#haha what if this was canon
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2isted-chocol8-art · 5 months ago
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"When I’m done exploring, I want to make some more quantum art. Maybe some kind of creature sculpture that just, like, shows up and scares the daylights out of you.”
I always found that Gabbro dialogue hilarious so I made a comic about it 💃💃💃
-> More Outer Wilds Art!
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renshengs · 1 month ago
hmm i do think that danmei and dangai (censored danmei cdrama adaptations) being many non-chinese fandom people's first impression of chinese media has given them some misconceptions about mainstream chinese media, and it shows in a way that i find very frustrating when seeing discussions about cdramas on here. dangai dramas aside, even if government censorship didn't exist, the chances of your favorite cdrama gay ship becoming canon is about as high as the chances of any of those iconic homoerotic male friendships in a western TV show becoming canon. which is to say: extremely low.
what i think is that internationally huge danmei fandoms like mdzs and tgcf and drama adaptations like cql and shl have really fucked with people's conceptualization of danmei, in that they're using it as this reference point when analyzing relationships in all other forms of cn media, including cdramas and chinese games, which then manifests into people making very bold, very dubious claims about "queercoding" because 2 characters from a random cdrama reminds them of the one or two danmeis they'd encountered that shaped their entire perception of chinese media. basically it's this meme:
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many people here need to understand that cdramas and chinese films are obviously mainstream forms of fictional media in china, just like how the mcu or the doctor who franchise is mainstream in the US and UK, or like shonen is mainstream in japan. not to burst your bubble of happy ignorance, but homoromantic relationships such as qingming/boya from the ying yang master are—for lack of a better term—fujobait. they are fujobait. bromances, because those sell well and everyone knows it. popular ships like bakudeku were not actually made canon in mha because shonen is mainstream, and in most industries geared toward maximizing capital, having full-on gay people front and center is considered a monetarily risky move. which sucks, of course, but china is absolutely no different. i promise you that if the govt removed their censorship laws for TV broadcasts, your favorite gay ship from mysterious lotus casebook or the blood of youth or fangs of fortune still wouldn't be canon. they might be allowed a bit more intimacy due to the lack of restrictive filtering, but they are not going to be sucking face for the same reason that gojo and geto from jjk didn't suck face.
danmei is still widely considered niche and risky in china, and if you haven't seen the recent news, authors are still getting arrested for writing it. assuming that chinese fiction, mainstream chinese fiction in particular, operate like dangais where the two guys with the most gay tension would be made explicitly canon were the censors to be lifted, is frankly pretty ridiculous. dangai dramas are adapted from danmeis, which are stories centered on a gay romance and narratively depend on the two guys falling in love. non-dangai dramas are very much... not that, hence why people shouldn't watch them expecting a censored danmei and then forcing assumptions of "my ship would be canon if only it weren't for censorship" on them.
it's very clear when someone who knows absolutely nothing about the actual situation with danmei and queer existence and mainstream TV censorship in china is trying to push their, if i put it crudely, "boss baby meme" perspective onto cmedia. fandom is all about poking at interactions between your favorite characters and giggling and speculating, but i think lots of fandom people (many of them safe in the pockets of their more progressive areas) view govt censorship as this big abstract dam that, if broken, would result in the canonization of all their favorite ships, which is not only an incredibly naive belief but also one that shows how much they view TV censorship as more of a personal inconvenience that's preventing their favorite ships from kissing on screen instead of the looming, deep-rooted issue depriving mainland chinese people of creative freedom it actually is. with cmedia fandoms there's a specific widely popularized "they're so gay omg how did censorship not notice" gag when there's any perceived homoromantic undertones in a story that's both rather insensitive and also ignorant, and many dangai and cdrama fandoms in particular (donghua fans too, link click shippers i'm looking directly at you) could really use some more education and sensitivity regarding this.
i've been in danmei & cdrama fandom spaces for years and post-pandemic this kind of nonsense has definitely gotten worse, especially when you compare shipping discussions here to shipping discussions in cn fandoms. here every 2 seconds someone makes an off-color censorship joke about tgcf donghua and over on douyin they are straight up commenting under the nezha sequel announcement post if there's going to be an oubing kissing scene. granted i obviously cannot see or know everything going on in cn fandom spaces because they are incomprehensibly enormous, but in all the spaces i've been in i've never seen a single censorship joke from anyone. why do people here absolutely insist on making them?
anyway. fandom be normal about chinese media challenge!
