problamticsideanna · 4 months
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This was SUPPOSED to be a multifandom side blog thing so here are more Red x Blue ships I like!
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 2 months
Do you ship it?
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valoniaart · 1 year
Haku ⭐
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cutestupidemotes · 2 months
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Animated Haku Emotes Spirited Away
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chris0xd · 9 months
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Sorry for not releasing art for a long time....(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
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kingncp · 1 year
Honestly struggling...
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Canvas, Adhesive, Finger painting :)
One day, us Tumblrites gotta take a stand against "weird question names that require you to consult the question list 1000 times when answering because ???"
Canvas: Do you ever "prep" your fics with outlines or warmups before you start writing, or do you just dive right in?
Yeah, no. Very occasionally, I will make a notepad document I call "squishy red crap" (because it is the viscera and organs and lifeblood of a story all kind of blended up into mush) before writing a thing.
They, uh, look like this. After I clean it up.
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I prefer to write the way I prefer to read, which is that I slowly put things together by what details I have, and editing is when I clean this up into a sharp, pointed blade to actually accomplish something.
Adhesive: When you write, do you usually "stick" to one character or story for a while, or bounce around various characters and ideas?
I do now, because I have less time for things, but I used to have at least two or three things running at a time so I could take breaks when my brain wanted to focus on a different type of project for a while. But now it's harder to make time for all of that at once, and I'd like to finish things, so I focus more.
Finger Painting: Share a small snippet from your earliest work (or the earliest that you can get back to). How would you rewrite it today? Either share the rewrite itself or just describe how you'd do it.
HRM. Okay, I'm going to do this in two parts: The oldest thing I can find on my computer, and the oldest thing I have hanging around on paper. But I'm not retyping the paper, so you'll have to see a pic for that.
This is the oldest thing I currently have handwritten. I was 12 when I wrote this, so have some mercy. I actually tried to throw this out at one point, but my former best friend saved it and got it back from her in college, at which point it was more funny to keep than anything.
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The first most major changes I would make are start this with Misha in the bathroom mirror sort of explaining what all led her to get there.
Actually, no, the first would be getting rid of these names, which are far from the worst at the time, but ah, I had a "faux Japanese name" thing for a long time.
Mostly, this just has to be cleaned up. There's a very stilted, childish voice I can hear inexpertly telling this story.
Although props to little me for shoving "futile" in there properly at age 12. Just hanging out there, lmao.
This is the oldest thing I can copy-paste from my computer. I was 14 or 15 at the time, and only have this because I'd been emailing a friend updates as I wrote them. The 16.5k words I have weren't all that was written, but it's what I have salvaged.
“Hey, cutie. What are you doing around here?” Seitou whispered suggestively to me. “Oh, screw you, Seitou,” I shot back. “You know I’m taken.” “Aw, but sweetie, you’re just too cute. That girl doesn’t deserve you,” he answered, sweet as honey, but I could taste the venom under it. “Unfortunately, I’m not interested in other males. So find someone else to prey on,” I snapped. Seitou has had a fixation on me for as long as I can remember. Even though I’ve told him I am not interested in guys from the second he started hitting on me, he seems to be too thick headed to get it. I am completely straight, and I have a long-term girlfriend to prove it. Reisha is the most unbelievably beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, supermodels included.  From her long black hair to her perfectly almond-shaped blue eyes. I’m not the only guy infatuated with her. Seitou is a completely different story. Besides being apparently gay, he has never had a known relationship, even with another guy. I have to admit; even though I’m straight, - which means don’t take this the wrong way- he is pretty decent looking. He has shaggy brown hair that is just a little long. And his piercing green eyes unnerve me just a bit. Myself, well, I consider myself average looking. The name’s Hakiro. I can’t figure how I nailed both a hot male and female. My own black hair never behaves the way it should, my brown eyes are a pretty bland color. Sure, I’m definitely my own person, never really fitting in anywhere, but will someone explain how that’s attractive? But even though I don’t fit in much, I have plenty of friends. As I was mulling over these thoughts, I noticed Reisha walking up to me. “I have something to tell you.” She said, sounding slightly grim. Even though I was completely secure in our relationship, her tone concerned me. My instincts proved to be functioning correctly. “I think we should end this.” She announced.
Okay, aside the fact that good lord is there some grammar fuckery going on here, and the names, good lord the names, there's some interesting growth you can note over the two-three years between these. Obviously I, ahhhhhh, had read some BL by then. Because wow is this BL tropey from the time.
But it also just starts straight in the action this time. It's much more active, despite the fact that Hakiro still spends a bunch of time navel gazing. Hakiro is pretty voicey--it's not the best voice, but you can start to see my real knack for dialogue and mimicking speech patterns starting to pop already. The, ah, dialogue tags are not as good. But there's some good things happening on this front that will continue to develop as I continue to write.
I think I would (after changing all the names), importantly change this story to make Hakiro a clearly bisexual kid who doesn't know that yet instead of this gay-for-you thing, because Jesus Christ is he bisexual.
I would also...not start the story here? I don't think this is where the story of Seitou and Hakiro's romance even starts anyway. And almost nothing about this scene makes sense.
Also, the way this is written just has so much unnecessary exposition and description that could be handled much more expertly.
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Spirited Away | 千と千尋の神隠し | Haku & Chihiro
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Listening to the spirited away soundtrack I love this film and music so much! If “One summer’s day” or “Day of the river” don’t move you to tears nothing will
I can never make it through the scene of Chihiro breaking down after seeing her pig parents and Haku is just there comforting her as she cries like idk the heaviness of that scene as the gravity of the situation she’s facing fully hits her i mean 😭 
That is all, that’s the post, i feel things and then i post about them, carry on!
