#haha noodle arms
selineram3421 · 8 months
Hi everyone.
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I'm back but I got sick cuz somebody coughed on me at school. (I know, yuck) I will work on some fics but I am mostly going to be napping to recover.
Hope everyone has been doing well.
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relto · 1 year
yesterday i realized that i can do wide arm pushups with my knees off the ground, now im sore in even more places than usual (positive)
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violetrainbow412-blog · 9 months
I wanted to order something from Wonka (2023) because I fell in love with it after watching the movie! So if possible, I would like something fluff in which Reader and Wonka are mutually in love but neither has enough confidence to declare themselves and Noodle helps them both to tell each other their feelings. (sorry if I didn't understand, the english isn't my first language)
A little push [W. W]
Willy Wonka x fem!reader
word count: 4.5k
note: first of all, I want to tell you not to worry because English is not my first language either (i'm Mexican, where are u from?) and second, I loved writing this, I had fun and I think I got a little excited with the words count, haha. I hope you enjoy!
taglist: @dyieying @reallysparklychaos [Timothée masterlist]
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“Everything is amazing!” Noodle squealed, as he walked down the stone hallway and looked around with absolute fascination: from the chocolate river to the glass ceiling through which you could look at the blue sky.
After you had gotten rid of the Chocolate Cartel and the rest of the group had returned to their normal lives, Willy had finally started his dream of building a chocolate factory. Now that it was finally finished, you and Noodle had been the first in the world to have the privilege of seeing it. You had stayed in touch, of course, although it was almost always when he went to town in search of some materials for his creations, to sell chocolates on the streets or to work on rebuilding the store at the Galeries Gourmet.
"So you think?" he asked, smiling. He loved the girl as if she were his little sister and you imagined that her approval would prove to be quite important.
“Of course, it's magnificent,” she assured him. You looked out at the grass and waved at the little orange man (who you now knew was called Lofty) who was drinking from a small cup “Is the river real chocolate?”
“Of course it's real chocolate, who do you think you're talking to?” he murmured, almost offended “Go explore and eat whatever you want. I accept suggestions for improvements” Willy indicated to your friend, who smiled at you apologetically and bolted towards the glass bridge section.
“I think we'll finish the merchandise before the opening,” you joked and then Willy seemed to remember your presence.
His smile was extremely sweet when he turned to you to offer you to take his arm, like a gentleman, and so you began walking, a little slower and a shorter distance.
“It would be impossible, I assure you.”
“How have sales been?” you questioned and then he began to give you a summary of everything.
Abacus was still his trusted accountant so this whole matter was well monitored, which allowed him to make all the movements, purchases, and remodeling. While Noodle (whose name you knew wasn't hers, but you kept calling her that out of habit) was lost in the recesses of the enchanted castle you seemed to be in.
"A flower?" he offered you suddenly, leaning down to pull one of the ones growing on the floor.
"It is eatable?"
“Everything here is edible,” he said cheerfully. “Except me, I guess.”
“Maybe you are, although I think you'd taste quite peculiar,” you said in a soft, teasing voice, hoping he'd catch at least a little of your flirtation.
After everything you had been through at the launderette, as well as the time you had lived together after that, you had become good friends, but little by little you had begun to feel something else blossoming inside you. The boy was handsome, you had realized this from the first moment you saw him, but the more you lived with him you began to realize the great qualities he had. It was much worse when you added to all this the sweetness with which he always treated you and how attentive he was towards everything you wanted.
That's why you threw in some flirtatious comments from time to time, to test the waters, observe his reactions, and thus build an image in your mind to know if you had at least a chance.
“Let's find out,” he said, and your breathing hitched for a moment, but it came out as a chuckle when you saw him lick the back of his hand “Not that unpleasant, though a little salty, I’d say.”
You had to admit that you would have liked to see how your friend tasted differently, but for now you would just let it go. Maybe he was very innocent or maybe he didn't like you. 
“What are you working on now? Something new?” you asked curiously, taking a bite of your flower. It was delicious.
"Yeah! Actually yes. Now I'm thinking about creating a chocolate whose flavor contains the three meals of the day, so people who don't have much money could buy it and have the pleasure of the three foods. Oh, and I want to expand the sweets to sell in the store, not only chocolates, but also gum, candies, gummies... What do you think about that?
“Sounds like an excellent idea, Willy” you smiled. He separated from you when you reached the edge of the river falling from the waterfall, where he theatrically removed his hat to pull out a cup that he filled with liquid chocolate and then held out in your direction.
"Do you want?”
“I can drink a little,” you replied, while you took the porcelain container with your fingers and took a sip of the contents. There was something special about his chocolates that you still didn't understand, but he made them a thousand times more enjoyable. “Hhm-mmm.”
“All the chocolate is in constant motion, which makes it beat better and taste smoother,” he explained to you, as he got completely excited when it came to talking about the chemistry behind his creations. You noticed that he was looking at your lips and you were about to say something when he spoke: “You have a little… over there.”
"Here?" you asked, stretching your tongue in the direction where he had pointed, but Willy continued to look at you with some amusement.
“No, in… right there, uh… wait” he murmured and seeing your failed attempts to get rid of the stain he took a handkerchief out of his jacket pocket “Let me help you.”
Willy took a step towards you and you gasped when one of his hands came up to cup your cheek, as if he didn't want you to move your face. The other, with the help of the handkerchief, gently passed the corner of your lips.
You took the opportunity to look at him carefully, trying to record as many details as possible: some freckles that he had on the bridge of his nose, a trace of facial hair that he probably shaved in the morning, his bushy eyebrows above his beautiful eyes framed by long eyelashes and finally her pink lips that were pressed in on themselves as a sign of concentration. He was so handsome and so close to you that you were getting nervous.
He, unbeknownst to you, had his own swirl of emotions. The skin of your face that he was holding was soft and in that position it would have been enough to lean in a little to capture your lips with traces of chocolate, without you even noticing it and, probably, without you being able to deny it for a moment. But he didn't want to do that to you, he knew it wasn't correct and after all he didn't know if you felt the same way.
He hummed a word to let you know he was done and suddenly the two of you found yourself looking straight into each other's eyes, lost in each other's gaze. Just two fools in love who didn't realize it.
"What are you doing?"
You separated abruptly when you heard the voice of the girl, who had apparently been watching you for a few seconds, and looked at her accompanied by Lofty. Both of them were smirking.
“Huh, she… had some chocolate on her face and I…”
“Willy helped me remove it” you completed. You didn't even understand why you guys were nervous, it wasn't like you guys were doing anything guilty.
“Do you guys want to go see my lab?” Wonka murmured, trying to divert attention from whatever had happened just a moment ago. “You're going to love it. “I’ll even let you make a chocolate if you want, Noodle.”
“Okay,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders, but giving you a look that clearly meant: we'll talk about this later. 
When they began to walk, Willy turned for a second to look at you with a feeling that you couldn't decipher and then he returned his gaze to the front, just so that you wouldn't see the blush that had painted his cheeks.
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“Are we going to talk about it?”
"Talk about what?" you asked absentmindedly, punching your pillow to soften it.
You and Noodle shared a room because you still couldn't find a place to settle and, furthermore, you had been hired at the library so there was no problem for Dorothy with you staying with them.
“Talk about how you and Willy almost kissed.”
“We weren't going to kiss!” you screeched immediately, turning violently to look at the girl.
“Well, that's what it seemed like. He had his hand on your face and you were so close.”
“He was just helping me remove a stain,” you defended yourself, although it was obvious that you had gotten nervous.
What if he had tried to kiss you? you suddenly asked yourself. No, it was impossible. 
“But you like him.”
“Noodle,” you squeaked under your breath, “What kind of questions are those?”
“Oh, you like him!” she concluded. For the girl, the fact that you were evading an answer was an answer in itself. “I knew it.”
“You can't tell him,” you said, resigned that the girl wouldn't let the matter go so easily. “You have to promise.”
"Why not? Maybe he likes you too”
“Well, I prefer not to know that,” you lied. It was obvious that you wanted to know, but you were too worried about ruining your friendship with him to do any real research.
"What is it that you like the most about him?"
“I won't tell him!” the little girl said, raising her hands in surrender. “I swear. I just want to know how it feels, I have never fallen in love with anyone."
The excitement in the girl's eyes ended up convincing you to talk to her about your feelings for your mutual friend and after letting out a deep sigh you sat down on the mattress, patting the spot next to your side as an invitation for her to sit too.
“You must swear to me that you will not tell him. Please,” you warned her and she nodded frantically. “I like his eyes.”
“I knew it,” she said again, victorious. “What else do you like about him?”
You thought the real question was: was there anything you didn't like about him?
“I really like that he is so kind to everyone. And I like that he is a dreamer, I like his curly hair and his strange clothes. I like when he’s cordial with me and I also like that he talks so… I don't know, so softly, you know what I mean?” you asked and she nodded excitedly.
Talking about it with someone was, in a way, very liberating and once you started you couldn't stop. You spent a long time talking about him, gossiping about the little moments that you thought meant some sign and listing your fantasies, while your friend listened attentively.
As the words left your mouth, you convinced yourself more that it wasn't just a crush, but that you were actually in love with that boy. And it scared you, to be honest.
“Will you ever tell him? “You would make a nice couple.”
"That's what you think?” you asked amused. You had already attacked a stock of chocolates that Willy had given you when he left the factory. “Well, I don't know, Noodle. If one day the conditions are right and he gives me some sign, I guess so."
The girl laughed to herself and registered her information in her mind, certain that very soon you would receive that signal and she would personally take care of it.
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“Willy!” The man listened and when he turned in the direction of the voice, he found the unruly hair of his little friend.
“Darling, hello,” he greeted cordially, while he bent down a little to give her a hug “What brings you here?”
“I had a break at the library and I wanted to come see if you were here,” she smiled. The store was packed with people, as always, but they were in a quiet enough section “And I also wanted to ask for your help.”
“Sure, whatever you want”
“It's about Y/N,” Noodle said. Noticing that the man's posture straightened a little, she smiled victoriously, because the mere mention of your name had already captured his attention “But you must promise not to say anything to her.”
“My lips will be sealed”
“Well, it's about a boy”
There was silence, where Wonka frowned perceptibly. Noodle couldn't be happier.
"A boy?"
“Yes, I think he likes her. He goes to the library every day just to see her and he talks to her for hours and even helps her organize some of her books. You should see them, they are so cute together. And I want to organize a date for them”
“A date?” he screeched. He felt betrayed by the girl, although she clearly couldn't read her mind and therefore she didn't know about her feelings for you.
"Yeah! I want your help because I want you to make some delicious chocolates that will make them fall in love or something like that”
“My chocolates can't make someone fall in love with someone else,” he said immediately, although that wasn't entirely true. “And why do you want her to go on a date with that guy? Does he even treat her well? What does he look like?”
