#halfa trio au
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surelysilly · 6 months ago
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once in awhile you get shown the light (in the strangest of places if you look at it right)
Good things come in threes. Bad things too. Everything will be the way it is supposed to be. (Danny, Sam, and Tucker don’t remember being human. And that’s okay. Until it isn’t.)
with nearly a decade of vague consciousness... i finally write something for my halfa trio au!!! and for invisobang 2024!!
I have lovely art created by my two artists: @mysteryhat21 and @evilfarmin for each chapter!! so exciting!!! please make sure to check them out, the art is amazing <3
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fangirlwriting-stories · 6 months ago
Afterlife Lessons Masterlist
For your convenience, all of the chapters linked below!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
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fairytale-of-fear · 1 year ago
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More DP fanart, specifically my Halfa everlasting trio au. This time Halfa Sam and Liminal Valerie. A.K.A Lemures and Valkyrie.
Thoughts I had while making this were Lets Go Lesbians and “Girlfriends who threatened enemies together stay together”.
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kobol1 · 2 years ago
I just had a thought of the Everlasting Trio and Jazz all being Halfa’s. I find it funny that Jack AND Maddie didn’t realize that their children and friends are half ghosts.
Oh hey, thanks for the ask! I love getting these. :D
Yeah, it is funny that Jack and Maddie don't realize that their children and their children's friends are half-ghosts! Why would they, as far as they know the trio and Jazz, are still alive and fully human.
In my Au's, Jack and Maddie aren't as shoot first and ask questions never as seen in the show. They see the four half-ghosts as children who died too young, and as parents themselves, they are going to do anything they can to help them move on and if they can't move on hey what's four more children. Yes, they totally would adapt the ghost children as their own.
The adult Fenton's don't want to capture and experiment on the four half-ghosts they want to help them move on into their next lives and the whole I'll rip you apart molecule by molecule was not directed at the four half-ghosts but at the ghosts who came through the portal causing destruction.
And when Danny Jazz Sam and Tucker finally come out and explain the accident and their half-ghost status to the adult Fenton's its revealed that the whole rip you apart molecule by molecule was a big misunderstanding and are touched that the adult Fenton's would've tried to help them move on into their next lives and if they couldn't move on that they would've adopted them if they were full ghosts.
I hope my ramblings make sense. Lol
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hugsandchaos · 1 year ago
AU where Jazz is an only child and ends up becoming a halfa, but not from another portal incident. Not like Danny’s, at least. Where Jazz went straight to her parents, and now they’re doing their best to help her control her new powers. Where Jack playfully calls her ghost form “Jazz-O-Lantern”. Where Jazz tries to do little nice things when she can like a friendly ghost for the town. Where Jazz accidentally bumps into a kid she’s never seen before and finds it strange that her ghost sense goes off whenever he’s around.
Where the Everlasting Trio are from another town and ran away for Danny’s safety. Where the three of them figure out that Jazz is a halfa before she realizes that Danny’s also a halfa. Where Danny constantly runs from Jack and Maddie because they’re ghost hunters, where Danny tries to better help and teach Jazz. WHERE THERE’S QUEERPLATONIC EVERLASTING TRIO (one of my favorite parts, that’s why I’m yelling it).
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#Danny Phantom Franchise tag for the Danny Phantom franchise.
Danny Phantom Cartoon tag for the cartoon Danny Phantom.
#Danny Phantom: A Glitch In Time tag for the graphic novel.
#dpxdc tag for Danny Phantom crossovers with the DC Universe.
The #Ghosts (Danny Phantom) tag is used for the ghosts. The #Ghost Zone tag is for the place also called the Infinite Realms.
The #Amity Park Residents tag is for the humans living there. The #Amity Park tag is for the place.
The #Casper High School tag generalized. The #Casper High Personnel tag for the teachers and other workers. The #Casper High Students tag for the students as a collective. The #Casper High tag for the building.
The #Team Phantom tag is for the generalized group. The #Ghost Getters tag is for Danny, Sam, Tucker and Jazz. The #Phantom Trio tag is for Danny, Sam and Tucker.
The #Fenton Family tag. The #Fenton Parents tag for Jack and Maddie. The #Fenton Siblings tag for Danny and Jazz. The #Phantom Cousins tag for Danny and Dani.
The #Fenton Works tag is used for the Company. The #Fenton House tag is used for the building. The #Fenton Lab tag is used for the room with the Portal. The #Emergency Ops Centre tag is used for the room/vehicle on top of the building. The #Fenton Inventions tag is used for Fenton Works inventions that don't have their own tag.
#Plasmius Phantom for Dark Danny/Evil Future Phantom/Dan.
AU Tags: Corpse AU, Full Ghost AU, Ghost Hunger AU, Ghost Obsessions AU, Ghost Speak AU, Halfa Trio AU, Little Baby Man AU, No One Knows AU, Portal AU, Spork AU.
Character related Tags: Amulet of Aragon!Name, Danny Phantom, Fright Knight Name, Halfa Name, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Ghost Name, Trans Danny Fenton, Undergrowth!Human Name, Vlad Plasmius,
Items Tags: Amity Park Billboards, Amulet of Aragon, Crystal Ball Staff, Fenton Thermos, Infi-Map, Jumpsuits, Reality Gauntlet, Red Huntress Suit, Ring of Rage, Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, Scarab Sceptre, Skulker's Suit, Soul Shredder, Spectral Energy Neutralizer.
