#haha at me being in my own top reblogged blogs
nigmos · 2 years
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I posted 7,857 times in 2022
That's 3,713 more posts than 2021!
1,824 posts created (23%)
6,033 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,302 of my posts in 2022
#queue - 862 posts
#ts4 - 392 posts
#ts4 gameplay - 217 posts
#spotify - 64 posts
#lol - 35 posts
#barbiecaschallenge - 14 posts
#black sims - 14 posts
#ts4 portrait - 11 posts
#ts2 gameplay - 10 posts
#this is so beautiful - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#youre really kind and i appreciate how you always try to understand another person’s point of view even when you don’t agree
My Top Posts in 2022:
i think a lot of the romanticization of being a housewife and the notion that it's less exploitative than having a job has a lot to do with memory.
it's an easy thing for us to entertain because we don't think about the very real reality or even remember that women in this country could not have anything to their name without male permission. and the very real fact that women had to marry a man to have something resembling of a life.
179 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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my version of Belle from Beauty and the Beast. :)
196 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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my version of Daphne and Velma. :)
239 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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friends.. i have downloaded a lot of new cc..
285 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
we need bands in ts4... my sims deserve to be rockstars
382 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sister-lucifer · 19 days
man u blocked me but u still wanna rb. just laughing at it, at least i know the blogs good haha
you wanna play that game? okay, we’ll play that game.
first off; i know who you are. you’re not subtle. you can hide behind the shield of nonchalant anonymity all you’d like but you reek of the same utter sadness. i won’t share your name or tell everyone my exact problem with you for now, since you still have time to backtrack this, and i suggest you make the rational, mature decision with that
second; wow, what a petty, cowardly move. i mean walk me through your thought process here; i don’t block people for no reason, if i blocked you it was because you made me uncomfortable. i won’t go into details, as stated above, but you crossed my boundary repeatedly. multiple times. after a clear and firm no. and you think you have the right to act like i’m somehow being irrational? and on top of that, instead of taking the block like an adult and moving on like a normal person, you decided to either a) create a side blog just to snark in my inbox (pathetic), b) made an entirely new login with a new email (even more pathetic and bonus: weird), or the worst option, c), you got a friend to let you use their account which is just. wow. words cannot express how completely depressing that is.
do you still cry over the girl who stole your crayon in third grade? do you follow home the man who cut you off in traffic and stand on his doorstep? and yet, here you are, because you wanna feel like a big strong man after i hurt your little fee-fees. you couldn’t even face me like a man. you had to hide. i haven’t thought about you since i blocked you (and i can assure you anything i reblogged from you after said block was probably in my queue, not something i reblogged directly), but you were just stewing in your own entitlement. you do not get to have me just because you want me.
i do not respect you. log off and reflect inward before you hurt yourself.
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cewyll · 3 months
hii! i found your blog by accident and i'm mesmerized. i used to play rp on twitter and i really wanted to start doing the same here but idk where to start. could you please give me some tips?
oh hey, thank you so much for reaching out! :D i'll admit i'm not as active on this blog as on others, but it makes me happy to have reached you nonetheless. <3
i'd be delighted to give you some tips to start out! it's definitely a process that feels a bit alien at first, but over time you get a feel for it. :>
i am soooo sorry in advance, this is going to be super long — you picked a wordy bitch to ask 😂 but i'll try to format this in a way that's easier to read!
take your time to go through stuff & no need to read or absorb it all right away. feel free to keep this post bookmarked to look back on whenever you need it as well.
💖 welcome to raine's stupidly-long guide to starting tumblr rp! 💖 qualification: i've had this blog for 11 years. fml disclaimer: still all just from my perspective, i'm just one gal with opinions hehe
start out by making a new blog for your character. (i wouldn't recommend starting out with a sideblog personally, since you can't send asks from them). choose a url that feels relevant. i'm always a fan of the ol "smush two words together that sound nice" technique — ie, my other blogs are huntershowl and icarusplunged — which never seems to fully go out of style. really you can do whatever feels right to you :)
the most important part of setting up an rp blog is creating a rules page and, if you're writing an OC, an about page. the rules set up your boundaries, your wants and don't wants, anything you want someone to know before they follow you. the about page should give new partners everything they need to know about your character — personality, appearance, setting/lore, any backstory you want to display publicly.
feel free to look around at different rpers' rules pages and use them as inspiration! as long as nothing is copypasted and everything is your own original content, which brings me to etiquette.
'tis largely an Unspoken Thing in the rpc (rp community), and breaching it can def make people feel uncomfortable (even though that's something that Should be in rules pages, most of us forget haha). here are the things i can think of off the top of my head:
the way to reach out to new people is simply to follow them. that's all you gotta do! if they don't follow back, don't push, just unfollow them after a few weeks and move on. it's almost never personal!
in that vein, if someone's blog is private/selective/mutuals-only, wait to interact until they follow back.
once they do, it's up to you how you want to move forward — usually i'll wait until they post some sort of interaction call for you to like. a starter call, a plotting call, orrrr if they reblog an ask meme (which is like a list of sentence prompts! you can choose one from the list and send it as an ask, which they can use as an rp starter.) you can also just IM them though :)
don't reblog non-rp content (ask memes, quotes/imagery, etc) directly from another rp blog, it clogs up their notifications! just reblog from the original post instead.
don't interact with other people's threads (liking or reblogging, but feel free to read them and talk about them ooc!), and only respond to a starter if it's labeled as open — otherwise it was probably written for another rper specifically.
try not to prod people too hard if they haven't responded in a while. some folks are okay with being reminded about a forgotten thread a few weeks after replies stall out.
always tag nsft (not safe for tumblr, the other acronym gets flagged/hidden) and very upsetting content — gore, SA or abuse mentions, etc. i've seen some people starting to use "dead dove do not eat" as a catch-all for super dark content, but honestly that phrase gives me the heebiest of jeebies so i prefer to go with individual tags
general platformless rp etiquette rules apply: don't steal other people's content, don't assume or control the other character's actions/thoughts/etc.
be kind to each other, most of all. communicate when you have a problem with someone, rather than making a vague/callout post about them. that being said, i'm a proponent of the block button — blocking people is okay! it's not a big deal. this is a hobby space and no one is entitled to you. advocate for yourself!!
okay that was a long section, whew! lil break. take a sip of water. have a snack mayhaps.
now: RP STRUCTURE (the fun part)
we don't really do "script" style rp on tumblr — it'll usually, if not always, be in prose/paragraph form. formatting is a fun touch, but not necessary. as you can see, i'm using small text here with some little chunks of text in bold/italic or regular size text to add some visual interest. again, not necessary! experiment, figure out what you like!
lots of people will use icons of different sizes — 100x100 is the most common, but they really do vary. i would suggest going smaller rather than bigger (like don't use full post-width gifs or icons, try to keep them under half the size of the post? that's the most common vibe at least.)
icons can be used to "illustrate" your character's expression among a bunch of text, if you want Visual Spice. but they are soooo not necessary! totally up to you.
here are some examples of my icon styling!
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there are lots of rp resources out here for cool coloring psd's and graphic templates for ya blog. create something fun and pretty that you like! <3
to reply to a thread, reblog it and add your post.
important: i highly recommend downloading and installing XKIT in your browser. it's an extension that lets you trim posts to the last two reblogs (common around here), customize your blog experience, and just makes it a lot easier to exist on tumblr haha.
ummmm i think that's it actually! you're finally free of my rambling. i really hope this helped!! please let me know if you have any questions, and gimme a follow when you start up a blog — i'd be happy to help you out however i can.
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sodomyaspraxis · 5 months
Do you have any recommendations of books on queer theory and art you've been vibing with lately or that you've found really foundational? I love seeing the stuff you reblog and I would love to take a look at any texts/pieces/collections you've found really formative and impactful. Thank you in advance!
omg thank you!! Sorry it took me so long to reply, I loved this question and really wanted to do it right lol. My tastes and views are like a hodge podge of things I’ve read and seen, a paper here, and artist’s statement there, so it’s hard to gather lmao. But here’s some off the top of my head (might be long, sorry!):
Honestly the blog @997 has done more to shape and expand my ideas on art and aesthetics than any other, been following for years and has a special place in my heart
For queer theory:
The Xenofeminist Manifesto: A Politics for Alienation had a major impact in opening me up to ideas of abstraction, cunning, and scale in politics. It’s part of a broader left accelerationist/postcapitalist movement that I’m still one of those annoying people who likes what it has/had to say lol. This one is great, with absolute banger lines like “let a thousand sexes bloom!” and “if nature is unjust, change nature!”
