#hakari lore
polyodynos · 3 months
Content warning for death, assisted suicide, and voluntary euthanasia!
Hakarians are a long-lived species that don't suffer from mara. This is partially due to the fact that they do age, albeit at a very slow rate, and partially due to the fact that Resonators with death magic are incorporated into the species' medical systems. Those with death magic ensure that patients' cells and memories die at a healthy rate. In cases where a Hakarian's memories and cells are not dying at the expected rate, Resonators with death magic will step in and use their magic to cause cell death and "kill" some of the patient's memories. These memories are usually selected by the patient themself. Resonators with death magic who work in the medical field will also step in to kill off antibiotic-resistant bacteria, kill cancer cells, and help prevent outbreaks by using their magic to eliminate the pathogen at the scene of infection.
Furthermore, many Hakarian cultures also have a culture of magical assisted death and voluntary euthanasia. For example, in Karasujima, Yumina's country, people who meet certain criteria can request an Azonaic Keybearer who is also an Emanator of Azonos to assist with their death. Obviously, this process has a lot of oversight and there are multiple safeguards in place to make sure that the system is not exploited.
One of Yumina's most frequent duties as an Azonaic Keybearer and Emanator of Azonos was to assist in this process. Her natural compassion and warmth meant that she was particularly suited to play the role of a Thanategos (death-bringer) because she could soothe patients and make them feel comfortable before she ended their suffering.
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satorugojoswiife · 11 months
wait....next week's chapter will officially release on the day in the manga gojo was freed from the prison realm .....🧐🤔
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
jujutsu kaisen really jujutsu kaisen’d this chapter
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tiiramisu-cake · 1 month
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cursedvibes · 9 days
I’m still in shock of that chapter. Gege … why how and why did you think this was a good idea? Also why have one of the last chapters be about some random lore that nobody knew or cared about and be explained by the fandom’s two least favorite characters
I still have some petty hate for Yuuta, which is not helping my feelings of this chapter
I'm still baffled over Gege's time management. The Sukuna fight was already stretched in places were it didn't need to be, using up space with the gauntlet of people throwing themselves at him that could've been used to develop Yuuji, Megumi and Sukuna more, but this is just...so we rushed through Sukuna's end, skipped Hakari's and Uraume's fight and skipped Megumi regaining his body and the entire immediate aftermath of the Shinjuku fight just to spend 2/3 of the next chapter entirely with inconsequential bickering that sounds like Gege is beefing with reddit critics?
Remember the end of Shibuya? The hopelessness, the gravity, people mourned the ones who died, were devastated by the destruction of the city and the many civilians who died and they knew it wasn't even over. Their lives were fundamentally changed and it showed. Here everyone walked this fight off just fine. Megumi tanking 5 Unlimited Voids and having his brain leak out of his eyes merely results in him feeling a bit dizzy now. They do blame themselves at times, lament over what they could've done differently, but it doesn't feel serious, like they really struggle with it. It's just a set-up for a joke. Ui Ui and Kirara carried the corpses and gravely injured bodies of their comrades off the battlefield, being unsure who would survive all this and being powerless to do anything else, but now they make snarky remarks over who was the real MVP...where is this energy coming from? Gojo and Choso are still dead (Kashimo too, but obviously they weren't close), Megumi should be still reeling from his trauma of seeing his sister die and loved ones injured by his hands, and mind you they didn't fight in just some rubble out in the mountains, they destroyed Shinjuku, a district were many of them used to live and were also many other civilians used to live. They destroyed so many people's homes. Sukuna might be gone, but Japan is still fucked because Sukuna has never the real problem. Killing him won't fix up Tokyo again or soothe the international tensions created by the knowledge of sorcerers existing. But all that doesn't seem to matter.