People Tags: A-Listers, Amity Park Police, Danny Clones, Fun Danny, Ghost King, Guys in White, Super Danny, The Ancients (Danny Phantom), Yetis of the Far Frozen, Walker's Goons.
Place Tags: Axion Labs, Nasty Burger.
Powers Tags: Duplication, Flight, Ghostly Glow, Ghostly Wail, Ghost Sense, Going Ghost, Intangibility, Invisibility, Overshadowing, Transformation Rings.
Other Tags: Amity Park News, Blood Blossoms, Bloodstream Nanobots, Ecto Acne, Ecto-Contamination, Ectoplasm, Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act, Fenton Food, Fenton Portal Accident, Ghost-Human Relations, Ghost Hunting, Ghost Portals, Half Ghosts.
Character Tag Other: Dani Phantom, Danny Fenton, Vlad Masters,
Character Tags Humans: Angela Foley, Ernesto Montez, Freakshow, Jack Fenton, Jazz Fenton, Jeremy Manson, Maddie Fenton, Maurice Foley, Mr. Lancer, Pam Manson, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley,
Character Tags Ghosts: Bullet (Danny Phantom), Box Ghost, Ember McLain, Fright Knight, Ghost Writer (Danny Phantom), Johnny 13, Kitty (Danny Phantom) Klemper, Lunch Lady, Nocturn, Penelope Spectra, Princess Dorathea, Sidney Poindexter, Skulker, Walker, Vortex, Valerie Gray
Blog Masterpost
This blog is purely for reblogging posts I like and arranging them in a manner easy to navigate.
For Tumblr posts I made go to https://briarruler.tumblr.com/
For Tumblr posts I have commented on or other people continuing my posts go to https://remark-reflect-reminisce.tumblr.com/
The tagging system of this blog is in this post's reblogs.
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fangirlwriting-stories · 6 months ago
Afterlife Lessons
Summary: Sam’s awareness of ghosts extended to exactly two pieces of knowledge: Danny’s parents are ghost hunters, and ghosts are dangerous and she should stay away from them.
Unfortunately, neither of these things becomes something in her favor when she and Tucker are kidnapped by a ghost and turned into ghosts themselves— or half ghosts, apparently, something clarified to them by Amity Park’s resident hero Phantom, who also promises to stick around and help them figure out their new forms and powers.
But while Sam is certainly grateful for the help, now that she’s regularly spending time with their local ghost protector, she’s noticing things about him that seem a little more familiar than they should. And also that Phantom’s strong confident hero persona might be a bit more of a facade than anyone‘s realized.
Author's Note: I did an invisobang this year! It was a ton of fun to write, and (once the art is posted), I'll post the art in each chapter it matches with! I'm gonna be posting all fifteen chapters in rapid succession, so get ready for a lot of posts from this blog! I'm going to make a masterlist in just a minute, and I'll also tag every post with the title.
Art For This Chapter: @torchturtle link
Sam’s awareness of ghosts extended to exactly two pieces of knowledge, and both of those things came from Danny.  The first, that Danny’s parents hunted them, which he’d told them in embarrassment shortly after they met.  The second she’d learned shortly before it had been revealed to everyone that ghosts did, in fact, exist— when Danny had told her ghosts are dangerous, stay away from them.
Sam had admittedly been more than a little surprised when Danny told her this.  Like she’d said, he tended to be more embarrassed by his parents’ work than anything else.  Granted, he’d never said outright that he didn’t believe in them, and there were a couple of times Sam had seen him taking precautions that she knew his parents had recommended.  But she knew he’d just be uncomfortable if she brought it up, so she didn’t.
And then, suddenly, he was very serious in his telling of her that ghosts were dangerous, and she should avoid them at all costs.  Sam hadn’t had the first clue where the shift had come from, but he’d timed it pretty well, because it was around that time that Amity Park started getting regular visits from ghosts.  Luckily for them, one of those ghosts included Phantom.  And while the town in general was split on him and Danny was still just as insistent in telling her and Tucker to stay away from him, Sam saw the things he did.  The ghosts he fought.  The people he saved.  There had never been a doubt in her mind that Phantom was an ally.
She hadn’t ever really expected to count on that fact directly.
But then, she’d also never been directly targeted by a ghost before.  She couldn’t think of much else this one in particular could be doing, though.  The vampire-looking ghost knew her and Tucker’s names, it singled them out specifically on the way to school, and it had grabbed them and tied them up on seats in the back of a plane, of all things.  That was a little difficult to misinterpret.
Tucker was still breathing very quickly across from her in his window seat, and Sam was trying to make sure that he didn’t have a panic attack, while also looking around the plane for anything they could possibly use to help themselves.  She didn’t even know ghosts had planes, much less ones this… fancy.  This thing looked fancier than her parents’ private jet, which made her hate it for two reasons.
“Tucker,” Sam said quietly, drawing his gaze.  “You see that compartment up there labeled with a parachute?”
“No,” Tucker said immediately, looking very intently down at the floor.  “No, I absolutely do not see it.”
“Sam, you are insane if you think I’m risking jumping out of a plane!”
