embrace this demigod?
So let’s make this character
Child of Athena, goes to camp halfblood in the 70′s. Her dad was mob boss and got himself killed when she was very young. She grows up appearing to be a star sheeple for camp halfblood. But secretly she’s the most intelligent, manipulative, power hungry demigod to enter the cabins in some time. She spends time in the forges late at night and constructs magic gauntlets that shoot synthetic webs.
She fakes visits from gods and fake prophecies, arranging a quest to Greece. She “loses” her questmates and finds herself alone with Arachne and uses her web shooters to present herself as an ally, and best her on her own territory. Arachne likes the idea of using Athena’s own children against her and blesses her with the ability to climb walls and the super natural strength and healing reserved for only the best demigods. She also teaches the demigod how to sense disturbances in the mist, like a spider senses movement in it’s web.
After learning all she can, she collapses all exits to Arachne’s lair and leaves the monster behind to rot. She never returns to camp half blood. Instead she creates a masked costume and starts hunting mafia leaders across the world. She’s known as the Spider Woman and as nothing else. The smartest, most ruthless crime lord in ages can't outwit her as she seeks revenge for her father. Cops and criminals alike try to take her down, and anyone who tries is met by the masked master or webs. An inhuman, undetectable super, the likes of which they’ve only read about in comic books or seen in horror movies.
Sorry for how long this was
Point is, I just made a demigod version Spider-sona out of an Athena kid 😁 The aesthetic is Spider-Man inspired. It’s got that Batman fear feel, and I even turned into a vigilante at the end there. I didn’t know I was gonna do that, but that’s how writing goes. If any of you can come up your own version of this that would be SO cool!
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sky-whale-creations · 5 years
My Camp Halfblood additions
Hey! So me and my friends have been doing percy jackson sonas. I would be a kid of Hades and can summon drachmas, riches, money, etc, up to about $47,000 per month, around my weight in silver. On top of that, they have 5 man dedicated skele entourage, plus whatever workers are available. Knowing myself and based on those powers, I would get straight to bringing the camp into the modern age and trying to make it as great of a place as possible.
1: Indoor plumbing
Bathrooms are about 10k, meaning every cabin would have indoor plumbing within 6 months
I would be living there full time and no way am I going to go without modern amenities like that.
(I’d also turn cabins into more or less actual houses, like fraternity/sorority kind of deal. Hades cabin gets 4 bedrooms, a small kitchen, etc but that’s for another post)
2: Campsites
I’ve been camping a looot and campsites are the way to go! Splitting the 20+ cabins into 3 campsites. They foster a sense of community, independence, and would allow the Big 3 to act as quasi senior cabins, not in charge, but splitting up the camp as their parents have split their domains. Everyone gets a fair share, plus it allows like minded people to stay together!
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(sorry it’s a little big)
The main area, in the shape of the Omega sign. There’s a bit of a plane and big field with a few sporadic trees.
The chthonic kids closer to the forest, tucked away in an area. There’s a tree line on both sides, hugging it.
And then the nero (water) kids over by the lake. I thought it would be interesting to add cabins for Amphitrite, Nereus, Ceto, and Pontus!
If you want to learn about Poseidon’s court and their additions, check it out over here! https://sky-whale-creations.tumblr.com/post/181725948188/a-well-rounded-fleshed-out-poseidon
3: Campsite entrances
Since Thanatos does not have children and is the spirit of death, their statue would be at the entrance of the Chthonic campsite. They’re a great conversationalist and can give cthnonic kids a weekly 2 drachma allowance if they pay respects.
The entrance to the Nero campsite would have a well dedicated to Achelous, god of fresh waters and vitality. It’s water is clean and pure and if you know what you’re doing, you can probably get high from it
My one friend decided that as a kid of Zeus they would take the statue out of the cabin, but couldn’t think about a place to put it. I suggested it as the entrance! I think it would look really cool
4: Hermes vending machines
I had this idea from looking at this post
Snacks and drinks based off of different myths and artifacts and legends!
Camper: Hey, isn’t it kind of shitty they take our drachmas for snacks and stuff?
Dionysus: Kid, look around you. The nearest cvs is 8 miles that way. You should be glad you have some use for the junk
*Sliiides a coin in with a satisfying clunk*
Anyways, yeah! Just some ideas I had about. Hope you liked it!
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