#hae aera
mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 23 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Brincalhona, persistente.
Defeitos: Insegura, escandalosa.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Brasileira/coreana.
Estudante Univ.: Literatura.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: Chaeryeong - ITZY.
Twitter: MV99AE.
OOC: +18 ela/dela.
TW: Palhaços.
TW: Assassinato e violência.
A noite do nascimento de Aera foi bastante conturbada para seus pais, plena mudança de país a pequena nasceu em um avião que saía da Coreia do Sul rumo ao Brasil, apressada como o aeromóvel que a levava veio ao mundo prematuramente. Filha do empresário Brasileiro Miguel e a coreana Jinsoo.
Apesar das circunstâncias do nascimento, Aera cresceu saudavel e inteligente. Por onde passava mostrava um pouco de sua luz digamos que bem escandalosa por sinal. Trabalhava meio período na empresa de seu pai enquanto nao estava na escola. Até que um dia seu pai fora assassinado brutalmente, não sabia que o mesmo estava envolvido com coisas fora da lei, descobrindo então apenas quando a tragedia aconteceu. Sendo assim, Jinsoo e Aera precisaram tomar de conta de si, a divida infinita do homem ficou para as mulheres que estavam sem saída, buscavam formas de pagar quem ele devia porem infelizmente não conseguiram, única solução existente seria fugir dali...
Seria bom demais se só fugir fosse uma opção, entretanto sabiam que estavam lidando com gente "da pesada" por isso decidiram que pegariam dinheiro com um agiota qualquer, pagaram a divida e então fugiram... Um agiota qualquer nao as encontrariam na coreia do sul, certo??
Certo. Foi com essa ideia que as mulheres se viram em uma vila pequena no interior da Coreia do Sul fugindo até de si mesmas.
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mystrchaos · 5 months
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ⓘ note that you don’t need to use everything provided and you can change any information you’d like, it’s your alter ! I tried to add as many names and labels as I could so that you would have options ^_^ let us know if you want anything else !
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— names ; Aera , Duri , Hae , Hana , Jae , Jisoo , Myung , Nari , Sana , Sena , Seong , Yong
— pronouns ; Ae / Aem , Ao / Aos , Geu / 그 , Kai / Kaim , Key / Kyr , Li / Lim , She / Her , Shi / Hir
— genders ; amorgirl , amab transmasc , feminine transmasc , idolfem , idolgender , idolvocaloid , loveadored , poromatian
— age ; chrono adult , intra 18
— roles ; babysitter , info manager , internal self helper , performer ( like an idol ? :3 )
— transids ; idolboard , idolracial , idolscentien , kpopracial , loveage , transcharacter , transidol , transintersex , transkorean , translove , translovely , transmixed , transseverity , transwasian
— personality ; caring , works really hard in the system ( esp when it comes to taking care of littles , keeping track of things , soothing the system , etc . ) . very sympathetic . may take a while to warm up to people but when she becomes close to someone geu becomes very lovey - dovey or even clingy .
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Can we get a Drabble on JIN and reader from Heaven Sent? Anything about their new life and if they’ve had any kids 👀 would be appreciated!
"Jin, he's beautiful," you whispered as you looked down at the newborn baby in your arms. After you and Jin had gotten married, it didn’t take long for you to turn up pregnant and both you and Jin were extremely overjoyed to find out that it was a boy. 
After a long 28 hours in labor, you were greeted with the sight of your son, who was a perfect mix of you and Jin. 
“He is,” Jin nodded as he gently ran his hand over the baby’s head. “Kim Woong.”
“God, I’m exhausted,” you huffed suddenly, your eyelids fluttering slowly. “Getting him here was just as hard as it was with Aera.”
“How long were you in labor with her?”
“30 hours, and I was absolutely miserable,” you smiled at the memory. “Hae always used to say that I made him cry from how mean I was to him but I don’t remember that.”
“I believe it, because you almost made me cry from how many times you cursed at me,” Jin laughed, making you roll your eyes. 
“Well I was getting ready to push out a human. What did you expect?” You wondered.
“For the next one, we’re definitely making sure that we get you some pain medicine,” Jin said, freezing when he caught you smiling widely at him. “What?”
“You want more babies?”
“Of course,” he admitted shyly. “I want as many kids as you’re willing to give me. I want Little Heart to as many siblings as possible.”
“Two more, but that’s it,” you told him and he grinned widely. 
“That sounds great,” Jin replied, leaning over and kissing your cheek. “Thank you so much Y/N-ah.”
“No, thank you,” you whispered before turning to look back down at your son. 
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crownwillow · 3 years
DISCLAIMER: Do not take this as fact. I am not a professional tarot reader nor does tarot control the future. This reading is for fun and entertainment purposes.
The gifs under the children's personality readings are who I think they'll look similar to.
Cancer/Pisces. Possibly Taurus too. This person is either not from Korea or not from Seoul, at least.
This person is good at singing and dancing, they have been since they were young.
I feel like this person is a writer and will be a very respected and well-known one, at that.
This person may be born in 1995.
These two will definitely have children together. There may be a birth of a child a little early on in their relationship but that's not definite.
These two focus a lot on their public image and make sure not to get any bad press. If they are angry with each other, they won't fight and yell at each other in public, nor will they publicise the dramatic moments of their relationship.
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Anywhere from 1-5 children. I'm going to go with 3 for the personality readings.
First Child.
A Leo boy. Very cheerful and happy. Friendly to everyone, likes meeting new people. Has confidence in himself.
I feel like he's very passionate about something. He will work as an idol and I feel that he'll be known for his rap, possibly his vocals as well.
He will take classes for these things as a young child and continue to do them until he signs with a company. I feel like he may also create his own entertainment company or be known as an idol that challenges the status quo and is different to most in the industry.
Once again, very confident. I also feel like he'll be physically fit, probably works out and has a muscular body.
This one will get married, definitely. He may also start dating early, at age 14-15.
I feel like his birth will really change RM and his wife's relationship with each other, as well. In a good way. It may bring them even closer to each other.
For his name, I'm getting, 가돈 (Gadon), 보민 (Bomin), 용준 (Yongjoon) and 남국 (Namguk).
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Second Child.
Scorpio, Aquarius or Taurus. Very physically beautiful and definitely works in the idol industry.
A daughter, she will definitely have a visual position within her group. She'll be very well-known and very popular.
Just like RM's first child, she will hone in her performing skills from a young age. She'll definitely be known for her visuals more than anything else but she'll also be a great vocalist.
She'll be the main visual and the main vocalist within her group, is what I'm getting.
She has a sunshine personality, she has that confidence in herself, just like her older brother. She has very unique talents, as well.
I feel like she'll be one to produce songs and can make her voice match any genre.
This is a random thought but I feel like she will either move overseas, to a different country in Asia or, she may just get her driver's licence before the rest of her siblings.
I feel like she'll get romantically involved with someone while she is still a rookie idol but she'll be discrete, so they don't get caught and work hard to make their relationship work.
I also feel like she is the type of person to keep her romantic relationships from her father as a teenager, just to avoid any possible drama.
For names, I'm feeling, 하연 (Hayeon), 하영 (Hayoung), 화영 (Hwayoung),해인 (Hae-in) and 애라 (Aera).
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Third Child.
A Cancer. I feel like RM and his wife weren't sure about having a third baby but they did and it turns out, it was a good idea. This is another son, as well.
I feel like the pregnancy news will be very sudden and they weren't planning on it. Maybe they were in the midst of discussing having a third child when they found out about the pregnancy.
He will have a few very close friends that will be genuinely good to him.
Yeah, this one may move overseas. I also feel like he won't be as ambitious as his older siblings. He may stay living with his parents, a little longer than most.
This one focuses a lot on his appearance, probably wears suits and a lot of designer brand clothes.
I think he'll have his own business, possibly in fashion design or work at a middle management job level.
For names, I'm getting 고범 (Gabeom), 고박 (Gobak), 가온 (Gaon) and 다온 (Daon).
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volumina-vetustiora · 3 years
Oblivion: Intro Cinematic - in Latin
octoginta septem abhinc annos natus sum. annos sexaginta quinque Tamrielis Princeps rexi. omnes autem annos hos numquam rector fui meorum somniorum. Oblivionis Portas vidi, ultra quas oculus nullus evigilatus videre potest. ecce, in Tenebris volat per terram Exitium. est post diem quindecim Idus Seminis Ultimi; anno Akati quadringentesimo tricesimo tertio. hae sunt dies terminales Aerae Tertiae, atque horae finales vitae meae.
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I was born 87 years ago. For 65 years I've ruled as Tamriel's Emperor. But for all these years I have never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seen the Gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold, in Darkness a Doom sweeps the land. This is the 27th of Last Seed; the Year of Akatosh 433. These are the closing days of the 3rd Era, and the final hours of my life.
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crownjimin · 3 years
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094 | soora date, part two.
la vie en rose ━ in which lee aera, a girl who has been crushing on choi soobin for a long, long time, is starting her junior year and her friends decide that its time for her to make her move.
( masterlist | prev | next )
“Eomma, it’s already one-thirty-three, and I told Sooyung I’d be here by one-thirty,” Aera nagged as her mother pulled into the park parking lot. “We’re late!”
“Okay, okay, calm down,” Dongmin urged, quickly parking the car and following Aera who scrambled from the vehicle and practically ran to the park entrance.
“Ae, you’re forgetting the fruit,” Dongmin called out, reaching into the backseat for the fruit bowl Aera insisted on bringing and grabbing it. Aera was long gone at that point, dashing down the pathway into the park, leaving Dongmin on the sidewalk.
Aera hated being late, it made her so anxious to arrive anywhere late because she felt like that reflected negatively on her personality. She didn’t want to be known as someone who was late everywhere they went, but today she just couldn’t help it. Even though Sooyung had told Aera that she didn’t need to bring anything to the picnic, showing up empty handed was not something Aera felt comfortable doing. So she convinced her mother that they needed to go pick up a fruit bowl from the store, one that was pre-packaged and pre-cut so they could just grab it and go.
But the first store they went to ended up being out of fruit bowls, and the second didn’t have any with pineapples, but luckily, they were successful at the third store, but that also meant that now they were running behind schedule.
Once they pulled up to the park, Aera had texted Sooyung telling her that she had finally arrived, to which Sooyung responded that she would meet Aera at the entrance.
When Aera had begun down the path, Sooyung was nowhere in sight, but as she jogged further down the path, Sooyung finally came into view—jogging as well. Once Sooyung saw Aera, she stopped where she stood and let Aera come to her.
“Yungie,” Aera cheered, pulling Sooyung into a hug.
“Ae Ae,” Sooyung responded with the same tone, wrapping her arms around Aera and squeezing. “You wore the overall dress.”
Aera nodded, patting down the front of the denim before pulling the ends of her long-sleeved shirt into the palm of her hands. “And I put on sleeves!”
“And it’s purple,” Sooyung noted. “You look cute.”
“Thank you, thank you. Where are JiJi and Haeunie?”
“Oh,” Sooyung brightened up at the mention of Jiah and Haeun. “They’re already where we set up the picnic. Uh, I have to go get something though, so just keep walking down the path and you should see them.”
Sooyung started to walk away from Aera, heading in the direction that Aera just came from as Aera looked down that path. “That way?”
“Yeah, just go,” Sooyung slightly pushed Aera by the small of her back. “I’ll be back.”
And with that, Aera turned away and began down the path. The sound of her Converse hitting the pavement, making little clicks as she walked, her attention mostly on the trees and sky, and not focusing on where she was walking. Many people were playing with their dogs, some playing fetch and others just rolling around in the grass, which caused Aera to smile and feel giddy at seeing other people so happy.
The temperature wasn’t too cold, with the sun being out and shining it’s brightest, which seemed to give off a bearable heat. Aera continued down the path, no Jiah in sight as she continued walking further and further, straight in the direction that Sooyung urged her in.
But a few moments later, a glint of pink came into Aera’s sight, and she was greeted with the sight of Jiah sitting down on a bench. For a moment, Aera thought it was weird since Sooyung had said that Jiah and Haeun were already at the picnic, but the minute she caught Jiah’s attention her suspicion left.
“Ae Ae,” Jiah yelled, shooting up from the bench and running the short distance to hug Aera. “You look amazing.”
Aera giggled, pulling back from the hug but taking grasp of one of Jiah’s hands to hold. “Thanks, JiJi. You look amazing, too.”
“Oh, stop,” Jiah jokingly said before she started leading Aera down the path. “Sooyungie had to go get something, so she’ll be back bu-”
“I know, I saw her.”
“Oh, goodie,” Jiah replied. “But she wanted me to sit at the bench and wait for her to come back, in case she needed help carrying what she went to get, so I’ve gotta leave you to go by yourself.”
“But don’t worry!” Jiah reassured. “It’s pretty much a straight shot from here, walk for like two minutes and you’ll see Haeunie.”
“Okay, bye!” And Jiah took off back in the direction the two of them had just walked from, leaving Aera to stand in the middle of the path by herself.
“Walk for two minutes and I’ll see Haeunie,” Aera repeated to herself as she set off further down the path. The walk this time had less scenery and much more trees, which gave off a lot of shade, increasing the cold temperature.
She wrapped her arms around herself as she kept walking, a sense of familiarity coming over her as she continued down the path. She couldn’t place it, but she felt like she had been down this path before, but ultimately, Aera chalked it up to the many times she had come to this park, so of course it would look familiar.
Like Jiah said, two minutes later, Aera saw Haeun who was in fact not sitting on a blanket with a picnic and was instead bent over at the waist, picking flowers off of a bush.
“Haeunie?” Aera called out.
Haeun startled, jerking face first into the bush before she straightened herself out and twirled to face Aera, a look of fright on her face.
“Ae Ae,” she cheerily said, taking the palmful of flowers that she seemed to have picked from the bush and held them out in Aera’s direction. “Would you like some flowers?”
Aera chuckled, used to Haeun’s antics but nonetheless she nodded, and took the flowers into her hand. 
“Why are you plucking at a bush?”
“Uh-” Haeun seemed caught off guard by the question. “Can I not pluck at a bush?”
“I never said that.”
“Mm, well,” Haeun shrugged. “Just ‘cause.”
Aera got a weird feeling from Haeun’s demeanor, feeling like something was off. “Is everything okay?”
“Do things not seem okay?”
Aera raised an eyebrow at that. “No, they don't.”
“Oh,” Haeun, once again, looked caught off guard by the answer. “Well, everything is most definitely, one hundred percent fine.”
“That means things aren’t fine,” Aera said. “Just take me to the picnic. Actually, why aren’t you there? Both Sooyung and Jiah said I’d find you at the picnic blanket. But here we are, with no picnic or blanket in sight.”
“Why don’t you put a flower in your hair,” Haeun grabbed one of the flowers from Aera’s palm and tried to slide it behind her ear, but Aera slapped her hand down before she could do it.
A frown appeared on Haeun’s lips. “Or maybe you don’t.”
“Haeunie, I’m serious. What’s going on?”
Haeun huffed before grabbing Aera’s wrist. “Fine, let’s go.”
“No, questions. Just come.”
Aera allowed herself to be tugged by Haeun, her feet slapping the pavement loudly with each step she took. They walked for a few seconds, taking odd turns here and there before Haeun led them to a familiar set of bushes.
“Did you just walk me in a circle,” Aera asked.
Haeun didn’t answer. Instead, she led Aera through the bushes, and that is when Aera realized where they were at. 
