#héctor riveras guitar
juliedrawz · 2 years
Héctors Guitar study - part 2 💡
The Abalone shell on the body and the fretboard. The bridge, the patterns and other details.
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Yes, yes! Nesto looking good here too 🤭 BUT, I also love this one because it shows the details so clearly!
So we have, most likely, white and gray mother of pearl on the sides and at the edge of the guitar body. It is a bit difficult to determine the exact shade of gray since the lighting is different on each we can find. But I found it most likely is a bluish/ silverish gray.
We also have, just like on the headstock, a golden lining. It is most likely made out of golden Abalone but it could also be gold foiling. And if Imelda was really going nuts for that gift, we could also assume she let the guitar maker build in real gold. That would make the guitar a hecking lot more expensive!
The soundhole has also a nice mixture of that gold, mother of pearl and blue green abalone. Also if you pay attention to how the fretboard ends, you'll notice that on most guitars the fretboard ends in a half circle. This one is cut straight and reveals the whole soundhole.
This could be just my inagination but, if you are really imaginative, you'll find that in a rough sense both halfs of that upper pattern make a heart shape too.
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We also see the bridge. It's a rather classical one on which the strings are tied in the "spanish way". There is a gold covering over the part where the tiny holes for the strings are. I am not entirely sure what material it is but I guess it could be brass. Also, if you look very very closely, you can see that the bridge is slighlty beigy white and has some darker swirled stripes which would be typical for marble. Since marble is a stone however and too heavy for a bridge, I assume it is marble foiled or painted.
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Also notice the strings if we are at it. We see the 3 bass strings E, A and D are silver and the three melodic strings g, h and e are clear. That is typical for a classic concert accoustic guitar. These are nylon strings, much softer and easier to play than steel strings that are on western guitars for example.
I am pointing the bridge out because it is done wrong on so many replicas! Especially the codorba one and those in the disneyparks. Shame, shame 😮‍💨
The patterns more closely
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More hidden hearts! If you think about it, the noses of the skulls are upside down hearts! The pattern on top of the headstock looks like a key and a heart. (In my headcanon, it can only mean one thing) Héctor has the key to Imeldas heart! 🥺
The skull in the pattern on the front bottom of the guitar body not only has a heart on its forehead it has a vine thing going on below the chin! And who has a goatee on his chin? Héctor! The skull on the fretboard also has a heart! Furthermore, compare the patterns below the teeth on the headstock to Héctors!
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The whole guitar in a way is a loveletter from Imelda to Héctor ... (I wanna cry) I mean part of the one true love is that unique soul connection but DANG that accuracy that Imelda chose a pattern for the guitar that ends up being on Héctors skull! 😭
Other than that,
It's white, it's shiny its wonderful! And I cannot wait to finish my very own replica!
If you are curious and want to follow my progress, you can check out my Instagram. I post my progress there and save it in a highlight. If the thing is all done, I will post the full step by step tutorial here! Yes, it will include all the measurements, tools and products used, prices and sources.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Headcanon that Coco didn't actually know her father's name.
She was three or four when he left. As far as she was concerned, his name was Papá.
She remembered her mother singing and dancing with him, but she had no memories of Imelda actually calling Héctor by name.
And afterwards, Imelda got rid of anything that belonged to him, anything that might bear his name. She never mentioned his name again. Oscar and Felipe didn't either.
Coco had the picture, so she knew what he looked like, but not his name. Even the letters - they were all addressed to Coco, and signed "Papá." Yes, there were many parts that were for Imelda - Imelda was the one who read them to Coco, since she presumably couldn't read much more than her name - but they were for Coco, which was why she had them when Imelda began her purge.
Even if Coco had wanted to try to find out more about her father after her mother died, she couldn't. She wouldn't get very far without a name.
She spent the rest of her life clinging to a fading memory of a kind man with dark eyes and a guitar. She would take out his picture and look at it. She was glad she only had daughters, because if she'd had a son she would have been conflicted about whether to want to give her father's name as a middle name, and she didn't know it.
Miguel finally discovered his great-great-grandfather's name - well, in a believable way that he could tell everyone else, anyway - after going to the town hall and digging through old records for hours and finally discovering a marriage license for Héctor and Imelda Rivera.
Depending on when Coco died, though, she may not have been alive to see this.
Depending on whether Miguel told his great-grandmother about his adventure in the Land of the Dead, she may or may not have died still not knowing her father's name. Not until a weeping young man embraces her in the Department of Family Reunions, and, crying herself, she melts into his embrace, hugging him back, and she hears her mother's voice saying softly, "Ay, Héctor, Coco."
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reareaotaku · 23 days
Miguel Rivera from Coco?
This request was asked years ago- I'm so sorry. Aged up +
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👩🏼‍🎨You're an artist and love to draw all the people around you. You notice all the little things wouldn't notice, because of your attention to detail. That's how you noticed a boy.
👩🏼‍🎨 You saw him going into Ernesto's mausoleum. You look around to see if anyone else noticed, but it seemed everyone was to busy with their music. So, you decide to follow him. You catch him red handed with the guitar-
👩🏼‍🎨 You both fight for it, before police show up and you drop the guitar holding the guitar off. You had failed to notice the pedals that had flown around you, but you did notice how the police didn't notice you or the boy.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 He runs away and you quickly follow him, angrily yelling at him to stop.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 You both end up falling into a grave and his relatives see him??? Thankfully they were nice to you, even though they didn't notice you. You learned his name was Miguel, thanks to his dead family.
