#gyro gearloose my best inventor buddy
Everyone thinks I like Mickey Mouse? You are so wrong, I don't love him at all, I'm still jealous of him because he stole all my glory in this world, and he would be nothing without me and Goofy. He will pay me! Joking aside, Mickey is my friend from Mousetown, but his best friend is Goofy, and I have my Caballeros friends and Gyro. So don't spread the word that Mickey is my boyfriend, because he isn't.
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battlecry51 · 1 year
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Meet my first ever Kingdom Hearts OC, Haruto (credit to my buddy and artist of this drawing, @gamingstar26, for the name). He is a Keyblade Wielder and was one of Master Eraqus' apprentices, alongside his two best friends Terra and Aqua and then later on Ventus. Like Terra, Aqua and Ventus, his dream is to become a Keyblade Master. Along with Aqua, Haruto is the second out of the four to achieve that goal and earn the title of 'Keyblade Master'.
Full of energy, determination and bravery, Haruto is always ready to protect those close to him along with others and stop those who want to plunge the world into the darkness.
Because Vanitas took his voice box, Haruto unfortunately lost the ability to speak verbally and wears a special mask created by Gyro Gearloose to communicate by playing audio clips from popular media on his mask.
Keyblade: Guiding Cosmos
Weapon(s): Dual Wrist Plasma Blades, Plasma Blaster
Fact: He is a inventor as he has created his own gadgets and weapons to help in stipulations in case things get sticky.
VA(s): Todd Haberkorn / Michael Kovach (in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep)
Art © @gamingstar26
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kittycatgundam · 6 years
The inventor and the Sorceress
Chapter 3:
Mark Beaks walking taking selfies as he went. He stop in fornt of a coffee shop to take another selties when he recognize someone on his screen. This someone was sitting at a table by a window. This someone was Gyro Gearloose.
Mark hated Gyro beause the robot Mark stole from him for his Buddy system had almost cost him his life and the Gizmoduck suit had a unstable core processor that almost blew up in his face. Both the Buddy system and Gizomduck had made Mark very unpopular.
Mark was about to knock on the window of coffee shop that Gyro was sitting next to when he noticed that Gyro was not alone there was a beautiful woman sitting at table with him.
Mark had seen that woman some where before but where. He decided the best thing to do was to look her up but he needed her name first.
Mark went into the coffee shop and went right Gyro table. When Mark got to the table he got a empty chair and set down. The look on Gyro face when Mark sat down at his table was priceless.
"What are you doing here Beaks?" Gyro day had just gotting wrost. Gyro knew Beaks was up to something but what is what Gyro need to figure out.
"I saw you in the window and I just want to drop in and to say hi." Mark was making Gyro mad which is what he wanted. Mark look at Skylar and smile. "Are you Gyro girlfriend? What your name beautiful?" Mark took Skylar hand and try to kiss the back of it.
"Time for you to leave hack!" Gyro was try to keep his cool. Gyro saw Skylar jerk her hand away from Beaks. Last thing Gyro want was Beaks hitting on her.
"My name is Skylar." She knew who Mark Beaks was and that he was just looking for ways to be popular online. Skylar could see that these two hate each other which is not what she need right now. "No, I'm not Gyro girlfriend."
"Want to go on a date with me then." Mark was going try just to see what Skylar would say and it would make Gyro mad.
"No thanks." Skylar was hope either Gyro or Mark would leave. She hope it would be Mark that would leave. She had enough experience dealings with guys who want something that dating her would get them which why She was staying single for awhile. Been single made her feel safe.
"All well at lest I try." Beaks got what he need to look up infro on Skylar. It time to leave before Gyro decided to punch him. Last thing Mark wanted was to get punch in the face. "Well, look at the time it time for me go. See you later beautiful." Mark blew Skylar a kiss as left the coffee shop. Mark walked a few blocks before he started look up information on Skylar. What he fround out was worth it. "Now it time to Gearloose wish he never met you Skylar." Mark smile evilly as he was make a few anomalous post on a few social media sites.
"Thank god that hack gone." Untill Beaks show up Gyro was actually start to enjoy Skylar company. Relationships got in the way of is his work. Gyro was happy working on his inventions and he didn't need someone to get in the way.