It was evident that he was, to say the least, affected by the information she was giving him. She could almost say there was some anger in his voice. Or maybe it was just jealousy.
“Wow, wow, calm down Willy. I thought this would excite you.”
“Why should I get excited?” he asked, honestly confused. Noodle had the boy right where she wanted him and he wasn't realizing anything. It was perfect.
“Because she's your friend and I thought maybe you'd like to help me get her a boyfriend. I don't know, for her to be happy and all that”
Willy Wonka remained silent. He seemed to be holding something in his chest that he didn't want to let out and judging by the look on his face she believed that even he might cry. Suddenly the girl felt the man's hand take her arm to take her to an even more secluded place, far from all the curious ears.
"She likes him? You know that?"
“I don't know, she hasn't told me anything.”
Lies, pure lies. She clearly knew that you were madly in love with the boy in front of her.
“I can't do you that favor you want,” he ruled. “But could you do one for me?”
"What do you want?" she asked, pretending to be confused. He took a moment before daring to speak.
“Please distract that boy. Don't let him get close to her."
"And why?"
“Because I like her,” he finally breathed out.
Bingo, she had gotten just what she wanted.
"No way! Are you talking seriously?"
“Yes, but you can't tell anyone, do you understand?”
“Well, it wouldn't be any use for me to tell someone if she is in love with that boy.”
“Don't you dare think about it,” her friend whimpered. There was no such thing as a suitor of yours and she felt like laughing, but she stopped herself. “She seems very interested?”
“Well, not that much, but he will be soon if he keeps acting like that with her.” Noodle snorted and then he pursed his lips and cursed under his breath, “Unless…”
“No, it's nonsense”
“Tell me,” he asked, obviously distressed. He really liked you and he didn't want there to be a chance of someone else winning your heart.
“Well, I think she might lose interest in him if you tell her what you feel, don't you think?” she argued.
“What if she doesn't like me?”
“You won't know if you don't tell her!” She mumbled, feeling the same frustration she felt when she had that conversation with you. “Listen, you remember the flamingos at the zoo, right?”
“And do you remember that they didn't fly until they knew they could escape? If they hadn't flown, they would still be there. They had to do it to discover that there was a world out there, you know what I mean?”
“I don't think so,” he replied, concerned, and she rolled her eyes in exasperation.
“What I'm trying to say is that you should tell her if you want to know if she feels the same way. And who knows, maybe so” she murmured. If you knew what she was doing you'd probably be strangling her, but she just hoped everything turned out okay.
The man thought seriously for a moment, with his gaze lost as if he were immersed in his own world, and then he looked at the youngest.
“Well, how do I do that?”
Noodle jumped a little with excitement and pulled her friend to her until they reached a place to sit, prepared to talk to him as much as necessary for him to confess his feelings for you. Willy listened very carefully and by the end of the afternoon they already had a small plan drawn up, that with some luck she would be able to unite her two best friends into a perfect couple.
Willy felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest when he started to look for you in the library, after more than a week of his conversation with Noodle, ready to confess what he felt to you that same afternoon or die trying.
He found you in the history section, carrying a stack of books and looking for the right place to put them. Even without trying you looked very pretty and a sigh escaped him at that, while he thought why it had taken him so long to consider telling you how much he felt for you.
“Huh, hello.”
"Hello, how can I help y…? Willy?” 
“That's me,” he said timidly. 
“How are you?”
“Well, everything is very good” as you left the books on a shelf and approached him you noticed that he was holding a solitary flower in his hand and you asked with your eyes the reason for it “Oh, this one is for you. It's not chocolate, it's just that I saw it on the way and it reminded me of you, because I know that's your favorite color and because... well, because it's pretty."
“Ow, thank you,” you said tenderly, reaching out to take the present and becoming a little embarrassed. “Were you looking for Noodle?”
“No, I wanted to ask you if once you finish you would like to go for a walk to hang out and… chat. The weather is warmer than ever and spring has beautiful sunsets,” he noted. You didn't understand why he seemed so nervous, nor did you know if you were misunderstanding the situation, but you felt your face turn a barely perceptible shade of red.
“I would love to, actually. But I have to cover a shift and…”
“I'll cover it for you,” someone next to you said quickly. It was Noodle, who had seemingly arrived out of nowhere. “You guys go have fun.”
“But your mom…”
“My mom won't say anything. Come on, go” she insisted, pushing you in the direction of the exit. You didn't know what that girl was up to, but you suspected she was up to no good and gave her a warning look.
“Huh, in that case I guess there is no problem anymore. Just let me go to my room to put on some other clothes and I’ll be back, okay?” you said with a smile. You looked at the girl again, as if searching for an answer, but this time she didn't even notice your look, so you went straight to what you needed.
Once there you took the opportunity to comb your hair, put on some cologne, brush your teeth, put on a pretty necklace, and things like that, hoping to look a little prettier for him.
You placed the flower on your shelf with special care and smiled at the boy's kind gesture towards you. When he said that it reminded him of you because it was pretty, was he calling you pretty? God, you hoped so.
Once you returned to where you had left him you noticed that he was waiting patiently in a chair and Noodle was nowhere to be seen, so you announced your arrival and both of you were ready to leave.
“I'm sorry I arrived unexpectedly” was the first thing he said, once you were outside. He wasn't lying, the atmosphere had started to get warmer.
“It's okay, you don't have to worry. I like surprises”
“I hope so,” he said, more to himself than to you.
You walked in silence through some houses and you took the opportunity to admire the landscape, without really knowing where you were going, but with some curiosity.
“Do you want to go to the pier?” he spoke again, because that was one of the destinations you could reach with the route you had taken “The sunset can be seen from there.”
True, he wanted to show you one of those spring sunsets.
"It's a good idea"
Then the man began to talk about something else, to distract his mind and to distract you, and that talk filled the silence of the entire road. When the sea was in front of you, you leaned against a white wooden railing with the sticky salt-smelling air hitting your face. You noticed that the sun had already started to set.
“The sea is huge,” you said suddenly. He leaned next to you, quite close, and this time he looked a little more confident. “Especially when the tide comes in, at this time.”
“Have you ever traveled by ship?”
“No, no,” you responded quickly. “It would be a disaster if I did that. I get dizzy easily and I would be afraid of drowning.”
“You get dizzy at first, but as time goes by you get used to it,” he assured, sounding amused at your response. “It's a good experience.”
“Did you see a lot of sunsets when you were at sea?” you asked, turning to look at him for a second and then returning your gaze to the natural spectacle.
“And sunrises too. The worst were the storms, you would imagine. But in general, there were very beautiful landscapes”
“I bet so,” you smiled. Your hair was blowing in the wind and Willy could only stare at you.
“Although I don't think any of them were as beautiful as you,” he murmured, in a tone so low that you thought you had imagined it.
You were silent for a second, watching the waves crash against the rocks, and then you were able to speak.
“You called me pretty twice today, did you even eat one of those wine-infused chocolates?” you tried to joke, to mask the fact that you were surprised and nervous in equal parts.
“No, it's not that,” he said, with a seriousness that worried you, as you were hoping he would divert the topic. “I really think you're pretty, very pretty actually. But… I mean, that's not the most important thing about you, I don't want you to think that. You were beautiful inside and out, like… your personality. It's brilliant"
“Oh, nonsense.”
“No, I'm serious.”
You could feel the few rays of sunlight that remained, in the distance, hitting your face, and when you looked at him you realized that it reflected a certain golden glow in his eyes. He was precious.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Everything around you took a backseat to the possibility that those compliments weren't just that, but something more, and then he took a deep breath before answering you.
“It wasn't a lie when I said I wanted to talk to you. It's something important to me and... well, I hope you're okay with this, because I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable in any way."
"With what?" you insisted. A part of you told you that you were just misunderstanding everything, that he couldn't be referring to what you believed.
“Well, with the fact that I think you are a great person, that you are charismatic and kind and beautiful and that I like all of that a lot. I like you a lot"
The world stopped for a second and so did your heart. You wanted to pinch yourself to make sure it wasn't a dream, but it wasn't necessary because you knew that the breeze, the sun, and the sound of the waves couldn't be the work of a dream, just as the boy in front of you who was waiting for an answer couldn't be one either.
“Sure, why would I lie to you?” he expressed, sincerely bewildered. An involuntary smile lit up his face and then your hand went to hold his. It was big compared to yours, and it was warm.
“I don't know where all that came from, but I'm glad you said it. Because I like you too. Like, really a lot” you said shakily, and then he could breathe again.
“You don't know how happy it makes me to know that,” he smiled, while he brought your hand to his lips and gave you a sound kiss. Suddenly his hands went to your waist and he gently lifted you off the floor, giving you a spin in the air that made you laugh. “You like me too.”
“That's right,” you said, overjoyed to know that you were reciprocated. Had Noodle had anything to do with this confession? You knew it most likely was, but you would make sure to question her later.
“I was so nervous that you wouldn't like me.”
“How could I not like you, huh?” You exclaimed, raising your hands to his cheeks to force him to look at you. “You are perfect and even sweeter than your chocolates. Of course I was going to like you."
Willy blushed at the compliment and suddenly leaned in to hug you, hiding from your gaze captivated by him as he felt unworthy of it. You smiled widely while you stood on your tiptoes and let yourself be held tightly, while you saw the sunset in the distance and you left a soft kiss on his cheek, whispering a soft Love ya in his ear, hoping that that moment would remain engraved in your memory and that it was only the beginning of many more.
Noodle, from home, was smiling just imagining what you two would be doing and, in her mind, by this point you might have even kissed.
And while it wasn't like that, either way, watching the sunset in each other's arms was much more romantic and memorable for both of you.
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
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stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: fluff, angst
content warnings: heat stroke, vomiting
word count: 1.9k
summary: y/n suffers from heat stroke on the day of their performance at lollapalooza
As voted by you!
It's finally here! Sorry it took me a while to post this after the poll ended, but I hope you enjoy!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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They had made it to Paris. Y/N couldn't believe how big the crowd would be for their performance at the festival 'Lollapalooza'. The sun was shining, and all she wanted to do was fully appreciate the nice weather. Although, where there was a Changbin, there was always chaos.
"Hwang Hyunjin!" Changbin called from opposite Y/N in his deck chair.
"Why do you keep calling me? Wae? Wae. Wae?" Hyunjin loomed over Changbin in a hoodie and sunglasses, wondering why the older member wanted his attention.
"Jinnie how are you wearing a hoodie right now? The sun's out, it's boiling," Y/N raised an eyebrow at him.
"It's not that hot," he shook his head at her, probably side eyeing her from behind his shades.
Each to their own, Y/N thought.
Somehow they came onto the topic of noodles but Y/N wasn't really fussed, she had ramen all the time back home.
She was more trying to relax, and she couldn't help but fall asleep from the comforting warmth of the French sunshine.