🩻 They [The family] brought you and Miguel back to the land of the dead to find out how to bring you back to the living realm. Miguel's great-great grandmother; Mama Imelda, was stuck in the land of the dead, because Miguel had taken her photo of the ofrenda.
💀 The skeleton guy behind the computer tells you that since Miguel brought you here, his great-great grandmother can send you back. You were thrilled, but Miguel was not. You both went back, but were immediately sent back, but this time he wasn't going to give up music.
👩🏼‍🎨 You didn't understand why he was being so reluctant, but then he compares it to your art [Based on the paint all over you] and saying how would you feel if someone tried telling you you could never create art again.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 You decided to help him find his great-great grandfather to get his blessing and are dragged all across the land of the dead. You have to avoid his family, so they don't take either of you back.
👩🏼‍🎨💀🦴 You both ran into a man named Héctor, who decided to help you both- Without knowing the full truth. Though he is not pleased when he does.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 🦴 You are both embarrassed when Hector calls you 'boyfriend & girlfriend' which you both adamantly deny. Hector puts his hands up apologizing.
👩🏼‍🎨💀 🦴 So, off you all are to find Ernesto to get that blessing, but you have to be quick, because you and Miguel are slowly becoming skeletons. Miguel promises that he won't let you die here and that if push does come to shove, he will take his great-great grandmother's blessing, just so you can be back and safe in the mortal realm. He doesn't want you being stuck because of him. You don't deserve that- At least, not to him.
👩🏼‍🎨💀🎸You are both surprised when Ernesto tries to kill you both. You had become close to Miguel in this time, after having spent so much time together and bonding over your love and passions. You wanted to help him. You didn't think it was fair that his family was trying to take away his passion because of something that happened a long time ago
🦴 Come to find out, Hector is Miguel's real great [2x] grandfather and that Ernesto killed him.
💀🦴 Miguel and Hector have a cute bonding moment. It made you really emotional, especially knowing what was taken. A whole family ruined because of a selfish man.
🐕💃🏼 You're all thankful when Imelda found you- Thanks to Miguel's dog- But she was not happy to see Hector
💃🏼 She takes you back to the rest of Miguel's family, who are happy to see you both in one piece. You may not have been apart of the family by blood, but you were now seen as one of them, especially since their descendent had brought you to this place. You were still surprised when she [Imelda] expressed concern for you and hugged you. Though she beredes Hector, but Miguel is quick to his defnese.
💀💃🏼 Miguel says he'll finally take her bless, but he has to find Hector's photo from Del la cruz, so he can come to the world of the living, but Imelda is still convinced he left the family. Miguel explains to her what really happened, but she's unconvinced and doesn't seem to care, still heartbroken about what he did.
🦴💃🏼 Imelda and Hector have a good moment together and while she says she doesn't forgive him, she's more than willing to help.
👩🏼‍🎨💀💃🏼🦴🎸🩻 There is a great moment where you go backstage. Imelda hits Ernesto for murdering the love of her life and trying to kill her grandson and you. You and the rest of Miguel's family chase him trying to get the photo. You and the rest are bombarded by security- But Imelda finally gets the photo, but is brought to the stage.
💃🏼 Imelda sings while on stage, while trying to give one of you the photo, but security is on her- not to mention Ernesto also catches her, making it hard for to give you the photo. He ends up snatching the photo from her, but she stomps his foot and is able to give it to Miguel. She finally gives you and Miguel her blessing, but changes the condition to remember how much her family loves her, until Ernesto grabs both you and Miguel.
🎸👩🏼‍🎨 Miguel ends up slipping from his hand, but Ernesto keeps a tight grasp on you and Miguel's spirt guard tries saving you, but Ernesto wasn't having it. He throws you towards the edge of the stage[?], before slowly cornering you to the edge, nearly causing you to fall. They all try and calm him down, but it's not working.
💀 Miguel sees the opportunity to turn on the camera and put it at you and Ernesto and everyone in the audience watches as Ernesto nearly kills you
🎸👩🏼‍🎨🐈‍⬛ You scream when he throws you off the edge and all that crosses your mind is that you were going to die- You nearly hit the ground when Imelda's spirt guide saves you after Miguel's spirt dog tries to. You are so thankful for that flying cat, you nearly cry.
👩🏼‍🎨💀💃🏼Miguel was the first to hug you and apologize when you're back on the roof. He would have kissed you if his whole family [and thousands of audiences] wasn't watching him. The rest of the family surrounds you, making sure you are alright.
🐈‍⬛🎸Imelda's spirt animal goes out, throwing Ernesto around before flying him through the air, before he hits a bell and hits his ultimate demise.
💀👩🏼‍🎨 You apologize to Miguel for losing the photo and telling him you can try looking for it, but it's too late. He's disappointed, but not mad, because you almost died. You grab the guitar and rush with him back to his place- After he follows you. There's so much going on that you end up getting pushed to the back. It's incredible when hearing Miguel sing to her and she responds. You almost feel like you're intruding on a family moment.
With the letters Coco kept, everyone realizes what Ernesto had done and Hector becomes famous, as he should have been. You and Miguel become bonded over the experience and eventually start dating, knowing no one would ever know each other like you know each other.
