#had to draw the favourite character for the favourite holiday
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rotomartsblog · 1 year ago
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lisandyk · 2 years ago
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(ID in alt text)
just a regular noelle.
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ladylokianna · 3 months ago
Premise: this afternoon, as I was moving some books from my bookshelf, I found an old portfolio full of drawings I used to make in the early 2000s (yeah, i'm a millennial XD), especially during school summer holidays (mostly about Saint Seiya and the original characters I had created about it) and I've had this idea:
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Aemond who, in spite of the time his wife spends with Helaena and in spite of knowing how much patience his sister has used to teach his wife to embroider (something of which she is utterly uncapable of), discovers by pure chance that his wife uses that time together with her sister-in-law and nephews both playing with the latter but especially drawing and discovers, in a sort of huge folder in their library, that many of her drawings depict his niece and nephews, Helaena with them and Helaena with Aegon, Alicent and even Vhagar, wondering in curiosity and even with a bit of annoyance, why on earth his wife practically portrays almost his whole family (with some sketches even about seemingly silly details such as the armour of the White Cloaks or the hilt of swords) but she does not also portray him too, only to find himself thinking so much about it that one day he pokes around in his wife's dresser and discovers that into a false drawer there is a chest full of sketches and drawings that are all about him (that she keeps hidden because she's embarassed at the sole idea of showing them to him). Portraits of him in the training courtyard wielding his sword, details of his scar and his sapphire eye, an eerie -but beautiful- portrait of him with both his eyes as if nothing happened that far day at Driftmark, a lot of portrays about his glances, his hands (and i can totally see him wondering why his hands are so important for his wife, so much that she draws them in great detail extolling their veins, even the bones under the thin layer of skin, unaware that they're such a big turn on for her), of him sitting at his desk or reading on his favourite armchair and above all, a lot of drawings that pictured him naked or half-naked in their bed while sleeping. The latter are the drawings that makes him blush, leaving him somewhere in between the flattered and the embarrassed because, accustomed as he is to never being looked at or at any rate used to receiving quick glances of fear at the mere sight of him, he never thought he would be the object of such genuine interest and adoration like: what have i done to deserve this?
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awesome divider by @zaldritzosrose
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the-colourful-witch · 24 days ago
Artsy Update :)
Hi everyone, it has been a while since I posted. I've been incredibly busy with a few high-demand projects for which deadlines are approaching swiftly.... *send help please* However! I did continue the Valentine's Day couple series. Here are the final three sketches I did:
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Hinny, Jegulily and Jegulus <3 I have to say that while I enjoyed doing these sketches, this style is not exactly my thing :) I love doing character line-ups and story illustrations more, but trying different poses and practising new colour combinations was a lot of fun. I had a blast :) I'm sorry if your favourite ship hasn't been drawn. I could only do a few in the time I had. But there's always next year! <3<3<3 As for the other things taking up my time at the moment... I have a big deadline for a picture book I'm working on. Only five more weeks to finish. When April comes, I'll (hopefully) be done with it and then I'm taking a teeny tiny holiday to rest and gather energy for new projects! I might actually leave the house for that... :)
The other big thing was my first art market of the year! I had a stand at Fantasy Fest in the Netherlands last weekend. I prepared a lot for it, making new prints and stickers and even creating some brand-new artwork :) The result was a booth filled with colourful goodies! I sold a little less than I had hoped for during the weekend, but I did have a lot of great conversations and managed to put a smile on people's faces with my art. And that is the most special thing in the world <3
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I loved my little booth. The lighting was great and I had some lovely neighbors with whom I chatted all weekend. My mum also came to help for a day and she stood in front of the booth to play the very convincing 'interested customer', drawing in some more curious onlookers :) I love her, she is my number 1 supporter <3
Now, these are some of the new (and older) products I designed for this fair:
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This is the Fantasy Characters collection: a series of 12 fantasy characters in a cool set! I made these specially for the fair and had so much fun with them. I picked out a nice paper, got to design a cool border to tie the whole thing together and even wrapping the sets in a colourful label was so so fun to do! I will definitely do more projects like this in the future. It's the best!
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I created a bunch of prints from some of my traditional artworks. Most of them come from the book of fairytales I illustrated last year. They were a hit! Especially the map. That one was my bestseller :)
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And of course, I had to add fanart, too. I sold a couple of Marauders band posters. That made my day. It was so cool to meet fellow fans :) (All of these are available in my shop, by the way, in case you're interested :)) Last, but not least: I made STICKERS! In January, I bought a Cricut machine for the first time and after postponing for a month to learn how to make it work, I managed to create these sticker packs:
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They are my favourite new creation. It's so cool to be able to make my own stickers! I have four sets: Toads and Toadstools, Owls, Ollivander's Wand Shop and the Stars and Moons doodle sheet.
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The little stickers are super fun to fill in empty spaces in your journal and the big ones are a showstopper for any surface. I already stuck a bunch of them on my planner, phone and sketchbooks... I have no shame. This is the best thing I ever made :)
I had a lot of fun!
I am looking forward to more cool art in the near future. I have one more project to finish. A picture book that has been a rollercoaster and not in a good way... I'll be happy when I've got my work done on that. It's still going to be a lovely book, it was just the publishing house that I had some trouble with. I will share something on the book whenever I can :) Right, I'm going to stop yapping! If you made it all the way to the end, thank you! You're amazing! Hugs, Fleur
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anbaisai · 3 months ago
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Finally had time to sit down and write, but honestly there’s not much to be said other than thank you to everyone who wrote a message on my tree! I really enjoyed reading every single message and screenshotting to save them into a folder for when I need a lil boost ww (including one from Mr. Viper himself above that got a laugh out of me, thanks Jamil really appreciate you thinking I’m cool)
Some sappiness under the cut:
I never expected to receive this much support for my silly yume/oc ship content when I began posting, and I really don’t have the words to express how grateful I am. I’ve met many wonderful people through this fandom, and also just had lots of fun in general making art. I mean it when I say I genuinely never had this much motivation and inspiration to create for any fandom (or original content) in the past. There was a long, long period in my life during which trying to find even a crumb of motivation to draw felt impossible. There was always some reason that I couldn’t - be it school/life being too busy, feeling too tired, having other stuff to do first, etc. I thought I’d never rediscover my love and passion for art, until I finally pushed myself to design my Yuu for real (instead of just thinking about it) and then everything just snowballed from there. (For context, I began playing TWST in 2020 and, despite being very much in love with it, only began drawing anything for it this year.)
I have such a massive list of ideas that I still want to draw (plus several asks that I want to answer that I just haven’t had the time to yet), so I’m certainly going to be kept busy for a while. After previously making every excuse possible for not drawing, I’ve learned that yeah, once you really love something you will squeeze time out for it no matter how hard things get, because it kills you not to. All those times when I wondered when I’d ever be able to draw as much as my favourite artists now feel like a distant relic of the past, and I have Twisted Wonderland (especially Jamil) and this community to thank for it. If anyone reading this is going through something similar, I promise it gets better - you will need to put in the effort to make it start, but you will get there.
There’s also my past experiences of being in fandoms that, well, did not welcome yume/self-shipping type content. If I so much as thought of creating any, the fear of being ridiculed would make me back away from the idea immediately. I’m glad to see that sentiment seems to be no longer the norm, but also the TWST fandom has been one of the most supportive of yume content I’ve ever seen. To everyone wanting to participate but has been hesitating, you absolutely should! My only regret is not starting sooner, seriously. In a sense I feel like I'm fulfilling a childhood dream of mine, and all of my past hesitation and anxiety just dissipated once... as cringe as it sounds - once love took over. So go pour your love and passion into that character you adore, they deserve it.
Anyways, wishing everyone a happy holidays and happy new year! Here’s to another year of enjoying TWST and creating for the things we love ❤
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WIBTA for asking my SO to do something that they have trauma around?
I don't know when this will be posted but as of writing we are about 2 weeks post valentines day. Ages and genders irrelevant, we're in our 20s and queer.
So I have not been with Jordan long, but we knew each out for a few months as friends before we got together, and have been close pretty much all of the time we've known each other. This is to say, I know them pretty well despite us not actually having been dating that long.
Because we were already friends I knew going into the relationship, without Jordan specifically saying anything, that they had plans on Valentines day. They got tickets to a concert I wasn't interested in a decent amount of time before we got together.
Obviously, not an issue in the slightest, and neither of us brought up anything regarding Valentines day. It was a week day, so I was working all day, and then the time of the concert meant there was no possibility of meeting up after, just not meant to be this year. I thought we were in the same boat just silently agreeing that the timing wasn't right but that it wasn't a big enough deal to even be worth bringing up, especially in such a new relationship.