"Y/Nnie, wake up, you look like a tomato," Jeongin shook her awake, and as she became fully aware she realised her arms and neck was feeling quite hot.
Shit, she forgot her sun cream.
"You good? Your arms are so red," Chan peered at her, concerned.
"Mmm, my neck feels hot too," Y/N sits up in the deck chair, brushing her hair back so the boys could see.
"Aish that sunburn looks bad, you should have put on some suncream," Felix lightly brushes his finger over her red arm, making her wince.
"Gosh, I'm going to look like a tomato when we perform," Y/N laughs as she looks down at her arms.
"At this rate you won't just look like a tomato, you'll look like the whole garden," Lee Know smirks, proud of his joke.
"Ha, ha, very funny Lee Know," Y/N pats his cheek in a jokingly patronising way, smiling back at him.
"You need to take better care of yourself, Y/N," Chan looked over her, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry Channie, I just wanted to enjoy the nice weather," Y/N pouted.
"You do realise you can get skin cancer if you burn too much?" Seungmin pointed out, taking a sip of water from his bottle.
"Yah, Seungmin don't say things like that I'll get paranoid," Y/N whacks his arm lightly.
"Hey I'm just saying, your skin will age faster too," Seungmin shrugged.
"I'll look like an old woman next to you guys and I'm the youngest!" Y/N laughed, Han appearing with aloe vera out of nowhere and gently rubbing it into her skin, letting out quiet apologies when she winced.
"That's why I'm helping you, don't want you to look like a 60 year old next to us whilst we still look the same," Han laughed loudly.
"Haha, that would look kinda funny though," Y/N laughed at the thought. Perhaps she'd look like grandma I.N with the rest of the group alongside her.
"You know what else would be funny?" Changbin wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"What?" Y/N asked curiously, shifting her body to stand and face him.
"To see you dancing on stage like a tomato, everyone going crazy because of how big and red you are," Changbin maniacally giggled.
The boys burst out laughing at the statement and Y/N's face.
"Huh? Big?!" Y/N gasped laughing.
"I was talking about your cheeks, they're really big and red right now," Changbin laughed, waving his hands in defense of how what he said had sounded.
"Haha, I'll introduce myself like, hi! This isn't Y/Nnie, I'm tomato today!" Y/N put on her stage voice, pretending to introduce herself to her fans.
The members all laugh at her, Jeongin walking up to her and tickling her sides.
"Hey! Are you the new mascot for ketchup?" he cheekily grinned, eyes disappearing through his smile.
"Yah! Jeongin!" Y/N guffawed from his remark.
"Ah, our tomato is blushing so much," Lee Know pats her head smirking.
"Stop, stop," Y/N waves them away.
"Haha, seriously though, come inside the tent for a bit, you should stay out of the sun," Chan guided her into their tent where they were setup before their performance.
"Yeah it's not like we're performing until a few hours anyways," Lee Know nodded, as they all sat around inside.
"Aish, I'm tired," Y/N laid her head down in Han's lap, his hand brushing through her hair out of habit.
"You were literally just napping," Hyunjin raised a brow at her.
"Yeah but..." Y/N closed her eyes feeling relaxed at the familiar feeling.
"Drink some water first," Hyunjin put a bottle of water with a straw in it to her face.
Still with her eyes shut she took a sip and then relaxed. It wasn't until a couple of hours later that she was woken up and ushered to the stylists and makeup artists to get ready.
The crowd was insane. And really, they were the only thing keeping her going as she could feel her energy depleting. She didn't notice the glances from the boys throughout the performance, occasionally spotting her swaying yet she still managed to keep her vocals stable as they performed Superbowl for the first time ever, and Item for the second time ever.
The euphoria running through her veins began to leave her once they reached backstage. With a smile she listened to Felix end their set to hype the crowd with Seven Nation Army. But she couldn't help her slumped figure as she sat down after her desperate search for a chair.
"You good, Y/Nnie?" Chan patted her shoulder, trying to get her attention.
"Hot," Y/N panted, tugging at the collar of her leather jacket that she had been fitted with for the stage performance.
"Take it off then," Changbin helped her shake it off, now feeling concerned at her heavily sweating state.
"What's going on with Y/N?" some of the other members asked as they walked over.
"Ugh, my head," she groaned, now leant forward as she gripped onto her knees for some stability.
"Have some water, silly," Seungmin encouraged her to take his own, yet her shaky hand wasn't very reassuring to the others.
"Y/Nnie, you can't even hold onto it, are you dizzy? What's the matter?" Felix poured out questions, worried about the state she was in.
"Mmm," Y/N nods, as Jeongin helps her sip from the water bottle.
"Ah that's not good," Hyunjin shakes his head, frowning.
"Here, come on, let's get you relaxed somewhere else," Changbin helps her stand, yet as her body becomes upright she stumbles, Lee Know helping to support her balance.
Y/N suddenly tears up, feeling scared about how she was feeling. It was all too overwhelming, and everything felt too hot.
"C-can't feel my arms," Y/N whimpered as tears fell down her cheeks, the boys murmuring amongst themselves worriedly.
"You can't feel your arms?" Felix asked, a scared look on his face, and that made Y/N feel worse, she didn't want the boys to be stressed out for her sake.
"I'm sorry, I..." Y/N trailed off, still panting as she was guided back to her chair, the boys deciding it was for the better for her to rest for now where she was, instead of moving her somewhere else.
"You're okay. Everything is going to be ok, sweetheart, we've got you, yeah?" Chan hushed her soothingly, Han rubbing her back in small circles.
"Should we call a medic?" Jeongin asked, eyes wide with uneasiness.
"Yes, good idea, Innie," Lee Know nodded at him, as they both went to look for some help.
"Y/N, you're ok, you're going to be ok," Hyunjin quietly comforted her, a light grip on her hand as he knelt down beside her.
Y/N groaned again from her headache getting worse.
"Where are those medics?" Changbin asked, looking around frustratedly with his hands on his hips, wondering what was taking so long.
"Don't... worry... don't waste... on me..." Y/N could barely get her words out, especially as a wave of nausea overcome her.
"Yah, it's not a waste, you're clearly not well right now Y/N," Han looked sullen, now fanning her face with a piece of paper he had found.
"S-sorry... ugh, feel... sick," she mumbled dizzily, slumped in the chair.
"You feel sick?" Hyunjin worried.
"I'm gonna... ugh," Y/N, with all her willpower, lifted herself out of the chair, yet it wasn't enough to keep her standing as she collapsed to her knees on the ground and threw up whatever was in her system. The boys were unable to catch her and yelled out as she fell.
"Y/N! Shit!" Changbin held her against him.
"Where are the medics?!" Chan yelled angrily, stress consuming him as their maknae was on the ground.
"Ah, ugh, I'm, ah I'm sorry," Y/N whimpered, tears running down her face from her own panic and the feeling of throwing up.
"You don't have to be sorry, it's ok, just take a deep breath," Han held her hair back, looking around at the boys with his eyes shining with his own tears as he feared she wouldn't be ok.
Y/N threw up again, gasping for breath.
"Is that all of it?" Hyunjin whispered from beside them, Y/N tearily nodding as she slumped back in Changbin's arms, feeling dazed.
Lee Know and Jeongin suddenly rushed over with the medics, both of them seeming angry.
"Finally! Where were they?!" Chan asked them, sighing disappointedly.
"Packing up, they were ready to go even though we only just finished performing," Lee Know gritted his teeth as the medics lifted Y/N onto a stretcher and took her through to a medical room, much cooler with air conditioning blasting through the room.
They held a wet cloth against her forehead and against her burns to try and lower her body temperature. The boys couldn't do anything but wait anxiously as they saw their youngest laying down and getting treated.
"Her temperature is dropping, that's a good sign," the medic said out loud to the boys.
Half an hour had passed and Y/N was now more aware of her surroundings, the medics clearing that she could head back to the hotel with the boys, telling them that if her condition worsens again that they need to call an ambulance immediately.
"I'm sorry," Y/N sleepily muttered as they helped her into the company cars.
"Don't apologise, we were more concerned about you," Seungmin informed her, an arm wrapped around her waist as he and Hyunjin guided her into the back of the car.
"That's why I feel bad," Y/N bit her lip.
"It's ok, you can rest now, don't worry about it ok? I know it's easier said than done but we'll make sure you're ok, and we're doing that because we care about you, yeah?" Chan said from the front seat.
"Ok, ok," she yawned, head leaning against Hyunjin's shoulder.
Once they arrived back at the hotel they didn't let her stay in her own room, as she instead was looked after by Lee Know and Jeongin in another, the two of them making sure she was relaxed and not too hot as they kept the air conditioning on. It may have felt a bit cold for them at one point but they didn't mind, they'd do anything for her. All of the boys would.
tagged: @skz-streamer @oo-li
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koishua · 3 months
thinking about being on a video call with platonic!flirty!childhood friend!yeonjun late at night after one of their concerts and he's in his hotel room and you're eating cup noodles together hehe and you're just chilling after finally sending off your very important and time consuming project to your professor and he's scolding you for eating unhealthy and you're cackling because who is he to talk??
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and it's always so easy with him because he's so familiar and safe to be with and he knows all of your quirks and you know all of his secrets. it's funny, because your mother calls yeonjun in the middle of your conversation, asking him to let you know that she knows you have been ignoring her calls in favour of him haha and he has to keep his giggles at bay because it would be disrespectful, so he just throws a funny look at his laptop screen while trying to end the call before she realises you're listening in on the conversation right now from another device. yeonjun finds it absolutely hilarious how your mom is convinced you two are going to end up together and he throws pick up lines and winks at you whenever she's around to witness, to which you obviously play along. it's tons of fun and he's honest to god the best ever companion you could have ever imagined and asked for. he pesters you about your love life and insists on being your bridesmaid (if you ever marry) for shits and giggles, but in all seriousness, he would move mountains to see you happy wherever you decide to be.
growing up together meant sharing the weight of the world with one another and it also meant one too many accidents where someone would end up snorting out water or milk from laughing too hard in the middle of a meal. you made a pact to marry each other if you're both still single by the time you're thirty, which none of you think will happen, but it's a safety measure nonetheless haha. people had the hardest time accepting the fact that you're just good friends because of how in sync you act to the point where it's disturbing and creepy haha more like twins but oh well. scary guard dog privileges!! he's way softer than you but no one would ever know lmao it's the way he jumps into your arms every time he's scared shitless. he's a whole workout to be with, period.
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mouwrites · 8 months
Hi can I request male reader X the ninja (not nya sorry) headcanons jsut the reader being protective of his boyfriend
Please and thank you 💖💖
Sure thing, friend! :D
Ninjago - Ninjas When You're Being Protective
You guys were out on a date at a noodle parlor, just minding your business
You stepped away for a moment to refill your drink, and Kai managed to get himself in an argument with another customer while you were gone
To be fair, the other guy initiated it
He recognized the famous ninja and decided to be a degenerate
He was talking down to Kai pretty harshly, and Kai was struggling to defend his honor
It was getting more and more difficult to come up with comebacks as his anger rose and his pride deflated
You just about dropped your drink when you came back to see the two going at it
You stepped in immediately, barely stopping to think
"This your boyfriend? Way out of your league, fire boy-"
"Sorry, do we know you? I think I'd remember a stench like that—yeesh, by the way—but it'd be impolite not to at least ask."
