#half orc romance
Zilgol the Half-Orc (f/f)
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female protagonist and female monster
warnings: sexual themes, language, mature themes
words: 5239
Sighing, Neris set down the cape. Her hand was begging for forgiveness now from the constant sewing of the same pattern over and over again. She was tired. Extremely so. She stood up after placing her needle into a cushion.
The tailor left her room and wandered down the hall. She should have eaten much earlier, but time got ahead of her. Being in charge of the embroidery of the royal guard's new capes is a big job. This was only for the highest guards. Kilug, the king, had wanted them to have the new castle symbol on the left chest and he entrusted her the most with the tedious task. There were only a few of them, Ornis, the head guard, included. 
Neris entered the mess hall and approached the maids for a meal. The one lady smiled her way before going to grab her leftover from supper earlier that evening.
The blonde turns towards her name being called. She sees the king, "Ah, hello, Kilug, how can I help you?"
The orc smiles, "I have a request for you."
Neris smiles, "Which is?"
The man moves and he offers a hand to someone behind him. A woman stands there. Long black hair falls down her face in loose strands. She's tall but doesn't look completely orc. Half, possibly?
"This is my newest royal guard, Zilgol. She has no uniform and I know you designed the recent one so I assumed I could hand her to you for measuring."
Neris nods her head, "Yes, of course! I can do that. Don't expect it to be soon, I am still working on the capes as of right now."
"Take as long as you need, Neris, I am in no rush. I will compensate you fairly. We can talk of it in a few days if that is good with you?"
"Of course," she smiles, "I will get back to you, my king."
He nods and then bows before slapping Zilgol's shoulder and walking out of the room. The woman stands there for a moment before standing up straight, "When and where do you need me?"
She talks like a royal warrior. Neris chuckles, "No need for such formalities with me…Zilgol. When are you free for me to do measurements? I have appointments tomorrow but I can meet you around dinnertime?"
Zilgol nods her head, "Whatever works for you, my lady."
Neris shakes her head at the wording, "Oh, please don't say it like that. I am just merely human. I need no such titles. I assume you know the tailor's quarters?"
She nods her head, "I can find my way."
"Perfect," Neris starts, "I'm the fourth door on the left. I can do your measurements first and go from there."
The maid calls for Neris and turns to grab the meal from her hands, "See you tomorrow, Zilgol."
Neris walks off with a small bow before heading to her room. She sits in her desk chair and thinks of the woman. She is rather attractive. Both have the perfect orc and human features.
The next day, an hour after dinner, a knock touches her door, "Come in."
The door opens and Zilgol appears, "Ah, yes, come in, Zilgol."
"I apologize for my lateness, I may have lied when I said I knew where this place was…"
Neris gasps, "Oh, dear! I could have shown you the way."
Zilgol tilts her head a little and seems almost embarrassed, "It's my job to know. It's my fault."
"Well, you are here now," Neris smiles, "Now if you don't mind, you can close the door and come over here for me to measure you."
Zilgol approaches the blonde woman and then she finally sees the height difference between them. It's almost a foot but not as much as it would be standing next to Kilug. Zilgol stands there a bit awkward, "Extend your arms for me, please."
The woman does so and Neris hesitates before chuckling, "Sorry, give me a second. I need to grab a stool, you're a bit too tall."
"No need."
Zilgol lowers to her knees for the tailor and she chuckles, "Well, thank you."
She takes the precise measurements and jots them down onto a piece of paper with a quill, "How loose fitting would you like your clothing, Zilgol?"
The woman stands again and looks at the blonde in wonder. Her hair was so pretty, in little curls against her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright grey that seems to hold so much light in them. Zilgol stutters for a second, "Looser, please. I don't like the clothes clinging to me when I fight."
"I understand, I hate that feeling as well."
Zilgol nods, "They rub my scars the wrong way it seems."
"Ah, yes, I can't even imagine," Neris states. The orc isn't sure why she says that and turns her head away a little.
As Neris kneels to take the lengths of her legs, she hums to herself a little tune from her childhood. Zilgol smiles as she goes about her business as if she wasn't even in the room. 
"You're very pretty," Zilgol mutters.
Neris looks up at her. The orc's eyes widen and she curses, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…"
"It's okay!" Neris starts, "I never had anyone say that before, I appreciate it."
The orc smiles, "Well, okay then…"
As Neris moves to her legs once more, "I need to measure the circumference of your thigh, I may accidentally touch you. This okay?"
Zilgol takes a breath, "Yeah, do what you need to do…"
The tailor takes swift measurements and is done in quick movements of the long tape she holds. Neris stands and smiles, "Could I ask a few questions?"
The brunette nods, "Of course, what do you need?"
"Boot size?"
"Do you keep your sword on the right or left?"
"Right, I'm left-handed."
Neris smiles, "May I ask a personal question?"
"Of course."
"Are you only half-orc? I don't mean to pry but you look more human than others…"
Zilgol nods her head, "Yes, my mother was human and my father an orc. It's not uncommon anymore but the clan that I came from it was a bit odd."
"Ah, I see," she wonders, "Thank you for telling me. I've always been a curious one. My mother said it'd eventually get me into trouble…"
"It's okay to be curious," she starts, "I find it rather intriguing."
Neris chuckles, "Well, thank you, Zilgol. That seems to be all I need from you. You can come by anytime to check the progress if you wish or if you have older garments you want me to embroider or change for you."
"Could I come by and spend time with you?"
Neris stutters, "Oh! Well, yes, if you would like to."
Zilgol lowers her head slightly, "I will see you tomorrow then. Have a good night, my lady."
"You as well, Zilgol."
The orc leaves the room and is true to her word. Sometime in the mid-afternoon she shows up at the tailor's door, with something in her hand.
Neris meets her with a smile, "I would welcome you in better but I am currently holding a needle and thread right now."
Zilgol smiles and enters the room, closing the door behind her. She watches the human go to sit back in a large cushioned chair in the corner. She tucks her legs to her chest before she goes about using the needle in her hands, "What are you making?"
Neris smiles but doesn't look up at her, "Finishing the last of the royal guards cape embroidery. That is without yours but I wanted to finish these first as I was commissioned them before."
Zilgol nods her head, "I see. Is this something you've always done?"
The orc takes a seat on the edge of the bed, careful not to mess up the blankets with her heavier form. Neris chuckles, "Yes, actually. My mother taught me when I was a little girl, as she did with my older sisters. My sisters didn't take the path I did with making it my entire life, but we always knitted and sewed together on some mornings. It was nice. Peaceful."
"Do you still keep in contact with them?"
The woman frowns, "Well, I talk to my eldest sister, Madeline. She lives in the West now and we converse every so often to talk of things. Mainly to prove we are still alive to one another. She is married and has my nieces and nephews. My other sister, mother, and father all died in the rebellion before Kilug took over from his father. My dad fought on Kilug's side in the army and is cost him his life. I was taken into the castle for asylum and they found good use in me. My sister, however, didn't want to stay in this land and left all the memories behind."
Zilgol nods, "I'm sorry for your losses. I lost my brother in the rebellion as well. I know how it feels. He was a good man."
Neris smiles, "Yes, I think of them fondly, but I am very happy with my life here in the castle. I work very close with Kilug and his wife, who I adore and talk with frequently."
The guard chuckles, "You do that so swiftly. If I were to try, I'd surely stab myself."
The human rolls her eyes, "All it takes is practice, Zilgol. Like how you got good with a sword. Same concept."
Zilgol stands up and wanders over to the side of the room that has all of her finished projects, "Would you need help with taking the capes to the king? I'm sure I can assist."
Neris smiles, "You don't have to help me, you know?"
