odette, she/her, 27, dreamer, creator and lover of stories, music, and all things whimsy. Feel free to request any story ideas or ask any questions!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I don't know I'm not done talking about it. It's insane that I can't just uninstall Edge or Copilot. That websites require my phone number to sign up. That people share their contacts to find their friends on social media.
I wouldn't use an adblocker if ads were just banners on the side funding a website I enjoy using and want to support. Ads pop up invasively and fill my whole screen, I misclick and get warped away to another page just for trying to read an article or get a recipe.
Every app shouldn't be like every other app. Instagram didn't need reels and a shop. TikTok doesn't need a store. Instagram doesn't need to be connected to Facebook. I don't want my apps to do everything, I want a hub for a specific thing, and I'll go to that place accordingly.
I love discord, but so much information gets lost to it. I don't want to join to view things. I want to lurk on forums. I want to be a user who can log in and join a conversation by replying to a thread, even if that conversation was two days ago. I know discord has threads, it's not the same. I don't want to have to verify my account with a phone number. I understand safety and digital concerns, but I'm concerned about information like that with leaks everywhere, even with password managers.
I shouldn't have to pay subscriptions to use services and get locked out of old versions. My old disk copy of photoshop should work. I should want to upgrade eventually because I like photoshop and supporting the business. Adobe is a whole other can of worms here.
Streaming is so splintered across everything. Shows release so fast. Things don't get physical releases. I can't stream a movie I own digitally to friends because the share-screen blocks it, even though I own two digital copies, even though I own a physical copy.
I have an iPod, and I had to install a third party OS to easily put my music on it without having to tangle with iTunes. Spotify bricked hardware I purchased because they were unwillingly to upkeep it. They don't pay their artists. iTunes isn't even iTunes anymore and Apple struggles to upkeep it.
My TV shows me ads on the home screen. My dad lost access to eBook he purchased because they were digital and got revoked by the company distributing them. Hitman 1-3 only runs online most of the time. Flash died and is staying alive because people love it and made efforts to keep it up.
I have to click "not now" and can't click "no". I don't just get emails, they want to text me to purchase things online too. My windows start search bar searches online, not just my computer. Everything is blindly called an app now. Everything wants me to upload to the cloud. These are good tools! But why am I forced to use them! Why am I not allowed to own or control them?
No more!!!!! I love my iPod with so much storage and FLAC files. I love having all my fics on my harddrive. I love having USBs and backups. I love running scripts to gut suck stuff out of my Windows computer I don't want that spies on me. I love having forums. I love sending letters. I love neocities and webpages and webrings. I will not be scanning QR codes. Please hand me a physical menu. If I didn't need a smartphone for work I'd get a "dumb" phone so fast. I want things to have buttons. I want to use a mouse. I want replaceable batteries. I want the right to repair. I grew up online and I won't forget how it was!
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#this just makes me want a Winx club tarot deck#how much do I need to pay you for it to come true#Daphne as the high priestess#winx club
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My boyfriend has to go to the ren fair for work but i can come and he wanted to do a matching costume. He was like “I want to be Frodo” and I was like “oh cool I can be Shelob” which was, apparently, not the couples costume he was thinking of
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No more depressing things in my dash. Only knots.
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Anyone who's ever done anything creative needs to fucking see this.
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I think what I love most about mythology is that the “Trickster God/Spirit” is an archetypical character found in almost every body of folklore. It’s like “Oh, here’s our God of the Sun, our God of the Sea, our God of Fertility, and our God of Being A Wretched Little Gremlin Who Causes Problems On Purpose”
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I'm going to *remembers suicide is often not a desire for death itself but rather an attempt to radically change one's life because the current state of being has become unbearable but the person can't think of any way to change it other than death* kill myself
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I think we need to appreciate this part of Brennan Lee Mulligan's WIRED interview a lot more:
"The evangelical right in this country needs to manufacture outrage to hold onto its voting block. [The satanic panic about DnD] was arbitrary, as the targets of their outrage always are. Fight the power."
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For all that is talked about, Legolas does not get nearly enough praise for how kind he is.
Joins the fellowship on a mission almost guaranteed to take all their lives in sacrifice without blinking. Never uses his title of prince and, in fact, doesn’t mention it at all. Takes part in the battle despite it having little effect on him, with his people sailing west and leaving the war-torn shores.
He rebuilds the rubbles of cities destroyed, makes the world better and filled with life, both flora and fauna. He stays beyond the calling of the sea, resisting the desperate urge engraved in his bones calling him to sail. He, with a gentle hand and a brave heart, handbuilds a ship and takes the risk of bringing Gimli along with him.
He doesn’t have to, but he did.
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it’s also fucked up that fat people literally fear going to the doctor for anything because they know the first thing out of their dr’s mouth no matter what their ailment is, is gonna be “lose weight lol” broken leg? lose weight. rash? lose weight. whooping cough? lose weight binch!!!!! like we get it. but can you just write my prescription you bitch so i can go eat a salad and not call you again until im about to die of the plague????
