Okay, so this is the third time I have attempted to make this post, so here it goes again.
I have had exactly one request for my favorite Hannigram fanfics, thank you @why-do-i-still-care, for allowing me to put this up.
So, in no particular order, my favorite fanfics. All except one are complete, and all are really good.
First, we have an FBI academy Will who is interviewing the infamous Hannibal the Cannibal as a project for Professor Crawford's class. Includes Sassy Will and Smitten Hannibal.
Next, we have college aged Will, a bartender who has a regular, Doctor Hannibal Lector. Despite losing his job, Hannibal follows his favorite bartender to each new job. Eventually, Will and Hannibal are dating. At the same time, the Chesapeake Ripper is courting someone, a love letter with a corpse, and now Will has a secret admirer, signing with the initials C.R.
Next, very similar to the last one, Will has failed to join the FBI, so he falls back on his second degree, Journalism. When he profiles the Minnesota Shrike while writing an advice column, he attracts a lot of attention, including the FBI, and the Chesapeake Ripper. Now the Ripper is dropping bodies with clues left to Will in order to find them, some alive, some not. Another courtship of bodies and blood.
In this one, Will tips himself and Hannibal off the cliff, and instead of hitting the water, he wakes up in Wolf Trap, before meeting Hannibal. This time, he's determined to meet Hannibal under different circumstances and woo his cannibal.
This is based on that one post. You know the one. The odds of a serial killer picking up a serial killing hitchhiker are low, but never zero.
I'm gonna cut this off here and make another post because tumblr is having issues with the length of this one.
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finitepeace · 1 year
3 months since I finished Hannibal tv show. Not moving on at all from hannigram.
and here are the fics that i read to soothe the pain and pretend that the mess that is hannigram relationship has been tidied up.
Personal favorites are marked with 🦌 <this is supposed to be a stag but then it turns out to be a goat???>
arranged by time setting.
11 season1 fics, 11 season2 fics , 2 season 3fics, 14 post/before canon fics, 5 fics AU, 2 missing scene fics, 2 collections.
Season 1 divergence
Kissable by FragileTeacup |2,5k words | A Season 1 AU ficlet which explores a simple premise: what would have happened if, after Will had gone to Hannibal's house and confessed to kissing Alana Bloom, he had ended up kissing Hannibal? 
Consenting to Dream by emungere | E, 38k words | A seduction through physical objects. It starts with a scarf loaned to Will on a cold day, but Hannibal, as usual, isn't satisfied with anything small.
🦌 Marriage of Inconvenience by FragileTeacup | 3,5k words E | When Will Graham hears that Hannibal Lecter has been threatened with deportation, he's far more dismayed than he ever thought he would be. But a flippant suggestion from Brian Zeller gives him an idea...
Beau Ideal by Gweezle | E, 21k words | will used to be a model -who might be attracted murder-
🦌 Dancing with the Beast by proser | E, 86k words | In order to catch a mediocre serial killer, Will must pose as Hannibal's date for a series of pretentious social events.
La Maison Rouge by Randstad | 2k words, Hannibal starts to show up at Will's house at the crack of dawn to make him breakfast, killing two birds with one stone: cooking is one of his many passions, and, honestly, Will Graham is climbing up the list.
Hyacinth House by bluesyturtle for Azremodehar | 80k, E,  It all starts with an injury Will sustains while sleepwalking. [Podfic] read by justbreathe
Kindling by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe) | 10k words, e | When Franklyn's advances of friendship become too much for even Hannibal to politely ignore, he enlists Will's help.
🦌 Separately to a Wood by emungere | 13k words, T, canon-divergence in which hannibal proposed to will on their 2nd day meeting. 
Demolition Lovers by thefangirlingdead | 76k words, E, hannibal got found out early, kidnapped will to run with him and will struggled with the usual ‘i love him but he is a murder’.. 
🦌 Small Repairs by Devereauxs_Disease | E, 20k words, divergence season 1, hannigram keeps finding reason to meet each other 
Season 2 divergence
🦌 The Fox's Wedding by thehoyden | E, 11k, post S2 finale fix-it, hannibal took will to japan
Amourette by Petronia | 3k words, E, divergence on season 2 
I shouldn't feel lonely when you're gone by Angelic_Disaster | 28k words, E, amnesiac Dr. Lecter,
Slip the Veil by ThisBeautifulDrowning   21,844  Post-Mizumono, Will heals, and thinks, and follows his heart. 
🦌 each according to its kind by chaparral_crown | 192k words | Season 2 divergence | instead of taking revenge and planning to expose hannibal, will drop everything and run away 
Where All Ladders Start by emungere | E, 43k, season 2 divergence, hannibal regrets and releases will from prison 
Pattern Break by ThisBeautifulDrowning | e, 72k | No, Will was going to deal with Hannibal Lecter on his own terms. The man deserved to reap what he'd so carefully sowed, didn't he? After his release from the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, Will doesn't return to work for the FBI.
🦌🦌🦌 if you will come all the way down with me by coloredink | 7k words, M, they left together with abigail, but at what cost??? 
