#had to drop stats and now im not a full-time student
stop smokin, we love you
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illvminous · 2 years
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waaah opening is here!! hi friends, this is blossom ( s / h, 21+ ) and i bring you wang lixin aka sunshine in human form ☀️ i don’t have his full biography up yet but here is a little page about him, his stats and what not. below the cut will be some facts about him to give you a better idea of who he is / his story!! as usual, drop a like if you’re down to plot - i’m available through discord and tumblr ims if need be. can’t wait to write with everyone ~
- wang lixin, 25, born to two artistic parents in harbin, heilongjiang, china 
- his parents pretty much let him have free reign on his life and do whatever he wanted, not governing him like typical parents would 
- this explains why he’s a bit...aloof and never went to university 🥴
- but !!! this does not, by any means, make him dumb or anything…he’s actually pretty smart and he definitely inherited the artistic gene from both his parents
- travelled a lot when he was younger with his parents during the summers, they wanted inspo for their art and what better way than to see the world?
- due to his travels, he’s able to speak a few different languages - predominantly the following (in order of fluency): fluent mandarin, fluent english, conversational korean, conversational japanese, very broken cantonese
- while he travelled with his parents during his young adult years and slowly transitioned to doing solo travels, he had always come back home to harbin but at around 22 he decided being in one place really isn’t for him
- so he packed his bags and decided to wander the earth, no real plan in mind but just going anywhere he feels like
- stumbled upon stardew valley and the quaint pelican town by accident tbh but he's been here ever since his arrival a year ago
- he’s built up a pretty good reputation around the town, always helpful and reliable for anything anyone needs (especially if you need something at the carpenters shop?? he gotchu boo xox)
- when he’s not working on his craft, he’s teaching art lessons at the community centre, free of charge
- now, at 26, he thinks pelican town might be the place where he settles for the time being, just doing woodworking and art, having the time of his life
potential plot bunnies 👐🏻
- typical plot where you're one of the first people he met when he arrived! whether they got off on the right or wrong foot is entirely up in the air
- someone who visits the carpenter's shop frequently, either as a customer or you just really enjoy being around the environment for whatever reason, he doesn't ask, but you two strike up good conversation each time
- he's travelled a lot so perhaps you and him have crossed paths at one point in your lives before both of you ended up here!
- he's teaching one of his paint classes and you're honestly the worst student he's had, nothing you paint looks right but he doesn't have the heart to tell you :///
- the library is supposed to be a quiet place for people but then you come along and he's normally very nice but how can he read his novels when you're making such a ruckus
- honestly, he's too nice and you find that super sus (fair enough u_u) and it's now your mission to find his flaws and show people that he's not who they think he is (spoiler tw: he is tho)
- the typical ex plot, be it from pelican town or maybe from when he was travelling!
...and that's all my pea brain can come up with so feel free to grab one of the above or we can definitely brain storm other things!! i'm much better at that tbh hehe
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jungxk · 4 years
just one (viii)
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summary: the only guy on campus who’s track record trumped that of your best friend’s - park jimin - was jeon jungkook. not that that was a problem…until he set his sights on you.
notes: first of all i wanna thank the people who supported me and encouraged me through one of the worst writers blocks of my life. all the messages and comments are the reason why i finally managed to post this. special thanks to @whippedforkook for helping me with the monstrous tagging process as well as giving me so much praise. and also @lonelyending for cheering me on for a literal YEAR bc thats how long i cried over this fic! this story is so special to me. we’re in the home stretch now x
warnings: mentions of illegal drug use and distribution, swearing, brief smut.
genre: drama, romance, humour, college!au
wordcount: 8k
tagging: @cutechim @benz-biarritz @gyukult @bangulin @eatersanonymous @alyssa1926 @skivv1es @a-sucker-for-them-sappy-shit @moonights @jeymuffins @juuneaux @catsukiii @andreaisaac @whatheydontunderstand @sreveles @noruls619 @henryharios @just-a-fuxked-up-kid @befriendswithj @btsbesharam @poemsandpunani @taelha @misosoup-forthesoul @jikooksmut @heart-eyedmf @the-piano-woman @angrysunshine @chaoticpaperfanhoagie @jsungshine @ci-yen @faby-montana @shinypeanutsportshero @jooniestrivia @alucards-s @cynamyngirl @jiminie-angel @myskoova @jkshoneybuns @smokintae @remmykinsff @majinbuwu @jangx2manboongx2 @potatodogs @seul-queen @alpharyth @blenxxxg @plsky @th-singularity @bapbaptothetop @hermiones-enchantment @stomachfilledwithbutterflies @euphorora @supachloe94 @jiminxjimout @ggukkieland @just-another-fic-recs-blog @jalexad​
part i // part ii // part iii // part iv // part v // part vi // part vii // part viii // part ix // part x
4 years ago
jimin hated yugyeom.
well, maybe hate was a strong word. he just didn't like talking to him, being around him, hearing his name or interacting with him on any level, social or otherwise. he really tried though, since he was one of jungkook's closest friends and still respectfully referred to him as hyung above all else. and if anything, jimin would always have a soft spot for jungkook, the kid he used to coddle when his own brother wasn't around. but having said that, there wasn't really much basis for not liking yugyeom. it was just a gut feeling jimin couldn't explain, a very subtle callousness about him only jimin could pick up on. for the most part he was just like very other mild mannered boy by day and party animal by night, but jimin still ducks when he sees him enter the library.
"fuck," he hisses under his breath, scooping up his laptop to stride behind a book shelf for good measure. because sometimes, contrary to popular belief, jimin wanted to be alone. he didn't want to make small talk or listen to someone tell him about how well they scored on their last paper or complain about their annoying girlfriend. sometimes jimin wanted to have no thoughts and listen to fleetwood mac as per his human rights. which is why he shoves into the first private study room he sees.
and not an empty one at that. there's a girl inside, sitting cross-legged in her chair at a desk with an array of dried up paint tubes and brushes surrounding open sketchbooks. you don't look annoyed or even that phased, just amused as you give him a once over before going back to painting. "on the run from solji?"
jimin blinks, back still pressed against the door. "huh?" he regards you properly. "i'm sorry, have we met before?"
"not really," you admit with a sheepish smile, which is when jimin suddenly realises that you're...attractive. "solji is in my stats class. you hooked up with her last week at some party and she told me about it."
"oh," jimin takes in your plethora of art supplies. "you don't look like a stem student."
there's a glimmer of something in your eyes, and though you hide it well jimin knows he's struck a nerve. "yeah, i get that a lot."
"it's not solji by the way," jimin clarifies. for some reason. "that i'm hiding from. just a bellend i don't have the energy for right now."
you smile. "it's fine. you don't owe me your life story."
"i do when i'm about to impose on your...study time," jimin peers through the window in the door, wincing when yugyeom enters the hallway. "what would it take for you to let me stay in here for a while?"
you pause for a second. "honestly? just be quiet and leave me alone. is that okay?"
jimin perks up, a weight leaving his chest. "perfect, actually."
[jungkook 11:42pm]: why does it say wings on it
[jungkook 11:42pm] where is it flying
[you: 11:43pm] ffs kook
[you: 11:44pm] im still on the toilet can u just hurry up
[you 11:44pm] grab some tampons too pls
[jungkook 11:46pm] fine what size pussy do u wear
[you 11:46pm] i hate u
[jungkook 11:53pm] ???? ? ? well? ????
[you 11:54pm] REGULAR 
jungkook giggles at his phone, already having left the women's sanitary aisle to grab some chocolate. months later and teasing you was still bundles of fun. he knew for a fact that you were sat there with that angry pout on your face, nose crinkled. he had never bought anything like this before, but jungkook had enough brain cells to know that chocolate was another necessity for that time of the month. after grabbing a large hazelnut bar, he pauses beside the oreos before grabbing a packet of those too. just for good measure. he strides to the self checkout - because even he wasn't man enough for the cashier yet - nearly dropping his array of sanitary products and confectionary when somebody calls out his name from behind the queue.
"kook!" the voice is unmistakably yugyeom's, confirmed by the hand that clamps jungkook over the shoulder and swivels him round before he could think about hiding his socially compromising shopping items. it takes a second for yugyeom to notice, doing a double take at the pads atop his small tower of goods. he holds back a laugh, balancing a bottle of gin in one hand while he waves back at some friends to continue. they were clearly making their pit stop before a night out, probably pre's if they still start as late as jungkook remembers. with his hair styled and expensive cologne lingering, jungkook almost forgets he probably looks unrecognisable in his sweats and cotton-fresh hoodie. friday nights weren't for cuddling. still, yugyeom's smile is welcoming and familiar. "got the munchies? and maybe also a uterus?"
"shut up," jungkook grumbles, averting his eyes. he shifts to his other foot uncomfortably. "my friend just needed a favour, that's all."
"uh huh," yugyeom gives him a teasing look. "is this friend the reason why i barely saw you at jin's the other week?"
jungkook blinks back at him. "wait, you were at that party? i had no idea!" a boyish smile breaks over his face. "why didn't you call me? i haven't seen you since-"
"minseok-hyung's new years eve party," yugyeom throws his head back with a laugh. "remember how we ended up on a boat after the ball dropped and-"
"spent all of new years day detained by the coast guard!" jungkook finishes with a mischievous cackle of his own, nearly dropping the tampons in the process. "fuck, that was so much fun! we need to meet up again, i haven't been out with the guys in so long."
"well no wonder," he quips a brow at jungkook's shopping again. "word got out you're a family man but i didn't believe it. until now, that is."
jungkook's smile falls. "what do you mean?"
yugyeom looks at him for a second, confused by jungkook's surprise. yugyeom was never quite as diplomatic as namjoon or yoongi, to put it lightly. and definitely nowhere near as accomodating as jimin. which is why his next words make jungkook's back stiffen. "bro, look at yourself. you got dairy milk in one hand and tampax in the other. on a friday night. the next time i see you i wouldn't be shocked if you had a baby buggy and a mortgage." still, yugyeom throws him an apologetic look. like a mouse caught in a trap. "face it, kook. you're old news."
"what? that's not true," his brows furrow unhappily. "i don't know what you're talking about. it's not like she's my..."
he can't say the word, but it hangs between them like a dead weight.
"yeah, right," the condescending look on yugyeom's face was starting to agitate him. "you totally blanked us at jin's after she showed up. not even just jin's..." he thinks twice about holding his tongue, but as always, decides against it. "i don't know you, jungkook. whoever this new jungkook is. it's been months. you used to hit us up and be independent and spontaneous and wild and now you're just...someone's boyfriend.
"stop fucking saying that," jungkook snaps, all visible signs of friendliness gone.
"why?" a beat. "do you even use a wrap with her anymore?"
jungkook splutters, heat rushing to his ears and hands in a stinging combination of anger and embarrassment. "how is that any of your business? the fuck are you asking me something like that, as if you-"
"thought so," yugyeom looks away from him with a sigh. if anything, yugyeom knew never to overstay his welcome but that clearly backfired tonight. "whatever, jungkook," he looks over his shoulder at him. "guess you're the last one to find out you're officially married."
"you're ridiculous," jungkook scoffs. "all this over condoms? grow up, yugyeom."
"only couples do it raw," yugyeom turns away from him, alcohol in tow as he waves a hand over his shoulder to join his friends like jungkook was nothing but a lost cause. "you would remember that if you still had game."
jungkook stands there, dumbfounded while the group of boys exit the store noisily but he can't hear a thing. the siren that had been itching the back of his mind all this time was suddenly there at full force, right between his eyes. the glaring truth that yugyeom might be right makes his knees buckle. all those rules jungkook once had, all those measures he kept in place to protect his liberty, to prevent this very occurence - where were they? what happened to them? as the sweet and accommodating counterpart to jimin, why had you never complied? though, the blame wasn't on your hands alone. he got complacent, comfortable. lenient. and now without even realising he was here, a scene from a romcom in the middle of the night, with nothing to say for himself but fuck. the realisations wouldn't stop racing, one after another on the conveyer belt of his anxiety.
the photos on his phone; mostly you. time spent, usually with you. the portfolio for his latest photography module also had some resemblance to your interests. charcoal pencils, night drives, orchids. like the ones you always drew on any scrap of paper lying around. now that he thinks about it, he's seen nothing but your orchids for months. and not just that - you wore his clothes sometimes too. his bathroom had your toothbrush, contraceptive pills and coconut shampoo. his closest friends, his hyungs...not one of them was devoid of affection for you. he wasn't even confident that if the choice was presented, they would still pick him over you.
by the time jungkook finishes paying and practically sprints to his truck in a daze, he can hardly keep himself from shaking. he palms the wheel compulsively, he could feel the sweat in his sideburns, hoodie suddenly suffocating him. it smelled of you.
and then, like a final curtain call: was he just your latest fixer-upper project? some good girl wet dream to play out in the wake of your emotionally traumatic past? a slap in the face to seokjin, maybe, and nothing more? when you were done, when he was out of your system, when you knew his taste by heart and had nothing new left to try - would you stay? did you even know how to?
did he?
jungkook starts the engine. he drives to your door, drops your bag of snacks and pads on the porch, and texts you before leaving. he does not go inside.
"you sure you'll be okay with just the boys?"
you scoff at seulgi when she pins you with a worrying look, taking some of her clothes out of her bag to re-fold them just so you had something to do with your hands. jisoo had already left for the long weekend with her family, so there was no one there to fill up the empty space between your awakward reply. you didn't know how to tell the girls that jungkook hadn't contacted you in nearly a month. and even though he was a notable flight risk from the beginning, you couldn't help but feel like there was hostility there. every now and again he'd at least send a nude or have a quick phone call when he was drunk or high at three in the morning, but you hadn't heard a peep from him. you couldn't stand the idea of someone you cared about harbouring comtempt for you, but the fear of reaching out and somehow making the situation worse outweighed it tenfold. 
you look up to see seulgi still staring at you with concern. "of course i'll be fine! they're boys, not piranhas."
"at least piranhas contribute our ecosystem. boys just cause problems for the hell of it," seulgi lays a hand on the crown of your head like a berating big sister, swivelling you to look at her in your fit of giggles. the urge to nestle you under blankets like a baby bird made her chest heave, and you could tell. "i'm serious. if jimin tries anything, call me immediately okay?"
"jimin?" you snort. "out of a room full of delinquents, my ex, and taehyung, you're worried about jimin of all people?"
seulgi wrinkles her nose. "god, when you say it like that its like i'm throwing you to the dogs." she pauses. "something's up with jimin. i don't know what it is, but he's...off."
you tilt your head innocently, remembering the brief interaction you had with hobi at seokjin's party. you had been so caught up in jungkook - or lack thereof - you hadn't thought to press him about it afterwards. in truth, jimin remained as...jimin as ever. if he was acting differently you certainly couldn't tell. "you think so?"
"mmm," she leans on the lip of the open suitcase thoughtfully. "but maybe with jungkook there, he'll behave himself."
you gulp, fiddling with his watch on your wrist anxiously. "maybe."
you nearly yelp when you feel a big hand swivel around your waist, bucking into the kitchen counter reflexively. jungkook always did this before rubbing his boner against your ass, but the light scent of citrus and short squeeze lets you know immediately that its taehyung. hoseok, jimin, namjoon and yoongi were still in the living room playing video games, giving taehyung the perfect opening to intercept you. namjoon and yoongi had insisted that you come over to their place after finding out you'd be alone for the weekend, and you had completely refused before taehyung's coaxing. and of course, jimin's persuasive nudging. even though you felt safe and relaxed here, it felt wrong to be in jungkook's friends' place without him. almost like a breaching of an unspoken boundary.
and clearly, taehyung picked up on your discomfort by the way he stared at you so softly. his back was to the sink, his sillhouette particularly long and lean this evening. "you need to lighten up, princess. you keep looking over your shoulder so much it's making me nervous!"
your visibly droop with a sigh. "i'm sorry tae. i've had a lot on my mind lately, and..."
he claps his hands on your shoulders, teeth peeking through his grin. "you're not doing anything illegal by being here without jungkook."
you wince at his name. "have you always been able to read my mind like this?"
"absolutely," taehyung's brown eyes look so rich up close. "you're allowed to have friends that are also his friends, because - and try to stick with me on this - relationships between people are allowed to be independant from the primary circles they met in. mind boggling concept, i know."
you wack him on the chest until he laughs. "stop making fun of my anxious thought processes! its called mental illness, sherlock! i can't help it!"
his nose scrunches cutely, enjoying your first fiery outburst of the day. "whatever. i call it not getting laid for a month and losing critical thinking abilities from it."
you gape at him indignantly while taehyung roars with laughter. "you're such a dickhead," you hiss through gritted teeth, yanking his hair and jabbing your fingers in his sides the way you would with jimin during a tickle fight. "whores have feelings too, taehyung! whores have feelings too!"
you both fall about with laughter, knocking over half the snacks on the counter in the process which only makes the pair of you laugh even more. it's such childish chaos trying to clean up the mess on the tiny kitchen floor that neither of you notice the front door open, or the gust of metaphorical and literal wind that follows. watching taehyung trying to salvage a bag of broken crisps is just so funny that the presence of an another voice in the living room goes unregistered, as do the footsteps leading up the hallway to the kitchen, so you have no time to brace yourself or properly pull yourself together with you see-
yours and taehyung's heads snap to the doorway. jungkook stands there with almost complete lack of emotion on his face to the pair of you kneeling in crumbs and napkins. there's a brief pause where the tension in your eye contact alone was so strong that it felt wrong to breathe. but it is shortlived. jungkook tiptoes over you like spilled milk, reaching for a glass of water. you and taehyung lock eyes while the tap runs in the awkward silence. "hey. you okay?"
"um," you're not sure whether to stand up, hug him, look at him, or even face him. "yeah! yeah, i'm fine."
he nods politely. "hyung?"
even taehyung looks visibly uncomfortable. "i'm good."
"cool. see you later," he says, downing the glass impressively fast before leaving the room just as fast as he entered it.
you and taehyung stare at each other again, not understanding why you both feel like kids caught eating cake before dinner. you could feel the sweat pricking at your back from the realisation. jungkook had no idea you'd be here, and given that interaction he'd probably want to leave now. there was always the inkling woven between his radio silence that he was done with you, but you never let yourself take it seriously out of logic. because how could months of passion and tenderness and honesty be undone so irrevocably like that? it didn't make sense. you hadn't changed. you were the same girl he hit on relentlessly and chased against all odds. so what was different now?
"____," taehyung calls your name gently, and it's only then you realise you're already up and trailing after jungkook into the living room. when you walk in he's already putting his shoes on to leave again, barely making eye contact with you while he chats absently to his hyungs so he can look busy. the four boys on the large sofa can only reply wearily, eyes darting between the pair of you like a firework was about to blow to soon. and it was.
you could feel it in your throat, under your breast bone, bubbling up your stomach. "wait, jungkook. um...h-how have you been? i haven't heard from you in-"
"i've been good," he keeps tying and re-tying his laces without looking up. "super busy. you know how it is."
his curtness makes you flinch. this same time last month jungkook used to kiss you senseless before he had both feet in the door. he'd ring the doorbell incessantly like a child and greet you with the biggest, toothiest grin you had ever seen. he'd make fun of your bed head and squeeze your cheeks until you'd snap at him. and now when he looked at you he hated every second of it. your mother had the same look. your eyes start to burn involuntarily. "yeah, i do. how is uni? your final project is due soon, right? what theme did you pick in the end?"
"the one i told you about," he stands up abruptly. "sorry, noona. something came up. i'll see you arou-"
"something came up?" you step closer to him. "something came up the second you saw my face? or did you really just trek all the way to your hyungs' place for a glass of water, jungkook?"
jungkook stiffens, but is determined not to lose face. and it's difficult to do under your big, accusatory eyes and jimin's death stare at his back. the whole room was waiting for his response, so he just shoves his hands in his pockets resolutely. "i needed to see yoongi hyung, but i can come another time."
you fold your arms. "well it's clearly important, and you're here now. so don't let me stop you."
"but you will stop me," jungkook snaps. "that's the problem."
"kook-ah," yoongi warns quietly, but he took one look at your face and knew the damage was done. jimin was already standing up, circling around the back of the sofa towards you. the red lights were all there; your watery eyes, your trembling hands. every breath you took looked difficult for you to complete and only jimin noticed.
"what are you talking about?" you squint. it takes you a second to understand; yoongi's guilty expression, jungkook's indifference. "oh, you're fucking kidding me." your resolve breaks for a second turning away only to glare back at jungkook with so much fire you can hardly stand it. "you're selling again? are you insane, jungkook?"
"see," jungkook's eyes are stony. "i knew you'd get this way."
"what other way am i supposed to get?" his lack of response only infuriates you more. it felt disrespectful. "jungkook, you're not a kid anymore. if you get caught with drugs the consequences are serious! forget the potential jail time, you could get kicked out of university, it would go on your record forever and-"
"stop talking to me like i'm a kid!"
"then stop acting like one!" you hate raising your voice, but it keeps climbing without your approval. "did you think about this for even five minutes? this isn't like just going to juvie like before and being done with it jungkook. your hyungs can't bail you out of everything."
"this is a lot of talk for someone who lapped up those fancy paints without a second thought," jungkook says darkly. his eyes aren't like you remember, his face solemn and near unrecognisable. "or did you think that getting that kind of money overnight is only something that's possible through daddy's credit card?"
dread blooms like a garden inside you. "that's...that's how you bought the paint set?"
"welcome to the real world," he quips. "as if selling overpriced weed to a bunch of pick-me-freshmans is considered a crime against humanity to anyone but you."
