#gwen x nik
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cicimellie · 2 months ago
jaime and brienne literally make me heartsick. i have never felt so genuinely distraught at anything as i was at how they ended. like braime makes me nauseated and miserable and closer to tears than anything ever. i delight in it mostly except for the late nights where i burn at the unfairness of their ending and how brutally they massacred jaime's growth and the LOOK in brienne's eyes when she was writing his deeds in the book. the noise of anguish that was punched out of me the first time i watched their story through was unholy.
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virgin-who-cannot-drive · 2 years ago
Hey, I'm eternally grateful for your blog. A bit late to the party but I just finished GOT and I'm obsessed with Gwen and Nik. Do you by any chance know if they are still friends? All interactions I could find are from 3-4 years ago and just curious ☺️
Hi!!! Thank you!!!!! They're still good friends they had some get togethers after GOT ended.I'm sorry this response is so late.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau also said in new interviews he wanted to work with Gwendoline again.
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sansalicents · 1 year ago
top 5 tv ships? <333
thanks 💞
1. brienne x jaime (game of thrones) - ship of all time <3 book braime is superior but i still love show braime sm. nik and gwen's chemistry >>>>
2. rachel x santana (glee) - they mean everything to me 💕 best characters, best ships, best dynamic, best duets, best everything <3
3. blair x dan (gossip girl) - i love them sm and in my mind gg ended after the dair met steps scene
4. joey x pacey (dawson's creek) - probably the best romantic chemistry i've seen in a teen drama
5. amy x jake (brooklyn nine-nine) - they're just perfect <3
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coldgreydawn · 6 years ago
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Me too, Gwen. Me too.
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justjameka · 6 years ago
This post is full of GoT 8x04 spoilers and GIFs!
*I’ve been working on this for two days
Initially, I thought I would write a long, drawn out post about the episode as a whole. There is a lot to discuss and I have lots of feelings about it all. I decided against it because though I am fond of most of the characters on this show, there is one, in particular, that has my heart, and I do believe I will love them for the rest of my life.
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Ser Brienne of Tarth. In this potentially long, rambling post, I will discuss what she endured in this episode, and how it relates to things she’s endured in the past and how said things will affect her future. There will be heavy mentions of Ser Jaime Lannister and Braime. (Yes, I ship it, no I don’t hate him).  Any GIFs used in this post are not mine, and neither are the characters because if they were, I would treat them so much better.
This episode for me, a Brienne stan, was both beautiful and heartbreaking. There were so many layers to it. Gwendoline did an immaculate job really taking us on this emotional roller coaster, and making us feel Brienne in a way we haven’t in the past.  I want to talk about my experience watching the episode as a fan, and then my second watch as a writer, and as someone who has studied film and tv collegiately for six years.
Let’s start with the fact that Brienne of Tarth, First of Her Name, Keeper of Oaths, Defeater of The Hound, Protector of the Stark Daughters, Wielder of Oathkeeper, and Knight of the Seven Kingdoms survived the Great War! Not going to lie, I was very concerned for my Amazonian Warrior, but she prevailed.
We have never seen Brienne as carefree and relaxed as we saw her this episode. Her guard was down, she was enjoying herself, drinking and bonding, celebrating life because she faced death and survived. Not only did she live, but her crew survived alongside her. I must say, I enjoy tipsy Brienne. I truly do.
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It was beautiful to watch, truly. Her enthusiasm was so open and free.  I was hype AF because: look at Brienne, living her best life just being chill! Ugh! I was teary-eyed. The bonding that occurred was beautiful. Podrick looked amused the entire time. Tyrion watched Jaime stare at Brienne with this knowing look on his face. The entire feast scene was just...*le sigh*
I would be remiss to ignore that it was Ser Jaime, the idiot, who helped pull her out of her shell, and that says a lot. The comfort level here, the heart eyes, the whole thing. He basically tells her it’s all right to just let loose.
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Let’s discuss the drinking game, shall we?
Jaime: Um.... You are an only child.
Brienne: *pause with a smirk* I told you I was.
Jaime: You didn’t.
Brienne: I did!
Jaime: I surmised it.
Tyrion: Drink! .....Go again.
Brienne: Why does he get to go again?
Tyrion: Because it’s my game.
Jaime: You have danced with Renly Baratheon
Brienne: *looks at Podrick*
Podrick: *smiles drunkenly*
Tyrion: Drink!
