#guys sorry but i literally hated the deo
karaspal · 2 months
don’t be fooled by my undying love for kara danvers, i hated like, half of the decisions the writers made regarding the show’s lore. i find kara to be one for the few characters who actually got better as the show progressed (which is how character development works). she started out more shy and grew into a confident, capable and a well-respected woman. she made some real change and helped a lot of people outside of her superhero suit. the show had a great balance between kara danvers and supergirl. my love is for her story and character development, and her story and character development only. oh, and alex and j’onn! they were pretty neat too!
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the higher i can pile my hair, the better i look
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Recovery is hard, but not far.
Part 5 of T is for Trauma - The Series
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2580.
Warnings: Injuries. Just a small amount of angst now.
Previously on the series – part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
It’s been a couple of days since you’ve left the DEO. Kara flew you home, and soon enough all the yellow sun lights were placed around your bed, and you’ve been lying under them ever since. Things are still hard. You still feel very weak and heavy-hearted. You don’t know how to explain the feeling, but you feel that something broke inside you.
Your moms never leave your side. They look as beaten up as you do. Lena looks tired, like she hasn’t slept in weeks. There are bags under her eyes, her hair is a mess, and she’s wearing nothing but jeans and sweaters. It’s distressing. Kara looks wretched. You’ve never seen your momma looking so miserable all your life. And she hasn’t left her sweatpants in days. You don’t think they have worked in weeks, and sometimes you want to ask them about it, but you’re scared that will send them away, and you can’t see yourself being alone right now.
Jamie visits every afternoon. And the only time you feel slightly like a normal person again is when she’s telling you about school, and the people from it. Alex also comes by a lot, but it’s all very medical. She examines you, makes you talk, walk, and checks if you’re recovering. Kelly came by a few times and tried to access how you were feeling, but you couldn’t tell her, because you don’t even know exactly how it is. To the surprise of no one, she pointed out that you need therapy, and you agreed to do it once you’re feeling strong enough.
You don’t talk much. Not because your voice is still not coming out, but because you don’t have much to say. Your powers are still not back, which feels weird. Even though you can’t control them very well, you’re used to having them. So, you’re feeling very empty inside.
“Hey, you’re awake. Did you sleep well?” You hear Kara’s voice as soon as you open your eyes. You agree with your head, so she knows you can hear her. “Do you need to go to the bathroom? Or do you want to eat first?”
Kara picks you up and takes you to the bathroom. You appreciate the help; your leg still hurts a lot when you try to walk. Probably because you don’t have your powers. But it feels weird being carried everywhere, and helped with everything.
“Are you done?” Kara asks from the other side of the door.
“Mhm.” This is almost humiliating, isn’t it? She goes back inside and picks you up again. “Bed, please.”
“But your mom made a huge breakfast for us, all of your favorites are the-”
“Not hungry, momma. But thank you.” You try to smile at her, but it’s not a real smile. You haven’t been able to do that in a while. Kara puts you back in the bed and lays down next to you. “You can go if you want to.”
“Do you want to be alone?” She asks, and you know she’s only worried you might be feeling suffocated with them around you all the time, but your heart starts beating fast with the thought of being alone, and she hears it. “It’s ok, it’s ok. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here. Hey, hey, baby.” Kara puts her hand on your chest to feel your heart, even though she can hear it. “You’re ok. Mommy is here.”
“I’m sorry.” You try to hold your tears and even your breath.
“Baby, you don’t have to apologize. It’s ok.” She kisses your temple, and wipes the tear that is falling to the side of your face.
“Can you hold me, please?” You’re not even finished with your request and Kara already has her arms wrapped around you, and she pulls you so close you can hear her heartbeat. You like that.
You don’t know how long you two stay like that for. Probably hours. You only let go of Kara when you hear her stomach growling loudly. Jamie walks in right at that moment, and Kara can finally leave you and go eat.
“Hey little Danvers.” Jamie throws herself in your bed and looks at you with a smile. “That looked nice. Does it mean you talked to them?”
“About what?” You ask, confused.
“Well, you know, about the science fair thing.” Jamie props herself up in her elbows to look at you. She knows you haven’t by the look on your face. “Seriously? They’re in here all the time and you haven’t had the single most important conversation possible?”
“That all seems really stupid after you almost die.” You mumble under your breath, but she can hear you either way.
“Yeah, ok. I get it.” She shows her hands trying to admit defeat. “But it’s how you feel. And once you recover, things like that can happen again if you don’t let them know how it affects you.”
“Aunt Kelly said I need therapy… Does she know you say things like that to me?” You try to say it as a joke, but Jamie knows you better than you know yourself, so she’s aware you’re just trying to deflect your feelings.
“Listen, I’ve known you my whole life. You’re funny, smart and powerful.” She sits back on the bed and holds your hand. “There’s no one like you. Really. Aunt Kara is powerful, but she’s not smart like you. Aunt Lena is smart, but she doesn’t have powers. You have both. And to top it all up, you’re a genuinely good person.”
“What do you want? Money?” You raise an eyebrow at her and she breaths deep.
“See, this is what I’m talking about. You can’t even take compliments!” Jamie rolls her eyes. “You literally saved National City from destruction while our parents were frozen in time, and when everyone started applauding, you ran away from it! Why is it so hard for you to accept appreciation?”
“It’s not!” You defend yourself, but you can see her face of disbelief. “Well, you said it yourself, I had to. It was up to me. I had to save everyone.”
“No, you hadn’t! I was just trying to make you overcome your fears. If you didn’t exist, I’m sure Superman or like, the entire Justice League, would've shown up and done something about that.” You furrow your brows thinking about it. “But they didn’t have to, because Superkid was there to save the day. And Superkid was there to save her mom from being killed, and you, dipshit, created a mind reader, just because I went like ‘ok make me a mind reader’. I mean, who does that?”
You don’t answer, you just keep looking at her, waiting for her to get to the point. Which you kind of already know what it is.
“I think, and I’m not a therapist so I might be wrong, but-” Jamie holds your hand again and smiles at you tenderly. “You keep underselling yourself, because you’re afraid your moms are not going to be impressed by anything that you do.”
“I-I am-WHAT?”
“You put them on this pedestal and you look at them like they’re some goddesses who are never wrong, and you feel you can never be wrong so you can be a part of this family. But I have to tell you, little Danvers, they’re not perfect. And you… You have to stop trying to be.”
“Um…” You don’t even have words to what she just told you. Is she right? Did Jamie just read you perfectly?
“Well, anyways, I brought your homework.”
She drops the subject just like that, and takes both of you guys homework from her backpack, so you could do that instead.
“You know what’s not fair? You haven’t been to class in almost a month, and your grades are still better than mine.” She fakes complain and you roll your eyes at her. “Mom said you can go back to school when you want to. You can use a leg cast or something.”
“I don’t have to go to school, I already have better grades than you.” You joke and she sticks her tongue out at you.
Jamie spends the afternoon with you, and when she leaves Lena takes her place next to you, so you’re never alone.
“Did you manage to get any work done today?” You ask when she sits next to you. She pulls you to lay your head on her lap.
“Eh, who cares about that?” Lena says, while stroking your hair. “What I care about is that you didn’t eat enough today. You didn’t have breakfast, you barely touched your sandwich at lunch, and I saw that Jamie had to force you to eat your snack. So, what do you want me to make for you to eat, baby?”
“I’m ok.” You say and you hear a loud sigh in response. “Really, mom, you don’t have to worry.”
“Oh baby, all a mom does is worry.” She smiles and strokes your cheek. “Especially when her little monster stops eating.”
You smile at her, and close your eyes, getting comfortable enough to sleep. But you can’t, because Jamie’s words are in the back of your mind, and god dammit, she was right!
“Is, um, momma on a Supergirl call?” You ask, and your answer is Kara poking her head on your room.
“Nope. Why? Do you miss me already?” Kara says with a playful smile and she sits on your bed too. “Or do you want to talk to us about that thing Jamie was talking to you earlier?”
“Eavesdropping much?” You joke and Kara smiles at you. “It’s nothing. It’s old news.”
“Well, I would still like to talk about it.” Lena says and she helps you sit on your bed so you can look at them. “You were right baby. The reason why what you said hurt us so badly, it’s because you were right. We made a promise, and we should’ve kept it. I don’t want you to think that my job is more important than you. It is not. Nothing is.”
“Yeah.” Kara scootches over and wipes your tears. “CatCo, Supergirl, all of it, it’s just a job. This family is way more important than any of that. You know that, right?”
“I know it. I just don’t feel it sometimes.” You shrug, and you feel Lena kissing your temple, and Kara kissing your forehead at the same time.
“It’s our fault. And we’re going to work very hard to get better at that, ok?” Lena says and you agree with your head.
“But baby, you have to tell us how you feel. You can’t keep saying it doesn’t matter to you, when it’s hurting you so badly. We need to know, so we can do better.” Kara holds your hand and you breathe deep. Guess it’s time to say how you feel.
“It’s just… Everyone in school hates me. When I’m up there, after winning something, there’s no one in the crowd, besides Jamie, looking happy or proud of me.” You’re crying a little, but your moms are crying hard. “I guess I just wanted to see someone looking happy for me.”
There’re a few minutes of loud sobs, desperate noises and your moms repeating ‘we’re so sorry’ over and over again, until any of you can make up a complete sentence again.
“Baby, we’re sorry we never saw things like that. You just kept saying it wasn’t a big deal, and I guess we convinced ourselves of it because it was easier.” Lena is the first one to recover, wiping her tears on Kara’s shirt.
“We don’t want you to feel that you winning something, it's not important, no matter how small you think it is.” Kara squeezes your knee, reassuringly. “Everything you do is important to us. All your inventions make me so proud. I keep wishing that I was smart like you, just to create something out of thin air.”
“And your powers? And you saving me over and over again? You’re just a kid and you saved my life so many times it’s unbelievable.” Lena completes and you give her a little smile.
“We are so proud of you and everything that you accomplish, little one.” Kara cups your face and looks in your eyes. “So proud.”
“It’s nothing compared to what you two do.” You shrug, dismissive.
“Baby, you’re sixteen! You can’t compare a sixteen-year-old life to a forty-six.”
“Or seventy.” You say as a joke and Kara laughs tickling your waist.
“Prankster.” She smiles and, for the first time in a while, you smile too. A real one. “Besides, at sixteen I was in school getting passable grades and not saving a single soul. I didn’t even use my powers at your age! So, you’re better already.”
“I was in college, but I have to tell you, I was inventing way less important things than you’re right now.” Lena adds. “You don’t have to undersell your achievements. Because no matter what it is, we’re always very proud of you.”
It’s the first time you thought about it that way. You always thought that you saving two or three people, defeating one or two bad guys was literally nothing. And compared to your momma’s numbers it is nothing. But she has so many years in this superhero life, and you literally just started. People are just now knowing your name. It was not long ago when you got your first super suit. So, it’s not fair to yourself comparing your achievements to Kara’s.
And the same goes to Lena’s inventions. She obviously made the world a better place with all the things she created, and all the projects she supported with L Corp’s money. You haven’t even had the courage to put any of your inventions to mass production yet, so you can’t compare to them or you will never be satisfied with yourself.
Besides, they might be living pretty impressive lives, but you know they’re not perfect. There were some people Kara weren’t able to save, and there were breakthroughs Lena never had. They are amazing parents, but they’re not perfect, and it doesn’t matter, because you love them either way. And they will love you if you’re not perfect too.
“What’s going on in that big brain of yours?” Kara asks when you don’t talk for a while.
“That I have the best moms in the world.” You smile and they hug you at the same time. “No one can’t be perfect all the time. Not even the big Kara Zor-El or the great Lena Kieran Luthor.” You say, making her chuckle. “But you two come pretty damn close to it.”
“Yeah. No one is perfect, and we shouldn’t try to be.” Kara squeezes your face between her hands. “Being yourself is more than enough.”
“Oh, yes. You are more than we could ever have dreamed of, babygirl.” Lena adds and your heart almost jumps in your chest out of happiness.
“I’m glad you two are feeling like this, because I need a ride to the bathroom.” You look at Kara raising both of your eyebrows at the same time, and she picks you up immediately. “And mom? I think I can eat now.”
“I’ll order everything!” Lena gets up from the bed right away and you smile at them.
Yeah, they’re not perfect, but who needs perfection when they’re this awesome?
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imtheflash · 3 years
Tw: how about a one shot where baby Danvers is depressed and her sisters help her through it?
I do not give you credit to repost translate to another site or take credit for my work.. I spend a lot of time on it and plagiarism sucks.
anon I didn't really know how to make it so depressing so I kinda just went with the flow and made it hurt comforty
You weren't surprised when you didn't hear from your sisters in a while. One was a part time superhero and the other was a DEO agent that had a lot on her plate.
It still hurt though, more than you'd like to admit. Though you tried to ignore it you felt guilty as if you could've helped them if you didn't turn down the job of leading the DEO's department of weaponry. You were an mechanical engineer and a damn good one at that so they thought that you could help the designing team with efficiency and the engineering team with the actual construction. You're 24 though, fresh out of college and working on starting up your own shop. It was your pride and joy, a place where you would fix almost anything brought to you.
A toy car Mr. Rogers's nephew accidently broke? Yeah you got it. A motor that isn't spinning in the right direction? Don't worry about it. A freezer that stopped freezing? No problem. You could fix almost anything and everything. And if you couldn't then they sure as hell could count on you figuring out how to help replace it.
You never considered that you could be broken. But you were, and it isn't something you could fix. No everyone knows that the only way to fix someone is with people. The bell on your the door shakes you out of your trance. "Welcome to the mechanic shop how can I- Alex! Kara! Hi!" You move out from behind the counter and go to hug your sisters feeling at peace from the battle raging inside your mind for the first time in a while.
"Hi! we haven't seen you in so long oh my gosh Alex look at the shop its changed so much! Did you put a new wallpaper up?" You chuckle at Kara's rambling at the new changes and take the liberty to pull your other sister into a hug reveling in her warmth.
"So how are you guys?" You ask both of them gleeful at seeing your sisters after such a long time. They exchanged a look that made you nervous. "Well I've been great with Kelly and all but Kara" Alex starts but Kara cuts her off before she can say anything else.
"But I have been doing great I published my first article and I finally have my own office. With a chair this time!" She exclaims it hurriedly, as if she was hiding something.
You squint your eyes at them "Okay. That's great and all but the gigs up. What's up with you"
They exchange another look before Kara turns to you.