I don't mind the focus on Mei Mei and I think the New Shadow Style school thing is actually very interesting, I love jujutsu politics, we got far too little about it, but this should've been something that was brought up during the Culling Games or shortly before they started preparing for Sukuna's battle. Y'know, then when it actually happened in the timeline. Not 3 chapters before the end, where you establish this massive power house that was never even hinted at and resolve it 2 pages later. Like okay? Why does that matter? Should I be worried? I'm not because I know far too little about this and Mei Mei handled it easily anyway. Should I be relieved? I'm not because I never even know there was a problem to begin with. Yes, we knew you can only teach Simple Domain to specific people, but that could've been resolved way easier than making up this whole issue and it was never treated with such gravity a secret society that drains their students life would deserve.
So this whole chapter was just pointless and a waste of precious space that could've been used for so many more important story threads.
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dustbunnylair · 3 months
Jujutsu Kaisen And It's Popularity Giving The Fanbase a Bad Reputation (JJK Spoilers)
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Jujutsu Kaisen has currently become extremely popular not just in Japan, but also in Western Countries. At first, I wasn’t too concerned about it gaining popularity, I’ve been a fan since the first season was animated so I was quite glad it was gaining a fanbase. I really didn’t care if Gojo was getting popular, that’s fine, but it started to concern me when I realized people are debating over what ships are and aren’t canon.
First off, let’s go over the definition of shipping. Shipping is when people in a fandom or fanbase of fictional media start shipping fictional characters within that fictional media. But within shipping, it is EXTREMELY important to note that shipping characters are only valid when it is fictional characters, legal, and nontoxic. This means pedophilia, incest, abusive, etc. relationships are invalid within shipping.
In Japan, the top ships are mostly illegal. Shipping minors with adults, eg; Gojo x Yuji, Gojo x Megumi, Sukuna x Megumi, Choso x Yuji (also incestual), etc. But in my opinion, specifically within the US, the top ships are probably SatoSugu (Gojo x Geto), NobaMaki (Nobara x Maki), ItaFushi (Megumi x Yuji), along with less popular ships that are more likely to be canon such as HaKira (Hakari X Kirara), and a very wholesome and canon one, ToMema (Toji x his wife)
Honestly like I said I don’t care if Gojo is popular or not, I think the only problem is that almost if not all of everyone likes him because he’s strong, which is also literally the reason people like him in JJK. I don’t really care if people sexualize him or say SOMEWHAT sexual things, I do think people take it too far within comments, but if it’s only somewhat sexual there’s really nothing you can do about it because he is 28 years old.
Gojo and Geto are very well-written characters, lore-wise. Technically they are platonic soulmates. I think the only excuse I’ve seen for people not liking SatoSugu is that Gojo is confirmed to show attraction to women, which isn’t a lie. He is attracted to an actual celebrity, Waka Inoue, or I guess, was, because he was 16-17 during his past arc. But following up that “theory” of him showing attraction to women, is that people can be attracted to both men and women, hence bisexuals, pansexuals, etc. Gojo is ALSO confirmed to be a womanizer because he is NOT loyal.
Another thing anti-SatoSugu shippers say to claim Gojo isn’t lgbtq+ or whatever, is that best friends exist.
…Because we didn’t already know that. Honestly, I think people forget headcanons exist. Headcanons are when someone believes or interprets something about a character, for example: thinking they are trans, gay, lgbtq+, neurodivergent, etc. It doesn’t mean that it is genuinely true and/or confirmed by the creator. 
And to follow up with people hating on SatoSugu, that the season 2 Gojo Past Arc argument scene, aka Geto’s last goodbye to Gojo, aka KFC break up/dumping scene. it is a real location in Shinjuku, Japan:
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Not to mention that the day that they both died, December 24th, is Japan’s Valentines' Day and KFC is a meal that couples get on that day. During the afterlife scene in the Manga, chapter 236, Gojo says to Geto, “Satisfied? If you were among those patting my back... then I might've been satisfied,”. Some songs that are played and directed at Gojo and/or Geto, have very meaningful lyrics:
“Shame On Me” by Avicii (One of the two Gojo’s theme songs named by Gege)
Shame on me for lovin’ you
That’s what I get for lovin’ you;
You know I can’t live without you;
And all the things you put me through
are you baptized and born again? 
