lbugler2 · 5 months
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Patient under Anaesthesia awaiting for surgery to commence
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professornightmare · 4 months
Imagine going to a sorority house. Take all its inhabitants to your laboratory.
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Anesthetize them personally.
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And to be able to practice all the procedures in the manual on them... and one or another experimental
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trauma-and-preg · 9 months
Who got space for one or two parient during the holiday we need full intake exam check evrything off before being treated for supposed trauma for the vacation neck brace frequent code and diagnostic exam and procedure to do on us most probably high level of care if not full life support in icu and how know maybe we will find out that we are pregnant whit the blood test or more pregnant then we though like almost to term maybe only sky is me and sab limit for the 27 to the 2. We are curently 23 and 22 both female. If any medical team have question orwish us to fill paper work a head contact us in dm
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thetriumphantpanda · 7 months
This is a PSA for anyone with a cervix (tw: medical, smear tests, gynaecology)
If you’re old enough to have a cervical screening… please do it. Mine recently came back with some nasty looking cells. I’ve had a follow up biopsy which, whilst unpleasant, was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be, and thankfully it looks like I’ll be okay… but just… please go if you can - the short amount of time you spend being uncomfortable is worth it to catch things early if there’s anything wrong
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wearytaco · 5 months
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pseudowho · 24 days
I’m the anon who asked for the gynecologist advice: Haitch you literally made me feel so much better 💗 I HATE that it’s so pushed, and there’s always this weird feeling of shame or guilt if you put it off, which is dumb because why would I put myself through an invasive, uncomfortable and anxiety inducing exam for a societal/nearly cultural standard. The US is crazy, and I feel so much better now that I’m not the only one going 🤨 about it.
Thank you so much, I’m a body positive person but I question myself sometimes and having someone else help affirm that I’m not doing something wrong by not wanting to do that for shits and giggles is really helpful. Literally all the hugs in the world to you 💗
(Also, aside from the papamin au, blacksmith!Namami is by far my favorite of your works. Just to add a little compliment 🩵)
Hey! It's honestly my pleasure. My job is genuinely about advocating for women in scenarios like this, so I'm of course happy to advise.
The only time you should be accessing an invasive vaginal examination are: routine cervical screening (think you call them pap tests over there), irregular bleeding, suspicion of an STI, suspicion of a growth of some sort (lumps etc.), very irregular discharge (though arguably this doesn't necessarily require an intrusive internal examination), insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive device, or pregnancy-related examinations. This is off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure it's quite comprehensive
I care for women with hip problems who cannot abduct their hips, and there are ways to do this that are comfortable and dignified for you. If these ways make it 'harder' for the medical professional, that's the medic professional's fucking problem, frankly, not yours.
I encourage you to examine yourself regularly to establish what 'normal' is for you, so you're more confident in noticing change and accessing timely care. Please wash your hands thoroughly before.
You are the most important member of your healthcare team.
The US gives me nightmares honestly.
All my love and hugs to you, too,
(and thank you for loving my writing, of course 💕 Blacksmith!Nanami may solve 99% of the world's ills)
-- Haitch xxx
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glindaselphie · 1 year
I love that dead ringers addresses the fucked up racist history behind gynaecology tho. I’m sure a lot of people do not know about it tbqh
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no-passaran · 10 months
November 25th is the international day for the elimination of violence against women. One of the cases where certain kinds of violence (sometimes very extreme, even having been considered torture by UN standards) against women and people perceived as women is normalized is obstetric violence, so I wanted to share this short clip about how healthcare professionals can begin to address it by incorporating respect.
Clip from the documentary “Dona, vostè no té res!” by TV3 about obstetric violence.
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bakasara · 2 months
Today I had to visit a urologist urgently so I couldn't really pick and choose, which outside of emergencies I do VERY carefully these days with anything to do with gynaecology.
Far from the first time something like this happens, but I found this guy who, in so many words, essentially seemed to believe that endometriosis is a psychological disease/some kind of psychosomatic illness, and not-so-subtly tried to suggest that I get pregnant to "cure it".
Unfortunately I was too busy trying to get advice on the reason I was actually there (which by his own admission has nothing to do with endometriosis) to also ask what to do about my uterus moving around in my body, messing up my humors by causing melancholy. I shall try leeches.
So anyway. That was fun 🙃
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lbugler2 · 6 months
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Looks like this patient has had some serious Gynaecological surgery
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professornightmare · 5 months
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Your beautiful hands tied to my table
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Your sensual legs open and tied to the stirrups
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Your sexy face covered by the anesthesia mask.