"A group of Maxwell Lord's minions created a drone to shoot at me whenever I go to save someone and it has this weird cloaking technology that isn't hackable by Winn which is saying something 'cause y'know Winn is the best tech guy we have so we were thinking its something mechanical which is why we came to you and because you're the best engineer we know so we stole one of the drones and took apart the tracking pin so if you agreed you could disassemble it and stuff so if you maybe want to you could you know?"
"I-wait-I'm sorry what? Am evil flying drone? I- sure I guess I could take a look at it?" You shrug and ignore the pang in your chest when you realize they came to get something fixed not to actually talk to you like they used too. Like you all used too.
You take the drone from Kara's hands and look at it for a beat before heading to the back of your shop "I have to take it apart before I do any of the actual decoding of the insides.
You miss your sisters looking at each other again.
"Was that a bit weird to you too?" Alex mutters under her breath so you don't hear her
Kara nods looking at your form bent over a table with a screwdriver. "It was wasn't it? Usually they're bouncing around in the shop not so_"
"Sullen" Alex finished. "We should check on them more often?"
"Hey" Kara nudged Alex's with her hip "don't worry too much, they know they can come to us if they need too."
You meanwhile were working on the drone and trying to black out the voices. Useless. Failure. Why do they even bother with you? God knows you're useless to everything that isn't mechanical.
You're snapped out of your spell with a sharp pain in your hand. You look at it and realize that your hand with the screwdriver slipped while you were unscrewing the drones mainframe and stabbed your other hand causing it to bleed. You stand up straight and wince shaking your hand up and down while your sisters run over to you.
"Oh Rao what did you do to your hand!" Kara rushes up to you and clutches your hand from where you were standing previously.
"Uh I stabbed it a little. Don't worry its not deep a band-aid will cover it. You sigh as your sister continue to fuss over the wound. Didn't they realize you weren't worth it? When would they realize.
Once it has been deemed "workable" they let you get back to work.
By the time you get to the bottom of the problem its nearly sundown and your sisters have responsibilities to get to, no matter how happy the day has been for you compared to the others.
"I will drop this off at the DEO tomorrow I just need to finish figuring out the mechanics of it. I believe that if worked right you can un-cloak the drones via a remote.
"Okay! Well go to bed and don't worry about the drones to much" Both of your sisters hugged you and you walked them to the door flipping off the open sign.
You had figured out the cloaking mechanism in an hour.
You had skipped breakfast and lunch but a sour taste in your mouth left you going straight to bed after a closing down the shop, ignoring the pain that throbbed in your hand again.
The next morning you spent an hour creating the remote and loaded the drone into a backpack driving to the DEO.
Apparently Winn figured out how to amplify the drones signal enough to blah blah blah blah you didn't catch the rest of whatever he was saying. It worked and that's all that matters. You stood on the balcony of the DEO. You hated having to leave, even though you had work to do. Lost in your mind you blink back into reality because of a copper coin in your face. "Penny for your thoughts?"
One of your sisters is on either side of you and Alex is holding out the coin in front of you.
You force a smile. "Nothing much is on my mind. I'm just surprised it worked to be honest the wiring on the inside was a bit iffy."
"C'mon. We know that isn't what your thinking." Kara bumps you with her hip. "You've been kind of... out of it since yesterday"
You panic. "I have not been out of it! I just have.. a lot on my mind i guess"
"Like what?" Alex speaks this time. She gives you a look, which makes you realize that there is no getting out of this conversation "You know that you can tell us anything right"
"I just- I feel guilty. Both of you are out there changing lives saving lives and here I am in a stupid mechanic shop. Its not even like it does anything besides fix a toy car Steve's nephew keeps breaking and the fix-its of anything someone broke. I feel so useless all the time compared to that. And i miss you two a lot too" You put your head in your hands still leaning against the railing as your sister lean in to hug you.
"You aren't useless. And neither is your shop. God knows how much time our engineering department would have to spend on the drones." Alex reaches up to rub your back.
"I agree with Alex. God knows how many civilians would've gotten hurt if it weren't for you. Also I am a literal superhero. Say my name and I'll be there in a flash"
You look up at her amused for a second, "isn't that Barry's calling card?"
She shrugs. "He won't miss it"
The three of you make your way away from the balcony. You'd be okay. Some times all you need is a hug and an evil flying drone.
"By the way, I saved Mr. Rogers nephew a couple times. Apparently he breaks his toy car every few days because he knows his uncle likes you" Kara looks at you with a smirk.
"Kara look their blushing"
"Oh my god no okay bye"
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thinking1bee · 4 years
Cheated Part 2
Requested By Anonymous
Pairings: Lena Luthor X Reader
Tags: ANGST, Violence, Blood, Humor, Some smut, Flashbacks, Fluff, Explicit Language 
Taglist: @owloftheshadows
*** Lena Luthor: 3 years later***
The last 3 years with Lena had been amazing. There were definitely ups and downs, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You knew Lena could love, but you didn’t know that she could love hard. The depths of her, the pieces that everyone else didn’t get to see, she usually kept buried. Even with you, it took several months for Lena to let her walls down around you. You knew her family history. You knew that she struggled to trust, so now that you had it, you would do everything in your power to protect it. Beneath the cold exterior that surrounded Lena like a second skin, was a hurt woman who wanted to love and be loved. She wanted to experience as much acceptance as anybody else in a family, and as the black sheep of the Luthor clan, that never happened. You wanted to give Lena all of that love, you wanted her to be happy, you wanted what she wanted.
Now, you were cuddled with her on the couch, watching the live action Grinch movie, while you were both in comfortable sweats, and a bowl of popcorn nestled between your legs for easy access. Lena didn’t understand this movie, and she understood your fascination with it even less, but she never passed a chance to make you happy.
You were quiet, and with your eyes glued to the tv when Lena gently kissed you. Her soft lips ghosted the skin below your ear that met your neck, and you shivered in her hold.
“What are you doing back there?” you asked while turning your head to look at her. Lena was the picture of perfect innocence. And mischievousness. Want darkened her emerald eyes and you could feel her pull you closer to her chest.
“Oh, nothing,” she whispered. That, in fact, meant that she wanted something. And from the way her hands were trailing closer and closer to the cotton of your sweatpants, you could take a guess at what it was she was after.
Smooth and lithe fingers slipped beneath your underwear to part the folds of your center. You already knew how wet you were. Lena had a sex drive unmatched to anyone else you’d ever been with, and she was so experienced. The first time you had sex with her, she had you coming in 30 seconds and you felt like a complete virgin. Lena had to reassure you frantically that it was normal for that to happen as you were seconds away from smothering yourself with the pillow in sheer embarrassment.
A single digit dipped into your core to gather your arousal and Lena began to rub your juices lightly on your clit, effectively snapping you out of the fond memory.
“You’re so wet for me baby girl,” she husked, her lips ghosting the shell of your ear before dipping down to place wet kisses on your neck.
You couldn’t even get a response out. With the first swipe of her finger, you were already a shuddering mess. The pleasure that coursed through your veins had your toes curling.
“What about the movie?” you barely whispered before a soft moan left your lips.
Lena chuckled before she gently nibbled your neck, her finger not once pausing in their movements against you.
“Trust me, darling. There will be plenty of more opportunities in the future.”
And she was right of course. As long as Lena would be a part of your future, there would be plenty of opportunities to make as many memories as you could.
You went to prison with little to nothing in your possession. All you had was a photo of you, Lena, and Alexa when she was just a couple of months old. What little you had was either seized by the DEO or given to Lena. Lena. Just the thought of her and Alexa, your daughter made your heart throb. You wanted to see them more than you needed your next breath, and it was the thought of them that kept you strong enough to survive this. You wanted to hold them both in your arms, you wanted to hug Alexa close enough for you to feel her heat, you wanted to tell Lena to be strong…but there was no way. Lena was too mad at you, and for something you know that you didn’t do. It was only a week inside and you felt stir crazy. The other women kept staring at you and it made you more on edge than you wanted to be. Your arm was feeling much better, but it was still in a sling, so if a fight were to occur, you would definitely get an ass whooping.
Your picture, too precious to be lying around, would stay on you at all times if it could be helped. You were lying in bed, your cell mate doing enough pushups on the floor to put a DEO operative to shame, when a guard approached the door to your cell.
“Luthor, you have a visitor.”
Immediately, your cell mate stopped to look at you.
“Luthor?” she asked in an almost hostile voice. You hate the way the hairs raised on your arms, but you weren’t goin to show your fear. You weren’t even going to answer her. Instead, you jumped from the top bunk of the bed and follow the guard to the visitor’s area.
Once there, you immediately see blonde hair and blue eyes that sent a wave of relief so strong through you that you thought you were going to pass out. You immediately take the seat across from Kara, and you didn’t realize that you were crying until she wiped the tears away using her thumbs.
“Sorry,” you mumbled while you immediately tried to get a grip.
“Don’t be sorry Y/n. How are you?” she asked with a soft, sympathetic smile.
“I’m in literal hell. I shouldn’t be here Kara and you know that.”
She nodded and was silent for a minute.
“I recruited James and Winn to help me,” she offered. “Winn may have found possible evidence that’s linked to you being set up, but it’s not enough to prove your innocence.”
She said the last sentence in a rush before your hopes could get too high. It was silent again and you almost dreaded asking your next question, but at the same time, you needed to know.
“And Lena…?”
Kara shook her head, and you closed your eyes as you tried to swallow your anger and disappointment.
“I’m sorry Y/n, but she won’t come.”
Against your willpower, the tears began to well behind closed eyelids and you almost bit your lip off in an effort to keep them back.
“She really thinks I did it, huh?” you said in a voice that sounded too broken even to your own ears, and in a millisecond, Kara was enveloping you in a warm gentle hug.
“No touching!” one of the guards barked and you flipped him off.
“I’ll try again,” Kara promised. “But you know how Lena is.”
And that made you laugh because you did know how she was.
“Stubborn as hell.”
“You know it,” Kara said with a smile.
“If Alexa gets that trait from her, I’m going to be so totally screwed.”
Kara laughed and you two sat back down and kept talking.
***Lena Luthor: Hurt***
You and Alex were assigned a major mission together and it required you to fly halfway across the world to the access point and jump out the plane from thousands of feet in the air to reach it. J’onn entrusted you two with the mission, with Kara as support in case anything major happened. The objective was clear, to find and eliminate a hostile alien. All attempts of reasoning and subduing them had been futile, with the alien breaking free and causing more damage to both people and property in consequence. Kara wanted to take care of the alien herself, but they had immediately surrounded themselves with enough Kryptonite to kill her if she got too close. A big team of agents would alert the alien to our presence and that was something we had to avoid. If it had to be done, it would need to be done right, and as you and Alex crept down the halls of an underground, concrete facility, you mentally rehearsed the plan in your mind. You were to flank the alien and whoever had a clear shot first, was to take it. Luckily, this particular alone had no notable active powers. According to their dossier, they had heightened intelligence when it came to strategizing and demolitions, making them still dangerous.
“Are you guys okay in there?” Kara asked you over the comms.
“Yeah, we’re alright,” Alex answered. “We’re headed into the main room. Do you have eyes on us?”
There was long pause, and you could practically feel Alex cock an eyebrow.
“Uh, yeah...the room you’re headed into is lined with lead. I can’t see inside. Please be careful.”
“Perfect,” you groaned. “At least this one is prepared.”
Alex chuckled lightly, your sarcasm not going unnoticed. You approach the door and look at her.
“You ready?”
Alex nodded and you kicked open the door, which was surprisingly easy. One of the hinges flew off of the door from the force of your kick and you eyed it warily. Standing back to back, you and Alex had pistols draw as you searched for the target. The room was bathed in a green glow. The abundant kryptonite cast an eerie light throughout the room, and though the room was illuminated, the radioactive crystals that embellished the room cast more shadows than the light could chase them away.
“Do you see anything?” Alex asked you quietly and you shook your head.
“Eyes open. Spread out.”
You were about 10 feet away from Alex when you saw the shiny glint of something small being pointed towards her, and it was too dark for you to get an accurate shot. You reacted, sprinting towards Alex faster than ever, and you reached her, your arms encircling her body and turning her around, when you heard several pops from behind you.
It happened too fast, and you could feel several points on impact on your back, along with Alex raising her gun to fire at your attacker. You landed on top of her harshly and rolled away from her before you could hurt her further. As you settled on your stomach, that’s when you felt it, fiery agony spreading through you, along with a warm wetness that was soaking through your suit. Alex ran to you, her hands steady as she gently lifted your head.
“I heard shots, is everyone okay?” came Kara’s voice through the comms.
“Y/n has been shot, and it’s bad Kara. One bullet barely missed her spine.”
“Okay I’m coming in,” Kara said.
“What about the kryptonite?”
“Alex, what about her? She’s worth it and we don’t have time to waste.”
You heard the full conversation, and you went to say something when a bone wrenching cough exploded from your mouth. Along with it came a mouthful of blood and it was like you couldn’t stop it. Mouthfuls of it kept coming up and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
“Shit! One of the bullets pierced her lung. She’s drowning in her blood.”
Kara crashed through the ceiling some feet away and immediately gasped in pain. You lost the ability to keep you head up but through blurry vision, you could see her veins highlight green beneath her skin. They throbbed in time with her heartbeat and she took ragged breaths in an attempt to breathe through the agony. Kara barely had the energy to look you over properly like she wanted to.
“I’m sorry,” was all she said before she scooped you into her arms. Your scream of pain was muted by gurgles of blood and you felt bad when you coughed it all over her and her suit. Kara went back to the hole she made and stood under it.
“Will you be okay?” she asked Alex and then grimaced as the pain increased.
Alex nodded, knowing for sure that she shot the alien in the head.
“Yeah, just get out of here,” she said, rushing Kara out before she got incapacitated along with you.
The fly home was a blur, and the time spent in the medical bay was as equally faded into oblivion. All you remember is your back and how it ached and burned in the worst ways imaginable. You were tired, so when a nurse slipped a mask over your face and told you to sleep, you happily obliged.
You woke up to Lena, who was beside you with your hand in her grasp. She was tired, the exhaustion and frustration etched clearly into her face. You tried to blink and shake the grogginess from your brain, but it only served to agitate your wounds. You winced and hissed as tears came to your eyes.
“Don’t move,” Lena said softly, but the look on her face betrayed the sentiment in her voice.
“Are you mad?”
She was silent and green eyes studied you. As the seconds ticked on, they got softer and softer until she smiled at you.
“No, I’m not mad. I was worried. Alex told me that you got four gunshots to the back and one of them pierced your lung. The nurses had to stabilize you long enough for Kara to go back and get her. Alex was the only one you could do the surgery.”