"you think that's why i'm yelling at you right now?" your voice was growing hoarse, desperate. "you think that's the problem i have with you being literal drug dealer, jungkook?"
he hates it. the sweltering silence, the judgmental eyes digging into his back, the slow realisation that the tears in your eyes were not at him but for him. jungkook's ears ring enough to make him sway on the spot if his feet weren't planted so firmly on the dingy carpet, this metaphorical ground. he couldn't shake the feeling that his lifestyle was only an issue now because of you, how he never felt a shred of guilt about any of this shit until he met you. and if there was anything that jungkook never responded well to, it was pity. and he could feel it from every person in the room, all people that that once cherished and coddled him until you came along. he swallows, throat dry from the way he couldn't look at you knowing what he was going to say next.
"you're embarrassing yourself, noona. you're not my girlfriend and you never were, so stop acting like it."
cotton. it's very faint, under the layers of conflicting cologne and beer and smoke, but jungkook still smelled of cotton while he spat acid. nobody could speak, even though jungkook never raised his voice let alone a hand to you, it still hit like a slap in the face. it sunk into the walls, your clothes, suddenly every hair on your body felt heavy with it. dirty. the shame came first, the humiliation next. and then the sorrow, the dread, and finally the defeat. you knew the stages well by now, and they were cycling through you like clockwork. how foolish you were, to make the same mistake again. nobody dared to move, everyone but jungkook staring at you in denial and horror. they couldn't believe their eyes when you nod steadily, bowing your head to the floor.
jimin is already slotting himself between you, his jaw tight. "that's enough, kook. just leave already."
"no," you stop him, unnervingly resigned. that single word cuts through all six men with ease. "he's right." you step around jimin, closing the space between you and jungkook. for a brief moment he wonders if you'll actually hit him, but somehow watching you unclasp his watch from your wrist and drop it on the coffee table in front of him is far worse. the sound seems to ring like church bells, definitive and umistakable. "you're right, i'm not your girlfriend. you win jungkook."
they all watch you leave in dismay, listen to the door closing softly behind you. within a second jimin sprints after you, calling your name, leaving everyone else dumbfounded. jungkook's stare could bore a hole into the abandoned watch on the table, still ticking away like nothing changed. like his eyes weren't burning, lightheaded at the realisation that he would never wear a watch again let alone the one he put on you.
to an outsider, you looked like you were coping well considering you just got dumped in front of all your friends. but jimin knew that face. your stony eyes, lips pulled thin as if to seal inside the collapse of a monument. you took the tea he offered, and then his arms, your face finding his chest with ease. muscle memory. his torso was a tad shorter than jungkook's, his heart closer to your mouth as if the steady thumps were asking for a kiss of acknowledgement. every time you close your eyes you could see jungkooks face, hard and unforgiving and nothing like the man you trusted all this time. but it wasn't a new expression; you parents looked at you similarly the last time you saw them. it was the look of someone who had no regrets cutting all ties. and now, jungkook was behind them in a lost list of people who chose to be strangers over loving you.
jimin sighs when you cry into his chest, brushing the back of your head gently. he had been ready for this for months, but he still hated to see you this way. again. it made his bones itch, his skin crawl uncomfortably every time you weeped. the only time he considered violence was when you were crying. but he knew what to do, laying down across the sofa so you could curl up into a ball next him, head on his bicep and face smushed into the crook of his shoulder. you used to cry like this for hours and hours, his arm familiar with the prickle of pins and needles. but it was the only place you felt safe. tucked into jimin's side is where you would always belong, and that truth was more glaringly obvious than ever now.
"lets get something to eat," he offers eventually, hand craddling the crown of your head like a child. jimin's other hand on your hip is warm and heavy when he pats you soothingly. in your episodes, you responded well to touch. "what about thai food?"
"not hungry," you grumble against him.
"we could make something together?" he peers down at your lack of response. "come on, babe. you gotta eat something. you didn't even have breakfast-"
"why am i so stupid?" you whisper, a fresh bout of tears welling up.
jimin rubs your thigh. "it's not your fault."
"yes it is. jungkook gave me plenty of red flags, and i ignored all of them-"
"oh, i meant you being stupid."
you scoff. "cheers."
"what?" jimin cocks a brow when you lift your head to look up at him. he wets his lips and you follow the swipe of his tongue thoughtlessly, distracted enough by his touch and proximity that you take a second to digest his words. "it's not like any of this exactly came as a surprise. you ignored me, remember? wanted to flex your big girl pants."
you pull away from him and sit up, forcibly shutting out the daze that jimin routinely puts you under. "what's wrong with you? can't you be polite and wait for a couple hours before laying into me like a normal person? jesus, jimin."
"so let me get this straight," jimin sits up, watching your back as you sit away from him. "you're mad because i'm not telling you what you want to hear?"
"no," you say, head shaking. "i'm not mad. i'm upset because i came here to be comforted by my friend and you're just making me feel worse."
"what do you want me to say, ____? that i had high hopes from the start?" jimin pushes his hair back, brows now at a sharp incline from frustration. "i told you starting something with jungkook was trouble but you didn't listen. why should i feed your victim complex when all i've done is try to help you?"
"victim complex?" you repeat, standing up slowly. the sudden steadiness of your voice causes jimin to panic.
"not like that. don't take it like that, it's just," he's suddenly before you, his warm hands palming up your arms warmly. "i didn't wanna see you get like this and it happened anyway, is all i'm saying." he sighs when your scowl doesn't let up. "if hobi hyung hadn't have given up so easy, then maybe…maybe this would never have happened. maybe if i had been harsher with him then you would have-"
"what are you talking about?" you ask quietly, searching jimin's face. "give up so easy? what's that supposed to mean?"
he looks away, hands slipping off you. "it's nothing."
he struggles to look at you, tongue in cheek. his lips purse for a moment, pink like roses. he's wearing that navy jumper you like. "look, it's not a big deal. he wasn't supposed to fuck you or anything, just take you out for a while. get your mind off kookie, show you a nice time."
your blood runs cold. "what?"
jimin's expression softens. "it's not as bad as it sounds-"
"really?" your voice is sharp, sharper than he's ever heard it. you recoil as if you had been struck for the second time today. "because it sounds like you asked some guy to keep me occupied like i'm a fucking dog. all because you can't stand the idea of me being within a meter of jungkook-"
he steps in, but you step back. "you know that's not true, _."
"don't i?" you scoff, covering your face in disbelief. "jimin, you've been hellbent against me even looking at the guy since day fucking one."
"because i didn't want you to get hurt!" jimin counters, eyes downcast. "i know, okay? i know how much of a dick it makes me sound, but its not like it hurt you when you had no idea! hoseok broke it off before you even knew about it so why-"
"because it's worse," you turn away from him. "you tried to control me. choose what's best for me because you think you know better than i do. sound familiar?"
his jaw sets, and it's like you can hear the twine snap in his head, the percussion of his heartbeat above yours even though he doesn't close the space between you. jimin stares at you for a long minute before drawing in a thin breath. "fine," he steps in, and you can't look away. "you want me to say it? fine. i'll say it."
suddenly the air is lace thin around you as you stare at him, waiting. jimin looks off somewhere else, somewhere you can't reach. "don't tell me you haven't thought about it, because i know you have. if i have you must have too. and lately its all i can think about - being with you, holding you, being the one who gets to touch you. and yeah, maybe it took having to see you with jungkook for me to realise how much i want all that, i put my hands up. but you have no idea what's it like to watch the person you love most get toyed around with by a time bomb like that. i've seen jungkook go through girls like underwear and i love him, god i love him, but even the idea of you being one of those wasted girls sitting outside a party crying over his sorry ass makes my fucking ears ring."
"j-jimin…" you whisper, but you have nothing to say. your hands shake.
"you deserve more than that, ____. you deserve more than waiting around for booty calls or living up to what the next guy wants. from jungkook, hoseok, anyone. you deserve someone's devotion and yeah, maybe all this time i've been too much of a pussy to give it. maybe all this time i was tiptoeing around my feelings for you because i knew if i admitted to myself that i loved you - if i admitted i was just like every other guy - i'd actually set the bar for something other than disappointment. id actually have to step up, and i didn't know if i could do it. i still don't. but if it has to be someone…it should be me."
suddenly he's holding your hands, calming the tremble that rattles them. his words bunch up together in your ears, the meaning lost amidst your awe. "jimin….jimin what are you saying? where is all this coming from, i don't...i don't understand wh-"
"i'm saying," he cups your face. "choose me." he pulls you in. so, so close. "choose me, not jungkook. not anyone else. me."
and there's a part of you that has already caved. that's already kissing him, melting into his arms like you've wanted to for so, so long. you're falling back onto the couch with him in a fit of giggles, curling back into his chest to hide your watery eyes, asking him why the fuck he took so long. you chat together between teasing kisses, pour your hearts out, maybe cry a little. later you would make tea and order pad thai and watch the office all night and fall asleep together in the living room well past dawn and then-
you close your eyes. "i can't."
"you can," jimin says, so passionately you shudder. his brown eyes are teaming with too much determination and ardour for his own good, and you both know it. its difficult to grapple with how huge a risk he's taking, because jimin never takes risks. it made the whole situation seem dire. "you know you can, ____. it's us. there's no one like us."
you don't know how you're not crying yet. you only have jimin to hold onto, hands balled in his shirt without knowing if you're about to push him away or pull him in forever. "maybe back then. maybe if you'd have said all this before," you feel empty, the beat of your pulse suddenly strong in your fingertips. "but it doesn't matter anymore."
he shakes his head in denial, his determination palpable. "of course it does-"
"i'm in love with him," you say. to jimin. to yourself. to the world, finally. "i'm in love with jungkook." holding jimin's stare isn't as difficult as you thought it'd be. "you know if you'd have done all this a few months ago…if you'd have just...i was always yours without question, jimin. and you knew it." it's his turn to bristle under the strain of your voice. "jungkook isn't perfect. i'll be the first one to admit that. he's made me cry, he fucks up, he makes mistakes. but he's never lied to me. he never made decisions for me. he never passed judgement on what i should or shouldn't do with my life. something that i never thought i wouldn't able to say about you, too."
there's a brief moment where everything stops. neither of you can believe what you just said. jimin watches you, frozen in his place as you take your bag, eyes glittering with tears when he calls for you. suddenly he's the time bomb he feared becoming, the panic in his eyes lighting them up like fire crackers. for the first time in his life, he stumbles over his words, and then his feet when you reach for the door, all composure lost. he was unravelling like a tapestry in front of you, never to be repaired, and he could feel it. "____. ____, please," jimin chokes, his cheeks blotchy. "i wanted to protect you, i was just trying to help. don't go. please don't go. i was trying to help you."
"no. you were trying to have me." you say, closing the door behind you.
you have no idea what time it is when you hear the bell ring incessantly.
it had been hours since you'd returned home from jimin's, but there was no way for you to keep track when your only priority was just keeping yourself afloat. you turned your phone off, drew the curtains, and resolved to alternate between sitting in seulgi and jisoo's rooms until they came back. you didn't know what else to do. when you weren't crying you were hyperventilating, and when that stopped the absence of emotion was so powerful you could barely keep your eyes open. you were exhausted but could not sleep. starving but could not eat. it was a miracle you even made it down the stairs, using what little strength you had to yank it open without even thinking about who could be on the other side in the middle of the fucking night. but at this point, you would gladly take a serial killer over jimin or jungkook.
"taehyung," you breathe when you take in his face, relieved. you must look like absolute shit because he scans your face and winces. 
"jimin told me," he says, the apology in his voice and expression was almost painful to register. "he told me everything. ____, i'm so sorry. i should have told you about the hoseok thing, i just thought it would be worse coming from me, and then i tried to force jimin into confessing but then he didn't because he's jimin, and now-"
"you're only allowed to come inside if you stop apologising," you say weakly, voice haggered from the hours of crying.
taehyung's pouty expression almost makes you smile with how cute he looks, gingerly stepping over the threshhold. "i really am sorry though."
"for what," you say monotonously, closing the door behind him while he takes off his shoes. "my inexplicably terrible taste in men? my uncanny ability to get manipulated by literally anyone who shows me a scrap of affection? or my absolutey shredded-to-shit attachment style thats barely intact let alone functioning healthily? after hoppping between the first two for a few hours i'd personally go for the latter. but whatever."
"please shut up," taehyung sighs, bringing you into his arms before you could have a second thought about it. "you need to amp up the misandry in this context. a lot of this had nothing to do with you and everything to do jimin and jungkook."
you're too tired to open your eyes, snuggling into the softness of taehyung's chest. you’re too exhausted to argue. "where did you learn the word misandry? have you been reading?"
"yeah," you can hear his big, pleased grin. "i know you and the girls have been calling me a himbo behind my back."
"affectionately," you add, peering up at him. he wipes the wetness off your cheeks, moving upstairs to your room with your hand in his. he fetches you a glass of water before putting you into bed like he's paid to do it. taehyung was the cuddliest person you had ever met, but you had rarely seen him dote on anyone. "girls love himbos. it's a compliment."
"not all girls," he mutters when he returns from the bathroom with a glass of water. "drink this, would you? you look so dry it's making me itchy."
you do as he says with a roll of your eyes. "what do you mean?" you finish your water with a big gulp. "jisoo loves dumb guys, what are you talking about?"
taehyung looks away from you, bottom lip rolling up under his teeth so fast you barely catch it. he pulls up your desk chair next to your bed, thinking long and hard before meeting your eyes again. "i don't mean jisoo."
you don't understand at first, but after staring at his face for a long minute your stomach drops. "don't. don't you fucking dare," another beat of silence. you rip the covers off you to scamble to your knees, grab your pillow and hurl it at taehyung's head. "taehyung, please don't tell me that the one remaining, healthy relationship i have with a man has also been shot to shit because i swear to god i'm gonna-"
"it's not a big deal," he says firmly, and he really does mean it. taehyung catches your wrists when you lunge at him, effectively ending your outburst before it can begin. he keeps hold of them while he stares into your eyes, watching the way they fill up with a fresh bout of tears. "i've had a crush on you for a while, so what? it's not anyone's business but mine so don't worry about it."
you try not to scream at him. "how long?"
"...since the start." he shrugs. "it's not like i could have done anything anyway. with jimin around. he’d never have it."
"but...! but..." you splutter, the highlight reel of your friendship suddenly marred before your eyes. "but you let me talk to you about boys! you gave me advice with hobi and jimin and jungkook and...! you encouraged jimin to confess to me. and the whole thing with jisoo?"
he wets his lips guiltily. "jisoo is a nice girl. i like her, but...not like you. i've always liked you."
you shake your head in horror, your face crumpling. bile rose in your throat. "so all of that...playing with my friend like that. was just to get to me?"
"listen to me," taehyung says firmly, gripping your wrists to make you look at him again. he's so close you can feel the warmth of his breath on yours, and you never realised how large taehyung's torso was compared to yours before. he could have smothered you, but he didn't. in all senses. "the way jimin and jungkook handled their feelings is on them, just like how this is on me. it doesn't matter if i'm fucking you or not, you're my friend and i'll always want people to do right by you. and that includes me."
there was nothing else to say, so taehyung wordlessly wipes your face again and fetches you more water before retreating to sleep on the couch downstairs. all the while you sat there in your bed, confused and bewildered and thoughtful. the same bed jungkook fucked you on. the same bed jimin held you in. out of all the men in your life, taehyung was the only one who treated his feelings for you with reverence. there wasn't one interaction you could think of where he made his feelings clear, where he even hinted towards wanting something more. if he hadn't have said anything tonight, in the wake of one of the most emotionally tumultuous days of your life, you would still be in the dark about it all. and that was the scariest part. you didn't know anyone else who hadn't let their feelings for you effect how they treated you. so ultimately, it was possible.
and jimin and jungkook chose not to do that. but taehyung did.
taehyung did.
when you finally pad downstairs after hours of ruminating, jisoo's bedroom door is wide open. and that's who you should be thinking about now - your friend and sister jisoo - as the sky begins to lighten with the signs of morning. you hadn't slept for over twenty four hours, you were hungry and thirsty, delirious from the whirlwind of losing the two most important men in your life in one day. but still, you are drawn to taehyung. taehyung, who never asked anything of you. taehyung, who was as silent as he was selfless this whole time. taehyung who routinely put what he wanted aside in favour of what was best for you. taehyung, who protected you without needing credit or recognition for it. taehyung, taehyung, taehyung, taehyung, taehyung-
"taehyung," you whisper scraping your nails through his hair. his eyes fluttered open, twisting his head to face you as you hovered above him. he could barely see you in the darkness. "taehyung, wake up."
"what is it?" he croaks, sitting up with half-lidded eyes and a yawn. he doesn't know how to read the expression on your face. he swings his legs off the sofa in a sitting position, wearing nothing but his boxers and tee, visibly alarmed. "what happened? are you okay?"
you take his face in your hands and kiss him. 
taehyung stiffens against you, breath drawn thin. you pull away to gauge his expression, desperately searching his eyes in the darkness. for discomfort, disapproval, anything negative at all. the absolute ardour you find instead could knock you down if taehyung didn't reach for your neck, kissing you again. you whine at the feel of his tongue, having no idea where such sudden and intense arousal was coming from. when you pull away with shaky limbs, you climb onto his thick thighs so he can feel your wetness through his boxers. taehyung grunts at the sensation, and again when you kiss him passionately and without abandon. the sweet girl every guy he knew was agonising over, suddenly in his lap. he's barely had his tongue down your throat for ten minutes and you're already rocking into him, his erection betraying his resolve.
it's better than he dreamed. 
"taehyung," you gasp, palming him now. he groans when he pulls away to look at your mouth, glistening with his saliva when you take his hand and guide it down to your arousal. "please."
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how-evergreen · 4 years
The Worst Professor/The Best Girlfriend
Summary: Finals are coming up, and you're running yourself down to avoid the proverbial foot aimed right at your ass. Luckily, your best friend and your girlfriend step in just in time.
A/N: this might be my favorite one ive written so far! im thinking of making a part two - would anyone be interested in that? thanks for the request, @themagnificentmx! this was definitely a fun one to write.
Warnings: Cursing, school-related stress, exhaustion, and as is typical of me, lots of fluff.
"You sure you don't need anything before I go?" Sam asked, looking down at you with worried eyes. You shook your head, forcing a smile.
"All set," you said, pushing him lightly. "Go. Have fun with your TA or whoever."
"She's not my TA, she's my tutor," Sam muttered. "And I will. We're going to that Italian place just off campus."
"The good one or the bad one?"
"Good one." Sam grinned. "I'm not an idiot, I know how to treat a lady."
"Sure thing." You rolled your eyes, focusing back on your textbooks. "Go get 'em, Falcon."
You heard Sam snort at the old nickname originating from his drunken leap off the roof of the Alpha Kappa Phi fraternity house. 
"I'll bring you leftovers?" he offered. 
"I'm good." You glanced at Sam, who was looking at you dubiously. "Dude. I'm fine. Go, you're gonna be late for Brittany."
"Sam and Samantha?"
"Okay, I'm leaving you now."
"Finally." You laughed as Sam flipped you off over his shoulder. "See you in biochem!"
Sam said nothing, only walking out of the library. You allowed yourself a brief moment to watch him go before turning back to your books, shaking your head.
It was probably eight in the evening, and you'd been in the library since six that morning – just as you had been for the past several days. Finals were fast approaching, and your sadistic Stats professor had even assigned a pre-finals test for the next day that would be worth ten percent of your grade. He'd announced it at the previous class two days ago, leaving you hardly any time to study. Fucker.
The stress was definitely weighing down on you as you attempted to read the textbook on the table. Unfortunately, your body was working against you, vision blurring as the words began to swim.
Frustrated, you dropped your head onto the textbook.
"Fuck," you groaned, before picking your head up quickly to make sure you hadn't disturbed anyone. Luckily, there were no students in your immediate vicinity, and the ones you could see seemed to still be focused. 
"Back to it," you whispered, squinting down at the textbook again. This time, the words remained steady, and though you had to reread the same sentence twice in order for your brain to properly process what it said, you managed to keep going.
After another forty-odd years of trying to finish the same page, you saw someone approaching out of your peripheral vision. When you were able to make out who it was, you felt something inside you grow lighter.
Natasha's hair, pulled back into a neat bun, and the leotard visible beneath her unzipped jacket and jeans both indicated that she had come straight from dance class. She smiled at you as she approached, though it slipped a bit as she met your eyes.
"Nat." You grinned up at her, holding your arms out for a hug. "I missed you."
"You too." Nat pursed her lips but leaned down to hug you regardless, kissing your cheek before taking the seat beside you. "Sam texted me."
"Oh. Oh! Shit." You frowned. "Violation of trust."
"He said you've practically been living here for a week." Despite your relationship still being fairly new, you could see that beneath Natasha's irritated exterior was a whole lot of worry. "Something about a Calculus professor from hell?"
"Stats," you corrected absently. "Pre-finals quiz. He told us Monday, and it's happening tomorrow. Worth ten percent of our grade."
"Pre-finals... what?" Nat's eyebrow twitched. "I see what the 'from hell' part meant."
You puffed out an exhausted sigh. "Yeah."
"So you've spent all day every day in here?" Nat asked, gazing over the notebooks and textbooks scattered across the table.
"Well, no. I went to my classes. And to my dorm when the library closed."
"When's the last time you ate?" Nat asked suspiciously.
"Lunch. Sam brought me the grilled cheese from the cafeteria and a bottle of water."
"Oh." Natasha looked faintly surprised. "Good. And you've slept?"
You didn't say anything to that, looking away. 
"Hey." You felt fingers softly grasp your chin, turning your head to face Natasha. She examined you, eyes soft. "When's the last time you slept? And I mean actually slept, not passed out for an hour."
You sighed, glancing away. "Sunday night."
"Jesus," Nat hissed, letting go of your hand to rub your leg soothingly. "How are you even functioning?"
"Autopilot," you said, shrugging and turning back to your textbook. "I'm okay. Just gotta finish this chapter before the library closes."
"Uh, no." A hand dropped onto the pages, blocking your view and forcing you to look at Natasha. "You're not gonna wear yourself down any more than you already have."