“Oh, Haeunie, you know how I told you that Soobin took me to see a pond that one time?” Aera asked.
Haeun didn’t respond, but Aera knew she was listening so she just continued. “Well it’s back here and it has little fish in it.”
Soon, they cleared the bushes, and the pond and waterfall that Aera just mentioned came into view. 
“Look, the fish-” Aera took a step toward the pond, eager to show Haeun the fish, but she stopped short once she caught sight of the last person she was expecting to be standing in front of her.
“Soobin?” She muttered quietly, watching as the boy in question stood a few feet away from her, a bouquet of flowers in hand and a picnic to the left of where he stood.
Aera was frozen for a moment, taking in the scene before her as Soobin looked at her with an odd glint in his eyes. She felt her heart speed up the longer she stood in place, so she turned over her shoulder to ask Haeun what was happening.
“Hae-” Her words got caught in her throat as she noticed that Haeun was nowhere to be found. “Where’d-She was right here!”
She quickly got herself together, realizing she was on her own here, and turned back around to face Soobin.
“Uh, hi.”
Aera’s entire being was encompassed with heat, everything just felt so hot. Even the brief breeze that blew by didn’t help to quell how hot everything was.
“Mm,” Soobin hummed. “H-hi.”
His grip on the bouquet of flowers visibly tightened, the grooves of his knuckles becoming more prominent the harder he squeezed.
“These are for you,” Soobin shakily handed the flowers to Aera, who herself, couldn’t grab the flowers due to her shaky hands. “I-They are white carnations and red chrysanthemums—the carnations signify innocence and a pure gift for a woman-”
Aera stared at the bouquet as Soobin was rambling, the whites and reds helping to keep her grounded and not freak out about her longtime crush handing her a bunch of flowers.
“-And the chrysanthemums mean…” Soobin paused and cleared his throat which caused Aera to look up from the flowers and into his eyes, which wavered slightly.
“They mean I love you.”
Holy shit, he did it. Soobin mentally patted himself on the back as he finished speaking, glad that everything that he was stressed about was now out of the way. He had listened to everything Kiha and Serim advised, keeping his confession concise and paraphrased. And Hyunjin’s choice of just telling Aera he loved her seemed to be the best choice, because while Soobin was hesitant about saying such important words he knew that he meant them.
He knew that he loved Aera.
“Y-You,” Aera stuttered out, pointing at Soobin before she mumbled a bunch of incoherent mess and then pointed to herself. “Me?”
Soobin nodded with a small smile on his lips.
“Are you sure?” Her voice seemed really doubtful, almost like she thought this was all a dream, one too good to be true. Her entire expression was hesitant, as if Soobon would never love her, and Soobin felt his heart break in two.
“YES HE’S SURE, NOW SAY IT BACK!” A voice (Sooyung) shouted from somewhere in the vicinity, making both of them jump.
With her eyes blown wide, Aera catches her footing, shutting her eyes for a moment before she reopened them to stare at Soobin, right into his brown eyes.
“I love you too,” She released a breath once she spoke. “I have for a very long time.”
Soobin chuckled, reaching his left hand out to grip her right. “I know, Sooyung and your friends told me everything.”
Aera’s jaw dropped as Soobin led the both of them over to the picnic blanket, he gestured for Aera to sit down and she did, with him following. Aera’s legs were stretched out in front of her, her legs crossed at the ankle as Soobin unloaded the basket with tons of tupperware filled with an assortment of foods.
“Sooyung’s mom made all of this, so hopefully you like everything.”
He handed Aera one container and she opened it, four triangles of an egg salad sandwich inside with parsley dusted on top of it. She quickly grabbed one of the triangles, biting off half of the sandwich before she offered the container back to Soobin.
“So you planned this all,” Aera gestured to the picnic and the pond and the waterfall. “All of this, just to confess?”
Soobin crunched on a piece of carrot, “Well, Sooyung came up with the picnic idea. And tricking you idea.”
“Of course she did.”
“She said that you’d psych yourself out if I asked you on a date, flat out,” Soobin explained. “Well, Haeun said that actually, but the point stands.”
Aera paused her chewing to collect her thoughts. “This is a date?”
A few leaves crunched behind the duo as a shade came over them and Hyunjin, Jiah, Sooyung, and Hauen made an appearance, each of them taking a place on the blanket and they immediately started digging into the food.
“Of course it’s a date,” Jiah spoke through a mouthful of tossed salad. “We put too much work into this for it not to be a date.”
“It would be better,” Soobin pointedly said. “If we were alone on this date.”
The four of them ignored Soobin, each of them too invested in the food.
“Yungie, your mom makes some bomb hotteok,” Haeun said with her mouth stuffed full of the sugar filled dish. “Like, why is it so good?!”
Wordlessly, Jiah also reached for a hottoek, giggling to herself as she chewed and nodded in agreement with Haeun. Sooyung reached for another closed tupperware box, clicking open the sides to reveal bibim naengmyeon, the dish having such a wonderful smell and bright red color.
“Ae Ae, you want some?” Sooyung offered the container to Aera, and the brown-haired girl eagerly stuffed her chopsticks into the container, giving herself a heap of noodles to shove in her mouth.
“Are you guys seriously not going to leave,” Soobin asked with a slight tone of irritation.
Hyunjin shook his head as he swallowed whatever was in his mouth. “Nope. Oh! Also, Aera, your mom is over there and she saw everything.”
Right then, it seemed as if Dongmin had appeared out of nowhere (although she had just been stood off so far to the side with the other mothers), with the forgotten fruit salad that Aera left in her haste to not be late to the picnic. Alongside her was Ruha, who held a tissue tight in her right hand and she seemed to be fighting back some tears.
“Soobin-ah,” Dongmin cried out as she made her way to the group of five sitting on the picnic blanket. “Your speech was so adorable—“ She handed the fruit salad to Haeun, who was eagerly reaching for it. “Wah~, I knew you were my favorite for a reason!”
Soobin stood up to greet Dongmin with a hug, the shorter woman fussing over his outfit and how adorable he and Aera were, matching once again. Ruha came up to the two of them and she wrapped an arm around her son’s waist, giving him a light hug as if to say she was proud of him and everything he had done that day.
“Soobi!” Aera held her hand out in his direction, a fork with cantaloupe on the end. For a moment, Soobin just stared at it, not sure what she wanted for him to do but she then muttered, eat it, so he grabbed the fork and did as she said.
Dongmin found the interaction to be the cutest thing and she cooed. “Aera, get up. Let me take some pictures of you two. Come on, come on.”
Dongmin grabbed Aera’s arm, lifting her from the blanket and with her other hand she latched onto Soobin, dragging them two of them in front of the small pond and she shoved them together. They both fumble for a second, Soobin not sure where he should stand and Aera worrying about how she should position her hands.
“Act like you guys like each other, please,” Dongmin teased.
Sooyung could be heard chuckling from a distance. “They don’t have to act!”
Aera’s cheeks burned red at this, and Soobin decided to take the initiative and slung his arm around Aera’s shoulders. She reacted quickly, putting her arm around Soobin’s waist and that seemed to make him happy because he squeezed her shoulder and tucked her into his side, a bright smile on his lips.
Dongmin started taking multiple pictures, turning his phone this way and that, bending down in a squat and then onto her tiptoes to get all the angles imaginable before Aera thought it was enough.
“Okay, okay, Eomma,” she stepped forward out of Soobin’s grasp to cover her mother’s camera and lower the phone. “I think that’s enough. You can also leave now, I’ll text you when I’m ready.”
“No, no, no, no,” her mother responded, shaking her head. “Serim said she made a bunch of food per Sooyungie’s request, so I will be enjoying that to my leisure.”
“Eommaaaaa,” Aera whined. “This is supposed to be a date—“ 
She paused and turned to look at Soobin for clarification, to which he cutely nodded his head, affirming her statement. 
“—A date. Between me and Soobin. Not me, Soobin, our friends, and our mothers!”
Dongmin stared at Aera for a moment, a blank look on her face as she looked at her daughter with an are you done sheer in her eyes, and right then and there Aera knew her mother was not leaving. Dongmin recognized her daughter’s expression as she knew she wasn’t going to win this fight and she pet her daughter on the head. 
“Enjoy yourself, Ae Ae. But I will also be enjoying myself.”
And with that Dongmin walked over to the picnic blanket, Ruha and Serim also being there with the other five as they all seemed to be having the times of their lives crashing Soobin and Aera’s first date.
Aera looked on at the scene with a pout on her lips as Soobin reached for her hand and slowly began heading out of the clearing and into the main part of the park.
“Let’s go for a walk,” He grinned. “This might be the only alone time we get together.”
Aera allowed herself to be led onto a trail by the loose grip Soobin held on her hand and as he went to let go Aera gripped his pinky with her own. She slid her palm against his slowly, hesitant with her actions. As he did with the pictures, Soobin once again took the initiative and intertwined their fingers. A shy giggle fell from Aera’s lips as she swung their joined hands back and forth, the fact that their first date was practically no longer a date fading from her mind.
“So,” she spoke after they walked silently for a few minutes. “This is why you were so busy the last few days? You were planning to woo me.”
“‘Woo you’,” Soobin repeated to himself. “I think the correct term would be ‘confess my feelings to you in a sweet and unique manner’.”
“Sweet and unique are good words, I guess,” Aera squeezed his hand, causing him to look down at her. “Did you mean it?”
Soobin looked into her brown eyes and then and there he knew that he really did mean it. Even if he was only sixteen, he was sure he meant it. “Yes, I did.”
A wide smile spread onto her lips as well as a blush to her cheeks. “You’re so sappy.”
“Oh, so you aren’t going to say you mean it back,” he jokingly exclaimed. “I was simply answering a question, and now I’m being made fun of!”
“Not made fun of! And you know for a fact I mean it,” Aera huffed out. “For gods sake I’ve had feelings for you for years.”
Soobin laughed, remembering his pestering about who her crush was and he laughed even harder when he remembered that he thought it was Hyuka of all people.
“It must’ve been such a hard three years, Pouts,” he let out a sarcastic sigh. “Imagine seeing my handsomeness for years—“ he shook his head. “—How strong you must be.”
“You’re awful,” Aera sneered at his teasing. “Why do I like you?”
“Because I’m Soobi,” Soobin said as if that was a justifiable answer. “And you’re Pouts. We just go together.”
“Well, initially you were Binbun,” she pointed out. “And now you are Soobi.”
They continued down the trail, hand in hand, basking in one another’s presence.
“I can be both.”
“You can be both.”
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Want to binge watch a kdrama? Try these 13 kdrama rom-coms from 2015-2019.
When I watch a drama for the second time I don’t really pick complex dramas I instead prefer watching the ones that I know I’m gonna have a fun time watching. I picked 13 of my favorite rom-coms of the last five years that I just can't get enough of. I think you'll enjoy watching these dramas again and if you haven't watched them then now is the time!
1. Oh Hae Young again. This drama is as funny as it is intense. Eric (Shinwa) plays the CEO of a sound effects company. He hasn’t get over his past relationship with his last girlfriend Oh Hae Young. Then he meets another Oh Hae Young who is known for throwing herself to love with all she’s got and was just dumped by his fianceé. He starts having visions about her.
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2.  I remember you (Hello Monster). This 2015 drama is the one I’m currently rewatching and the one I’ve watched the most. The romance is not the main focus but it has some sweet moments. The story is about two kids that were hurt by the actions of a serial killer and now grown up they’ll try to catch him while solving murders at the same time. The cast is so good. This is one of the few dramas I would have loved if they’d done a second season.
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3. Strongwoman Do Bong Soon. There’s dramas that I finish and just start watching again. That’s what happened to me with this one. It’s just such good fun. The story is about a girl who has enhireted the gift of being really strong. When a CEO of a game developing company finds out he hires her as a bodyguard.
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4. She was pretty. Park Seo Joon and Hwang Jung Eum made a lot of good dramas the last few years some I added to this list. However this witty and sometimes ridiculous comedy was the one that I enjoyed the most. Super Junior’s Siwon made a stand out performance as a second lead. The drama tells the story of Hye Jin that reconnects with her childhood love but is embarassed by the way she looks. Her pretty best friend pretends to be her and meets him for just one time. When Hye Jin gets a new job she finds out her childhood friend is her new boss.
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5. Oh my ghostess. This was  Park Bo Young’s breakthrough performance along with Kim Seul Gi and Jo Jung Suk they made a hilarious bunch. The story is about a shy cook that is possesed by a ghost. She ends up making a pact with the ghost to help her get close to her boss a famous chef.
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6.  Hyde, Jekyll, me. This drama is based on a webetoon and actually it wasn’t as popular as I thought it would be but I really enjoyed it. Hyunbin plays a CEO with a complex past that suffers of disociative identity disorder. When his heart rate passes 150 he becomes Robin. Park Jimin is a circus master that becomes close to both of his personalities.
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7. The girl who sees smells. JYJ’s Park Yochun and Shin Se Kyung star in this fantasy comedy about a girl who sees smells and uses her powers to help a detective solve murders,
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8.  Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Yoo. Honestly I was frustrated with Kim Book joo (played by Lee Sung Kyung) for about half of the drama but there’s too many hilarious scenes that make this drama just great fun. The story is about a female weightlifting athlete that has a weight complex that makes her question whether she should keep competing at all. Nam Joo Hyuk plays a swimmer with a trauma that keeps him out of the competitions and is Kim Bok Yoo’s former classmate.
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9. What is wrong with secretary Kim? This has to be one of the best adaptations of a webtoon. The hilarious relationship between Kim Miso and Lee Yeon Joon are off the charts funny. Past wounds, an awkward personality and overconfidence will get in the way of Yeon Joon’s (Park Seo Joon) goal of stopping his secretary from resigning by giving her what she wants: a boyfriend.
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10. Beauty Inside. Seo Hyun Jin is so good at doing comedy. Just like in Oh Hae Young again her character in this drama is all over the place and seems to attract trouble. She plays an actress that turns into a different person a few days once a month. She meets the CEO of a major corporation that just like her has something to hide: he can’t recognize faces. Ahn Jae Hyun and Lee Dae Hae play the secondary couple and honestly I got into their relationship even more than the main one.
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11. Fight my way. Long time best friends Ko Dongman (Park Seo Joon) and Choi Aera (Kim Jiwon) have a very playful and silly relationship that starts to become something more. Meanwhile their best friends have been in a six year long relationship but go through trying times when a coworker sets her eyes in Ahn Jae Hong’s character. 
12. Lucky Romance. The plot of this one is mostly ridiculous but hella funny to watch. Bon Nui, a programmmer that is struggling to pay for her sister’s medical bills, does everything a fortune teller asks her to keep his sister alive who is in a coma. She’s told the only way to save her sister is to sleep with a guy that is born in the chinese years of the tiger. Sooho is a genius game developer that suffers from a past trauma and is born in the year of the tiger. 
13. Her private life. This sweet fun rom-com from last year is about a curator that moonlights as a fangirl. However her double life is at risk of being discovered after her new boss tries to enlist her idol for the next exhibit. Her relationship with her boss soon changes.
