#gym workout plan for beginners
fitnesflag · 6 months
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medicalisland · 1 year
Unlock Your Fitness Potential: The Ultimate Beginner Workout Gym Plan to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey
Are you ready to take charge of your fitness journey? Look no further because we have the ultimate beginner workout gym plan to kickstart your path towards a healthier and fitter you. Whether you’re new to the gym or just starting out on your fitness journey, this comprehensive plan will help you unlock your fitness potential. Continue reading Untitled
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douggrowsllc · 7 months
Will I See Results Following a Workout Plan for a Week?
So, you’ve decided to embark on a new workout plan, and you’re wondering if you’ll see results in just one week. Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive into the world of workouts, gym sessions, and the ever-elusive “quick results.” Will you see results from following a workout plan for a week? The short answer – not in the mirror! But you might see some other improvements. The Truth About…
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Women Gym Workout Motivation || Gym Workout || Female Gym Workout Status...
Women Gym Workout 
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scarybabe · 19 days
Thank you so much for being open about your strong fat journey!! It looks amazing on you!!
Would you be open to sharing a sample week workout write up, or some other reference tips to create a routine? As a fellow gainer girl it would be great to have a reference that works for my body type, and I love your results!
Forgive me if you’ve already shared this, or stated that you don’t want to (if that’s the case just delete the ask)
You’re a wonderful voice in the community, thank you so much for doing all you do!!
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Ahh thank you!! I do have a weightlifting coach, she makes my workout plans every day but I can share my nutrition plans + my usual mobility stretches - this makes a huge difference since I was starting from being a couch potato 💕
Nutrition- 3 meals with at least 30-40g of protein each meal and minimum 2,700 calories but more is good! I like the chocolate mutant mass protein powder and put unflavored collagen peptides in everything. At least 100oz of water every day
Mobility stretches (look these up) - 12 reps of Cat Cow, Superman Arm Sweeps. 10 reps of Dynamic Thread the Needle (on each side), Kneeling Hip CARS (each side), 90/90 Hip Shifts ** my mobility stretches change slightly depending on what area I’m working out
At the gym - 4 x 6-10 reps deadlift on smith machine, 3 x 6-12 dumbbell hammer curls, 3 x 8-12 dumbbell Romanian deadlifts (RDLs), 3 x 6-12 cable machine lat pulldown, 2 x 15 each side mini band standing glute hyperextension (one foot on a riser while the other leg extends), 2 x 20 hip abductions (usually there’s a machine for these)
If you’re new to lifting the first number is the number of sets - take a minute to rest between sets or even a bit longer if needed. Second number is the range of reps you do. When researching these I would look up the right tempo for eccentric/concentric muscle contractions because that can really maximize the efficacy. I usually do a practice set with as little weight as possible before the actual set of each new exercise to make sure my form is good, bad form can cause sprains, imbalances or soreness.
I finish my weightlifting with some cooldown stretches - today it’s 60 secof wide leg oblique stretching, 60 sec childs pose lat stretch, 60 sec prone cross over leg glute stretch
Monday - Friday I rotate through different muscle groups so I just shared my Monday routine (pull day!) and my coach tailors it to my personal goals as well. There’s a lot of good weightlifting programs online for free! I don’t do an ounce of cardio either, only strength training.
Thank you for your kind words, I hope this sparks interest in anyone else who may wanna try getting strong. I have a membership to a cheap 24/7 local gym because when I first started I was kinda shy to be watched as I figured out my form and all that 🤣 places like that are good for beginners
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princesssmars · 2 months
need to go with vi to the gym and watch her workout...
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she definitely takes no days off from her workout schedule, you don't keep a physique like that by slacking off. and while you've seen her do simple things like push-ups when she's bored or flexing when she's teasing, but you don't know the extent to everything she does to keep up her body.
so you offer to join her. and her wide smile really unnerves you.
you were planning on sitting on a bench and watching her the whole time, legs crossed with a dreamy look on your face the whole time. but the beautiful asshole you call a girlfriend clearly expected this and planned ahead, because when you finally arrive at your destination you're made aware by one of the employees that you've apparently signed up for a gym membership as well.
vi never gives you a chance to rest or sneak away from working out, deciding to become your personal gym trainer as she leads you to different machines and pieces of equipment before going into detail about how to use them.
luckily you’re completely a beginner, so whenever you start in a bad form she rushes to help you, hands adjusting and moving your body to get you into the right position. she started doing it to make sure you didn’t break your neck, but once she sees how flustered it gets you she makes sure to let her hands linger a little longer.
once she’s decided to stop torturing you she loves in to focusing on herself, giving you a quick kiss and telling you to go relax and get some water. once you’re fully hydrated and don’t feel the burning in your legs you make your way back to the main area, stopping cartoonishly in your tracks once you see vi’s current workout.
she’s sat leaning up on her back with a large dumbbell sat atop her hips as she thrusts them up and down and up and down. you’re eyes can’t help but follow the movement as your mind floods with all the memories you have of her doing the same thing in different scenarios.
it’s only after around a minute that you realized she’s stopped, sitting with a smirk on her face as she watched you shamelessly ogle her.