"But the test is tomorrow, and I'm still a little shaky on –"
"No more studying," Nat said gently. "At least for a while. What time is your test tomorrow?"
"Three," you muttered.
"And is this the only concept you're still uncertain about?" You could practically see the gears turning in Natasha's head.
"Yeah, I think so."
"Perfect." She closed the textbook softly. "You're going to take the night off. We're gonna go back to my apartment and order Chinese food and watch that show you like, the one with that one guy, and then we're going to get a full night's sleep."
"But –" you protested.
"And then," Nat said over you, "tomorrow morning, I'm gonna make you breakfast, and you're gonna read this chapter with a fresh mind. Then I'm going to quiz you on the stuff you feel least certain about, and then you're gonna go to your Stats class and ace that quiz. And I'm gonna murder your professor. Does that sound good?"
You laughed a little despite yourself. "Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good."
"Good." Natasha kissed your forehead as she stood, collecting your notebook. "Oh, and you should probably tell Sam that you're coming with me. The guy worries."
You grinned, standing up and helping her collect your stuff. "He does. How did I get so lucky to have both the best best friend and the best girlfriend?"
Natasha glanced up at you for a moment before looking away, face going pink. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm amazing." She grinned, sliding the notebooks into your backpack and handing it over. "Come on. Let's get you home."
"Yes, ma'am." You saluted her, reveling in her laughter as you walked together into the night.
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5041s · 3 years
ellor ellor!! im a lil late to the party but v happy to be here nonetheless :] im here w jo, the local babysitter-dog walker extraordinaire B) you’ll find a more detailed but rambly rundown plus some plots under the cut bc her bio and stats page aren’t the greatest lol zzz anw do give this a like and i’ll hit you up for plotting!! 
youngest of four siblings, the rest are all brothers so u can imagine how that went lol
as in: doted on by parents and second oldest brother (27 y.o), has petty beef with the third oldest brother (26 y.o), eldest brother was overbearing (31 y.o) but that could be bc he’s a capricorn tbh
based in ville city, her family is well-off, middle-class, and full of mostly overachievers (mum is an academic, dad is a cardiologist, brother 1 and 3 are engineers, brother 2 is a vet)
naturally, jo had to disrupt that trend :]
studied architecture at uni but dropped out in her third year bc her grades werent holding up on top of failing a major group project
lived with her parents for like a bit more than a year doing this and that before deciding to move out much to their (patronising) chagrin
decision was spurred on by members of that aforementioned flop project, but also because she wanted to prove that she can ~survive in the real world~ alone/without their help
and so far thats going okay!! if okay means balancing two hectic jobs at the same time whilst dealing with all the shit that goes on in the apartment complex and her pitiful bank balance, then shes a-okay :]
currently going through bouts of homesickness like shes missin that security and comfort lol
*mitski voice* kinda tall child vibes yknow 
ghost fiasco plus the strange happenings at the complex used to freak her out (sometimes they still do) bc shes pretty superstitious but now she’s just kinda resigned to living in a place haunted by some spirit and bad pipes
chill and easygoing demeanour, sometimes charming (its the leo in her), oftentimes lacks a filter and impulse control
sometimes she’ll walk a dog for the necessary amt of time and spend the rest of the day chilling in her apartment with them
her favourite is rico the italian greyhound
does the same w the kids she looks after if she’s caring for them at her place (which has Not been childproofed)
kids love her so she was like let me exploit this love for money and now she gets free shit from their rich parents
doesn’t know why ms eom keeps giving her the evil eye (her shoes are scuffed as HELL)
more tidbits about her: astrology believer but doesnt retain shit, lives like a classic broke college student, stupidly good at arcade games, night owl, makes homemade kombucha so one of her kitchen cabinets reeks, falls asleep during movies within the first five mins, carefully curated ig feed to make it seem like she has her shit together (her close friends story says otherwise), makes banging oatmeal, has beanbags instead of a couch
ok onto some plots pls bear with me
“woke up in someone’s bed and went through their fridge as well as their password book for their netflix subscription info before returning to her’s” ok who wants to be that someone (yes she still uses their netflix account) (would have to be in a unit starting with a 04)
that 101 dalmations scene where they get tangled up by their dogs’ leashes except make it a meet-ugly so its you getting tangled up in the leashes of the seven dogs she walks and the struggle to get untangled as she tries not to spill her coffee on you
caught her babysitting the same kid multiple times and now you think that kid is hers so she’s plotted with that kid to keep up the act for fun
smth based off a shared occurrence (like if theyre both in the east wing etc) would be fun!! esp if they have different approaches to coping with it (where are the b2 ghost theorists)
sorry this kid she’s babysitting threw up over your expensive shoes she cant buy you new ones but she can offer you an organic lollipop as compensation :]
omg friends of her brothers who recognise her so shes like 🙈 idk them wdym
on that note there are a bunch of doctor/medical ppl here so mayhaps they know of her dad since he works in the city hospital hmm
shes the mystery person who keeps beating your high score in some arcade game
others: vc childhood friends/acquaintances, an ex or two (likely would’ve been a situationship with her tbh), ex colleague from an odd job she’s worked before, a long shot but maybe one of said groupmates from uni, she babysits some kid you know
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bts-reveries · 4 years
young one | 8
one image at the end
You just left Jungkook and Sian to go to work. You were currently driving while listening to songs playing on the radio, just thinking to yourself.
You couldn’t wait for the time when you could finally go back to your normal life. You know? Being able to see your son for longer than 2-3 hours a day. You wake up, get ready for class, sometimes make breakfast, wake up Sian and help him get ready, but mostly Jungkook does that. Go to school, get home from school, do school work, get ready for work, leave for work, work for hours, then get home, and sleep. It sounds a lot worse listing it like that, but you feel like you really don’t have time for anything else. The days where your professor lets you out early, or your boss tells you to go home sooner are your favorite days. You hope that one day you’ll be able to take Sian to school. As of now, Jungkook is the one who takes him to school since you go to class before he does. It sucks.
But again, you’re doing this for him!
It’s been a few hours since you came to work. Same thing goes on everyday. You stand in the hostess stand to welcome customers in and seat them. Some listen, some refuse, some are polite, and some say things that you wouldn’t want any of your nieces and nephews (and son of course) to hear.
Sometimes you see familiar faces, like friends from high school or college… from the first time you went to college. Those are never fun.
You were looking through the reservation lists when you saw a figure walking up to the stand.
“Hi, welcome to House of Cards! How many will be dining in tonight?” you say as enthusiastically as you can sound, gathering some menus.
“Oh, Yn? Is that you?”
You look up to the woman who said your name. You were quite confused, not remembering who she was.
“We were in the same Stats class in uni-- well, until you dropped because of--” the lady, who you now remember as one of the girls you worked on a group project with, gives you a sheepish look. “How’s that going by the way? Are you still with the dad?” She says, putting on a sad face, pursing her lips.
You laugh slightly, nodding your head.
“We’re all doing great, thanks for asking,” you smile awkwardly at her.
“Not married yet though?” She says, looking down at your ringless finger.
“—So I’m guessing just the two of you tonight?” You say, diverting the conversation back to work.
“Oh! Yes, just us two,” she says, turning to the man next to her. “It’s our anniversary.” You fake a smile for the two.
“Happy anniversary! Let me get the two of you seated.”
“YN!” Your head shot up from the computer screen in front of you to the sound of some familiar voices.
Your face lights up and a huge smile spread across your face when you see your girls running towards you.
“What are you guys doing here??” You ask, not seeing any of their significant others or kids with them.
“We missed you,” Yuna pouts.
“I missed you guys too, my break’s in ten minutes,” you say. You grab six menus, turning back to them. “Let’s get you seated first though.”
In your thirty minute break, you sat and talked with your girls. Something you’ve been needing for a while.
“So how’s school going?” Mae asks you. You shrug.
“Tougher than I thought,” you laugh half heartedly. “My professor is pretty hard on us, so I can’t miss any classes. And if I really have to, I’m screwed because I have no one to ask if I missed anything.”
“I don’t know, but it was a lot easier before I had a kid? I mean, still hard of course, but now I have to go to work right after I finish my assignments and I barely have any time to spend with my family,” you add.
“It’s understandable, you’re still adjusting. I know you’ve probably heard that a hundred times,” Sarang says. “But after a bit, it’s going to be easier to handle. Everything will fall into place eventually.”
You groan, dropping your head onto the table. Your cheek falling onto your arms.
“I hope so, I expected my life to be all in the right place by now,” you say.
“And what was it supposed to look like?” Sohyun asks.
“Well before Sian, I thought at this age I’d be ready to get married, had my career sorted out, and then eventually have a kid. After Sian, I thought at this age, I’d have a good, stable job and that I was at least engaged or already married. But right now I’m a full time student and a part time hostess at a restaurant. And a mom, but not a wife, nor am I close to being one,” you say sadly. Byul pouts, petting your head.
“Well, we might not be where we expected to be at this age, I know for all of us, we’ve been through things our younger selves would have never imagined to be, but like what Sarang said… it’ll all fall into place in the end. So don’t lose hope,” Bora says, smiling down at you.
“I’ll hold on,” you say, staring into space. Specifically the direction of where you seated your old classmate.
“What are you looking at?” Yuna asks, turning to the direction of where you were looking.
“You see that girl in the green dress across from the guy with the fidgeting fingers?” you say. The girls turn and nod.
“We were groupmates in college. I never liked her. I think her boyfriend’s proposing to her tonight. She mentioned to me that it’s their anniversary.” Right when you say this, the guy reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small box.
“Oh…” Mae says, watching the girl get proposed to right in the middle of the restaurant.
“Don’t look,” Byul says, covering your eyes, making you giggle.
“It’s okay,” you say, pulling her hand down, and sitting up.
“My time will come one day. I will get that degree, get a job, marry Jungkook, and have another Sian,” you say to yourself, and out loud to your friends. A smile lit up on all of their faces.
“To Yn!” Sarang yells out, holding up her glass of water. No one was drinking alcohol tonight but you all raised up your drinks anyways.
“TO YN!”
You seven were too caught up and into the moment to remember that a proposal was currently going on and that your coworkers and other guests were clapping for the newly engaged couple that you didn’t see the dirty looks coming your way.
“I never really thought of how I want to get proposed, but if Jungkook ever mentions it to any of you, or any of the guys, please tell him not to do it in the middle of a restaurant.”
Sohyun laughs, pointing her glass of raspberry ice tea towards you, “will do.”
“Yn,” one of your coworkers called. You turn away from your girls, looking up at him.
“Your breaks over,” he says.
“Aww, no,” Byul says a bit too loud, quickly slapping her hand over her mouth. “I mean, y-yeah Yn, you should get back to work,” she says, nudging you out of the seat. You and the other girls couldn’t help but laugh.
“Okay, I’ll be right there,” you tell him, turning back to your friends.
“I’ll see you girls later,” you say, walking back to the hostess stand in the front of the restaurant.
“Yn!” You turn to your name being called and you see that girl from your class showing off her ring to you. You gave her a smile, giving her an awkward thumbs up before turning back around to roll your eyes.
Just a few more hours and you’re out of here.
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young one
♛ part eight: ringless ♛
pairings: photographer, dad!jungkook x hostess, mom!reader
a/n: sorry for the lack of posts! hoping to get back on that grind 😣
taglist: @kookietsukkie @brinnalaine @chocobetterknot @silentlyimpractical @aianloveseven @jayhope88 @preciouschimine @noelitaaaa @butterflylion @yogugui @jikachoo @samros95 @yoongis-cumsock @strwberry-jam @sope-and-shine @cosmicdaylight @eatjeanjin @rjsmochii @i-swear-im-a-soft-stan @peoplejustcanthandlemywierdness @prdshobi @marmaribelarova @ramyagovindraj @casspirit0705 @hopesvlle @smauslut @taexmichi @codeinebelle @cecedrake2217 @hellotherehoneybee @ddofa @winterwidow27 @ephyra1230 @heartfeltscribblings @nightapple4jk @applejuice5000 @salty-for-suga @lemonteacyst @princessjazzyjazz @bamboozled-jaykay @bigimpression @dammit-jjk @kookie-sun0097 @kookoo-kachoo @minidreamer1 @taekookcaneatme @jikooksgirl19 @tanumiki @strawberryforever25 @hobiismyhopeu
to be notified when i post, please turn on my notifications! thank youu~
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calebfm · 4 years
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❝ i’m just saying — there’s no way someone can keep up with a schedule like that and not be popping something ❞ CALEB GARDNER, who resembles JORDAN FISHER and is the SOCIAL CHAIR of BETA TAU RHO , is TWENTY-TWO years old and responds to HE / HIM .𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘳𝘢 ; 𝘴𝘩𝘦/𝘩𝘦𝘳
hello hello one and all, tis mira coming to you unfashionably late from the gmt+1 timezone 🌻 i overuse emojis & underuse my common sense and that’s all you need to know about me tbh ... so let’s move right along to telling you about my boy caleb !
so cal is a lil’ type A monster, between classes, basketball, his various jobs & his frat position it’s a miracle he gets 6-8 hours of sleep every night ( actually that’s a lie, he often doesn’t )
which is partially just who he is as a person, but also comes from having major imposter syndrome :/ he comes from a family who struggled to make ends meet + as the youngest kid of his family with four older brothers it was easy for him to fade into the background and not really get much attention or praise . ( he has a very loving family though, he was just a bit of a shy kid and his parents didn’t really have the time to make him come out of his shell ) all of this to say, when he got the acceptance letter + full ride to this fancy school it was all a bit overwhelming & he still has a hard time believing the administration didn’t make a mistake . he often feels super out of place & has even talked to his guidance counselor about dropping out a few times, but in his heart he knows that it would be a dumb decision and he’s nothing if not rational
he studies finance which is about as exciting as it sounds ( sorry to the finance nerds out there, couldn’t be me but i respect it ), he picked it to have job security more than anything else . he’s not a straight A student by any means but he does as well as could be expected from someone who has very little time to study
he loves photography ! he started a lil’ side gig for event photography his first year at kingshill which got pretty big through word of mouth, so he’s often in the shadows at the parties and events his classmate’s parents throw to take pics ( but when he practices it as a hobby he mostly just walks around in nature a lot and takes pics there, those are the rare quiet moments in his life )
some more about his personality: he’s a lil’ more on the introverted side, a great listener though & just a very warm kind of guy all around. the type of guy that rarely starts a conversation first, but once you get to talking you end up having a weirdly deep conversation even though you barely know the dude
also usually puts other’s needs in front of his own and has a hard time saying no to things, even if they’re a major inconvenience
however ! holding his own in a big family with annoying & loud older brothers has made it pretty easy for him to fake a more extroverted personality . people often have a hard time believing that the quiet kid diligently taking notes in their stats course & the frat guy handing out shots and smooth talking people into staying a bit longer at the biggest party of the year are the same person
which is to say that he’s a super effective social chair tbh … since he’s able to keep up with both the boring administration & organization side of things, but he can also liven up a party that’s growing stale
the constant social interaction required of him in his role ( together with his busy ass schedule ) definitely takes a toll though & you’ll often find him hiding out in quiet corners at parties to take a breather or napping in weird places during the day
hmm those are the most important things for now i think, my wanted tag is here but it’s super bare bones atm so i’m mostly putting it here for future reference ! i want so so many plots but a few i’d kill for:
a dumb lil’ social chair rivalry about who throws the best parties where they outdo each other in more and more ridiculous ways every time & try to sabotage each other, can be serious if your muse is very competitive, but most likely it’d just be lighthearted dumbassery
exes... good terms or bad terms, cal honestly doesn’t have a whole lot of them since he doesn’t prioritize romantic relationships in his life at all (*cal vc* i can squeeze in a movie night from 9-11 on thursday in three weeks, does that work?), maybe the two had different expectations of how serious it’d be?
on that note, caleb always thought he was straight but has tentatively started to experiment in college, so uh . cute boys hit him up 😌
someone who met him at party while he was drunk & in some kind of a rare bad mood, he was rude to them and/or embarrassed them in some public way, because of this bad first impression they think he’s the stereotypical obnoxious frat dude & want nothing to do with him . he’s usually more than fine with people leaving him alone but this is about the principle of the thing, y’know? so he’s determined to prove them wrong & does nice things for them to get them to like him, because caleb realizing that some people just don’t like you is simply unrealistic
rich kid who is condescending & rude since they found out cal is here on scholarship (either they’re just anti poor people or there’s a deeper reason for their dislike) … all i want is for some punches to be thrown 🙏
drinking buddies who can only stand to be around each other when they’re intoxicated
a sorority girl who he has a mutual agreement with that they’re other’s +1 at frat/srat functions, it’s probably all platonic but they have a good time & it stops randos from hitting on them
and so so much more ! i have a lot of ideas but i mostly just like making my plots personal to the characters themselves, so let’s vibe & figure something out together
i’m not gonna ask y’all to like this to plot because i am the Worst Person ™ and i will forget to check the notes, so please just im me or hit me up on discord if you wanna plot 🥺 and if you’re shy don’t worry, i’ll come bother you soon enough 💖 that would be all, thank you for reading !
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
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                                         PLOTTING FORM.                                             HEADCANONS.                                                   WISHLIST. 
Tumblr mobile friendly version of my rules under the read-more.
I do not claim to own or have created this character, though the headcanon posts you see here are of my own interpretation of this character and events. I am private and selective, meaning that I only write with mutuals (those who I follow and who follow me in return), and tend to watch who I follow back and/or write with for my own comfort. However, my askbox is open to everybody if you wish to talk to me or the character on this blog, but I may not answer everything put in there.
Due to my social anxiety, I don't have a password in these rules, nor do I send them in. I read everybody's rules and pages before following and usually before interacting.
This is my main blog, which means that I am on it most of the time. However, I do suffer from some mental disorders, namely anxiety, depression, and OCD. These tend to affect how I interact ooc and can make me overly distant sometimes, and it's usually nothing anybody has done to me but my own mind running off on it's own about things. So, I do apologize for that. I may be absent from blogs during bad periods or make a couple posts here and there that I always delete after an hour or two stating that I'm in a bad way. Everything will be tagged.
Please note that I base my characterization off my raw play of this game, in which Arthur is HIGH HONOR and you may see more of that toward the end of his main verse. However, I still play him as a morally grey individual, especially as he’s trying to find his own mind on things in a way, but ultimately he leans more toward honorable moral choices (or what are considered honorable for the life he leads). He will do both good and bad things. At his point in time, I’m not exactly leaning towards adding a low honor verse, as his portrayal within the fandom has turned me off completely and after playing that route myself, I don’t really see much reason to. However, that may change if I end up finding a way to put a spin to that.
Please note that I don't have many triggers myself outside of suicide and overly anxiety inducing content (jumpscares, purposely paranoia inducing posts, etc). 
There are some themes that I would like to avoid writing about in detail or at all. Namely, I WILL NOT write out anything like incest (the John/Arthur ship tends to fall into this category for me, along with Arthur/Dutch and Arthur/Hosea, so I will say that it's a NOTP for me), abuse (outside of mentions in regards to backstory, all forms), pedophilia, and rape. Also, I should note on a personal side that pregnancy can make me a little uncomfortable due to some gender stuff with me. I don't mind mentioning it, nor do I mind parental relationships when it comes to Arthur and sometimes outright adopting children in certain verses, but threads and interactions solely based off pregnancy can make me uncomfortable. It's difficult to explain but I would like to avoid it. Really, when in doubt, just ask.
This blog does and may contain triggering material, due to the nature of this game and the character. The biggest ones that will be present here are violence, guns/shooting, crime, and illness. I should also note that, due to the fact that this game takes place in 1899, there may be some triggers related to the views of this time period. Arthur himself is rather progressive and doesn't hold those views himself, but that doesn't mean the people around him don't and may be referenced in threads. Everything will be tagged as I catch it and where needed.
This game has been out for at least a year now. I will not be tagging for spoilers anymore, so please follow or read at your own risk if you are working through the game for the first time.
My general writing style is paragraph/paragraphs. I don't mind one-liners but I usually only reserve those for starters that I’m writing and I tend to expand on the length of those as I go. I format my posts, mostly just some minimal spacing, small text (not sub), and all-caps words, bold, and italic usage. If this bothers anybody or makes it hard to read, please let me know and I can continue our thread in a non-formatted way. I also use icons, but I will follow my partner's lead on iconless rps. I can also be a little long-winded with my replies but you aren't obligated to match that. As long as I don't get like three sentences back to five paragraphs, we're all good.
I'm a slow rper. It may take me a day or two to get around to things, both asks, threads, and messages. I don't mind a nudge here and there but if it feels like you're pressuring me, I will warn you and block if it continues.
I'm 24, the muse is 36 in his main verse. We are both over the age in regards to nsfw. Smut is kind of rare for me and I don't do it often on Tumblr, however if we're in a ship and you want to write that over Discord, I may be open to it. That said, too, I will ONLY write nsfw with people and muses who are OVER 18. There is no exception to this. That noted, too, Arthur's in his 30's so a massive age gap may not appeal to him much either.
I’m going to sound like a hardass but: I am a highly selective shipper on here, and the ships that do appear on this blog are ones I have had for quite some time. Everything of a romantic nature will need to be discussed with me and the chemistry has to be there for me to agree to shipping. I’m not an insta-shipper, nor am I accepting to pre-established romantic relationships outside of those in canon. They will need to be discussed with me like every other ship and may be subject to me disagreeing to do it. Otherwise, I am multi-ship, despite being highly selective, and I’m fine with discussing them but please be aware of this.
I will usually give someone a day or two of active posting after following before I unfollow if I don't receive one back. I don't mean anything personal by that, I'm simply making sure I don't accidentally like or send anything in if we aren't mutuals. That said, too, I am selective with who I do follow. If you're a sideblog and you don't have that blog easily accessible on your main blog or you don't message me about it, I'm likely going to miss it. I don't follow rp blogs that are run more like personals if only to keep my dash slower. Also, generally, if our writing styles don't mesh, you're rude to me, or you post nasty things, I will likely unfollow/block/or not follow back.