“You’d rather get to whatever secondary location this guy is dragging us to?” Sam snapped, still keeping her voice down.
“Right, because obviously the guy who kidnapped us and is dragging us somewhere is going to leave us with perfectly made parachutes that won’t break halfway down to the ground,” Tucker snapped back, which… was actually a decent point, though Sam loathed to admit it.
“Look, do you have a better idea?” she asked instead.
“Try to escape while we’re not several miles in the air?”
“When we’ve made it wherever we’re going so this guy has a home field advantage?”
“I don’t know Sam!  We don’t have a ton of options!” Tucker snapped.  “I still think I’d rather be kidnapped than dead!”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked seriously, giving Tucker a look, and then jerking her head backwards toward the cockpit.  “We don’t know what he wants.”
“I don’t want to die, Sam,” Tucker said desperately.  “I think we have a better chance of not dying if we stay on the plane until we get wherever we’re going.  Plus, you can’t even stand up to reach that compartment anyway.  Let’s just… stay put.”
Sam gave a huff of irritation and a little bit of fear, but gave in to Tucker’s fairly decent points and leaned back in the plush chair.
“Okay,” she said.  “Let’s try and work this out, then.  We’ve been flying for what, an hour now?  Where do you think we’re going?”
“We’re heading north,” Tucker said, with a nod towards the window.  “Based on the way the sun was rising earlier.”
“Great, so that narrows it down to a little less than half the continent,” Sam groaned.  “Do you think he’s staying in the U.S.?”
“Do I think a ghost cares about a country’s borders?  I have no clue if we’re going to Canada.  Maybe he’ll just keep flying north and drop us in the middle of the ocean.”  The second after Tucker said it, he seemed to realize what he’d said, and his face turned a little queasy.  “I hope not.”
“Me too,” Sam muttered, looking out what little of the window she could see from her position, given that she couldn’t shift in the chair at all.  She couldn’t see the sun anymore.  She was glad Tucker had spotted it earlier, even if it didn’t give them a ton of clues as to where they were going.
They didn’t have to wonder for that much longer, however, because it wasn’t more than five minutes later before a disgustingly pleasant voice announced that they’d be beginning their descent, and that they hoped the landing was just as horrible as the takeoff had been.
Sam glared up at the ceiling as if that was where the voice was and tried to come up with a map in her head.  They really hadn’t been flying for more than an hour.  That wasn’t enough time to get them to Canada, was it?  They couldn’t be much further than Wisconsin.
Once they got off the plane itself, they were taken towards some sort of castle that looked like something her parents could afford to build.  Which might not be that far off in terms of expenses, given there was an actual runway in the back.  Maybe this ghost happened to be a friend of theirs, and this was Sam’s parents’ newest way of threatening her into wearing floral print.
The ghost that had kidnapped and brought them here, however, didn’t seem super keen on answering any questions.  Its only comment before it grabbed them both by the arms and dragged them towards a back door was “I hope you two had a terrible experience,” paired with a supervillain smirk so dramatic it was almost ridiculous.
He clearly was not super worried about being gentle about dragging them, if the ache forming in Sam’s wrist was any indication.  But she didn’t have much time to focus on that.  Instead, as soon as her feet were on the ground, she started looking around for escape strategies, but the ghost was holding their arms way too tightly for running to be an option, and she didn’t feel confident in her ability to get both her and Tucker into the forest surrounding the castle.  Especially considering how far away it was.  The grounds for this place weren’t small.
The castle itself was white brick, with gold roofs and absolutely covered in green flags.  The door they were being dragged to looked like an entrance to a basement of some kind.  Sam glanced over at Tucker to find him looking around too, but after a second he glanced at her with a helpless look on his face, meaning he hadn’t noticed anything she hadn’t.
Sam took a deep breath, and mouthed to Tucker, “On three.”
Tucker bit his lip, clearly scared, but nodded.
Sam brushed past her own fear and looked back on the door.  Their smartest option would probably be to try and break for it when he had to shift his grip in order to hold on to them and go for the handle at the same time.  He’d be doing that any second now, she just had to wait for—
A cold feeling swept over Sam just before she reached the door, and before she could question what that meant the ghost dragged her and Tucker right through the solid door and into the castle.
Sam blinked.  Well.  So much for the shifting his grip plan.
“Uh,” Sam said, looking at Tucker.  “Three!”
Tucker started pulling backwards on the ghost’s arm as Sam did the same, but it didn’t even seem to phase the ghost.  In fact, he looked down at them and laughed in obvious amusement.
“Oh yes, that’s sure to work.  He really hasn’t ever let you near ghosts before, has he?”
Before Sam could figure out what the hell that meant, the ghost floated upwards just far enough to lift Sam and Tucker off the ground, robbing them of any force they could have attempted to use to get away.
Sam, in a last desperate attempt, leaned up to try and bite the ghost’s hand, but the ghost did the same thing to just their hands that he’d done to get them all through the door, and Sam’s teeth went right through it.
She turned to Tucker.  “Okay, you have any other ideas?”
Tucker’s only response was a scared look.
They went through a couple more doors the same way as before, and then the ghost pulled them down through the floor, into some kind of lab.  It looked eerily similar to the one in Danny’s basement, right down to the portal over on the wall.
“Well, I think we’ve made excellent time,” the ghost said, flying them straight over to that very portal.  “Let’s set you both up.”
