#haha youve been fooled
nyctohyloph0bia · 5 months
Me to my unsuspecting human mutuals on my main blog: On a scale from 1 to 10, how obvious do you think I'm making that I'm not human? I MEAN- COUGH COUGH EHEM- How obvious is it that I am...a furry that takes it too seriously?
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mondaymelon · 10 months
awwhhh im sorry did i hurt your widdle feelings 🥺🥺 msorry pookie cmere ill give you a little kith
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prunpplee · 1 year
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I would just like to say that "die" the prefix here, indicates that its feminine...
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seasideoranges · 8 months
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literally just found out about the prince and the fool anniversary so here's some late fanart to celebrate that! the letter is so cute haha.
wanted to draw in the peanuts artstyle, it's just so cute and simple, and i've been watching the old cartoons lately.
also side note sorry iroh but youve got it wrong zuko is the fool and sokka is the prince.
bonus doodle!
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pacifymebby · 2 years
hi, can i request peaky blinders reaction to reader coming out? i'm doing mine today and i'm kinda scared of my friends' reactions :( feel free to ingore my ask if you don't feel comfortable writing it!
Aw hey! First of all I'm sorry i think u sent this last week? Im only just seeing it!!!
I hope your coming out went well and that your friends showed u all their love and support. (u have all my love and support)
I'm bi, but i never had an official coming out I just sorta awkwardly would say gay shit in conversations until people just accepted that i was queer haha.
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🌿 You've been close with Tommy for a little while, working at Shelby Company Limited. He took a shine to you in a way neither of you really understand... Anyway the point is you feel like you can trust him, and because of that you feel guilty for keeping this a secret
🌿 You're so nervous to tell him and actually he's been thinking you've been being odd all day. You keep looking at him funny, like youre about to say something, like youre really thinking about saying something... But you haven't said anything yet and its beginning to worry him
🌿 So when he feels your eyes on him again he doesnt even look up, he just carries on writing, "alright y/n i can tell youve somet to say so why dont you just say it eh... What is it? You have a problem with how I spoke to Lizzy earlier? You don't like Michael? You think am dealing with these Italians incorrectly? Come on what is it?"
🌿 You're completely stunned and your heart starts racing in a panic as you stumble your way through "what? No i mean... You were pretty harsh on her weren't you but... Wait Michael? What? And I... I don't know how i think you should be... Why would I have an opinion on..." your cheeks are burning as you realise youre losing control of your voice, getting flustered and making a fool of yourself, but worse than that, Tommys looking at you with a smirk on his lips, leaning back in his chair, hands folded over one another on the desk.
🌿 Tommy probably already knows what youre going to tell him, because he has eyes everywhere, and because he himself is observant. Hes seen the way you look at women/men... He knows what you are but he doesn't care. He just wants you to tell him so that he can tell you he doesn't care, that it doesnt effect the way he thinks of you. That you'll always be welcome at the Shelbys.
🌿 Just because he knows doesnt mean he's going to take your moment from you, he doesnt know why but he feels its probably something you need to say out loud, to him, no interruptions. Your sexuality might not be a thing that concerns him or even really interests him but he understands it as an important thing for you, something you need to feel confident taking ownership of... So he just waits quietly.
🌿 When you finally say it he sits quietly still, he nods his head, he lets you believe that this is news to him, he doesnt tell you he already knew.
🌿 "Well," he says calmly, "I'm glad you've got that off your chest y/n, and am touched that you trust me with this information..." he's a little awkwardly formal about it, because he doesnt want to make a big scene or embarass you, but he doesnt want to make you think he isnt bothered...
🌿 "You know who you love, thats your business and nobody elses, and I know the world doesnt understand that yet, but I do, and my family do, and youll always be welcome where the Shelby family are concerned... Youre part of this family y/n, this doesn't change that... "
🌿 Youd feel so relieved and also so loved and accepted. Youre glad Tommy didn't get too dramatic about it, youd been worried he'd get angry at you for having kept it a secret so long... But his calm presence was reassuring and you feel secure.
🐻 Alfies noticed you've not been yourself for a few weeks now, hes getting worried about you because you seem much more nervous and mousy than you used to be... He's worried something bad has happened to you that youre trying to hide from him.
🐻 So he calls you into his office one day, gets you where you can't escape him (because every time hes tried to talk to you recently youve managed to avoid a real conversation and ducked away from him)
🐻 You feel like youre in trouble whenever he calls you into his office but you feel worse just now because you probably are in trouble. You can't stop thinking about this big secret youve been hiding. It isn't fair, it shouldn't have to be a secret. Other people don't have to hide when they fall in love...
🐻 Alfie is wearing his usual frown, he looks mean, grumpy, intimidating. "Alright y/n treacle I think you an me need to have a little talk yeah... Just a little one don't worry don't worry i won't keep you long... Know youve probably got somewhere to rush off to, thats all you seem to do these days... Rush off places... Run away from me... Feel like we haven't had a proper conversation in weeks and well you know me... Miserable old sod, spend all me time on me own... Been starting to miss you haven't I treacle so..."
🐻 Youve always been so impressed by the way Alfie can talk and talk and talk his enemies into a nervous sweat but you arent really feeling appreciative of it just now. Actually youre beginning to sweat yourself. Now youee sure you're in trouble.
🐻 But youre not. And Alfie doesnt know... Even though you think he must know, he doesnt have a clue. His concern is completely genuine. He thinks his friend is hiding something, some kind of trouble, and he wants to help you if he can...
🐻 "So come on then treacle, why don't you tell your old pal Alf just what's goin on.. Why ain't you stopping by anymore? Why am I missin you?"
🐻 You think about lying to him but only breifly because you know he will be able to tell.
🐻 And when you do tell him your voice is shaking and you're convinced he's going to turn on you, be digusted, all the negative thoughts youve had about yourself bubble to the surface and you can barely keep it together...but
🐻 He just does a big sigh of relief and youre just looking back at him confused.