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moonsyrups · 7 years
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6:00 am
A Vampire Circle - A group of vampires who are turned by one single person, specifically the founder of said circle. Circles can decide to stay and travel together or flee. Once bitten by a vampire who has a circle, you are indicted and are loyally drawn to the members subconsciously. Being turned by a vampire who is not a part of a circle is meaningless. Only if you are bitten by a vampire who is the leader, or a member, of a circle will you be indicted.
Hybrid - A werewolf who has been killed or is on the verge of death who is turned by a vampire.
Hello, Reader. Two things have happened today. I have turned a werewolf. Ryota. He was hurt by hunters. I could not let him suffer. And I now am the founder of my own circle.
previously / beginning
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vypridae · 3 years
anyway guess who got into the spirited away fandom
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cutestupidemotes · 4 months
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Animated Chihiro Emotes Spirited Away
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kakikoo · 3 years
Hello, Kakikoo here!
Creating a pinned post on here. I don't get a lot of followers, so when people do follow me for a particular interest, I get conscious because my blog's a whole mess of different ones LOL. And I have this thing where I hate wasting other people's time sooo there. Whew long intro.
So, before you hit that Follow button, read on!
Fandoms I post/reblog about:
- Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere
- Harry Potter
- Studio Ghibli
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (the inspo of this post's title he he)
- Grishaverse
- YA Fantasy in general (e.g. Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Legend Trilogy, Red Rising, The Raven Cycle, etc.)
- I'm a part of plenty of fandoms actually, but I'd say these are the main ones
My ships:
- Zutara
- Dramione
- Zoyalai, Helnik, Kanej, Darklina
- Raoden/Sarene, Elend/Vin, Shalladin
- Howl/Sophie, Hakiro, Ashitaka/San
- Bluesey, Percabeth
Other interests I usually post/reblog about:
- Literature
- Art and nature photography
- Music and lyrics
Every now and then, my mind's ramblings make an appearance as well.
So, there! Whether you decide to follow me or not, I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
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kingncp · 1 year
Does any of the Johnson ancestors have a sibling, wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend or anyone? Besides Nick
Dallas Johnson, Nick's wild west ancestor, dates and in AUs, marries @saffronic's OC, Vash Cooper. He does eventually get a wife, named Emma. Dallas also has an older brother named Casey, and a younger brother named Jacob...but Jacob passed away from Scarlet Fever. Sir Edward Johnson, the Medieval England ancestor, has a wife named Diana but does not have any siblings. Hakiro Jonso, Nick's ancestor from Feudal Japan, has a younger sister named Hotaru. He's more focused on his family's job than finding a partner, but if you ask Hotaru... it's because he's hopeless when it comes to dating. Sir Wallace Johnson, Nick's Victorian ancestor, is a widowed man who secretly dates his butler, Edmund Strauss. Wallace has a younger brother and sister... named Felix and Victoria. Djosonofre, Nick's Ancient Egyptian ancestor, is a single child. He eventually marries a woman named Isadora. Tobias Johnson, the Pirate, was the lone boy among his 3 siblings, also being the youngest. While still a play actor, he had a few short-lived romances, but once a pirate, fell in love with a member of his crew, a swashbuckler named Henry Stafford. Anthony (Tony) Johnson, Nick's father, was a single child. He dated a few people but eventually settled down with Samantha, Nick's mother.
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countonthestars · 3 years
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here’s my recent BIG project!! it’s my fantroll oc kaulus and @amuse-bouchee ‘s fantroll hakiro !! the background is from the friendsim games iirc, i just got it off google images.
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terehiakehu · 5 years
Ethical Compass
The Effects of Colonisation on the Identity of Young Maori
My chosen Ethical Compass is the effects of colonisation on the identity of young Maori in Aotearoa, focusing on the ability to speak Te Reo Maori and the generational mindset of our people.
As a young Maori woman myself at 19 years old, I have experienced first and second hand the effects colonisation has had on our people. Most prevalent to me is the lack of ability for many of our people to speak Te Reo Maori, including myself.
In my Great Grandmother’s time, she told me that speaking Maori was forbidden within schools, where English had to be spoken or they’d be physically punished. The 1867 Native Schools Act was established so that Maori weren’t allowed to speak Te Reo within the school, and that educators remain ignorant to the language and tikanga. In 1877, Wi Te Hakiro and 336 others called for this act to be changed. This weeding out of language and tikanga had dire effects on future generations, for example, the mindset we gained as a result.
The whakaaro that was present during this time period was that you’d get further in life if you were Pakeha, or acted Pakeha, my great grandmother tells me. With this in mind, all of her children were given Pakeha names, and were taught to only speak english and to practice Pakeha traditions. This created such an enormous hole in our culture, with our grandparents’ generation aging while missing a key part of their identity, which was then passed down to my parents’ generation, who also have Pakeha names. It’s only at this stage in our history that we as a people had more courage to fight for our identity and our rights. In 1982, a significant moment in our history, Aotearoa has it’s very first Kohanga Reo opened where tauira were taught Te Reo and were taught the tikanga of our people. Then again in 2004, Maori television was established - the first ever tv station to be only in Te Reo Maori, contributing hugely to the revitalisation of our language and tikanga.
Because of these steps taken, our generation has the confidence and the ability to reconnect with our culture, learning our language and practicing the tikanga passed down through generations, but many of us struggle internally with owning our multiculturalism that has come as a result of colonisation.
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