I’ma raise hell for the bitter end;
I’m a crazy little bitch in the first degree, 
shame on you for loving me.
Come Back Home by Two Door Cinema Club (One of Geto’s themes that Gege said was)
I know this isn't it
You'll hit your target someday
So now you're on your own
Won't you come back home
To see you're not that kind
And find the strength, to find the strength
To find another way
Alone Tonight by Munrai (a song specifically written for an official Geto + Gojo promotional video)
If I came to your place tonight, would you let me in?
Sakayume by King Gnu (A song played in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 portrayed towards Rika and Yuta’s relationship but also how Geto feels toward Gojo)
I'll dive into the sea of memories
And pick up the pieces of my love
And keep them in you forever.
Where Our Blue Is by Tatsuya Kitani (The first opening of Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen, is written from Gojo’s perspective, confirmed here: https://x.com/skanaaa_/status/1690104150045184000?s=20)
Even now, blue resides
Even now, blue remains clear
No matter the prayers or words
Though they draw near, they never reach
It's like a quiet love
In the summer-like colors running down my cheeks
The words that curse you are stuck in the back of my throat
Akari by Soushi Sakiyama (first ending for Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen, the lyrics “Show me your blushing face once more” is confirmed to be Gojo speaking to Geto from an interview, the interview is here
Realizing that something seemingly everywhere
Exists only here
Even trivial conversations are fine
Show me your blushing face once more
SPECIALZ by King Gnu, The letters used in the lyrics “I love you 6a6y” are speculated to likely represent Gojo and Geto, hinting at Gojo’s six eyes. the lyrics "get 1○st iπ 31" can be related to Geto and 31st October when the Shibuya Incident took place. Daiki Tsuneta later confirmed in a TV show called 日曜日の初耳学 that the lyrics were indeed intentional; in this specific manner: "get 1○=夏油/Geto, st=悟/Satoru, 1○ 31=10月31日/October 31st, get 1○st iπ 31=get lost in me(我に返る)"
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n short, people think that because the fandom and/or fanbase of Jujutsu Kaisen are shipping illegal ships, over-sexualizing characters, arguing over legal/non-problematic ships, arguing what is and isn't canon, or arguing about who is and isn't gay, the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom/fanbase is slowly turning into the My Hero Academia Fandom. Honestly, it isn’t too far off, and it’s unfortunate that Jujutsu Kaisen is getting a bad reputation. Unfortunately, anything that gets popular on social media, especially TikTok, will have bad sides of the fanbase/fandom. 
All things aside the over-sexualization of adult characters, shipping illegal ships, people arguing over simple legal ships, and arguing what is and isn't canon or who is and isn't gay. Shipping legal ships and having non-offensive headcanons, isn’t wrong, and it shouldn’t always be looked down upon. If someone is shipping characters way too far and telling someone to harm themselves because they don’t agree with a ship, then yes, that is something we should look down upon. Shipping can also be platonic, hence why people call Geto and Gojo both soulmates AND platonic soulmates. 
To be honest, I think the only people I’ve seen hate on SatoSugu are straight cismen or straight people in general, people who can't handle that gay ships will exist at times, and/or SuguShoko (Geto x Shoko) Shippers and GojoHime (Gojo x Utahime) Shippers. It’s fine if you disagree with it and still continue to respect other people for their opinion on the ship, but if you are just gonna talk about what is and isn’t canon I will believe you live in a world of delusion. If you wanna talk about what is and isn't canon Utahime despises Gojo, she would never get with him and Gege said Shoko would rather die than get with Geto and/or Gojo.
Thanks for listening to my yapping. Please respect others’ ships as long as it isn't a pro/comship, and just respect people in general, unfortunately, the world doesn’t do that enough, especially on social media.
