lasantera · 4 years
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The latest additions... congrats @infantejp can’t wait to read your work and I’m looking forward to digging into “Mapping Hispaniola” highly recommended to me in my search for Dominican and Haitian lit. 🇩🇴🇱🇮✍🏾⚔️🏹🌊🌪⚖️ #dominicanwriters #haitianwriters #dominicanliterature #haitianliterature #mappinghispaniola https://www.instagram.com/p/CFIgWfNjM2z/?igshid=go7gs7qx5npx
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Conversation on the seminal work of Haitian Dominican Poet Activist Jacques Viau Renaud between Amaury Rodriguez and Ariel Francisco. Thursday Feb 27th 6:30-8:30pm @wordupbooks JACQUES VIAU RENAUD "one central reason why Viau and his poetry matter is that he offers a viable alternative narrative to these entrenched ideas about "fatal conflict, "... His poetry, his activism, and the literary circles he moved in—all of these point to the possibility for imagining a different Haitian-Dominican relationship." Raj Chetty AMAURY RODRIGUEZ is a Dominican-born translator and independent researcher. He is a frequent contributor to the Marxists Internet Archives (MIA) and co-author, with Raj Chetty, of Dominican Black Studies, a special issue of The Black Scholar journal. Ariel Francisco is the author of A Sinking Ship is Still a Ship (Burrow Press, 2020) and All My Heroes Are Broke (C&R Press, 2017). A poet and translator born in the Bronx to Dominican and Guatemalan parents and raised in Miami, his work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Academy of American Poets, The American Poetry Review, The Florida Review, The New Yorker and elsewhere. The Miami New Times named him one of the Five Florida Writers to Watch in 2019. #bookdiscussion #haitian #dominican #dominicanwriters #haitianwriters #dominicanhaitian #haitiandominican #decolonizeayitikiskeya #decolonizeayiti #decolonizekiskeya #decolonizehaiti #decolonizedominicanidad #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/B77ImB6p0Gf/?igshid=hbv9hbieckox
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udteamnetwork · 5 years
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The 2019 Little Haiti Book Festival is this Sunday, May 5th. #haitianwriter #haitianwriters #haitianamerican #haitianamericans #littlehaiti #littlehaiticulturalcenter #littlehaitibookfestival #littlehaitibookfest #littlehaitibookfair #librerimapou #librerimapoubookstore #miamibookfair #readcaribbean @miamibookfair @fabyjosaphat #penamerica @pen_america https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw3RMWzlLwP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gtdqeeaaqwoa
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nitrascifi · 7 years
We have clearance to leave the planet.
Leaving earth behind
 We got the call very early. Neither of us expecting a call or to be somewhere super early. I slightly, with pressure use my leg to push his back towards the ringing phone “Babe, please get that.” Hello? Aha you have been cleared to leave this relm.  The mothership leaves in fourteen hours. You and your family should report to Cape Red at ten p.m. with your belongings. 
 I could always hear the other line on his phone. he keeps the volume turned up all the time.  By this time I am sitting on the bed planning which trunk I will get from the warehouse.  I was scrolling my mental rolodex on what were my all time favorite outfits that had to make room for my books and equipment. I was instantly revived from a comfortable rest. He is still getting details as I flew off the bed and rushed down the hall.  I can see him from the full length mirror watching the back of my legs moving quickly out of the room.  
  I am tearing the kitchen apart at this point. lining up essential gear for my healing kitchens’ arsenal. Containing a grater, mortar and pestle, paring knife…..When I hear what sounds like flippers being worn in doors. Aha walks into the kitchen with flippers on asking me “Do you think these could be of use on the new planet?” I am way to jazzed to rain on his parade. So, I say, Babe! take whatever you think were going to need to start out.  If it’s not a total need let it be.  but, I you never know we can get a plot close to a nice body of water.  Those flippers might come in really handy.  I’m starting in the kitchen but I plan to go over every inch of this place. I am taking all the stuff I know we will need while the camp is being constructed. We get a trailer load of whatever we want to bring with us. So I am lining up the absolute needs first than I will look at the creature comforts.  He smiled boyishly as if to say.  he was taking all his gear regardless if it was working or not.  I knew that look. I liked that look.  It’s his Killmonger mode an it’s always a turn on.