“Or, we could not do that?” Tucker said nervously.
“Who are you?” Sam snapped, glaring at the weird vampire ghost.  If they weren’t going to escape, she might as well get as much information as possible from him.
“Oh, don’t worry about it child, I’m sure you’ll get a much better explanation from Daniel.”
Sam blinked.  “Danny knows you?”
The vampire ghost didn’t reply, and instead flew over closer to the portal.  Sam leaned back away from the swirling green she had no desire to go through, but before he could toss them inside, she heard a whirring sound, and the portal powered down to leave an empty mechanical tunnel.  Sam glanced over to see… the same vampire ghost?  There were two of them?  The second one, however he was there, was pressing buttons on a box next to the portal.
A box that probably wasn’t supposed to be blinking like that.
“Uh,” Sam said, as the vampire ghost holding on to them carried them into the tunnel.  “You wanna fix your box thingy?”
“No thank you, it’ll be more useful like this for now,” the second vampire ghost said, though Sam couldn’t see him anymore.  “Though it’ll be quite a bit of work to fix the portal after using it for something like this.”  He sighed, like their kidnapping was an inconvenience for him.  “Oh well, can’t be helped.”
The second vampire ghost flew in and took Sam from the first, then carried her over to the side of the tunnel, seeming barely even to notice Sam’s struggles.
He and the other one then strapped her and Tucker to the sides of the portal, and flew off unconcerned.  Sam saw the reason why a moment later, the restraints didn’t budge no matter how much she tugged on them, and she could see Tucker doing the same thing across from her.
“Regret not trying for the parachutes yet?” Sam snapped.
Tucker opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, there was a yell of “VLAD!” and a loud crash from the room outside of the portal.
Both of them turned, and in the part of the room that the portal wasn’t blocking, Sam saw Phantom shooting blasts across the room, presumably towards one of the vampire ghosts.
Tucker let out a relieved sigh.  “Nope, I think we have a better shot now,” he said.
Sam couldn’t blame him.  They may not have ever interacted with Phantom personally, but that didn’t mean they didn’t know what he was capable of.  If Phantom was here to rescue them, they were safe.
Phantom, however, didn’t seem to realize that, because the second he turned and spotted them inside the portal, his eyes widened in surprise and what looked like fear.
…Okay, maybe they should be a little nervous?
Tucker seemed to realize the same thing, as a second later they both went back to struggling.
Phantom started right for them, but one of the vampire ghosts— Vlad, he’d said?— instead slammed into him from the side and out of their view.
Sam couldn’t see what was happening anymore, but she could easily hear them.
“Let them go, Plasmius,” Phantom snapped.
“Or you’ll what?  I’m looking for specifics here, my boy.”
“Specifics?   I’ll smash your teeth in, now let them go!”
There’s a loud sigh.  “No, you see, that’s the kind of thing that makes me think this is necessary in the first place.”
Sam glanced across the portal at Tucker, who shrugged, looking just as lost as her.
There was the sound of an ecto blast, and then Plasmius flew across the room.  Phantom started immediately for the portal again, but before he could reach it, the other vampire ghost shot a blast at him that sent him back out of view again.  The second one then flew after him and reappeared a second later, holding Phantom in a tight restraint that seemed much more difficult to hold than Sam and Tucker’s had been.
Sam tugged hard on the restraints, then stopped when she felt her wrist start to strain in a way that couldn’t be good.
“For the record,” she said to Tucker.  “We totally should have tried for the parachutes.”
Tucker gave her a desperate look.
“Sorry it had to be this way, child,” came Vlad’s voice from out of view, “but you really should get better at solving your problems yourself.”
Phantom looked towards Vlad, apparently long enough to not like what he saw, because then he looked wide-eyed back towards Sam and Tucker— and that was the moment Sam knew they were fucked.
Something behind them in the portal lit up, and Sam turned her head towards it in time to see a bright green light.
Phantom screamed “NO!” loud and desperate, and then Sam’s world erupted.
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fairytale-of-fear · 1 year ago
I have a finished and finalised design for Sam in my Halfa Trio AU! I will also be including Halfa everlasting trio in most of my dp x dc crossovers (i will die with this ship, like they died with each other).
So welcome the duo sword wielding, supernatural expert and resident money-banks of the Phantom trio.
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Finished version and simple line art versioned.
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months ago
Prompt 283
Now Jason would like it known that there was no mpreg situation going on. He isn’t even sure where people got that idea in the first place. Sure, he had taken a few Cores from the goons-in-white who had dared to set up in his turf. 
And sure maybe the excess energy from the pit (no wonder he’d been so irritable) was what said baby halfas (Okay, so they’re half human? Alright) had used to reform. And maybe the oldest is visibly less than a year old. 
But there Was No Mpreg Situation! He is this close to shooting someone! It was annoying (and slightly amusing) when it was just his goons, but now the Bats have seemingly got it in their heads! Dear Gotham it’s a good thing he’s not planning on like, ever revealing who he is because he would never be able to live this rumor down. 
[Winged Ghosts Au too, that seems to be getting lost in reblogs when it's just in the tags lol]
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year ago
Master Posts Links
All the dabbles I have posted on my DC x DP account. Under a read more due to how long it is. Broken into three categories:
Multi-parts - Dabbles that have more than one part written.