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Emilia Castañeda Martínez - Desire and the Beast
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I'm genuinely so tickled that my story is still getting attention. It's been SUCH a long time and I wanted to update and tell you that this story has not been abandoned, I'm actually working a lot on it constantly throughout each week. I felt like writing and posting was a difficult upkeep for my personal life and with how the state of the world is, I needed to slow things down. I promise you Drunrag and Altan will be back, and I hope that slowing down means I can promise you an ending that is worth the wait.
Appreciate you all! The fact that this silly little story started as a oneshot and is now becoming a full-on story is because I had kind people who like what I wrote, and though it's not a lot, it was enough to push me to keep going and I'm forever grateful for that.
Take care everyone! Don't be a stranger!
The Reluctance of Love Pt. 32
Another beautiful day to talk about gay boys fighting for love, amiright?
Orc Male x Half-Elf Male, Fated Mates, Forbidden Love, Slow Burn Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Content Warnings: violence, light torture All orcish is from orcishdictionary.com, created by Matt Vancil.
Pain and panic mixed with elation as Selhar half carried me down the steps.
Lordhovid could only mean one thing. Drunrag was alive somewhere. He was alive. We were once again being pulled back to one another. I only hoped that Gaius meant what he said that help would be waiting for me at the Soaring Elk.
My head was hanging, my vision blurred by the sweat that slipped into my eyes. I had no idea where we were, my feet were only as useful as keeping me from falling, but not much else and I could hear Selhar’s grunts as he hoisted me up again.
“I’m…” I grunted. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.” Selhar snapped. “We’re almost there.”
I licked my lips and tasted salt. My clothes felt heavy and damp on me. I couldn’t help but wonder what Drunrag was going through. Was he safe? Was he able to get to me or was he as helpless as I was?
Selhar’s hold on me went slack and I heard him knock on a door. I lifted my head and saw that we were standing in front of a door on what seemed like a quiet street.
Moments passed slowly and I gasped for another breath as a wave of heat washed over me.
The door finally opened after what felt like a long time, but only by a small crack.
“Who sent you here?” The voice was low and guarded, but not unkind.
Selhar cleared his throat. “Uh…Gaius Gideon said we could come here if we needed help. My brother…something’s wrong with him. Can you help us?”
The door opened more and I looked up again and locked eyes with bright green eyes, surrounded by a soft, grassy green skin.
“You’re the Duke’s sons?” They asked, their voice suddenly peaked in interest. “Please, come in, boys.”
As the door opened, we both paused as we saw standing before us was a tall woman with wild auburn curls and the softest shade of green skin. Two small fangs peaked just a bit from her bottom lip. She wavered and placed her hands on her round belly, as she backed away from the door.
We stumbled into the house and were welcomed into a room that smelled like herbs and fresh bread. We both stopped and looked around in awe. The room was large and spacious and had tables situated all around to seat many people. There was a fireplace - something I was quite averse to at that moment - with comfortable soft seats around it. A set of stairs led up to another level and looking up I could see a balcony surrounding the perimeter of the room and doors along the walls.
“What is this place?” Selhar asked.
The door closed quickly behind us and the woman gingerly walked over to us. “This is the Soaring Elk. It’s a safe home for strangers to Berdusk.” She gestured at one of the tables. “Take a seat and let me look at the young lord.”
Selhar made one final grunt before dragging me to the bench at the table and I leaned back and took a gulp of air.
“Tell me your names.” She said, looking between us both.
“I’m Selhar, the middle son.” Selhar placed a hand on his chest.
“Which means you must be Altan.” She said gravely. “I know what ails you then.”
I blinked up at her bright, open eyes. “You’re…”
She smiled shyly, “I’m Del. Gaius Gideon is my husband.”
We both found ourselves with our jaws on the ground before our eyes drifted to her belly. She caught the shift and smiled meekly, there was a twinkle in her eye. Never in all my years did I think Gaius Gideon - the stiff, ever vigilant, always-following-the-rules Gaius Gideion - would be a married man or that his spouse would be an orc woman who looks like the embodiment of spring or even that he would even know how to have a child. The entire idea was preposterous. For the briefest of moments, I believe I forgot that I was experiencing lordhovid.
Del Gideon exuded a warmth that was immediately safe and she reached towards me with an open hand, “May I?” She asked.
Up close, she smelled like marigolds, and her hands were gentle as she pressed them against my forehead. I took a sharp intake of breath as the heat of her skin burned onto mine. She whispered her apologies before pulling back and looking into my eyes, studying me closely. “You know what this is?” She asked.
I nodded, “Lordhovid.”
Her smile was one of understanding. The horrifying thought that perhaps she and Gaius Gideon had experienced this same thing struck me.
Selhar glanced between the both of us, confusion passing over his face.
“These symptoms are worse than normal.” She said, “I’m not sure my herbs will be enough to sate the fever, but perhaps it will help a little. Selhar, would you kindly follow me into the kitchen?”
Selhar sprung to his feet and eagerly followed her back. I noticed the way his eyes were caught on her. If I hadn’t been going through my own personal crisis, I think I too would have been caught by her beauty. Instead, I hung my head back and sighed.