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foh2010 · 5 years
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Edwidge Danticat élue membre de l'Académie américaine des arts et des lettres #nyfoh2010 #EdwidgeDanticat #haitianwriter #nyfriendsofhaiti2010 #haiti #writer #art #HaitianAmericannovelist #haitianamerican #shortstory #novelist https://lenouvelliste.com/article/212889/edwidge-danticat-elue-membre-de-lacademie-americaine-des-arts-et-des-lettres https://www.instagram.com/p/B9T-Y_TDUAV/?igshid=1n0pg0crgubbn
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Just in! @Regrann from @susannah_slocum #kreyol #Caribbean #thinkers #theorists #philosophers #artists #caribbeanstudies #caribbeanstrong #blackliberation #humanliberation #haiti #ayiti #haitianwriters #haitianwriting #sylviawynter FYI @jacobvjoyce
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moonwriter623 · 7 years
What is happiness ?
What is happiness other than a shit stain pretending to be holy? We go through life in the pursuit of it, risking everything for the American dream. We party, we fuck, get high, we work, we spend our hard earned money on materialistic insignificant shit, have children because there's always that sliver of hope that thirty seconds of happiness they bring us could somehow increase overtime. 
What is happiness other than then that unreachable belief that was drilled into your brain when you were young. No matter how satisfied you are with your life, you can never reach up to that word "happiness". 
Why can't we be happy? Everything around us push us to believe that there's always something missing. You can have everything but that nagging feeling of emptiness can never be truly satisfied. So, you think you're happy then clap your hands fuckers, because it doesn't get any better than this.
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shortstoriesem-blog · 8 years
Little Red Lying Hood
It’s easy to blame the big bad wolf. After all, you are the little red riding hood, innocent, pure, whose sole reason for being in the forest was to bring your poor sick grandmother some cake and a bottle of wine. Isn’t it quaint to be the usual victim, to shift the blame to the big bad wolf? But in truth, I believe that the little red riding hood had just been lazy. The spoiled little person everyone loved and protected had been unwilling to do anything for anyone other than herself. Instead of making your way through the forest to get to your grandmother’s house, you had lingered in the forest gorging yourself with cake and getting drunk with the whole bottle of wine. You did encounter a wolf; a changed wolf, with the ability to be good, who had counseled you to keep the path to your grandmother’s house. As he spoke these wise words to you, you already made up your mind that he would pay for his insolence, for daring to advise you to do something for someone else for a chance. He’d be the one to blame. #writing #femalewriter #haitianwriter #fairytale #moderntakeonfairytales #shortstory
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haitilegends · 7 years
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JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE! À FRANCK ÉTIENNE NOUS TE SOUHAITONS TOUS TRÈS SINCÈREMENT UN JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE ET QUE CETTE ANNÉE, DE PLUS, QUI TE VOIT CÉLÉBRER TON HEUREUX JOUR DE NAISSANCE, TE COMBLE DE BEAUCOUP DE BONHEUR ! HAITI☆LEGENDS #Biographie: Frankétienne - Île en île http://ile-en-ile.org/franketienne/ Texte – Jean Jonassaint "Enseignant, chanteur, comédien, dramaturge, écrivain et peintre, Frankétienne (alias Franketienne ou Franketyèn), de son vrai nom Franck Étienne, est né le 12 avril 1936 dans une section rurale de l’Artibonite (à Ravine Sèche) suite, dit-il, au « viol d’une paysanne haïtienne de treize ans par un vieil industriel américain ». Cette scène primitive, qui est d’abord récit pour l’enfant presque blanc élevé sans connaître son père dans un milieu populaire noir, deviendra le motif principal d’un de ses livres les plus achevés, H’Éros-Chimères (Prix Carbet 2002), un énorme « roman familial » de 350 pages de format 8,5 x 11 pouces. Complètement éclaté dans sa forme – où images (peintures, copy art), jeux de caractères (typo-#poésie) et calligraphies se combinent pour faire de chaque page un objet d’art que Frankétienne nomme « spirale » comme la plupart de ses textes non dramatiques depuis Ultravocal (1972) –, cette œuvre limite est aussi le récit des déchirures d’une société minée par une gangrène populiste autoritaire et obscurantiste qui a conduit, en l’année de son bicentenaire, le pays haïtien au fond d’un gouffre que préfiguraient déjà, jusqu’à un certain point, L’oiseau schizophone (1993) et la série picturale des « Têtes » (1999-2000). Accroché obstinément à son bout d’île qu’il a refusé de quitter même pour un court séjour durant les années Duvalier, et qu’il refuse encore de quitter trop longtemps, malgré les sollicitations nombreuses et la furie des exodes, publiant