Season 3 divergence
🦌 their beaks not yet turned red by chaparral_crown | M, 130K words, magical realism, baby lecter!! post 1st half of season 3, hannibal went to trial but his conjugal tryst with will brought a stork delivered gift | After Hannibal is arrested and the trial dates are set, the stork visits Will Graham. With it, it brings a baby, a legally binding birth certificate, and a hope chest full of gifts for her. Nobody except Will thinks this is weird.
A Postcard and a Knife by Canis_cosmos | E, 37k words, divergence from season 3 when chiyoh threw will out of the train to the past and met young hannibal 
post S3 / before S1
God and Glasses by purefoysgirl | 1,1k, G, domestic life of married hannigram 
Lean On Me by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles | 2k words | Written for the airport-related AU prompt: "I fell asleep on your shoulder and you were too polite to move or wake me up AU" with a Hannigram twist.
We Killed a Dragon Last Night and  Sounders of Three by  inameitlater | time travel/loop/groundhog day
🦌 Hear My Soul Speak by DarkmoonSigel | 130k words. WIP. Last updated early 2022.  | An AU about how Will might of met Hannibal differently since they both knew Alana. A dinner party gone wrong or terribly right. You decide. Not Beta Read.
🦌 When the Devil Smiles Back byGoldenUsagi | 26k words |  A remix of Silence of the Lambs, where Clarice finds herself occupied not only with catching Buffalo Bill, but with unraveling the mystery of what exactly happened to Will Graham. And Hannibal knows more than he’s letting on about both.
🦌🦌🦌Bigger than a Breadbox by KatherineKrawl | 4k words, E | Every day at work, Will's lunchbox is filled with decadent creations, prompting questions from curious coworkers. Hoping to solve the matter, he asks Hannibal for a 'simple' sandwich, but quickly learns Hannibal doesn't quite grasp the meaning of this. Or does his boyfriend have an ulterior motive for his lavish lunches?
TKO by sidnihoudini | 16k words Molly deals with the aftermath.
The Shape of Me Will Always be You by MissDisoriental | 279k words, 1st person POV, | post-fall, hannibal left will so will could return to his old life
A Discreet Madness by emungere | 4,4k words, M, post-fall | 
A Damn Slippery Life by Magical_Destiny | 2k words, T, post-fall, molly reacts
Something Else by HotMolasses | 2,1k, T, hannigram talking about that gutting scene...  
🦌🦌🦌 Say Cheese! by Devereauxs_Disease | 6k, M, murder husband’s vacations keep appearing in freddie lound’s tattle crime 
Cold Beds and Warm Cannibals by Devereauxs_Disease | E, 4,4k, smut and overcoming distrusts
🦌Fruitful by Everett_Harte An AU remix of 'Hannibal'. Where they both meet several years before the show, start dating, and get married. And bang, a lot.
🦌 the true kingkiller by ORiley42 | 41k words, M, there’s even a very well made podfic for it!, hannibal is a mummy and will accidentally freed him. consequence: will fell in love with him.
Ethics & Aesthetics by FragileTeacup | 106330 words, a Regency A/B/O romance | pride and prejudice au
🦌🦌🦌 Remember (that you are) to die by  13empress | 230k words, WIP last updated  2017 | ABO au, amnesiac will woke up with 13 years past experience including being a parent, a one half of murder husband, and a wrongly incarcerated FBI agent 
Oddbodies by toffeecape | E, 72k words | Will is an off-brand sentinel. Hannibal is a reputable guide. What could go wrong?
🦌🦌🦌 Overcoming by purefoysgirl | 547k words, E, A/B/O victorian AU, MY VERY FIRST HANNIGRAM FIC! brought me here and now i'm stuck
Howling Outside Your Door by nobetterlove | 14k words | Content to spend his days on the surgery floor, Hannibal is tasked to present emergency room policy to a Cognitive Science class. He's somewhat reticent, but a single whiff of air changes everything. The professor, Will Graham, is an enigma. A dark bruise covers his right eye and the ripe burnt-sugary sweetness is tainted by a tang of suppressants. How much can finding his true mate really change Hannibal? And when it comes to darkness, where does acceptance lie? 14k words
missing scenes
My Husband by VictoriaAGrey | G, 3,5k words, hannigram being sweet married couple
Mise en Place by WrathoftheStag for Devereauxs_Disease | G, 1,8k, outsider POV -one of the kitchen staff in hannibal’s dinner party- 
collections i'm checking out
In Which Loverboy Lecter Prostrates Himself at the Altar of Will Graham 
Fresh Meat Friday
Hannigram Extended Universe
Trope: From Sex To Love (Valhalla Enchanted) by TigerPrawn | 14k words | the omega prince Charmont is in need of an alpha to see him through heat until his betrothed arrives from a distant kingdom. The recently freed slave one-eyed mute is just hideous enough to be the perfect temporary alpha to service the prince.
