#haku replies
hakusins · 3 months
Omg haku. Just out there defending simulated clients from WAR CRIME CHARGES! That's insane, you must be so dedicated! I am in awe.
No pressure to reply ever, you look after yourself ❤️ I hope you are able to rest, see friends and realise what a total badass you are for earning your credits this year! Sounds like a really tough course!
RJHFJBHERJFJEBHRF dedicated yeah, lets call it that HBERBFHJERF
but thank you anon ;;w;; in all honesty, i tend to beat myself up for not having high grades because it feels like im taking what i have for granted and not putting in 100% of the effort i should be putting. but then i realized i'm already doing so much with what i can do and its enough that i earnestly do my best.
thank you again for your kind words anon <3 they mean a lot to me truly!!!
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jamscandraw · 2 years
Hey, I’m just wanna know something. As Haku gets unfused, does each of his brothers have a different name or are all assigned as the name “Haku”?
They all have different names and distinct personalities! They’re a little more like archetypes than fully complex characters, because they technically each represent a different aspect of Haku’s personality that form him as a person when they combine. They also all have different hair colours so you can tell them apart. Here’s a super old sketch of them in their unfused forms! (If the writing isn’t clear, the brothers are called Jiro, Ichiro and Taro)
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
Gotta take more pictures of my Danganronpa sims now…
I'll be waiting 👀
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 years
Question do you think there is a reason why Haku looks and dresses like a women. Haku was a questioning moment for me as a kid
It’s just what Kishi wanted 🤷‍♀️
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To Crave and To Yearn (Tokyo Debunkers)
Pairing: Haku x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Some suggestive & sexual content
A/N: Happy birthday Haku!! I think you're very giggles and kicks feet
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Ever since your mission with Hotarubi, you've been hanging around there more often. It was a breath of fresh air to have ghouls that actually valued who you were and your safety. Not to mention, their dorms were calming to be in. A true joy. You sat in the tea room, sipping on some blend that Subaru had made.
"How have you been?" Haku asked, sitting across from you. His gaze was focused on papers in front of him.
You hummed and set your teacup down. "Honestly, I want to get off campus. I feel like I'm being suffocated."
"Really?" He shuffled through the papers and picked one out. "But the campus is huge. It's odd for you to feel that way."
"I guess I want to be in the real world for a bit."
Sure, you went out to the real world during missions. But it wasn't the same. You wanted to walk around the city, go to cafes, go shopping. Like a normal person. Being surrounded by supernatural dangers constantly was taking its toll. Not to mention, you felt somewhat jealous whenever you saw Shu and Leo just leaving campus whenever they wanted and having fun. You wanted to have fun too.
"You know, a new cat cafe opened up in Tokyo. We can go visit."
You sighed and shook your head, leaning back. "It's fine. It's too much of a hassle to get a permit."
Haku frowned. "Let me handle it. I'll get the permit, take you out, and we can have fun. No missions, no ghouls."
You gave him a playful smile. "You're a ghoul, Haku."
He let out a chuckle. Despite your initial complaining, you didn't seem too closed off to the idea. It would be fun, afterall. Haku’s eyes traveled over your form. God, he wanted to be your boyfriend. He wanted to hold your hand, to walk with you to classes. He wanted to take you on dates, to see you blush. He wanted to see those pretty lips of yours to call his name, to moan, to whimper. To wrap around- 
Too far. He shook his head and gave you a lazy smile. “So it’s a date?”
"Sure, why not?" You said, chugging the rest of your tea. You stood up. "Speaking of dates, I have a study date with Kaito."
"Sure." His eyes darkened for just a moment. "I'll text you."
You were grateful for Haku. He had always been there for you since the beginning. Even when you wanted to run away, he was there by your side. You didn't even realize how much you relied on him. On his calm demeanor and his wise words. Without Haku, you probably would have gone insane long ago.
You found yourself looking forward to this outing. It would take at least a week to get the permit. That whole week, you were jumpy and excited. Everyone had started to take notice. For some reason, you kept it secret. You knew that someone would want to tag along. It wasn't as if you didn't want that… no, it was. You didn't want anyone to tag along. You wanted it to be just you and Haku. No one else. 
When the day finally came, you went to the station a bit early to meet with Haku. And to your surprise, he was already there. It was odd to see him in his casual clothes. A neatly ironed white button down, stylish forest green pants, his hair nicely styled. He looked good. You walked up to him with a smile. He turned to you, blinking. His eyes lit up as he studied you. A blush spread across your cheeks and you turned away. You sheepishly stepped closer to him.
"Hi." He replied, smiling down at you. "You look… cute."
You didn't know how to react and just muttered out a thanks. Haku led you onto the train and towards the bench. When you sat down, he sat close to you. His shoulder was touching yours. Okay, this vibe was definitely more than friendly. When he said it was a date, you thought it was just a joking comment. But now you were positive that this was, in fact, a date. 
Nerves washed over you. How were you supposed to act now? Your eyes traveled over to him. He was staring at you. Shit. He was staring at you. Your hands started to sweat. This was fine. Just act like you normally do. Haku wouldn't judge you. He totally wouldn't act like you're some weirdo and lose any positive feelings for you.
"Ah!" He took out his phone and opened it. After tapping the screen several times, he tilted it towards you. "This is what they sell at the cat cafe. Basically you play with the cats first then we can eat and stuff."
You leaned closer to him. The sweet and fresh scent of his cologne hit his nose. "Oh, the food looks good! Does anything catch your eye?"
"Huh?" You turned your head to look at him. His face was close to yours.
"I said that the parfaits look good."
He leaned back, putting his phone in his pocket. He turned back to the front and crossed his arms. Haku was definitely playing with you. Your face flushed red and you turned your attention back as well. Haku made small conversation on the way to the cafe. Just simple stuff. Classes, new friends, what ghouls are causing you trouble. It was like he didn't notice how nervous and flustered you were. Or maybe he did and he just didn't want to embarrass you any further.
Haku said your name loudly, causing you to blink. "The kitty wants attention."
You looked down at the kitten that was meowing in your lap, trying to crawl up your shirt. "Oh. Sorry, little kitten."
You reached down and started to pet it. You gazed over at Haku. He had a cat in his lap, purring as it nuzzled against its palm. A flash of jealousy passed through you. It wouldn't be so bad to be that cat. You looked down at the kitten and lifted it, bringing it close to your face. It licked your nose, making you scrunch it up.
"Aww, you're such a cute kitty!" You giggled.
"I think you'd make a cute kitty."
Your head whipped over to him. "What did you say?"
Haku grinned at you. "I said that cute kitty would make a good pet."
He was most definitely fucking with you. You frowned and turned away from him. "Stop teasing me."
He scooted closer to you. "Why? It's fun?"
You let out a squeal. After protectively holding the kitten against your chest, you shot him a glare. He grinned. He was most definitely enjoying this. That feeling rose up again. The feeling of wanting to tease you over and over. Until you were a begging mess, staring up at him with those big cute eyes of yours. God, he wanted you so badly.
"Shall we eat?"
You huffed but nodded. You set the kitten down and took Haku's hand. He led you over to the cafe area. Now that it was practically confirmed this was a date, you had calmed down. Only a little. There was something about Haku's teasing that had made your nerves alleviate. Besides, you trusted him. Even if this day turned out bad, you knew you two would be friends still. He wasn't the type of person to just ghost you. Well, he was a ghoul. So he would ghoul you. Yeah.