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stitcherofchaos · 1 month
Coco: Héctor Rivera - Life vs Death
I noticed this about Héctor is that he is quite exuberant through most of the film, he seemed like a loud character, but I noticed that during his flashbacks of his death that he was more quiet. The only words he said to Ernesto were “I’m going home Ernesto, hate me if you want but my mind is made up” (not to mention he was firm, but not yelling, and had this expression that spoke louder than the words he’s said) it’s a short and simple sentence. While Ernesto proposed a toast, Héctor did not say anything. He simply accepted the toast with a smile and drank. Héctor doesn’t even tell Ernesto anything when he’s dying, in pain. Doesn’t ask him for help or any questions, he’s even silent as he’s dying.
Maybe I’m overthinking it but I noticed how much Héctor was quietly thinking while shutting his songbook, accepting his ‘friend’s’ toast. When he’s dying, it’s like his thoughts are in hyperdrive at that moment and yet, he doesn’t say anything.
During the end, the one year epilogue occurs and there is a lack of this ‘loudness’ which we saw during the majority of the film. He gets checked at the gate, sighs, and goes to meet his family, only saying his daughter’s name, and then he doesn’t speak for the rest of it. Heck, he’s not even singing with Miguel, he’s playing the guitar and smiling.
This is either a timing factor for the film (because speaking is a waste of time) or if this is done intentionally to show that, in life Héctor was a quieter person. In death, he’s suffering, isolated, and rejected by his family, due to that, he’s loud, erratic, and unhealthy almost as if he’s behaving ‘louder’ in order to avoid his internal pain. Then when he’s with his family in the epilogue, he’s quieter again and less erratic. Despite everything happening, the Rivera’s helped Héctor heal. Even though I have personal opinions about Iméctor, it was a sweet ending seeing the healing, forgiveness, and love in the end.
It’s just makes me think about Héctor’s personality and how different it was in life compared to what we see through the majority of the film in the LOTD. He has his basic personality: silly, joyful, inventive, compassionate. It just find it weird that I’ve only seen one other post that noticed his living self’s quietness/calmness but didn’t dive deeper into it.
(Said personal opinion was: I didn’t think it was healthy or realistic for Pixar to shoe-horn a last minute romance when there was- albeit justified- 97 years of anger and resentment due to a misunderstanding on one end. That’s not even mentioning the rest of the Rivera’s. It always rubbed me the wrong way.)
Oh and I would love to hear other people’s opinions and/or disagreements 😊 I want to hear different perspectives, I tend to lack imagination when it comes to perspective.
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imaredshirt · 11 months
“I should have killed you that night in Mexico City,” Ernesto says to Héctor as he holds up a half-empty bottle of tequila. “Should have killed you the very moment I had the chance.”
“Ah, you wouldn’t have had the guts,” Héctor says without missing a beat.
He never takes Ernesto’s grouchy threat seriously. Not when his friend has growled and grumbled and groaned the same empty words for years over any little inconvenience or annoyance he blames Héctor for.
When Héctor wakes him up to early to practice – “I'll kill you if you poke me again,” Ernesto gripes.
Héctor drinks all the coffee before Ernesto can get to it – “I should have killed you when I had the chance,” Ernesto whines in the middle of the kitchen.
Héctor embarrasses him in font of the Rivera family with another sappy tale of their childhood when Ernesto had moved Heaven and Earth to make sure his hermanito had something to eat at night – “Gah! I should have let you starve!” Ernesto  groans into his hands before adding a thousand embellishments to the story to make himself seem grander because his ego is just that big.
It’s an empty threat. It makes Héctor laugh sometimes.
Like now. He chortles to himself and nudges Ernesto’s empty shot glass closer to him. The movement sends Ernesto’s losing hand of playing cards sliding to the edge of the table. “Go on, you loser, drink up!”
Ernesto grumbles and pours himself his nth shot of clear liquor for the night.
Héctor can see Imelda over Ernesto’s shoulder, sitting at her desk by the window, head bowed over neatly arranged sheets of drawing paper. She’s singing to herself under breath as she works, sketching improvements to existing boot designs. A strand of silver hair falls over her brow.
Héctor begins to hum along to her beautiful voice until he hears Ernesto mutter, “I was planning to, you know.”
“Huh?” Héctor turns to him.
“Kill you,” Ernesto says. He’s shuffling the cards, lips twitching into something that’s not quite a snarl but close to it. “I planned it all for that night you left.”
Behind him, the sound of Imelda’s brothers laughing with Coco in the garden only vaguely catches Héctor’s attention. He leans forward on crossed arms, eyes the cards that Ernesto flicks across the table towards him. “The night I left?”
“When you left me in that cheap hotel in Mexico City ten years ago,” Ernesto says. “And took all your songs and your pinche guitar with you.” He’s done dealing out the cards when he meets Héctor’s eyes again. “I was going to kill you and take all of it for myself.”
Héctor narrows his eyes. “Oh yeah?”
“Yes. With rat poison, of all things,” Ernesto says. “But luck wasn’t on my side that night.”
And then, as if on cue, they laugh. Héctor hugs his middle and tries not to send his cards flying. Ernesto’s shoulders are shaking and his head is bowed, laughing in that wheezy way of his that he’s only ever comfortable doing in the presence of people close to him.
Héctor says through his laughter, “I really piss you off that much, eh?”
“Every day,” Ernesto says. “Back then and even now – even now I still want to poison you.”
Any other man, and Héctor would blame the tequila for the harsh words. But this is Ernesto. The man just says things like that sometimes. Even his ridiculous jokes -even ones about abandoned murder attempts, apparently- sound charming with the way he speaks.
