neekkis · 3 months
Poikis kysyi mitä "höpönassu" meinaa. Well...
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cubiccle · 8 months
My Finnish trans ass is so full of affection right now he's so sweet and stupid höpönassu 🥹🏳️‍⚧️
Once he gets back to Finland I'm gonna wrap him in a progress pride flag like a burrito, sit him on my lap and read an info leaflet to him with a soft voice and kiss his hair and tell him what a good lil piggy he was
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torillatavataan · 1 year
kiitos!!!! (is there any word to say sweetheart or love? 🥹 i’m spanish i need to show verbal affection or i’ll die)
Sure! Here are some Finnish endearments (with their rough English equivalent and literal meaning):
rakas - dear - literally means "beloved" armas - dear - "beloved" (very formal) kulta - darling, love - "gold" muru - sweetheart/honey - "crumb" nuppu - sweetheart/honey - "bud"
You can also use the diminutive -nen to make them cuter and slightly more playful: kultanen, murunen, nuppunen
Some common combinations: rakas kulta - kinda like my beloved, my darling "beloved gold" rakas kultaseni - my dear beloved darling "my beloved little gold" armas kultaseni - my dear belove darling "my beloved little gold" kulta rakas - this is used especially as a "softener" in situations where you're going to say something slightly negative or deny the other something or tell them they're being stupid (often towards children)
voi kulta rakas, älä koske kastematoihin (oh, darling beloved, don't touch the earthworms)
alternative for this is kulta pieni ("gold little/small")
pikkukulta - "little gold" kullanmuru - "crumb of gold" kullannuppu - "bud of gold" kullanmurunen - "small crumb of gold"
Some slightly silly/cute/playful ones:
hani - from English honey hanipöpö - honey bug, bug as in bacteria, but cute because it rhymes with söpö ("cute") and höpö ("silly") hanipöö - from hanipöpö höpönassu - "silly face" pöhköläinen - "small silly/fool" söpöläinen - "small cute"
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nnasstuff · 23 days
Se kun kutsut (ja kaikki muut myös) kissaasi millä tahansa muulla nimellä kun sen omalla
Tähän asti hän on ollut:
Katti matikainen
Kulta /kultapieni
Hömelö /hömpsykkä
Omppu /Ompsukka
Pikku enkeli
Pikku aarre
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furbybathwater · 3 years
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Höhö 🍁🐌🍂
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shitpost-suomi · 6 years
ootkos käynyt höpönassunpesällä
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lintujasukissa · 6 years
En tiedä onko kirjaasi pyydetty pääkaupunkiseudun kirjastoihin, mutta nyt ainakin on!
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soclonely · 3 years
The Clones as My Moms Comments While We Clean My Fridge:'))
My mother is in town visiting and as usual needed to disrupt our day by adding 1 meaningless chore to the list. So here we are cleaning out my fridge and freezer and naturally I need to procrastinate as we do so!
Rex- "No we aren't doing this later lets do it now while your little brothers are sleeping"
Echo- *snatches up bottle* did you read the label before tossing this or are we wasting it?
Fives- "Höpönassu! Why are there socks in this fridge?" *looks at my very concerned*
Jesse- *opens up my tub of cookie dough and takes out a scoop to eat* "we should make cookies later." *Chomp!*
Kix- "You bought a $5 bottle of salad dressing? What other sort of terrible decisions are you making that me and dad don't know about??? Storebrand is just as good!"
Tup- *stares hopelessly at my wall of sauces in there*
Dogma- "Who are you texting instead of helping me" *looks over shoulder and rolls eyes* "Oh your tumblr thing."
Hardcase- *Gets excited when she sees I have Pokemon sugar cookie dough* "Oh we are totally making these for the boys tomorrow, yeah??"
Coric- *hums off key and the wrong song to the song on Alexa*
Bly- You know your boyfriend will judge you for this fridge. Go one! Send him a picture! (I did. He too was amazed at all of my sauces)
99- "You know if your grandmother were here with me she would be telling you the same thing I am. ORGANIZE YOUR FRIDGE."
Cody- *drops my tup of butter, allowing it to splash all over the bottom of my fridge* Great Ang now we have a spill! Pahus!
