#our week at camp halfblood
campsupernova · 11 days
Hello Campers!
It's been a bit of a slow news week. There hasn't been any major quest updates, and even the smaller quests have gone off without a hitch. Naturally, this makes me feel like something worse is waiting down the road...
But regardless! Here's our Weekly report from last week! Feel free to send in all of your stories for this week's!
- relatively peaceful!
- Someone started digging mysterious pits all over camp
- Cabin 7 attempted to make some kind of tiktok trendy food, which backfired and caused the kitchen to burst into flames. Luckily, Cabins 3 & 4 were on the ball that day, so there wasn't any major damage.
- Cabin 11 declared themselves as an independent country, and petitioned Chiron for their freedom
- Cabin 11 got bored with being an independent nation and have returned to being a part of the wider camp
- Campers Annika Jenkins, William Tyrs and Kattia Guillaume returned from a successful quest; and more importantly returned from a Costco run with gifts for every cabin!
- This week on Capture the flag:
The Hecate cabin made a last minute decision to join The Blue team [ Led by Ares] and, through use of pig balls turned the entire game into chaos.
- pig balls are no longer allowed during capture the flag
Game tally:
Red team: 0
Blue team: 1
- There was a very public breakup in the strawberry fields, it was messy af
- The Tyche cabin and The Hebe cabin have declared war on each other for unspecified, and unclear reasons.
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lecsainz · 5 months
OMGGGG!!!! 🩷🩵 Love your work! Can you do a Percy X (halfblood of your choice) reader and maybe affection headcannons? Like how he stares at you 24/7 and maybe him falling asleep on our shoulder and all that!!!!
parings: percy jackson x fem!reader
an: two weeks without a new episode, I can't take it anymore 😭😭😭
summary: the one where you and percy met at yancy academy, and what your relationship would be like.
( my last work for riodanverse || go to my main masterlist )
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You met Percy at Yancy Academy, and well, you quickly became friends – best friends, to be precise, since your room was conveniently next to his.
When Grover arrived at the school, he became more than worried about finding two demigod kids together.
As you excelled in your studies – you LOVED studying – you decided to help Percy out. However, Percy always seemed too distracted, often catching him staring at you.
Percy looks at the notebook where you were scribbling math problems and realizes he hasn't paid attention to anything you were explaining for the past twenty minutes.
"So, um, how do you solve this math problem again?" He asks.
You point the pen at him with a stern expression. "Percy, we've been through this like ten times!"
Percy gazes at you with a mischievous smile on his lips because, by the gods, he finds you incredibly beautiful with the braid you decided to wear today.
"Sorry, got distracted. You look really nice today." Percy says, shrugging.
"Focus, Percy! We need to get through this." You roll your eyes, but your cheeks are flushed, and Percy still finds it adorable.
You throw the pen cap at Percy, lightly hitting him on the head when you realize he wasn't paying attention again.
"Ow! What was that for?" He puts his hand where the cap hit him and pretends to be in pain.
"For not paying attention! Now, let's get back to work." You stick out your tongue.
Laughing, Percy tries to throw the pen cap back at you, but you quickly dodge, and poor Grover ends up being the target.
You two became an inseparable duo, like shadows to each other, and constantly causing Grover massive headaches.
Percy would talk about you to his mom.
Percy hesitated for a moment before dialing the number. As his mother picked up on the other end, he launched into a torrent of words about you.
"Hey, Mom, you won't believe what happened today. So, there's this new girl, Y/N, and she's amazing. Seriously, she's the smartest person I know, and she's always helping me out with my studies. And she's got this incredible sense of humor. We're like a team, Mom, inseparable. I don't know how I'd get through the day without her."
Sally listened with a gentle smile on her face, recognizing the familiar signs of her son being captivated. She knew Percy well enough to notice the subtle shifts in his tone and enthusiasm.
"Percy, it sounds like you really enjoy spending time with this Y/N," Sally said, her voice warm and knowing.
"Yeah, Mom, it's like... I don't know. She's just different, you know? Everything feels better when she's around. I can't explain it."
Sally chuckled softly, recognizing the telltale signs of young love. "Percy, sweetheart, sounds like you might be developing feelings for this girl."
Percy stammered for a moment, realizing that his mother had caught on. "I, uh, Mom, we're just friends. Really good friends."
Sally's laughter echoed through the phone. "Alright, Percy. But remember, love has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.”
When you first heard about blue food, you didn't believe Percy's words, leading to a heated argument. It all ended when Percy pulled out a pack of blue cookies from his backpack. To your surprise, they turned out to be the best cookies you'd ever tasted.
During one of your study sessions, Percy calling you a beautiful girl, and the nickname sticking because you blushed every time he called you that.
Percy only realized he liked you when they arrived at the camp and you wanted to help Percy defeat the Minotaur, but he wouldn't allow it because he had already lost his mother and couldn't bear to lose his girl.
He told Grover not to let you follow him and instructed him to take you safely to camp.
The air in the forest was thick with tension as Percy and you faced off against the looming figure of the Minotaur. Determination burned in your veins as you gripped your weapon tightly, ready to fight alongside Percy.
But before you could make a move, Percy's voice cut through the silence, firm and commanding. "Grover, take Y/N back to camp. Keep her safe," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Your heart sank as you realized what he was saying. "Percy, I can help. We can fight this thing together," you protested, your voice trembling with emotion.
"I need you to stay safe, Y/N," Percy said, his tone unusually severe. "Grover will take you to camp. I can't lose you."
Tears welled up in your eyes, the raw emotion of the situation hitting you like a tidal wave. "I can't just stand by and do nothing while you face that monster alone."
Percy shook his head, a mixture of frustration and fear in his gaze. "Y/N. I can't risk losing you. Not after what happened to my mom."
A heavy silence settled between you two, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Percy cupped your face gently, his eyes searching yours. "I need you to trust me, okay? Grover will take care of you."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you nodded reluctantly. "Just promise me you'll be safe, Percy."
He gave you a solemn look before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. "I promise. Now go with Grover. I'll find you after this is over."
Grover approached, his expression mirroring the somber mood. "We should go, Y/N."
After that, you swore to yourself that the next time you saw Percy, you would tell him you liked him. That seemed like the smartest thing to do.
As Percy stirred awake, his eyes met yours, and a small smile played on his lips. "Hey, beautiful girl," he greeted, a newfound warmth in his tone.
You blushed at the endearing nickname he had given you, but concern soon took over. "I thought I was going to lose you," you admitted, holding a small cup of ambrosia-infused nectar.
His expression softened, his hand reaching for yours. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."
Relief washed over you, and you laughed, playfully nudging his shoulder. "Good. Because there's something I need to tell you."
Percy raised an eyebrow, curious. "What's that?"
He looked at you with curiosity, encouraging you to continue. With a deep breath, you confessed, "I... I really like you."
Percy's eyes lit up, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "You do?" he asked, as if surprised by the revelation.
You nodded, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Yeah, Percy, I really do."
"Well, beautiful girl, I think you're stuck with me now," he declared, a playful glint in his eyes. As you leaned in closer, he gently pulled you to lie beside him on the bed. When you rested your head against his chest, Percy winced in pain.
"Careful," he joked, "I just survived a Minotaur. Your head might be more dangerous than that."
You chuckled softly, and Percy couldn't help but smile despite the discomfort. "You know," he mused, "your laughter is my favorite sound in the whole world."
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Here's Where You Belong (A rottmnt mini-fic)
Mini Rise fic set in the PJO universe. I do not plan to return to this au but I'm proud of this first chapter so I might as well share it here! :)
“Do you guys have everything?” their dad asked. 
“For the thousandth time, yes,” Leo said, rolling his eyes.
“Considering the fact that I created the packing lists and had Shelldon and scan our bags to make sure everything listed was inside, I think it’s safe to assume that we are properly prepared,” Donnie said, not even looking up from his phone. Raph snatched it from his hand and tossed it back into the car.
“Are you crazy?” he said. “No technology in camp.”
“Aww, we’re gonna have to leave Donnie-bot behind,” Leo said with a smirk. “See you this fall.”
Donnie scoffed, immediately starting to fiddle with the strings of his hoodie without a phone to tap away on.
Mikey peeked his head through the driver’s side window. “You’ll finally have the house all to yourself this summer,” he said, grinning.
Their dad smiled. “It’ll be nice to finally have some quiet. Have fun, boys. And please be safe.”
Halfbloods were never safe. Not fully, Raph made sure to remind them of this at least three thousand times a day. But if giving them an order that he knew none of them could fulfill would calm their dad’s nerves and get him to finally leave, Mikey was willing to let it slide.
The four boys watched as the beat up old van pulled away and disappeared into the horizon. Gone until the end of the summer.
For a brief second Mikey felt a pang of sadness in his chest. He was already starting to miss him. But, the feeling quickly faded as Raph placed a hand on his shoulder. He wasn’t completely alone. “You ready for camp, little man?”
Mikey clenched his jaw. He hated that nickname.
It was a short climb over the hill and past the pinetree before Mikey could see the camp.
“I want you guys to know I’m ditching you the moment we check in,” Donnie said, shouldering his backpack, which was no doubt stuffed with parts of unfinished contraptions. He’d had to leave Shelldon—his favorite creation—at home due to the fact that he needed electricity, something that the camp didn’t have. But as a child of Hephaestus, there was no doubt in Mikey’s mind that he and his other siblings would make well over 1,000 new gadgets within the summer, if not the first week.
Mikey was glad to see he wasn’t the only young demigod there as they joined the sign to check in. His brothers had already dawned their bright orange shirts, and camp necklaces, strung with beads that boasted each summer they’d spent at camp. Even though he was one of the few kids not decked out in camp gear yet, Mikey didn’t feel out of place. For the first time ever, he was among his own kind. Here, he didn’t have to hide. 
After check-in Donnie did just as he promised, escaping from the group and heading quickly to Cabin 9.
“Do you want me to show you around, Mikey?” Raph asked. “I know that the camp is a little big. But it’s not scary, promise.”
“I think the last thing Miguel wants is his big brother showing him around the place. Leave it to me…his best friend,” Leo said.
“You're his brother too,” Raph said, clearly unimpressed.
“But I’m a friend first and foremost,” Leo said dramatically, grabbing Mikey’s arm.
“I mean I really should get to Cabin 5,” Raph said, running one of his large hands on the back of his neck. He turned back to Mikey, squatting down so that they were face to face. “Will you be okay without me?”
Mikey rolled his eyes so hard he hoped they’d pop out of his skull and land at Raph’s stupid dumb overprotective feet. “I’m not a baby.” He said. “I’m almost a teenager.”
“And he’s with the best tour guide Camp Halfblood has to offer,” Leo said, hooking his elbow around Mikey’s neck to pull him close. “Besides, you need to go prepare the other Aries for getting absolutely crushed by the Athena kids at Capture the Flag later.”
It was now Raph’s turn to roll his eyes as he stood back up straight. “I’ll see you two at the Mess Hall for dinner.”
Leo waited until Raph was just out of earshot before punching Mikey in the shoulder. “You ready for the real tour?” He said, smirking.
Apparently to Leo, the “real tour” consisted of walking from cabin to cabin and gossiping about their respective campers at a volume that could very very generously be called whispering. 
“Gorgeous Cabin 11,” Leo said sarcastically, gesturing to the peeling brown paint of the Hermes’ cabin. “Unfortunately you’ll be hanging out here until you’re claimed, but—hey—” he turned back around to face Mikey and grinned. “It never takes long for Hamatos. Our parents just can’t wait to claim us.” He placed his hands on his hips, looking back up at the cabin. “The only real downside is it’s packed. I’m not even sure what they’re doing at this point, like 7 kids a bunk?”
Mikey swallowed. That was the one good thing about getting a tour from Raph. He tried to sugar coat the less parts of camp. Like the surplus of campers who never got claimed by their parents, and had to spend their whole summer in a cramped cabin. And the monsters waiting just outside the magical border hoping for a taste of demigod blood.
“I doubt that’ll be too much of a change from your house already,” a girl’s voice called from behind the pair. Mikey turned around coming face to face with a girl with shiny brown hair and a slender, freckled face. “I honestly didn’t believe it when people said another Hamato was coming to camp.” She snorted, turning her sharp green-eyed gaze from Mikey to Leo. “Who wants to guess this one will have a different godly parent too?”
“Someone’s gotten brave,” Leo said. “Don’t worry about her, Mikey. Her mom only claimed her last summer, and that was after years in the Hermes cabin.” He looked her up and down. “Probably because she doesn’t exactly fit the bill for an Aphrodite camper. That apple fell far away from the tree.”
“And that’s clearly not the case with you,” the girl said smugly. 
“Clearly,” Leo said. “In fact I think I might be Athena’s favorite child.”
“I wasn’t talking about your mom,” the girl said. “You dated like, what, four people last summer?”
“And your cabin has like, what, seven shirtless posters of my dad?” Leo said without missing a beat.
The girl scoffed, her face turning red. “None of them are mine,” she said.
“Right, they just appear when you get to camp and disappear when you leave. Just say that you're jealous that I get my good looks from both sides of the family and go.”
The girl said something to the effect of “hgssifhscjejndh” before turning on her heel and storming back into Cabin 10.
“The Aphrodite cabin,” Leo said. “Just to let you know, the majority of those campers aren’t like that. It’s just Beatrice and a few others.” He paused. “In fact I heard that—”
“That was the first time I’ve seen you stick up for Dad,” Mikey said, cutting him off.
Leo paused. “I wasn’t defending him,” Leo said, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. “I’m just sick and tired of hearing people say bad things about our family.” He looked down at the ground. “Dad’s still an idiot.”
“Do you think—”
“No I do not,” Leo said abruptly, his ruffled demeanor being replaced with his normal cool one. “Let’s finish your tour, okay? The Hunters are over in 8 and I’m sure April’s been telling them all about you.” He was off again before Mikey could say another word.
Mikey snuck one final glance at the Aphrodite cabin, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. He had a terrible feeling that even here, surrounded by other demigods instead of humans, that he was still gonna be the odd man out.
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brainrot28 · 3 months
Electric Feel [Chapter 1]
chapter 1 of my pipabeth fic on ao3 :)
July 4th
POV: Piper
The sun set on Camp Halfblood, painting the lake in an array of pinks, oranges, and yellows. Younger campers ran about, squirming with anticipation of the s'mores soon to come. If tonight's bonfire was anything like last week's, Will was sure to have his hands full in the infirmary. Young demigods [including the 17 year old Percy Jackson], tended to ignore their sugar capacity, and held competitions to see who could eat the most marshmallows. 