Both Kai and his assailant's jaws dropped open
The guy turned bright red with anger, trying to stutter out a response before giving up with a frustrated grunt and storming off
You watched him leave, scowling bitterly
When he was finally gone, you turned to Kai to check on him
You expected him to be upset, but he was smiling
"Are you okay, Kai?"
"Am I okay? Are you kidding? That was awesome! Did you see his face?"
You blushed a little, joining in his hysterical laughter
Kai wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in to kiss your cheek, telling you how lucky he felt to have someone like you on his side
Jay had just finished fixing up a vintage motorcycle, a project he'd been working on for a long time
You didn't really trust the janky contraption; no matter how much Jay insisted that it was safe, you swore it looked like it was about to collapse
But you hated to stomp on his sandcastle, so you just watched while he poured gas into the tank for a test drive
Tapping your foot nervously, you decided that you couldn't just stand there
You wandered around the garage, gathering protective gear
You had a helmet, some shin guards, elbow pads, and a biking jacket when you approached Jay
He glanced at you once, then did a double-take when he saw what was in your arms
"Y/n, I am not wearing all that."
"And I am not letting you ride that timebomb without any protection."
Seeing that firm look in your eyes (which he not-so-secretly loved), Jay knew there was no winning
Though he'd never admit it, he actually liked when you were stern, even when it was directed at him
He sighed, letting you put the gear on him
You felt a lot better, but you still insisted on following behind on your own motorbike
As it turned out, you were right; you got about 100 feet out of the garage before the old bike's tire went flying, sending Jay straight to the asphalt
You ran to Jay's side, letting your own bike fall in your haste
He just smiled awkwardly up at you
"Uh... oops? Good thing you made me wear the gear, haha..."
You laughed, kissing the top of his head; you were just glad he was safe
And he was glad that you, like always, were looking out for him :)
This was way back when Cole still had a rough relationship with his dad
You managed to convince him to let you meet his father, though you could tell that he wasn't exactly excited
But you made sure to let him know how much you appreciated it
At first, you didn't see the problem
His dad seemed totally cordial and pleasant, if not a little rigid
The issue presented itself pretty quickly, however
You were sitting on the couch, catching up and getting to know each other
Cole was being weirdly cagey about his own life, so his father took the lead in the conversation
"You know, Cole used to be a really good dancer. Of course, there was a lot of room for improvement, haha! Oh, you should've seen his tumbling skills... the boy could hardly land a cartwheel."
You didn't like the way he was looking at Cole when he said it; you knew you had to do something, but you still wanted to respect Cole's privacy
"You don't know what you're talking about. Cole does flips, backflips, twists, turns—you should see him now."
Cole blinked at you, as did his father
The latter tried to laugh it off awkwardly, making some vague comment about Cole's continuance in dancing school
But, quite frankly, you'd seen enough
You ended the visit as politely as you could
Cole was still staring at you as you walked away
"What? I didn't like how he was talking about you, so I retaliated. Was that so wrong?"
Cole just smiled, draping an arm around you with a satisfied sigh
"No, it was actually kind of funny. And brave. I'm glad you said it."
He was more than glad; no way he would've stood up for himself in front of his father, so he was grateful that you were there
You guys were on a mission in an extremely remote town
The place barely had street lamps; needless to say, it was far from technologically advanced
You made a pit-stop for snacks at a run down little convenience store
You walked in first, looking ahead at the handful of aisles filled with dusty (probably expired) snacks you didn't recognize
You almost didn't notice the man at the counter by the door, but he spoke up rather loudly
He pointed to Zane, who was following close behind you
He said something about not serving "his kind"
That almost did it for you, but you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt
"What do you mean 'his kind'?"
"Robots, buddy. Beep-boops. You know, the things with no souls that take over every town and household they come into? Not. Welcome. Here."
You turned to face him, your expression hardening
Zane tried to stop you, insisting that he could just wait outside
"They're smart, I'll give 'em that. Say, while you're at it, why don't you go back to whatever evil over-industrialized decrepit city you came from!"
"Okay, that's it. I'm not going to stand here and let you insult a person who's got ten times more intellect and twenty times more soul than you'll ever have. Come on, Zane, our business is clearly not wanted here."
You held up the cash for him to see as you left, and the man behind the counter opened his mouth to try and get you to stay
Zane let you cool off a little, following silently while you stormed down the street
When you finally calmed down enough to ask if he was okay, he told you that he was just proud that you handled the situation civilly
He doesn't like violence, so he particularly admired your gentleness (he knew you could've been a lot meaner, and he's glad you weren't)
And that, though he hadn't really been offended, he found it endearing that you stood up for him
He squeezed your hand affectionately as you both continued down the dusty sidewalk
It was almost impossible to go anywhere with Lloyd without being stopped by a fan
You'd grown used to it; if anything, you were happy that so many people appreciated Lloyd
So you'd stand on the sidelines, smiling patiently while they got a photo and an autograph
But every now and again you'd get stopped by someone who wasn't a fan
You were just out for a walk when one such person stopped you
Actually, it was a group of men, hatred twinkling in their eyes
They came so close that the one at the front was just about nose-to-nose with Lloyd
"You think you're all that, huh? Just because you've got some fancy powers and you've 'saved the city,' you think you're so much better than everyone else?"
"Uh... no?"
"Tch, sure, play dumb. I miss the days when the police would take care of us. You didn't see us parading cops down the street and selling action figures of them! That's because they were humble!"
The men behind him were nodding aggressively, shouting their agreement and praise for cops
Your face twitched distastefully, and you wedged yourself between the front man and Lloyd
"I'd speak a little more respectfully to the guy who saved you from the literal personification of evil. Multiple times, mind you."
The guy's eyes narrowed; he clearly hadn't expected any pushback
He scoffed, making sure to step on your toe as he turned to storm off
Lloyd grabbed your shoulder groundingly, giving you a look that begged you to let them go
He thanked you for your support though, sliding his hand down your arm to hold your hand
He never really knew how to deal with haters, so he truly did appreciate you stepping in
(and he's lowkey hoping you will in the future too...)
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Aaa I hope this was okay!! Thank you so much for this request, I had fun writing it! And thanks for reading, take care cuddle bears <33
(divider by saradika)
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starlaindisguise · 1 month
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sorry 4 forgetting i could post here X___X life is lifeing! but the fixation wheels never stop turning……I GOT SUPER INTO LEGO MONKIE KID AGAIN AND NOW I AM MAKING IT EVERYONE’S ISSUE :D !!!
here are my traffic light trio human designs!! i thought really hard about all of the little details soooo lemme just yap about those for a sec :3
MEI )) Han Chinese (based off of her English dub voice actor) !! I gave her lots of piercings, particularly nose piercings (in recent artworks of mine I have drawn the nose piercings with more of a dragon shape) and this cool like…ear chain piercing that connects to pink diamond earrings! I made her jewelry gold to represent how much of a boss she is, and also just because yk, gold, winner, first place, status, AMAZING? I feel like she deserves to feel like a million dollars but that’s just me! Also, fun fact, pink diamonds are one of the rarest and most expensive diamonds in the world. Maybe she got those earrings as an offering, or made fake ones to look cool. It’s your choice! I gave her bright green dragon scales around her face. Her nails are pink and blue because it looks good with her outfit haha,, I also gave her an ace ring because I PROJECT. She has a few cute bracelets (M.A.D. being the most notable) and necklaces I feel like she’d like!! Honestly I just gave her my dream fashion sense
MK )) White + Chinese (Up for change. I like a lot of different interpretations of MK!) I gave him hair clips to push back his side sweep! I also gave him little earrings but not a lot. I don’t think he could handle too many piercings wjsjsjs- I gave him a trans pin and an aroace pin, just my lil headcanons (I guess one canon. TRANSMASC SWAAAAG) I also gave him patches on his jacket; I like to think that Pigsy taught him how to use a sewing machine and he’s addicted to it. That’s why he has the iconic symbol on his back in my heart !! He has a heart and a dragon that Mei gave him :) On his hands he has some eczema scars and hot oil stains from dropping the noodles he delivers,, and that’s pretty much it!! His design is pretty minimalistic because I had the least big ideas for him :3
Red Son )) Black + Chinese !! I gave her lots of piercings as well, but I made them silver and black to contrast Mei’s gold! There’s a whole bunch of them he’s saur pretty !! He has some scars on his hands :(( I wanna also shade in his arms to give him more like,,, burns?? From the impact of the Samadhi Fire?? That almost look like magma? Like the dark fade that a lot of great artists do (one of them being @mariiilume to follow them NOOOOWWWW) except BRIGHT RED…well I don’t wanna describe that any longer because I didn’t even draw it HA UUUUH…Gave her bull ears and cute teeth !! He also has some cute square black nails!! Plus I lengthened their hair. They have such majestic hair it deserves to shine.
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rubywithecat · 1 month
Heeey I saw that you are writing for aot again! I use to read them a lot :) could you write the aot boys in a family dinner just something silly and funny pretty please? :) thankss
Hello! Thanks a lot for loving my AoT ones<33 I had no idea that u guys enjoyed a lot to my AoT hcs, I’m so grateful for it ^^’
AoT boys at family dinner (fem. reader)
Eren Yeager
-He had proposed you days ago so you invite him to your family dinner, to introduce to your family. He had prepared considerate gifts for your parent and ur parents immediately liked his behavior. At the dinner, he would be shy to take the dishes into his plate so you have to take for him. “So, how long have u been dating my daughter” your dad asked. “Two years, sir” he replied. “You called me sir?” Your dad raised his eyebrows. He was nervous. “Umm… you don’t like it…?” He asked, looking at you for help. “Haha it’s not that I don’t like it. U can call me dad, alright? We’re gonna be family anyway” he said as Eren was blushing. “Yes, sir…I mean dad” he said, squeezing your hand out of embarrassment and you and your mum laughed.
Armin Arlet
-When you told him your parents are gonna come this evening for dinner, he freaks out cuz he hadn’t prepare anything. “It’s okay u don’t need to, Armin. It’s a casual dinner anyway” U told him. When they arrive, he greeted them politely and they were impressed that he wasn’t nervous at all. He was smart enough to be adjustable and chose right kind of words with his conversation and bond with your parents immediately. The dinner wasn’t awkward at all. Now they even favored him more than you after that dinner.