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louquis · 7 years
List of Korean Female Names
Under the cut are a list of Korean girls’ names in order of the Korean alphabet. Scroll down for the hangul. Sources are at the bottom
Ka - KaNa KaRam KaRyeon KaRyoon KaBi KaBin KaYeon KaYoung KaOn KaYoon  KaYul KaEun KaEul KaYi KaIn KaHyun KaHee
Kang - KangHye
Kyung - KyungMi KyungMin KyungSeon KyungSook KyungOk KyungJin KyungHee
GoWoon GoEun
Gong - GongJu
Kyo - KyoRyeong KyoRi KyoRin KyoYeon KyoYoung KyoYoon KyoYul KyoHyun KyoHee
Kyu - KyuRyeong KyuRi KyuRin KyuRim KyuMi KyuBi KyuYeon KyuYoung KyuEun KyuHa KyuHyun KyuHee
Kyun - KyunYoung
Geun - GeunAh GeunYoung GeunYe GeunHye
Geum - GeumJu
Gi - GiBbeum
Na - NaKyung NaDam NaRa NaRam NaRae NaRyoon NaRi NaMi NaMin NaYeon NaYoung NaYoon NaEun NaHyun NaHye NaHee
No - NoYeon NoYoung NoYoon NoEun NoHyun NoHoon
Nu - NuRi
Da - DaKyum DaKyung DaKyo DaNa DaDam DaRin DaBin DaSol DaSom DaAh DaAhn * DaAe DaEon DaYeon DaYoung DaYe DaWan DaWoon DaWon DaYoon DaYul DaEun DaIn DaJeong DaHae DaHyun DaHye DaHyo DaHee
Dan - DanHee
Dam - DamBi
Duk - DeokAh
Do - DoKyung DoDam DoRam DoYeon DoYoung DoWon DoYoon DoYul DoEun DoHeon DoHyun DoHoon DoHee
Dong - DongJu DongHee
Doo - DooNa DooRi DooYeon DooYoung DooYe DooYoon DooYul DooHee
Ra - RaHee
Rae - RaeKyo RaeEon RaeYeon RaeWon RaeYoon RaeEun RaeHan RaeHyun
Re - ReMi
Ryeo - RyeoYoung RyeoWon RyeoEun
Ro - RoYeon RoYoung RoYoon RoHyun
Ru - RuRi RuAh RuAhn RuYeon RuYoung RuWan RuWon RuHyun
Ryu - RyuDam RyuAh RyuAhn RyuWon
Ri - RiNa RiAh RiAhn RiYeon RiYoung RiYe RiWon RiHye
Rin - RinAh
Myung - MyungKyo MyungSeo MyungSook MyungJi MyungChae
Mi - MiKyung MiKyo MiNa MiDo MiRa MiRan MiRae MiReu MiRim MiSeo MiSul MiSo MiSol MiSook MiYeon MiYoung MiJeong MiJi MiJin
Min - MinKyung MinKyo MinSeo MinSeon MinSul MinSol MinAh MinJeong MinJu MinJi MinJin MinChae MinHye MinHee
Ban - BanHye
Byu - ByuRi
Byul - ByulHa
Bo - BoNa BoRa BoRam BoMi BoMin BoYe BoEun
Bom - Bom
Bi - BiJu BiHwa
Sa - SaRang SaIn
San - SanHa
Sang - SangMin
Sae - SaeRom SaeBom
Saet - SaetByul
Seo - SeoBin SeoAh SeoAhn SeoAe SeoYeon SeoYoung SeoWoo SeoWon SeoYoon SeoYul SeoEun SeoJu SeoJin SeoHyun SeoHye SeoHee
Seon - SeonMi SeonAh SeonYoung SeonYe SeonWoo SeonYi SeonJeong SeonHye SeonHwa SeonHee
Sul - SulRa SulRin SulMin SulBin SulAh SulAhn SulYeon SulYoung SulYoon SulJi SulHwa SulHee
Seong - SeongMin SeongBin SeongAh SeongYeon SeongEun SeongHee
Se - SeRi SeRin SeMi SeMin SeBi SeBin SeAh SeAhn SeYeon SeYoung SeYoon SeYul SeEun SeYi SeIn SeIm SeJin SeHyun SeHwa Sehyu SeHee
So - SoRa SoRyeong SoRim SoMi SoMin SoBin SoAh SoYeon SoYoung SoWon SoYoon SoYul SoEun SoYi SoJeong SoHyun SoHwi SoHee
Sol - SolMi SolMin SolBi SolBin SolAh SolYoung SolYoon SolEun SolIm SolJi SolHee
Song - SongMin SongBin SongAh SongYeon SongYoon SongYi SongJu SongHyun SongHwa SongHee
Soo - SooMin SooBin SooAh SooAe SooYeon SooYoung SooYoon SooYi SooIn SooJeong SooJi SooJin SooHyun SooHee
Sook - SookYeon
Soon - SoonOk SoonHee
Seul - SeulGi SeulMi SeulMin SeulBi SeulBin SeulAh SeulYoung SeulYe SeulYoon SeulEun SeulJi SeulHee
Seung - SeungBin SeungAh SeungYeon SeungYe SeungYoon SeungEun SeungYi SeungHa SeungHyun SeungHye SeungHwa SeungHee
Shi - ShiBin ShiAh ShiAhn ShiAe ShiYeon ShiYoung ShiOn ShiYoon ShiYul ShiEun ShiHyang ShiHyun
Shin - ShinBi ShinAh ShinAe ShinYoung ShinYe ShinJi ShinHye ShinHwa
Ah - AhDam AhRa AhRan AhRam AhRong AhRu AhReum AhRi AhRin AhRim AhSul AhSeom AhSol AhYeon AhYoung AhWon AhYoon AhIn AhIm AhJeong AhJi AhJin AhHyun AhHye
Ahn - AhnNa AhnSol AhnSeul AhnYoung AhnYi
Ae - AeNa AeNi AeDam AeRa AeRan AeRam AeRyeon AeRyeong AeRi AeRin AeRim AeSul AeSol AeSeul AeJeong
Eon - EonJu
Yeo - YeoKyung YeoRam YeoReum YeoRi YeoRim YeoSul YeoSol YeoSeul YeoWon YeoEun YeoJeong YeoJu YeoJin YeoHye
Yeon - YeonDoo YeonRim YeonSeo YeonSoo YeonAh YeonYoung YeonWoo YeonYi YeonJu YeonJi YeonJin YeonHa YeonHwa YeonHee
Young - YoungDam YoungRan YoungRam YoungRin YoungRim YoungMi YoungSeo YoungSul YoungSol YoungSoo YoungSook YoungSoon YoungSeul YoungAh YoungAe YoungYeon YoungYe YoungWon YoungYoon YoungEun YoungIm YoungJa YoungJu YoungJi YoungChae YoungHa YoungHyun YoungHye YoungHee
Ye - YeNa YeDa YeDam YeRa YeRan YeRam YeRyeong YeRyeong YeJu YeRi YeRin YeRim YeMi YeBin YeSeo YeSul YeSeom YeSol YeSeul YeYoung YeWon YeYul YeEun YeIn YeIm YeJeong YeJu YeJi YeJin YeHyun
Oh - OhYeon OhYoung OhYoon OhEun
Ok - OkSoon
Yo - YoDam YoRam YoRin YoSol YoYoung YoWon YoEun
Woo - WooKyung WooRi WooAh WooYeon WooYi WooIm WooJu
Won - WonYoung WonYe WonJeong WonHee
Wol - WolYoung
Wi - WiYoung
Yoo - YooKyung YooNa YooDam YooRa YooRan YooRam YooRang YooRye YooRi YooRin YooMi YooMin YooBin YooSul YooSol YooSeul YooAh YooAhn YooYeon YooYoung YooWon YooWol YooEun YooJeong YooJu YooJi YooJin YooChae YooHa YooHyun
Yoon - YoonKyo YoonNa YoonDam YoonRan YoonRam YoonRae YoonRyeon YoonRye YoonRin YoonRim YoonSeo YoonSeon YoonSul YoonSeom YoonSol   YoonSeul YoonAh YoonAe YoonYoung YoonYe YoonOh YoonWoo YoonYul YoonYi YoonIm YoonJeong YoonJu YoonJi YoonChae YoonHa YoonHae YoonHye YoonHoo YoonHee
Yul - YulAh YulYeon YulYoung YulWoo YulWon YulHa YulHyun YulHee
Eun - EunKyung EunKyo EunDam EunRan EunRae EunRye EunRyool EunRi EunRin EunRim EunMi EunBi EunBin EunSae EunSeo EunSeon EunSul EunSeom EunSeong EunSe EunSol EunSong EunSoo EunSeul EunShil EunAh EunYoung EunYe EunOh EunWoo EunYul EunJae EunJeong EunJu EunJi EunJin EunChae Eunchong EunHa EunHan EunHye EunHoo EunHee
Om - OmPa OmPyo
Yi - YiNa YiDam YiRan YiRam YiRyeon YiRyeong YiRye YiReum YiSul YiSol YiSoo YiSeul YiAhn YiYeon YiYoung YiWan YiYoon YiEun YiJeong YiJu YiJi YiJin YiChae YiHan YiHyun YiHwa
In - InSul InSook InAh InAe InYoung InWol InJu InChae InHa InHye
Ja - JaMin JaBin JaYeon JaYoung JaYoon JaEun JaYi JaHyun
Jae - JaeMin JaeBin JaeSol JaeAh JaeYeon JaeYoung JaeYoon JaeYul JaeEun JaeIn JaeIm JaeHyun JaeHee
Jeong - JeongMin JeongBin JeongSook JeongSoon JeongAh JeongAhn JeongYeon JeongWon JeongYoon JeongYul JeongEun JeongIn JeongIm JeongHyun JeongHye JeongHee
Jo - JoAhn JoEun
Jong - JongAh
Ju - JuBi JuBin JuAh JuAhn JuAe JuYeon JuYoung JuYe JuWon JuEun JuYi JuHae JuHyun JuHye JuHee
Joon - JoonYi JoonHee
Ji - JiNa JiRyoon JiMin JiBin JiSeon JiSol JiSoo JiAh JiAhn JiAe JiYeon JiYoung JiYe JiWoo JiWon JiYul JiEun JiHyang JiHyun JiHye JiHyo JiHee
Jin - JinSol JinAh JinYoung JinJu   
Cha - ChaMin ChaBin ChaYeon ChaYoung ChaYoon ChaYul ChaEun ChaIm ChaHyun
Chae - ChaeKyung ChaeRin ChaeMin ChaeBin ChaeSul ChaeSol ChaeSeul ChaeAh * ChaeAhn ChaeYeon ChaeYoung ChaeWoo ChaeWon ChaeYoo ChaeYoon ChaeYul ChaeEun ChaeYi ChaeJeong ChaeHa ChaeHyun ChaeHee
Che - CheRi
Cho - ChoRan ChoRong ChoMin ChoBin ChoAh ChoYeon ChoYoung ChoYoon ChoEun ChoYi ChoHyun ChoHee
Chi - ChiYoung
Tae - TaeKyum TaeKyung TaeRim TaeBin TaeYeon TaeYoung TaeYoon TaeYul TaeEun TaeHyun TaeHee
Pu - PuReum
Pul - PulIp
Ha - HaNa HaNeul HaDam HaRa HaRan HaRam HaRyeon HaRi HaRin HaRim HaSul HaSol HaSeul HaYan HaYeon HaYoung HaWon HaYoon HaYul HaEun HaYi HaIm HaJeong HaHyun
Han - HanKyung HanNa HanDam HanByul HanBin HanSol HanSong HanSeul HanAh HanYoung HanYe HanYoo HanJu HanChae HanHee
Hae - HaeDam HaeRan HaeRam HaeRi HaeRin HaeRim HaeSol HaeSoo HaeSeul HaeAh HaeYeon HaeYoon HaeYul HaeEun HaeIn HaeJeong HaeHyun
He - HeRi
Hyun - HyunDam HyunBi HyunSeo HyunSul HyunSol HyunSook HyunAh HyunYoung HyunYi HyunJeong HyunJu HyunJi HyunJin HyunHee
Hye - HyeDam HyeRan HyeRam HyeRyeon HyeRi HyeRin HyeRim HyeMi HyeBin HyeSeon HyeSol HyeSoo HyeSeul HyeAh HyeYeon HyeYoung HyeYoon HyeYul HyeEun HyeIn HyeIm HyeJeong HyeJu HyeJin
Ho - HoRan HoRim
Hong - HongJu
Hwa - HwaDam HwaRin HwaRim HwaSul HwaSol HwaYeon HwaYoung HwaYoon HwaIn HwaJeong
Hwang - HwangBo
Hyo - HyoKyung HyoDam HyoRam HyoRyeong HyoRi HyoRin HyoRim HyoMi HyoSul HyoSol HyoSeul HyoYeon HyoYoung HyoWon HyoYoon HyoEun HyoIn HyoIm HyoJeong HyoJu HyoJin HyoHyun
Hee - HeeDam HeeRam HeeSul HeeSol HeeSoo HeeSeul HeeAh HeeYeon HeeYoung HeeYe HeeWon HeeYoon HeeJin hangul:
가 - 가나 가람 가련 가륜 가비 가빈 가연 가영 가온 가윤 가율 가은 가을 가이 가인 가현 가희
강 - 강혜
경 - 경미 경민 경선 경숙 경옥 경진 경희
고 - 고운 고은
공 - 공주
교 - 교령 교리 교린 교연 교영 교윤 교율 교현 교희
규 - 규령 규리 규린 규림 규미 규비 규연 규영 규은 규하 규현 규희
균 - 균영
근 - 근아 근영 근예 근혜
금 -금주
기 - 기쁨
나 - 나경 나담 나라 나람 나래 나륜 나리 나미 나민 나연 나영 나윤 나은 나현 나혜 나희
노 - 노연 노영 노윤 노은 노현 노훈
누 - 누리
다 - 다겸 다경 다교 다나 다담 다린 다빈 다솔 다솜 다아 다안 다애 다언 다연 다영 다예 다완 다운 다원 다윤 다율 다은 다인 다정 다해 다현 다혜 다효 다희
단 - 단희
달 - 달님
담 - 담비
덕 - 덕아
도 - 도경 도담 도람 도연 도영 도원 도윤 도율 도은 도헌 도현 도훈 도희
동 - 동주 동희
두 - 두나 두리 두연 두영 두예 두윤 두율 두희
라 - 라희
래 - 래교 래언 래연 래원 래윤 래은 래한 래현
레 - 레미
려 - 려영 려원 려은
로 - 로연 로영 로윤 로현
루 - 루리 루아 루안 루연 루영 루완 루원 루현
류 - 류담 류아 류안 류원
리 - 리나 리아 리안 리연 리영 리예 리원 리혜
린 - 린아
명 - 명교 명서 명숙 명지 명채
미 - 미경 미교 미나 미도 미라 미란 미래 미르 미림 미서 미설 미소 미솔 미숙 미연 미영 미정 미지 미진
민 - 민경 민교 민서 민선 민설 민솔 민아 민정 민주 민지 민진 민채 민혜 민희
반 - 반혜
벼 - 벼리
별 - 별님 별하
보 - 보나 보라 보람 보미 보민 보예 보은
봄 - 봄
비 - 비주 비화
사 - 사랑 사인
산 - 산하
상 - 상민
새 - 새롬 새봄
샛 - 샛별
서 - 서빈 서아 서안 서애 서연 서영 서우 서원 서윤 서율 서은 서주 서진 서현 서혜 서희
선 - 선미 선아 선영 선예 선우 선이 선정 선혜 선화 선희
설 - 설라 설린 설민 설빈 설아 설안 설연 설영 설윤 설지 설화 설희
성 - 성민 성빈 성아 성연 성은 성희
세 - 세리 세린 세미 세민 세비 세빈 세아 세안 세연 세영 세윤 세율 세은 세이 세인 세임 세진 세현 세화 세휴 세희
소 - 소라 소령 소림 소미 소민 소빈 소아 소연 소영 소원 소윤 소율 소은 소이 소정 소현 소휘 소희
솔 - 솔미 솔민 솔비 솔빈 솔아 솔영 솔윤 솔은 솔임 솔지 솔희
송 - 송민 송빈 송아 송연 송윤 송이 송주 송현 송화 송희
수 - 수민 수빈 수아 수애 수연 수영 수윤 수이 수인 수정 수지 수진 수현 수희
숙 - 숙연
순 - 순옥 순희
슬 - 슬기 슬미 슬민 슬비 슬빈 슬아 슬영 슬예 슬윤 슬은 슬지 슬희
승 - 승빈 승아 승연 승예 승윤 승은 승이 승하 승현 승혜 승화 승희
시 - 시빈 시아 시안 시애 시연 시영 시온 시윤 시율 시은 시향 시현
신 - 신비 신아 신애 신영 신예 신지 신혜 신화
아 - 아담 아라 아란 아람 아롱 아루 아름 아리 아린 아림 아설 아섬 아솔 아연 아영 아원 아윤 아인 아임 아정 아지 아진 아현 아혜
안 - 안나 안솔 안슬 안영 안이
애 - 애나 애니 애담 애라 애란 애람 애련 애령 ���리 애린 애림 애설 애솔 애슬 애정
언 - 언주
여 - 여경 여람 여름 여리 여림 여설 여솔 여슬 여원 여은 여정 여주 여진 여혜
연 - 연두 연림 연서 연수 연아 연영 연우 연이 연주 연지 연진 연하 연화 연희
영 - 영담 영란 영람 영린 영림 영미 영서 영설 영솔 영수 영숙 영순 영슬 영아 영애 영연 영예 영원 영윤 영은 영임 영자 영주 영지 영채 영하 영현 영혜 영희
예 - 예나 예다 예담 예라 예란 예람 예령 예령 예주 예리 예린 예림 예미 예빈 예서 예설 예섬 예솔 예슬 예영 예원 예율 예은 예인 예임 예정 예주 예지 예진 예현
오 - 오연 오영 오윤 오은
옥 - 옥순
요 - 요담 요람 요린 요솔 요영 요원 요은
우 - 우경 우리 우아 우연 우이 우임 우주
원 - 원영 원예 원정 원희
월 - 월영
위 - 위영
유 - 유경 유나 유담 유라 유란 유람 유랑 유례 유리 유린 유미 유민 유빈 유설 유솔 유슬 유아 유안 유연 유영 유원 유월 유은 유정 유주 유지 유진 유채 유하 유현
윤 - 윤교 윤나 윤담 윤란 윤람 윤래 윤련 윤례 윤린 윤림 윤서 윤선 윤설 윤섬 윤솔  윤슬 윤아 윤애 윤영 윤예 윤오 윤우 윤율 윤이 윤임 윤정 윤주 윤지 윤채 윤하 윤해 윤혜 윤후 윤희
율 - 율아 율연 율영 율우 율원 율하 율현 율희
은 - 은경 은교 은담 은란 은래 은례 은률 은리 은린 은림 은미 은비 은빈 은새 은서 은선 은설 은섬 은성 은세 은솔 은송 은수 은슬 은실 은아 은영 은예 은오 은우 은율 은재 은정 은주 은지 은진 은채 은총 은하 은한 은혜 은후 은희
음 - 음파 음표
이 - 이나 이담 이란 이람 이련 이령 이례 이름 이설 이솔 이수 이슬 이안 이연 이영 이완 이윤 이은 이정 이주 이지 이진 이채 이한 이현 이화
인 - 인설 인숙 인아 인애 인영 인월 인주 인채 인하 인혜
자 - 자민 자빈 자연 자영 자윤 자은 자이 자현
재 - 재민 재빈 재솔 재아 재연 재영 재윤 재율 재은 재인 재임 재현 재희
정 - 정민 정빈 정숙 정순 정아 정안 정연 정원 정윤 정율 정은 정인 정임 정현 정혜 정희
조 - 조안 조은
종 - 종아
주 - 주비 주빈 주아 주안 주애 주연 주영 주예 주원 주은 주이 주해 주현 주혜 주희
준 - 준이 준희
지 - 지나 지륜 지민 지빈 지선 지솔 지수 지아 지안 지애 지연 지영 지예 지우 지원 지율 지은 지향 지현 지혜 지효 지희
진 - 진솔 진아 진영 진주
차 - 차민 차빈 차연 차영 차윤 차율 차은 차임 차현
채 - 채경 채린 채민 채빈 채설 채솔 채슬 채아 채안 채연 채영 채우 채원 채유 채윤 채율 채은 채이 채정 채하 채현 채희
체 - 체리
초 - 초란 초롱 초민 초빈 초아 초연 초영 초윤 초은 초이 초현 초희
치 - 치영   
태 - 태겸 태경 태림 태빈 태연 태영 태윤 태율 태은 태현 태희
푸 - 푸른
풀 - 풀잎
하 - 하나 하늘 하담 하라 하란 하람 하련 하리 하린 하림 하설 하솔 하슬 하얀 하연 하영 하원 하윤 하율 하은 하이 하임 하정 하현
한 - 한경 한나 한담 한별 한빈 한솔 한송 한슬 한아 한영 한예 한유 한주 한채 한희