Gah! How dare they flirt so openly, just blatant about it! He said these things confidently. He knew he was right and he was so happy that she was playing along. My poor shipper heart was soaring. Then Tyrion had to go and be...well Tyrion. Stating Brienne was a virgin was a shock to my system. Like...yes asshole we know this but we don’t bring attention to it. She completely closed up and I was like “dammit, Tyrion!” Though I understand that he was trying to push along the inevitable but look here sir, subtly is nice dammit!! Ser Brienne of Tarth was NOT here for this bullshit.
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“I have to piss” will forever be what I say from this day forward when I don’t want to answer some shit. The look in her eyes, even though she was uncomfortable, says a lot. So many things and Jaime knew exactly what needed to be done. He’s watched her leave multiple times. She’s left him riding a horse, she’s walked out of his tent, she was in a rowboat, on foot in the snow....  He finally decided he wasn’t going to do it anymore....with a little help from Tyrion. Let’s be honest, Tyrion knew what was going on back in 8x02 when Jaime was staring lovingly at Brienne, and then before the knighting scene when Jaime very nearly jumped from his chair to greet her.  But I digress....
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Let me just say this moment had me cackling. Tormund just knew he was going to follow the big woman and they were going to celebrate life together. And here comes Ser Jaime, throwing a golden hand in his plans. Jaime tapping Tormund twice before going off to follow Brienne with his little ‘nice try’ squint. It was so, just, I have no words. We see a little of jealous Jaime here. There has been the back and forth but we all know Tormund doesn’t stand a chance, it’s in this moment when Tormund realizes that he has lost.
Tyrion pouring his wine into Tormund’s horn while holding eye contact the entire time was another nail in the coffin. Poor guy. He just wanted to make giant babies with Brienne. Pod’s drunken smile was just amusing as hell. He was like my parents ‘Ser Jaime and Ser Brienne are finally going to consummate their 5-year relationship’. This entire sequence was absolutely hysterical. Also, the fact that Brienne had no idea of what happens between Tormund and Jaime. When she turns all she sees is Jaime in pursuit and she lengthens her stride because it’s just a bit much for her. I think she knew here, what was bound to happen and I think it scared her a little.
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When I saw Oathkeeper I knew it was about to go down. I thought I was prepared but I was not. So let’s hop into this:
Brienne is tending to her fire. No longer is she in leathers. Just her undershirt and pants. Sometimes I forget how gloriously tall she is. There is a knock at the door and though she hesitates for a moment she opens it, without asking who it is. Is that a thing you do in Winterfell? Open your door late at night in your undershirt without inquiring who is on the other side?
Can we talk about Jaime’s exhale? He’s like,” welp we’re here now. I knocked. She answered. No turning back.” It’s all there on his face. How long did it take him to gather up the courage to knock? She’s no longer in her leathers. She had time to remove them. Set them aside and tend to the fire. How long was Jaime giving himself a pep talk? Trying to figure out how he was going to do approach her, approach them and the next step in their very complicated relationship.  
She isn’t surprised to see him. She doesn’t ask why he’s there she just opens the door and holds his eye, waiting. Had she been waiting? She saw him when he was coming after her. She knew he was following her. Could that be why his presence didn’t surprise her? I’m going to say yes.
J: You didn’t drink.
B: *confused* I didn’t drink?
J: In the game.
B: *More confused* I drank.
J: *adamantly* In the game! ....this is Dornish
B:This is not the game. This is only drinking.
J:Suit Yourself.
B: *drinks*
J: You keep it warm enough in here.
B: *shy and a bit reserved* It’s the first thing I learnt when I came to the North. Keep your fire going. Every time you leave the room, put more wood on.
J: *assholely* That’s very diligent. Very responisble.
B: *sick of his shit* Piss off.
J: You know the first thing I learn in the North? I hate the fucking North.
B: *amused* It grows on you.
J: I don’t want things growing on me
I couldn’t find GIFs of this moment, I know they are out there, I was just impatient and didn’t want to scroll through the different tags to find them. So we start this scene with Jaime seeming a little drunk and insistent on Brienne drinking to prove something he already knows and she knows that he already knows. To Brienne’s credit, she deals with his weird approach to the elephant in the room quite well. It’s very honest to who they’ve been since they met each other. The banter is genuine, Jaime being an asshole, Brienne being sick of his shit, it’s perfect.
B: *amused* It grows on you.
