#had fun doing this I watched Arthur's face for a very long time for sure 🥴
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starkwlkr · 2 years ago
Hey just read your one shot about Ruby’s birth and it was so beautiful ❤️ I can request one more with any of ruby’s firsts like her first word or first time walking?
firsts | charles leclerc
am i getting emotional about writing ruby’s firsts because i’m attached to her now and love her as if she was my own child even though she’s fictional? yes <3
mentions of charles’ father
i also have another request on ruby’s first day of school so i’m going to do it separately since i have two more similar requests that i want to add to it
first steps
It was a Friday night and Charles wanted to take Y/n out for dinner. They hadn’t been on a date in so long considering their nights now consisted of taking care of their daughter and sleeping whenever they could. They loved their daughter more than anything, but a night out was very much needed. When Arthur heard that his brother needed a babysitter, he was the first volunteer. He loves spending time with the little baby girl even if she didn’t do much.
“Thank you Arthur, you’re a lifesaver.” Y/n hugged the youngest Leclerc as she waited by the door for Charles. “Help yourself to anything in the fridge, I think there’s some leftover pasta that Charles made.”
“Thanks, and don’t worry about Ruby. Her and I are going to have a fun time together.”
After Charles and Y/n had left, Ruby had woken up from her nap. Arthur ran to her room and picked her up, whispering calming words to her. It seemed to work since she had stopped crying.
“Let’s go see what your mama made you for dinner.” Arthur walked to the kitchen with Ruby in his arms. He opened the refrigerator door and saw a pink plastic lunchbox that definitely belonged to Ruby. He grabbed it and set it on the table. He then grabbed Ruby’s high chair, positioned it next to the table and put her in. Ruby smiled at Arthur once he set her down.
Arthur laughed at her. Arthur thought she was going to start crying since she had just woken up and was very hungry but she waited patiently for him to give her the food.
“Look, Ruby, I think papa made you pasta and mama made sure you eat your fruits.” Arthur showed the girl the lunchbox. Ruby immediately grabbed a piece of cut up strawberry and handed one to Arthur. “Thank you, Ruby.” Arthur smiled and happily grabbed the piece of fruit.
After dinner, the uncle and niece started watching a disney movie on the tv. It was during that time that Ruby decided she wanted to try out walking on her own.
But Arthur wasn’t sure if she had even tried before with Y/n or Charles so he held onto her hands while she put one foot in front of the other. She looked up at Arthur then back down at her feet.
“You’re doing great, mon chéri.” Arthur smiled at his niece. Then Ruby sat down on an floor, a bit tired from trying to walk. “You did so good!” Arthur placed a kiss on Ruby’s head.
Then Arthur had an idea. He took his phone out and positioned against the wall. The phone started recording. As Arthur adjusted the phone to his liking, behind him, Ruby had gotten up and was now trying to balance herself on her two feet. Arthur finally turned around and gasped when he saw Ruby standing on her own.
“Come on, Ruby, you can do it.” He encouraged the girl to walk towards him. He was glad he had set up his phone to record.
Ruby began to giggle at her uncle and slowly started walking towards him. Arthur was close to tearing up. He felt happy for his niece, but he also felt guilty since this was supposed to be a moment his brother was supposed to witness first not him.
When Ruby made it to her uncle, he scooped her up and gave her kisses all over her face. “You did it!” She laughed at his actions.
When Charles and Y/n saw the video, they didn’t feel mad that they weren’t the ones to see Ruby take her first steps, they felt happy that at least Arthur was there to capture the moment.
If someone were to ask Arthur was his greatest moment was, being the only one present to see Ruby take her first steps will always be on the top of his list.
first word
“Mama! Mama! Come on Ruby, it’s an easy word.” Y/n said to the baby who layed on the unmade bed of her parents. It was a Saturday morning and neither Y/n or Charles felt like getting up early so they decided to have a day in. While Charles was in the kitchen making a late breakfast for them, Y/n took the opportunity to teach Ruby to talk.
“Mama, mama!” Y/n spoke to the baby. Ruby only laughed at her mother and continued to stare at her as if she had just told the funniest joke ever.
“Maybe she likes the word papa better.” Charles walked in with a serving tray. He carefully set it on the bed. As Y/n started to eat, Charles took Ruby in his arms and pressed kisses on her cheek. “Right, my beautiful girl? You want your first word to be papa. Can you say papa?” He said.
“She might not even say mama or papa. What if she says some random word like door or toast.” Y/n said as she ate her piece of toast.
“No, she’s going to say papa.” Charles nodded.
“You seem so confident.”
“Pierre said that babies usually say mama first and I want to prove him wrong.” Charles said. “But of course there’s nothing wrong with her saying mama first. Whatever Ruby wants.” He immediately added.
“Whatever Ruby wants. I’m sure you’ll keep that in mind when she has you running around the store with a cart full of toys.”
Charles chuckled. “It won’t be that bad, right?”
Y/n hummed as she grabbed her juice and drank it. Charles then walked around the bedroom and pointed at every photograph they had hanging or on their night stand. “That’s your uncle Arthur and me. I’m the cute one, the other one is Arthur.” Charles pointed at the framed picture of him and his brother when they were younger.
Then he got to a photo of him and his father. Charles always talked to Ruby about Hervé. He would tell her stories about him even if she was still to young to remember. “This is my papa. He loves you just as much as I do.” He spoke softly to his daughter.
Ruby saw the picture of Hervé and pointed at the older man. “Papa.” She said slowly.
Charles nodded and smiled proudly at his daughter. “Yes, that’s right. Papa.” He pressed multiple kisses on the side of her head. From the bed, Y/n watched Charles have his moment with Ruby and the framed picture of Hervé. While Y/n wanted Ruby to say mama, she was glad that her daughter chose papa to be her first word.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years ago
Tommy Shelby- His Ballet Girl
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I had the idea of Tommy dating someone who is a ballet dancer and one of my followers gave me the idea of Tommy cheating on his wife. This does not represent my beliefs, cheating is horrible
Warnings- Tommy cheating on his wife and reader not caring.
YN has been dancing since she could walk, she feel in love with ballet when her parents took her to her first theatre show. From that moment on YN begged her parents for ballet shoes and lessons.
Now being 29 years old she is now dancing in the same show she first saw, The Nutcracker.
YN sits in the garrison with the Shelby's, who she's known for many years. Even though she was from a different social class she always got on with the brothers and Ada, but she's specifically close with Tommy... very close to Tommy.
YN walks through the garrison to their room. Not knocking she walks in and sits next to Arthur 
"No thanks Arthur. Have rehearsal early tomorrow"
"How is it going?" Lizzie asks sitting on Tommys lap. Although YN feels a little jealous, she knows that tonight Tommy will be warming her bed not theirs which puts a smile on YNs face
"Good thank you. Are you guys coming to the first show?" YN asks looking around
"Actually I wanted to ask you for a favour" YN looks at Lizzie "I'm not sure if you know this, but Tommy is throwing me a huge party for my birthday" YN did know because Tommy was in her bed moaning about having to throw this party "and I was wondering if you would perform"
"Of course. Tommy can let me know the date" Tommy sits quietly, he's not uncomfortable with this situation, his wife and his mistress talking
"So YN how's your mystery man?" Esme asks
"He's great. Bought me this" YN shows off her necklace
"When are we meeting this mystery man?" Lizzie asks, oh if she only knew
"Not sure. He needs to leave his wife first" Tommy coughs nudging Lizzie off his lap
"I have to get going if I want to get to London at a decent time"
"Ok. I'll miss you" she leans down and kisses his lips
"Yeah you too" he replies leaving the room
"Well I'm going to head off home" Lizzie says saying goodbye to everyone
"You sure you don't want a drink?" Arthur asks
"No I'm good thank you. I probably should also go home, go to bed early. I'll see you all tomorrow".
"When are you telling her?" YN asks Tommy lying in bed
"Soon. I want to get her birthday out of the way" YN groans "I know your having fun messing with her though. Showing off your necklace"
"Yes but she's sitting on you lap, asking me to dance at her birthday, it's a bit fucked"
"You agreed to do it" Tommy chuckles making YN smile
"Yes because I wasn't going to get invited else and I would love to sneak off with you at some point during the day"
"I'm sure you would" YN yawns interrupting Tommy "tired?"
"Mmm" YN hums
"Go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning" Tommy kisses her forehead.
Weeks later and it's Lizzie's birthday, she's going around bragging about how amazing Tommy is for making this party possible. YN is stretching before performing when Esme walks over to her
"I know who the mystery man is"
"I'm guessing you spoke to the spirits" YN jokes standing up
"Don't be stupid YN. How long have have you and Arthur been sleeping with each other?"
"Arthur!" YN yells getting you "you think I've been sleeping with Arthur?"
"Well you sit next to him every time we're at the garrison, he's always getting you a drink, taking you home"
"I promise you it's not Arthur" YN watches as Tommy walks into the house without Lizzie "I'll be back later Esme" YN follows Tommy into the house looking for him. Suddenly she's pulled into another room by Tommy locking the door behind him. His lips are immediately on YN's smudging her lipstick.
"Who the hell is it Thomas?" Lizzie whisper yells at Tommy while YN is performing. After Tommy and YN's rendezvous Tommy went back to his wife, not knowing their was lipstick on his shirt
"I'm not doing this now Lizzie"
"Not doing... it's my birthday and you've been fucking someone?"
"Lizzie" Tommy sighs rubbing the temples of his head "just enjoy your birthday and we will talk about this tomorrow" Lizzie crosses her arms in a huff and turns to look at YN who's dancing. She notices YN glances in their direction, she looks at Tommy and notices him staring at her. That's when it clicks
"It's her. You fucking bastard Thomas Shelby" Lizzie storms off but Tommy doesn't go after her. He stays to watch YN.
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old-lemon-tree · 2 months ago
How the Old Guard Deals with Grief
How about headcanons on how the old guard deals with grief/loss? They've all experienced significant loss and we see glimpses of how they deal with it.. Dutch channeling each loved one's death into justification for his anger, Hosea's fond reminiscence of Bessie, and how Arthur avoids it, buries it and only speaks of it to his journal or in passing.
Requested by @kelpiekidd
Thank you for requesting this! I had fun writing these (fun!?!) it was very challenging but also extremely rewarding. I may have wordvomited all over this ops! I hope it makes sense.
TW: talk of death and grief.
When the wound is fresh he won’t cry about it. Not unless he’s sure he’s completely alone. Even then he would feel watched all the same, not realizing that feeling is his own pesky mind. If it happens, though, he’s not too pressed about it. The tears are already out, what’s he to do? Trying to wipe them off would just make him feel more guilty (of what? Nobody knows)
Isolating is not quite the word. He can’t very well take his sweet time coddling his aching heart, not when there’s people that needs feeding and depend completely on him. He will keep to himself more often, though. He will avoid the campfire and retire to his tent earlier, and he will eat at odd hours so nobody else is around the table, so he can avoid their worried looks. He doesn’t like to be looked at like he’s broken.
Mostly, he talks to his journal. All those words he feels he can’t string together with his voice turn out not so daft once he writes them down. He’ll be honest with himself in writing, nothing to hide from those pages, they’ve seen all of his ugliness already, they may as well see his sadness. He will write their name and a short goodbye, draw sketches of their face before time washes away the memory. Sometimes he will return to the page when the ache of loss comes biting in the night, or when he’s too far to go visit their grave. He’ll sketch a flower then, right above their name, to make up for the one he couldn’t bring in person.
He won’t talk about it with others for a while, but when he does, is only with Hosea. (and maybe Mary-Beth, but only if he doesn’t feel too much like a pathetic beast that day). Still, he won’t tell Hosea all that his journal gets to see. He’ll be pragmatic about it, practical. He won’t talk about feelings, he will talk about tasks. He’ll express frustration he can’t shoot as good recently because sometimes his hands shake. He'll lament that he hadn’t found the will to walk too far from camp to hunt them some better game. He won’t link those things with his grief, but he doesn’t need to. Hosea knows.
Somewhere down the line Dutch forgot that not everything he does needs to have a purpose. Grieving shouldn’t need other purpose than to stop feeling broken. But he can’t live with it if he doesn’t turn it into something he can do. Vengeance is the easiest and the one that serves him better anyway. He’d rather fantasize about Colm’s undoing, than lay in his bed at night and reckon with the fact he doesn't feel as broken as he should about Annabelle. He'd rather wander a cave and ramble about all the way everyone is wrong, than admit he’ll never again get to ask Hosea if he's doing the right thing.
His grief is spoken of only among closest ones, and once Hosea dies the number of those closest ones is drastically reduced. Mostly, he will talk about how much he misses. What he’s lost, what was there, what is now gone. He’ll miss their voice the most. Their face, that was theirs, he will live with forgetting it eventually, but their voice– when they spoke to him, in that moment their voice was for him. That was his. Most of his longing comes from how easy voices are to forget, much easier than words. So, in the end, all he’s left with is his own voice, parroting the words back at him.
Dutch has a hard time coming to terms with the fact not everything can be taken back once lost. America steals his freedom and he takes it back, Bronte steals his dignity and he takes it back. How is it fair that he can’t take life back from death as well. Dutch doesn’t think himself a God, not in the biblical sense at least, but it’s hard to accept how powerless he is in those situations.
Raw, unguarded emotions are something reserved for the moments right after death. There’s something in death being so close that makes him feel raw, like there’s nothing he could possibly hide anymore. He’ll get angry before he'll get sad, and they’ll both be equally destructive. He will break things, leash out on what he’ll perceive as guilty; his gun if it didn’t fire quick enough, or their deathbed for not keeping them alive. And only once the fury has simmered down he’d cry. Not always. Sometimes crying doesn’t feel like enough. Sometimes all he wants is to sit in the wake of his rage, thinking of how to turn the hollow in his chest into something with a purpose.
Hosea is open in how painful Bessie’s death was, in how much his life changed before and after her. The exact same difference goes for his grieving. He will never feel a pain as profound as he felt when Bessie passed. It’s not a lack of love or fondness, he will still feel sorrow. But now he is just incapable and unwilling of letting those feelings consume him, not again, not after her. Somehow selfishly, he’d like for that pain to only belong to her, no one else. Sometimes he fears going through the same with another would cheapen the feelings he had for her.
As soon as it happens, he’ll ask to be left alone. Which is unsettling for the man always first in line to comfort someone, but he’ll mean it, and he’ll be adamant about it. He needs the time to process what happened, he’s too dazed in the wake of it. Even before Bessie’s passing, death had an effect o him, like something utterly alien befell the Earth and he got left there to pick up the pieces. Loss is unsettling, as is the feeling of helplessness that washes over him in those moments. How does one cope with a thing so massive as the end of someone’s time.