"you alright, muffin?" she gently smacks the side of your thigh with her hand, thumbing at the fabric of your pants and biting her lip when you shift in her feet, always so responsive to her gentle touches. “your face is a little red, sure you’re doing alright?”
“you’re…a very attractive asshole.” you roll your eyes at her laugh, ignoring how it creates a warmth fuzzy feeling in your chest whenever you hear it.
“you love it. and if you turn around and trust me, you’re about to love this.”
her hand moves from resting on your hip to gripping it and lightly pulling you, waiting for your body to become pliant before she helps you adjust so you’re sitting on her lap.
“vi you can’t be serious.”
“oh, but i very much can be.”
you should’ve known better than to question her determination, because it clearly only makes her more driven to flustered you when she removes her arms from your body and resumes her workout, hips lifting you up and down in a steady motion.
your eyes are darting everywhere, how nice her pink hair looks tied up today, the gentle glisten of sweat on her forehead, pretty light blue eyes trained on you and only moving when she wants to watch the point where your hips are joined.
the whole time that stupid smirk doesn’t leave her face. if there’s one thing vi loved above all else it was teasing you, pushing and prodding at you until you broke.
so, quickly looking around to make sure no one’s looking, you bend over and press a kiss to her cheek, head darting over at the sound of her short gasp to press one to her lips, licking and biting the plush of the bottom one and pulling away before she can react.
her mouth is still open, eyes wide and cheeks flushed before she easily lifts you off her body, ignoring your proud look as she gathers her things, grasps your hand and speed walks out of the gym.
well, at least now you’ll get to have a longer workout at home.
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yet again desperate for vi but have little to no ideas for her just shoot me
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Sweaty Palms 1
Warnings: this fic will include obsessive behaviour, possible non/ducbon, bullying, and other elements which may not be specifically triggered. Please be cautious in continuing on to the story.
Character: Curtis Everett
Summary: You start going to the gym to break old habits, but new things are scary.
Please reblog and leave some feedback, preferably in a reblog but you can always drop by my asks. I always love working in y'alls ideas with these AUs so I am so excited to hear from you.
As always, take care of yourself <3 be kind and be patient. Love you.
No tag lists. Please review my pinned and bio for guidelines.
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You’ve never been to a gym before. You’ve never been to a lot of places. Crowds are not your forte, public places are your personal nightmare, and strangers make your nervous. Everything makes you nervous. 
You can’t hide forever. That’s the conclusion you’ve come to. It's not a very comfortable one for you but if you don’t change, you’re always going to feel like this. Heavy, deflated, lost. It’s hard to put into words the feeling. The world just seems to pass you by, it functions around you, and sometimes you almost believe you’re not really there. Like a ghost, you just watch it without effect. 
The extra fifteen dollars a month isn’t too much of a stretch. You can hold off on your Kindle addiction for the expense. That’s another thing, you need to start being smart, more practical with your money. 
Planning. That’s something you’re working on. You didn’t come without one. You wouldn’t make it past the door without a set of steps to follow. 
You stop by the front counter first. You ask the woman behind it about how to get into the gym. You bought a membership online. She brings up your profile and issues you a membership card, explaining how you can also download the app and register with your member number. You thank her and continue through. 
You walk along the first floor, the leg machines and the rowing machines being worked by the regulars. You find your way to the dressing room on the second floor and enter with your head down. You try not to look anywhere but where you need to. You find a stall and change, packing away your street clothes, then go out to find a locker to shove your stuff in. 
You emerge with your phone and your new smart watch strapped to your wrist. You glance at the face of it. Your heart rate is already elevated. You unlock your phone and tap the app you downloaded the day before. You flipped through the catalogue of beginners’ workouts but didn’t have any of the equipment to do it yourself. It’s cheaper to just come here. 
You go to one of the spaces laid with mats and stop before one of the racks of weights. You stare at your phone in exasperation. You don’t understand, you’re connected to the wifi but the app just won’t connect. You could try on your own but you really don’t know what you’re doing. 
Ugh, why did you even bother? This is just another failure. You try restarting the app and then your phone, aware of the activity around you. Does anyone notice how clueless you look? 
“Hit it or quit it, little girl,” a man startles you as he brushes by you and grabs a large set of dumbbells, the thirty on the side catching your eye. You shift out of the way and press your phone against your chest, the smooth fabric of your shirt causing it to vibrate as if you tapped the screen. “This isn’t the phone club, it’s a gym.” 
“Sorry, I...” 
“There’s a cafe across the street, you can go play candy crush there,” he scoffs, “seems more your speed.” 