J: I don’t want things growing on me
I thought it was very obvious that when Brienne says this, with a little twinkle in her eye and a smirk that she means him. Or maybe I’m overthinking it..... As for Ser Jaime....IT’S TOO FUCKING LATE, SHE’S ALREADY GROWN ON YOU! He’s such an asshole. I swear.
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Brienne’s ‘bitch please’ look in the second GIF has me weak. Jaime knew damn well that Brienne did not want Tormund. SN: I don’t dislike Tormund, I think he’s great. Not only is she mildly annoyed that he asked her that, but she also calls him on his shit! That was a pretty ballsy thing for her to do. There was no guarantee that Jaime was going to respond favorably. It could have been a moment of embarrassing rejection, but she did it anyway. She’s experienced men being horrible to her in the past, but she trusts him. She also knew that she was right. It doesn’t matter that she’s inexperienced. And it wasn’t an accusation just a statement of very obvious fact. She doesn’t raise her voice, it’s barely above a whisper. She almost loses her nerve at the end. Although she trusts him, there is some trepidation there. He’s known to insult her, though they’ve become less acidic as time has gone on.
Jaime agreeing with her is interesting because he almost seems surprised by his jealousy. As if he honestly didn’t know it was there, but he sees no point in denying it once it’s out in the open. He almost makes light of it.  He’s cared for her for years. He armed her. Armoured her. Saved her. (multiple times). He loves her, and maybe at that moment, it hits him that he can’t hide it or run from it.  
It’s bloody hot in here.
Jaime is by far the worst flirt in Westeros. ‘It’s bloody hot in here.” Really? It’s almost like things were getting too real. He had to lighten the mood and make it, easy, simple. Brienne’s confusion as he fiddles with the knot on his shirt is so precious and endearing. You can see the wheels in her head just turning. She’s running through scenarios, she’s planning, she’s trying to decide where this will go. What should happen when she makes the decision, she takes a page out of Jaime’s book. It’s not tender or sweet, but it’s very them. It’s reminiscent of her stabbing his ham so that he could cut it back in season 3. This moment is very powerful. It’s the first step towards her deciding this is what she wants, though she’s very matter-of-fact about it. Jaime’s intentions were relatively clear upon his arrival, but this is the beginning of Brienne deciding that she wants to do this. That she wants to give herself to this man.
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Can we just take a damn minute and admire this tenderness!! This is in direct contrast with her shoving his hand away. She’s very stoic, almost business-like as she goes about untying his shirt, but when Jaime reaches for the knot on her shirt, real smooth Jaime, everything stops. It’s sweet the way she holds his fingers as they stare into each other’s eyes. As she makes the final discussion.
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I’m so in love with the fact that they are topless before anything happens. And kudos to Jaime for keeping his eyes on Brienne’s face for the most part. Unlike the bath scene in season 3. SN: WHERE IS BRIENNE’S SCAR?!?!?!? 
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Jaime ‘I’m a Dork’ Lannister, you’ve never been with anyone that isn’t Cersi before. What are you talking about?!?! I can’t lie, I thought it was cute. Fuck it, I thought it was adorable. And Brienne’s honesty here was so refreshing. I really appreciated the honesty from both of them in that moment. There are nerves swarming all around them, but they trust each other. It’s a big deal that they are doing this for both of them. Jaime has never experienced a non-toxic sexual experience. All of the times we see twincest, it’s aggressive and awkward, it’s fast and hard. There are no gentle caresses or loving looks and it’s usually forced consent.
For Brienne, she has never allowed herself to be in any scenario remotely close to that moment. This is a woman who slept in armour to protect herself. This is a woman who was ridiculed by multiple men, who was constantly called ugly, who was deemed undesirable. She was pretty much stripped of her femininity, and she fell hard into her role as a fighter, a warrior. But then Jaime came along. And he is handsome and highborn, and he loves her. He wants her.
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I think this was the perfect first kiss for Ser Brienne and Ser Jaime. Please @ me! It’s honest. It’s awkward. It’s sweet. His eyes are open initially, he wants to see her. HE HAS TO GO UP ON HIS TIPPY TOES TO KISS HER! It’s so fucking cute. She’s supposed to be overexcited. This has never happened to her before, and she doesn’t know what she’s doing, but she wants it. And she came to terms with that fact. It’s perfect for them as a pairing. They’re like teenagers, fumbling around trying to figure what feels good. It’s sweet and innocent and wonderful. 