He won’t cry, not after Bessie. Sometimes he’d joke he cried all his tears back then. Jokes. Yes, of those he still has plenty. Now the punchline has turned inwards, though. He’ll become the butt of his own jokes, the humor twisted meaner somehow, like he can’t let himself the benefit of too much pity. He’d hate if anyone pitied him, if he can help it, he’d rather they called him an idiot and moved on. Still, only because he’s flippant about it, doesn’t mean he will take it kindly if anyone takes it too far. God help him, Bill keeps testing him on that.
After, once the sharper edge of the pain has gone, he’ll come looking for comfort. An ear that would listen, a hand on his shoulder, just something to keep him grounded as he reminisces. He loves talking about the ones he’s lost. He may not had become a priest like he wanted, and never believed in any God up there, but that part of him that longs to celebrate the immortal soul is still there. And what better way to do that than telling stories, keeping the memories alive.
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decayleside-blog · 2 months ago
for your rdr2 ask game ;)
9. high honour or low honour? (and i’m curious as to why, too!)
12. funniest or dumbest way you’ve died?
lol, didn't see your message until now. Sorry about that. Anyway—
9. Low Honor
The reason is that, while high honor fits Arthur, it feels unrealistic to me—for many reasons. It romanticizes him too much, almost making him seem like a hippie at times. Aside from Micah and Dutch, the rest of the gang isn’t inherently bad. For most of them, the gang is all they’ve ever known (John and others grew up in it). So, even though they’re adults, we can’t entirely fault them.
Micah is my favorite (alongside John) because he’s the most realistic bastard of the bunch. He’s hated Arthur from the very start, and it’s no secret. There’s also this camp event where Javier punches Micah, and the rat responds with a weak retort: “I like the way you dress… all feminine.” Arthur just laughs, and Micah immediately follows up with, “I’ll wipe that smile off your face one day. Believe me.” That’s THE foreshadowing for Arthur’s low honor death! Micah would absolutely make sure Arthur dies by his hands—unlike in high honor, where he just... walks away!? It makes no sense!
Micah is opportunistic and cunning. He waits until he knows he’ll win, with Dutch backing him and the Pinkertons closing in. By then, it’s too late.
I also prefer Arthur’s personality in the low honor route. Before the final missions, he writes in his journal: “I am not afraid.” Meanwhile, in high honor, he tells Sister Calderón the opposite (that scene almost made me cry, which is rare for me!). The low honor dreams (or nightmares) also hit harder. The coyote, instead of the buck, is menacing and eerie—it’s also a warning.
But... who does the coyote represent? Arthur? Or perhaps Micah? I’ve seen some say it symbolizes Micah, which would make sense, considering there’s another dream sequence where the coyote is feasting on a dead buck. If high honor is canon, then maybe the coyote is Micah. But who knows? The fact that the coyote can be interpreted in different ways makes it even better than the buck for me.
Low honor Arthur accepts his fate. He doesn’t change—it’s too late for that. He helps some people at the end, but when a woman tells him, “You’re a good man,” he scoffs, knowing one act of kindness won’t redeem a lifetime of bloodshed.
Arthur goes down bravely instead of being afraid. Now there’s only one thing left to do: kill Micah, kill Dutch, end this once and for all. Save those who can still be saved, but Arthur himself? He stays damned until the very end.
Saving John and his family is the last thing he does before he dies.
Then we see the coyote one last time, disappearing into a cave—which, again, many believe symbolizes Arthur’s descent into hell.
And that’s my long (ass) essay on why I love Low Honor Arthur :D
Also, fun fact : Both RDR2 and RDR1 have strong religious imagery. The Strange Man may be the Devil (or Death itself), but one thing is certain—he tests people… by their honor.
In RDR1, he tested John through side quests that were directly tied to his honor. But he was also testing Arthur the whole time. In fact, the Strange Man's shack changes depending on whether you have high or low honor. And if he really is the Devil, well... low honor enjoyers are definitely taking a trip to hell~
12. Dumbest way I died?
The legendary alligator...
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I was watching it through my rifle scope, thinking I was at a safe distance. Getting closer... closer...
Headshots after headshots, but the damn thing wouldn’t die. I figured I still had room, so I lowered my rifle—
And it was right there! Just a few steps away from me!
I turned and ran, but my horse noped out and left me on the spot. I got mauled, and it looked like something out of Looney Tunes :T
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yanderepuck · 11 months ago
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Theo???? Arthur is here too so I'm not just Theo smut, even if I did write him the other day. Leave me be alright. My visions are slightly coming back.
This was going to be Charles and Faust but decided to change it. So uhhhh. Let's hope I don't switch it midway through and change everything. Also there's only one card with both of them and tho I hate Arthur that's rude. Also why are they the same height thEY ARE NOT.
Not sure if it's relieving or not that they have picked up on modern habits. Then again you are with Arthur, why wouldn't "Netflix and Chill" be in his vocabulary.
You started a movie together. It was something you both wanted to see, you had the foolish thought that you would actually watch it too. But that didn't last long.
You are still technically watching it. You're just in his lap, his hand down your pants. His fingers are rubbing around your clit, teasing your folds, not quiet entering you.
With two fingers he exposes your hole, but doesn't let a finger go inside, just rubs around it, getting rougher as time goes on.
You're desperate, trying to hump his hand, trying to get him to slide a finger or two into you.
Luckily the audio from the TV is louder than your desperate cries. You didn't want to admit that he's broken you down.
Arthur pulls your hair all to one side so he can kiss your neck. Each kiss sends a shiver down your spine. You're waiting for the feel of his fangs.
He nibbles the curve of your ear and whispers. "Tell me what you want, luv."
Your hips just rocked harder. His fingers glided over your skin. "Right here?"
As he pressed his fingers harder against you, you whined.
"You're so fun to play with," his other hand squeezes your thigh. "I wish you would wear a skirt so I could play more."
His hardened cock was very clearly pushed against you.
"You would be able to have your hole filled the whole time," he smirks before kissing your neck again.
"Arthur," you whine. That's all you can get out. Just his name, but that's all he wants.
"What do you think you're doing with my hondje?"
Their voice was so loud after hearing just whispers that you jumped. You wanted to jump out of Arthur's lap but he held you down, his fingers still playing with you.
"Yours? I don't see your name written anywhere."
Theo walked up to the back of the couch. Since Arthur didn't stop, you kept squirming, you tried to stop moaning but it spilled out.
A section of your hair is grabbed and pulled back. Theo pulls you all the way back, getting you to moan more. Even with just the light from the TV screen you could see that your face is red from being flustered. He looks upset and you start to stutter.
"He's not even using you right," Theo smirks. "This whore has a pretty thing like you right in his lap and can't even play with you properly."
"Hey!" Arthur slaps Theo's hand away from you. "She's in my lap so I get to play with her as I like."
You get wetter. They are talking about you like you aren't even here. Like you're just a play thing.
Theo comes around to the front of the couch and grabs your jaw to make you look at him. It takes you a moment for your eyes to adjust after he blocks out the screen from your view.
"There's an empty hole here not being used," he smirks as he slides his thumb into your mouth. You immediately start to suck on his thumb, looking up at him as you do, your hips still rocking. "Good girl."
Arthur pouts at the scene. His fingers finally plunge into you after close to an hour of teasing. You gasp, moaning louder. You hunch over to be able to hold onto Arthur's legs to steady yourself.
Two fingers move around in you. With still being clothed he can only thrust them in and out so much, but it's still better than before.
"Are you going to stand there and watch like a cuck, or are you going to sit down and join me?"
As Theo sits down, Arthur retracts his hand, making you whine. He pushes you down onto the couch to get your pants off. Your face ends up close to Theo. Once your underwear are off you get up into your knees, having your ass in the air.
Theo's already moaning from having his cock in your mouth before Arthur can even get his out.
"Aren't you impatient," he scoffs as he gets behind you.
"Stick something in her face and she'll put it in her mouth," Theo keeps a hand at the back of your head, weaving his fingers through your hair.
Just as you were about to put more of Theo in your mouth, Arthur's cock slides into you. You moan, freezing up for a moment. You can feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as you're finally filled.
"I doubt he can feel that good, Hondje," he pushes your head further down.
"Is that why I get more dates," he holds your hips and thrusts into you. You moan more.
While sucking on Theo's cock, Arthur gets rougher with you. To the point where you are having a hard time staying up on your knees.
You bury your face into Theos crotch while Arthur buries his cock into you, getting as deep as he can while you deep throat for as long as you can.
"Ahh fuck," Theo moans. "You're getting better at that."
He grips your hair harder, getting you to moan more.
Your hips get squeezed and the sound of skin against skin is nearing the volume of the tv.
You don't even remember what you were watching at this point, or if you even saw any of it. With Arthur teasing you, you couldn't concentrate on much else.
You lift your head up, trying to catch your breath but Theo wouldn't let you get his tip out of your mouth.
Your tongue goes around his shaft and you hollow out your cheeks. He moans and thrusts down your throat. You have your weight in his lap, trying to hold him down but it's no use.
Holding your head in place he slides his cock in and out himself.
"Are you always so rough with her?"
"She likes it," he smirks.
He's right. You like it, love it even, and to have the both of them using you, talking like you aren't there, acting like you're just a toy to be passed around, it makes you wetter, even more submissive.
"If you don't get rougher with her I'll take over."
"As if."
And now they are fighting over you. No. More like fighting over your holes. You stick your ass up higher and suck Theo's cock harder. They nearly moan in unison. You're so glad you can please them.
"Maybe we should keep track of how many loads of cum she can hold."
"Oh she can hold quite a few."
You're worried about how many times they are going to get you to cum. Arthur has already succeeded once and you're getting close to your second. You're going to pass out before they are finished with you.
You dig your nails into Theo's thighs, reaching your second climax. If it wasn't for your mouth being full you would be panting.
With your walls tightening around Arthur, it only takes a few moments for him to fill you with his cum. You knew it was going to be a while for Theo to be done. Even when he's fucking you he manages to make rounds last.
Arthur pulls out of you making you whine.
"You done with her? Perfect," he smirks and pulls your head up, finally giving you a chance to breathe. He doesn't even give Arthur the chance to protest before he has you on his lap facing him.
His cock slides right into you, stretching you more. You put your hand on his shoulders, bouncing on him before he even needs to tell you.
Theo moans. "I told you I trained her well."
Arthur just sits back against the arm of the couch. "No fair that you get her to yourself."
"Maybe you should work on lasting longer than five minutes."
Tag list~
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @xalxtusxiao @namine-somebodies-nobody @ana-thedaydreamer @evil-quartett @ameyoruakiikemenseries @yrenesposts @tele86 @damekathearasi @lokis-laugh @candied-boys @breadmercury @aquagirl1978 @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @vampiricpancake @lulu-the-smol-floof @tako-cafe @floydsteeth
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cowboyfromh3ll · 1 year ago
I LOVED what you wrote for the dutch's daughter!reader fic. I know you said you wanted a bit of variety in the requests, so you can ignore this one for a little while if you want. Would you be able to expand on their relationship a bit more, and maybe do a scenario where the reader is washing up away from camp, perhaps at Flat Iron Lake (when they moved camp to Clemen's Point) in the evening, and Arthur "stumbles" upon her (he was lowkey watching her), joins her, and fucks her whilst suspended in the water. After they finish, he has to duck down behind her because Dutch walks up to check on her since she was taking a long time, and they nearly get caught.
Getting caught stirred Arthur on more, and after Dutch walks off, he has to take her again because he has such an adrenaline rush :)'''
The Passion Of Lovers (Part 2)
(Arthur Morgan x Dutch’s Daughter!Reader Smut)
Warnings: smut
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In spite of your father’s imperiousness, you sought cracked pleasures. There was only so much contentment money could bring, and your other needs began to come into question. Being surveilled in camp 24/7 turned you into quite the sly individual, that combined with the fact that you were Dutch’s daughter, and you could witness firsthand his own connivingness. You in turn became very skilled at sneaking and lying; an inherited sixth sense that would backfire on Dutch time and time again. Your humor attracted the lucky bad type, never quite breaking your heart in the process. You were meticulously careful in all your sordid affairs, making sure your father knew not too much; and knew exactly what you wanted him to know. Though you never did view your relationship with Arthur as something to be ashamed of or worth hiding; in fact, the chances of anyone else in camp besides your father finding your relationship to be disreputable were extremely low. But the two of you were smart enough to know that if you had decided to confide in your most trusted peers, it would somehow, inevitably get back to Dutch. 
You didn’t even want to ponder on the possibility of what would happen if your father found out. There’d be a strange rift in camp; like a burdensome wrinkle that you can’t quite iron out no matter how many times you go over it, no matter how much heat you apply. The tension would be palpable; would Dutch argue with Arthur? Would he force him to break up with you? If so, would he change his mind once he saw how ruined you were because of it? Part of you felt a sick satisfaction out of imagining your father’s guilty face once he saw how heartbroken you were. A pleasure in pain. 
Your mornings begun fairly early; you’d awake at around 5 AM, a feverish anticipation for the day stirring in your joints as you became restless, giggling quietly to yourself as to not wake your father, as you imagined yourself venturing off into town with Arthur in an impromptu date, or sneaking a kiss or two just outside camp out of the view of any watch guards. Subtly pushing up against one another, blowing each other's circuitry while disguising it with the confusion of blithe laughter and small talk funneled into each other's ears with moist, anticipatory lips. Of course, before drawing any suspicion to yourselves, you’d look off to the side with an idle stare that suggested nothing was happening between you two, that this was entirely casual, that neither of you had meant to have you press your ass up against Arthur’s eager crotch while hurriedly passing each other in a cramped area. 
Perhaps your flirtations over time had become imprudent. Caring less and less about keeping them away from camp, finding some sort of exhilaration in the risk that came with doing so in such a widely observable area. Your coquetry bordering on the edge of just enough to keep it safe and fun, and pushing the boundaries of what would fly under Dutch’s radar. 
Though like many of your mornings, you began your day by heading towards the campfire to eat some stew. You’d then indulge in a cup of coffee, sipping the drink with an eerie smile on your face while you stared off over Flatiron Lake, something no one would comment on out of politeness. If chance allowed it, you’d sneak over to Arthur’s tent and share a few hurried kisses before anyone else awoke. Though whilst the morning was still breaking in from night, you’d venture into the lake for a quick bath in preparation for the day’s events. You used only the most expensive shampoos and fragrances which you’d use modestly; the scents potent enough for them to last throughout the day. You had hoped the fragrance would absorb into your skin, wanting to smell as though you were some readily edible treat. A treat that Arthur could merely observe behind a viewing glass as long as the two of you were in camp; and if he so much as dared to reach for the confection, his wrist would be slapped away hastily. 
You dressed yourself with some of the finest clothing you had picked out yourself provided your father’s money, and by the time you returned to camp from the lake, more than half the camp was bustling with life. You’d greet each member in passing, careful not to put too much interest in your greeting towards Arthur as you stood next to him by the campfire.