After you two ate, you spent time exploring the city. Partway through, Haku had wrapped his hand around yours. He said it was so you wouldn't get lost in the crowd, but you knew better. Your fingers were intertwined tightly with his. By the time the two of you got back on your train, you had a smile on your face that just wouldn't go away.
Haku's arm was wrapped around your shoulder as you leaned against him. You were tired but happy. It really was a much needed day out. He let out a pleased hum and pulled you closer. This was nice. This was exactly what you needed. Haku. You needed Haku.
"Thank you for doing this." You mumbled.
He sighed softly and nodded. "Of course. Anytime."
"This… This was a date. Right?'
"If you wanted it to be."
"Haku!" You scoffed and sat up. "Be serious."
He didn't like that you scooted away from him. HIs arm brought you down to him once again. "Yes. It was a date."
"That's all you have to say? Okay?" He snorted. 
"Yeah. It was… okay. Nothing special."
Haku rolled his eyes. "Are you teasing me?"
"We can't have that."
He grabbed your chin lightly and coaxed your gaze to his. Your breath caught in your throat as he leaned in and brushed his lips against yours. It was at this moment you were glad no one else was on the train. You leaned in and pressed your lips against his. The kiss was soft, the lingering taste of sweets on his lips from the cafe food. A shiver ran down your spine as he tried to pull you impossibly closer.
This was heaven. His lip brushed against your bottom lip, asking for access. You parted your lips and tilted your head, deepening the kiss. Haku groaned and pushed you backwards until you were laying on the seats. His body adjusted so he was hovering over you, his knee pressing into you. Your mind was starting to melt. You wanted more. You craved more. Your hands traveled down to his chest.
"You have now arrived at Darkwick Academy."
The doors dinged and slid open. You could hear a hiss of disgust. "Seriously? In public?"
Your face turned a dark red as you shoved Haku off you and to the ground. Ren was standing there, his lip curled in disdain. You quickly stood up and brushed yourself off, mumbling an apology. Haku's face was dusted a light pink as he tried to hold back his laughter. After he stood, he grabbed your hand and led you off the train.
"That was so embarrassing!" You groaned, squeezing your eyes shut.
Haku chuckled. "Your expression was priceless!"
"It was your fault for getting so handsy!"
"Yeah? So you don't want to kiss me again?"
"I never said that!"
Haku pulled you in for yet another kiss. His hands gripped your hips as he tugged you close once again. Oh god. You were going to get addicted if he kept doing this. And for some reason, you knew that's what he wanted. Your hands gripped his shirt tightly, wrinkling the fabric. It took everything in your power to push him away.
"Wanna come over?" You mumbled, looking away. "I have tea."
"Don't mind if I do."
His arm wrapped around your waist as the two of you walked off towards your dorm. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your hands were shaking, but you couldn't be happier. Meanwhile, Ren stared out the train window as it slowly pulled out of the station. He was absolutely repulsed. Witnessing an intense makeout session was not on his list for the day.
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keepyourpantsongohan · 10 months
Meaningful Highlights from Naruto Retsuden:
“Don’t give me that!” A vein popped up on Naruto’s forehead. “Which is more important—the future of the village or my life?!” “Your life,” came Sasuke’s immediate response.
The fact that among the people Naruto wishes could see Konoha in an era of peace includes Zabuza and Haku, because twenty years later, they still live on in his heart.
Yamato and Mitsuki having a strong friendship, where Yamato is the first person Mitsuki greets upon coming home, tells about his missions, and brings strawberry daifuku as a treat, coming full circle for Yamato be an important figure for a child with similar origins.
Naruto reflecting on how grateful he is to be Hokage during peace time: “After Old Lady Tsunade became Hokage, her first job was to treat shinobi injured in battle. When Master Kakashi became Hokage, his was to hold the ceremony commemorating the anniversary of those who died in the Great Ninja War. With the Fourth … I dunno what his first job was, but with the era being what it was, I’m pretty sure he had plenty of unpleasant work [...] And the first thing I did when I became Hokage was give a business license to a traditional sweet shop in the old city. Makes you laugh, right? That’s peace.”
The fact the Sakura says she's going to leave Sarada in the care of someone both her and Sasuke trust, and the reveal that that person is Iruka, who was the first teacher to both of them!
Shikamaru responding to Naruto bowing his head to Team 7 for helping him with, “The Hokage can’t go bowing his head to just anyone.” And Naruto's narration replying: He wasn’t bowing to just anyone. He was bowing to them.
Naruto's response to Sasuke trying to help him at the cost of his own life: If the opposite meant sacrificing Sasuke, then a lifetime of never being able to use chakra was a hundred times better.
Naruto's narration explaining that Team 7 has their own special meet-up spot where they watch fireworks and drink together during festivals and how they make it clear that both Sai and Yamato were invited and welcome!!
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drvirgus · 5 months
Hi, can i request oneshot story for Minji when she’s busy playing video games and y/n is seeking for her attention? Thanks 💗💗💗
Hopefully you like it ☺️☺️
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Video Games
Gamer! Minji X gf! Reader
Description: Minji is playing some video games and y/n is seeking out for attention from her lovely girlfriend
Warnings: none
wc: 2,2k
Sighing, I entered our shared apartment with my longtime girlfriend, Kim Minji. With a smile, I immediately noticed our white cat meowing and coming towards me, so I bent down and lifted the fluffy bundle into my arms. He promptly rested his chin on my shoulder and began to purr. "Where's Minji, huh?" I asked curiously as I ran my fingers through his soft, long fur.
I checked the kitchen first, then the living room, but every single light was off, and there was no trace of my girlfriend. I sighed and entered our bedroom. Almost immediately, my eyes fell on my beautiful girlfriend in her gaming chair, her hand on the mouse as she clicked wildly. "Watch out. To your right. There's a marker," I heard the sweet, deep voice of my girlfriend say.
She was exactly as I had left her this morning. Hadn't she moved an inch?
I let Haku, our white cat, down to the floor before wrapping my arms around her neck. This made the slightly younger woman flinch, but she immediately relaxed when she realized who was embracing her. With her left hand, she pushed the headset from her left ear to hear me better. "Hey baby," Minji said as she immediately planted a gentle kiss on my lips.
However, it quickly disappeared as I heard Hyein screaming through the headset, followed by Minji returning her attention to the screen. "I see him," Minji quickly said as she eliminated one of her opponents. "Got him," Minji said with a slight grin as she leaned back.
I released my arms from around her as I gave her a brief kiss on the cheek. "Have you fed Haku yet?" I asked as I noticed the meowing getting louder and Haku, as clever as he was, waiting at the door. His gaze bore into me. "Hm?" Minji asked, briefly looking at me before returning her gaze to her screen. "Oh shit. I forgot. I'll feed him after this round," Minji hastily said as she moved the mouse from side to side.
Amused, I shook my head. "Don't worry. I'll do it. Say hi to Hyein and Hanni for me," I replied with a smile, prompting Minji to look at me immediately. Her smile as broad as ever. "They say hello," Minji said with a slight laugh, which made me laugh too. I planted a kiss on my girlfriend's forehead before leaving the room.