Piper dodged the eager children, and made her way across the grass toward the Athena Cabin. She and Annabeth agreed to meet at Cabin 6 and walk to the bonfire together.
Piper began to shiver. It was an unusually chilly night for July; and, her hair still damp from the shower, only added to her growing discomfort. She climbed the worn, wooden steps of the Athena Cabin and knocked on the pale blue door. Annabeth's younger sister came tumbling out the door and into Piper's legs. The small child refused to let go and began bombarding Piper with questions.
"Piper, Piper, Piper! Are you here for Annabeth? She's been talking about meeting you alllllll day" the small camper squealed. Piper was 73% sure that this was 6 year old Andy. The chatty girl arrived with an annoyed satyr at the start of the summer. 
Andy did her best to imitate Annabeth's voice, and she was surprisingly good at it, too. " 'I'm going with Piper to the bonfire tonight', 'What should I wear?', 'None of you better bother me tonight', 'If any of you come to me with stomach aches, so help me gods....'. I'm planning on winning tonight's marshmallow eating competition!"
Piper was quite amused and replied with a smile, "Oh really? How many are you planning on eating?"
"37", Andy replied. "Piper, have you ever watched Zootopia?"
Andy's ability to talk so fast was pretty impressive. "No, what's it about?"
Andy began to rock on her heels, unable to contain her excitement. "This bunny named Judy Hopps becomes a cop even though her family doesn't think she can do it but she does it anyway and then she goes and gets a job as a police officer in Zootopia but they put her on meeter maid duty but she knows she can do more and she ends up trying to solve a mystery with a fox named Nick Wild." By the time she was finished, Andy was out of breath.
Piper was genuinely interested in this movie. She loved animated animal films. "Wow that sounds like a really cool movie! I'll have to watch it with you some time."  
Finally, Annabeth walked out onto the porch. "Oh no. Andy, were you telling Piper about Zootopia?"
"YES! I LOVE ZOOTOPIA!" Andy screeched.
"I am very well aware," Annabeth said with a smile. "Why don't you tell Piper how many times you've watched it in the past week?"
"12. I've watched it 12 times!"
"WOW. That is some true dedication right there," Piper replied.
"Yeah we're all hearing the Zootopia soundtrack in our sleep," Annabeth said with an eye roll. "Andy, why don't you go back inside and put on a sweatshirt for the bonfire. It's pretty cold out here, and last time, you complained the whole time you were cold."
"Only if I can bring your fire blanket. Can I bring your fire blanket?"
"One, I told you to stop calling it the 'fire blanket'. People are going to think I'm a pyromaniac," Annabeth sighed. "And two, only if you say 'please'."
"Ughhh. But 'fire blanket' sounds so menacing. Can I please bring your 'not a fire blanket' to the bonfire?"
"Of course you can. It's on the my bunk." 
Andy scurried back in the cabin, leaving Piper and Annabeth on the porch of the Athena Cabin. 
Annabeth looked at Piper. "What are you smiling about?", the blonde asked.
"mmmm... I'm just excited for tonight. Also, Andy's really cute," Piper replied.
"Yeah, she is. But seriously, I cannot get the Zootopia soundtrack out of my head. I think I know every line from the movie by now," Annabeth said with a chuckle. "Hey, are you going to be warm enough? It's getting pretty cold, and you don't have a jacket or anything. 
"OH MY GODS, Annabeth are you slut shaming me, telling me to cover up? How could you do this to me? I though you were a feminist?"
The look on Annabeth's face was priceless. "WHAT NO NO, that's not how I meant it, I swear. I just meant you might get cold, and you're wearing shorts and a tank top and your hair's wet.. and ... I don't want you to get sick or something. Gods know Will already has enough on his hands."
Annabeth's rare lack of eloquence is always quite the sigh to see. "Geez, take a breath Chase, I was just joking with you. I know you would never object to seeing me in minimal clothing."
Annabeth rolled her eyes and let out a huff. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do you want to borrow a sweatshirt or not? I should just let you freeze now."
"NOOO please, accept my deepest apologies. May I pretty please borrow a sweatshirt?"
"Fine," Annabeth replied with feigned annoyance. "I'll be right back."
Annabeth returned about 47 seconds later [not that Piper was counting or anything], bearing a dark blue sweatshirt with an embroidered sun on the chest. This was Piper's favorite sweatshirt that belonged to Annabeth. It was well worn, soft, and comfortable. And-bonus points- it smelled like Annabeth, and Annabeth always made her feel safe. 
"Oh, Annabeth, you are my lord and savior. I worship the ground you walk on." 
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Now, let's go, I want to beat the rush of people."
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wikagirl · 2 years
ayooo girlie completely forgot to post her pics from comic con stuttgart. I slept over at my friends place from friday to saturday so we could get going extra early and this is what I woke up to
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I got up and did my hair and makeup while my buddy snoozed for a lil longer
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I went as random member of camp halfblood on day 1 and on day 2 i just couldn't be bothered and just went in casual. We drove up to stuttgart and picked up some homies, then drove to the con and got in, our first stop was at a crepe shop, those crepes kept us fueled for more than 8 hours
On day one our buddies were there as characters from Rainbow Six and we had an iron mouse with us, sadly our boys are really camera shy so heres a pic of iron mouse sitting by herself and eating a crepe
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We spent our first day mostly just walking around taking pics with others and for others. You have no idea how many gorwn ass men came up to us going "OMG TACHANKA" and looking at our two tachanka cosplayers like they just found their long lost dads that went to get milk and never came home.
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I sadly couldn't take as many pics on day 1 mainly bc I get anxious a lot in big crowds so my buddy and I hit our hotel pretty tired, but on day 2 we got to the con before our friends and thus I was able to go on a little spending spree and also take pics of all these cute mushrrom folks and nature witches
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We also met up with a friend of mine back from school who was there with her own group, at that point I split up from my buddies who on day 2 were there as CoD characters, SCP soldiers and Maid Keqing from Genshin Impact. My adventure with my schoolfriend started out great, one of her wings from her toothless armor broke off and it took us about an hour to hunt down some hotglue for her, but the people at the hydro forge were there to save us and thus some more fooling around happened. Look at her slaying big time.
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but sadly all good things must come to an end and so at around 4 pm we all gathered back up at our meeting spot to take some last cringy pics like the weebs and nerds we are
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And took one final group picture
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and thus headed home. Needless to say, I was starving once I got back, I only ate like one proper meal throughout the entire weekend and besides that I mainly ran on boba-tea and anxie-tea.
also now I have this thing
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also for everyone that plans on going to comic con in stuttgart next year, here's some advice: DO NOT SIT ON THE FLOOR IN FRONT OF THE BIG DARK WALLS WITH THE HOLES IN IT THOSE ARE THE VENTILATION SYSTEM YOU WILL GET A COLD can't believe it took us several hours to figure that out.
Oh yeah I also came down with the rona a few days after which made me big angy but at least noone else in the group got sick and I had it out of my system within a week of aggressively overheating myself, inhaling steam to declog my nostrils and eating a ton of spicy chicken soup.
And now here's a list of the instagram accounts of my sweetboos so you can go and check out their stuff.
Ironmouse/Keqing: @suppymeggy
The hella cool toothless armor: @linahri
In our big group pic in the back row, the second scp soldier from the left: @max_.kraft
aaaaaaaand that's it the others never gave he their tags but go check out their stuff and don't be like me and bring extra water and eat food or bring your own if you're going.
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Fic Masterpost!
This is mostly for me I’m not going to lie to you guys
Non-It Fics:
Stranger Things:
A Complex Analysis on Why Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington Are Not a Couple: A Study by Dustin Henderson
Fem Dustin walks in on Ronance making out
One shot
Dungeons and Daddies:
strange and unusual
Beetlejuice au where Scary is Lydia and Willy is Beetlejuice
One shot
(i swear) i will die trying
Ted Spankoffski POV during the plot of Nerdy Prudes Must Die
2 Chapters
Locked and Loaded (oh so devoted)
Steph shoots Pete at the end of NPMD, but she misses (...sorta)
TW gun shot injuries
3 Chapters
it's like hearing a ticking sound coming from unmarked packages (something isn't right here)
Basically a what if for if Tinky was Pete's 'imaginary friend' the way Webby is Hannah's
One Shot
slurpees are a love language (prove me wrong)
Fluffy lautski drabble
Date Idea: sharing slurpees so ur boyfriend doesn't pass out
One Shot for Lautski Week 2023 (prompt: blue)
unfortunately, it's not quite a fairy tale (at least, not the one you were expecting)
Lautski cinderella au (Cinderella Pete/Prince Charming Steph)
In Progress
butterfly effect in reverse
Lautski personality swap au.... kinda, in which Steph is basically a honor student golden child (but still the popular one) and Pete is a stoner (but still unpopular)
One Shot
hot new christmas gift on the market: doing the bare fucking minimum
Ted realizes Pete kinda has youngest-sibling-trauma and tries to do something nice about it (he's, unfortunately, still ted though)
One Shot
all that you feel is only real (if you decide it inside)
Ted gets Truman Show-ed by Tinky, and then decides to just go with it
Heed the tags
One Shot
Don’t Worry, It Was Just A Dream! (so then why are you screaming?)
Post yellow jackets au where Charles goes after Ethan to get to the Fosters
Becuase why WOULDN'T HE?
Four Chapters
the witch with the broom
Hannah finds out about Santa, so Ethan teaches her about la befana to make it better
baby lexthan
the MOST Italian American Ethan green
One Shot
accidental horizon lines
selkie!Lex/swan!Ethan accidentally get married on both sides and don't tell the other one
miscommunication ABOUND
One Shot
It Fics:
Forgotten Familiarity
Richie and Eddie find each other as adults without their memories of each other, fall in love, and get married. And then Mike calls.
It’s unfinished and always will be sorry, like the story is pretty much complete I just got overly optimistic where I should have ended it
Note to Self: Don't be Gay in Derry, Maine
Fem Reddie The Prom au
She’s also probably terminally unfinished
(like) Silence (but not really silence) is Infinity
Loose Matilda Ben au
Ben Centric
Optimistically in progress but who knows
we got the keys (the kingdom's ours)
Descendants au
In Progress (optimistically but like y'know-)
whats found in the palace gardens, as seen through silver-framed eyeglasses 
Richie Cinderella au (reddie)
In Progress
the real world is where the monsters are
Camp Halfblood au
In Progress
Completed Works:
I Know Your Secret. Your Furry Little Secret.
Werewolf Richie au
3 chapters
Life (even infinite) Still Must Have Life In It
Time Traveler Stan and Eddie and Immortal Richie au (Streddie)
1 chapter but it’s LONG
so we took it in turns, and to my surprise, we found my words
Richie loose little mermaid au but like only the losing her voice part
Another fic with 1 very very long chapter
Family Road Trip
Eddie and the Neibolt Kids road trip from Derry to California so she can kiss Richie
4 chapters
One Shots:
Living on the Dance Floor
Stan and Richie were on dance moms as children au
i'm sorry. iloveyou.
Richie’s dead, it’s Eddie’s fault, and she doesn’t know how to deal with it it.
Super Hero Losers Club with powerless tech guy Richie au
This ones.... sad y’all
Radio City Presents: Middle Aged Lesbians Learning to Love
Canon divergence where Eddie lives, Richie has chronic pain, and they love each other a whole lot.
Merry (Fucking) Christmas, 1992 (1995)
Christmas themed Reverse Reddie au
A universe where Georgie Denbrough forgets his rain boots
Canon divergence where Georgie lives and Bill raises her little brother, until she forgets she has one
this one is also! sad!
Eddie Kaspbrak Vs. The Olympic Level Asshole
Olympic figure skater Richie and ice hockey team manager Eddie au
Calculated Gambles
Richie takes the hit for Eddie, but she survives. Now Eddie’s waiting for her to wake up in her hospital room.
Something Is Wrong With Richie
Richie stops talking. The Losers want to know why.
Basically my hot take on how Fem Richie having ADHD affects her differently than a male Richie having ADHD
This one is not well written I'm ngl
Tumblr Only One Shots:
Cheerleader Richie au
But I'm A Cheerleader ficlet
Only BESTIES get tortured in a lab together (Platonic Stozier) (also like really really sad)
Dracula au (this one is sort of a glorified head canon post)
Sad Internalized Fatphobia Ben One Shot
Emotober One Shots:
Otherwise known as that once scene from Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
Prompt: Collapse, "Why do you even care?"
Otherwise known as kissing is gross and Queer Eye is a decent backing track to a breakdown
Prompt: Fears, “I know what you need”
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Otherwise known as Dear Miss Michelle Hanlon it is my sincerest pleasure to accept you into the Derry, Maine school of being miserable, graduating class of 2019
Prompt: History, “I quit.”
This ones a sad one y’all
Otherwise known as this anniversary dinner is sponsored by: a shady black market love potion
Prompt: Disaster Date, "I never had a choice."
Another sad one with very creepy Connor Bowers 
Otherwise known as some conversations are worst had on a fire escape drunk at three in the morning
Prompt: Insecurity, “We are not having this conversation.”
Implied Poly Losers, mostly Ben/Stan
Otherwise known as Ben has a nightmare
Prompt: Nightmare, “It’s not enough anymore.”
Poly Losers and posted ten months after October lol
Otherwise known as this anniversary dinner has been interrupted to bring you: the angriest Eddie Kaspbrak the world has ever seen
Prompt: Aftermath, “So it was all a lie.”
Follow up to shady black market love potion
also posted like a year after the rest fhjkl
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Fanfic No. 6: Beautiful Secret
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Type of fic: Canon divergence, 25.9k and 7 chapters, completed, took 2 weeks to write, rated K+
“Its Percy's 3rd year at Camp Half blood. Everything is fine till a sphinx shows up at the border and demands for what was stolen from her to be returned and will eat anyone who comes in her way. Now Percy is in search for the thief. Better sum in my bio.”
Main Characters: Percy Jackson, OC
April 9, 2007
Length: The pacing and flow were good for the most part, lengthwise it was good but some parts could have been longer. 
Format and content: Formatting could have used some minor editing, some sentences and paragraphs were very dense where they could have been split up. Plot was interesting and unique! It felt like a short story within the canonverse. There is no mention of the titan war or Luke or any assimilation of it into the plot. The humor aspect was missing but that was due to the writer’s personal style. The descriptions were very vivid from the get-go, it was easy to picture each scene. There were some clear plotholes but did not take away too much from the story. The sakes however could have been higher and the antagonist’s motives weren’t fully fleshed out. One line reads “I had made the water in the gun somehow ruin the insides of his gun,” and it feels not fully fleshed out. Minimal grammatical issues.