"We can leave if you need to get back to your work." Skylar knew Gyro seem like the Workaholic type that just stay in his lab. She was surprise he want to get a cup of coffee in the first place.
"No, I'm fine that hack just irritates me that all" Gyro want to go back to his lab but he wasn't in a rush. He been in his lab for weeks he need to take a break anyway. "I need to get out of my lab for awhile anyway."
"Well I'm glad we have this time to talk then." Skylar smile happily at the fact Gyro was started to have a good time. She start to relax and start getting to know Gyro better. She was starting to feel comfortable around him. Skylar and Gyro talked for hours and she was enjoying it. He seem to be enjoying it as well.
When Gyro and Skylar got back to the mansion that night the kids were there waiting for them. "Before you ask it was not a date."
"Are you sure about that Gyro? The internet say different." Louie show Gyro and Skylar a post on his cellphone. The post said The smartest man in Duckburg dating heiress from Europe.
"What...." Gyro check own phone only to see similar post all over different social media sites. He knew that this would not go away as easy as making a post or to reply to the post denying He and Skylar were dating.
"My grandfather going to kill me!" Skylar had been told for years to be careful with what she posted on social media becuse it hurt her and the family business. What was wrost was that there was nothing she or Gyro could do right now.
"Don't worry we'll think of something." Louie show Skylar to a chair and pat her on the back try to calm her down.
"Is there anything we can do?" Huey look up at Gyro hoping that the smartest man in Duckburg might have a plan on have to fix this.
"There nothing we can do right now red nephew but wait to see how bad this get." Gyro had a idea on who was behind the whole thing. The next he saw that hack Beaks he was a deadman!
"Gyro, uncle Scrooge want to see you in his office now." Dewey came run up to them. "I think you might be fired because uncle Scrooge looks mad!"
Gyro knew when Scrooge hear about this that it might have coast him his job. He went to his boss's office. Gyro felt like he was taking a long walk off a short cliff.
"What is going on between you and Skylar Gyro?" Scrooge knew Gyro and Skylar never knew each other before today as far as he knew.
"Nothing, we went for coffee and that it." Gyro wonder if Scrooge was thinking about firing him.
"Don't worry I'm not firing you over this but you have to tell what happend." Scrooge listen carefully to what Gyro was telling him. "So you think Beaks is behind this lad?"
"Yes, I would bet my funding that he is the one that spread the rumors." Gyro was ready and willing to hunt that hack down.
"You're going to laid low for awhile. Both of you. You be staying Skylar room and sleep on the sittingroom couch. You two will keep out of sight for awhile untill this dies down alittle." Scrooge didn't like this idea either but it kept people from try to ambush Gyro or Skylar if they went in to town the better. "Sorry Gyro but it the only way to keep this from getting out of hand."
Gyro left Scrooge office a hour later. He call Manny the headless man horse to bring him some clothes. He was not thrilled about not being able to work on any of his inventions. When he was a few rooms away from Scrooge office Gyro punch the wall pretending it was Beaks face. He was going make the hack pay for this.
"Grandfather I understand. Yes, I'll laid low for awhile and listen to Scrooge. I don't know how this happend. Ok, I'll make sure that I don't make any post on social media or answer any messages. Goodbye grandfather." Skylar was just going to wait for all this to blow over she hope it would be sooner than later. She went to her room so she could just pretend that it this was a dream. She getting ready for bed when there was a knock on her door. She was surprise to see Gyro on the other of her door.
"Scrooge say I have to stay in your room untill this quiets down." He walked into Skylar sittingroom with Manny the headless man horse not that far behind. Little bulb was on Gyro shoulder waving hello to Skylar. He had a few bags with him. She show him where the closet and the bathroom was. Gyro got a blanket and a few pillows so he can sleep on the couch.
"Good night." Skylar wait for Gyro to say it back to her so she could go into her bedroom.
"Good night" He watch as Skylar went into the next room and cloes to door. It took a awhile for Gyro to fall asleep but sleep did come. It had been a few days since he slept. No work on his inventions this was going to be nightmere.
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