The orc nods, "I'm aware. I truly am just lying to find ways to stay be you longer…"
She almost drops the needle in her hand but sets it against the cape in her hands, "You can just spend time with me, Zilgol. No need to lie about it. I enjoy your company!"
Her voice is lined with a happiness that the orc feels is undeserved but she smiles, "Would you like to join me in the gardens later? After supper?"
"I would love to. I can finish some stuff up here, eat, and meet you by the main entrance," Neris states.
"Perfect," the orc starts, "I will see you then and leave you to work. Goodbye, my lady."
Neris watches as the door closes once more and she giggles and kicks her feet. A flush comes to her cheeks but she cannot help it. A small crush was definitely forming on the half-orcish warrior. She has never been able to feel this comfortable around another in so long.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Neris walked down the corridor and was met with the door of the gardens. She enters and sees the woman she has been wanting to see for hours leaning against one of the pillars. She looks so beautiful from the side. Her pointed nose is an attractive feature of her face that leaves her to wonder.
Zilgol hears her and looks over to her with a smile, "Hello, my lady."
"You can call me by my name, you know, Zilgol?"
She chuckles, "Alright, Neris."
The human shivers but covers it up with a forced cough, "Now what would you like to do?"
"Can you ride a horse?"
Neris shrugs, "Not very well, I admit."
"That's alright, I won't let you fall," Zilgol tells her, offering her hand to grab. She does. The orcish woman leads her out of the gardens to see a tall steed awaiting. A huge one, probably bred to carry her size.
"This is Magus, he won't bite unless you try to stab me," she tells Neris as the grey steed looks their way.
"Good thing I never planned to do such to you," Neris says with a smile, offering her hand to the steed. He sniffs her hand and nuzzles into it so Neris starts to pet his flank. He neighs and kicks his leg a little. Zilgol laughs, "Huh, he doesn't do that often."
The steed only huffs in response as Zilgol pats his flank, "Here, I'll help you up."
Zilgol easily picks the human up to help her get onto the horse, then pulls herself up onto the saddle to sit behind her. She lightly kicks Magus and he starts on the path, "A ride okay with you, Neris?"
The orc wraps an arm around the human's middle and holds her closer as the steed picks up a faster pace. Neris clenches a little but Zilgol holds her closer, "I promise I won't let you fall. Besides Magus is used to new riders…"
Magus leads them around the castle grounds along the edge so they have a bit of privacy. Soon enough Zilgol speaks for the steed to slow down and he does until he reaches a stop. Zilgol hops off first and offers her hand for Neris. The blonde takes the hand only to be swept up and held bridal style before being set onto the floor, "That okay with you? Wasn't too much?"
"No! It was lovely," Neris tells the woman, holding her bicep in her hand. The orc smiles, "I am glad you enjoyed it."
As Zilgol goes to move, Neris speaks up, "Zilgol?"
"Yes, Neris?"
"I should have your things finished by the end of the week if you want to come and pick them up," she tells her. The orc smiles, "Of course, wouldn't miss seeing you."
Neris is distracted the entire time she works on the final pieces of the woman's new uniform and cape. The human groans into her pillow. Why was the woman so attractive? She had never felt this way about anyone else before and it was driving her mad. They have only known each other for a few weeks, it's hardly enough time for anything. She groans deeply into her pillow again but gets up to finish the final touches to the cape.
In a few days, it was ready and basically perfectly done like the rest. Neris paces the room waiting for the orc to approach her room. Should she say something? Should she not? She was so clueless and this usually never happens. Then a knock.
Neris yelps a little and almost drops her needle before placing it on the table. The orc stands there smiling, "Hello. Neris, I brought you a gift."
The woman smiles, "Oh, you didn't need to do that, Zilgol. The uniform is paid for by the king, you know?"
"I didn't bring it for payment. I brought it just because I wanted to," she states, holding out a box before her. Neris raises an eyebrow, "I will need you to try on the uniform so I can make needed changes in the future…"
"I don't doubt you have perfectly crafted that uniform to fit me. I want you to open this first," she starts, "Please."
Neris sighs but takes the box with her as she goes to sit on her bed. She takes the top off, sets it aside, and gasps. She grabs the material out of the box and squeals. It was a deep burgundy fabric with beautiful golden lace and embroidery.
"Oh, my gods, Zilgol…where did you get this? This must have been expensive with this stitching…"
The orc smiles, "No matter where I bought it. I wanted you to make a dress for yourself. You make so much for others and I think you need to do something for yourself for once."
Neris stutters for a moment before she starts to cry, "Oh, this is so lovely…"
Zilgol curses, "Fuck. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to make you cry…"
"I'm fine! It's just so thoughtful and nice and I can't believe you did this for me. It's so wonderful and beautiful and I think this just deepens the liking I already have for you…"
Zilgol stills, "You like me?"
Neris pauses, "I didn't mean to say that aloud…"
The orc smiles, "I was hoping you would accept this as a possible courting gift…"
The human stands up, "Really? You mean that?"
Zilgol chuckles at her little childish actions in how she says it, "Of course, I find you rather beautiful, Neris. I would love to see how this goes."
Smiling, the blonde jumps up to hug the taller woman closely with a little happy noise that follows. Large arms wrap around her middle and she feels warmth radiating off of her as she hugs back. She pulls back and smiles brightly, making the orc's heart flutter a little.
Zilgol's hand lands on the side of her face as they smile at one another, "Let's get that uniform on you now so I can finish it up, okay?"
"Anything for you," she responds with.
Time passes quickly for the two. As the winter months get harsher, Neris becomes overworked with the newest fur coats in the castle. She rather enjoys it but it is a tedious task at best to make sure the pelts don't ruin in the process. But as the winter progresses, so does the relationship between the tailor and the royal guard. Whenever Zilgol isn't on duty, she always manages to sneak over to see Neris. Even if it's her just sitting in the room reading a book as Neris sews away in the other corner, they still enjoy one another's company.
Neris, however, holds a little secret. She has been working on the fabric she was gifted a few moons ago. She had made a beautiful dress with the bust and long sleeves of another black material she had to accent with the burgundy. Zilgol had no idea she even had started, let alone that the woman made a uniform tailcoat for the orc with the extras. 
As Zilgol sat in the corner of the room, scanning over some of Kilug's planning, Neris stood up and walked over to the taller woman with a small smile, "Zilgol?"
"Yes, dove?"
Neris's heart warms at the new nickname, "I have something to show you that I've been hiding."
The orc looks concerned for a moment but only nods her head, "Which is?"
The tailor smiles and heads to her closet and grabs two hangers, "I have been working with the fabric you gave me and made myself a dress!"
Zilgol chuckles, "You have? That's lovely, let me see."
"Well, that's not all," the woman trails off.
The orc raises an eyebrow at her tone, "What else?"
Neris holds out the hangers then and smiles brightly, "I made you a matching tailcoat for the future. I used more black for yours as it blends in more with the royal uniform. I hope you like it!"
The orc's mouth falls open a little, "You made this for me? Oh, dove, the fabric was meant for you to do something you wanted."
"Good thing I wanted to do this then!"
Zilgol chuckles and reaches out to touch the fabric of her new coat. She smiles and takes it off the hanger and starts to pull it up onto her shoulders. Perfect fit. Neris giggles and jumps up and down a little, "It looks wonderful!"
"Put the dress on," Zilgol mutters, "I wish to match with you."
Neris nods her head and moves to take her outer layers off, not minding the eyes roaming her frame. She slips the dress up her legs and pulls the sleeves over her arms.
"Zip me up, Zil?"