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zuzu-draws · 1 month
NO CAUSE LETS TALK ABOUT IT🧍‍♀️ i'd understand if it was 10 chapters left but...5??? the amount of discourse theres going to be in the fandom whether the ending is good or bad is going to be insufferable
Honestly atp, not even i can defend Gege on this. Each chapter is about 15-20 pages, which means we have about 75-100 pages to conclude the finale Sukuna fight, the aftermath, and so on. Where we are currently, there are many moments that are just straight up missing in the lore and LET ME TELL YOU, Jujutsu Kaisen is a show that'll MASSIVELY benefit if they get expanded on. Can we talk about how the majority of Uraume vs Hakari has essentially been off-screened??
And people say that sure Sukuna doesn't need a flashback arc but i find it NUTS how you hype up a certain era as being the "Crème de la crème" of Jujutsu Sorcery and then BARELY show us any of what happened back then?
Then there's so much we DON'T know about characters like, say Tengen and Kenjaku, we don't know the details of how things went for Yuuji's father, we don't have YUUJI HIMSELF knowing anything about his family. And its highly likely the merger point is getting dropped. We dont know anything as to WHY Uraume has been chosen by Sukuna to be his cook without Gege saying like, what? 2 lines in a databook?
This is just..unjustifiable at this point , the lack of character moments has always been an issue but this will just, take the cake.
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yovodoes · 2 months
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always bet.. on Hakari 🎰🌟👾
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loved upgrading my Kirara cosplay.. slowly trying to become more lore accurate!!
(stares at the absolute liberty I took with the hair color)
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runabout-river · 6 months
Thoughts on JJK chapter 254 (spoilers)
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Like we thought, this chapter was about showing us why Kusakabe is considered the strongest first grade sorcerer and it was awesome to see the utilization of the simple domain
Everything from making his CE output higher and weakening Sukuna's attacks to putting conditions into his domain like he would the actual ones fits with everything that had been established so far
The flashbacks discuss Kusakabe's skill further but I have 2 questions now about those:
more than ever this looks like there was an actual person asking about the strongest first grade sorcerer (and previously the strongest sorcerer) instead of this being a narrative trick. Who was that person though? This could be kinda important in the future maybe.
While the flashbacks are a good way to bring dead characters back, it's again noteworthy that it's a pre-Shibuya flashback. Makes you think why Gege made sure to not show us timeskip Gojo 🤔
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It's always good to see Gojo though and I did miss his blindfold.
We get another tidbit of information that students of SD have to make vows to utilize it like Miwa but Kusakabe is again extremely good at using it from all angles, even when Sukuna charges and uses his slashes without using his muscles
Sukuna is also a little shit against Kusakabe but by extending the range of his SD, Kusakabe can prevent Sukuna from forming the necessary CE output to use his world slashing cut. Sukuna himself gets cut in Kusakabe's attack
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Not gonna lie, I thought for a second that Higuruma was back in the fray until I realized that Kusakabe threw his coat at Sukuna
Some good old hand-to-hand combat. Last we checked Sukuna had Yuta's CE levels and even though that's probably lower again now, he's still on the level of a regular special grade sorcerer. Maki's wound is still afflicting him though
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We already saw the extended CE sword from Maki's father and it would be good if we saw more of that but we've run out of swordsmen except Yuta comes back which he might.
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Last chapter, we had an extreme use of shadows split between Sukuna and Maki. This chapter, probably to show how unserious Sukuna took this fight compared to Maki and how outclassed Kusakabe was, the shadows were lacking on him and Kusakabe.
But the moment Ui Ui comes to the scene not only do the shadows come, Sukuna's entire body is drenched in it, showing us perfectly just who the predator is in this scene
Sukuna going after Ui Ui is also a good tactic for how to disrupt his opponents' quick movement and potential healing of the defeated. That healing element will come back in the future at some point. I wonder if Mei MeI had been prepared to intervene for Ui Ui's sake or if this close call will have repercussions in the future
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And then finally! We get a kinda important guy from pre-canon! Miguel was heavily featured at the end of the movie which showed us that Gojo had come into contact with him. This is coming to fruition right now.