Characterization: Percy feels a bit OOC but again in 2007 he has yet to be fully realized so this isn’t really an issue. There are small issues like Thalia being called goth and having OOC tendencies but again, not really an issue as she also has yet to be fleshed out in canon. OCs seemed to mirror certain canon characters like Annabeth and Luke in certain aspects and OC, Emerald, Percy’s friend in this fic, suffered from Not Like Other Girls Syndrome if not Mary Sue Syndrome. There was a lack of insight into her character as her emotions were very surface level and we did not see much depth. With her, it was a lot of telling and not showing. The antagonist and his motive also felt very surface-level as well. Camp Halfblood is also a bit uncharacteristic as well, willing to kick out campers even though that might cost their lives and heavy communication with moral parents even though that is unrealistic for a lot of halfbloods. This should all be taken with a grain of salt, as this is a canon divergent fic. 
Reception: There are 46 reviews that are positive, supportive, and constructive. The audience is very involved in the story, There are also 20 favorites and 9 follows.
Author: Author PixieGirl13 is a talented writer who in ANs, says they are taking a creative writing class, and it shows. As of 2014, the last update on the account, they have a self published original book with a fellow fanfic author! As of 2014, she is a young adult named Lydia who is clearly still an active writer and presumably 16 when this was written. There is one ‘gay’ joke in the fic but I believe that to be of the time and not of the author’s character. On her account she introduces herself and gives the statuses and updates of her many fics, some of which she has written with siblings, which I think is very endearing. In ANs she says she is writing in her own style and is knowingly taking liberties with characters and that this is her first time writing a Percy Jackson fic. Through the ANs in the fic she is eager and open to reviews and constructive criticism and is grateful for support and interest from readers. She gives the typical disclaimer and apologizes for late updates. Author clearly enjoys her work. Account was last active in 2014 so we can only wish her the best. 
Impact: I brought up a lot of discrepancies but this fic was really enjoyable to read! The author has clear talent and would love to be able to interview them about their experiences!!
Confused? Read our fanfiction rules and criteria here!
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"Tom Riddle effectively destroys the country from the inside out, which I believe was his true goal the entire time" (c) wait a second, so you think that he wasn't going to really take over or anything, just destroy the fuck out of w britain?
I have avoided this ask long enough.
I’ll start by saying that asking me about Tom Riddle is like staring down into a bottomless rabbit hole. We could travel down that path, but it is a dark and perilous journey, and by the end of it I will come out looking like the Mad Hatter.
It also requires a few prerequisites that you’re just going to accept as true (or else got off the crazy train here).
We know very little about Tom Riddle or Voldemort
What we do know of Tom Riddle comes to us from suspect sources
I’m just going to go out there and start with the basis that Tom is not crazy
Elaborating a little on number 1. We never actually see much of Tom Riddle or Voldemort directly. He’s a bit like Thanos in the MCU, or Palpatine in the first two movies of the Original Trilogy, he’s this looming threat that we pass by and glimpse every once in a while but never really get quality time with.
Generally, Voldemort makes an appearance in a moment of crisis.
He and Harry fight over the philosopher’s stone for Tom’s very survival. He and Harry fight over the diary for Tom’s very survival. He resurrects himself with Harry as a witness. We get those very strange dreams from Voldemort’s perspective (half of which we later learn are fabricated).
None of these really lend to our, or Harry’s for that matter, understanding of Tom Riddle. There’s too much going on, it usually happens far too fast, and there’s usually something Tom Riddle desperately wants or needs that eclipses all other concerns or else he has an audience.
This is part of the reason we get those Halfblood Prince pensieve lessons: Harry knows nothing of Tom Riddle and doesn’t understand him at all.
Which leads us, of course, to number 2, most of what we know about Tom Riddle comes from Dumbledore. I’ve talked about this before, so I won’t spend much time on it, but Dumbledore has a very clear agenda in relaying these memories to Harry. Dumbledore already has strong suspicions of what objects are horcruxes and where they’re located, he already has Snape as a very reliable agent to continue work when he’s gone, his job here is to convince Harry there is no path but suicide. And that involves portraying Tom Riddle as the most evil man who ever eviled, was born eviler than the antichrist, and will die eviler than the antichrist. 
Now, does this make Tom necessarily good or bad? No.
However, it does mean when Dumbledore tells us things like, “See, Harry, an impoverished child was upset when I lit all his belongings on fire! What a monster!” (especially given that, in a similar situation, Harry thought it was hilarious when Hagrid gave Dudley a permanent physical deformity and Harry was told he was an angel child) we should take it with a very large grain of salt.
Right, so, with all that backdrop what I’m getting at is that a) we can’t take Dumbledore at his word b) even if we could he could be wrong c) Harry doesn’t have the introspection to be able to figure himself when a or b is happening. I won’t elaborate on this last much, suffice to say that Harry’s world is very black and white, divided into the camps of those who personally like him and those who don’t.
So, why do I think Tom’s goal was not to rule the wizarding world but instead to destroy it?
A few things.
First, there are so many easier ways he could have ended up ruling the wizarding world. More, even when he effectively does rule the wizarding world in book seven, he takes very strange actions so that he’s never directly in power.
Second, I never really bought Tom’s racism. It’s too convenient and too contradictory with his backstory.
The second first, because we’re going out of order today. I’ve gone over this before, but I don’t believe Tom had minions early and I think he was effectively treated as a muggleborn (see here and here) until he took on the Voldemort persona many decades later. I’m hard pressed to believe someone as intelligent, angry, and proud as Tom Riddle would willingly believe and accept he was inferior to the likes of Abraxas Malfoy. More, even if he wished he was a halfblood, I think the evidence of him being muggleborn would be stacked too high against him to deny even to himself (and when he finds out it’s not true, he has maybe a month or so before he realized that he’s the bastard son of a squib). 
And it’s just so convenient. All the people with the power, with the money, who are itching for a cause against a threat that doesn’t really exist believe in blood purity. Ergo, Voldemort shows up suddenly espousing over the top blood purity rhetoric (rhetoric that directly clashes with his “there is only power” philosophy at that). 
In other words, I think Tom Riddle gave himself a line that he knew would get him places very quickly.
And now for the first. For a guy who has had the entire country in the palm of his hands twice, one time taking it over in a bloodless coup, he’s really big on causing collateral damage and really small on actually doing the ruling thing.
The first wizarding war, Tom Riddle as Voldemort has the backing of the heirs of the most prestigious and wealthy noble houses save a select few. These are people with seats in the Wizengamot, which has a frightening control over the government itself (including the minister of magic). I imagine, in 1980 had Tom Riddle wanted to be elected as Minister of Magic, he would have been elected as Minister of Magic. If he wanted a friendly face in office then he probably could have made that happen to.
More than even this though, by this point, Tom had already won. By having control over the majority of the Wizengamot he owns the government. He’s done, it’s over, it’s finished, and many of the characters admit as much which is why Harry Potter was such a miracle. So why all the seemingly random, exceptionally pointless, terrorism? 
One answer is that Voldemort is crazy bananas. And sure, I guess we can go with that, except for someone insane he’s oddly effective and very consistent. 
I believe Tom was systematically destroying the very foundations of the country through its core aristocratic families. Within a few short years Tom decimates the Black family, it goes from having five heirs to none, and while some of this isn’t Tom’s fault he does take care of quite a few of them. He brands Lucius for life, while Lucius rises high in politics he never escapes the stigma of being a known Death Eater and in the end cannot escape the consequences for his actions. The Malfoy family is very nearly destroyed by the end of the series, had Draco died in the Fiendfyre. The LeStrange family, presumably decimated as well.
More, this is mostly me headcanoning, but I imagine Tom fuels an extremism that the Wizarding World had never contemplated. I imagine, previously, anti-muggleborn sentiment was probably fairly rampant among purebloods. Oh, some were very pro-muggleborn I’m sure, but I think most were fairly “eh” on the people and felt they were a drain on society (such as requiring constant funding for the obliviation department).
However, when Diagon Alley starts getting blown up every other week, when muggleborns start being tortured and murdered, when purebloods who aren’t anti-muggleborn enough are being tortured and murdered, this starts wigging people out in a way they’ve never wigged out before.
By the time we get to Harry Potter’s canon, it is now only a minority that are anti-muggleborn, and they’re perceived as raving lunatics. Nobody wants to be grouped with these people. Which, just goes to show, how much Voldemort rattles the wizarding world in a very small amount of time.
Then there’s Deathly Hallows, rather than become minister himself Voldemort installs a puppet minister. He shows no signs of wishing to change this and instead does things like destroy the sorting hat (which again shakes the very foundations of the wizarding world as whta will we do if we don’t know who’s a Gryffindor anymore?!)
So, where is this ramble going?
Given the results we see, that more than any others it seems to be the purebloods and often Tom’s own followers that suffer colossal losses, I think Tom’s actions are, in part, a means of vengeance against the entire damn wizarding world (but especially the purebloods).
He makes fools of these people, brands them as his slaves, and has them participate in the most over the top ridiculous rituals (the cloaks, the masks, the entire theatrics of it feels like Tom got drunk one night and planned this whole thing out). He destroys them entirely, and better, enables them to completely destroy themselves and the country they believe they’re trying to save.
Basically, I think by the time the series begins Tom is fueled by a nihilist rage that knows no bounds. But dammit all, the wizarding world is going to burn.
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bbyannabeth · 3 years
hello hello, i just posted this fic right now.
below the cut is an alternate ending to the fic because i hate writing angst and i needed some serotonin. but please read the fic before reading the alt. ending<3
Getting to the Underworld was a lot easier when she had a child of Hades as her friend. Nico shadow traveled with her to his father’s palace, leaving them right outside the doors. “Thank you,” she said, staring up at the doors.
“No problem. You sure you want me to leave, though?” he asked. Annabeth nodded.
“I’ll be fine,” she said. She had Mrs. O’Leary’s whistle in her pocket. Technically that was Percy’s possession, but the hellhound had always loved her too so she hoped it would still work.
“Okay,” Nico said quietly, somewhat awkward. “See you later, then.”
“Bye,” she replied, and then she was alone. Taking one heavy breath, Annabeth pushed through the doors of the palace.  “Lord Hades!” she yelled, walking in.
He materialized in front of her. “What a nice surprise,” he said, his voice flat. “I love screaming children bursting into my home.”
“My apologies, my Lord. You know why I’m here, though.”
“I do,” Hades said. “But I can’t help you.”
He started to walk away but Annabeth followed. “Yes, you can!” she protested. “Percy saved the Gods, he saved you. He’s the only reason Camp Halfblood accepts Nico. He deserves a better life than what he got.”
“He… he made his choices,” he said, though he didn’t sound confident. It reminded her of what her mother said. Annabeth thought that was bullshit. He made his choices based on the circumstances. He would’ve never willingly chosen this life to begin with, none of them would.
“Do it to spite Zeus, then,” she tried. “This eternal feud with your brothers – this would piss them off pretty good!”
Hades stopped, like he was considering it. The silence grew longer and Annabeth was almost worried she’d crossed some line. But then he turned.
She blinked. “Okay?” she asked.
Hades nodded. “You make good points. He saved us and he’s befriended Nico, I do appreciate those things,” he said. He grinned, a sight that sent shivers up her spine. His smile had an unintentional (or at least she hoped it was unintentional) evil to it that she didn’t like. “And it would be very satisfying to anger my brothers.”
Annabeth was stunned. This has been her entire goal but she was shocked it had actually worked. After what happened on Olympus, she had expected to walk out of there empty-handed.
“Th-thank you, Lord Hades,” she stuttered. “I can’t thank you enough. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
He nodded once before flicking his wrist. In a cloud of dark smoke, Percy appeared in the room with them. He was translucent but other than that, he looked just as he had before. Hades held up a hand to stop her from rushing forward. “You’ll walk right through him,” he said with a dark chuckle.
Percy stared at her, disoriented. Hades flicked his wrist again and Percy jolted, his body becoming solid again. Annabeth looked at Hades, who then rolled his eyes. “Go ahead.”
Annabeth launched forward, tackling Percy in a hug. He was still confused but his arms tightened around her. “Oh my Gods,” she mumbled. “I got you. You’re safe.”
“Annabeth?” he whispered, starting to regain his senses. She stepped back to cup his face.
“Yeah, Perce. It’s me. You’re safe.”
“I don’t,” he trailed off, blinking at Hades. “You brought me back?”
“Your girlfriend was very insistent,” he replied with a shrug. Annabeth almost laughed. Percy blinked again.
“Thank you, Lord Hades,” he stuttered. “Thank you so much.”
The God nodded. “If you die again, you’re on your own,” he said with a smile. Another twisted-looking one that made Annabeth shiver.
She hugged Percy close again and they heard Hades sigh. “Okay, you guys are gross,” he said. It almost sounded like he was… teasing them? Annabeth laughed quietly, her cheeks flushing as she stepped back.
“Thank you again, my Lord,” she said. “We’re indebted to you.”
“Considering it a favor,” he replied. “Now get out of here.”
His wrists flicked and Annabeth was suddenly enveloped in darkness. Her eyes fluttered open, and she and Percy were standing at the New York entrance to the Underworld. With a delirious laugh, she tackled him in another hug. One that sent them sprawling into the grass. “Oh my fucking Gods,” she said, pulling him as close as she could.
“Annabeth,” he murmured, digging his face into her neck. She pulled back enough to cup his face.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he replied, staring up at her in awe. “You got me out, Beth.”
“I know,” she said. Her emotions started to creep back up her throat and suddenly she was crying again. “But still. You- you died. That-“
“Wasn’t your fault,” he said, cutting her off. “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Annabeth pressed her forehead to his. “I couldn’t do this life without you. I didn’t want to.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I’m right here.”
Annabeth sniffled and nodded before standing up, pulling him with her. “We should go see your mom,” she said. Percy’s eyes widened and something in him broke.
“Yeah,” he agreed. They walked there and she told him everything that had happened the past week or so. Getting out of Tartarus, defeating Gaia, visiting Sally, and then storming Olympus. He listened silently, their hands locked between them. Part of her was afraid to let go, as though this were some dream and he’d vanish if she released him.
