#hal fine
blackbatcass · 3 months
listen I know it’s kind of corny and inaccurate to act like every single person in the dc universe knows each other and is besties but it IS endlessly funny to me to follow the web of connections and see how many degrees removed from each other everyone is.
like look at the arrowfam okay. ollie and dinah are together, ollie is homoerotic best friends with hal, dinah is homoerotic best friends with babs. roy is dating dick, has a kid with jade, and is basically an adoptive father to both grant emerson and rose wilson. connor is dating kyle and is constantly followed around by eddie fyers. mia is friends with a lot of the second gen teen titans kids, had an on-again-off-again thing going on with steph for a while, and is currently dating sienna. emiko is besties with courtney and some of the other recent teen titans. sin has a small army of protective aunts from the birds of prey. the real question is how far does it go before ollie puts a cap on the number of people who are invited to family brunch on sundays
#arrowfam#LIKE. PLSSSS#can you imagine them all in one room.#roy: hey ollie can garth come to brunch this week.. he’s in town and i never get to see him and he really wants to try your pancakes#ollie: idk roy we’re already at max capacity..#roy: please dad🥺🥺🥺🥺#ollie: …..fine. someone will have to be uninvited then#mia: why? what’s one more person?#ollie: bc I have Very Strict Rules!!! If I don’t follow the invite limit then the whole town’ll show up every week!#connor what about axing kyle#connor: …dad. I am not disinviting my boyfriend and Only Guest to brunch bc of your arbritrary rules.#ollie: fine that’s fair. um…#mia: what about grant#ollie: for the last time mia we are not banning your nephew from family brunch because he allegedly#ate some of your bacon one time. it was not a big deal and you need to get over it#mia: UMM‼️‼️ it was a big deal TO ME🗣️🗣️and I don’t appreciate you INVALIDATING my emotions like this‼️‼️#ollie: uhhh emiko what about courtney. she comes over like every week will she be fine sitting this one out#emiko: I can’t believe this. how dare you deny my ONLY FRIEND IN THE WORLD an invitation to brunch. it’s like you hate me#ollie: EMI I KNOW YOU PATENTLY HAVE MORE FRIENDS. who have BEEN TO BRUNCH BEFORE.#emiko: YOU CAN’T TAKE COURTNEY FROM MEEEEEE#ollie: FINE ok.#roy: why don’t you just tell hal not to come all the way down here for brunch I mean he’s here every week anyway#ollie: bc it’s hal okay. mind your own business.#roy: fine. but we’re running out of people#connor: I mean………. what about eddie#ollie: ………….. yeah ok I’m sold. that works. meeting adjourned good job team#mia: why are you so worked up about keeping attendance low anyway#ollie: MY KITCHEN TABLE CAN ONLY FIT SO MANY SUPERHEROES MIA
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kirby-the-gorb · 4 days
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realreadysetrose · 6 months
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Genuinely terrified to take photos with Lil Cal he freaks me out so much
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chubbychiquita · 1 year
what r ur favorite movies with fatness/weight gain as a theme????
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glazeliights · 1 year
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I am sooo soso normal about them. blinks innocently at you
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mutsukiss · 2 years
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I bring more dogs!! I have decided to suffer through the genetic inconsistencies bc Beagle ears just look so good on Dave i think. I made BB a Greenland Dog and Eva a Borzoi so there is absolutely no way for him to look like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I like that Pliskin doodle a lot, i think i'm gonna keep drawing him...
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granstromjulius · 2 months
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Frans Hals
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
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some concept art for a very silly lil au ive had in mind, in which jake is a real mvp and hal gets fused with a katana-impaled seagull
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honestly its just an excuse to produce god-catboy jake english content
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burning-basil · 17 days
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the sleepiest hatchlings on timber hearth ‼️
i wrote a. thing. it got a little away from me but i did want to draw hal and the hatchling…. find out more by READING IT YEAHHH (< the worst advertiser in the world)
you can find it via this link V or on ao3 under burningbasil / starsburningout! its a pre canon fic thats mostly fluff and features hal and the hatchling, obviously, marl, and The Tree Incident. because i love marl dearly ok bye!
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starsapphire · 11 months
do people actually think that fictional characters have agency. do u think hal jordan, who does not exist, was attracted to arisia because he was a pedophile. or do you think that maybe. just maybe! the storyline was the result of the writer controlling the character and using the story as a vessel for his own values, because that is how writing works?