해 - 해담 해란 해람 해리 해린 해림 해솔 해수 해슬 해아 해연 해윤 해율 해은 해인 해정 해현  
헤 - 헤리
현 - 현담 현비 현서 현설 현솔 현숙 현아 현영 현이 현정 현주 현지 현진 현희
혜 - 혜담 혜란 혜람 혜련 혜리 혜린 혜림 혜미 혜빈 혜선 혜솔 혜수 혜슬 혜아 혜연 혜영 혜윤 혜율 혜은 혜인 혜임 혜정 혜주 혜진
호 - 호란 호림
홍 - 홍주
화 - 화담 화린 화림 화설 화솔 화연 화영 화윤 화인 화정
황 - 황보
효 - 효경 효담 효람 효령 효리 효린 효림 효미 효설 효솔 효슬 효연 효영 효원 효윤 효은 효인 효임 효정 효주 효진 효현
희 - 희담 희람 희설 희솔 희수 희슬 희아 희연 희영 희예 희원 희윤 희진
         sources: x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  please like or reblog if you use ♥
59 notes · View notes
sxrhw · 3 years
Alice/ Park Yeonhee / Alice Park - australian
jade/ Liang Jiao- chinese
Youngmi / Choi Youngmi - korean
Sojung / Kim Sojung
SOUL/ moon Chaesol / chloe moon- korean
Yunji / Yun MinJi- korean
Park Jiyeon / Park Jiyeon - korean
Choi Sooyoun//Danielle Choi
Kim Yoojin/Sophia Kim
Choi Nayeon/Victoria Choi
Aeya Li.Li Chaeryeon Gina Anna Jiwoo Minji Xena Hitomi Yui Hera Eunwon Hyewon Yerin Vivi Una Lena Aria Eunbi Léa Yuki Soeun Aisha hyunsuk Elizabeth Diana Qiu-en Celene Kate YENA Siyoon SOOMIN Youkyung Yeori Yunji Chaekyung Ella Songhee Eunice Jeonghwa Saerom Boreum Seunghee Momoka Minseo Leila
Yue-Jiang Xiao Hikari Watanabe Xie Keyin Park Seojun Kim Minki . Kim TaeYoung Kim Yoojung Shin Mirae
Ahn Seonghyuk Lee Sooyoon Park Soo-A Kwon Minhyo Min Hyejin Lee Bora Lee Miyeon Min Ayeong Ryeo Dahye Kim Hyejeong Kim Yu-ri Shin Bora Kang Jiwon Kim Aera Oh Sooae Wang Yixuan Park Ayeong Kim Mikyeong Kim Hye-rim Chaerin Jung Hae-rim Cheng Xiao Son Chaeyoung Eileen Kim So Yeojin Choi Hwayoung Nako Yabuki Meng Ziqi Suzuki Sorano Choi Yena Kim Hei-ryung Park Yuju Song Minhee Choi Jihye Kim Sera Kang Hyejin Eun Hejong Shin Hyejeong Heo Soo Yeon
kim park bae im/lim shin jung jeon heo eun min ahn kwon choi han Cheong byun hwang cho nam yang son
0 notes
thecitybreeze · 7 years
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𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
We're the fucking kings! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Song Jaehyung, que é conhecido por ser o VOCALISTA/GUITARRISTA DE APOIO da banda BLIND REVOLUTION. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Koo Junhoe, mas isso seria impossível...
We're the fucking kings! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Choi Jeongsuk, que também é conhecido pelo apelido CHOI e por ser o VOCALISTA/TECLADISTA da banda BLIND REVOLUTION. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Jeon Wonwoo, mas isso seria impossível...
We're the fucking kings! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o David Cho, que também é conhecido pelo apelido DC e por ser o BATERISTA da banda BLIND REVOLUTION. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Kim Hyojong (E'Dawn), mas isso seria impossível...
We're the fucking kings! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Hae Chanhyuk, que também é conhecido pelo apelido SLAYER e por ser o GUITARRISTA PRINCIPAL da banda BLIND REVOLUTION. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Park Chanyeol, mas isso seria impossível...
Hey CUPID has shot my heart! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Jeon Hwaran, que é conhecida por ser a VOCALISTA PRINCIPAL da banda CUPID. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com a Kang Seulgi, mas isso seria impossível...
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑼𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑲𝒊𝒅𝒔
We're the kids you left behind! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Sook Maeri, que também é conhecida pelo apelido MIMI e por ser a BATERISTA da banda THE UNDERGROUND KIDS. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com a Park Sooyoung (Joy), mas isso seria impossível...
We're the kids you left behind! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Song Jihyun, que também é conhecida pelo apelido NIKITA e por ser a GUITARRISTA da banda THE UNDERGROUND KIDS. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com a Park Chaeyoung (Rosé), mas isso seria impossível...
We're the kids you left behind! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Kim Myungho, que também é conhecido pelo apelido KIHO e por ser o BAIXISTA da banda THE UNDERGROUND KIDS. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com o Lee Taeyong, mas isso seria impossível...
We're the kids you left behind! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Lee Taekwon, que é conhecido por ser o GUITARRISTA da banda THE UNDERGROUND KIDS. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com o Jung Jaehyun, mas isso seria impossível...
Smells like teen spirit! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Oh Jinhwan/Moon Jinhwan, que é conhecido por ser o VOCALISTA PRINCIPAL/GUITARRISTA da banda 3J. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Im Jaebum (JB), mas isso seria impossível...
Smells like teen spirit! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Ryu Jinsol, que é conhecido pelo apelido RYU e por ser o BAIXISTA da banda 3J. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Woo Dohwan, mas isso seria impossível...
𝑲𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝑼𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂
We believe in UTOPIA! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Arthur Kwon, que também é conhecido pelo apelido ART e por ser o VOCALISTA/GUITARRISTA da banda KOREAN UTOPIA. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Im Changkyun, mas isso seria impossível...
We believe in UTOPIA! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Yukontorn Manoban Sakda, que também é conhecido pelo apelido PRINCE e por ser o BATERISTA da banda KOREAN UTOPIA. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Ten Chittaphon, mas isso seria impossível...
We believe in UTOPIA! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Ueno Hotaru, que também é conhecida pelo apelido ANTEROS e por ser a VOCALISTA/BAIXISTA da banda KOREAN UTOPIA. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com a Hirai Momo, mas isso seria impossível...
𝑪𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒛𝒆
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Go Sera, uma ESTUDANTE DE MEDICINA e que também é FÃ DO THE UNDERGROUND KIDS. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com a Kim Doyeon, mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Moon Hari, uma GARÇONETE. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com a Lee Jieun (IU), mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Baek Taehoon, um CLIENTE. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Kim Taehyung (V), mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Baek Yewon, uma BARTENDER E GARÇONETE. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com a Park Jiyeon, mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Cho Jihye, uma ESTUDANTE DE BIOMEDICINA. Ouvi dizer que ela se parece muito com a Kim Jungeun (Kim Lip), mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Bae Junho, um BARTENDER FREESTYLE. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Byun Baekhyun, mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: o Ong Byunghee, um BARTENDER. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com o Kim Minsung, mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Moon Aera, uma GARÇONETE. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com a Bae Joohyun (Irene), mas isso seria impossível...
Music is what connect us! Olhem só quem chegou no City Breeze: a Jeong Jaehee, uma TÉCNICA DE SOM/ASSISTENTE DE PALCO. Ouvi dizer que ele se parece muito com a Son Seungwan (Wendy), mas isso seria impossível...
6 notes · View notes
btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 10
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
Author’s Note: This is the last part of this series! Thank you so much to everyone for all of the love you guys have given me, I appreciate it more than you know!! I hope you guys enjoy this final part!!
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Two Years Later
“Yoon Aera!” You shouted, sighing heavily as you took in the sight of your eight year old’s destroyed bedroom. You could hear running footsteps, which only further annoyed you because you couldn’t remember how many times you had told this child to stop running in the house. 
“Yes Mommy?” She answered as she stood next to you, and you looked down at her with an arched brow. 
“I thought you said that you could handle packing up your room by yourself,” you said.
“I did, and I can!” Aera shot back. 
“And this is your version of packing your room up?” You questioned as you used your arm to motion into her bedroom, where books littered the floor, clothes were all over her bed, and none of the large boxes that you had set in her room where being used. 
“I pulled everything out though, like you told me to,” she pouted. 
“Love, we’re moving tomorrow and you’re literally not even halfway done,” you pointed out. “Not only that, but you promised Jin that you would have it done by the time that he came home from work.”
“Sorry Mommy,” she muttered. “I’ll start now.”
“Alright, you better get to it because Jin should be off of work by now,” you told her and that made her jump into high gear, and she rushed into her room and pulled out one of the boxes. You just smiled at her and shook your head before walking out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Just as you made it off the last step, the door knob jiggled and suddenly, the door opened and Jin stepped inside. 
“Hey,” you smiled, pacing over to him and placing your hands on his cheeks before pulling him down for a kiss. 
“Hi yourself,” he grinned, giving you two more quick pecks before pulling away to take off his jacket and shoes. 
“How was your day?” You asked and he just sighed before shrugging.
“Work was work,” he replied lamely. “How was packing?”
“It was fine, except Aera hasn’t finished packing her stuff,” you told him. “I really wish you would’ve just let me do it for her.”
“That probably would’ve been easier, but we have to let her be independent,” he pointed out. “She’s been acting so much like Hae lately, we have to give her some freedom or she’ll feel stifled.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it,” you grumbled, not exactly thrilled with the idea of your baby growing up. Jin just chuckled and leaned forward, kissing your lips softly. 
“Come on, I’ll help you finish packing up the bedroom,” he offered, stretching his hand out to you and you didn’t hesitate to take it before allowing him to lead you back up the stairs. When the both of you walked into the room, Jin let out a low whistle from how much you had managed to do in the seven hours that he had been gone for work. 
“Damn, maybe you don’t need my help after all,” he chucked, making you nudge his ribs. 
“There’s some shoes and stuff still in the wardrobe, plus your clothes that have built up from your staying the night over the years,” you said. “So feel free to tackle those. I have to finish up in the bathroom.”