🐻 "Well i must say treacle I'm a little relieved..." "W.. What... Alfie I just... That was so hard to tell you and youre... Youre relieved? Why are you relieved? This is..."
🐻 "What? This is what exactly treacle? I hope you aren't going to say bad cause well, you and me both know that that, well that just ain't true is it..."
🐻 He'd give you a whole speech about how you shouldn't think badly of yourself, that your sexuality is completely valid, love is love ect, "its a miserable old world we're doomed to live in, why deny yourself the one joy god gave us eh..."
🐻 "You know I've been worrying about you treacle, i thought something really bad had happened to you... Thought you were caught up in some bad shit... Italians or peaky boys shit you know? But this... Well... Treacle I'm happy for you..." "You're happy for me?" you look back at him a little dumbfounded, still a little shocked hes taking it so well.
🐻 "Thats right, I'm, thats me Alfie yeah, Im happy for you, thats you y/n l/n... I'm happy that you've found some understanding, and I hope that you can find some happiness and peace and... And i hope you stop lookin so worried all the time... Come on, cmere, give your old pal a hug,"
🐻 You're getting bear hugged to hell and back.
🍂 I'm not going to lie, Arthur would be confused at first... As in not, what do you mean why are you gay? But more, i don't understand, why are you telling me that?
🍂 Really really tries to say the right thing, says the wrong thing.
🍂 He'd get so flustered because he knows this is a big and important thing you've told him and he needs to say exactly the right thing to show he loves and supports you...
🍂 But he's terrible with words and even though he's trying really hard it's all coming out wrong and he's getting embarassed and confusing himself, tripping over his words and stuff.
🍂 But its lowkey endearing seeing him trying so hard for you, thats always been how you've known arthur cares about something or someone because he gets embarrassed whenever he has to show it.
🍂 He'd tell you that if anyone else doesnt accept you or says anything "homowhatsit" about you, you tell him their name and he'll sort them out. No ones gonna bother you about this.
🍂 He'd end up just giving up, giving you a hug with one of those awkward male clap on the backs, then he'd ask you why you chose to tell him this and not "someone smart like Ada" and when you tell him its because he's your best friend and you needed him to know first he's very touched, gets embarassed all over again. Secretly very proud.
🍂 Probably waits until you've come out to Ada and then goes to her to ask her what he should have said. She laughs at him, tries to tell him he probably said the right things in his own way, but he insists he has to say it properly. So she practices with him and lets him rehearse it with her..
🍂 Then when he tries to take you asside and tell you it all over again he does exactly the same thing as before and messes up all head in hands "sorry love I'm so fuckin stupid with words an you know all this... Feelins like.."
🌼 If you're a lass he's definitely making the "what you mean you don't fancy me then? Thought that was the whole basis of our friendship..." joke which makes you roll your eyes and knock him with your elbow.
🌼 If youre a lad, "and youre telling me this because naturally you're in love with me eh...knew it nobody can resist the..." youd cut him off with a shove and a shut up and then he'd laugh and say sorry
🌼 "only messin mate..." as he puts an arm around your shoulder.
🌼 He'd be very supportive of your coming out but he wouldn't want to treat it like it was too "serious" or really acknowledge the dangers it posed to you.
🌼 He wouldn't want to talk to you about those dangers or think about them because deep down he'd be incredibly worried for you and his mind would be working over time to think how he can protect you.
🌼 He'd probably start spending more time with you and you'd end up jokingly reiterating the fact that you don't fancy him he should leave you alone
🌼 But he'd be like "used to spend this much time with you, nothins changed don't be daft"
🌼 Wants to meet any man/woman you start seeing so he can vet them and make sure theyre good enough for you
🍀 Being your best friend he's very in tune with you and he's quite sensitive to a change in your mood or behaviour.
🍀 He's kind of always suspected you might not be straight because its always the girls that seem to get you shy and not the lads. When you're with him and the other lads you're confident and you speak your mind but when one of the pretty girls joins you get quiet, he's caught you starring so many times...
🍀 And so when you tell him he's really really really happy because he's been waiting for so long for you to realise who you are and stop being scared or ashamed of it. He was worried for a long time that you'd keep it secret your whole life and make yourself miserable.
🍀 Literally, youre shaking with nerves and hes just sat there grinning like a stupid little boy on christmas. He can't wipe the smile off his face and why should he? He's so happy for you and so proud of you.
🍀 "Brilliant, thats brilliant, youre a wee star! Brilliant..." you get shy and remind him you havent actually found a girlfriend yet but he completely ignores that point. "Yeah but you will soon won't you youre a heartbreaker in the makin i reckon..."
🍀 He'll get even more protective now when lads hit on you because he knows for certain their advances arent welcome. And once other people start to find out, if anyone says anything, to your face or behind your back Bonnie has the temper to knock them down and make sure they never say anything again.
🍀 He wants to meet anyone youre interested in, hes always trying to wingman you... Just wants you to be happy!
🍀 If he thinks you're crushing on someone he'll tease you about it so badly!
🐀Similar to John, if you're a girl, he's going to make that joke. If you're not and you say he's not your type hes actually going to be a bit offended. Its really going to wound his stupid ego and he'll have to try not to sulk about it.
🐀He obviously isnt making said jokes to belittle or not take you seriously, its friendly teasing, he wants to put you at ease and make you laugh.
🐀 He knows what its like to be a minority though, to have something people treat him like "less" for. So he's empathetic and will stand by you no matter what. He'll make sure you know that it doesn't make you a bad person, that its not you thats the problem.
🐀He knows youre worried about what other people will think so he tells you, "doesn't matter what other people think are gonna think, first thing people see when they see a peaky blinder, is a peaky fuckin blinder..."
🐀Will try to talk to you about women as if he was talking to a lad... Which is embarassing as hell for you and makes you visibly squirm... Which he finds very funny.
🐀He's actually really proud that you chose to tell him first and he gives you advice on how to tell everyone else... Honestly none of its that good, most of it sounds silly or embarrassing...