One-shots- Dabbles with only one part written.
Requests- Dabbles written for the requests of readers. (Note: If a request is for a continuation of the other two categories, they will be filed in Milti-parts)
Master Post 1 Link
Master Post 2 Link
Master Post 3 Link
Completed AUs Master Post Link
NSFW (+18 ) Link
Please read the indexes to determine which master post each au is filed in.
As of 12/25/2024: The newest stuff is inside of Master Post 3.
Updated as of 02/14/2025: Stop on Muli-part: Danny's Grill Part 6
The Royal Consort,
Child Support
Phantom's Number 1 fan
Danny and The Fan Blog
Congratulations! It's Triplets!:
Ghost King Summon dare
The Dauntless Matchmaker
Demon and Angel Brat
Single Dad
Jason's Doll
Misplace Baby
The Assistant
The Ghost Trio's Food Trip
Legal Compensation
Love Among Fans
Lex Luther's Youngest
The Infinite Realms Hobby Store:
Obsession Runs in the Family
Farm Hand
Vague Threats
Game of Deadly Love
The Real Blood Son
The Kid of Candles
Magic Older Brother
Keep The God Kid Busy!
Dog walker
Clockwork's Cookbook
Respawn and Relive
The Summoning Conditions of the Ghost King
Finders Keeper
What's the rule again?
The Contact, the Butler and the Sly Time Lord
Big Fish in Gotham Pond:
Immunity system:
Wrong Number:
Timeline Prevention Squad
The Masters are Aliens
Ghost Zone Read
Red Hood's Snow
Jason Sees Dead People
Ghost Dad
Wayne Manor Ghost
The Siren of Iceberg Lounge
The Orginal
The Ghost King's Fibs
Red ParentHood
Woo thy Butler, My Lord
Double Vision
Dealeyed Soulmates
Rescue Mission
Danny's Online Persona
Practice makes perfect
Cass the Halfa
Danny's Grill
The Audit
Why Ten?
Cluster of Cores
Demon Head Slightly to the left
Danny Fenton's Ex
New Management
Billy's Parents
Phone a friend
Super Robin
Cassandra's Curse in Gotham
The Summoned Demon
Marriage Trap the Office Supplier!
It's all Fun and Games Kids!
The cinnamon roll's son
Red Yummy
Professional Protector of Love
The Backroads
In 30 Minutes or less
One hell of a good bellhop
Corporate Rivals
Rude Kryptonian
Side Hustle
Love at first (club) meeting
Catnip for heroes
Old Friends
Danny the Nanny
Lights and Camera
Hot Wings
The ones who got away
Vanishing Bookstore
Petal to the metal
Lover Boy
Fishbowl Bones
Unwanted House Guest
The Roommate
Missing Half
Danny's Did you Know?
Yeti's orders.
Who's Child is this?
Batman with a gun's lover
IRS's boogie man
Dear Elder Brother's mistakes
The Undead Florist
Pit's Merman
Dullahan is my roomate
Nightowl Appartement
The one with Sunset Hair
The Cinnamon Roll's son
The lost In-Laws
The Lady and The Dad
Big Brother does not approve
Gotham's star and Shadow
Pride in Gotham
Revenant Prompt
The King and his Not-Knight
Contestant Number 3
The Lost son of the Bat
AroAce Danny
Extended Family
Master Post 3 Index
Passion for Fashion
Alfred's Boy Friend
Alley Boyfriends
Mr. Flavor
Freelance Inventor
You ARE the father
The Good Luck Charm
To be Human Again
Travel Buddy
A little bit of Home
New Money
Beyond the Grave
Lex Luthor's annoyance
Die with a smile
Cold Case
Online Siren
The End and the Beginning
Damian's (not) real friend
Family Bonding
Gotham Gossip
Access Granted
Skulker's Past
Surviving Babysitting
The Twins
Echo's Dad
The Artifact Repair Man
Flip of A coin
New Neighbors
Over and Over again
The West Wing
Never the Bride
The Bakery is a Front!....right?
Cave Boy
The Adoptive Son
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ten-shiriya23 · 3 months ago
Danny signed as he finished putting the bandages.
"Sam ,please you have to be more careful when fighting ghosts." He softly.
"I know,I know but you worry too much I'll be fine Danny." Sam shrugged him off "well I gotta go now before my parents notice. See you at school Danny!" She then flew out through his window.
Danny stared at the window for a moment before pulling out his phone to inform Tucker of what happened as he was covering for Sam. Putting his phone down after informing Tucker he walks to his closet and opens it, slides his hanged clothes to the side Danny kneeled down and cracked open a secret storage.
Within the hidden were the weapons he brought with him when he left but his attention is on the katana placed there. Danny took the katana out then went and sat on his bed.
He began to sharpen the katana letting his hand go through the familiar motions as his mind makes plans, well it was more like adding more plans to his plans.
Danny knew that the enemies Sam is making us becoming more and more dangerous more dangerous than the first, Sam may treat this like its a game but he knows that this isn't a game. Sam will get herself killed if she doesn't take this seriously.
Honestly, he was beginning to think of taking his katana out of retirement (in that thought Danyal knew he got attached).
AKA the classic Danyal Al Ghul au/demon twins au but with the twist of reverse everlasting trio with Sam as the halfa,Tucker as the goth and Danny as the nerd.