You sighed and kissed the back of her hand sweetly, loving the fact that you’ve woken up to see her again.
“You couldn’t do it?” you asked her.
She shook her head. “You would have drowned in your own blood before I would get here.”
Everything was quiet for a minute as you held Lena’s hand tightly. You were about to say something when the shiny glint of something on your hand distracted you. You squinted as you brought your joined hands closer to your face. Maybe it was the medication or the fact that you’ve been out for some time, but it looked like a ring.
Lena laughed as realization dawned on you.
“Lena is this what I think it is?” you asked incredulously.
“At this rate, you’re going to get yourself killed. I at least want you to be my wife before that happens.”
She paused as she got on one knee beside the bed and looked into your eyes.
“Y/n L/n, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” she asked you.
Cue the record scratch that had you frozen in surprise on the bed. You weren’t too sure if this was real, and you went to pinch yourself, but your movement caused your back to flare painfully.
“Are you okay?” Lena asked, more confused than anything.
“This is real? Like, this is happening, yes?”  you asked.
Lena laughed and kissed you gently on the lips. That caused your heart rate to skyrocket and the heart monitor connected to you went crazy. It was only a few seconds when you heard the sounds of feet running towards your room and Alex rounded the corner, skidding to a stop in front of the bed. She looked at you, and then Lena, before she scoffed and crossed her arms.
“Guys, seriously?” she said, unimpressed.
You smiled and showed her your hand. Her eyes drifted to the ring that adorned your finger before her eyes got big and she squealed in excitement.
“Well???? What did you say?” she demanded excitedly.
“I’m saying yes of course.”
Part 3
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oreoambitions · 4 years
Dansen # 28
Things you said in the dark: It's the sound of water dripping that gets to Alex. It's steady but so slow that she's almost convinced herself that it's over by the time each next drop falls, and it gets to her in that excruciating haunting way that something can only get to you in the pitch dark because it reminds her of another time, another kidnapping, another long stillness praying that Kara will arrive before it's too late.
Except that this time no one is trying to drown her, and this time she's not alone.
It happened like this: dinner with Kelly downtown, at a sushi place that just opened up. Reservations are booked solid for months in advance, but Alex isn't sister in law to the Luthor heir for nothing, and so they had a table waiting for them, and a bottle of sake Lena assured her Kelly would like, and the whole meal was planned by the chef in advance so that all Alex had to do was get Kelly to the restaurant without ruining the surprise.
Well, she did manage not to ruin the surprise. If Alex is good at anything, it's keeping secrets. But she didn’t manage to get Kelly to the restaurant, because a block and a half away they found themselves cornered by a couple of guys with poor intentions and a transmatter portal gun. Putting up a fight in the pitch black of wherever-they-are was literally hit and miss, and Alex couldn't discharge her weapon without fear that she'd hit Kelly, and so here they are, bound back to back on opposite sides of a pole, waiting. Ostensibly they're waiting for Supergirl and the DEO to pay a ransom for the safe return of their director, but in practice they're waiting for Kara to respond to the distress signal and gps coordinates Alex managed to send out in the seconds before someone took her watch away.
She shifts in her bonds, tries to be discreet so as not to jostle Kelly, jostles her anyway. In her defense, it's hard to reach an itch when your hands are duct taped behind your back.
Kelly hums. "You good?" she asks.
"Great," Alex replies. And then, "I'm really sorry."
Kelly lets out a soft laugh. "This beats sitting on the couch waiting for Supergirl to bring you home. At least this way I know you're still alive."
Alex leans back to rest her head against Kelly's, as awkward as that is around the pole between them. "I never wanted to put you in danger," she says.
A long silence follows. The water drips and drips and Alex just can't reach that itch and then Kelly says, "Remember that time when the world ended?"
Alex resists the temptation to say, which time when the world ended, exactly? Instead she says, "Yeah."
"I was right out there with you evacuating the planet. Danger and all."
"Okay, but that's different. That was your choice, and it was literally the end of the world. This was a date."
"And danger is a part of dating you, and that's my choice too."
Honestly screw the guy who decided to tie them up back to back, because any line that soft, that sweet, that cheesy deserves a kiss, and Alex can't get to her girlfriend right now, and that's just the height of unfair. "The sushi restaurant," she blurts out. "That's where we were going."
"Oh my God, stop," Kelly says. "The new one? Down on Telegraph?"
"That's the one."
"Damn," Kelly whispers. "Wow, I really hate these guys."
It's Alex's turn to let out a laugh. "If we ask Lena very nicely, she can probably get us another reservation." Alex doesn't want to think about how much that would cost; Lena never told her the pricetag on the original dinner.
"She does owe us one; technically we've only been kidnapped to get her attention."
Technically to get Kara's attention, but as far as the world is concerned, Supergirl and Lena Luthor are a team so tightly knit that to involve one is to involve the other, so Alex lets it slide.
"I really am sorry," Alex says again.
Kelly groans. "Stop. Apologizing. Let's just enjoy our kidnapping in peace, shall we?"
For a moment Alex thinks the water has finally, finally stopped, and then it drips again and she gently taps her head against the pole in frustration.
"Hey," Kelly says, "I do have a request though."
"Maybe like. 25% less danger when we have our kids. For their sake."
Alex's heart stops. She doesn't notice when the next drop of water falls. "Our kids? Did you just say kid plural?"
Kelly elbows her, an awkward semi-successful affair that mostly catches Alex's jacket. "Our kid. I don't know what page you were on, but I was planning to wife you, and then we need our 2.7 kids or whatever it is these days, and a big house somewhere out of the way so your sister can be herself, and I also was sort of planning on a dog if that's alright with you."
Screw the guy who tied them up again, because Alex is starting to tear up, and she's gonna sniffle, and there's gonna be snot on her face, and that isn’t gonna be charming or sexy when Kara finally breaks them out of here, but wow.
Alex clears her throat to cover the burgeoning tears. "What about uhm. What about two dogs?"
Kelly chuckles. "Yeah," she says. "Yeah, that'd be alright." /// Thanks for the ask! It was fun to get a pairing that wasn’t Supercorp!
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tabzanite · 4 years
What your favorite minecraft youtuber/streamer says about part 3 (pls dun take srsly much hahas)
Grian- You either are extreamly organized or cant find a n y t h i n g.
Mumbo jumbo- Every time you hear someone say something along the lines of "Its quite simple actually" you cringe.
Literally anyone on hermitcraft- You enjoy watching people be much smart smart in their minecraft things.
Nihachu- Its Niki, nothing else needs to be said. Everyones favorite.
Defib- I am so sorry. Im waiting too.
Boffy- You dont like cows.
Aphmau- Youve been here since since 2014.
Ldshadowlady- Been here for a while too, huh?
PetezahHutt- Lets be honest, you hate all mccs that are not mcc 7.
Zyphon- You watch way too many minecraft tournaments.
Quackity- I cant tell if youre a furry or not, really a 50/50.
Pheonixsc- You like code, but you dont know code, so you try code, but command blocks.
RKY- Again, 50/50 furry my guy.
Bongs237- Ngl youre really cool to sing with.
Wadzee- Why do you enjoy watching this man suffer?
Time Deo- Im waiting too buddy, Im waiting too.
P0LAND- You either avoid saying you watch skeppy or watch skeppy too much.
Explodingtnt- Why do you have a thing for mouses?
Callahan- You are a person pretending to be a furry. I do not understand you.
JustVurb- Pick a skin. Please. I beg of you. Stop switching.
Part 1 part 2
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sadaboutniall · 4 years
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something about you;
introduction | masterlist | tag | wattpad
Twenty Six. August, 2017.
It all happens so fast. It’s like one morning he’s talking about how to best release This Town, if they should just throw it up on SoundCloud or give it a proper release, and the next he’s on a world fucking tour of his own, album in his back pocket, screaming fans lining up outside once again. He hadn’t expected this, didn’t really think anyone would care so deeply about him, on his own. 
They come up with the idea for Flicker Sessions and Niall thinks it’s fucking brilliant, a great way to ease into a solo career, a perfect way to showcase his album—his life’s work—the way he wants it to be heard. It’s fucking brilliant and he can’t wait to kick it off—until it actually happens. 
Because he hadn’t thought, really, about what it would be like to sing Flicker in front of people for the first time. Hadn’t really considered that this record, so intimate, so personal, such a reflection of his soul, would be something that he doesn’t want other people to hear. The prospect of it is fucking terrifying, and he’s got fifteen minutes to get over it before he goes on stage.
‘I think I’m going to go out there now,’ says Isla, who’d been in the dressing room with Niall, watching him get ready. They’d made out against the wall for ages, his hands on her thighs under her sundress, her lips soft on his neck, careful not to leave any marks. It calmed him, being close to her like that, but she wants to watch the show from the crowd like everyone else, wants to experience it properly, and Niall’s not sure how he can manage fifteen more minutes alone with his thoughts. ‘You ready?’
‘Not really,’ Niall admits, fiddling with the sleeves of his white t-shirt. ‘Fucking shitting it.’
‘Yeah, I would be too,’ Isla says honestly, pressing a kiss to Niall’s throat. ‘But you’re going to do great. They’re gonna love you.’
‘Just feel so,’ Niall drags a hand over his face. ‘Naked?’
Isla tilts her head, eyebrows raised. ‘I mean, if you want to be—’
‘Please don’t tempt me right now,’ he whines, and Isla laughs, eyes warm as they trail over Niall’s body. ‘Tonight,’ he lowers his voice for her, leans in for a kiss.
‘Ah, you’ll be too drunk to get it up,’ she says it in the same low, sultry voice as Niall, smile pulling at the corners of her lips. ‘Don’t make promises you can’t keep.’
It really does feel like he’s on stage naked. He had thought the Jingle Ball tour was exposing but this is totally new, a different level, an intimacy he didn’t even think was possible. Almost everyone he grew up with is here tonight and everyone knows—they all know this is about Isla, who’s standing with them, singing along to songs they’re all hearing for the first time. He’s literally laying his heart out for people he’s known since he was a child: dissecting the intricacies of the love that has defined his entire life, for the entire world to hear. He never knew he had it in him to do this. 
He relaxes into it a few songs in, feels like he fully finds his groove by the middle of This Town, when the whole crowd can sing along. He finds Isla then, too—he’d been searching for her the whole set to no avail, and something about it feels particularly fitting, that his eyes land on hers at that moment. She’s the only person in the room as far as he’s concerned—fuck the Capitol execs, the journalists, the musicians he grew up listening to who are here now to listen to him. It won’t make him any better, worrying about them; this is for her. 
During Flicker, he has to close his eyes. It feels impossible to look at anyone when he’s this vulnerable, this honest. He can only think about how he felt while he was writing it, how terrified and clinging to hope he was—and then how it felt to play it for Isla for the first time, to watch her break down over the things he never found the courage to tell her properly. He could’ve saved them both so much pain, if only he hadn’t been so afraid. 
He gets it together, though, after Flicker and then Too Much To Ask. He finds his footing when the setlist speeds up, when he glances back into the crowd to see Isla and Emilia dancing, drinks raised above their heads, to Since We’re Alone. It’s smooth sailing from there out—he tries not to look at Isla too long during Slow Hands, for an entirely different reason this time, and feels his heart swell and nearly burst with the crowd’s reaction to On My Own. By the end of the set all he wants to do is keep going. Again, again, again, again. He wants to keep doing this on his own. 
The afterparty is in Coppers, which feels ridiculous but perfectly stereotypical. It’s part business meeting for Niall, who spends the first half of the night talking to the Capitol team and to journalists, accepting claps on the back and handshakes and congratulations, watching out of the corner of his eye as Tara collects business cards and phone numbers on his behalf. It’s all good news, Niall knows that, but it’s making him itchy and antsy, standing here doing this while his friends and family mingle around him, dancing, laughing, throwing back shots and raising pints. He wants to be with them, too. 
He escapes near midnight, when the execs have gone home and Tara’s disappeared with some guy who went to uni with Deo. Part of him wants to take a few seconds alone just to breathe, but he’s not willing to risk it, sure that someone will come up and interrupt if they see him alone. Being with Isla is better, anyway, than being alone.
He finds her with the Mullingar crew, no surprise. Mully’s got one arm slung over Mia’s shoulders and the other slung over Isla’s, and the sight of it makes Niall’s heart do a few flips in his chest, a smile rise on his face.
‘Something you need to tell me?’ He asks, sidling up to the group and gently touching Isla’s lower back. She’s beaming when she turns to him, and very, very drunk. 
‘I’m her surrogate fella,’ says Mully, stupid smile on his face. ‘Her real one fecked off to make business deals.’
‘How’d everything go?’ Isla interrupts, shrugging Mully’s arm off her shoulder and leaning into Niall instead. He feels a rush of pride in his chest, as if there had ever been anything to worry about. 
‘Really well, I think,’ Niall drops a kiss to Isla’s hair. ‘But I don’t wanna talk about work shite anymore. Shall I get us drinks?’
‘I’ll come with you,’ she says, smiling. ‘Anything to escape these eejits.’
Their friends shout after them as they walk away, Niall’s arm fitting comfortably around Isla’s waist. She drops her head onto his shoulder and the butterflies don’t let up—he doesn’t think they ever will, no matter how long he and Isla stay together. He loves this: walking through a crowd of people with his hands on her, her body pressed up against his. He likes that everyone in this room knows they belong to each other. 
It makes him itch for more of this, more moments and places where they can be open, together. But Niall’s seen what going public with relationships does for people like him. He swallows the idea, tells himself he’s not thinking straight. He’ll let Isla make the decision when she’s ready. 
At the bar he gets a Guinness for himself, and another vodka coke for Isla. They find a quiet spot near a window and this is all Niall wanted, he thinks—just some time with his girl, alone, before he has to face the rest of the world again. 
‘How do you feel?’ Isla asks around her straw, already deep into the drink. This is so typically her, piss drunk and still asking how everyone else is doing. ‘You were fucking brilliant. I fucking cried. Like, a lot.’
‘Did ya?’ Niall wishes he had his eyes open during Flicker, all of a sudden. He hates the idea of Isla crying without him. ‘I was that bad?’
‘Fuck off,’ she giggles, reaching up to cup his cheek. ‘I’m so proud of you.’
He grasps her wrist, pulls her hand around so he can press his lips to her palm, a gentle kiss. ‘Love you,’ he tells her. ‘This wouldn’t have happened without you. Thank you.’
‘It would’ve,’ Isla whispers, barely audible over the loud music, the roar of people talking. ‘You would be just as talented without me.’