“You can try. But would the world really forgive you if you silenced this beautiful face forever?” Héctor gestures at his face with a flourish and gasps when Ernesto flicks a card at his nose. “Hey! Ouch!”
“Forget it,” Ernesto grouches. “I think if I try, Imelda will kill me a dozen times over.”
“I would enjoy that,” Imeda says without looking up from her work.
“I know.”
“Ah, well,” Héctor says. He pours them both shots of tequila and holds his glass up. “To failed plans and bright futures. Or, at least,” he adds, grinning lopsidedly at his friend. “At least to another ten years before you try again?”
He's had enough of the joke. He wants to end the night on a good note.
Ernesto stares at him for a long second before rolling his eyes with a scoff and raising his glass. “To bright futures and no more poison, I suppose. You’re too annoying to even get rid of at this point.”
“To being too annoying to get rid of!” Héctor crows and clinks their glasses together.
They drink, and get back to their game. Outside, the sun sets on a quiet evening at the Rivera home where everyone, at least for a good long time, lives happily.
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pencopanko · 1 year
Another Coco "What If" AU, but this time Héctor actually recorded some tunes
Heavily inspired by the story of how Ryo Fukui's album "My Favorite Tunes" was rediscovered through his widow, Yasuko in 2017.
After the news broke out about de la Cruz's lies (and alleged murder) of his buried-by-time duet partner, musician, and songwriter Héctor Rivera, rumors of never-before-seen and extremely rare recordings of the latter performing either with de la Cruz or by himself circulated amongst certain circles, mostly fans of lost media and buried history.
Talks like this had been going around for ages, but it wasn't until mid-2018 when a shoe-maker family's son named Miguel Rivera came out with stories of how de la Cruz stole his great-great grandfather's songs and skull guitar complete with physical proof that the topic of lost recordings suddenly became one of the hottest topics in México. Miguel himself joined in on the hunt, which lasted for quite some time well past 2018 and was postponed due to the pandemic.
And then, in 2021. A miracle.
Either Mamá Coco had completely forgotten about it or it had been a secret that she had purposely kept to herself for Miguel to discover, but there were some other things she had kept hidden from her mother... five 78 rpm records pre-dating 1921, all sent by Héctor. Recordings of him singing by himself, with Ernesto, or just simple guitar arrangements of his other songs. Kept in secret by Mamá Coco somewhere in a corner of Miguel's hideout left unchecked after Imelda threw them out along with other objects related to music. Other 78s were later on discovered by a descendant of de la Cruz's inside the family estate and in various antique shops, all collecting dust. They were amongst the most important relics of Héctor's legacy, besides his red songbook containing the first composition for "Remember Me".
After efforts of digitizing came out successful (despite the damage done by age, the recordings were miraculously salvageable), "Recuérdame: The Lost Recordings of Héctor Rivera (1919-1921)" was released. Calling the album a sensation was an understatement. Rave reviews started coming out, stating that Héctor's warm voice reminded listeners of home and warm sunrays, and how one can feel the heartache and longing for his family from the way he strums his guitar alone, even if his voice is not as strong and commanding as de la Cruz's. His grito is oftentimes said to be addicting and infectious as well, with some claiming that they ended up doing it along. Others lamented over "what could have been" after listening to Rivera and de la Cruz's harmonizing and clear-as-day dynamic as a duet. Shortly after, the skeletal remains of Héctor Rivera were found in an unmarked grave in México City.
It not only solidified Héctor Rivera's legacy (thus directly affecting Héctor's overall health in the Land Of The Dead for the better), but it also largely improved the Riveras' overall economy with royalties from Héctor's never-before-seen music, in addition to the already booming shoe-making business and Miguel's own efforts as a musician. All because Miguel decided to steal a guitar that turned out to be rightfully his.
It is safe to say that Héctor Rivera is now considered one of the greatest songwriters and poets in the history of Mexican music.
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veryace-ficrecs · 3 months
Coco (2017) Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Ernesto de la Cruz vs. The Court of Public Opinion by skater_of_the_surface - Rated G
The thrilling sequel to Coco that you've all been waiting for! Miguel visits ... wait for it... wait for it... A LIBRARY. Or : Miguel probably can't prove that Ernesto is a murderer, but stupendous fuckbucket is still on the table.
Te Esperaré by lachingona - Rated G
"I thought I threw it out." Imelda mutters. Her words hardly audible, barely a whispered breath. No matter how hard she tried to will the anxiety away, her voice still falters and threatens to break. "I thought I got rid of it." AU. Coco puts up Hector's photo.
The Witnesses by vifetoile - Rated G
When Miguel returns to Santa Cecilia, not everyone believes his story. Experts are called in.
The World Es Mi Familia by bunnikkila (StarlitSkvader) - Rated G
After his night in the Land of the Dead, Miguel remembers the souls with nowhere to go - and decides he's going to change that. After all - the world is his family.
Shaken by How Long it Took by Eurazba - Rated G
9 year old Miguel finds an old photo in the attic of none other than his great, great grandfather and Ernesto De la Cruz! He puts it up on his shrine to Ernesto and at the next Dia de los Muertos Héctor is shocked to find that he can finally cross the marigold bridge.
It Becomes A Game by MandolinDoodler - Rated G
One visit to the Land of the Dead was not enough to grant Miguel any supernatural powers. Five visits, however.... Oscar and Felipe find a loophole to the curse and it turns into a game played behind Imelda's back. OR Five times Miguel was cursed to come back to the Land of the Dead and one time he did it himself
But the Layin' in the Grave so Long (Poor Boy) by ClearWindCalmSkies - Rated G
After 96 years, it's about time Papá Héctor came home.