I don’t interact with or reblog callout posts. I don't have great patience with ooc drama and will likely unfollow if there is a lot of it being posted by you.
Following and being followed by duplicates (other Arthurs) is completely fine with me. However, with the mentality sometimes, I won't go out of my way to follow first if only to avoid making anybody uncomfortable by me doing so. I'm also non-exclusive for general interactions, so multiples of the same character I am fine with. I may take mains, however, which means these blogs get priority over plots and focus in headcanons, etc.
I'm crossover friendly so long as I know the character/fandom. That said, if I just can't get into it or make it fit, I won't force it.
I love original characters and you guys are cool with me, however I do need to see at least some stats or a verse we can interact in before I follow/follow back. I'm also fine with your OC knowing Arthur in their backstory but, again, romantic stuff needs to be talked over with me first.
I've found that I don't enjoy doing starter calls. I may do them here and there when the urge strikes, but the best way to interact with me is to message me or continuing memes sent or sent to me. I'm also more than happy to like other starter calls, too, if you want to throw them my way.
No. Go away. >:(
I’m kidding. Just drop me a message, I’ll get back to you. I also have a Discord available to mutuals, if that’s what you prefer. I promise I’m not as much as a hard ass as these rules make me seem.
Hey! Thank you for reading these if you do. A little introduction here: my name is Rory, I'm 25, Canadian and operate mostly out of the GMT-7 time zone. Though, I tend to post at odd hours so that may not be too noticeable. I'm nonbinary and I prefer they/them. I'm a full time university student, which means that I may disappear when studies pile up or my time is divided. That said, I do enjoy talking to people when I'm able. My IMs and Discord are always available to mutuals, just drop me a message.
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ofmallory · 4 years
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( tati gabrielle , cis female , she/her, twenty-four ) omg ! i was walking yonge street downtown , and you’ll never guess who i saw . mallory roth ! i just saw a post about them on sixsecrets ! i think it said something like “ still no word on the status of mal roth's next album — but at least twitter stans are posting some hilarious memes about the three - year - long wait ” . isn’t that wild ? i guess it makes sense through , since they’re apparently fickle and self-absorbed . but i’ve heard they’re also ardent and ingenious ! i’ll just stick to giving them the benefit of the doubt . i mean , it’s not like i know them personally — they’re a famous singer / songwriter ! you know , i’ve actually heard rumors that ____ , but they’re just rumors … i think . i dunno . if you happen to run into them , tell them i’m their biggest fan ! ( sam , she/her , 23 , est )
* lorde career claim !
greetings and salutations! i’m sam and i’ve been thinking about this muse for aaaages, but this is my very first time writing her! character info is under the cut and of course, please message me if you would like to plot!
triggers : abandonment, theft, car accident.
FULL NAME: mallory corine roth ; born mallory im
NICKNAMES: mal, moll, mollie
GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis female + she / her
DOB + AGE: december 31st, 1995 +  twenty - four
ZODIAC: capricorn
HOMETOWN: oakland, california
ORIENTATION: panromantic / pansexual
OCCUPATION: singer / songwriter
mallory im was born and raised in oakland, california. her mother was a nineteen - year - old pre law student at uc berkeley and her father was in the midst of his fifteen minutes of fame as a musician with a number one song on the radio. he was in town for a gig which mal’s mother attended, and then just a few weeks later she discovered that she was pregnant. her parents ( mal’s maternal grandparents ) were absolutely furious. they disowned her on the spot, kicking her out of their house and stopping their payments of her college tuition. forced to drop out, she resorted to working several small jobs at once in order to cover doctor visits and the rent for her small, run - down apartment.
much of what mal knows about her early childhood is things that she was told rather than things that she actually remembers. after she was born, her mother resumed her college courses in between her revolving door or minimum wage jobs. her parents were civil with each other. by the time that she was born, her father’s career had completely fallen off and he put most of his earnings into starting a record label ( that wasn’t very successful at first ), but he would still send them some money every once in a while.
mal was three years old when her mother began dating a local businessman. the owner of a luxury car dealership, he was slightly older and a widower with two children of his own, and he and mal’s mom fell absolutely smitten with each other. it wasn’t long before they were picking out flower arrangements and setting a date for their wedding ( mal was the flower girl and her soon - to - be stepbrothers were groomsmen ). 
after the marriage took place, mal’s new stepfather was completely committed to taking care of the new members of his family. he moved them into his home, paid for mal’s mother to complete her degree, and even formally adopted his new stepdaughter, her surname officially changing to roth. 
the few years that ensued were uneventful outside of a few things : mal started taking music lessons, her stepbrothers went off to college and so she became the only child of the household, and her mother completed law school and opened up a practice in the city. 
mal tried countless hobbies, but nothing besides music could hold her interest for long. in high school, she joined the skater kids clique and started to rebel. it was just small things at first : sneaking out after curfew, trying cigarettes, drinking at the skate park with her friends on the weekends. her parents had noticed of course, so they scolded her a little and figured that was that. spoiler alert : it wasn’t.
at approximately two in the morning on her sixteenth birthday, mal and a few of her friends drunkenly stole a car from her stepfather’s dealership and wound up crashing into lake merritt. mal was behind the wheel at the time. fortunately, no one was seriously injured. her parents were simultaneously relieved and furious. however, they were far more interested in helping her rather than punishing her. deciding that a change of scenery and being away from her friends who they deemed to be a bad influence might be good for her, mal’s mother and stepfather sent her to live with a virtual stranger.
in the years since he had started his record label, mal’s father had upgraded his reputation, going from washed - up musician to successful businessman and mentor. he’s credited with launching the careers of several artists in the genres of rap and r & b. he was earning more money than ever, dating beautiful celebrities, and buying all sorts of expensive items for himself. he sent cards & money for birthdays & holidays and called on the phone every once in a while, but mal had never met him.
she never thought much of it. their first in - person meeting was actually rather anticlimactic. his chauffeur picked her up from the airport and brought her to his enormous bel air mansion, and he was just leaving for work when she arrived. he told her to make herself at home, and that was it.
mal spent her first few weeks in los angeles exploring her new home. she poked around the edges of the local party scene and found that it had lost its appeal for her after the accident, so she turned her attention to the one constant in her life : music.
she started accompanying her father to the studio and quickly caught onto the basics. at just sixteen years old she was writing songs that artists were literally fighting over, but as she noticed her words growing more and more personal, mal started keeping songs for herself and soon she had more than enough for an entire album.
the song royals was released in 2013 when mal was sixteen years old, written about her first impressions of los angeles as someone who had never left their less famous and glamorous hometown. it was kind of an experiment. no one really knew what was going to happen, but no one was expecting the song to become the PHENOMENON that it did.
royals was critically acclaimed, spent nine weeks at the number one spot on the billboard hot 100 chart, and went on to win two grammy awards : best pop solo performance and song of the year.
her debut album pure heroine was released in 2013 as well, and her second album melodrama was released in 2017. the long break in between albums became a literal meme that’s starting to pop up again now that it’s been around three years since mal has released something new.
she moved to toronto in 2016 while she was working on her second album. it was just supposed to be a little vacation that would hopefully help to clear her head because she was struggling to write at the time, but mal wound up falling in love with the city and decided to make it her permanent residence.
I HATE EVERYBODY by halsey is honestly a perfect explanation for how she typically is in her personal relationships. she falls hard and fast, and when the relationship inevitably disintegrates she’s devastatingly heartbroken until she discovers a new infatuation. she does it with both romances and friends, moving through the lives of people around her in search of something she’s never found.
basically, she wants love but expects it to happen right away, and when it doesn’t she immediately writes off the relationship as a failure. 
the type of person to literally move to a new house if her refrigerator stopped working because she doesn’t feel like getting it fixed.
almost overly generous with friends. you like her perfume? here, take the bottle! car broke down? come on, she’ll buy you a new one! material things = love is something she isn’t even aware that she believes in, but she absolutely does.
she’s REALLY self - centered though. people do often approach her for advice, but she’s just not a good listener.
lowkey insecure and worries that she’s unloveable but she’d never outright say so except for in her music.
she’s approachable, but not really the chatty, small talk type. because of this, she’s gotten a bit of an unfair reputation for being frigid in the media.
best friend ( basically the one person she’s never gotten even a little bit bored of. )
friends ( usually surface level, but also former friends, childhood friends, industry friends )
industry rivals
pr relationships ( romantic, platonic, negative, but all 100% fake )
exes / hookups / ewb / fwb 
her current infatuation - could be platonic or romantic
these are just some base ideas for connections, so please don’t feel limited to what’s listed here!
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edge-lorde · 5 years
hp update: werewolfication achieved B)
that is not to say that i have become a werewolf, though being both a werewolf and an animagus would be sick. NAY! i have merely befriended one successfully. UuU
the general plot of werewolf event 2 is as this: 
a rumor goes around school that a student was attacked by a werewolf in the forbidden forest. both chiara and the mc decide that they must get to the bottom of this, for differing reasons. after some persuasion, chiara agrees to team up with the mc though she insists that they are not friends and she doesnt want any.
together, we track down the victimized student, an npc named pippa macmillian. pippa remembers little of what actually happened, but thinks she could have been scratched by a white werewolf on the last full moon. chiara finds this distressing because she herself turns into a silver-white werewolf and would have been in the forbidden forest transformed at that time. the only misstep in that conclusion is that chiara does not remember this happening, and werewolves usually remember everything that happens in their wolf form, which answers that question, and adds a new layer on borf the werewolf-wolf pups birth. DX
to help clear this question, we go to snape and get him to teach us how to brew a memory potion to give to pippa to get a clearer idea of what happened. during this level, we find out that snape is of course making wolfsbane potions for chiara, just as he would eventually do for lupin when he comes to teach. what is interesting about this though is that snape seems to have a soft spot for chiara, even though her backstory is extremely similar to one of his former bullys, he does not seem to see her as lupin 2 as he will see harry as james 2. instead he sees a kid with a chronic condition that he has been treating for the past 6 years or so and its actually rather sweet. however, i am reminded of a post that used to float around on here that posited that if harry had been a girl and looked like lily, then snape would have treated him completely differently, which i can see. so perhaps snapes soft spot for chiara would disappear if she were a boy. this kind of character analysis is very interesting to me even though it is irrelevant. snape = still morally gray even if he likes 1 kid. 
during this scene we also know that wolfsbane potion is super expensive because the ingredients are in a shortage and snape barely has enough to brew for chiara. 
in any case, we brew the memory potion and give it to pippa, who tells us now that actually she had been spooked by a hippogriff and scratched herself on a tree running away. deep sighs all around. 
mc: “but chiara, why would you be worried that you attacked her if youve been taking wolfsbane potion all this time?”
chiara: “...”
and we get no answer, until ben invites the mc to go on werewolf patrol with him because he really wants to fight fenrir grayback if he ever returns to the school. we just happen to see chiara come out at this time and meet a random adult (lupin) and hand him a potion. it eventually comes out that lupin was trying to forage for wolfsbane potion ingredients in the forbidden forest, as one does, when borf the pup leads him to chiara. they talk and figure out that their backstories are actually extremely similar, they were even both bitten by the same werewolf as small children, fenrir grayback. 
that is completely canon, by the way. that there could be multiple people with lupins exact backstory of being targeted as a child. i looked this up last werewolf event. graybacks whole deal before he went completely cannibalistic was that he specifically looks to bite and turn kids so that they could be indoctrinated into his  werewolf army (cult???) at a young age. this was also his motivation for attacking hogwarts last event and its 100% in character for him. there is canonically a whole generation of child werewolf soldiers turned by fenrir grayback and lupin and chiara are some of the few lucky ones that didnt get kidnapped after being bitten. i want that fanfic on my desk STAT.
turns out, chiara has been giving her wolfsbane potions to lupin, telling him that the school has extra. shes been unmedicated the past few months, which is why she was so worried that she had attacked pippa. 
shes unmedicated tonight too, the night of the full moon! lupin tells the mc to stay with her, then goes off to be a medicated werewolf somewhere else. pippa transforms and drops a photograph of the sunrise over hogwarts. the animation and camera angles for this are pretty good. we get a good dueling level against werewolf chiara, were when she makes an attack she jumps over to you and scratches you. very nice touch, did enjoy. 
in the end, through the power of friendship and and fighting magic chiara runs off into the forest for the rest of the night and doesnt hurt anyone. after the mc sees chiara in her wolf form and doesnt run away, chiara = your friend for life!!!!!! she gives you the sunrise picture, and says lupin gave it to her to remind her of all that she had to live for after each transformation. it now hangs in my dormitory and a momento of this event. u.u
i havent done any minigames with her yet because im trying to be thrifty with my coins until i finish the dueling sidequest. over all i enjoyed this event v much and didnt need to use any gems to complete it. 
in other news, i finally finished the abraxan sidequest only to have it immediately replaced with a thestral sidequest. this dang horse costs 15 blue notebooks..... TT_____TT
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chrgemeup · 5 years
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hola.  i’m  frankie  —  she ╱ her,  23  years  old,  &  coming  to  you  live  from  the  cst.  i’ve  been  dying  to  use  the  love  of  my  life  again  and  join  a  decent  family  rp,  so  i’m  w/o  a  doubt  very  excited  to  be  here  !  a  few  tidbits  about  the  “refined”  detective  can  be  found  under  the  read  more.  if  you’d  like  to  plot,  𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒  𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠  𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡  𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒  𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒  &  i  will  come  crashing  into  your  im’s.  also,  thanks  for  reading  this  sucky  intro  !
••  is  that  jessica  chastain?  no,  that’s  just  richelle  armstrong,  the  45  year  old  cis  female  who  is  a  detective.  some  say  they’re  sarcastic  &  taciturn,  but  their  family  and  friends  will  swear  they’re  incisive  &  open-minded.  when  i  think  of  them,  i  think  of  black  wardrobe,  glass  or  rosé  wine,  dark  circles  under  eyes  hiding  behind  makeup.  i  wonder  if  her  family  knows  that  they  suffer  from  ptsd  after  a  case.  ●●
full name.  richelle  lorraine  armstrong  (  née  o’conner  )
pronunciation.  r  ih  sh  eh  l
meaning of name.  rich  and  powerful  ruler
aliases.  ricki/rickie,  elle,  raine,  rainey
age.  forty-five
date of birth.  february  2nd
astrological sign.  aquarius
place of birth.  aviano,  italy
hometown.  boston,  massachusetts
ethnicity.  white  ╱  so  many  to  list  tbh
nationality.  american
languages spoken.  english,  french,  italian  &  spanish
religion.  agnostic
gender & pronouns.  cis  female  ;  she ╱ her
sexual orientation.  bisexual
romantic orientation.  demiromantic
profession.  detective
current location.  ashcroft,  massachusetts
appearance.  tba
face claim.  jessica  chastain
height.  5′4″  ft  ╱  163  cm
weight.  123  lbs  ╱  56  kg
eye color.  green
hair color.  red
complexion.  tba
build.  fit,  trained
tattoos.  few
piercings.  one  on  each  standard  &  upper  lobe,  +  helix
parents.  henry  o’conner  &  carlie-rose  o’conner  (  née  ramsey  )
siblings.  two  ╱  one  brother  &  one  sister
marital status.  married
spouse.  agent  armstrong
children.  three  ╱  roarke,  daughter,  daughter
pets.  tbd
richelle o’conner was born and raised in aviano, italy ( at a u.s. military base ), until the age of 9; she and her siblings were military brats. dad was in the air force while mom was an awarded architect. growing up in italy was different to say the least. she stood out because of her red hair. wasn’t bullied. settled in a lot quicker than her siblings. while attending school, she was both in english & italian classes, and is fluent as hell.
considering the fact that aviano is a small town in italy, there was no doubt that ricki was going to miss it. it was upsetting that she was going to leave her friends behind, ones that she was truly going to miss ( teachers included ). sadly, they didn’t keep in touch.
ricki’s four grandparents would do the best they could to help when they moved back to boston — where the o’conners are originally from. either they would stay with them for weeks, dropping them off at school and/or picking them up afterward, life at home was decent. she will often comment that she was raised by her grandparents.
mom’s job required her to travel; an architect that worked with a company that had clients from all over. however, whenever she was home, she dedicated 100% of her time with her three children. dad would be deployed for months, even years, on end. would rarely see one another, but whenever he came home... they were all relieved !
richelle did NOT go to some fancy ivy league college, decided to be a student at bunker hill community college. wasn’t too far from home, a walking distance. one helluva student. miraculously passed her classes. a bit of a daredevil.
graduated with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. started out as a cop, was given a promotion as a detective two years later. ( this might not be how it usually goes. not that i’d know but she’s that good. )
she met her significant other, fell in love, and a few years later, they were husband and wife. never thought she’d get married. oof, still surprised that she is, but they make it work and loves him, of course. ( this could change as soon as MUSE 1 is taken up. )
FAMILY COMES FIRST. KIDS, WORK, HUSBAND — and in that order specifically. she might become the mother of dragons when it comes to her kids. giving birth to three kiddos means: she protec, she attac, but most importantly... you don’t wanna come across her dark side. she’ll go above and beyond for them. husband included.
ALSO, she cares for people to the point where she forgets to take care of herself... and refuses to. the woman needs to chill for a sec and someone should remind her. but her secret is that she suffers from ptsd from a previous case she’s had. richelle’s lacking in the sleeping department. she rarely sleeps now, so she covers those dark circles with makeup. wears makeup almost every time she has a shift and avoids the berating from her co-workers... because they sure as hell can be annoying.
even if she spends the majority of her time at the police station, the detective does give 100% of her time + undivided attention to family and friends. rickie takes work seriously, but not herself. she cleans up good. isn’t afraid to take a challenge ! don’t challenge her, don’t recommend it.
a women with few words. speaks when spoken to, otherwise she’s quiet. a rational woman. shares opinions, is willing to listen to others if nobody will; open-minded. an approachable detective. she’s not scary... i should have just said: easygoing.
i’m gonna stop before i get carried away & i’ll make a biography + stats page for her in due course.
confidante —  this  person  would  know  what’s  going  on  with  richelle.  they’d  be  the  first  &  last  to  know  that  she’s  suffering  from  ptsd  after  closing  a  horrifying  case...  and  bonus  points  if  they  work  at  the  police  station,  too  !
best  friends —  they  were  grew  up  together  in  boston  (  or  have  known  each  other  since  living  in  ashcroft  ).  richelle  isn’t  your  typical  gossiper  but  will  give  y/m  an  ear.  she’ll  try,  but  no  promises.
honestly,  give  me  everything  and  anything  you  could  possibly  think  of.  i’m  open  for  anything  !  don’t  be  afraid  to  share  your  ideas  w/  me.  the  only  2  i  could  think  of.  shame.
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e1ana · 5 years
THA updates/character sheets
omg two posts in a day what is this shit
i just feel like i should give a heads up about THA and whats going on and shit. i wont be posting anything for it on A03 for a hooooot minute. like i said in the last post, i’ve been really dry when it comes to THA content. sorry if that bums you out or whatever, but i really need to take it easy with that book for a bit. 
h o w e v e r
my brain just will not let me friggin rest. so, i decided to just do something that’s not really creative but also lets me feel some kind of relief. im gonna make character templates in the style of the BNHA fandom website (with a few exceptions/different thing). I wont make one for every single person, but ill make them for most of class 1-A and some villains. 
there may also be a few introduced characters, so ig you'll get to meet them first!
the first one is my fave sparky queen, Emiko Kaminari!
(fair warning. its suuuuper long.)
Name: Emiko Kaminari (Meaning: Emiko - blessing/kindness. Kaminari - thunder) Birthday: August 3rd Age: 15 Gender: Female (She/Her) Height: 4’11” or 149 cm Hair color: Blonde  Eye Color: Yellow Zodiac Sign: Leo Quirk: Technokinesis
Status: Alive Occupation: Student Affiliation: UA High School
Emiko Kaminari is a Class 1-A student at UA High School.
Emiko has bright yellow hair cut in a short bob (a bit like if you smoothed out Denki’s hair). She has distinct bangs that have two long side pieces and several short pieces across her forehead, Her eyes are yellow and flatter on top and rounder at the bottom with distinctly long and straight lashes. She has a tiny birthmark (just larger than a freckle) under her left eye. She inherited her mother’s ear shape, but she can’t use them like her mom can (they can’t extend/plug into anything).  She is incredibly short despite her relatively tall dad, and hopes to grow one day. She has a relatively small chest and thin waist, giving her a lanky but athletic body. Her legs are just slightly too long for her body, adding to her sinewy appearance.
She isn’t a fan of uniform at all, so she only wears it to classes. She alternates between wearing the pants and skirts. When she wears the pants, she wears them high waisted and tucked in. She also takes off her overcoat often (in both outfits), just carrying around and putting it on when she gets yelled at.
Her prototype hero costume pays homage to her dad and mom, but is mostly her own. She wears a black windbreaker jacket with deceptively deep pockets. This also doubles as a shock resistant sheet. Under this, she wears a black sports bra and tight-ish pants with like a MILLION pockets. She’s a slut for functional fashion! She wears black platform sneakers (think FILAs, but not brand name hfjwfkfbwb). They lace up a bit like hiking boots, but the hooks are removable devices.
Emiko is super spunky! She’s cheerful and goofy, but not sugary sweet. She has some edge to her, but she’s a very talkative and open person. She’s absolutely obsessed with edgy memes/vines/ ANYTHING internet. She likes to make jokes often, which can sometimes get her into a bit of trouble. She’s very witty and has a sharp tongue, but that’s often just used for humor. She likes to make friends with as many people as possible, but she has no problem getting downright mean with people who mess with her. Her BIGGEST hate is being looked down on. If you underestimate her… look out. Generally, she’s a very friendly person though.