The orc chuckles at the abbreviation of her name before walking over to grab her ha to lift it up and gently place it over Neris's shoulders before grabbing the seams and zipping the dress up as carefully as she could. On impulse, she leans forward and kisses the blonde's shoulder before pulling away. Neris gasps but turns to her and smiles.
Neris blushes but ends up laying her hair back down, "How is it? I haven't tried it on other than to make sure my measurements were good before I did the outer layer of the fabric…"
The orc pauses and stares at her, "You look like a goddess, Neris. Ethereal. It's hard for me to control myself when I know you wear the same thing as me. Almost as if you are mine…"
Her voice trails off at the end, but Neris catches it, "Maybe that's the point?"
"To be yours. I don't mind people knowing that I want no one else other than you, Zilgol," she states with a sheepish smile.
The orc sighs shakily before grabbing the blonde's face and kissing her roughly. Neris makes a small startled noise but sighs into the kiss and pushes back against her happily. Large hands travel down the human's shoulders and her arms before they circle her waist and hips to pull her closer than before until they are flush against one another. Neris tilts her head to get a better angle and Zilgol moves away from her lips to travel kisses down her neck. Neris squeals and Zilgol stops, "I'm sorry, is that too much?"
"No!" she says a bit excitedly, "It's just very sensitive."
The orc nods her head, "I see."
Her lips return but a bit lighter and more teasingly as Neris squirms a little at the notion. The orc nips at the juncture of her neck which makes the human moan a little under her breath. The orc sighs but pulls away, "I should stop…I don't want to make a mockery of your honor, my dove."
"Fuck my honor. You are not tarnishing it. No one cares what we do."
Zilgol groans, her sudden swearing causing a reaction deep within her. The orc smiles and kisses her again to moan happily when Neris's arms wrap around her neck to pull her even closer, "Don't leave."
"I don't ever plan to," Zilgol mutters against her lips, "I plan to stay until you are sick of me, and even after that, my darling dove."
Neris smiles, "Was that a proposal?"
The orc chuckles, "I will properly propose when the spring comes. I would rather marry you when I don't have to worry about you getting a cold."
The tailor shakes her head, "I am rather healthy, thank you."
"Be quiet," the orc mutters before kissing her again and wrapping her larger form around her once again to trail her fingers up to the zipper. The human hums as her warm fingers bring the zipper down as she was doing the opposite of before. The human happily steps out of the dress before helping the orc out of her troubling clothing. She sits in the middle of her bed, awaiting the orc to join her. She stands there with her wrappings around her breasts and simple undergarments. Neris smiles at her and offers a hand for her to take, which she does, leaving a kiss on it before joining her on the bed.
Zilgol notices the human's nipples peak at the cold through the thin slip dress and happily nuzzles between her breasts. The blonde chuckles and runs her fingers through the other woman's hair. She seems to make a content noise as she settles over Neris's body but still tries not to crush her under her weight.
The human grabs her head and kisses her forehead and the orc mumbles in response before she moves to kiss her lips once more. Her kiss trails down her neck as she moves the strap of her slip to the side to continue her exploration of the pale skin below her.
Neris hums as a warm hand goes up her slip on the left side of her body to find its place on her waist, lightly touching the hem of her underwear yet not moving farther than that. Zilgol pulls back getting a whine in protest from the blonde, "What are you comfortable with, dove?"
"Everything you are willing to give me, love," she whispers back, and the orc's face flushes. She smiles and reaches for her slip, "May I?"
Zilgol takes the thin silk over her lover's head and tosses it to the floor. She groans when her eyes are met with her supple breasts and she dives towards them, "Thank the gods I am the only one who gets to see these lovely things…"
"Only you," Neris confirms in a breathless whisper.
Zilgol touches them gently. She was always flat-chested herself which made it easier in battle as they didn't drag her down. But, fuck, she thought, Neris made her wild with them. They always were so nice and hidden inside of her flowy dresses.
"Fuck, Neris, you are beautiful, my dove," she whispers. Before Neris can retort, an eager mouth lands on her chest that leaves her breathless for a moment. Then the lips move towards a nipple and a gentle lick goes across it making her arch a little. The woman's tusks tickle her skin a little but then her mouth clamps over it and sucks and she can do nothing else but moan aloud into the room.
The orc hums against her skin as she trails her unused hand up to tweak the other nipple between her calloused fingers. Neris writhes for a moment as the pleasure swells through her before she grabs onto the orc's wide shoulders. Nimble fingers, usually used to sew, start to unlace the wrappings around her breasts to free them.
Zilgol hums in appreciation as little hands trail down her neck and along her shoulders down to her chest where they lightly touch over her small breasts and nipples. The orc moans a little at the contact, not really used to the attention.
"You're perfect," Neris whispers through her little moans. Moaning at the praise, Zilgol's mouth goes down her chest to her stomach. The blonde is sad she cannot touch her anymore but when her fingers touch her entrance, she forgets all about it.
The fingers touch her through the fabric of her underwear before slipping the fabric aside, "Still okay?"
"You don't need to be so fragile with me, love, I want this," the blonde tells her, brushing her hand over the orc's cheek with a soft smile.
Zilgol nods her head and kisses the palm on her face, "As you wish, dove."
Just then the orc grabs her hips roughly and pulls her down the bed a little before ripping the underwear off of her and tossing it haphazardly onto the floor beside them. Neris squeals at the notion and slightly chuckles to herself before a tongue is on her making her moan aloud. The tongue is rough, but gentle with its movements and relentless against her clit when the orc finds it. One of the orc's warm hands reaches up and grabs her breast in her hand to fondle it.
Neris moans and bucks against the orc's face but is easily pushed down onto the bed when the tongue moves south to dip into her entrance. Neris's eyes roll back as she groans, "Zilgol, please…"
"Hush, dove. I have you."
Neris whines and bucks against her anyway. Zilgol chuckles just to push her hips down again and make a disapproving noise, "I promise, I will not leave you."
Zilgol stretches up a little and winks at the human. Her hands trail down and along her sides before fingers lightly brush over her folds before dipping in. Two fingers enter her gently and wait for the woman to adjust to the feeling before the orc starts to move them in and out slowly. She curls her fingers when she has her fingers the entire way inside before pulling them out and repeating the process.
Then as Neris gets moving around, Zilgol moves her face down to place a kiss over her lower stomach before using her tongue on her clit once again. The blonde moans and grips the orc's hair roughly which only makes the brunette moan into her folds.
With the pressure of her tongue on her clit and the sliding of her fingers, Neris quickly comes to the edge and when she arches her back dramatically, the orc can only smile. She keeps her fingers at a slow pace to drag it out but goes to kiss the blonde, "You did so well, dove."
Neris whines and grabs the woman to kiss her harder, "Fuck."
Zilgol chuckles and kisses her cheek before taking her fingers from her folds and using that hand to lift herself off of the woman, "No, don't leave."
"I don't plan on going anywhere," Zilgol confirms this by lying next to her on the bed. Neris hums and goes to lay on her chest for a moment, taking in a deep breath. Then her nimble fingers wander to lay on her chest and touch all over her breasts. She touches the nipples gently which makes the orc sigh in simple pleasure, "Dove."
"Shh," she mutters, "Let me touch you."
Zilgol nods and watches as the woman leans up a little and trails her left hand over the breast farthest from her before popping the closest nipple into her mouth. The orc groans and grips the back of her lover's head in her hand, almost enclosing it. Neris happily sucks on the perk bud as long as the woman keeps moaning into her ears only for her to hear.
