#haley dilmore
*Hailey sits in beanies alone, waiting for the order of her cup of coffee to arrive, flicking through the script of a new play she got a part in, adjusting her glasses and the collar of her flannel. The script is quite a big one, seemingly a bigger part in it*
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soupdwelling · 10 months
the fact that haley’s main personality trait is that she cannot stop fucking dumping ass in the toilet is so funny this poor girl
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veronica-lawson-phd · 3 months
"I've never seen you around before.? What's your name?"
[ @haley-dilmore ]
Oh Hello! I'm Veronica Lawson. Most people just call me Lawson. And you are?
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tedgensisreal · 3 months
I didn't know someone as cranky as you can have a Tumblr account professor-
[ @haley-dilmore ]
I'm not cranky, you just sort of... annoy me, honestly.
[ i felt bad typing this for some reason ]
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th3j4germe1ster · 3 months
Your that football star from Hatchetfield high- what's it like being the main attention???
( @haley-dilmore )
Fucking awesome! Love the praise when I win games and shit, and I’ll never not love beating nerds.
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makelikenewton · 3 months
"oh hey your the bowtie kid- isn't your brother the one that comes to beanies to flirt with the baristas..?"
[ @haley-dilmore ]
“Uh, yeah. I am… and, yes, he is.” He sighs. Sometimes, he wished Ted wasn’t his brother.. but only sometimes.
[ @haley-dilmore ]
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miggythemiggles · 3 months
"hey your Paul.. right?"
[ @haley-dilmore ]
"Yes.. I'm Paul. Why do you ask?"
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ruthie-fleming · 3 months
Ruth!!! Hey it's been a while!!
[ @haley-dilmore ]
Oh, hi!!
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zoeyslament · 3 months
Wilbur Cross
Jane doe :3
1: didnt know if you met Haley SDV or Hailey Dilmore so I did both!
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Haley stardew
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Hailey Dilmore
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Wilby. Don’t really have strong feelings haha :3
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Smol baby Janey <333 or not smol or not baby. All Janeys
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greenpeace-girl-123 · 3 months
Hey your that greenpeace girl I see on the streets.. how's the donations going??
[ @haley-dilmore ]
depends... Are you willing to donate?
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OCC: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: THIS IS A REWRITE BECAUSE I WAS STUPID AS FUCK AND ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT... ☹️ BUT IMA GO AND REWRITE IT ALL AGAIN... WARNING: this story contains violence, insults, verbal assault , blood, death, guns and all along the lines of that..THANK YOU. this is a continuation of my roleplay with @ethan-green-69420 , if your reading this, sorry it took so long as I said I accidentally deleted the original...]]
Orange: hailey
Red: zoey
*after her meet up with Ethan, Hailey dilmore walks through the quiet streets of Hatchet Town, the sun settings light shining through the buildings of the streets. As she walked on, Hailey remembers that she left her car back at pizza Pete's.. of course she did.. well it's too far now, she'll go pick it up tomorrow at some point.. that's if ... She's even alive by tomorrow after the course of her plan. She shakes it off, and eventually finally arrives at the apartment building. Walking through the main door and pressing the button on the elevator listening to the rumble of the elevator before it finally dings open. She walks in and presses the button to the 8th floor, watching the doors close and feeling the elevator pull her up to the floor, once again watching the doors ding open. She'd walk out the elevator and through the apartment buildings halls until she stops at her apartment door. She takes out her key and opens the door, closing it and placing her key on the key rack hung up near the front door. Placing her bag down and walking into the main room. No one but her and Zoey was home, which is perfect.. the other girls went out for a meal, Zoey would have too, but the embarrassment of loosing her voice completely during the honey queen pageant still lingers, aswell as her voice still being pretty fucked up still. She'd walk up to Zoey's room and knocks on the door entering*
"hey Zoey.. how are y-"
*before she can say anything else, shes interrupted by Zoey. Her voice rasped and croaked*
"shut up worm.. get out I don't want to talk to you right now."
"right I know that but.. I want to talk to you."
*Zoey rolls her eyes and sits up from her bed she was laying on*
"allright what is it Hailey.."
*Hailey took a deep breath and looked Zoey in the eyes with a serious stare in her eyes*
"I want you to.. to stop."
"stop..?? Hailey what the actual fuck are you on about."
"stop ... Stop blaming me for your issues, assuming it's always me that caused them-!!!! Stop using me as a door mat for yourself-! Putting me down so you can feel good about yourself-!! Insulting me and talking about me behind my back to all your freinds-!! Stop threatening to kick me out of the dorm just because I'm struggling with stomach problems-!"
