#ha sunzi
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lancersafetysigns · 7 months ago
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vexwerewolf · 4 months ago
-- HA Sunzi @ LL6 -- [ LICENSES ] HA Sunzi 2, IPS-N Blackbeard 1, IPS-N Vlad 2, SSC Mourning Cloak 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] Titanomachy Mesh, Improved Armament [ TALENTS ] Duelist 3, Vanguard 3, Combined Arms 2, Brawler 1 [ STATS ] HULL:4 AGI:2 SYS:0 ENGI:2 STRUCTURE:4 HP:20 ARMOR:1 STRESS:4 HEATCAP:9 REPAIR:5 TECH ATK:+1 LIMITED:+1 SPD:5 EVA:9 EDEF:8 SENSE:15 SAVE:14 [ WEAPONS ] FLEX MOUNT: Impaler Nailgun MAIN/AUX MOUNT: Chain Axe / Fold Knife [ SYSTEMS ] Synthetic Muscle Netting, Personalizations, Blink Charges x4, Accelerate, Blinkspace Tunneler
I call this one "These Four Arms Ain't For Nothing!"
This build exploits a very funny side-effect of the fact that the Sunzi can freely redirect its own teleportation at no cost.
Even when you control a Grapple, Grappling disables two important things: your ability to take reactions and Boost. Conveniently, however, the Sunzi's Blink Anchor is specifically stated to not be a reaction, and the Sunzi's Slip trait is not a Boost. This means that you can place your blink anchor down, run across the battlefield, grapple an enemy, and use Slip to redirect the teleport to the blink anchor. The end result is that both you and the enemy you grappled end up next to your Blink Anchor, circumventing the usual cost to redirect the teleportation of any enemy target.
Congratulations: you are now wanted by the DoJ/HR for abduction.
Our build largely just works to support this strategy. We have Synthetic Muscle Netting to make sure we're always controlling grapples, we have both Titanomachy Mesh and Duelist 3 to give us free Grapple attempts, Brawler 1 to make our melee attacks against grappled targets more accurate, a Fold Knife to potentially proc a free teleport, and an Impaler Nailgun to keep enemies immobilized in the spot we abduct them to.
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sapphiel · 3 months ago
More Lancer meme dubs
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clovariia · 4 months ago
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hasbro is killing g5 mlp, which means it's officially my city now...say hello to my new and suspiciously familiar "ocs"
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scratching92 · 8 months ago
I was saying this on discord, but I do really like that Iskander pairs so well with Lich's systems. It feels right that the Gravity Mech should make good use of Time Manipulation. Einstein would be delighted.
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therealchromodynamic · 1 year ago
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my experience playing sunzi has pretty much just been playing chess whilst everyone else is playing dodgeball
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cozzymandiart · 1 year ago
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Big flat-color piece of an entire Lancer RPG party, commissioned as a christmas gift for the commissioner's group!
From left to right: an SSC Metalmark, HORUS Balor, RKF Orchis, HA Genghis (with a particularly unusual form factor), and HA Sunzi.
Close-ups of each mech under the cut:
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kazsartcorner · 2 months ago
Hello Omniblr. I will attempt to keep this brief.
Thank you all.
The kindness from all of you from the players, the writers, the RP blogs, the artists and the homebrewers has helped me greatly. The love and support you have given to my art has helped me deal with many insecurities. I have frequently doubted if I even deserve to call myself an artist, but the support from all of you rallies me every time.
I would like to thank a few accounts in particular.
@ips-northstar-official for catapulting my IPS-N Cream Soda ration illustration into popularity, at time of writing it is still the most popular illustration on my blog. I hope UNCLE and Intern are doing well.
@dragonkid11 as your Trashtalk on Lancer series has so far been the only way I can wrap my head around the Lich and Sunzi without getting a headache, your videos are invaluable.
@ktbofficial who has been a constant source of joy and artistic inspiration. I've never known too much on the Baronies but Ferdinand has helped me learn so much on the internal squabbling. I must get you another bottle of the good stuff
@unshackledhorusshitpostbot for the laughs, you are ridiculous, somewhat horrifying, and an utter delight to watch terrorise the Omninet. Thank you for scrolling through my art. Genuinely. May you ascend to MONIST status.
@revvedandrunning again for the laughs, the threads I've seen you in, the cryptic stuff about the fireman, your tendency to torment random mercenaries, but also your sympathy and kindness.
And of course vexwerewolf who I am way too scared of to directly @. You are an amazing writer comparable in my eyes to the late Sir Terry Pratchett. And outside of Lancer your fire, your drive. It inspires.
Thank you all and apologies for any bother this message has caused.
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squishkitt · 3 months ago
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(commission) HA "Sunzi" - HASSR
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draculancer-flow · 10 months ago
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lancersafetysigns · 9 months ago
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vexwerewolf · 5 months ago
God I wish IPS-N had an Artillery Mech.
I have mixed opinions on this. I think it's thematic and interesting that - in the core book, at least - each of the three commercial manufacturers had a missing role. IPS-N had no Artillery, SSC had no Defender and Harrison Armory had no Support. These absences felt like they kind of spoke to the values of each corporation.
Then in The Long Rim, we got the Sunzi, a Harrison Armory Support, and it was interesting to see what sort of thing the Armory considered to be Support - it's a fundamentally more selfish kind of Support, in that instead of repairing or removing conditions from an ally (like the Lancaster) or providing targetting assistance (like the Swallowtail), you're simply deciding where on the battlefield they are.