“Must feel real big, huh?” A gritty voice nears from your other side, “real heavy lifting there, pushing around a woman.” 
“Huh?” The first man narrows his eyes as he grips the set of dumbbells at his sides and faces the other man.  
He’s taller than you, muscular but not too bulky. His head is shaved and a dark short beard lines his jaw. Similar hair peeks out from the top of his tee shirt and dusts his toned arms. He slips past you, inserting himself between you and the gym watchdog. 
“Bro,” the first guy sneers, “don’t even start with me. You think you can step up.” 
“I’m not stepping up,” the other man defies, “I’m telling you to mind your business. Take your weights and leave her alone.” 
“Pfft, this some sort of date? You know, this isn’t the Olive Garden--” 
The second man crosses his arms, his back to you as he postures at the other man. He’s silent as he stares him down. You can’t see his face but you can feel the tension roiling off of him. There’s a thick lull as both men stand in a deadlock. 
“Got something to say, bud,” the first guy drops the weights and they boom against the floor. You wince and step back, “go on, I could use the work out.” 
“I said it,” the second man utters flatly, unyielding as he looms like a wall between you. 
“Fucking loser,” the other spits back, “you’re really gonna fuck around for that? Have you seen the skin around her?.” 
The man doesn’t respond. He stays as he is, an unmoving sentinel. The other man growls in frustration. 
“Fucking chicken shit, why don’t you speak up, dude?” 
Still no answer. Just a glare. You clutch your phone against your chest, frozen in horror and confusion. You didn’t mean to start a fight. You hate confrontation. 
Suddenly, the man before you jerks as he’s grabbed by the large man. His back hits you slightly and you drop your phone as he latches onto the other man. Everything happens so fast. The man who came to your defence has the other man on his back on the mat in seconds, a knee on his chest as his fists clasp around the top of his tank top. He bends over him and snarls. 
“Christ, bro, get the fuck off of me,” the man on the floor shoves on his arm helplessly.  
You glance around and notice the audience forming around you. Oh no. You look back to the two men. You step forward and tap the closest man on the shoulder, the one who defended you. 
“Please,” you croak nervously, “I don’t wanna get in trouble.” 
He turns his head, glancing back at you with powder blue eyes made bright by the dark row of his lashes. He exhales and lets go of the other man. He stands and puts his arm out as if to keep your behind him. 
“You really want me to repeat myself?” He sneers down at the other man. 
The larger man pushes himself up and scowls, shaking his head and he turns to stalk off muttering, leaving behind his forgotten dumbbells. The other man bends to pick them up and returns them to the rack. You look down at your empty hands then search the floor. 
You reach for your phone but it’s plucked up before you. The man brings it up between you and holds it out. You take it with a thank you. 
“No problem,” he rasps. 
“I... you didn’t have to--” 
“That guy’s an—he's not nice,” he corrects himself and drags his hand over his mouth and chin, “I don’t like bullies.” 
“It’s my fault,” you shrug, “I was in the way. But er, thanks. I'm... I’m sorry.” 
You turn away and look back at your phone. The app isn’t working. It says it needs another update. 
“You need help with something?” The man asks. 
“I...” you peek at him over your shoulder, “yeah, I... I don’t... I don’t usually... it’s my first time.” 
He nods and hums as he steps closer. You face him and show him your phone. You’re jittery as it trembles in your grip. He’s a stranger. Your whole plan was to avoid those. 
“I got this app to help but it’s not working,” you frown. 
“Try the update?” He points his thick, long finger at the screen. 
You tap and keep the phone visible. The app shop comes up and the update button is grayed out. Underneath, italics read ‘this update is not available for this device’. You frown and bring the screen closer to your face. 
“It won’t let me,” you pout and flick your lashes, mortified. How are you this helpless? Why did you have to have a witness? Several. You look around, some eyes darting in your direction. 
“Hm, well, what are you trying to do? You said this is your first day?” He prompts, “I could... I could help out a little. If you need. I’m no trainer, I just do my own thing but I could try.” 
You bat your lashes up at him then look back at your phone. You don’t know what else to do. Your whole plan has fallen apart because your operating system is outdated. 
“I... I’m not very... athletic,” you explain, “so I can’t go very fast.” 
“That’s okay,” he assures you, “I can go slow.” 
“You don’t have to do that. I can figure it out.” 
“I know I don’t have to,” he shifts and peers over his shoulder, “but how about I stay close anyway,” he moves and you can see the guy from earlier staring daggers from a chest press, “just in case.” 
“Oh, I... I’m sorry,” you tuck your phone into the pocket of your leggings, “I made him mad.” 
“Let him be mad. Got nothing to do with you,” he turns back to you again, “I could take you through some stretches and basics; lunges, squats, stuff like that. As best I can.” 
“Erm, I guess... I don’t wanna be in the way,” you rub your neck. 
“Not in my way,” he says evenly, “lets grab some weights first.” 