They were stepping into the elevator, going up to the fourth floor, when Percy let out a quiet breath. “Why am I nervous?” he whispered. “It’s my mom.”
“You haven’t seen her in months, Perce,” Annabeth replied gently. “It’ll be okay.”
“Did you visit her much while I was… gone?” he asked. Annabeth nodded.
“At least once a week before our quest,” she said, a small smile gracing her features. She and Sally had gotten extremely close over the course of Percy’s disappearance. “I even slept in your bed a few nights because I had accidentally ended up staying later than I meant.”
He laughed quietly and dropped her hand to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered. “You probably helped her so much.”
“She helped me,” Annabeth replied. In those months, seeing Sally had kept Annabeth from slipping away entirely. Sally made sure she stayed fed and well. If it hadn’t been for her, Annabeth would’ve withered away.
“I love you.”
Annabeth smiled and as the doors opened, she quickly tilted her head up to kiss him softly. “I love you, too.”
She took his hand again and they walked through the halls. Stopping in front of the door, Annabeth looked up at him. He lifted his hand, paused for just a brief second, and then knocked on the door. Annabeth held his other hand tight as they waited.
The door opened and then Sally Jackson was in front of them. Her hair was in a loose bun and her eyes were red. She stared at Percy, who was crying again. Honestly, Annabeth felt a bit like crying herself. “Mom,” he whispered, his voice cracking.
In an instant, their arms were wrapped around each other. It was a little funny now that Percy was taller, but that didn’t stop Annabeth from tearing up.
“My baby,” Sally murmured. “I love you so much, oh Gods.”
Annabeth saw Percy’s shoulders shake with silent sobs. Sally’s eyes opened just for a second, but she caught sight of Annabeth and regained enough sense to pull away. “Come inside, let’s get out of the hall.”
They were ushered inside and Percy was being wrapped up in another tight hug. Annabeth excused herself quietly, trailing down to the bathroom to wipe her tears away. She was so overwhelmed with emotion and she wanted to give them a moment alone.
When she returned, they had seemingly just broken apart. Sally turned that warm, loving gaze on Annabeth now and swept her up a hug. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” she said, and Annabeth melted. And then, much quieter, Sally whispered, “Thank you.”
Annabeth nodded and hugged her tighter. She caught Percy’s eye over Sally’s shoulder and he smiled at her. His mother had always loved Annabeth, but it must’ve been interesting to see how much closer they had gotten over the last year. Sally pulled away and looked at both of them.
“Well,” she said, huffing out a disbelieving laugh as she wiped her tears. “We should order some pizza and talk. Paul will be home in about an hour.”
They sat in the living room, Annabeth tucked into Percy’s side and she told Sally about what happened on Olympus and in the Underworld. She looked impressed at Annabeth’s determination. “Well,” Sally said with a gentle laugh. “At least I know I can count on you to take care of him.”
Annabeth wanted to cry. She had always been the one who was supposed to take care of Percy, and yet she had let him die. Instead of crying, because Gods, was she tired of it, she lifted her eyes to Percy. He was already looking back at her.
“Yeah, someone has to,” she said softly. Percy kissed her head.
“I’m glad it’s you, then,” he whispered.
Just then, the door opened and Percy tensed. “Honey?” Paul called out and Sally smiled.
“In the living room.”
“Did you end up…” he trailed off when he entered the room and his eyes landed on Percy. His bag, filled with school papers and his laptop, fell to the ground. “P-Percy?”
In a flash, Percy was off the couch and pulled into another hug. He and Paul had always been decently close, with maybe a hint of natural awkwardness settled between them. After being gone for so long, though, any residual tension had disappeared and they both seemed perfectly comfortable in a hug.
When Paul finally pulled back, he looked at Percy, then Annabeth, then Sally. “I don’t… understand.”
Sally laughed gently. Her mood had improved greatly since they had gotten to the apartment, for obvious reasons. “Come sit,” she said.
Halfway through retelling the story, the pizza got there and Sally brought it into the living room for all of them to dig into. Afterward, Paul nodded slowly. “This was definitely an interesting family to marry into.”
Annabeth laughed quietly and leaned further into Percy. She only had the stomach capacity for a single slice of pizza right now, despite not eating nearly enough the past few months. In a moment of bravery, she tilted her head up to brush her lips against his ear. “Good thing I’m already used to how crazy this family can be.”
His eyes snapped to hers and she smiled slowly. She remembered what he’d said about New Rome, how demigods could grow up, get married and start families. She wanted that with him and she wanted to be sure he knew that. Judging by the way he kissed her, in full view of his parents, she was fairly confident that he knew.
They stayed there on the couches for a while, catching up. Conversation rarely ceased and Annabeth smiled more in those couple hours than she had in the last six months. It was only about 8:30 when Percy had yawned for the millionth time. “Tired?” she asked gently.
He nodded, leaning against. She looked at Sally. “This one is about to pass out on me,” Annabeth said, nudging Percy who hummed. “We’re gonna head to bed.”
“Okay,” Sally said before getting up with them and wrapping Percy in another hug. Annabeth heard her whisper, “I’m glad you’re home,” to Percy.
“Me too,” he replied before pulling back. Sally didn’t hesitate to hug Annabeth again.
“I love you guys,” she said when she released Annabeth.
“Love you,” Annabeth said softly, smiling. Percy echoed the same sentiment, taking her hand and leading her down the hall.
Once they were safely in his room, he quietly locked the door and turned to her. “You know, if this demigod stuff doesn’t work out for me, I could be an actor.”
Annabeth raised her eyebrows. “Why’s that?”
His hands slipped under her hoodie, finding her waist and he pulled her closer. “I’m not tired,” he murmured, brushing his lips against hers. “I just missed you.”
“While I was right next to you?”
“Mhm,” he hummed. “I missed kissing you. Thought I’d have to wait a long time to be able to do that again. And now I’m back, and we’ve barely gotten to do any kissing.”
Annabeth couldn’t help the way her lips twitched upwards. “You would’ve waited that long to kiss me again?” she asked softly.
“I’d wait a million lifetimes if it meant I got to kiss you again,” he replied, his voice devoid of teasing. Finally, he was done with talking and he leaned down to press his lips to hers. Annabeth’s arms snaked up around his neck and she pulled him closer. Walking her backward towards the bed, he muttered against her lips, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” she replied.
Annabeth hadn’t realized how much she’d missed the simple act of kissing him until now. All she wanted to do was get wrapped up in his touch, which wasn’t wise with his parents being down the hall.
For once, however, she decided as she pulled him into the bed with her, wisdom could wait.
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kawaii-kozume · 3 years
OMGOMGOMG I saw this post by @simpingforpjo and had a galaxy idea. (at least I think it is at 4am)
I'd love to see a fic from the pov of a new camper. Just a normal kid at camp halfblood who's brand new and still learning the ropes except this kid is around for every single pickup line, every single flirtation between Solangelo and Valdangelo and they're so confused.
One morning, Nico comments that he's free on saturday or something and soldez size each other up in an all teasing manner and then tell Nico at the same time "I'm going to win your heart for Saturday." and then spend the rest of the week doing extremely cheesy things and, as readers from the pov of the camper, we think soldez are legitimately fighting over Nico up until Saturday when Nico is leaving the Big House before dinner holding Will's hand and an arm around Leo's waist and our camper gets the nerve to ask who Nico chose and Nico just deadpans "It's not cool to have a favorite boyfriend."
And thats the story of how our precious new camper learns that Soldez are just dorks and enjoy grand gestures of love while Nico silently goads them on.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 16: Mini Elvis
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The war god was waiting for us in the diner parking lot. "Well, well," he said. "You didn't get yourself killed." "You knew it was a trap," Percy hissed. Ares gave me a wicked grin. "Bet that crippled blacksmith was surprised when he netted a couple of stupid kids. You looked good on TV." Taking the shield from Percy I shoved it at him. "You're a jerk." Annabeth and Grover caught their breath. Ares grabbed the shield and spun it in the air like pizza dough. It changed form, melting into a bulletproof vest. He slung it across his back. "See that truck over there?" He pointed to an eighteen-wheeler parked across the street from the diner. "That's your ride. Take you straight to L.A., with one stop in Vegas." The eighteen-wheeler had a sign on the back, which I could read only because it was reverse-printed white on black, a good combination for dyslexia: KINDNESS INTERNATIONAL: HUMANE ZOO TRANSPORT. WARNING: LIVE WILD ANIMALS. Percy said, "You're kidding." Ares snapped his fingers. The back door of the truck unlatched. "Free ride west, punk. Stop complaining. And here's a little something for doing the job." He slung a blue nylon backpack off his handlebars and tossed it to Percy. Inside were fresh clothes for all of us, twenty bucks in cash, a pouch full of golden drachmas, and a bag of Double Stuff Oreos. Percy said, "I don't want your lousy—" "Thank you, Lord Ares," Grover interrupted, giving him his best red-alert warning look. "Thanks a lot." I could see Percy gritting his teeth. It was probably a deadly insult to refuse something from a god, but I also didn't want anything that Ares had touched. Reluctantly, he swung the bag over his shoulder. I looked back at the diner, which had only a couple of customers now. The waitress who'd served us dinner was watching nervously out the window, like she was afraid Ares might hurt us. She dragged the fry cook out from the kitchen to see. She said something to him. He nodded, held up a little disposable camera and snapped a picture of us. Great, I thought. We'll make the papers again tomorrow.
I imagined the headline: TWELVE-YEAR-OLD OUTLAWS BEATS UP DEFENSELESS BIKER. "You owe us one more thing," Percy told Ares, trying to keep my voice level. "You promised me information about our parents." "You sure you can handle the news?" He kick-started his motorcycle. "They're not dead." The ground seemed to spin beneath me. "What do you mean?" "I mean Percy's mom was taken away from the Minotaur before she could die. She was turned into a shower of gold, right? That's metamorphosis. Not death. She's being kept. As for yours, I saw them myself. Upstairs with the big guys. Why do you think you're causing one of the biggest uproar up there? They're refusing to tell who your parent is. No matter how much cut." He smirked. "What...?" Percy and the others must've seen something as they all held me back. "What are they doing to them?" I could feel the ground shake as Percy's grip on me tighten. We'll save them... calm down. Not the hero. Us. So calm down. "Calm down Y/N." Percy whispered. The ground stopped shaking and took a deep breath. "I will make you all kneel." I said. He looked at me confusedly. Then he shrug it off then laughed, "Oh yeah? can't wait, kid." Percy gripped my shoulder. "You're pretty smug, Lord Ares, for a guy who runs from Cupid statues." Behind his sunglasses, fire glowed. I felt a hot wind in my hair. "We'll meet again, Percy Jackson. Next time you're in a fight, watch your back." He revved his Harley, then roared off down Delancy Street. Annabeth said, "That was not smart, Percy." "I don't care." "You don't want a god as your enemy. Especially not that god." "Hey, guys," Grover said. "I hate to interrupt, but ..." He pointed toward the diner. At the register, the last two customers were paying their check, two men in identical black coveralls, with a white logo on their backs that matched the one on the KINDNESS INTERNATIONAL truck. "If we're taking the zoo express," Grover said, "we need to hurry." I didn't like it, but we had no better option. Besides, I'd seen enough of Denver. We ran across the street and climbed in the back of the big rig, closing the doors behind us. The first thing that hit me was the smell. It was like the world's biggest pan of kitty litter. The trailer was dark inside until Percy uncapped Riptide. The blade cast a faint bronze light over a very sad scene. Sitting in a row of filthy metal cages were three of the most pathetic zoo animals I'd ever beheld: a zebra, a male albino lion, and some weird antelope thing I didn't know the name for. Someone had thrown the lion a sack of turnips, which he obviously didn't want to eat. The zebra and the antelope had each gotten a Styrofoam tray of hamburger meat. The zebra's mane was matted with chewing gum, like somebody had been spitting on it in their spare time. The antelope had a stupid silver birthday balloon tied to one of his horns that read OVER THE HILL! Apparently, nobody had wanted to get close enough to the lion to mess with him, but the poor thing was pacing around on soiled blankets, in a space way too small for him, panting from the stuffy heat of the trailer. He had flies buzzing around his pink eyes and his ribs showed through his white fur. "This is kindness?" Grover yelled. "Humane zoo transport?" He probably would've gone right back outside to beat up the truckers with his reed pipes, and we would've helped him, but just then the trucks engine roared to life, the trailer started shaking, and we were forced to sit down or fall down. We huddled in the corner on some mildewed feed sacks, trying to ignore the smell and the heat and the flies. Grover talked to the animals in a series of goat bleats, but they just stared at him sadly. Annabeth was in favor of breaking the cages and freeing them on the spot, but I pointed out it wouldn't do much good until the truck stopped moving. Besides, I had a feeling we might look a lot better to the lion than those turnips. I found a water jug and refilled their bowls, then Percy used Riptide to drag the mismatched food out of their cages. He gave the meat to the lion and the turnips to the zebra and the antelope. Grover calmed the antelope down, while I used my knife to cut the balloon off his horn. Annabeth wanted to cut the gum out of the zebra's mane, too, but we decided that would be too risky with the truck bumping around. We told Grover to promise the animals we'd help them more in the morning, then we settled in for night. Grover curled up on a turnip sack; Annabeth opened our bag of Double Stuff Oreos and nibbled on one halfheartedly; I tried to cheer myself up by concentrating on the fact that we were halfway to Los Angeles. Halfway to our destination. It was only June fourteenth. The solstice wasn't until the twenty-first. We could make it in plenty of time. On the other hand, I had no idea what to expect next. The gods kept toying with me. At least Hephaestus had the decency to be honest about it—he'd put up cameras and advertised me as entertainment. But even when the cameras weren't rolling, I had a feeling my quest was being watched. I was a source of amusement for the gods. And it wasn't helping knowing they're hurting my parents. Here I was risking my life for them and what are they doing? "Hey," Percy cooed, "We'll save them. No matter what. I promised you that." "Okay." Percy pulled me closer until I was resting on him. Annabeth cleared her throat. "Hey, sorry I wasn't much help back at the park... I could've helped getting you guys out... It's just..." She shuddered. "Spiders." "Because of the Arachne story," I guessed. "She got turned into a spider for challenging your mom to a weaving contest, right?" She nodded. "Arachne's children have been taking revenge on the children of Athena ever since. If there's a spider within a mile of me, it'll find me. I hate the creepy little things." "We're a team, remember?" Percy said. "Besides, Grover did the fancy flying. All we did was grab the shield." I thought he was asleep, but he mumbled from the corner, "I was pretty amazing, wasn't I?" Annabeth, Percy and I laughed. She pulled apart an Oreo, handed me and Percy a half each. "In the Iris message... did Luke really say nothing?" I munched my cookie and thought about how to answer. The conversation via rainbow had bothered me all evening. "Luke said you and he go way back. He also said Grover wouldn't fail this time. Nobody would turn into a pine tree." Percy answered. In the dim bronze light of the sword blade, it was hard to read their expressions. Grover let out a mournful bray. "I should've told you the truth from the beginning." His voice trembled. "I thought if you knew what a failure I was, you wouldn't want me along." "You were the satyr who tried to rescue Thalia, the daughter of Zeus." He nodded glumly. "And the other two half-bloods Thalia befriended, the ones who got safely to camp..." Percy looked at Annabeth. "That was you and Luke, wasn't it?" She put down her Oreo, uneaten. "Like you said, Percy, a seven-year-old half-blood wouldn't have made it very far alone. Athena guided me toward help. Thalia was twelve. Luke was fourteen. They'd both run away from home, like me. They were happy to take me with them. They were... amazing monster-fighters, even without training. We traveled north from Virginia without any real plans, fending off monsters for about two weeks before Grover found us." "I was supposed to escort Thalia to camp," he said, sniffling. "Only Thalia. I had strict orders from Chiron: don't do anything that would slow down the rescue. We knew Hades was after her, see, but I couldn't just leave Luke and Annabeth by themselves. I thought... I thought I could lead all three of them to safety. It was my fault the Kindly Ones caught up with us. I froze. I got scared on the way back to camp and took some wrong turns. If I'd just been a little quicker..." "Stop it," Annabeth said. "No one blames you. Thalia didn't blame you either." "She sacrificed herself to save us," he said miserably, "Her death was my fault. The Council of Cloven Elders said so." "Because you wouldn't leave two other half-bloods behind?" Percy said. "That's not fair." "Percy's right," Annabeth said. "I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you, Grover. Neither would Luke. We don't care what the council says." Grover kept sniffling in the dark. "It's just my luck. I'm the lamest satyr ever, and I find the two most powerful half-bloods of the century, Thalia and Percy." "You're not