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snivel1 · 4 months
And meet the Alpha Lenore...
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Cinthra Lenore!🔒
A friendly ghost(?) haunting Dirk's apartment!
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More about them under the cut!
The Post-Scratch Cynthia knew that she would not survive the rebellion against The Condesce, but he wanted his potential sibling to live and maybe save what they have already lost, so they begged Dave for one last favor, to first send her blood binding chains through time to Jade with the instructions to bind whoever had Cynthia's blood in the future to wherever it would guarantee their survival
It was a suicide mission, as Cynthia wanted his sibling to Live, so along with her blood, she wanted to send her heart
Dave was vehemently against the idea, but he knew he Had to do this, for his friend... It was the least he could do in that situation
So through time and space Cynthia's chains went, finding Cinthra and binding them to Derse, increasing their chances of godtiering and surviving, and consequently to their residence in the real world, a.k.a. under the Strider's apartment
A.k.a. the ocean now
Why? Ask Jade, not me, she found that to be important, probably through her foreseeing powers or something🤷
The first thing Cinthra remembered seeing was complete darkness, they were very young so of course they were scared, and tried to find someone, or something, but all they saw was dark purple for miles as they flew up and up and up, until they finally reached the surface, only to find the land of Derse to be even scarier, and hostile because of her yellow pajamas?, so she hid back into the void
But not for long, as they became less scared and more curious about the world they were in, so they sneakily flew through the kingdom, searching, watching, observing, out of sight
Some kind residents of Derse found them and taught them how to talk, write and socialize, but ultimately Dersian culture was different from human, so they were still unsocialized to humans, and they pretty much didn't know what humans even Were as she hadn't seen any around yet, they only heard about them from Dersians
Somewhere around 13 they started phasing out from their dream self, manifesting in an unfamiliar flooded city, with a chain attached to their ankle not unlike their dream self, but with it going into the depths of the ocean somewhere far away
It was very scary and unfamiliar for them
They felt... weird in that state, not quite there, as usual, but with a constant tug in their heart, at least on Derse they felt more light and free, but here... It felt painful to see the ruins of that city for some reason, like they had some sentimental attachment to that place
They explored the ruins underwater and above, seeing most of the valuable cultural valuables rotting and deteriorating, she didn't really understand why that was happening, but it wasn't bringing her hope
Were they destined to wander this flooded area until the end of time..? They didn't know how to return to Derse at will, as they were constantly awake and couldn't get tired in that undead ghostly state
They wandered the seemingly endless waters, they tried to leave a lot of times, but it seemed like them being bound to this place meant she couldn't fly off too far away
To pass the time, and because they were curious, they tried to track where their chain starts and to what it's attached, to maybe think of a way to break free somehow, and... They found a.. strange, tall, structure, with just the top floor still standing..? That made their curiosity skyrocket, and they wondered if there'd be something interesting in there?
There really WAS something interesting here, similar in structure to theirs that they saw in the mirror on Derse once, but completely different from her, was this a so-called human Dersians spoke of?
So they attempted to communicate with him, to try to touch him, but it only resulted in him shivering and looking around briskly... Could he not see or hear them..? That was devastating for Cinthra, she really wanted to get to know this human better, but it looked like it was going to be hard...
This human was weird, at least to Cinthra, but he watched interesting things sometimes and made some really cool things with his hands that made Cint's head spin, they learned so much from observing Dirk's life(probably not the best learning material)
They tried to communicate with him when he still couldn't see or hear them, by making things in his apartment move, switching lights on and off, not knowing it was a stereotypical thing ghosts did in some movies, and it naturally freaked Dirk out, to put it lightly, making him more alert and paranoid, which made Cint stop, as this wasn't their intention. Dirk just honestly thought he has lost his mind completely in this solitude and started hearing and seeing things
What made Dirk aware of them was his awareness of his dream self, and seeing... another dreamer, beside him and Roxy..? And in Prospit's robes..? Calliope never mentioned this to him? What the fuck? Cinthra wasn't awake on Derse at the time, but she Was There, laying on his tower's balcony, chain dangling over the railing and down like freaking Rapunzel's hair
From then on Dirk tried to find ways to communicate with them too, and Cint couldn't be more happier! He briefly considered letting them inhabit one of his robots, but didn't want to risk breaking them. Lil Hal and Cal were naturally off limits too, so he tried to make an interpretator for Cint to communicate through
Which did help for some time, but their communication wasn't the best, as Cinthra had little context of human etiquette and the like, so Hal decided to teach them! Who knows how much intentional misinformation he fed them ^_^ but he did teach her the gist of it, before Dirk banned Hal from teaching them anything for a time being
They then used the modified interpretator in their future adventures to communicate while apart, as it seems Cinthra left a mind link to this device when they inhabitated it for a while in the past
A year later Dirk started hearing them, but still not seeing them, which still was an improvement in their eyes. It was very weird for him to hear another human voice besides his own, even if this voice came echoing through the whole room from a ghost(..?), they talked, but not a lot, because Cinthra genuinely knew little about human interests, but was willing to learn, so they both explored the internet(good idea? no. but what else was there) and watched shows together, Cint pointed out interesting things they found that Dirk could salvage from the ruins, and Dirk talked about his friends and their interesting lives: Cint really wanted to meet them herself one day!