Offerings by SatuD2 - Rated G
In the years following Miguel's visit to the Land of the Dead, Día de Muertos was very different for one shabby skeleton.
Language for the Dead by meggannn - Rated T
On October 31 2024, the Rivera family has gathered at the hacienda for Día de Muertos. Miguel is nowhere to be found.
The Musician with Poison Tears by sweetiepie08 - Rated G
Miguel Rivera’s been fascinated by the story of the legendary ghost, the Musician with Poison Tears, since he was a kid. He’s always wanted to know the full story behind the weeping specter that haunts the train station with its invisible guitar. Now 18, the travels to Mexico City to try to observe the ghost from afar and get some clues about its origin. Who knows? He might even get a song out of it.
Mexico City by Donteatacowman - Rated G
“Come to Mexico City!” It was an old refrain by now, one Miguel had heard at least a hundred times to the point that it became a running joke among his diehard fans. The first time he’d responded to it a year or so back, when a fan asked him point-blank why he never did shows in Mexico City, he’d said, “Too many ghosts.” This is why.
Reflection by Becky_Tailweaver - Rated G
Becoming a musician is only one of Miguel's many big goals, and he's already succeeding in a lot of them. There's one dream, however—one of his most precious, secret dreams—that he's failed to achieve.
Echoes on a Toy Guitar by Foggy_Fanfic - Rated T
Imelda's parents die before she realizes Hector isn't coming back. On the next Day of the Dead, the only photo she has of her parents is from her and Hector's wedding; she puts it on the ofrenda without a second thought. That night, the toy guitar Hector sent for Coco starts playing her lullaby all by itself.
another universe, another time by volunteer_of_hufflepuff - Rated T
Things slip and change, but Héctor Rivera remains very dead, albeit slightly less estranged from his family. . Or: a collection of short stories of what-ifs and maybes, of people accidentally stumbling onto the tragedy of Héctor Rivera a little too early.
Reunions by orphan_account - Rated T
In which Miguel never meets Ernesto de la Cruz that night, but he manages to get Coco to remember her father anyway - thanks to a picture in his pocket. Basically a later reunion in the Land of the Dead between daughter and father, husband and wife.
The 8 O'clock Song by KazenoShun - Rated G
It's been 10 years since Imelda Rivera was abandoned by her no-good husband and she banished music from her life. She's content to keep away from music for the rest of her life, but a chance encounter during a trip to Mexico City may turn that resolution on its head.
Pan Dulce by papergardener - Rated G
Coming Home by sheepwithspecs - Rated G
Imelda has forgotten so many things about her husband over the years. Too many. Therefore she sets herself on a mission to re-learn something about him: his favorite pan dulce.
Of course, she can't just ask him. That'd be too easy.
Oh, go away, Ernesto! by Ford_Ye_Fiji - Rated G
The Land of the Living has changed a lot since Héctor last saw it.
It's more than a little overwhelming, but this time he's not alone as he crosses the barrier between worlds.
Héctor Rivera and Ernesto De La Cruz sing in the plaza. Imelda likes what she sees.
Miguel’s Big Secret by papergardener - Rated G
Years later, Miguel finally decides to tell someone the truth of what happened on that Dia de los Muertos. But he doesn’t expect another secret to come out thanks to a bunch of eavesdropping spirits.
Should You Marry Mateo? by FootlessData507 - Rated G
Imelda's mother sets her up with every eligible bachelor in town. Imelda is less than pleased.
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enigmatist17 · 2 days
Miguel Rivera becomes the first Rivera to turn down tequila, the fifteen-year-old knocking the offered shot out of his father's hand and onto the ground.
He looked horrified at the drink, and the adults crowded around him asked him what was wrong.
So he tells them of the Día de los Muertos he'd gone missing and where he had actually gone. Of course, at first, none of them want to believe his tale as he talks, hands waving as he describes the day from start to end, but the dread starts sinking in part way through.
It explained why Miguel never went on the roof again after returning, the teen trembling now when asked to climb a ladder or somewhere high. How he had come back after his disappearance to sing a song to Mamá Coco that only she and her papá had ever sung together, despite not knowing a single thing about the man. It had been three days after that Miguel was found throwing his de la Cruz merchandise into the firepit the family had, the twelve-year-old refusing to speak as he tore posters and muttered curses his abuelita boxed the back of his head for. Any mention of the man as the family slowly came to grips with the infamous music ban finally being lifted would instantly sour his mood, going so far as to throw a record Abel found secondhand into the trash with a look of utter hatred. It also explained that when Miguel wasn't in school, he was diving headfirst into research, the proof Mamá Coco had saved instantly, sparking interest from historical researchers worldwide. It didn't take long for the truth of de la Cruz's theft to become public, and while the world raged, Miguel spent time with historians who flew out to Santa Cecilia going over all inn records from 1921 following the letters Héctor had sent.
Miguel cried when he finally found the last time H. Rivera was recorded checking into one, his name never again reappearing alongside E. de la Cruz after he left Mexico City in the dead of night.
Luisa embraces her son when she remembers the day officials had finally discovered Héctor's body in a hastily dug grave nearly an hour from the city, her son never leaving the coffin his bisabuelo's body had arrived in until it had been buried beside his wife. To have actually met the man and had come so close to losing him, the way Miguel had been a silent guardian until he was gently guided home, made too much sense.