‘No,’ he shakes his head. ‘All this is you. I wouldn’t have even auditioned without you, let alone written an entire album.’
‘Ah, you would’ve found someone else to inspire your angst.’
‘No,’ Niall repeats himself, trying to convey just how serious he is through his voice. ‘It’s only ever been you.’
Isla doesn’t fight him, just runs her thumb over the outline of his lips, over his dusting of stubble. ‘Colm is here,’ she says eventually. ‘He came up to talk to me earlier.’
‘What?’ Niall feels a strangely specific tightening in his chest, one he hasn’t felt since secondary school. ‘How did he get in? I didn’t invite him.’
‘Came with Nicky as his plus one.’
‘For fuck’s sake, I’ll kill the bastard.’
‘S’alright,’ Isla soothes. ‘It’s been ages. Was weird, though. He asked me if I was happy with you, if I was okay with being kept a secret.’
‘He what?’ It kind of feels like the only word Niall can say right now. 
‘I dunno, it really was weird. He was saying how I shouldn’t settle, how I deserve someone who doesn’t feel like he has to keep me a secret because he’s ashamed of me. I know he talks shite but, like, what a weird thing to say for no reason,’ Isla sips her drink, not quite meeting Niall’s eye.
‘He’s a fucking idiot bastard,’ is what Niall manages to get out, corners of his vision clouding with anger. ‘Just wanted to make you feel like shite one last time, and that was the best he could come up with. Petal, I’m so sorry, I wish you told me right away. Would’ve had him kicked out that second, but I’ll do it now, let me call Bas and—’
‘It’s okay, Niall,’ Isla touches his chest gently. ‘It won’t do any good to make him angry. I don’t even know why I told you it just… I’ve been thinking about it, is all.’
‘About what?’
‘What he said,’ says Isla softly, stirring what’s left of her drink with her straw. 
‘Do you feel that way?’ Niall asks, bile rising in his chest. ‘Like I’m ashamed of you? Because that’s the furthest from the truth, Isla, I—’
‘No,’ she shakes her head quick, cuts him off. ‘But I know, like. I know that I don’t fit in. With your work friends and stuff.’
‘What are you talking about, yes you—’
‘I’m not, like, a model or anything. I’m not talented or stunning or charming or cool, like that. I know I’d make a tit of myself if you took me to any of your work events, and I know that, like, publicity-wise there are better choices for you in terms of a girlfriend.’
‘I just don’t want you to feel pressure, like?’ Isla still won’t look at him. ‘I love you so much, but if I’m not the right fit for your job—’
‘Isla,’ Niall raises his voice just enough to get her to look up at him, brown eyes wide, wet, sad enough to snap his fucking heart. ‘I don’t want you to think like this. I don’t want anyone but you—I’m never going to want anyone but you ever again. Every time I had someone who wasn’t you I was thinking about you, for fuck’s sake. Christ, if you knew the number of times I almost said your name while I was in bed with someone else… it’s fucking embarrassing. You’re drunk, petal, and I don’t want to have this conversation right now,’ he brings his hand up to cup her cheek now, hoping she can feel just how much he loves her this way. ‘But I want to carry it on in the morning, when you’re sober. Is that okay?’
Isla nods, swallows thick and closes her eyes for a second. Niall waits. He’ll wait as long as she needs him to. 
When she does open her eyes, it’s like she was never upset in the first place. ‘You thought of me while you were fucking someone else?’ she asks, bringing her drink up to her mouth, wrapping her lips around the straw. It’s amazing, how quickly Niall feels a rush of heat through his body.
‘Every single time,’ he tells her honestly. ‘Listen, I’m gonna go find Bas and get McAnderson kicked out of here. But after that, I think I made you a promise earlier today that I’d like to keep?’
taglist: @stylishmuser @thicksniall @stayclose-holdsteady @niallhoranruinsme @ajayque @flickerswinehouse @1dfangirls35 @crocodileniall @halfpinthoran @awomanindeniall @booksncoffee @edgeofmyniall @kare38 @emmathefantomes @coconutdawn @irish-nlessing @niallspeachybum @perksmikey 
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aceofwhump · 4 years
Okay so I got back into my Supergirl binge, just finished season 3, and I HAVE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. So buckle up cause I'm just gonna put this all under post. There’s a lot here. It's really random and incoherent and long so I'm putting it under a read more.
If you’ve been with me a while you know I can get....passionate about characters I love so this probably won’t be anything new lol. For all you newcomers this is a good time to warn you that I can get long winded in my outpouring of affection for certain whumpees.
Also, spoiler alert I guess if you haven't watched. And if you are a Mon-El hater reading this please don’t interact. I won’t put up with that bullshit. This is positive Mon-El post cause I LOVE MON-EL SO MUCH
TW: discussions of child abuse, emotional and physical
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First of all, you guys remember me posting about how much I loved Mon-El and how I had thoughts on how I wanted him whumped? I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!!!! God he got whumped so good!! The gunshot! The Medusa virus!! The emotional angst! The stuff with Rhea!! The lead poisoning!! Him having to leave! HEARTBREAKING! WONDERFUL! I LOVE IT!! I NEED MORE!! He whumps so so good!! And there's still soooooo many ways I'd love to see but probably won't get to. Ugh so many opportunities and ideas I'd love to explore.
Secondly, I have feelings about Mon-El and Rhea and Daxam in general. 
Oooh boy do I have feelings. OH MY GOD the Mon-El angst that can/does come out of it all is so fucking delicious!
Rhea is one abusive, manipulative BITCH and I feel so bad for Mon-El! I can only imagine the things he went through a child if she is doing this shit to him as an adult. In the show we’ve seen that Rhea has physically struck him (not only did she slap him across the face but she also punched him so hard in the chest he went flying across the room), locked him up on their ship (and was going to keep him in caged for the next 4 years while she brainwashed him into being the "prince” he used to be), continually emotionally manipulates him, murdered his father and blamed it on him, repeatedly ignores his wishes and words, attacked the people he loves, threatens him, guilt trips him, tried to force him into a marriage using the lives of sick children to manipulate him into it, took locks of his hair without his consent in order to make a progeny with his dna (seriously what the fuck!), invaded his new home with an army, plays on his emotions and love for her as his mother to manipulate him, lies to him, and so much more.
Shes a monster and if she does this shit to him now then you can bet she did this shit when he was growing up. And that hurts me. Thinking about how emotionally and physically abusive Rhea must have been to Mon-El as he grew up in Daxam is heartbreaking
(Also, did Mon-El actually ever learn that his mother murdered his father!? Cause I'd have liked to see Kara tell him and his reaction towards it! He would have been devastated by it. And it would have been really hard for Kara to tell him something like that. Oh man can you imagine the guilt he'd feel over that!? My heart.)
Then there’s everything we learn about Daxam through things Mon-El says and how his parents act and my god if I grew up in that environment i’d be messed up too. I mean he’s canonically said in 2x20 that "we'd drug ourselves, so we literally didn't feel anything" back in Daxam. That’s so fucking heartbreaking! And he says this after he think he sees (he does actually see her but doesn’t believe he did) his mom on the streets and nearly has a fucking panic attack! 
Mon-El: I, um... (SIGHS) I thought I saw my mother last night. I didn't. Don't worry. I went and checked, and my parents' ship definitely had left for Daxam a few weeks ago. But thinking I saw her, it... I thought it would make me feel anger. But I felt, um... Other... Other stuff... I just... I hate... I hate that I still care about her.
Kara: Hey, we can't will ourselves to not feel anything. Life doesn't work like that.
Mon-El: On Daxam, that's exactly what we'd do. We'd drug ourselves, so we literally didn't feel anything.
Kara: You're allowed to miss her. She is your mother.
Mon-El: Well, she's gone forever. So...
AND! And! I was thinking about when Mon-El saw her on the streets and how much it effected him and how much of an emotional roller coaster that was for him. From the fear of seeing her again to realizing that he still loves her despite everything she’s done and it’s so heartbreaking seeing how much he doesn’t want to feel anything towards her but he does and it hurts him. God fuck Daxam and fuck Rhea. I’m glad he got out of that crap planet and into an environment where he can grow and heal.
Third: Mon-El has been through so much and I really really want to see someone talk to him about it and see him breakdown and someone hug him dammit!
Let’s take a look at everything Mon-El has been through for a second. I mean he witnesses the destruction of Daxam and is forced into an escape pod and is sent into space before he can even think anything. He crash lands on an unknown planet, is in a coma for a while, wakes up panicked and confused with a Kryptonian over him and for him no time has past since he escaped Daxam and he doesn’t know his people are dead so he runs and tries to get home. He’s in unknown territory and he’s in distress and gets caught by Kara who hates him because hes from Daxam and she knocks him and locks him up. So he’s confused and being confronted by a Kryptonian with a clear prejudice against him and then he learns HIS PEOPLE AND PLANET ARE DEAD and he is a refugee now and jeezus that must have been really hard to hear! But no time to process that I guess cause now you have to learn to navigate a strange world but oh you can't leave this facility yet cause we don't trust you. So here live in this random corner of this room. Who needs it to feel homey. Then he gets kidnapped by an evil organization while trying to help someone and gets shot in the leg. Then he gets infected with a virus and nearly dies. All the while he's hiding the fact that he's the prince of Daxam because he’s afraid if Kara finds out she'll hate him again like when they first met (I mean she flat out said at one point that she didn’t want to go on a date with him because of the way he is/who he is) and you know what HE WAS RIGHT! Doesn’t matter that he's trying to change or that his identity would have been a bad thing to blurt out to a Kryptonian. Kara breaks up with him and let's be real who can he go to to talk about this? No one. Cause they'd all take Kara's side. He maybe could go to Winn but not really. Things get better eventually and then his fucking parents show up and he’s back in that emotionally and physically abusive relationship and he’s trying to be stronger and better and he sacrifices himself over and over for Earth and for Kara. But no matter what he does he'll always be a Daxamite and never really trusted by them and that hurts. Winn (and yes of course Kara) was really the only one to truly care that the lead bomb would kill him too. That hurts me. Also! Also! He saw Rhea that day on the street and can you imagine the emotional tailspin that would have thrown him into!? Can you imagine if you saw you evil abusive mother on the street?
Wow sorry I got long winded there but god I have FEELS!!!!
Which I guess brings me to my next discussion: My feelings about Mon-El's return and the Legion.
Surprisingly I was not as upset over Mon-El and Saturn Girl (and the subsequent death of my favorite top Karamel cause fuck that hurts guys) as I thought I'd be and it took me a minute to work out why. The reason why is because the Legion are his family. Mon-El found his family and his purpose and he's happy. He lived 7 years in the future where he mourned his home and Kara and he found people who love him and he found purpose. He built a legacy, a family, based on everything Kara had taught him and that's amazing. I never felt like he fit in with the DEO group other than Winn and Kara. Even with Kara he sometimes still didn't feel like he fit. But with Imra and Brainy? It feels different. It feels good. They don’t see him as an untrustworthy Daxamite like the others did. To the Legion he’s just Mon-El. From the way he interacts with both Imra and Brainy and the quick lines he throws out about their lives in the future you can feel how different it is for him. They love him, they trust him. He called Brainy his best friend! It feels happy and they feel close just like a family. And I'm so so happy that its Winn who ends up going with him back to the future cause not only did Mon-El deserve to have his best friend back but Winn deserved that adventure and it makes me so damn happy.
I was really sad when he left again and really sad that he and Kara weren’t going to be together but it’s okay because he’s happy! Look at how much Mon-El has grown! He’s a true hero! He’s brave and smart and selfless and strong and I couldn’t be more proud of him. Being back was really hard for him but he tried to not hurt Kara and in the end he made the best decision for both of them. I’m so proud of him.
I wish so desperately that I could get a whole fanfic or series or even just tons of headcanons about his time forming and fighting with the Legion cause I want to see that family grow. That's a team I can get behind. I want to see everything that Mon-El went through from the time he landed in the future for the first time to him waking up in 3x07. I want to see how he adjusts and who he meets and see him slowly start fighting and finding others to fight with him cause Kara taught him to help people so he'll help people while he's stick here. I want to see him learn how to fight, him learning his cape tricks, getting his supersuit, fighting with the Legionnaires. But I also want to see him slowly lose hope of every returning home of ever seeing Kara again and how that affects him and hopefully see the rest of the Legion help him through that. To see that family begin to grow. To see him slowly accept that he won't ever see his home or Kara ever again. To see him reluctantly fall in love again. To see him accept his fate and make a home in the 31st century. To protect it and fight for it and his new family. To begin to feel happy and content in the future and finally feel at ease with his life again after years of closing himself of from others too afraid to lose them and hurt again. I want to see all of this. I also want to see what they're like now that Winn has joined them and how much fun those two have together in the future. How do the Legionnaires feel about losing Brainy? How do they feel about Winn? How do they bond?
One final thought. Less about Mon-El and more about the fandom.
You guys warned me about the hate he gets but oh my god I did not expect to see hatred in such a level as I did when I ventured into the tag looking for gifs. Jeezus fuck. I don't understand it. I do not understand how anyone could hate that adorable space puppy. Mon-El worked so hard to unlearn all of the bad things he's been taught since birth and is instead learning from Kara how to be a hero. And he does! He learns and grows and it's amazing and I'm so proud of him! He becomes a caring and supportive and loving boyfriend and is well on the way to being a real hero! He stands up against his evil abusive mother and turns away his people and fights for Kara and for Earth. I'm proud of him. Yes he makes mistakes but he recognizes it and tries really hard to learn from them and do better! How can you hate him with such vehemence!? How!? I've seen less hated towards actual villains! Villains who murder with glee and without remorse! Villains whose backstory is nothing than "I want to". But Mon-El is the one to get hated on? And for those fans to not just attack Mon-El going as far as to call him abusive (the fuck?) but to go after other fans who like him and ship Karamel? To go after Chris Wood himself?! The vitriol I've seen spouted is horrifying. I thought the hate I got for being a Grant Ward or a Roger Mackenzie fan was bad. And it was/is but this is....wow. Just wow. I'll never understand it.
I love Mon-El greatly. He's such a complex character. I love watching people grow and learn and his character development is a gift to watch. Seeing him go from the playboy asshole he started as to the caring and brave hero he is now is wonderful to watch. And I love him and Kara. You can see the love between Chris and Melissa every second the two of them on screen together and it warms my heart that they found each other, that after everything Melissa went through she found her happiness with Chris. And you can see that happiness with Kara and Mon-El. They were so cute and loving and so full of light. I love them and will continue to support and love Karamel forever.