Some backstory on me: I'm a hopeless romantic and have a kind of cute aesthetic? I like dressing in bright colours, and some of my favourite outfits have prints of hearts, flowers, and cherries. Needless to say I really enjoy the aesthetic of Valentines day, and I've always kind of fantasised about being able to spend it with someone I have romantic feelings for. I've only had two romantic relationships before this and the first one only lasted 6 months and didn't make it to Valentines day, and in the second we both contracted the same bug and were horribly sick throughout February.
Obviously I don't think you should only do things for your SO on Valentines day, but I think it would be fun to have the chance to really get into it! In the past I've organised Valentines day events with my other single friends where we dress in pink and have heart shaped foods etc and those have been great, but haven't quite satisfied my desire to have a Romantic Valentines.
So, despite the fact that my SO was busy, I wanted to do a little something. I do digital art, so when I got home from work I drew a pun Valentines card featuring Jordan's favourite character. It took a few hours and I was pretty proud of how it came out. I knew they were at the concert still, but I texted it to them, so they could see it after.
They responded that night and their first message was just "oh." I've known Jordan long enough that i read the tone to be "oh, now I to have a conversation I didn't want to have." They went on to explain that they associate Valentines day with some past trauma. I won't give any details here, but the tone of the conversation was that they don't celebrate Valentines day because of their trauma, and this seemed like a very final stance.
Now. I don't think I'm TA for drawing the art and sending it, this had never been brought up before, so I didn't know I was crossing a boundary.
I do think Jordan is slightly TA for not saying anything about my art that I worked hard on, but only slightly bc I assume the trauma response just kind of took over.
But my question is, WIBTA if I asked my SO to celebrate Valentines day with me in future even though it's something they have trauma around?
I'm not planning to force them or anything and it doesn't even have to be in the next few years, but thinking long term it feels really gloomy to me to have to miss out on Valentines forever when my SO could be making new memories with me so that mentions of the holiday are less painful.
I don't expect them to just "get over" it magically or anything but I want to ask if it's something they'd possibly want to work up to? I swear I'm not trying to be dismissive their response is fully valid and I don't want to imply my silly fantasies are more important than their traumatic reality I just want to know if this would be an asshole move or not.
What are these acronyms?
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poppitron360 · 2 months ago
Big “I’m Back, Bitch” post after my Hiatus.
Hello All!
This is kinda just intended for close moots or anyone who was worried about me or is interested in Poppi’s Personal Life Lore, just to keep you guys up to speed on how I’m doing after some time away and what to expect from me in 2025.
SO MUCH has happened in the two months I was away from Tumblr so for starters, here is a brief list of updates I have about My life/Fandoms/General shenanigans in no particular order
- The Ithaca Saga came out and it was AMAZING. I completely ignored my stockings that Xmas morning and instead just listened to it. By the time Christmas day was over I’d already listened to it about six times.
- Yes I was at the watch party along with 206,000 other people. It was truly historical.
- The Helluva Boss sinsmas special came out and almost made me cry. It’s been a while since I was posting about that show, but dw I still watch it
- I’m now on book 3 of Magnus Chase and YES YOU WERE ALL ABSOLUTELY CORRECT I LOVE ALEX SO MUCHHHHH. Expect some Alex Fierro/Fierrochase/Jack x Riptide content from me soon
- The Star Wars Disney+ shows are better than they’ve been since Mandolorian Season One.
- HAPPY 2025!!! This can’t be a real year. 2017 was still last year. No way we’re halfway through the 20s already.
- I had a BIG LIFE UPDATE that for personal reasons I can’t share online but it was BIG and also GOOD and I’m really proud of it. It was also unexpected and not the reason I took time off for. Idk why I’m including this bc I can’t really say anything about it but I need y’all to know that something good happened. It seems like when I vent about personal stuff here I only talk about the bad but good stuff does happen sometimes too.
- I got a weighted blanket for xmas. It’s so cozy and I love it.
- I have started getting into making OCs. Some for fandoms, some not.
- Penelope is now my favourite character in Epic.
- I’ve been writing this fanfic about the children of Percabeth, Solangelo, and Valgrace going on a TLT-style quest together so stay tuned to either read that or watch me give up on it and then just infodump about the plot I would’ve written if I’d had the energy
- I’m finally caught up on The Amazing Digital Circus
- I’m finally caught up on Agatha All Along (I still have the last episode to watch)- I think Joe Locke is stuck playing Sad Gay Baby-bois for the rest of his carrer now.
- Joel Smallishbeans won Wild Life and Grian is making 7hr Hermitcraft videos now.
- I performed in a play
- I have a 133-day streak on Duolingo!!
- Technically my one year Hyperfixation anniversary of Percy Jackson! I count it as the first Wednesday after Christmas as that’s when I watched the TLT musical for the first time. Because of this, whenever I doodle an SPQR tattoo on my arm when I’m bored, I will now draw two lines under it instead of one.
- Less than one month into 2025 and I can already predict that “The Challenge” is gonna be my top song of the year on Spotify
- Overall, I’ve just been trying my best to relax and take it easy, and I think I succeeded, which is good because that’s what I needed.
Now for the slightly less lighthearted stuff. I need to set a few things straight, for myself more than anything.
Firstly, I want to clarify that mentally I'm fine. I realise my leave was sudden and might’ve worried some people, and I apologise, but I am safe. You don't have to worry about my health or wellbeing.
This too will pass, and you'll get more dedicated, hyperobsessed Poppi back again once this has all blown over. Although, the aforementioned “BIG GOOD LIFE UPDATE” might complicate things.
Holidays are a stressful time for me, as I’m sure they are for you. With that on top of work and life stuff I needed to shed some mental load and unfortunately Tumblr was the first thing to go. And it will be the first thing to go again when something else stressful shows up. Adulting is hard you guys.
I've made it no secret that I've had some stressful stuff going on in my life these past few months. Yes, I am back from hiatus. Yes, I'm taking the time to rest and take care of myself. But I do not have the physical capacity to fully administrate a Tumblr blog on top of everything else right now.
So from now on, things are gonna be a little bit different around here. I won't be making posts every day and I won't be writing large fanfics or working on any complex fanarts.
I will need to take more hiatuses as things pile up.
I don’t know when exactly, but consider it a fact (unless I say otherwise) that this will happen again.
I know a lot of you will be understanding but I want to set these rules for myself so I don't feel any pressure from my brain to provide for you all. As I'm sure most of you will relate, I have a kinda all-or-nothing attitude to my interests, and as of this point in my life I can't afford to give my all to my blog. So expect a lot less from me these next few months.
Also, still nothing on the Autism Assessment Application stuff, in case anyone was wondering about that. This is the reality of living under the NHS. But by talking to people I’ve still been able to get the help and support that I need regardless of a diagnosis. And I also have a bunch of fidget toys now!!
Anyhoo, sorry for the ramble. I neither assume nor expect everyone will bother reading this so thank you for taking the time if you did. I wanted to put all of this in one post so I don’t need to keep talking about this and boring y’all with personal details in case you’re not interested. On with the fun fandom fiascos!!
I thank you all for your patience and being so kind and considerate while I needed some rest. I could not hope for a more awesome corner of the internet to exist on. Love you all. Stay safe. I’ll see you soon!
— Poppi <3
@lavenderfairiez @ginnyluna @groverapologist @echo-stimmingrose @demigod-shenanigans @keefessketchbook @sleepyycapybara @123letsgobestie @fairytalesociology @four-leafed-queer-gal @child-of-helios @puzzled-pegasus @ollieisanerd @twomanyfandomshelp @lokiwiiiiiii @yoshuko-ew @frayna-of-the-hollow @via-rant @hadeslegacyhephgirl @pjowasmy1stfandom @thetourturedwritersclub @m-for-now @inky-void @deciduowl
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morriemonnie · 2 months ago
HI I don't usually use tumblr or use asks but holy shit I just have to gush about your art really quickly. I'm a vile sucker for cupid, Valentines day, roses and hearts + glisten, sprout and cosmo/dandys world in general so seeing your entire blog was a fucking MASSIVELY positive flashbang. Your art is genuinely beautiful, stunning, any positive word under the sun that you can think of, the colours are vibrant yet soft on my eyes and the designs are beautifully crafted together and it's all perfect. I genuinely cannot put into words how taken back I was just scrolling through some of your top posts and seeing someone else who adores similar themes and aesthetics so much, Valentines day and love is something SO important to me and seeing it with my favourite fandom and characters is actually amazing and ohmygododdd I cannot put into words how I am like a cat clawing at your art it's so good. The way you draw anatomy, like I said- the colours, the designs, the ideas, it's so inspiring and beautiful and ohmygod. There's nothing in the world that could describe perfection like your art can. I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable, like I said I don't really send these sort of things I just had to speak up on this because it genuinely made my week and I adore it so much
Don't give up making art, you're amazing at it!!!!!