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pastelhikaru · 5 months ago
dp x dc prompt's that live in my head space
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:⋆·˚*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:⋆·˚*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭
✧₊⁺ Danny was practicing shape shifting when he accidently sets off a portal gun. Now he's a little stuck as a kitten in Gotham, shenanigans ensue
✧₊⁺ Random influencer asks a sleep deprived Danny about his opinion on Red Hood. And his response is smash and nothing else
✧₊⁺ Twins Al Ghul & Reveal gone wrong AU however Danny was hidden and given away to the Fenton's to adopt.
✧₊⁺ Danny is Tim's half-brother, The portal incident when he's younger
✧₊⁺ Danny is de-aged to his actual ghost age and gets adopted by Talons
✧₊⁺ Cat!Danny / [Snitches] Au. in which he gets stupid injured and shifts into a cat. Is found by Damian. He loves to out the bat's injures :3
✧₊⁺ Exposé! Danny AU. Where Danny acts as a "villain" to train inexperienced vigilantes
✧₊⁺ Dick gets surprise adopted by the Fenton's after a tiring mission.
✧₊⁺ A small Tim summons Danny to act as his Dad for a parent teacher conference
✧₊⁺ Wish dad Tim and the surprise baby clone child
✧₊⁺ Danny's Batman and Superman's clone
✧₊⁺ Zone College AU
✧₊⁺ Of kindness and empathy prompt
✧₊⁺ A ten year old emotionally repressed Damian runs away and gets adopted by Danny
✧₊⁺ To fail and succeed prompt
✧₊⁺ Danny wakes up as Damian's younger brother and doesn't want to be neither an assassin nor vigilante
✧₊⁺ Dead man walking prompt
✧₊⁺ Tim is hit with a cuddle pollen shenanigans ensue
✧₊⁺ There's a baby in the pits! Well i guess let's blame the situation on Bruce
✧₊⁺ Clockwork is Cronos prompt
✧₊⁺ Will work for food prompt
✧₊⁺ Tucker has a power mishap and gets stuck in the digital web
✧₊⁺ Danny gets his dna stolen and he now has clone children with Red Robin
✧₊⁺ Bruce is misplaced in the DP universe and emotionally adopts Danny
✧₊⁺ Danny is Match and Kon's brother Au
✧₊⁺ Danny is an annoyance to Ra's cause he keeps stealing the pits
✧₊⁺ Zone Comic con :3
✧₊⁺ Failed reincarnation AU
✧₊⁺ Danny talks cultist out of giving up their soul
✧₊⁺ Batman comes back a ghost and also becomes Danny's hero mentor
✧₊⁺ Talons take care of de-aged halfa trio
✧₊⁺ Danny punches the Joker and people assume he's Batman. The Batkids add fuel to the rumors
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shippingmyworld · 9 months ago
Youtuber!Danny AU
Don't think I have the creative energy to expand this brainworm into an actual fic so ya'll just have to read a wall of text instead.
After a few close encounters where Danny's halfa identity almost gets revealed, Sam suggests the trio start a Youtube channel where they go about investigating all the so called "Ghostly Encounters" around Amity Park. Their goal would be to debunk as many ghost sightings as possible and establish themselves as well-known ghost deniers. After a bit of debate they eventually settle on naming the channel Chasing Phantoms.
Tucker really gets into it and eventually becomes the face of the channel. With Sam's coaching he learns how to play devil's advocate extremely well and figures out exactly how to craft his questions to manipulate people's responses. This way they can make these supposed "witnesses" discredit themselves within just a few minutes; Tucker will make them get worked up, angry, and confused about what they saw and trick the witnesses into making contradicting statements. This way they can throw out the witness statements as shoddy evidence because they're nothing more than a stress-induced hallucinations brought about by a gas leak. (They accidentally lean into the gas leak story a little too much in their early days - Danny uses his ghost powers to safely break piping in the places they're investigate to create evidence to back up their claims - thus triggering a mild panic in the citizens of Amity Park because one town should really not be suffering from this many gas line breaks.)
Sam is the director and editor, and has them film everything like it's in the style of found footage (she got the idea after watching The Blair Witch Project). They’re constantly making the "Looks directly into the camera like they're on The Office" joke whenever they interview someone who claims to have been attacked by a ghost.
Danny is the cameraman for the channel, but never shows his face because every time they tried to filmed him, his eyes would flash green in the lens flare and cause them to have to scrap the footage. He's still pretty chatty and viewers latch onto his sassy and sarcastic nature. They love his one-liners and the top comments of each video are usually just a repost of something witty he said (Sam leans into it and start naming the videos after lines that Danny drops while filming). Fans of the channel are constantly asking him for a face-reveal in the comments section. In fact, there's a whole subset of viewers that are dedicated to figuring out what he looks like. They have a poor quality jpeg file that's passed around and updated whenever a glimpse of Danny's appearance is reflected in a puddle of water or broken glass (which means Sam has to comb over the videos about ten times before they post them to make sure she didn't miss anything while editing).
Any time Danny ends up fighting a ghost and there's a witness, the trio will break into the site of the fight the next day (using Danny's ghost powers off-camera of course) so they can do an overnight stakeout. It always just amounts to the three of them goofing off and finding no evidence whatsoever. They do all the standard ghost hunting stuff but have to fib the data because Danny’s presence alone triggers the EMF reader and if they try and take the room temp anywhere near Danny it’s always like 10 degrees colder.