☘️ Honestly out of all the blinders i get toxic masculinity/homophobic vibes from Michael the most because he's the only one who hasn't experienced growing up as some kind of prejudiced against person BUT
☘️ I think he'd change for and because of you... See any snide comments he'd ever made, any judgemental things he'd said, he wouldnt ever have thought they were hurting his friend!
☘️ You're genuinely terrified to tell him and jt probably slips out in the messiest way possible... He says something about someone else being an *f slur and you very sharply counter with "whats so bad about that... Dont see how its any of your business is it..."
☘️ He'd get defensive and youd argue about it and when he tries to turn it on you with a "Don't see how its any of your business what i think of..." "Because thats me you're talking about! Every fucking time you say something like that you're hurting me Michael!"
☘️ Teary explanation and him immediately going quiet, guilty, he didn't realise and he feels terrible for hurting you like that.
☘️ It might take him a day but he'd apologise to you, he'd tell you that he might not understand but he wants to be there for you, it doesnt make you a bad person, nothing could stop him from loving and caring about you... He will probably really uncomfortably admit that its his problem and not yours
☘️ And then he'll be your biggest cheerleader and defender, he'll support you as best he can, he'll become a better less judgemental person, driven to become kinder because of you and realising how wrong he was before.
☘️ It will take time but even in the awkward beginning he wont let you doubt his love/care for you as a friend.
☘️ "You're still my best friend y/n you always fuckin will be and nothings gonna change that, and anyone... Anyone at all ever says any of that shit I used to come out with, to you or about you, I'll fuckin kill em..."
☘️ The way hes suddenly the fastest to shoot down other peoples homophobia. If he sees Isaiah or someone else laugh at a homophobic joke he'll shove/hit them to shut them up.
☘️ He can tell when you're crushing on someone and will be fucking brutal about making you talk to that person. Coming up to you at parties and lightly bullying you into flirting with them.
☘️ "You going to stand here staring whistfully at them all night or are you gonna grow up and talk to them?"
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leonwrites4u · 2 years
Hello again :) please could I request headcanons of the pillarmen’s S/O being reincarnated in the time they woke up and find their S/O doesn’t remember anything of a past life and is a hamon user on the side of Joseph and Caesar (who love them)
Yes! And I'm so so sorry this request took so long, I don't have a set schedule and I've been feeling burnt out recently. Ill happily do this for you!
Pillarmens s/O being reincarnated as their enemy
When this finally hit him, he cried.
As he always said, it's best to get ones emotions out
How dare these hamon users brainwash you of your love
Seeing you against him brings him great pain
Was the red stone of Aja really worth it?
Of course it was
He blames himself for being fooled by his emotions
He cried more
However once he let his emotions out
He wasn't wasting a single second
He was going to kill the damned hamon users
And he'll try to spare you
He lost you?
Had his honor failed him?
How could you not remember him?
All those memories together
You two loved each other
I suppose he forgot about the fact that humans die and reincarnate
You don't remember him
You see him as an enemy
Perhaps this was your fate?
His fate?
Those memories from long ago fueled his spirit
Perhaps this was the way it had to be
With a final sigh, he accepted the fact that this was simply fate
He has to put past the memories
Don't expect him to hold back in fights
However you will forever live in his heart
Not only as a worthy opponent, but a worthy lover
He hopes to see you again
He knew this would happen all along
He got attached to you
That he didn't plan
Seeing you just forget him like that
It broke his heart
And his ego
How dare you forget the ultimate being?
He let it go after some time
His goal was seizing the red stone of Aja
Not dealing with whatever he was feeling
Maybe in order to take away this feeling of pain he had to kill you
He understands very well
You are not the same person you were before
Youve grown
Defying him so easily?
You're no longer his lover
But his enemy
And he'll treat you like one
Thank you so much for reading this! Again, Im so sorry that it took so long! I had a lot of fun writing for the pillarmen, each of them have such different personalities and it makes them so easy to write! Thank you for requesting!
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Davebot, Aradia Megido
Page 519-523
DAVEBOT: ...honestly if you guys trust each other it makes sense
DAVEBOT: you really need to know yourself and your partner
DAVEBOT: but in a practical sense i mean how often do you see each other
ARADIA: really just whenever we do
ARADIA: he is doing his thing and i am doing mine
ARADIA: i could go see him right now
DAVEBOT: you wont
ARADIA: i wont 0u0
DAVEBOT: maybe thats why that other dave could never feel the same way about her even after all those years
DAVEBOT: that guy was just sort of going through the motions
DAVEBOT: doing the quote endquote right thing by everyone
ARADIA: uh huh
ARADIA: as opposed to now with all this knowing your own timeline business
DAVEBOT: no thats different
DAVEBOT: i chose this
DAVEBOT: im doing everything because i choose to do it
DAVEBOT: its just that i know i choose to do it in the future instead of choosing to do it right now
ARADIA: my friend i am going to be honest with you that sounds really stupid
DAVEBOT: yeah probably
DAVEBOT: but i can see why he chose what he did
DAVEBOT: he sucked and was lame and needed to be less lame
DAVEBOT: in fact his whole timeline was lame and basically didnt mean shit
ARADIA: it sounds like maybe you were kind of miserable
DAVEBOT: *he* was
DAVEBOT: so he chose to become me
DAVEBOT: and im here
DAVEBOT: fucking chilling
ARADIA: yeah ok :)
DAVEBOT: anyway youve got some shit to tell me about ultimate freedom
ARADIA: think about how you wield time
ARADIA: are you thinking about it
ARADIA: what is a classic dave strider maneuver
DAVEBOT: like in a fight or what
ARADIA: combat is just one facet of our lives 0_0
ARADIA: but if it helps you then sure in a fight
DAVEBOT: ok say im going to town on some clown (not literal)
DAVEBOT: head to head
DAVEBOT: exchanging blows
DAVEBOT: who will come out on top
ARADIA: what a predicament
DAVEBOT: and i see myself appear behind them and get on all fours
DAVEBOT: so i feint and they take a step back only to topple over like a fuckin jenga tower
DAVEBOT: shouldnt have pulled that block out
DAVEBOT: maybe shoulda tried one of the simple ones from the middle got too ambitious
ARADIA: focus
DAVEBOT: done in by the d mans one and two (i am both of the d mans)
DAVEBOT: but now i know i gotta travel back in time and do that so i wait until the moment they take a swing
DAVEBOT: oh shit now im not there anymore
DAVEBOT: im behind them and i get on all fours and watch myself push them over they topple a second time
DAVEBOT: they take a swing at the me theyre fighting but before they know it poof nice try chucklefuck dave twos gone
DAVEBOT: except theyre not gone theyre me behind them back on all twos ready to rumble
ARADIA: pretty sick
DAVEBOT: it really is
ARADIA: but what if you didnt do that? what if you didnt go back?