lame," Annabeth insisted. "You've got more courage than any satyr I've ever met. Name one other who would dare go to the Underworld. I bet Percy is really glad you're here right now." She kicked me in the shin. "Yeah," I said, which I would've done even without the kick. "It's not luck that you found Thalia and Percy, Grover. You've got the biggest heart of any satyr ever. You're a natural searcher. That's why you'll be the one who finds Pan. I mean, you found me despite my scentlessness... is that a word?" Percy muffled a laugh. I heard a deep, satisfied sigh. I waited for Grover to say something, but his breathing only got heavier. When the sound turned to snoring, I realized he'd fallen sleep. "How does he do that?" I marveled. "I don't know," Annabeth said. "But that was really a nice thing you told him." "I meant it." We rode in silence for a few miles, bumping around on the feed sacks. The zebra munched a turnip. The lion licked the last of the hamburger meat off his lips and looked at me hopefully. Percy didn't take long to fall asleep. Annabeth rubbed her necklace like she was thinking deep, strategic thoughts. "That pine-tree bead," I said. "Is that from your first year?" She looked. She hadn't realized what she was doing. "Yeah," she said. "Every August, the counselors pick the most important event of the summer, and they paint it on that year's beads. I've got Thalia's pine tree, a Greek trireme on fire, a centaur in a prom dress—now that was a weird summer...." "And the college ring is your father's?" "That's none of your—" She stopped herself. "Yeah. Yeah, it is." "You don't have to tell me." "No... it's okay." She took a shaky breath. "My dad sent it to me folded up in a letter, two summers ago. The ring was, like, his main keepsake from Athena. He wouldn't have gotten through his doctoral program at Harvard without her.... That's a long story. Anyway, he said he wanted me to have it. He apologized for being a jerk, said he loved me and missed me. He wanted me to come home and live with him." "That doesn't sound so bad." "Yeah, well... the problem was, I believed him. I tried to go home for that school year, but my stepmom was the same as ever. She didn't want her kids put in danger by living with a freak. Monsters attacked. We argued. Monsters attacked. We argued. I didn't even make it through winter break. I called Chiron and came right back to Camp Half-Blood." She wouldn't meet my eyes. "Please. I'm not into self-inflicted pain." "You shouldn't give up," I told her. "You should write him a letter or something." "Thanks for the advice," she said coldly, "but my father's made his choice about who he wants to live with." We passed another few miles of silence. "Luke actually told me about you two coming to camp already." "Really?" She looked at me amazed. "You two must've gotten close fast." "Well, I don't know. I feel like I had to talk to Luke. Like I had to be there for him. The same with Percy." We have to be there for both "You're not wrong. I'm not sure how I'd be without your help." Percy yawned. "Yeah, I wouldn't have been able to handle him." Annabeth glared at him. I laughed, "I think you two are cute." Both of them blushed and said some excuse to disprove me. Which then turned into them showing off who's better than who. "If I'm dating anyone it'll be Y/N!" Both of them huffed and glared at each other. I shook my head and smiled. At least I've gotten new friends out of this. "So," Percy trailed off. "If the gods fight," he said, "will things line up the way they did with the Trojan War? Will it be Athena versus Poseidon?" Annabeth put her head against the backpack Ares had given us, and closed her eyes. "I don't know what my mom will do. I just know I'll fight next to you." "Why?" "Because Y/N will and whether I like it or not you're my friend, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?" "That's all Mr. Peabody." "Shut up, Droopy." I felt her rest on my shoulder and she fell asleep. "Am I that comfortable?" "Yeah," Percy laughed as he rested on my lap. I had trouble following their example, with Grover snoring and an albino lion staring hungrily at me, but eventually I closed my eyes. ~~~ I woke with a start. I was second one awake. Grover was talking to the antelope. "Morning?" "Everyone had the Y/N privilege except me?" "You fell asleep first." I stroked both Annabeth and Percy's hair, which unfortunately woke up Annabeth. "Sorry about that." "It's fine." She yawned. She brought out some Oreo and handed me one. Until the truck stopped. "They're checking the animals aren't they?" Annabeth froze. I shook Percy's shoulder. "The truck's stopped," I said. "We think they're coming to check on the animals." "Hide!" Annabeth hissed. She had it easy. She just put on her magic cap and disappeared. Grover, Percy and I had to dive behind feed sacks and hope we looked like turnips. The trailer doors creaked open. Sunlight and heat poured in. "Man!" one of the truckers said, waving his hand in front of his ugly nose. "I wish I hauled appliances." He climbed inside and poured some water from a jug into the animals' dishes. "You hot, big boy?" he asked the lion, then splashed the rest of the bucket right in the lion's face. The lion roared in indignation. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," the man said. Next to me, under the turnip sacks, Grover tensed. For a peace-loving herbivore, he looked downright murderous. The trucker threw the antelope a squashed-looking Happy Meal bag. He smirked at the zebra. "How ya doin', Stripes? Least we'll be getting rid of you this stop. You like magic shows? You're gonna love this one. They're gonna saw you in half!" The zebra, wild-eyed with fear, looked straight at us. There was a loud knock, knock, knock on the side of the trailer. The trucker inside with us yelled, "What do you want, Eddie?" A voice outside—it must've been Eddie's—shouted back, "Maurice? What'd ya say?" "What are you banging for?" Knock, knock, knock. Outside, Eddie yelled, "What banging?" Our guy Maurice rolled his eyes and went back outside, cursing at Eddie for being an idiot. A second later, Annabeth appeared next to me. She must've done the banging to get Maurice out of the trailer. She said, "This transport business can't be legal." "No kidding," Grover said. He paused, as if listening. "The lion says these guys are animal smugglers!" "We've got to free them!" Grover said. He and Annabeth both looked at Percy, waiting for his say. "Percy, open the lock." I snapped at his face. Outside, Eddie and Maurice were still yelling at each other, but I knew they'd be coming inside to torment the animals again any minute. He grabbed Riptide and slashed the lock off the zebra's cage. The zebra burst out. It turned to Percy and bowed. Grover held up his hands and said something to the zebra in goat talk, like a blessing. Just as Maurice was poking his head back inside to check out the noise, the zebra leaped over him and into the street. There was yelling and screaming and cars honking. We rushed to the doors of the trailer in time to see the zebra galloping down a wide boulevard lined with hotels and casinos and neon signs. We'd just released a zebra in Las Vegas. Maurice and Eddie ran after it, with a few policemen running after them, shouting, "Hey! You need a permit for that!" "Now would be a good time to leave," Annabeth said. "The other animals first," Grover said. I cut the locks with my knife which wasn't as easy as what Percy had done. Grover raised his hands and spoke the same goat-blessing he'd used for the zebra. "Good luck," I told the animals. The antelope and the lion burst out of their cages and went off together into the streets. Some tourists screamed. Most just backed off and took pictures, probably thinking it was some kind of stunt by one of the casinos. "Will the animals be okay?" I asked Grover. "I mean, the desert and all—" "Don't worry," he said. "I placed a satyr's sanctuary on them." "Meaning?" "Meaning they'll reach the wild safely," he said. "They'll find water, food, shade, whatever they need until they find a safe place to live." "Why can't you place a blessing like that on us?" I asked. "It only works on wild animals." "So it would only affect Percy," Annabeth reasoned. "Hey!" He protested. "Kidding," she said. "Come on. Let's get out of this filthy truck." We stumbled out into the desert afternoon. It was a hundred and ten degrees, easy, and we must've looked like deep-fried vagrants, but everybody was too interested in the wild animals to pay us much attention. We passed the Monte Carlo and the MGM. We passed pyramids, a pirate ship, and the Statue of Liberty, which was a pretty small replica, but still made me homesick. I wasn't sure what we were looking for. Maybe just a place to get out of the heat for a few minutes, find a sandwich and a glass of lemonade, make a new plan for getting west. We must have taken a wrong turn, because we found ourselves at a dead end, standing in front of the Lotus Hotel and Casino. The entrance was a huge neon flower, the petals lighting up and blinking. No one was going in or out, but the glittering chrome doors were open, spilling out air-conditioning that smelled like flowers—lotus blossom, maybe. I'd never smelled one, so I wasn't sure. The doorman smiled at us. "Hey, kids. You look tired. You want to come in and sit down?" I'd learned to be suspicious, the last week or so. I figured anybody might be a monster or a god. But my knife wasn't glowing so... I figured. Besides, I was so relieved to hear somebody who sounded sympathetic that I nodded and said we'd love to come in. Inside, we took one look around, and Grover said, "Whoa." The whole lobby was a giant game room. And I'm not talking about cheesy old Pac-Man games or slot machines. There was an indoor waterslide snaking around the glass elevator, which went straight up at least forty floors. There was a climbing wall on the side of one building, and an indoor bungee-jumping bridge. There were virtual-reality suits with working laser guns. And hundreds of video games, each one the size of a widescreen TV. Basically, you name it, this place had it. There were a few other kids playing, but not that many. No waiting for any of the games. There were waitresses and snack bars all around, serving every kind of food you can imagine. "Hey!" a bellhop said. At least I guessed he was a bellhop. He wore a white-and-yellow Hawaiian shirt with lotus designs, shorts, and flip-flops. "Welcome to the Lotus Casino. Here's your room key." I stammered, "Um, but..." "No, no," he said, laughing. "The bill's taken care of. No extra charges, no tips. Just go on up to the top floor, loom 4001. If you need anything, like extra bubbles for the hot tub, or skeet targets for the shooting range, or whatever, just call the front desk. Here are your Lotus Cash cards. They work in the restaurants and on all the games and rides." He handed us each a green plastic credit card. I knew there must be some mistake. Obviously he thought we were some millionaire's kids. But I took the card and said, "How much is on here?" His eyebrows knit together. "What do you mean?" "I mean, when does it run out of cash?" He laughed. "Oh, you're making a joke. Hey, that's cool. Enjoy your stay." We took the elevator upstairs and checked out our room. It was a suite with three separate bedrooms and a bar stocked with candy, sodas, and chips. A hotline to room service. Fluffy towels and water beds with feather pillows. A big-screen television with satellite and high-speed Internet. The balcony had its own hot tub, and sure enough, there was a skeet-shooting machine and a shotgun, so you could launch clay pigeons right out over the Las Vegas skyline and plug them with your gun. I didn't see how that could be legal, but I thought it was pretty cool. The view over the Strip and the desert was amazing, though I doubted we'd ever find time to look at the view with a room like this. "Oh, goodness," Annabeth said. "This place is ..." "Sweet," Grover said. "Absolutely sweet." There were clothes in the closet, and they fit me. I frowned, thinking that this was a little strange. I took a shower, which felt awesome after a week of grimy travel. I changed clothes, ate a bag of chips, drank three Cokes, and came out feeling better than I had in a long time. Search and find them Huh? Look for them and warn them I came out of the bedroom and found that Annabeth, Percy and Grover had also showered and changed clothes. Grover was eating potato chips to his heart's content, Percy looked like he was having a headache, while Annabeth cranked up the National Geographic Channel. "Percy you okay?" "Yeah it's just.... All those stations," he told Annabeth, "and she turn on National Geographic." "It's interesting." "I feel good," Grover said. "I love this place." Without his even realizing it, the wings sprouted out of his shoes and lifted him a foot off the ground, then back down again. "So what now?" Annabeth asked. "Sleep?" Percy and I looked at each other and grinned. We both held up our green plastic Lotus Cash cards. "Play time," I said. I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun. I came from a relatively poor family. Our idea of a splurge was eating out at Burger King and renting a video. A five-star Vegas hotel? Forget it. I spent most of my time playing and... looking for someone I think. I bungee-jumped the lobby five or six times, snowboarded the artificial ski slope, and played virtual-reality laser tag and FBI sharpshooter. I saw Grover a few times, going from game to game. He really liked the reverse hunter thing—where the deer go out and shoot the rednecks. I saw Annabeth playing trivia games and other brainiac stuff. They had this huge 3-D sim game where you build your own city, and you could actually see the holographic buildings rise on the display board. I didn't think much of it, but Annabeth loved it. Percy was playing with Grover. I'm not sure when I first realized something was wrong. Probably, it was when I noticed the guy standing next to me at VR sharpshooters. He was about thirteen, I guess, but his clothes were weird. I thought he was some Elvis impersonator's son. He wore bell-bottom jeans and a red T-shirt with black piping, and his hair was permed and gelled like a New Jersey girl's on homecoming night. When he saw me he gave a smirk and invited me to play a game of sharpshooters together and he said, "Groovy, man. Been here two weeks, and the games keep getting better and better." Groovy? Later, while we were talking, I said something was "sick," and he looked at me kind of startled, as if he'd never heard the word used that way before. He said his name was Darrin, but as soon as I started asking him questions he got bored with me and started to go back to the computer screen. I said, "Hey, Darrin?" "What?" "What year is it?" He frowned at me. "In the game?" "No. In real life." He had to think about it. "1977." "No," I said, getting a little scared. "Really." "Hey, man. Bad vibes. I got a game happening." After that he totally ignored me. I started talking to people, and I found it wasn't easy. They were glued to the TV screen, or the video game, or their food, or whatever. I found a guy who told me it was 1985. Another guy told me it was 1993. They all claimed they hadn't been in here very long, a few days, a few weeks at most. They didn't really know and they didn't care. Then it occurred to me: how long had I been here? It seemed like only a couple of hours, but was it? I then tried to move, but I bumped into a girl. "I'm sorry!" She said. "Hey, no prob." "Oh... uhm... No prob?" "I--- No problem. Say Uh... I kinda lost track of date. What's the year again?" "Huh? It's 1930. Okay, I'm sorry I have to go. I'm looking for someone." Everyone is important in our story "Did you say something?" I go by Y/N L/N, you'll find the one you're looking for at the zombie shooting game. I left her alone and confused. I didn't know why. But I knew now this place is wrong. I tried to remember why we were here. We were going to Los Angeles. We were supposed to find the entrance to the Underworld. My parents... for a scary second, I had trouble remembering their names. I had to save them. I found Percy first. "There's something wrong." We said at the same time. "Years?" He asked. I nodded. We then looked for the others. We found Annabeth still building her city. "Come on," Percy told her. "We've got to get out of here." No response. I shook her. "Annabeth?" She looked up, annoyed. "What? "We need to leave." "Leave? What are you talking about? I've just got the towers—" "This place is a trap." She didn't respond until I shook her again. "What?" "Listen. The Underworld. Our quest!" "Oh, come on, Percy. Just a few more minutes." "Annabeth, there are people here from 1977. Kids who have never aged. You check in, and you stay forever." "So?" she asked. "Can you imagine a better place?" I grabbed her wrist and yanked her away from the game. "Hey!" She screamed and hit me, but nobody else even bothered looking at us. They were too busy. I made her look directly in my eyes. I said, "Spiders. Large, hairy spiders." That jarred her. Her vision cleared. "Oh my gods," she said. "How long have we—" "I don't know, but we've got to find Grover." We went searching, and found him still playing Virtual Deer Hunter. "Grover!" we both shouted. He said, "Die, human! Die, silly polluting nasty person!" "Grover!" He turned the plastic gun on me and started clicking, as if I were just another image from the screen. I looked at Percy, and together we took Grover by the arms and dragged him away. His flying shoes sprang to life and started tugging his legs in the other direction as he shouted, "No! I just got to a new level! No!" The Lotus bellhop hurried up to us. "Well, now, are you ready for your platinum cards?" "We're leaving," I told him. "Such a shame," he said, and I got the feeling that he really meant it, that we'd be breaking his heart if we went. "We just added an entire new floor full of games for platinum-card members." He held out the cards, and I wanted one. I knew that if I took one, I'd never leave. I'd stay here, happy forever, playing games forever, and soon I'd forget my parents, and our quest, and maybe even my own name. I'd be playing virtual rifleman with groovy Disco Darrin forever. Grover reached for the card, but Annabeth yanked back his arm and said, "No, thanks." We walked toward the door, and as we did, the smell of the food and the sounds of the games seemed to get more and more inviting. I thought about our room upstairs. We could just stay the night, sleep in a real bed for once.... Then we burst through the doors of the Lotus Casino and ran down the sidewalk. It felt like afternoon, about the same time of day we'd gone into the casino, but something was wrong. The weather had completely changed. It was stormy, with heat lightning flashing out in the desert. I ran to the nearest newspaper stand and read the year first. Thank the gods, it was the same year it had been when we went in. Then I noticed the date: June twentieth. We had been in the Lotus Casino for five days. We had only one day left until the summer solstice. One day to complete our quest.