Deadly and Slick: Sexual Modernity and the Making of Race is a more recent read, and does an amazing job talking about how the regulation of sexuality is intimately tied with the creation of race and its hierarchies, using colonial and postcolonial India and the UK as its focus.
The Penetrated Male by Jonathan Kemp is an amazing book on the anus(a subject I’m kinda obsessed with), specifically examining the anus and penetration beyond discourses on being penetrated as feminine and anal eroticism as pathology. If you’re into Wilde, Lacan, and Baudelaire, this is the book for you for anal examinations on them.
The Straight Mind by Monique Wittig is an injection of dialectics into examinations of sexuality, feminism, and power. Her rendering of sex as socially constructed and of lesbianism presents radical feminist politics without the biological essentialism by interpreting the idea that the proletariat is a class that advocates for its own abolition through a feminist and lesbian lens.
As for art:
More Brilliant Than the Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fiction is both written beautifully in that classic cyberpunk neologism style and offers a great critique on “authenticity” and “realism” as necessary components of good music through an examination of a lot of afrofuturist artists and advocates for alienation and abstraction as a way of breaking from dull “authenticity”
Who’s Afraid of Contemporary Art? by Jessica Cerasi and Kyung An is a good introduction to contemporary art for someone intimidated/unsure how they feel about it. I read it in one sitting when my car was stuck in the mechanics for three hours and I couldn’t leave haha
Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes by Maya Lin and Richard Andrews. Maya Lin is mostly known for her memorials but her non-monument sculptural work is even better. Hearing her explain her craft and different interpretations of her work was really exciting.
Vienna Actionism: Art and Upheaval in 1960’s Vienna. I’m a sucker for Actionism, and this was an amazing book on the subject with insightful essays, photos, and descriptions of the performances that were held.
The journal e-flux and the website monoskop have changed my life to, amazing libraries of texts.
This is long but I hope it helps!!
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outlawssweetheart · 5 months
Sorry I'm only reacting now to your OC post ! 😩 I'm glad you managed to get the draft back haha ! Hoping this one doesn't disappear as well ! 🤞
I'm always weak for the thought of dad Erron being scared of fatherhood at first and suddenly realizing how much he loves his baby. Holding Lizzie for the first time must have been such a strong revelation for him. Makes me wonder if he was the one who brought up the thought of a second child? 👀 Like, Lizzie was pretty much unplanned from what I understand but Lana ? 🧐 I think Skarlet would be torn between being overjoyed at the prospect of having a second child and being surprised that it was Erron who brought up the idea ! 💖
Honestly I'd love to learn more about their family dynamic, especially Lizzie because I find it sooo funny how she'd be like- the only "normal" person in this family of murderous adrenaline junkies. 😂 Her parents being weird in front of her friends would probably embarrass her as well !
Also I'm curious about how Skarlet would develop as a person in your story because I remember you saying you weren't really up for a redemption arc for her canonically. Yet, she finds herself being a mom and leaving a rather "normal-ish" family life in Earthrealm. What do you think would bring her to this point in her life in your story ?
Finally, I'm curious because you often mention your stories/books/fanfics and I've been wondering if you have ever posted any of them? Like, I remember seeing snippets of your original stories but do you have any of them or any fanfics published?
(Sending you my support for your writing projects btw ✨)
I've never actually thought about it, when they decided to have a 2nd kid. Like I honestly never thought about it, or if she was planned or another accident, but I LOVE the idea that Erron suggested having another! Lizzie is 7 years older than Lana, so that's quite some years between kids. I suppose that after her, they figured she'd be an only child, but then years later they caught the Baby Fever and just wanted another one.
I think he was shook holding Lizzie for the first time. He probably cried a bit, but he would never admit to it. (Skarlet knows. He denies it, but she saw it.) Not only realizing that he loves his child but also feeling the weight of his own familial trauma... all at once. Maybe that's why she let him be the one to name her? 🥺
I think Elizabeth is a bit of a Sad Girl™. (I have "Ow (Intro)" by Pom Pom Squad and "Human" by Christina Perri on her Pinterest board section for my original story, so I must've been cooking a bit for her.) Which makes sense; one of the children is bound to get Skarlet's and Erron's melancholy, and it ain't Lana! 🤷🏽‍♀️ (Sidenote: I remembered that they're both low-key named after Lana Del Rey because her real name is Elizabeth! 😭 I mean, she is my Skarron queen! 🫶🏽)
As for Skarlet: That's my CONTRARIAN ASS because I love Skarlet as a villain, but I also love the idea of her and Erron just living a domestic life together. *sighs* So in The Bubblegum Project (the story I mentioned because I have another one that I'm supposed to be writing rn), Lana's mother is a vampire, her father is a 185-year-old witch, and they settle down in Texas, acting normal. (He uses witchcraft to secure a job as a history professor, and she has a job as a showgirl at a fancy burlesque club.) However, he's a hitman on the side, and she's still killing people for blood even though there is a medication to fill the need for blood. (I reblogged this gif-set to my writing/story inspo blog for them, and I just love the idea of Erron & Skarlet having that kind of dynamic, due to the way Erron still shows signs of his humanity. *chef's kiss* TOP-TIER ship dynamic for me! 🤌🏽)
I think they got to that point because she got pregnant, WOOPSIES, and they wanted to give their child the best life they could. Idk exactly where my OCs were living, but they knew their lifestyles (which would've been similar to Skarron's) weren't good for a child to grow up in. And Skarlet and Erron would know that Outworld is not a good place for a child to grow up in. Skarlet knows that firsthand. And it's most definitely not safe because they've both likely made enemies there.
And unfortunately, no, I have anything written or published yet. I have 2 old Marvel fanfics, and I started writing a Scream fanfic over 2 years ago, but my attention span is garbage, along with the fact that I hate my own writing. 😩 And I have bits and pieces of original stories written, just the beginning of a chapter here and there, but nothing really yet. But THANK YOU! 🫶🏽
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moroinini · 2 years
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‌𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
🩸 I'm Nini Moroi ! 🩸 VTuber, VSinger & Cosplayer !
Also ASMRtist creating Roleplay and Ambience ⬆️
🧄 I'm the Garlic Loving Vampire Princess 🧄
🍬 My Community is my Candy - my "Sweetmeats" 🍬
With this blog I would love to make friendships or sweet connections geeking out about our interests ! And hey, maybe we end up creating some projects together ! Most likely song related !
Also I'm here to share my love for garlic and vampires and could make a bunch of side blogs around these topics ! :
🧄 Vocaloid, Utaite, Youtaite Jpop & rock
🧄 ASMR, Ambience, 3Dio Stuff
🧄 Cosplay, Crafting, Anime & Voice Acting
Tumblr looks fun when it comes to writing ! Story + Song writing is what I love too ! So once I figured that side of tumblr out we can expect it on Ninis main blog aswell !
Games that I focus on are Platform, Story Based, RPG Maker & Monster Collector ! But I also fell for Rune Factory 5 and similar games that I play in private ♡ My Favourite Game is Crash Bandicoot - WAH
Tags : moroinini (all) | vibenini (blog themes) | talknini (vtuber + other) | re:nini (own reblogs)
Now below you can find my Character Sheet & Socials ❣️
ʚ💜ɞ Twitch ʚ❤️ɞ YouTube ʚ💛ɞ Instagram ʚ💙ɞ Twitter ʚ🖤ɞ TikTok ʚ💗ɞ Carrd + Credits
CLICK For Character Sheet ⬇️
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Nini has some distinct features that I love very much ! Character design is so fun ! 🧄 That's why I create more outfits for Song Cover ! Please feel free to use this sheet for Nini art, IF interested whatsoever haha ! Credit
She got Head-wings that are tied behind with a ribbon ! 🦇 The open version is visible in the 3D Nini gif ⬆️ This helps avoiding drawing them, if necessary ! They grow from the back head piercing through the hair, not the sides, yes ! ^^ That works, because they're very slim and grow bigger at the end !
The Ankle-Wings are also a body part and grow above the shoes through holes of her stockings ! The shoes form a cute vamp face !