Waxer/Boil- "I should have never let you move out until I knew you were checking the dates on things." (NOTHING WAS EXPIRED THANKS)
Wolffe- *Rolls her eyes at my beer called "Horny Toad"*
Boost/Sinker- "Is this a grape or an olive?" *sniffs*
Hunter- "You fridge light is too bright. We should go to the store and grab a slightly dimmer one"
Wrecker- "I need a snack!" *opens up bag of shredded cheese*
Tech- *searches google for accurate temperature of fridge because she thinks mine is too cold*
Crosshair- "Well I guess we should do the freezer as well, since we have already strarted the fridge!" *sighs as she opens the door*
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rakastuin · 7 years
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a good boy🐱💕
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commander-ledi · 6 years
minä koiralleni: höpönassu vittutassu
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inhalingwords · 7 years
Here’s my @langblrsecretsanta post for my giftee @noerttiprinsessa! It’s a selection of random funny/cute/interesting words and phrases in Finnish that I hope will prove useful :)
🎉🎉Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta 2018!🎉🎉
ökkömönkiäinen // a creepy-crawly, an (unindentified) bug/insect
Hyi hitto, sun hiuksissas kiipee joku ökkömönkiäinen! (colloq.) // Ew yuck, there’s some creepy-crawly climbing in your hair!
yökyöpeli // a night ghost/wight/spook, a person who stays up late, a night owl
Minun pikkusiskoni on oikea yökyöpeli: hän ei mene koskaan nukkumaan ennen aamukahta, ja hän valvoo usein koko yön katsoen Netflix-sarjoja putkeen. // My little sister is a real night owl: she never goes to sleep before two in the morning, and she often stays up all night binge-watching Netflix series.
unikeko // a dormouse; a sleepyhead (lit. “a sleep-heap, a sleep-mound”)
Unikeko on pieni nisäkäs. // A dormouse is a small mammal. No niin, unikeko, nouses nyt sieltä sängyn pohjalta! (colloq.) // Alright, sleepyhead, get up from the bed already!
pullahiiri // a “pulla”-mouse, someone who really likes “pullas” (= Finnish sweet rolls/buns) and other sweet pastries/cakes/etc., so someone who has an insatiable sweet tooth
Pakko myöntää, että olen aikamoinen pullahiiri. // Gotta admit, I have quite a sweet tooth.
nöpönenä // a small, cute nose (a button nose?)
This is often used as a term of endearment (for partners, children, babies, animals...) just as much as it’s used to describe an actual nose that happens to be small and cute.
Nallella oli suuret, ruskeat silmät ja pieni nöpönenä. // The teddy bear had huge, brown eyes and a small, cute nose. mun pikku nöpönenä (colloq.) // my little button nose (as an endearment)
höpönassu // nonsense-face, funny face
Another cute term of endearment (for partners, children, babies, animals...).
Mitäs mun pikku höpönassulle tänään oikein kuuluu? (colloq.) // How’s my little cutie today?
limanuljaska // a slimy spike-cap; a slimeball, a slimy, unpleasant person (often someone who is handsy and gross)
Limanuljaska on eräs sienilaji. // The slimy spike-cap is a type of mushroom. Ethän sinä sellaista limanuljaskaa voi alkaa tapailemaan?! // Surely you can’t start dating such a slimeball as him?!
kermaperse // a cream ass, a snob, a person who has been spoiled rotten and expects to get whatever they want, often rich, materialistic and/or disdainful
uusavuton // a new(ly)-inept, a new(ly)-helpless, a person (usually of the younger generations) who is incapable of taking care of basic household chores and other things related to everyday life
Uusavuton nuori on täysin hukassa kodinhoidon suhteen. // A “newly-helpless” teenager/young adult is absolutely lost with housekeeping.
härpäke // a gizmo, an (unidentified) device/gadget (colloq.) hilavitkutin // a thingamajig, an (unidentified) device/gadget (colloq.)
kotikoti, kotikoto // a home-home (your childhood home and/or the house where your parent/s live/s)  (colloq.)
Käydään kotikodon kautta, mun täytyy viedä äidille yks juttu. (colloq.) // Let’s stop at home-home on our way, I need to take something to Mum.
porukat // one’s folks/family/parents (literally, “groups, gangs, crowds”)
Me vietetään joulu yhdessä porukoitten kanssa. (colloq.) // We’re spending Christmas together with my/our folks.
maalaisjärki // rural sense, country sense, common sense
Kyllä maalaisjärjenkin jo pitäisi sanoa, ettei humalassa hypätä rattiin. // Even common sense should tell you that you don’t jump behind the wheel when you’re drunk. (= that you don’t drive while drunk)
tuuri, tsäkä // fortune, (good) luck
käydä tuuri/tsäkä // to get lucky, to have something good/lucky happen to you käydä huono tuuri/tsäkä // to have a bad luck, to have something bad/unfortunate happen to you olla tuuria/tsäkää // to have (good) luck olla huono tuuri/tsäkä // to have bad luck
olla (ihan) hiilenä // to be (all/totally) as charcoal (colloq./slang), to be angry, to be furious 
menettää hermo(t) // to lose one’s nerve(s), to lose one’s temper, to become angry, to get frustrated pimahtaa // to blow up, to flip; to get broken
Käskin Kaitsun painua vittuun ja hän pimahti täysin. // I told Kaitsu to fuck off and he totally flipped. Tietokone tais pimahtaa. (colloq.) // The computer seems to have crashed/died.