This could be interesting with Sukuna when they starts comparing Jujutsu from Japan to Jujutsu from overseas. Some lore drop could come next chapter
I also hope that Kong Shiu will appear again e.g. when Megumi gets into focus once more. Shiu, more than Miguel, could also bring new cursed items into the fight and he could even be a completely new player with how unaffiliated he is with the good guys
Awesome chapter and the chipping away at Sukuna plot is still going. Things that we have to look out for at the moment:
Miguel's intervention
Yuji and Choso coming back
Maki coming back
Yuta getting healed (most likely at this moment because Rika was still operational)
The Hakari/Uraume fight
Another intervention by a character fighting Sukuna, like Kirara + others to utilize her ability to the fullest
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sabrionblogs · 28 days
When you first meet Akari Nitta and Ino Takuma, they both seem like they're doing just fine, but it had me wondering what their past was because I was thinking that since it's said that being a Jujutsu sorcerer is mentally damaging and enrolling new students is super rare, what if there were former Jujutsu High sorcerers? Who was in their past?
It is canon that fourth year students exist and if Hakari and Kirara are third years (both being aged 17-18), then we can also assume that the fourth years are somewhat close in age to Takuma and Akari, Takuma is 21 😚 and Akari is 20. In Jujutsu Kaisen, you may have noticed that there are a lot of similar names (ex. Gojo and Jogo, Suguru and Satoru, I just realized that Akari and Hakari are similar too lol) so maybe one of the fourth years has a name that's similar to Takuma or Ino Takuma. Another theory: Hakari and Kirara could be third years due to the fact that they were suspended so they couldn't move forward in their school year (not repeating, because Gege said that Hakari didn't repeat a school year in a fanbook/qna thing), if that's the case, then that would mean that Hakari and Kirara, in theory, are the fourth years or two of the fourth years.
Akari decided to become a manager in Jujutsu High in order to keep an eye on her brother, Arata Nitta, who went to Jujutsu High, Kyoto like his sister, who graduated from Jujutsu High, Kyoto, which I find interesting as it adds to her lore. I like to think that she and her brother are what Megumi and Tsumiki would be like if Tsumiki could see curses too. Do you ever think that maybe Akari and Takuma have met before while Takuma was defending his school in Goodwill events lol?
I genuinely feel like we would need to know how Takuma met Nanami and when exactly Takuma started idolizing him because that would give us an opportunity to understand his high school life because I don't believe that if he wasn't an only student, he would only care about Nanami while his other classmates were out there dying lol, but that's just my personal opinion of him. Obviously we know that Takuma was affected pretty badly from Nanami's death, but looking at his reaction, he looked more serious than sad and even when he was using Nanami's weapon to fight Sukuna, he, again, looked more serious. Maybe that's how he controls his emotions and maybe that's why he's depicted as this light-hearted guy when you first meet him. Although, if he was an only student, Nanami's death might've been the first sorcerer death that he has ever experienced.
Anyway, I love learning about them as they're the only early 20 year olds in Jujutsu Kaisen, I especially love how accurate Gege wrote them as how an early 20 year old would act (the unsure, but I'll keep trying anyway mindset lol) and I just wanted to have a little mini celebratory moment for these aged characters because I personally feel like seeing someone my age in anime is super rare.