“Alright,” he nodded and the two of you went your separate ways, you stepping into the en suite while Jin grabbed a box and walked over to the wardrobe. After kneeling down in front of it, he opened it up and let out a soft gasp at how empty it was. 
“Hey babe?” He called out and he heard you hum in response. “Where did Hae’s clothes go?”
“Oh, I packed them up and his mom came to get them,” you explained as you leaned against the doorway of the bathroom. “I knew that I didn’t want to keep them and it didn’t feel right to just stuff them in the garage of the new house or to give them away so I called his parents and asked if they wanted to take them.”
“Oof, how’d his mom react to...that?” Jin asked, motioning towards your left ring finger, where the engagement ring that Jin had given you two months prior sat. 
“Jin-joo didn’t outright say anything about it, but I know she saw it,” you shrugged. “She suddenly started acting all pissy and she made an excuse to hurry up and leave once she had the clothes.”
“I hate how she acts about you just wanting to be happy,” Jin muttered, beginning to grab some of the shoes that sat at the bottom of the wardrobe and putting into the box. You couldn’t help but to smile, because Jin had felt some type of way towards Jin-joo every since you had explained to him that the conversation you had with her over two years ago was the reason why you had avoided him for almost two months.
“Eh, I’m over it,” you sighed. “I only want to keep things civil for Aera but other than that, I could care less.”
“It’s still annoying,” he replied. “But you’re right, Aera’s more important than my dislike for her.”
“That would be mutual dislike,” you pointed out with a smile, which made Jin chuckle. Just then, Aera walked into the room.
“Mommy,” she whined but she stopped when she saw Jin kneeling on the ground. “Jinnie!”
“Hi Little Heart,” Jin smiled, opening his arms and letting out a huff of air when Aera ran into his chest. Aera had long since stopped referring to Jin as her “uncle”, but it made you happy that their relationship hadn’t changed at all.
“How’s packing going?” Jin asked her and she pouted.
“Slow,” she huffed, making Jin chuckle while she turned to you. “Mommy, I don’t know what to do with my jewelry box.” You gasped softly as you walked over to her, gently taking it from her hands. The jewelry box was made of maple wood, the finish soft to the touch. 
“I don’t want it to get broken when we’re moving,” Aera whispered and you smiled because you knew why it was so important to her. 
“How about if we wrap it up with extra bubble wrap, and we can put it into one of the boxes that’s going to be in the car with us?” You suggested.
“And it’ll be ok?” Aera wondered and you nodded your head.
“Promise,” you smiled, handing the jewelry box back off to her before she bounded out of the bedroom. 
“What was that about?” Jin asked.
“Hae gave her that jewelry box,” you explained. “He actually bought it for her once I found out that I was having a girl.”
“That’s cute,” Jin smiled. “You know, are you sure that you’re ready to move out of this house? I mean, I know it’s the house that you and Hae bought together and the house that you brought Aera home to.”
“That’s true, it is but I’m ready,” you said as you walked over to him, kneeling down next to him. “This house was where we started our lives together but it’s also the house where our life together ended. It’s you, me, and Aera now so we should have a place where we can have a fresh start, you know?”
“I get it,” he nodded. “I just don’t want you to regret anything.”
“I wouldn’t have agreed to marry you if I thought I would,” you pointed out with a smile. “Now, come on. The movers will be here at 9am tomorrow and it’s gonna take you at least two hours to pack all of your clothes alone.”
“I feel judged,” he pouted, making you laugh before you leaned over and kissed him firmly. 
The next day was a complete chaotic mess, with movers everywhere, an overexcited 8 year old who was happy to be moving but also sad at the same time, and your and Jin’s friends who insisted on coming over to “help” you guys unpack.
“Why do you have so much shit Y/N-ah?” Jungkook grunted as he picked up a box to carry into the living room. 
“No cursing around the baby,” you and Jin both reminded him at the same time, referring to Aera.
“And it’s not my fault,” you laughed. “When you live in the same place for 10 years, you have a tendency to let stuff accumulate.”
“And now we’re here, stuck unloading all of this...crap,” Yoongi corrected himself at the last minute after receiving a warning eyebrow from you, since you knew that he was about to curse. 
“I think it’s cool,” Jimin spoke up with a smile. “It’s like seeing years of your life right in front of you.”
“You’re so cute when you fawn over things,” Taehyung cooed, which made Jimin blush harshly.
“Ok, don’t make this weird with your awkward mutual pining, you two,” Hobi muttered as he worked on setting Jin’s book on the shelves of the large bookcase that was placed against one wall of the living room. 
“We’re not!” They both replied at the same time.
“You definitely are,” Namjoon chuckled. 
“It’s not pining if they’ve done something about it,” Yoongi pointed out and everyone’s head whipped towards him. 
“Really?” You gasped. “But you and Tae...”
“He didn’t say that he wasn’t in on it,” Taehyung supplied and everyone’s eyes widened.
“So, throuple?” Jin guessed.
“Throuple,” Jimin nodded in confirmation. 
“Weirder things have happened,” Jungkook shrugged and everyone murmured in agreement before going back to their separate tasks. 
Later that night, after all of your friends had left, you and Jin managed to put Aera down for bed before walking into your new shared bedroom. 
“It feels so good to finally be moved,” you giggled as you threw yourself onto the bed, Jin’s body following close behind and landing right next to yours. 
“It’s nice to know that this house is ours, together,” he nodded. “No more debating about where to spend the night, no more having Aera’s stuff split up between two houses.”
“Ugh, it’s amazing,” you laughed. 
“All that’s left now is for us to get married,” Jin smiled as he turned onto his back then, extending his arm and you didn’t hesitate to move over and snuggle into the side of his body. 
“And after that?” you wondered.
“You want more?” Jin teased. “Me giving myself to you in holy matrimony isn’t good enough?”
“Shut up,” you scoffed playfully, smacking his chest lightly. “I meant as in, what you want life to look like for us after that.”
“Well, I guess I’d like for us to just settle in together as a family more,” he started. “Hopefully, I’ll be in a place soon where I won’t be working as much anymore and I can spend more time with you and Little Heart.”
“And what about...babies?” You questioned quietly as you looked up at him. 
“Babies?” He repeated with a soft smile. “You want a baby?”
“Well, I’ve always wanted Aera to have siblings,” you shrugged sheepishly. “And you’re so great with Aera, it would kind of be a crime to not add another baby to this.”
“Plus my good looks combined with yours would make a gorgeous baby, right?” Jin added, making you laugh as you nodded your head.
“That too,” you agreed. biting your lip afterwards. “So what do you think?”
“I think that I would very much like to have babies with you,”  he smiled knowingly. 
“Really. In fact,” he smirked, pausing his words to wrap his arms around you and roll over so that your body was trapped underneath yours. “I think maybe we should start practicing now, just so that we know what to do when we do decide to have a baby.”
“You’re very annoying,” you whispered, your smile wide as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Someone that I love very much, yes,” Jin nodded. 
“I love you too,” you replied before leaning up and pressing your lips against his. Jin’s hands moved down to rest on your waist while you wrapped your legs around his waist. Just as Jin allowed himself to rut against you, there was a tiny knock on your bedroom door. 
“Damn it,” you whispered in defeat, removing your lips from Jin’s and letting your head fall back against the pillow as Jin moved to lay next to you again. 
“Come in Little Heart,” Jin granted her permission and the door opened then, Aera’s little head poking into the room. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m scared,” she whispered and you couldn’t help but to smile softly. “Can I sleep in here?”
“Sure Love, come on,” you nodded and it didn’t take her long at all to rush over to the bed, hauling herself up onto it and crawling over your body in order to settle down in between you and Jin. 
“Your new room is still a little too new, huh?” Jin guessed and Aera nodded. “Well, we can just have a little movie night in here until you fall asleep. That alright Y/N-ah?”
“Fine with me,” you responded, watching as Jin allowed Aera to snuggle into his side as he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV that was hung on the opposite side of the wall from where the bed sat. 
As you watched them, you couldn’t believe just how far you had come in the three years since Hae-il died. Of course, you had your days where you’d see or hear something that reminded you of him, or Aera would say something that sounded just like her father and it would make you break down into tears. One thing that you learned was that the grief you felt from loosing him would never go away, it would just change and evolve over time. 
However, you had done your best to keep true to your promise that you made to Hae-il, about doing your best to be happy, and you were more confident than ever that Jin was exactly what you needed to be happy again. Jin was a man that loved you, loved your daughter, and the respected the place that Hae-il still held in both of your lives. He never tried to overstep boundaries, or create new ones; he simply loved you and Aera the way that the two of you were, and that was more than enough for you.
Looking back on everything, you never thought that you would lose your husband in the first place. Even more, you never thought that Kim Seokjin would be the one to make you whole again. As more and more time passed, you were convinced that he was truly Heaven Sent.
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 9
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
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Three months later, it was a year to the date of your husband’s death and you found yourself standing in front of his gravesite and headstone with Aera and Jin next to you. You hadn’t been to the cemetery since the day that Hae-il was put into the ground and you wouldn’t have come back if Jin didn’t convince you. 
Although you allowed him to convince you to go, it was a harder fight to get you to agree to bringing Aera. You weren’t sure if she was ready for that, with her still being so young but Jin pointed out that, just like you, Aera probably had things that she wanted to say to her father and denying her of the opportunity wouldn’t be setting a good precedent. Needless to say, you relented after hearing him explain it that way. 
“Do you have anything that you want to say to your Daddy Little Heart?” Jin asked her and Aera glanced up at him, her eyes wide.
“I can talk to him?” She asked and you and Jin both nodded. “Will he be able to hear me?”
“He’s always able to hear you Love, even though you can’t see him. Remember how we talked about that before?” you reminded her gently and she nodded her head before looking back at the large marble headstone in front of her.
“Hi Daddy,” she begun slowly. “I miss you a lot, and wish that you were still here with me and Mommy. I miss your hugs but Mommy and uncle Jinnie give me a lot of them so I feel better about them. I miss how we used to laugh a lot and how you made me feel special but Mommy and uncle Jinnie do a good job just like you did. I love you Daddy.”
“Good job Love,” you praised her, squeezing her hand firmly. “I think Daddy liked it.”
“Good,” Aera grinned widely. 
“Go ahead Jin,” you encouraged him and he nodded before turning to the headstone and taking a deep breath before beginning to speak.
“Hey Hae,” He smiled softly. “It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year but I guess what you used to say is right: time waits for no one. I’ve been doing my best to try and live more in the moment, the way that you used to always tell me I needed to. I guess spending time with Y/N-ah and Little Heart has kind of helped me with being able to do that too. You always used to brag and talk about how amazing it was to have a loving family and I think I’m starting to understand what you meant. Just know that I’ll do my best to keep taking care of your girls and making sure that they’re safe and happy. I miss you man, always.”
“I think that was good,” Aera spoke up, making Jin smile as he looked down at her.
“Thanks Little Heart,” he chuckled before looking over at you. “Y/N-ah?”
“Actually, I kind of wanted to talk to him alone,” you confessed. “Give me a minute?”
“Of course,” Jin agreed easily. “Come on baby, we’re gonna let Mommy talk to Daddy by herself for a little while.”
“Ok,” Aera nodded, letting Jin lead her back towards the direction of the car. Once you were sure that they were far enough away, you stepped forward and kneeled down, settling yourself right in front of the headstone.
“Hi baby,” you whispered, reaching out and placing your palms flat on top of the headstone. “I’m sorry that I haven’t come to see you, but it’s just been too hard. Seeing you like this, especially knowing that you shouldn’t be like this....it just breaks my heart. I miss you so much, just as much as I did that first night you were gone and I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”
“You probably have figured it out, but I’m seeing Jin now,” you confessed softly. “It’s still so weird because I’ve been seeing him officially for 3 months now and at this point, I’m pretty sure that I love him but I still feel so bad for moving on so quickly. It’s crazy because I know you’d probably be like ‘if that’s how you feel, then why stop yourself?’ but it’s hard when I know that I wouldn’t have even looked his way if you were still alive. I guess that’s the point though, huh? You’re gone and things have changed.”
“I’ll always love you Yoon Hae-il. You were my first love and the father of my daughter. However, I know that you would want me to be happy and in order to do that, I have to let myself be with Jin because he’s what makes me happy. You always told me that I have a tendency to get in my own way so I’m finally gonna listen to you and get out of my own way,” you smiled sadly. “You’ll always have a piece of my heart, I promise. I love you baby, and that’s forever.”
Taking one last second to let your fingertips run over the engravement of Hae-il’s name that was etched into the stone, you hauled yourself off of the ground and blew one last kiss to the headstone before turning and walking away. Once you made it to Jin’s car, you saw that he was just finishing strapping Aera into her booster seat. 
“Hey,” he muttered, shutting the backseat door before gathering you up in his arms, hugging you tight to him. “You ok?”
“As much as I can be,” you replied lamely as you hugged him back. “Felt good to say what I needed to though.”
“I figured it would,” Jin said, pulling away from the hug a little bit so that he could look at you. “I wasn’t going to tell you this, but I used to come out here almost every week for the first 6 months.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “It was just so hard for me to really grasp that he was gone so I started coming out here so that I could get used to the idea but then I’d start talking to him and the next thing I would know, I’d spend two hours out here.”
“That’s understandable, it was probably much easier to talk to him without him being able to interrupt like he always did,” you giggled, making Jin laugh as well.
“That’s very true,” he nodded. “That’s why I figured you needed to come out here though. I got the feeling that you were still a little unsettled when it comes to us, so I figured that the only person who could give you any type of reassurance would be Hae.”
“And you were right,” you smiled. “Thank you so much, for being there for both Aera and I this past year. I didn’t know that it would happen as quickly as it did, but you gave us the love and laughter that was ripped away from us when Hae died and I’ll never be able to repay you for it.”
“You don’t have to repay me, because I wanted to do it,” he swore, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Now, why don’t you and Aera come back to my place for tonight? I can cook for us and we can have a cozy night in, just the three of us.”
“That sounds amazing,” you nodded instantly. After you and Jin had both gotten into the car and he had pulled away from the cemetery, your mind began to wonder as he drove through Seoul back to his apartment. The day that Hae-il was buried, you had cried out wondering why he had left you alone with Aera. However, it wasn’t until now that you remembered that he’d always used to say “everything happens for a reason Y/N-ah. You have to trust the process, even if it hurts”. Just maybe, even though Hae-il didn’t have any control over how he left the two of you, he made sure that you both wouldn’t be alone for long. 
You weren’t too certain on how true that might be but admittedly, when you thought about the possibility that your husband had sent someone new to love you and your daughter as well as someone that you could fall in love with....well, you weren’t mad at it. In fact, you couldn’t be more grateful. 
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 1
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Minor character death (nothing explicit or descirbed though), grieving families 
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Nothing felt necessarily different when you woke up this morning. You woke up in the same bed that you had been sleeping in for the past 6 years, in the same tiny house that you had fallen in love with years prior. You went through your shower routine as usual, and the same happened when you did your makeup and hair. You even struggled to wake your daughter Aera up this morning like you always did, because she loved to sleep in just like her daddy. By all accounts, it was a normal morning.
Except it wasn’t, because today was the day that you were burying your husband and Aera’s father.
“Mommy?” Aera called and you hummed in reply as you put the finishing touches on her ponytails. “Are you almost finished?”