He directs you to the rack and without a thought you go to it. He approaches beside you as you realise, you didn’t say yes, you didn’t agree to this, but you don’t know what else to do. 
“Start with some twos,” he advises, “and if you’re not getting a good burn, we can up it later.” 
“Oh, okay,” you grab the dumbbells with the large twos on the side. He grabs the twenties. You feel totally inadequate. 
“So let’s get out space,” he backs up and looks around the mat, “here should be good.” He bends and sets down his weights, "for now, let’s put these aside and start our stretches. You don’t wanna pull anything.” 
You nod and place your weights beside you. You stand and stare at him. He’s in good shape. Great shape. He makes you even more conscious of your neglect. You already feel breathless. 
“I’m Curtis by the way,” he steps forward and offers his hand. 
“Oh, uh,” you shake his hand and give your name. 
“Pretty,” he says as he squeezes before letting you go. His hand is huge compared to yours and the gap in your strength is obvious just in that small gesture. 
“Alright, easy, slow, arms out,” he extends arms, “roll your shoulders and your head, loosen up.” 
You watch him and hesitate to follow his direction. You hate that there’s so many people around. You don’t want to look stupid. You’re so ungainly and awkward.  
“Try not to think about it too much. We’re all just here to work out, right?” He says and you shy away, embarrassed that he noticed your discomfort. You raise your arms and start the stretches, “good, you’re doing good, angel. Make sure to breath, alright?” 
You roll your shoulders and head and blow out a breath. Your nerves are pinging all over and your muscles are shaky. This isn’t what you expected at all. Your plans fallen to pieces and yet, it’s not entirely a lost cause. 
“Arms up,” he guides you into the next exercise, “on your toes, reach as far as you can...” 
You obey, letting his voice guide you. His deep, calm timber is almost comforting. The even tenor is a stark contrast to chaotic nervously. You can get through this. 
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10001gecs · 3 months
congrats on arm!!! also no worries if you don't want to talk about your workout routine but do you have any tips for how to get started working out if you're new to it? i want to feel stronger but feel really overwhelmed and unsure where to start!
ok so actually yes as someone who’s tried to like working out for YEARS I have so many thots basically
1. Get a gym membership. I know you CAN work out at home but personally it’s way harder for me bc im like. Ok I COULD be working out rn or I could just stop and go play some video games. If ur at the gym tho it’s like ok im already here so I might as well
2. Spend like, a month literally just hanging out at the gym. Like I went in without a plan and just did random machines for an hour until I got tired. And this was rly important for me bc it turned working out from like, “something I have to do and it hurts and I have to do a prescribed regimen every time” into just a fun thing I do for as long as I wanna. I like to think of it as enrichment in my hamster enclosure. If you get any visible progress here it’s also a slay because that’s encouragement!
3. ONLY WHEN you’ve done these things get an actual workout program. I tbh just stole one from someone I know who’s buff as fuck. Don’t be afraid to modify it, too. My friend is strong and has been going to the gym forever so he does a bunch of barbell stuff… which is scary to me. So instead I just do machines that work basically the same thing (eg bench press -> machine chest press).
4. Form is basically the most important thing, bc otherwise ur working the wrong muscles. And at least personally as a beginner, when I was getting my form wrong, it was usually bc I was trying to lift too much, my muscles couldn’t manage it, so my form slipped so other muscles could take over. Like, after a while of doing bicep curls, your forearms might start to take over the load. If you take ur thumbs from curling around the bar to sitting underneath it, you can stop that. For every new machine I did for a while I’d put the weight at like, 10 pounds, and just focus on getting the form right. This is also fun bc it feels more like enrichment. Wheee im pulling levers and such!
5. Nutrition. Eat a lot of protein. Like the amount u think u should be eating and then double that. Ppl recommend .7-1 g of protein per pound of body weight (im starting from a higher body fat %, so I can eat closer to the .7 range… which is nice bc otherwise ur eating SO MUCH). Like, again, don’t freak out about it, the most important thing is that ur going at all… but once it becomes something u enjoy, you wanna make sure you’re not doing a bunch of work and then not giving ur muscles the nutrition they need
So basically overall my advice is like, make going to the gym easy and fun before you make it useful. Like, you can do the best workouts of your life but if it sucks, you’re not gonna do it consistently. Once u break the habit, you’ll never pick it back up. If you make it fun first, you want to go… and you can always make it more difficult later. If you ever notice it not being fun, give it a break and figure out how to make it fun.
Also basically nobody is looking at you in the gym ever. Also I specifically got a membership to a gym that has really low membership bc I hate fighting for machines and I hate feeling like ppl are looking at you (they’re not, but I hate the feeling). My planet fitness is 24/7, and for a while I went at like, 11pm bc it was empty.
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richarlotte · 2 months
What makeup videos do you suggest for beginners ?