Forgemaster by Llewcie | 11k words | Charmont, the newest Dionysus, loses a bet to his roommate Aphrodite, and is required by her to go on three dates with a god of her choosing. Before he even gets out the door, he scathingly insults the gentle, mute Hephaestus, and then must scramble to make amends.
Blood on Steel by MonstrousRegiment | Ella Enchanted/Valhalla Rising crossover, series of 24k words work
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flower-biatch · 1 year
Tumblr media
so I just binged Philia by Gweezle (a hannibal fanfiction on ao3) and IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD
if you're in this fandom and haven't read it. go do it. right now.
but anyways now I feel empty as fuck and I wanted to ask if anyone knows a fanfic that is similar or could be read as a sequel.
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envythemouse · 2 months
All-time Will/Hannibal recs (Part 1)
Beau Ideal by Gweezle
Summary: Still reeling from Garret Jacob Hobbs' death, Will Graham is called in to investigate the murder of a male model. While visiting the modelling agency, Beau Ideal, details of his past connection to the company are revealed, and he finds himself reevaluating his career choices, as well as his feelings towards a certain psychiatrist.
A.K.A. Will Graham used to be a model back in college. Hannibal Lecter cannot deal with the pretty.
Envy’s notes: Case!fic. Will used to be a model because he’s a pretty boy. I love this fic mostly for Will’s interactions with Elijah (he was Will’s booker when he was still a model) and now I kind of ship them.
Say That Again by chronicopheliac
Summary: Will and Hannibal are out doing some shopping, when Will kind of accidentally stumbles upon a kink he didn't know Hannibal had.
Envy’s notes: Some people assume Will is Hannibal’s sugar baby and so Will is annoyed and goes:
“Hey daddy, I saw something else at a stall further down that I wanted, will you buy it for me?”
Gold Rush by EarthsickWithoutYou
Summary: Season 1 if Will Graham thought well of himself and enjoyed his life. When he meets Hannibal, he can't resist flirting heavily and beginning to court the irresistible, elegant therapist. However, a confident, smooth Will Graham is an overwhelming prospect to Hannibal, to say the least. Can Will get past Hannibal's defenses? One thing's for sure, Will isn't giving up: he's obsessed.
Envy’s notes: We love ourselves a confident Will who flirts with Hannibal from the first meeting and can make even the Chesapeake Ripper feel shy.
You Need Only Ask by peacefrog
Summary: “I want you to…” Will feels suddenly like a bundle of coiled nerves, frayed around the edges. “I want you to hold me. While I sleep.”
Envy’s notes: Just some innocent cuddling. No angst.
Devil's Advocate by DisasterpieceTheater
Summary: In an AU where Hannibal/Alana never happened and Will wasn't incarcerated, who would provide Hannibal with an alibi that morning after the dinner party?
Envy’s notes: Jack finds out about Will and Hannibal’s relationship, Will secretly already knows Hannibal is the Chesapeake Ripper.
Parfait by softmoth
Summary: “No,” Will smiles, almost laughs, and shakes his head. “No, he’s. He’s not human. He’s… perfect."'
The smile falls from his face and Will’s heart is pounding in his throat. He feels like he might vomit.
“Dr. Lecter, he’s perfect.”
Envy’s notes: Will thinks he’s at home when he wakes up and touches himself. It turns out he lost time and is at Hannibal’s office. Oh and the Chesapeake Ripper turns him on.
A semblance of control by RomanM
Summary: “Will?”
Will opens his eyes and finds Hannibal peering down at him, concern writ all over his face.
“Why’d you stop?” Will asks, breathless.
“You seemed in pain,” Hannibal says, as if it was obvious.
Will isn't accustomed to gentle sex.
Envy’s notes: This is my kind of smut guys, filled with hurt/comfort. Also just any fic where the main character gets treated gently and isn’t used to it.
Level of Comfort jorblesandco
Summary: Hannibal Lecter has been preparing for a dinner party all day. He sourced the best cuts of meat, the best wine, the best mushrooms. One issue arises when Will Graham will not eat the food presented. What will Hannibal do?
Envy’s notes: As a picky eater, I adore fics where Will doesn’t like Hannibal’s food. Sadly, there’s not a lot of them out there! Will goes to one of Hannibal’s dinners and Hannibal makes him some chicken tenders afterwards.
Absolution by raiast
Summary: When Will wakes up from a surprisingly unsettling dream, there's only one place he can go to ease the ache inside him.
The one where Will stops being a dumbass and starts being honest with himself.
Envy’s notes: Will has a nightmare about Hannibal being locked up so he breaks into Hannibal’s house and crawls into his bed for a cuddle.
Denial ain't just a river by GuardianOfThePeanut
Summary: From his talk with Clarice, the only thing Will could think of was his best friend's snarky comment: “What you really need is to get fucked real good by a daddy that takes care of you, William.”
Will is in denial about really wanting Dr. Lecter to fuck him silly, but still put something Hannibal gifted him in his ass. And then it gets stuck.
Envy’s notes: Alternate universe. Will is nineteen and Hannibal is his doctor.