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anon, i want to let you know that i woke up a little under the weather today- but seeing this love letter written to me, full of pure amazement and adoration? this means so much to me.
i've always had such an affinity for valentine's day and everything about it, it's always been a sentimental holiday for me and i love the topic of love and what it means and/or shows to people ... ! so it's a little inevitable that i'd bring it into fandoms i adore and appreciate, haha ! i think it's such a lovely and adoring holiday, aesthetically pleasing too ...
anon, i wish you a million love letters in your mailbox. may your mornings and evenings be filled with happiness and warmth even in mundane quiet moments; thank you for making me feel appreciated.
i love you ! 💌
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stagbells · 3 months ago
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Message Quirrel: "Are you sure it's a good idea to keep fighting int the colosseum...?" Tiso: "I'm so close, Quirrel, I swear. I'LL SHOW THEM ALL WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!" Hi mineopal! When I read your request for wholesome Quirrel and Tiso, I knew I wanted to draw that. Quirrel is my favourite character, and while I don't ship him with Tiso I know they would have a very fun dynamic! Quirrel is calm, soothing, meditative, optimistic, while Tiso is reckless, ambitious and self-confident. It took me some time to figure out what scene exactly I wanted to draw, but when I came up with this, it immediately clicked! I wished I had more time to dedicate to the drawing and at least color it, but unfortunately my job is killing me this year. Still, I'm happy how it turned out, hope it makes you smile and gives you some warm, fuzzy feeling you can bring with you in the next days! Happy holidays - patmax17
From: @patmax17
To: @mineourple
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thebisexualwreckoning · 2 months ago
2025 book bingo
finally have the time to post reading update for my 2025 reading bingo hosted by @batmanisagatewaydrug now that I'm back from holiday and settling back into the unending grind of academia.
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Literary Fiction: Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, transl. Ginny Tapley Takemori
This was deeply strange book ruminating on the nature of being 'othered' simply by not forcing yourself to fit into the box that is this capitalistic society we live in, the expectation that if a woman has not married or found a high-paying corporate job by the time she's thirty she has failed some fundamental aspect of life, the way our fast-paced culture treats convenience store workers and other 'menial' labourers. Needless to say, I am enchanted by this book and Keiko's staunch refusal to follow the path set by others and instead live life on her own terms. It's a very short read and one that I have niggling feeling will be polarising to many, but I liked it. I also do not know whether this was intentional, but Keiko read as extremely autistic and aroace coded to me
Short story collection: Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century by Kim Fu
It's rare I read a short story collection where every single work is a five star read. This collection was deeply emotional and deals beautifully with the subject of grief in its various contexts - losing family, growing up and having to leave behind your childhood, watching the world move on while you remain stuck in the past, etc etc. It reminded me quite a bit of Ted Chiang's works, this using of sci-fi elements to explore a more deeply human core. Even among all of these excellent stories, a few that particularly stood out to me were: 'Pre-Simulation Consultation XF0078167' (a meditation on love, grief and learning to let go) , 'Twenty Hours' (about a brilliantly toxic couple whose favourite pass time is killing each other), 'Scissors' (a tantalisingly sexy lesbian bdsm tale about power dynamics and trust in eroticism), and 'Do you remember Candy?' (a tender look at a mother-daughter duo plus the memories - and flavours - that draw them apart)
Sequel: Heavenly Tyrant by Xiran Jay Zhao
If i had a penny for every book I read this year with a toxic relationship and communist message to spread, I will have two pennies, which isn't a lot but does say something about my reading tastes that it happened twice. 
But, back on track: Heavenly Tyrant is a book I have been waiting to read for a long time and god did it manage to deliver. It was bloody and brutal and unapologetically full of feminine rage but also community. It took many of the problems I had with the first book and brilliantly dealt with them. Zetian finally forms a connection with the women surrounding her and unpacks a lot of her internalised misogyny. It's much more politically dense than the first book and does a lot of work educating on communist principles and how often they tend to leave behind women and other marginalised identities, an issue I am intimately familiar with. Socialist men, apply your politics to the women in your life challenge level: impossible. 
Make no mistake though, this book still has as much, if not more, violence as the first book. Lesser mech battles given the information revealed at the ending of book 1 meant a lot less killing of Hunduns and a lot more executing of billionaires. It bares mentioning however that Qin Zheng's rule would have fallen apart eventually though because power to the labouring class good, torturing innocents because of paranoia bad. People will rebel, my guy, take a chill pill. 
Speaking of Qin Zheng - I support bisexual rights AND bisexual wrongs. But also I have never loathed a character this much and wanted to figure out what the fuck is going on in their brain (and also fuck them) more. I'm afraid the sex actively made him worse, much sad for my tumblr girl aesthetic.  
I do have to mention that this book has the same habit of the first with telling and not showing. We see this world through Zetian's eyes, and she is as new to being a political figure as the rest of us, and much of what is going on is straight up explained to her instead of letting readers and her form opinions of their own based on our observations of the world. 
Still, that didn't really take away much from my reading experience and there is a distinct improvement in the writing from the first book, which I also loved. Good book, I highly recommend in the current political climate. 
Vaguely related tangential anecdotes: Now that this information cannot dox me anymore since I am no longer in Kolkata, I also picked up a copy of Ekatorer Dinguli by Jahanara Imam in it's original bengali for the 'Set in a country You have never visited' prompt. Make no mistake, this was one of the hardest things I have done. I roamed the entirety of College Street (a.k.a the largest book market in the world) before ending up at Dey's Publishing house (aka the oldest publishers in Kolkata) where I finally managed to find a copy!
After I took my mother to get something to eat at Indian Coffee House (also in College street) (because despite growing up in the city, strict parents meant that she'd never gone and now that i can do nice things for my mother I like to do nice things for her) - the place to gather if you were a freedom fighter back under british colonialism or a member of the naxalite movement led largely by the tribal community of the Siliguri area and the radical communists (who tended to be college students) of Bengal back in the 70s (mostly because it was the only place us brown folk were allowed to gather) - and learned that great-grandpa was also a naxalite/communist, who woulda thunk?
2. Reading Outdrawn by Deanna Grey for the romance prompt and it is currently reminding me of how fucking much i love the romance genre. It also made me wanna study why so many of my asexual friends who'd never want to have sex in real life love the freakiest books while i, an aromantic person loves the most romantic books on earth before i realised humans are weird man, you gotta have some fucking whimsy sometimes.
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brokenpieces-72 · 11 months ago
Mothers n Monsters
With Mother's Day coming up I figured I would include some wholesomeness involving the Hybrid 141. The following is inspired by @bluegiragi 's Hybrid au and includes @diejager 's reader character Hunter.
Mother's Day is something you are still new to since it was a holiday your biological parents didn't bother with. When you were in the program some of the other hybrids found mother figures in their retainers and mentors.
When it gets brought up in conversation and you learn more you start to wonder who exactly your mother is. Johnny's mom is definitely in there since she took you in. Hunter, you consider a parent because of how they've taken care of you in many ways, and not just you but the entirety of the 141. The last one you think of is Laswell since she'd been talking to you quite a bit to get information back to the program and keep you safe.
The question is... what do you do for each of them?
You ask Johnny for help with Mother's Day with his mother. Johnny often goes into whatever city is nearby and sends a few souvenirs to his mom, whether it's some trinkets, ingredients or even some alcohol. With it, he writes a letter, and you write one too. When the package arrives his mother smiles seeing the usual letter from her son, saying he's happy and grateful to have someone waiting for him to come home every day. What she isn't expecting is a second letter from you, and the adoption papers fully signed. In the letter, you tell her how happy you are to have a family not just on base but one waiting for you in Scotland. You've written about so many of the things you've done and all the things you're excited to do. You thank he for everything, letting you stay with them during the holidays, the extra clothes, and for becoming your new mother. She smiles reading through both letters, before finally looking inside the care package, seeing more than just knickknacks and the bottle of alcohol. You've left some drawings for her as well, of flowers you'd found and places you'd been.
Hunter is a bit harder. They're the kind of person who will say, "I don't need/want anything". You don't know what to get them so once again, you go around asking for help. Of course, you go to Johnny first, and he's a little confused at first. To his knowledge, Hunter doesn't have kids but when you explain your reasons that Hunter is kind of like a mom, he understands a bit better. Johnny has to think about it as well. He suggests coffee, as does Kyle. It's not a bad idea. You go to Price and ask him, and honestly he isn't sure himself. He settles with your help in the infirmary is probably enough. Next, you ask Simon. He also isn't sure but if he had to guess, probably less work needed to be done in the infirmary. Horangi straight up shrugs, not sure how to answer the question, though he figures that a massage or a few nights off would be a pleasant luxury. Konig did actually plan on getting Hunter something small for Hunter, not necessarily as a Mother's Day gift, but as a small thank you. A couple of chocolates couldn't hurt. You get Alejandro's input and it's one you can agree with, which is ensuring any and all prep work and inventory is completed ahead of time.