Another distinct feature is her Grey Skin, Garlic Accessoire AND Bra Window with the bra / top being a part of the dress haha Underneath the white sleeves the dress continues on with black tight sleeves & yellow ends !
Overall I really like the combination of different textures, I was going for something "sleek" that suits a vampire ! So the huge sleeves and the dress were roughly reminding me of romanian traditions aswell. Since that fit very well I thought haha !
In the future I hope to make a traditional romanian outfit, to share the love & beautiful clothes of my culture 💜Hoping to represent it well ! In fact, the design itself is already planned haha
Although I didn't plan a full on description, I hope you enjoyed ! ♡
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gralunaisland · 2 years
GralunaIsland's 1 Year Anniversary!
I have no clue if it's cringe or not, but I just wanted to celebrate my blog's 1 year anniversary of existence a little!!
On this very day last year, October 21, 2021, I made my first Tumblr post, and it's been such a fun ride ever since.
Not only have I made some lasting, dear friendships because of it, it's just been a blast running it, because, yes, I get to run my mouth on a subject I feel so strongly about, but mostly because it's introduced me to a wonderful community of likeminded individuals and even some who disagree yet are so kind!
Continuing with the celebration, I'm shouting out some of my favorite followers/friends/visitors to my blog as a thank you for your kindness! (so sorry if this is embarrassing you; if it does, just dm me and I’ll edit it right away!)
@youthinkofacoolname My near and dear tumblr best friend, you've been my greatest supporter! Always giving me advice and discussing gr///via so wisely with me, even just chatting about whatever, and always understanding when life keeps me busy, not to mention liking all my posts and just being generally awesome! You're the best!! (Accept it!!)
@walkinginfiction My first amazing Tumblr friend who's very special to me, you’ve been here since the beginning! Even though you’re super busy with life, which is totally understandable, whenever you’re here, you give some of the kindest, most helpful support, and your comments are just so well thought out and intentional!
@pinkoperatorpursepie You're honestly just the sweetest person ever (with the absolutely cutest profile picture!!), always so on top of liking my posts as soon as they're posted. Your loyalty and vigilance mean so much to me! You're seriously one of my favorite followers!
@teamcharlastor You might change your username constantly, but you yourself never change! You’re so fun to talk with and you’re always sending me so many asks with great insight or questions! You’re such a great friend to me! Thank you for helping me keep the Anti gr///via fandom alive with your own posts on your blog too!
@bonnielass23 You've said some of the kindest things to me ever on this blog, and you're so thoughtful in your asks and comments! Your insight is superb! And your fanfics are brilliant! I utterly enjoy reading them; thank you for sharing them with me! Such a sweet person!
@nashadragneel Bestie, you're such a kind, amazing person! We may disagree on certain things, but our friendship is a testament that you can do so and look past your differences and live in harmony! You're a stellar individual!
@meancetosociety You’re such a sweetheart! You're so understanding, and you share your absolutely delightful head-canon and fanfic ideas with me and even ask for my humble opinion! I love talking to you!
@perfectlyimperfectcharacterfan Your insightful comments truly leave me in awe! I appreciate the meticulous attention you give my posts and for sharing your intelligent musings with me! They really have me thinking even deeper into the analyses I post, and I really appreciate how you push me to do so just by simply being a clever, sharp individual.
@nillajinx Last, but definitely not least-- your support really astounds me! You reblog so many of my posts I can’t even keep track! The appreciation I have for you knows no bounds. Thank you so much!
But also, huge thank you to all my followers and to everyone who even just reads my posts! >_<
Continuing on the celebration haha, in honor of 1 year of running this blog, over the course of today, I'll be reblogging some of my most favorite posts I've written over the year. I have no idea if other blogs do this, but if they don't I guess I'll just be the first to start this tradition!
My goal is that it'll let my new followers get a chance to see some of the older things I've written, and maybe some of my old followers will get to reread something they liked.
Lastly, just an update, I'm still getting through all my wonderful asks, so thank y'all so much for your infinite patience with me! Today my family came up to visit me from my hometown, so I don’t have too much time to myself rn, but things are getting done, I assure you (ง’̀-‘́)ง
Thank you all again for the support, and here’s to another year of Anti gr///via content!🎉
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cambion-companion · 2 years
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I posted 1,891 times in 2022
That's 1,765 more posts than 2021!
739 posts created (39%)
1,152 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,590 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#aemond targaryen - 934 posts
#house of the dragon - 474 posts
#answered ask - 437 posts
#aemond stannies - 360 posts
#aemond one eye - 354 posts
#aemond fanfic - 283 posts
#aemond x reader - 258 posts
#aemond imagine - 246 posts
#hotd - 215 posts
#pro aemond targaryen - 203 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#honestly this is my favorite picture of aemond to date and i will never get tired of posting it
My Top Posts in 2022:
hi!! could we maybe pretty please get a drabble of aemond and female!reader taking a bath together and her taking care of his beautiful hair? just aemond being so in love and letting himself be vulnerable around his lover 🥹 (ive just envisioned him letting out his iconic 'mhm' as he's having his scalp massaged and squealed out loud he's too much for meee) thank you have a nice day!!!
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See the full post
2,146 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Comedy of Errors Pt. 1
Based off this post, I had to write a short drabble haha it's been eating at my brain ALL DAY.
Part 2 here
Aemond x drunk!reader | hilarity ensues
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You were very drunk.
It wasn't often you indulged, but tonight Aegon had successfully persuaded you to down goblet after goblet of wine until the hour grew late and your vision swam before your bleary eyes.
Your husband, throwing a last exasperated look to his elder brother, helped you rise from the table. "Y/N, put your arm around my shoulders. No, my shoulders, Y/N."
With a long-suffering sigh, Aemond grabbed your limp wrist, pulling your arm over his shoulders himself. You giggled madly, egged on by Aegon's tipsy cackles. It was just the three of you remaining in the dining hall, Helaena had long since made her escape back to her chambers.
It was with difficulty Aemond maneuvered you both around the oaken table and to the door. "Good night you two!" Aegon called after your retreating forms, raising another full cup to toast a farewell, sitting now alone inside the firelit hall.
Aemond had indulged in one glass of wine, switching to water for the rest of the evening. He had watched with increasing alarm at how quickly you'd inhaled each refill of your own drink, casting warning glares to his brother whenever Aegon refilled your cup enthusiastically.
You were having a tough time walking, much less being able to see the details of where you were being led. Your voice slurred as you tried to speak to the man helping you to your rooms. "I can quite manage on my own, thank you oh generous lord...lady...whoever you are." You ran a hand along Aemond's chest letting out a giggle. "Lord it is. You're a man."
"Last time I checked." Aemond said dryly, hoisting you back upright as your knees buckled slightly, opening the door to your shared bedroom and guiding you through before relinquishing his hold on you. "I am also your husband."
You collapsed onto the couch. "My husband." You smiled dreamily; eyes taken in by the dancing flames of the fireplace. "My husband is a dragon, you know."
"Is he indeed." Aemond crouched before you to unlace your shoes, smiling slightly as you continued.
"Oh yes." You lifted a heavy foot to aid in the removal of your shoes, your feet aching. "He's tall, like this tall." You raised a limp hand into the air above your head. "His hair is gorgeous. It's ridiculous really, he refuses to tell me the secret."
"Mhm. Go on."
"Yeah...so silky and long...it's not fair. He's smart, like book smart you know?" You tapped your temple with a finger.
"I do." Aemond was making a valiant effort to keep a straight face as he looked up at you from the rug, kneading small circles into the arch of your foot.
"He's brave, he rides Vhagar." You lowered your voice to a whisper at the dragon's name. "The biggest lizard in all the world."
Aemond laughed loudly at that, his voice filling the room. "Does he now? Sounds like quite a man."
"Oh he is." You laid back against the cushions, sighing dreamily, a little trickle of drool running down the corner of your mouth. "He is absolute magic in bed." You sat up again suddenly, swaying as your vision spun. "His cock is about the size of a Pentosi-"
"I think," Aemond interrupted, wiping your mouth with his thumb. "It is quite time for bed, don't you?"
"Mmm, bed." You agreed, trying to stand only to fall back against the sofa, laughing helplessly.
"Here, my love." Aemond, ever patient with you, sat you upright, reaching around your waist to pull at the laces of your dress.
You slapped his hands away, a frown upon your flushed features. "No, no, no, for my husband only."