In Field Guide to the KTB, we got the White Witch, and again, we see what SSC feels like a Defender should be: one that reveres and pushes the boundaries of the human form by simply adapting to damage, becoming inured to it over time.
The problem with an IPS-N Artillery frame is twofold:
Core Bonus Lineup
Firstly, while they initially lacked a class of mech, there was nothing about SSC or HA that innately hampered the idea of one. There was nothing innate about the way SSC frames operate that prevented them from having Defenders, nor HA from having Supports.
IPS-N has one very serious issue when it comes to Artillery frames: its Core Bonus lineup. Two of its Core Bonuses (Gyges Frame, Titanomachy Mesh) are focused exclusively on melee combat, three (Briareos Frame, Reinforced Frame, Sloped Plating) are based around survivability, and the last (Fomorian Frame) is a niche option designed for certain builds. There's nothing in its CB lineup that an Artillery frame wants as a first priority.
Contrast this with SSC, which gets Neurolink Targeting (+3 range to all ranged weapons), and HA, which gets Heatfall Coolant System (Overcharge capped at 1d6), which are both great for Artillery frames.
Now, it's true that HORUS doesn't get any Core Bonuses directly useful for an Artillery frame either, but the one core Artillery frame that HORUS has is the Pegasus, which is extremely abnormal both by Artillery standards and by frame standards in general. (Also, it could be argued that Lesson of the Held Image is good as a way of applying free Lock Ons for yourself).
Not having any useful Core Bonuses is a problem for IPS-N that is compounded by the other major issue:
Combat Ethos
Each of the four core manufacturers is tied to a mech skill - Agility for SSC, Systems for HORUS, Engineering for HA and Hull for IPS-N. IPS-N hulls tend to be biased significantly towards high HP, Armor and Repair Cap, often at the expense of Sensor Range, Heat Cap and SP - the former grouping being stats that Artillery cares less about (since they tend not to want to be in the front lines), and the latter being stats they care more about (since Artillery frames tend to focus around one powerful gun backed up by a large number of support systems).
IPS-N frames are built to get up close and personal with the enemy, usually engaging at a maximum distance of 5 spaces. No ranged weapon that IPS-N makes shoots beyond Range 8.
I'm not saying that IPS-N couldn't have an Artillery, by any means, but there are more mechanical issues with it than any other class-manufacturer combination.
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eatingsomegreeneggos · 2 years ago
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Femslash February Day 8: Moon - Sunzy
First time trying Krita :D Felt quite nostalgic though, has been ages since I used my trusty Wacom Intuos too
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jancer-lancer · 1 year ago
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Wayward Passenger, a slightly memey HA Sunzi, equipped with variable swords. Made with the sprites of retrograde minis.
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nobylu · 2 years ago
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To the chagrin of my lancer pilot character who hates Balors after being poorly put back together by a swarm that mistook him as a chassis, I'm sticking him in a Fomorian Balor/Zheng/Sunzi build I'm lovingly calling Wrestlemania, but I'm stuck on how to get the Sunzi element in. A black hole on the head, under the head, or in the chest, or a big ass turbine?
Here's the approximate build if anyone's curious. The Nelson was mostly just to maintain Fomorian so I can wrestle God and not get knocked back ever so my swarm body sticks around. Once I'm in the fray, I'll be relying a decent amount on pals knocking treats over to me. I can also see myself swapping Nelson for Lancaster so I can winch foes, maybe, if that's a thing. My personalization minor mod (pending approval) is being able to manipulate my swarms shape so I can fit through regular sized doors.
-- HORUS Balor @ LL6 --
HORUS Balor 2, IPS-N Zheng 2, IPS-N Nelson 1, HA Sunzi 1
Fomorian Frame, Universal Compatibility
Nuclear Cavalier 3, Duelist 3, Pankrati 2, Brawler 1
Integrated: Fuel Rod Gun
MAIN MOUNT: Charged Blade
HEAVY MOUNT: Thermal Lance
Swarm Body, Total Strength Suite II, Bulwark Mods, Total Strength Suite I, Personalizations, Accelerate
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stupidsexymecha · 10 months ago
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HA Sunzi
The Sunzi represents the peak of Harrison Armory's research into weaponized blink technology. Pilots approved to fabricate and field-test Sunzi components are monitored remotely by the Armory's Special Projects Group, which enjoys wide latitude in gathering telemetry and biometric data. The Sunzi platform is considered by Harrison Armory to still be in development, and not yet available for fleet contracts. Like the Armory's Napoleon chassis before it, the Sunzi utilizes the Armory's H-GOBLIN-derived recursive-mesh interdermal substrate, allowing it to mount outsized weapons and systems on a chassis measuring just over three meters tall. Where it differs is in its technological heritage. The Napoleon was largely the product of the Armory's internal paracausal/ parallel space research and development groups; the Sunzi is rumored to be derived from stolen and extracted Volador technology. This may explain why the Long Rim and the Dawnline Shore are the primary test grounds for the platform – far from Union's most direct oversight, the Armory may have more time to make what progress it can before Union's regulatory impulse catches up to them. According to Union NavInt reports on the Sunzi, the platform's unshielded emissions are consistent with known blinkspace signatures; corroborating intelligence from undercover elements inside the program's main campus on Ras Shamra show that the Sunzi's development has been fast-tracked to respond to the evolving situation in the Dawnline Shore. Both as a forcemultiplication tool to assist the Armory's legionary presence across the Shore, and more specifically to counter the Ungratefuls' newest weapon there, Object L (see UNI Report CORPSE GATE for more).
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