"Haku," I called, and almost immediately, I heard the cat trotting into the kitchen. I chuckled and stroked him once through his fur. "Wait," I said seriously as I placed the bowl of food next to his water. I grabbed a pack of vitamins and tossed them into the food as well.
Haku waited patiently, but his eyes never left the food in front of him. His meowing grew louder with each passing second, indicating his impatience. "Go," I simply said, and he immediately started eating. I couldn't help but smile, remembering how he struggled to wait. Training him had been quite difficult, but somehow Minji and I had managed.
Tiredly, I looked at the clock and let out a sigh. Today was an especially tough day... And it was only 4 PM...
So, I went back to the bedroom where Minji was loudly laughing into her mic again, her headset properly on her head. She adjusted her headset behind her ear when she noticed my presence. My eyes also fell on her screen, and apparently, they were in the lobby looking for another game.
My hand rested on her shoulder as I leaned down to her and gave her a kiss. "I'm going to lie down for a bit, okay?" I murmured softly as I yawned. Minji looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Should I turn it off?" she asked, her eyes scanning my entire face. Smiling, I shook my head immediately. "Keep playing, baby," I replied, and Minji nodded in agreement.
With another kiss, I settled onto our bed, of course, after completely undressing. My head found the pillow immediately as I covered myself properly. "I have to be quieter now, guys. Y/n is trying to sleep," I heard my girlfriend say softly, which made me smile again.
How I loved her!
My eyes opened as I noticed the mattress being slightly depressed, and Haku now stood beside me. I smiled and lifted the blanket slightly, and immediately the cat crawled down as well. As always, he rested his head on my arm while stretching his body completely. My hand on his belly as I simply pulled him closer to me, which immediately made him start purring.
"Shit! Haerin, watch out. Hanni's already dead!" I heard my girlfriend shout loudly, followed by some cheering, and then she leaned back in annoyance. My eyes slowly opened, almost too tired, as I sat up straight. It took me a moment as I just sat there, blinking.
"Hey, baby?"
Startled, Minji now turned slightly and looked at me with wide eyes. She immediately removed her headset from her head, which automatically muted the mic. "Oh. Did I wake you up?" she asked, now speaking quieter and more concerned as she looked at me in the dark room. She got up from her chair and came over to me, sitting on the bed. With a smile on her face, she brushed the strands of hair from my face and pressed her lips to mine.
I huffed slightly. "Should we cook something together?" I asked as I tilted my head slightly. My fingers also immediately grasped her top as I held onto her a bit. "Spend some time together?" I added, and Minji hummed in agreement. She kissed me once more and then looked at the screen. "After this round?" she asked, turning her head to me again.
I sighed, but nodded. "Okay. But just one more round. I miss having my girlfriend's attention, you know?" I replied with a slight playful grin. Minji chuckled and nodded. She put her headset back on and returned to her chair to start the next round.
I knew it...
Annoyed, I looked at my girlfriend, who had now said for the 4th time that she would only play one more round. Huffing silently, I wordlessly got up from the bed and went to the kitchen. With furrowed brows and an annoyed expression on my face, I looked into the fridge to decide what exactly I would cook.
Minutes passed as the pot boiled. My eyebrows raised as I felt the all-too-familiar arms around my waist. Her chin rested on my shoulder. "Baby?" she asked softly, her voice gentle and almost apologetic. "Are you mad?" she asked, which only made me huff again.
She immediately turned me around so I could look into her eyes. Minji looked at me, trying to study me. With an eye roll, I sighed, "Are you done playing now? You've been playing all day," I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.
Minji bit her lip as she looked at me. "Uh... not yet," Minji mumbled as she pulled me closer to her "After this round, okay?" she asked, pouting quite obviously. I rolled my eyes again, but I gave in. "Okay. One more round," I replied, which prompted Minji to thank me with a wide grin and a kiss.
I watched her disappear into the bedroom again.
With furrowed brows, I placed the plate, perhaps a bit too roughly, on the desk where Minji was sitting. Minji looked at me with wide eyes, "Oh shit," she cursed under her breath, but I simply left the bedroom and went to the living room to watch something while eating.
She didn't even budge now...
My eyes glanced at the clock once again, 8 PM...
How on earth could I get Minji to finally pay attention to me? Should I seduce her? No... that would almost be like rewarding her...
So, I finally went back to the bedroom, and with an annoyed expression, I pushed her chair back a bit. "No, baby," Minji said as she leaned forward, "We'll win soon," she explained hastily. She didn't even take her eyes off the screen.
I nudged her right arm away from the mouse and with a jerk, I sat on her lap. Minji didn't seem to mind as she just rolled us closer to the desk and her hand landed back on the mouse. Pouting, I rested my head on her shoulder, "What's wrong?" Minji asked as she glanced briefly at me before returning her gaze to the screen.
"It's late," I murmured, sighing as I sat up so I could look at her, "I just want to spend some time with my girlfriend... is that so wrong?" I asked, pouting as I grasped onto her white Nike t-shirt. Minji's eyes flickered to me as she sighed, "No, no. I'm coming right away, okay?" she replied, but it only made me huff.
"You've been saying that for 2 hours," I retorted, which made Minji hum and nod her head. I sighed as I draped my hands over her neck, pulling myself closer to her. Minji's hand now rested on my lower back as she simply hugged me.
"Baby, you're breathing into the mic," Minji said, laughing lightly as she turned her head slightly to move the mic away from my nose. My eyes narrowed in annoyance, and I sat up straight to look at my girlfriend in the face, "Kim Minji, I swear, if you don't turn it off now, you're in for it," I said much more seriously.
Almost immediately, I heard the others start to laugh and probably say something to Minji. My jaw tensed, which prompted Minji to place her lips on my jawline. I noticed Minji muting her mic and then playfully grinning at me, "What am I in for?" she asked challengingly, which immediately made me roll my eyes again.
"I just want attention... please," I murmured, quieter now as I pushed my lower lip forward. My legs were starting to ache a bit from this uncomfortable position I was sitting in. I kissed the tip of my girlfriend's nose, "Please," I repeated, which made Minji sigh.
Her arms tightened around me as she turned her mic back on, "Guys, I'm out for today," I heard my girlfriend say, which made me smile immediately. Overjoyed, I showered her neck with soft little kisses as she turned off her computer and placed the headset on the desk. Her hands were immediately on my hips as she practically lounged in that chair.
"So, how can I give all my attention to my girlfriend now?" she asked, grinning slightly. My eyes looked down at her, as I was still sitting on her lap. Her thumb stroked over my hip bones, while her eyes were locked onto mine. A grin on her lips.
I hummed as I smiled a little. My upper body leaned forward again so that our lips met once more. Minji laughed a bit as she hugged me tightly, causing the chair to tilt back even further, which startled me. Minji immediately laughed at me and brushed some loose strands of hair behind my ear.
"Are we finally going to watch the new drama?" I asked, my fingers absentmindedly wandering over her chest. Minji nodded her head and tapped on my bare thigh, indicating that I should get up. I did so immediately and pulled Minji with me into the living room.
"I'll go to the bathroom real quick. Could you make some popcorn?" she asked as she let go of my hand and looked at me with a small smile. I nodded my head and watched as Minji disappeared into the bathroom. Haku followed her and also went into the bathroom, while I went into the kitchen and prepared the microwave popcorn.