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how would you do a percy jackson adaptaion?
okay, so I know this is a controversial opinion right off the bat: I really don’t think it should be an animated series.
A large part of the appeal of the series is that it’s a fantasy series set very very firmly in reality. Literally, apart from the camps, you could go to every location hit in the books. Riordan mentions specific streets, buildings and landmarks, and that was cool when I first read them. I remember being a kid and waiting for him to set a scene in a place near where I lived! I remember trips to New York and being able to envision an epic war happening in the streets. So I think any adaption needs to be live action just to keep that same feeling alive, while I’m not knocking on animation, I just feel like taking the story out of real life would make it loose a little of the charm. Like, the scene where Manhattan is completely frozen in time? It would be haunting to see that in real life, but I feel like it would be less impactful if it didn’t…you know…look real? The series should be done in a way that makes you truly feel like you could just turn a corner and walk straight into a snake woman going about her day. 
Now: another large part of the appeal of the series is how funny it is, but a lot of that…is Percy’s inner monologue. He doesn’t actually voice most of it, there was even a book where Annabeth described him as being quiet. So, I think the best way to work around this: make it Interview With A Demigod. 
Imagine it’s got an interview with a vampire-esque setup- and this even works because within the riordanverse, the books canonically exist because Percy sat down with a ‘camp scribe’ and had his quests recorded. So, like, this isn’t even entirely out of left field. But just imagine, a college-aged, maybe a little older Percy, I can see it so clearly in my head, he’s wearing a sweatshirt that at first glance looks like it says NYU but a trained eye will see it actually says NRU for a camp jupiter easter egg, he’s sitting in some dinky little diner (maybe it can even be a monster donut or something with a clever greek myth related name) with a guy who’s recording the conversation on some old-ass tape recorder that keeps acting up but they can’t record on a phone because of the whole technology thing. Every now and then it’ll cut back to them to get some great Percy thoughts out there. They open with older Percy saying the ‘look, I didn’t wanna be a halfblood’ and then explaining where he was when the whole mess started. Once he get’s to “was I a troubled kid?” the screen fades from older Percy to 12 year old Percy getting in a fight with Nancy and her gang, and the voice over says the ‘Yeah, you could say that’ part as we see him get threatened by the principal to behave on the field trip. Boom, we’ve got an opening. Lowkey….I’m seeing Jordan Fisher as older Percy, but I’m not 100% married to the idea. 
And before anyone tries to argue that showing an older Percy would spoil he’s not gonna die in last olympian- like, reading the books, we all knew he wasn’t going to die. It was a first person narrative and he was consistently speaking in past tense lmao like we Knew he was gonna make it. We still enjoyed the series. It won’t ruin anything.
I want part of the score of the adaptation to be instrumental versions of songs from the musical, I think that could be a sweet nod to that team. 
They really need to nail camp halfblood. I know that goes without saying, but in order to keep the pacing of the story decent we can’t spend as much time falling in love with it like we got to with the book. The book is like, 24 chapters and the quest starts at chapter 12- for a movie or tv show, that’s just gonna feel like it’s dragging. So, the insanity of the camp needs to smack you in the face right away, and then it needs to endear itself to the viewers quickly after that. Don’t try to ease the viewers (or Percy) into the mythology is real thing, rip it off like a bandaid. He’s on his way to meet Chiron and Mr. D for the first time and even if he’s not comprehending what he’s seeing, there’s nature spirits and harpies all around going about their day. Hestia waves at him and then disappears into the flames. Hecate kids can be seen casting a spell on the porch of the Hermes cabin. The Stolls are seen pranking some Aphrodite kids. He sees someone surely die on the climbing wall but then you hear a faint ‘I’m okay!’. The Apollo kids put a rhyming curse on another cabin. Pure chaos all before he gets the ‘so, gods are real’ speech. And then after that…show how warm Luke is to him at the cabin and at dinner. Show the kids all goofing off at the campfire and really make it clear that they’re children. Show the strawberry fields rolling in the wind and Percy sitting on the beach. The whole couple weeks where he’s searching for powers and learning greek and latin with Annabeth can be a montage. Make it clear how hurt and scared he is when he finds out he needs to leave.
It needs to really get you feeling how Percy’s feeling, every laugh, every tear, every moment of fear or confusion needs to shine clear through. Like…think of Spider-Man Homecoming, the Washington monument scene. All things considered, it’s not the most high-stakes scene we’ve ever seen in that franchise, and when it cuts to the kids in the elevator, they’re worried but not quite freaking out, but that scene feels very high stress to watch because the movie is good at getting the viewers to feel what Peter feels. A Percy Jackson adaptation needs a touch like that, because Percy’s a very emotional kid and that’s what a lot of the scenes hinge on.
Lowkey- I’d love it if the casts of both the previous movies and the musical had cameos or bit parts (the movie cast did Nothing Wrong, it was the rest of that team). It’d be hilarious to see, like, Jake Abel as the owner of the poodle, or Logan Lerman as Older Percy and the reporter’s waiter that keeps trying to get in on the conversation, or Brandon T. Jackson as a satyr who’s still stuck grooving out in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. Kristen Stokes as a nature spirit, Chris as one of the ghosts stuck in the waiting room of DOA Records, just like any of those casts having small parts would be fun and sweet. 
There should be a lot of easter eggs for the bigger riordanverse. Promotions in the background for the new Tristan McLean movie. Gabe’s got a true crime documentary about the missing Grace children playing during his poker game. Mr. D is reading a paper about Rachel Dare’s father’s newest project. At some point while they’re still in New York they pass the Kane family’s mansion or whatever it was called. Annabeth keeps a picture of little her and Magnus on her nightstand. The barest of hints about the Triumvirate. Seeing kids in camp jupiter gear in some background shots, just out of notice of our main characters but implying the camps are going through similar problems (BITCH….if we got a titan’s curse adaptation…and we had a shot of Thalia in the foreground….but in the background we saw a blond boy in purple with a golden sword….well I would simply loose my Goddamn mind).
And show us how easily the mist lets things blend in, too- like, everyone thinks ‘Monster Donuts’ is just a normal chain, it’s just on an average street block, but if Percy looks through the window he can see who’s behind the counter. Show someone swindling some guys in a park and you have to look twice to realize he’s a gegeines. Like…how people are still trying to find all the background ghosts in haunting of hill house. I would LOVE to see a bunch of background monsters and mythical beings just going about their day as much as the mortals are while the gang’s questing. 
The effects need to be fun. The whole story needs to be fun, but one weird thing about the past movies are that like…in their attempt to make it gritty, none of the fantastical things happening on screen actually felt that exciting. We need bright colors and interesting choices, consistently cool action shots, a liveliness that makes you feel like you’re in the center of the action. I have absolutely no doubt Disney easily has enough funds to pull off great effects.
The characters need to be….in character lmao. Annabeth needs to be cocky and bratty with the skill set to justify it. Percy needs to be a sweetheart who pretends to be hardened because that’s what people assume he’s like. Grover needs to have dry humor and a Too Old For This Shit attitude whenever percabeth start bickering. Luke needs to be nice and friendly but in a specific way that you can look back after the betrayal and see he was trying to groom everyone. Sally needs to be loving, protective and strong. Chiron needs to feel defeated and determined at the same time. Mr. D needs to….be Stanley Tucci lmao
Also, I’d love if the adaptation could expand more on things that got brushed along in the books- Percy and Beckendorf’s friendship, Silena and Clarisse’s dynamic, make Nico’s crush on Percy a little more obvious, give Rachel some more development. One thing that haunts me about the books is Sally never found out that Gabe hit Percy. Absolutely they don’t need to make the abuse explicit, but I also personally feel like a lot of Percy’s mindsets throughout the series are somewhat a result of Gabe, and I’d like if that got, you know, acknowledged. Maybe in the scene where he figures out Gabe abuses Sally he could say ‘does he hit you too?’ or something to that effect. They could also go more into detail about Annabeth’s family, give Zoe some more depth….like the possibilities I’m screaming.
Okay this is already long and I’m getting tired but I can so clearly see a great adaptation in my mind….Disney please come through….It’s what we deserve…. 
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halfgclden · 3 years
who: Miles and Ellie
what: sunset, homeward bound, traditions?
when: August 26th, 2021
Homesickness was never an ailment that Miles suffered. It helped that he’d never moved too far away from home, and then that vacations were either spent with family, with Jenny (family but closer), or doing something that was fun enough to entirely forget to miss home. However, as the weeks wound down, homesickness was most akin to what he was feeling, or pre-homesickness, like in the hours after a workout, when you weren’t sore yet but you could feel the strain on you muscles when you moved. He was going to miss his temporary home. This was largely— almost entirely really— due to the people that he’d met during his stay. Of course, a big part was going to be that Jenny would not be returning back to Virginia with him, but (perhaps the most surprising part of this foreign feeling), she was not the only reason that he was going to miss New Athens. Perhaps the most significant of the relationships that he’d formed over the course of his stay was his one with Ellie. He was attracted to her physically, that much was clear, but he also deeply enjoyed her company. She was patient, kind, funny, and there were parts about her that he didn’t understand, but he never felt alienated as a result. The sun fell and turned the sky to fire, and Miles wrestled with the bittersweetness of the evening– an enjoyable one, with a picnic and good company— but he did not have the words to fully express what he was feeling. After a moment of silence, he rolled a blueberry between his finger and thumb, and exhaled a small laugh. “I wish summer wasn’t over yet.”
Ellie was picking out clovers from the grass, looking for the lucky ones. There was something about clovers that Elliot loved. It was the nostalgia of it, it reminded her of times she spent ours outside in Ohio with her brothers. Ellie walked back over to Miles as he spoke, sitting down next to him. She stuck a strawberry in her mouth. "Me either," Ellie said. "It went by too fast. Do you know your football schedule? Jenny and I could totally drive down to watch you play. I've been getting better at leaving camp, I took a trip with Caspar to the city the other day." Granted even that was hard, but she was working at it. Ellie sighed and leaned her head on Miles' shoulder. "Are you excited for the new school year at least?" she asked. "I know it's not Camp Halfblood, but it has to be fun, right? I've never been to Virginia before.”