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trashnightshade · 9 months
The day I learned Philia by Gweezle will probably never be finished is the day I decided to let my depression win tbh
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fictionescapism · 5 years
Fanfic Rec #6 Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
REWIND / REPLAY by Anonymous Prompt: Can I have an AU where Will never solved the Minnesota Shrike case because Hannibal diagnosed his encephalitis and he's been sedated ever since? All of this cannibal stuff is just a product of his fevered brain, and Hannibal is actually the kindly, courteous psychologist of Will's dreams? Lots of confused Will and loving, protective Hannibal please!
How to Save A Life (The Cannibal-Friendly Handbook) by Kittendiamore There’s a man looking up at Will, who has clearly been distracted from - Oh. Throwing limbs into the river. Human limbs. Lovely, he thinks sarcastically. Then he thinks it again because it actually is kind of lovely. The man looks confident. At ease with what he is. He’s kinda hot, too. Or: Will tries to jump off a bridge but ends up offering himself up to a cannibalistic serial killer...as you do.
The New Arrangement by viaorel Will and Mischa are best buddies at the FBI Academy and are quite satisfied with being weird together, but one day Will gets a gift lunch from Mischa's older brother, whom he considers to be a strange guy with even stranger tastes. Will is intrigued, Mischa hates the idea of them meeting.
Lockdown by Gweezle Will Graham visits the Chesapeake Detention Facility on Jack Crawford's orders to find out if Abel Gideon - Hannibal Lecter's former cellmate - really does have any information on the mysterious cannibal. Of course, everything that can go wrong, does.
Night Shift by PossessiveNoun There are certain rules to follow when working for Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Under no circumstances are you to engage any of the inmates in personal conversation, put yourself in a position where they can cause you serious injury, or let them get inside your head. Despite Will Graham’s best efforts he has managed to ignore all the rules as the new Orderly at the hospital and found himself the centre of fascination for the worst of the inmates, the Cannibal known as Hannibal Lecter. ~ Will smiled a humorless smile. “Are you trying to psychoanalyse me Doctor? Are you missing the good old days of psychiatry?”Hannibal gripped the bars of the cell, fingers tightening like he wanted to prise them apart to be on the same side as Will. “I want to know you, Will. Don’t you want to know me too?”Will swallowed down the spike of fear at his words. “No. I don’t find you all that interesting.”Hannibal’s answering smile was all teeth. “You will.”
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mimedking · 3 years
Hannigram Masterlist
A few favorites in no particular order except alphabetical. :))
Canon Timeline and Timeline Adjacent
a tower to broadcast all our dark dreams by coloredink. Complete - E - 53k
"Jack didn't drag me anywhere I didn't want to go. I'm happy to assist with the case, and we've already proven that we can cohabitate without undue distress."
"Yeah, well, I still think it's stupid," Will muttered.
"We do fit the profile," Hannibal said. "A couple from different social strata; recently cohabiting; homosexual. That's not what offends you, is it?" Hannibal added.
(Or: Hannibal and Will have to pretend to be a couple for a case. Everything goes downhill from there.)
and built a little house that we could live in by coloredink. Complete - G - 29k
"It's your house," he muttered. "It only seems right you should get to use it, once in a while. And it's been years since you took a vacation, and you were attacked by a psychopath lately, so you could probably use a break. But it's," he shifted in his chair, "probably it's not really your idea of a vacation, having to spend it with me and a, a pack of strays."
"On the contrary," Hannibal said, anticipation unfurling warm and bubbly in his chest, "that sounds like a wonderful time."
What Dreams by emungere. Complete - E - 92k
A seduction through physical objects. It starts with a scarf loaned to Will on a cold day, but Hannibal, as usual, isn't satisfied with anything small.
Gentler Means by stoic_swan. Complete - E - 175k
Will doesn't leave Hannibal's dinner party for his date with the Chesapeake Ripper. As a result, Hannibal alerts Will of his encephalitis that night and uses Will's recovery to explore his curiosity about friendship-- and what makes Will Graham fascinating. Hannibal's growing affinity for Will compels him to use a somewhat softer approach to influencing the man than he had originally planned, and Will isn't impervious to becoming the object of someone's affection after a lifetime of self-imposed social isolation.
let not man tear asunder by abstractwatercolor. Complete - G - 13k
The FBI wants the disgraced Dr. Lecter's help catching a killer called Buffalo Bill. Dr. Lecter wants something in exchange.
Philia by Gweezle. Complete - E - 74k
Getting into Jack Crawford's Forensic Psychology class was a dream come true for Will Graham, until he learns that his final assignment is to attend twelve interviews with the notorious serial killer, Hannibal the Cannibal, in order to unravel his mysterious past.
Even as he grows closer to the truth, he also grows closer to Dr. Lecter, and the doctor is very eager to get to know this young man who thinks like a murderer.
