windy-trickster · 1 year
Sherco, how often do you have to do maintenance on your robotic arm? Does it have any cool functions?
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"0)-> N0t a l0t 0f maintenance h0nestly! Which is surprising, I kn0w! The 0nly time I ever really have t0 mess ar0und and fix it is when it gets damaged. <-(0" "0)-> As f0r c00l functi0ns? I can use my r0b0tic arm as b0th a huskt0p and palmhusk! A little slit opens up in my l0wer arm and this h0l0graphic screen appears. I can type and text 0n it, l00k stuff up, etc etc. I've been c0nsidering maybe adding s0me s0rt 0f weap0n t0 my r0b0tic arm... But I d0n't kn0w if that w0uld be a g00d idea 0r n0t. <-(0"
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vld-leap · 7 years
So! @h0l0graphic and I were chatting and got this brilliant idea for an AU!
BASICALLY it’s kinda like a werewolf au but probably with more control. We didn’t get that far. But the Galra and the paladin’s change into the animals they are based off of or are similar to. So far we have
Sendak - Chinchilla (He’s fluffy!) Zarkon - Komodo Dragon (reptilian and large, VERY dangerous) Haggar - Owl or some other bird (she seems bird like and is clearly smart)
Shiro - Lion (brave, strong, dangerous. Even though the lionesses are the hunters) Pidge - Pigeon (pun, and small but smart) Keith - Panther Lance - Dolphin? Or something at least semi-aquatic (he loves water in general, Paladin of WATER, and dolphins are social and playful) Hunk - St. Bernard (large and sweet and fluffy but can be protective) Allura - Appaloosa (elegant but powerful) Coran - Peacock (males are the brightly colored, they can be mean(coran can probably hold his own in a fight, but avoids it as best as he can), and are social)
We might edit and add on to this as we come up with more stuff. And I am tempted to try drawing these when I get a break XD
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ouch-fair-enuf · 3 years
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(click image for better quality)
Imagine making a design for a character that isn’t even real ;-;
Anyways, this is a design I made for Yong! I’m very happy with how this turned out, cuz he looks adorable 🥺 (if anything happened to him, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself).
His design was inspired by his original one and a design made by @h0l0graphic-gh0st. Here’s a link to their original post: https://h0l0graphic-gh0st.tumblr.com/post/652482753531625472/click-for-better-quality-have-some-vat7k
P.S, I was trying to incorporate traditional Chinese fashion into Yong’s design, as well as give him a given name. That being said, I’m not Chinese so I’m unsure if it’s entirely accurate. I tried my best to depict it all accurately, but please tell me if there is something that should be changed/improved.
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nelebratory · 5 years
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Another Pony Exchange design created for h0l0graphics on deviantart!
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