Miles ate the berry before he ended up squishing it between his fingers and gave a short nod. “Know it for the most part. Later on’s gonna depend on if we win, so I’ll let you know ‘bout those dates.” Any melancholy that hung around from his previous statement had dissipated, and the focus was now on how excited he was for the new school year. “I’m hype! It’s great.” He moved so that he could put his arm around Ellie. “Hoco’s unbelievable. That’s the game y’should come to. Since you got to the city, it’ll be easy t’make it to Virginia, since the traffic ain’t nearly as bad once you leave New York.” He plucked up another blueberry and smiled as he rolled it back and forth on his palm, then glanced back at Ellie. “Since you’ve never been, I’ll be able to give you the proper tour.”
Ellie nodded slightly, though she still felt fear about going that far away from camp. Ellie stared at the colorful sky once more. "When is that? I'll totally put it on my calendar, ask for time off from my boss. Which hopefully should be pretty easy, considering my boss is Jesse." She shrugged slightly. "I'd love a tour, do I get to meet all your college friends?" she somewhat joked. She didn't really mind either way or not, she'd just love to spend time with Miles. 
"I'll make a poster, just for you," she replied. "If I'm being honest with you, I've never been to a college football game, should I expect anything specific? Or will Jenny show me the ropes?”
“Oh, uh, September/October? I’ll text ya the date when I find it.” Which could have been then, but Miles was too busy playing with a strand of Ellie’s hair to check for dates on his phone. He laughed. “Jesse’s so nice! And your brother, so he’s gotta say yes.” He nodded easily. “Oh yeah, if you wanted to. Can’t tell ‘em none of the halfblood stuff, cause I dunno if that’s against league rules.” It was not, in fact, against the rules of collegiate football to be a demigod, but Miles didn’t want to risk it. He grinned at the prospect of a poster made for him; he’d gotten his fair share already, but that didn’t make them any less exciting. “Oh, it’s just like a regular football game. But I can get some seats saved for y’all.”
“Do they even have a league rule for demigods? You think they know about demigods? I mean how would you even like advertise that rule?” Ellie replied, then shrugged again, “Don’t worry, I won’t blow the whole demigod secret. We already got too much trouble with that concerning the cryptwins,” she replied. The silence fell between them again and Ellie bit her lip slightly. “You’ll be safe, right?” The thought plagued her when she thought about Miles leaving to Virginia again.
Miles scratched at his forehead. “I dunno.” He frowned slightly. He didn’t know what cryptwins meant, but it was too late in the day to learn new words, so he just nodded. “Oh yeah,” Miles nodded. “Everyone says football’s real tough, but I always wear my helmet, and believe me, it’s the other guys who need to be makin’ sure they’re wearing ‘em.”
Ellie's smile faltered for a minute, but she decided not to dwell too much on it, that had not been what she meant, and he didn't seem worried about what she was worried about, so she didn't correct him. "Good, don't want to damage that pretty face of yours," she joked with another smile. "You're birthday is at the end of September," she pointed out. "We should do something special, I mean, unless you and Jenny do some tradition, I won't impose or anything.”
“Mhm!” Miles agreed wholeheartedly through a few more berries. He hadn’t realized that it was about a month until his birthday until Ellie brought it up, to which he made a surprised sound. “Huh, I guess it is.” He scratched at his jaw. “Oh, me an’ Jenny just go out for lunch and then buy each other’s lunch. And then, presents. I don’t know if you’d call it a tradition, but it’s something we do every year.” There was a slight pause. “So we can do something too! I love birthdays, they’re probably my...” he squinted. “Third favorite holiday,” he decided.
"Third? What are the first two?" Elliot asked back with a soft chuckle. The light started to dim more and more above them as the sun set. "I think you can count that as a tradition. I think having traditions is cute. We should make one together. It doesn't have to be for you birthday either."
“Christmas and New Years,” Miles said plainly, and ran his fingertips against Ellie’s shoulder. “Yeah, you don’t gotta bother comin’ all the way down for it,” he said, watching as the shadows on her face grew longer. He turned his head to watch the pink and orange sky for a moment, then looked back at Ellie as he decided that she was even nicer to watch. “But we can do somethin’. What’s a tradition you want? Like, we can buy each other lunch next time we see each other. Or this could be it.”
Ellie tore her eyes from the sunset to look back at Miles, smiling brightly at the other. She locked eyes with his, and got lost in them for a moment. "What if this is what we do, the day before either of us leave, we always watch the sunset together?" she suggested.
Miles smiled back and continued to draw abstract shapes into her arm, though something was beginning to dawn on him, and he let out a small hum in consideration."Yeah, I think that's a cool idea. But," he raised his shoulders. "I dunno how much I'm comin' back here.”
Ellie frowned, only for a fraction of a second, but it was quick, not wanting to ruin the mood and not wanting to let him see her upset over that. It wasn't like they were fully a thing, they were just dating. It had dawned on her in that moment though, that she really did like the other, possibly a little more than she ever intended. "Oh, well, whenever we're together then? We'll watch the sunset? Good idea?”
Miles flashed a large smile that made his eyes crinkle up, and he nodded. "Yeah, I like that." He tilted his head to the side. "There's somethin'... nice about sunsets and sunrises," he articulated. "They're always worth the watch.”
Ellie smiled at him, butterflies in her stomach. She turned to look at him more. "Definitely worth the watch."
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Rogue Demigod - Chapter One
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Fandom: Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Pairing: Annabeth Chase x Percy Jackson
Summary: Two years after Luke Castellan's demigod rebellion was ruthlessly crushed by the Olympians, Annabeth realizes that a string of attacks against minor gods across the country might be the actions of another half-blood. Determined to not let history repeat itself, she leaves camp to meet them. Au where Percy never went to Camp Halfblood.
Word Count: 3.5k | 1/?
ao3 ||| ff.net ||| wattpad ||| quotev
As Annabeth walked into Chiron’s office in the Big House, she noticed the shimmering remnant of an Iris message. Behind the glimpses of rainbow that hung in the air, Chiron’s face was grim.
“Another attack?” she asked.
Chiron nodded wearily. “A minor god in Texas, not far from Houston. Tyche, goddess of luck, destiny, and fortune.”
“Did she see what attacked her?” Annabeth sat down on the edge of Chiron’s desk.
He shook his head. “Same as the others. A sudden deluge of water, which got her off-guard as well as temporarily blinding her. But she swears whatever it was had a celestial bronze weapon.”
“Maybe it’s not a monster,” Annabeth suggested, putting a pin in Houston on a map already covered in pins.
“What else would it be?” Chiron asked. “All the Titans were accounted for, as well as the other minor gods and goddesses. Besides, they would have been able to do a lot more damage. Tyche was shaken and a bit injured, but not severely. It is entirely possible that a monster happened to have a celestial bronze weapon that it got from a previous fight.”
Annabeth stared at the map, unconvinced. There was something weird about this.
“With camp starting up again this week, we’ll be able to send out a quest,” Chiron said. “Then we will know more about this, and hopefully be done with it. The gods are growing impatient with our inaction.”
Annabeth frowned. “And of course they can’t do anything about it,” she muttered.
Chiron looked at her reproachingly.
“I didn’t mean that,” she said quickly, then sighed. “So, who are you going to send?”
“Not you, Annabeth,” Chiron said, kindly but firmly. “You know the gods wouldn’t approve of you going, and besides, I need you here.”
“Of course, I didn’t mean me,” Annabeth said. “I was just curious. If this thing can take on minor gods, we need to send someone who can handle it.”
Chiron nodded. “I’ll ask for volunteers and choose from them.” He watched as Annabeth continued to look at the map. “Can I have your word that you’ll focus on getting the camp up and running and not on this?”
Pulled out of her thoughts, Annabeth quickly turned away from the map. “Of course,” and she quickly left the room.
Something about this was nagging at her though. There was something odd about this case.
Back in the Athena cabin, she pulled up the local news for Houston on her laptop. The main story was of a freak wave on the coast – the attack on Tyche. But further down, there was a story about a large, burly man rampaging in a bar before being pulled out into an alley by someone no one saw and disappearing leaving signs of a struggle. The description was how Annabeth imagined mortals would see a minotaur through the Mist.
These two events happened not an hour apart, and Annabeth could not help but wonder if it was the same thing that was involved in both. But she had never heard of monsters attacking each other.
There was only one logical conclusion here, and as Annabeth investigated previous attacks, it became clearer and clearer, but she did not want to think about it.
The attacks on both minor deities and monsters, seemingly indiscriminately. The fact that it never pursued or even attacked demigods. The celestial bronze weapon.
Annabeth closed her laptop and leaned back in her chair and wondered if maybe she was reading too much into it.
The first week of camp was a flurry of activity. Campers arrived, old and new. Annabeth helped to show them around and did not have a lot of time for her own research.
Thalia arrived at the end of the first week. While Annabeth had decided to hold off on college for a year, Thalia had gone last year.
She hugged Annabeth tightly. When she pulled back, she smiled. “How have you been?”
Annabeth’s relationship with Thalia was a bit odd. Although they were now kind of the same age, they had not always been. When they met, Thalia was five years older than Annabeth, but now, due to some magical shenanigans involving a pine tree and the Golden Fleece, they were basically the same age. Nonetheless, Thalia still felt the need to protect her.
“I’m alright,” Annabeth said. “Keeping busy.”
Thalia nodded. “Me too.”
“I actually need your perspective on something. A… research project I’ve been working on.”
Thalia rolled her eyes, smiling, “Of course you would do a research project for fun. I’m forced to do that shit for classes.”
“Don’t swear around the younger campers,” Annabeth said absentmindedly as they headed to the Athena cabin.
In the cabin, campers were unpacking. They all nodded hello as she and Thalia entered. A few stole glances at Thalia in particular. In addition to having once been a tree, she was one of the only two children of the Big Three gods – Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
She and Annabeth had also been close to Luke Castellan. Before.
As they approached Annabeth’s bunk, Thalia spotted her bulletin board with a map of the US with the pins of the attacks. Thread connected them in chronological order and cut-out headlines pinned alongside them.
“Wow,” Thalia said. “and I thought you didn’t like conspiracy theories.”
Annabeth frowned. “It’s the attacks,” she lowered her voice so that the other campers could not hear. “They’ve been happening all year, more frequently lately.”
“I’m sure Chiron’s got a handle on it,” Thalia said. “Why do you need me?”
“Chiron thinks it’s a monster and is going to send out a quest to kill it.”
“But you’re not so sure.”
“Exactly.” Annabeth pointed to one of the pins and the headlines pinned near it “April fourth, attack on a group of satyrs in Sacramento. Two days later, an empousa was killed in Concord, which is on the way to San Francisco, where to next attack happened.”
“And monsters don’t generally kill each other. They’re attracted to demigods.” Thalia sighed. “Annabeth, if Chiron thought it was a demigod, don’t you think he’d be handling the situation differently?”
“I didn’t tell him what I thought, because he wouldn’t believe me.”
Thalia studied to board again. “If it was a demigod – and I’m not saying I think it is – why would they be attacking minor gods and satyrs?”
Annabeth raised her eyebrows meaningfully and Thalia sighed again.
“Annabeth, this is why I thought you should go to college too, and not stay cooped up at camp. You need to move on, not try to find a second chance at saving Luke.”
They had not said the name in months, but Annabeth never went a day without thinking about him. “It’s not that –”
“Yes, it is,” Thalia said. “We couldn’t save him and now you think you see someone like him, someone you can try to save.” She put her hands on Annabeth’s shoulders. “We need to let him go.” Annabeth could see the pain in Thalia’s eyes. Luke had meant as much to Thalia as he had to her.
“Chiron’s right,” Thalia said. “It’s just a monster.” She smiled again. “I’ll see you at the campfire.”
When Thalia left the cabin, Annabeth noticed that a lot of her siblings were glancing at her cautiously. She quickly straightened her shoulders and took a breath. She was the head counsellor of the Athena cabin and basically Chiron’s assistant, she had to at least look like she was keeping it together.
She looked back at the board. One thing she hated was feelings clouding judgement. It made plans and conclusions unsound and unreliable. She always tried to approach problems with an unbiased eye. Hadn’t she done that here?
She had not suspected the attack was a demigod until she had looked into it. After that, every new piece of information seemed to fit into place. Nothing else made sense.
Because she had tried other explanations. Whatever Thalia thought, the last thing Annabeth wanted was a demigod attacking gods. She did not want to have t deal with that, much less try to save whoever it was.
If there was one thing Annabeth was confident in, it was her ability to research and come to logical conclusions. She knew she was right.
She just had to convince someone of it.
As the sun started to set, Annabeth made her way across the strawberry fields. At the far end, nestled between some trees, was a small cottage.
She knocked on the door.
“Who is it?” a voice called from inside.
“Grover, it’s me, Annabeth!”
Annabeth heard the various locks click open before the door opened. Grover looked tired, as he always did these days. “Hey, Annabeth.”
She smiled as she stepped inside. “How’ve you been, Grover?”
“I’ve been alright,” he said. “It’s nice to hear all the campers around again. It gets so quiet during the school year.”
The cabin was small, just one room, with a bed in one corner and a couple of lazy chairs in the other. A cabinet of cans stood at the far wall.
Annabeth sank into a chair. “I saw Thalia earlier. Has she been by yet?”
Grover nodded. “Briefly.”
“I’m sure we can all catch up at the campfire tonight,” Annabeth said hopefully.
“Oh, I don’t – I wasn’t planning on going,” Grover said.
Even though she wanted to, Annabeth knew better than to pressure him. “Grover, I need your expertise on something.”
“My expertise?” Grover asked incredulously.
“Yes, as a Searcher.”
“And a great Searcher I was,” Grover muttered.
“Come on, what do we keep saying about the negative self-talk.” Annabeth sighed. “I think I may have found a demigod, but I’m not sure. You have the instincts for this.”
Grover sighed. “Okay, how can I help?”
Annabeth pulled out her laptop and showed him the digitalized version of the bulletin board. It would be more efficient to have it digitalized and not physically, but Annabeth liked to think with her hands.
“These are the monster attacks,” Grover said cautiously.
“Yeah, but not just on gods and nature spirits. I found attacks on monsters that fit into the timeline.”
As Grover surveyed the connecting headlines, Annabeth saw the realization cross his face. He immediately stepped back. “No.”
“I am not getting involved in this.”
“Come on, Grover, I just need your help to convince Chiron, so he doesn’t send a quest to kill the person doing this.”