They all stop breathing when a tearful Miguel recounts precisely how Héctor had been murdered, eyeing the tequila bottle with a shiver.
I'm scared to drink it.
The local liquor store where the Rivera's shopped never placed another order for tequila again.
Héctor was an easygoing guy. After living for so long, he took most things on the chin and smiled around the pain.
As long as it didn't revolve around Ernesto or...tequila.
For a long time, Héctor never understood why touching or drinking made him feel uneasy. It flowed like most other drinks in Shantytown, but he always hesitated when reaching for a bottle, or accepting an offered glass. They had all eventually stopped asking about the flinch he seemed to always be surprised by, and while he didn't entirely avoid it, Héctor turned to other drinks.
The fog in his mind of his death is finally cleared, and Héctor realizes why tequila has never satisfied him.
Now, here he sits among his familia, laughing about something as a glass is placed in his hand, and Héctor takes a sip before registering the smell of the tequila.
A large hand is on his back as his stomach twinges in pain, a voice that should have been soothing in his ear as he lets go of his guitar case, everything going cold as he collapses onto the dusty street
Perhaps it was that chorizo my friend
Héctor doesn't realize he's hyperventilating until gentle hands take hold of his skull, Imelda's lips moving but words unheard over the pounding in his ears. The glass he'd been holding had been crushed, and once he realized that damn liquid was all over his hand, Héctor shrieked and jerked back and onto the floor. It takes both Imelda and Rosita to keep Héctor in one piece, the matriarch of the family just talking to her husband in the softest voice they'd ever heard from her as Héctor tried to undo himself and run...somewhere. Eventually, she gets through to him, gently caressing the side of his skull as Héctor clings to her, eyeing the bottle of tequila on the table with wide eyes as his family crowds around him in concern. It takes him nearly an hour to begin his tale, his voice giving out far too many times for Héctor's liking, but he tells them of a night like any other at the start. Of a long day performing, leaving both himself and Ernesto tired but relatively happy, until Héctor had seen a photo of his family and felt the resolve that had wavered for months finally solidified.
I'm going home Ernesto! Hate me if you want, but my mind is made up!
Oh I could never hate you. If you must go then I'm...I'm sending you off with a toast!
Of how he'd missed his friend's hatred until it was far too late, dropping to his knees as his body burned....and he awoke dead in a land that became his prison.
He had just wanted to go home.
Julio was the first Rivera to move once the poor man had finally gone silent, adjusting his hat before grabbing the tequila bottle on the table and leaving the room. For a few minutes, all the family could hear was the clinking of glass being set into something and faint curses as Julio went through what seemed to be every room in the entire Rivera household. Once satisfied, Julio returned, kneeling beside his father-in-law with a slight nod, able to see the taller man visibly relax when it dawned on him what he'd done.
The crate full of tequila was picked up by Victoria once Héctor had been coaxed to bed by Imelda, making sure the liquid would find its way to her abuelo's other family in Shantytown, as it would go to waste otherwise.
Dear Papá Héctor,
I hope you're having a great Día de los Muertos, I cooked everything on the ofrenda myself this year :D (sorry if it's burnt D:) to give Abulieta a break :)
I wrote this letter for you specifically because - I told them. Papá wanted me to try tequila, but I couldn't do it, and everyone wanted to know why, so I told them. From start to finish, though, I may have left out the part where I got thrown into the cenote and off the tower.
I promise to tell them someday, but it can wait <:)
Abuelita wanted me to say she's sorry for offering you tequila the past three years, and that when she eventually joins you, that she's going to smack a certain someone with her chancla. I told her Mamá Imelda beat her to it, but Abuelita said she didn't care, and you'll see how scary she can be :P
We are still trying to figure out another drink to leave you because, apparently, guitar picks aren't a suitable replacement :(
Te quiero Papá Héctor, make sure you do your best gritto for me!
Your bisnieto, Miguel <3
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tylerxm · 10 months
Mil Y Un Recuerdos. — A Short-Fic (Ernector).
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Two children playing mischief in a simple pueblo like Santa Cecilia. The dynamic duo of yet-to-be-released musicians scampered through the sparsely populated streets of the small pueblo, laughing and enjoying the warm breeze.
There was the younger of the two, 14-year-old Hector Garcia Rivera, and the older, 18-year-old Ernesto Herrera Cruzado.
Both were running from an angry fruit vendor who was chasing them through Plaza del Mariachi for stealing a small bag of fruit.
Well, no big deal.
They lost sight of him as they both ran into a dark alley. Ernesto covered the younger man's mouth and Hector did the same with Ernesto's mouth, watching as the fruit vendor continued to run. Apparently, he turned around and went back to the fruit shop. They smiled mischievously.
- Did you see his face? It was as rojo as a tomate with anger. - Rivera let out a light laugh as he sat down on the dirty floor. Ernesto followed him and sat down in front of him.
- Not even his seasonal tomates are as red as he is. - Ernesto drew a laugh from Hector that made De La Cruz smile.
- Your place or mine? - Ernesto added, trying not to get the guitar on his back dirty.
- Yours, you know how my madre is. -
Ernesto nodded as he stood up and offered Hector his hand to get up. Hector took it to walk to Ernesto's house.
How lucky Ernesto was and at the same time how unlucky he was; the poor man had lived alone since 6 months ago.