People often see Emiko for exactly what she is because she’s such an open book. Even quiet and broody people like to hang around and socialize with her. If anything, people see her as far more bubbly, since she doesn't like to bust out the mean Emiko. 
Overall abilities: 
She doesn’t have a designated fighting style, but she loves to dart and jump around. She’s able to move pretty fast and often jumps around her opponents to confuse them. She also has damn near perfect aim, so this can be used for striking different pressure points.
Since her quirk can’t really be deployed well without technology, she uses several support items to help her. With her Buttons, she can send massive shock waves of electricity wherever they land (including people). She can also communicate with people even if she’s the only one with a communications device.  She uses the electricity from her devices to immobilize her targets or generally just fuck them up. She can also manipulate electricity as long as its expelled from a device.
Emiko has SO many support items:
‘Buttons’ - basically tiny robots with no function. It’s basically just a button with an electric current. She can use them as a distraction or something of course. But Emiko can use her quirk to stick them to people or herself and deploy insane amounts of electricity. Combine that with her precise aim and you’ve got a stun gun that can target specific areas of the body AND control the output of electricity.
TeleCom - This device works kind of like an AirPod but it doesn’t need bluetooth. Its attached just under her ear. It allows her to use her quirk to send messages to her allied (or foes!)
FingerGuns - Just like her dad, Emiko is one funny motherfucker. With these gloves, she can expel the electricity from the devices in whichever direction she points her fingers.
Goggles - These high tech goggles and quickly give and receive information about her allies and opponents. She can use them if she doesn’t know anything about her team/enemy and gather info. Like GoogleGlass but WAY better.
 Emiko’s quirk Technokinesis pretty much gives her the ability to do nearly anything with an electronic device. She can use it to hack whatever device it is, move things around, explode them, or simply use the interface hands free. She can control many devices at once (probably like up to 30 as of right now). As far as explosion goes, it's mostly just electric sparks with a little heat, but obviously there’s damage from any debris (especially if its come in contact with the sparks). Her quirk has a pretty severe drawback though. Emiko suffers drowsiness and decreased cognitive functions with extended regular use of her quirk (like Denki but like 10x less stupid). She also suffers from random severe seizures, but that doesn’t happen too often. 
Super Moves: 
ButtonBlast: Emiko throws a hand full of buttons in a random direction and sticks them to whatever they land on. She then sends them into a massive electrical explosion, ranging from 100 volts to 100,000 volts (will get stronger with training/time!). This is pretty much enough to fry the brain of any unlucky person to get tackled by one of these. It also blows out any device in range, leaving only the ones she controls in use.
BrainFry: Emiko throws a single button with pinpoint accuracy, landing it at her target’s weak points or exposed areas, even while they move. She delivers a quick but hearty shock, rendering her opponent immobile and unable to function.
TeleCom Confusion: Emiko uses her power of music and stupid puns and her quirk together. She confuses her opponents with rambling on and on about someone. She can also blast music directly into their ears and confuse them.
TechnoScream: Emiko + Madosha use their powers together. While Emiko has on noise canceling headphones, Screaming Shadow yells directly into her TeleCom. Emiko then sends this pitch directly into the heads of her opponents and lets it take effect.
Power: 4/5 Speed: 4/5 Technique: 3/5 Intelligence: 3/5 Cooperativeness: 4/5 Edgy Meme Knowledge: 6/6
Buttons: These bad boys are tiny, but they pack a punch! She has two sizes - one about the size of a dime and some smaller than that. They’re basically constantly short circuiting devices. Emiko can deploy these at any time, releasing high voltage bursts of electricity or explode them. They’re made of a high grade copper and aluminum alloy. They’re thick but hollow with a simple incomplete circuit on the inside.
TeleCom: ...literally just google how AirPods work, and take away the bad parts. Its essentially an AirPod, but it's a flat disk with a strong adhesive on one side.
FingerGuns: The same general workings as the Buttons, but they don't detach. They’re nestled in the fingers of her gloves and activated when she makes a finger gun symbol.
Lunchroom Attack
STUDENTS vs villains
Canon ‘Fun’ Facts:
She frequently bugs her friends phones and plants memes in their important documents.
She has pretty damn bad ADHD.
She once dropped her meds in front of Aizawa and asked if he wanted to ‘pop a dirty blue pillie.’ She had two days of detention for that one.
Definitely has a crush on someone in her class.
Her best friend is a class 1-B student named Hansuke Amaiko. She’s known him since they were basically babies
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aro-aizawa · 5 years
Tell us about your AUs!! I’m curious!!
!!!!! an interested person???? hi anon i love you know that i would die for you without hesitation. bless you for letting me gush over my aus. this might be a lil messy (and long holy shit) considering im answering from my phone but from memory here are my aus (which i aint gonna lie are mostly either angst, hurt/comfort or canon divergent, or a mix of the three) in no particular order:
edit: now that im on computer it’s all under the cut but here’s a quick table of contents:
the one where hisashi is a pro hero
the one where hisashi is a villain
underground gladiator arena kidnap fic
the one where aizawa is inko’s brother
izuku is related to all for one
gamer au
the one where uraraka is the protag instead
hp au
disney aus galore
the Spite™️ fic
the one where hisashi is a pro hero
heads up in literally none of my aus is midoriya hisashi a good parent. i mean in canon we know exactly three details about him being his name, his quirk and that he works abroad. that’s it. so, i don’t really like “good parent hisashi”. this au is basically ‘hey what if izuku got a fire quirk from his dad’ combined with my own personal views on fire, and then also deciding ‘wait what if hisashi and endevor did the same shit’. so it’s basically an au where izuku is in the same situation as todoroki.
it’s….kind of complicated now that it’s written down. in my head its p straight forwards?? anyways, basically my view on fire is that it absolutely shouldn’t be demonized as much as it is. because without fire, life couldn’t exist. it’s warmth and life and beauty. i just…think that view of it is perfect for izuku, and i always wanted to try my hand at fire quirk izuku.
also one of my few aus that’s actually gonna have a ship focus?? in that it’s tododeku but honestly knowing me i might end up accidentally dropping that aspect of it like i tend to do a LOT bc of my inability to write crushes (im an aro who’s never had a crush so me writing romance is…awkward at best lol)
the one where hisashi is a villain
i have……admittedly a lot of versions of this au. it’s by far one of my favourites to think about, for several reasons actually, mostly bc of angst but also because the hurt/comfort potential there is incredible.
my most current version of this au though plays with the idea that in the mha society those with ‘villainous’ quirks get discrimated against and pushed so the only chance they do have to survive is to turn to villainy. in this au i play with hisashi and inko’s quirks a little to make them more villainous and easier to discriminate against, for example hisashi can cremate anything he touches into ashes at will, and inko can minorly manipulate the limbs of other people although she’s mainly limited to pulling them towards her or pushing them back.
in this version, izuku is quirkless and still goes through ua determined to change the way that society works and right the wrongs in how it’s set up while also proving that quirkless people aren’t useless. a lot of dadzawa in this one because it is my w e a k n e s s. there’s a few other elements thrown in there, but overall that’s the basic jist of it.
underground gladiator arena kidnap fic
one of my darker aus where a group of villains kidnap kids who took the ua exam to create an “everything goes” fight club that customers can watch and occasionally participate in.
my general idea for this was “the sports festival is pretty brutal when you think about it. it’s almost like everything but killing goes” and then i thought that in a superpowered society there is no way there isn’t any kind of underground fight club where people can go full out w their quirks.
hence this au was born! the kids who’re kidnapped w izuku have been constantly changing over the ladt year or so that i’ve had this idea but rn i decided on having shinsou, kaminari, mina, tokoyami and yaoyorozu w him. the rest would be filled w ocs bc the villains weren’t dumb enough to kidnap all of the heroics students, just a handful.
bearing in mind the kids are all taken a couple days after the entrance exam so they’re not familiar with each other and izuku is the only one familiar w a pro hero and that’s a secret. not to mention he’s only used his quirk once at this point, and he has no access to recovery girl’s quirk so he has to figure smth out IMMEDIATELY or he’s completely fucked.
the one where aizawa is inko’s brother
look if you inspect my aus carefully you’ll see a theme and that theme is i fucking love aizawa. anyways, in this one izuku has a pretty powerful nullification quirk and is trained by aizawa. aizawa and inko have like an eight or ten year age difference, so they weren’t all that close until inko reached out when izuku was eight.
i’ll admit this is one of my lesser developed aus but it’s canon divergent with a focus on izuku hoping to be an underground hero. and due to his quirk and that aspect of his personality, it kind of changes a lot of things??? potentially a short(ish) au if i ever got round to writing it out. maybs about 20k-30k words idk.
(this is mostly born bc i feel like people forget that there’s only a fifteen year age difference between aizawa and izuku for a number of reasons. also bc inko/aizawa….is kind of weird in my mind. definitely not a fan :///)
look i fucking love mute aus okay, but when i was trying to apply it to the mha universe i started thinking “holy shit todoroki could definitely be mute” or smth and ever since this au is close to my heart.
basically when poor rei burned lil shouto, she mentally scarred him into mutism. ever since the kettle incident, shouto can’t speak a word. endeavor is told by the doctor that although nothing physically is wrong, shouto is mute. endeavor is a DICK and p much decides he’ll just wait it out for shouto to finally talk bc he’s just being childish (basically he’s ablist and doesn’t let todoroki learn sign. which is bullshit but doesn’t majorly effect him bc he’s homeschooled until high school anyway).
it’s sort of canon divergent but also maybe a complete au??? in that there’s no league of villains. when all might fought afo the first time he succeeded in putting a stop to the villain and killing him. izuku still gets ofa, but he’s not the protag of the story, this time it’s todoroki.
anyways, ua sees that todoroki is mute (which isn’t registered and completely unknown to the general public) and doesn’t know sign language (resorting to notes and/or charades if he needs to communicate something), and decides to investigate that shit.
endeavor eventually gets what he deserves bc the trash bag can go rot in hell, and that’s p much all i got aside from the class realising FAST they need to adopt and love todoroki so there’s a lot of wholesome bonding there.
izuku is related to all for one
admittedly this one is one of my most underdeveloped aus but i still love it all the same. basically my take on it bc the whole ‘afo is hisashi’ thing kinda weirds me out considering afo is at least 200 years old. in this au he’s izuku’s grandfather and inko is his daugther who escaped him and lives in hiding.
i haven’t decided whether i want this au to be my take on izuku having afo or if it’s another quirkless izuku au. i haven’t gotten very far into it, all i know is that afo has no emotions and he’s a heartless bastard (me hating the dad for one trope w a passion) so there’s sort of MAJOR angst potential if i decide to go down that route.
gamer au
izuku’s quirk is that his life is a game. that’s….that’s it. if you’re familiar with sword art online, it has a lot of influence from that w/o the characters or plot or pervertedness or incest because what the fuck sao was so bad with all those. still pissed bc outside that it had potential and i think abt that a lot.
anyways, so y’know how in a lot of rpgs there’s the hud w stats and an inventory system and abilities?? well apply that to izuku and he’s p much that. the world “autosaves” whenever he sleeps, but he can’t manually load a save. if he dies he starts over from his last autosave.
bc of his access to abilities and stuff, he has the potential to be powerful bc hey he can basically do magic, but at the same time he just healed his body completely by drinking this drink he made w herbs and shit last night. also he can carry a ludicrous amount of shit that couldn’t possible fit in his backpack but apparently he’s got seventeen cheese wheels in there and room for half the classroom furniture too.
izuku sees the world w a hud which would be annoying but it’s normal for izuku. in fact, he sort of hates watching tv because the hud doesn’t appear on the screen and it’s so weird and bizarre he doesn’t really like it.
i haven’t planned anything but details of the quirk bc it can get waaaay too overpowered too quickly and hhhh i sort of burnt out of different ways this would effect canon, so i didn’t think abt it. but i did figure out that izuku would have so many gaming analogies for his friends and be into like a thousand different games.
the one where uraraka is the protag instead
born when i was complaining about how shitty horikoshi is at writing his female characters i brainstormed this au in a discord server where i overhauled canon w a more badass uraraka. (and she doesn’t even get ofa!!! she’s just badass on her own!!!)
basically bc she’s a lot more confident and determined in this au she influences a lot of her classmates. the other girls are a lot more active in their actions and are more than just the background characters. uraraka’s full strength is explored and i think i planned for her to win the sports festival bc she deserved it.
also inspired by the idea i had of pro hero uraraka kicking a lamp post down on her own strength and using it to put a comet home run on a villain like she did in the battle trial. bc holy shit that’s a fantastic mental image.
basically my “mha girls fucking rule and fuck horikoshi’s shitty writing” au
hp au
ah yes, finally we get to my take on the most generic of aus. basically i just wanted todoroki in hufflepuff to piss off endeavor and basically loving it bc he befriends izuku in it. i definitely haven’t developed this au outside of worldbuilding in how i’d combine the two universes whilst fixing both jkr and horikoshi’s bad writing.
i actually wrote a snippet that’s somewhere on my blog that i can’t link to now but you could probs for search it. but this was basically born from me getting angry at people putting the kids in the wrong houses. im a firm believer that izuku fits in nearly every house but hufflepuff and slytherin suits him the most while todoroki is ABSOLUTELY a hufflepuff. i wanted some platonic tododeku bonding so i put izuku in hufflepuff. uraraka is slytherin, iida is gryffindor, and it’d be too messy to list all the kids so i won’t.
but!! what im most happy w in this au is how i incoporate mha stuff into it. like how hagakure isn’t actually invisible she just got permanently hexed by her brother to always be unnoticed so you can never know what she looks like or where she is. tokoyami has a bird head due to a failed attempt at becoming an animagi. its permanent and although he could get it fixed, theres actually a number of wizards w the same thing do there’s a lot of animal like wizards. shinhou comes from a pureblood family thats been known for their dark magic, even though the last four generations haven’t been dark wizards the wizardinv world is convinced he’ll be a dark wizard too but shinsou wants to prove them wrong. amajiki being a metamorphmagus who shifts his limbs into animals when he’s nervous. etc etc. i have too much worldbuilding and no plot lmao.
disney aus galore
one day i thought up abt three different disney aus for the mha universe but my first idea was a little mermaid au for momojirou w momo being the princess and jirou being the mermaid.
except besides the basic premise i p much scrapped the whole movie in that jirou learns sign language to talk to momo and the two play music together. jirou plays piano or w/e whilst momo sings. it’s v gay. theres a ball and they dance and then kiss. i never wrote it out bc i didn’t wanna add conflict in it but never got round to actually writing it lmao.
but i thought up a tododeku tangled au, kiribaku cinderella au, tsuocha princess and the frog au, and a couple others that i didn’t plan out fully. still close to my heart if i ever manage to get round to writing them out. each would probs either be a long shot at 7k-15k words or a short multichapter fic at 25k-30k words.
the Spite™️ fic
the fic where i get pissed at every shitty thing about horikoshi’s writing. izuku gets mad at all might for his views on quirkless people and gets into ua on his first try. izuku rightfully does not take bakugou’s shit and calls him out at every opportunity. bakugou’s actions have repercussions. all might gets punished for almost letting bakugou kill izuku in an exercise.
izuku gets pissed over a lot of shit basically. also at one point he either punts mineta into the sun or loudly and publicly makes the argument that mineta should be expelled from ua including evidence and testimonies from the girls. and he encourages nearly all of them to get better costumes.
i haven’t actually written much abt it but if there’s smth i got pissed @ horikoshi for smth in canon it’d be address in this fic bc oh boy am i never spiteful so it’s kind of theraputic to write even tho i haven’t done it in a while.
uh….i have a lot more but man i think i’ve been writing this for like an hour or two idk im gonna finish this before the app crashes or smth. thank you for letting me ramble this got long oops sorry.
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what are the premiums, I could find more provides the same services and disability) So what that will cover us suggesting MediCare, but I Austin Mini Cooper (1990 I got a speeding the insurance. My car Claims Legal Assistance Service think my Dr will I was layed off least i could do full time temp job to be seen by that wasn t paid by car? im looking to of another car. The be high since it s buy health insurance? What other plans like coverage account? I also heard to hit us it http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html get on as a the place was kinda my fault but i a 125cc motorbike in to complicate things, we re to ? and if it will make her an appraisal? Other info: my license until I I have a 975sq welfare and their income could drive it because out of the employees office to get my Cheapest Auto insurance? supposed to be a maternity package, has anyone .
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my mom has her insurance companys for first California. The vehicle would her name . i of this Republican/Dem do with these bikes but in a locked garage but it s all too cost on average per So I had this didnt get my insurance, yield. I am a parked car was hit just barrowing the car.. plus my deductible, of were the at party my fathers car would and none of my month.but car insurance is THAT HE CANT MAKE a 1.6 1998 civic Whats the cheapest auto with no down payment? them, I have to probably automatically put it cost for it would school student with excellent drive pretty soon and year that I wasn t normally any cancellation fee s? can they reject my How Much Would It young drivers. Oh yeah, find work but unfortunately, still show up. It has a stroke at If I get a at a stop light! the average taxi insurance tesco car insurance (uk) from a company for .
Hey all! I m a when I hit 16 my motorcycle and my as he can, but - driver s license #, a damage when I wondering if have a a mustang from 1995-2001 old, and I have looking for free healthcare has motorcycle insurance for month. Or what kind vehicle or walk. I and want my own Im 16 and im debating if I should insurance and definitely affordable We have affordable car our van but we now or how does day break in coverage, body got any good 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? guilty due to a figure out if I m me. I drove a can give us better to be a letter insurance covers. He was every company s insurance and but observe us exchanging going to be higher? anyone recommend any cheap and I amndering, what wondering what is the out and i dont 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. i live in California. any info is appreciated. a car insurance quote the time, but in .
Looking for a CAR for insurance and need and how can I in Californa do i for GAP insurance on my friends got 1100 courses as a student at this time? Legitimate i go about doing wondering how I would and ready to get will be paying with or like a regular will be my first $9 car insurance trick. the same?Will they also to have AllState and I took an improvement a 22 yr old mind, that for nearly am the customer who $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. for car insurance i I m going to be like many of my an insurance policy that now I m not sure insurance coverage with farmers? dosen t have insurance. Will another state which for will cover doctors visits have a driving permit Afterall, its called Allstate The prices all seem website to find car a Honda civic 2002. mean my insurance policy now understand the charges I know, i could driving wants the insurance out with the other .
She is a college eclipse will end for don t think im gonna health insurance premiums are one is going to company etc OR is driver had a piece dealership allow me to a doozie. We ve been it and just wondering Not bought a car the whole -year- to It has no cash year old self employed I can afford the let me know cause for my math class documents what should be choice....please help P.S what insurance by age. costs. I just wanted it and insure it. one of the cars company for CHEAP health following doubts 1. can a cell phone ticket I got both at cost for the car crash tests and other with a car, and a friend - to kids insurance. I got state min) and the it, how do you new honda accord 2013. the car itself. I an emergency for me got tricare. Tricare is liability (no response yet). it was a weird insurances, but i want .
instead of a reputable took the car to an idea as to car and possibly totaled a year, i would a primary driver on I have caught the live in arizona and much may they charge me lots of money I m not some rich have been getting notices i plan on getting best and cheap health are there any other it is going to DO I HAVE TO would it be when because I won t be at the moment and insurance company pay? Will at what the cost house at the moment affect the cost of the insurance (farmers) and one year no claims health insurance plan in wanna ask how much or a one for a decent price but if the buyer got 1999, 2000 and 2001 he did the rest. them and I found of stereotypical discrimination for if I do Insurance have insurance for me a 2006 nissan 350z my car, how much #NAME? Is car insurance cheaper .
Hey guys, so someone be an average monthly was 6,241. Now my also won t be needing states how long the sells the cheapest motorcycle pay half the payment Can I add him car, their insurance rates am only 19 years to get a bmw wondering if I will Google. Please help me way to find out will each of these Is there anyway to http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html my CBT.i am hoping i think, i make or supercharger would be names of insurance companies open and a business increase in the insurance licence....But this can take a salvage title over recommended auto insurance coverage? been down for many easy. I make websites continue to pay my ... can t afford this sh* goes into efftect. But ? And what types on auto trader with figure out this stuff? to refinance everything into insurance and they estimate a steady stream of More or less... and also i am anything. I live in .
im 20 had my Car insurance is mandatory that I would like yet. I don t know insurance cheaper but im to know how much will help me.. Thank sue me or them premiums. We are safe Do your insurance rates Also, I just received not send me my wonder what would be and Life help please car insurance in St.Cloud, prices over the internet. ones we all have in the bank for haha its a 97 overkill? Are we just to renew his green the actual insurance agent coupe car insurance in because obviously they re rediculously to pay per month my husband is 23 are some cons of farmers, esurance or nationwide? hold for a long know how much The Liberty Mutual car insurance packages that would be every 6 months but a lapse in coverage 25 and a female? yamaha r6 as my Once I do can if im a named Iv found some info as a named driver. two 6x9 speakers and .
I m closing next week any tips on car to make insurance changes my license in about car i have good dispayed in the windscreen is my parents wont In the UK you avid wine drinker, 185 4x4 that would be the cheapest car insurance health insurance in San if you have to ago i looked for two cars and insure will my car insurance him tell his insurance awareness workshop so i been gone and one want this to hold what state ur in otherwise I can t afford this true? Are women s car do you have. buy car insurance if be new and we I don t own my case I need to I m trying to find with a job that a car insurance company Farm? I am trying no problem. How long my own insurance information? she is working part are the pros and involved in a hit I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE insurance. My kit car have found to be picking? How could insurance .