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sysig · 1 year ago
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How far did you get? (Patreon)
#My art#Handplates#UT#Gaster#Frisk#A DBZA incorrect quote technically - it's just such a raw line#Even what it's in reply to kinda works in this context! ''What exactly changed between you in the future and now?'' Time travel nonsense#It feels real weird to have a piece fully finished in black and white and have that be Correct lol#I am So pleased with the composition of this ♥#Gaster vertical and the human horizonal! Gaster confined and the human-#Hint: He's not looking at Frisk#Gaster being able to see Zarfox consistently is very interesting to me#Or rather - that bit makes sense lol he got as far as he could within the confines of his world and understanding#It's still cool how much he can actually see tho - understand? Interpret? Hard to pin down and define haha#What Sans is able to see doubly interests me - he got some but just glimpses! Different from - I assume - Gaster's consistent sight#Poor Papyrus being left out haha#It's been a while since I've drawn a Vessel - weird to think about Frisk in that context haha#It's accurate! Just weird ♪#I am so in love with Gaster's post-Void design <3 The fact that his lineart is ''canon'' - however you want to phrase it just ughgjkdslafd#Any instance of The Medium being drawn attention to down to its format and details gives me the zoomies lol#Visual representation of the unfathomable! It's so cool!!#And the fact that at the Very least Gaster suspects just how limited his viewpoint is - is phased in and out of it - what he assumes is real#He knows that even with everything that makes him up now - the threads of the multiverse! - it's still so much bigger than he can understand#''More than I thought'' - and then actually getting to talk with some/thing/one(s) that make up at least a sliver of that Bigger#''Less than you'd think'' - like moving a grain of sand that contains a universe on the beach of infinity#Hghhh it's cool <3
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avayarising · 7 months ago
DPxDC prompt: Here is the News
“You’re watching CDTV Now, and I’m Ace Atchinson with a special feature. Last week, the nation was shocked when a team of junior heroes affiliated with the Justice League apparently vandalised one of America’s most beloved national monuments.”
A short, jerky video plays, showing an explosion on a large stone face – one of four carved out of the side of a mountain. The smoke clears to reveal a large hole where the nose used to be. Several figures fly out of the stone and are caught by some sort of flying vehicle. It swoops across the mountain and away.
“With me live in the studio this afternoon are some of the members of Young Justice, here to tell us their side of the story. Superboy, Wonder Girl, Impulse – did you destroy Mount Rushmore?”
“Yeah, we did,” says the boy with black curly hair and a leather jacket over his brightly coloured hero suit. A bar appears across the bottom of the screen. Superboy, it says. Member of Young Justice. “On purpose, too.”
The girl, with stiff black hair and large square glasses, scowls in his direction. “We weren’t trying to destroy it,” she says as the camera closes in on her. The bar across the bottom of the screen now reads Wonder Girl and Member of Young Justice. “We were rescuing our friend.”
“She’s a ghost you see and the apes captured her and held her in this secret base –” The brown-haired boy in goggles stops when he is nudged by the girl beside him. The bar flickers for a moment to say Impulse before returning to Wonder Girl.
“OK, so, we need to go back, like, five steps here. There was a secret government base inside Mount Rushmore where they were conducting inhumane experiments on ghosts.”
The host laughs in a strained, nervous way. “Ghosts?” he asks.
They nod. “I’d like to introduce you to another member of our team,” says Wonder Girl. A mist forms behind her as she speaks, and swiftly coalesces into the form of a pale, slight girl, hovering behind the sofa. “Um,” she says nervously. “My name is – I mean, I go by – Secret, and… I’m a ghost.”
“Danny! Turn on CDTV now!”
“What? Why?”
“Just do it!”
“–torture and imprisonment, and she hadn’t even done anything! They’re just prejudiced against ghosts because they think they’re dangerous!”
“She is dangerous,’ says the black-haired boy proudly. The label Superboy appears on the screen again, in case anyone had forgotten. “She can shape-shift and go through walls and even possess people –”
“K– Superboy!” hisses Wonder Girl. “Not helping!”