Minutes later, Del and Selhar returned with a tray carrying various jars, bowls, and a kettle with warm water.
“This will be unpleasant at first,” She said. “But the herbs must be drunk as a tea.”
I groaned, “No more heat.”
She sighed. “I wish I could do that for you, my lord. Selhar, hold this for me.” She handed my brother a small tea cup and proceeded to measure out various herbs from the jars into the cup. She worked quickly and not a single leaf spilled over the edge of the spoon without her knowledge. She then poured the steaming kettle over top and placed a saucer over top. “We’ll let it steep, but you should drink all of it once it’s ready.” She said.
“What is lordhovid?” Selhar asked in the silence of waiting.
I couldn’t meet his eyes as Del explained the burning lust between Drunrag and I - the connection that kept us always yearning for one another.
“Will he be this way forever?” Selhar asked, panicked.
Del shook her head, “Once the bond is made, lordhovid fades.”
“How is the bond made?”
Del hesitated, “It requires…physical intimacy.”
Selhar snapped his attention to me, eyes wide. ‘You haven’t slept with him already?”
I shook my head, exasperated at the timing of this conversation. “We didn’t exactly have the time.”
“You ran away for five days!”
“Drunrag’s…anxious.” I said.
Selhar groaned. “I can’t believe we have to deal with this because the two of you are prudes.” He buried his head in his hands and groaned.
“I’m the one suffering right now.” I said.
Del had the decency to say nothing, but her amusement was clear to anyone who looked. She passed me the teacup and gently coaxed me to bring it to my lips.
The water was positively scorching as it fell into my mouth. I flinched at how the hot liquid flowed like lava, but swallowed the contents as quickly as I could. I fell back, heaving and shaking.
“That’s good. You did well. You should feel the heat recede in a few minutes.”
Selhar watched me closely and Del quietly worked at cleaning up the tray and taking it back to the kitchen. Slowly, I felt my body finally slow and stop shaking and I could start to breathe normally. The heat didn’t leave, it felt like a fever from an illness, but it was bearable. I let out a relieved sigh.
“Better?” Del asked, returning.
I nodded. “My thanks to you.”
She shook her head, “It’s nothing for friends of Gaius. He speaks very highly of you boys.” She settled down with a new tray, this time with sliced bread and two bowls of stew. “I presume the two of you are hungry?”
Selhar nodded and Del served us both the food. I at first felt reluctant to eat more hot food, but Del’s encouraging smile assured me I wouldn’t suffer this time. There was residual pain from the tea, but over time the warm stew settled in my stomach.
“So, I presume something must have happened to bring you here?” She asked, eyebrows raised.
We both nodded. “My father took things too far.”
She nodded. “Gaius has been waiting for him to make a false move. He was grateful to the both of you for warning him of Duke Hilmar’s plans before he could be caught.”
“Where is he?” I asked.
“I believe he’s looking for aid to stop the Duke.” Her smile softened, ‘And I believe he was hoping he would find your raebukan while out there.”
“Okay, now what does that mean?” Selhar asked.
“It means mate.” I said this time.
“Oh.” he said. “Makes sense.”
“I can still feel him.” I said, placing a hand on my chest. “He’s still out there.”
Del’s eyes widened. “You can sense him?”
I nodded, “Is that not normal?”
“It’s not unheard of, but it’s certainly not common.” She said, “From what my mother told me, those who can sense their raebukan even across great distances are those who possess the purest, strongest bond. It’s a union chosen by Gruumsh.” She shook her head.
“I can’t imagine the God of the Orcs would choose me to be Drunrag’s soulmate.” I said with a grim laugh.
“Perhaps…but I’ve never been one to understand any god, really.” she said with a shrug.
“Del.” I said. “Do you know how I might find Commander Gideon? I need him to help me find Drunrag. I can’t do it alone.”
She shook her head, “No, you can’t. If you expect to travel, you’ll need to bring some of the tea with you. It only lasts about six hours.”
I sighed. Complications. Always complications.
She rose, “You’re lucky that I have no other guests right now. Get some rest and we’ll set off in the morning to find Gaius and Drunrag.”
“What?” Selhar and I both exclaimed.
She smiled brightly. “Do you think my pregnancy makes me unable to travel?” she laughed and pointed to her fangs. "Half-orc. Remember? I can take a few bumps.”
Neither of us said anything more. We finished our food and obediently followed Del up the stairs to a room with beds prepared. Del assured me she’d be back with more tea before the morning.
I laid back on the soft bed. There were many questions unanswered, but something finally felt right leaving the Great Hall and finally going out and looking for Drunrag. Perhaps Selhar was right that we created more problems by waiting to consummate our union, but I couldn’t help but think it was to our benefit that we waited. I could feel him, which meant that I could find him.
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More Hermes because this unhinged guy is somehow curing my burnout
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i do think we need to start treating spraying harmless "weeds" in your lawn as utterly absurd princess and the pea level of obsession with needing the world to revolve around your every whim, like.
Okay a flower grew out of the ground outside and you can't cope with it. Do you need to sleep on thirty feather beds as well
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