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polyodynos · 1 month
The Ekklesia Galaxy's Relationship With the Xianzhou Alliance
The Ekklesia Galaxy isn't on hostile terms with the Xianzhou Alliance, and many planets, species, and cultures in the galaxy maintain diplomatic relationships with the Xianzhou Alliance. However, many Ekklesian species are long-lived, and while none of them swear allegiance to the Abundance, they view the Xianzhou’s perpetual war with the Denizens of Abundance with concern. After all, there’s a possibility that if the Xianzhou somehow manages to eliminate the Denizens of Abundance, the enemy that they define themselves against, the Xianzhou might seek a new enemy to replace them. There has also been a long internal debate about whether Ekklesian death magic should be brought to the Xianzhou’s attention as a possible treatment for mara. Although rare, there have been instances of mara-afflicted Xianzhou Natives ending up in the Ekklesian Galaxy and asking to be put out of their misery in a moment of clarity. Each time, an Azonaic Keybearer who was also an Emanator of Azonos was summoned, and they successfully fulfilled the Xianzhou Natives’ request for mercy. While many Ekklesian species are horrified by the suffering mara inflicts, the possibility of the Xianzhou Alliance trying to recruit Thanategos to fight against the Denizens of Abundance have lead many Ekklesian species to warn Thanategos, especially those who are Azonaic Keybearers and Emanators of Azonos, to avoid using their death magic around Xianzhou Natives. Hakarians tend to perceive Xianzhou species as being uncomfortable with their place in the cycle of life and death and reluctant to acknowledge that the Abundance and the Hunt are inextricably linked. After all, if Yaoshi did not exist, then Lan would not exist. That being said, Hakari does have a diplomatic relationship with the Xianzhou and engages in trade and cultural exchange with them. The Ekklesia Galaxy also has a millennia-old policy forbidding any Xianzhou ship from traveling through it. 
This policy stems from an incident where a group of Torian students and their professor were surveying an erratic asteroid population in the Ekklesia Galaxy. One of the students noticed a Xianzhou ship approaching, and because that stretch of space was particularly treacherous, the Torians approached the ship to try and guide it away from danger. However, the Torians were wearing spacesuits powered in part by stellar magic. The suits obscured their faces and the propulsion provided by their suits led to the Xianzhou ship mistaking the group for Wingweavers. The ship fired a warning shot, causing the group to scatter. While neither party technically did anything wrong and no one was hurt, the possibility that a similar incident might occur in the future gave Ekklesia pause. A lot of Ekklesian species have a history of being discriminated against in other parts of the universe, and they tend to band together and are also abundantly cautious about protecting the galaxy and its inhabitants as a result. They also viewed the ship’s conduct as a betrayal of trust and an insult to the galaxy’s hospitality. As a result, the Ekklesia Galaxy instituted a policy forbidding the Xianzhou from traveling through Ekklesian territory.
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enkvyu · 1 year
Nothing makes sense anymore I think gege forgot how to write good chapters people say gege killed gojo to make the story move but that doesnt make any sense after sukuna turned back to his og body and on top of that now he can basicaly cut the world how can others beat him non of them are on gojos level I shouldve stop reading jjk after shibuya it's emotional torture at this point
(Thinking about this making me angry my English is dead at this point)
NO SRSLY ANON i dont want to sound like im above gege bc he has experience writing stories and he has been going at it for years but what . is he thinking 😭😭
if THE STRONGEST cannot get sukuna at his weakest form what are the hopes that anyone else ever could ??? the whole reason why no one jumped in during gojo v sukuna was bc they knew they would only get in the way and die (lol) . going at sukuna one at a time ??? it wasnt even hakari and kashimo teaming up like MAYBE they stood a chance but they decided to split up ?? and now sukunas in his god mode or wtv and the chances r lower than ever
which is why im partly hopeful that gojo will resurrect bc i sincerely can’t reason another character succeeding in killing sukuna .
honestly the radio silence from yuuji is the only thing giving me hope bc he IS the main char after all . him being casted aside in all this should not come without a well thought out plot related reason. i will actually call it quits if there isn’t a scheme behind all this . i mean its the final battle, the last arc!! (unless it isnt but do we srsly see a future where readers will care abt another arc w the last remaining chars) there has to be one more trick up gege’s sleeve (praying its gojo coming back LOL)
one last thing bc this is getting long (oops) but i’m disappointed in yuuji’s character arc. gege definitely sacrificed his arc for gojo’s involvement w the plot and if we get dumped w yuuji lore all of a sudden i actually would not be able to find it in me to care . im gonna say it thats cheap fucking writing 😭😭 i rlly do not want to seem like ik what im talking abt considering gege is a mangaka and im js a fanfic writer but LORD
ig im js curious to see how gege will turn this back on us bc . he better
btw ur eng is perfectly fine anon!! emotional torture is definitely how its been lately .. but i have Hope
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lavenderjewels · 2 years
tbh the only part of the culling games I was disinterested was the yuuta fights
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amplichor · 4 months
gege hasn't written utahime speaking a word since back in januray 2021 and her official fanbook page is the emptiest with the manga illustrations blown huge to compensate for the blank space where gege just did not feel like talking abput her um maybe she's just a worthless character that even her own creator doesnt want to waste his time on and she only has a fanbase for people shipping reasons, you seem like youre included in that
well, first and foremost , im not sure what utahime iori did to you for you to hate her so much ?? not sure what i, specifically, did to make you run your lil' mouth in my ask as if i'm the ONLY utahime rper when i have seen and know plenty of people who write her . this just seems like a whole lot of hate for a side character .