“Annabeth,” Grover said. “This is a demigod attacking minor gods. If the gods got wind of this…? It’s the last thing we need; repairing our reputation is hard enough as it is without there being a demigod fighting gods.” His voice rose to a bleat at the end.
Annabeth put a hand on Grover’s arm. “I know this brings up a lot for you, it does for me too, but maybe we can help this person – it’s just one person.”
“Luke was just one person too, and he led hundreds of demigods against Olympus.”
They were both quiet for a good moment. Annabeth closed her laptop and stood up slowly. “I’ll see you later, then,” she said, smiling softly.
“Yeah,” Grover said, grabbing a can and nibbling it nervously. “Later.”
As Annabeth closed the door behind her, she sighed. She had known that Grover would not be happy to hear it, but at least he did believe her. Maybe with more time, he would back her up to Chiron.
But she didn´t have time. She suspected that Chiron would call for volunteers at the campfire tonight.
Annabeth made her way down to the campfire early that evening, hoping to talk to Chiron before too many campers got there.
Chiron stood talking to a few satyrs who had recently brought in new campers / probably asking if their changes seemed particularly promising. He saw her coming down the earthen steps that doubled as seats around the fire pit and quickly finished his conversation.
“Annabeth,” he said. “I actually wanted to talk to you about the attacks.”
“Don’t worry, I ‘m sending out a quest, they’ll be on their way by morning.”
“But that’s exactly what I’m worried about.” Annabeth took a breath. “I don’t think it’s a monster. I think it’s a demigod.”
“I did research – in my free time – that I can show you.” She could see that Chiron was wholly unconvinced. “Grover thinks so too.”
“Grover is hardly a reliable source.” There was an exasperated edge to his voice.
Annabeth huffed. “Grover was one of our best Searchers.”
“Exactly: was. He has not left the camp in over a year and a half! I care about Grover, but I couldn’t be surprised if his instincts have dulled a bit.”
“Come on, Chiron. Surely you see there’s something weird going on.” Annabeth looked at him imploringly, but he did not budge.
“I’m sending out a quest. That’s final.” Chiron turned and made his way to his regular spot on the far end of the fire pit.
Annabeth sighed. This was really not going how she had planned. She had hoped that this summer would be the one everything would go back to normal. The camp had been her home since she was seven and she hated how it had changed.
There were still traces of the battle that had taken place two years ago. Burn marks on buildings that Annabeth had been working to slowly get fixed. New scars on basically every camper. And so many empty bunks. The missing kids were not all reflected on the Wall either.
The Wall of Valor was in the Big House and was engraved with all the names of the demigods who died in battle. But only those fighting for the gods – rebels did not count, so they were left off and did not receive pyre burnings.
Annabeth had tried to argue for their names being included, of course, but had not been successful. She had argued unsuccessfully for a lot of things in the aftermath.
She remembered standing in the throne room of Olympus, the gods and goddesses towering above her. Trying to stand tall, she spoke as loudly and confidently as she could muster. “We request that the gods and goddesses claim their children within a reasonable time – at thirteen or fourteen, for example. Many of the rebels –”
“Traitors,” Hera spat.
“Traitors,” Annabeth amended quickly. “Many of the traitors were unclaimed and felt forgotten and neglected. Claiming them could prevent this from happening again.”
“So, you’re blaming us for this?” Zeus asked.
“No, of course not, Lord Zeus,” Annabeth said. “I’m just saying, there were contributing factors that could be eliminated to lessen the chance of this happening again.”
“This is absurd,” Hera said. “Your camp rises up against us and now you are making demands?”
“Not our whole camp,” Annabeth said, trying to keep her voice calm. “We fought against them – for you.”
“You were a close friend of this Luke fellow, weren’t you?” Demeter asked.
Annabeth turned to her. “Yes, we were close.”
“Why didn’t you stop him?”
She blinked. “I – I didn’t know until it was too late.”
Annabeth pulled herself out of the memory and sat down shakily. It had been a lie. She had known – at least that something was going on.
Other campers had started to filter in, and Annabeth quickly turned Thalia and they sat together. She did not pay much attention as the Hephaestus kids started the fire and the Apollo kids started up the sing-along.
Food was served and Annabeth ate silently, staring into the fire. She could see no way to convince Chiron or anyone of authority. And she could not go to any god with her theory, they would strike the rogue half-blood dead first and ask questions later. Annabeth wanted to help them.
Maybe Thalia was right. Maybe this was just a second chance for her. But that did not mean that it was not true. Whatever her motivations were, she wanted to help.
An old plan from years ago began to reform in her mind. Back before she went on her quest two years ago, she had been very impatient to leave camp. At one point, she had gotten the idea in her head that Chiron would never let her go and that she would have to do it herself. The main tenets of that plan could still work.
Annabeth looked around. If she left tonight, she would have a head start. And besides, she knew about this person’s movements and habits. For one thing, they tended to travel up to New York every couple of months and were due for another visit soon.
Across the fire pit, Chiron rose. “Good evening everyone. I trust you have all had a good week back. A special welcome to all the newcomers. We hope you come to see this place as a home away from home, as many here do.” He smiled warmly. “Now, as I am sure many of you have heard, there have been a large number of monster attacks all over the country over the past year. We believe they are all the work of one creature. These attacks have escalated in recent months and therefore, I am sending out a quest.”
Whispers erupted among the campers and the enchanted flames jumped green and yellow, reflecting their excitement. There had not been any quests last year.
“We do not know what kind of creature this is, so this quest is not for the faint of heart. However, I believe there is a candidate for the job.” Chiron turned to a group of Aphrodite kids. “Olivia Marcelin, daughter of Aphrodite.” He inclined his head slightly to her. “Will you undertake this labour?”
Olivia, petite but muscular, had arrived at camp just before the rebellion. She was thrust into battle situations at fifteen and handled herself well. She was a good fighter, skilled in multiple weapons, and benefitted from being underestimated. Annabeth would have to be smart if she was going to beat her.
Olivia, although first taken off her guard, quickly straightened and smiled. “I would be honoured.”
“And who will you choose as your companions?” Chiron asked.
She looked around. “Adam Flavius.” Her brother, another son of Aphrodite. Unassuming, but had wickedly good aim with throwing knives. “and Sabine Stentz.” No surprise there. Sabine, daughter of Demeter, was Olivia’s girlfriend. Like all children of Demeter, she had power over plants, but she specialized in the art of offensive plants. Annabeth had seen her in action and would hate to have to tangle with her.
“Very well,” Chiron said. “Tonight you will go to the Oracle and prepare, for you leave at first light tomorrow morning.”
“But first,” said Michal – a child of Apollo. “More sing-along.”
As they strummed the opening chords of ‘She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain,’ Annabeth turned to Thalia. “I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,” she said quietly.
Thalia looked at her with a little suspicion but nodded. “Sleep well.”
Annabeth slipped away quietly. In her cabin, she quickly packed the essentials in her backpack: ambrosia, nectar, change of clothes, a few drachmae, and everything else needed for a last-minute quest. Before she hurried out, she stuffed a pillow and extra blanket under her sheets, so it looked like she was asleep. The longer head start she could get before people noticed she was missing, the better.
Even though it had been a solo plan, Annabeth found herself knocking on Grover’s door.
“What is it?” he asked when he opened the door, looking like he had been sleeping. Then he saw her backpack and the sword that joined her dagger that was normally on her hip. “Whatever you’re doing, I do not want to be involved.”
“Grover, I need your help.”
“I am not going on your redemption quest, especially not if it’s a non-sanctioned one.”
“I have a better chance if you come along, you know that. You can track demigods.”
“I also know that I haven’t left camp since… you know, and I’m out of practice.”
“If we don’t do this, there’s a pretty good chance the demigod will be killed.”
“So what? Maybe it’s better that way.”
“Better that way? Are you hearing yourself?” Annabeth tried not to lose her cool. “This is a demigod who needs our help. Finding and protecting demigods is supposed to be your job, as a Searcher.”
Grover just shook his head.
“Look, I know that you feel like you failed Luke, like what happened was your fault, but that was on all of us, okay? But maybe we can make it right, by helping this person.” She squared her shoulders. “But whether you decide to come or not, I’m going.”
Grover sighed and closed his eyes. “Fine,” he said through gritted teeth.
Annabeth sighed a breath of relief. While she had been ready to go along, she hadn’t like the idea. She hadn’t had to survive along since before she met Luke and Thalia after running away from home.
“I thought you said this wasn’t to make up for what happened to Luke,” said a voice behind her.
Annabeth jumped and spun around to see Thalia standing behind her.
“Thalia, I – we –”
“I can’t let you two dumbasses go along, and you seem pretty hell-bent.” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fuck it – we’re all going on this unsanctioned quest – which I still don’t entirely approve of.”
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theweekinarrowfic · 3 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, April 11-17, 2021
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Also, I'm looking for volunteers to test out my fic recommender! Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
nothing this week
Other Ships/Characters
Treat You Better by amithegamer1 for SiLVeR_MisT (Sara/Ava Sharpe, Sara/Oliver, 2/2, 11 Apr 2021) - Knowing that someone else is doing everything you want to do hurts... that you can't be the person that they need. But growing up Ava realized that no one needs anyone...they want them. They love them. They don't need that person to survive. They want that person to survive with them. It might hurt to live without them but that's just life. People got their own stories to tell and she got hers.
Anal Queens by MTL17, Vitezislav (Moira/Sara, 5/5, 17 Apr 2021) - Laurel thinks Sara and Oliver are back together.
Crisis by jaywrites21 (Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Oliver listed as character, 11/11, 15 Apr 2021) - Kara didn't imagine it would go the way it went. The way Lena stared at her. The silence that filled the apartment. The chill that went down her spine. The emptiness of her eyes.; The deeper they get into it, the more terrible things get. Because their friends Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, and Kate Kane come from Earth-1, requiring their help because of an impending crisis.; The longer it goes on, the more tension there is. Yet the more that happens, the less confusion there is eventually.; Someone's going to have to make the ultimate sacrifice. But if it's one of the two destined lovers, then what will one do without the other?; AKA Crisis happens and Lena finds out Kara is Supergirl and she's really hurt and there's some angst and plot
Justice League: Enemies For Centuries by aliciateigan24 (Kara Danvers/Mon-El, William and Mia listed as characters, 13/13, 12 Apr 2021) - Set a few days after book one.; When confronted with a choice, what will Nora do? Will she make the right one? It's up to the rest of the heroes to save her from their enemies but more importantly, they need to save her from herself.
Of superheroes and halfbloods by Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen (Oliver & Percy Jackson, 39/39, 11 Apr 2021) - When Oliver left his family to go with Novu, he did not expect to appear in front of the strangest camp he had ever seen. Nor did he expect all the revelations that came with it. The Greek Gods were real and so were Demigods. And in order to save the multiverse, Oliver would need to join forces with them, go on a journey unlike he had ever been on before.
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versatilewindow · 4 years
Fun Times in New Rome
Find it on Ao3
Summary: percy goes to see his GF in the gardens at New Rome, terrible writing ensues.
A/N: Reposting bc i hated the format from before. uhhh hope yall like this, I was feeling inspired to write something funny after my AP gov test
Percy was totally vibing at Camp Jupiter. He was talking with his boi, Jason, while on the way to see Annabeth at the gardens. Walking down the street in New Rome, Percy and Jason were having a chill conversation about artificial intelligence, not that they were well versed on that subject.
“All I’m saying is that if Elongated Muskrat wanted to put some AI in his cars, we could maybe create Lightning McQueen.” Jason very briefly paused at this statement. Cars was one of the greatest franchises known to man, after Spy Kids of course.
“Ok, caught the vibe, but that would cause some other problems, would cars then get civil rights? Because like, then they would be free thinking beings. Wait would cars be considered alive? Would it be slavery to own a car then?” The potential implications of putting AI in cars to create Lightning McQueen were too great for Jason, giving him a Fatty Headache™. “Look bro, I think I’m gonna have to dip, I was already on the verge of an existential crisis from talking to Annabeth about whether or not we should be living in a society. I’ll catch up with the two of you later.”
Percy saddened at the thought of his best bro going through his 3rd existential crisis in the week. “Ok dude, feel better soon,” he called out as Jason walked away, “And maybe don’t watch Ancient Aliens tonight.”
Percy continued on his way to the gardens at Camp Jupiter, which weren’t really gardens that you would think about, they were more like wild vegetables that happened to grow in the same area, with some neat flowers around. The best part was that they were totally organic, something very important to Annabeth.
Ahhhh, Annabeth.., ,,,. Percy swooned at the thought of her, with her ramen noodle lookin ass hair, the way her boobies looked in the Camp Halfblood shirt, which was such an UGLY color. But she made it look very sexiiii. He especially got horny at the way she made him feel dumb. That's feminism right? Thinking it's hot when girls womansplain? Anyways, Percy had finally made it to the gardens, and he saw Annabeth.
“What it do babeyyyyyy ;)” Percy said.
“Everyday I get more and more confused as to how you can say that aloud. Either way, I’m doing an experiment. I am crossbreeding this eggplant with a poison oak plant I found” This concerning statement fell onto deaf ears because Percy's eggplant was too focused on Annabeth’s peach. (if u know what I mean *wink wonk*)
Annabeth turned to face Percy and noticed his expression, which reminded her of this face :^0, because let's be real, Percy is 0 thoughts, only thots. This got Annabeth thinking..,.,. … ,, which was very unfortunate for our boi Percy.
Annabeth got up from where she was standing and tried out some flirting techniques she got from the Aphrodite girls back home. She gave Percy a sultry look, half lidded eyes, looked him up and down, then bit her lip. Only problem, she bit her upper lip, making Percy very confused for about .001 seconds.
“Damn girl u come here often?” Percy said while doing the fuckboi rub on his chin.
“Mayhaps, only when u’re around;)” Annabeth replies.
Then Percy goes crazy and stupid and starts kissing his GF!!!! In a vaguely public area!!!!! (its ok tho no ones around, Percy checked bc he’s smart like that >:3c). Things were getting real saucy, their tongues were #battlingfordominance, and stuff like that. Eventually it got to a point where they didnt know how far they were going to take it. The two of them paused, vaguely out of breath. Percy gave Annabeth a look that said ‘damn shawty we rlly gonna do this huh?’ In response our good sis Annabeth said, “Artichoke me daddy.” Percy went APESHIT after hearing that, mostly because they were next to the artichokes. He real quick picked her up and sprinted to their shared room in New Rome where they woo hooed for at least 69 hours
And they lived happily ever after, and that's on what? periodt sis. the end.
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