“Just about,” you sighed heavily, grabbing two black ribbons and taking the time to tie each of them around the bases of the two ponytails that were in her hair. Once you were done, you picked Aera up and sat down on the edge of your bed, settling her in your lap.
“We need to have a serious talk really quick, ok Love?” You told her and she nodded her head. “You know how Daddy has passed away and how I explained it to you?”
“Yeah,” she mumbled softly.
“Well, today is going to be the last time that you see him for a long time,” you said and her face instantly bunched up. 
“Not even when I’m a big grown up?” She wondered and you shook your head sadly.
“No, not even then,” you replied as you reached up and brushed back the baby hairs that framed her face. “But I want you to know that it’s ok to be sad or cry if you want to, and that you don’t have to be strong for me or anyone else.”
“Are you going to cry Mommy?” Aera questioned and you smiled sadly, choosing not to lie to her.
“Yeah I am, because I’m sad,” you nodded.
“Ok,” she agreed easily and you hugged her tightly, your chest tightening at the thought of what was to come.
The actual service wasn’t that bad, which is something that you had anticipated. It wasn’t until you watched Hae-il’s casket being lowered into the ground that you finally broke down, and it took both your father and Hae-il’s father to haul you away while Aera sat in your mother’s lap, sobbing into her chest. 
After everything was said and done, Hae-il’s parents held a small dinner back at their house and family and friends appeared to offer you their condolences.
“I’m so sorry Y/N-ah,” Yoongi whispered, holding his arms open and you immediately fell into them, hugging him firmly as you hooked your chin over his shoulder. You and Yoongi worked together at the same interior designing firm, and you had been at work with him when you had gotten the call that Hae-il had been involved in a horrific car accident. Yoongi, as well as Taehyung who was another of your coworkers, went with you to the hospital where you found out that Hae-il’s injuries were fatal. 
“How are you holding up?” Taehyung asked after giving you a quick hug as well, and you shrugged lamely.
“I’m barely holding it together and that’s only because of Aera,” you confessed, taking a second to glance across the room, where Hae-il’s mother Eun Ae was trying her hardest to get Aera to eat something. “This is so fucked up for her.”
“Hey, don’t leave yourself out of that,” Yoongi said softly. “You lost someone too.”
“I know but it’s different for her,” you sighed. “She’s so young, I don’t think she really understands even though I’ve explained it to her the best that I know how.”
“It’s gonna take time Y/N-ah,” Taehyung said and you just hummed in reply. Suddenly, you heard a loud squeal and you whipped your head to the side to see Aera sliding down off of Eun Ae’s lap and running across the room. Your eyes followed her to the front door and your eyes widened when you saw Kim Seokjin standing there. 
“Uncle Jin!” You heard Aera cheer, her squeals bouncing throughout the house as Jin picked her up and hugged her to his chest. 
“Guys, give me a sec,” you said and after receiving a nod from Taehyung and Yoongi, you turned and walked over to the door.
“How are you, little heart?” Jin asked Aera and she shrugged her shoulders.
“I’m sad,” she answered truthfully and you saw Jin sigh heavily before nodding his head and gently patting her back with one of his large hands. 
“That’s ok, because today is a sad day,” he told her. He then looked up and saw you walking towards him, and the same sad smile that had been on everyone else’s face whenever they talked to you today was now on his face as well.
“Hi Y/N,” he greeted you and you did your best to smile, leaning forward and giving him a quick one-armed hug. Jin and Hae-il had met in university, becoming close very quickly and remaining as such throughout the years. You had of course met Jin several times but with him living in Japan overseeing the chain of restaurant that his father owned, you and Hae-il rarely saw him over the last 3 or 4 years. He was Aera’s godfather though, and he loved her almost as much as you and Hae-il did. 
“Hey, I didn’t see you at the service,” you muttered and the sad smile on his face turned apologetic. 
“My flight was late so I only caught the tail end of it,” he explained. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s ok. Besides, Hae-il knows how much you cared.”
“I’m so sorry for your loss Y/N,” he said, and it looked like tears were beginning to form in his eyes. However, he quickly recovered and continued. “You guys meant so much to Hae-il.”
“Thank you,” you nodded. “There’s food and stuff here, so feel free to help yourself.”
“Aera, why don’t you come with me so that Uncle Jin can eat?” You suggested as you reached out for her but she shook her head and snuggled further into Jin’s suit jacket. 
“Wanna stay,” she muttered.
“It’s ok Y/N, I got her,” Jin told you and you raised an eyebrow.
“You sure?” You checked.
“It’s no problem. Besides, I missed my favorite girl,” he smiled, leaning down and kissing the top of Aera’s head. “Did you miss me, little heart?”
“Lots,” she whispered and Jin gave you a small nod as if to say “I told you so” before stepping around you and walking towards the kitchen. As you turned around to watch them, your mother walked up to you. 
“Are you hungry Y/N?” Chae-won asked and you shook your head. “I can make a plate for you if you want.”
“I’m not hungry Mom,” you replied. 
“You sure? I haven’t seen you eat anything today.”
“I’m fine,” you stated firmly and the tone of your voice showed your mom that you didn’t want to keep talking about it, so she let it go.
“Who was that man carrying Aera just now?” She wondered instead.
“That’s Kim Seokjin. He and Hae-il have been close since University and he’s Aera’s godfather,” you explained.
“That’s the uncle Jin that she’s always going on about then,” your mother chuckled. “He must be great with her, because he’s the first person that she’s let hold her today besides us and Hae-il’s parents.”
“He loves her,” you confirmed. A few seconds of silence passed between the two of you then before your mother sighed heavily, and you already knew what she was going to say.
“Y/N, I really wish you would reconsider our offer to let you and Aera move in with us for a while,” Chae-won said. 
“You’ve never had to raise Aera alone before and it’s going to be a tough adjustment,” Chae-won continued. “You’re gonna need the support.”
“Maybe so, but I can’t and won’t rip Aera away from the only house that she’s ever grown up in,” you explained. “So much has changed so fast for her, and I don’t want to make any of this harder than it needs to be. Besides, that’s the first house that Hae-il and I bought together and you’re crazy if you think that I’m going to leave it now.”
“Y/N, that’s not what I was trying to-” your mother began to say but you didn’t stick around to hear the rest of her sentence, walking off as you felt the anger coursing through your body. You understood your mother’s intentions, but you also don’t think she understood exactly what it was that she was suggesting. Your house was the place that held the most memories of Hae-il and you would be damned if you were going to leave it now; not when you needed it the most.
Once the dinner was over and everyone had left, you took Aera back home to get her ready for bed after the long day. You wanted to keep everything as normal for her as you possibly could, so giving her a bath and struggling to get her to brush her teeth the way that she should went on as they always had. 
“Mommy? I have a question,” Aera told you as you helped her into her bed, pulling her covers back and watching as she climbed inside before sitting on the edge next to her. 
“Does Daddy love me?” She asked and your eyes widened. 
“Of course he does,” you nodded. “Why would you ask me that Aera?”
“Because he left us and it hurts,” she told you. “You said that if someone loves me, then they wouldn’t hurt me.” You sighed heavily, realizing that your previous attempts to instill some self-worth into your five year old were now backfiring horribly. 
“Well sometimes, people hurt us even though they don’t mean to or want to,” you began. “Daddy didn’t want to leave us and if he had been able to choose, he would’ve stayed.”
“Really?” Aera’s tone sounded doubtful as she asked.
“Really,” you confirmed, thinking for a few seconds before deciding to try a different tactic. “Do you remember what your name means?”
“It means love,” she chirped. “That’s why you call me Love and Uncle Jin calls me little heart.”
“That’s right baby,” you smiled. “Did you know that your daddy chose your name?”
“He did?” She whispered in awe.
“He did and do you wanna know why?” You asked and she nodded her head up and down rapidly.
“Because he loved you as soon as he knew you were in my tummy,” you revealed and her eyes widened.
“That was a long time ago,” she muttered.
“It was,” you chuckled. “So even though we can’t see Daddy anymore, he’s still sending you lots of love.”
“Ok,” she agreed, all of what you said seeming to make sense to her. “I miss Daddy, and his hugs.”
“That’s ok to miss him,” you assured her. “And how about anytime that you want to hug Daddy, you come hug me instead?”
“Really,” you confirmed and you didn’t have time to prepare yourself before she sat up and launched herself into your arms, wrapping her little arms around your neck. You hugged her back, making sure to squeeze her tightly the same way that Hae-il would. “I love you Aera.”
“I love you too Mommy,” she said as she let go of you.
“Alright, lay down and go to bed, ok?” You told her and she nodded, laying down and you pulled the covers over her. Once she shut her eyes, you leaned over and kissed her forehead before reaching over and turning on her nightlight. You then stood up from her bed, walking over to the door and shutting the light off. Making sure to leave the door slightly ajar so that you could hear her if she needed you, you made your way down the hallway and into your bedroom, the length of the day beginning to weigh down on your body.
By the time that you had showered and took your makeup off, you didn’t have the energy to do anything else but flop down onto your bed and pull the covers up and over your head. You felt yourself beginning to drift off and you happily welcomed it, until you smelt a familiar scent.
Your eyes popped open and then widened when you realized that Hae-il’s pillow was right in front of your face. You had been very careful to avoid it over the past week, not wanting to make things any harder for yourself. This time though, you allowed yourself to drag the pillow towards you, burying your face in the material and inhaling deeply.
“Damn it Hae,” you whimpered, the tears quickly welling up and spilling over onto your cheeks. “Why did you have to leave us?”
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 7
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
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Jin did not expect himself to be in this position eight months after the death of his best friend. He hadn’t expected to even lose his best friend in the first place, but he really didn’t expect to have developed such strong feelings for the widow that he left behind either.
He thought that for the circumstances, everything was going as well as it could. You and Jin had been taking things slow but they were still moving along well, Aera was doing good and didn’t seem to mind the increased amount of time that he was spending with the both of them, and Jin wasn’t feeling as guilty about having feelings for you anymore. Well, at least until you started ignoring him.
“It’s been a month and I have no idea what the hell I did,” Jin groaned as he threw himself down onto the sofa at Hobi’s house, where he had met up with his friends for their annual movie night.
“Have you tried talking to her?” Jimin wondered.
“Did you not catch the part where I said that she’s been ignoring me?” Jin scoffed. “And it’s messed up because we were doing good, or at least I thought we were.”
“Well, maybe you should try a little harder,” Jungkook suggested. “It’s obvious that she makes you happy hyung.”
“She does but I can’t and I won’t push her,” Jin stated firmly. “She has enough going on, I can’t push my shit onto her.”
“Hyung, you having feelings and communicating those feelings wouldn’t be pushing them onto her,” Namjoon lightly chastised. “Your feelings are just as valid as hers.”
“But she lost her husband.”
“And you lost a bestfriend,” Hobi interjected. “I know you’re trying to be considerate but don’t discredit your own feelings hyung.”
“It’s different,” Jin tried to say.
“Different relationships maybe, but the pain is the same,” Jimin shrugged. “Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe she’s just now realizing what her having feelings for you means.”
“But that’s still not fair because Jin hyung is hurting the same too,” Jungkook spoke up.
“Have you been honest about your feelings with her hyung?” Hobi questioned and they all looked at Jin. 
“Yeah, but I always hesitate because I don’t want to scare her,” Jin confessed. “And hell, I’m still conflicted about my feelings myself. I really like Y/N-ah. I love spending time with her, she’s funny, she’s so caring, and she’s gorgeous but I can’t help but to feel like I’m sneaking behind my best friend’s back.”
“Hyung, I’m gonna say something and I don’t want you to think that I’m being disrespectful or anything but you need to hear it, alright?” Namjoon said and Jin nodded. “You cannot continue to put the feelings of someone who’s not even here anymore over your own. You deserve to be happy and if Y/N is who makes you happy and she feels the same way, then you have the right to pursue that.”
“But,-” Jin tried to say but Hobi cut him off.
“But nothing,” Hobi cut him off. “Joon-ah’s right. I know it’s hard hyung but from what you told us about him, I truly don’t think Hae-il would be completely against you seeing Y/N. Especially if it meant you caring for her and Aera in his absence.”
“You think?” Jin wondered and they all nodded their heads.
“You have to talk to her hyung,” Namjoon said. “If for nothing else, then for closure for both you and her.”
“Agreed,” Jimin and Jungkook replied at the same time. 
“You guys are right,” Jin sighed. “I’ll talk to her. I just have to....figure out how to do it.”
Month eight was admittedly the worst you had felt since Hae-il had first died, and that was saying a lot. Although it was grief that you felt with Hae-il, it was guilt you were feeling with Jin. 
The rational part of you knew that you shouldn’t be avoiding Jin, and you truly didn’t mean to let an entire month pass without talking to him about things. It was just.....easier to continue to put the conversation off rather than face the uncomfortability of having to tell him that you thought the two of you should just go back to being just friends; especially when that couldn’t be further from the truth. 
In order to help get your mind off of things, you had been trying to make sure you spent extra time with Aera. Although she hadn’t explicitly said anything about missing Jin, you knew that she probably did. Also, you just felt like you needed to.
“Can I go play Mommy?” Aera asked excitedly, bouncing up and down as she pointed to the playground. The two of you had been on a walk to go get ice cream, but Aera got distracted by the shouts of the other kids playing. 
“Sure, but only for a few minutes and then we’re gonna go get ice cream, alright?” You told her and she nodded happily before running off. 
“Be careful!” You shouted after her with a small smile, moving over to a nearby bench and sitting down to watch over her. You had only been sitting down for about two minutes before your phone started to ring, so you pulled it out of your pocket and smiled at seeing Yoongi’s name. 
“Hello?” You answered.
“Hey, quick question and please say yes,” Yoongi begged, making you laugh. “You backed up the design plan of that house that we’re working on on your computer right?”
“Yeah, I did,” you said. “But wait, wasn’t Tae supposed to do it?”
“He was but he didn’t and I needed it,” he huffed. “So thank God you thought to back it up because I sure as hell didn’t.”
“Well, you know the password to my computer so knock yourself out,” you shrugged. 
“10 and 7, I’m in,” he announced victoriously. “Thanks Y/N-ah. What are you up to?”
“I was taking Aera out for ice cream but she saw a playground and you know how that went,” you giggled. “So I’m sitting on a bench watching her.”
“Oh yeah, you’re never gonna be able to get her to leave,” he chuckled. “Are you there by yourself?”
“Yoongi,” you groaned, knowing exactly what he was insinuating. 
“I’m just saying Y/N-ah, I wish you’d just talk to that man already,” Yoongi told you. “You’re not making things any easier by avoiding him.”
“I know but I just can’t have that conversation with him,” you admitted. “Feels like I’ve had way too many hard conversations this year.”
“That is very true but you need to do it,” Yoongi replied. “You’re both grown adults and avoiding him would be childish. Besides, we all know the real reason why you won’t talk to him.”
“And what’s that?”
“You still have feelings for him, you just feel bad for having said feelings,” Yoongi stated. “And I could still deck your punk ass mother-in-law for coming at you like that.”
“Yoongi!” You chuckled. “She had a point.”
“Maybe so, but questioning the love that you had for her son wasn’t the way to go about it,” he scoffed. “So like I said, I could still deck her.”
“As tempting as that is, it wouldn’t solve anything,” you giggled.
“You’re right. You going and talking to Jin would do that,” Yoongi said. 
“Yoongi, you know I can’t,-” you began to repeat for what felt like the 1000th time but you were interrupted by a shrill cry of your name.