DAVEBOT: well that would destroy time
DAVEBOT: i know you know this its actual day one shit
DAVEBOT: you were just bragging about how much universal destruction you have personally been responsible for
ARADIA: yeah haha it is a lot
DAVEBOT: ive doomed timelines before by just not thinking about it too hard
DAVEBOT: people say not to overthink time travel
DAVEBOT: but thats a fools game
DAVEBOT: im tellin you dog
DAVEBOT: stable. time. loops.
ARADIA: i agree
ARADIA: but wouldnt you say that some timelines have to be doomed?
DAVEBOT: i know a couple dead daves who would disagree
ARADIA: but you wouldnt be here without those dead daves
ARADIA: just like i wouldnt be here without all the doomed aradiabots from way back when
ARADIA: actually *you* wouldnt be here without all those doomed aradiabots either
DAVEBOT: yeah thanks for that
ARADIA: youre welcome 0u0
ARADIA: anyway the point im making here is that some of these missteps end up serving a grander purpose
ARADIA: things that seem unimportant or even “wrong” can end up being essential components of whats meant to happen
ARADIA: and who even decides whats wrong in the first place?
DAVEBOT: i dunno megido thats borderline blasphemous
DAVEBOT: even insignificant shit can really mount up in certain circumstances
DAVEBOT: a butterfly flaps its wings the wrong way and shit spirals FAST and before you know it im gay and ashton kutcher is getting fucking euthanized
DAVEBOT: and i cant let that happen
ARADIA: whats the right way for a butterfly to flap its wings?
DAVEBOT: the way that doesnt make me gay
DAVEBOT: period
ARADIA: you say a lot of really funky stuff man
DAVEBOT: good point sensei
DAVEBOT: actually i knew that already
ARADIA: yeah i knew that you knew that dipshit!
ARADIA: its your silly response to like every other statement anyone makes and it is getting pretty boring!
DAVEBOT: thats the name of the game baby
ARADIA: lets play a different game then
DAVEBOT: alright what are the rules
ARADIA: no idea! 0u0
ARADIA: why dont we pop over to a place where nothing seems quotation marks right
ARADIA: a place that seems completely removed from what we would traditionally consider to matter at all
DAVEBOT: why would i need to go anywhere
ARADIA: i dunno to get a cup of water or something!
DAVEBOT: i dont really want a cup of water on account of being a really cool robot
ARADIA: ok a cup of oil
DAVEBOT: now were talkin
DAVEBOT: also now feels like a good time to mention that despite my omnitemporal awareness of everything that has and ever will happen to me i actually have no idea where the fuck youre proposing to take me
ARADIA: oh word
ARADIA: fun huh?
DAVEBOT: being real i kind of hate it
ARADIA: woohoo!
DAVEBOT: youre such a freak
ARADIA: cmon you shithead
DAVEBOT: fuck it alright lets go
DAVEBOT: hope i dont learn any valuable lessons about living in the moment
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ssszlami · 2 years
i love when something doesn't seem gay at first. like when it doesn't get gay until a few books or episodes in so the conservatives get tricked into reading or watching it.
and then by the time the gay starts theyre too invested in the story to stop
haha youve been fooled by the gay
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roanoaks · 2 years
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miracana · 2 years
*some of the guilds boys ( natsu, gray, gajeel, fried, warren ,alzack elf man, wakaba , jet and droy ) are having a little … get together. They’re all totally wasted and are on a “man’s only” camping trip ( as said by elf man, gajeel and jet ). They’re sat around a large campfire made by natsu himself and are drinking straight out of barrels.
They both argue.
* a small handful of the guilds girls ( juvia, lucy, levi, cana, and bisca) over heard about this little get together the guys planned and decided to go on a little trip of their own… a spying trip. Currently they are making there journey through the East forest in an attempt to find the camp their guild mates have set up.
Juvia “now right as they set off I saw them all go into the forest in this direction so they must’ve set camp ahead”
Levi “yeah their plan for not getting lost was to ‘stick to the same direction they entered the forest in’ so juvias right they wouldn’t make any turns”
Cana “I must say stalking this trip is giving me quite the thrill”
Bisca “I think we should probably give this a different label, ‘stalking’ seems a little much”
Cana “Well that’s exactly what we’re doing is it not?”
Lucy “I suppose”
Juvia “I am not STALKING my darling gray, I’m simply making sure he get up to no trouble whilst on this trip. I need to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere near a person of the opposite gender, I need to track his every move, EVEN IF HE THINKS IM NOT AROUND I WILL ALWAYS BE THEIR BESIDE HIM!!”
Lucy “yep that’s stalker behaviour alright”
Levi “hey how come Erza isn’t here? We did invite her didnt we?”
Cana “yeah but she believes this is a ‘major invasion of the boys privacy’ and she ‘will not be associated with the destruction of the net of trust between our guild mates, although interesting I’m afraid I’m unable to join you’ ( her exact words, precisely )
Bisca “boringggg”
Cana “god I know”
Lucy “what do you think they’re doing right about now?”