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helloalycia · 4 years
second time’s the charm [one] // kara danvers
summary: you return to the DEO after suddenly leaving for a few months following your breakup with Kara, and turns out that working with your ex who you're kinda still in love with is a lot harder than you think
warning/s: none.
author's note: here’s a supergirl imagine i wrote a while back but only just found the time to edit! there’s a part two so enjoy! 😊
also, if you didn’t already know, I published the first few chapters of my new alicia clark x oc book on Wattpad and I’d really appreciate it if you checked it out and left some comments. Thanks and I hope you’re all well x 💞
part two | wattpad | masterlist
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I followed Alex out of the lift and into the open space that was the DEO. I looked around, trying to spot any differences compared to the last time I saw it three months ago, but everything pretty much looked the same. Well, except for one major difference...
"I still can't believe you're the new director," I said with disbelief, smiling at Alex.
Alex chuckled as she led me towards the control panel. "Well, you better believe it. I'm your boss now."
I laughed, shaking my head. "That's definitely going to take some getting used to."
As we approached the control panel, a handful of agents stopped by to welcome me back. It was lovely seeing everyone again, especially since I kind of left impulsively and without saying goodbye. I'd apparently missed quite a bit which everybody was happy to catch me up with at a later date. It was almost like I'd never left though, since everybody treated me the same.
"Brainy, I'd like you to meet Agent Y/L/N," Alex introduced when we reached the control panel in front of all the screens.
I recognised Brainy from a few months ago, back when Mon-El and Imra were here. I didn't know him very well, but I recalled him taking Winn's place as the latter joined Mon-El and Imra in the future.
"Ah, yes, Agent Y/N Y/L/N," Brainy spoke, standing up and putting out his hand. I shook it as he continued, "I believe we had the pleasure quite briefly many months ago. Alex told me of your return and I look forward to working with you. You were working at the desert facility, I believe?"
I smiled with amusement, finding Brainy's mannerisms quite different to what I remembered. Then again, he was from the future so what was I to expect?
"Yeah, I transferred for a while after some...," I swallowed awkwardly, "...personal issues. But I decided to come back here and continue my work."
Brainy smiled. "Well, if you shall require any help adjusting, I am happy to help, though I, myself, am also still in the adjustment period."
"It took him a while to stop getting on my nerves, but we're getting there," Alex inputted, and her expression suggested there was some backstory I would definitely follow up on later.
I nodded with amusing. "Well, thanks, Brainy. I may take you up on that."
Brainy gave a final nod before returning to his seat. Alex led me away before continuing to show me around. As we headed up to the balcony, I gave her a teasing smile.
"It's literally the same as I left it," I said knowingly. "Is this tour really necessary?"
Alex suppressed a smile. "I know, I know. I guess I just needed the excuse to talk to you about some things."
I breathed out, my smile fading as we stopped at the balcony. "Why do I have a strong feeling I know what these 'things' are?"
Alex looked to me with pitiful eyes. "Have you spoken to her yet?"
I pursed my lips, glancing out ahead as I tried to collect my thoughts. I knew Alex would bring this up – it was inevitable. She – her sister and my ex, Kara – was the reason I left in the first place. Despite anticipating our reunion, I struggled to follow through with a planned approach.
"I haven't seen her, let alone spoken to her," I admitted. "I know what I want to say, but it's whether or not I'll actually say it, y'know?"
Alex nodded and rested a hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing it. I appreciated the Danvers sister and her support. I guess I always thought she'd hate me for leaving her sister, though technically Kara broke up with me, but she was fine with me and still treated me the same.
"I'm sorry I didn't speak much whilst I was away," I said, meeting Alex's eyes. "I didn't really want to face anything or anyone from here. I was hurting and... well, I...."
"It's okay," she cut me off, sensing my uncertainty. "You're back now and we can just pick up where we left off. I know you and my sister have your past, but we're still good, right?"
I cracked a smiled. "Right."
She nodded supportively and I instantly saw Alex in a slightly different light. All of the qualities she had were definitely leader material – I could see why J'onn chose her to be the new director.
"So, er, how is everyone here?" I asked, a little hesitant.
Alex stared out from the balcony, but she had a knowing expression on her face. "Everyone is good... they've got their act together. They're balancing everything well."
I pursed my lips, breathing out through my nose. So she was doing good. That was nice to hear. I guess after everything, that was all I wanted. As much as I acted like I hated Kara, I only wanted her to be happy. Even if that meant it didn't include me.
"C'mon," Alex said, pulling me from my thoughts. "I'll catch you up on what's new."
I nodded and accepted the distraction, following Alex back downstairs. Only, when we reached Brainy, I recognised the red-caped, blonde-headed individual stood by him.
"You okay?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow and holding back for a moment.
I recovered from my my momentary shock, swallowing hard before nodding. "Yeah, all good."
Alex seemed reluctant, but nodded and led me to Brainy and Supergirl. The latter turned around at Alex's greeting, her familiar blue eyes flickering over to me with surprise.
She looked the same with her blonde curls falling down her shoulders, just above her Supergirl emblem. Her posture was strong like the hero she was, her muscles defined in her suit and her skin flawless from any human blemish. Her eyes were widened, the same eyes that had taunted me in the first month of my abrupt leave. I hated that it was the first time I'd seen her since she broke up with me and all I could think was how beautiful she remained.
"So, Y/N is back," Alex said quite simply, her eyes looking between Kara and I studiously.
I took a deep breath before saying, "Hey, Kara."
She recovered from her surprise as she stumbled out a sentence. "Hey... you're back... you look well."
I nodded and avoided her eyes. "You, too."
It was silent for a moment and an awkward tension hung in the air. I didn't expect anything less though.
"I feel like I am now aware of what the personal reason for Y/N's departure was," Brainy suddenly said, blinking.
Kara and I stayed quiet, though I was sure my cheeks were heating up a little.
"Brainy, remember that thing we talked about the other day? Where you should think before you speak? Yeah, this applies," Alex rambled, before dragging Brainy away without another word.
More silence stretched out between Kara and I, and I suddenly forgot everything I'd practiced saying in this moment.
"I heard you transferred to the desert facility," Kara spoke up, her voice nervous.
I looked at her, noticing her bright eyes staring right at me. "Yeah. I decided to come back though. I– it was time I came back."
Kara nodded, her jaw locking as she kept quiet. I took this as my chance to speak more.
"Look, Kara, I'm back and I don't want this to be like this," I said truthfully. "I know we have a past, a recent one at that, but we both have jobs to do. I don't want what happened between us to affect our professional relationship."
Kara opened her mouth, as if to speak, but thought better of it.
"I just want to focus on doing the best I can here," I continued. "I'm sure it's the same with you. So, I think we can put aside our history for the sake of our work. I know that..." I released a shaky breath, unaware of how tense I felt. "... I know that's all I can handle right now."
Kara nodded, swallowing as she looked down. "I get it. That's... that's fine with me."
I nodded. "Good."
She looked up again, her expression softening. "In a professional way, it's good to have you back."
I chose not to respond, instead clenching my jaw as I walked away, my shoulders tensed until I was out of Kara's sight. I let myself relax finally, taking deep breaths as I tried to compose myself. I promised myself that I wouldn't let her affect me like this and yet here I was, feeling my heart pounding in my chest just from being within her proximity after so long.
I'd kept up to date with most issues concerning the DEO, specifically at this facility rather than the desert one, but there were a few things that popped up unexpectedly. For example, this Children of Liberty group.
We didn't know much about them other than the fact that they despised aliens and wanted them gone, even if that meant through violent means. It was J'onn who'd alerted us of their presence and Alex thought it would be best that we did some of our own scoping around to see what we could find out.
So, that's where I found myself right now, blending in with the public as I discreetly followed two 'children' of Liberty. J'onn had found a lead thankfully, so it was my job to see what I could find out. No interference except listening in with the microphone I was wearing. Nothing too difficult.
"Are they... buying hot dogs?" I heard Brainy ask through my earpiece. I was wearing a hat with a tiny webcam in it, so Alex and the others could see what I could back at the DEO.
"Bad guys gotta eat, too," I joked, continuing to pretend to read the newspaper as I occasionally glanced up at the two men who were indeed buying hot dogs from a vendor.
"Just keep doing what you're doing, Y/N," Alex said calmly. "They were talking about some meeting tonight. We just need to know where."
I nodded slightly, before continuing to read the paper whilst hearing the Children of Liberty's conversation through my other earpiece.
"...just pay the dude," one of them was saying to his friend. "I'll spot you next time."
His friend groaned before paying the man. "You better, man. We don't get paid enough for this."
"It's a hot dog, cheapskate."
I rolled my eyes and continued watching the two men as they continued their walk down the street. I set my paper down and trailed behind them, being sure to keep my distance.
"Wait... are they armed? Y/N, do you see a gun on their hip or is that something else?" Alex asked with concern.
I narrowed my eyes, trying to get a better look without raising suspicion. I couldn't see because of the man's jacket, and right when I planned to move forward, hoping to follow as they rounded in between two buildings, I was stopped by a stranger.
"Well, hello there, beautiful," this random sleazy-looking man greeted, his eyes looking me up and down. "Where you off to?"
"Y/N, we can't lose them," Alex reminded me in my earpiece.
I groaned internally before plastering a fake smile on my lips. I glanced behind the large man, seeing the two men round the corner, out of sight, before meeting this predator's eyes.
"Excuse me, sir, but I'm kind of in a rush," I said politely, stepping around him, but I felt his sweaty hand grab my arm.
On instinct, I yanked myself away from him and pushed him back, glaring with disgust. He didn't seem the least bit fazed as he smirked.
"So you've got a little kick to you," he noted, licking his lips, "I like. Look, I just wanted to get a drink with you. The bar down the street. What d'you say?"
"Agent Y/L/N, we're losing them," Brainy said, slightly panicked.
I didn't want to raise any suspicion, so I refrained from kicking this harasser's arse. Instead, I gritted my teeth, saying, "I'd rather not. Now if you'll excuse me."
I turned around and tried to speed-walk away, hoping to reach that damn alleyway, but I felt the man grab me again, his grip tighter as he spun me around and stepped forward, towering over me a little.
"Listen, bitch, I tried being polite, but you're not leaving me much choice here," he growled lowly, his eyes darkening with each word.
I tried to pull free, but he was stronger than he looked. I could have easily slipped from his grasp by dislocating his arm, and punching him in the face, or even giving him a good kick to the crotch, but that would definitely cause a scene.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Alex's voice came back. "Look, we've sent in Kara to help. She'll be there any–"
"No!" I shouted aloud, forgetting the concept of subtle.
"What?" the man asked, furrowing his brows. "What are you talking about?"
"Stella, there you are! I was looking everywhere for you!" Kara's voice sounded around us, and she approached me as herself rather than Supergirl. Her eyes flickered between the man and I as she asked, "Is everything okay here?"
The man's grip loosened and he eventually stepped away. "Sorry, miss. I must have had the wrong person."
He began to walk away, leaving Kara and I alone. I breathed out, before glaring at Kara.
"Why are you here? I had that covered," I said quietly but aggressively.
I began walking forward, following the last direction I saw the Children of Liberty head.
"You're welcome," Kara replied sarcastically, falling into step with me.
"I didn't ask for your help," I said with annoyance, before adding, "Thanks a lot, Alex."
"We couldn't risk losing them because of some harasser," Alex defended through the earpiece. "It worked, didn't it?"
"Alex is right," Kara said, trying to get me to look at her. "Plus, that guy could've hurt you."
"Yeah, I'm sure he would've made a dent on a fully-trained DEO agent," I snapped, rolling my eyes.
"That's not what I meant," Kara amended, making me stop abruptly.
I faced her, raising my eyebrows. "Then what did you mean, Kara? Because I didn't need you helping me back then. I can do my job." I looked around before whispering, "And Supergirl doesn't need to keep saving the day. Especially when nobody asked for it."
She pushed her glasses up the ridge of her nose as she pursed her lips, looking like she had more to say. It pissed me off because what the hell was she doing? This wasn't difficult. And I didn't need her. I learnt that the hard way. She'd made that clear.
I sighed and continued my walk, finally rounding that damn corner into the alleyway. I kept walking, taking it slow as I saw there was nobody there. I rounded another corner into an open space behind the building, almost walking into a small meet-up between a few of what I presumed were the Children of Liberty. Thankfully, I skidded to a halt and pressed my back to the wall before they could notice me.
I heard some sentences as the mic focused on picking up their conversation, but the sound of Kara speaking grabbed my attention.
"Y/N, look, I'm sorry for interrupting like that. I know you can– woah!"
For a superhero, Kara wasn't very subtle as she almost walked around the corner with her big mouth. Thankfully, I placed my hand over her mouth to silence her and pulled her back to me, holding her close to me and out of sight from our target.
I moved my hand from her mouth as quietly as I could, pressing my forefinger to my lips, motioning for her to stay quiet.
"Wait, did you guys hear something?" one of them said, and I practically held my breath to stay quiet.
The men went quiet as they waited for something, probably a sound to give away our position. After a moment, they gave up and began speaking again.
"Forget that, just listen up," a new voice continued to speak. "We're gonna meet tonight. Gather everyone that you know. It's the start of something new..."
As he went on and on about this impact they would have, I breathed out a small sigh of relief. I titled my head back to Kara, realising how close we actually were. My hand was still wrapped around her waist, holding her close from before. I could make out the golden flecks in her blue irises as she stared right through me, an absence of expression on her face.
I grew warm with embarrassment and also felt my heart clench up at the feeling of her so close to me. I loosened my grip on her waist, using my other hand to gently rest on her chest to push her back a step. She seemed distracted, but came back to reality when I pushed her.
"The community centre, we got it!" Brainy's voice interrupted whatever was happening, and I realised I'd completely ignored the conversation around the corner. It was a good job Brainy and Alex had been listening.
"You guys can head back now," Alex said through the earpiece. "Just be careful."
I hesitated, trying to pull my gaze away from Kara, before doing so and nodding. "Thanks, Alex."
I breathed out slowly, avoiding Kara's eyes, and carefully looked around the wall, seeing the men slowly walking the other way. I motioned for Kara to follow me as we headed out of the alleyway, back onto the main street.
I took off my hat and ran my hands through my hair, glad that was over.
"Do you, er, need a lift back to the DEO?" Kara asked nervously.
I cleared my throat, shaking my head. "I'm still scared of–"
"Scared of heights, right, yeah, sorry," she mumbled. "I'll see you back there then..."