"Y/N I-"
"No, his hands only touch." You gestured to yourself before raising your arms like a marionette doll. "Help me to bed, Clive."
"I'm having words with Aegon tomorrow." Aemond murmured, knowing that arguing would be useless as he helped you stand and make your stumbling way to the bed.
He tried once more to assist you out of your heavy gown, but you hit at his chest weakly with loose fists. "I'll tell my husband of this behavior; he'll have something to say to you when he finds out."
"Of that, I have no doubt." Aemond sighed, relenting as you shook a stern finger at the bedpost.
See the full post
2,236 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
I am mind blown at how good your writing is! Absolutely mind blown! Your portrayal of Aemond in every single piece is just 👌🥹
I do have a teency little request if you’re still taking them and that’s Aemond all frustrated with you, seeing as you’ve been teasing him constantly throughout a feast, which is when he demands/drags you away into a dark corner which he then proceeds to absolutely annihilate you from behind, I’m talking slapping your ass, literally pounding you that hard you’ll have fingerprint bruises all over your hips and thighs, wrapping his hands around your neck and making sure you realise that you BELONG to him. No one else… Please excuse me as I go and fan myself 🥵🔥
I hope this is what you were thinking of!
Pure filth
I held off tagging anyone because I won't do that for nsfw fics
Word count: 1233
Aemond x f!reader | smut | lots of smut | possessive Aemond
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You were dreadfully bored.
The dinner was dragging on longer than you had the patience for. Hours seemed to have passed since you’d finished eating. The droning conversation around the long table sounding much like the buzzing of lazy bees.
You glanced at your husband out of the corner of your eye, mischief twisting in your pleasantly full stomach.  He certainly looked polished, poised, and ever so handsome.  His long silver hair falling over his shoulders, glimmering in the candlelight.  His violet eye, surveying the chattering crowd with mild disinterest; the other side of his face covered by a leather eyepatch, giving him a roguish appearance.  You wished to run your fingers along his sharp jawline, gripping his strong chin with your fingers and…ah he’d caught you staring.
Aemond’s eye had alighted upon your face, seeming to sense the intensity of your gaze.  His curved lips quirked slightly in a debonair smirk.
He could see right through you.
By the dilation of his pupil, he was feeling much the same upon surveying your own alluring features.
Under the pretense of raising your goblet of wine to your mouth, you reached with your free hand under the table, caressing Aemond’s knee.  He shot you a warning glance, but did not move away, enabling you to continue tracing a wandering path higher up his leg.
You felt his long fingers grip your playful hand as you reached toward the inside of his upper thigh, stilling your progress.  You pouted at him over the rim of your glass.
His eye smoldered violet fire, grip tightening.
You moved your foot then, gently rubbing it up and down his calf. Aemond looked briefly up to the ceiling, as if searching for strength amongst the vaulted beams there, before moving just out of reach of your exploratory foot, his hand still restraining your own.
Servants approached, bringing with them desserts which they placed on the table before you.  You returned your hands to where decorum dictated, helping yourself to a portion of chocolate pudding.
You caught Aemond’s gaze as you raised a spoonful to your lips, making sure not to break eye contact as you slowly sucked the delectable mousse into your mouth.
His lips parted, the prince was barely able to conceal the desire and aggravation warring across his face.  His hands, resting now beside his plate, clenched into fists.
Abruptly, he stood.
You glanced down but his tunic was long enough to conceal any evidence of your hard work from prying eyes.
Aemond extended a hand to you. “May I have a word, dear wife?”
“Of course, loving husband.”  You took his proffered hand, his fingers instantly vicelike upon yours.
With barely restrained haste, Aemond practically dragged you from your seat and out the door into the cooler air of the empty corridor.  
It was a large, long hallway, framed on either side by stone columns, behind one of which your husband pulled you.  The breath left your lungs in a rush as he pushed you roughly back against the cool surface, his lips hot upon your own.  His tongue forced its way into your mouth, tasting the dessert you had sampled.
You returned his embrace with fervor, tangling your fingers into his long hair, pulling him harder against you.  
Aemond broke away to look at your face, his hands gripping your waist. “You think you can torment me, and suffer no consequences?”
“I was actually hoping there’d be some repercussions.”  You breathed out, gasping as Aemond spun you around, your hands rising to support your weight upon the red stone pillar.
See the full post
2,425 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
"Can I sit here?" "Y/N, that's my lap."
Yep! Inspired by this post haha I couldn't RESIST
Aemond x reader | drunk tipsy reader
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“May I sit here?”  
“Y/N…that’s my lap.”
You pouted at Aemond, your lower lip jutting out. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“You’re drunk.”
“Tipsy.”  You corrected, raising a finger in delicate objection, swaying on the spot. “In fact, I feel quite unbalanced…oh no…”  With a sigh of false distress, you sank to sit upon Aemond’s thigh, grinning as his hands came up instinctively to support your waist.
“You’re insufferable.”  The prince fought down the smile tugging at his lips.  Your faces were very close as you leaned against his chest, gliding your fingers through his long silver hair.
“You love me anyway.”  You skimmed your lips along his forehead, before planting a sloppy kiss to the side of his face.
Aemond took hold of your face, gripping your chin between two long fingers. “Indeed.  For some odd reason, I do.”  He pulled you in for a kiss, teasing your lower lip with light nibbles.
You scooted to a more secure position in your lover’s lap, wrapping your arms tighter about his shoulders.  Aemond’s head tilted back as you deepened the kiss, sweeping your eager tongue against his.
“You taste of several different ales.”  Aemond observed, pulling away enough to measure your expressions with his keen violet eye.
“Tipsy.”  You repeated, feeling it necessary to defend your current blurry state of mind. “And horny.” You giggled.
Aemond sucked in a sharp breath, pressing his finger to your lips to shush you.  You took it upon yourself to take that digit into your mouth, laving it with your tongue in the way you wished to suck on a different member of his.
“Y/N, by the hells.”  Aemond tried to be cross with you, but his eye crinkled as he looked up at you. “You are in a state.”
“You could help me…out of a state.”  You wiggled suggestively where you perched upon his legs.
“Not while you’re inebriated.”  Aemond shook his head, his mouth thinning into a line. “That’s out of the question.  Go drink some water, then come back and woo me.”
“Woo you?”  You laughed raucously, throwing your head back. “I never dreamt I’d hear you say the word ‘woo’. Woo!”  Your laughter caught in your throat as Aemond raked his teeth across your exposed neck, nipping at your delicate flesh.  You looked back down at him, the pout back on your face. “That’s not playing fair, Aemond.”
“Hmm.  Rich coming from you, my lady.”  
You scooped your hair to one side, arching your neck for him. “Do that again.”
“No.”  Aemond practically growled, gripping your waist tighter, making to move you off his lap.
You clung tighter to him, refusing to be removed.  Aemond only struggled momentarily before falling back against his seat, a bemused expression upon his face. “I’ll make a deal with you, though I don’t usually bargain with drunkards.”
“Go drink some water, enough to sober up and I will take you back to our chambers where we may resume…whatever this is.”  Aemond gestured with his free hand to your entwined bodies. “If you still wish to.”
His words almost sobered you on their own, you tilted your head looking at him, a warm emotion spreading through your chest. Carefully, you rose back to your feet, placing a delicate kiss to the palm of Aemond’s hand. “Alright.”  
The prince seemed genuinely surprised at your sudden shift in demeanor.  He closed his fingers around where you’d kissed, rubbing the skin there lightly.  You wanted to kiss him everywhere your lips could reach, but first you’d need to find where they had put all the water.
3,668 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hear me out, mild but super passionate after sex where aemond lets reader braid his hair 😩 while keeping her on his lap (her straddling him), caressing her body, holding her for dear life and softly kissing every inch of skin he can reach… just please I could die for thisss (specially if you make him use valyrian here and there), he deserves the purest, most desperate love
GOD I had to address this one real quick good lord over here fanning myself! This is a shorter drabble, but I plan on revisiting very often in future fics.
Aemond x female!reader | Smut leading to fluff...leading back to smut I got carried away | post-coital bliss | Breeding kink?
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"Aemond!" His name spilled from your lips, as it had many times during the course of that warm night. You came undone around him as he thrusted erratically up into your heated core, spilling his warm seed deep inside you. Your hands pressed against his chest, Aemond gripping your hips so tight you expected marks would show the next day. You straddled him, milking his cock as you rode out the last of your orgasm.