i've been laughing since i got this . I don't really give a damn how you feel about me ... but know a few things .
i love utahime completely as a stand alone character and believe her to be interesting as hell, i don't like her for her ships, i like her because of the personality she brings to jjk. does it suck that gege doesn't give her attention ? sure it does, but uh .. news flash ! i don't really give a fuck what gege does or doesn't do, doesn't like, etc. reminder that he also hated GOJO so like -- ?? ok thn . i own the character guide , so i also want to point out that other characters, such as Yuki, Tsumiki, Ui Ui, Hakari, Mei Mei, and more , also have very little information and have the art blown up . so ... they're worthless characters too right ?
worthless is definitely not the word to be using when it comes to utahime. she helped gojo figure out who the mole was, and her technique was able to amplify gojo's cursed energy during his fight with sukuna. but if you see her as worthless, go off then i guess.
of course i like ships .. it's kinda part of the roleplay thing, am i using utahime for the sole purpose of wriitng ships though ? no , i write headcanons and lore points because of the fact that i love her and want to develop her more . boo hoo . fuck off .
also, you forgot the period at the end of your lil ' rant .
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cursedvibes · 9 months
I found this by one of my (ex) moots who have unfollow me, cause now they're anti -JJK :
"JJK really went from a loved manga to a mid-to-bad story with insufferable fans 🙏 may more of us hate it in the future. It snatches the spotlight from genuinely good shows and its another case of "general shonen fan will call any trash 'goat' if the fight is well animated".
I used to be a fan, until the start of the culling game. And after this controversial, inconsistent and inhumane adaptation of shibuya, im glad that I have no interest in both manga and show anymore"
Do you think Culling game is hard to understand, cause several of my (ex) moots also start dislike JJK after that arc?
I can't speak for everyone who dislikes jjk, but I think for most people who dislike the Culling Games, it's a sort of recency bias (except in the opposite way it's usually used). Many criticisms levied against the Culling Game were also said during the Shibuya arc as it was coming out and are showing up again, now that it has been animated. Things like "too many fights", "I don't care about these new characters", "the pacing is shit", "killing too many main characters makes deaths meaningless", "Yuuji isn't even the main character anymore" are often said for the Culling Game arcs, but also something I now see a lot from anime-onlys for the Shibuya arc. It's just how Gege writes and either you like it or you don't. A lot has also to do with binge-reading something and reading it weekly (especially if you don't reread chapters). The flow of action and payoffs are much more apparent when you binge something than when you have to wait for little titbits of the story to come out and stew for weeks over setups for later plot points. Any minor grievances you have are also easier forgotten when you read the full story. Problems like "I don't know what's going on or who these characters are and therefore I don't care" show up a lot when you aren't used to or don't like reading something weekly. There are people who complain that they don't know who Higuruma or Kashimo are, when it is very easy to remember that if you just keep the story in mind, reread past chapters or only read full arcs. They certainly don't lack characterization. Gege's writing definitely has flaws, especially recently, but we got to know plenty about Higuruma, Kashimo, Takaba etc.. Someone might not like them or isn't interested in their stories because of personal taste, but that's not Gege's fault. I for example like the Culling Game much more than Shibuya or Hidden Inventory and I think Shibuya can drag a lot at certain parts, but the highlights still make it a good arc. Perfect Preparation and Culling Game just has more to offer to me because it focuses on different characters and I like the new ones generally much more than say the Kyoto school group. Each of the new characters have tons more depth than any of the curse users that worked for Kenjaku previously and thereby liven things up a lot. Not to mention more lore. Thing is, if your favourite characters appear less and you don't like the new ones much, that will inevitably turn you off the story. That's valid, but personal taste is subjective, it's not what makes the story bad.