"Baby? How much longer do you need?" Minji called from the living room as the popcorn continued to pop in the microwave. I hummed, "About 2 more minutes or so," I called back, which Minji acknowledged with an okay.
With the finished bowl of popcorn in hand, I went into the living room and handed the bowl to Minji. "What about you?" she asked, which made me giggle. I simply sat down next to the taller woman, prompting her to cover both of us with the thin blanket, keeping us warm.
"We're out of salty popcorn," I replied as I felt Haku settle on my lap and curl up into a ball. My hand found his white fur almost immediately, causing him to start purring. "Let's start," I said excitedly as Minji took the remote and started the drama.
Minji's arm wrapped around my waist as I rested my head on her shoulder. "Oh, the food was so delicious. Thank you for that," Minji said, smiling as she pressed a kiss to my temple. Happily, I grinned from ear to ear and gently tapped my girlfriend's leg. "Watch the drama, baby," I said, chuckling lightly, which Minji immediately nodded in agreement.
So, together, we watched the drama, and as often happens, Minji dozed off a bit. My head still resting on her shoulder as I simply closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep as well.
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Tokyo Debunker characters + MC who talks to cats
(specifically, praising the campus cats for being cute hard workers)
Jin: Obviously he's not giving you enough work if you have time to waste with the cats. (But secretly, he's cranky that you're too nervous to be like that with him. He doesn't get much genuine praise and has been telling himself that he doesn't need it... but hearing you so freely praising the cats makes him feel things that aren't entirely pleasant.)
Tohma: "They have jobs, you know." If you're so bored that you're distracting others from their work, he has plenty for you to do. (He actually finds it really amusing.)
Luca: "You're right, they really do work hard." He's not the type to fawn over animals, but he doesn't find it at all unusual when you do. He very earnestly thanks them for all their hard work.
Kaito: Sits down and joins you petting and praising the cats. It's a rare moment in which he's not feeling self-conscious or worrying about impressing you, until you accidentally bump hands and he starts freaking out.
Alan: He backs off as soon as he notices what's going on — he doesn't want to ruin the moment. Later, he makes sure to tell you that you're doing a good job (but without context, it feels like it's coming out of nowhere).
Leo: "It's just a cat. You know it doesn't understand what you're saying, right?" He starts to say something rude in a sugary-sweet tone. "Don't listen to him," you say, covering the cat's ears so that it won't hear. (The cat, disgruntled by all the movement, hops out of your lap and trots away.)
Sho: "You're so weird, senpai," he says, not even trying to hide his smirk, but you can tell he's not serious. He pretends to be reluctant to join you, but he really just wants to hear you ask for him again.
Haru: He stops briefly to say hi, but doesn't have much time to spare. He'll take care of some of your tasks, though, so that you can have a peaceful moment without worrying about anything. (If you want him to take a break with you, you'll have to sit on him or something.)
Towa: A sudden burst of rain scares the cat away. Towa appears moments later with flowers for you, and the weather has turned sunny and warm — perfect to dry out your damp clothes. He lies down in the grass next to you as you relax.
Ren: "Gross. You don't know where that's been." He grumbles about how people lose their minds over cats just because they're cute (he definitely doesn't want to hear you say that he's cute) and makes you wash your hands after the cat leaves.
Taiga: He either wants to eat it or wants to chase it out of his room with gunfire — you have to distract him while the cat makes a hasty escape. He pins you to the wall, musing about how he'll punish you... He runs a finger down your cheek just to feel you tremble. You're his favorite toy.
Romeo: He hasn't given the cats a second thought until this exact moment. They do their jobs competently and he can't exploit them, so what else is there to care about? He has never in his life praised someone for doing a good job, and he thinks you're excessively soft for doing so... but that's not the real reason it bothers him. You've always refused to call him Fico or stroke his ego, yet you're heaping praise on a cat? Ludicrous.
Ritsu: Initially not interested, as cats aren't subject to labor laws and standards. When you wonder out loud if Sinostra could get in trouble for animal abuse, he immediately goes off to investigate.
Subaru: He enjoys the moment with a smile. You're sweet and encouraging and way cuter than any cat, and he counts himself lucky that he gets to spend time with you.
Haku: He ruffles your hair and, mimicking your tone, says that you're cute and hardworking and doing a great job. "Don't make fun of me," you protest, pouting. "I'm not," he replies.
Zenji: Joins you, far more eloquently. After the cat leaves, it's your turn to be praised! He makes sure that you know exactly how important and admired you are.
Rui: Feels really silly for being so envious of a cat. (He's cute, too! He works hard and has great hair, and he wants to cuddle up to you while you praise him and run your fingers through his hair...) But, as long as he's cursed, he can't have what he wants. It's better to keep things lighthearted so that he can see you smile. (Maybe someday, when both of your curses are broken...)
Lyca: Growls. The cat is not intimidated; it escaped Sinostra unscathed, after all. Lyca's not sure what to make of it, but he settles next to you, wary. If it makes a move, he'll be ready.
Yuri: He's so busy and deals with so much weird stuff that it doesn't even register. If he needs you for something, he'll just grab you regardless of what you're doing. You protest as the cat tumbles out of your lap, but he's already three steps ahead.
Jiro: Observes carefully, as he would with any experiment. Are Darkwick's cats smarter than normal cats? You're making it sound like they are, but he doesn't have any other memories of cats as a comparison. Later, he watches some cat videos. For science.
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nakylvr · 6 months
haku shota (p1h) x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: when you see soul’s new outfit for an upcoming performance, you can't help but get flustered at the sight, to which he teases you relentlessly for
warnings/tags: none!
p1harmony masterlist | main masterlist
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you were currently sitting in the dressing room of your boyfriend’s group, on your phone mindlessly scrolling through social media while waiting for your boyfriend to finish getting ready. you heard the door open and you looked up, immediately seeing shota and smiling before your eyes finally caught onto what he was wearing. a black cropped shirt with a transparent top covering some of it. 
your cheeks instantly flushed at the sight before you cleared your throat and put your phone down. “hey!” you smiled.
“hi,” shota smiled and plopped down in the seat next to you, grabbing your hand and starting to play with your fingers.
“you nervous?” you asked him.
“hm?” shota looked up at you, noticing your blushed cheeks. “why are you blushing?” he asked, gently poking your cheek.
“what? i’m not blushing,” you quickly shook your head.
“you are!” shota replied with a smile. “do you like my outfit?” he teasingly asked. 
“of course, i like it,” you answered.
“yeah, but you really like it, huh?” shota continued to tease, poking your cheek again. “you got a little crush on me~”
you let out a little laugh, letting him poke your cheek. “we’re dating, shota.”
“i know!” he smiled. “but you still have a crush on me.”
“well, yeah,” you smiled back. “i think that's like, the minimum requirement to date someone.”
“true,” shota nodded, shifting to lean his head on your shoulder and continue to fiddle with your fingers. “but it looks good, right?” he smiled up at you.
“of course it does,” you replied, smiling back down at him. “your stylist did wonders with this outfit.” 
shota chuckled lightly and nodded again. “right! i’m glad you like it! it really does look good on me, but i was a little worried at first when i put it on,” he admitted. 
“ah,” you wave your free hand like it was nothing. “there's nothing to worry about, shota. you look good in everything you wear.”