“I’m going into town today? Ride with me?” Your question was innocent enough, but the corners of your mouth twitched at the innuendos underlining it. ‘Of course, I ALWAYS wanna ride.’ seemed to be a shared thought between the two of you as you both took a moment to clear your throats. 
“Of course, (Name). What errands you running today?” He’d ask. 
You’d shrug nonchalantly, unsure of what tribute to your sizable allowance you’d buy this time. “Was thinking of some clothes. Nothing specific in mind but I just wanna look around.” You disguised your burgeoning smile by sipping another mug of coffee you had poured yourself. Arthur nodded before looking off pensively, as if he were going through some mental archive he had of all the clothes he wanted to see you in. 
It was routine to walk towards your father’s tent, to inform him of your departure from camp for a few hours to do some errands, and without looking up from whatever book he was engrossed in, unable to see your excitement, he’d beckon Arthur forth, instructing him to accompany you into town. It was only then that he’d look up at Arthur with a threatening gaze, telling him to take good care of you.
And good care he took of you. You weren’t made aware of any leering gazes, as Arthur had effectively scared any men off. He held your arm as you walked, whispering the occasional compliment about how amazing you looked. He’d bury his head in your hair, taking in deep inhales as he reveled in the fragrant scent and softness of your hair. 
The occasional stray touch would indicate your excitement; a hand sliding too far up one another’s thighs as if in search of the pulsing heat the other longed for. You and Arthur appraised how well a clothing piece would compliment you. A sensually inquisitive hand would adjust your collar, lingering on your pulse before pulling away, a small brushing of your breast preceding a more firm squeeze, a hand on your back that would impishly slide down to the curve of your ass before delivering a playful spank or clutch. 
By the time you two returned to camp, you were concupiscent, at the boiling points of your arousal. Before entering the path towards camp the two of you would swap saliva, hungry tongues exploring as you groped each other ardently. Sometimes coitus was not an option on the table, restrained by the limits of time and curfews. You two would adopt the facade of friends well acquainted simply returning from a day out on the town; walking into camp while your bodies were still in stages of lingering arousal. From where you stood next to Arthur, you’d be able to watch as Arthur gingerly ran his exposed palm over himself and adjusted his pants, his shame and caution taking control over his half-inflated genitals. 
You’d continue the rest of your day with chronic arousal, briefly glancing over towards Arthur and granting him a knowing gaze. It said ‘I know you’re dying to touch me right now, and you’ll be able to soon.’ 
You’d set down whatever book you were reading, gathering your night garbs and expensive soaps and lotions before heading off towards an isolated part of the lake for your second bath of the day; an inviting air surrounding you. Arthur would perk up in his cot, as if someone had suddenly called his name with unbridled urgency. Before long he’d feel excitement stirring in his loins at the thought of watching you bathe, and would feign composure as he sat up in his cot, accentuating just how ‘non-excited’ he was by stretching out his limbs and sighing, before hurriedly walking off towards the woods bordering the lake. He’d loop around the path to make sure no one was watching him, whistling for his horse so no one would question his whereabouts without his horse to follow. He’d tie his steed to a tree trunk, before venturing into the trees himself. 
He saw the horizon over the lake, the sky tinged with lavender and dark purple as day transitioned to night. His eyes scanned the lake desperately for signs of your body. He walked along the edge of the woods, eventually spotting your pile of clothes left on a boulder. He traced his eyes up from the pile and towards the lake, where he saw your naked body contrasting against the darkness of the water and the sky. The water blocked him from viewing your pelvis or legs, but your breasts and hardened nipples were in full view, gleaming from the moonlight shining on them. Arthur leaned his back on a nearby tree, as if he were getting comfortable for a show he had traveled various lengths for, finally able to enjoy what he came for. 
He watched as you clutched the slippery bar of pink soap in your hand, lathing it over your skin with careful precision as to not drop the bar. As if you were reading Arthur’s mind, you smeared the bar over and in between your breasts, glazing your skin in a soapy film before taking your hands and frothing the suds. You ran your hands down your sides sensually, lifting your legs from the water to lather the skin there too. As you did so, your crotch came into view. Arthur’s chest heaved in excitement, and he began palming his cock through the front of his jeans. The applied pressure caused him to groan silently, and his hands gained a mind of their own as he began unbuckling his belt and undoing the front of his jeans. 
Before he could pull his cock out, he made eye contact with you; and rather than being chastised and branded a creep for watching you, you giggled and turned to face him fully from the water. 
“Hey, Arthur!” You called from the water. You waved your hands towards you, motioning for him to come to you. “Get in! Water feels real nice!” You waved the soap bar in the air now, suggesting you could give him a cleaning of his own; a cleaning that would more than likely turn into something more. 
He held the demeanor of a kid flying down the stairs of his two story home on christmas morning, bee lining towards the gifts under the tree. He stood next to the boulder where your clothes lay, depositing the fabrics hastily behind the rock out of view in the possibility that someone stumbles across you two. You licked your lips in excitement as you watched him undress, drinking in every detail of his body and making a special note of his half erect cock. He dipped his body below the water’s surface to begin soaking his body in preparation for your cleaning. You took him in with open arms, feeling the way his chest vibrated in a satisfied hum as he felt your soapy breasts up against his torso.
“Were you watching meee?” You drew out the syllable playfully, playing with the hair on his chest as you looked up at him. His arms slid under yours and around your waist with ease, pulling you impossibly closer against him. He reveled in the way your breasts pressed and slid against him, and you felt his cock twitch against your thigh. 
“Maybe.” He responded humorously. 
“Do you want me to clean you?” You raised the bar into view again, waving it. 
“As long as you’re touching me, I don’t care what you do woman.” He gave your ass a playful spank as you dipped the bar into the lake water, rubbing your hand on it in a way that made Arthur’s cock twitch once again. Once you produced enough suds, you began rubbing it all over Arthur’s chest and shoulders, working the foam into his skin in hopes he’d smell as good as you. Arthur hummed in delight, thinking nonchalantly about what excuse he’d use when asked why he smelled like you, and he’d claim he had treated himself to some soap, and in his ignorance for what was best, trusted your judgment and ended up buying the same one as you. 
You arms massaged his firm muscles in the process, squeezing before moving onto the next fiber group. Your hands moved around towards his back, in awe of the expansive size of his wide set shoulders and formed rhomboid, which you took extra care in massaging. He groaned in satisfaction as your lithe hands pressed against him, and before long you dropped all innocent pretenses, handing the bar of soap to him before gripping the base of his cock, giving it a firm squeeze before stroking it vigorously. Arthur released a sigh of satisfaction, tipping his head back as a string of moans and curses followed. 
“I’ve been wanting to do this all day.” You confessed, eyes trained on the way the tip of his cock bobbed with each movement. Your right arm rose and fell in repetitive motions, tugging against his crotch. 
"Fuck… what if your dad catches us?" Arthur groaned, leaning his pelvis towards you as if you were pulling him along by his cock. Your dad. The way Arthur referred to him not by Dutch but as your dad added a layer of scandalousness to the situation that made it all the more better. 
"Well then, you hide." You answered bluntly, stopping to smother his tip with your thumb. Arthur discarded the thought, lathering up his hands before cupping your breasts and rubbing them thoroughly. The suds sat on your breasts irresistibly, some of them sliding down over the curves and onto the rest of your body. The skin became equally as slippery, and made the movement of your breasts against one another effortless as Arthur pressed them against one another. He ran his thumbs over your nipples in fascination, delivering the occasional slap before going back to squeezing them. 
The display was theatrical for Arthur, but you soon grew far too needy. Not to mention the growing urgency of time restraints; your father's apprehensiveness over your well being when you took too long to do certain things drove him to look for you, and even during something as intimate as a bath, he found more reason to search for you given your vulnerable state. 
Reaching down you used your fingers to guide his cock into you, making it past the awkward rubbery stage of submerged penetration. All your worries melted away as Arthur speared you on his cock, wrapping your arms around his neck as he bounced you on his pelvis. You threw your heard back in a wanton moan, noticing the beginning of a smattering of stars, but your whole world was soon reduced to hisses and moans, the water of the lake responsive to each thrust, lapping away at your thighs.
You opted to wrapping your legs around Arthur's torso, his hands coming to instinctively cup your ass as he held you up. The movements were hurried, desperate; as though some worldly force would come and ruin this moment for you. You dragged your nails along Arthur back, thin ribbons of blood blossoming forth and leaving a stinging sensation behind for Arthur to revel in. With Arthur supporting your whole weight within his hands and firearms, it allowed you to unwrap your arms from around him and theatrically play with your breasts, making a show of the slippery wet mounds of flesh. 
Before long, you came on Arthur's cock, your juices mixing with the lake water. You had to bite down on your thumb to contain any squeals or moans, bracing yourself for Arthur's own release. He gave you a warning grunt, stilling as he emptied himself inside you in a few deep thrusts. As Arthur slid you off and helped you onto your feet, you groaned in satisfaction. Your crotch was a pool of spent pleasure; the slow drip of Arthur's fluid leaving your body feeling like a deep ache inside you that had finally been remedied. 
"That was fun." You giggled, leaning up to kiss him. The two of you remained there, bathed in moonlight, sharing a few tender kisses and forgetting yourselves; and the time. 
"Shit." You whispered between teeth. You allowed each other a moment of shared disbelief; Arthur looking down at you in horror before jumping into action. You dunked him beneath the water behind you, the increasingly nearing sound of leaves and sticks crunching urging you on. You hoped to God Arthur's lung capacity would be in your favor. You yourself had to lower yourself to neck level to avoid having your father look at you stark naked. Thankfully, as he emerged from the woods, he allowed you the decency of shielding his eyes, only daring occasionally to look between the cracks in his fingers to ensure you were okay. 
"(Name)! There you are! Are you okay? You've uh.. certainly been taking your time today." He cleared his throat, keeping his eyes on the ground. You followed his eyes down to where they were on the floor, and a cold sense of panic rattled within your rib cage as you realized some of Arthur's clothes were peeking out from around the boulder where your clothes lay. 
"I'm okay, Daddy." You said reassuringly, hoping that would be enough for him to leave you alone. You felt a small tap on your calve, indicating Arthur's breath was running out. A sense of anxiety prickled at your skin in a way that made you restlessly snappy. 
"Alright well, stews ready. And I left a small gift for you by your tent, and—"
"Okay! Thank you Daddy! Now please let me finish." Your eye twitched in aggravation, thanking the Lord your father couldn't see your face. He bid you farewell, and you watched as his back disappeared into the woods. You waited a few more seconds until he was out of earshot, Arthur's tapping on your leg had now turned into a firm squeeze. You pulled Arthur up by the shoulders, feeling as though Arthur were sucking in a deep breath for the both of you. You both caught your breath, reveling in the success of your veiled debauchery. 
“I can’t believe we pulled that off!” You laughed breathlessly, slapping one of Arthur’s pectorals. He nodded and laughed along.
“If Dutch spoke any longer I would’ve drowned.” He took one last deep breath before evening out his breathing. “And uh… it was quite exciting.” 
You nodded, tracing your eyes down and noticing he was no longer flaccid, he was hard once again. The two of you exchanged sensuous glances, before Arthur gingerly slid his hands beneath your armpits and picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting out a kittenish moan at being penetrated again. The silence of the lake was loud again.
The Passion Of Lovers - Bauhaus
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gimmethosedaddymilkers · 2 years ago
The Secrets One Keeps
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Alrighty, This is a request I was sent by an anon! Asking for a reader who's Hosea's daughter but dating Arthur, they have to keep their relationship a secret, especially from Hosea. Afraid for the poor man's heart.
Keep in mind this is my first work since coming back from hiatus, I'm a little rusty, so it might not be as great as it could be, be patient with me as I try to get back into the Rythm of things please! There's some NSFW themes but it's not full on smut, not for my first one back, but never fear, that will make a return.
Warnings: Fluff, language, maybe some NSFW themes Reader is a bit younger than Arthur is. (Don't worry Im not a freak, reader is gonna be over 18 by like at LEAST six years) Female reader, if there's slip ups, please let me know so I can correct them!
Let's jump into it!
You swear to God you just saw him, You just did, you watched him come out this way and you watched him give you that...look.
He wanted you to follow him, you could SEE it.
So where the hell was he?
You call out, but you keep your voice low. It's late, and camp isn't too far, you don't want anyone to hear you...you know what the two of you agreed on, and it was better if no one knew about the two of you. Especially your father. Hosea would NOT take kindly to Arthur dating his 24 year old daughter.
Not only that but to Hosea...Arthur was like a son...he saw the two of you as though you were siblings.
You definitely did NOT feel that way.
"Arthur, I swear to whatever God you pray to you better fuckin' come out-"
"Aw now, c'mon Darlin' that ain't very nice of you to speak like that."
You practically hear the smirk on his face as you feel an arm wrap around your waist and a chin on your shoulder.
"'Sides, you know I ain't a religious man."
"Arthur Morgan, how many times do I have to tell you not to scare me-"
"Awww you love it."
"No I don't!"
"Bullshit you don't last time I did you laughed and tried to take my pants off-"
"Shut up."
You twist to face him and sure enough he's wearing that smirk of his.
"You like it."
"Alright! Fine."
He laughs and leans in, placing his lips gently against yours, softly, sweetly, so different from what he showed everyone else.
"Been wantin' to do that all damn day. I hate this sneakin' around crap," He scoffs. "Fuckin' stupid, we're both adults."
"Aw come on, it's not so bad Arthur...The sneaking around is kinda fun..."
"I guess so...I don't know, I'm gettin' real tired of not bein' able to kiss you goodbye, or havin' to hide behind the wagons just to tell ya I love ya. I shouldn't have to hide it like I'm embarrassed."
"I know..."
You give a sigh and lean into him.
"It sucks, I know it does, I know. The sneaking is fun, but...I know what you mean. We should be sharing a tent by now, instead of trying not to be caught."
He gives you a grunt in response, placing his chin on your head.
"How can we be sure that Hosea wouldn't approve of us?"
His voice comes out a little strained. Acting as though he didn't already know the answer.
"C'mon Arthur..."
You sigh again and move so you can look him in the eye properly.
"You know he won't. Hell, he sees us slightly too close to one another and he loses his mind, he stares you down. You know it, you see it."
"I know..."
He grumbles.
"I need to spend more time with you though Darlin' I do. I NEED to."
He pauses for a moment
"We have to at least take a trip together soon, I mean...either that or we just gotta stop carin' about what Hosea thinks. Don't get me wrong I love 'em, I do, but I love you more."
"I love you too..."
The two of you are silent for a few moments, comfortably leaning against one another in the darkened part of the woods, it's late, both of you know that, and both of you know that you should probably be getting to sleep.