Reiner Braun
-He wanted to be seen flawless by your family so he tried so hard which made him seemed more like overly suspicious. Your little bro dropped his spoon and he immediately got up and said, “don’t worry I will wash it immediately” then he stood up and did it. Your parents were just being awkward and looked at you and your mum whispered “Is there smth wrong?” she was worried. “I swear he’s not like that” you had to cover for him. “He’s just nervous, mum”. When your dad told a joke, he laughed so hard that made him more awkward. But overall, your parents understood him and when they told him like he doesn’t need to be nervous around them cuz he’s like their son, he felt relived and his actions changed more casual later on which made your parents loved him.
Porco Galliard
-You were so surprised that he’s so good at handling this kind of situation. He easily impressed your parents with his gentleman behaviors and slight humor. “I can’t believe that my daughter attracts this kind of perfect young man” your dad praised him and teased you. “Dad! I’m also good!” you defended. Porco just laughed and replied like “Actually, I’m so lucky to have your daughter. She has everything a man could ask for” which made him get million positive points from your parents and he smiled at you innocently. Before they left, they even reminded you like “don’t let go of this man, kiddo” and u replied like “I get that! I’m your actual daughter, not him, in case u forget” you got smiled fakely and you closed the door. You looked back at Porco, arm crossed. “What?” He smirked, patting your head. “It’s so suspicious that ur behaviors and speech were so smooth that how many times have you done with other girls before, huh?” you asked. “Oh, I swear this is my first time! No need to be jealous that I’m so good at it” he winked and u threw him with pillow.
Erwin Smith
-He actually cooked for the dinner and he lied for you that u did all of those. But your parents knew you couldn’t cook so u can’t fool them and they scolded you. “Don’t bully your fiancé, y/n” your mum said. “Mum I’m not!” U defended. Plus They were so impressed about him like his achievements and manners. And then your dad embarrassing you like “I’m so glad my daughter is marrying with you cuz I was worried if she would be eating cup noodle her whole life” Erwin laughed when your face got red. Your mum even gave him ancient vase that she liked collecting them. They liked him so much that they might even adopt him if you ever broke up.
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nmakii · 6 months
Hi!! I saw that you’re taking Hazbin requests and was wondering if I could request one!😊 I’d love to request an Angel Dust x gn!reader oneshot where Angel doesn’t have anyone to watch Fat Nuggets for him while he’s at work, but reader feels bad and offers to help him out? This is set before they’re dating, like reader really likes Angel (pretty much crushing on him) but doesn’t feel like Angel notices them much, so in an effort to put themselves out there, they volunteer to help, especially since they know how much Fat Nuggets means to Angel. Angel is a bit hesitant at first, not knowing how qualified they really are to take care of his baby, but he sees how sincere they are in taking on this responsibility, so to put them to the test, he agrees. Of course, Nuggs is a little mischievous at first, but instantly warms up to reader☺️
Later on, Angel comes back and sees how well reader and Nuggs are getting along and he’s just all soft and mushy at how adorable they are😍 Angel’s known about reader’s crush on him for a while and would always playfully tease them about it, thinking that it was just because they were a fan, but seeing this, he can’t help but notice how caring and sweet reader really is😍 and if Nuggs likes them enough, then that says a lot. In the end, Angel thanks them and in true Angel Dust fashion, suggests that they should get to have their own “play date” next time😏😉 in which reader is all flustered and is thinking “fuck… I didn’t expect to get this far”😳 but Angel laughs, eating up their reaction, saying that he’s just teasing and would genuinely like to get to know reader more. And then they share a really cute, fluffy moment (with Angel giving a little cheek kiss😘) in the end💕💕💕
I’m so sorry this is insanely long!! My brain got carried away and went off but if you’re willing to write this request, I would absolutely appreciate it! If not, no worries!! Thank you love!!🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
— falling in love can make you do silly things. especially when it’s angel dust you’re falling for.
— i get it Y/N. i did the exact same thing (i j bought him cup noodles and i gotta chill out) happy birthday to me and angel hehe!
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“fuck me..” angel groaned out. “isn’t that what’s about to happen..?” husk raised his eyebrow at angel. “hah!” angel rolled his eyes at husk’s joke. “val wants me to head to the studio… something about dick fight island or whatever…” he scrunched his face at the corny plots valentino wrote. “hey, whiskers! can ‘ya take care ‘a fat nuggets till i’m back?” angel asked, keeping fat nuggets close to his body.
“ah… angel, ‘ya mind if i take care of him?” you asked, heart racing as you did. “i…i mean husk is kinda busy with manning the bar… ‘n i don’t have much to do, so i could take care of him!” you explained, hands fidgeting as you nervously looked angel in the eye.
“eh…” angel thought for a second. your explanation was logical, but you and him were not as close as say, angel and husk. “shit, fine. why the hell not? i trust ‘ya.” he shrugged.
he looked down at fat nuggets, wondering what might happen when he’s gone, before hesitantly handing him over. fat nuggets squeals a bit under your care, feistily wiggling around in your arms.
angel laughed as he watched you struggle to keep fat nuggets still. “haha! hope you can deal with him. anyways, i gotta head out now.” he frowned before pinching you on the nose and leaving.
in all honesty, fat nuggets was not much of a problem. he was affectionate and not at all messy. all you had you do was feed and tend to his grooming.
when angel returned, he found you and fat nuggets fast asleep on the couch of the leisure room. your arms cradle him as fat nuggets’ hooves rest on your shoulders, all while having a blanket over you.
the two of you looked so sweet, as if a parent with their child. angel almost didn’t want to wake you up. almost.
you forget that this is angel dust.
angel reached a claw under your jaw and started tickling you until you woke up. “mornin’, sleeping beauty!” angel grinned as fat nuggets climbed his way into angel’s arms.
“aww… did’ya miss me, nuggs?” angel smiled, petting fat nuggets. he looked up to see you blushing from you and angel’s close proximity to each other. angel only grins. “what’s up? never got close enough before?”
“no! it’s nothing.” you said, moving your eyes to anywhere but angel’s. he shrugs it off. “thanks a lot again, i appreciate it.” he smiled, his eyes showing a moment of genuine gratitude. “ya’know… next time, i could leave nuggs with good ‘ol whiskers, then you and i could have… a playdate of our own?” he smirked, pushing his forehead against yours while placing his lower set of hands on your waist.
you froze under angel’s touch, brain trying to think of a response. angel simply laughs, eating up your reaction to his advances. “i’m just teasin’! it’ll be a long time before i let ‘ya touch me anywhere. chill, will ‘ya?” he grinned.
“but, if you’re interested…” he starts. “i wouldn’t mind a dinner tomorrow.” he grinned, winking as if to tempt you even further.
you thought to yourself before speaking “ah, sure..! what you say dinner at 7? i’ll meet you down here.” you said. “‘ya betcha. i’ll see you tomorrow then, babycakes.” angel smiled, peppering your face with kisses before he returned to his room, fat nuggets in hand.
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huexuri · 9 months
: say my name (sub!kai x fem!reader)
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(warnings: sub!kai , softdom reader?? really vocal kai??? lol , dry humping , humping a plushie , i think that's it)
note: is this a drabble idk but i was just feeling silly goofy xx heehee haha
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after a long day out with your friends, you come back to your apartment drenched as it was raining outside. exhausted, you fling your bag onto the floor without a care. the rest of your housemates were out, only kai stayed home to finish a project, but you'd think he'd be done by now and it was odd to you that he was nowhere to be found. he'd usually be watching a movie on the couch in front of you or making instant noodles, but it wasn't the case today.
that's when you hear muffled sounds coming from your best friend's — kai's room, not really identifiable until you go near his door and hear him whimpering and moaning your name. you thought you were hearing shit, so you step a bit closer to his door where you noticed a small gap that his door left open. but you really saw him humping one of the plushies you'd gifted to him last year... and him being so fucked out he didn't even realize you came back.
the sight of his sweatpants crumpled just below his thighs , his knuckles a white hue from gripping the plush, his mouth slightly agape and his head thrown back as his sweaty black hair drooped over his face had you puddle up at your core and your thighs rubbing against each other.
the more he moaned your name, the more you wanted that plushie to be you. originally you just wanted to leave him be, but how can you when you're the one he clearly wants? can you deny that you want him too?
obviously not, and so you fling open the door wide.
his head immediately turned towards you in embarrassment when he noticed you standing at his door glaring at him. "w-wait... i-im! i'm really sorry!! this is so gross ... i'm so sorry.... i ..." he mumbled out in a panic, immediately pulling up his pants, stuffing the plushie aside and brushing his hair. his breathing irregular and his cheeks hot, apologies spewing out his dirty mouth as he hoped for forgiveness.
"kai...." you sigh.
suddenly you crash into his embrace and your hands are all over his warm bare chest, your skimpy dress that hugged every curve of your body rolling up your thighs, his bulge only growing bigger as he pulled you back into his arms.
"w-what are you—"
he doesn't continue when your lips crash into his before he could finish his words. your tongue coating every wall in his warm mouth, kiss becoming sloppier and sloppier as you start rocking your hips for some sort of friction. his already hard bulge glides towards the wet spot on your thin silk panties and you both moan into the kiss when you feel you grind against him.
he pulls you out of the kiss and runs a finger against your clothed nipple. you didn't wear a bra today as the dress already had padding but it was thin. thin enough that he could feel your nipples perk up through the dress. it didn't take a long time before he took the initiative to shove his face inbetween your breasts, letting out a long relieved sigh as he did so.
only then your palm cupped his cock, the only barrier between you and him being his sweatpants as he wasn't wearing boxers. you could feel each vein and crevice even then, stroking him up and down making him moan into your breasts.
you almost forgot how you ended up here when he unintentionally nearly rips your dress off you and the cold air hits your nipples. he pulls away and you moan at the empty feeling, only for him to pull down his pants once again as he lies down beneath you, your palm on his chest as you straddle him.
"y/n.. i need you so fucking bad.. s-so.... bad... please." his raspy deep voice apparent and full of neediness, enough to drive you to your edge.
your core twitched at those words of his. you slid your panties off and slowly you glide over the tip of his cock that leaked of precum,, his liquids mixing with your slick acting as lube. you were both so ready and desperate,, with a knowing look you asked for his reassurance, and once you got the green light, you lowered yourself onto his cock.
"a-aah- fuck, y/n.... i ... if you go any further i might just.... p-please!!-" kai's voice still raspy, now high pitched as he begged. he couldn't even think straight now, what was he even begging for? your palm still on his chest, your hips slowly lifted up and slammed down on him again.
"h-hyuka?.. you're doing so good.. isn't this what you w-wanted? say it... say my name. just like earlier.." you tried to keep your composure as you looked him sweet in the eyes.
"fuck,,, i can't believe..." he whispered, his eyes glued close and palms on your shoulders for support. "just fuck me, y/n.. please." he moaned out as you picked up your pace, hips rising and falling faster without notice. both your moans (mostly his) as well as wet, sloppy, almost lewd sounds filled the room.
his grip on your shoulders tightened, his head away from you and shoved into the plush he fucked to the thought of you,, all because you were bouncing on his fat ass cock that only you know you could take fully, only you could sit on, as your warm walls were the only ones that hugged him perfectly.