I nodded and she awkwardly walked away, probably to find a quiet place to fly off from. I removed my earpieces and pocketed them before breathing out heavily, not realising how wound up I felt.
What just happened? 
"Stop it!" I laughed, attempting to push Kara away, but clearly she was the stronger of us
both as she continued to kiss me all over my face and neck.
"You're just too beautiful," she said knowingly, flashing me her amazing smile. "If we don't get out of here, I don't think I can control what'll happen next."
With a little more force, I managed to push her back by her chest, grinning. "You better control yourself, Danvers. We're in a public place."
Kara chuckled melodiously, grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the front of the restaurant we'd just dined at and into the alleyway beside it. When I realised why she'd taken us here, I let go of her hand and gave her the best stern look I could at that moment.
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karazrel · 4 years
i shouldnt even pay any mind to lena is a villain truther anon but when has lena ever harm any aliens? mistrust yes but deo (& in turn superfriends working for them) has hurt more aliens than lena ever has im sorry but its true idc if their only bad aliens but physically speaking theyve done it wout any remorse whatsoever & it is kara's right to keep her identity but no one deserved to be deceived w 2 different identities by a friend for 3yrs after doing nothing but be a helpful ally to them lol
I love that most of the ppl making these dumbass arguments against lena have to go all the way back to literally her 2nd episode on the show and be like SHE MADE THAT ALIEN DEVICE 3 YEARS AGO!!! As though in that time she hasn’t stopped the medusa virus, tried to take down cadmus and her mum, created the harun-el to sustain argo (you know, a planet full of aliens), helped supergirl (also an alien) and saved her life on multiple occassions, created the image inducer to protect the identities of.... you guessed it, aliens and helped stop the anti alien organisation that is CoL. and that’s just the stuff I remember off the top of my head, but sure shes absolutely a raging xenophobe who hates aliens whereas the deo who share everything w cadmus except a name are the good guys!!!
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Lillian and Lena in the alternate Timeline
Something that seems off to me about last nights episode was when evil Lena said her mother experimented on her. I mean.......That kind of goes against the personality we've seen of Lillian Luthor up to this point.
Lillian didn't force Corbin to be Metallo, she did give him a choice.
But the most important thing is that Lillian has in her own way always tried to lookout for Lena.
The very first time Supergirl meets Lillian (or rather speaks to her) is when she and Mon El are kidnapped in 2.07. Lillian says she doesn't like the idea of Supergirl being around her daughter.
"And what are you to my daughter?!"
Lillian says this with distain towards Kara. She then goes on a rant after Kara says she's Lena's friend. She goes on about how Superman promised Lex the world and it all went to s**t.
This scene has always said to me that Lillian doesn't want another Kryptonian around her child. Lillian may not be winning mother of the year but it's clear she's doesn't want what she perceives happened to Lex to happen to Lena.
We have Lillian telling her goons to deal with Lena but nothing PERMANENT! Lillian doesn't want Lena to die.
We have Lena double crossing Lillian when she wants to poison all the aliens of National City and Lillian seems surprised but not all that p**sed about it.
We have Lillian literally working with Kara to get Lena off of the Daxamite ship.
Lillian tied to kill Morgan Edge with her Lexo suit because he tried to kill Lena. At the end of that episode Lillian is taken away in the ambulance but before that she and Lena have a moment and Lena just shaking her head like "typical mom".
We have Lillian and Lena actively working together to take down Lex when he's in the presidents office!
It's made clear in the beginning that Lillian adores Lex, but when Lex turns up and is at the Luthor mansion with Lena and they are looking at the Lillian painting that the feeling isn't so mutual. Lex even tries to kill Lillian when she's in prison and Lena has to save her ass. Lillian realises Lex is crazy and even tries to poison him.
We have Lena using the baby truth seeker on Lillian and finding out that Lillian actually does love her. In her own odd way Lilian does in fact love Lena.
Lillian and Lena's relationship has never been Lillian trying to hurt or kill Lena. Lillian's objective has always been to take down aliens because she genuinely believe that they are a threat to the Earth. She wants to protect Earth and in doing so protect Lena, she doesn't want another Kryptonian ruining the life of her other child.
Lillian isn't the best mother and she gives harsh lessons to Lena but she's never actively wanted to kill Lena. Yes she's allowed her to be man handled (cyborg superman) but she's never wanted her to be seriously hurt.
When Lena has a go at Lillian for teaching her to doubt herself and having to look for validation elsewhere Lillian is genuinely sorry for what she's done. She tell Lena that whenever she's had the choice to choose Lena she has always chosen something else. Lillian believes that she was right though, the aliens invaded. She then validates Lena and tells her she's brilliant. She brings the device from Lex's vault to defeat the Daxamites telling Lena she can do this.
So why does Lillian in this alternate timeline decide to turn her daughter into Metallo against her will? When has Lillian showed any signs of wanting to go that far with Lena? Like I mentioned, she gave Metallo the choice.
This time line just makes Lillian look like an insane mad scientist that doesn't care who she hurts, family or not. But that has never been who Lillian is. Yeah Lillian is a villian, but she's not the take over the world, let's kill everyone because I'm insane or want to dominate the world kind of villian. She sees aliens as a threat and wants to protect the world from what she sees as alien invaders. Weirdly the DEO and her share some similarities. Aliens arrive, doesn't matter who they are, Kara kicks some ass, they get locked up, end of story.
Lillian is the villian that you love to hate. She isn't crazy like Lex is, she isn't trying to take over the world or blow up planets. Heck she didnt even try to kill the aliens she kidnapped, she simply popped them on a ship and wanted to send them away. Lex's plans are way to crazy for Lillian to be dealing with. She doesn't want Aliens harnessed for power or an alien genocide, she just wanted them gone. She's the hilarous villian, but the one who will work with the good guys when she has to. She worked with Kara to save Lena and to get rid of the Daxamites. She wanted to push the button to kill the Daxamites and save the Earth, something that Kara actually did do. So Lillian is a villain yes, but she's not crazy. She genuinely sees aliens as a threat, and all 5 seasons has done a great job of proving her point to an extent. We've had Fort Rozz aliens causing havoc, Kryptonians trying to take over the world, World Killers, Daxamite invasions etc . But villian or not Lillian has a love for Lena and she's shown it. She even told Lena that she didn't get close to her because of Lionel not liking it. From what we've heard of Lionel he wasnt the best man, even Lex was afraid of him. When Lena first appears at the Luthor mansion Lillian isnt thrilled, but that scene ends with Lillian smiling at Lena and telling her she might be a Luthor after all.
Even when Lena's non nocre failed the first time and she went to visit Lillian, Lillian was harsh because that's Lillian and that's their dynamic. But Lillian told her not to trust Kara because she would get hurt again and it's not something that Lillian wants, she tells her to partner with Lex because at least Lena knows she can't trust him, making him the better option in her opinion.
So what kind of crap has happened in this alternate timeline that caused Lillian to change her stance on Lena and turn her into a weapon?? It's sounds like fanfiction, but a poor fan fic because at least when people write bad Lillian Luthor she's always a bad character from the start.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
There’s a first time for everything.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2890.
“How exactly did this happen?” Jamie looks at the F in your test and you roll your eyes to the sight of it. This is bad. This is really bad.
“I didn’t have time to study. But it’s ok, I’ll study for the next one.” You say, agreeing with your head to make Jamie and Maya’s worried expression ease up a little.
“Babe, you should’ve told me you needed to study. We could have had a study session or something.” They’re still worried. You look at Jamie raising one eyebrow, so she knows there’s more to the story. It takes her a few seconds, but she seems to finally realize your life is more complicated than stupid French tests.
“Oh, it’s a one-time thing.” Jamie says dismissing it with her hand. “It’s good, now you know what the rest of us feel when we don’t go so well.”
“Yeah. It’s great.” You joke with a smile, and that seems to be what’s necessary to make Maya less worried.
“We’ll study together for the next one.” She says and you agree.
It’s just when her mom picks her up from school, that you can tell Jamie what was really going on with you.
“Ok, so what really happened?” Jamie asks and you breathe deep before starting.
“Ok, it all started the night before when Kara put her head inside my bedroom to ask me:
“Hey kid. What are you up to?”
I looked up from the books I was organizing on my table to start studying. And since I thought it was something fast, I answered. “Nothing.” While obviously ignoring the books in front of me.
Then she went on like “Well. There is a big commotion downtown, a bunch of aliens got together to destroy some things and the whole place is a mess.” And I just shook my head agreeing because I thought she just went to tell me why she was leaving. But, like, she kept going and she asked me: “Do you want to come with me? I figured we could use some help.”
I was beaming in excitement ‘cause you know it’s kind of hard for Kara to just admit she needs help, so I thought there was probably a hell of a mess there. Which means she really did need my help, right? So, I was like “Wait! Really?”
She smiled too. “Sure! Go put on your-” But I used my super speed to change and I was in front of her all suited up in a blink of an eye. “Suit.”
“Let’s do it!” I ran out of the bedroom feeling like I could fly away just by being invited to it. You know it’s all I ever wanted. Kara seeing me as a person who could back her up during trial times. I was almost out of the house when I heard Lena’s voice from the living room and I came back to kiss her goodnight. So, she was like:
“Where are you guys heading to?”
And Kara said, check this out:
“I need back-up for this fight.”
I mean, she literally said the words I was so eager to hear and my smile just grew wider.
“I’m back-up!” I said, beaming in excitement.
But, well, you know my mom. She immediately went like:
“It’s school night.” She looked at momma. “She needs a good night of sleep.” Like I wasn’t even there to speak for myself! But lucky for me Kara said:
“Don’t worry, love. She’ll help me stop the aliens and bring them to the DEO, and I’ll do the clean up part.” Kara assured mom, who let out a sigh, like she does whenever she knows she is defeated.
“Are you sure you want to go?” She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. And honestly, I don’t know what she was expecting. Did she think I was going to say no? Anyways, I obviously answered:
“Oh my God, yes! Don’t worry mom, I can handle it.”
Then she was like: “Ok, then. Don’t take too long.” She kissed my cheek, and then Kara’s mouth. “Be careful. Both of you.”
Then I looked at momma, still smiling, and she smiled back super excited. I just couldn’t believe I was going out to have adventures with Supergirl! I always thought I would have to sneak out with Superboy to have them, but then like, momma invited me to it!
So anyways, I tagged along to fight some hellgrammites that were causing trouble downtown. And like, dude, Aunt Alex gave me an earpiece for communication and Rao it felt so good to be a part of the team!
And she would talk to me through it. Jamie, I swear it’s as fun as you can think. So, aunt Alex was like:
“Superkid, be careful with the spikes. They’re strong enough to penetrate metal, it could harm you.”
And Kara was like:
“They also possess superhuman strength.”
And I was like:
“Okay, guys. I know hellgrammites, just chill.”
But like, aunt Alex went on:
“If you can’t win, try using their own spike against them as a last resource, Superkid.” And I was like ‘ok’, And then I hit one so hard he was thrown to a post light, and it bent, and made the light flicker. It was so funny, but I obviously couldn’t say that, so instead I said:
“Sorry. I’ll fix that!” And I flew to him, looking at the spike on his hand. Then I made my voice sound stronger and said: “You can come willingly or I can make you.”
“Pff.” It was his answer. What a dumbass, right? So, I had to keep using my strong voice.
“Got it. I’ll make you.” And then I punched his face a few times until he was unable to recover, and put him in cuffs. And I was so happy I yelled: “Got one!”
I looked at Supergirl, who had already caught the other three. She gave me thumbs up and a smile. Well. At least I kinda helped, right?
“Bring him to containment at the DEO.” I heard Alex’s voice through the comm, and picked up his floppy body and made my way towards Supergirl.
I asked if she was ready and she agreed with her head. So, I picked one other guy up, throwing each one over my shoulders, and I flew into the DEO with Supergirl, putting all four of them in a cell.
Aunt Alex was looking proud of me, which is incredible. You know the feeling! And she went like. “Great work, kiddo!”
“Thanks! That was fun, it was like playing video-game!” I said making them laugh. But then Supergirl went:
“Ok, time to go home. I’ll go clean up the mess they made, and I’ll meet you back there in a bit.” And she was ready to fly away when I held her hand.
“I can help. Still early.” I said pointing at my watch, but I lied ‘cause it was already late. Supergirl narrowed her eyes at me, and I knew she was going to say no, so I said: “At least let me unbend the post light.”
So she went:
“Ok. Let’s go.” Supergirl flew and I flew behind her.
In the end, I ended up helping her clean up everything, and we had to sneak in home so Lena didn’t see what time we made it back home.
And then, when I laid in bed, I was feeling exhausted, but I was so tired that it was really hard for me to fall asleep, so I missed my first wake-up call with Kara knocking at my door, and when Lena woke me up a while later, I was so tired it was hard to focus. But I could never tell her that, ‘cause she would be pissed since she was right in the first place. So, I rolled out of bed and came to school.
The problem was that it takes a lot of effort to shut off my super hearing and pay attention to the test, and I wasn’t able to do that while feeling so tired, hence my F.”
“Well, at least you had a good time supering yesterday.” Jamie says after you finish your story and you agree with your head catching your breath.
“It was awesome! Even your mom looked impressed.” You lean over a pillar and look at her. “Except Lena will be so mad that I got a bad grade, because I was supering.”
“Oh, come on. You can’t do everything. Save National City and get a good grade the very next day.” She said and you think about it. No, you can’t do everything, but you’re supposed to. Besides, school is more important than saving National City since Supergirl could have done it all by herself, clearly.
But Lena doesn’t need to know, does she? It’s not lying if she doesn’t ask you about it, so there’s no reason you will run to tell her about it, right? Right. It’s fine. You’re fine.
But you’re not fine.
“Hey, babygirl!” Lena says when she walks in home later that day, your soul almost leaves your body. You jump so high in your chair; she furrows her brows at that. “What are you doing?”
“Having a heart attack!” You put your hand on your chest, and you feel your heart beating fast.
“You shouldn’t get scared so easily. You have super hearing.” She points out and you think about it for a second. She is right, you shouldn’t.
“I was distracted.” You defend yourself, and Lena comes closer to kiss your head. She looks at the books in front of you.
“Ooh, français. Très bien!” She jokes.
“Mhm, yeah.” You smile through the pain you’re feeling to just blurt it out right there. It’s very hard not to say anything. You hate keeping secrets from your moms. “How’s-How was work?”
“Oh, you know Fridays and meetings. They don’t usually go well together.” Lena says that grabbing a bottle of wine and a glass. “But at least we have family night today, right?”