Cinthra genuinely felt awful that she couldn't help Dirk in any meaningful way, they couldn't control the environment enough to make a difference, and it was eating them from the inside when Dirk looked like he'd need help, no matter how many times Dirk told them he was fine on his own
With time and guidance from Dirk on Derse, Cinthra figured out how to semi-materialize in the real world by Waking Up completely, and she pretty much looked like a glowy semi-transparent ghost now irl, which was better than being just a detached voice I guess
They modified their appearance based on trends and fashion they liked online, and Dirk's and Roxy's advice
They also couldn't really understand gender and its importance to people, but she does consider herself queer, they generally use whatever pronouns they feel like, but more or less prefer "they", and they genuinely don't care about what you call them
From that time on Dirk established more boundaries, because seeing them inside his house so often was Different than just hearing them, and they tried their best to abide by them, even if they didn't really understand why at first
Were they friends? Just codependent teens in a bad situation? It was hard to tell, especially because of how bad their communication was sometimes
When Cint learned that Dirk was neglecting himself(they couldn't tell because they only really have context of human beings through Dirk and shitty shows, so Hal told them), they were devastated. Why didn't Dirk look after himself properly? Doesn't he know better?? So they made it their job to remind him to eat, drink water, take breaks and whatever else he was neglecting himself on. Dirk found their "nagging" pretty annoying and meddling, and sometimes wished he could learn to exorcise ghosts just to have some peace: he knows what he's doing and he's fine, surely🙄
But at the end of the day, Dirk thinks that, if not for his friends and Cinthra's company, he would probably not be here anymore.
In his fucking insane plan to save everyone, he had to include getting Cint out of these chains(good call that Jade bound Cinthra to Derse, huh? it's as if she knew💅), which he succeeded in doing, because he's Dirk Motherfucking Strider and he's fucking insanely cool💪‼️
It was very, very, very unusual for Cinthra to actually Be Alive, they had to manually breathe, eat, drink and rest, and they had to learn to walk normally and everything... They understood Dirk's struggle with it all now, but probably not completely... Eating and resting was awesome!!! They became a quick fan!!
And to say they were grateful for Dirk saving them would be a real fucking understatement, it would be like saying nothing. They were forever grateful for him, they would fight for him and protect him till the end of time, he literally gave them a real chance in life, no one could ever compare to him for her, no matter how many times Dirk told them it wasn't a big deal, that they're overreacting, that he didn't deserve to be thanked so much; they'd forever be indebted to him
They were really happy to finally meet Dirk's friends!!! If only it was under better circumstances though..