"Y/N." Aemond breathed your name like a prayer, staring up at you, his silver hair splayed on the pillow. It was one of those rare, vulnerable moments he allowed you to be on top. With a shift, and his arms coming to hold you against him, Aemond sat up, so your chests brushed, his member still deep within you. He pressed a searing kiss to your lips. "Issa jorrāelagon, you were wonderful."
You took a lock of his hair in your fingers, pulling it over his shoulder as you began to braid. "I'm a natural at dragon riding."
Aemond snorted, not seeming to mind your attention to his hair as he littered kisses along your neck and shoulder. His arms were tight around you, holding you against him as though he wished to mold your bodies together. You chuckled wickedly as you felt him growing hard inside you once more, his cock twitching as you moved your hips teasingly. Aemond groaned, sucking the skin at your throat, his teeth and tongue working to mark you as his.
You continued weaving small braids into his long hair. "You have the loveliest hair, Aemond. It's quite unfair."
"Hmm." Was your only reply, he was busy kissing each freckle you had within reach of his lips. You let out a breathy gasp of pleasure as he began rutting gently into you. With firm hands at your back, Aemond guided you backwards to lay beneath him as he continued moving againt you with languid strokes.
He grabbed your legs, encouraging you to hook them around his torso, opening you further to his administrations. Aemond placed sloppy kisses to your breasts, his pace quickening, angled just right to hit the most sensitive part of you. Already you felt your core tightening with anticipation, your eyes rolling back as your mouth fell open, uttering a blissful sound halfway between his name and a moan.
"Aemond, I don't think I can." The sensation was so overwhelming, you could hardly think much less breathe, your vision going blurry as he drove himself deeper into you.
"You can, again. As many times as I will have you." Aemond's hand encircled your throat gently, his violet eye hooded as he looked down at your enraptured face. His pace was punishing now, the sound of your heavy breathing accompanied by the lewd wetness of your cunt already full from his last climax. "Take me, Y/N. I want you to bear me a child." Aemond was close, you could tell by the way his words slurred as he spoke. Your walls tightened around him, the feeling of overstimulation giving way to blinding ecstasy as you reached your limit. "I want to see your belly swell with my seed."
Those low, rasped words sent you over the edge. You cried out his name, falling apart once again, taking Aemond with you as he pumped more of his cum deep inside your aching core. His movements stilled, hand moving to cup the swell of your breast, kneading your plump flesh. After savoring the feel of your heat around him several more moments, Aemond reluctantly pulled out, leaving you feeling oddly empty.
"My, we've made quite a mess." Aemond got off the bed, walking to the water basin, grabbing a washcloth and soap as well.
You smiled with ardent affection for the man, watching him clean your body with tender care. He finished, frowning at the bedspread. "Yes, these sheets are quite ruined." Setting the bowl of soapy water aside, Aemond joined you on the mattress once more. "Does my little dragon rider desire a bath?" He placed a warm hand upon your stomach, ghosting his lips against your ear.
You reached up to comb your fingers through his hair, undoing the loosened braids you had made there. "I would love to bathe, but only if my dragon joins me."
"Hmm, you are in luck then, my love." Aemond chuckled softly, bringing your hand up to place soft kisses against your wrist. "Now you've claimed me, I will never leave your side."
4,302 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sungbeam · 9 months
wanted to ask literally all of them but i had to stop myself somewhere so.
1, 3, 9, 12, 14, 21 for the ask game :p
my beloved bar, tysm for sending these in !!! :'))) 💖
end of the year ff asks!
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
hands down, night terrors has to be my favorite 🤧 i think it's this blog's pièce de résistance LOL and i really don't think i will be able to top it, but i hope to write more things like it in the near future!!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
oh gosh,,, what a hard question TT but i really like a few of the lines from moon river:
— "Like this wouldn't lead to his heart getting broken again when all that was left of you in the morning was your perfume on his clothes and bandaid wrappers in the trash."
— "'I love you. You can break my heart when you leave in the morning, but let me have this at least.'"
and def many other scenes from other fics of course!!! on of the notable ones that come to mind is the scene from swing my way where yn's friends/coworkers are watching hers and eric's date from the golf cart LMAO
9. longest wip of the year
OKAY WAIT DOES NIGHT TERRORS COUNT???? if it doesn't 💔 then i think it's still bird hunt at 22k :0
12. favorite character to write about this year
but ofc it's night terrors changmin 😚😚😚 my muse forever and ever, i think i fall asleep thinking about him......... literally whenever i hear certain songs, my brain immediately flips to thinking abt him like turning on a light switch 💀 i have. Problems
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
i actually didn't expect to write flight risk! i wrote the initial drabble that inspired it randomly too, but i never even expected to expand the party people universe, especially this much haha flight risk was never something i expected to write, but i'm glad i did it :'))
21. most memorable comment/review
bro,, i always go back to the night terrors rbs and read ur reblog bar <///3 like im convinced we understand each other on such a deep creative level like ksnckdnf and it just makes me have a greater appreciation for my own fic?? like thank u??? for always supporting me?? and being so cool??? anyways 💖😚 kisses
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unioncolours · 2 years
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I posted 349 times in 2022
19 posts created (5%)
330 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 60 of my posts in 2022
#majsasaurus - 18 posts
#shikatema - 3 posts
#shikajin - 3 posts
#shikadai x inojin - 3 posts
#shikatema fanfic - 2 posts
#temari - 2 posts
#shikadai nara - 2 posts
#inojin yamanaka - 2 posts
#i am shikadai - 2 posts
#just how much are the parents hiding - 1 post
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#this is an illustration of every spicedgold nara fam fic in existence 😆
Keep reading to see my Top Posts of 2022 <3 Thank you everyone for being here for me.
My Top Posts in 2022:
FIC: no one cries for unknown soldiers - BEHIND THE SCENES
If you choose to see more, you’ve most likely finished my fic no one cries for unknown soldiers, my Shikatema WWII fanfiction, or you’re too curious, haha!
A fic about World War II demands a lot of research and thinking to make sense for an audience of 2022. I wanted it also to be as realistic as I possibly could write, hence a lot of planning went into the end result. Beneath the cut, here are ideas I had which didn’t fit into the finished product, plus what my first ending would be! Read on your own risk for spoilers. Thank you, everyone.
I am a person who lets my ideas simmer for a long while before I commit to them and write them from beginning to end.
The first seeds of this WWII were born early summer 2021. The very first idea was a one shot, with Temari and Shikamaru on the same side on a battlefield, and the fic would end with them charging into combat. 
Now, that didn’t go anywhere and I let the idea of a WWII au die. Who wants to step on that landmine and write such a fic anyway?
Apparently this fool.
I let the idea of a WWII au fic rest for the entire autumn of 2021. It wasn’t until late 2021 I, actually out of spite, decided that it’s now or never, I will write this fic. That was of course before war and suffering broke out in Europe again in late February 2022. I might have never written this fic if the war had broken out earlier, yet here it is.
I always knew I would place the setting in Finland, since - well - it’s much easier to write about the part of history which you know the best. If someone didn’t pick it up, yes, I’m Finnish. Moving on! From scouting the WWII tag on AO3, it seemed most writers, from all kinds of animanga fandoms, either wanted to make the characters Japanese (to honour the origin of the franscise), British during the Blitz, or SS officers (probably for added angst). However, I felt like I couldn’t make it real or have proof my facts are correct if I wrote solely about another country’s army and culture. 
I always knew Shikamaru would be a Finn in the story, but to play with canon Temari had to be from another country.
My very first idea was that Temari would be a German soldier dispatched in Finland solely for the war - especially in Lapland thousand of German soldiers were dispatched to protect mines and fight alongside Finns. The main plot would be the Finns (among them - Shikamaru) deporting the Germans, and it would base itself on allies to lovers to enemies, or something along those lines, but in the name of honesty I didn’t know if I could make it feel real(istic). And, I would have had to study double the more of the Lapland war against Germany, since I don’t know as much about it as about the Continuation War. That meant that Soviet would be framed as the ‘enemy’ instead of Germany.
I played with the idea of having the Sand Sib family Russian, so they would have that extra predicament of being ‘traitors’ to both countries, but I don’t know how realistic it would end up being.
Finally I settled for German-born but raised in Finland version of Temari, and I’m super proud of the development. I think it added a perfect bittersweet, lighter version of geopolitical angst.