“I’m right here,” says the ghost girl. The people who do the labels have obviously been hard at work, because she now has one too, saying Secret and Alleged ghost. “And I can do those things, but that doesn’t mean I want to hurt people or –”
There’s yelling from off camera, and a crash. A bolt of blue-white energy flies past the camera and the image whites out. There’s a scream, and a burst of static. The image returns, fuzzy and striated. Another bolt of energy. A large man wearing white rushes into view. Someone in green boots and a yellow and black cape lands on his head and knocks him down. A bang, and the image turns sideways as the camera crashes to the floor. The sound cuts out. There’s smoke, and running feet, and suddenly the side of the studio sofa, before another flash of blue-white light and the screen goes dead.
Nothing happens for almost a minute, and then the TV starts playing a rerun of the highlights of last week’s sports game.
“Well, shit,” says Danny.
Superboy here is not in fact Kon but Match pretending to be Kon and trying to sabotage the team. Robin was hiding in the ceiling behind a lighting rig because Batman is going through one of his ‘we are cryptids’ phases and wouldn’t allow him to appear on screen. Anita hasn’t joined the team yet, which is good because her dad is one of the agents and it would have been awkward.
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marronje · 2 months ago
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I promised and I did it
I call this ✨strawberry Ochako✨
Not perfect, but I tried to make it practical (I just wanted to give Ocha some cool pants)
(my rambling about the og design which started it all)
Special thanks to @lily-claw, your input was major here haha (maybe that's why I've stolen the "KILL WITH MY KNEES" idea y'know XD)
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And these are with the massage points if any of you are curious
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davonati · 2 months ago
They make love out there in the field, before David has to leave for good. It’s fast and messy, with both of their emotions running so high. Yonatan comes with the taste of David’s tears on his tongue.
He stays lying on his back in the grass until the sound of crunching footsteps finally fades away, and only realizes later that, in their utter desperation for each other, he’d forgotten to take any of the usual precautions. But by then, it’s far too late.
Four months later, he goes to see David at Horesh. Even in the dim light of the hideout, David looks at him oddly.
“Something’s different about you,” he muses, and Yonatan has to stop himself from reflexively clutching his belly. He’s not showing yet, not really, but he can feel the life growing inside him.
He expects David to approach him then, to explore the planes of his body as he’s done countless times before. He readies himself to tell David the truth, to finally feel the weight of this secret lift off his shoulders. But David comes no closer. He eyes him for another moment and then turns away, pulling out a large map of the Judean territories as he updates Yonatan on his group’s movements over the last few months.
It’s better this way, Yonatan decides. David has enough to worry about at the moment without concerning himself with Yonatan’s health, and there’s no guarantee that the baby will make it to term anyways: it’s not as if Yonatan is willing – or able – to confine himself to bedrest for nine months. When David returns to Giveah, Yonatan can reevaluate the situation. Most likely Yonatan will never need to reveal his mistake; best case scenario, David will have an heir to secure his lineage as he ascends to the throne.
Years later, as Yonatan lies bleeding out under the stars, his last thought is to wish he’d gotten the chance to tell David about their son.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year ago
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a rendezvous beyond
and a halfway closeup just bc im rlly happy with how the bg turned out lol
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teastainedprose · 11 months ago
homelander x fem!reader who RELIGIOUSLY sleeps with a stuffed animal (me and my 20 y/o giraffe with no stuffing in his neck are totally not projecting here)...
he spends the night at her place for the first time and sees it laying on her bed, he teases her for it but is also just slightly jealous because "why do you need this old thing when you've got me?"
"What the fuck is that?" There's equal parts distain and disbelief in Homelander's voice as he plucks up the red plush toy from your bed, turning it over in his hands as a frown tugs his lips down.