Rudolfo gives you a great idea though, the one you ask him for help with. Like Hunter, Rudolfo is human so he knows the drawbacks of being a human among many hybrids. You get one of those mugs, but make a custom label for it, and a bag of Hunter's favourite coffee and tea. For the next few days, you go to the other soldiers in the medbay to ask for their help in getting inventory and prep work done ahead of time, and they show you how to do all of it. When Hunter wakes up on Mother's Day they stretch, get out all of the sleepiness, and head over to the infirmary to get to work. When they get to the coffee machine they find the small gift and a small note. The note says, "Happy Mother's Day Hunter, I've gotten the prep work done in the infirmary the night before so you can have the morning to yourself. Enjoy." Hunter looks at the label on the mug and it says "The Beast".
Finally, there was Laswell, and once again you were a little stumped. You didn't know what she liked. Price is your go-to for this question, and he isn't entirely sure himself. He too, doesn't entirely understand the whole mom perception until you explain it. Not sure what else to suggest, he suggests you ask Laswell yourself.
Laswell comes to see you. These visits have become a bit more regular, to ensure the program has no reason to take you back. When you sit with her and go over the usual questions of, how are you, are you eating well, is everything going well on base, etc, you ask her what she would want for Mother's Day. The question catches her off guard a bit.
"Mother's Day? Spirit I'm not a mother." Laswell clarifies.
"You kind of are." You say. Laswell decides to humour you.
"How?" She asks.
"You always make sure we're okay on base, and have everything we need. You watch over us on missions, you come by to check in with me and make sure I'm okay. You've stood up for me before. When I saw my mother, and told you, you immediately called the program to tell them off for not telling us sooner." You explain. Laswell consider it for a moment and she gives you a smile. She didn't think of it like that, and honestly, she figured it was just part of the job and not much else.
"I think hearing all of that is enough for me." She tells you. "Thank you."
Note: Hey just wanted to chime in and wish y'all a good Mother's Day. I hope you're all doing well, and remember to take care of yourselves.
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simkaswriting · 2 years ago
What if…Eris had danced with y/n instead?
A/N- Hi hi! This is a one shot from a series I'm currently writing for acotar, if you're interested in reading about other beloved characters like Cas, Az, Mor, Rhys and Lucien and their own 'what if' moments, make sure to check back❤️
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Dull. That was the only word coming to mind when Y/N surveyed the large, cavernous room. The inner circle was paying their supposed yearly visit to the Court of Nightmares, according to the little information Mor let slip at the dinner table last night. It was not the lack of decorations, or even the monotonous colours throughout the room, but rather it was the fae that were dull. Music echoed around them all, hundreds of males and females clad in varying shades of grey and black talking quietly amongst themselves as if unaware of the festive holiday they were gathered to celebrate, yet only a handful indulged in the compelling music. Y/N stood quietly on the far end of the unintentional line the inner circle formed around the two thrones, right next to quiet Elain, who in turn was leaning lightly against Feyre’s throne. It wasn’t like she tried to blend into the background the way the Azriel’s shadows allowed him to, or that she stood out like a sore thumb the way Elain did with her exuberant energy and bright eyes. Nor did she entice every male the way her eldest sister did with her fierce glare and head held high. No, Y/N was simply just there. Startling in beauty, ferocious in demeanour, and quite frankly a little disappointed at what the Court of Nightmares regarded as a party. Which is perhaps what piqued the red headed Autumn Court male’s attention. Y/N, just standing off to the side yet not seeming lonely, almost as if placing an invisible barrier between herself and the rest of her new family. He wondered why she stood there instead of dancing with some lowly scum like the eldest sister did, hanging off the brute’s arm, though he was almost certain nobody in this room would dare ask her for a dance. If only out of fear of aggravating the High Lord sitting a few feet away.
An hour goes by with minimal conversation between Y/N and Elain, and even then, the words dry out due to her sisters’ fear of drawing attention to themselves. Mouth dry and legs slightly stiff from her unmoving position next to her sisters, Y/N quietly walks over to the large table coated with an array of refreshments, in search of something stronger than water to help the time flow a little faster. Her eyes narrow in on a bottle of red wine, from the Summer Court if the writing is anything to go by. She reaches for the bottle, fully intending to keep it all to herself, when a cedar and cinnamon smell fills her nostrils.
“If I may, I’d suggest this wine, call it a personal favourite and a matter of good taste.” The voice is deep yet oddly soft, so very out of place in this pit of despair surrounding her. It’s as if the tone caresses her.
Stomach in knots, Y/N looks up at the male next to her, and fights back the gasp that surely would have escaped her if she didn’t know better. A tall male clad in hues of green and brown stands next to her, holding a bottle of white wine which looks comically small in his large hand. His height has her almost subconsciously take a step back, looming over her like a bad omen she’s sure he is. His face is sculpted as if by the Mother herself, though she can tell he isn’t just a pretty face to look at by the red scar barely visible under the collar of his shirt. No fae male in the Court of Nightmares on this festive day is just a pretty face. Yet it’s the male’s fiery red hair, bright as if fire itself courses through it, that has Y/N repressing the urge to marvel at it and reach out to run her hand through the fiery locks.
She schools her expression into one of calm indifference instead, perhaps a second too late, and glances at the bottle in the stranger’s hand. Autumn court wine. Her arm falls back to rest at her side, now fully facing the mysterious male, even if it drives her heartbeat crazy and floods her mind with static.
“Good taste would be finding yourself in better company on this joyous night.” She draws out the latter half of her sentence in mockery. Yes, the winter solstice is a time of mirth and expressing appreciation for your loved ones in Velaris, at least from the rare glimpses she’s managed to steal. However, the holiday loses its meaning in the Court of Nightmares. Surely the red head has better options than spending his time in this joyless pit of despondency, attempting to strike up a conversation with the forgotten Archeron sister?
A haughty chuckle comes from him as he sets the wine down on the banquet table and extends his hand, an inkling of a bow following.
“I was hoping you could be that company. May I have this dance?”
She studies his hand, eyes raking over the large surface of his palm and following the veins as they disappear below his tunic, throat growing a little dry. Unsure of why she should say no, especially since she can already feel the tediousness of the next few hours seeping in, Y/N accepts the strangers offer.
Y/N feels eyes burning holes in her, through her, a sour pit churning in her stomach. With a surprisingly gentle touch, the red head draws their bodies together, chest to chest, his hand coming to rest on her lower back, placing himself between her and the inquiring eyes of the inner circle, much to her relief.
Is it such an issue for Y/N to dance with another male? Was she expected to stand by her sisters and the Illyrian males doubling as bodyguards all night, bored to the stars, and counting down the minutes until they could winnow her back to the House of Wind? Nesta and Cassian were enjoying themselves, Feyre and Rhysand were enamoured with each other, and Azriel and Elain were engaged in quiet conversation. So, what is the problem with Y/N enjoying the harmless company of this mysterious, and not to mention breathtakingly beautiful, fae male?
Placing her hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand, large and calloused from centuries of experience she could probably never even begin to comprehend, Y/N looks up at the male.
“How do you find yourself in this cesspool of ingrates on such a beautiful holiday? Surely the Autumn Court would be more…” She pauses, weighing the words on her tongue before letting them slip on a cloud of playfulness to her surprise.
Eris guides the two of them in wide circles, knowing he needs not pay attention to the other fae around. Only fools with a death wish would so much as approach the red head and Archeron sister. As his fingers brush across the exposed skin of lower back, the low-cut fabric of her dress revealing enough to please his eyes and send sparks up his fingers at each contact with her, he wonders if her skin is flush to the touch from this nausea-inducing pit or perhaps his proximity.
He hums in approval. Of what exactly, he isn’t sure, coherent thoughts slowly slipping out of his reach.
“You are correct. Though it seems fate would have it that I come here tonight. And what a lovely stroke of luck that I find myself in your company.” He purrs, voice low enough just for her and only her to hear.
He watches heat creep up her exposed neck and settle on the tips of her newly pointed ears with the hint of a smile playing on his lips. And he can’t help but wonder if that truly is the case. If the reason he turned down the invitation to his families own festive ball had something to do with fate, destiny, perhaps the Mother. If the stars intended for the two of them to end up in each other’s paths, each other’s arms.
Voice soft, fighting to keep her eyes on the male’s face despite feeling like the floor may open up and swallow her whole, she asks “May I at least know the name of my dance partner?”