“thank you!” his smile grew as he gazed up at you. “oh my gosh! you know what we should do after i’m done with today?” he slapped your arm gently a few times.
“what?” you questioned, chuckling at his antics.
“we should have you try on the outfits!” shota grinned.
“huh?” you let out, looking at him confused. “you want me to try on your outfit?” 
“yeah!” he nodded feverishly. “it would be so fun!” 
“i mean, i guess, but wouldn't you get in trouble?” you asked.
“it’d be fine as long as i ask!” shota immediately responded as if he were ready for that question. 
“then, i guess it couldn't hurt,” you said with a nod.
“yay!” shota cheered happily. “okay, i gotta go right now but you’ll be here when i get back?” he asked hopefully.
you nodded your head. “of course.” 
“great!” shota kissed your cheek and quickly hopped up off the couch. “i’ll see you in a few hours!” 
“okay,” you smiled softly at him. 
“i love you!” he said, doing a heart with his hands before hurrying off out of the room.
“i love you too!” 
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hakusins · 3 months
Yo i am not sure exactly what you are up to today, but I wanted to wish you lots of luck and good feels. An internet stranger is thinking of you!!
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omg thank u anon,,,, BJHERFBERHJF MWAH MWAH MWAH
IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY!! but when u sent this, i was having my simulated court session where i had to defend my made up client from his war crime charges HBJREFBJ so I was rlly stressed out but when i saw ur message i couldn't help but find strength to pull through !!!! so thank you so much kind stranger anon
and i wasn't able to answer afterwards because i was struggling with exams and like i was lowkey very very depressed because if i didnt get enough credits i would have to drop out of this univ and i was just panicking a lot HJBREBJFBHJERF BUT BUT BUT I JUST RECEIVED CONFIRMATION THAT I DO HAVE ENOUGH CREDITS SO I WONT BE DROPPING OUT SO YIPPEEEEE
again though, i really appreciated this :'')) i haven't been able to hang out with friends lately and i dont have my mom anymore who would usually reassure me for these kinds of things. i hope you're doing great wherever you are anon!!
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jamscandraw · 2 years
Can you do 40-45 for Haku please? Thank you!
40. What do other people find annoying about them, if anything?
He can be quite blunt and standoffish if he doesn't know you well or isn't comfortable around you. He's not trying to be rude, he's just not good at small talk with people he's not close to
41. What do other people love most about them?
He's very skilled and very powerful. He's got a highly logical brain and can usually be relied on as the problem solver, de-escalator or otherwise The Sensible One in most situations. Also he's just like, effortlessly cool looking
42. What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
Cool, calm, collected, the quiet brooding cool-jacket bad boy kinda stereotype
43. What do people notice first about them, as far as their appearance goes?
Probably the tri-colour split in his hair (and his eyes, if you're close enough)
44. Does this person try their best to be honest or are they not above lying to get their way?
He's not very good at outright lying and tries to avoid it, but he's not above lying by omission and just not telling you stuff at all if he thinks it's the right call
45. What kind of movies do they like?
His fave movies are The Matrix trilogy!
Send me an OC name and a number! (Or write your own custom question 👀)
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aayakashii · 2 months
I’m so glad someone sent in a SH ask I’ve been too shy to! I loved it 💕 could you do another one with the remanding Hotarubi boys and Lyca?
ofc!!! I'm happy you liked it ๑´ ³)˘ᵕ˘៸៸ I'm gonna be honest, Haku's part kinda left me giggling and kicking my feet so I hope you like it as well fkfjdkdj
Warning: sh mentioned, a bit more angst on Zenji's part
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"How did you get hurt?" Lyca says, grabbing your arms as soon as he noticed the fading scars.
You open and close your mouth, wordlessly, trying to think of ways to explain it to him. Lyca probably never heard or read about issues like yours. Would it be better to lie? Weave a story that wouldn't have him pity you?
You look at the earnest gaze he gives you, and you sigh. He deserves your honesty.
"I... I hurt myself. I'm the one who did this" you say, softly, knowing he would probably have more questions.
"Why would you do this?" he scrunched his face. "Is it a human thing?"
You hum, in thought.
"I guess you could say so." you reply, slowly, thinking of the proper words to explain it to him "Sometimes, when some humans are feeling very sad and like everything is a horrible mess, they feel like doing this gives them a sense of control. Not everyone does this. But, sometimes, some very depressed people might do it to feel some relief."
Lyca's wolf ears flatten against his head.
"I don't... really get it but... you were very depressed?" he mumbles, fingers tracing the little lines on your skin.
You shrug.
"I was in a dark place some time ago. I'm feeling better now, I promise" you say, and ruffle his hair.
Lyca lift his head up, yellow eyes gazing yours with determination.
"If you say you're okay now, I'll believe you. But promise me you won't try to hurt yourself again."
"I promi-" you begin to say, but he interrupts you.
"You can't lie! I'll know if you hurt yourself! I can smell you well, you know!" his face looks scrunched in anger, but his ears stay flattened on his head and his tail curls down.
You smile and pat his head again.
"I promise."
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"My dear, how I wish I could have kept you safe from your struggles."
Zenji's voice, usually boisterous, spoke to you in a soft tone as he looked at the scars on your thighs while you slept.
You murmured his name in your sleep, unconsciously recognizing his presence in your room (his nightly visits became a routine, after all) and you held out your hand towards him.
His hand fazed through your skin, yet he still insisted on trying to touch you and comfort you as you slept.
He sat on your bed, eyes fixed on your peaceful figure, and he knew that those were scars from battles fought long ago – battles you have won. But it still pained him that he wasn't close to you since forever, that he wasn't able to protect you when you needed him but didn't know of him.
Even if he needed to write odysseys upon odysseys, singing praises to you throughout your whole life, just so you'd never feel so lost that you had to hurt yourself to find your footing again, he would do it.
Zenji would gladly haunt you for eternity, if it meant keeping you safe from your demons, in any way he could.
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"Is this something you could tell me?" Haku squeezed your hand as he looked as the fading lines on your wrist, as you two held hands, strolling together on the beach.
You shook your head.
"There isn't a specific thing to say about it. I was in a bad place and made a choice that left these scars on me. It just... happened like that. I'm fine now, but also I don't regret them, nor do I feel ashamed. I did what I could to survive."
Haku stopped on his tracks and stared deeply into your eyes. He sighed, a faint smile gracing his face, and brought your wrist to his lips, kissing each scar.
"You're very strong. You should give me some chances to be your savior, you know? How am I ever going to look cool for you?" he said after kissing the last scar, a smirk playing on his lips as his eyes shined against the twilight.
You playfully tapped his head to shush him as you giggled.
He squeezed your hand once again.
"If you ever need to fight to survive again, I want you to rely on me. Is that okay for me to ask? I'll understand if you'd rather not have me all up in your business, though."
You shook your head and brought your hand to his cheek, smiling as he leaned against your touch.
"I'll be more than happy to have you with me in any moment of my life, whether I'm struggling or not, whether I'm sad or happy."
"This sounds a lot like a marriage vow, you know?" he smirked again and winked playfully.
"Oh, shut up." you patted his cheek and walked away, with him chuckling as he hurried after you.
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Fanfic for @aardelea
Hi Ella! Thank you for suggesting a fanfic exchange! I hope you like the fanfic!
