youweremythtaken · 7 months
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youweremythtaken · 1 year
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Wolf Pack | 1.05 - “Incendiary”
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youweremythtaken · 1 year
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– “Hey, I’m takin’ a sabbatical from Elijah to help you out, here. If I gotta get my bounce on digitally, that’s my business.” when she could have just denied sexting, like a normal adult would have. She taps the screen to send whatever filthy message she’s writing and starts slipping her phone back in her jacket pocket, “What I wanna know is what Zorak’s even doin’ here? Pretty sure we told his fat ass to stay in his own dimension.” Although, now that she mentions it, they probably should’ve made him sign something instead of just taking Brak’s word for it that he’d be a good evil alien mantis and stop trying to take over random universes.
“Dude, he’s not here. We’d at least see the yellow gloves, man, they’re like day-glo. Maybe we should head - oof!” but she’s tackled before she can finish bitching, tumbles over Buffy and hits the dirt floor on her shoulders with a skid. Ugh. Thank god for vampire healing.
“Yeah, yeah. You told me so.” She winces, suddenly in full-blown game face, all fangs and veins and bloodshot eyes thanks to the impact jostling her hair-trigger monster-ness, “Dang, B. Couldn’t just say, ’duck!’?” she’s too done with this nonsense to get all fancy and flip to her feet so she just climbs off the ground, immediately strikes a ready stance, “Eugh. That thing could use a mud mask.”
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“You’re welcome!” Buffy instead opts for a fancy get up but strikes a battle pose almost identical to Faith’s. Yeah, that happens sometimes, “Uh-oh.” In response to whatever the hell that sound was that Zorak just made. She tilts her head towards her sister slayer, “I think you hurt his feelings.” Buffy’s whispering but it’s actually too loud to qualify as a whisper, “Hey, don’t listen to Faith. She doesn’t know the first thing about self care. What I think she meant to say was…” and casually starts to approach him, like they’re on the same side and he poses absolutely no threat to her whatsoever, “Is with a little pampering and some good ol’ fashioned exfoliation…” A sword rings as it’s drawn. Buffy raises it above her her head, “You could really — oh!”
But Zorak’s too quick, engulfing one of his enemies hands in goo (that shoots from his mouth) before she can seal the deal. The stuff is freakishly strong too, knocking Buffy off her feet and pinning her to the wall with such impact it causes her to grimace, hard, “Argh…”
She stirs a little before reopening her eyes, panic quickly setting in at the realisation that her hands and arms are forcibly bound above her head. She’s still holding onto the sword, though. But what good is a sword if you can’t use it, “Uh, Faith…” Buffy’s dangling from the wall, struggling to break her wrists free from the substance as Zorak starts to crawl towards her. This only causes her to struggle more, “Faith...” He begins to close in on her, with such delight you’d think she was his last meal on earth, “A little help here!”
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
Smash the like button for a cheeky little one liner from le Buffster. I’m trying to get back in the game, so you’d be doing me a favour. ;) Multi-muses specify which muse(s). <3
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
“I’m sure. You know, maybe if you spent a little more time concentrating and a little less time sexting, we’d already of bagged ourselves a —” Buffy’s sass episode is cut short when her senses alert her to something lurky. She stops dead in her tracks, hand held out as if signalling Faith to shut the hell up and focus.
At first it seems plausible that it’s a false alarm, but something instinctively within Buffy causes her to carry on looking and gaze up at the unstable ceiling beams located above where her and Faith are standing. It’s hard to make anything out, what with the lack of light and how stealthy this thing had already proven to be, but once Buffy uses the flashlight on her iPhone to investigate (and finally prove her suspicions to be correct), a twisted kind of satisfaction washes over her.
It’s not for being right, but because her sister slayer had no idea she was stood directly in the firing line. And only one of them were present enough to brace themselves for what was about to happen, “You know, I hate to say I told you so, but…”
Cue the warning screech as the giant insect leaps from behind one of the beams, resulting in Buffy tackling Faith to the ground.