"you like it when i bounce on your cock like that, hm? haven't you been fantasizing about it? fucking that plushie i gifted you like the desperate slut you are, huh?" you cooed, these nasty words leaving your mouth with a smile as you stuck a thumb onto kai's tongue.
"p-please,, y/n... if you keep bouncing on me l-like that... ffffuck.. i'm gonna f-fucking—" his words gagging onto your thumb, that pretty fucked out face, drool all over his chin and sweat now all over his palms,,, he whimpered as his tears welled up prettily in his eyes as he looked up at you with those pretty glossy eyes for permission.
"kai, do it... i'm on the pill." you slid your thumb out and smiled at him.
kai nodded and his hands frantically slid down to grab at your waist as he thrusted up into you, his hips rocking irregularly and his cock twitching inside you as both of you reached your climax.. both of you were chanting each other's names desperately. in between moans and heavy breaths, you felt his cum squirm inside you and that was enough for you to make a mess all over his face, chest, everywhere.
you fell forward onto his chest and you felt his heavy breaths against your jawline as his cock slid out of you itself. both your chests were rising and falling.. and your bodies calmed down against each other.
"can we stay like this?..." kai whispered in between breaths.
"of course, kai. you did such a good job ..."
"thank you for today, i love you..."
"i love you too, hyuka. you should've told me sooner."
you felt him smile against your face. you stayed like this with him for a while before you both drifted off to sleep,, with his arm still wrapped around you.
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
Hey there! I love your writing and especially with Mk, and so I'm just here to drop by and ask you if I could have some Mk angst, preferably with a female!reader, but if you want, go with a gn!reader. I don't really mind which format, do whatever's easiest for you!
What I have in mind is where reader realizes that Mk is literally- in figuratively way- destroying himself with work, hero duties, and romance. Not wanting that, reader is trying to break up with the chaos incarnate to lessen his load.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I understand if you don't want to do this, just wanted to drop by!
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Pairing: MK x fem!Reader Rating: SFW Summary: Being in a relationship with the world's hero isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There are many responsibilities that come with it. So, making a decision like this would help you two in the long run…right?  Warnings/Tags: Post s5 spoilers YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, angst, hurt/no comfort, and breakup. Word Count: 1300+ words 🍜 - I like the way you think anon...ur evil >:)/pos
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"Can…can you repeat that for me? I don't think I heard you right." 
"I'm breaking up with you." 
"Ha..haha, hehe, you're funny! That was a good one, cutie! Really got me there," MK wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he glanced around the park you two were sitting in. "Now, what vendor are we gonna hit today? Y'know I think I wanna try that-" 
MK grimaced before turning his gaze onto you. You took in a deep breath before letting it out and with one hand stretched to rest on his arm.   
"Did I…did I do something wrong?" MK's voice trembled as he spoke, his own hand reaching up to land on top of yours. 
"Oh goodness, no-" You reassured as you took his hand in yours. "-nothing like that." 
"Then why?"
Exactly. Why were you ruining an almost picture perfect relationship for no apparent reason? And so out of the blue? I mean, your boyfriend just got back from his nth time saving-the-world expedition and that meant he had a lot more time to spend the peaceful days with you. So…why?
You stirred the remaining noodles in your bowl, the lukewarm soup brought an unexplainable comfort to your cold palms. With a few glances toward the door, your unease grew as the seconds ticked by. 
"He's supposed tah be 'ere twenty minutes ago," Pigsy's voice grumbled from within the kitchen. "I got way too many orders for him to be messin' around wit my time-" 
"-I'M HERE, I'M HERE-...Oh! Pookie!?" MK's gaze landed on you as he staggered from the door he slammed open. You called out his name with the same amount of adoration as he walked up to your side and planted a wet kiss on your forehead. 
"I'll be right back after I finish up here," MK promised as his smile trembled from the strain of keeping it up. You merely raised a brow at the state of his messy hair, gloomy vibes, and overall…stressed look? 
"Oh, we don't have to do anything tonight if you're not up for it-" 
"-NO, ahem, no worries, my love, I'm A-okay! Just be ready for your feet to be swept when your prince charming comes back!" MK blew a few kisses and winked in your direction before collecting the orders from Pigsy and hightailing it out of the shop. You and Pigsy watched as MK almost tripped out of the door. 
"Is…he always like this…?" You glanced at your boyfriend's father. Pigsy sighed as he ran a hand down his face, his brow creased from a multitude of things causing him headaches; his son being a major contributor. 
"You don't know the half of it, kid." 
There were a few more instances where you felt like MK was speed-running for the entire duration you two were supposed to be spending time together. Whether it was on dates, hanging with Mei, or even just bumping into each other. Your interactions were sweet, short, and to the point. Sometimes, MK's love bombing was downright suffocating. One time you could barely get out of bed with how hard he hugged you during movie night. 
The following weeks were a whirlwind of craziness that you were, unfortunately, caught up in. Watching your boyfriend hop in a truck and run away from a confrontation between a celestial and…was that the monkey king? 
Whoever that was, you were already sprinting back home to avoid getting yourself in harm's way.
That was the last time you saw MK for a while until two weeks or so later. By the time MK and co had returned, you had already decided what you were going to do moving forward. The answer was clear as day in your mind and made the most sense. After all, MK didn't need anything else added onto his plate of responsibilities and he certainly didn't need you. 
Sadly, your heart was still (and still is) conflicted. 
Your gaze wandered away from him and MK hated how he couldn't see your face. He disliked it as much as the anticipation eating away at him, making his hands sweat way more than he was comfortable with. You struggled to properly find the words and when that failed you, the only thing you could muster was a few choppy sentences that probably didn't make much sense. 
"I just think it's for the best," Your voice wavered as the irritating sting in your eyes meant the waterworks weren't far behind. MK didn't seem like he could hold his back for long as he cleared his throat and nodded along with what you said. 
"Right, right, uh-...then," MK stood up from the bench and offered his hand to you. "Can I at least walk you home? It's getting late and I…" don't want to say goodbye.
A smile broke out on your face as you sniffed, happily placing your hand in his and the two of you began trekking back to your home. The stillness that surrounded you both was…oddly cathartic, cozy, and made you feel lighter than air. That heavy weight that had been sitting on your chest was finally lifted. In its place there was a giant abyss left where your heart would be. You ignored this seeping feeling of dread, at least you managed to lighten your—MK's load. 
The sight of your neighborhood caused MK to squeeze your hand from time to time with each step taken, corner rounded, and familiar sights leading to the end of the both of you. 
MK wished in the back of his mind for you to say something, to let him know that this was all an elaborate prank, a joke that you would surely confess the punchline as soon as he led you to the door of your home. 
None of that happened.
Instead, MK was standing in front of your door with you standing before him. The dim light from the nearby lamp post illuminated your skin beautifully under the moonlight.
"Thank you for walking me back..I'll..um." 
"It's no worries, I.." 
The two young adults awkwardly glanced elsewhere as the uneasiness from earlier lingered. You shook your head and opened your arms, "Hug?" 
MK looked up from where he kicked at the floor and grinned, "Hug." 
One step and the two of you were wrapped in each other's confining, warm embrace.
"I'm gonna miss you," MK admitted through choked tears that escaped him. 
"I'll be here if you need me, but we need this…you need this," You rubbed a comforting hand on MK's back, frowning at the sight of his shoulders shuddering and the sound of his feeble sniffles. After a few more seconds, MK was the first to pull out of the hug. His face was damp with tears and what appeared to be snot, the corners of his eyes already looked puffy as he quickly wiped at his face. 
"..." You wanted nothing more than to comfort him further, but you had to draw a line somewhere if this was going to work. You turned to unlock your door and stepped inside, peeking out to wish the noodle boy one final goodnight. MK simply waved as the door closed, your face disappearing from sight but it was the only thing he could see in his mind. 
No one else was there to witness MK on autopilot. The dark-haired male shuffled out of your neighborhood and somehow ended up halfway up the stairs to his apartment. MK stepped inside his room, yet he couldn't even make it to his bed before he completely crashed on the carpet. Fat blobs of water spilt from his eyes, his frown opening to release the storm of emotions that have been festering the whole interaction. 
Only after his tears dried and the sun began peaking over the horizon did MK manage to fall asleep. 
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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selineram3421 · 2 months
Hey? I just found your account and absolutely love it!
When you write with Alastor I always get this vibe from him:
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And absolutely love for it 😭🥰
Oh my god.
Matched Search History
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Alastor X Writer Reader
⚠ Human AU, serial killer stuff so expect murder or mentions of it, oh and blood/gore, cussing, all caps for screeching/yelling, italics=thoughts, mentions of death, slight introvert reader ⚠
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It wasn't your idea but your friend's.
There was a website that matched you with someone that had similar search history.
Currently, both of you were in the cafe with coffee and snacks, sitting at a two person table and having the usual friend hangout until she brought it up.
"Isn't that...a breach of privacy? How is this allowed?", you asked concerned.
"They only get what you give them! Like a questionnaire thing. You put down what you search and they set you up with someone!", she says and shows you the site on her phone.
"This is shady as fuck.", you say.
"Ok, maybe a little bit but you put what you want shared!", she smiles. "I mean you can meet another writer or someone who is super hot!"
Honestly you didn't know what to think of it, but maybe you could give it a shot.
I mean what's the worse that could happen? Haha..
"Ok..", you sighed and gave her the go to for making your account.
"Yay!", she squealed and started up a new profile. "Ok, so name, age, occupation..", she started typing furiously.
Once the basics were set up, she passed the phone to you to fill out the questionnaire.
At Matched Search History we only share what you give us! Any information you put into the system will be coded to find your Search History Partner, any other information you add in will also be added but stored away privately.
Please be aware that if any home address is added in the BIO or in MESSAGES it will be made public.
Yup. Shady shit right here. You thought and kept reading.
What do you search the most?
Answer: _______
You snort and type out murder techniques and first aid.
I'm definitely on the FBI list. You smile.
After taking care of the first one, you put down recipes, art and art history, science, little things like radio technology and other in depth research. You also make sure to put down cats.
"Here.", you hand the phone back.
"Wow that's a lot.", your friend scrolls down your list.
"What did you expect? I do a lot of searching on my laptop for the littlest things.", you shrug.
"Yeah, should have expected that.", she nods and looks through her photo album in her phone.
Leaning on the table, you look as she scrolls for the perfect photo.
"Which one are you gonna pick?", you ask and take a sip of your coffee.
"That cute one where you're hugging a cat.", your friend replies.
"Nah. Put the Halloween one."
She stops scrolling to look you dead in the eye, only to see your smug grin.