The original ask was for a fanfic that was "romantic with a little bit of drama because of jealousy. Like a confession with obstacles."
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Haku Kusanagi x Ella (can be read by anyone but this name is used a few times throughout)
Word Count: 1.4k (1,462 words)
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The first time Haku tried to confess to you, he was thwarted by his own flirtatious nature.
He’d been flirting with you on and off for a while and it had never been anything more than his usual behaviour. You seemed to know that he wasn’t being sincere so he’d had no qualms about laying the teasing on thick.
But then, he had been struck by the sudden realisation that he actually cared about you far more than just a friend.
And that was where his trouble had started.
At first, he’d tried to make his flirting more genuine but that didn’t seem to work. You just reacted the same as you had with his previous teasing.
So then, he’d started initiating physical contact. If there was one thing he was sure about, it was that when someone started to initiate touch, it was their way of saying they had feelings for you. But that hadn’t worked either.
So he’d decided just to come out and confess.
He was walking you back to your dorm after class one afternoon and you were just passing by Lovers Lake when he grabbed your hand, stopping you from walking any further. There was a gentle breeze blowing and it was blowing your hair around your face.
Haku was sure you’d never looked more beautiful.
“What’s up?”
Haku took a deep breath. This was a lot harder than he’d expected. He was so used to just flirting with people and having them fall all over him. He wasn’t as experienced with actually confessing to someone. So he did what he knew best, leaning on his flirting to carry him through.
“I really like you, you know. You’re the prettiest person I’ve ever met. And that’s saying a lot, I’ve been around a lot of people.”
You smiled at him and he felt his stomach swoop. “You’re such a teaser. I really like you too.” And his heart soared. “You’re a great person to be around. I’m glad I have you as a friend.” And his heart dropped.
“No, I mean-”
“Oh, I’ve got to go! I have a late house visit with Jiro and I’ve got to get there before he does. Sorry Haku.”
Before he could reply, you had squeezed his hand once before letting go and running off. He watched you go, unsure of how to feel. He felt sure you hadn’t blown off his feelings because you didn’t like him. But he wasn’t certain if you liked him the way he liked you.
He’d have to try again.
The second time Haku tried to confess to you, he got interrupted by Zenji.
He had invited you on a walk when you both had some free time and you were strolling side by side across the quieter parts of campus. He had brushed his hand past yours a few times but hadn’t made any moves other than that.
Just as he was beginning to prepare himself to bring up his feelings again when he heard the first strains of a biwa nearby. He couldn’t help the groan that escaped him.
“Ah, if it isn’t my dearest friends! Haku, Ella! How are you both on this fine day?”
“Oh, Zenji! Hi, how are you?”
“Splendid indeed. On a day as fair and wonderful as this, it’s hard not to be in the very best of moods.” Zenji turned his attention to Haku. There was a teasing glint in the poet’s eyes and Haku barely managed to conceal his concern. He was sure Zenji knew about the depth of his feelings towards you and, as unsuccessful as his confessions had been so far, he wanted to be the one to reveal his feelings, not Zenji.
“And how are you my dear friend? Love blooms in the air so sweetly but I fear the season is changing.”
“Well, we have to go now.” Haku grabbed your hand and began dragging you away from Zenji.
“Good to see you Zenji.” You called back. Haku felt an unpleasant twist of jealousy curl in his stomach. He knew you didn’t see Zenji that way but he couldn’t help himself from wishing you were saying that to him.
“And you Ella. Keep a clear head and an open heart and good things are sure to come your way.”
The third time Haku tried to confess to you, it was Subaru’s turn to interrupt.
By this stage, Haku had decided to just keep trying until he managed to get his feelings out. Until then, he was happy to just remain friends with you and keep building towards a romantic relationship.
And then the unexpected happened.
He had just got back to Hotarubi after dropping some paperwork off to Professor Moby and had walked into Subaru’s room, expecting to see the house captain having a snack or working on some project.
Instead, he saw you leaning over Subaru where he was sitting, your hands squeezing his shoulders.
The jealousy Haku had felt with Zenji burst back in full force. And he dropped his bag on the floor with a thud, drawing your attention towards him.
“Oh, Haku. Hi! I was just helping Subaru out with some knots he has in his shoulders. He’s been hunched over his desk too much recently.”
“I see. Ella, could I talk to you?” Haku’s voice was clipped but he did his best to keep his face kind.
Subaru nodded and turned his head towards you. “I’m feeling a lot better now. Thank you and sorry for taking up so much of your time.”
You smiled at him. “No problem. I’m glad I could help.”
You walked over to Haku and he followed you outside, closing the door behind him.
“What’s up? Anything I can help with?”
“I don’t like seeing you so touchy with someone else. I want to be the only one you give shoulder massages to.” He could feel a blush spreading across his cheeks but didn’t bother trying to hide it. Maybe this would finally convey his feelings.
But you just smiled and patted his shoulder. “If you ever need a massage, just let me know. I’d be more than happy to help.”
Haku smiled tiredly. How was he going to confess to you? “That sounds really nice.”
By the fourth time, Haku was getting desperate.
You were having lunch together, sitting side by side on a bench and talking about the content you had covered in your respective classes that morning.
“Hey, you don’t have any classes tomorrow right?” Haku had decided he had to set the scene to confess in a way you couldn't misinterpret. So he had formulated a plan. “Do you want to spend the day together? I got permission to take you off campus so we can go into the city and grab lunch.”
“Ah, I’m so sorry! Even though I don’t have classes, I’m busy all of tomorrow. I'm helping Haru feed the Jabberwock anomalies in the morning. Then I'm helping Sho out with the food truck during the lunch rush before heading across to Obscuary to hang out with Rui and Ed.”
With every name, Haku felt his jealousy rise. He knew you had the right to hang out with other people and he would never try to stop you from having a social life. But he couldn’t bear to be put to the side anymore before he was able to confess. He turned to you completely, setting his lunch to the side. He placed a hand on each of your shoulders.
“Cancel your plans. I can’t keep doing this. I like you and I want to spend more time with you. You don’t get just how deep my feelings for you are. I like you as more than a friend.”
A sad smile crosses your face and you look away from him. “I’m sure you say that to a lot of people. How do I know you really mean it? You really like me?”
“Genuinely and from the bottom of my heart.” Haru grabed your hands in both of his and squeezed them. “Please, give me a chance to show you just how much you mean to me. Let me take you into town tomorrow. One date. That’s all I ask. Then you can make your mind up about me.”
For a moment, your face was impassive and Haku braced himself for the worst. Then your face cleared and you smiled at him. “I guess I have some calls to make and some plans to cancel.”
Haku felt the lightest he had in days. Even if it was just one date now, he hoped he would be able to show you how much you meant to him and that one date would turn into countless more.
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Kishi shows us that everyone in the Narutoverse somehow understands the feelings between Naruto and Sasuke, that the two of them are somehow connected, and that the two have some influence on each other and If something happens to one of them, the other will react in an extreme way. Kishi used his other characters to point this out and make us pay more attention to Naruto & Sasuke.
A scene where Sakura and the others are doubting of Naruto and Sasuke's feelings for each other is something Kishi can't do directly. Otherwise, it would cause a lot of trouble, and it would confirm that there really is something going on between the two. readers are already confused and complaining about it without even those scene. But at least some readers finally see the gay and understand the narrative.