*silence breaks the room.. their heartbeats the only sound, but was shortly lived as a broken choked laugh escapes Zoey's mouth, as she'd stand up and walks over to Hailey*
"your ... Your joking ... your funny!! You're having a laugh!! Right??"
"no...no I'm not joking I'm serious-! This is what I'm talking ab-"
"shut up...shut ... Up ... Hailey.. I will kick you out of this apartment.. I will end your career, I get you into those shows.. all you have is because of m-"
*Zoey was suddenly shut up by a loud echoed SLAP across the room, a seering pain surges through Zoey's face as she'd stare at Hailey in shock*
"..Zoey...I don't want YOU here anymore..I want you to leave... I'm standing up for myself and .. everyone else you've bitched at-.. lea-"
*as retaliation, in a fit of rage Zoey let out a yell of anger, thrusting her fist into Haley's face causing her to stumble back out the room. Zoey follows, wiping Hailey's blood off her knuckles*
"you... Fucking dare...I'll kill you ...you fucking.. worm..."
*Hailey stands up, spitting out a splatter of blood as she'd lunge at Zoey back. Starting a big fight between themselves. Punches and slaps throw across the room, until Hailey switches it up and wraps her hands around Zoey's neck, in an attempt to strangle her to death, Zoey in panic thrashes around, knocking stuff off the shelves and tables. And is finally able to break free as Hailey finds Zoey's knee striking her straight in the stomach, pushing her onto the floor in a winded state. Zoey gasps, catching her breath before making her way over to Hailey*
"you..you be got some nerve... Get ... Get out of my apartment..or I'll make you myself.."
*Hailey grits her teeth, so it's come to this, she reaches for the gun in her back pocket, turning the safety off*
"Zoey...I'm... So...sorry..for everything..."
"your sorry?? Your fucking sorry???? I not accepting that... After all of that-!!!!! You... Son..of a-"
*Zoey was silenced, after a flash of God awful pain struck her through the chest followed by a loud BANG. She'd look down, finding a bullet wound, right in her chest, she'd struggle to breath as she'd cough up blood, her legs trembling to the floor. Opposite of the dying zoey, Hailey stands back up for the second time, her eyes pink, and glowing whilst watching her friend struggle on the floor, breathing slowly until her breaths disappear and the life from her eyes drain away..*
"now...now who's the worm...huh...who's the worm now..!!"
*she'd bend down to check if she's still breathing, finding out she's gone, before walking over to the mirror, looking at herself in it, before taking out her phone and texting @ethan-green-69420 *
["its done...she's gone... I don't know how long the others will be before they come back so...please hurry-"]
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"why does every store I go to have those crappy little weird monster plushies. Yk the blue, purple yellow, pink and green one- I don't see the appeal-"
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*Hailey walks around the hatchet field streets at sundown, a coffee from beanies in her hand and a shitty pastry in the other. She takes a sip, her face scrunching up at the shitty ass taste of the coffee, and tries to drown it out with the pastry's taste, which only made it worse*
"God damnit."
*she'd let out an angry sigh, taking a rest on the nearest patch of grass she could find in Hatchetfield and continues to eat her pastry*
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A Roleplay shenanigan with @ethan-green-69420 real??!?!! No click bait!?!! Real gun?!?!]]
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"guys don't tell Zoey chambers I said this but I hate her guts 😠 I hope she looses the honey queen pageant she signed up for"
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Hey! My name is Haley dilmore and I'm a college student working in the theatre production course at the Hatchetfield College!! Most of you probably know me for my recent casting in the brand new working girls coming out soon!!
I'm 20 years old and I'm a roommate of Zoey Chambers the barista at beanie's! I always say she can get a better job than that if she puts the work into it but she doesn't listen..
Anyways I will answer anything you ask or talk to me about and remember, go nighthawks and fuck clivesdale!!
[maybe I'll bring in Zoey as a side character just for some bits and lore ☺️]
[this is a au Hailey btw, she's based off her scrapped nightmare time episode where her stomach problems come from a sentient galactic worm inside her, now that worm has become more smart, and is now a voice inside her head. Along the lines of this, is also one of the many vessels for nibbly because I said so]
Hey so it's me Eloise again the maker of @askbloomin and @chasity-belle I figured I'd make a second hatchetfield character blog and tried to find one of the most obscure characters, and words cannot describe how much I love Haley dilmore from starkids workin' boys/honey queen/killer track. So this is just a second account for all that]]
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