Pi's Lullaby by t_pock. Complete - E - 62k
Hannibal smells her first. Nearly buried beneath the pungency of the cheap colognes mounted on a nearby display case is something totally incongruous: the sticky-sweet dough scent of the cinnamon pretzels sold down on the mall’s first level. He parts the suits with both hands, hangers squeaking on the bar, and looks down at the young girl squatting on the floor in the middle of the rack.
Or, Will loses his daughter at the mall. Hannibal returns her to him.
Separately to a Wood by emungere. Complete - G - 14k
AU where Hannibal just proposes to Will that morning in the motel room and for some reason, Will says 'yes'.
Shark Tank by xzombiexkittenx. Complete - E - 72k
Will and Hannibal meet in prison. Hannibal is still the Ripper, Will is still a profiler who had encephalitis. Only now they're cellmates.
Two Solitudes by emungere. Complete - E - 55k
After the fall, Will drags Hannibal out of the Atlantic and they find their way north to a remote part of Labrador, where they try to make a life together.
Wolf and I by t_pock. Complete - E - 46k
Will wonders what constitutes good prey, and answers his own question—a high risk, a good chase, a hard kill. Tangentially he asks, “What’s the longest something’s survived you?”
Hannibal says, “Never through the night.”
Or, Will encounters a creepy stray and discovers the truth about Hannibal.
Various AUs and Different Species Fics.
Aiónios by drinkbloodlikewine and whiskeyandspite. Complete - E - 218k —keep an eye on the tags for this one! —
“If he is your father, he can fault you however it suits him,” replies Hannibal, the scarcest glimmer of amusement allowed to gather in the corners of his eyes. “And with a mouth like that, you’ll be lucky if it’s not first with a fist.”
"Would you?" The boy asks, feigning casual, words obviously directed at Hannibal, "Fault me? And with a fist, too?"
Will is 16 when he finds himself given to an older man to be mentored and apprenticed in the art of war and horsemanship. It is traditional, and all would be well, had Will not run his mouth to this particular general in the public baths not several hours earlier...
All That Glitters by HigherMagic. Complete - E - 29k
The man sits forward, fingers laced and shoulders hunched up in urgency. "I'm sure you've no doubt heard – there is a beast in the mountains around this village." Hannibal presses his lips together and says nothing. "They say it is a demon of flame, a dragon!"
Surely, a terrifying thing to hear. Hannibal raises a brow.
The man huffs, brows coming together and upper lip lifting. "We have asked you here to slay the beast."
Antlers the Colour of Blood by Ghostwriter98. Complete - E - 22k
Will Graham finds himself trapped in a cage with wendigo Hannibal and does his best to survive. Unfortunately, Hannibal somehow misinterprets Will's behavior as being of a friendly (and potentially romantic) nature and responds accordingly with dead bodies. A fic wherein Will is constantly terrified, Hannibal is unbearably smitten and Mason is so done with the both of them.
Come Hungry by HigherMagic. Complete - E - 26k
There are two wolves guarding the entrance, and they look at Will with sharp eyes as he strides past them, towards the check-in station. He tells the receptionist – human, he notes, marking both the pale blue veins in her neck and then how her posture immediately stiffens, pulling her hair forward to hide it – that he's here to see Jack Crawford, and is told to sign in and wait for his visitor's badge, and an escort.
He does as he's told because even though his eyes are the clear, natural blue of a well-fed vampire, his kind are notorious for acting unpredictably, and he can feel the eyes of the guards and the blinking cameras, listens to them whir as whoever controls them undoubtedly let their sights linger on him and keep him monitored while he waits.
Pánas tou Thanátou by RageSloth. Complete - E - 28k
Will enters a strange pet shop and is forced into purchasing an antlered man by the shop's owner, Mister Verger.
Raised by wolves, and other beasts by kafkian. Complete - G - 4k
There’s a faint rustling sound from a few hundred yards in front of him. Will freezes.
Something that looks like it stepped right out of a nightmare walks into the clearing. It’s vaguely human-shaped, skin so black it shines iridescent blue over emaciated ribs and perfectly formed antlers. It walks like a beast of burden, slow and inexorable, and it’s staring right at Will.
It blinks.
The First Rule of Owning a Catboy Is That You Don't by HigherMagic. Complete - E - 12k
Will has always considered himself more of a dog person, but even the strictest of rules have exceptions.
The Poet's Wife by HigherMagic. Complete - E - 64k
Will is captured during the war and made a personal servant of the King, Hannibal Lecter. He has heard from his friends who were sentenced to the fighting pits that if they win one hundred battles, they earn their freedom. He decides to attempt the same; one hundred nights with Hannibal, earning his favor, so that he can be free. Of course, life in a castle, and serving Hannibal, is far more complicated than that.