But it's been a long day. A long week even, the two of you haven't had nearly as much time together as you would have liked.
"You think maybe I could sneak you into my tent?"
Arthur's voice breaks the silence, quietly, barely there.
"Jus' tonight, please?"
"Arthur, you know dad'll see us."
"No, look I can leave tomorrow before you, leave the flaps down, no one'll go in there, then you just gotta go out towards the side instead of the front, go around the back of the wagon."
You chuckle a little at his enthusiasm, he never fails to make you smile. He's so obviously, deeply in love with you that it's hard to say no to him.
"Alright....alright, okay, we'll try. He should be asleep by now, it's just the others we have to worry about."
"They ain't gonna say anythin'."
You look at him and give a confused look, though your smile never wavers.
"How do you know?"
"They won't cause if they do, it's me they have to deal with, not Hosea."
His voice lowers slightly, and you watch as that look comes over his eyes. You've seen it before, you know what it means.
"Jesus Arthur, would you quit that, you..."
Your face heats quickly and you look away from him. Of course he was attempting to be threatening, but to you, it just seemed...attractive more so than threatening.
He knew that.
"Why Sweetheart...somethin' gettin' into that head of yours?"
"Shut it, you know what it does-"
"Absolutely I do, why you think I'm doin' it?"
He laughs but leans in and kisses your temple before starts to lead you back towards camp.
"C'mon, let's sneak you in."
He ushers you forwards, and the two of you stop at the edge of camp to see who's up, but luckily it seems that mostly everyone is sleeping.
He then leads you around the edge of Clemmons Point until the both of you get to his tent, the moment the both of you are in he closes the flaps up and gives the two of you some privacy. It seemed like the two of you had gotten away with it. Or at least no one had called out to you.
In the dim light of his lantern the two of you share a smile and there's a look in his eyes that you know means you'll be playing the quiet game tonight.
Morning seems to come faster than you would have liked it to, the time spent with Arthur never seemed to be enough, so when you wake up in the early morning you decide to just burrow further into his bare chest.
It earns a quiet grumble from him as he pulls you closer to him, he's awake, you can tell he is, but he stays silent. The only way you know he's awake is the fact that his hand can't stay away from your ass.
"Didn't you have enough last night?"
You mumble but there's a smile on your face as you adjust, throwing a leg over his hip.
"Ain't never 'nough with you."
It comes out as a grumble and he moves to your thigh, gripping it tightly as he pulls it even further over his hip.
He buries his head in your neck and kisses there. As much as he seems to try and rile you up the kiss is soft, more sweet than anything.
"C'mon Darlin'...this could be every mornin'..."
He yawns and shifts himself, trying to wake up a little more.
"We gotta tell him at some point anyhow..."
"I know..."
You huff and move your hand to his hair, gently massaging his scalp, it's nearly instinct.
"I just...I don't know what he'll think, what he'll do...."
"C'mon, it's me. I know it probably ain't what he wants but...He loves me, he knows me...you could be screwin' Bill behind doors."
He stops a moment.
"Shut up Arthur, it is not-"
"I dunno about that, seems kinda dumb to me."
You roll your eyes and laugh before you kiss the top of his head. You're about to open your mouth to try and come up with an idea on what to tell your father when the tent flap opens.
You and Arthur move simultaneously to look and see who's standing there only to have your eyes go wide.
You're leaning backwards, your head turned over your shoulder to look, and you suddenly wish that you could disappear.
Hosea stands at the opening of the tent, his mouth open as though he'd gone to say something and then he'd noticed.
"Hosea, I can explain-"
Arthur starts, he moves, and gently puts his hand on your back to push you towards the wall so that you can stay covered.
"I don't want to hear it!"
Hosea puts his hand out, as though he's trying to block it all from view.
"Get dressed! Both of you!"
He leaves, dropping the tent flap and leaving the two of you alone.
"Shit's fuckin' right..."
Arthur sighs and plops back down on the cot, covering his eyes with one hand.
The two of you take a moment, sitting in silence. wondering what the hell you'd say.
This silence continues as the two of you go to dress, once the two of you are done Arthur reaches for your hand, taking it quietly as both of you leave the tent.
Hosea stands right outside, and the both of you give one another a look of shame.
"What the HELL do you think you're doing!?"
Hosea nearly yells, it's such a difference from his usual calm demeanor, you've rarely seen your father so mad.
"Hosea, c'mon..."
Arthur mumbles.
"Can't we talk about this outside of camp?"
Hosea takes a deep breath and then nods, and the three of you begin your trudge towards the edge of camp. It's there that Hosea stands with his arms crossed waiting.
"Explain yourselves."
"No, Y/N, you first."
You swallow and look to Arthur and then to Hosea.
"I love him. I mean that. I love him, and I have for a very long time, and he loves me. I know he does. It's not just...it's not just a one time thing, it means something-"
"How long."
"About a year."
A silence falls over the three of you. Hosea's face seems unreadable.
His eyes close and he gives a deep breath, exhaling heavily.
Hosea opens his eyes and looks towards him, his jaw clenched.
"If anything happens to them, emotional or otherwise, I'm going to hold you accountable, and you WILL NOT like me. You understand me?"
"I do Hosea, you know me. I'm not gonna let anything happen to them. Never."
Hosea doesn't seem exactly...pleased with this answer, but he seems to accpet it.
"Don't EVER let me catch you two like that again."
"You didn't knock-"
"Shut up Arthur."
Arthur clamps his jaw shut and swallows, but there's a look a defiance in his eyes.
Hosea looks at the two of you for a moment longer and then walks away without another word.
The two of you, now alone, look at each other and give a relieved sigh.
"I guess...I mean he knows now at least."
"I have a feeling he's gonna make your life a living hell for a while Arthur-"
He breathes.
"More than likely."
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pigfacedbitch · 2 years ago
summary : what would your boyfriend do if you had a bad day at work/school?
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s : Modern! Gwaine / Merlin / Arthur (Soldier, Poet, King😂) x Reader
warning/s : asshole bosses / professors lol
here is my masterlist!
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Note : Why is life so tiring? Sometimes, I just want to lay down and sleep. Slight NSFW on Gwaine's part .
Gwaine is evidently high-spirited but pouts like a kicked puppy when he sees you sad.
He may be a little unfamiliar with comforting someone but he knows that having fun can revive someone's soul so as a way to comfort you, he will offer a night of distraction and pleasure (I know what you're thinking and yes, you are right 👀).
From here, it depends on what you want to do. Gwaine will enthusiastically go with the flow.
You want to stay at home and play games? He will gladly lose to monopoly, uno, scrabbles, or any board games you want to play.
Gwaine is also a reliable player two in online games and will shout with you when another player is performing poorly.
"How can you miss that shot?!"
"What my love said, you muppet!"
Want to watch a movie? A pillow fort with your favorite movies, snacks, and soda coming right up!
Warning though, if you want to go out and party, don't. As loveable as he is, Gwaine is a party animal who has little self-control. He WILL get drunk before you and you have no choice but to drag his ass back to your home.
Last possible activity? Doing the deed. Might fuck the stress and sadness out of you until all you can remember is how good he made you feel, just saying. Anyways, enjoy! 😚
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This sweet baby boy will serve you like a queen, no joke.
Merlin will immediately know you had a bad day as he welcomes you in your shared home, already wrapping his (big and strong🫢) arms around your tired body.
He won't say a word but you'll know that he offers comfort by how tight his hug is, slowly soothing your hair, and gently kissing parts of your face.
"What's wrong, love?"
And boom! Here comes the waterworks. He will let you cry and vent as he leads the two of you on the sofa, lying comfortably there until you are done.
You might even take a short nap. Merlin doesn't care if you covered him with tears, drool, or snot; as long you feel better.
He will wake you up with your favorite home-cooked meal prepared on the table then taking you to the bathroom for a relaxing bath.
There would be scented candles, bath bombs, mellow music, skin care products— the whole nine yards. And no, you don't have to move. Merlin will do everything for you unless you want otherwise.
He will give you a massage on the bed after that, saying words of encouragement and support.
If you ask him to use his magic, he will. He will show you anything you want; from the wonders of the world to the vast beauty of the cosmos.
He hates using his magical abilities on you but as you fall asleep in his arms that night, he whispers a spell that will surely give you good dreams and an even better sleep.
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Let's face it, Arthur can be... oblivious at times.
Unlike Merlin and Gwaine, it will take a little longer for him to realize you feel like shit.
The Pendragons are very wealthy, and it sometimes compensates for the other qualities they lack.
He may not be as cheerful as Gwaine or provide you a satisfactory service like Merlin, but he can give you anything you want.
You want to go to another country? The private jet is ready. You don't even have to pack a bag, Arthur will buy new clothes for you.
He will let you choose the hotel you'll be staying in and book all the activities you want to do such as tours in the wildlife, scuba diving, spa days, and many more.
You want comfort food? The best chef in Albion will be brought to your home at once, paid heavily to cook whatever food you fancy.
You want materials things, jewelries and dresses? Even stationery? You got it. Arthur doesn't care how much you spend, he's practically your sugar daddy. 😂
If you just want him by your side, he will let you hug him like a koala bear to a tree and listen to your complains.
However, watch your words or the people you mention. Because Arthur will see to it that they will be dealt with, money comes with influence after all.
"So that's why they are being overly nice to me!"
"No one messes with the love of my life."
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hopelessromantic5 · 10 months ago
Expect a dump of my drafts in the coming weeks.
I love you and I hope you’re having the best gay time.
Here’s a Merthur snippet. Somewhat based on a very specific scene from Heartstopper.
Merlin is there through all of it, with Arthur.
He faces it with nothing but bravery.
And then the parade of brides come waltzing through and Merlin has never been more terrified in his life.
The world as he knows it, may end in the next few months.
It starts with whispers in the kitchens, as most things do.
Merlin had gone to get the Prince’s breakfast, as he did every other morning. Just as he slid the tray off the countertop, his sensitive hearing picked up a murmur.
“They’ll be coming from all over. Bringing gifts and things, y’know, to sweeten up the Prince’s favor.”
A whisper came back.
“I don’t see gold or trinkets sweetening up our prince, but it will sure be fun to watch them try.”
They giggle in unison.
Merlin is frozen. His back is still turning to them and he’s glad no one else has come in the door in front of him yet, because he has no power to control whatever horrified look is gracing his face.
This is it.
The beginning of the end.
Okay, maybe he’s being a little dramatic. He hadn’t heard anything officially yet, but if the kitchen heard, it was only a matter of time. And maybe, Arthur won’t even like any of them(unlikely). Even if he doesn’t, Uther is most likely the brains behind this grand scheme, which means pressure to marry.
Which means Arthur might not have a choice.
So it is.
The beginning of the end.
Merlin tries to swallow it down. He tries to school himself back into routine, but everything’s upside down now. Once Arthur is married, he will have no room in his life for the bond they have between them. They spend a lot of time together, whether it’s the normalcy of manservant duties or Merlin helping Arthur with his own duties. And sometimes it’s neither. Sometimes they’re just quiet. Sitting by the fire, thinking their thoughts silently, together.
But with a wife, Arthur won’t have time for that.
He has to go. He has to leave and continue on with his life, as if destiny hadn’t just taken a shard of broken glass and stabbed it into his starving belly.
So he moves, he forces one foot in front of the other, balancing the tray with effortless perfection. Never dropping a thing. He’s in a trance until he’s faced with the door to Arthur’s chambers.
He takes a deep breath, and tries to pretend he’s okay. After all, nothing had actually happened yet.
The room is filled with light when he arrives. Arthur is standing over his desk, head bent reading. He’s dressed, which is miraculous, and Merlin ignores the pang of disappointment that gets stuck in his throat.
Arthur is beautiful in the morning sun. His golden hair sits perfectly in place, his broad shoulders giving an air of regal grace, even here, in his private chambers.
Merlin sighs without being able to stop himself.
Arthur looks up at the sound, and when he sees that it’s Merlin, he smiles. A smile that Merlin only ever sees when it’s just the two of them.
The manservant holding breakfast might as well be a puddle on the floor.
“Good morning.” Arthur says, quietly, already moving to the table. “Come. Sit.”
Merlin obeys without question, Arthur has been asking him to sit with him while he eats for as long as he can remember.
He thinks Arthur doesn’t like to eat alone. And he’s perfectly okay with sitting there, watching him, while pretending to mend tunics.
“Eat.” Arthur grumbles not meeting his eyes, as he pops a grape in his mouth.
This is another thing Arthur does. He keeps feeding Merlin his royal food. And Merlin feels guilty every single time.
“Arthur, it’s your food. You do actually need it to survive.”
“Did you not just watch me eat a grape? I eat, okay? There’s more than enough here for the two of us, and you know it. So stop pouting and eat your breakfast.” Merlin obeys, once again, fighting a smile.
They have this argument every other morning.
And Merlin’s heart sings with it.
‘It’ being…well…ya know.
Merlin was in love with him.
Like an idiot.
And it was a growing thorn in his side every waking moment, like a wild ram who can see his demise coming his entire life.
“What are you staring at?” There was no malice in Arthur’s voice, simply fond exasperation.
“Just making sure you do actually eat, sire. If you collapse during training, I’ll patch you all back together just to throw you to the wolves myself.”
“Are you threatening your future king, Merlin?”
“Future, being the only word of import there.”
Suddenly, Merlin remembers the world outside those doors. The expectations awaiting both of them, the whispers in the kitchens.
He sighs, again, involuntarily.
“What?” Arthur asks quietly, worry coloring his gentle tone. He’s looking at Merlin now. And even though they’re the only ones in his very locked chamber, Arthur leans in to ask, like they’re sharing trade secrets in the presence of foreign diplomats.
“What?” Merlin parrots back, obviously not realizing he had made his melancholy apparent.
Arthur narrows his eyes, searching Merlin’s expression for…something.
“What’s wrong? I know somethings wrong, you have that look on your face.” Merlin could almost cry at how soft Arthur sounds. Of course, out in the world, he could never be this openly honest with Merlin, not in front of others.
Merlin breaks under his awaiting blue eyes.
“I…heard something. In the kitchens this morning.” He mumbles, but Arthur hears it, of course.
Arthur looks confused.
Merlin realizes in an instant.
He doesn’t know.
“Arthur, I think…this could be completely false, I haven’t heard any other mutterings but- I think your father is inviting some…guests.”
Arthur is still confused.
“Guests…” he draws it out, still trying to grasp at what Merlin is telling him.
“Yes. Mostly female guests, I’m assuming. I think it may have something to do with-“
Merlin cuts himself off when he sees the same horrified look on Arthur’s face that Merlin experienced himself.
“No.” Arthur whispers, almost commanding it to be so. “He wouldn’t go behind my back and do this…would he?”