The hand travels down her toned stomach and slips under her underwear to trace little patterns along her folds. Zilgol jolts at the sudden touch but relaxes into it. Those nimble fingers open her folds to find her clit, rubbing strong circles around it. The orc groans, "I will not last long, dove. Making you cum has affected me more than I realized…"
Neris nods her head and bites the nipple in her mouth only for the orc to hold back a loud moan at the contact, "Ah, please, keep doing that, my little dove."
The tailor hums and eagerly roughens the pressure from her mouth to bite her nipples. Zilgol's back arches slightly as she leans into the mouth. Her fingers circle her clit a few more times before she slips two fingers in. The orc hums, "More."
Neris looks at her and the orc whines, "More. I'm bigger than you…"
She smiles and hums against her breast before slipping another finger into her. She rides against her fingers and begs for the woman to go faster. She does happily and then inserts a fourth finger into her, making the orc groan deeply and grab hold of the bed sheets.
The blonde times her sudden thrusts with little nips to her nipple, sending her over the edge when she moves her thumb to tap against her clit. Zilgol moans deeply into the air and her right leg shakes a little at the effort before she bes Neris to stop.
Neris only chuckles and continues a little, leaving the orc overstimulated before she stops. The tailor smiles and kisses the orc who holds her close after the fact.
The blonde moves to lay on the brunette's chest and snuggles into her, "You are not allowed to leave me, little dove."
Neris hums and kisses her cheek, "I don't plan to, my love."
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Getting domestic in Waterdeep (gale would have the fanciest lounging around robes)
1K notes · View notes
bugbart · 6 months
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I like your funny words, magic man
559 notes · View notes
remiratboi · 20 days
Part 4 of my fluffy lil yandere half orc story. Hope you enjoy!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
After that day on the beach, Ollie became significantly more protective of you. More possessive. He was always around you. He brought you coffee and breakfast, he fixed little things around the cabin for you, he planned activities for you both to do.
You wouldn’t have thought him a hardcore hobby guy, but he took you rock climbing, and snorkelling. He took you to a local pottery studio, he brought you to the library in town. He always had you doing something.
It was starting to drive you crazy.
You had wanted to relax?! Not that you didn’t enjoy the activities, and his company, but it never stopped. You were on vacation. You had planned to lie on the beach for two months straight, eating, drinking, and probably smoking a lot of weed. Now here you were, sober, and painting in the woods.
You felt guilty. This was a beautiful activity, and you were genuinely enjoying it. But it just hadn’t been what you planned for. You would have loved a few things here and there, but not every day, all day long.
You decided to tell him that evening. The painting class ended, and you were actually pretty pleased with your work. It was a life painting of the little waterfall and pond the class had been set up next to. You weren’t anything special, but you were proud of it nonetheless.
Ollie jumped into his old, open jeep and carefully placed both of your paintings behind his seat. He leaned across the bench seat to offer you his hand. He pulled you up onto the bench like you weighed nothing. It’s something he must have done 100 times by now, but every single time, you blushed like a fool.
“You’re not heavy, you know.” Ollie broke the silence as you headed back to the camp.
“… what?” You asked, confused.
“You always look so worried after I help you into the car.” He glanced at you then back to the road. “You’re not heavy.” He stated matter of factly
You blushed again. He had no idea.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I’m worried about that.” You lied lamely. You’d always been bad at lying. You chewed on your lip.
His brows furrowed slightly. “Ok, so if that’s not it,” His voice was smooth and deep. He didn’t speak much. Even now. He mostly used basic gestures to communicate. But sometimes, when you were alone, he’d talk. You loved it. More than you probably should have. A warmth spread from the centre of you and radiated out. “what is it then?” He continued, pulling you out of your own thoughts.
“Uh, what is what then?” You replied, hoping he’d drop it if you pretended not to understand.
“Why do you blush so hard every time you get in my vehicle?” He asked. There was no getting around that one.
You sighed to yourself. Do you tell him? What the hell, you thought to yourself. What does it matter if he thinks you’re a horny slut? He’s just some guy you’re going to see for another month and a half, then never again. Who cares… right?
“I… gods this is embarrassing,” you started. You saw his one eyebrow raise. “It’s… ok… it’s hot as fuck, ok?” You forced out. You could feel how warm your cheeks were. This was worse than you thought it would be. You cared more than you liked.
“… what’s hot?” He asked slowly. You died a little. Of COURSE he was going to make you spell it out.
“Omg Ollie, I just… I’m not… small alright? So having a very attractive man casually lift me like it’s nothing?” You stared out the open window, unable or unwilling to look at him. “That’s really hot.”
He nodded slowly beside you. You could see in your peripheral that his cheeks had also darkened.
“Is it hot because any man is lifting you, or because I’m lifting you?” He finally asked.
Jesus Christ
“You know,” you started, your voice an octave too high. “I REALLY haven’t given it much thought.”
It was silent in the car for a long time.
Finally you couldn’t take it anymore. “So…”
He didn’t look at you. His knuckles were white on the wheel.
“So what are we doing tonight?” You asked.
“Nothing.” He replied, too quickly. Your heart fell. Here it was. Just like always.
You were quiet the rest of the drive. He dropped you off at your cabin. Normally he’d jump out and open your door for you. Not tonight. Had you really read him that wrong?
You shut the door behind you and turned around to speak. Before you could he shifted the gear and drove slowly away.
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gayestcowboy · 1 month
starting an honor mode playthrough 🫡 will update when i die
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valiantvillain · 1 year
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So if you romance Astarion with a half-orc, YOU'RE THE ONE PICKING HIM UP! Don't mind me, I'm just so very amused and elated that Larian took into account the fact that this man has never done arm day in his life and could never realistically pick up a buff-ass half-orc lady so did a little role reversal.
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queenquinzel715 · 7 months
Orc Thorald x Halforc Reader
Word count: 3,281
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You've heard of my mother and father's love story, well this is mine. I am (y/n) daughter of Captain Rune, and I'm half orc half human. I take after my father mostly, but I'm much smaller than most orc women. You know I have a brother named Bain.
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Over the years I've been helping my mother, and brother with the farm while my father was sailing around. When my brother turned fifteen he went to sail with our father permanently. They kept sailing for a few years until mother got sick. She got the flu, and didn't last the month. My father tried to sail, but only lasted a few months before coming back home. That's when my brother became captain. That's where my story begins. Thorald.
When I first met Thorald I was twelve, and he along with my brother were sixteen. Father docked for the winter, and Thorald with his father stayed in the barn. He had lost his mother that spring to a fire, and it made him quiet. If you weren't my father, his or my brother you might as well forget about him talking back to you. He would smile at me when I gave him blankets, and hot water to the barn. I guess that winter was when my crush started. Every winter after they would stay with us, and when I turned fourteen they built onto the house. Thorald and I would find ourselves in the kitchen at highmoon for sweets, and over the years we became very close.
When I turned nineteen my mother got sick. I found myself getting quiet, and working more than normal. I didn't notice until one night I was carrying carrot bags into the barn when I heard a deep throat being cleared. I turn to Thorald standing with the rest of the bags.
“(y/n)...” he starts as he places the bags down with the rest, and stands tall in front of me. “I need you to rest. I can't have you cold like me.” He lightly holds my hands. “Call me selfish, but I need you to keep being my happiness when I come home from sailing.” He kisses my fingers before leaving me in the barn.
She died that night. That winter they left, and they only returned to let father off.
-skip to beginning of Autumn-
Today started like any other day, I woke to my father humming his and my mother's song, and me needing to start breakfast. I throw my hair into a ponytail, change some of my earrings to different ones, and change into my work clothes. My brother is docking today, so I have to get the barn ready for the extra men needing a quiet place. I already cleaned up Bain, and Thorald's room yesterday.