There are plenty criticisms to be made and you can clearly tell that Gege is rushing some parts of the story now, so I can understand if people stop reading because of that, but it's a matter of if the highs outweigh the lows. As whole arcs, I definitely don't think Culling Game is any worse than Shibuya. Or that Perfect Preparation is worse than Hidden Inventory (I think those are better to compare, since HI has a very different focus and is much shorter than Shibuya or CG). I'm a bit sceptical about the final fight against Sukuna in Shinjuku (excluding Kenjaku's part and Hakari vs Uraume from this for now, I liked those), but there's enough there to keep me invested and continue reading. I can understand though if that's not the case for others. Similar for the controversial timeskip and don't even get me started on Sukuna vs Gojo. Some criticism I don't agree with (sorry but Takaba vs Kenjaku was actually good), but there are other valid points to be made. For example, I recently saw a discussion on twt about how we are barely shown Gojo interacting with the students he supposedly cares about. I can totally understand that, especially when we are given more flashbacks to what happened during the timeskip and Gojo isn't in any of them and apparently not invested in what his students and friends are gonna do in case he dies. It does give the impression that he just doesn't give a shit about any of them anymore and it doesn't help his lack of characterization and character development post-unsealing.
Generally, I think it's best for these people who are "anti-jjk" to just drop the show if they can't enjoy anything about it at all. There are many more mangas, animes or other stories out there they could read/watch, instead of forcing themselves through something they don't like. I do that with plenty of stories as well. So if your ex moot decides to drop the manga and anime because they don't like it anymore, good. Find something else.
I think their criticism that jjk "snatches the spotlight from genuinely good shows" makes no sense though. That isn't even the case within the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. If something is good, people will read it. Look at the boom for Kagurabachi, a series that just started and is already loved and continuously in the top 10 of the Jump App. People can read multiple stories at the same time, that's the whole reason these magazines don't just feature one manga. Sure, some really good stories out there are less popular, but that's not because of jjk. JJK being popular doesn't stop me from reading Houseki no Kuni or Monster, mangas that aren't as well known. One Piece or Pokemon aren't stealing anything from jjk, so why would that be the case for jjk and some lesser known manga. There are more complicated reasons for why something is getting less traction than just "series x has gained popularity". And I don't like powerscalers or your average blue checkmark anime fan on twt either, but then just ignore them. They are in every shonen fandom (and seinen and shoujo, although in case of shoujo it's a little different but not less obnoxious). Other fans having shit tastes isn't new or unique to jjk. That's just fandom.
Either way, glad this person moved on to another series, may they be happier there.
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galaxynajma · 11 days
2, 5, and 12 for jjk ask game?
2. If you had to team up with one sorcerer for a mission, who would you choose?:
probably Nobara , maybe even Nanami. Idk I feel like those two are the ones I’ll be the most comfortable with
5. Which villain has the most interesting backstory?
Geto , not like there’s that many options. But even if they were , Geto would still be on the top. While i dislike him as a villain ( I don’t think that part of his character was written as well) his backstory kinda saves him in a way. I’ll also say Naoya and Toji since I’m just interested in the lore behind the three main clans in general
12. If you could change one event in Jujutsu Kaisen, what would it be?
A lot , Yuki’s death could’ve been done better ( but ideally I would’ve liked if she didn’t die in the first place) her dying for Choso’s character that didn’t even result in anything was kinda disappointing . Also i would’ve loved if we saw more of Hakari vs Uraume
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