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dawnsedits · 10 months ago
Hamster Problems
Life isn't exactly normal with the Atlantean royal family, but Orm getting turned into a hamster? Yeah, that's a new one.
Shinorm ~ 2.4k ~ AO3
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Stephen had gotten used to a lot of weird things over the last few years. He had a boyfriend who attracted every random cat within range because he always smelled a little fishy, for one thing, and who fell asleep fully clothed in the bathtub sometimes. He had to try a lot of food combinations that only someone with Atlantean taste buds thought went well together, too. Being treated with respect by the scientific community and being positively recognizable to the public at large was its own brand of strange, as was working closely with the Atlantean royal family, let alone befriending them. He didn’t really mind any of that, of course. All of it was fun, or something amazing beyond his wildest dreams. But his boyfriend being turned into a hamster?
Yeah, that was a whole new level of weird, and he very much did mind that.
Sitting at the lighthouse’s dining table, he rested his chin on his crossed arms, watching a round little Orm scamper across a tablet with digital copies of ancient Atlantean texts downloaded onto it, attempting to do his own research. His fur was the same blond as his regular hair, his eyes the same shade of blue, his expressions still recognizable despite having the face of a hamster. It was adorable, honestly, but, well, weird, and he couldn’t forget the way Orm was trembling when he dove into the shelter of Stephen’s hands for the first time since the transformation. He would feel a lot better about the situation if only they knew how to undo it.
He didn’t really know how it had happened. Orm had tagged along with Arthur, Mera, and Atlanna to investigate some sort of disturbance on a remote island that was at risk of destroying a few nearby Atlantean towns, and when they came back… his boyfriend was a hamster. Arthur was the only one who witnessed it, and he had little idea how to explain it outside of saying that Orm touched some sort of glowing stone, there was a flash of light, and in his place stood a hamster. Of all the concerns they’d had about him going, that definitely wasn’t one of them. So, ever since taking his boyfriend from his mom, Stephen had buried himself in research, looking into that area of the kingdom and any local myths and legends that sounded similar, hoping for a clue.
Insistent squeaking and a tiny nose prodding his arm drew him out of his thoughts. “Ok, ok, I’m paying attention,” he said, lifting his head and pushing his glasses up. “What did you find?”
Orm jumped back onto the tablet, hurrying to the middle of the screen and tapping something with his paw. Stephen hopefully pulled it closer, only for his heart to sink as he started to read. “Sorry, wangjanim,” he said heavily. “I already looked into that story. It was proven to be a hoax a long time ago.”
He glanced from the tablet to Stephen, letting out a half-hearted, questioning little squeak. “Yes, I’m sure,” Stephen told him, earning the most dejected look he had ever seen on a hamster in response. It was the first possible answer either of them had found in a while, and it once again meant nothing. He offered his hand, palm up. “Come here.”
Slowly, Orm shuffled his way over, hunkering down in the center of his palm and burying his face in the bump at the base of his thumb. “We’ll figure this out,” he promised, stroking one finger across the thick fur on his back. It was softer than his regular hair, actually. Another thing he could enjoy more if they knew how to fix this. “We’re doing the research here, and your family is out looking for answers in other ways. You won’t be a hamster forever.”
Orm stayed down. If he could still speak, Stephen imagined there would’ve been some sort of pessimistic retort.
“Don’t be like that, Orm. You’re gonna be fine,” he tried to little avail. Ok, if reassurance isn’t working, then it’s time to take a page out of Arthur’s book. “And hey,” he added as lightly as he could, “in the meantime, this is probably the best disguise you could ask for if the Fishermen come knocking.”
It got Orm to look at him, glaring daggers with a fire that almost managed to be intimidating despite the face he was working with. Almost. Genuine mirth bubbled to the surface, and Stephen quickly covered his mouth with his hand, struggling to swallow down laughter – right up until someone else entered the dining room. Their sudden arrival sent Orm scurrying up Stephen’s arm, down his torso, and into the shelter of his black hoodie’s pocket before the newcomer even reached the table.
“I didn’t mean to scare him,” Tom said, placing a bag of Quest chips and a small plate of grapes on the table beside Stephen’s glass and Orm’s saucer of water.
“You didn’t, I think. He just hates being seen like this.” Stephen put a hand in his pocket, finding his boyfriend and resuming stroking him. “This is a better alternative to him biting Arthur’s finger when he got too close earlier, at least.”
“I can’t blame him too much. It’s not exactly his finest moment,” Tom said good-naturedly. “Although it might be his cutest. Atlanna certainly couldn’t stop laughing when she told me about the biting incident.”
Stephen chuckled, feeling Orm huff indignantly against his hand. “I can’t argue with that, but he is.” Deciding to spare Orm any further embarrassment, he nodded at the food. “Is that for us?”
“Chips for you and grapes for the little guy,” he confirmed, which backfired a bit in eliciting another huff. Stephen tried to soothe the sting with a scratch behind his ear. “You two have been at this for hours. I figured you could use some fuel.”
“Thank you.” He pulled open his pocket, exposing Orm’s head. “Do you want to come out? You haven’t eaten in a while, and I’m not letting you do it in there.”
Stubbornly, Orm scooted backwards, retreating to the shadows. Stephen sighed, and Tom patted his shoulder. “Don’t push him. He’ll eat when I’m gone.”
Stephen let the pocket close, leaving his hand inside. After a moment, Orm let himself relax into the steady movements of his continued stroking. “I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything?”
Tom shook his head. “Not a peep, and they weren’t close to anything the last I heard. Looks like he’ll be dealing with this until at least tomorrow.”
Orm pressed into Stephen’s hand, his tiny body going rigid. Stephen wrapped his hand around him, which he supposed would count as a hug for now. “All right. More researching how to de-hamster my boyfriend it is, then.”
“Ah, the problems you face when you fall in love with a member of this family,” Tom joked, but there was concern in his eyes as he looked at his pocket. “I’ve gotta hit the hay, so I’ll leave you two to it. Good luck and good night, kids.”
Stephen murmured another thanks and an answering good night, waiting until he was well out of the room to say, “He’s gone, Orm.”
A reluctant noise somewhere between a huff and a squeak escaped him. His nose poked into the open, sniffing the air, and his eyes followed, glancing at where Tom had been standing.
“Yes, he’s really gone,” Stephen said. “Come on, I know you’re hungry.”
Warily, he crept out, ears pricked up, still searching for his stepfather. “Ye of little faith,” Stephen muttered, moving his arm aside for a moment so he could see clearly. “No one’s there.”
He lowered his ears with a relieved squeak. Satisfied that he hadn’t lied to lure him out, he turned his attention to the climb back to the table, stretching up and hooking his claws into Stephen’s hoodie. Far more clumsily than he had run down, he made his ascent, with Stephen’s hand hovering beneath him until he clambered onto the horizontal surface of his arm. Reaching the edge of his plate, he pawed at the nearest grape, shooting Stephen a disgruntled look.
“You’re tiny,” Stephen said, opening his chips, “and you have the digestive system of a hamster. No, you don’t get anything better than a few grapes tonight.”
Orm clawed it in frustration and immediately regretted it, based on the way he shook his paw out and frantically licked it, then looked disgusted with himself for doing that. Stephen bit his lip against more laughter and put a napkin beside him before returning to his research, crunching his chips while Orm gingerly worked out how to eat the grapes. A couple more hours passed after he’d eaten his fill and thoroughly wiped the juice off, both of them wading through story after story until he was nodding off on the tablet and the words were blurring too much for Stephen to read them. “Time for bed,” he decided aloud, turning it off.
Shaking himself awake, his boyfriend squeaked a protest.
“We’re both about to fall asleep at the table,” Stephen pointed out. This was perhaps the first time he had considered it unfortunate that sharing a bed together had fixed both of their disastrous sleep schedules. “We need to rest, and then we can look at this with fresh eyes tomorrow.”
Orm squeaked again, but there was no force behind it. He slumped onto his stomach, a tremor shuddering through him, and any humor to be found in the situation vanished again beneath the heartbreak of such visible fear. Stephen scooped him up, cradling him in both hands. “It’s ok,” he murmured, kissing his head. “I’ve got you. No matter what happens, we’ll deal with it together. Ok?”
He nodded wearily. Taking a breath, he found enough resolve to get back onto his paws. Stephen stood still while he crawled up his arm and stumbled across his shoulder to snuggle against the side of his neck. Atlantean or hamster, that was always his favorite spot, and a fond smile cracked through the darkness. “You know, it is kind of nice, being able to carry you for once,” he said, lifting a hand to keep him secure while he headed upstairs, stroking him again. “You have to admit, there are some things you’re gonna miss.”
Orm whacked him with one tiny paw.
Stephen laughed. “You’re really going to tell me that you don’t like hiding in my pocket or hitching a ride everywhere? You love feeling protected and you hate walking. If you look at it that way, this is kind of working out perfectly for you.”
Orm turned his back on him with a grumpy squeak, and Stephen gleefully nudged his shoulder. “I knew it.”
He hesitated upon entering their room, though, the happy bubble threatening to burst all over again when their normally comfortable bed suddenly seemed simultaneously too big and too small. He didn’t want to let go of his boyfriend, didn’t want to steal the comfort of each other’s presence from either one of them, but his Atlantean strength certainly hadn’t translated into this hamster body, and he had even less desire to risk testing his invulnerability by accidentally crushing him in their sleep. Orm shuffled back against his neck with a questioning glance, one paw kneading his hoodie nervously.
My hoodie. Hm.
He was generally the one who stole Orm’s hoodies, since he frequently only brought them anywhere when he knew Stephen would get cold, but maybe tonight… With a quick heads-up, he set Orm down on his pillow, where he was roughly the same size as the whales decorating their blue bedding. Then he took off his hoodie, holding it out to him. He had only bought it a few days ago, so he wanted to be certain that this part of the idea would work. “That smells like me, right?” he checked.
Orm sniffed it and nodded, looking at him curiously.
“It’ll work, then.” He pulled back the covers on Orm’s side of the bed and put the hoodie down, bunching it up into something that vaguely resembled a nest while Orm watched. He then moved Orm to the center of it, bunching it up a little more to make sure he was warm, folding part of it over him to give him somewhere to hide. “There. You can snuggle with me without snuggling with me.”
He tilted his head, considering the situation. He nudged a lump of fabric uncertainly, then flexed his claws and determinedly went to work, digging around and reshaping things to his liking, until he eventually squeaked an approval and settled down. Happy that he appreciated the solution, Stephen went through his bedtime routine, fetching a couple shirts to bulk up the nest, and returned to lay down beside him, placing his hand beside his boyfriend. All but hidden within the clothing, Orm nuzzled his finger in what he guessed was a kiss, and Stephen rubbed beneath his chin in response. “See? It’s not all bad.”
He huffed, but it was more light-hearted than his earlier embarrassed irritation at Tom. Counting that as a win, Stephen squashed down the urge to take a picture of this adorably ridiculous situation. “We’re gonna figure this out,” he promised him again. “Everything’s gonna be ok.”
Orm stuck one paw out, wrapping his leg around Stephen’s finger as much as possible. He squeaked three quiet squeaks that sounded like the hamster version of, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Stephen said. “And I vow to keep loving you, even if I’m wrong and you do stay a hamster forever.”
The barest hint of claws grazed his finger, Orm shooting a withering stare at him over the top of it. Stephen chuckled, patting his paw in a playful apology that he readily accepted. “Get some sleep. I’ll be right here if you need me.” With two more squeaks, one more nuzzle, and a quick squeeze of his finger, Orm disappeared into the nest. Stephen withdrew his hand, curling up as close as he dared. It wasn’t their usual habit of falling asleep in each other’s arms, leaving Stephen missing the nights of quite happily being half crushed beneath Orm’s protective bulk, but for now it was enough. He was safe and relatively content, even if he wasn’t entirely sound, and they were still beside each other. It was reassuring enough for him to easily drift off, mulling over potential next steps to the faint background tune of a snoring hamster until sleep overtook him.
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azures-bazar · 2 years ago
Let’s do headcannons with Sadie, Arthur, Charles, Mary beth, Karen and Dutch reacting to fem s/o that has such a hilarious funny laugh. When she laughs it sounds like a crow mixed with a seagull XD she can’t help having such a crazy laugh and one day she cackles so loudly that the people in Valentine could hear it. What would their reaction be?
Headcanon - Peculiar Laugh - Female!Reader
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Hey there anon ! Thank you for your request ! Having a very strange laugh myself, I couldn't relate more to this lol
I apologize in advance for all character inaccuracies and grammar mistakes, as always :')
I'm also really sorry for being this late, things are not going so well at my job so I kinda struggle at the moment to keep up with my usual writing pace, but I'll be back on track soon ! <3
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Request : Female!Reader
Characters : Arthur Morgan, Sadie Adler, Charles Smith, Dutch Van der Linde Mary-Beth Gaskill, Karen Jones
Relationship : Romantic, settled
Lines : From 8 to 10 per character
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Arthur Morgan : 
You were cleaning your riffle with Tilly after a long day on guard duty, talking about some common stuff you both enjoy. You even get to talk about Arthur, who is sitting nearby, drawing something in his journal… but then, out of the blue, Tilly asks you a very strange question. "If a cougar and a cat could reproduce, would their kids be huge or average-sized cats ?". 
At first, you don’t really understand what Tilly just said, so you just shrug. Her question is genuinely interesting to think about, but your brain processes it as a very good joke, causing you to start chuckling. What the hell was going on in her mind ? The more you think about that question, the louder you laugh. And Tilly follows. 
Arthur quickly rises from his spot to glance around when he first hears your peculiar laugh. Of course, he had already seen you chuckling and was somewhat surprised by the noise you could make, but he never heard you roar with laughter. "What the hell was that ?" he mumbles. He quickly drops his journal in his satchel and puts his hand on his gun, walking closer to the noise. What if it was an attack ?
He spots you laughing with Miss Tilly, who can’t hold back her tears while you’re nearly suffocating. In fact, the way you’re laughing is so amusing that even Arthur can’t help but chuckle at this lovely sight of his sister and his adorable lady having a good time ! 
Being a protective bear, Arthur instinctively takes both your riffles away before Tilly is called by Ms. Grimshaw to help her clean the camp’s round table. "Lemme take ‘em riffles, ladies." he chuckles as he calmly puts your weapons on the ground. You can’t stop laughing, still thinking about Tilly’s peculiar question. What if ? Indeed, what if ? Arthur quickly gets you some water in a cup, but you can’t drink it just yet. 
Arthur progressively looses it what watching you go further and further into an endless hilarity. He still chuckles, trying to understand what made you start laughing like this, but you can barely explain it. You can’t even breathe properly ! "Well, I don’t know what you girls were talkin’ ‘bout, but it sure was fun !" Arthur giggles. 