A mischievous, silently knowing smile tugs at the males’ lips as he glances over his dance partners head with ease. Y/N knows who the teasing look was meant for, her High Lord, Feyre’s mate. But as fleeting as the moment is, his bright eyes find themselves looking into hers again.
“Eris. Eris Vanserra, General of the Autumn Court forces. Future High Lord of the Autumn Court. If you’d like the specifics.” His voice flows over her, teasing tone setting in as he finishes his sentence. His eyes are playful, low, and amused, as if he was in on a joke she wasn’t, as if she was some innocent pawn in a game the male who just declared himself the future High Lord of the Autumn Court was engaged in with Rhysand.
She rakes her brain for that missing piece of information, that last piece of the puzzle to really place this male. But instead of finding it within herself, she follows his gaze, fleeting as it was, only to find a tight-lipped Morrigan with eyes set on Y/N, icy and reticent, Azriel’s hand discreetly hovering behind her. To protect or hold her back, she isn’t sure. The cloudy aura around the blonde, usually strikingly orange in its hue, borders on coal as the two of them exchange a knowing look.
And that last puzzle piece clicks. The male whose hands are sending shivers up her spine at their contact with the exposed skin of her back is the same male Morrigan was betrothed to, if Y/N can trust the little information Nesta let slip during one of her drunken tirades, shut down mercilessly by Cassian before she could reveal more. An easy feeling creeps up to (Y/N)’s chest. She didn’t need to know the full story of what occurred between the two fae to arrive at the conclusion that it wasn’t pleasant. And that accepting his invitation to dance with him, with Eris Vanserra, despite initially not being aware of who this male was, may cost her upon the inner circles return to Velaris.
But his gentle hold on her as he leads them around the room with feet skilled beyond her expectations makes her wonder if there was more to him, more to this interaction, than some ulterior motive. More than thrusting a red-hot iron poker at Morrigan’s trauma and showing Rhys and Feyre that their inner circle was not untouchable, unreachable, unbreachable.
As if sensing her growing discomfort, Eris manoeuvres the two of them across the large, cavernous room, past the dancing fae, away from the prying eyes of the inner circle and towards the music. A risky move, they both know, but despite her newfound hesitation, she can’t help but feel thankful. And not just for removing her from yet another unsettling situation she always seems to find herself in with her sisters’ new family. But for reaching out his hand, for grasping her attention, for making her feel seen and alive for the first time since she emerged from the Cauldron desperate for more.
“I don’t know if you’re brave or just plain foolish, Eris Vanserra.” Y/N quips, eyes set on the liquid-like amber ones looking down at her, unmoving, almost challenging.
He wouldn’t be the first or last to try lay claim on the fourth Archeron sister. To try find footing, a doorway into the inner circle. The elusive Night Court. Sometimes Y/N thinks her sisters got it easy. Mated practically right out of the Cauldron, to three brothers no less. They wouldn’t understand the pressure pulling her down each day, the feeling of being a bargaining chip in Rhysand’s pocket, a way to establish or strengthen alliances in the centuries to come. A precious and valued position to fill in all the High Lord’s eyes.
His eyes remain on hers, unflinching, lips slightly curving at the corner at her tone. Eris had heard the rumours. The three sisters of the High Lady of the Night Court, submerged in the elusive depths of the Cauldron, each gifted, each more beautiful than the other. Three sisters on lockdown in the Night Court, two mated. And he would be lying if he denied any ulterior motives, however his existing alliance with Rhysand was questionable but firm, his eventual succession as High Lord all but guaranteed. He had no real need to court the female in his arms. Though, being betrothed to any member of the High Lord and Lady’s family would be a good union for any male, however, betrothal to a mysteriously gifted sister of the first High Lady of Prythian would result in a more powerful union than any other in history. And despite this thought percolating every other thought in his mind, he can’t help but feel like the Mother was trying to play some cruel joke on him. Like she created this woman turned fae just for him, with the way her body feels pressed against his, each movement of her hair sending her scent directly to his nose and nearly buckling his knees. Her smaller hand in his, fingers intertwined with his like their grooves were made just for him. Her bright eyes on his, and he thinks, for the first time in his life, he wouldn’t mind looking into them until time ceased to matter.
“Why not both, dear?” His question is rhetorical in nature, and with heat creeping up her neck she wonders. Could this male truly be evil incarnate if he looked at her like he was ready to worship the ground she walked on?
Hand in his, she blindly follows his lead, never having favoured ballroom dancing the way her eldest sister did. However, she can’t help but find herself drawn to the stranger who has her on her toes. The music carries the two around the room, spinning, floating across the cold emanating from the chiselled stone of the behemoth mountain, eyes never leaving each other. His grip on her body is firm yet gentle, the fire in her very core growing, and she wonders if it has something to do with the male’s heritage or her own gift. The two glide around the large poor excuse for a ballroom with carelessness, lost in a trance, ending up near Rhysand’s and Feyre’s thrones. They can feel eyes on them, burning with questions, accusations, the latter originating from the Truth Speaker herself. But to them, time seems to be still rather than flowing. Their own little undisturbed bubble.
“I can sense it, smell it.” Rhysand whispers into the crook of Feyre’s neck, just below her ear, eyes on his mate’s sister and the heir to the Autumn Court. It was obvious to him, to his brothers and Mor, a sickening sight, one that only seemed to make sense to the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. Yet he wondered, with the cavern full of monstrous fae, how was the scent so permeating?
Feyre, chest heavy with disappointment but acceptance, nods. She can too. The tether between the two, the bond making itself known. And all she can do is watch as Eris dips her sister low, her hair grazing the ground, and places the ghost of a kiss to her throat.
A shockwave of pleasure washes over Y/N at the gentle pressure of his lips on her neck, the embers in her chest igniting and rising to a flame threatening to consume her whole. A tug in her chest, the fire she thinks, begs her to stay close, pull him back into her embrace and not let go. So, she follows her instinct and draws their bodies back together, closer this time, chests heaving against each other, her lips parted, and his eyes so focused on her he almost misses his own name spoken by Rhysand.
“Composure, Eris, please.” Rhysand purrs, examining his nails as if he hasn’t just witnessed the pairing in front of him all but seal their fate.
(Y/N)’s eyes widen. Not from fear or apprehension at the words of her sister’s mate. But rather from the crushing feeling of need weighing on her chest, need to be closer to this man she didn’t know existed before tonight, need to claw out Azriel’s eyes from the glare he’s throwing Eris, need to shield him with her own body from the threat she knows the inner circle poses.
Feeling the ripple in the air, the unmistakeable tug in his chest despite his unwavering fear of what it spells out for him, Eris gently lets go of her body, instead opting for placing a hand on her lower back, long fingers brushing out soft circles over the fabric of her black backless dress as he walks them the few steps it takes to stop at what he deems is an acceptable, safe, distance from Rhysand.
And before he can consider his words, really take in their weight and implications, they slip past his lips. “What do I need to do for her hand in marriage?”
Of course, Eris suspects the hold Rhysand possesses on all his inner circle members. But judging by the disdain in Y/N’s eyes he observed from the moment they arrived to the moment he approached her, Rhysand wasn’t too interested in this particular Archeron sister. Eris was intelligent, well versed in courtly socialite behaviours. He knew of the hoops he needed to jump through, pleasantries to exchange, even if they did not matter. He only really needed the confirmation from one fae, and it was the one his blood raced for, the fire within him craved.
“The choice is Y/N’s, of course.” Feyre chimes in, sharp eyes focused on her sister as she takes in the scene before her. Y/N’s look bordering on feral, fists clenched at her side, jaw rigid. And in her mind, Rhysand’s chuckle echoes, because she may not yet realise the obvious spark in the air.
The illusion of freedom Rhysand and Feyre paint is laughable, Y/N thinks. She always knew her sister to be cunning, and her mate turning out to be Rhysand was something nobody ever questioned, for all the right reasons. Two peas in a metaphorically corrupt pod. She swallows the hate threatening to spew through her clenched jaw, her heart threatening to break her ribcage if it beat any faster at the words of the male next to her. She knew of the courtly games, had been living their nightmare from the moment the cauldron let her take and take and still gifted her with more, knew his words were really just a necessity. And, with bone chilling horror, realized that the entirety of the Court of Nightmares was gawking at them. But the steady and reassuring hand on her back brings her to reality.
Head held high, knowing if she is to accept Eris’s proposal she will become a significant pawn in Rhysand’s game, she thinks that it would all be worth it if she gets to fall asleep in the arms of the stranger who somehow found the sliver of life left in her and pulled it to the surface. She feels, deep down, that marriage will be just a formality for whatever connection she’s feeling between the two of them. His question isn’t something she has to ponder over.