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ateanalenn · 8 years
Chapters: 26/26 Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Bella Crawford/Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom/Margot Verger Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Ardelia Mapp, Barney Matthews, Matthew Brown (Hannibal), Bella Crawford, Dr. Frederick Chilton, Abel Gideon, Miriam Lass Additional Tags: College Student Will Graham, Incarcerated Hannibal, College Professor Jack Crawford, College Professor Alana Bloom, unhealthy relationship, Slow Burn, Graphic Descriptions of Murder, Hannibal is a Manipulative Bastard but we love him, Will is a sassy sexy 20-year-old who looks like an angry puppy, and also sometimes thinks about murdering people, Beverly Katz is the Best, Ardelia Mapp is Awesome, Alana Bloom is just trying to keep her favourite student safe, Canon Off-screen Suicide, Canon Off-screen Suicide Attempt, Chilton just sorta sits around and acts smarmy, Barney Matthews is the sweetest orderly in the universe, Abel Gideon thinks Will is Adorable, Everything goes to hell and it's all Jack's fault, Rating Changed Because Will Has A Naughty Dream Series: Part 1 of Beloved Summary:
Getting into Jack Crawford's Forensic Psychology class was a dream come true for Will Graham, until he learns that his final assignment is to attend twelve interviews with the notorious serial killer, Hannibal the Cannibal, in order to unravel his mysterious past.
Even as he grows closer to the truth, he also grows closer to Dr. Lecter, and the doctor is very eager to get to know this young man who thinks like a murderer.
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Hannibal Fic Recommendation List - Incest
Incest fics
Back to Overview
All Flesh Consorteth by Gweezle Will Graham thought learning that the man who raised him wasn't his biological father was the worst thing to ever happen to him, until he sees his birth father, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, on the news, unveiled to the world as Hannibal the Cannibal, a sadistic serial killer with a taste for human flesh.When a man is found murdered exactly like one of Lecter's previous victims, FBI Agent, Jack Crawford asks Will to interview the notorious killer. Will accepts out of a desire to get to know the man who sired him. Unfortunately, Lecter is very keen to get to know him as well. Words: 19,095 Chapters: 4/4 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Enough by Miss_Lv Will is Hannibal's younger brother. That goes about as well as you would expect. Words: 28,621 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Unconventional Therapy by DarkmoonSigel, sku7314977 Upon noticing that Will has been having some difficulty separating his mind from the monsters he’s made to chase, Hannibal makes a rather unexpected suggestion for some uncommon therapy to help the empath unwind. Words: 51,862 Chapters: 12/12 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Note: This is a Charlie Countryman crossover.
Bound by Wild Desire by DangerousDan Hannibal and Will meet under the same circumstances, but Will is already married to Molly. They both realize the intensity of their connection much sooner including its romantic and sexual underpinnings. An unexpected incident leads to the discovery that Hannibal is Will's biological father. Hannibal sees opportunity in the turn of events. Words: 56,201 Chapters: 19/19 Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Boundary Obliteration by jonnimir Kinktober Day 31: Incest + Costumes + Mirror Sex.Will is aware that his son isn't exactly normal, but he's still taken aback when Hannibal decides to seduce him. Words: 6,158 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage
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hello i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you read on ao3. have you read philia by gweezle? i’m in search of more fics like it and if you haven’t read it, i’m looking for fics where hannibal is already incarcerated and will interviews him. (also you should definitely read it)
I write more than I read. I am a really picky consumer and find myself abandoning a LOT more than I finish. I haven't read that one in particular, nor have I read other fics similar to what you described. But I'll leave this open to other people to respond with similar fics if they have any suggestions.
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
Anchor in a Lockdown by Anna_Jay [words: 20,604]
"Will snatches the paper from Chilton's hands, and with every word he reads dread begins to overcome him. The Warden still has a smile on his face as Will lowers the paper. 'Good to see you understand. You start tomorrow.'" In which Will is an unfortunate prison guard who is sent to work the red zone, the current home of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
In the Truly Gruesome Do We Trust by sidnihoudini [words: 9,473]
Hannibal and Will have murder husbands mind palace sex, and Alana watches obsessively. A slow, sneaky grin slides its way across Will’s face as he looks up at Hannibal and teases, “You enjoy being watched.” 
The Abyss Smiled Back by HigherMagic [words: 49,768]
Will is missing, presumed dead, which makes it difficult for Jack and Alana to get Hannibal to help them catch another brutal serial killer, given that Hannibal's only condition for helping them is that he gets to see Will.
Wings of Wax and Feather by BelladonnaWyck, raiast [words: 55,947]
Hannibal Lecter had always known the winding road of fate may one day lead him straight to a prison cell. He’d never imagined he’d find his true mate there.
Shark Tank by xzombiexkittenx for trr_rr [words: 71,358]
Will and Hannibal meet in prison. Hannibal is still the Ripper, Will is still a profiler who had encephalitis. Only now they're cell mates
Collateral Damage by quenchycactus [words: 3,064]
They are kept on complete opposite sides of the BSHCI, under Alana’s watchful eye.
Lockdown by Gweezle for Square_Pancake [words: 3,635]
Will Graham visits the Chesapeake Detention Facility on Jack Crawford's orders to find out if Abel Gideon - Hannibal Lecter's former cellmate - really does have any information on the mysterious cannibal. Of course, everything that can go wrong, does.