"Aw what? Come on!", you whine. "It'll be funny!"
"No! You're covered in fake blood!", she rejects the idea.
"But think of it! It would be fucking hilarious.", you nudge her arm.
"No and that's final! I'm putting this one!", she says and adds a photo without looking.
You honestly forgot about the account you both made until you got a bunch of emails about the website finding your match. You ignored most of them as they didn't go over 70%, that was until you saw the one you got today.
"What?", you asked with a mouth stuffed with noodles, being in the middle of eating lunch.
Picking up your phone, you check the email and feel your eyes widen.
You immediately called your friend.
"What?", she asks.
"Send me his pic! Duh!", she replies.
You take a screenshot of his profile picture and send it over.
"Who is it?", you ask.
"Don't you listen to his podcasts!?", your friend screeches. "He's the hot voice talking about murder mysteries and other creepy shit! You always listen to him while writing!"
"Huh, so this is him?", you ask. "How do you know? You hate hearing creepy stuff."
"I got bored one day.", she says.
Understandable. You thought. "Ok but back onto the topic. WHAT DO I DO!?"
"Send that love message to meet up!", she replied.
You deadpanned.
I have to go outside? I mean it wouldn't be bad if we went to a cafe or library. Maybe a bookstore... You thought.
"Fine. Since we already know his face he won't be able to run far if anything happens.", you said, making up your decision.
"Geez, don't talk like you're about to die.", your friend groaned.
"What? It's true.", you say. "Statistically, women are more likely to get killed on a date. Which doesn't rule out males but it does happen."
"UGH! Send me pics of what you're going to wear already!", she demanded.
You sat on a bench near a bus stop, messaging your friend. It was the best location for you to wait, there were multiple people around and restaurants with cameras.
Not gonna find out my address~ You sang in your head as you messaged your "match" that you had arrived.
You messaged him a brief description of your features and what you were wearing, so that way he wouldn't go around like a headless chicken trying to look for you.
Just in case things went south, you had a back up outfit to change into.
As you waited, a sudden thought came up.
Why was he on the dating site MSH? You wondered. Maybe his friend also pressured him to make a profile or someone else.
Then another thought.
What if it isn't him and someone just used a random photo they found to put up? You frowned at that. I hope that's not the case. That would be very annoying to deal with.
"Now, I hope that I'm not the reason my date is wearing a frown."
Turning your head to see who had decided to approach you, you saw a familiar face and warm reddish copper eyes. He was dressed very nicely, white button up long sleeve, dark red knit sweater vest, black pants, and black looking dress shoes.
"I'm Alastor.", he smiled. "And you are my date for this evening, yes?"
Damn it. You thought, trying to keep a straight face. He looks like a bookish nerd and that is definitely my type.
You stood up from the bench and gave a smile back.
"Nice to meet you.", you greeted and then introduced yourself.
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Thank you for bringing this to me. I have read this post but forgot about it until you brought it back.
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrry @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @fuzzyturtlepaws @+?
ML II for Alastor🎙
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yongislong · 2 years
tiktok prank + dreamies.
genre: fluff, crack, gluing jar shut and having dreamies open it hehe
note: tysm for waiting for me. mark and hyuck here
renjun... bread faced pain. its so funny, i don't think he wouldn't be able to open it... but i don't think he would LMFAO. he can't resist trying to look good in front of you though! he tries so hard but keeps his composure because he wants you to see him as a manly guy. he would hand it back with a pout and you coddled him so much you forgot to tell him it was a prank, but you felt too bad after you went back to the kitchen for a late night snack after noticing his presence on your shared bed, only for him to be twisted up on the kitchen island watching a video as he inspects the jar to try and open it for you :(
jeno... absolutely gets it open. R U KIDDINGGG. he is so strong and meaty. its no doubt and he does it with that cute little eye smile, his gaze never leaving yours. and for good measure uses the hem of his shirt to try and 'get a better grip' but its really only so you can see his abs and happy trail peaking over the top of his sweat pants hes INSANNNEEE. you tell him the jar was glued shut and he makes a cute confused jeno noise and looks down at his hands like he just committed a crime lmao, you broke him
jaemin... buff bunny to the rescue. he is buffer than jeno so he would absolutely get it open as well. is so ready to please you (oop) you ask normally and he thinks its so cute and he's so ready to help you, gives you a kiss on the cheek and takes the jar, giggling and poking fun about how you need him and his strong arms all while talking cutely. sentence never falters btw, he just opens the jar and gives it back to you with a poke on your waist and a warning to be careful while you cook. you tell him you glued the jar and he laughs it off and says you didn't put enough on LOL. wont stop flexing dear god, walks around the house with his shirt off more often now
chenle... can't get it. LMFAOO im sorry?? i know he is strong and plays basketball but o_O haha. i think he would definitely try! and once you sheepishly tell him in between giggles that you glued it shut to test his strength he eats you alive. is like 'why would you do that you hoe, we're gonna have to ear raw ass noodles' pffttt. you both end up laughing so much though. he eventually finds a way to get it open though! 'woooow, you don't have faith in my superhuman abilities... i trusted you... pft' he says before bed as a joke, flips over to face the opposite side of your shared bed
jisung... confused chick. is getting buffer though so idk?? but would definitely be confused. like... the last time he bought this he didn't remember it being this hard to open LOL. i think i said this for yangyang but he would let it slip from his fingers accidentally and it would shatter against the floor. would do that thing with his fingers where he like... forms claws LMFAOO yall know what im talking abt. he is sooo stressed. you both eat dinner in silence until he reaches over and sheepishly kisses the back of your hand as an apology </3 you forgive him though but you vow to never tell him because his sad puppy face is too upsetting LOL
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tigerdrop · 2 days
Got any fun thoughts to share about Ford and Bill?
they drive me crazy dude. i have a lot to say about them so im putting it under a readmore
ive been billpilled for 1 million years dog. hes like the Blueprint. bills the perfect entity to me: terrifying shapeshifting demon who can slip into every corner of your mind and read all your thoughts and memories. and also hes a cartoon character with noodle arms and a cute shape. and hes a pathetic worm whos hung up on his human ex. and hes a funny little guy whos playful and mean and delights in tormenting you but juuuust enough so that he doesnt break you. Hes so awesome
like. listen. this isnt going to be a surprise if youve read literally anything ive ever written. but if bill possessed ford and slammed his hand in a car door and got a kick out of it and put him in a funny little outfit id be fine about it. ford was literally in a 24/7 freeuse lifestyle with him so why WOULDNT he
yeah im kind of a masochist. Why do u ask
put his ass in a horny neurotic guys body and see what happens. hit his dick with a cartoon mallet for fun. slap him around a little. feels cool and neat! like "human bodies are so responsive, huh" said while blanfords about to jam a fork into an outlet (thats my name for it btw. Im not looking it up)
what if i hurt you?? what if i dropped you??? Just kidding :-)
i dont know how much genuine sexual pleasure bill would get out of it so much as the thrill and novelty of a new human sensation but i think that could be fun in and of itself. jacking off with another guys body in a weirdly distant way like Haha Wow. Im getting kind of flustered here! (actively jamming a coke bottle into his pussy)
and the thing that really drives me crazy about ford is how much fetish shit he thinks about/makes inventions for/has inflicted upon him. i think in the series finale hes tied up like 3 fucking times. its insane. he wants to give up control of his body so fucking bad dude!!!!! (exhibit A: ford going limp like a kitten whenever hes picked up. it happens more than once.)
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and theres even more contrived bondage bits in the deleted scenes! its maddening. hes an insane obsessive bdsm-lifestyling pervert and hes likethe ideal guy to match bills freak
hes soooo fucking easy. its so much fun to me. theres something really erotic about the way bill makes him feel special about his hands......like.......its naked flattery but its also kinda true. its weird. he likes weird shit. and ford falls for it soooo easy. drives me nuts
now walk with me. think about how easy that same interaction would transfer to ford being transgender. and your not allowed to get mad at me bc this is just my thing now
its so strange! kind of captivating. bills been around the block but the western conception of transmasculinity is so recent that for him it might as well be a blink of the eye. so i think it would be new to him. especially given when he actually makes a deal with ford. just another special thing about his special little guy. he *knew* there was something about ford
and to be frank i think that if you were a transmasc pervert in the 70s and a dream demon came along that understood you inside and out and can make all of your bizarre fantasies come true. well. you would have been fucking stupid not to fuck him
i need to read the book of bill so fucking bad bc the extra context of bill being super hung up on ford drives me CRAZY!!!! i love bitter lovestruck jerks. i love divorce. and i think they could and should hook up again. bad guys that are reluctantly forced to stop being so bad are so much fun and fords huge fucking ego didnt go anywhere. i think bill could convince ford to give him a second chance. at least just to hook up for old times sake
anyway. im making a bill itabag. Gotta go
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bonnymori · 1 year
(1/2) From pasta guy, to boyfriend
A/N: i'm almost at episode 1030, finally the others are showing up more like Kid, Killer and Law; can't find any new Killer fics so decided my next work should be one
WC: 2,3k
Contents/Warnings: n/a, very light fic, modern!au ig, fluff, slice of life, gn!reader, trying out new format
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Synopsis: Your cravings have led you to a small local restaurant, and surprisingly, bring you to a new romantic interest.
Noodles, spaghetti, pasta.
Sometimes they are all over your tiktok's for you page, or your youtube's feed shorts. That's how you end up awake at noon, looking closely at your phone as someone makes pasta from scratch in video. One can't help it, the process is so interesting although you've watched the same thing countless times: throw in a few eggs, flour, milk and salt in a bowl, mixing that soon gives you a puffy dough, from there the process gets overcomplicated– you just know the ingredients are the same every time.
You blame them for making you so hungry, and robbing you of your sleep.
That's also how you end up in front of a small luncherie, after spending too much time craving those delicious dishes, that you actually gave in and decided to go for it.
The front of the building looks so welcoming, a mix of pastel green and beige makes for a nice touch of painting, accompanied by the large window panes that give a view of the inside. Under your feet at the entrance is a doormat that says "benvenuto!" and upon your head, at the front of the shop is written "àite milis" as in the name of the place. Honestly you have no idea of both of their meanings, but you keep the words to yourself to translate them later.
Your entry isn't as peaceful as when you arrived, though, when the door is pushed outwards in the same time as you try to push it in to enter- whoever is inside was stronger, though, as you barely dodge it when it comes swinging your way with force, as if you hadn't even tried to push it.
"Agh!" You can't help but quip as you step back, avoiding being squashed between the door and the wall.
A surprised grunt comes from the doorframe, where a tall guy with a mask stands frozen, probably shocked with what just almost happened. You can't quite see his eyes from under those blond bangs, but he is surely looking at you wide eyed from the rise of his shoulders.
"Oh my, I'm very very sorry, I didn't see you behind the door."