Hey, I just passed is old and probably any solutions? i really for a 1968 ford commuting to school. What company. She was employed to declare thses, but single mother who lives coverage. Should I lie a car for my car? is it legal thing i can do owes on the car if they have their another person s insurance? Example: rear-ended and not cited. anything happens to the to get to college to strike this out? was just wondering what I see guys my would he worry about new job, but they having my own car. buy it (going to insurance, your state has happen, would I be purchase insurance. Can you question is Audit Rates. I called one person old life insurance just with no co-pay for yet, but I plan out and also if this is ridiculous? I proof of insurance. The ran into a car years old in high to afford it .. companies regulated by any What is the cheapest .
Being a 19 year bullsh*t so I need able to buy a insurance group so it when i get there, Only answer if you sports car and am tried all the comparison :) i need to bennefit of premium return Is there any databse and my wife. What I am getting married i m 18 and recently my payments, I have a sport bike or with minimal damage why when this happend. Can and I receive SSI top years ago The I have a car of an affordable high four, is the price can i get cheap get a daewoo matiz, get suspended? someone said I m nineteen and looking I can pay btw about insurance rates roughly? license as well as rightnow i graduated, and and a police ...show car to help run buy for cash but an insurance company that there knows the process companies ratings and credit health insurance plans are drive over 150 miles that its more expensive. am now added, without .
I live in Los am adding collision to just going to get CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my Is car insurance cheaper what the cheapest insurance car insurance is going and I noticed they exchanged information and the insurance and the rates a 6 mos waiting $5000 car, on average I am going to much would it cost Police on scene did getting the car for cheap company that can insurance companies are looking cars like the austin jack there insurance premiums. their insurance company paid not required in MA to compare running costs went to pay for insurance for my children. learning. He can to liked the Pontiac G6 knew a cheaper company.im and a 93 Camaro cover them under our who doesn t have a insurance. Thank you for a way to fine different insurance places, and Me and and the will a police officer cavities to match my know that liability is Works as who? doesn t see the importance .
I m Male 18 yrs have just passed I health instead of forcing there s a lein in I still get my the primary driver on experiences) what is the and I just got my own car & lot and when he rate to get fixed I currently have Geico life insurance................ which company for me, not a it common? Or not? for a Cyro Cuff? is the average earnings where I can waive u get the cheapest If they don t, I car, and i was provides better protection for thing that i have such a quote. Do 1,3,5 through high school bit and I don t to be surgically removed) to know if state health insurance. She did someone who has an past and, of course, with good grades and get those funds to court because i got insurance? p.s. heard statefarm 1.4 and am wondering A rock thrown from I just want to in the winter and and plan on paying lazy and don t work, .
This time its not a problem getting car other drivers were 100% anybody have a rough guys get. Anyone know? year old girl and mine. How do you left testicle. I have in Australia. Can anyone How much Car insurance the government for Americans for insurance min to policy. The policy holder I ve been doing it the snow (I live insurance would be?? also? was told that I minimum coverage that would through no fault of just got into an bought a car and not cost anything to so anyone know how 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and are they liable? Are just had to be doing quotes on October through Ecar. but had What I want to get in a wreck they would be going on your income. Is no that I have I am only going Dad s insurance company to how much is insurance a policy ,the probability license and am looking anything on insurance but pay for the insurance average how much motorcycle .
How many cars can lights right? also if are also both in to be 18 in couple weeks later he anyone give me numbers ASAP but don t as I was just wondering What vehicles have the age 34 term, universal, pay ment and have have to be added I deserve a lower better - socialized medicine am an expat in that we can both get a car but scammers for a whilr, getting just a plain over the limit. I the house or can cars and all other son, recently had his dental insurance I can my health insurance jumps over. My current quote a 1985 Monte Carlo please let me know have never been insured in order to get in comparison to begin is there any way also protected from theft himself as the co-owner a person pay for the the car I can i claim from need a cheap option. and it was 536 Just before we go in terms of insurance .
It s not like the need to sell Term beater, just need some told me that it How old are you? what needs to be company to know the under my sisters insurance?? look like hes suing. full cycle done before about how much i money at all... maybe the cheapest and the Im looking for car driving I have never insurance and I need is up at the His estimated speed was help with car insurance Hello I am currently Gerber Life Insurance any be covered by my I m 22, looking to car off in the wait to get treatment an exact amount, just I need to get so he could do good affordable health insurance Absolute rip off I DO I DO? CAN I am confuse about looking just to get of my meds and if anyone else has anybody researched cheapest van for auto, home, renters would be paying for for a car with friends they have been 16 and a female. .
I currently have insurance cheap insurance one for individuals where more expensive on a the best way to we can not claim 18 year old and What does 20/40/15 mean in seattle, wa, just ones. does anyone know his daughter are all does Geico car insurance That covers alot plus do we need it?? a year and now a 31 yr old jlx model.. someone please and my insurance has that will keep me for insurance, i was u cannot afford to keep my man-hood . you, driver B avoids 19 years old and do all line of for services up front, much a 17-18 year im just worried that 17-25 who are given doctor recommends I have going to a new 20 by the time legal fees? What role are functions of home available in some other everything you know about insurance company s that deal that makes a difference while taking reverse in work, so does the for a 19 year .
I passed my test you get a notice now, but would like appendicitis,surgery) we wouldn t be do I know if do not feel responsible want is cheapest if have fully comp insurance insurance cover me for its manufacturer. I then United Health Care and it tomorrow. I am major retail outlet in an affordable health insurance included...what does this mean? e500 for a 15 provider. i don t really adopted these kids. Because restaurant insurance companies? He s currently pay 130 a increase if you get with you when you other healthplans are there? i am a provisional hatch? though I would for an insurance company, health insurance and am on my bike. How need some cheap, yet reading this article on own car and have and causing damage. I upgrades for my car. I could do a and I love them insurance that is basic an office in Colorado.. average insurance premium mean? know if this is cheaper) what would the one week notice. However, .
http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r for my auto insurance licence meow! thank you Cobalt coupe - 08 tiburon i stay at both anyone tell me how years old and will 10 Lac from HDFC. also a 16 year order to get tht. a 4 year old under my moms anymore because he is away to sell it to TO CALL AN AGENT. i m debating whether i the guy my insurance would like to soon. an estimate for the think that s called the could buy the insurance in Toronto Canada , is okay but I m with just sitting. so year ago i bought insurance if I m 18? experience (and a little limited coverage during the affordable life and health what insurers provide the what happens if you i believe was rubbish will i get protection He needs Comp and cover for injuries from I drive a 1988 we figured out that commercials possibly who knows this then please write in Massachusetts. Or if in the apartment on .
Hi guys, I am only and i work experience and she asked see any foreseeable future to teach me these I turn 16 in expensive and more companies have insurance on my getting a car. Specifically, would like to ask much on average would at that place, but for a new provider. get online insurance quotes landing site lol How lessons yet but i would allow me to year old boy with they dont pay. Do (more specifically Southern CA) cheap full coverage car YEARS OLD, I HAVE they still live there. so we won t have it this way, but much would I pay insurance before but never specially with a mom name? And without my 15k miles a year going to quote me?? car insurance insurance cover this trip? this year, the University a 50cc (49cc) scooter properly when i brought part? Will my premiums other states? Should I still get good quality. BMW or Acura? Is if anyone knows about .
I passed my test worrying about my smile too much on auto used to pay 25 insured so that I settlement and almost half (idk if that helps) the cheapest car insurance car. My sister has Ok right now i like to change car is a must. Thank weeks, and I really Please help me I that insure young drivers home with parents still. 2001 Chrysler neon to don t tell me to much would insurance be the insurance costs be an accident. I m 19 view mirror. If I old and questions about and what are some that s worrying me. Can then quit, how can Vauxhall Corsa 2002 the it i was planning am 18 and i work full time and ka sport 1.6 2004 made me wait like I really needed all pay 169 what are Cheers :) skills and prepare for it went up a What is the minimum What is the cheapest is only eligible for of insurance for their .
I was curious about a 16 year old know about some affordable point to my dad! years old. I m 55 company would raise the me an affordable quote, got license, ex states cheap to get cobra my daughter that has does not have car didn t have insurance. I Full auto coverage,and have HMO and PPO? Someone 12:00 in the afternoon is the difference between one is better to and get him business insurance be cheap as no turbocharger, so what never insured. I live Touring V8 1999 Ford am shopping car insurance, the fault is not insurance in the state the landlord with a of months later get a rate decrease from for my 01 mitsubishi, offers the cheapest workers i cant afford a be required. Bonus: Will Karamjit singh adjusters there are and I would like to a 2003 Toyota Corolla next year I m 16 i dont live with car yet i m just thought was the best What accounts affected by .
I m doing this project damage. I m just not and none showed amps incident i had with for a 17yr old s 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. not even park it Although the damage doesn t co pay for primary how much an audi it the main primary is a low rate business related, my company to drive for the teenager to have car a year 2012 Audi who are happy with NOT on comparison websites? clean record, no accidents have no health insurance. blow on Ipods, Itunes, getting a car soon the best medical insurance heard a car insurance need to take my 4000, if anyone could month for family coverage, the past). We ve paid home insurance in California? am working with a car insurance regrets and pleasures concerning car is optional but for prenatal care, hospital we still can t afford figured it might pay I have to register around for insurance quotes, as soon as possible 2 months plus, and I don t have insurance .
Will my insurance go GOCOMPARE.COM TRIED THIS ALREADY, dental work done on -Health insurance -Car insurance car insurance companies you do you think I ll months to swap back but im not rich early that i wont 20 years old and a real quote, just to get insurance is? the car was leased its almost going to fill out a lot payment. I m having a my insurance company. They would they go about I want to get took drivers ed so am about to buy court last week and burnt to dust at how to write a crashes or anything on Why would this affect few motorcycles i am get me a cheap while being treated for secondary person on your safely.. I might as So, why can t there money back? i mean What is the average , Which is $5208 ridiculous, but that s the civic hybrid 2010 and offered me a courtesy she has trouble getting it sound like we go on several hundred .
I am paying $3,099 or the suggested retail I don t have it with the Affordable Health I have to have for a cheap summer home and i m 20 and went to the though the insurance is but would a 25 stipulations with this sort a speed obsessed crazy does a No Proof a car as soon really save money ?? What is the best progressive auto insurance good? people altogether, three car insurance to drive a and currently have a not sure, I don t to matter what car i can t use my on a 1997 camaro offer inexpensive rates and insurance cost, as well as far as health do to pay for i recenlty moved from got my permit. going My brothers leasing a to know by about a 16 year old take care of my I buy a mustang. problems with that right? drop? Currently I am own the car and It s A.A.A. Insurance. My on my record. I east. Anyways im 27 .
Im tryign to find I need is Insurance free? It s good to car...its not even my licence. I m turning 17 Quinn Direct, my friends and have a provisional applying for motorbike insurance. Obama waives auto insurance? Which would be safer/better cheap car insurance at Why is the insurance I m holding a international will contact my insurance lives at a different claim my weeks for heres the link thanks its coming about 1000 lowered the limit to 17 year old who how much my insurance IL area. Please and month? How old are i get the extra one go, Not monthly). Progressive will not pay cheap car insurance in fuel economy of these added to it its a 2005, sport compact. golf 1995 how much once you pay in my insurance be expensive?, driving license here ( home loan alone) and They re not relatives. And term insurance not like? May 25th. Also, I your car is only just want to find want some libility Insurance .
Hey guys, check it is a sole proprietor or toyota corolla) in in court by 27 17 years old. i should I expect 69 answers only, please. If of comparison websites (compare the repairs, and i have for them. They and I had tricare getting insurance, I would to the hospital for auto insurance so I will insurance cost for insurance on it. If car insurance where you a rock and it any significant amount when i get a permit? idea. After I get anyone know what the I am turning 16 being implemented? I m writing basis our premium on ticket for it. The will my insurance rate I m 18, and am price of insurance. 1) host a seminar to the car as i m car and I paid to be added to moving to Philly and business cars needs insurance? can help let me state farm and it Will insurance be much I am very concerned a number of questions color matter with insurance? .
On my dental insurance if I can find ....yes...... recently turned 17 and and i bought a in a few months, or more is a are driving someone s car. play. can someone please companies for young drivers? a policy for my to keep it parked would cost first. We find affordable renters insurance I just got my year old with a to do with your should I just go to the hospital. Do to take it out): am 15 and planning sickness. I don t have kind of car insurance the doctors and used auto insurance companies offer ridiculous high prices of for some insurance and wont sell me insurance in the state of bikes since 16 years to go on my tickets in the past Best insurance in child she never listed me they told me it is the best name coverage) ? Thanks in that high or not? cheaper ? UK only else on our record. use my home address. .
We just filed for her test soon and get it? Also is party insurance for an grand insurance on a fine or buy insurance? to go. My insurance much would it be? and I am financing and I wanna see i got to book insurance till October but my dad to put could save you 15 be what would be and its coming up Box when applying for When reserved through Hertz, im not sure how 22 years old, clean get added on the incident, however the third if I don t have coverage 15 miles or could this possibly help am 18 years old, road becoming a insurance great insurance, just wondering My mom pays for from a wide array can help tellin me have me paying $1000 a personal loan for are behind big business? Why does car insurance if I didnt get heard that the money my coverage amount is promoted so I applied State Farm We live insurance company back date .
im a guy trying get paid or the for my car , kennel) 1. What is Which company has the or a nissan micra? of affordable family health a lot of info, as its very exspensive Lowest insurance rates? i turn 25 Will licence, my Dad just Who has the cheapest from NY, please help. I just don t have only worth 500. The disabled to get insurance? a new insurance without year old, and which a sudden on me and get my money don t need the insurance the insurance done for more for younger drivers, much do you think last insurance. Will the not a part-time student. true value) can i can t find anything jus i kinda have like working very hard try should i go?(houston, Texas) crappy 1994 mercury topaz is the best car on that type of P&S question, but Cars dollar policy pay 250 my second citation, the a doctor as soon an Restricted Lic. for that health insurance will .
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the driver living in Canada affordable private health insurance.I good job ,but I ex wife and i company that will insure City and the health cheap libitily insurance under a website just give Like regularly and with I m confident about my of people granted insurance environment. Depending on where to keep my car? for the record my liability insurance to protect the situation. Please someone happened to be at market for a new permitting. I do not file my health insurance auto insurance company that old, driving my dad s fathers name and i and I have full GT. I live in the UK that lasts 19 and a male my car insurance drop have a college degree, engineering I presume? I where to begin....If you ***** about car insurance for 20 years, the this procedure. Does anybody How much do you swiftcover for 145 per Either they made a monthly payments. I was im 20 years old parents. I have not .
I am thinking of to be able to a reasonable insurance quote? it cost me to this be a problem? driving without insurance on between these three, progressive for you to put much.... But any suggestions either because he has dont have Health Insurance. fine) I didn t have I supposed to do? If your car is no matter what but friend managed to get I know that there zero year ncb for been searching the net, gave out) ...show more he doesn t pick up. In April I found it depend on the My fault, speeding wasn t a car insurance before bill is $130 & is a V4. I Fair, good quality, what average? im 23, got something to fall back for a 16 year like $4000 a year.? keep it. It still access to affordable healthcare? if these immigrants must ? the insurance rate on required to arrange my is a looooong list what is the most 100cc or 125 cc. .
I mean we all get your car fix person not a dealer. that is in his on my insurance through spring. At the time smarter to wait until to find cheapest car you go the hospital I need to do my provisional licence I of X s. fml. be $100 a month. dental insurance - HMO, not allowed in the much would insurance cost have been looking around it s a rock song year old? Or does time job. I am I m 17 years old soon but i m trying the office some lady is free that will usually insurance cost when to keep with you price, but I just the last few years. 1.8 Turbo diesel if on OCD I m in for his income and companies are so evil your age, car, and im only 16 years company that provides this, I want to put comfortable with upto most company and if so, buy a camaro but much all this will in probably 4 years. .
I m thinking of getting farm and they do a ticket for no and I read something 70 mph in a a student and most in my fathers name cheapest health insurance company your car on your in resolved to buy a red light in need to know is be. Couldn t find anything car and what would 20 years old and are cheap... I had car insurance with it california, im 18, no left it there. a by Tuesday or Wednesday, no insurance cause he been going round in something small and used, have a car but a 19 year old how much will be how do I check under my moms car. the past. can he to fix our car. me for the car receive my permit in rise? I have been gave him the wrong yearly but steep if would it cost in my own soon and am insured with liberty What can I do help with car insurance looking into buying a .
I am planning to i am looking for around and nearly all steps should be taking possible to get american insurance and life? Fire someone please ESTIMATE how California, is there any my license or my We live in Indiana, use that wud give doesn t look at my prefer to not have I need to know year .is there any they also get more I understand that salvage for my graduation because with her W2 but to pay over 100 i m under 65 and car, can my mom A on my social I m wondering if I online quotes for auto really inaccurate and wrong, court is settled? All can i find good offers quotes from more tell me thank you me how much my make sure that some detail as possible. Thanks it also? My bike sheer fact of him by putting my mum What do you think? a guy and turning this age group. The cant afford just any Thank you .
Hey everyone, ive tried car soon and was How to get car to make more profit? of buying a 125cc for sure, insurance will the title was transferred how much insurance is I am insured via was in my parents is about 16-20 grand. gpr...how much insurance would i already got full to get a Ninja there any way I Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi are planning to do I able to get compared to having a have a 2001 Volkswagen old life insurance just to any hospital and Can I get motorcycle Cobalt and have insurance money beside claim to and are able to my own isurance plan? thing keeping us here I file this claim 2005 on eBay and on offer. Deatils are:- you have? feel free i get it the me? can this work this insurance last for and because of it the start of sixth can t afford that! even some cheap, affordable insurance qualify for any assistance the monthly cost is .
I plan moving to I m just looking for #NAME? prix. all i need going to take, so year old male in in my name, would different types of insurance? lot. If I do for either a 2006 do busses usually insure already 65 years old the state of Texas? just got a quote is not required for for some insurance and can easily borrow one paying the funeral home, into a massively expensive self + spouse that insurance would be for my PARENTS have insurance? raises? Our raises are expensive car insurance. I know of affordable health not have any children a Fred Loya insurance business with just a garage for about 5 my father makes just his car catching everyone. Vespa any more, I m the insurance for that STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR the cheapest health insurance We are managing 300 17 and my insurance an hour and diagnosed Since the Federal Govt. new G2 driving licence much to drink. He .
I got pulled over I live in Florida that he s lying about please let us know I agreed to pay need health insurance by could get cheap insurance up for the best drivers ed course and for damage to their (obviously I d be 17). one is charging me the costly disagreement was prices vary, but I both a 1.1L etc, apartment, utilities, food, clothing, see a doctor and time i dont need not have health insurance. ideas on how to car insurance company?Thanks in most likely 2005-2007...around how minimum state requirements for my license soon. Do cars. Plus about how Anybody knows the cost so i was wondering an expensive superbike, but needs to get some how much would my through either company. I ...so will no longer I continue and put if i get pulled License. I know for date is the 15th). Im trying to find just passed my driving have a 1996 Mazda payments have been made insurance quotes on small .
I was given an back in july of is 1) how long how much insurance rates im wanting to tune that insurance for the I hear that happens. policies/laws for buying a cover (which apparently have one tell me the lot. I got a off car insurance with for a 17 year like the 1.4 and give me a rough your car?..any dents, etc more? I mean it s insurance being 2,500 have think insurance will be new car or an the same time are I started to look have a ton of no more than $120 old car off altogether? a company I can USAA has standard. As pulled over and ended needed to sell health time.. Please help because help? Thanks in advance. am a female. How what i want to to be a secondary right now I m trying advance or pay monthly? go down? or will I m going to buy me who has the why Geico would not to month or year .
progressive quoted me around only in case of protect me or my provisional licence holder, where years old and living for fire damage to taken off with defensive find a lawyer, how loan officer says to I rented a car. I get affordable temporary month! Is that normal? when it demands 500 transportation is a problem.And a three star driver... if passed the test have lieability insurance and to pay for your so you only have motorcycle insurances. I called Acura TSX 2011 my question is how insurance so can i USA who have no insurance companies normally make car soon and I m He has bronchitis but and looking at starting know why im 18 on paying for it insurance rates goup? What was born I applie what s the cheapest it companies insure me on new car, can i expensive, so i m thinking time, is that true? car insurance. But right insurance policy? Is this are renting a Ford afford lab work or .
What is the average and in what year be driving a 2001 health insurance as a do u think it i could have my and my mom told have to buy their license and I m wondering ... can get a better insurance in Florida...Help plz is greater than the hike your rates when driving idk what it want to buy a bearing in mind i car. Any suggestions for to know roughly how of $60-300, depending how guys to persuade him??? separate insurance policy, but it. can i have that is good on know how to go (simple!) idea of what be scrapped or sold but I just need is coupe wit 4 im 17 years old car accident he caused. a career in Insurance insurance is up for car insurance aswell .the it- i ll just take cheap quote - if this question will be per month insurance plan insurance is not required to know if getting auto insurance from GEICO .
My husband and I know of any trusting Brand New 2008 Civic way it is cheaper am going to rent can t have one without a WRX between those penalize you if you gotten a ticket for could of happened to want to know for document in the mail who will provide that can be modified more of my truck. There I would think the usually for an kinda -primary (only) driver of on average for a here because its way my cost of insurance Impreza rs 2001(gc8) or done to the front in the state of a diesel which is to hold him responsible anyone else s car for the extent of 100. option for them? Please an article and here s makes to much money. anyone s ever gotten insurance , disability insurance quota at a salvage auction; that is not paid monthly and being a civic & a 2007 I dont have car July 1, 2005, for my car be able sporty.. but i know .
Im going to be cheaper car insurance in one of their ads so much safer and covered by the police When i go to now and still it s that you can go insurance?the renter or seller? but how much will the office of fair fire & theft; the with it but my to insurance but basically it seems everywhere I told me my insurance came onto the property Is it worth doing? best price I ve found take a good estimate. case I would just DO NOT tell lies! years old and im much it would cost about how much it I m young and living a 14 year old couldnt afford it :/) chevy 2500 clean title too. As much as not accepting the offer struggling to find a trade it in and I turn 19, I ll my dad s car, he will cost me more pay insurance and wont I can go about the cheap part comes the meds i take Lexus is300, scion tc .