The Lion and the Wolf by CrowsAce [words: 12,312]
The one where Will is starting his first year at Uni and want's nothing more than to be allowed to work in peace and just disappear into the background but FBI agents and serial killers a like just won't leave him be.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy by LazyBaker [words: 1,584]
“They think I’ll bite.” Will said. Practically growling through the few holes. “Do you want to bite me, Will?”
A Little Bird Told Me by harleygirl2648 [words: 12,514]
Season 4 AU. Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham were married and living happily in Cuba together when the FBI catches up to them in a shootout. When both come to in the hospital, they are told the other one is dead and are placed back the in the BSHCI. One year later, Buffalo Bill is out there skinning girls, and Jack Crawford deploys his new trainee, Clarice Starling against the darkest minds he still has access to. Will Clarice become the prey, or will she take control of the chessboard and find Catherine Martin?
There And Back Again by SpookedBlue [words: 3,964]
Will and Hannibal have contests about who can break the other out of prison the fastest.
The Only Place I Can Hold You by snapdragonpop007 [words: 27,865]
“Hello, Jack.” These past two years had not been kind to Will Graham-Lecter. The solitary confinement that Chilton had promised would help had only seemed to make the omega worse. “I was wondering when you were gonna come talk to me.” Will hadn’t looked up from the book in his hands. He was running his fingertips across the pages, and when Jack looked a little closer he could see that it was full of photographs.
Redemption by houseofcannibals [words: 132,427]
After very publicly losing his mind and murdering three young women in an unconscious state, FBI consultant Will Graham is sentenced to serve three consecutive life sentences in the notorious Shawshank State Prison. Upon arrival, he is unsettled to find himself in a cell neighboring that of infamous serial killer Dr Hannibal Lecter.
The Escapists by whiskeyandspite [words: 35,368]
Will’s cellmate said nothing, and Will didn’t venture. He had been prickly enough as a lecturer, where human interaction was mandatory, and prison was not the sort of place one made friends. One either made allies or enemies, or stayed quiet enough to avoid both. Will doubted he'd be that lucky; far too easy to rile up especially when stupidity was the catalyst. Prison, Will thought absently, was similar to college.
Pushing Us Into Self-Destruction by IBegToDreamAndDiffer [words: 16,538] 
Clarice Starling needs help with a case, so she pays a visit to Will Graham, who's incarcerated in the Baltimore Sate Hospital with his partner.
Leave Your Message After The Tone by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles [words: 7,775] 
Imagine Will calling Hannibal’s cell phone after he’s incarcerated just to hear Hannibal’s voice on his voicemail. Imagine Will leaving Hannibal voicemails about how he wishes things had turned out differently. Imagine Will spilling his heart out to Hannibal’s voicemail, assuming that the man himself will never hear them. Imagine Hannibal listening to these messages.
Inconvenient by HigherMagic [words: 5,756] 
Transporting them had gone surprisingly well. While waiting for an official sentence, they were to be held in a high-security facility, similar to the BSHCI, but more remote, so that if they were to, somehow, escape again, it would be a long trek on foot before they approached anything usable, and the cavalry would overtake them before they could.
1 (17/25)
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juuls · 3 years
2021 Fic Reading Challenge Stats - January to April
The challenge can be found here, joined at any time, and no sign ups are required! : @fanfic-reading-challenge
Wow! I have read a LOT this year, so far, and that's just with fanfiction---not including the 38+ books I've read towards my Book Reading Challenge(s) for this year. :D
I figured I'd give a little bit of an update, because those are both fun and dorky, both of which are awesome.
Grand Totals (4 months)
Total fics read: 289 Total fics completed: 275 Total fics DNF (did not finish): 6 Total fics completed up to what's posted: 8 Most popular ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Stony (Marvel) --- 50 fics Total words read: 6,320,855 Average words per fic: 21,871 Longest fic read: 715,940 words (The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie)
Total: 54 fics Completed: 52 fics DNF (did not finish): 1 fic Complete up to what's posted: 1 fic Different (romantic) ships: 21 Most popular ship: Michael Burnham/Christopher Pike (Star Trek: Discovery) --- 15 fics Total words read: 1,241,554 Favourite fic(s):
Unfinished Business by Annaelle (Julie and the Phantoms) @cuthian
Lines by treesrambling (MCU) @treesramblings
A history of dragons in popular culture by Deputychairman (The Witcher) @deputychairman
Total: 37 fics Completed: 34 fics DNF (did not finish): 1 fic Complete up to what's posted: 2 fics Different (romantic) ships: 15 Most popular ship:
Michael Burnham/Christopher Pike (Star Trek: Discovery) --- 7 fics
Followed immediately by Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Stony (Marvel) --- 6 fics
Total words read: 792,346 Favourite fic(s):
The Other by LadyFangs (Star Trek: Discovery) @ladyfangs
An Irish Solstice by wolfiefics (MCU) @wolfiefics
For You, Sir, Always (The Fairy Godfather Remix) by Veldeia (Marvel) @veldeia
Presque Toujours Pur by ShayaLonnie (Potterverse) @shayalonnie
Total: 73 fics Completed: 69 fics DNF (did not finish): 1 fic Complete up to what's posted: 3 fics Different (romantic) ships: 24 Most popular ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Stony (Marvel) --- 12 fics Total words read: 1,620,622 Favourite fic(s):
Philia by Gweezle (Hannibal) @gweezle
i am the heart of a murdered woman by deathsweetquen (Marvel) @deathsweetqueen
you are my sun, my moon (and all of my stars) by Goodforthesoul (Game of Thrones/ASoIaF)
Total: 125 fics Completed: 120 fics DNF (did not finish): 3 fics Complete up to what's posted: 2 fics Different (romantic) ships: 54 (wow!) Most popular ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Stony (Marvel) --- 23 fics Total words read: 2,666,333 Favourite fic(s):
The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie (Potterverse) @shayalonnie
721 Fifth Avenue by Skarla (Marvel)
Queen of the Seven Kingdoms by Sarah_Black (Game of Thrones/ASoIaF)
I like statistics and spreadsheets waaaaay too much.