Also do you workout at home ? How often and how long ?
Do you have any recommended social clubs for people trying to network in the medical field?
Thank you.
I’d recommend only watching videos made by women who look like you. I follow Octavia B. on YouTube and TikTok and love her makeup tutorials and lifestyle videos. What matters is following people who look similar to you, do makeup styles that you like, or put out content that you enjoy. I started watching a bunch of makeup artists and lifestyle influencers who looked like me and found that I looked best when wearing makeup that wasn’t overstated or super exaggerated.
As for working out, I work out at home and at the gym. I prefer to start my day with at home activities and then continue on elsewhere. I wake up, do a yoga video, walk to work, walk at lunch, go to ballet or Pilates after work, walk home, and then continue on with my day. This is an every day thing for me, and while my routine will change once I start school, I still plan on getting in 10,000 steps and keeping up with my exercise classes. Exercise is a constant for me.
There are no specific social clubs I’d recommend because the world of medicine is huge. If you’re looking to network with providers in certain specialties, then that world becomes a bit smaller, so I’d recommend figuring out what you’re looking for first. You should either have a job in the medical field or be interested in medicine (and have more than base level knowledge). You have to set yourself up for success before you go to events like these, so I’d keep an eye on the events insta pages and keep your mind active.
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fitnesflag · 5 months
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healthy444 · 4 months
Can I build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
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Yes, it is possible to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously, though it can be challenging and typically requires a well-structured approach. This process is often referred to as “recomping” (short for recomposition). Here are some key strategies to achieve this:
1. Nutrition
Caloric Balance: Aim for a slight caloric deficit to lose fat while providing enough nutrients to support muscle growth. This typically means consuming slightly fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight.
Protein Intake: Ensure a high protein intake (1.6 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight) to support muscle repair and growth.
Macronutrient Balance: Balance your diet with a good mix of carbohydrates and fats to provide energy and support overall health.
2. Strength Training
Progressive Overload: Continuously challenge your muscles by increasing the weight, reps, or intensity of your workouts over time.
Compound Movements: Focus on compound exercises (squats, deadlifts, bench presses) that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
Consistency: Maintain a regular workout schedule, typically 3–5 times per week, to consistently stimulate muscle growth.
3. Cardio
Moderation: Incorporate moderate cardio to support fat loss without compromising muscle gains. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can be particularly effective.
Timing: Consider doing cardio on non-lifting days or after strength training sessions to prioritize muscle preservation.
4. Recovery
Sleep: Ensure adequate sleep (7–9 hours per night) to allow your body to recover and grow.
Rest Days: Incorporate rest days to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.
5. Consistency and Patience
Long-Term Commitment: Body recomposition is a gradual process that requires consistent effort over time. Patience and persistence are crucial.
Monitor Progress: Track your progress with measurements, photos, and performance in the gym rather than just focusing on the scale.
6. Individual Factors
Starting Point: Beginners or individuals returning after a long break often see more dramatic changes in body composition.
Genetics: Genetic factors can influence how easily you gain muscle or lose fat.
7. Nutrient Timing
Pre-Workout Nutrition: Consume a meal or snack rich in protein and carbohydrates about 1–2 hours before your workout to fuel performance.
Post-Workout Nutrition: Have a post-workout meal or shake with protein and carbs within 30–60 minutes after your workout to aid recovery and muscle growth.
8. Hydration
Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is essential for overall health, performance, and recovery. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, particularly before, during, and after workouts.
9. Supplementation
Protein Supplements: Whey or plant-based protein powders can help you meet your daily protein requirements.
Creatine: Creatine monohydrate is a well-researched supplement that can enhance strength, power, and muscle mass.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): These can help reduce muscle soreness and promote muscle protein synthesis, particularly when training in a fasted state.
10. Mind-Muscle Connection
Focus on Form: Pay attention to proper form and technique to maximize muscle engagement and prevent injury.
Contraction: Emphasize the contraction of the target muscles during each exercise to improve muscle activation.
11. Variation in Training
Periodization: Incorporate different phases in your training program, such as strength, hypertrophy, and endurance phases, to continually challenge your muscles and prevent plateaus.
Exercise Variety: Regularly change your exercises, rep ranges, and workout routines to keep your muscles guessing and promote continuous adaptation.
12. Tracking and Adjustment
Regular Assessments: Keep track of your body composition, strength levels, and overall progress. Adjust your diet and training plan based on these assessments to ensure continued progress.
Listen to Your Body: Be mindful of signs of overtraining or injury. Adjust your training intensity and volume as needed to prevent burnout and maintain long-term progress.
13. Metabolic Rate and Muscle Mass
Muscle Increases Metabolism: Building muscle increases your resting metabolic rate (RMR), helping you burn more calories even at rest, which aids in fat loss.