Levi “I’m not sure probably-
Levi was cut of by a faint sound ahead
Cana “there’s only one fool that could be, elf man”
She squealed in excitement
Bisca “shhh juvia, we’re gonna have to keep a low profile if we don’t want to get caught”
Lucy “guys look! the ring of trees over there, there’s no way they’ll see us there”
The girls go and set up their own small camp. They all opted to have no tents and just sleep under the stars with sleeping bags.
Wakaba “So alzack, when are you finally gonna get with bisca huh?”
alzack “I- uhh what- erm- I mean- no- no not no- I MEAN”
Elfman “you loveeee her, only real men love alzack. I’m so proud of you’re achievement”
Elfman pats alzack on the back
Bisca “WHATTT!!”
Juvia “now it’s getting interesting”
She says while giggling
Lucy “I mean bisca you guys do seem pretty in love of you know what I’m saying”
natsu “oh come on dude we all know you got the hots for her *drunk hiccup*”
Alzack “what like you have the hots for Lucy?
She shouts from the bushes
Cana “now this is the juicy stuff I wanted to find out, see I told you this trip would be worth it”
Bisca “HAHA you can’t talk now Lucy”
Natsu “yeah as if you can talk with your levi wevi ‘OH MY GOD LEVI I LOVE YOU I WANT YOU TO BE WITH ME OH MY’
Gajeel grabs natsu by his scarf
Jet “woahhh I guess we went from having a happy drunk to an angry drunk just like that”
Lucy “oh my god he’s getting really angry over that huh?”
Lucy looks at Levi who appears to be to surprised by gajeels reaction to respond
Warren “hey everybody calm down there’s no need to get so upset over this, surely we can all talk about the girls we like without fighting.”
Alzack “alright. Yeah yeah I like bisca so what”
All boys “WHATTT”
Wakaba “wow- I mean we all knew but I never thought I’d see the day where I’d hear it”
Bisca is to shocked to speak
*thud* gray falls to the floor, drunk
Fried “oh goodness gray are you alright?”
Wakaba “bro just leave him their he ain’t getting up anytime soon, anyways-“
Juvias mouth gets covered by canas hand
Cana “shhh”
All the boys turn to face natsu in unison and there’s a few second of silence as natsu looks confused
Elfman “obviously”
Natsu “I’ll talk about Lucy right after gajeel droy and jet admit their eternal love for Levi”
Droy and jet “we- uh”
Bisca “look at gajeel getting all defensive”
Alzack “elfman care to talk about evergreen or Cana”
Elfman “shut it alzack.”
Levi “i don’t know about this anymore guys. I mean if gajeel really does like me I don’t want to invade his privacy like this”
Lucy “what about jet and droy?”
Levi “oh they’re idiots I knew they liked me already”
Gajeel “I ain’t saying another word about Levi just drop it already”
Natsu “ok ok dude I didn’t realise *hiccup* that it was so *hiccup* personal”
Wakaba “I for one think Miras the hottest but with laxus around I don’t stand a chance”
Warren “me and you are on the same page wakaba but if laxus heard that you’d be dead”
Wakaba “she’s just so beautiful I wish I could-“
Elfman “you better shut your goddamn mouth and remeber that’s my sister your talking about!”
Wakaba “YES SIR”
Natsu “we’ll I guess that just about covers us all”
Gajeel “not quite.”
All boys “huh?”
Gajeel “Fried.”
Fried looks up at them alarmed
Gajeel “you’ve been real quiet.”
Fried “don’t forget gray-“
Droy “oh come on man he’s passed out cold”
Fried “I-“
Natsu “we all know he has the hots for laxus *hiccup*”
all boys “BAHAHA”
Fried “SHUT UP”
Gajeel “damn man I didn’t realise how personal it was to you”
In the background
Wakaba “OBVIOUSLY Erzas hot have you seen those-“
Warren “Hey don’t go forgetting about Lucy”
Bisca “hey juvia?”
Juvia is sat under a tree a few meters away crying
Cana “oh no what’s wrong?”
Juvia is interrupted by hearing
Wakaba “juvia too, she’s so hot I ever got the chance I’d totally p-“
Gray “don’t say another word.”
Everyone turns to face him confused
Natsu “hey man I thought you were out cold?”
Gray “don’t be childish waka and keep juvias name out of your goddamn mouth alright pal?”
Levi “is gray…”
Juvias hands fly up as she grows heart eyes
“Loves me, loves me, loves me”echos all throughout the east forest and all the sleeping animals wake up and fly or run far away.
Cana “oh cra-“
Wakaba “JUVIA?!!
The girls realise they’ve been caught and slowly pop their heads out from behind the bushes
Gajeel “LEVI!”
Natsu “LUCY!”
Elfman “CANA!”
Alzack “BISCA!”
fried “STALKERS”
There’s a moment of silence
Natsu “well at least erza isn’t here am I right?”
Theres another moment of silence
A sound comes from the bushes
Unknown “actually …”
everyone “ERZA?!!!”
Erza “I wasn’t going to but then my curiosity got the best of me. I was going to go over to you guys but was afraid that if I did I’d be spotted by one of the boys”
Gajeel “forget not coming WHY ARE YOU HERE?”
Cana “well we all fancied a night out and we wanted to hear what you guys were gonna say. We thought it was gonna be embarrassing stories from your younger days or something along the lines of that, but what we got was WAY BETTER”
All the girls can’t help themselves they burst out laughing
Natsu “well now that you’re here why don’t you *hiccup* join us?”
Elfman “NO HELL NO”
gajeel “actually I don’t see why not”
All the boys turn to gajeel looking shocked because they knew how against he was having girls there at the beginning of the night
Levi “all right !!”