régulièrement (depuis quarante ans) dans les deux langues des traditions littéraires haïtiennes, jouissant d’une large audience nationale, plus qu’aucun autre, Frankétienne est écrivain haïtien. Créateur nocturne (écrivant et peignant la nuit) : sismographe de la trop longue nuit duvaliérienne, et de l’interminable décente aux enfers lavalassiens, chacune de ses grandes œuvres est profondément ancrée dans l’histoire contemporaine haïtienne. Chacune témoignant, malgré l’homme ou l’écrivain qui se veut avant tout créateur, d’un moment de la « conscience nationale ». Ultravocal (1972) : le vertige de l’errance sans fin ni finalité, le pays habité par « le mal majeur » forçant ses enfants à l’exode massif sans espoir ni désir de retour. Qu’on se rappelle cette scène tragique de Mûr à crever (1968) : chassés des Bahamas, quatre Haïtiens, sur le bateau du retour, se jettent à l’eau, se livrant aux requins de la mer caraïbe plutôt que de revoir l’enfer duvaliériste. Mais Ultravocal, c’est d’abord l’aventure du langage, un travail inouï sur la langue française qui fait de ce livre, de 415 pages, un monument de littérature d’expression française dont la réédition en 2004 (par Hoëbeke à Paris) est acclamée par la presse française toute tendance confondue, du Monde au Figaro en passant par Lire et L’Humanité. Tourmenté comme il l’est, Frankétienne ne pouvait se dérober à l’urgence d’une aventure au cœur de la langue haïtienne, sa maternelle. En 1975, il publie le premier roman haïtien, au sens fort du terme : Dézafi (réédité en France par Vents d’ailleurs en 2002). Plus qu’une révélation : au-delà des mots, Frankétienne, caisse de résonance des maux de la Nation, visionnaire (il se dit plutôt « miraculé », faisant allusion à sa traversée sans prison ni tortures de la dictature duvaliériste, expression qui lui inspire également en 2004 le" LIRE LA SUITE: http://ile-en-ile.org/franketienne/ Frankétienne, Frankétienne Frankétienne, photo © Marie-Andrée Étienne Port-au-Prince, 2012 photo © Marie-Andrée Étienne Port-au-Prince, 2012 -------------------------------------------------- English #Biography: Frankétienne by Kaiama Glover #Frankétienne (1936-), Haitian writer, painter, actor, singer, mathematician, activist, and intellectual, was born Franck Étienne on 12 April, 1936 in the Artibonite region of Haiti. Abandoned by his father, an American industrialist, he was raised by his mother in the Bel Air neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, where she worked as a street merchant to support her eight children, managing to send Franck, her eldest, to school. As a young poet in the early 1960s, he frequented a regular literary salon hosted by novelist *Marie Vieux Chauvet for a group of politically minded poets known as the Haïti Littéraire (Literary Haiti) group. Though not an official member of the collective, he was deeply influenced by members Davertige, Serge Legagneur, Roland Morrisseau, Anthony Phelps, and René Philoctète, all of whom ultimately were driven into exile from President-for Life François Duvalier’s Haiti. Married to Marie-Andrée Étienne, mother of his son Rudolphe, Frankétienne is widely known as the author of Dezafi (1975), the first novel ever written in Haitian Creole, as well as for his decision to remain in Haiti throughout the dangerous period of François and Jean-Claude Duvalier’s dictatorial regimes. Over the course of half a century, Frankétienne penned over fifty plays, poetry collections, and works of prose fiction in both French and Haitian Creole, beginning with the publication of his first poems in the 1960s. His paintings number in the hundreds. Considered one of the most important figures in twentieth and twenty-first century Haitian literature and the arts, Frankétienne long enjoyed immense popularity in Haiti and among members of the Haitian diaspora. Although necessarily a member of the intellectual elite, he sought throughout his career ways to reduce the distance between himself and members of the popular and peasant classes in Haiti, creating andparticipating in projects for the development of the community as well as dedicating himself to the more solitary task of creative writing. Well aware of the extent to which illiteracy prevents many Haitians from participating in the literary sphere, Frankétienne always made it a point to write plays in Creole meant for Haiti’s stages and to produce audio recordings that might reach a broader public. Notwithstanding this prolificness and renown among Haitians in Haiti and abroad, however, Frankétienne’s work remained for several decades engulfed in near total silence outside of his island. ~ Kaiama Glover READ MORE: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://dubois.fas.harvard.edu/sites/all/files/Francketienne%2520%2520DU%2520Bois%2520online.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwittJWPw5_TAhXBNSYKHRMeB1wQFgjLATAg&usg=AFQjCNGbL8QzDV_B9DcH-_ddAQ8oVatGBA&sig2=Sm85n_1NpYpgWYYAxwDoFA ------------------- *VIDEO: Watch "Franck Etienne "ose sa cause et sa symbiose"" on YouTube https://youtu.be/wi7bKCcHbQQ Watch "VIP DU MOIS de Mars: Franckétienne d'Haïti" on YouTube https://youtu.be/cLKinWHGCf0 #HAITI☆#LEGENDS #FranckÉtienne #Haitianwriter, #painter, #actor, #singer, #mathematician, #activist, #intellectual, #Enseignant, #chanteur, #comédien, #dramaturge, #écrivain #peintre,