You try your best to keep breathing, but can’t stop laughing, even if Arthur begs you to calm down a little. He tries his best to hold himself from laughing out loud with you, believing the rest of the gang would think he’s crazy, or that the Pinkertons would find you. He’s somewhat ashamed of his laugh, which is terribly sad. "Stop laughing, Y/N… please…" he giggles as tears start streaming on his face, rubbing your shoulders. 
While you try taking a deep breath, your voice suddenly turns into the exact same noise a crow would make… and this is what causes Arthur to start laughing with you. He just gives in, your laugh is too fun for him to remain stern-faced ! Not even the toughest of Dutch’s men can resist this funny laugh that is yours ! 
The more you laugh, the more he laughs. He just adores the overall noise you’re currently making. It’s so hilarious ! Your laugh is so peculiar, so fun to hear… looking at you trying to calm yourself down only makes him love you more. His amusement perfectly matches the total adoration he vows you. 
It takes you quite a while to stop laughing, and Arthur almost feels a little sad that this moment has to come to an end. "Your laugh is funny, Y/N… You’re quite a strange lady…!" he tells you before dropping a sweet kiss on your forehead. This event causes him to write a new entry in his journal, describing your laugh as a "strange combination between a crow and a seagull which probably had a few drinks.".
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Sadie Adler : 
Your day is so boring ! You just want to do something relevant, apart from washing clothes or cleaning tables while some gang members are out there having fun ! So you’re tasked to help Mr. Pearson to chop some vegetables. Leeks, for instance. At least, it’s more entertaining than having listen to Ms. Grimshaw’s complaints ! 
Sadie passes nearby and quickly takes two round slices of the leeks you just chopped, removes the middle part and gets them to her eyes. "Hallo, I’m Herr Strauss !" she jokes, obviously not expecting your reaction. She had seen you so bored that she just wanted to make you smile, and did much more than that. 
The single view of a happy Sadie, who doesn’t smile much because of what she has been living, warms your heart… but her childish imitation of Strauss is absolutely worth the watch, causing you to literally drop your knife on the table and start cackling. Loudly.
Sadie never heard you laugh like this. At first, she freezes in place and looks at you trying to calm your breathing. "Wow, didn’t know a seagull was in there !" she chuckles. Her words don’t help you, you’re pretty aware about your peculiar laugh, and you don’t mind it !
Listening to the noise you’re currently making cause you to enter into an infernal circle. You can hear your laugh, and now… you’re literally laughing at yourself, but you can’t stop. And Mrs. Adler, who tries her best to remain calm, hides some early laughs behind her sleeve. She feels so good and relaxed ! 
As you try breathing, making very strange noises, Sadie looks around while wrapping her arm around your shoulders. People pass by you with wide opened eyes, not only because of this unique laugh they hear, but also because Mrs. Adler is having a good time as well. 
"Stop laughin’ or I’m gonna loose it !" she chuckles, not able to keep calm with you the way you cackle. It’s been a while since she didn’t feel something so great, so calming as some sheer happiness. Your laugh, as strange as it sounds, makes her feel really happy. 
When Pearson comes back, he immediately dismisses the two of you, which makes you laugh even louder. Everyone looks at your direction, either surprised or amused, and Sadie keeps her arm wrapped around your shoulders. At this moment, if she closes her eyes, she feels like she’s having fun with a literal seagull. 
Sadie tries her best to calm you down to allow you to keep breathing, but nothing truly helps. Not even her covering your face with kisses. Nothing really works, but Sadie still resists the idea of bursting out laughing with you. She doesn’t want to suffocate ! 
After some time, your laughs finally come to an end, allowing you to take a deep and well deserved breath. You look at Sadie, who is giving you a very bright smile. As she tried to make you grin, your laugh made her genuinely happy. And it was definitely worth it, for the two of you. 
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Charles Smith : 
You and Sean were having a drink together by the campfire, somewhere in the middle of the day. MacGuire is already drunk and keeps saying very awkward things, but something really triggers your laughter. "I thought I’d try runnin’ a dating service for chickens, but I’d be strugglin’ to make hens meet.". 
This joke is so simple and unexpected that you burst out laughing. Everyone knows that your laugh sounds a little funny, but you never really had the opportunity to start cackling the way you did. People around the hideout literally stop what they are doing to look at you and smile… but not Charles. 
When he first hears you laughing, Charles somewhat freezes in place. He nervously looks around the hideout, trying to find the source of such very… peculiar sound. He knows about your laugh, but something in what he heard did not sound right. "I don’t know what animal it is…" he whispers to himself.
Charles instinctively runs towards camp to see if there is any source of danger. Thankfully enough, everyone seems to be calm and quite happy, but this weird sound he can’t recognise can still be heard, causing him to feel a little worried. Is there anyone hurt outside the hideout ? Is that a wounded animal ? Who knows ? 
He walks around the hideout to the find the source of such sound, finding you laughing with Sean. He even notices some tears of laughter and smiles. "What did you tell her, MacGuire ?" he asks Sean, but your local Irish Terrier can’t respond, nearly suffocating. He had first laughed at his own joke, but now… he’s laughing because of you. 
Let’s be honest, your laugh is contagious. This very strange combination between a seagull and a crow is so unique that nobody can remain stern faced while listening to your laugh. And, despite trying his best to hold himself from doing the same, Charles starts chuckling. 
He calmly sits nearby to just look at you. You’re so beautiful when you laugh !… even if it basically sounds like an animal is dying nearby. Charles loves you for what you are, and your laugh, as peculiar as it sounds, only makes him love you more. 
Charles sees you suffocating a little because of this endless spiral you slipped into with Sean and starts massaging your shoulders. He still tries his best to hide his chuckles as he’s worried while watching your inability to breathe properly, but gives in and laughs with you. "It’s okay there, darling. Please take a deep breath." he tries telling you between two subtle laughs. 
It takes you about five or six minutes to calm down, and Charles is right here, holding you by the shoulders. As Sean leaves to get another beer, you finally get to sigh, being watched over by Mr. Smith who only has eyes on you today. 
"Feels good to see you laughing." he says before gently kissing your temple. He wants you to be happy more often and never to hide your peculiar laugh. He loves you so much, and wants you to be the happiest woman on earth. You deserve the world… and the world is not ready to hear your laugh again. 
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Dutch Van der Linde : 
You had a long day and could finally relax by reading a book outside Dutch’s tent. As you thought you picked up one of Evelyn Miller’s works, you unexpectedly stumble upon a book that appears to be… a little erotic. The worst is that you genuinely believe Evelyn Miller wrote this, which causes you to chuckle. 
The more you read that book, the more you giggle at your expectations about Evelyn Miller. You start cackling so loud that Dutch, who is out there smoking his cigar, quickly runs towards his tent. He knows about your peculiar laugh, he was first somewhat surprised hear it. But right now, he genuinely thought you had hurt yourself. 
"Are you alright, sweet girl ?" he asks you before kneeling down. You can’t stop laughing, causing him to look a little concerned about what triggered your sudden hilarity. He looks around to check if the rest of the gang is alright, it looks like you started laughing because of the book you’re holding in your hands. 
You try telling Dutch that you thought Evelyn Miller was the one who wrote that book, but you’re suffocating so much that no clear words but the author’s name come out of your mouth. Dutch takes the book away, a little confused, and reads a few pages. 
For a few seconds, he wants to scold you for believing that his favourite author and absolute role model is the one who wrote this erotic book, but the way you’re laughing quickly stops him. You look so sweet when you’re happy ! "Well sorry, dear Y/N, but Mr. Miller didn’t write this book." he smiles. 
The more you laugh, the more he wants to laugh with you. He tries his best to remain stern faced, coughing in his sleeve do stop a burst of hilarity you triggered in him. Your peculiar laugh always made him smile, as far as he could remember ! 
"C’mon Y/N you’re gonna make me laugh and I’ll look ridiculous." he tells you, but you can’t stop. No, you can’t. Still having in mind that Evelyn Miller is the one who wrote this book, your ideas about Dutch worshipping his favourite author makes you loose it. Who would have thought Mr. Van der Linde owns an erotic book anyway ? 
At some point, your laugh is so loud that even birds start flying away. Dutch sits besides you and clenches his teeth before letting out a soft giggle… which doesn’t last long, since just a few seconds are needed for him to slip into hilarity. Your laughs don’t match, but it’s somewhat funny !
In order not to be seen laughing, Dutch drags you to his tent and sits on the bed with you. He even reads a few extracts of the book with his eyes wide open, tears streaming on his cheeks because he can’t stop laughing. Your laugh is too genuine for him to walk away as he usually does ! 
When the night comes, the two of you finally stop laughing and can leave Dutch’s tent. "I love seeing you laugh." Dutch smiles, kissing your lips. "But I have completely forgotten about this erotic book, don’t tell anyone.". You will try your best, but that’s quite tempting !
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Mary-Beth Gaskill : 
You’re sitting alone by one of the trees of Horseshoe Overlook, before the cliff, facing the sunset. You had a long day after doing a successful robbery, nobody wanted to bother you. Not even Ms. Grimshaw, which is quite surprising considering it’s ‘her camp, her rules.’.
You’re gazing at the sky, noticing that two birds are currently making some sweet figures above you. While they're chirping, flying away from each other and then coming back, they unexpectedly bump their heads, causing you to gasp. You see them chirping louder afterwards during a short fall, causing you to start laughing. These two birds are literally an old couple having an argument, just like Dutch and Hosea !
When she hears your laugh, Mary-Beth is absolutely startled and quickly grabs her knife, believing someone is currently being tortured nearby. "Oh lord…" she gasps, looking at the surroundings as she notices that this strange noise is coming from a tree near the cliff of the hideout. No one seems to care much about that noise. 
She calmly gets closer to your spot and notices you laughing, causing her to sigh and kneel before you, calmly taking your hands between hers with a sweet smile. "Are you okay, Y/N ?" she asks, still looking a little concerned. Your laugh is absolutely hilarious, causing her to chuckle a little. 
You’re laughing so loudly that people could easily hear your voice in Valentine… if not even in Strawberry or Blackwater. Mary-Beth tries shushing you a little, calmly passing her hands through your hair while looking around. What if Pinkertons found you because of your laugh ? 
The more Mary-Beth listens to your voice, the more she wants to chuckle with you. "Sweet Y/N, you’re going to make me laugh !" she giggles. Your teary face and beautiful smile are not helping her resist this sudden temptation to join you in a laughing session. 
Mary-Beth finally gives in after a few good seconds, letting out a nice laugh to accompany yours. Your voices don’t really math at the moment, but that’s no big deal. Mary-Beth needed to laugh, she never really had the opportunity to have some fun since the Blackwater incident. It felt so good !
The two of you laugh until the sun goes down, called by Ms. Grimshaw to get your portion of stew. You had completely forgotten the notion of time ! You finally get to explain that these two birds, the way they bumped their heads, the way they chirped made you loose it… it gives Mary-Beth a new idea for the book she’s currently writing. Your laugh will also have a very detailed description ! 
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Karen Jones :
You and Karen spent an entire day doing laundry, taking care of the camp, patrolling around the hideout with your respective riffles in your hands. Right now, the only thing you want is to have a good drink. And… let’s just say you had a few of them. After all, don’t you deserve a beer for what you’re doing ?
With this dose of alcohol held in your body, your brain can’t really function normally. So anything Karen says can easily trigger either laughs or tears. Karen starts mimicking Arthur, who is grumbling on his cot, obviously not happy about this sudden imitation. "I’m a strong and threatening cowboy who eats flowers !" she roars. And the overall situation is what triggers your sudden laugh. 
The noise you just made quickly freezes Karen who quickly stops her imitation, looking straight towards your direction. "What the hell was that !" she gasps with a large smile as she sees you trying to mute your laughs behind your hands. "Oh my god, Y/N !" she chuckles.  
You try apologising, but no word can come out of your mouth some other very weird noises. As she notices you can’t stop laughing, Karen restarts her drunken imitation of Arthur, who is still pouting on his bed. "Fear me, I love horses more than humans ! Fear me !" she shouts. 
Karen absolutely adores watching you laugh, despite being a little weirded out by this hilarious noise she just heard. It only adds some more depth to your incredible personality, and Karen loves people with very strong personalities… or drunk fools like Sean.  
She keeps imitating Arthur, causing him to leave his tent to have a drink with John and Bill. "And now I’ll head for a beer with ma’ dumb brothers !" Karen groans, leading you to laugh even louder than before. Dear lord, it feels so great to see you smile, and Miss Jones won’t make it stop just yet ! 
At some point, her legs can’t hold her anymore, causing her to sit by you. She looks at you for a moment with starry eyes, still amused by your peculiar laugh. Being drunk makes her enjoy this moment even more than what she expected, as she chuckles with you ! 
You stop laughing after some time, causing Karen, and the rest of the gang, mostly, to feel a sudden void around the hideout. Even if your laugh was peculiar and not forcibly the most elegant, Karen loved it, but she will surely shiver whenever she will hear it again !
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jokeringcutio · 2 years ago
was wondering if i could request for arthur, like maybe you ended a friendship or relationship with him on the worst possible terms a few years back and saw eachother for the first time again in london
idk if that made sense but it’s just an idea 🫶🫶
Masterlist - Request Box - Support me on Ko-Fi AN: Sure thing! Here's a drabble :) Enjoy
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Fandom: Joker (2019) Pairing: Arthur Fleck/Joker x Reader Rating: General/Teen Tags: Friendship, Moving abroad, Dark undertones. -- We Meet Again--
“Excuse me, miss,” a low nasal voice, but one you would recognize anywhere.
But it could not possibly be him, could it? He lived all the way back home in America. Why would he have come to London?
But when you turned around to face the owner of the voice, there was no mistaking. You’d recognize him anywhere.
“Oh my God, Arthur? Is that you?”
He looked so thin, so pale. But Arthur’s eyes still were as green as ever. They glistened with unshed tears and were bright with a mixture of emotions as if a hurricane of feelings had been trapped inside.
“You look great,” he said, voice nearly a stammer. But somehow he seemed to have recomposed himself as he spoke. You saw how his left hand clenched to form a fist and how he straightened his spine to stand a little straighter. Something in his eyes shifted. There was a confidence in them you had not seen in him before.
“You,” you started, but now it was you who stammered. Not Arthur. It always used to be the other way around. Your cheeks flushed and you brought a hand up to your lips, watched as he followed the movement with his own eyes, and saw how his lips parted in a silent sigh of longing.
Of course. After all these years. He still craved you.
You weren’t dumb, and neither were you blind. You could clearly see it in his eyes, how his pupils dilated with lust. You had known it before when you’d been friends. “You’re here,” you finally said, not knowing what else to say.
“I’m here,” Arthur confirmed in that nasal voice of his. A faint whiff of nicotine passed by. He still smoked then? Some things never changed.