As I'm laying down blankets, and baskets of food I hear the loudest group of degenerates enter my farm. I chuckle at my own joke as I walk out to meet them as they come around the house.
“(Y/n)!” Bain comes running at me at full speed.
“Bain NO!” I ran around the porch with him chasing me trying to reach me.
I see Thorald, and launch myself onto his back. Clenching onto him like a scared cat. He laughs as his rough hands hold me in place by my thighs.
“No fair you know he won't let me get you.” Bain whines like a grown man child, because he knows how much stronger Thorald is to him.
“The meat is cooking, and (y/n) has cleaned up the place. Now you all go wash up, so you can eat.” My father stops my brother whining as he leans on the pillar.
They all walk off, leaving me on Thorald's back. He looks over his shoulder.
“I'm glad to see that smile of yours. I hated leaving you.” He slowly couches down, letting me slide down his back.
“I can't lie to you. I did go quiet for most of the time you were gone, but when I realized I needed to get things in order I got better.” I smile up at him as we walk inside. “Oh I fixed your blanket.”
He gives me a kiss on my forehead before going to his room. I knew he was saying thank you, but couldn't speak from the others that already came into the living room. The rest of the night went by great with stories, food, and laughter.
The following morning I woke to silence, which is odd for a farm full of sailing men. I go down to the kitchen to only my father sitting at the table eating meat from last night.
“Morning father. Where is everyone?” I ask, grabbing the rib from his plate.
“They are cleaning out the ship.” He swats my hand as he talks. “Apparently they have some trunks that are full of stuff. I don't know. I honestly wasn't listening, I had just opened my eyes.” We chuckle.
As my day went on I would see a couple men here and there, which is odd. They usually lay around when they dock. I don't even see Thorald. He usually is next to me every second until they leave in spring.
“Hey uh Odo, right?” I stop a Satyr that works on the ship.
“Oh yes ma'am” He says very timidly.
“Do you know where Thorald may be?” I ask, watching him fidget with his hands.
“Well I uh saw him on the ship earlier, but we were cleaning it out. He could be in the house.” He tells me, but I know it's not true.
“Alright.” I've had enough of them being secretive.
I march through the farm to my horse, and ride to our docks. I tie my horse to the dock post watching the men stop, and look at me before moving quickly around. What in the world are they doing?
“(Y/n) what are you doing here?” Bain stops me as I step onto the deck.
“I was just checking on everyone. I haven't seen anyone all day.” I look around at them moving crates off the ship onto wagons we use on the farm.
“Oh we have been finishing the ship for winter.” He walks me back down. “We are almost done, so we'll see you at dinner.”
“Now you wait a minute.” I stop his subtle shoving. “You tell me right now, what's going on?” I put my foot down.
“I…I wish I could tell you (y/n). I really do.” He looks down.
“Hhh where's Thorald?” I sigh in complete confusion.
“He's in town.” Bain looks down in shame.
“In town, but I made sure we had everything at home…” I try to look up at him, but he looks down. “Oh. He's there.” I don't say anything else as I mount my horse.
“(y/n) wait.” Bain grabs the reins. “He's not there for that. It's not my place to tell you, but please just wait.” Bain looks at me with hard begging eyes.
I give a subtle nod before I begin riding home. My mind went to what else could he be doing at a woman's hotel. Once I'm home I go inside to work on my baking. I'm halfway through the fourth large orc pie, which is like three human size pies in one, when my father walks into the kitchen.
“Just like your mother. Alright sit down.” He pulls me away from the new pie crust I was starting. “What happened?” He gives me a rag for my hands.
“I found out where Thorald has been today, and I hate it.” I throw the rag onto the table. “He's in town.” He sits for a moment then his eyebrows raise up. “Yea, so I'm baking enough stuff for an army, because I can't think about what he is doing.” I huff.
“(Y/n)!” We hear from outside. “Where's (y/n) guys!” They must have pointed to the house, because someone practically rips the door down as they run into the kitchen.
Thorald is standing in my kitchen with no breath, a torn shirt, and marked face. My father beats me to stand.
“I think it's best you go outside, Son.” He tells Thorald.
“I can't go until you understand why I was in town. I can't let you think…” My father starts pulling him to the backdoor. “No.. Rune, come on.” He is mostly muffled by the door, and then I hear my father's muffled voice.
I almost fall out of my chair when a deep roar comes through the air. I silently get back to baking, and when my father comes inside, he just sighs at my back before going to the living room. The rest of the day, I hear banging coming from the woods behind the barn, and I know immediately that it's Thorald. I grab my basket, fill it with a little of everything I made, and head toward the banging. I come to the clearing and see Thorald hammering a board to the side of the building. I set the basket down on the stack of wood he has next to him. He reaches for another piece of wood when he hits the basket handle, making him look down and then up to me.
“(Y/n).” He drops his hammer as he turns to me.
“You've been out here all afternoon, so I brought you food.” I don't know what to do, so I just look at the basket.
“I won't touch your food until you listen to my truth.” He sits on a log as he wipes himself with his shirt.
I move the basket to his hands as I sit next to him with a sigh. He hands me a pastry with jam, and then grabs the sandwich I made.
“I'd never touch a woman other than my own woman. I was at the hotel, because I found out my mother's sister is working there. I went to talk to her, but she would rather work there.” He shrugs. “I understand why you thought I was doing that, I would think the same, but I would never do that to you.” He pulls me to his side. “I was hoping…well I was hoping I could have your permission to be involved in the courting ceremony.” He stumbles over his words, and he doesn't realize he's squeezing me.
“You'd want to court me?” I look up at him in shock. Me? “Thorald you do know there are women fighting in the Town Square to even start the courting process with you.” I tell him in general amazement.
“Yea. I saw some of that today, actually none are my type. I like my women (y/short/tall he's 6.5), and (y/plus “soft”, athletic “lean”).” He smirks down at me.
I turn with a burning face, and look around the building he was working on when I came up.
“Don't answer yet. I want to do this right.” He gets up, and begins hammering again with more speed. I giggle as I watch him build away.
Throughout the fall months I would wake to gifts on my nightstand. My favorite is a cape he made with a fur cape. As it started to snow it kept me so warm. I would also give my own gifts for this courtship by having his lunch and dinner when he'd walk into the kitchen. I also am making him, well us, a quilt for when the courtship is over, and we get married.
I wake up earlier today, and as I'm getting ready I hear the floorboards creak. I hold back my giggle as my doorknob starts to turn. I quickly step behind the door once it begins to open, and Thorald quietly steps into the room. His back is to me when I tickle his side making him jump around with a deep growl.
“What are you doing awake?” He chuckles as he moves closer to me practically caging me to the wall.
“I don't know I woke up bright today.” I lean against his body for his warmth. “Besides I wanted to catch who was leaving me things.” I look up at him with my hands resting on his chest.
“Things like this?” He holds up fur gloves that matched the cape.
“Oh it matches!” I exclaim as I take them to try on. “They are so soft. Thank you.” I hug him with my face cuddling in his chest.
“I want to take you somewhere.” He plays with the ends of my hair while he hugs me.
He helps me put my new cape on, and leads me to the building he was working on when he asked me to start the courtship. It's now completed to be a great looking cabin. A lovely porch with a swing. I always wanted one.
“This is your home.” Thorald tells me as he leads me up the steps to the front door.
“Mine?” I ask, looking up at him confused.
“Yes I built this for you, and hopefully me if you accept my courtship.” He walks me around the cabin showing me the living room with a big fireplace, a big kitchen, and a couple rooms.
He made the wood on the wall look so smooth, and classic looking. I couldn't see myself anywhere else.