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Sasuke exposed his weakness (Naruto) in front of a enemy. Observing every move to avoid serious injury and forced to awaken his Sharingan to protect Naruto, of course Haku was watching him and absolutely found his weakness and used it against him. Haku knows if Naruto is used the fight will be over because Sasuke would jump in front of Naruto to save him.
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• Orochimaru recognizes the impact Naruto has on Sasuke's says a lot! He wanted to separate them immediately....if Sasuke ran away from his goal of becoming strong and risked his life for 'Naruto'....it would have hindered his plan.
• Also, when Orochimaru deliberately emphasized, “MySasuke-kun”… With this comment, Naruto's anger finally reached its peak and got insane to the point of sprouting 4 tails.
Some Native speakers reactions to Naruto's “ Don't say Sasuke's name in front of me like he's yours”
1. “You snap(get angry) there? Well, How should I say it?...Isn't that a little off? ”
2. “It was around the Sai arc that people started calling Naruto homosexual”
3. “ I think it would be much better without this -> "In front of me" ”
4. “He had been angry for a long time, but I got the impression that he lost his temper over this comment ”
5. “This line from Naruto is incomprehensible and scary, but I don't think it would be so strange if Itachi (or even Fugaku) said something similar and got angry at Orochimaru”
6. “Regardless of whether Naruto's anger and how he expressed it were justified or not, if you consider that Naruto is gay and in love with Sasuke, then it's an understandable emotion”
7.“ Even if the subject is a love interest, I'm still saying it's a strange line.”
@reply: “I don't agree with it, but I think there are ex-boyfriends who are so possessive in real life too.”
8. “That's weird for a shounen manga protagonist”
9. “Does that mean Kishimoto-sama knowingly making Naruto sick? Or was it that he wanted to emphasize, both inside and outside the work, that Sasuke is special to Naruto and that it is difficult for others to understand or interfere in their relationship?”
The word used by the said person was 病ませていた。 Its dictionary form is 「病む (やむ)」 which means "to suffer from some disease/ illness/sickness". 「病ま」 is the imperfect form and 「せる」 is a causative auxiliary verb. So 「病ませる」 means "to make someone sick". 「病ませた」 is its past form. 「病ませてい た」 is its past progressive form.
10. “The Nine Tails' tail is gross, the lines are terrible, he has too many tantrums, he says Sasuke too much, etc.”
11. “If he was gay, would that explain it...? Doesn't that mean he has romantic feelings for Sasuke after all?”
12. “Even though you took the trouble to change the lines between the magazine and the book, you didn't delete "in front of me," Kishimoto-sama, You're particular about that”
[when publishing a book, changes may be made to the version published in the magazine (Weekly Shōnen Jump).]
@reply: “The fact that he sometimes fix things and sometimes doesn't it shows that Kishimoto-sama is aware of his abnormality is quietly frightening”
13.“At first glance, he's a bright, friendly Jump protagonist, but as soon as Sasuke gets involved, things get weird. That's what makes him unique and interesting.”
• Sensing Naruto's chakra, Sasuke quickly ordered to lead the way. As usual Orochimaru does not failed to notice the sudden mood changes in Sasuke.
• Sasuke was watching Naruto when Obito taunting and provoking him and he was crying when Obito sucked everyones's chakra. And of course Orochimaru noticed that Sasuke seems to be in a bad mood.
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Pakkun emphasizes Sasuke's attempt to protect Naruto despite in his bad condition.
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It's conon Sasuke is Naruto's Driving force and he's the one making Naruto stronger and stronger...
This panel shows that even other people, like Kakashi, can see that Naruto is really working so hard for Sasuke. Because Naruto, personally, believes in Sasuke and wants to save him.
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When Itachi visited the village to kidnap Naruto after Hiruzen's death...Sasuke came between them. And Itachi noticed the way Naruto was so furious to draw Kyuubi chakra to protect Sasuke. Maybe that's why he came to this conclusion and asked Naruto “can you choose between Sasuke and Konoha? ”
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• Sai questioning “Why does that naruto still care/concerned about sasuke or why does he feel strongly about Sasuke despite he betrayed and hurted him?”
• Sasuke stated in their first fight that Naruto would never be able to understand him because he never had anyone in the first place no family no siblings, he was always alone. Now, Pain fixed that problem by nuked the village and pretty much murdered everyone. After the fight, Naruto recollects what Sasuke said in Vote 1 and what pain told him. Naruto realizes that he was wrong to think he knew what Sasuke was going through without having experienced something similar to what Sasuke did. After the death of jiraiya he understand a bit about wanting to avenge your important ones' death and how much it devour you. He now realized that it wasn't realistic that he thought he could get through to Sasuke without understanding his feelings and pain. That's why he says he understands Sasuke in this arc.
• this not considered friendship in the Shinobi world
(he's begging on his knees to spare sasuke's life but he's threatening cloud its so funny)
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In the Land of Waves arc, when they were only 12 years old, they could team up together without any direct communication. We know that the last time they fought together was 4 years ago, even then they could team up together without any direct communication.
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• Sasuke couldn't even handle Naruto losing his arms despite he himself had lost one. How would he react when he sees Naruto dead in front of his eyes???? Those expression and his lines before proves that Sasuke may have had his mind set on killing Naruto. But the reality is that if that happens, his heart could not handle it. Kishi used Kurama to foreshadow this.
• Naruto gives kurama an extreme Glare when kurama lectures him about how he's never been able to do anything for Sasuke. And later in the war arc Naruto flashbacked about Sasuke and showed everyone that he regrets not reaching out to Sasuke back then when they were kids, even though he wanted to reach out to him.
• It's such an unnecessary scene, but Kishi brings up the kiss again lol. As usual, Naruto reacted very dramatically.
He had the same reaction when he accidentally kissed Sasuke in chapter 3, after which he quickly went to Sakura to verify his feelings and it didn't take him long to realize that he loves Sasuke. Kishi's deliberate thoughts and plans in that chapter screams “Naruto might be a Gay boy who wants to deny it really hard ”
Otherwise, Kishimoto literally didn't have to do any of this!!
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It's from the Pain arc, where Ebisu Sensei remembers Naruto's growth. From everyone calling him a 狐のガキ = kitsune no gaki = fox brat Or a "Kyuubi kid" to actually calling him by his real name “Naruto”.
[ガキ: in a rough way to say, which has negative nuance. This word comes from Buddhism monsters "餓鬼(がき)= gaki" born in the hell, which devour foods. There are people who call their children "gaki," but I don't think they mean it in a bad way. However, as a listener, it leaves a bad impression. The word "gaki" can also be used in a negative sense to describe a childish or immature person. ]
The memories begin with the people of Konoha hating him, and later the people of Konoha praise Naruto for stopping Gaara from attacking Konoha, and for bringing Tsunade in as the 5th Hokage.
When Jiraiya died the villagers says, “Is Naruto okay? He will not lose his heart, he will keep looking forward". Before that this panel appears when it comes to Sasuke. Even the people of Konoha felt that Naruto would be depressed if Sasuke wasn't in Konoha with Naruto.
The word used here is 落ちこんで which means to be depressed; to feel down; to feel sad; to be in low spirits.