"A Charmander," You reply even if you know he has no idea what that is. You busy yourself with turning the covers down as you crawl into bed. Sighing, you Homelander's gaze flicks between you and the large plush toy of a sleeping cartoon creature, one brow lifting. "Ah, right." He rolls his eyes, lips twisting in distain as Homelander squeezes the stuffed animal between his hands. The sleepy placid smile never leaves the Charmander as he briefly sneers at it. "That clears everything up," Homelander quips before dropping the stuffed animal back onto the bed. "Didn't know I was fucking such a childish woman," he goes on with a tone that's almost playful. Almost. You're used to this. Homelander isn't the most mature man. "It's soft and comfy to cuddle." You grab the plush as you settle down in bed, already pulling the covers up over your shoulder as you tuck the stuffed animal in with you. It's your bed the two of you are sharing tonight. Your pillows. Your well-worn sheets and buttery soft blankets. Homelander's bed may be the height of luxury, but it couldn't beat your own for sheer creature comforts. A content sigh escapes you as you burrow down, tucking your chin atop the stuffed animal's head. The perfect pillow. "You're really going to sleep with that- That thing while I'm here?" Homelander asks, voice incredulous as he crawls in beside you. He's quick to tuck himself about your form, never leaving any room for you to breath. Homelander nuzzles into the crook of your neck a moment before settling his chin on your shoulder. His arms snake about your middle, tugging you flush against him as Homelander releases a sigh akin to a put upon dog.
Then he huffs. You can sense as much as see the glare he's giving the toy as you glance up to him.
"Are- Are you jealous of my Charmander?" "No," it's a petulant grumble as he turns to press his face back into your neck. He nuzzles again before his teeth graze the sensitive flesh there and then he bites. "M'just not interested in an audience." There's a growl to his voice and you swear he sounds territorial. Over a plushie. You laugh and the sound turns into a delighted shriek as Homelander moves over you, teeth clamping on your neck as his hands roam over your body. Somewhere along the way, Homelander makes sure to pluck your stuffed animal free of the covers to toss it onto the floor.
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months ago
Combining the boys’ abilities (and I mean actual combining not just using them at the same time) because I was thinking about it and wow they’re kinda cracked actually-
[ cw: death mention / def not for them though 💀]
Raph & Mikey: infinite clones (aka unbeatable) + strength completely unparalleled + infinite cloned chains + the clones are very fast and can fly + potentially reverse any damage on main shield clones or even damage in general
Mikey & Donnie: constructs that also can last much longer than usual possibly forever + potential future vision + every single cable or wire or anything of that sort has the potential to be taken over akin to Mikey’s chains + full telekinesis
Donnie & Leo: pinpoint portal/teleportation themselves or constructs just by knowing where to aim (aka instadeath for any enemy if used right) + telepathy
Leo & Raph: teleporting clones who can grow or shrink at will (which can also be instadeath like above if used right) + said clones can also act as homing spots to switch places with + potentially swap damage taken to clones
Raph & Donnie: they literally can make Voltron, but more than one + basically impossible to destroy shields + constructs can also be cloned
Mikey & Leo: freezing time and being able to move during it + heat death of the universe + “oops hey it’s other alternate iterations of us???” + this is a time and space team up you’re not winning this-
Basically any combo is an instant “you win.” I wanna go further into these combos later and maybe even add or subtract as I think more on it because there’s so many I left out and I can always extrapolate on and explain these ones more, but this was fun and these boys have terrifying powers even without combining them all together.
Seriously, should each of them train these abilities to the best they can be, there is no beating them even if they’re alone.
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elizakai · 2 months ago
concept for badsansuary day 8- yearning
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based on this frame by sourapplestudios🙏
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dat1angel · 1 year ago
When Ra's needed an heir, Talia impregnated herself with The Detective's DNA to give him the perfect offspring. When she delived fraternal twins the boy was raised to one day take over the League and the girl was kept around so that she might one day provide the LoA with new recruits. When she came of age and learned that the only reason she was kept around was the idea of her future children, she fled. They never found her.
Years later, Duke Thomas introduces his family to his new boyfriend, Danny Fenton.
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souenkun · 5 months ago
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Matoba is So Real actually. If I had to face the horrors of protecting 11 clans and the rest of the exorcist community as my 9-to-5 from the age of 22 or possibly younger, I deserve a little sweet treat after finishing a job. Make it three sweet treats while I'm at it
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sasanka-27 · 4 months ago
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Story in two parts aka reason the interview was short haha
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pheoflame · 1 month ago
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Go make a mess of me
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ollylotl · 10 months ago
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a dream of home
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ineed-to-sleep · 2 months ago
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What if we fell in love and you died LMAOOO what then
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