Things I thought about writing in, but in the end didn’t:
Rasa was going to die. At first I had scheduled it into the 4th chapter, with Rasa also being out in the field, but I never did it. I think the fact that he survived brought in even more possibilities to the story.
The Russian prisoner of war Kiba killed was going to be Omoi, but I honestly forgot to write in the hints of his identity and remembered it after the chapter was published haha.
Kiba’s death was originally going to be much more brutal. At first I was going to have him commit a war crime brutal enough to be court martialled (war trial) and was going to be executed by shooting behind a sauna. Temari and Shikamaru were going to be the executioners, as a punishment for going out their way as they did in chapter 7. It was hinted with Temari saying “We should shoot men like him” in chapter 5, with her later shooting him. Executing the own soldiers in tries to raise moral was a thing. I discussed it with my beta reader, who was of the opinion it wouldn’t make sense to write in such a crime for Kiba, so I scratched that idea before I wrote it. Him suffering an SCI and then ending his own life instead of Temari doing it was brutal in it’s own right.
Originally Lee was going to die instead of Sai in the end, but given the impact Sai had on the characters (and probably readers) it was more powerful to kill him. Lee’s death would have been heartbreaking, but not powerful, in my head.
The reason I was so hesitant with killing off Sai was because the original ending was going to feature Inojin and Shikadai on the first day of their obligatory military service (which would take part in the later 60s) and kinda tie together the idea that the experience of serving in the army is (in Finland) passed down generations as part of a heritage and culture, to always be ready to protect the country from an assault. That meant I would have to have Sai alive. 
However, in March 2022 I read an article where they interviewed one of the first women who joined the army in the 90s (now way over 40 years old) and inspired by that, I decided that *that* would be my ending, that Temari sees the army open for women be passed on to future generations instead. That way I could kill finally kill Sai.
I wanted to have a cool scene of Ino coming by skiis to them with more rifles, I had this super cool vision in my head, but no matter how I tried, I could not justify that such a thing would realistically happen in war. It’s my big sorrow I couldn’t get Ino in more scenes.
I was going to have a scene of Temari bonding with the W*ehrmacht soldiers that were sent to the Finnish-Soviet front that Kankuro spoke of in chapter 10. She would enjoy their company and become their friends. I never managed to squeeze in this scene in the already very long chapter 11.
Yes, Shikamaru’s partner who died before Temari joined his platoon was supposed to be interpeted as Asuma.
I wanted a scene with the German word “panzar” (tank). I just think that is such a beautiful word and thought of having a fun little scene when Shikamaru wonder how the name of the antitank weapon “panzarschreck” was supposed to be pronounced and Temari has some lighthearted fun. I never got around to write it in.
Things playing a bit with canon
The fact that Gaara is the one who has to take over the family’s belongings because he is the only one with Finnish citizenship was a definitive nod to him being Kazekage after his father, and Karura’s love giving him his powers = giving him the power over his family in this version.
Rasa’s brother who died in a trench in WWI and whose body was never found was a nod to the 3rd Kazekage.
Shikaku’s death in an air-strike was a nod from the Tailed Beast bomb in the 4th Ninja War.
See the full post
9 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
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Happy Pride for Shikajin!
As usual, my version of bisexual Inojin Yamanaka and gay Shikadai Nara 💖
15 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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Gift to @sandcatart ! 🤍 
ShikaTema as grandparents 🥰
(my twitter name is majsasaurus)
17 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
I know this is random, but do you have headcanons for Saiino before they got married? Like, how do you think they try to make the relationship work? Because I don't think it will be easy for them to understand each other at the beginning of their relationship.
Hii! Thank you so much for your ask.
I think love where one learns to love the other one over time is underrated! I think Saiino is an example of a couple that learned to love each other over some time, and that is not a bad thing.
Ino - however hot headed she could and can be - is also an understanding person and not stupid either; she knows Sai's background and the rocky road he has had to get where he is in Boruto. We see that she shows compassion for him in Shikamaru's story, and I can't believe she finds it too hard to continue with the same patience.
Sai is goal driven - he has an end goal after he caught feelings/interest for Ino - and thus he makes certain decisions and imitate certain behaviors to gain her interest back.
Dating ensues!
But we all know romance isn’t a single track and there must’ve for sure been times Ino is frustrated at Sai for not getting certain clues or Sai beats himself up for not understanding the situation. 
However, what makes Ino stay is when she knows Sai is trying, and he is trying for her. That is what will make her swoon over him over and over again, after a life time of competition and whatnot, and here is a man who tries his best for her and only for her. And I think knowing that is what Ino needs. She needs to not have to compete for once in her life, the least in her romance and she grows to love him back, deeply. 
This is only cemented harder when she gets to be a motif for his artwork, to know she is the apple of his eye, to have his eyes on her. “Paint me like one of your French Girls”, anyone?? The intimacy that comes with portrait painting, y’all. Underrated.
So, whenever they had an argument where they miscommunicate, I’d assume Ino would rant to Shikamaru, who from a logical sense can calmly let her know what he thinks is Sai’s POV and what he fails to tell her, and Ino would calm down and they’d talk it out. Oh god, I can see them talk a lot, not only because Ino knows talking and opening up is healthy, but also because Sai genuinely wants and needs to know what went wrong and how they can fix it. Deep talks during starry nights, over tea, in bed, in every mundane life situation. 
NSFW! He’s probably also very good at sex because this man studies and reads up on the anatomy of the female body and orgasms ensue. To be physically connected in a way sex allows one to be is something he cherish a lot, hence why he makes sure Ino comes, over and over again. Man’s a keeper. 
These were my incoherent rambles, which were maybe more of an analysis than headcanons, but I hope, anon, that you got a peek into my brain and small headcanons of them 🥰
Thank you for asking, and asks are open!
22 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Not the Witcher AU I expected to create, but the one you get
Chocho: “Did you really have to take your bard with you, Shikadai?”
Shikadai: ....... yes
Can be read as Shikajin 🥰
22 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whumblr · 2 years
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I posted 959 times in 2022
177 posts created (18%)
782 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 671 of my posts in 2022
Only 30% of my posts had no tags
#my writing - 61 posts
#gif - 55 posts
#whump - 44 posts
#my prompts - 39 posts
#whump prompt - 33 posts
#self reblog - 30 posts
#angst - 28 posts
#art - 21 posts
#whumplr - 19 posts
#defiant whumpee - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#but jays writing tone is formal and there's no hint of snark or sarcasm anywhere and he kinda misses the back and forth...
My Top Posts in 2022:
Whump prompt #57
"Oh dear... are you scared, my darling?"
Whumpee sat on their knees and kept their gaze on Whumper's feet, not daring to look up, not daring to move. They had to move. Had to respond. And so they barely managed a curt nod.
"And why is that?"
They took a deep breath. "Be-- Because..." Another. Come on. Should they be honest? Scramble for something? But they didn't have time to come up with something that resembled the truth, something he'd believe but that didn't leave them all open and bare. An answer. Now. "Because I don't know what you're going to do."
The smug smirk only grew wider.
"Shall I tell you, then?" He stepped closer. "Or..." A hand on their chin and they finally looked up. "Do you want me to show you?"
413 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
any prompts/ideas on how scars can be revealed but with a defiant whumpee who is now with caretaker but isn’t wanting to share anything that was done to them but caretaker *has* to know so that they can help?? sorry if that’s too specific haha just looking for scar reveal ideas really :)
I'm always a fan of accidental reveals :3 Like
A shirt hitched up when they're taking a nap.
Caretaker walking in on them changing.
A careless motion hitching up a shirt or a sleeve and quickly pulling it down again.
But if Whumpee always refuses and pushes Caretaker away, but Caretaker has to know... Well, why do they have to know? Because if it's dire :3 then it can be done with some drama.
A wound that reopens and Whumpee desperately tries to cover the stain in their shirt.
Or a wound that reopens and Whumpee doesn't notice but Caretaker sure does.
Caretaker lightly taking their arm, wrist, waist, and Whumpee violently flinching away in pain.
Bones that haven't set right, wounds that haven't healed right and Whumpee tries to ignore it all, but one day it will catch up to them.
A lightheaded feeling that makes Whumpee sway and stumble, the 'I'm not feeling so good, no, back off, it'll be fine in a minute'.