14. Hormonal Balance
Manage Stress: High-stress levels can lead to elevated cortisol, which can negatively impact muscle growth and fat loss. Incorporate stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Hormonal Health: Ensure adequate intake of essential fats and micronutrients to support hormonal health, which is crucial for muscle growth and fat loss.
15. Support System
Accountability: Having a workout partner, or coach, or joining a fitness community can provide motivation, accountability, and support.
Education: Continuously educate yourself about nutrition, training, and recovery to make informed decisions and optimize your body recomposition efforts.
By paying attention to these important factors, you can further enhance your ability to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Remember, consistency, patience, and a holistic approach are key to achieving long-term success in body recomposition.
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douggrowsllc · 8 months
The Ultimate Push, Pull, Squat Workout Routine
Want to build muscle and strength efficiently? This balanced push, pull, squat routine has you covered. I don’t know about you, but I love efficiency. As a busy professional juggling work, family, friends, and fitness, I always seek workout programs that provide maximum results with minimal time investment. That’s why I’m excited to share this awesome push, pull, squat routine with you…
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ididntorderthesoup · 1 month
I lost weight by researching healthy meals that personally appealed to me and printing off recipes to add to a binder folder. I'd then do a little refresh every month or so looking for new recipes or meals just to add variety. I'd look for alternatives to fatty foods or sweet stuff. I'd let myself have a weekly treat or indulge time to time. As long as you're not punishing yourself and denying treats you can have say a chocolate bar that week and maybe a packet of chips? It's not like you're eating it every day and every meal. It's about balance. Skipping meals is a huge no no. Research healthy snacks. Make a game plan and be aware it takes time to reach your goal. Stick to your routine as much as possible. Also exercise in a way that's manageable and enjoyable, it's not something you're going to dread. I go walks, do YouTube exercise classes in my home and go swimming. I had to gently build up from light exercise to where I am now. I really hurt myself because I hit the gym without warming up my muscles or starting off at a beginner level. It's important to stretch etc before any workout. Again it takes effort and time but you get there. And you have to maintain the balance and routine even after you lose the weight. The trick is just to roll with it and not make it a monster in your head. Good luck
This is really good advice. Thank you for listening to my shouts into the void. I'll try to implement these things.
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The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Personal Trainer in Sligo
Nestled on Ireland's rugged west coast, Sligo is a town steeped in natural beauty and cultural richness. From the picturesque landscapes of Benbulben and the wild Atlantic coast to the tranquil serenity of Lough Gill, Sligo offers an idyllic setting for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness. Whether you're an athlete training for a specific goal, someone looking to lose weight, or just hoping to lead a healthier lifestyle, finding the right personal trainer in Sligo can be a game-changer.
This guide will help you navigate the journey of finding the best personal trainer in Sligo. We’ll cover everything from the benefits of hiring a personal trainer to tips on choosing the right one for your needs, and we’ll even spotlight some of the top trainers in the area.
Why Hire a Personal Trainer?
1. Personalized Fitness Plans
Personal trainers provide individualized workout plans tailored to your specific goals, fitness level, and any physical limitations. Unlike generic workout routines you might find online, a personal trainer assesses your unique needs and creates a program that will help you achieve the best results.
2. Accountability
One of the biggest challenges in maintaining a consistent fitness routine is staying motivated. A personal trainer keeps you accountable, ensuring you show up for your workouts and give your best effort each time.
3. Expert Guidance
Personal trainers possess in-depth knowledge of exercise science, anatomy, and nutrition. Their expertise ensures you perform exercises correctly, reducing the risk of injury while maximizing effectiveness. This guidance is especially valuable for beginners who may not be familiar with proper techniques.
4. Efficiency
Time is precious, and a personal trainer helps you make the most of it. By designing efficient workouts that target your specific goals, a trainer ensures you get the maximum benefit from each session, even if you’re short on time.
5. Support and Motivation
Beyond the physical benefits, personal trainers provide emotional support and encouragement. Whether you're feeling discouraged, frustrated, or unmotivated, a good trainer knows how to keep you on track and focused on your goals.
What to Look for in a Personal Trainer
When choosing a personal trainer in Sligo, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you find the best match for your needs.
1. Qualifications and Certifications
The first thing to check is whether the trainer is properly certified. Reputable certifications include those from organizations like the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). These certifications ensure the trainer has a solid understanding of exercise science and safety protocols.
2. Experience and Specializations
Experience is key when selecting a trainer. Ask how long they’ve been working as a personal trainer and if they have experience working with clients who have similar goals to yours. Some trainers specialize in areas like weight loss, sports performance, injury rehabilitation, or strength training. Choose a trainer whose expertise aligns with your fitness objectives.
3. Communication Style
Your trainer's communication style should resonate with you. Some people prefer a no-nonsense, drill-sergeant approach, while others might thrive under a more supportive, encouraging trainer. During your initial consultation, pay attention to how the trainer communicates and decide if their style will keep you motivated.