I love Jaime’s hand on her neck then her hair. It’s simple but it’s grounding them in the moment. There is a push and pull happening that mirrors their relationship. Jaime initiates the kiss and it takes Brienne by surprise. She stumbles a little but she’s not one to be outdone so she pushes back. And it’s not perfect but it’s honest and pure. Dammit I love them. 
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I love the quiet moment of Jaime watching Brienne sleep. He looks pensive. His mind is working overtime. This is a big deal to him. This honorable woman gifted him with her womanhood. She trusted him. HIM. Of all people. He who is far from perfect. Brienne is too pure for this world, but she loves him and wants him. He can’t believe it.
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I don’t have a ton to say about this, but Sansa knows, and I think that’s interesting. I want to know how much time has passed. How long has it been since OathSex? Brienne is so bashful and it’s so fucking cute. It’s ok Brienne, there’s nothing wrong with what you did!
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Tyrion is such a dirty old man. I love how the relationship between Tyrion and Jaime has grown. They love each other so much, and it’s so obvious. It made me so happy to see their bond survive Tyrion killing their father. I love Tyrion for not bring up Cersei when he finds out. He does what is expected, he cracks a joke. It’s very telling that Jaime did not want to discuss Brienne with his brother. Yes, he loves Tyrion but Brienne is off limits.
So, going into the final three Braime scenes, I’m going to switch gears and really delve into what is happening without fangirling. 
Jaime finding out that Cersei ambushed Daenarys burst the bubble he’d been in with Brienne. It started with Bronn showing up with a crossbow, telling the Lannister brothers that Cersi wants them dead. He knew that Cersei was displeased with him leaving but I think he was genuinely surprised that she sent someone to kill him. That weighs heavy on him because if there is a price on his head, then that puts Brienne in danger. And he would never be able to forgive himself if something happened to her because of him. When he learns about the ambush, I truly believe that is when the decision was made.
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He doesn’t want to leave. He’s hoping that she doesn’t wake up, and I’m of the belief that they made love before that night. He doesn’t want to have to say goodbye to her. It’s selfish and infuriating, but he doesn’t know if he’s strong enough to say goodbye, and that becomes blatantly obvious when Brienne comes outside.
He doesn’t look at her. Not because he doesn’t love her. Not because he doesn’t respect her. Because he can’t. He can’t look at her. Looking at her means looking at the woman he loves and seeing what his departure is doing to her.
B: They’re going to destroy that city. You know they will.
J: Have you ever run away from a fight. 
I think it’s worth it to mention that he doesn’t mention Cersei. He asks “have you ever run away from a fight?” It’s easy for this to get lost in this horrendously heartbreaking moment, but it starts with him acknowledging that there is a fight that he needs to be a part of. He’s also showing how highly he thinks of her. She doesn’t run away from fights. He feels like a coward, hiding out in King’s Landing. But deeper than that, he feels compelled by honor.
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There is so much happening in this moment. Jaime was not prepared for the intimacy of it. Brienne grabs his face, and makes him look at her, and he is putty for a moment. There are so many emotions on his face as she tells him that he’s not like his sister, and that he’s a good man, and that he should stay with her. He aspires to be as honorable as she is. She has validated him on multiple occasions, and every time he is in awe and this moment is no different. His eyes shine with tears, he does not want to do it. It pains him to hear her like this. He’s never had to hurt her and you can see that her outpour of emotions really affect him.  Her insecurities surface and she believes he’s leaving her to go back to Cersei. He uses it.
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This is not a man that wants to leave a woman. His subtle nod as she tells him he’s a good man and asks him to stay. Jaime has always been nonverbally expressive. He strokes her hand gentle, savoring the feel of her before he has to break her heart. 
You think I’m a good man? I pushed a boy out a tower window, crippled him for life for Cersei. I strangled my cousin with my own hands, just to get back to Cersei. I would have murdered every man, woman and child in Riverrun for Cersei. 
*painful eye contact*
She’s hateful and so am I
It’s so telling that he mentions Riverrun.  He says he would have killed every man, woman and child for Cersei, but he leaves out when he didn’t. He neglects to mention that Brienne showing up in the middle of his camp during a siege changed everything. He was surprised to see her, but he is also pleased to see her. If we’re being honest he’s always pleased to see her. But her arrival really made him change his intentions.
Riverrun was the first time that he went against Cersei for Brienne. It’s when he, in his own way, tells her he loves her.