His mother passed away and his father left them when he was 10. He still suffered silently for the death of his beloved mother. He prayed next to her precious soul every night, even though he wasn't super religious.
Hector knew how affected Ernest was on the subject, and he wasn't very present when his mother died because of his family, but he did send him letters and small comforts from a distance.
He patted Nesto's back before entering his house, empathetic. He knew how affected he was still.
Ernesto left the bag of fruit on the nightstand he kept next to his double bed. He closed the door behind him, letting out a sigh. He had a bed like that because it was where he and his mother slept after his father left them.
He took the guitar off his back, leaving it on the bed as he reached into the drawer of that same bedside table for his diario ideas notebook. Héctor sat down next to Nesto's guitar, looking at him curiously.
Ernesto found the notebook, setting it on top of the bed as he sat down in front of Hector. He smiled slightly as he felt his heart shrink slightly at the song he was about to sing to Héctor.
Héctor finally connected the dots, grinning from ear to ear with an excited gleam in his eye.
- Have you composed a song? Déjame oírla, por favor!! - He said between pleas as he lightly moved Ernesto eagerly grabbing his shoulders. Ernesto laughed, soothing him.
- Okay, pero no te rías. - He said as he looked at the smooth-skinned young man, feeling his own dark circles under his eyes.
- I'll try not to. - He said attentively to the stranger as he watched him grab his guitar. Ernesto positioned himself to sing in a soft but melancholy voice.
The opening guitar melody began, so that he could sing along.
"I stumbled upon your gaze
And I still can't get up
If it were up to me, believe me by now
I would have left.
But it was my heart
Who took possession of this illusion
And even though it's suffering
It doesn't give up."
Hector seemed to be really attentive, looking at Ernesto with surprise and some confusion. Was that melody for someone? Did Ernesto have a secret passive love? Or perhaps a lack of love?
"You have reasons I know
To find someone better
But something deep inside me
All this ignores.
It tells me that you're for me
That if I thought I lost you
I was wrong
That I'll start again from now on."
Héctor's frown was sad, as the older man's closed-eyed expression expressed pain, a lot of pain and suffering. Poor Héctor was really getting into the song, for it was depressing.
"Accept me into your heart
Just as I am, don't you see that I am
That I no longer have room in my soul for suffering.
I'm dying to leave
Somewhere my sorrow
And run after you without further thought."
The youngest's eyes crystallized, settling down as he tried not to cry. He sighed deeply, closing his eyes as he let himself be carried away.
"Understand that I am now at a disadvantage
at a disadvantage if I leave
I've already looked for you and I have no other way out.
Than your contempt to bear
Until you manage to tear away
The last drop of my cry in this life."
A few last notes faded into the air from the guitar. 'Nesto opened his eyes to behold a smiling Héctor without showing his teeth, slowly weeping for the song.
Ernesto's crystallized eyes were still there, now with a somewhat broken voice trying not to fall apart in front of his friend.
- So... What do you think? - He said curiously after all, then asking him if it was okay. Hector let out a small chuckle through his tears, nudging the older man lightly.
- Chinga, who hurt you so bad bud'? -
Ernesto let out a laugh, while looking with bright and emotional eyes at Héctor. A very, very subtle blush was on his cheeks, unnoticeable because of the poor light in the room.
- You'll find the persona indicada. - Hector said, laying a hand on the older man's shoulder.
What Hector didn't know is that he had already found someone he knew he would never be able to have.
Tuyo por siempre, -Ernesto.
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might say! this fic was heavily inspired by some content creator that used to upload things about Ernesto and Héctor, credits to them. ;) → @/appatary8523
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zisgarbage · 2 years
I always learn new things about myself when I watch these kinds of lists,
My top 5 Disney DILFS are…
5. James from Princess and the Frog
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Deep voice, can cook, kind heart, brings the community together, this man is so fine it makes my eyeballs burn up, this is a gimmie
4. Thomas O’Malley from Aristocats
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Yeah, if I was a cat I would get down with him. He has this suave energy to him, he’s so cool but he can also be kind of a loser which is so fucking hot, also he is naturally good with kids which is a + don’t look at me like that
3. Agustín Madrigal from Encanto
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I love me a man who is just accident prone and silly, he’s so cute and endearing. And when he had to, he protects his daughter and I find that so *screams* I want this dilf to get more attention!!!
2. Fa Zhou from Mulan
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His geriatric charm has enchanted me heart and soul. Deep voice that could lead me off a cliff, he was a warrior so I know he goes crazy in bed don’t let the cane fool you, and you know he’s an aftercare king I want this old man!
1. Héctor Rivera from Coco
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Worlds sluttiest absent father! YES AS A SKELETON fuck you he’s just so silly and limber and strange and unusual I’d let him hit, cause he’s so peculiar! He can play guitar, he’s a fucking loser, he spends his afterlife trying to see his daughter, he is such a dad I had to rewatch Coco several times cause I couldn’t stop thinking about him
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
i started learning spanish because of my héctor rivera kintype. i would’ve gone for guitar too, but, uh. i’m broke. whoops!
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juliedrawz · 2 years
Héctors Guitar study 💡 Part 1.
Quite literally!
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Guh! So handsome and ... Naaaahaaww 🥺 Ok, ok, our hearts are melted like ice cream left in the sun for 3 seconds, good. Let's move on 🤧
The guitar
The guitar we see in the movie was originally designed by Ernesto Nemesio and 3D modelled by Gaston Ugarte. You can find both on Instagram.