4. Client Testimonials and Reviews
A good trainer should have a track record of satisfied clients. Look for testimonials on their website or ask for references. Online reviews on Google or social media can also provide insight into the trainer’s reputation and effectiveness.
5. Location and Availability
Consider the location of the trainer’s gym or studio. Is it convenient for you? If the location isn’t easy to get to, you might find it harder to stick to your training schedule. Additionally, make sure the trainer’s availability aligns with your own. Flexibility in scheduling can be crucial, especially if you have a busy lifestyle.
6. Cost
Personal training can be a significant investment, so it’s important to ensure you’re getting value for your money. Trainers in Sligo may charge different rates based on their experience, expertise, and the services they offer. Some may offer packages or discounts for multiple sessions, so be sure to discuss pricing upfront.
Top Personal Trainers in Sligo
To help you get started on your fitness journey, here’s a look at some of the top personal trainers in Sligo:
1. John O’Neill Fitness
With over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, John O’Neill is one of Sligo’s most respected personal trainers. He specializes in strength and conditioning, weight loss, and sports performance training. John’s approach is highly personalized, ensuring each client receives a tailored plan that fits their specific needs. His gym is located in the heart of Sligo town, making it easily accessible.
2. Emily Walsh – Fit For Life
Emily Walsh brings a holistic approach to personal training, focusing not just on physical fitness but also on mental well-being. With a background in yoga and nutrition, Emily offers a well-rounded fitness experience. Her sessions often incorporate elements of mindfulness and stress management, making her a great choice for those looking to improve their overall wellness.
3. Tommy Gallagher Personal Training
Tommy Gallagher is known for his energetic and motivational training style. With a background in competitive athletics, Tommy specializes in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and functional fitness. He’s an excellent choice for clients looking to push their limits and achieve rapid results. His facility, located just outside Sligo town, is equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment.
4. Sarah Kavanagh – SK Fitness
Sarah Kavanagh is a personal trainer with a passion for helping women achieve their fitness goals. She offers a range of services, from one-on-one training sessions to group classes and online coaching. Sarah’s approach is supportive and empowering, making her a great choice for women at any stage of their fitness journey.
5. Liam McGrath – Sligo Strength
Liam McGrath is a specialist in strength training and muscle building. With a background in powerlifting, Liam’s programs are designed to help clients build muscle, increase strength, and improve overall athletic performance. His clients range from beginners to experienced lifters, and he tailors his programs to meet each individual’s needs.
The Importance of Nutrition in Personal Training
While exercise is a crucial component of any fitness regimen, it’s only one part of the equation. Nutrition plays an equally important role in achieving your fitness goals. A good personal trainer in Sligo will emphasize the importance of a balanced diet and may even offer nutritional guidance as part of their services.
1. Understanding Your Nutritional Needs
Everyone’s nutritional needs are different, depending on factors like age, gender, activity level, and fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, your trainer can help you understand your specific nutritional requirements.
2. Meal Planning and Preparation
A personal trainer may offer meal planning services to help you stay on track with your diet. This can include creating a weekly meal plan, providing healthy recipe ideas, and offering tips for meal prep. By taking the guesswork out of nutrition, your trainer can help you stay focused on your fitness goals.
3. Supplementation
In some cases, your trainer may recommend supplements to support your fitness goals. Whether it’s protein powder, vitamins, or pre-workout supplements, it’s important to only take supplements that are safe and beneficial for your body. Always discuss any supplementation with your trainer to ensure it aligns with your overall health plan.
The Role of Technology in Personal Training
In recent years, technology has revolutionized the fitness industry, and personal training is no exception. Many trainers in Sligo are incorporating technology into their services to enhance the client experience.
1. Online Coaching
For clients who can’t always meet in person, many trainers offer online coaching services. This can include virtual training sessions via video calls, as well as digital workout plans and progress tracking. Online coaching offers flexibility and convenience, making it easier for you to stay on track, even with a busy schedule.
2. Fitness Apps
Many personal trainers use fitness apps to enhance their services. These apps can track your workouts, monitor your progress, and even provide reminders for your sessions. Some trainers may have their own branded apps, while others might use popular platforms like MyFitnessPal, Trainerize, or Strava.
3. Wearable Technology
Wearable devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches have become popular tools for monitoring physical activity. These devices can track your heart rate, steps, calories burned, and even sleep patterns. Your personal trainer may use data from these devices to fine-tune your workout program and monitor your progress more effectively.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Personal Training Experience
To maximize the benefits of working with a personal trainer, it’s important to approach your sessions with the right mindset and habits.
1. Set Clear Goals
Before you start working with a trainer, take some time to think about what you want to achieve. Whether it’s losing a certain amount of weight, running a marathon, or improving your overall fitness, having clear goals will help your trainer create a program that’s tailored to your needs.