“I love it.” My cheeks hurt from smiling so big. I walk into the farthest bedroom. “Oh wow.”
I jump onto the big bed, and bury myself in the soft blanket and pillows. I roll around with groans and sighs. I'm so wrapped up in the soft bed I jump out of my skin when a hand rubs up my leg. I look up to a smiling Thorald.
“Thorald you know I accept this courtship. I wouldn't have said yes before if…” I'm silenced by Thorald kissing me so hard that his tusks poke my cheeks, and I feel mine press into his cheeks.
The warmth of his body wakes mine up as he leans over me. My legs completely open for him to rest in between them, and to rest on his hips. I moan against his lips as I squeeze my knees to his sides as he slides a hand into my hair, and his other arm wrap along my lower back making me arch toward him. He started to quickly kiss down my cheek to my neck, he tightens his hold on me.
“Thorald.” I moan out as I grab his arms.
His growl sounds frustrated as he leans back on his hand, and looks me over. In a blink of an eye he is ripping my clothes off of me, causing me to let myself lose. I push him up, so we both are on our knees, and begin to pull his clothes off. His hands hold me hard against him once his clothes are with mine on the floor of our room. I moan as I reach up to kiss him. With his hands roaming my body I grip his shoulders as I melt against his warm body.
“Lay down for me, baby.” He softly says in my ear.
He stays on his knees as I lay back onto the pillows. He runs his hands up my thighs as he leans down with kisses going back and forth from one thigh to the other. The grip he has on my thighs will leave a mark, but I'll love the memories. He stops for a moment giving me a quick glance before running his tongue along my opening. I gasp with a quick hand to the top of his head, but his tongue goes faster side to side, and around my clit before he begins to suck. I jump up scratching his shoulder while leaning on my elbow so I can watch his tongue move. His tongue then disappears into me leaving my head to fall back with a gasping moan. My legs are locking against his head as I begin to shake.
“Thorald please yes.” I fall back onto the bed with a deep gasp as he gives one finally suck.
I watch him as I catch my breath as he lifts my legs to hold in one hand as he holds himself in the other moving the head along my opening. My eyes clothes as he begins to push in making us both gasp. Him pushing completely through makes me lock my eyes with him while holding onto the back of his neck. He leans on one elbow as he holds me close with the other as he begins to move.
“I can't believe you accepted.” He kisses me hard.
“Thorald I…” I can't talk, I'm too overwhelmed.
“Just relax against me, baby. I got you.” He bites my earlobe as I hold onto him.
With me holding onto him he sits up with me on his lap. His hands move from my neck and back down to my hips as they move on their own. I lean my head against his as I roll my hips with a tight hold on his shoulders.
“That's it.” He groans into my shoulder. “(y/n)!” I begin to shake against him.
“Thorald please…” I moan out. “help.” I moan in frustration.
He tightly grips my hips, and helps me grind against him. I arch up with a loud scream like moan when I finally let go. Thorald takes my breast into his mouth as he lays me down. He pounds into me with a groan, tight squeeze of his arms, and his hot seed fills me.
“Oh my Gods.” I gasp for breath.
He rolls over with me on his chest.
“I can't let you go.” He softly says into my hair.
“You don't have to.” I smile into his chest.
I gasp as I feel him to get hard again as his hands move along my back. I move my hips as I lean up with my hands on his chest. His hands keep moving along my body as I move my hips to grind slowly against him. He pulls me back down to kiss me bringing his knees up, and begins to slowly push up. I hold the back of his neck as I hide my face into his neck with a moan. He moves faster with each moan that leaves me, and in seconds I'm practically screaming with him holding me down with deep rams. I tighten up against him with a tight grip on the back of his neck, and I finally relax against his body with a loud relaxed moan. He follows seconds later with a deep growl, and him gripping my chin with a deep kiss. He slowly pulls out of me, and softly rolls us to our side, holding me to his chest.
When I woke up that morning I had breakfast on the nightstand, and a naked orc trying to sneak back into the bed. I giggle at him as I pull him into a kiss. We pull back for him to pull the tray over my lap as he sits behind me, letting me lean against him. I lift pieces of fruit and bacon up to him, and we enjoy breakfast.
We got married that spring, and stayed in our home for a month before they had to start sailing again. After two years Thorald stopped sailing to stay with me on the farm. Which was smart because I ended up pregnant with twins, our boys Arik and Dagen. I had our daughter, Astra, when the boys were five.
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shadydruid · 2 years
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And they sailed happily ever after :)
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lifetanes · 6 months
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doli-nemae · 6 months
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sam protecting her brother ran (belongs to @clericnortke) and her crush friend shandra
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suosopuli-blog · 2 months
All of you who romance Gale with a Tav who is a either dragonborn or half-orc or gnome or dwarf or halfling I see you and I love you. And Gale does because I claim so and I am 100% right.
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thornaelle · 10 days
Getting my brain to focus on making art is a battle I am currently not winning, so please enjoy some screenshots of Tove instead. She so pretty 🥹
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(mod list)
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oubliette-odette · 1 year
The Reluctance of Love Pt. 1
I don't like the fated mates trope. But I think it's because I don't personally like how people write/interpret it (no hate, just not for me. Also I'm asexual so...I'm built different or something. shrug). So this is me trying to write fated mates my way.
Orc Male x Half-Elf Male, Fated Mates, Forbidden Love, Slow Burn Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Word Count: 2443 (average 18 min read) Content Warnings: mention of mating, nothing happens....yet ;) All orcish is from orcishdictionary.com, created by Matt Vancil. Not beta-read. Criticism is welcome, but be sure to distinguish criticism from hate.
My world shattered the day I saw him, my raebukan, my mate.
The pride of Orc tribes is centered on two things. The first being the pride of our warriors who defend and conquer in the tribe's name. The second, the pride of bearing and rearing many children together as a tribe through the groupings of mates. To ensure that all children be born strong, our bodies experience lordhovid - an intense physical pull that is described as a boiling in the blood that occurs upon seeing your mate. Lordhovid does not still until physical intimacy.
Most orcs experience lordhovid many times in their lifetime, gathering multiple partners that together rear large broods of children. The larger the brood, the greater pride the patriarch of the brood holds within the tribe and rises in rank of influence.
I, Drunrag Ularat, had never experienced lordhovid.
There had never been signs that I would ever feel the sensation of my blood burning for another. And while my brood brothers and sisters from my litter all began to bear children of their own, I remained. I remembered the way my broodmothers whispered to one another behind my back about me. I heard theories that I was unlucky, cursed, born dishonorably. My broodfather soon pretended that I didn't exist. My brothers and sisters did the same.
I tried to remain faithful that Gruumsh would change my fate, that I would lock eyes with a fierce orc-woman and feel the burn I heard so often about. But each looked back at me with only a coldness I had become too familiar with.
I left home, unable to bear the dishonor I continued to bring to my family. And I struggled through my young adult years earning my pay through hard manual labor. I learned to read and write in common to gain favor with those who hired me. I learned that my brute strength wasn't the only quality about me that could bring me honor. The older I got, the less I travelled, until I settled into a small merchant town on the coast, and worked in the forges during most of the year, crafting weapons and tools. The guilt and shame that I carried from my failure as an orc soon faded as the years passed and I settled into a rhythm that worked best for me in the quiet buzz of my coast town. I soon understood my true feelings from my childhood. I was relieved that I never had to juggle romance and physical intimacy. Even despite my lack of mate - I don't know that I ever really understood mating the same way as my tribe. It didn't make sense to me, and I didn't really want anything to do with it.
Until that fated day.