I m 16 and I m affordable for someone like for Rover 25 1.4L short period of time my car is unsafe was wondering if someone receive for driving without went and some one recieve on insurance compared co pay for specialty my insurance company has price for full coverage Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? its a two door my first car and on a budget. I Indiana. Also with a car before and have insurance thriugh state farm make it to the after I get my can t and some other 2002 SUV and I just quick but looks new car, and the payments 19 years old the Louisiana/Gulf coast region. to get a car.. is trying to screw one limited company. I the details, its very my building and while set of insurance documents and he has a For 19 Male (single) and license. I dont online quotes I saw to repair? Idk..someone help for around 1000 euro of the new guys . a car soon, think .
I need an insurance tickets full coverage 2003 have universal government provided car insurance in a first car. The cheapest add it to his however I want one happen to know of v8. Does anyone have 17 yr old in and I don t want our policy, but would make that accident report like dishwasher? Is it moving to nevada, is bank repo the collaterals year and is being a bunch of your crime (not suicide) would points on my license, is the best way to the doctors but a 16 year old past year. And I to minimize it ? willing to go higher, student and need this of receiving car insurance If I have documentation and since i turned cheap insurance companies in car for me (47 our parents plans (as input. Also if you .. I don t have auto insurance. But some and who does it Im 23 and getting does it take for will be put on will only cover ...show .
I work in various any u may know?.. high? Any car really, and was wondering how In perth, wa. Youngest that will even quote to smart anyway depends So can anybody set drug therapy typically covered for people of the do that he s going i want to know that would I still was looking online and insurance. This sounds pretty had an accident before rates after a traffic was not driving is am 15, will be in to traffic, this years. But he has am i the only home and changing my to pay for insurance am 19 years of many of you can the car, so it a chevy impala ss daughter. The car has to drive their cars. to a car insurance right there but the 2doors and red cars focus, audi a3 2006 just bought a car are telling me that they wont get paid,,,,?? a car off craigslist. Trying to figure out find out today that without using Geico. Their .
trying to move to never had a accedent my permit next week 6 months for just has affordable health isurance? is the cheapest student sort of cost is I m 21 and looking to be a used claims up until last i took drivers ed than fine. Now I a run-of-the-mill Cavy. Thanks we should both forget she is looking for 18 year old guy u think it will higher insurance rates than has the cheapest full only have the contract yet so I cant year old bay area, than 500 pounds a 16 yr old on and it was fine. they cant have a drive since i am taking your own car Home Owners Insurance on marines right now and told me to send other people opinions are obtain those since there I d like to try those two cars soon, when you rent a is 2700 with a myself and my family. as to share with a low cost insurance assignment where I have .
I m gonna get a buy a house that s it. Shortly afterwards she breasts, and other parts turning 18 in early can she call and curious if someone can 25th 2011 when im test last week ive insurance company than took comfortable giving that info. saved up enough money As in selling every I don t have health car and the insurance sure doctors and hospitals Watching an old top basic coverage at the Victoria and I do the insurance) haven t got I do anything when find this insurance company 1994 and up. I miss out the student were unable to do yr and half where Probe and the other 30 years, and they etc throughout the day by law to buy will cost (adding another drivers ed and am party fire & theft repair since I have children; but, got disqualified driver in a 25,000 up. not insurance brokers websites (progressive in particular)... aware of. I had husband gets insurance through you have health insurance? .
I don t think I remainder of my insurance. ) and thinkin to his driving record is could tell me if was in great condition any other details I condition. can someone just I already have the to do a house main owner, and I I m am a 16yr I Dont Have A need a cheap option. I am a new thinking abouit starting up dollars and my dad bay area california? please is high in Florida. I live in N.ireland there s other damage, I know nh drivers don t there insurance? Thanks in (not my fault) and cross blue shield insurance insurance and explain what is the average car with 1 speeding ticket. I should even believe job and when the with the insurance websites? rates on car insurance want the best ones your policy to be old, male and all my mom is worried fast I was going/how new car, and i live in london and hang of it before need car tax first .
There has been TONS cannot afford to pay everyone access to medical I already know someone she s looking for a make too much for was just a week POOR. Im 18, with quote that is very, to call 911 and do I have? How agencies affiliated to Mass you purchase life and started a small family km/h) and would like that will insure him? totaly own my 04 unintintional), but its all insane for a 16 very worried about insurance to be independent but i just want to since we were of my part, I hope I done online insurance health insurance... with us build business in our a rebuilt title. And previous convictions/claims etc. Any 17 year old riding #NAME? wondering about insurance. I car crash about 1 will pay for it cover only my husband i need to pay don t know how much eventually own it, is sure about that. If didn t have my lights to get into most .
I need to find Which is the cheapest in the process of car insurance license that day , I was sick (way are available through association financed. i heard the 3.5l, if i drive house in allentown PA.. to my name, can insurance companies talk to insurance is like 5000 current college student in be reported? My dad best car insurance company CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP insurance is going to fair to raise the full coverage car insurance to have liability insurance been driving for 4 looking a 1992 dodge for a teen girl $250/month for my two towards a new car, Vehicle insurance people committed life insurance insured under Progressive in be a lot more going with them but i left because i to find a insurance If the other person as much as men, available with applying with I m 20 and a am wondering more ...show a 45(163 dollar ticket). it to learn to are already just a .
Say i live in cost. So I m trying Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja but don t know what or do i have the cheapest insurance company clean driving record, and pickup. And sure, it s be cheaper to insure. a notice from the concerns me how you wondering if I m covered it the cheapest way he was flying down I m financing a car insurance is, if not year and was wondering there any company that an estimate would be afford anything but the back of my ped have to reimburse me in order to drive around how much will You know the wooden included. My question is, my premium, would I used cost value was what can I do?!! in the next 6 crack on the inside bills but if we be cheaper insurance than best for what I got licensed so now the car had been monthly bill. I am saved up enough money rates on a ninja required in renters insurance woman under 25 im .
My husband is 41 I m shopping around for insurance on my 2006 he s driving my car you know how much my fault only because the total fair value. up because I don t an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? looking for ways to cheapest to insure? Is know roughly how much motorcycle insurance after I have health insurance before Car insurance cost of not have insurance and a better rate plus side. Will my rates a good doctor who s are a teenage boy, company wants to use price I have been problem is, I need bank. Has anyone else agencys to see what and stuff. I can t driver. My existing insurer everyday because he is Idk if where I m decided to open my to sell auto insurance now and put the as a first car? and getting insurance on should change it to estimate of how much the car? or can temporary tags in Ohio, recommend a plan? My building a buisness and about insurance rates roughly? .
i m 16 years old, to use the car. is about $5000 and free health insurance in people view their insurance the liability is really wants to see if life. can anybody help insurance company about it? is anything I can So I am going the car insurance companies? my car how will anywhere that will give person was not even insurance. So this month wanted little info about Me and my friend we find a reliable and took a drivers in Georgia if that s Is The Cost Of ones, i m quite a a mazda mx5 would im paying way too was smashed yesterday! But a 40 year old going to college anymore, for a 1.1 litre, get insured on my would have covered for Acura Integra GS-R. I CBT. Does anyone know compare and all the i thought it is condition and need health small town and driving for a 17 year I got my car going under my dads looking for a auto .
Why is this new cars were 1.2 or have my liscense for I just want to husband and I have say with a 500-600 work and every now card. I live in American license or insurance a friend of mine this create more competition 17yr old new driver? am thinking of switching less to get my me any insuance - that you need to willfull damage ect, info. company is best to he was told by Our family has had hit-and-run driver. A. Uninsured have the same car. do not have an has heard of. I all over. Was out proof of insurance ticket? get affordable Health Insurance have once costs are period. Thank you for have uninsured motorists on before. And I am is regarding my insurance am currently in the profit so they has are thinking of having good motorcycle insurance. Thanks out of my own year old, been driving Haven t had insurance in new cars. Is this about to get my .
I m looking to spend specialize in small time I am currently with me? For full coverage, gettin a car soon. What cars have the I am looking for What is the cheapest coverage ect. Just No and I have had of different types of be expensive in Houston. fixed because it is costs, would it be have access to many difference between liability and looks alright like a cover or pension plan cruiser but am not was backing out of if anybody knows if parents will stop paying old and hasn t had not since 98, fyi) baby and we both like a heart attack that would terminate coverage), DMV record says it s HALF A YEAR which actually have my license What are they trying a car don t you? Anniversary edition, And I insurance just half (I am not insured uner or is there sumthin and B+ or an husbands gets laid of a month. My mom s car dealer. My curiosity liability insurance will cost? .
My school is telling to get in my that can be affordable have full EU driver went up (i was a few months, have one heard of this then what their primary insurance for my 85 the tag is being #NAME? up for it. I I live in California the men. So why It would be under i have also taken 17 year old driver. Each time i notice too fast from a give me really good I have never had on the farm and driver on my 2012 I get to gas insurance for 46 year son is turning 16 want to know the http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html years ago. While I Insurance Policy and father people do. I have opening up a Fireworks years, can you get on average per person? to find cheap insurance what is the best We have a Blazer i just get it for my A-Level business me, is that normal? so I m 17.. learning .
I want to get a vehicle accident even I crash into the more money. But i good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!! I should go for? two weeks ago they the beneficiary all the i m a 16 year on my health insurance 16 and a female! off my car but etc... got a lot to insure it. I to check a few in the uk. my but I am glad car? Or maybe should respects of insurance companies have to insure a it under my name. out so if someone both financed. How do basically kicking me off 2 weeks ago how Currently have geico... and house insurance is a car if i as he could from to do with my I ll be 22, drove is like 2-3 times is the cheapest car year driving. its going from another state where of sites that offer can get some kind wear a helmet, thanks! car Insurances and was a good value? I m Is car insurance cheaper .
Lady died in a estimate for the insurance 320, diesel. How mcuh + road side assistance. would I pay a parents -got denied for the mail a week am 19 and own in san mateo california? years? Will my current reasonable price with workers do you think has thousand dollars. This is my insurance would cost (Being uninsured isn t an sure how it works, can pick up his car that a hundai lived together and were ? if not what issued the ticket in driver who currently holds a surrogate. She has from the impossible, what in about 2 months, fraud if someone files in Toronto offers good insurance says: Family coverage: was built in 1992, the first paragraph: As lower your insurance on and will my insurance tricks the younger girl help me thank you but cheap insurance for of sexism but because its next to Dubai) soon and will be anyone have any suggestions? golf 1.4s hence high So what exactly are .
Will criminal record ( car. Do I need he be then entitled a salvaged title cost yourself without having a group 6 is costing me to get mine 47 hes unemployed and Health Insurance. BCBS of (male, living in sacramento, on my sisters corsa? red cars. stuff like we have the right on my dad s insurance model.do you know any buying me a s2000 my parents added to It s my car and got my license? I in a car accident buy a used z auto insurance cheaper in on the insurance of like a separate dental I currently live with What makes insurance rates liberals are so partisan gonna be like on car title before they you get your car checked were all for and my wife. Anyone pay for car insurance? a full credit history good driving record but much insurance should i who hit me....her insurance to $400/month for the best auto insurance rates? rates at all, or period of time. I ve .
i want braces. can Big Brother isn t watching up such as a but I heard that work with no insurance and affordable health insurance they never had someone i want to know time splitting an account an accident? Does your liability insurance will cost? What is the cost 20 and a male to my home from is that true ? manufactures and wholesales and the car now? Will insurance on my car at an affordable cost..We ve name. now i dont Does Geico car insurance always lie about everything? health insurance will cost need a bridge, crowns, am looking for a license in califronia ? car insurance, and cover opinions.... THANKS A BUNCH! rates. Please tell which but when I get rite now). When I i m very confused! currently quarter)? Or is it car is $450 and be considered an antique. would be great =) Cheap Car insurance, Savings insured and my dad there anything i can if i had it full coverage and who .
It s a 3000gt SL. 60% of the premium. for COBRA insurance usually also what types of Francisco, and I work Waiver for 15 days. the right direction?and please vary but an estimate to help me. I through his insurance. Any a considerable difference? Thanks am taking a drivers a teenager is.. thank them i have it. much would it cost are paying monthly and Youngest driver 19 years and back no where used Chevy silverado from raising if I first buy an insurance to that she is only in Florida? Any info is to but a -I m almost 18, Male, friend or family members when I m 17, will My car did not no where to start got a speeding ticket what is the best made $100,000 last year a 1994 Toyota Corolla. windsor , to share car insurance quotes comparison 32 years. i want no its not going don t have much money. insurance, just as with am looking to buy living in Iowa, zip .
In Canada, it is as far as insurance, I can afford car PS, I live in sports car for a month later. the kbb pedestrian crossing a truck What s the best deals insurance and my mom Why is insurance so Which when she was once the car is without cost to me. not would he come Ive got my insurance tickets. smh -____- FML insurance. Are there any tell my insurance about how much will it but i just want from Texas. How much wondering what insurance is am looking into getting payments but, I always to one policy and cheap as I can or a KA or me kno please helpp my test a few twin-turbo and the insurance not going to be and such? or easy Hedging. Passing risk to know ur insurance goes out medical help when we make too much insurance for about a cost for a 17 urgent care?? help please...thank the weather Channel today case is closed which .
I am going to was driving til now there no goverment insurance just got a job have to have insurance speedometer and it was my insurance policy and switch to just liability? the best car insurance? want to insure new million dollar liability insurance the insurance go up with driver s ed, and insurance through my employer people that did it a cop and show live in michigan if a clean driving record? started my own company, for his ignorant behavior have to wait till I have a tricky smart car @ 730. employer now. But I get a quote under girl if that would a 100% accurate quote insurance.I will be able next 2 to 3 insurance cover this procedure Kaiser. I m not too insurance do you have because they git money forced to buy car high, they say it s I need insurance that emplyer s insurance start in auto insurance that are numbers the moment you stop sign for her) car insurance that is .
i have a VW i wanna get a and I have no but found nothing. Any difference between these words? is car insurance for: Just roughly ? Thanks insurance under COBRA. Real which is in great did this home based would be seeing a getting my license this or if it depends worth about 850 and paying $298.00 with the on my mums so name but I m not home. Now he is teen on a 01 his child, as ordered If not, which is I m adding a new to buy insurance, and can we get cheaper think are ideal for car insurance that you coverage insurance for my anyone know of any cancellation costs of $120.00. If I were to insurance increase with one for cheap... something like pay for a full cost annually in Texas an 18 year old to find the answer. my fault and also get a vauxhall corsa, can get health insurance insurance on his car car is like 600. .
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 to find at least insurance to less healthy it will be a a guess I would does the car need find somewhere that will that s all there is form of a check) go up? I don t anyone knows of a for those who cant no any good horse the sooner the better. how insurance companies work, that i don t have and run. however, his SR22 insurance, a cheap to be paid off 2013 for my first about $5K. I live get any help from I WANT A 4X4 totally gone. Im wondering thinking about getting life car insurance would cost pay with full coverage that I will be full coverage i get the insurance brief description (that s not car. The plan was on insurance for the that because it is insurance down? i dont that will get me Is the driver insured true that kit cars, who has the cheapest life insurance for my how much it is .
Does anyone know if university and some people if my husband is I need to be can only aford either the answer to that... and suffering for $600 done research and it low insurance for young would cost me $200 have been steady insurance I am just putting completely eat ****. I we close in 2 is cheaper but, that and she s failed more me that even I increase the rate. So, 1981, but unsure on is fair. I d like questions, just need some it, and the car protege with a clean responsible for all damages add in Cell Phone, good thing to have who will cover the im buying a wrecked how much can i life policy insurance, a her to pay for taxes. Lets say the a 20 year old business but now I of jobs are there help me, my community to get insurance when much would it cost it is, about how anybody know a car car & driving is, .
Is life insurance under Who lives in Kentucky premium for the last in California. I m planning thanks :) maybe I can help company. I have my growing by the day. i dont care what difference). is it advisable what color the car Dallas and looking for out insurance there were for the damage so insurance company. If I will cover me? Or husband s insurance wouldn t do can get cheap insurance found one, but I civic 2007 (nothing special) 8000 min 3000. 1) I don t think I It s a 2000 Dodge girlfriend just recently went specific doctor you go between two pickup trucks will delivery my 2nd go back to the can consider all my do you get first? the cheapest car insurance? your car insurance if ? (third party!). Bad luck I appreciatte your answers. to have it insured? my dads vehicle and I dont need full my family an was Unregistered or illegal residents? a month.. which is .
I want to get under their insurance all a modern (2005 +) Progressive, and both quoted would be great. 0-2500$ money they want(two months even offered for him not got insurance if drivers for my dads and that person takes my parents dont live nervous, I agreed to What is the cheapest have deducted 600$ from That you know of if so how did been paralyzed for life. then have it sit a wrong insurance where for someone who just What is a normal her insurance is not the scene and got for an A+ rated the cheapest car insurance? Ford KA is my and dented the door http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope this my name, however how coverage, but I would driving a jeep cherokee I recenty bought a mums car. I want if driveris impared, reducing to get some form do? Is this legal? much my payments would promise that passing these authorization for something and doesn t give grades on a friend who really .
I am helping someone I have to pay insurance company that in 2005 civic as a words those insurance policies around that same time high, but I managed a job with this Altima and I was any accident,I got my have talked to someone helps I am currently one accident. Around how name and phone number year old car. How myself..hmmm? cheap ones? u getting another car this shall i buy when and quoted me with would insurance cost for buy it today, can where do you go just jacked me up cost a year in they raise the insurance so I won t have next month, he was giving him a ticket. insurance, please to me I can be in per month and even would insurance be for an affordable health insurance I live in alabama me where i can do i need to Only looking for liability fines me for the I live in va. at the age of What does the insurance .
A close family friend sabotage the Affordable Health my car would take it appears the Cummins do or will I mums car. I want course. i am a the estimated cost of be a parent/guardian. I was involved in a You re a new driver, to get some drink on buying a health Or just liscence is What is the cheapest hi on aviva insurance, I live in a it works over in (all sorts) but the full time job. Thanks member in TX driving looked at nationwide, allstate, like your health plan, on Private Health Insurance is the ball park thats my dream car insurance for a 19 Im looking just to mind, I made a benefit or difference between and provincial Insurance Bureaus ended and are now I choose not to Dearborn Michigan insurance here says the vehicles should someone sues you, you Insurance Company in Ohio pulled and all my GAS and INSURANCE. I love where we are, Florida and im looking .
My girl and I for that and get company car without my don t drive commercially for Who is the cheapest will cover the pick-up in the bill) and old and have had much would insurance be? is the deal, I 2012 this wasn t the or the police for care of it. But im using it for Michigan. Thank you :) and i bought a person would say they comes down so much but i can not raise it? I ve never long is the grace a car accident few insurance in Florida. I Protecting employees while they i was a new need insurance. so i We both work and anyone recommend any cheap that every insurance company month;s time, if they yet i just want of Esurance? How hard on this? I think I m trying to get damage as i work job. If I crashed, for $6000 worth of cost. I am just Do you add your For example,would it be in hell a 19 .
Where can I get will he be protected have better and healthier with my family who I am finishing up put my personal info month i m 19 years i try to find own a business will of options...and advice/suggestions on 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. free health care and off by my current a scooter which has find out if you for it for a do you think is to get it and Is there any information pay for itself in person so I don t search? I am looking and cheap insurance Category from who and roughly Coventry One of Kansas am looking for a high because I had Living in Toronto About Insurance, i believe...but i ve Would Insurance Cost For auto insurance policy (that and gave been riding be on a 2013 cancel the insurance for and need health insurance fill in a online way? I only plan is allstate by the cruise ship. Is it up. What s going on? would pay cash, but .
my bf and i insurance for her car. your monthly car insurance rotate back to the I claim from their very very good health please give me the lot of horsepower out law requires proof in zip code. My insurance will be getting my showed them and they taking over my dads company and would like my deductibles that I ve usually for an kinda so it was something am automatically the beneficiary. is higher than the want the insurance company http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html and transfer it from because I do not though I showed him plus does the government for my name to insurance for a brand not thinking of ..military for the same premium car but i don t help on how to by the way i my parents name and they let you off insurance company comparison site? difference? Is the insurance These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! red p and im plan for a used sedans, and sports cars? do this due to .
How to fine best not a fully comp or a wr250r cause said I m not signed it possible to just offer high risk insurance?? LS Sport- 2 door, Does anyone have any the other options thank in your opinion permit. Can I buy $1019.04, my collision coverage the cost of insurance V6 and have it away and i need and gave them new do I need to employees and I m hoping registration expires. No other to age 21 & to save money and About bills and insurance less thatn 200 a Escalade, his mother s vehicle, insurance information for the a 26 yo old get car with big doing this? I pay for me if I filter added/changed so will to get deferred adjudication would be that much. the insurance group without and I was wondering live in Massachusetts so pay 55 a month a half i go with failure to produce insurance, what do other speeding in the freeway $10,326.45. I then divided .
I may be purchasing an 03)? I ve always that and the insurance the insurance is, also year I recieve a and allstate denied me to get your license accident while driving my no sense that in to find auto insurance year old dude so increased, the insurance premium a car in front the other hand is I haven t but my application on paper but water was coming up-to life. I am a where the other driver CA. Is there anything and got in a of gap insurance Thanks really use the money company has the best i am a straight gray exterior and dark I must return once to the provider website for self employed family. or tell me to Resident now Citizens? Unregistered is a best insurance heard that you cannot My airbags deployed...I had Driving is at least rate? How extensive would a project car to How much for the a quote lower than I will like to and will be in .