Spoiler: it won't be fine in a minute.
That in various gradations, leading ultimately to "the collapse".
And Caretaker finally sees all the scars.
But those are more injury reveal tropes. For actual scar reveals:
Caretaker could take matters into their own hands and force Whumpee to come clean.
Or they're sick of all the 'it's fine really' so the next time Whumpee bites away pain or stumbles, they swoop in and pull up their shirt.
"When were you planning on telling me this?!"
"Will you sit still, I have to treat this before you pass out of blood loss or the wound infects and... oh."
Also fun: Return of the Whumper who sneers in glee at all that's transpired and Caretaker's cluelessness.
"You haven't told them? You really should. Tell them."
Forcing them to take off their shirt and reveal all the scars.
Tieing Whumpee up, cutting their shirt away and Caretaker gasps at the scars. Combined with the "Ohh, they didn't know? Well, now they do."
Whumpee collapsing and Caretaker doesn't know what to do so they take them to hospital and the doctor removes their shirt and.... yeah :)
A Whumpee thinking they're alone, it's super hot so they finally allow themself to take off their baggy hoody. And yeah, they weren't alone.
They're happy to finally wear their favourite shirt again, it gives them a sense of calm, of finally being home again. What they didn't know was that the neck of the shirt plunges just a bit too deep, or their sleeves are just a bit too short.
520 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
You know what, fuck you *unties your Whumpee*
623 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
Whump dialogue XXXVI
"Do you know what I did to them?" Whumper purred, a hint of pride in his voice as he circled Whumpee.
"I've seen the scars," Caretaker bit back in reply.
"No, I mean..." Whumper made a gesture and they both watched as Whumpee dropped to their knees in front of them without any hesitation. "Do you know what I did to them," he repeated in a more sinister voice.
676 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Whump prompt #52
A Whumpee who is wearing a wire!
They’re caught. And Whumper notices the device. But instead of taking it off and crushing it, he smiles and just leaves it on. While torturing Whumpee to learn more about who’s listening on the other end.
And Caretaker can do nothing but listen :)
Bonus if after a while, (maybe after Whumpee’s been a defiant shit for hours and has taken it all well) Caretaker just hears a broken “No... no, no, please, PLEA--” and with a loud smash and crackle, the transmissions ends and Caretaker is going out of their mind with worry.
898 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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solarsavoy · 2 years
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I posted 747 times in 2022
That's 720 more posts than 2021!
261 posts created (35%)
486 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 684 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#assassination classroom - 118 posts
#solarsavoyart - 97 posts
#solarsavoyasks - 89 posts
#daily delivery - 79 posts
#solarsavoyfics - 70 posts
#nagisa shiota - 44 posts
#ao3 fanfic - 43 posts
#20 days of assassination classroom 2022 - 43 posts
#karma akabane - 41 posts
#krystar - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#because im a writer that talks to my characters as though they were real and running rp accounts pretending to be them how do i know im not
My Top Posts in 2022:
No one asked, but I really wanted to answer it!
Ask game.
3 - 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
And I actually have 4 so... Here we go!
Treasure Planet. So underrated, which is totally unfair. Beautiful story and one of the few (if not only) Disney movies that don't have a love interest for the MC. It's all about growing up and finding yourself and found family. In fact, just realized, Jim is like Stag in that regard. Both were abandoned at a young age by their fathers and became rebellious to the point of being impossible to deal with until their father figure came into their life. And also, never having a father of my own to look up to, this really resonates with me. Haha, Deshi's dad left him at a young age too. I'm sensing a theme. 😆 Unlike Stag though, Deshi doesn't need a father figure in the sense that he's not looking for one nor does he find one. (Although Lord Carroll does get close...)
Sinbad, another underrated film. By Dreamworks this time. The most alluring part of this film:
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That fucking hair!!! Man, I could just watch how her hair flows forever. Like, nobody has ever made hair that moves like this before, or since! It's close to underwater hair, but not quite, so Little Mermaid doesn't count. But seriously, that fucking hair. And Sinbad is pretty funny. 😆 Most quoted scene between Deo and I, a dude gets thrown up by a sea monster, shakes it off, and goes to attack again. "Give that guy a raise." -Sinbad Yes, please. He deserves it. 😀👍
Anastasia. I loved this movie growing up. Rasputin what such a terrifying bad guy, and Anastasia was anything but weak. Despite it not being a Disney flick at the time, it broke the mold on Disney princesses. Tangled and Frozen hadn't come out yet and Anastasia was the only princess to do what she wants, when she wants, how she wants. Instead of the man saving her from some evil villain, he saves her in the very beginning from a threat to the royal family. And then she saves herself from Rasputin at the end. Well, and Dimitri, because, you know, he was hanging off a bridge. So many movies before this were misogynistic and so many after are so feminist that they really diss on males, but in Anastasia, they are equals simply facing the world together, and to me, that's just beautiful. And this:
See the full post
28 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
20 Days of Assassination Classroom 2022!
I totally meant to hype up the challenge like Hailey did with MaeIso week and didn't. 😅 Anyway, the 20 day Assassination Classroom challenge starts in 3 days! Get your drawings ready!
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32 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
20 Days of Assassination Classroom 2022, Day 20
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Episode 1...
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See the full post
33 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
20 Days of Assassination Classroom 2022, Day 1
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It's a tie. I couldn't help it. 💙
Small reminder of the rules: just reblog the latest reblog with your additional answer to keep the chain going! A new post will be made for each day. No time limit to reblog. Enjoy!
37 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Saw someone else post a pic of an older version of Danny and I just had to add my own. ^^ It was done a year and a half ago, but I hope yall like it!
48 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
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nyxvrse · 2 years
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I posted 4,518 times in 2022
That's 2,784 more posts than 2021!
237 posts created (5%)
4,281 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,663 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#rissa look - 130 posts
#reblog - 125 posts
#mecore - 104 posts
#calypsohan - 96 posts
#my wife - 83 posts
#personal - 80 posts
#tomorrow x together - 62 posts
#random - 60 posts
#enhypen - 54 posts
#stray kids - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#misunderstandings you know it’s okay to put yourself first right? stop sacrificing your own well-being for the sake of other people you dese
My Top Posts in 2022:
thinking about the fact that Jeonging will willingly hug or show skinship towards Felix and Felix only 
37 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Happy 2/2/22 y’all!! 
219 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
everyone: excited abt pjo show being greenlit
me, un dumbass: what the fuck does that even mean
276 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
HUGE thanks to @stanning-reyna for motivating me to write this
shout out to @ethannku and @sapphicbeautyy for the inspiration 
Notes: 1. This is probably gonna be hella canon divergent bcoz a) Rick can’t keep it canon himself b) It’s been a while since I read the books 2. A lot of the words I’ve used may have spelling errors due to me being dumb and also they may not be the words you usually see on desi posts coz I’m South Indian-
now. let’s get it. 
- First and foremost, Annabeth changing her name. Her birth-name used to be ‘Ananya’ but she got sick of people always mispronouncing it or misspelling it so she decides to take on a white name
- Since Fredrick’s race is never mentioned as far as I can recall let’s say his mother is brown/Indian. Let’s take it a step further and say she was South Indian. Annabeth and Fredrick trying to bond over movies which is canon but make it Indian movies. Annabeth pointing out all the misogynistic details while Fredrick just sighs and rolls with it
- Dancer!Annabeth who tried learning bharathanatyam (haha spelling who ;-;) but cannot for the life of her sit in aramandi for too long. Then she discovers kathak. 
- Indians are expected to be able to eat spicy food but somehow, this skips Annabeth (self-projecting LMAO) (i can still eat more than white ppl so stfu mom) and Percy teasing her for it
- Little Annabeth drowning herself in Indian mythology and culture. Who spends time trying to learn languages. Annabeth who was learning Tamil and Hindi but had to stop bcoz she had to run away
- Annabeth with thick beautiful lashes and eyebrows, and hairy as fuck arms bcoz INDIAN features.
- Annabeth in desi clothing. Her wearing chudidhars and dupatas and lehengas and half sarees and pattu pavadais. 
- Annabeth wearing bhindis/bottus. ANNABETH IN KHAJAL SOMEONE DRAW IT. Annabeth with a mukkuthi. ANNABETH WITH A MUKKUTHI AGENDA. 