Gajeel smiles at the sound of Levi
Gray “I see that smile man”
Everyone gathers around the fire and start telling stories from the start of their time at the guild. It was a loving heartfelt moment
Natsu “*hiccup*”
Lucy “gosh natsu if you keep hiccuping like that you’re gonna hiccup a whole load of”
*BOOM* an explosion of flames engulfs the whole circle
Everyone “RUNNNNN”
The end :)
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jelreth · 2 years
show us your wrists faggot
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great! now show me yours
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I wanna go to Walmart at 2am and make some hillbilly friends and crackhead friends. Thank you for comi to my ted talk
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tiens-letters · 3 years
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Oohh another request haha. I love this thank you and i hope you like it :>
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were the bruises to your heart worth it?
Childe angst
You mulled over your sister's words for the nth time today. Her voice playing on loop inside your head, drifting in and out of a mundane daydream.
"why are you still with him?" you wondered as well as to why you still stuck with Ajax, all these days in 3 years of being wit him. Perhaps it was devotion, it was love to persevere even in the wrath of crumbling times and yet why does your heart ache a little more these days he's been far from you.
The days when he would come home, wounded and tired you were there to nurse him back. Back then it was something you'd do out of care and worry, which was until these recent days where it felt as if it were a job you didnt want to do as he would shrug you off instead and locking himself in another room. You barely remember the time where you both shared a quiet night basking in each other's presence, with limbs in a tangle and your forehead upon his beating chest, it was almost none existent as the home you both had felt so utterly desolate, void of the homey ambience.
Youve endured a month of his uncalled behaviour, breaking you even further as things slipped from your grasp leaving you empty and in agony. There were times you'd silently let tears fall as he slept so soundly beside you, unbothered by your pain. He's become more and more as the harbinger you forgot him to be and not your darling lover Ajax.
He never noticed your puffy eyes, sunken cheeks and dwindling weight yet he noticed all the small mistakes youve made. Where one day, left you with a bruise on the arm due his snake like grip after blowing up on you right after he came home from a long journey to sumeru.
You left. 
Childe came home earlier than expected, once again tired and nursing a few minor wounds on his body. All he wanted was your touch on his skin as you lulled him to sleep only that to his utter surprise that the house was empty. Perhaps you went out for an errand or for another pot of your favourite flower that you kept in the small garden at the back.
Not giving it too much thought, he lounged on the couch awaiting your return, eyelids soon drooping as the soft pillow coaxed him to sleep.
As the grandfather clock swings its pendulum, the sound echoing through the whole room signifying the arrival of midnight, an eerie sound waking Childe back to consciousness. Groggy from rising he scanned the room only to find it darker than before, if it werent for the nearby lamp he switched open, he swore he couldve been swallowed by the darkness.
Were you not home yet?
A dreadful feeling washed over him as your presence was nowhere around the house. He called out for you as he rushed through the halls, a sliver of hope vanishing every corner turned and every door opened led to nothing but misery.
You always leave a note as to where you are going and yet it was another one out of the many abnormalities in his home.
"Darling? Please i hope youre not playing with me!" he calls out to no one in particular, denying the fact of your existence gone with the wind. Your clothes were all intact and so does your other belongings. He thought of every possibility of what couldve befallen his lover, mostly gravitating towards the worst of the worst case scenarious and may the archons forbid, he would never recover from the blow.
"Where are you?!"
Then it dawned on him after much pondering and pulling his falling parts together. The things he did, the words he said it all came flooding through him like a rushing cold river, hitting him fair and square in the chest and came forth an otherworldly pain and regret. He gasps, almost suffocating by the weight of his sins and he wished he had died right then and there in atonement for his crimes.
Soon his vision became bleary as eyes misted over with tears that fell freely from his ocean eyes. He ruined it. Ruined you.
And yet he could not let you go.
Days seemed to pass by so fast that it had already been 5 months of liberation from Ajax's presence. You were slowly building yourself up once again, the temple that was torn down by a single crack, slowly being rebuilt brick by brick.
Your love for Ajax, even if it left quite the bruise to your heart, it was still there, lingering in the air and a part of you missed him so. You wondered how he would be doing, you wondered if he looked for you just as you did when he didnt come home on the date set, you wonder if he wept when he couldnt feel you next to him, just as you did 150 days ago. You wondered if he ever called your name all the while giving a lingering kiss to the painting that hung on the foyer. You wondered if what you both had, had any significance to him at all.
"Stop doing that." you jolted from where you sat, the book falling off your lap as you met your sister's stern glare from across the room.
"Stop doing what?"
"You are thinking about Tartaglia again. Its been over 5 months and that blundering fool never made an effort to find you much less apologize for what he did when you were still there." there was anger in her voice as she recounted the day you came to her door, teary eyed and just utterly torn. Never once did she felt like murdering someone so bad, especially when it had you, her only family involved.
"Im sorry, I-i just--"
"Hush now." she came over in her elegant strides to take you in her arms, the familiar scent of your mother's favorite perfume stayed on her like second skin and you were so grateful that you had her. You let yourself cry in her embrace in quiet comfort.
Childe never stopped.
Secretly searching for atleast a tiny clue of your whereabouts wore him down to the bone and yet he never gave up. How could he? Even if he thought he was so undeserving of you he still pushed on to right what wrong he's made. The details gathered had been insufficient to serve as a lead making Childe more desperate in his attempt to search for you. Nights were spent on scouring places and information seeking and his work, only done in the daytime. He never wasted a wink on sleep as it was an obstacle to getting closer to you and even when his body collapsed due to exhaustion of overworking all he could think was you.
The search has led a certain fatui informant who works for one of the harbingers. With a note slipped in secrecy on a specific time containing an address on the small parchment. It was all Childe needed to fuel his buried hope as he took off towards snezhenaya.
He never imagined he'd arrive right in front of the iron gates that encased the whole estate atop a mountain. The wind bellowed stronger than before as the snow rained harder upon the place. Luckily, he was born in this region and had survived throughout. 
He wondered why you came here, to such a dreadful place but then again, anywhere was better than right by him.