Cinthra became friends with them all quickly, as Cint's really sympathetic, emotional and very curious about everything and everyone, it was really a mystery how Dirk and Cint even coexisted with such different attitudes for so long
Cinthra really respected Jane, as she seemed mature and put together at first, but turned out to be an oddball herself! She finds her funny, sweet and dependable, and cares for her a lot, and will Never forgive The Condesce for what She did to her
Oh Roxy.. these two quickly befriended each other, both their excitable natures in harmony together, they talked and bonded a lot! Cinthra is really sympathetic towards her struggles and comforted her through a lot of stuff. Cint respects her a lot, and will protect her with her life!!💪 It seems like Roxy has a crush on them, and they like her too! Maybe when the dust settles down they'll be able to explore their relationship further🥹
Cint is really understanding towards Jake, as his struggles really resonate with her own feelings. If nobody got Jake, Cinthra got him!!🙏 Cint actively asks him about his adventures and interests, and hopefully helps him out of that persona he's playing up with patience and care
They... don't know how to feel when they meet Cynthia. Cindy can't have her chains out in front of them, as they get scared from how familiar they look and feel, but overall, they try to reconcile, even if Cinthra never knew they even have a sister in the first place, but Cynthia was 100% hyperventilating about it(Cinthra really looks like her Big Sister that died before her eyes, give her a break)
It's easy for them to become friends or at least good acquaintances with almost everyone, but even he has a limit of course, especially if someone harms their close friends
Cinthra is a Prince of Mind, and they're great at pointing out and untangling logical and emotional inconsistencies in people's opinions even though they don't realize they're doing exactly that most of the time
They and Dirk both felt quite weird about them both being Princes, have they rubbed off on each other too much(in different directions)? Cint modified their outfit to differentiate from Dirk to the point of not looking like a Prince at all, but they were more comfortable like that! They don't even think it matters, like, at all
Most would call them naive and oblivious, but they're very observant and sensitive to people's feelings and motives and can adjust their approach to them accordingly
She can generally find an approach to anyone, just give him a goddamn second; they have a pretty high emotional maturity, considering they grew up next to Dersians and the most emotionally constipated guy ever
They're able to leave mind links to objects that have sentimental value to them and others; is Lil Hal considered an object? Probably not, but they're able to communicate with him through their mind link with the glasses, sort of like a virus but harmless; with a mind link she's able to track and locate said objects, even if they're somewhere in the Void or something(not like they'll be able to retrieve said objects from that Void themselves ofc, but some navigation never hurt anyone)
They can also create mind links with people and other living beings, and yes, it's weird for both parties, and it's a lot harder for Cint to locate a person, their link jumbled because of the other person's complex thoughts and feelings; it's a lot easier if they're close friends and trust and know each other well though
They accidentally realized that they have the power to make someone forget certain things, and quickly regretted this and felt extremely bad and guilty until they were able to undo it, and even after they continuously apologized to the affected person
They can break convictions by empathetic and emotional conversations and ruthless facts at the same time; they'll call you out on your bullshit and tell you you're only human and that they understand where you're coming from
They're easy to manipulate if a person fakes good intentions to make them believe or do something, especially if said person is close to them, she has complete faith in her friends and never doubts them
They were probably mind-controlled by The Condesce at some point because of their capabilities of mass memory erasement used in propaganda
They're always curiously exploring different worlds, cultures, people's emotions and feelings, finding deep sentimental value in learning and preserving knowledge about living beings and their influence on the worlds they live in!
Overall, Cinthra is a very curious and loving soul that's learning how to Human!!🥹
Ref sheet with clear colors of both her dead and alive selves!!👇
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kirby-the-gorb · 5 months
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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The Diplomat s01e01-02: “Does your head hurt?”
**requested gifs**
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thwackk · 2 years
i demand your arts
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here u can have this one single piece of fanart i made for the fanfic that literally ruined my entire life
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howlerbat · 1 year
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you’re too subtle, Billy
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ovio-ovio · 4 months
Well so for Asher’s backstory, Hal found this lab on his green lantern mission. It was during a time where Bruce and Hal weren’t on speaking terms due to a fight. Then Hal saw like this huge pod. He sees like a baby inside and he opens the pod to grab the baby, it was kind of on a (parental) instinct..then later he finds out this lab was made by some guy who is really into DNA mixing and decided to mix Green Lantern and Batman’s DNA together… Hal figured since the baby was half of his DNA he’d raise him. Hal figured the name Asher would be fitting since the planet they are on is volcanic and filled with ash. So then Hal raised Asher all the way up to 2 years old before Bruce and him began dating (healthily) and…Bruce finds out about Asher! Bruce is just filled with so many different emotions when he finds outtt. (Bruce’s first question was, “so should I start wearing protection?”)
I have way more info about Asher…but I’ll only answer if yall ask ☺️ ANYWAYS I HOPE THAT EXPLANATION MAKES SENSE to summarise Hal was just so father figuring with kids so I had to make him a DILF but idk I might change up the story to make Hal a single dad longer BUT I CANT LET BRUCE MISS OUT ON ASHER’S BABY DAYS. I also made an older Asher (and his boyfriend 😝) TELL ME IF YOU GUYS WANT MORE ASHER AND PARENTS BATLANTERN CONTENT!!
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