“Yes.” Her voice echoes around the cavern, loud and clear and heard by all.
She doesn’t miss the slight smirk on Rhysand’s lips, the kind look in Feyre’s eyes, the betrayal laced with defeated understanding on Mor’s face. Y/N knows the fiery haired male is on shaky terms with the inner circle at best, for reasons she hopes to understand, but some innate part of her feels whatever grievances will be aired, she will not be moved from his side.
“Congratulations, lovely Y/N. May this union be blessed by the Mother.” Rhysand hums, voice low, double-edged sword that is his tongue savouring the moment. As his eyes meet the amber of the eldest Vanserra brother, he can’t help but grin, because he knows. Eris knows that that hum in the air is, that fire in his chest. Reigning in his smirk, Rhysand sends a quick prayer to the Mother, thinking that Eris may need it if he is to survive by Y/N’s side.
Y/N lightly bows her head, an inch, just enough to show her gratitude for the sake of the onlookers. And before any other fae has the opportunity to pluck up the courage and approach the newly engaged pair, Eris is already gently leading her to the edge of the grand hall, hand still on her back.
“How would you like to sample some of that Autumn Court wine in your new home, my dear (Y/N)?” Eris purrs, lips brushing against the shell of her ear. And the scent that permeates his nose, one of want and need and anticipation, is the only answer he needs as the shadows grow around the two. As the pair winnows, she thinks that perhaps the festivities will be more joyful next year with Eris by her side.  
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juicy-beetle · 3 months ago
as an obsessed tintin fan I love your work so much. unfortunately my favourite character besides tintin is the villain sakharine from the 2011 film and he's only properly in that and I have the most insane gay crush on him since watching the film in june 2020. would it be possible to see how you would draw him? I don't know if you've seen the film. anyway thank you so much for your art, it makes me so happy as well as seeing beetlejuice from the musical. bless you, and I love you so much. merry Christmas and Happy holidays and hopefully a happy new year.
Oh my god. Please forgive me. This is gonna be a long post.
Have I ever seen the movie?! Hahahahshahaha you're funny
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Not to brag or anything, but I have the DVD on a scratchy disc and the now not working wii game. I have completed BOTH sections at least 20 times no lie. Also I religiously watched the move every weekend for almost 2 years as a little kid. I memorized the script. So yes. Yes I have.
I really don't think I will ever be as intense about a Fandom like this again.
Okay on to sakharine. (This is gonna be so disjointed bear with me) I don't blame you crushing on him. They knew what they were doing. When i first saw this movie i thought him and tintin were my boyfriends! And dang I want his suit. He'd be a fun character to cosplay. Okay okay okay who came up with the idea of giving him a pet falcon?! It's so damn cool! I truly miss fun villains. Like I'm so sick of "she's not evil she's just misunderstood" or "there's no villain, trauma is the villain!" Like where are my fun goofy villains that are greedy and willing to kill to get their hands on this one specific thing or evil just because they can. Give me more sakharines!!! Anyway, you've waited long enough. Here's your man
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if I draw him again I'll make sure to tag you :)
I had so much fun making this, and thank you so much for the kind words!! It means so much!! Happy holidays, my friend!
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xmads-omensx · 3 months ago
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman X Reader
Content Warnings: Mentions of / potential spoilers for Season 4 (The Rumbling and events after), mentions of character death, Levi being bad at feelings, fluff, some sad Armin
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Levi was most definitely not a Christmas person in the slightest.
For starters, he never had anybody to celebrate it with. Sure, he had the scouts, but he didn't want to spend any more time with them than he had to.
Much to Levi's distaste, both you and Hange loved the holiday. It was an excuse for the two of you to decorate excessively, buy each other ridiculous gifts, and act like fools in the name of "Christmas spirit".
Erwin didn't really mind this as it meant the two of you weren't bothering him and you still remained focused on your missions. Besides, he wasn't exactly going to say no when you both burst into his office with arms full of gifts to give to him. His favourite had been an expensive, fancy fountain pen with some spare ink cartridges.
Hange was the one out of your terrible twosome who didn't know when to stop with gift-giving, hence why Levi bolted the door to his quarters as Christmas Day creeped closer and closer.
You knew where to draw the line, so settled for some tea selections and maybe some additions to his tea set, like a teapot with a nice pattern, or a delicate little teacup that had a nice dark green rim, but never much more than that, which Levi appreciated.
He never got anyone gifts in return, but had slipped a few sachets of tea leaves under your door last year that he thought you might like. You didn't mind, nor did you push the matter with him.
When Christmas dinner was served in the cafeteria, Levi didn't often venture out of his quarters to endure them as he found them too messy. You felt much the same. So, the two of you had found a tradition over the last few years of eating a small meal in his office in a comfortable silence before you quietly got up and left after finishing your meal.
Levi would never tell you, but he found himself looking forward to Christmas each year, simply because it meant spending more time alone with you, even if it was in silence. He always worked himself up to being corageous enough to start a conversaton with you, but he always froze up. Psht. So much for being humanities strongest. He would think to himself.
One year, Levi bought you a gift.
He spent hours agonising over which one to buy you until his eyes landed on the perfect one.
It was the smallest teacup on the shelf in the tea shop, but it was perfect. It was made of white porcelain with pale purple flowers curling over the surface. The design was delicate, yet strong against the white surroundings, much like how he viewed you.
He bought it and placed it inside a small gift box, with a matching pale purple ribbon wrapped around it. He placed it onto his desk upon arriving back in his office and did nothing but stare at it all day as if it could explode any moment as he waited for your arrival at his door with two plates of Christmas dinner.
However, you never came as you had been sent on a mission by Erwin earlier in the day to dispatch of some titans who had been getting ever so slightly too close for comfort in Erwin's eyes, something Levi made a mental note to get him back for at a later date.
After that, Levi never gave you the gift as it felt like the timing was bad, and after that Christmas he never got the chance due to everything that had begun to unfold surrounding Marley.
After The Rumbling and the war ended, Levi held you closer to his heart than he ever had before.
Sure, he was still petrified of losing you, but losing so many of his loved ones in such a short space of time (plus incessant peer pressure from Gabi and Falco), Levi had realised that he needed to tell you how he felt. And he knew exactly how.
The month of December was about two months away when he began to enact his plan.
Due to his new confines of the wheelchair, he wasn't able to carry out his plan himself, but he knew some people who could.
Armin, Annie, Connie, Jean and Reiner were due to be heading back to Paradis just in time for Christmas, so Levi sent a hasty letter to Armin, hoping for it to arrive in time for his plan to work.
In the letter, Levi wrote down step-by-step instructions for Armin to carry out before they left for their return to Paradis.
Armin was to collect something for Levi and return it to him upon his arrival back in Marley.
In the letter, Levi didn't mention what this object was, but Armin wasn't quite sure that he wanted to know, given the former captain's nature and reputation.
A month passed, then a month and a half and Levi was beginning to get somewhat anxious.
Luckily, Armin arrived on Levi's doorstep about two weeks before Christmas Day, only to be greeted by a grumpy captain, who promptly slammed the door back in Armin's face, and two pre-teens who re-opened the door for Armin to let him into the house.
The house was small and cosy with a small Christmas tree that sat on a small side-table and had most likely been put there by one of the pre-teens or you. Armin hadn't seen you since the war ended, and wasn't quite sure he was ready for that.
You had both been through a lot together as you held him after Eren's death. And being one of his higher-ups had meant you watched the duo grow together, only to be left with just one of them. Armin didn't have the heart to put you through that, especially not around Christmas time.
Levi had hurried back into what Armin assumed was his bedroom without so much as a thank you. It was good to see that the captain hadn't changed too much since the war ended.
By the time Christmas Day rolled around, Levi was a nervous wreck.
He had sent Gabi and Falco away for the evening after spending the day with them, so that he could have some alone time with you.
Unfortunately for Levi, the pair had gotten bored and decided to spend the evening in their bedrooms instead. They promised Levi that they wouldn't disturb him, but he didn't quite buy that.
When you knocked on the front door, he started to second guess his decision to bring your tradition back. Would you like the food? Would you still want to spend time with him?
For the first time in a very long time, Levi was... scared.
He let you in and you both took your respective places at the dinner table, exactly where you both would've sat if you were still in his office. Everything felt the same. The silence was the same comfortable one from all those years ago.
Once dinner was finished, you got up to move the dishes to the sink as Levi made his way into his bedroom to retrieve the package Armin had retrieved for him.
You had began to make your way to the front door before Levi called you to you. "Wait!" He shouted with urgency, holding his hand out to you in an attempt to signal to you that he wanted you to stop.
You turned to face him and were greeted with his panicked expression on his face.