Trying to push open the gates only to be repelled by cryo magic, burning through his gloves and into his skin, leaving fresh burns on his palms as he gasped in pain. Whoever lives here clearly didnt want anyone trespassing much less had a fancy for guests.
He was starting to grow cold as his energy was slowly being siphoned by days of travel, it would only take a matter of time before he passes out.
He calls out, hoping someone inside would hear him.
And you did, only that it seemed like the wind but the time you looked outside the library window, you saw a person outside the gates. The familiar ginger hair tousled with the wind and as you strained your ears to hear and that was when it filled your ears, Ajax's voice. Something you havent heard in quite a long time.
As quick as lightning you stood, half running half gliding through the halways and down the stairs, there was no coherent thought, only him. He was freezing outside the barrier and you pushed yourself more to reach him.
Your figure stepping out through the door was almost like a dream to him. Your name oh so longingly leaving his bluing lips.
"Ajax!" you were in time as you caught his figure which seemed lighter than before. He clung to you, legs desperately tryinf to hold him up. You were here, right in his arms, alive and warm.
"Im sorry. Im so sorry. Please I love you." he rambles on, like a mantra he apologizes over and over again, sobbing and stumbling on his words as he held you so achingly close "Forgive me. Forgive me..."
"Step away from him this instant." your sister, Signora hisses from behind you, just as you were about to coax Ajax she already had a cryo dagger aimed at his head
"Sister please!" you plead, your panic growing as you saw Ajax huffing in labored breaths "Let him come inside or he will freeze to death."
Signora sees the urgency in your eyes and the undying devotion you still hold for the man in your arms. She dematerializes the dagger with a wave of her hand.
"Fine but if I see tears in your eyes then dont you ever dare stop me from what Im going to do to him."
"Thank you sister." you smile at her as she steps backs inside the house and you follow in after her with Ajax leaning on you for support. Once inside, you had him lay on the couch by the fire after helping him out of his winter garments and replacing it for a knitted quilt.
"Im sorry." bloodshot ocean eyes looked at you with so much guilt and a love that you almost forgot "I-i im so so sorry."
"Lets talk about this after youve rested." this time you couldnt look at him, the ache in your heart throbs from the bruises it still nursed. You stood before falling further only for him to catch your shaking hand with his equally shaking one.
"Dont leave." he whimpers, the fear of abandonment increasing as he pleaded for you to stay. instead, you let go of his hand and placed yours instead over his eyes making him uncharacteristically shriek surprising you even more, making you think what other worldly pain he was experiencing as of  the moment. "No! No No.  Please Its dark." 
Ajax cries as he thrashed around because he feared that if he sleeps he would go back to the nightmare of you not by his side and that would leave him all cold and alone just like in the past. he didnt want to go back there, not now when he's seen you. As much as he'd hate to admit, he was truly and utterly terrified but you had to let him rest and with the help of your vision he finally succumbed to a dreamless, peaceful sleep. Only that he calmed down did you notice how much he's lost, where your once sunken cheeks, puffy eyes and weight loss now transferred to him and it made you sick to your stomach. your lips found his forehead as you wished him a good rest, you left the room after bandaging his burned hands to gather yourself for when he finally came to his sensible self.
when you thought it was going to take a full day for him to wake up  only to find him stumbling about in the living room calling your name on his lips like a broken record. you immediately rushed down and burst into the room to find him clutching his head and gasping breathlessly. he looked crazed until he caught sight of you standing by the door, a worried look on your face was when he finally came to. he ran to you, clung to you like it was the last day of the world to live and sighed into your welcoming smell. 
"are you alright now?" you ask him as you part in arms width 
"Hit me." he tells you in all seriousness in his worn out state 
"W-what?" you were certain he was still out of it until he grabbed your hand in an attempt to hit himself to which you stopped immediately 
"Hit me! Scream at me all you want. Call me words Ive called you. Ive broken you! Do you not see that?!" funny how he couldnt see himself, he who's become worse over the course of the months . his tone rose and fell until it was only a whisper above his panting 
"Just dont abandon me." he shuts his eyes, steeling himself for your judgment  until he felt your hands on his face again, making soothing circles on his cheek 
"look at me Ajax." you coax him and he did and he could see assurance and the love for him still remained and he wanted to cry again but tears have long gone abandoned him and left him in such a regretful state, he truly didnt deserve you and you never deserved to be treated that way. "Youve hurt me yes and nothing can change that but I wasnt planning on you leaving you. I couldnt as I love you too much that I wouldnt imagine life without you but Ajax, the things you did to me, to us,  was painful." 
"I know and Im so sorry." he held himself from rambling as the pain in chest grew even more burdensome, something he would willingly carry as he vows to himself to never hurt you and if he did  then he would tear himself down "I love you" 
"and I to you Ajax. Just promise me that when you are having a hard time, let us talk it out and not result to screaming and painful banters." 
"I promise darling. on my life and everything in this world. I vow to never cause you pain like I did and to only give you love and care that someone like you deserve." 
there he was, your Ajax. He was home. 
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animeomegas · 3 years
How’s your brother feeling? How’s it going?
For the event could I ask for sasuke and hurt/comfort?👀
Sasuke Uchiha + Hurt/Comfort + Page of Cups (hesitation between fear of being hurt and the desire to give all of oneself)
Accepting love is hard for Sasuke.
He wants love so desperately. He’s the kind of person who loves with their entire soul, a person who gets deeply attached when he’s shown true kindness.
But he’s also scared.
Because he loves so deeply, he’s vulnerable to being hurt. And he’s been hurt so much and he can’t handle any more, so instead he pushes people away as hard as he can, never giving himself the chance to become attached.
So, entering a relationship is scary for him and there are sometimes occasions when he can lash out at the partner because he feels very vulnerable.
After nightmare for example.
Sasuke wakes up pretty frantic. In his dream, he had watched his brother’s mangled corpse telling him how useless he was over and over again, how he should have tried harder to save him. He gets those dreams a lot, but that one had been frighteningly vivid.