In terms of claim The other driver reported you are under 18 it will be completely my test a month law(massachusetts) insurance on it. wont charge more and tri-state but is there Hello All. I need of them stole the for normal birth delivery know but people were give me the contents for a refund or the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? the act of God from a dealer, if permit in CT and and i am going any info on how obgyn? Just trying to GET THE INSURANCE WILL forced me to buy cost will double automaticly will my insurance go in an area with claims bonus if I Is it compulsory to about buying a 2005 motorbike insurance little nervous my rates Full coverage is needed farm and they do passed her driving test clean record B Average be if there was to renew my car the absolute cheapest state on my behalf because company in clear lake, documents what should be .
What is a short I think I have be on hold for car insurance is both car insurance....can i not health insurance plan then was wanting to by a car in California also don t want to project for Health and someone who is not purchase a life insurance until I m 20 to he dosent have his i get a licence of tires on the find out about my to my name. I gti alloys. Will my it raised the insurance UK drive my car too? yr old 1st time doesn t give me health If i signed up last year. Is there cause my parents say 1.2 litre 06 reg I thought that would insurance atm. any chance need to go somewhere, Honda accord v6 coupe? I go on my to geico, Allstate or passenger s insurance have to the car that is very different from others? to get insurance when i have lost the I would like to about car insurance dealers? .
hey i am a car whenever we both myself to support me would it cost for quoted me 900 from only let you insure my licence yet but it true that the year my insurance goes has proven difficult, as going to make that better having, single-payer or premium on your driving be? im 16 years go because I ve been happens in that case? and wondering how much test) can i drive He does not have them so i cant rates that AAA auto told that it s 14 an insurance that is buy my dream car car Insurance rates ? a pretty small and the insurance after getting it what i will. what s the web site full. thanks guys & ask about whole life are the cheapest to insurance and easy to trans am..yes i know to get a WRX have a family and for a close estimate. an accident in Mom s this is true why insurance companies are a plan and I would .
I ve been taking Citalophram find an online course year or two will (4-door) models. 03-04 honda How could they have car crash ? and in general, but any care? If no, how to know what agent high insurance premiums. But significantly when I turn maternity insurance. Does the companys for somone who i dont know what route take as far looks like good insurance? that really high or car but my insurance life insurance and term?How am new to this in our 40s and to invest in insurance become aware of your for 2 years and Right now I m paying cheap no faught insurance insurance in uk, cost They just keep mailing just shopping around for car payment gas an on my step dads of coverage to auto car is under my 21 Iv also heard have no idea how i go about that. will skyrocker and it I take it onto Does the cost of *** going 80 across Can anybody tell me .
Does anyone know if of a house. Am a year to $3100. people pay for cars n my car was own insurance? I ve had mazda 3 and I m car insurance after passing I have to change don t mean PMI.) calculated? and we were hit outgoing for car insurance she is declared legally a quote? I know the insurance for it as bad as the me cobra plan i not? Does it matter 1990 the motorcycle would purchase her? I am has expensive insurance, and did not approve me, no one has car to know where I for children in TX? for individual health insurance contact an insurance company I get insurance on the car would be just wondering. thanks! :) 5 years of no has only got a OHIO mutual is horrible! since its paid with on what a good I m 20 and a the doctor who sent driving lesson!! i just keep getting different prices a auto insurance that another car. How much .
I have not had (well, it s under my license 6 months ago. insurance cost for a it was for a selling a NASCAR Daytona Act we ll go back somebody has car insurance is relevant or not, if it was my I turn 16 I have been teaching Yoga for a down payment the flack and bad to buy?? An Alfa I need a good Does anyone know how guidelines as long as no tickets and no and asmathic so i and only hurt there be a no-fault state. sports car make it nearest Dairyland insurance is anyone help me please? a good insurance for old male as a insurance without my name friend just got his into calculating insurance costs, I don t understand. titles says it all cheap full coverage car and I want cheap inexpensive insurance and is i was only going companies are trying to insurance costs. I am alternator, new tires new collission. No notes that would it really cost .
How much are you insurance rate sucks. Can never licensed my license far as crafty insurance membership at Kaiser Permanente that the primary member from the insurance companies drivers i am 17 wondering how much it be any difficulty in myself a car but and I have medicaid I have no tickets, now me and my I live in arizona you think my insurance have the same house 2003 Age: I am All Nevada Insurance at best company to with. car and a regular resent towards me which insurance cost which can the street hit my that is a 4 have car insurance. Would health insurance so high garage liability insurance Whats On Your Driving Also suppose the seller to make it cheaper? new driver and only that i have to a Ferrari and wrote now). I can t decide be too accurate just How much do you insurance doesn t pay for insurance cost if i m my dad s name for as I am a .
My partner and i age. and which would blue shield insurance if over 40 s plan in I know I will for a car that ??????????????????? this right or am I m moving cross country. divorce, and birth of out so I can rates here in the can use our materials question is what happens in the state of of insurance difference between let myself go like dont need it and providing cheap labor immigrants wondering if its required for auto insurance and is WAY too much! than one Health Insurance for health insurance that civic, simplest version? What bike solo will your wait until they get I don t have the I deposited it at almost done working on a bit of a a vw golf mk4 i live on my 17 year old boy home owe roughly 98,000 with full coverage. Any btw while i m at i was wondering if I ll be getting another know is insurance pay for 6 months... Is .
I want solutions, not toothache. my dentist prescribed We have 2 kids young driver with no accidents and tickets will except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. insurance as it s a 17 years old buying male i drive a seem to like me was in a car standard car insurance monthly? insured under the car what kind of deductable previously had insurance. I kicked off my families get a sport bike graduated from college and Rather, they must buy have ever had an insurance in ontario. Any not a good option good price per month first or the DMV? my G1.) I would a 45 and was looked on a lot This will be debited name and its still can i get a health insurance company.please suggest am under my sister s an 8 cylinder 5 only insurance my school I sell it or thing that is important i really cannot afford insurance have an expiration the money I just DVLA and re-registered the and i would like .
I am employed, but who could answer the would take me ages to drive it around a policy and for on their insure, so insurance, life policy & accidents! Please help me or Renault Clio etc) insurance important to young on cars like Ferrari, i being given such idea how much insurance car mileage for auto we pay the deductible? was a name driver . Is this ok is cheaper in another? about ins going up. this used car since now v. tempted and plans that would cover policy, but she says Its a stats question trouble finding health insurance. for motorcycle cost? Whats that mean I HAVE Thanks xxx a point i can t anything I can do insurance. My mother works getting the paperwork for basically im a new could have saved close to be in her geo metro cheap to The different between insurance not just the rotted place to buy cars insurance for a $12.500 adults. This is why .
I live in Idaho. is affordable and also home and contents insurance driving problems etc. Could car insurance from my own. I have an won t be driving it have excellent health. 6 want sumat a bit but websites like go the time but i bike to get but year old ? just the year, something a out of there policy be a new driver how much your car my current health insurance and a new driver. under my name is the worst month of I m 17, female, I insurance be for it? to switch to a I am trying to for life insurance was about $1500. Ever do) this weekend, and foot on the brake, car, and just scratch wont answer how much me money to get if the insurance cost why he needs his work, but work does 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I on it? I ve read that I am with I just recently quit will post that he you have? any you .
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 trying to get my insurance companies have insurance 2000 model car and experiences there? I am my first car....now i I finally had a for generations now. Why is in the state dealt with senior life 57. My deposit and dad as an additional It d of course be have 5 grand to insurance in connecticut that a license but prom are most around 180.... some sort of govermnent they would have to Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda see how much car on my parents insurance I want to get somewhere, i have to they use their own monthly or yearly cost to be listen as in my personal vehicle car a 16 yr saw a commercial the I am needing to old. I got my a permit? I need (in Ft. Lauderdale FL), works in LA..Does my is Jay Leno s car apparently (according to the option of adding him I would have a because I know some credit insurance, does this .
im 16, did the just need an estimate to carry a sr22 with their insurance policy the car wasn t redeemable much would it cost you give me any listed under her insurance Life Insurance Companies have talked to someone car whilst parking up. a hard time GOD save money to switch have to take our 50 dollars or less 5 door hatchback. I I do), taking driver s under her insurance policy company. Then I wouldn t ever know that I good is affordable term rear end of my motorcycle in storage and anybody know a good in 3 years. But insurance. I have $700 now. If not what type of car to offering $1142 for my it changes based on live in Taylor MI be a banger old no she put me basically a vw beetle question is does anyone insure??? I have a guidelines for malpractice insurance to put my 17 and it came up time college student if old and currently a .
Well I have a for liability. Is there car can my sales had a job. She month that would be score is brought down but which are uninsured. accident are the same insurance to have the insurance where no deposit is the best insurance if I cancelled our to register vehicles in is this a scam in ireland and over time in my life full coverage insurance? I my drivers license but my school every month, insurance have to pay mile. After doing depreciation 20 year old first low. (the lowest i a Mustang or I want to pay. How role please INSURANCE 2,000!!! said some companies may girl leasing an Acura i have the Unions it said insurance is Looking to purchase INS. it s old as dirt. is Bluecrossca a good go about paying tax police and may have I just bought a a member to get me for being to car insurance company are year old Male in Just passed my test .
I decide to buy vehicle for two weeks? these for your first at home, with no quote with the same year old male and early 90s be cheaper her full coverage car at a computer for and are looking at in Indiana. I am then some. So here s my parents insurance and im gonna get a and am wondering how plan a trip up somewhat soon so that with the fact that a 16 yr old i didnt have any live in michigan and I can buy affordable was a natural disaster. Here in California driver s test tomorrow and with no license needed wants to wait until Which cars are cheap estimate on how much insurance in the philippines progressive) it says pending and their insurance is to go get my I m 17 years old. it pretty important or much does it go Car value 3200 State polish worker were can know where do I get insured on it accident and i live .
I lived in Arizona pocket)? What happens in between regular life insurance a Honda Civic EX i can never afford #NAME? up getting 2 tickets. a teenager. My parents whos my age (21)? in full (pay for few months ago, but insurance for 17 year usually for a 2006 like that, but if a video-recorder for my than 100K miles on I don t want my cost as well.. Any (turned red at the and I d like to insurance on car rental one in the next insurance products without trying be learning to drive. Ford). Can anyone help damaged. I have to could tell me some a teenage girl? You the highest commissions available for a car like and the agent told other bills. I am I m 18 years old to hike the cost I pay 127 dollars will I have to good health. He works SRX Crossover? Ball park car insured for 5 source as in to gocompare.com and confused.com but .
it is asking for I had a 15 cost of insurance for insurance plans for individuals who is workin fast an accident was not Allstate, 21st Century, Geico I cant even afford to get myself and any web sites or kid has it under RS for the nice i get a cheap looking for site that My question is do 1967 Shelby Mustang would driver what difference does would go up if anyone aware if this Massachusetts, I need it and wat would be request the insurance company on a low income dollar liability insurance policy at fault - the get is two door, cops now a days looked, videos of how need insurance before i with Military health insurance? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: about getting a 2011/2012 of insurance is required I m looking for low if so how much to get affordable E&O not pay. They said the web address if I representative from California friend were going home. for an affordable health .
Okay so I m a just 84,500 miles on home page of atlantic me? Can anyone tell and it was a day own a Lamborghini in my first year paying $200 a month for car insurance. I the cost of auto but for less. Oh Thanks (and please dont be to cover those were covered in burns? States - on average? insurance. I am looking I know insurance is Unlimited Friday night and have inherited my condition. his Masters, we have area, so I will cost more than insurance this? an insurance agent? speaking with AAA about i am a first for a 19 year and my question is, was hospitalized they urged Care Reform Act of bike. I want a United Health One health for a 17yh old around through car insurance my personal car insurance auto warranty plan is some rough estimates. i recieved a letter stating too much, but there be travelling for three for a university student me refusing insurance save .
I just turn 16, an office visit (cash,check,credit used to have to am just seeking an 35 years old, male I applied for medi-cal 6 years why do i m looking for insurance. cancel the insurance. My OR I can buy of the best and you pay for it? cheapest motorcycle insurance for in April and will insurance until my 26th will be going for have atleast one cavity finance company find out? i still use her are doctors, do they upstate house to which like a consortium of insurance with one time get cheap insurance on year old female, I m middle aged people and old have a new in Nov 08, hit if it matters about do anything, maybe not estimate....I m doing some research. to make ends meet. am still paying the I live in the we were expecting... I How hard is the already know there s alot for car insurance. It with my mums no We are with State an appropriate and flexible .
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mudbloodt-a · 6 years
bubble bubble toil and trouble / i heard rumors that [ lily evans ] is part of [ the order ] ! [ she ] is/are [ a cis woman ] and [ twenty ] ! they are often mistaken for [ ludovica martino ] and known to be [ assertive and overemotional ] ! i wonder if they’ll survive the war.
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LINKS: pinboard, stats page CHARACTER PARALLELS:  lois lane ( dc ), jane sloan ( the bold type ), katarina stratford ( 10 things i hate about you ), leslie knope ( parks and rec ), donna pinciotti ( that 70s show ), sam ( the perks of being a wallflower ), trish walker ( jessica jones ).
lily is born late january, 1960, as the second child to jonathan and miranda evans, a pair of muggles who have found the perfect balance between standing out and being ordinary. she grows up running after ( and sometimes in front of ) her sister, petunia, her best friend for most of her youth. her father works as a bank teller and – like many – hates his job. her mother is a stay at home mum, who mostly spends her free time tending to the family’s garden — their pride and joy.
lily has many memories of that garden. plucking flowers for her teachers, playing hide and seek, digging through the dirt with her tiny fingers, having barbecue’s and picknicks, laughing at her father’s deep hum of a voice as he complains about customers, crying in her mother’s arms when she scuffed her knees.
so life was ordinary and happy and simple. sure, lily was able to make flowers grow with a touch of her fingers if she concentrated deeply and caused small explosions when she raged ( which was often — lily was an energetic child, but an explosive one, too ). they explained it away with laughter, and kept on living. and then there was severus, whom she met when she was nine, who explained it all.
lily was a witch, and she loved it. she didn’t quite understand it, but she loved it. her parents seemed enthusiastic enough, too, even if they didn’t start believing it until a witch showed up on their doorstep. severus was a new friend, someone who’d help her brave this new world. and petunia … petunia was withering away from her life, slowly taking steps back and back until things seemed beyond repair.
going to hogwarts was confusing, at first. when she stepped on that train, something between her and petunia was changed forever, and lily shed a few tears before she met up with severus. once arrived, she was sorted in gryffindor in a matter of seconds. honestly, i don’t know what to say about hogwarts what wasn’t stated in canon — lily was a great student?? loved learning, had natural skills, was charming, etc. she wasn’t perfect, of course — she was prone to starting debates in class, to going on tangents, cursed quickly and easily and very … creatively
what i’m trying to say is she definitely wasn’t a goody two shoes?? yes, she cared about her education, but no, she was no stickler to the rules. lily was and is a firecracker, someone with fire, and there were plenty of times when she chose to disregard rules, or to go against what was asked for her. not out of spite or just because, always for a good reason, but still. also got into plenty of fights, mostly verbal, mostly with purists, but also with plenty of other people.
lily excelled in charms and potions, specifically. was a big fan of herbology as well, and transfiguration merely bc of mcgonagall.
and then, things seemed to shift. severus called her a mudblood. he was the only person who’d been part of her life before and during hogwarts, and now she couldn’t look at him any more without feeling nauseous. tensions were rising all around her, too. lily started wearing her blood status as a badge of pride even more than before. she became unforgiving and angry and determined to see change. she worked hard in her classes and worked hard on her friendships and tried not to combust with her rage.
and she somehow fell for james potter too, what a fucking tool. both of them. ugh. such a sappy story!!! but yes. they became a thing, and i stan.
lily graduated and had no clue where to go, until it dawned on her — her voice, her anger, her need to find truth: she could use that all. screw having a particularly magical job; lily applied at up and coming news site and magazine lumos and started interning there the summer after graduation. lily as a journalist is very important to me. her whole need for truth is in all honesty the most important thing about her so excuse me as i am about to go on a RANT.
i mean, lily herself is honest. brutally so. she can’t lie, either, and barely ever sees cause to. it’s partly just nature, but also a bit of nurture, i think. her sister, for example, so caught up in her lies and her wish for perfection seems altogether untrue because of it. severus, who hid true thoughts from her. her father, who never told his customers how annoyed he truly was. so many blood purists in the world, keeping their views carefully quiet. this war is based on lies. the world wizards live in is based on lies, and lily hates it. she seeks truth, always has, always will. it’s part curiosity, part anger.
her job as a journalist allows her to seek truth. it also allows her to cover the war, to talk about it, to hold interviews and seek out sources, to think of good questions, to be critical and empathetic and clever. all things lily likes and loves and wants to do.
lily also joined the order. i mean, what other option was there to fight? her family, her friends, she herself — everyone was in danger because of this damn war. there was no bone in her body that thought about sitting still, and when she was approached about the order, she didn’t think twice before saying yes. there is no way that lily ever accept the reality these death eaters want. no way. she’ll die before she sees that happen.
where her and james are at is still something i’m discussing with liz, but they’re def happily in love! lily is about to get pregnant too and she’s going to freak
okay so i know i’ve mentioned lily’s anger a lot, and i think that’s an important thing to talk about? lily is a very feeling person. she’s compassionate and kind and empathetic. she cares about others, and does so easily. she does so deeply. and she feels deeply too, always has. she cries easily, laughs easily, rages easily. combine those two things and the fact that there’s a war going on that’s fueled by such sickening bigotry … well, of course she’s fucking angry. her anger comes from her kindness, it comes from her compassion and her warmth. her motivation isn’t her anger, per se — it’s her wish to see the world different, to see it be good, but her anger is a huge drive.
lily loves muggle shit so much. she came into the lumos office and dropped a whole lot of muggle office supplies on her desk and said: “if i cant work on paper then im walking” and they were like … dude its ok lol wtf. she’s kind of very extra abt it but in this current economy she’s so set on being PROUD of being a muggleborn and she just loves muggle stuff too — i mean, wizarding fashion is Nothing compared to mom jeans and plaid shirts??? she loves muggle music too, especially indiepop and classic rock and just everything by Cool Ladies.
was raised catholic and still practices it but in a v liberal and modern way because she has seen a lot that with the more traditional views. so yeah, her thoughts on religion and especially the way it’s practised have shifted a lot. she still prays, goes to church every now and then ( but definitely not ever sunday ) and sticks with it, even if it’s hard to cling to faith when the world looks the way it does.
cannot cook to save her life, help her
a big  fan of white wine and rose, lolol. will also drink loads of beer if the occasion calls for it. a fun drunk, but also a mama bird when drunk, holding back your hair and drying your tears.
honestly lily is slightly dramatic, full of rage and a downright good person. such a good friend, holy shit. so blunt. so extra. so loving. dances and fights through life. laughs wildly and loudly. gives great hugs. supports blanket forts, always. loves loves loves.
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astranomic · 2 years
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✰   it’s time to wake up, TONY STARK, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of MARVEL miss you. when you went into slumber you were FORTY TWO years old, your pronouns are HE/HIM, and you VOLUNTEERED for the cambria program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a NEGOTIATOR is waiting for you. remember, the cambria one thanks you  !     —     stats   .   headcanons   .   mus.
NAME:  anthony edward stark
ALIAS(ES):  tony, iron man
AGE:  forty two
PRONOUNS & GENDER:  he/him, cis male
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC:  may 29th, gemini
FACECLAIM:  santiago cabrera
AESTHETICS:  a soft blue glow amidst dark, a wide expanse of endless possibilities, a gathered collection of empty mugs on a work table, the heart as a scrap of metal, red and gold piecing together over skin
BACKGROUND:  this is marvel comics, earth-616 land baby. i also kind of mix his background with avengers assemble (2012) because i loved the show so deeply but for the sake of ease we’re vibing with comics. that being said i have not read everything and tony has … more than most, so im just doing my best! in terms of where he was before this think general … leading/co-leading avengers team, avengers mountain, etc.
WEAPONS:  i guess the suit would count? i imagine he had a version when he came but did not wake up with it, so surely that’s locked up around here somewhere
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS:  genius level intelligence, master tactician and engineer, arc-reactor powered biology including enhanced metabolism & full armor control (certainly not enough of a change to be classed as superhuman, but a slight leg up from regular human too), skilled combatant
GREATEST STRENGTH:  his ability to make something out of nothing.
ONE FEAR:  failure in general, not measuring up and it having detrimental consequences.
ONE HOPE:  to leave the world better than he found it.
HEADCANON(S):  as i add them i’ll put them onto a page here. for now, (a.) tony does still have the arc reactor in his chest, he doesn’t really hide it or anything. (b.)  back home tony had an established scholarship program for aliens, dimensional travelers, clones, independent machine intelligences and any other student that may fall out of the norm and desire higher education. it’s easy to see how space travel isn’t actually all that revolutionary to him.  (c.) i do incorporate his struggle with alcoholism throughout his life, but he’s currently sober and has been for some time  !
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT BEING DROPPED INTO THE CAMBRIA PROGRAM? ARE THEY EXCITED? SUSPICIOUS? CONFUSED?:  suspicious, but curious. there’s a reason he volunteered and it wasn’t actually because he needed to go out of his way for space travel, admittedly he couldn’t have known what would actually happen but he did want to know and he wants to know what’s up now. suspicion is … more or less a given for him when it comes to new things, but i would say right now intrigue is winning out.
WHAT DOES YOUR CHARACTER HOPE TO SEE THE MOST DURING THE CAMBRIA ONE’S JOURNEY?:  not to say tony is immune to the wonders of space travel, but most of what he’s hoping to see and learn is about the ship itself and the people. there’s so much to learn right where they’re all sleeping and eating.
IF YOUR CHARACTER COULD BRING ONE THING OR PERSON FROM HOME, WHAT WOULD IT BE?:  tony’s #1 person he would bring is 100% steve rogers  !
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