The guy approaches, inspecting your face for any bruises – mainly because you are still spooked and planted to your feet. His warm hand lands on your shoulder, and you can't help but notice his whole arm looks crazy toned, and your face is lined perfectly with his chest since he's crazy tall too.
You don't let those thoughts cloud for long, taking a step back to look at him properly. "Sorry! Didn't see you coming out too, I got distracted by the place, haha."
"I- …" His head tilts slightly at your saying, and you notice how long his blond hair really is, as it weaves behind him when he turns, a few strands falling upon his shoulders by the movement. "Is that so? Why do you say that?"
"Well the colors are nice! What can I say, it's my first time here." You keep yourself from explaining your reasons during every exchange between strangers, but that only gives him more fuel to continue talking.
He nods, something in his posture changes from lax to a more attentive way– actually, he sorta looks… joyful. "I see, come inside then." His hand leaves your shoulder and waves you in, walking back inside with a skip on his step, so he is happy, why?
"It looks even better on the inside."
You can hear him call as you enter behind him, truthfully, you agree. The floor is boarded (but painted white) and the tables are also made with wood material, the brown matches well with the colors on the wall, white and blue that comes in stripes. The counter is the same color as the tables, it counts with a few comfortable looking stools. How cute, the tablecloths are black with white polka dots! Everything looks delicate and under measure, you can tell the owner has put his passion on every detail.
"So, liked it?"
The silence is broken by the mysterious blonde, you maintain a normal face but inside it gave you a big sudden scare.
"Yes! I think the place looks very delicate." You say what you really thought, to you it would be the best way of describing.
He nods more than once and rubs his hands together like a fly, it's hard to guess but from the movement under his mask, he might have smiled at your compliment, who can guess it.
Why are we talking about this anyway?
"Well…" he starts, as if able to listen to your thoughts, turning his body entirely in your direction and gathering himself in a very professional stance, "You are actually my first customer, so I'd like to accompany the experience with you, if you'd let me."
First customer.
"You're the boss!?" Your jaw drops, only slightly so as to not make yourself a complete fool in front of this handsome guy.
He nods, "It's been two days since I first opened the shop, without getting any new people in, so I'm extremely glad you have chosen this establishment. I'm sorry for the, cough, harsh welcoming." His body does all the talking as he speaks, making gestures and looking at the door, apologizing for the scare. He expresses himself very well for someone who's got almost his whole face covered.
…You can't help but giggle at his big introduction, although serious, he's just a silly guy.
"It's alright, can I get your name since you want to accompany me?" You said, following by the introduction of your name to him.
The man nods. "You can call me Killer."
Killer, huh, what?
You nod, not discarding the chance that it might be just his nickname, and make your way to a table near the window. You don't miss how Killer himself hands you the menu – at your curious stare, he answers that he doesn't have staff yet, it's him and him only, for now.
The menu… is a total road map. There's at least ten different types of noodles including lasagna pasta, each has different kinds of prepping and sauces to include. It's like ordering pizza but in italian… wait, pizza is also italian, right? Historically, nobody knows for certain, but… Anyway, you ultimately decide to order a plate from the popular section – not that the other options aren't good! But for today, keep it simple – that are basically those viral dishes that everybody knows from social media, as in a part of the menu that offers simpler options to choose from.
Today's dish will be… fettuccine alfredo! It should be good for starters.
Killer seems to jolt when you finally look his way again, like he wasn't staring at you all along. "I take you have decided what you are having?"
"Yes! Can I have a fettuccine alfredo, please?" You smile at him, such a polite guy.
He nods at the request, doing a small shoulder gesture you've seen him do before, signaling he's 'happy and ready'. Killer leaves to the back, soon you can hear the sounds of pans and pots being retrieved, as well as the smell of mouth watering food begins to waft through the place.
It's so good to smell, and not just watch it through a screen! You think to yourself, looking around and noting the small details all over his luncherie, finding especially interesting the small metal trinket on the counter, is it handmade?
Time goes like seconds, it's actually a really small pause before Killer comes out of the kitchen with a blue plate in hands, his long legs moving swiftly until he's beside your table and placing the dish in front of you. He lingers a little about even after delivering the order, fixing the folds on the tablecloth and thanking you again for coming to his restaurant.
He's really cute, you think, watching him head back to the counter, the way Killer fiddles about with his hands shows that he's maybe a little anxious, I would be nervous too with my first client.
You look down and damn, the dish looks amazing. The fettuccine normally has a whiter aspect thanks to the sauce, that becomes even more vibrant and appetizing in contrast to the blue colored plate. I hope I don't sound like a food critic, you think to yourself while swirling the first string of thick pasta on your fork, watching as it swirls smoothly with help of the white creamy sauce, it's making your mouth water.
Without thinking, you stuffed it in your mouth with no regrets, immediately melting at the way it explodes in your mouth. Yumm… I will definitely bring leftovers home.
It looks like I won't get any new customers besides Y/N, Killer muses to himself as he leans on the window. Sigh, he's a bit disappointed, but it's the reality of many newly established businesses. It doesn't stop the deep bubbling feeling that comes from his chest, knowing he should be starting on the dishes if he wants to close as soon as possible, since his mood has dampened again.
Right, I can't yet, I have someone over today, as if in cue with his thoughts, his head turns from the window to the person in the middle of his shop, who is humming delightfully as they eat the portion of fettuccine.
It puts him in sort of a daze, his cheeks spotting the faintest of blush, the sight of someone feeling so content while eating the result of his studies and hardwork, that's all I wanted. Killer is glad for his blonde bangs that hide the fact he can't bring himself to divert his eyes away, so touched by his work being appreciated. If the guys saw me acting this way, I wouldn't hear the end of it. After what seems ages, he shakes his head at the thought, slumping even more against the wall as all the exhaustion of setting up a business settles down on his shoulders.
Letting his eyes astray to that one table yet again, he can't help but think they're cute, his hard shell has lessened thanks to the excitement of receiving the first person to give a chance to his work, sure, but Killer can't help but watch them in a different glow from the way he would see other people.
And they like my food, that's a good sign- oh, they're looking at me, he jolts when he's suddenly caught staring, his hands twitching by the sudden spook– and now, they're… beckoning me closer?
Killer can't help but straighten up, fixing himself before strolling with newfound confidence to their table and sitting down across from them.
"It was delicious!" You told him with a big smile, patting the pudge on your stomach formed by his delicious, warming meal. "A pretty big portion too, are you sure the price is up to it?"
"Yes." His deep baritone almost filled the room, almost sending a shudder down your back. "It shouldn't be any higher, that would just scare off more people that it has."
He wasn't negative about it, just realistic. And also a tad nervous, not wanting to say anything awkward.
"I think it was great, actually, I promised- like- to bring leftovers for dinner to my family, do you make meals for takeout?"
Killer is at service, sure, but you still felt a little bad for asking this late, since it's probably rounding closing hours.
"Of course, I'd be delighted to." He responded quicker than you thought, more than happy to attend more work, it really shows he loves cooking, "So, how many portions would you want for takeout?"
"Three! I was thinking of bringing different dishes, you know? Another fettuccine so they can try it too, but I wanted to bring this one too, and…!"
Unnoticed by the both of you, soon, a discussion of what would be the best to bring back to your family started with the chef man, he knew how to add in his view on the subject but without suggesting in a way he wanted you to buy more, but like hey that's really good, it could go even better with this topping. Or I like that one, I think it's a really good choice. Killer was glad the conversation flowed so easily, himself also not noticing the fact a whole hour passed and they hadn't stopped talking, he felt like he wanted to get to know you better more and more through each minute, finding himself in a daze again, his brain filled by the thoughts of you entirely.
What brought him back to reality, though, was glancing down from your eyes – it was really hard – only to see the empty plate and silverware still on the table.
"Oh damn, I didn't see the time fly." A quick glance at the clock on the wall told him it was very late. He sat up, exasperatedly.
Still enough to make your family dinner, with how determined he looked.
Killer didn't even protest when you followed him inside the kitchen, the conversation flowing once again casually, he smiled at the way you found another of Kidd's trinkets, like the one – he persisted to gift Killer as decoration – at the counter.
He'd be sure to make them extra good just for you.
"Thank you so much for everything, Killer." You felt bad for keeping him so long, watching as the key chime when locking the door, disappearing along with his big hand inside his pants pocket.
"No such, I am, in fact, delighted for you."
For a moment, his sapphire blue irises stared into yours, drowning in the pools of color- both of you.
His hand on your shoulder was warm.
Fuschia lipstick marked your hand when his lips parted from your skin, smiling at you.
"I'd like to see you again."
At the end of the night, Killer's frustration had vanished - now that he's got your number.
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glitterpensupremacy · 8 months
Alright lads (gender neutral), time to start some controversy.
Totally normal and unoriginal take: I think Marinette and Adrien are relatively equal in physical strength. (Not who would win in a fight, the show has shown multiple times that it would be LB, I’m just saying realistically, in terms of exerting one’s muscles).
I often hear arguments that Marinette would be super strong due to being Ladybug, but the same should apply to Adrien, right? Sure he gets blipped out of some fights, but there’s also plenty of fights where he’s present (still physically active) but mind-controlled by the villain of the week. Furthermore, there’s plenty of episodes where Chat Noir has to hold off the villain while Ladybug focuses on problem solving (which requires a lot less physical exertion). Therefore, if Marinette is strong because she’s Ladybug, that alone cannot justify her being stronger than Adrien due to him also being a superhero (her being stronger than her usually-civilian classmates however, I can easily get behind).
I suppose if we’re using the argument that she’s stronger due to doing things like lifting bags of flour in the bakery, then maybe, but the show only has her occasionally helping her parents in the bakery (not that it’s her fault she has other stuff to do, just saying that it doesn’t fully work as a reason for her being physically stronger), and even then it’s usually managing the counter and sometimes baking some of the goods.
There’s also technically the diet factor, as people will say that she’s stronger due to getting to eat normal foods that build muscles better, while Adrien eats smaller meals due to being a model. However, from personal experience (I have a pretty unimpressive diet and sometimes forget to eat three meals a day), my scrawny noodle arms can lift a surprisingly amount to most people, so I don’t think his diet would keep him from being able to do muscle-intensive activities. If anything, I maintain that Marinette and Adrien would have equal physical abilities, Marinette would have more muscle mass (if they didn’t insist on giving her toothpick arms to be more marketable), but Adrien’s muscles would be more pronounced/defined (skinny people’s muscles usually stick out more due to having low amounts of body fat).
On the one hand, I get the “haha little girl wearing pink is actually an absolute unit and stronger than all the boys” joke, but on the other hand, I think I find the “supermodel is actually as strong as baker” joke even funnier. (Like you mean to tell me that the class would underestimate Marinette, their over-achieving “everyday Ladybug”/class rep, more than Adrien, that one rich boy they’ve known for less than a year and constantly typecast as a helpless damsel in distress? I don’t think so.)
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