#half way through thinking I remembered the chart Travis made showing the scale of power between humans and muses and remembered
My brain's been trying to make a Namesake au for Aurora Comic but it doesn't quite fit or keeps just becoming a crossover instead. The main issue is that I keep trying to make everyone keys or writers and no one just regular magic users or namesakes. I don't think we know any of the stories of Aurora, unless we're counting tales of the gods and the primordials, so it's hard to think about namesakes.
If we are translating the gods of Aurora as Muses or similar beings from Namesake then Kendal could be a Key, with Vash being used, like how Ozma and Dorthy were used to make Emma. The citizens of Vash would be like Emma's story archives. However, because of sword cool part of my brain wants to say Kendal's a heart soldier, like Fred, who was given a name possibly by Vash, who would be a very powerful magic user or Writer, or Alinua. Alternatively, Kendal's starmetal could become vorpal in the world of Namesake- but that raises the question about Vash's body being vorpal- what would Vash have been such that he left behind a vorpal body? A muse? A key that was locked away whose body decided to get up and walk- that would put Vash as the SB to Kendal's Emma.
In the instance of Alinua giving Kendal a name, Alinua could be a Key, with the chimeric plague being similar to how keys become unstable- a la Peter Pan or Adora. Alinua being a descendant of a former key could also work- think like Warrick and Selva- or perhaps a witch or a more Crafting focused writer.
Erin is another one my brain goes "KEY" because elemental magnus but I feel like if Erin is a Key he's more of an Emma 6 situation with Shadow arm? or Perhaps akin to Jekyll and Hyde? I mean Void = Shadow or One so hmm. I don't think it would be fair to Erin to say he would be just a shadowling. If he isn't a Key then he's definitely a writer at least. Perhaps we just say he's a warlock who a shadow is trying to mess with.
Tess could be a magic user, perhaps a card soldier like Mountain, with Sparking being akin to Elaine writing that she wished she could understand Fred- perhaps Erin as a young writer wrote something similar and poof! Tess. Alternatively Tess could be a magic user, perhaps with some giant blood?
I have basically no clue for Dainix or Falst. Part of me wants to say that Falst could be a vorpal smith? Dainix might just be a warlock or possibly a namesake of an Ignan story?
The Void Dragon could be another weird shadow like One/ Hyde, with the Light Dragon and the primordials/ stars being Muses.
I am unsure of who else would know both Namesake and Aurora. That just means I get to introduce people to comics I like!
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