He’s upright in bed, his breathing uneven as his eyes dart back and forth between all the entrance points of the room. He needs to calm down, he needs to calm down right now. But he can’t.
His brother’s face is mocking him in his mind, taunting him for his weakness every time that he blinks and Sasuke can’t breathe, he can’t breathe, he needs to breathe.
Sasuke throws himself of the bed, landing quite heavily on the floor before he scrambles into the corner of the room. He can defend himself here, enemies can only come from one direction, it’s objectively safer, but his breathing doesn’t seem to care. Tears start to burn behind his eyes. Don’t cry, don’t cry.
“Sasuke, calm down,” came a voice from somewhere in the fog. A good voice, a safe voice. He chokes trying to call out to them.
“Focus on breathing first, sweetheart, you can do it,”there’s the voice again, he likes that voice…It’s his mate’s voice, that’s right. His mate is here with him, no, intended mate, not mate yet… They’re watching him like this. He’s weak. No one likes weak people; he’s ruining it again. Oh, kami, he needs them to leave, to not see. Get away before they leave for good.
His breathing picks back up again as he loses himself in his thoughts, and suddenly there’s a hand on the back of his neck, why are they still here? His metaphorical hackles raise and all at once, anger spikes through the panicked haze.
“Get the fuck away from me,” he snarls, scrambling even further into the corner.
And then the comforting presence leaves and the fear creeps back in, but he can’t give in, he can’t be weak or they’ll leave forever.
So, he sits by himself for another hour, choking on air and whines, shivering against the wall until clarity returns to him. Clarity and shame.
Steady tears drip freely down his face as he realises what just happened. He hates himself for being like this. He feels sick.
Just then, as though they have a sixth sense when it comes to him, his alpha steps back into the room now that his panic has cleared. He keeps his head down, he can’t face them yet.
They cup his face with their hand and gently pull him to face them. He can see them tracing the tear tracks on his cheeks with their eyes. This is shameful and his face burns. But they only smile softly at him.
“Drink some water, Sasuke,” they whisper, putting a glass to his lips. He lifts up a hand to take the glass from them, he can do it himself.
Turns out he can’t do it himself. His hands are shaking badly and he can’t support the glass. His lip starts to wobble. He’s weak. They’re going to leave him and it’s going hurt so much, he’s been such a fool.
“Its going to be okay, Sasuke,” they coo at him, pulling him onto their lap and cradling him against their chest.
Sasuke allows the embrace but shakes his head in denial, nothing is going to be okay again.
“I know it doesn’t feel like it, but I promise, my omega, I promise it’ll all be okay.”
And with that they start to purr loudly, holding his head against their chest so that he can feel the comforting vibrations. His alpha then starts to massage the back of his neck, providing a steady and firm pressure that has his eyes drooping against his will.
No, he can’t fall asleep, he can’t, because he’ll wake up and they’ll be gone and he needs them, he can’t fall asleep, no…
A blanket is draped over his shoulders. It’s one from his bed. He didn’t even feel you move…
He’s warm now. Warm and safe and so tired. His instincts are a mess, but somewhere in there, they tell him to succumb to sleep, to rest now that he’s safe, and Sasuke can’t resist any more.
(Thank you so much!!! 🥰🥰🥰 And my brother is doing much better now, although he's still milking it haha. Hope you enjoyed queen!!!)
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nitroish · 3 years
I hc that you are fond of wearing hats. You just strike me as a Hat Person.
hate that youve caught me in a hat wearing phase. i was going to be all "haHA u FOOL u BUFOON i do not wear HATS!!!!" like a Winner and then i remembered ive been wearing hats every single time ive gone outside for the past two months
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actualbird · 3 years
Hello Zak! Glad to be here on the game show tonight, it’s an honor. Let me first say though that I feel lik an alien who's only been on earth for about a month, is still trying to blend in, and now is on Jeopardy!!! Truly a wondrous life I'm living. But onto the show. My answers for which I think are truths are 1,2,3,7,10. My reasons for why I did or did not pick an answer are:
1. I want it to be true
2. There's no doubt in my mind that he could and would do that.
3. I hav no clue what nyctophobia is and that makes it seem smart and true
4. I also want this to be true but I don’t trust it enough
5. It sounds like something he’d do but I might cry so I’m choosing not to believe it
6. Fake wikipedia my beloved, you can only be but a fantasy
7. He scares me! (affectionate)
8. He has to hav every doctorate ever. Or at least more than 2. He seems lik that kinda bitch
9. They didn’t hav a bunk bed they had a loft bed and mc slept in it while luke (of his own accord) slept on the floor. Sorry i don’t mak the rules
10. This seems very realistic, unfortunately
irt the tears of themis 5 truths, 5 lies gameshow
kJSDJGBKJSD HI KITKAT! welcome to my gameshow because i love to terrorize the wonderful ppl who follow me!!! i love the alien on jeopardy image youve painted for me, how i wish that were my life...
anyway, onto your answers!!!:
four out of five of the numbers you listed are correctly true and canon!! for somebody who knows only about tot from my blog and---judging by the rationale uve given me---is mostly answering thru sheer vibes, four out of five is GREAT
heres the answer key if u wanna see specifically which ones are canon or not :DDD
and also ur rationales killing me.
i rlly want the luke in trees thing to be canon but alas i made that up bc it is so endearing to me to have little kid luke pearce up in a tree just CRYING (i hc he was a huge crybaby before his self consciousness and self loathing crashed into his brain at around 11 or 12 years old) for help to get down
trust that marius is shit at anything music related. TRUST!!!
huge kudos on not trusting the fake wikipedia artem one because i fooled a bunch of ppl merely thru the bit i put in parenthesis where i act as if it rlly did happen in the game HAHA. oh man, just from that, youd see through 80% of the lies i tell irl kJBKJFGKS
vyn having 2 doctorates is a huge meme in the fandom. look, we even have a gif for it!!
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thanks for playing and i hope u had fun :DDD
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