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Let's begin the study of that phenomenal piece of art!
The headstock
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So the first thing that stands out is the significant skull shape. Even the heads of the tuning system are tiny skulls! We have a lot going on pattern wise. We have a swirly heart design on top followed by the nose, two flowers or stars on each cheek, the teeth with the famous golden one and another pattern below on the chin.
The patterns are shining in a beautiful mixture of green, blue, purple, black and even a tiny bit yellow. If you know a thing or two about guitar design, you might have come across the word.
Abalone shell or mother of pearl.
What exactly is that pretty shiny stuff and how is it attached to the guitar?
Abalone is made out of Abalone or Paua seashells. They are actually eatable and ususaly harvested in New Zealand and Australia. The shiny part is taken from the inside of the shell. It is cut down into very fine pieces and then either stocked together to get a certain thickness or kept thin to create those laminate sheets or selfsticking foils that are also used for many other things like furniture and fishing blinker.
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There is large variety nowdays. You can get different kinds of sheets but depending what size and thickness you want it can become quite expensive. Especially the most beautiful patterns and the classical mother of pearl or nacre.
So now we know what the shiny part on the guitar are made out of. We also see it on the front of the guitar body, on the fretboard and on the sides.
(Sadly I cannot add more than 10 pics at a time so, let's jump to part 2)
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technological-nexus · 2 years
Skeletober Day #27: Héctor Rivera
Today’s Skeletober of the Day is Héctor Rivera from Coco!
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“The papá, he was a musician. He and his family would sing, and dance, and count their blessings. But he also had a dream: to play for the world. And one day he left with his guitar, and never returned.” - Miguel (Coco)
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samsdisneydiary · 1 year
5 ‘Coco’ Inspired Easter Eggs at Disneyland Paris’ Casa de Coco – Restaurante de Familia
It’s time to seize your moment as Casa de Coco – Restaurante de Familia will open on July 29 at Disneyland Paris! Disney Imagineers worked closely with Disneyland Paris teams and Pixar Animation Studios to immerse guests in the beloved Pixar movie “Coco.” From Héctor Rivera’s guitar to the many tools used to make traditional shoes, Miguel’s family heritage is showcased everywhere in the…
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
the only way that i can be
Inspired by The Wedding Guitar by Fernwithy.
I’m marking this as inspired by The Wedding Guitar because that's where I got this idea from; it's the only fanfiction I've seen that suggested that perhaps the reason Coco never put Héctor's photo on the ofrenda is because she didn't actually believe that the dead visited them, not until Miguel got cursed, and thus thought that putting up Héctor's photo wouldn't make any difference to him anyway, and would only cause strife amongst the living.
"It's Día de los Muertos, Mamá!" Elena, nine years old and bright-eyed with excitement, was out of bed at dawn. "We put the offerings on the ofrenda! And spread the cempasúchil! And put up the papel picaldo! Can I help you make pan de muerto?"
Coco laughed. "One thing at a time, mija! Wake up your sister and tell her that your abuela wants her to help her and Tía Rosita in the kitchen once she's dressed, and you and I will get the house ready for tonight." She spared a glance towards the Rivera ofrenda, nearly empty; neither of her–her mother had only the barest memories of her own parents, having grown up in an orphanage with Coco's tíos; she had no photographs of them, nor portraits, nothing that could be used to remember them, not even their names. The Riveras had thus never had anyone on their ofrenda until Coco married Julio, and began to remember his and Rosita's dead as their own.
"Does that mean we'll be cleaning?" Elena made a face. "I hate cleaning."
Coco brushed a stray piece of hair out of Elena's face. "We all have to clean at some point or another, or else we'd be living in as big of a mess as your tíos' corner of the workshop." Elena, despite herself, smiled. Her tíos made their shoes on time, just like everybody else, but the miscellaneous trinkets and junk that could be found in the area where they worked, byproducts of their many attempts at inventions, were the stuff of legend, or at least the focus of many whispered conversations between herself and Victoria. "Tell you what, mija, if we finish quickly, you can scatter all the cempasúchil afterwards, by yourself."
It was a job for a much younger child, but Elena was the youngest, and besides, she loved scattering the petals. Every year she would gently scatter the petals in front of the house, making a trail leading from the road all the way inside right to the ofrenda. She would make sure every last petal was on the path, and remind everyone to be careful when walking, so as not to mess it up, so that-"
"So the dead find their way, and they know which is our house, and which is our ofrenda, so they can get their offerings," Elena informed Coco importantly.
"I know, mija," she said. "Go wake up your sister now. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish."
"Okay!" Elena was about to leave when Coco, on a whim, called her back.
"Mija...you really believe that the dead come visit us? That they're out there, and they come home on the cempasúchil path on Día de los Muertos?"
"Of course I do, Mamá," Elena assured her. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss her mother on the cheek, and then ran down the hallway toward her sister's room. "Vico! It's Día de los Muertos! Wake up!"
Coco smiled fondly, but it faded. "That's wonderful, mija," she said, as though Elena was still there. She looked out the window, at the glimpses of orange and yellow and red petals already flying about in the cool breeze, at the colorful papel picaldo on the house across the street.
A single orange-gold petal drifted inside the open window, and landed on the very edge of the windowsill. Coco's voice was quiet when she spoke again, hushed, almost a whisper, as though speaking to it and nothing else. "I wish I did."
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rxin3stims · 3 years
Héctor Rivera Stimboard
Media: Coco (2017)
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