2. Be Consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to achieving results. Make a commitment to attend your sessions regularly and stick to your workout plan. Over time, your dedication will pay off in the form of improved fitness and better health.
3. Communicate with Your Trainer
Open communication with your trainer is essential. If you’re struggling with a particular exercise, feeling unmotivated, or dealing with an injury, let your trainer know. They can adjust your program as needed to ensure you’re making progress without risking your health.
4. Embrace the Process
Fitness is a journey, not a destination. It’s important to enjoy the process and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Trust your trainer’s expertise and stay committed to your goals, and you’ll see the results you’re working towards.
Finding the right personal trainer in Sligo can be the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving your fitness goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, a personal trainer provides the guidance, support, and expertise you need to succeed. By considering factors like qualifications, experience, and communication style, you can find a trainer who’s a perfect fit for your needs.
Sligo’s rich natural beauty and vibrant community make it an ideal place to embark on your fitness journey. With the help of a skilled personal trainer, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, stronger, and happier you.
So, take the first step today—reach out to a personal trainer in Sligo and start your journey towards a better you. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health, the right trainer can make all the difference. Here's to your success!
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fitnessnirvana · 2 months
Example Tabata Workout Plans
There are other techniques you could take to Tabata training, and we've provided several examples below, including Tabata choices for beginners and those with more experience. You can either complete one exercise for each four-minute Tabata session, or you can alternate between exercises. We've included a selection of examples below to help you get inspired. Each is one round of Tabata; you may combine several for a longer exercise; just allow yourself about a minute to recuperate between each four-minute round.
Tabata Workout 1 - Cardio:
20 seconds jumping jacks + 10 seconds rest - repeat twice
20 seconds high knees + 10 seconds rest - repeat twice
20 seconds mountain climbers + 10 seconds rest - repeat twice
20 seconds burpees + 10 seconds rest - repeat twice
Tabata Workout 2 - Core:
20 seconds plank with leg raises + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds side plank with hip dips + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds plank with leg raises + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds side plank with hip dips + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds Russian twists + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds bicycle crunches + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds Russian twists + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds bicycle crunches + 10 seconds rest
Tabata Workout 3 - Lower body:
20 seconds pulsing squats + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds reverse lunges + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds squat jumps + 10 seconds rest
20 seconds lateral lunges + 10 seconds rest
Repeat above through once more
For more inspiration, you can check out more of our HIIT-focused articles, including: 
Quick full-body HIIT workout for the gym
3 HIIT workouts for weight and fat loss
The best HIIT workout for you
10 low-impact HIIT exercises and workouts that won't hurt your knees or back
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pettyprocrastination · 5 months
TJ I hope you're well!! I had a quick question. How did you get into weight training? Ive been wanting to get more into it (i have noodle arms RIP me), but i. Literally have no idea where to start. Any advice? I'm not sure if I should like. Do a gym membership thing or start with home weights?? There's so much stuff out there and I have no idea where to go with it :') Anyway, i hope you have a lovely day!! 💖💖
Hey love!! I’m doing well, this year has been a bit of a whirlwind but ive got my head on straight haha.  I hope you’ve been doing well!
So here comes a very long winded explanation of my fitness journey and some advice coming in!
I started consistently working out in about september/august when I was still in college and had a built in membership in my tuition. There was a womens weightlifting club at my university that helped me get myself comfortable with weightlifting terms/finding some gym buddies until i felt comfortable to start going with myself. I’m now going relatively consistently on my own, my usual routine was 5 days a week but finding the energy to get there while doing my 9 to 5 has been a bit of a time management shift that im trying to get myself back into. 
Funny enough you reach out because I’m currently writing up a new routine for me to follow for the next two months to get more lower body strength training because I signed up for a deadlift competition for charity in june! (absolutely terrified for it because my lower body strength is still pretty light however this is my chance to get my feet on the ground in terms of getting some experience in powerlifting so! Here’s to trying new things lmao)
 I had played around with using some at home weights in the past multiple times but the issue with using a home weight set is that if you’re following a plan of progressive overload (following a weight training regime that consists of increasing weight over time) you’ll  eventually come to a flat stall unless you have a full weight set from 20-50’s with a bench which can be a pretty penny to get. I only had dumbbells that went from 10 to 20s so after i hit that for certain workouts I couldn’t go up. 
However- that being said! At home workouts can be a great place to start to get yourself used to the movements and following a consistent routine so that if you shift into getting a gym membership you already have a bit of a plan you’ve been working with. 
All-in-all, if you’re like me and you have some gym-anxiety I’d maybe start off with working at home, getting yourself comfortable with body weight and beginner weight workouts before shifting into getting a gym membership so when you go in you have the “okay, I know what im doing and what I want to hit” mentality while also working yourself into using the machines over time. 
As usual- I’m always happy to talk more and if you want to chat about workouts/form/or anything under the sun I’d be pleased as punch for it babes <3
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