“Cool,” you said, slightly at a loss for words because Arthur was here. Your Arthur. Your friend. Here.
“What are you doing in London?”
His eyes darkened and the corners of his lips twisted downward, displeased almost. But your question had been genuine interest, no refute. “Are you here for work?” You carefully asked when you saw the change in his expression. “Or to see a show?” You were near the musical theatres, so it was a proper guess.
“Such a coincidence, right?” Arthur said, not quite answering your question. Perhaps he didn’t want to share what he came to do here, you thought. Perhaps he was here with his family, or visiting a girlfriend. You knew your thoughts should not wander like that, but you still felt a pang of jealousy in your heart when you thought about him moving on. Things hadn’t been official between the two of you. You’d just been friends. But still….
You watched him as he flashed you a toothy smile. It wasn’t a gentle one, you noticed, but rather reminded you of those pictures of a shark grinning. “Remember how much fun we used to have?” he then asked, and you suddenly understood why he carried the smile he was.
You bit your lip, suddenly feeling guilty for having ended things as abruptly and as suddenly as you had. You were very much aware that Arthur had trouble striking up friendships, even back then. Whether it was due to his condition or his shyness when around others, it didn’t matter. He hadn’t scared you away.
Sometimes you wished he had.
He had made you intensely aware that you were one of his only friends back then, perhaps the only one he fully trusted, and then you had ghosted on him. Not even told him you were going to leave.
Truth be said, it wasn’t entirely your fault. Your parents had talked so often about making the move to the UK that you’d not believed it was going to happen until it was. And once it had become real, telling Arthur seemed to become impossible. You knew how he would react. He would feel as if you left him alone.
Which was in the end exactly what you had done.
Just a note that said you and your parents moved abroad.
Just a hurriedly scribbled note.
And Arthur couldn’t even properly read.
What had you been thinking?
“I never stopped thinking about you,” something in his voice was thick, as if clouded with emotion. He swallowed, audibly, then finally allowed his eyes to come and rest upon your face. You saw that the harshness disappeared from his eyes and that the shark-like smile fell from his lips until it was just him again. Just your friendly Arthur. The man who had made you feel less lonely and who had made you feel understood so many years ago.
“I missed you,” you finally admitted. You were glad he was standing here, unexpected and improbable as it was. Your hand reached for the lapel of his coat, gently taking hold of it while you watched his face for his expression. His eyes widened slightly, but there was no sign of gesture for you to stop. And so you stepped closer to him and inhaled his scent. You closed your eyes while you drew a breath, and opened them with a smile curving your lips.
Arthur was looking down at you, eyes intense. His jaw was chiseled, his lips pressed into a thin line. There was such concentration upon his face, even as he brought his hand up to your face and brushed a knuckle gently past your cheek.
We should get a drink, you wanted to say. I want to meet you again, get to know you, who you are now. What changed? What remained the same? How was your life when I was gone? But you didn’t say any of that.
Instead, you leaned into his gentle caressing touch and parted your lips in a soft whimper. It felt good, the warmth of his palm on your skin.
You were friends. Nothing more than that. But you knew he wanted it to be more. He always had. And by the sight of it, he still did. “Did you miss me too?” you asked, voice small, as if you were scared to hear the answer.
But you knew it deep down inside. The way his eyes softened and his lashes fluttered, the way he stood close to you and caressed your cheek. How his other hand now circled around you, found the back of your neck and drew you close.
You hoped he could forgive you for having left the way you had. You hoped he still wanted you as much as he did then, because this time you were older, wiser, and smarter. This time, you knew you wanted him too.
“Did you miss me too?” you’d asked.
“You have no idea, love,” Arthur said, something dark sparked within his eyes. His grip on you became more possessive, tighter. “You truly have no idea.” ~
AN: Of course we have an Arthur who turned Joker here and deliberately came to seek our dear Reader out now that he has the means to, because why not? You think he’s gonna forget about you just like that? Na- ah! 👀
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cainluvr69 · 10 months ago
Let Me Tell You The Story Of A Rainbow - Chapter 25
Previous Chapter
Mitile: Tycho Lake is pretty, but that's not the only place to go sightseeing in the South.
Figaro: Considering how much of it is undeveloped wilderness, there's all sorts of majestic mountains and oceans of wildflowers just waiting to be seen. How does escaping the bustle of the city and experiencing nature in all its unpolished glory sound to you?
Arthur: In fact, why don't the two of you go on a sightseeing tour through all five countries?
Cain: Sure, I can show you guys around my own top picks. I know where to find some great views and I can take you around to my favorite tailors and shoemakers and food stalls and gift stores. Uh, I'll probably end up adding a lot of destinations to your trip…
Riquet: This sounds so fun… I'd like to go with you! I want to see all sorts of sights I haven't had the chance to see before, too.
Rustica: My. Then may I accompany you as well as your personal musician? I'll play music that suits the sights you see.
Chloe: Omigosh, getting to hear Rustica's music while surrounded by nature's beauty! Now that's decadence!
Nero: Hey, if y'do that, then…
Bradley: It'll be more inspiration fer your drawings than you'll know what to do with, kiddo. It's just th' kinda person you are.
Luca: …!
The look on her face made it obvious they'd just hit the bullseye, and now everyone was looking at her. All the attention she was getting made Luca's face start to turn red.
Lennox: Whether you decide to draw or not… You can always change your mind in the future as many times as you want to. We wizards are blessed with long lives, after all.
Faust: The time we're granted is so long that spending it always in a rush would just be silly.
Murr: Such is what a wizard is!
Luca: …
Luca seemed a little more sure of herself, a little more secure in who she was as she took a breath and nodded.
Akira: (…"Time" means something so different to wizards compared to humans.)
But that's why things were going to be okay.
Akira: (Just like how we were able to experience Luca's own personal wonderland, Aslan and I and every other human in this world can experience the world that wizards inhabit, too.)
Although he and I were a lot closer than most others were, so the fact that we had that closeness felt a little extra special and wonderful to me… Suddenly, the loud clanging of massive bells, like the ones you'd find over offering boxes at Shinto shrines, reverberated through the air. I looked up and saw Roxy spinning and gliding through the air above our group.
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One by one, Luca's friends, the magical beasts that had guarded the five pieces of her memory, popped up around us. They surrounded Luca, and I saw them press a brush and a set of paints into her hands.
Aslan: Alright, Luca. Are you ready for the last page?
Luca: …Yeah.
Luca nodded, and her six friends--Roxy included, of course--clustered around her. She smiled as she held her paintbrush up to the sky--she was a flower, in that moment, reaching for the sun. And that was the cue--the tension in a dancer's legs before the first steps, the inhalation before a song's first notes. Luca's performance began, and a vibrant, brilliant world was born from the brush gripped in her little hand. And it really was like a dance, like a song--I watched as the round little bird chased after the echoes of her painting on its stubby little wings.
Cain: Oh, hey! Every time that lil' guy flaps its wings, more fruit ripens on the trees, look!
Riquet: Oh my gosh! I've never seen fruit shaped like this before, and there's so many of them! They look so juicy and sweet…!
Next, Luca drew her brush over the surface of the lake, and the dolphin-y thingy leapt over and dove under the ripples, bringing a very welcome rain to the plants by the water's edge.
Heathcliff: I can see something sparkling in the rain. Is that…?
Nero: It's the lil' guy's treasures, ain't it?
Faust: Yes, I can see some trinkets in there I recognize. Look, the flowers the raindrops fall on are shining brighter now.
Chloe: Look, Count Tail is dancing to the sound of the rain!
Rustica: What a delightful performance. Though I do rather wish I had a pair of cymbals on me right now…
Rustica gazed up at the sky, despondent, when the big purple lizard wheeled through the heavens, followed by loud peals of thunder.
Rustica: Marvelous! What a gloriously powerful sound. I don't believe I've ever encountered music that made my heart dance like this before.
In between the rhythm of the thunder, Luca painted amber clouds on the sky, sitting astride the purple lizard's big back.
Bradley: Ooh. Those're some pretty tasty-lookin' clouds. They're shaped like fried chicken.
Owen: I'd eat them if they were sweet like cotton candy.
Mithra: Wouldn't they just taste like paint? You'd get a stomachache.
The little leaf spirit was scuttling around underfoot, its arms piled high with marbled fruit that had fallen from the trees.
Mitile: Wahh…! Every time it drops one of those fruits, it makes a puddle of water! They're so clear!
Figaro: Ahh…how pretty. Hey, Mitile, try taking a look into one of those puddles.
Lennox: It's like a portal to another location… I can see a beautiful forest that looks like it continues on forever.
It was an eternity that would only last for this one moment. I made a wish that it'd never end, but even that emotion, so powerful it overwhelmed everything else in my mind, was only temporary.
Arthur: How beautiful… I'm sure this is a sight we'll never have the fortune to see again. Don't you think, Lord Oz?
Oz: …Indeed.
Arthur's blue eyes sparkled with the pure innocence of a little kid as he looked up at Oz. One of Arthur's great loves was to find sights yet unseen in this world he had the good fortune to be born into. I watched as he took Oz's hand and pointed towards this and that and everywhere, and I felt myself break into a grin. Even the Northern wizards--Oz included, now that he was caught in Arthur's pace--kept their eyes on Luca's paintbrush and what lay beyond its brushstrokes. That's how much of a wonder it was: taking your eyes off it for even as much time as it took to blink was a waste.
Akira: My heart feels so full. I feel like I'm watching a magic show.
Rutile: Yeah. It's like, I wish we could keep watching forever…
Bradley: Well, y'got 'til she's done here.
Nero: Your heart's as black as soot, y'know that?
Bradley: Even the biggest production in the history of theatre's gotta have a curtain call at some point, don't it?
Nero: I mean, yeah, but…
Faust: I wouldn't say that "completion" is necessarily "the end". That which has a form will continue to persist. Obviously the book itself will, of course, but I'm talking about our memories of it, too.
Lennox: Yes. We'll probably never get to see this creative process ever again, but we can think back on it as many times as we like.
Cain: And don't forget that this picture book's about to be finished because we all worked to protect it.
Arthur: That's also something like a beginning, don't you think?
Riquet: A beginning…?
Akira: For those of us who will read this picture book, its "completion" is a "beginning".
Murr: It sure is! We can't read a book until it's finished. And thus, the world of this picture book begins anew!
Rustica: Put another way, this is but a prelude. The overture before the curtain rises.
Shylock: Indeed. It's like that most indulgent moment before dawn, spent waiting to see what beautiful colors the sun will dye the sky with.
Rutile: I'm sure this is…the happiest moment of all.
White: Snow.
Snow: What is it, White? You're looking uncommonly sentimental.
White: It's what we've been allowed to bear witness to here. I had thought that you and I had long since grown familiar with all the strange sights this world has to offer, and yet… Here is something that we would typically never get the chance to see. Something that… I would have never seen, had you not tied us together. That I can stand here at your side, your hand in mine, watching this…is all because of you.
Snow: …Ohoho. That didn't start now, dearest. I'm just as happy to have seen this sight with you at my side. So worry not. I will never let you go. Though…for every beginning, there must be an end.
White: The curtain has long since been ready to rise.
Luca's paintbrush stopped moving. The world was waiting for the moment when it would first get to see the light. And when Luca said her next words, it was with the solemnity of a prayer. Her inscription in the sky shone with a prismatic radiance. And as a rainbow exists as a refraction of light, unifying anew brings it back to brilliant, glaring white--and that was the color the world was wrapped in as the end of the rainbow rained down on us.
When I came to, I was in the still, silent exhibition hall again. My spiffy new storybook outfit was gone, too. I was back in my old clothes again. Based off the golden glow of sunset through the window, it didn't seem like much time had passed since we'd leapt into the picture book's pages. The creeping vines and odd plants and animals were nowhere to be seen; its pages were still open, but now all that was projected from its pages was a simple illusion.
Rutile: …Looks like you finished it safe and sound.
Luca nodded, just a bit, but when all my wizards looked over at her, she fixed her gaze on the floor again. Her silver hair, steeped in the colors of dusk, swayed in the air.
Luca: …I was only able to finish it because Roxy and everyone was there with me. I'm sorry I caused you all so much trouble. And…thank you.
Rutile: We should be the ones saying that. I'm so happy we were able to embark on such lovely adventures!
Arthur: What's most important is that you'll be able to put on your exhibit tomorrow safe and sound.
Aslan: Yes! Thank goodness, Luca.
Luca: Mhm. Thank you too, Roxy.
Luca said that as she glanced around and…all I could do was watch as her little smile fell and shattered across the floor.
Luca: …Roxy? Hey, Roxy…
Akira: Miss Luca…?
Rutile: …Don't tell me…
Luca's wide eyes were darting this way and that. She was lost, confused, disoriented…and desperately searching for her precious, fluffy friend with rainbow wings. She looked and she looked but in the end, all she could do was try her very hardest to keep herself from bursting into tears. Aslan put his hands on her tiny shoulders and pulled her towards him.
Aslan: Even if you can't see them, I know they're still right at your side.
Luca: …
Luca picked the picture book up off the floor and silently closed her eyes.
Luca: …Yeah. They'll always be with me…
She hugged the book to her chest very, very tightly. And when she did, I could've sworn I saw the flickering of rainbow scales around her… I'm sure it wasn't just a trick of the light.
The following day was the last day of the exhibition. My wizards were all in attendance, clad in outfits Chloe had made on a rush order, just for today.
Rustica: Thank you so much, Chloe. When we left the book's pages and our outfits went back to normal, I felt rather lonely.
Chloe: Ehehe. They were all so lovely that I couldn't get them out of my mind, so I made them. Everyone looks so good!
Rutile: Oh my goodness, Master Sage. Look how long that line is!
Akira: Looks like Luca's new book is really making a splash!
Arthur: Yes, it seems as though it's been the most popular exhibit of the day thus far.
Akira: Thank goodness! Gosh, for a while there, I really didn't know how things were going to end up… But Luca was able to finish it because she chose to face herself and the real world. She really put her all into it. And…the fact that she was able to get her heart back in one piece was thanks to all of you. Thank you so, so much for helping her!
Snow: Ohoho, but of course! We had Aslan make absolutely, positively sure the event organizer heard all about our contributions.
White: And we played our part as security for the event perfectly. The value of our stocks is going to go through the roof.
Snow & White: Yaaaay!
They cheerily held up one hand each towards me, and swept up in the mood, I high fived them both at the same time. Now that was a satisfying sound.
Next Chapter
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smallestapplin · 2 years ago
Arthur story revamp.
Sorry this is so much, and all over the place, I’d remember something, add it, then realize I was already so far in.
- 6’6ft(198cm) 337lbs, and early 50’s
- His team consists of a Herdier named Pepper. A Lampet named Lilac. A Excadrill named Roxie. A Ferrothorn named Buddy. A Haxorus named Hazel. And a Klinklang named Copper.