I had woke that morning with a pounding headache, and I remembered grumbling about it as I shuffled out of my room. The space was always cramped - due to my size - but it felt near claustrophobic that morning. I ran the back of my hand against my blurry eyes and blinked furiously as I peered into my food storage - only to find an onion as my offering for breakfast. I grumbled and reached for the snapsack I kept draped on my single chair and the pouch of coins that i shoved deep into the pockets of my breeches.
The morning was quiet, and the sea air was invigorating most mornings, but that morning, breathing it in only made me sneeze and the pounding in my head knocked harder against my skull. I groaned outwardly. As I walked down the cobblestone path towards the market circle, I felt a tightening sensation in the pit of my stomach with each step. Nausea overwhelmed me. Strange, since orcs have excellent constitution and I hadn't eaten a thing since the day before. I swallowed down the bile that built in my throat and forged ahead.
The market was always busy at any hour and I learned to know which vendors were more kind to me than others. It was still fairly common - and expected - to get strange lingering stares and off-kilter remarks made in my direction. I learned to ignore it, but today I already felt too unsettled to be able to shrug it off as easily as normal. I stopped by a bakery and exchanged my gold for a warm loaf of bread, then made my way down to where a stall was selling freshly picks fruits. Golden globes of fresh juicy fruit tempted me and I retrieved another set of coins before reaching for three shiny, firm globes into my sack.
As I deposited each one in one by one, I felt the tingle on the back of my neck that was someone was staring at me. With a fruit still in hand, I glanced to my right, ready to face a disgusted customer.
It was then that I looked up and met his gaze.
He was small. Maybe not by human standards, but I still considered most humans small - so he was also small to me. Willowy and thin, brown skin and long coppery curls, the ends teasing his skin around the base of his smooth, tantalizing neck. I spotted the soft pointy ears of a half-elf. Not quite as long and slender as an elf, but gently sloped up to a rounded point that poked through his mop of hair. Green-gold eyes - reminiscent of the fruit in my hand- met mine. They were large, curious eyes that looked back at me unflinching and kindly.
I couldn't look away. I didn't want to look away. He was beautiful. His lips were curled upwards naturally - like he always had a joke or funny story to tell. His lips parted as he gazed back at me, an open mouth smile just for me. There were no thoughts in my mind.
The burning began in my heart. A strong pulsing rush of boiling blood that started to spread and sear through every part of me. I stood there, unable to move and unable to look away from him. I felt so much joy, so much elation upon the sight of him, but it quickly was overrun with panic, confusion, and fear.
Never in the history of orcs had I heard of a male orc experiencing lordhovid with another male orc. It was common to have casual lovers of the same sex - but never mates. Mates were ones who promised children and the continued growth of your broods. I didn't understand - how could this man be my mate? I didn't want this. I was happy alone. Happy to be left alone. I gazed at him and the burning desire surged and bubbled until a loud, explosive breath escaped my lips. An exhalation of panic.
"Fuck." I breathed. I didn't want this.
"Sir, you alright?" The vendor asked me.
I grunted in response. I didn't break my gaze, everything in me was screaming inside me to take the half-elf and claim him here in the streets, in front of everyone. I hated that I even considered it. I didn't want that. My body and my brain remained at war, and I unable to move.
The half-elf's eyes narrowed. And he approached me slowly. The way he moved, the way his long legs and slender hips weaved through the crowd with ease, like water on glass. His eyes didn't leave me, and the walk towards me felt like it was a hundred miles between us. My breathing was growing ragged with each step. I was fighting everything not to run away...or run to him.
"I apologize if I have offended you." The half-elf said as he approached me. "I didn't mean to stare." His voice was gentle, smooth and rough at the same time. It reminded me of the sound of a harp, smooth and flowing out like song. I shuddered, my fists clenched. Closer up, I could see he had a spattering of freckles across his face, they were adorable and I wanted to spend the rest of my life counting how many existed on his body. I wanted to die for thinking of this stranger in front of me in such a base manner.
I blinked and swallowed heavily, my brain moving slower than normal. What could I do? What do I say?
The half-elf hesitated, reaching a hand out to me. I jerked back, fear and alarm and lust seizing me at once. He also jerked back. I saw that his hands were shaking. Was he afraid of me? I glanced up to his face again and saw that his eyes were wide and his lips were parting, he was breathing heavy.
He let out a heavy breath and whispered, "Can we go somewhere private? Something has come over me and I need your help."
Somewhere private.
Alarms bellowed in my brain. No. I can't be alone with him. I can't trust myself.
Before I could react, the half elf snatched my hand with both of his own. The warmth that radiated from his touch was cooler than the burning inside me and I felt my panic still. For how long I didn't know.
I let him drag me through the streets. My size didn't allow for a smooth walk, and I wasn't right in the head. I brushed and bumped against dozens of people. They likely glared at me, but I could only look at the back of my mate's head and wonder at how someone's hair could be so long and so curly at the same time and what it smelled like, what it would feel like against my cheek.
I found myself being pushed against a wall in a lonely street. I didn't know where I was. I looked down at the half-elf. His breathing was harder than before, and he stood very close to me. He only reached to my chest. My hands lingered close to his shoulders, eager to wrap around him. Around his waist. His neck.
"What did you to do me?" He said, an edge of desperation in his voice. "I don't know what I did to offend you...but please I beg you to remove whatever this curse is."
I may not be an honorable orc like my brothers and sisters, but hearing lordhovid be equated to a curse felt culturally offensive. It was true that I too didn't have any interest in these emotions, these urges. But it was the honor of an orc to experience this and feel the binding between one's self and their life-partner. And though I had grown to appreciate and become comfortable with my fate...I couldn't deny that there was a building excitement that I was finally feeling it with someone. The excitement also scared me too.
"Do you understand me?" He said pleadingly, and then he muttered to himself. "Damn, maybe he doesn't speak common."
"I understand." I managed to rasp out. My hands itched to hold him. I ignored it and wrestled through the rest of my words. "I - You are not cursed. What ails you also ails me."
"What is it?" He asked. "I'm feeling sensations that I am unfamiliar with."
"It is lordhovid. My people's mating instinct."
His eyes widened. "Why...why am I feeling it?"
I shook my head, "I don't know. This has never happened in our tribe. I am sorry."
"How do we stop it?" He asked. "Don't tell me I have to sleep with you?"
I looked away from his gaze, I couldn't bear to see him look at me with disgust. I felt a whimper escape my lips. It was too much to be so close to him and not hold him. I didn't want to hurt him, I didn't want him to be scared of me.
"I'm sorry." I breathed out.
"You...have you experienced this before?" He asked. "You seem more scared then me."
I shook my head. "I am krandad. Broken. I brought shame to my family because I was unable to mate."
"I see." He said, his voice sounding very calm under the circumstances. "And so now you experience your first...impulse...with me?"
I nodded. "I'm sorry."
He sighed. "Please stop apologizing. I'm starting to understand that this isn't really your fault."
I dared a chance to look to him. His hands were caught running through his hair, and he was also looking down. He was truly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I don't know if the lordhovid would change that for me either. He was simply radiant.
"What's your name?" he asked. "If I am to sleep with you, I'd like to know who you are." He put a hand on his chest. "I am Altan."
"Drunrag." I said.
"Drunrag." Altan said, and a smile returned. My knees weakened when he said my name back. The orcish name on his tongue sounded like poetry, like art. Oh, if I could hear him say my name again and again and again.
"You...are not afraid of me?" I asked.
He shook his head, "I think I'm faring better than you right now actually." He laughed.
I had to close my eyes to his radiance, his laughter was too much and I clenched my fists.
"Sorry," He said. "I can tell that I'm affecting you."