Instead of explaining himself, he simply grabbed the box that sat in his lap, the one with the pale purple ribbon wrapped around it, and held it out to you.
You accepted it and opened it slowly, shooting Levi a questioning glance as you did so.
The lid lifted off and you peered inside the box.
A slightly tense silence enveloped the room as Levi waited anxiously for your reaction.
You paused for a moment before looking back at him, smiling.
You waled forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, whispering "Merry Christmas, Levi." Into his ear before turning and leaving through the front door.
Heat flooded through Levi's cheeks as he heard giggling from upstairs. Gabi and Falco. Those brats. Levi thought to himself.
In those brief moments, Levi decided that he quite liked Christmas, especially if it meant he got to spend it with you, and even if it meant spending it with those two brats upstairs.
His family.
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blackbird-brewster · 25 days ago
I've always been a diehard Jemily fan, but I can get behind Jara 👀 Time to fixate on a new ship!
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ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Hiiiiii, new recruit. Let me further convince you of how amazing this ship is by sharing a bunch of fics.
First up, feel free to check out my [Jara Beginner's Guide] for episodes, gifsets, and more.
I'm about to change your whole life. As a Jemily shipper, turned Jara truther, might I suggest my favourite OT3... Je T'Emily? (See the bottom of the list for my other polyam ships ft. Jara 👀)
OT3: Je T'Emily Fic Recs
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) AU | Series
Rated: E || Total WC: 435,000
A queer, polyamorous, rom-com AU starring: Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss and Tara Lewis. Also featuring all of your other favourite CM characters.
False Flags and the Art of Misdirection
Rated: T || WC: 12,000
There was no doubt the case in Roswell was a strange one, but for three members of the BAU in particular, all the talk of secrets, conspiracies and cover-ups felt a bit too familiar, because upon their return, Tara, JJ and Emily found themselves wrapped up in their own web of lies, romance, and misdirection. And just like in Roswell, not everything was exactly how it seemed.
You Tell Me, is Three a Crowd? || By: pagetbrewstersswife
Rated: E || WC: 5300
Emily loves J.J. and J.J. loves Emily. What they don't expect is for Tara to enter the equation.
A Secret Santa (or Two) || By: mournful_shapes
Rated: E || WC: 5800
Emily draws a newly divorced JJ’s name for Secret Santa.
JJ/Tara Fic Recs
Find more on my [Master List of Jara fics]
Stand By Me | Series
Rated: E || Total WC: 192,000
A JJ/Tara romantic saga set in canon (S11 onwards). Told through a mixture of flashbacks and current narratives that weave the story together.
Twelve Days of Christmas
Rated: M || WC: 100,000+ (WIP)
When widowed author Jennifer Jareau and her sons attend the fourth annual Jareau holiday reunion in the small mountain-town of Northvale, the last thing she expected was to fall in love. The only problem is, the woman who has stolen her heart happens to be JJ's brother's girlfriend, Tara. While trying to get close to Tara, JJ also stumbles into a mystery she must unravel in order to understand the other woman's true intentions. Can she solve the mystery and win the woman of her dreams in a mere twelve days? She's certainly going to try. [This festive rom-com AU is packed full of tropes, plot twists, and holiday cheer.]
Here is Home
Rated: T || WC: 20,000
After her divorce, JJ finds friendship and companionship with Tara but things become complicated when JJ realises she's developing romantic feelings as well. How could she let herself fall for Tara, when Tara runs from absolutely any and all serious relationships?
New Emotion
Rated: T || WC: 6300
With the help of Penelope and Emily, a BAU Girls' Night leads to Tara and JJ realising how they truly feel about each other.
I Know a Place
Rated: T || WC: 3000
Tara takes JJ out for a night of dancing and while getting swept away by the music, the end up swept into each other's arms.
OT3: Did You Say Girlfriend? (Tara/Rebecca/JJ)
Cut to the Feeling
Rated: E || WC: 19,300
When JJ finds out Tara has a girlfriend, she's surprised when this announcement causes her to feel an overwhelming sense of jealousy. In her attempt to ask Tara about her relationship status, JJ accidentally admits far more than she ever intended, leaving Tara feeling confused and slightly intrigued at the idea of what she and JJ might have had together -- if not for the fact Tara is happily dating Rebecca.
Rated: E || WC: 4700
After an extremely stressful week, all Rebecca wants is to do on Friday night is go home to Tara and relax. But when JJ opens the front door, instead of her girlfriend, Rebecca fears those plans are completely ruined. Little does she know, Tara and JJ are about to make sure she has the best night of her life.
OT4: Book Club (JJ/Tara/Emily/Rebecca)
The Rush
Rated: E || WC: 9200
The arrangement was unusual, but definitely not unheard of. It began like these things usually do, a group of four friends (made up of two couples) had a bit too much to drink one night, they got a little flirty with each other, and someone, none of them could recall who (though, the the Brat of the group would naturally take credit for the idea), decided to finally address the sexual tension in the room. Five months after closing the Gold Star case, JJ, Tara, and Rebecca give Emily a birthday she'll never forget. [Follow-up to 'Do What I Want (Over What's Right)' but can be read as a stand-alone]
In conclusion, JJ/Tara are in love and that's just the facts. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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loadedberetta · 1 year ago
Berry baby🖤
I hope you're doing well and *remembering* to hydrate.
I was just talking with a friend and i find i slip into other languages expressions while I'm speaking or even typing - I'm a polyglot (I know a good few languages) including South African Sign Language. It certainly takes alot of people by surprise since it's not something I go around speaking about.
How would TF141 + Alex Kelle react with this given they never were explicitly told about this skillet before hand?
I hope you enjoy your festive season and find yourself surrounded by the most peace and happiness Love🥀
hi lovie!! (sipping on magnesium water as we speak!)
having dipped my toes in language learning too, I bow to you, polyglot friend~ holidays are hard, thank you for the encouragement, same goes to you! decided to turn them into drabbles, it was much fun, thank you for the req! alright, here is (my first req stuff ever)
141 + Alex react to: polyglot Reader
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rating: M (language, light flirting?)
warnings: smoking, interrogation [military inaccuracies]
[series with random headcanons about specific situations (involving the reader) and how CoD characters would react to them; mostly the 141, but Alejandro and Rudy, Laswell, Farah, König, and others will make appearances too]
other parts: [tattoo] [pregnancy] [knife tricks] [drawing] [foreign language]
find me on ao3 // masterlist
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A small note was attached to your file that Price seems to have overlooked in the year and a half since you were under his command; in Laswell's handwriting, which John knew already from the countless similar notes she left for him throughout the years. Yet, this one stood out; sign language? And how many languages again? He made a mental note to ask you over grub the next day.
Breakfast was always fast; after first drill, but before the day really began. And always with your mates, switching languages with ease to accommodate new members and brothers passing through, just on transfer at the base.
Price always ate at a separate table, always. Sometimes alone, sometimes with some higher-ups. But this morning, he sat by your table, which opened up a seat for him. Everyone's body language shifted to accommodate him among you. He didn't speak, and the conversation between you and a temporary transfer settled back into a comfortable flow. His ears perked up to each sound he didn't seem to have heard from you, as they weren't part of the English phonemic system.
He himself muddled in French and some Arabic and harboured a basic understanding of Spanish since his time in Mexico, but your confidence and knowledge shone through the effortless speech. You and your speaking partner seemed to share a lighthearted conversation in a language he could only guess.
Soon, you let yourself notice his glances in your direction, often settling on your lips for short moments. Smiling to yourself, you finished your coffee as your deskmate excused themselves from the table, having emptied their tray.
Instead of turning to another group being taught foreign swearwords by a new recruit (to which you had to resist the urge to share your favourites), you lifted your gaze to meet Price's.
"Enjoying yourself, Captain?"
He chuckled, raspy.
"How did this never come up?" He asked without much sugarcoating.
"What exactly?" You chuckled.
"That you know about a dozen languages, including… South African Sign Language?"
A small smirk formed on your lips, proud of the recognition and attention to detail.
"I don't go around flaunting it." You stated plainly. "It's not even on my file, it's… just something I do, as a person; it's not for the military or anything."
"Hm." That was all he replied to that. "-but…"
"Could be useful."
You could see he was pondering something.
"What if I told you I have a spot for you on officer training, hm? They're looking for… intelligence."
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( I cannot resist using this gif--)
Finding yourself behind a counter, taking orders from businessmen, assistants, and university students; not exactly how you imagined life in the big city. It was a second job of sorts, only part-time, as you couldn't squeeze in anything else besides the academy.
It was a busy morning, your shift covering the entirety of it before classes began that day. The line was only growing, and the other shiftie beside you was struggling; some foreigners complained about their order, and another pair of customers speaking a third language just rolled up to him, totally overwhelming him. Calling out a name for an order, you waved to the next in line (a sweet old immigrant lady, with whom only you could chat out of the whole team, easily overstepping the language barrier), and told her to just hang on for a moment.