- He worked at gear station the moment he could to help his parents, as his family was not financially well off. But he did grow up in a very loving household.
- He’s a little awkward and stand-offish, not sure how to approach people, and his permanent frown didn’t help his case either. But his heart of gold shines through.
- He’s always ready and happy to help, gaining the reputation as the gear station dad, as you could go to him for anything and he’ll have your back.
- It’s where he met his now ex. The relationship started wonderfully, even to the point they got married and had twins.
- Ingo and Emmet are Arthur’s world, he was so ecstatic. But he was quick to notice all the hard stuff, and emotional labor was placed on him, as he had to balance two new babies, himself, and his spouse. It was easier to just move on, and he did.
- The boys stayed with him as his ex went traveling, but he doesn’t mind, he has his boys.
- It was a chore balancing the two, the trouble they would get into, but they were always right behind their dad.
- Or if Arthur needed a break, his parents would take them for the night, as the two boys loved spending time with their grandparents.
- Ingo mirrors his father a lot, while Emmet mirrors what people usually done see in Arthur.
- Arthur is a gentle man, and it showed in his parenting. Always working through problems, and apologizing when he’s wrong, it was trial and error, but he’s so proud at how his sons turned out. Was a firm believer in safety first, even to his rowdy children.
- Some older employees of gear station use to work along side Arthur, and sometimes joke to Ingo and Emmet about “telling your dad.” But it’s all in good fun.
- Arthur’s love languages are gift giving and acts of service, more so if he’s making a gift that takes hours. “If it makes you happy, I’ll gladly do this everyday.”
- Use to battle trainers in the day, but ever since he retired, so have his Pokémon.
- Has a love hate relationship with reality tv. On one hand, he loves watching cooking shows, or baking shows, on the other he will drag house hunting shows or renovation shows through the mud.
- He’s not as mean as he looks, he likes to tend to his garden and befriend the local wild Pokémon population. If he naps a in his rocking chair outside, he will wake up to deerling, Sawsbuck, sewaddles, and Leavanny around him, or on his lap.
- Makes dad jokes, I’m so sorry, but he loves seeing the despair on Emmet’s face, while Ingo tries not to laugh.
- He’s very kind, caring, compassionate, loving, maybe a little shy, but he warms up to others quickly, though he keeps to himself a lot, with friends or closer he gets playful, especially with rough housing. He’s a bit of a worry wot too, always fretting over the smallest scratch.
- It surprises no one that Arthur is demisexual, panromantic, he doesn’t have a preference, as long as it’s someone he has a connection with, and trusts.
- He had to baby proof some of his Pokémon, and Ferrothorn was NOT happy about the styrofoam balls that had to be placed on its spikes.
- Very active in their lives, Arthur adores his sons and made sure to teach them everything they needed to know. He definitely has several pictures up in his home, and in just two big albums, with plenty of home videos of the twins’s birthdays, big moments, and every Christmas.
- He retired from gear station when the twins were two years old, and keeps a steady income via battling trainers occasionally, or helping fix up cars.
- He comes from a not so well off family, that didn’t really have the means to do road-trips, big gifts, or family outings often, so he makes sure the twins have more than enough, and have weekly family outings.
- Even when his sons were going through different phases, there was never a rebellious stage, as they both knew Arthur would never tell them off for expressing themselves.
- Even during Ingo’s goth phase, when he snuck out of the house with some friends and got slightly drunk at a house party, he called Arthur, explained everything and how scared he was. Arthur was putting on his slippers and instantly going to get his son. He believes in safety first.
- The old man has no idea what anime or manga is, but you can bet he was in a Barnes and Nobles with Emmet, letting him pick out which mangas he wanted. And you can also bet Arthur would sit down and watch the anime with Emmet, even if he wasn’t fully into it.
- All he knows is that his sons are excited about it, and that’s all he cares about, so he is going to be invested.
- Definitely let goth Ingo paint his nails black, and you can bet he rocked it.
- Also rocked the anime merch with Emmet.
- Family game night is both loved and welcomed, and violently hated, but it depends on what games are being played, uno or monopoly? Someone is raging and this family is falling apart, DDR or just dance? The house is gonna be filled with playful roasting and cackling.
- Though one game they all play in present time is multiplayer stardew valley, as they can play it from their separate homes, and is still a tradition to play after work.
- Sometimes every now and then, Arthur will drop by the station to give his sons some lunch, and to catch up a bit during their break.
- This man is also a sap, and still has all the gifts he’s every gotten for every one of his birthdays, fathers days, and Christmases. From every sloppily made gifts Ingo and Emmet made when they were 4, to the newly bought train model the twins got him in their twenties.
- He’s very sentimental, he doesn’t care for price, as long as there was thought and meaning behind to.
- He likes to fix up cars, yes, but he also very much likes to garden, sew, and cook. He LOVES cooking for people.
- His Pokémon are pampered and spoiled, each having their own custom pet ID tags, bandanas, bows, everything.
- He’s a very clam person, preferring quiet areas as opposed to busy restaurants. He spent so many years working in the subway, where it was always loud, so it’s a nice change….though he misses it sometimes.
- Much like Ingo, he speaks loudly, years of working at gear station have made it impossible for him to NOT be loud.
- His Herdier was left with one command, and that was keep the twins safe. So when Ingo and Emmet were little, and walking around exploring, Herdier right by their sides. Even when they come home to visit, Pepper comes right next to them.
- as a thank you for reading, have some omegaverse Arthur headcanons -
- Arthur is an Alpha, an double chugs respect omega juice.
- His scent is one of sandalwood, but when silently glaring at someone, it gets a kick of cinnamon, giving his scent a sharp, heated kick to it.
- His rut scent gets a stronger smell, of heated coffee, or cedarwood.
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bbcmerlinvault · 5 months ago
[Article] "'Merlin': Q&A with Nathaniel Parker"
by Morgan Jeffery for Digital Spy, first published 2nd June 2011
[Original source]
'Merlin': Q&A with Nathaniel Parker
We chat to new Merlin cast member Nathaniel Parker about the upcoming fourth series.
According to Merlin star Colin Morgan, we can expect the fourth series of the magical drama to air this autumn on BBC One, and there's a few new faces popping up this time round! Back in March, Digital Spy exclusively revealed that Nathaniel Parker will star in the new run as Agravaine, the uncle of Arthur (Bradley James). We recently caught up with the actor while he was promoting his new ITV1 drama Injustice and took the opportunity to ask him about his Merlin role!
You've got Merlin coming up - tell us about your character. "I think mythologically-wise he is Arthur's nephew. It doesn't work with me being Bradley [James]' nephew, so I'm now his uncle. You know what happened at the end of the last series? Morgana, Morgause, a big battle - obviously Camelot won. So we tidy up that and I become a presence at court. Quite a dark and brooding presence."
I like Katie's evil smiles. Do you get to do an evil smile every now and then? "I do! I wouldn't call myself evil - in fact, we're not allowed to use the word evil - but I would call myself misunderstood. Only by Arthur. Actually, after 20 minutes you know exactly that [my character is] a baddie, but you're not allowed to say it too much, and obviously Arthur doesn't know. It's only Merlin and Gaius who really suspect, and really only Gaius at the beginning as well. That's great fun. Working with Richard [Wilson] is a treat, and Colin [Morgan]. Well, all of them, obviously. But Colin's a sweetheart."
Do you enjoy playing a villain? "Love it, love it. I said when I started, 'Should I be Alan Rickman?' And they went, 'Ooh, nothing as big and broad as that'. Little did they know my baroque history of my baddie-playing! I do, I love it. It's good fun. I like playing good guys too. I like playing the bad guys to make them good."
Will you be in every episode? "Yes, I believe so. I'll be there for the series, maybe more. I don't know if they're making another series - every year they say they might, they might not."
This series has been extended from the original ten episodes, hasn't it? "13 episodes [now]! It's quite a long time."
But people love it. "Quite rightly. I know a lot of people who love their Saturday evenings with that."
What's your character's relationship like with Arthur? "He's avuncular. He tries to give him the best advice he possibly can. The truth is, he would run Camelot in a very different way if he had a chance. It's not that he dislikes Camelot, he'd just run it in a very different way. It's sort of the old guard - Arthur's so much the new guard - the old guard coming in. With some strength, I think. I think he's definitely a force to be reckoned with."
Did you enjoy filming at the castle in France? "It's an amazing place. Great fun. Cantering up those cobbled steps into the gates, good fun. I love it. I love all that dressing up and playing around. We do quite a lot in Cardiff in a warehouse there and then in the Forest of Dean. It's a laugh, actually. It's quite extraordinary. I wish it was real! Somehow Merlin sometimes makes things look like a set - it's not! Actually we almost always use real things for exteriors."
Were you a fan of the show before? "Yeah, I was. I watched all three series. My daughters love it, so I watched it with them."
How did they react when they heard you'd be in the show? "So thrilled. When I got it I was absolutely over the moon because I knew they'd be able to watch it and they'd love it. This [Injustice] is harder for them to watch - I've got a 12-year-old and a 14-year-old so I'm not sure I'd recommend the 12-year-old to see this. Or the 14-year-old! But that, yeah, love it."
You've been in Stardust and Narnia - is the fantasy genre something you're interested in? "Yes. Clive Barker was an old chum, who wrote Books of Blood and the Hellraiser movies and things like that. He was a colleague of my brother's - they worked together on fringe theatre for a while. I did used to like fantasy. It's not something I've grown out of - I enjoy it still. I'm not a fan of any one particular genre, but I think getting people out of their shells and doing something magic is always a top thing to do."
The fourth series of Merlin is currently filming in the UK and France. Nathaniel can next be seen in Injustice, starting this Monday at 9pm on ITV1.
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years ago
Jang Yunho and his beautiful love relationship with fluffy hair: an (not so serious) essay~
Author's note: this post is biased. Very biased. Don't except some objective opinion here. I'll mention some other idols as examples here and there but ONLY as examples, please don't be mad if I'll mention them. Some of the analysis are inspired by Michaela Diana, a wonderful artist on Instagram who makes stylisation studies. Without her works probably the post would have never come out. Oh, uhm, I decided to not use fantaken photos for this analysis, only photos taken from Kingdom's official accounts or the concept photos. I don't know you but I would've feel like a thief if I used them.
This post is dedicated to @seohotonin and her love for Arthur
Hi everyone, today I'm finally talking about one of my favourite haircut/looks ever made: the perm hair, also known as "The Floof" from me. And we're not talking about The Floof in general, no, no, today I'll try to demonstrate how this kind of haircut has a beautiful love relationship with Jang Yunho aka Arthur from Kingdom.
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Look at him. He's cute right? And you want to touch his hair so badly, right? Good, because that's how The Floof is supposed to work (for me). You really want to rub those hair and making even more curls by doing it.
You get it, I love this haircut sooo much. BUT, even if I have a bias towards this haircut, it doesn't mean that it's suitable to everyone. I think everyone agree on this, the perfect haircut is the haircut which fits our face shape perfectly.
And Arthur has what it's the perfect face shape for The Floof and the curls and I'll explain you why.
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Another random pic because you need to admire him with the curls, I know you want to love his pretty face with this haircut in particular, I know it.
Now, I could easily use as an argument the fact that he resembles a squirrel and end the post. Because, well, according to my bias list, every time one of my biases has the squirrel or the hamster as his animal, there's an high percentage that they'll look cool or beautiful with the curls or the fluffy hair.
But no, that would be too much simple, we need to go more deeper than this.
What if I tell you that Arthur has what I call The Floof face? :3
According to my own personal theory, The Floof works perfectly if you have some features that shines the most thanks to this haircut in particular. I'll show you a couple of examples by showing you two other artists who shine a lot when they have curly hair/perm hair/The Floof.
My dear readers, I present to you...
* drums roll *
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Every time I need to push my The Floof agenda Han Jisung from Stray Kids and CyA from Onewe are the first ones who comes into my mind. I mean look at them, they're perfect.
And you wonder why? Well, if you zoom on these photo in particular you'll notice how both Han and CyA have a soft face shape in general (no sharp jawline as you can see). They have full cheeks, which become even more full when they stuff their mouth with food (Han in particular when he eats a lot becomes an adorable squirrel with his full cheeks). Their face shape is oval/heart shaped, which is the best shape for The Floof, even tho I must say that there are some exceptions (Taehyun from TxT has a rectangular shape foremost but he looks beautiful with curly hair for example). The eyes' shape also play a major role for The Floof. If you noticed, CyA has round eyes while Han has monolid eyes which are the best shape for this kind of haircut (the upturned eyes work too).
Ok, enough with the explanation LET'S CHECK ARTHUR NOW.
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Mmmh, let's see...
Soft face shape? Yup, the jawline isn't so sharp.
Full cheeks? Yes, there are.
Oval/Heart shaped shape? Idk you, but I can see an oval shape here.
Monolid/Round eyes? Yup, the eyes are monolid for sure.
Conclusion: Arthur has the perfect face shape for The Floof, let's celebrate everyone!
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But wait, do you think I'll end everything like this? Oh no, no, we can't end the post like this, we need to see which kind of colour and haircut is suitable for Arthur :D
Let's start with the era where he shines the most and he had the first Floof: the Excalibur Era.
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Ok so, even tho I love him with this kind of long hair in my opinion the hairstyler should have cut the bangs a little. Not too much, just a little. I know that this haircut suited him, especially if we talk about the MV's storyline but...well, maybe with shorter bangs he would have look beautiful. I don't like seeing his eyes covered by the bangs but it's my pet peeve, probably other people likes it regardless.
BUUUT when he has short hair...oh boy, I get blessing everytime when he has curls and his hair are short like, just see him here 🥴
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Sorry for the Ivan here but it's my post and I need to put some other biases (also Ivan he's pretty here...bby) 🥴
He with short curly hair is perfect, believe me when I say this. I'll give you some other pics of him to prove my point.
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Now probably you're asking which kind of colour is perfect for him (except well the normal ones such as blonde, brown etc.). Well, let's say that, for what I saw, bright colours such as blue electric work perfectly for him BUT, there's only one colour that should be erased.
Like no.
Especially if it's bright.
Remember when "The History of Kingdom Part V. Louis" concept photos came out? Especially the Portrait version? Ok, remember which kind of colours Arthur had there?
Believe me when I say that when I saw the picture I was just repeating into my mind: "Look how they massacred my boy."
Like no, please, he looked like an highlighter 😭
But the double colour works perfectly for him. If one day he'll go full Oreo I'll be very happy.
And that's it, this is the end. I don't know if you'll agree with me or not but probably you finally know that I love Arthur with The Floof. And the The Floof has a beautiful love relationship with him.
Should he stay with perm hair for like forever?
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