“Mommy!!!” You heard Aera’s voice scream and your heart instantly leapt up into your throat. 
“Yoongi, I gotta go!” You said, hanging up the phone and jumping up, sprinting over to the playground and leaping down to the sand. You looked around wildly, until another cry of your name made your head whip over to the left where Aera was laying underneath the monkey bars.
“Oh my gosh Aera, are you alright?!” You questioned as you ran up to her, falling onto your knees as you lifted her up and hugged her to your chest.
“I-I f-f-fell off o-o-of the mon-monkey bars,” Aera sobbed into your shirt. 
“Does anything hurt really bad?” You asked her as you began to check her limbs, silently sighing in relief when you didn’t see any signs of major injuries or blood.
“N-Nooo,” she drawled and you knew then that it was probably just the scare of falling that was hurting her more than anything else. 
“Oh Love, it’s ok,” you tried to soothe her, rocking her gently in your arms. “You’re not hurt too bad so it’ll be alright.”
“I want uncle Jinnie,” she sniffled and you froze at her words, not expecting her to say that. However, you quickly recovered.
“How about we get some ice cream like we planned on doing earlier?” You suggested. “You can get two scoops.”
“Really?” She wondered as she looked up at you with teary eyes, and you nodded with a small smile as you reached up to wipe those tears away. 
“Come on Love.”
The amazing thing about kids was that it was relatively easy to redirect their attention whenever you wanted to. This time, the medium cup with two scoops of strawberry ice cream did the trick for you, as Aera happily sat at the table with you in the small ice cream shop eating her treat.
“Feeling better?” You wondered after taking a slurp of your own vanilla cone, chuckling at how eagerly Aera nodded her head in response. 
“Yeah, it was scary,” she confessed.
“It was,” you agreed. A few seconds of silence fell over the two of you then, with Aera eating her ice cream and you trying to figure out how to ask her the question that had been floating around in your mind since she fell off of the monkey bars.
“Aera, can I ask you a question?” You wondered, waiting for her head nod before continuing. “Do you miss Jin?”
“Yeah, a lot,” she replied with no hesitation, which instantly made you feel bad. “I miss seeing him.”
“I’m sorry that you haven’t been able to see him more, it’s just....complicated,” you tried to explain to her. 
“Grown up stuff?” She guessed, which made you laugh.
“Yeah Love, grown up stuff,” you confirmed. 
“He reminds me of Daddy,” Aera admitted quietly and your eyes immediately began to get misty with tears.
“Yeah,” she said. “He plays with me and makes me laugh and makes me feel special, like Daddy used to.”
“He does,” you smiled. “Aera, would you mind if Jin was around a lot? Like, all the time?”
“Like how Daddy was?” Aera wondered and you shrugged.
“Kind of,” you nodded.
“I would like it,” she stated firmly. “He’s good and makes us laugh and helps us be happy.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” You sighed, because hearing your daughter’s opinion was the exact push that you needed. “Alright Love, I’m gonna fix it so that he can keep making us happy, ok? I promise.”
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 5
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
Author’s Note: I know it’s been a while and I’m sorry! I’ve been busy with college work but here is an extra long chapter to make up for it! I hope you guys enjoy!!
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Month five was normal. At least, as normal as you could get. Work was great, Aera was doing amazing, and you found yourself crying much less as time wore on. Yep, everything was good....until you hit month six.
Month six was October, which also meant that it was Aera’s birthday month. When you looked at the calendar one day and saw just how quickly October 7th was approaching, you found yourself almost dreading it because it would be Aera’s first birthday without her father. After realizing that though, you made up your mind right then and there to make sure she enjoyed her day to the fullest. 
“Wait, she asked you for what?” Jin laughed loudly, and you reached out to smack his abdomen as the two of you made your way through the grocery store together. 
“A unicorn,” you repeated, not being able to help yourself as a small giggle escaped you as well.
“I know you want her to have fun, especially this year, but don’t you think a unicorn would be hard to deliver?” Jin wondered.
“Nope. All we’d have to do is rent one of those mini ponies and put a horn on it’s head. A fake one, of course,” you added, and Jin nodded thoughtfully.
“Of course, because you’re nothing if not ethical,” he teased, making you gasp as you reached out and smacked him again. Over the past month, you and Jin had begun to spend more time together, even when he wasn’t babysitting Aera. You found that he was extremely funny, even though his dad jokes sucked, and it was refreshing to be around someone who didn’t pity you. 
“You give in to Little Heart way too much, you know that?” Jin mentioned and you gasped dramatically.
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black,” you laughed. “She’s not even 4 feet tall but all she has to do is look at you and you crumble.”
“Oh please, I’m no weakling like you,” Jin snickered.
“Oh yeah? Why are we here at the grocery store then?” You asked with a smirk.
“I have no idea,” Jin lied. 
“Let me help jog your memory then,” you smiled. “Uncle Jinnie, can you please make japchae and samgyeopsal for my birthday food? Please?” You recited the words that Aera had said to Jin not even an hour before.  
“It’s what she asked for from me for her birthday!” Jin shot back. “What was I supposed to do, say no?”
“All I’m saying is, don’t make it seem like I’m the only weak one here,” you pointed out. 
“Honestly though, how can anyone not be weak for her?” Jin smiled, making you do the same thing. “She’s too precious.”
“Yeah, she is,” you nodded in agreement.
Luckily, Aera’s actual birthday fell on a Saturday and the weather was pretty good for October so it was the beginning of a good day as you bustled around your house getting things ready for the party. 
Per Aera’s request, she only wanted your parents, Hae-il’s parents, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin, and Jin’s friends Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok to be there so those were the people that you invited. Jin ended up showing up early in order to help you decorate and get the food ready.
“Do you think I have enough cups? And plates?” You wondered as you moved frantically between the kitchen and the dining room, setting the tableware down on the table.
‘Yes, you have enough for a small army in here!” Jin shouted back from his place in front of the stove in the kitchen. After making sure that there were enough plates and cups on the table for everyone that you expected to come, you walked back into the kitchen, having to stifle a laugh when you caught sight of Jin dancing in place to the music that was playing through the small speaker that he had brought with him. 
“Having fun?” You asked and Jin glanced at you over his shoulder, smiling evilly. 
“Yes I am, in fact,” he chuckled, setting down the spatula in his hand before turning around fully.
“Do you think that I have everything we’ll need?” You questioned and Jin nodded his head.
“You do, and you need to stop worrying so much,” he advised you, making you sigh heavily. 
“I know, but I can’t help it,” you whined childishly. 
“Dance with me,” Jin said suddenly, stepping over to you while you shook your head insistently. 
“I can’t, I need to finish getting things ready!” You squealed loudly, gasping when Jin grabbed your hands in his and began to drag you around the kitchen in a backwards conga line. 
“No, what you need to do is relax, so that’s what I’m helping you do,” he smiled, moving quickly and spinning you around before bringing you into his body.
“You make me fall, I’ll kill you,” you threatened him.
“You wouldn’t kill me on Little Heart’s birthday,” he called your bluff. “She’d never forgive you for offing her favorite person.”
“Taehyung’s her favorite person, so try again,” you replied, laughing afterwards at Jin’s wide eyes.
“Damn, you really know how to cut a man Y/N-ah,” Jin huffed, making you smile as the two of you continued to dance together. He used the hold that he had on your hands to guide you, leading you around in a small circle. A loud giggle escaped you when he almost tripped over his own feet and suddenly, you realized that you felt more carefree than you had in months; probably since Hae-il died, if you were being completely honest with yourself. 
“You’re still thinking too hard,” Jin noted and you looked back up at him. “I swear, I’m gonna be forced to dip you the same way they do on the dancing shows.”
“Jin, you better not,-” you tried to threaten but you were cut off by Jin wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close to his body and then leaning down in a bow. You squealed loudly, bringing your arms up and looping them around his neck tightly to make sure that he didn’t drop you; or that if he did, then he’d go down with you.
“Better?” He smirked and you just rolled your eyes as you shook your head. 
“You’re very annoying, you know that?” You told him. 
“I’ve been told,” he chuckled.
“Can you let me back up now?” You asked, your eyes narrowing at him when he shrugged his shoulders.
“I don’t know, you seem pretty comfortable down there,” he pointed out. “Less stressed.”
“I’m worrying about you potentially dropping me on my head,” you laughed. “I’m definitely still stressed.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” he replied and you could hear the seriousness in his voice. “Trust me.” He then slowly straightened his body, lifting you back up gently to make sure that he wouldn’t drop you. Once your body was vertical again, you realized that the way you had looped your arms around his neck was now causing you to be pressed right against his chest. 
“I should, uh, go finish getting things ready,” you muttered.
“And I should finish the food,” Jin nodded, reaching down and setting his index and middle fingers underneath your chin, lifting upwards so that you were looking up at him. The two of you stayed liked that for a few seconds, just looking at each other, and the rational part of your mind told you that you should do what you said and pull away but you also just didn’t want to. 
Jin was extremely handsome, anyone with eyes could see that and it wasn’t lost on you. However, being up that close made you appreciate his looks even more.
“We shouldn’t,” you spoke up suddenly and to your surprise, Jin nodded his head.
“We shouldn’t,” he agreed easily. “But God, do I want to.” His confession made your breath hitch in your throat and you felt your cheeks warm up from embarrassment. You met his gaze, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to read the expression on his face.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, seemingly realizing the weight that his previous words held. Even more surprisingly, you found yourself lowering your head and shaking your head gently.
“It, it’s o-ok,” you stammered. You then looked back up at him, gasping when you saw that he was starting to leave forward. You panicked for about two seconds when you realized that he was going to kiss you. The grip that you had around his neck tightened even more, and you found yourself inching forward as well. 
Just as you could feel the hint of his breath against your lips, Aera’s shrill voice rang throughout the house. 
“Mommy!” She hollered, and the sheer loudness of her tiny voice made your arms fall from around Jin’s neck as you jumped about a foot in the air. You set one hand on your chest over your racing heart and the other hand on your cheek, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. You then looked over at Jin, who was rubbing his hands over his face. 
“I,-” he tried to say but he was cut off by another call of your name from Aera.
“Mommy! I need help getting dressed!” She called. Giving one last glance at Jin, you stepped around him to walk out of the kitchen.
“I’m coming Love,” you replied, using every ounce of restraint in your body to not glance over your shoulder at Jin. 
“Grandma, grandpa!” Aera shouted after you had opened the door, revealing Hae-il’s parents, whose arms were loaded down with large gift bags for their granddaughter.
“I heard someone has a birthday today,” Jin-joo, Hae-il’s mother gasped playfully as she and Hae-il’s father Gun stepped into the house. You shut the door behind them and took the presents out of their hands, moving into the living room in order to step them down onto the table. 
“It’s me! It’s my birthday!” You heard Aera exclaim happily and you couldn’t help but to smile to yourself at how excited she was. As you moved to walk back into the front hall, Jin appeared from the kitchen and you didn’t miss the way that Jin-joo’s eyes widened at seeing him. 
“Seokjin?” She called out in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“Aera requested my presence,” he told them with a smile. 
“I asked Uncle Jin to make samgyeopsal and japchae for us,” Aera added happily. “He makes it the best!”
“Even better than me?” Jin-joo wondered with a smile and Aera nodded her head shyly.
“Well, it’s good to see you son,” Gun said as he walked over to him, setting his hand on Jin’s shoulder and squeezing lightly. 
“You as well, Gun-ssi,” Jin nodded. Over the next 45 minutes, your parents, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jin’s friends Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook all showed up for the party and Aera was in absolute heaven.
“Kookie!” Aera squealed happily as Jungkook lifted her up into his arms and kissed her cheek multiple times. 
“Hey, has my baby forgotten me?” Taehyung pouted and Aera quickly lifted her head, shaking it so hard that her ponytails hit her in the face. 
“I love uncle Tae Tae,” she told him, smiling shyly afterwards. “But I love Kookie too.”
“Aww, I love you too cutie,” Jungkook smiled as he pressed another quick kiss to her cheek. 
“Tae’s gonna be pouting for the next week,” Yoongi grumbled, making you laugh because you knew that it was true. Not too long after that, Jin walked out of the kitchen and announced that the food was ready and that everyone could come eat. Walking into the dining room, you were surprised at how good the food both looked and smelled. 
“Dig in everyone,” Jin smiled and that’s exactly what everyone proceeded to do after they sat down. 
“Here, have some meat Little Heart,” Jin said to Aera as he brought his chopsticks to her lips, and she opened wide to bite into it. “Is it good?”
“So good!” She nodded happily before turning to you. “Mommy, have some meat!”
“I have some baby,” you giggled as you gestured towards your own plate.
“No, you have to eat it from uncle Jin,” she insisted, making your eyes widen just a fraction. “It tastes better that way.” You then looked over Aera’s head at Jin, who was already looking at you. 
“Y/N-ah?” He said and you knew that he was asking if it was alright. You just shrugged, watching as he picked up another piece of meat from his plate and brought the chopsticks to your lips. You accepted it easily, chewing on it thoroughly as both Aera and Jin watched you.
“Good?” Jin smiled and you nodded before swallowing. 
“Really good,” you replied, and you swore that you could see his ears get red as he looked away from you. The rest of the dinner passed in relative ease, filled with good conversation and you didn’t miss how well Yoongi and Taehyung seemed to be getting along with Jin’s friends. You were grateful for it because you knew that Aera loved all of them and it would’ve killed her if they didn’t like each other. Your daughter was nothing short of dramatic, but she got it honest. 
“Alright, I think it’s time to cut the birthday cake,” you announced once the dining table had been cleared and Aera’s eyes lit up. “Jin?”
“Happy birthday to you,” Jin began to sing as he carried the cake out of the kitchen and into the dining room, and everyone else joined in as well. 
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Aera, happy birthday to you,” everyone finished before clapping. You helped Aera stand up on her chair as Jin set the cake down on the table right in front of her.
“Make a wish Love,” you encouraged her and she nodded before shutting her eyes tightly. You all waited for a few seconds before she opened her eyes and then blew out her candles. Everyone in the room cheered loudly and you pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before moving forward to pull the candles out of the cake before any of the wax managed to drip down. 
“What did you wish for Aera?” Hoseok asked. 
“Yeah, anything cool?” Namjoon wondered.
“I can’t tell you uncle Hobi and uncle Joonie, it’s a secret!” She giggled. 
“But we’re your uncles, you can tell us,” Jimin tried to convince her but she shook her head firmly.
“Uncle Jinnie said that I can’t tell people, or else it won’t come true. Right?” She checked as she looked up at Jin and he nodded his head with a small smile.
“That’s right Little Heart,” he assured her before looking over at his friends. “So stop pressuring my baby.”
“It was just a question,” Namjoon chuckled. 
“Him and Y/N-ah sure know how to bite people’s heads off,” Yoongi grumbled and Jungkook snorted in agreement.
“Right?” He agreed. 
“Our friends are dramatic as hell,” you muttered to Jin.
“Tell me about it,” he whispered back, making you smile. You and Jin then made quick work of cutting into the cake and handing it out to everyone. Once you were done, you took a second to look around the room and you smiled at the sight. Your parents, Hae-il’s parents, and Jimin were talking to each other as they ate their cake, Aera was perched in Jin’s lap as he fed her cake and carried on a conversation with Namjoon and Yoongi at the same time, and Taehyung and Jungkook were carrying on a heated discussion about what the best video game was that came out in recent years.