olla täpinöissään // to be aflutter, to be excited, to be giddy with anticipation olla tohkeissaan // to be beside oneself with anticipation, excitement, and/or nervousness
revetä (nauruun) // to tear, to rip, to rupture (into laughter), to break out laughing hajota // to break, to fall apart, to break out laughing, to totally lose it in a laughing fit (colloq./slang)
vinkeä // unusual (in a positive sense), goofy, jovial, particular
kimurantti // difficult, complicated monimutkainen // “with many turns/curves/bends”, difficult, complicated
härö // weird, odd; slightly dirty/obscene; also, a Finnish surname
Nämä esimerkkilauseet ovat aika häröjä, mutta ihan sama. // These example sentences are quite odd but whatever. No tää kaula-aukko on vähän härö, mut ei täs paidas muuta vikaa oo. (colloq.) // Well, the neckline is a bit obscene but there’s no other problem with/flaw in this shirt. Klaus Härö on suomalainen elokuvaohjaaja. // Klaus Härö is a Finnish film director.
pöhöttynyt // puffy, bloated (especially in the face, in the morning after a late night/partying/etc.)
nippanappa / nippa nappa // just, barely (colloq.) nipin napin // just, barely (colloq.) niukin naukin // just, barely (colloq.)
kipin kapin // quickly
vuodelta/vuosilta nakki (ja papu) // from the year/years of wiener/sausage (and bean), old and dated (colloq.) aataminaikainen // from Adam’s age, (really) old, ancient (colloq.)
olla kaiken pahan alku ja juuri // to be all evil’s beginning and root, to be the root of all evil
ei liikauta evääkään // to not move even one fin, to not do anything (often used when criticizing someone else for being lazy and/or incompetent) ei jaksa evääkään liikauttaa // can’t make the effort to move even one fin, to not have the strength to move even one fin (often used when talking of oneself being tired or lazy)
Minä joudun tekemään kaikki kotihommat, Jalmari ei liikauta evääkään. // I have to do all the housework, Jalmari doesn’t move even one fin. Olin eilen illalla niin naatti, etten jaksanu liikauttaa evääkään sen esseen eteen. // I was so tired last night that I couldn’t move even one fin for that essay.
hippulat vinkuen // with “hippulas” squeaking, in a hurry (colloq.) (humoristic/cliche)
The word “hippula” has many interpretations: decorations or other objects on a sleigh or carriage, testicles, shoe strings made of leather, slippers.
koko konkkaronkka // the whole group/gang/crowd
This expression is a loan from the Swedish “hela konkarongen”.
tenkkapoo // a problem, a dilemma, a Situation™
Another loan from Swedish, where “tänka på” means “to think about”.
tilpehööri // assorted goods, (unidentified) stuff, things, paraphernalia, bits and bobs (from the Swedish “tillbehör”)
tuhista // to snuffle, to sniffle, to puff
köllöttää, köllötellä, kölliä // to lie down relaxing and taking it easy pötkötellä, pötköttää // to be lying down, to rest (’pötkö’ = stick, bar)
killittää // to stare intensely (often used of kids/babies)
fiksu ja filmaattinen // smart and cinematic, smart and presentable/good-looking
This is one of those cliched stock phrases, like in English you have stuff like “tall, dark and handsome” and “young, wild and free”.
Aivan varmasti pääset mukaan, sinähän olet niin fiksu ja filmaattinen! // Of course you’ll get in/will be included/get to go along, you’re so smart and cinematic!
Älä itke ruma lapsi, ota rusina. // Don’t cry, ugly child; have a raisin.
This is a saying, of origins unknown(?), that you can say to anyone who’s disappointed/upset/frustrated/etc. It’s used in a joking manner. There are also multiple other versions of this saying, including:
Älä itke ruma lapsi, huomenna ostetaan naamari. // Don’t cry, ugly child; tomorrow we’ll buy a mask (for you). Älä itke ruma lapsi. Maailma muuttuu paremmaksi. Ehkä muuttuu, ehkä ei, olet ruma anyway. // Don’t cry, ugly child. The world will change for better. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, you’ll stay ugly anyway.
Kyynel. / No voi kyynel(!) // A tear(drop). / Oh, well, a tear(drop)(!)
Arguably the best sarcastic comeback to anyone complaining excessively and/or about an insignificant matter or being overdramatic. Often accompanied by an eye-roll. (For maximum level sarcasm, you can drag the tip of your index finger down one cheek in imitation of the path of a teardrop as you’re saying this.)