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Me, ready to start my experiment on you.
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You guys will probably be happy to know that an Italian medical team has been studying NVP (nausea and vomiting in pregnancy) with a focus especially on the sociocultural aspect, there's an article (it's in Italian but everyone can copy/paste text in a translator) that doesn't really say much as it's from a generic magazine but at least there's proof that the issues of the female body are being studied and taken seriously ✌🏼
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This is Concepció Aleixandre (1862-1952). She was a Valencian doctor, inventor and teacher who was one of the first female gynaecologists and who pioneered working in favour of women’s health in the late 19th and early 20th century, particularly working in favour of better health for poor women.
In 1875, the Spanish professional medical magazine El Siglo Médico said that “because of physiological laws, the woman-doctor is a dubious being, a hermaphrodite or a sex-less being or, in any case, a monster”. Only 14 years after this, there were already 5 women who graduated in Medicine: 3 from the University of Barcelona and 2 from the University of València. One of them was Concepció Aleixandre.
She was born in a wealthy family from València who let her study. She graduated high school with the highest grade in all subjects and then studied to become a teacher (which was considered a women’s job), again with the highest grade in all subjects, but immediately after graduating she tried to enrol to become one of the first women to study medicine in the University of València. After many issues with the university’s management, which wasn’t used to allowing women to study, she was allowed and was one of the brightest in her class. She got her license in Medicine and Surgery in 1899 - once again, with the highest grade in most subjects - and decided to specialize in Gynaecology. Ironically, at first Spain’s Gynaecological Society did not allow her because they did not allow women, but eventually they changed their mind and she became the first woman member of Spain’s Gynaecological Society.
She moved to Madrid to work in a hospital, but at the same time opened a private clinic where she attended patients for free or adapting the price to their economic situation. Her attention became famous because of her warmth and closeness with the patients and their children, who could go to the office to hundreds in a single day.
She also worked to promote hygiene, took part in scientific and medical research, and worked for women’s rights. She was vice-president of the feminist organization National Council of Women, she was president of the Women’s Committee for the People’s Hygiene, of the Ladies’ Section of the Ibero-American Union, and in 1928 she was declared honorary president of the Association of Spanish Women Doctors. In 1926, still in Madrid, she founded the Lyceum Club Femenino, which was the first feminist club in Spain. She also spoke in favour of women’s right to vote and gave conferences and wrote articles to promote hygienic knowledge for the health of women and children. To continue this work, between 1916 and 1920 she ran a section about women’s health in the magazine La Medicina Social Española.
Concepció Aleixandre also campaigned for women to have access to education and culture. For this reason, she founded the People’s Ibero-American Centre to promote the education of women in the Iberian peninsula and Latin America, and campaigned in favour of the Galician writer (in Spanish language) Emilia Pardo Bazán being admitted in the Royal Spanish Academy of language in 1912, but she was again denied access as she had already been denied in 1889 and 1892. The first woman to become a member of the Royal Spanish Academy would only arrive in 1979 (Carmen Conde).
Sources: Diari La Veu, Sàpiens.
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yowlthinks · 1 year
The icon gynaecology and obstetrics needs
I mean...
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thevagueambition · 5 months
trans men who go on about needing to be included in women's spaces bc cis dudes are ~so awful~ are so annoying
just find better dudes what the fuck are you talking about lmao
or just attend events/join groups that aren't gender restricted, which is most of them anyway
but in either case, these people need to get over their alienation from other men by figuring out that their stereoptype of "what cis men are like" is bullshit
cis men are exactly as varied in interests and values as literally any other group
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readingtheentrails · 6 months
Guess who is getting the lining of her womb lasered off and couldn't be more excited about it?
And also had a gynaecologist actually listen to her for the first time and be horrified when I corrected her and told her that I didn't have my previous procedure done under general anaesthetic and it was one of the worst experiences of my life?
It's me 😭😭🥹
And when I said I didn't have kids and wouldn't be having any (because after the uterine ablation getting pregnant is life-threatening) she just said "okay!" and didn't pull the whole "but you might change your mind" shtick.
I wanna cry, why am I 39 and having this experience for the first time? But I'm also so grateful to actually be having this experience at all.
And she's gonna knock me the fuck out while they do all their investigations with the camera, do their laser stuff and then fit the mirena. Unlike the last time when I just got two ibuprofen three hours before the procedure and had to breathe and cry my way through it (minus the laser part).
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