- Annabeth who does her own mehendi and teaches the Aphrodite kids to do it to
- Annabeth who is Hindu. Who’s favourite story is the Ramayan. Annabeth who loves loves LOVES Seetha/Sita
- Annabeth who drowns herself in Indian history to learn more about her culture. 
- Annabeth who celebrates deepavali and navarathri and krishnajayanthi kuseryghfuyreghtuyrhtg
- Annabeth being obsessed with mangoes- 
That’s all I have rn but I swear, I will come back for more.
304 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
feeling very sapphic right now
would not mind if a girl held my hand and kissed my cheeks
565 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
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taevayu · 1 year
1 year anniversary
hey guys! i know, i dont really keep track of things and if i do, i really dont know the exact starting date.
i assumed that i started tumblr in april, but i think ive had it since march 2022 (according to my emails, i had 5 posts on taevayu on march 15 ?!!!? but this used to be my random reblog account for a short while before i moved to jinnifishy and made this my main account).
i just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your support you guys !! i know i always seem grateful but i appreciate it so much! my life would have been less fulfilling if i hadnt started my own blog and doing things like these :) (im so ironic i know cuz i havent been on top of reqs bye)
so i guess i will establish my tumblr birthday on april 20th cuz it just feels right lol. not that i will do anything other than posting a very grateful message or smth.
anyway im sorry for being so busy! i can only forsee that things will get a little more rough as i keep growing...
today ive been streaming lee chaeyeon's latest comeback and im also happy (g)i-dle will make a comeback next month eek!
please know that you can always support me on kofi if you want (too lazy to put a link but my user is my tumblr user lol). it does take effort imo :))
hope you all are well and see this haha!!
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dykeza · 2 years
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I posted 19,921 times in 2022
3,150 posts created (16%)
16,771 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,427 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 580 posts
#bleach - 240 posts
#schlatt anon - 154 posts
#my art - 100 posts
#me - 53 posts
#homestuck - 27 posts
#urashin - 27 posts
#my writing - 23 posts
#kisuke urahara - 22 posts
#shinji hirako - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#which minecraft player are you? tag you friends down below! the builder.. the fighter… the racist……………………………………………………………………………………….steve!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay but like. cWilbur calling cPhil a liar is so……. I know earlier I was clowning on him because from a WRITING standpoint I don’t know why Wilbur felt the need to shove cPhil characterization into his storyline when he mentions him only once and it’s tagged against the same board as Schlatt and Quackity. The three are. Not Easy To Categorize.
But from a cWilbur standpoint it makes sense for him to say cPhil is a liar. He’s the guys son. Every kid has said their parent is a liar for no reason other than sometimes it’s just how you feel. Many of these emotions travel into adulthood and translate into your children (in this case, Ranboo and Tommy). cWilbur isn’t saying Phil is a liar because he hates him or because he genuinely Thinks That. Not in this context.
cPhil lied when he said cWilbur would live. You’ve won, you won back L’Manburg. Step away from the button.
He lied about that, not because it wasn’t true but because Wilbur doesn’t think it is. He thinks he lost L’Manburg totally and with an air of finality.
He calls Phil a liar because Phil believes in him. Him, Wilbur, the terrorist, failure, twice-removed son of God(dess), the man who lost his country to a drunk and the walking image of a second place medal. Phil is a liar because Phil loves him, and he sacrificed himself for him, and he raised him, and it’s his Job to believe in Wilbur. And Wilbur hates himself so badly that he has to assume that Phil is the one in the wrong, because admitting that Phil might be Right about him being worth it. That’s. That’s too much for him, right now.
Ranboo himself says that Wilbur isn’t all that bad, that he has space to change and all he needs is support. Ranboo notices how Phil doesn’t hold any hurt or anger against Wilbur for what he’s done, he doesn’t stick him with knives, he doesn’t blame him for his wings. Ranboo takes the same approach to Wilbur that Phil does, given a little softer and a little more inexperienced. Phils done this Wilbur’s whole life, Ranboo started yesterday.
I think that’s why I see the “Phil is a liar, and I’m not.” As both an amazing piece of characterization and connection, and something that’s bound to blow up back in everyone’s faces (haha). Twitter has already started to take Wilbur as the word of God on this, instead of actually analyzing Why he said that. It’s good because it shows us that Wilbur is convinced he’s irredeemable, and by saying that Phil (who sees him as good and loves him unconditionally) is a liar for thinking he has a chance, he basically places himself as the controller of his own person. If Wilbur never lies, and Wilbur says that Wilbur is bad, then everyone who says he’s good is a liar, and they’re no better than Schlatt. Because loving Wilbur isn’t something that Wilbur sees as right.
207 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Not to be that guy but. Those cabins will always stand there and I think that’s so important. It’s my favorite fixture in that server and the amount of comfort and sense of home I get from some pixels is unparalleled. Those cabins are a home and that place is solace from the cold and I think that it’s all gonna be okay. And I think I’m gonna go into my mind palace and sit in the comfortable chairs I’ve always imagined in those cabins and it’s all gonna be okay.
249 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
7’5 human techno with a scraggly beard and haunted eyes vs. 8’5 pig techno with an equally scraggy beard but his eyes are full of wonder [mud bath]
392 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
What do you mean etho ethoslab had gay homosexual sex with dreamwastaken of manhunt fame
465 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Love this guy, I know for a fact he has slaughtered god and is parading his head around on a pike.
665 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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charcubed · 2 years
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I posted 2,283 times in 2022
That's 194 more posts than 2021!
108 posts created (5%)
2,175 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,264 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#supernatural - 429 posts
#destiel - 172 posts
#dean - 148 posts
#sherlock - 83 posts
#spn fanart - 70 posts
#queer - 65 posts
#marvel - 62 posts
#lmfao - 58 posts
#the winchesters - 57 posts
#video - 56 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#largely because… he’s sam’s brother but he’s also sam’s parent. dean’s not repressed. he’s just selective in terms of what he lets sam see.
My Top Posts in 2022:
was anyone gonna tell me Dianna Agron is dating Megalyn Echikunwoke the actress who played Cassie on SPN, or did I just have to find that out myself in tags on posts that are making comparisons to the current debacle because of how Dianna once wore a “likes girls” shirt then backtracked to say she wore it as a feminist
157 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
I’m only interested in stories I go insane over
166 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
“Everything good about [piece of media] happened by accident” is a phrase that is going to become my villain origin story
I don’t know how to explain to you that creators put effort and detail into their content and you did not manifest its enjoyable traits with your ~superior mind~
I think part of the reason this drives so insane is that as both (some semblance of) a current creator and an aspiring creator, in different fashions, if people looked at my solo or collaborative work and tried to be like “lmao it’s crazy how the best parts of this were ACCIDENTS or COINCIDENCES” I’d commit homicide
I feel like some fans like to try to say that the ~good things~ about a piece of media are accidental or that “the fans made it better” because it gives them a sense of power, and then they totally can’t be told they’re into something “cringe” or “subpar” or “reading too much into it” if they’re rationalizing their thoughts as being a Next Level Of Hypothetical Enlightenment
“Oh I know this isn’t ACTUALLY good and I’m making up everything I’m seeing in it haha! Most of it even happened with a strange twist of fate I think. So I can like bad media ironically by recognizing what I enjoy is only the version I’ve made up in my head <3 “
How about… if you like a thing… then it’s good, so jot that down. Because chances are high what you like about it didn’t come out of your own brain and is, in fact, in there in some capacity.
Because if you see ANY genuine depth in a piece of media, then maybe that’s because it took work by many people over the course of many years to create, consciously and with intention
Your favorite show/movie wasn’t made by monkeys with typewriters and dartboards guided by fate
266 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
GOD................... you literally CANNOT divorce johnlock from The Show. you can’t. and that’s also why it’s so impossible to be normal about any facet of it!!! it’s the bones of it and the heart of it and the POINT of it. the show does not make sense if johnlock is not the reason for the entire way it’s structured, not really. from day one that’s been the reason for its existence. because it’s commentary on ACD but the reason the commentary has to exist at all is because of the queer truths it’s bringing into the light. like I know we all know this by now but FUCK ME this is why I can’t think about this show for more than 5 minutes unless I pencil in 5 hours because this shit is just soooooo insane it will always be insane like ekjrngmnsdkfjnmrgklsmdfkjgn ohhhhhh my God
318 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
are they....…. you know………. watched by a giant slug
2,422 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
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