(ihan) aikuisten oikeasti // (totally) adults’ really, (totally) for real, seriously
mennä päin puuta/mäntyä/honkia/pöpelikköä/prinkkalaa/persettä/vittua // to go against a tree/a pine-tree/pine-trees/a thicket/the Brinkkala Mansion/an ass/a cunt, to go wrong, to fail, to fuck up
Minulla oli eilen syyslukukauden viimeinen ja tärkein tentti, ja se meni tietenkin ihan päin persettä. // Yesterday, I had the last and most important exam of the autumn term and I completely effed it up of course.
painua pehkuihin // to press oneself/sink into the straws, to hit the hay, to hit the sack, to go to sleep
Kello on jo yli yksitoista, minä painun pehkuihin! // It’s already past 11 o’clock, I’m going to sleep!
antaa kenkää (jollekulle) // to give shoe (to sb), to fire sb
Kappas keppanaa! // Well, (would you) look at that! (slightly cliche/humoristic tone)
A: Ai kato perhana, tossa alhaalla se nimi lukikin! // A: Oh damn, look, it says the name right down there! B: No kappas keppanaa! // B: Well, would you look at that!
Ei siinä kauan nokka/nenä tuhissut. // A beak/nose didn’t snuffle long at it/doing it. It didn’t take long.
Ei siinä kauaa nokka tuhissu ku me vietiin ne pahvilaatikot sinne ulos ja saatin koko homma pakettiin. (colloq.) // It didn’t take long when we took those cardboard boxes outside there and wrapped it all up (= ended the whole thing with that).
pitää mölyt mahassaan // to keep the noises/clamours inside one’s stomach, to stay silent and swallow one’s anger, to not criticise/call names/complain
Itse kukin voisi oppia pitämään mölyt mahassaan! // Each could learn to swallow their anger and stay silent!
Hyvä Tuomas joulun tuopi, paha Nuutti pois sen viepi. //Good Thomas brings Christmas, bad Canute/Knut takes it away. 
This saying refers to Thomas the Apostle and Saint Canute, King of Denmark.
In Finland, December 21 (the Feast of St. Thomas) has popularly been considered to be the day when Christmastime begins. January 13 (St. Knut’s Day) on the other hand is considered to be the day when Christmastime ends (historically, Jan 13 was the day that marked the end of Christmas Peace according to Nordic legislation).
Jaakko heittää kylmän kiven veteen. // James throws a cold stone into the water.
This phrase/concept makes reference to James the Greater, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus.
The metaphorical throwing of the stone happens on July 25 (the feast day of St. James), which is considered to be the day when the weather starts cooling and the swimming season begins to draw to a close.
Kuu kiurusta kesään, puoli kuuta peipposesta, västäräkistä vähäsen, pääskysestä ei päivääkään. // The Eurasian skylark, a month till summer; the chaffinch, half a month; the white wagtail, a little bit; the swallow, not a single day.
This old saying/rhyme references various birds commonly seen in Finland and supposes that when you first see each of these birds, you can guess how long it will be until summer comes.
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kuuttituutti · 7 years
Hei ihanaa, kyssäreit!! Haluuks vastata näihin: 1, 7 ja 10 :V Kiitii vaan höpönassu!
Aa kiitos kun kysyit!1. Meaning behind my url: Koska riimit. Ja hylkeet ja herkut. Ja koska joskus kun olin pieni jossain risto räppääjä kirjassa oli jäätelömerkki nimeltä kuuttituutti ja se kuulosti söpöltä ja se vaan jäi mieleen.7: Biggest turn off(s): Kun selität jotain mistä olet tosi innostunut ja se kelle olet kertomassa asiasta sanoo että asia on tyhmä/turha/jne. Ja tietty kaikki rasistisuus ja homophoobisuus.10: Biggest turn on(s): omg vaikea. Kun joku kuuntelee jakaa kiinnostuksen ja on ylipäätänsä iloinen. Ja tietysti taiteellisuus.Kiitos kun kysyit!!!
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kullijuustosiivu · 5 years
U, Y, Z
U: 3 isointa toivetta (en tiiä miksi isointa mutta... you know)
Tarpeeks rahaa ettei siitä tarvis huolehtia, joku höpönassu jonka kanssa halailla ja muhinoida, se että pää tervehtyis ettei tarvis masentuneena siivoilla
Y. Viimeisin hali?
Ööh taisin halata yhtä kaveria eilen baarissa, sitä ennen paria työkaveria alkuviikolla (baarissa ja jatkoilla)
Z. Horoskooppi?
Kiitti hanibunbun, toivottavasti vastaukset kelpaa :D
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furbybathwater · 3 years
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furbybathwater · 3 years
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furbybathwater · 3 years
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Better pics of Höpönassu I took today~
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