You addressed the complaining couple in a well-mannered way, quickly sorted out their issue with a complimentary muffin and a cookie, and switched languages with ease, freeing your shiftie partner from the agony that was speaking any other language than English for him.
The rush died down just the slightest after a few more hectic minutes, and the shiftie went for a break when you noticed a familiar figure standing by the counter as you turned back with another order.
He gave your unit a few lessons this semester and remarked on your capabilities in strategy and urban warfare. You remembered him, and it seemed like he did too.
The usual balaclava he wore when instructing was replaced by just a black cloth mask hooked behind his ears, revealing a few more details about his face than you'd seen before.
"Sir." You addressed him, conveying you respected the civil setting, yet communicating your respect toward him considering your short but memorable history. "What can I get you?"
"Didn't know you were fluent in that many languages." He remarked after describing his simple order, making your cheeks heat up at a moment's notice.
"It's nothing, really…" You tried brushing his words off with words that came out shakier than you meant to sound.
"How many do you speak?" He asked with a small tilt of his head.
His eyes widened for a moment at your answer. "…and South African Sign Language."
A chuckle, something you'd never heard from before stuck in your ear for a good few seconds, drowned out by the milk frother.
"I don't do lesson plans, you know?"
"What?" You lightly shivered with excitement at the fact how interested he seemed in your knowledge.
"Would you mind, you know… Doing a lesson? Sign language is a valuable asset. I can give you some time next Friday."
"I…" You stuttered a bit at his proposition.
"Nothin' fancy, don't worry, darling. Just some basics."
"Alright…" You found yourself saying after a moment when the light ringing in your ears faded.
"Maybe even tell your story… I'd be interested for sure."
And with that, he grabbed his coffee from your hand, putting some coin on the counter with the other, and was out the door before you could say anything else.
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He didn't talk. Not to ULF soldiers, and bravely (maybe stupidly) not even to Alex. Farah's request for you to get to the scene was… interesting. She stated her presence was required in another part of the country, and in her encrypted message, she explicitly voiced how your assistance might help ULF break the man.
So you came. Alex greeted you on the airstrip with a smile and a hug, his frame towering over yours.
"Alex, a pleasure to see you." You smirked as the two of you walked back to the nearest building.
"Can only say the same." His tone was warm and welcoming, a staple to him. "You hoping to crack our guy?" He asked you directly about the matter at hand. The small carrier that brought you here whirred into the air in the distance.
"And how's that gonna go? We haven't even gotten a word out of him, let alone information."
"That's why I'm here now."
"The stage is yours." He opened the door of the large building to you and ushered you inside.
A few hours later, he stood by your side, as you tried to find a crack on the prisoner's tough shell. After many unsuccessful attempts, the tired captive let his head fall, a small curse leaving his lips. Your ears perked, and Alex could only watch the scene unfold in front of him.
In a language he only heard on the TV before maybe once, you asked the prisoner something, to which he immediately lifted his head in confusion. Pressing on, you visibly exerted yourself to gather as much as you could on the man before he would shut down again.
After a few exerting rounds of questions, you stood up abruptly, and nodded for Alex to come with you. Closing the door to the room, you turned to him, but he spoke up faster than you did.
"What is and where." He crossed his arms and awaited your answer with a bite to his lip.
"I don't know yet, but he talked about a car rigged with charges, but he's going to shut down soon, fuck…" You clicked your tongue, exhausted from the rusty pieces of knowledge forced to work in your brain at high speed.
"Hold on… He had a detonator on him when we apprehended him… Are you sure it's a car?" He backed away, looking as if he was about to bolt somewhere.
"White, small, local model." You shouted after him as he disappeared down the corridor.
You stepped back into the room and closed the door behind yourself.
A day later, you were there as Alex switched the trigger, and the car about a mile away from your position, deep in the desert blew to pieces as the two of you watched.
"How the hell did you know from a damn single word?"
"It's a local dialect, where I happened to have stayed for a while, it's not important…" You dismissed the seemingly unimportant detail with a wave of your hand.
"So we just happened to luck out on this one?" He chuckled and turned to you.
"Well, I could have tried about half a dozen more languages, but hey, if this one worked…?" You looked up at him, a small smile tugging the corner of your lips up.
"And Farah knew this?"
"Her hunches are never wrong." You shrugged.
"Yeah… You're right about that."
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You and Kyle bonded during selection. Both of you were younger than most of the cadets, and yet, somehow competed for top scores. It wasn't even a test of endurance, it was a test of who could beat the other. DS were amused by how easily you passed hurdles, just to be better than the other one, paying no attention to other competition.
And after that, the two of you became inseparable. Like people who'd known the other since childhood or had been good neighbours for years. Phone calls when oceans separated the two of you were very common, and sometimes you found eachother in inopportune situations; yet these calls only strengthened your friendship. Keeping each other company, and slowly growing to know more and more about the other.
It was a spur-of-the-moment trip, catching the first plane when you finally got your leave. A country you've only seen in books so far, but a language you'd already mastered.
Kyle called you when you were out on the first morning, trying to fetch food from a market.
"Good morning, Kyle." Your chin was visible in the frame of the phone, and the blue sky above you.
"Morning yourself, except it's the middle of the afternoon. Where are you?" He asked in a surprised tone, his face coming closer to the phone, trying to discern some landmarks around you, to no avail.
"In a market. Got on a plane yesterday, and--" You quipped, looking down at Kyle, who was visibly confused about your whereabouts.
"Jesus wept, bug, you're insane…" He shook his head, almost missing as you started haggling, faint voices breaking through the line.
He quieted down and leaned forward on his couch to listen. For a good minute, he couldn't understand a word you were saying, only listening to your voice flow, lips dancing in unique patterns. Soon, you held your quarry up to the camera, something bundled in white wax paper.
You sat down and finally positioned your phone to show your face and upper body, and a bit of the busy scenery behind you.
"You're a wizard, you know that?" He laughed and lounged back again.
"A party trick if you will. I know a few more." You shrugged, and bit into your breakfast.
"Few more?" Kyle repeated, chuckling in disbelief. "What else, like, sign language?"
"Actually…" You laughed, somewhere in the background a bell tolled distantly.
"No fucking way." Kyle licked his upper lip and looked away. "I thought I knew ya."
"There's always more to know, friend."
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Sharing a room with Soap was… an experience. He was a sound sleeper, not causing much fuss at night, so you were content in that regard. The other departments, however, not much.
He was unruly, to say the least, and it took some time to get accustomed to his schedule. One of you being a morning shower type in opposition to the other being a night shower person caused some friction in the beginning, but like everything else, it settled after a while. After all, this was supposed to last only the three months the unit was stationed at this base.
You hadn't known eachother that well before, but that changed at around the one-month mark.
Having been given a few hours of phone time by Price days before for this afternoon, you set up to call your best friend, a few thousand miles setting the two of you apart. You haven't talked in way too long, and before you knew it, you'd already spent an hour talking and laughing over Facetime, phone propped against the metal grate by the foot of the bottom bunk, you sitting on the mattress.
You acknowledged Soap coming in a few times for his notebook, cigs, or to grab his coat from the back of the chair, but didn't pay it much attention, being so absorbed in the conversation with your favourite human on the other end of the line, confined to the little screen by the foot of your bed.
It was already dark outside, when Soap burst into the room, and put his finger to his lips, signalling you to be silent.
Looking down at your best friend "I need to be silent. Wait a bit."
To which they replied with an "Okay, I'll wait."
Soap flicked the light off, and a few moments later, a few people passed the room; you could hear the footsteps.
"Random inspection." He whispered as he climbed up into his bunk, trying to remain silent.
Praying your room wouldn't be chosen, as you were still in uniform instead of nightwear, you settled on your mattress too. An idea flashed through your head, and turning the brightness on your screen to high, you continued your conversation over Facetime in silence, your best friend quickly catching on to what happened, as you explained the situation in sign by the dim light.
A few minutes later, Soap climbed down from the bunk and switched the light on.
"Gaz texted, they moved on to the next building… what are ya up tae?"
He looked back at you, as you caught his glance too while signing.
"Sign. South African Sign Language. I'm talking to someone."
"Right…" He chuckled bemused, and headed out again, probably for a cig with some other delinquents, to which you shook your head with a smirk on your lips.
Later that night, when you settled to sleep for real on your back, his overgrown mohawk poked out followed by his head from above you, overlooking you on your bed.
"'eard you speakin' earlier… And that sign language too… So… Mind teachin' me some?"
(alright that's all, hope you liked it, goodnight)
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