As time goes on, the channel starts to really kick off as people latch onto their goofy energy and start to get invested. However, they've also made themselves a lot of enemies within the student body at school, as most of their classmates have become discredited witnesses on their channel (with a few unfortunately souls even becoming trending memes for a few days). This also means Jazz learns about it and keeps volunteering to tag along or help out. She even gets Mr. Lancer to recognize the four of them as an official school club (she took initiative and made herself a part of the club AND club president without asking them), which he gladly approves since he doesn't believe in any of this ghost nonsense either.
Jazz is just really happy that there’s finally someone else in the family that is willing to stand up to their crazy parents' belief about ghosts, so she wants to be the supportive older sibling. However, she literally will not give the trio any space to deal with the ACTUAL ghost stuff. There are several pieces of unedited footage that lives on Sam's computer of Jazz showing up unannounced to an overnight stakeout asking Tucker and Sam “Where’s Danny?” and the camera would catch a glimpse of local menace Inviso-Bill getting his butt kicked by Skulker in the distance.
To get her off their back, Danny ends up publishing an hour long video essay about how ghosts ARE real, but that everything happening in Amity Park is just people making up bullshit for attention. He has to really commit to the act at home, but Jazz will eventually drop it and leave the trio to their own devices. This backfires however, as Danny's parents now believe he’s interested in ghost hunting and try to join him as well. Thankfully Danny is able to deter them by suggesting that they should all do their own research and compare notes later. You know, the more data the better, right? However, this means that in addition to his chores, homework, ghost fighting as Danny Phantom, and ghost hunting as Chasing Phantoms, he also now has to peer review his parents work so he's constantly exhausted. Tucker and Sam will usually let him copy their homework when the time crunch becomes really bad, and they will let Danny conk out for a much needed nap whenever the group gets together to brainstorm channel content or edit footage.
Following one of his encounters with Plasmius, Danny decided they should follow up the "Ghosts ARE real" video with a clickbait video titled “Top 10 places in Wisconsin that are ACTUALLY haunted!!!” They make Vlad’s Castle is #1 on the list and offer a reward to anyone that can bring them proof of a ghost haunting. They include a photo of Plasmius (that's been edited to look like bigfoot photos) so that people know what to look for. This means Vlad now has to hire extra security because the video triggers a mass influx of people that are constantly trying to break into his house and find evidence of this ghost for the reward.
Eventually Valerie and her dad end up on Chasing Phantoms as well, but as some of the discredited witnesses. It pisses her off so much that she starts up her own ghost hunting channel, Ghost Hunter Grey. She's constantly discrediting Chasing Phantoms in her videos and is very vocal on social media about how they give actual ghost hunters a bad name. Every time Chasing Phantoms uploads a new video, she stakes out the same place they did and uploads a video of her own a week later that includes all the evidence they clearly missed and a genuine, uncut interview with witnesses. She doesn't reveal her face (because of the reputation Chasing Phantoms has within the school) and uses a voice modifier when she edits her content.
Grey's videos aren’t nearly as popular as Chasing Phantoms content because Valarie tries to keep her videos more grounded in facts and backs everything up with proven science (unlike the trio’s videos which are just a constant barrage of ghost-themed brain-rotting jokes and funny reactions). It only frustrates her more and so she leans into the Popular Kids clique in order to low-key bully them as an act of revenge. 
When the trio catches wind about Ghost Hunter Grey's channel, they will film a fake video and wait the next day to see if someone shows up. Sure enough, Valerie makes an appearance shocking all of them. Sam holds the braincell and say that since they know, they can just be careful and the group shouldn't try and provoke her anymore. Tucker agrees, but Danny has other ideas and starts greifing her as Phantom. At first he will purposefully reveal himself to her when he knows she doesn't have a camera on her, but once he starts getting a little more bold he will start to photo bomb her with the dumbest expressions and just being an overall annoyance. It basically boils down to him doing shit like saying "Nobody will ever believe you." or "It's been five years, you have to let me go." before slowly turning invisible and flying away.
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faithful-grigori · 1 year ago
”#freakshow’s priorities go:, #1. gain immortality, #2. gain the powers of a ghost without needing an obsession, #3. take over the human realm and ghost zone, #Bringing Lydia back to life or at least removing her obsession is also somewhere on his list of goals, #vlad’s still there but he doesn’t really care about training Sam since she isn’t a Fenton, #Sam isn’t even aware that he’s a Halfa, #he still attempts to kill Jack a couple times as Plasmius though, #freakshow isn’t a halfa, #but he can make himself seem like one”
Halfa Sam AU where Freakshow is the main villain.
He’s still a full human, but he uses a mix of magic artifacts, technology and stage magic to replicate ghost powers.
Invisibility? Smoke bombs.
Overshadowing? A mix of hypnotism and ghostly magic.
Ectoblasts? Anti-ghost blaster hidden in his staff.
Other powers are replicated by either technology or ghostly artifacts, with a bit of stage magic to make it seem legit.
He uses similar techniques when fighting Sam as well, like spiking his smoke bombs with blood blossoms to force Sam out of hiding or using magic to harm Sam while she’s intangible.