“Right.” You smile and she excuses herself for a shower (glass of wine in hand), while you finish studying.
Kara gets home a while later with dinner in both hands, but she still manages to push your books out of the way so she can put them on the table. She ended up dropping all of your books on the floor, and you smile at her.
“Sorry, little one.” She bends out to help you with it, and you hear a loud gasp.
“What?” You ask surprised, and you look at what she’s pointing at. “Oh no. Oh no.”
“You got an F?” She yells in pure shock, and your eyes widen at the sound of that.
“Shhh! Will you keep it down, please?” You lower your glasses to make sure Lena is still in the bedroom and can’t hear you. Lucky for you that’s the case.
“An F!” Kara’s still shocked. She picks up your tests and reads it. “You were aware it was a French test, right?”
“Um, yes?”
“Because I’m pretty sure this is English, this is a math equation? And would you look at that! You wrote stuff in kryptonese! I’m not sure she could understand that.” She keeps looking at it, making you blush in embarrassment until you pull it out of her hands.
“I was… distracted.” You say, putting it inside of your book, and looking back at her. “Please, don’t tell mom.”
“Please, mommy.” You try with your sweetest voice. “I’ll study harder for the next one and I’ll get an A, just please. Please. For me?”
“Don’t.” Kara looks at your pouting face and you can see she’s very inclined on hiding this with you. But she blinks twice looking away. “No, that won’t work. The pouting, and the ‘please for me’ bit. You know we don’t do lies in this house.”
“That’s not fair!” You cross your arms, upset. “Last week mom asked you if you ate all the chicken parm and you said no.”
“Are you serious?”
“You broke three glasses when you closed that cupboard a little too strong yesterday, and you told her nothing was broken.”
“Nothing important was broken.”
“Momma!” You pout again. “It’s not fair.” You hear Lena opening the bedroom door and making her way to where both of you are, and you raise an inquisitive eyebrow at Kara.
“Hey honey.” Lena says making her way behind the counter for another glass of wine. She looks at both of you having a stare down on the other side.
“One of us is going to tell her and she would rather if it was you.” Kara whispers close to your face, and you know Lena can’t hear her. You frown, and can’t believe Kara would do that. You can’t believe she won’t have your back about this.
“What’s-” Lena clears her throat, calling your attention back to her. “What’s going on?”
“Oh. Hi, love.” Kara makes her way to the other side of the counter and kisses Lena’s mouth. “Your daughter has got something important to tell you. I’ll go shower so we can have dinner and watch a movie.”
Kara leaves the kitchen and Lena raises her eyebrows at you, encouraging you to start. You don’t. You just look at her, and the book where your test lays inside. And you think about a lie. But you know you won’t lie, so it makes no sense for you to think of one in the first place. So, you get your test out of the book, and you come closer, holding on to it like it’s suddenly going to make it turn into an A instead.
“I, um, have something to tell you.” You sit on the other side of the counter, and she looks at the paper you’re clinging to so desperately. She does her eyebrow raise, and your heart feels like it’s going to stop with the thought of disappointing and upsetting her. Your mouth feels dry, your palms feel sweaty. It’s a whole ‘is this what a heart attack feels like?’ situation, before you can get your words out. “I didn’t do so well on a test.”
“Ok.” It’s what Lena says. She raises her hand at you, and you wince when you realize she will look at it. “Can I see it?” She pushes, once she realizes you’re still clinging to it, like holding onto a wrecked life-boat.
“Can’t you just take my word for it?” It’s your last desperate self-preserving act. Lena shows you her hand again, and you know that’s a clear ‘no’. “Ok.” You breathe out, handing her the paper. She takes it and looks at it, with furrowed eyebrows.
“Didn’t do well.” As in she’s saying that’s a very light way to put what she’s looking at.
“I’m sorry. I’ll do better next time, I promise!” You blurt out. “Please, don’t make me stop supering. Please. I swear it was a one-time thing. This won’t happen ever again.”
Lena puts the test down, goes around the counter and stops in front of you, while you still rumble your apologies. She doesn’t say a word which is very distressing. You wish she would just yell and ground you, just do something, instead of radio silent like right now.
“Ok.” She finally lets out. Ok? What does ok mean? “You’ll do better next time.” And then she hugs you. You take a few seconds to wire your brain and acknowledge what’s happening, before wrapping your arms around her, and letting out a breath you’ve been holding the entire time.
“So, you’re not mad?” You ask, still in shock. Lena gives you a chuckle and whispers softly in your ear.
“I’m not mad.” She tries to move away, but you hold her tightly.
“Still hugging, still hugging.” You say, earning another chuckle from her, and she doesn’t move away. “So, I can still go supering with momma?”
“You can still go supering.” She whispers again.
“And I’m not grounded?” You ask again, and you feel Lena moving to kiss your cheek. You smile, very happy.
“And you’re very much grounded.” She whispers, and finally lets go of you, with a bop on your nose. “But nice try.” Lena gets her wine glass and looks at you with a soft expression. “Can I just ask you a favor?”
“Anything.” You’re so happy she’s not mad, and that you can still go supering, whatever she says, you’ll do.
“That physics formula it’s exactly what I was needing for an experiment. May I steal it?” She smiles, making you smile back.
“Really? Wow, it’s almost like I wrote that for you.” And you have, in fact, because you were listening to her during your entire test. And you feel like she somehow knows that because the English part is the explanation she was giving about the experiment, then you wrote the formula she was trying to come up with, and the kryptonese part actually says ‘I love you, mom’. So, you figured she must have put two and two together and she possibly knows.
“Oh, and babygirl?” Lena adds, looking at you from her wine glass. “Khap ukiem rrip, inah*.”
Yeah. She knows.
*Khap ukiem rrip, inah = I love you, daughter*
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redlance · 6 years
What are your thoughts on this season of Supergirl? On lena's storyline? And the danvers ark? Or anything else you like? I love brainy, and I hate the new deo boss.
Hello! I’m very sorry this has taken me so long to get to. It’s just that every time I tried to sit down and put my feelings about this season into words… I wanted to stab myself in the face.
I don’t understand how a show can RUN THEIR OWN CHARACTERS INTO THE GROUND so fucking efficiently but they can’t pull a decent storyline out of their arse? Like… okay. Nia’s great. She’s great and I’m super happy for the actress and the representation. But we don’t need another Superhero on the show. We had enough of that last season where Supergirl was forced to share her space with like 76 others. It’s still called Supergirl, not Superfriends.
WHERE. THE FUCK. IS RUSSIAN. KARA. I swear, if they bring her in to be the bad guy in like the last 3 episodes, I’m going to fucking strangle someone with one of my stray socks because that will be SUCH. A. WASTE. She should have been amped up to be the big bad throughout, not sporadically slotted in between scenes with no rhyme or reason just to remind us she’s there. Clearly, these writers have forgotten how the Harun-El works, because it should have split Kara into her good and bad sides, no? So, we should have a Kara that’s at least slightly different than the one we left at the end of season 3 and Russian Kara should have badass exploded all over National City by now. It’s ridiculous.
And LENA. Do not get me fucking started. I don’t read spoilers and I try to stay away from casting news as much as I can, but I have had one certain addition to the cast spoiled and I just want to fucking scream because WHY. WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT. HE DOESN’T BELONG IN THIS STORY. And I’m serious if they turn Lena evil after all of their fucking “Lena isn’t Lex” rhetoric, I’m going to scream. I am. Going. To fucking. Scream. You can’t give me two seasons of Kara making everyone believe that Lena is so much more than her last name, two seasons of LENA trying her best to prove that same thing and then do that. You’d be shitting all over your characters, but I don’t think the writers’ room cares about that honestly.
They’re the same people that threw Lena and James together after he spent half a season hating her and then, what? They smiled at each other during a board meeting and BAM. CHEMISTRY. That’s not. How. That. Works. James did not TRUST Lena. You gave us NOTHING that showed him progressing past that. Suddenly, they were just kissing and I wanted to claw my eyes out. I can’t stand that pairing. I can’t. I’m so over James as a character. You can’t have them dating for two episodes and then have him be like “I KNOW LENA BETTER THAN ANYONE” NO. YOU FUCKING. DON’T. LENA HAS FANCY PENS THAT KNOW HER BETTER THAN YOU DO. Get. Fucked. Also? His whole fucking selling Supergirl out after the Kryptonite fiasco, what the fuck was that?? You MASSIVE twat. I’m not saying Kara was in the right, that whole thing was incredibly OOC and just… fuck, I can’t… but to throw her under the bus? When you KNOW Kara and Lena are best friends? How the fuck is Kara supposed to ever tell her now?? 
And Alex. My sweet, precious Alex. They’ve taken your memories but I wish they’d taken mine. *Sigh* Thankfully, they’ve mostly left Alex alone after WASTING THE POTENTIAL OF SAM AND RUBY ARIAS AND THE ROLE THEY COULD HAVE PLAYED IN ALEX’S LIFE. Like are you fucking kidding me? You have Maggie and Alex break up because Alex wants kids. This after setting up Sam and Ruby’s characters in THE FIRST FUCKING EPISODE OF SEASON 3, SO WE HAVE SINGLE MOM, CHILD, AND ALEX WHO WANTS A FAMILY, THEN ALL THIS FUCKING SUBTEXT BULLSHIT AND PROTECTIVE!ALEX AND VULNERABLE!SAM… and, oh, no, you’re just pissing that away as well? Okay then.
I literally cannot count how many things should have been better. How many things should have been changed or done different over the last two seasons. It makes me want to fucking scream and cry, because I want to keep loving this show. I do. But every time I see James sitting in Cat Grant’s office LIKE HE SOMEHOW HAS THE SKILLS AND ABILITIES TO RUN A FUCKING MEDIA EMPIRE WHEN HE’S JUST. A FUCKING. PHOTOGRAPHER AS FAR AS WE’VE SEEN or whenever Lena does something slightly “questionable” THAT YOU KNOW THE WRITERS ARE USING AS A STEPPING STONE FOR A POTENTIAL “DOWN THE EVIL RABBIT HOLE” PLOTLINE, or every time Kara gets pushed aside so another character can get more screentime I WANT TO CUT SOMEONE. 
The new DEO boss needs a(nother) punch.
But I love Brainy. I adore Brainy. Brainy is a very small, very adorable puppy dog that must be protected at all costs. I will fight anyone that says differently.
Thank you for coming to my Red Talk.
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al-damnvers-spam · 6 years
Hey you still accepting agentcorp prompts? (sorry if I'm mistaken... I'm new here at tumblr and I can't find my way out lol) Prompt: agentcorp gets drunk in a bar (circumstances leading up to that is up to you) and ends up having sex. Fast forward to game night and they're desperately trying not to act awkward around each other. Like SUPER awkward. Bonus if Kara and/or Maggie notices.
“I finally have time to answer the rest of these, woohoo! Prompts are also open again, so y’all can feel free to send me more! (Also, I deviated just slightly from the prompt just a little, but it still works!)
Alex knew she needed new ways to unwind after a long day at work. She’d gotten better about drinking when she was with Maggie. But once they split, well, old habits die hard. That’s how she ended up at the bar, gladly drinking a glass of whiskey. It was predictable. What wasn’t predictable, though, was Lena Luthor entering and sitting down next to her without a word. As Lena ordered a glass of scotch, Alex watched her with curious eyes. 
“Got something to say, Danvers?” Lena asked after a moment. 
“No, no. Just watching… I’m a little surprised to see you here.” Alex said, straightening her back to appear a little less drunk than she was. Even subconsciously, she wanted to impress Lena.
“Yes, well, I needed a chance to relax.”
“Mm. You’re not the only one…” Alex replied before downing the rest of her drink
“Are you drunk, Alex? How many drinks have you had?” 
Alex considered the question and counted on her fingers. “Um… Three.”
“Including that one?”
“Oh boy. Rough day, huh?” Lena asked. 
“Little bit. Those military people are still at the DEO all the time. I swear, I’m gonna murder every single one of them. I’m the director, they can’t just… I’m the director!” 
“You are. And they are assholes that think they’re above everyone else. And you, Alex Danvers, are going to kick their asses. I know you will.” Lena said honestly. She hated seeing Alex in pain, physical or otherwise. “Now, how about instead of throwing a pity party, we drink a little more?”
“Well. I can do that.” Alex grinned and ordered another drink, along with a new one for Lena. The drinking, as it turned out, revealed a sexual tension that neither of them were prepared for. 
After two more drinks for Lena and one more for Alex, they were both sufficiently drunk. Conversation went from work to their personal lives in an instant. 
“Y’know, Lena… I know some people I could probably set you up with… if you’re into girls. I don’t know if you are. Are you? Nevermind, don’t answer that, it was rude.” Alex rambled while Lena just smiled, wondering how someone as tough and badass as Alex Danvers turned out to be so sweet and dorky when she let her guard down. It was endearing, truly.
“Well, Alex, let me just say that if I had to be set up with someone, I’d rather it be you.” 
Damn, Lena, that was smooth. But you’re so fucked if she doesn’t feel the same way. She thought, almost immediately chastising herself, until she saw the grin on Alex’s face. 
“Really? Well, geez, Lena… all you’ve gotta do is say the word and we can go back to my place.” Alex smirked. Lena’s eyes widened at the response.
“Well, what do you say we do just that?” Lena smiled and put down some money to pay for their drinks. Alex grinned and took her hand as they headed of the bar. They were at her apartment within ten minutes. Lena stayed the night, but they never spoke about it again after. The next two weeks were unbearably awkward, and it all came to a head at the next game night. 
They had both found themselves at Kara’s apartment, and neither of them knew how to approach each other. It was way to hide their awkwardness with the others around, Alex would just talk with Winn and James while Lena chatted with Sam and Kara. But soon, it was time to play Monopoly with their usual teams. Previously, Lena and Alex had always stuck together, their combined intellect helping them win almost every time. This time, though, they took their sweet time crossing the room to sit together. Even once they had gotten situated, their natural flow of conversation had become disjointed and uncomfortable. Everyone noticed, but each silently just chalked it up to neither of them being in the mood for socialization. Kara, though, wasn’t so sure.
The game began and Alex felt unfocused. A naturally competitive person, she never felt unfocused about Monopoly. Each move was usually calculated and careful, a mistake rarely made. But this particular night was different. She couldn’t stop thinking about Lena and what had happened that night. She couldn’t stop thinking about how they had never talked about it, and now her chance at a relationship with Lena was probably ruined forever.
“Alex? Alex, are you there?” Came Kara’s voice as she waved her hand in front of her sister’s blank face. Alex snapped back to reality, only to realize that she’d been staring at Lena. 