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leavampire · 6 years
Murder Husbands ---> Hannibal / Hannigram Fic Rec
Anchor in a Lockdown by Anna_Jay
"Will snatches the paper from Chilton's hands, and with every word he reads dread begins to overcome him. The Warden still has a smile on his face as Will lowers the paper. 'Good to see you understand. You start tomorrow.'" In which Will is an unfortunate prison guard who is sent to work the red zone, the current home of Dr Hannibal Lecter.
Dissolution by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive
They say when you die, your life flashes before your eyes. All Hannibal sees is Will Graham.
Entangled by voxofthevoid
What if after getting gutted Will had shot Hannibal (non-fatally). That's when Baltimore Police finally show up. After everyone is fixed up Hannibal gets tried as the Chesapeake Ripper and sent to the Baltimore Institute for the Criminally Insane.
However, Will gets tried for the death of Randall Tier and thanks to Kade Purnell, he is also sent Baltimore Institute for the Criminally Insane.
They end up being placed in cells right next to each other.
Dark Paradise by Sherlock_Spock
When Molly leaves Will, his world disintegrates and he makes a decision with grave consequences. Prison break, escape: our Murder Husbands will reveal themselves in all their glory.
Philia by Gweezle
Getting into Jack Crawford's Forensic Psychology class was a dream come true for Will Graham until he learns that his final assignment is to attend twelve interviews with the notorious serial killer, Hannibal the Cannibal, in order to unravel his mysterious past.
Even as he grows closer to the truth, he also grows closer to Dr. Lecter, and the doctor is very eager to get to know this young man who thinks like a murderer.
through a glass by amare
He went to sleep in an asylum; he woke up in a reality not his own. Will's either gone down the rabbit hole of his own unstable mind, or he's ended up someplace else entirely. (The non-opaque summary: Will wakes up in a universe where he and Hannibal are dating.)
Into the Wild by sidnihoudini
He feels fiercely protective of Hannibal for a moment and wonders how childish the universe must have been to think they could be separated by death so easily.
Yours Truly by RiotangelFandoms
In which Will had only pushed Hannibal off the cliff, and three years later, he received a letter.
Fromage by Slayer_of_Destiny
After Hannibal thinks that he has lost Will to Tobias, seeing the younger man alive and just a little scratched makes him realise just how much he wants the other man. Can he seduce Will? Can Will accept what Hannibal is? Slash. Murder husbands.
Abel by makingitwork ***
Hannibal didn't have a little sister. He had a little brother called Mika.
In which Hannibal kidnaps Will, and believes he is Mika.
Needless to say, Will starts believing it too.
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madhattersoldmeahat · 6 years
I'm looking for fanfic that has Will Graham in Clarice Starling 's role. And... Basically that.
I found Philia by Gweezle and I can't get enough of it. It's very intriguing how his role would develop.
Can anyone recommend any great story for me? Pleeeeease?
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wumpmucket · 5 years
Tumblr media
Playing with the @photocandyapp this morning. #wumpmucketpuppets #photocandyapp #Gweezl #alien #puppet #puppeteer #puppetbuilder #artist #teachingartist #touringpuppeteer #Cincinnati #Ohio #shareJOY #makebelieveinyourself #puppetsROCK (at Wump Mucket Puppets) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0d6ZC5jpXI/?igshid=9hmm0erth7k6
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A(all on ao3) Dreaming God by AngelxCloud (Tomarry-this one is really good!!) magic madness (heaven sin) by VibrantVenus (tomarry-this one only has three chapters so far but its really good and tbqh im really excited with where they're taking it) Philia by Gweezle (Hannigram-honestly this Goddamn fic is an honest masterpiece) You're the Sea Salt in my Wounds by StagFiction (this fic had me bawling its so good) Petal Steps by You_Light_The_Sky (Victuuri this fic isn't finished but its worth it)
I have been waiting for Philia’s sequel for-fucking-ever! And I will continue to wait. Faithfully.
I will check out the others. Thanks. ^-^
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