He always manages to escape whenever he’s defeated, vanishing into the night before the cops or the GIW can arrive.
He’s got human and ghostly minions, either working for him due to their own choice or because of hypnosis.
His ultimate goal is gaining all the powers of a ghost, especially immortality, but with none of the downsides, like having to die first and being tethered to an obsession, and once he learns about Sam’s halfa status he vows to destroy Sam and gain her powers, no matter the cost.
Plus Sam now has to deal with the fact that a person she used to idolize is evil and wants to kill her.
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fangirlwriting-stories · 6 months ago
Afterlife Lessons
Chapter Fifteen/Epilogue:
“Hey, Tuck,” Sam said.  “Hand me that butter knife, would you?”
In response, Tucker dropped the knife from where he was lounging on the ceiling, and Sam just managed to go intangible before it stabbed her in the head.
“Uh, fuck you?” she said, raising her hands up at Tucker.
“You’re already dead, stop being such a baby,” Tucker said, flopping back against the ceiling he was laying against and taking another bite of his chicken sandwich.  “Plus, it’s a butter knife.”
Sam picked the knife up and tossed it right back at Tucker, who yelped and turned intangible to let it get stuck in the ceiling.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Sam said, reaching through him to grab it.  She turned back to the jelly and started spreading it on her sandwich bread, after wiping the ceiling off the knife.
“Uh, guys, if we could not leave holes in the ceiling that’d be great?” Danny said, from his own spot making a grilled ham and cheese on the stove.
“Oh please, you know you could just pass it off as a stray shot from your parents’ latest invention,” Sam said.
“That excuse only works so many times!” Danny exclaimed.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Tucker said.  “Hey Sam, could you put the mayo away?”
He drops it, only for Sam to shoot it right back up at him with an ectoblast, just one not strong enough to actually damage it.  “Fly over and do it yourself, lazy butt,” Sam said.
“Ughhh,” Tucker groans, but hovers back over to the fridge and drops the mayo inside.
“Alright,” Danny says, flipping his grilled ham and cheese onto a plate before turning to face both of them.  “My parents aren’t gonna be gone all night, so if we’re doing this we need to eat and go.”
“Of course we’re doing this,” Sam said.  “We did your observatory thing, now it’s my turn to sneak into something fun.”
“Hey, I thought I won with the tech lab,” Tucker said.  “I want to make ‘em all act up so they lower the price.”
“Nah, Danny vetoed that because he’s boring.”
“You guys can’t just mess with products that people pay for!” Danny said, throwing his hands up.
“Booo,” Tucker called.
“No one’s gonna be scared by that, Tucker,” Danny said, carrying his sandwich over to the table as he sat down.  “You can do better.”
“That wasn’t a haunting, I’m booing you!  And why do you always get to decide the morals anyway?”
“Because I’m the leader,” Danny said, taking a bite of his sandwich.
“Oh please!”
“Are not!”
“Am too!” Danny said.  “I got here first, that makes me the leader.”
“Oh, that is so not how that works,” Sam said, carrying her own sandwich over to the table as she finished making it.
“Why are you complaining, you get to pick the activity.”
Sam considered this, then nodded.  “Okay, you can be the leader for tonight.”
“What?  Sam, you traitor!”
“We’re going to a goth bookstore after dark!” Sam called, ignoring Tucker’s protests.
“We’re still not stealing anything,” Danny said.
“We’ll see,” Sam said, taking a bite of her sandwich.
Danny rolled his eyes, but let it slide.  Probably because he thought she was kidding.
It didn’t take long for the three of them to finish eating and head out, with Danny giving a quick call to Jazz that they’d be back late.  And not long after that, they were all flying through the air, half racing and half just joking around.
And sure, maybe Danny was still being really boring with his insistence on sticking to hero morals, but Sam could live with that for one night.  Besides, stealing things they wanted couldn’t hold a candle to seeing Danny actually laughing and having fun as Phantom.
Things weren’t perfect yet by a long shot, but they’d gotten a lot better.  Danny had followed through on “no more secrets,” and reluctantly started teaching them both a little about fighting ghosts.  It was difficult, like he’d said, but it could be fun sometimes too, and Danny seemed like he agreed with that a little more lately.  She’d started to see him bantering back and forth with the ghosts they fought and making puns during fights again, which, while annoying, was a good sign.  And while he was still harder on himself than Sam would like, she could tell he was doing better than before.  They could work on the whole “keeps a mental list of everyone who’s ever gotten hurt during a ghost fight” thing.
And in the meantime, they could all do intentionally stupid teenage things, dead or otherwise.  Though in Sam’s opinion, the dead ones were more fun.  And having two dead best friends to do them with didn’t hurt, either.
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fairytale-of-fear · 2 years ago
Fanart for an everlasting halfa trio au. Starting of with 2 different concept art pieces for halfa-Sam.
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My goal with Sam’s design was long and pointy. I used a chromatic colour scheme for the suit with a pop of colour in the face to draw attention to the face but also to make sure areas of the suit created long uninterrupted lines/areas of it giving Sam that length. I also used shape theory and made basically her entire body of triangles to create a long and pointy silhouette. Now to try this with the boys and figure out how I like them so i can draw them together with a cohesive design that works with them together and apart.
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