Admittedly, you never imagined your daughter’s sixth birthday to look like this but as you looked around at all of the people that had shown up for your baby, it was the first time that you began to feel like just maybe, everything would turn out ok.
“Did you have fun today Love?” You asked Aera as you pulled back the covers to her bed, watching as she climbed inside before pulling the covers over her little body. It was about an hour after everyone had left, and you had managed to calm Aera down enough to get her in the bath and then into bed. 
“So much fun Mommy,” she exclaimed and you smiled.
“I’m glad to hear that,” you replied. 
“Mommy?” Aera called, and you could tell from the sudden softness of her voice that something was worrying her. 
“Can I have a Daddy hug?” She asked and your heart dropped a little.
“Of course baby, come here,” you said as you opened your arms and it took less than a second for Aera to sit up and throw herself into your arms. It had been a while since she asked you to hug her the way that Hae-il used to, and you were kind of sad that she felt the need to ask again on her birthday. 
“I missed Daddy today,” she whispered and you sighed as you squoze her body gently, the same way that Hae-il used to. 
“I did too Love,” you admitted, pulling back and pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
“Is he still sending us love, like you told me?” She questioned and you didn’t hesitate to nod your head. 
“Of course. He always is,” you promised her. 
“Ok,” she said and she seemed to feel a little better at your reassurance. You helped her lay back down, tucking her in before brushing her baby hairs back away from her eyes.
“I love you Aera,” you whispered.
“I love you too Mommy,” she replied, and you gave her one last kiss before standing up and walking out of the room, making sure to leave her bedroom door cracked open just a little bit.
When you walked down the hall and back into the kitchen, you saw that Jin was still there, washing all of the dishes from dinner and dessert.
“Need some help?” You asked and Jin glanced over his shoulder, smiling gently when he saw you.
“Sure,” he said and you walked over to him, pulling up the sleeves of your shirt as he moved over to give you enough room to stand in front of the sink as well. He continued washing the dishes, handing them off to you for you to rinse and dry them before setting them down onto the counter.
Now that you finally had the quiet time to think (and Jin’s proximity to you wasn’t helping either), you began to think about this morning and what had almost happened between you and Jin. On one hand, you liked Jin. He was funny, he loved Aera almost as much as you did, and he was always there without being too overbearing. On the other hand though, you weren’t sure if you actually liked him because you were attracted to him, or because it had been 6 months since you even showed interest in a man or had one show interest in you.
Also, and what was the most glaring, he was your husband’s closest friend. Not only did you feel like you were betraying Hae-il, you also felt like it was way too soon for you to be trying to move on and if you did, what would that say to how you felt about Hae-il?
“I have no idea what I’m doing,” you confessed gently and Jin looked over at you with a raised brow. 
“About what?” 
“This, us,” you said and he made a soft noise of acknowledgement. 
“If it makes you feel better, I don’t either,” he replied and you looked over at him. “I genuinely just wanted to help you and Aera but yet here I am, developing feelings for my dead best friend’s wife.”
“It’s terrifying,” you muttered.
“It is,” he agreed easily. 
“I don’t want to use you Jin.”
“You’re not.”
“You don’t know that,” you shot back. 
“I know you’d never do that purposely, so I do know,” he replied. “I also know though, that you like me. You may not be sure why, but you do.”
“I do,” you admitted. Jin then pulled his hands out of the water, grabbing a dry towel and quickly drying his hands off before gently placing them on your face. 
“I’m willing to help you find out, if you want,” he offered and your eyes widened. 
“Jin, I don’t think I can,-” 
“I’m not asking you to marry me,” he chuckled. “I’m asking you to explore this attraction that we have between us, together. If it turns out that one or the both us are just attracted to the other because of what’s happened, then whatever. We’ll chock it up to grief and leave it at that.”
“And if it’s not just because of what’s happened?” You asked as you turned your body so that you were fully facing him. 
“Then we can be scared together and figure it out,” he smiled gently. You bit your lip as you thought about what he had said, and you realized that you did want to try and figure it out with him.
“We’ll go slow?” You questioned and Jin nodded instantly.
“As slow as you or I need to,” he promised. 
“What about Aera?” You asked suddenly.
“We don’t have to tell her right now, especially since we don’t know what’s going to happen,” he told you and you relaxed at his words. 
“Ok,” you finally relented.
“Ok?” He checked and you smiled lightly.
“Ok,” you repeated. 
“Ok,” he chuckled happily. 
“I have one request though,” you said and Jin shrugged.
“Kiss me?” You asked shyly. “I know we just agreed to take things slow and everything but I’ve kind of been thinking about it since earlier and-”
“Hey,” he gently interrupted you. “You worry too much, you know that?”
“I can’t help -” you tried to excuse yourself but you were cut off by the feeling of Jin’s lips pressing against yours. You squeaked against his lips before relaxing against him and letting your eyes close, reaching out with your hands and gripping his shirt at the waist. After a few seconds, he pulled away and looked down at you, his eyes searching yours.
“Ok?” He checked in, and you slowly nodded your head as you opened your eyes to look at him.
“More than ok,” you smiled and when you thought about it, it really was ok.
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 2
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
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A month in and the grieving process hadn’t gotten any better for you. In fact, it seemed to get worse. You were barely eating, barely showering, and barely taking care of the house. The only thing that was keeping you going was the reminder that Aera needed you, and that was only barely helping.
Your family and friends had been doing their best to try and be there for you, but you had begun to isolate yourself from them. You didn’t mean to, it was just easier to do that than to have people pitying you and trying to tell you how you should grieve, especially since you still had a daughter to take care of.
The fact that you didn’t want to be around anyone didn’t stop your parents from checking up on you almost daily though, which is why your head instantly began to hurt when you heard a knock at your front door.
“Y/N-ah,” you heard your mother Chae-won shout. “We know you’re in there!”
“We just wanted to check on you,” your father Ji-tae call out. Sighing heavily, you pulled yourself up from the couch and walked over to the door, grasping the handle and yanking the door open.
“There? You happy?” You snapped, not waiting for them to reply before you were turning around and heading back to the couch. 
“No, we’re not happy,” Chae-won sighed as she walked into the house, your father following behind her and shutting the front door. “Why aren’t you answering our calls?”
“I’m grieving,” you replied simply, flopping down on the couch. 
“Where’s Aera?” Ji-tae wondered. 
“Aera!” You shouted out, fast little footsteps accompanying your words as Aera bolted into the living room.
“Papa, Nana!” Aera squealed, rushing over to your father who swooped her up into his arms and pressed multiple kisses to her little cheeks. 
“God Y/N, you look like you haven’t eaten in days,” your mother whispered as she sat down on the edge of the couch next to you. “Maybe even weeks.”
“Haven’t been hungry,” you shrugged.
“And Aera?” She wondered and you whipped your head to the side, your glare hard and intimidating.
“What kind of mother do you think I am?” You demanded to know. “Does she look like she’s lost weight to you?”
“No,” your mother shook her head. “You’re just so deep in this depression, I couldn’t be sure.”
“I may be falling apart at the seams because I lost the love of my life, but my daughter is still my whole life and I’d appreciate it if you could remember that,” you snipped and your mother nodded her head immediately. 
“Ji, why don’t you take Aera in her room to go play while I talk to Y/N-ah?” Chae-won said and your father nodded.
“Why don’t you show me some of your toys?” Ji-tae suggested and Aera’s eyes widened excitedly.
“Ok! We can have a tea party with my dolls!” She exclaimed happily, making your father chuckle as he carried her out of the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. Once your mother heard the click of Aera’s bedroom door shutting, she instantly reached out, setting her palm on your cheek gently. 
“My baby,” she whispered. “It’s breaking our hearts to see you like this, you know?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say Mom,” you murmured.
“I don’t want you to say anything,” she told you gently. “I just wish you’d let us help you.”
“Why, so I can be pitied every time that you and Daddy look at me?” You scoffed lightly. 
“We don’t pity you, but we are sad for you.”
“What’s the difference?” You shot back. “I just....I need to work through this by myself.”
“It’s not going to help me to have you and Daddy, or anyone else for that matter, breathing down my damn back,” you muttered through grit teeth, trying to contain your annoyance that would surely give way to anger if you let it. “Give me my space to deal with it how I see fit.”
“Ok honey, ok,” your mother relented. “At least answer the phone when we call so that we can know that you’re alright?”
“Fine,” you nodded.
“How about if your father and I take Aera out for some ice cream?” Chae-won suggested. “It’ll be fun for her.”
“Yeah, alright,” you agreed easily.
“And I’ll stop by the store and grab you some groceries while we’re out,” she added, and you turned to look at her with a raised brow. “Don’t even bother lying to me. I know you’re running low by now and I doubt you’ve been to the store.”
“Mom, you don’t have to do that,” you sighed. “I’ll go while you guys have Aera.”
“You sure?” Chae-won checked. “Don’t feel like you need to push yourself.” You almost laughed then, because that’s exactly what you were doing. The last thing that you wanted to do was go out to the store, to face people; but you also didn’t want to be a burden to your parents, which you already felt like given the fact that you had caused them to worry about you so much. 
“It’s fine, I got it,” you nodded, putting on a fake smile in order to help reassure her. 
“Ok, suit yourself.”
That’s how you found yourself wandering the aisles at the nearest supermarket, taking a quick glance at the list your mom had made for you. You didn’t have the attention span or patience necessary to take stock of your fridge and assess what you needed but your mom was kind of enough to do it for you, handing the list off to you before walking out of the door with your father and Aera.
As you moved towards the section of kimchi, you took a few seconds to glance over the multiple brands available. You couldn't help but to chuckle to yourself, knowing that if Hae-il were with you, he’d scold you for even looking at the store bought kimchi. “The best kimchi is always homemade”, you remembered him telling you several different times throughout the years. It was funny how grief worked, because you never expected to be tearing up in the middle of aisle 4 over kimchi. 
“Y/N?” You heard someone call and you turned your head to the right, seeing Seokjin standing there. Your eyes widened, reaching up and wiping at your eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie that you were wearing. 
“Jin, hi,” you chuckled awkwardly. “What are you doing here? I figured you would’ve been back in Japan by now.”
“I uh, I actually just moved back last week,” he revealed, making your eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Yeah. With everything that’s happened,” he motioned with his hand and you knew that he was talking about Hae-il. “I realized that I missed home and life is kind of short to be stuck in Japan with none of my loved ones around.”
“I get it,” you nodded in understanding. 
“How are you doing?” He wondered and you squared your shoulders, preparing yourself to tell the lie that you always did whenever people had asked you that question over the last month. 
“I’m doing ok,” you told him and it looked like he wanted to challenge that, if the raise of his eyebrows said anything, but he didn’t. A few seconds of awkward silence passed between the two of you then, before he suddenly spoke up again.
“It was the kimchi, wasn’t it?” Jin asked and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Before I called your name, you were crying,” he said softly and you immediately began to shake your head.
“I wasn’t.”
“It’s ok, I’m not judging you,” he replied gently before a small smile came across his face. “You were thinking about Hae-il and his crazy agenda against store bought kimchi, weren’t you?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed breathlessly. “You knew about that?”
“Knew about it? Where do you think it originated?” Jin laughed. “When we were in college, there really wasn’t space to make kimchi the old fashioned way so we had to buy the store kimchi and Hae absolutely hated it. It got to a point where he stopped eating kimchi for almost the entirety of our college career, except for when we went home for holidays.”
“That sounds like Hae,” you giggled. “Over-dramatic as all hell.”
“Ridiculous,” Jin chuckled. Another silence fell over the two of you, but it wasn’t as awkward as before. 
“Well, I should finish this shopping so that I can get back home before my parents bring Aera home,” you said.
“Alright. Tell Little Heart that I said hi?” 
“Sure,” you nodded, moving to turn away.
“Y/N?” Jin called and you turned back to him again. “If you ever need anything, anything at all, you can call me.”
“Jin,-” you started to say but he shook his head.
“Don’t feel pressured or anything,” he assured you. “I’m not forcing you. I just wanted you to know that I’m here if needed.”
“Ok,” you replied softly. “I don’t have your number though.”
“Oh! Just a second,” he murmured, reaching inside of his suit jacket and pulling out a business card. “That has both my office number and my personal cellphone number. Feel free to use either.”
“Thank you,” you whispered and Jin shrugged dismissively.
“No problem. Have a good night Y/N,” he smiled.
“You too,” you responded, sliding his business card into your pocket before turning around and walking away. 
After getting home and getting Aera from your parents, you managed to get the groceries unpacked and put into their proper places throughout the kitchen. However, you noticed that it was getting late and that you needed to start fixing dinner.
The problem was though, that you just couldn’t find the energy to actually cook anything. You knew that you should (given the fact that you had ordered way too much take out over the past month) but between dealing with your parents and making an unwanted trip to the grocery store, you just didn’t have the energy to do anything extra.
Just as you moved to grab your phone off of the kitchen counter, there was a knock on your front door. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you walked out of the kitchen and through the hall, stepping up to the door and pulling it open. 
“Jin?” You greeted him, confusion laced through your tone. Jin was standing on your front step, a large Tupperware box in his hands as he fidgeted nervously. “What are you doing here?”
“I know this probably seems really weird,” he started and you cut him off by nodding your head rapidly.
“Extremely,” you agreed. “Did you follow me home?”
“No, of course not,” he shook his head insistently. “I couldn’t remember where the hell you even lived. It took me 20 minutes to find an area that looked even vaguely familiar and I knocked on this old lady’s door by mistake and I still think she might come after me to kill me because I think I woke up her husband or something.”
“Jin?” You interrupted him, making him stop talking. “You’re rambling.”
“Right,” he chuckled nervously. “Well, when I saw you in the store earlier, you looked exhausted. No offense.”
“None taken,” you shrugged, leaning against the doorway and crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I went home and made dinner but I always make too much because I like to cook but it’s only me at my apartment so I figured that you and Aera might like some,” he summed up. 
“Jin, you didn’t have to go through the trouble,” you sighed heavily.
“It was no trouble at all,” he assured you. “I make way too much, remember?”
“What is it?” You wondered.
“Some samgyeopsal and japchae,” he said as he extended the Tupperware towards you, and you straightened up as you took it from him. 
“Aera’s favorites,” you smiled lightly. “That’s a coincidence.”
“It really is,” he laughed. Just then, you felt tiny hands pushing your leg to the side and when you looked down, you saw Aera pushing her way into the doorway as well.
“Hi uncle Jin!” She cheered and Jin grinned widely as he bent down and held his arms out, Aera falling into them immediately.
“Hi little heart,” he cooed, taking a second to press a quick kiss to the side of her head before pulling away from her. “How are you?”
“Good! I had ice cream today with my Papa and Nana!” 
“Did you get our favorite?” 
“Yep, strawberry!” She nodded and Jin chuckled. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, I just brought you and your mommy some food,” he shrugged. “Some  samgyeopsal and japchae.”
“That’s my favorites!” She chirped excitedly, making you laugh at her. 
“I know little heart,” he nodded.
“What do you say to uncle Jin love?” You reminded her gently.
“Thank you!” She told him, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.
“No problem,” he replied before standing up straight again. “Well, I should get going.”
“You don’t want to stay for dinner or anything, do you?” You offered, remembering your manners and he smiled while shaking his head.
“No, I’m fine. I just wanted to help you out,” he responded. “See you later.”
“Bye,” you said.
“Bye uncle Jin!” Aera waved her hand wildly, making you smile as you turned around and guided her back inside of the house, shutting the door behind you. 
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