“I told you so!”
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"Okay, so this place sucks. You sure it ducked in here?"
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
“What, no confetti? Okay, how about.. welcome home Buffy?”
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR is still show-stopping ft.
Wolf Pack S1E02: “Two Bitten Two Born”  BTVS S2E01: “When She Was Bad” BTVS S5E01: “Buffy vs. Dracula”
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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           “Mmmh.” a little, contented smile as Damon’s hands circle Buffy’s waist. She never could tell him no, which he appreciates. What with him liking having his own way, and all. What he doesn’t like quite so much is that her opinion matters to him. It’s bullshit, is what it is. And Buffy giving him her little talking to feels pokey — right in his ribs. He uses his hold on her to coax her close enough that he has to almost lean down to look at her, “What if I promise it’s not like last time? You’d buy that, right? Aw, come on Summers. There’s a shiny nickel in it for ya. And some potential adult content.”
“When isn’t there adult content?” Buffy with her arms crossed might not look all that inviting, but the playful twinkle in her eye lets Damon know otherwise. Knows exactly how he plays, too. Thinks if he can sweeten her up enough he’ll eventually get what he wants. Well, if that’s the case…
Then it’s working.
The fact Buffy’s still willing to play a part, unknowing to what she might get roped into, is her business. Thanks to the Damon shaped piece of her heart growing fonder by the day. But make no mistake, if all it’s good for is welcoming drama and putting her life on the line? She’ll kick his ass and then surgically remove it.
Cue a heavy sigh, with the word ‘fine’ hidden in it, “You’re a pain in my ass, Salvatore.”
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR The Hollywood Reporter (January 18, 2023)
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
I so badly want to make a comeback, but I’m painfully out of practice and don’t know if it’s even possible at this point?
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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              “Excuse you? That was supposed to be romantic.” he slips her phone out of her hand, looks over the screen like he’s contemplating a great Picasso before handing it back to her, “Well, since you’re here — and fully clothed, which makes zero sense, maybe you can help me out. How do you feel about doing a little crime for a good cause?”
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‘Uh-huh! Of course it was’ responds Buffy, but it’s in the form of a look. She pockets her phone, an amused smile creeping to the surface as she redirects her attention to Damon, “Oh boy.” She exhales, hands planting themselves at her waist. This Salvatore could dress up even the most extreme levels of mischief as some type of good deed, but after a decade of headaches, frown lines and bailing said bestie out of every kind of situation you can think of, Buffy does in fact know better, “Now why don’t I like the sound of that?”
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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“What, this old thing?” Buffy’s observing the axe she’s holding like there isn’t some funky looking limb attached to it, “That’s, uh.. something demon-y.” She smiles coyly and tosses the weapon to the side of her, “So.. what brings you to the gross side of town?”
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    ❝ do i even want to know what that thing is? ❞
@youweremythtaken​  || ♥’d for a one-liner
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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“Let me guess, you thought that since appealing to my better nature didn’t work that flirting might? Hmm, I wonder what Klaus would think of that one.”
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
Send “🔥?” and my muse will admit whether they find your muse attractive or not.
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
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The FIGHT LIKE A GIRL discord server is a response to sexism in the RPC. The aim is to gather together muns who want more interaction and support for their female muses, and muns who want to interact with female muses. It’s meant to be a place to help and uplift!
This is NOT a guarantee of interaction, but a place to promote and request it. The more you interact with our other muns, the more interactions you’ll get in return! We encourage muns with female muses to post starter calls and promos!
Muns with non-female muses are absolutely welcome! 
                          JOIN FIGHT LIKE A GIRL ON DISCORD
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youweremythtaken · 2 years
❛  don’t overthink it.  ❜
“That’s easy for you to say. Some of us actually have a life wish.” Buffy whispers but it’s probably too loud to actually qualify as a whisper. She’s trailing behind Elektra with a stake in one hand and an iPhone with its torch lit up in the other, “No wonder you and Faith are so cosy. Neither of you are big on the planning. How much further, anyway?”
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