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hiztorybookz · 4 years
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Where were you on May 31, 1921? Read and find out what happened when an angry white mob destroyed a prominent black city. #VeryFinePeople. Purchase Link in the bio. #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #TulsaOklahoma #justiceforgeorgefloyd🙏🏾 #blacklovematters #love #justice #haitianwriters #nojusticenopeace✊🏾 #jacksonstateuniversity #icantbreathe #blackart #policebrutality #equality #art #blackexcellence #blackhistory #blackouttuesday #lgbtq🌈 #covid #explorepage #lgbt #feminist #melanin #repost #peace #feminism #togetherwearestronger #haitianauthors https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9cdMopYnv/?igshid=17hilih6w8cm0
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Celebrating Our Leaders. Let us gives thanks to those who pave the way and inspire us to voice our truth. Happy Birthday Edwidge Danticat! “Born in Haiti, Edwidge Danticat was brought up by her uncle after her parents moved to New York; she joined them at 12 and learned English, the language in which she now writes. She published her first novel at 25 and continues to expose her country's traumatic history, becoming a potent voice for the diaspora.” (the guardian) @edwidgedanticat #happybirthday #edwidgedanticat #celebratingherosbirthday #haitianauthors #haitianwriters https://www.instagram.com/p/B7fejEbFebI/?igshid=1mw726bvayhnu
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hiztorybookz · 3 years
Continue to do what educates you. . For more books click the link tree in the bio. #hiztorybookz #moors #blackwriter #haitianwriter #reading #bookstagram #books #book #booklover #bookworm #read #bookish #booknerd #bookstagrammer #bookaddict #bibliophile #readersofinstagram #instabook #love #booksofinstagram #reader #bookaholic #readingtime #bookshelf #writer https://www.instagram.com/p/CTfWaTWnBlo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hiztorybookz · 3 years
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These two Young kings reading #BigBrother. Understanding the role of an older sibling. A beautiful thing.❤️ . Big brother, Available on Amazon. . #blm #blacklivesmatter #TulsaOklahoma #blacklove #love #justice #haitianwriter #nojusticenopeace #JacksonStateUniversity #icantbreathe #blackart #policebrutality #black #blackgirlmagic #equality #art #blackexcellence #blackhistory #blackouttuesday #lgbtq #covid #explorepage t#feminist #melanin #peace #feminism #together #haitianauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/CQpyZ0trhAo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hiztorybookz · 3 years
Step-out and come meet ME! I am the owner/writer of @hiztorybookz. I am excited to share my accomplishments with you at my first book signing event, after 5 published Bookz. Can't wait!!! . Bookz will be on sale. . Saturday, July 17th 2021 At BK Lobster 572 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205 1-4pm . #haitianwriter #followforfollowback #spreadlovethebrooklynway #farrockaway #haitianteacher #teachersofinstagram #education #teacherlife #school #hiztorybookz #teachersfollowteachers #teachers #teaching #student #learning #english #students #teachersofig #iteach #teach #iteachtoo #kids #classroom #teachergram #englishteacher #learn #study #covid #instagram #children https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZ0Jz2BVq0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hiztorybookz · 3 years
Check out our line-up of bookz. . Available on Amazon and in Kindle version. . Website coming soon! . #blackfamily #moors #problack #blackowned #blackandproud #blackpeoplebelike #blackconsciousness #blackownedbusiness #blackempowerment #rextacular #blackgirls #supportblack #haitianwriter #hiztorybookz #jakarta #jakartabookz #jakartahiztory #hiztoryeveryday #blacklove #kidsbookz #kidsbooks #blackchildren #read #reader https://www.instagram.com/p/CPF-3OHnF05/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hiztorybookz · 4 years
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Choose your weapon wisely. The novel; Very Fine People is a piece of Historical Fiction with substantial history, suspense, drama and a twist. #blm #blacklivesmatter #TulsaOklahoma #justiceforgeorgefloyd #blacklove #love #justice #haitianwriter #nojusticenopeace #JacksonStateUniversity #icantbreathe #blackart #policebrutality #black #blackgirlmagic #equality #art #blackexcellence #blackhistory #blackouttuesday #lgbtq #covid #explorepage #lgbt #feminist #melanin #repost #peace #together #haitianauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4j9OVpFv4/?igshid=1fq9fo6n46g1r
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