落ちこんで is the conjunctive form of 落ち込む and the particle で is added to express the state in which the action of ``depression'' is in progress.
e. g:
- 彼は失恋して、しばらく落ちこんでい た。
- kare wa shitsuren shite , shibaraku ochikondeita .
-He was heartbroken and depressed for a while.
- 仕事のストレスで、彼は毎日落ちこんで過ごしている。 - shigoto no sutoresu de , kare wa mainichi ochikonde sugoshiteiru.
-He feels depressed every day due to the stress of work.
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paquerettexx · 3 months
haku kusanagi — midnight (short fic)
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he decided to leave frostheim and you chose to stay with jin. guess this is goodbye, huh?
pairing: haku kusanagi / reader
tags: slight angst, made up frostheim!haku lore lol
words: 650
[cross posted from ao3]
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after everything that went down, it was obvious that haku would be the one to distance himself from you and jin– after all, you picked frostheim to stay with jin, didn't you?
then why were you here, looking pretty, leaning on the railing beside him as you both admired the tokyo bay. the ripples in the water reflected the moon as soft waves overlapped on the bay.
"why'd you ask to meet?" haku asked, puzzled by your sudden invitation. he wasn't really on the best terms with frostheim after what had transpired.
"...i'm sorry." haku heard you apologize to him, bringing your eyes to meet his. oh. it seems like the water wasn't the only thing reflecting the moon's beauty. how is this possible? your eyes shone even brighter than the moon.
"it's selfish but... talking to you makes me feel at ease." haku hears your whisper, your voice barely above a whisper.
"even after what i did?" haku asks to which you promptly respond, "even after what you did."
"hah, i guess i did say i'll always be here to listen to your problems." haku chuckled bitterly though there was a slight ache in his chest, right where his heart is.
"i feel like i made a mistake." you confessed, making haku instantly turn to face you. haku finally allows himself to gaze at you under the moonlight, your eyes guilty as you stare into the sea. the cold air of the night bites your skin and caresses your hair, setting the perfect scene right in front of his eyes.
"i should've gone with you." you muttered under your breath solemnly. "i think i regret my choice, haku. what should i do?"
"..." haku couldn't find the words to respond to you right away, letting a painfully tense blanket of silence wrap both of you.
"...what's done is done." he sighed before continuing. "you should take good care of the captain since you chose to stay by his side." there was a biting pain in his words, like pretty venom flowing into your veins.
haku wasn't oblivious or ignorant. he knew you were here just for his company, fearing to lose one of the two. it was either him or jin, and you chose the latter. you were just scared of losing him, though you've already made up your mind. he knew he was just failsafe in your eyes.
and yet, the shimmer in your eyes, the soft gloss over your lips– everything about you is irresistible to him. the way you'd hug his blazer closer to you or how you'd play with your fingers when you're nervous. every little detail about you, he found extremely captivating.
eventually, the sun will rise and the dark will turn to light. this final rendezvous would soon end, too. what's done is done and there is nothing else he can do. you had made your choice.
"so this is it?" you asked haku, eyes finally turning to meet him who has already been staring at you.
"yeah, this is goodbye." haku replies, stuffing his hands in his pocket and turning to look away from you.
for a second, he stops in his tracks to approach you. he was just a foot away from you. he sighs before leaning in. you could feel the tension in the air, prompting you to close your eyes. just when you thought he'd close the gap between your lips, you felt him place a chaste kiss on the edge of your lips.
just like the love between the two of you, it came close but never really met in the end. much akin to the last first kiss he gave you.
"guess this is it then." haku declares with a final sigh before pulling away, walking away with a carefree wave as if his heart hadn't just shattered to s million pieces in the dead of this night.
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shira-cosmic-star · 3 months
hi!! could i get relationship hcs for alan, kaito, haku and ren?💕
Hi! Thank you for requesting, I hope you like it! 💙
Relationships HC: Alan, Kaito, Haku and Ren
•You would have to confess first if you want anything to happen. Poor thing is scared out of his mind when it comes to being close to you.
•For Alan, it would take a while for him to really touch you. He won’t initiate holding hands or hugging you first. You would have to do that.
•When you first held his hand. He jumped a little, but didn’t pull away. His hands were sweat from his anxiety. After reassuring that he isn’t going to hurt because you aren’t fragile, He relaxes a little bit.
•Touch starved, he wants to hold you, cuddle, and kiss you so bad. But he’ll later on come around to do that, without him being too anxious and afraid.
•Your guys first date was camping together during early fall. Not too hot, not too cold.
•When he first kissed you. His kiss was so soft. His hands gently on your hips, his thumbs rubbing your hips soothingly. It felt like heaven to the both of you. He waited to mustered enough courage to finally do it.
•It so obvious that he likes you, but it’s also hard to tell if he’s just saying that to get a romantic partner. Considering how often he tries to flirt with other girls.
•But if you tell him that you really like him more than friends. He’s over the moon!
•Your guys first date is having a small picnic out on the school field. He saved enough money to buy snacks, drinks and lunch to set on the blanket. He’s nervous that he might of missed something
•After you guys became official. He would compliment you on everything. He says it with a lot of pride too.
• Kaito would walk you to class hands in hands. He would wait for you outside of your class when it’s over. He tries really hard to be a gentleman.
•He’s still a lovable coward, but he would always tries to think about you and your safety
•Still fights Luca over the seat next to you. Luca is a little oblivious
•Kaito first kiss with you, is a sweet but short kiss. First he starts off by kissing your cheek then he kissed your lips. It last about a second, but still cute. His face is extremely red.
•You’re going to have to muster a lot of courage to confess to him. He flirts a lot and he flirts with nearly everyone.
•He won’t confess, because he wants you to do it. Mainly because he wants to see that cute blush on your face. It’ll make him melt at the your feet. You’re simply too adorable.
•Your first date is taking a stroll around the campus, as you both hold hands. You both talk about anything really. He enjoys you rambling and of course he teases you.
•He would often check up on you and reassure you that if you need anything. You can go to him.
•He teases you for anything, but never takes to too far. •He stays busy, but will always make time for you. Even if it’s late or dark out. He’ll stop by your dorm and cuddle.
•First time you both kiss is when he walked you home. Standing by your door. Soon as you turned around. He sweetly and smoothly kissed you. Something out of a fairy tale.
•Once again, you’ll need to confess to him. He isn’t going to confess for sure. He’s too stubborn.
•He was shocked when you confess to him and may have a bad reaction to it. Which caused you to freak out and pretend it was just a bad joke. After you apologized and ran off, so he doesn’t see you cry. He stands there stunt.
•After a few days he realized that you have been avoiding him. He even texted you to play games with him, but it’s either you barely replied or nothing at all. This is the moment he realized how much he really likes you.
•Haru had to step in and form a plan to get you guys to somehow talk again. So he invited you to jabberwock, saying he needs help feeding Peekaboo. While he’s out tending the other animals. You stayed to feed the little one.
•Ren comes downstairs and sees you. You guys had an awkward conversation, but made it official. He said that you weren’t awful like the clown and he likes being around you. Of course he said it in his own way.
•your first date was watching a movie horror marathon with snacks, drinks, blankets and of course each other.
•You made the first move by scooting close to him and lending onto his chest. He used you as a cover when a scary scene was on.
•The kiss was awkward and you both bump noses and lips are pressed against each other’s hard. This boy need practice.
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