"Not your fault." I breathed. "I should just go. I can't do this to you unwillingly."
"What?' He asked.
Before I could say any more. I surged all of my strength to rip myself away from the wall and I ran and I didn't look back. My body continued to burn, and I felt an aching inside me that stretched from my body and remained with Altan. It was trying to pull me back. But I would not go. With each moment I spent with him, it had only become harder to deny my body's instinct to mate with him. I didn't want to do that to him. He was too good
None of this made any sense. I couldn't experience lordhovid so late in my years. I couldn't experience it with another species and I certainly couldn't experience it with another man. I didn't even want to begin to process the anger I felt when I had finally made peace that I didn't even want to mate with anyone.
My broodmothers had been right all along. I was broken. I was flawed and I never would have brought honor to my tribe.
I didn't open the forge that day, but instead crawled back into bed where i remained shaking and shivering.
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mockturtleillustrates · 5 months
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Some art from act 2 of my current Baldur’s Gate run. Playing an actual DnD character of mine, a half-orc rogue/warlock. He’s smooching Gale and gaining approval from everyone (but Minthara and Astarion) because of his fatherly swag
Close ups and in game screenshots under the cut
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remiratboi · 23 days
Probable part one of a fluffy yandere childhood best friend romance. I dno what tags yet but all in my previous posts, or pinned are possible.
Every year, your family would vacation in the Moonlight Realm. The pocket universe that had been discovered around 100 years ago. ‘Moonlight Realm’ it was affectionately called because of the creatures who dwelled there. Monsters.
As well as monsters of all kinds, the Moonlight Realm boasted of beautiful scenery, cheap rates, and what humans originally deemed “exotic cultures”.
But the humans and the monsters had settled into a comfortable coexistence, and monsters were far from rare any longer. You grew up with creatures all around you. It was common and equal. Human race had come a long way.
The little cabin you always rented for the whole summer was small and cramped. You, 3 siblings, your parents, and an elderly dog made the 2 bedroom unit feel like a shoebox. From a very young age, you had learned all the best hiding spots and getaways in the park. When you were around 10 years old, you found that apparently someone else had found them too.
A young half orc named Ollidar, or Ollie.
You didn’t speak the same language, and the first time you met, it had been awkward and confusing. You had tried to tell him he was welcome, and that there was enough room for the both of you. He seemed to understand, as he ended up sitting across from you in the small natural clearing sitting just inside the forest.
You probed him with questions, you tried acting things out, you tried writing them down with a stick in the dirt. He didn’t respond. Sometimes it looked like he understood something but he never gave any reaction. Just sat there, watching you. Sometimes he’d smile shyly.
The first summer it had been a lot to get used to. He started meeting you every day in the same spot. Sometimes he’d read, or listen to music on his EarPods, but mostly he watched you.
You wasted a few days trying to get him to respond, but since he never did, it slowly switched to you just talking to him. You told him… everything. You had to fill the silence. It would be too awkward if not.
You told him about your friends back home, your cat who you missed terribly and hoped was liking the pet sitter. About your favourite movies, books, foods. You told him about your fears, you weren’t sure why. You told him embarrassing stories. Sometimes you even worried he would think you were lame or weird and leave, but he never did. He just listened.
The summer came to an end and you did your best to tell him goodbye. That you hoped to see him again.
And you would. Every year. Every summer you spent two glorious months glued to each other’s sides. Your families became close through you. He had a sister and two moms. Your parents got along, and all of your siblings as well.
No one understood why he never spoke. It wasn’t a language barrier anymore. After 7 summers together both families knew more than enough about the other’s language. Enough to communicate with little confusion. He seemed to understand everything. If you asked him to pass you something, he would. If you gave him something he didn’t want, he’d shake his head. But he never spoke.
You stopped going on family vacations when you turned 18. You had moved out, so had most of your siblings. Your parents decided it was time for your own family vacations.
The first summer that you weren’t going, hit you harder than you’d ever imagined. Your chest hurt.
The next year was better.
And the next.
Soon you were 28 and that little half orc was just a fond, albeit, bittersweet memory.
Until your parents decide to do a sort of reunion trip this year. All of your siblings, and their families, plus you and your parents, would be taking a summer vacation to Lost Souls Campground in the Moonlight Realm this year.
It had barely changed. Some machines had been upgraded, the cabins had clearly been renovated to function with modernity, but other wise it was beautiful, serene, and just like you remembered it.
“It’s you.” A strong deep voice full of awe whispered from behind you. You turned around and was met with a face indeed in awe. It took a moment but you realized this was the first time you’d ever heard his voice.
“Oh wow!” You exclaimed. Genuine joy spreading across your face. “You’re here?!” You cried and raced up to him. He didn’t even flinch as you threw yourself at him. His arms opened and he gathered you in a powerful embrace. There was a hint of desperation in the way he clung to your soft body.
You felt a pang of anxiety that had been previously overtaken by the shock of seeing him. You were not thin anymore. And while you loved your body, and felt sexy in it, not everyone else was as comfortable with fat bodies as you were. What if he didn’t want you like this?
Want me like this? What am I thinking?!
You tried to pull yourself away from the hug, but he held tight.
“It’s you…” he muttered into your hair. He was warm, and huge. The orc part of his genes must have been strong. He dwarfed you. It took a lot for someone to make you feel small. Some part of your brain short circuited when you finally registered he had been lifting you. You panicked slightly then, worried about being too heavy and pushed yourself from his chest. He reluctantly lowered you down.
You were blushing from feet to head as you smoothed out your clothes. “Sorry, I… I was just surprised to see you.” You stuttered out. You looked up at his face. He was beautiful. You could see hints of the boy you knew, but he had grown, developed thick muscles, his face thinned out and lengthened.
“You came back.” He replied. His gaze was hyper focused on you. It seemed nothing else registered to him any longer. You squirmed a bit under such overwhelming attention.
“Yeah, we stopped back then, when all of us had moved out. But we are doing a sort of reunion trip this summer!” You explained excitedly. You felt giddy. You didn’t even really understand why. You felt excitement at seeing him.
“Does your family still come here every year?” You asked and leaned around him to see if any of them were standing near by.
“No, just me.” He answered. For the first time since seeing you, his gaze dropped. His cheeks darkened.
“You must really love this ratty old place, huh?” You joked and nudged his arm with your elbow.
“I guess.” He replied, still avoiding eye contact. “So how long are you here for?” He asked.
“The whole summer!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms out wide as if that would show the physical manifestation of time. “I had about a decade of vacations days saved up, so I decided to take the whole summer. Everyone else is just here for a couple weeks.”
He nodded and glanced back up into your eyes. “So just you and your partner are here for the summer? Or do you have kids now?” He asked and dropped his gaze again.
You chuckled. Kind of a transparent attempt my guy. “No, no partner. No kids. Never found anyone willing to put up with me long enough.” You joked self deprecatingly. “You of all people know how much I can talk.” You grimaced at yourself.
“That was my favourite thing about you.” He replied quietly. He seemed nervous. You blushed again. “The way you spoke was mesmerizing.” He continued before, it seemed, he could stop himself.
A manic sounding giggle escaped your lips. “Wow, marry me?” You joked. It was his turn to laugh like a crazy person.
“So, uh,” you continued “how long are you here for?”
“Whole summer.” He answered and smiled up at you. “How solo were you hoping to spend your time?” He ran his hand down the back of his neck and rested it on his shoulder.
You laughed and placed your hand on his arm.
A/N: I think I’ll continue this. We will see.
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zacwuv · 2 months
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A sketch of my favorite botanist orc who’s comic is currently shelved but I still think of him on pretty much a weekly basis
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