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 It’s where he lets her go when he had every right to apprehend her. It’s where he puts Brienne above politics.  It’s where Cersei starts to lose him.  It’s subtle, but in letting Brienne attempt to gain forces/troops for Sansa, who would in turn attempt to take Winterfell back from the Boltons, which was given to them by Walder Frey who was a bannerman for the Lannisters. It’s when he, unbeknownst to himself maybe, chooses Brienne over his family. It’s there that it’s clear what he feels for her and what she feels for him.
It’s because of all of this, that Brienne’s emotions erupt at the mention of Riverrun. She knows what happened there and what could’ve happened there. She knows she stopped hundreds of men from being slaughtered needlessly. She knows.
There is so much self-loathing rolling off of Jaime in waves. He’s struggling with feeling like he’s not enough. He doesn’t think he deserves her, but he wants her. But he has to finish it. It must be him. 
She can’t stop him. He’s going to King’s Landing and he’s going to try and stop Cersei. He’s going to do it because he didn’t do it years ago. He’s going because he did push a boy from a tower window. Because he did strangle his own cousin. He’s going because the one time he stood up to her was because of the woman standing in front of him. And he knows Ser Brienne of Tarth will not be safe as long as Cersei has power. He can’t stay. He can’t stay because the moments of happiness that they have are fleeting. Daeny has lost half her army and another dragon. The scales are not balanced and he can’t sit back and wait.
Have you ever run from a fight?
He’s going to fight for what important to him now and he doesn’t know if he’ll be successful but he knows he has to try. 
Brienne showed such strength. She has allowed herself to be open and vulnerable. She’s allowed Jaime into her life, she gave herself to him, she loves him and he’s going off on a suicide mission. She doesn’t want him to leave. She’s scared for him. If Cersei’s army can kill a dragon what will happen to Jaime? It was so incredibly brave for her to even go and pursue him. She’s fought a bear, she fought the Hound, she fought the army of the undead, but this is a fight she isn’t equipped to fight. She’s watched one man that she loves die and it nearly broke her. She would never forgive herself if something happens to Jaime.
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This scene was comprised of two people who love each other showing each other how deep that love runs. Sacrificing theif life (Jaime) and Pride (Brienne) in order to protect the other.  I honestly think the message was received on both ends.
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This is a man that loves a woman and he’s going to fight for that love and for that woman. 
I have no insight into what D&D are doing but I can only hope that they didn’t take Jaime on such a beautiful character arc to throw it away. I hope that they will not perpetuate the “hot guys sleeps with not hot girl” trope. I hope that we as viewers aren’t going to fall victim to character assassination and lazy writing. More than anything, I hope Brienne and Jaime meet again so she can punch him in the face and then help off the ground once he falls. (much like Yara did Theon)
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milkofpoppy · 6 years ago
Website : Choose your password
Brienne : jaime
Website : password is too short
Brienne : I know
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mehargreeves · 6 years ago
i love them
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chaoticfvckingdisaster · 2 years ago
ik no one watches That 90s Show and That 70s Show was so long ago its obscure anymore, but I have to talk about the parallels between Leia and Gwen and Eric and Donna and how that just fuels my ship for them more. Leia having Eric's old room and Gwen having Donna's old room, and them sitting in the same spots in the basement. There's so many parallels don't get me wrong I LOVE Jay but Leia and Gwen would be so cute together
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effulgent-girl · 2 years ago
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Jaime & Brienne Week 2022 - Day Seven, Oct. 9 - Fire
Lucifer Morningstar, bored from her sulking life in hell, comes to live in Los Angeles. Adopting the persona Brienne Tarth, she helps humanity with her telepathic abilities to bring people's deepest desires out of them. While meeting with Detective Jaime Lannister in her nightclub, a shootout involving her and the Detective leads to her becoming an LAPD consultant who tries to punish people for their crimes through law and justice.
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riocat01 · 4 years ago
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jaimebrienneonline · 3 years ago
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau forcing himself to watch the last half of S8E4 of Game of Thrones. 
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justjameka · 6 years ago
The middle one kills me everytime. Every. Single. Time.
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Gwendoline Christie on SDCC 2014 | [ x ] [ x ]
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annieaceofhearts · 5 years ago
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Did it go the way you thought it would, the relationship between Jaime and Brienne?
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coldgreydawn · 6 years ago
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Did it go the way you thought it would, the relationship between Jaime and Brienne? (x)
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justjameka · 5 years ago
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