“Huh?” She stammered, her cheeks going red.
“Alex, it’s.. it’s your turn.” Kara said slowly, starting to get concerned for her sister.
“Oh. Right.” Alex nodded and saw that Lena had already rolled the dice for them. She quickly moved their piece, putting no thought into it whatsoever.
They ended up losing the game by a landslide. Kara and Winn had won, a first in the history of their game night Monopoly battles. As it turned out, Lena had been pretty damn distracted as well. 
As game night came to a close and everyone began cleaning up, Kara pulled Alex aside. 
“Did you and Lena sleep together?”
“What? Kara, no– of course not!”
“Then maybe consider it? I swear I could have cut that tension with a knife.”
Alex’s face turned bright red. Of course, as if Alex didn’t already want the earth to open up and swallow her whole, Lena chose that exact moment to walk in. 
“Oh, sorry, am I interrupting? I just… wanted to put the dishes in the sink…” Lena said quietly once she noticed the look on Alex’s face. 
“Kara wants to know if we slept together.” Alex replied, her voice about as soft and vulnerable as possible. 
“Oh. Well, that’s easy. No, we didn’t. Actually, all we did that night was literally sleep.” 
Kara’s eyebrows shot up at that. “So you stayed over one night?” 
Alex nodded. “After I got really drunk at the bar two weeks ago. We didn’t do anything more than make out before we both passed out.”
“That explains why you guys were so off your game tonight. I mean, you’ve both always been pining for each other, but you didn’t realize it until now and didn’t know what to do with yourselves.” 
“That’s… terrifyingly perceptive.” Lena noted. Kara just shrugged and left the room so they could talk. 
“So, we’ve been pining after each other, huh?” Alex chuckled dryly. 
“Apparently so. But, uh… I really do like you Alex. And, if you’d be willing, I’d like to try something a little better than drunk making out. I’d like to take you on a date.” 
“Yes, really. I didn’t think the feelings we let out that night came from nothing. And I’d really like to go on a date with you.” 
“I’d… I’d like that, too.” Alex smiled softly. 
When Alex told Kara later that night that she was going to go on a date with Lena, Kara just sighed with relief. She’d been convinced since the beginning that her sister and her best friend were meant for each other, no matter how painfully awkward and oblivious they were.
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coeurdastronaute · 6 years
Either/Or: Dreams
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dont know if youre taking prompts but if it appeals to you at all could you incorporate kara comforting lena after nightmares of her childhood with lilian and lex? i need some protective caring kara and an exploration of lena's psyche is always fascinating
It was the eighteenth time.
In two months.
That was almost four times per week, though it wasn’t the completely right number. There were sometimes that it was six nights in a row and then not again for ten. It was every other day sometimes, and then none for a week. It was irregular and it was scheduled and consistent, and it was perfect.
But the eighteenth time was different.
Nothing really changed. Not in the newly developing routine that seemed to flow naturally.
Still, Lena came over to Kara’s apartment after a business dinner. Still, she brought Kara the leftovers and dessert. And she earned a kiss  that tasted like tiramisu. Somewhere between telling about her day and making out against the wall in the bathroom with a bit of toothpaste in the corner of her mouth, the thunder cracked. Lena complained about a headache and being exhausted. That didn’t stop her from kissing her girlfriend’s neck.
Not one part of the night was terribly different than any other when one slept over. Somehow, as always, Lena ended up in one of Kara’s discarded DEO shirts and old pj pants that were much too long for her legs. She complained about it half-heartedly almost every morning, claiming them to be tripping hazards and a real problem when it came to dating the hero.
And Lena, in her oversized pants and shirt, as always, found herself hiding in Kara’s shoulder and neck as she finally allowed herself a satisfied, peaceful nights’ sleep. And Kara, in her old tank top and underwear, hid in Lena’s hair and fell asleep just as quickly.
It was textbook.
But deep into the night, well into her deepest sleep, Kara felt a tugging at her shirt and a jostling beside her. Immediately, she woke, tensing every muscle and using every extra sense she could to figure out if something was happening. But amidst the quiet and predictable noises of the night, the sloshing of tires outside in a stagnant puddle, the flickering of the streetlight a block down, the startled skatter of a stray cat-- nothing was out of place.
And then Lena shifted again, tossing and turning but holding onto Kara’s shirt so tightly that it made her nervous.
“Please…” the sleeping girl half sobbed.
“Hey, Lena, hey,” Kara whispered, pushing away the hair that stuck to her sweaty forehead. “Honey, wake up.”
Gentle as she could, Kara rubbed Lena’s back, talking her down from something she couldn’t understand. It seemed to work, until Lena shot up in bed, her hand moving to her own chest now, finally relinquishing Kara’s shirt. With a gasp, tried to catch her breath which seemed to sound like she’d just run a marathon.
“Hey, you okay, Lee?” Kara cooed.
“What? Yeah, of course. I’m sorry. I just.”
“You were having a nightmare.”
“No, no, I was just. It’s fine. Go back to sleep. I’m going to go grab some water.”
Before she could do anything, Lena was out of the bed, and Kara was left listening to the soft muffle of her pants dragging along the hallway toward the kitchen.
The clock blinked that it was just after four in the morning when the light in the kitchen clicked on and crept its way down toward the bedroom door. Kara listened to the sound of water running and Lena drinking. She gave her a few minutes to compose herself before following down the hall, squinting against the imposition into the dark.
“Want to talk about it?” Kara ventured.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s fine. I’m just a little worried.”
“Don’t be worried,” Lena smiled, composing herself in a short amount of time. A talent that she prided herself on, and that Kara hated.
“You can talk to me, you know?”
“Nothing to talk about.”
“Do you… want to go back to bed?” Kara offered, still unsatisfied with the answer.
“I think I’m going to check on emails and get started with the day,” the CEO decided. “But you should go back to sleep.”
Lena put the glass in the sink and tried not to look at Kara because she knew that Kara would be watching her, and that was too much for her still sleepy but wide-awake brain. She knew that those blue eyes would be sympathetic and warm and want to make her go to sleep, and so she avoided them at all costs.
But the fidgeting didn’t make Kara moved. Instead she stood there and eyed the girl in her kitchen and tried to figure out how to handle the situation. Lena Luthor was a minefield. It wasn’t that there were many mines, just that the few mines that existed, deep in the ground, were sensitive and extremely large.
“I should actually get started on some emails and rewriting that draft I owe Snapper,” Kara decided. “And I’m kind of hungry.”
“You should sleep.”
“Or,” Kara smiled, finally approaching, slow and steady, as one would approach a scared, bristling panther. “We could do some work, get ready, and have breakfast together.”
Despite herself, Lena melted into Kara’s hands as they ran along her arm.
“You can go back to bed. I’m fine.”
“I’m not fine. I’m starving.”
Right on cue, a stomach rumbled and Lena sighed, her nervous fingers working through their anxiety by playing with the her girlfriend’s stretched top.
“We should feed you then.”
With a smile, Kara accepted the hug that came after the words, contradicting their intention and instead rooting them in the kitchen. She felt Lena dig her nose into her shoulder and then her chest and close her eyes, and all Kara could do was wrap her arms around her shoulders and hold them there for just a moment.
It was a front.
On stage, in all of the interviews, before the crowds and employees, Lena Luthor stood tall and shrugged off the attempt on her life with a noble, endearing kind of strength that pervaded the thoughts and minds of those who weren’t so sure about her. She was the picture of resilience and she was the antithesis to her name.
To Kara, she kept the same kind of unfaltering façade. It wasn’t as vigorously maintained as it was in front of the entire world, but still, when just the two of them made it back to her penthouse, she spent more time reassuring Kara that she was alright than she did believing it, but it didn’t matter.
“Hey, put that ice back on your face,” Kara ordered as she made her way back into the bedroom. “I want a non-black and blue girlfriend as soon as possible.”
“I’m going to freeze my eyeball if I keep it on any longer,” Lena whined, letting her head droop back.
“You’re a literal genius. You know how ice and bruises work. Let me see.”
Tenderly, Kara hovered over Lena’s side of the bed and furrowed as she surveyed the damage caused by the attempted abduction and gun that’d been pointed at her girlfriend’s head not long enough ago for her heart to beat normally. Light fingertips moved along the bone of her cheek and the swelling near her eyebrow before the ice pack was gingerly placed back in its rightful place.
“How do I look, Doc?”
“Like you crawled into the ring with Joe Frazier and forgot how to float like a butterfly.”
“You should see the other guy.”
The bed went back to normal as Kara got up and continued moving around the bedroom. With one eye, Lena watched the tenseness in her girlfriend’s shoulders. She saw the antsy nerves that wouldn’t let her sit still. Instead, Kara plugged in their phones, and powered them down. She went out and double checked the locks on the doors despite being bulletproof. She turned off the lights and finally joined the bed.
“Did you want a pill?” Kara asked, almost ready to hop out of bed again. “Alex gave me some. To help you sleep.”
“Stop worrying. I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. I know I’m not fine. I lasered a guys hand off that had a gun pointed at your head. If I could take a pill to sleep this all away, I sure would.”
The honesty in the words hung there in the quiet room, and Lena didn’t know how to fix that, so she put her ice pack on the nightstand and turned out her light before making her way back toward her girlfriend in the middle.
“I’m fine. You’re fine. Tomorrow we’ll start over, okay?” Lena whispered, kissing Kara’s jaw and cheek and finally her lips.
There wasn’t anymore energy left in her to do much more, but Lena wrapped her arms around her hero’s ribs and smelled the shower still on her skin. A warm hand slid under her shirt and rubbed the sore muscles of her ribs and back.
“I love you so much,” Kara whispered into the crown of Lena’s head. The words were full of more conviction than normal, as if they were a threat to the universe to try to do anything to mess it up. The fierceness was warm and slumbered in bed with them.
With a small grunt, Lena adjusted and slipped her leg over her girlfriend’s thigh.
“I know. Me too.”
“You sure you don’t want a pill?”
“Shh. I’m trying to sleep here.”
Her pillow snorted at the order and for the first time in a while, Lena felt that happiness sneak back into her bones. Nothing stopped Kara from rubbing her back, even after she fell asleep. Kara felt Lena relax and eventually slip off beside her, and refused to let herself sleep for a little while.
Inevitably, the combination of Lena’s soft breathing and the warmth of her body pressed against her side, the hero felt the heaviness of her eyelids. It wasn’t until she felt the jolt beside her that Kara realized she’d drifted off to sleep.
Tears stained her shirt, bled through to her skin, and she felt the moisture there as the body in her arms was wracked with sobs.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Kara murmured, close to Lena’s forehead. She rubbed her hand along her back again.
Nothing really did anything. Lena’s arms circled tighter around her ribs as her face dug into her shoulder and cried against it.
“Lena, wake up, love.”
“Baby, come on. It’s okay. Please, it’s just a dream. You’re safe,” she promised, moving a little more forcefully to wake up the nightmare-suffering girl.
With a final cry, Lena woke herself and shook her head, quickly opening her mouth to breathe as her nose was currently sniffling and running.
“Oh, Kara,” Lena shook her head and clung again, hiding there. “I thought you were dead. I dreamt it. Don’t die. Don’t die for me.”
“Hey, hey, hey, no one is dying. How many times do I have to keep telling everyone this?”
“Please don’t die,” she continued to mutter, her lungs fluttering frantically as the emotions overpowered her restraint. “I saw it. I watched it happen and I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t and I saw you and oh, please don’t die.”
“I won’t. I won’t,” Kara promised. “Take a deep breath. It was just a silly dream. We’re safe.”
“But I saw you! I saw it and I couldn’t--”
Despite her soreness and the pain in her body, Lena sat up slightly and kissed Kara’s cheek. She cupped her neck and felt her everywhere she could before resting her forehead against her temple.
The hiccups of crying began to finally supside as Lena refused to let go. To her credit, Kara held back just as hard.
“It was just a dream,” Kara promised again.
“I know.”
“The universe isn’t done with us yet, Lena Luthor.” Lena scoffed and shook her head. “Don’t worry about dying. I’ll always save you. And you’ll save me. But I swear, fate doesn’t take away something like this. I have faith in it.”
“So many things want us dead.”
“Yeah, but I haven’t gotten enough of you, and it’s that simple. I refuse to die until I’ve had my fill of being near you, and I don’t see that happening ever.”
“So you’re immortal now?”
“I’m sure I’ll get sick of you in about eighty thousand years.”
“That soon?” Lena smiled, hear heartbeat returning to normal and her eyes growing even more sore from the outburst.
“Yeah well,” Kara shrugged, rolling towards he, careful to tuck her girlfriend’s wounded body under her chin. “You’re a lot of work, Luthor.”
“I’m so sorry. I thought you were dead. I hated it.”
“I know,” she nodded, kissing Lena’s face again. “Do you want a pill?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” she promised, a yawn coming, right on schedule.
“Okay. Let’s sleep then. No more nightmares.”
“Okay,” Lena nodded.
In some small way, Kara expected it. She skated around the issues as long as she could, coming home early and picking up Lena’s favorite dinner, lighting the candles, pouring the whiskey instead of the wine. Little ways to help her wife relax.
On the day that Lionel Luthor was found dead, Lena didn’t know what to feel, except that she had to feel something, and so when she arrived at home, she appreciated the dinner and the candles and the whiskey that was, in fact, not her first of the day, but rather her fourth. And Lena kissed Kara in that way that said to do anything other than talk about the elephant in the room.
Kara let her wife dig her nails into her shoulders. She let her cling to her so tightly she couldn’t move. She let Lena ache and clutch and not think but need to just feel Kara near her, on her, in her, everywhere. There was a bit of salvation in it, at least for a moment.
Sore and bruised and unable to think of anything else, Lena found herself sweating in the soft sheets and in dire need of another drink and a cigarette. She wanted to hurt herself, and that was how she could do it the easiest without raising any suspicions from her wife. Kara would let her hurt herself in small measures. Tiny, little ways like a cigarette and grabbing her thighs too tightly to leave bruises that would sour and grow painful the following day, and that Lena would push and tease all morning just to feel that dull anger beneath her skin, deep in her muscles.
“I love you, you know that, right?” Kara whispered, running her fingertips along the dip in her wife’s stomach, the little divot that formed between her ribs, just below her sternum.
“I know,” Lena nodded, running her nervous fingers through Kara’s matted hair.
The night was quiet and neither moved. Lena closed her eyes and fell asleep with Kara draped across her hips, anchoring there. She fell asleep with an ache in her bones and heart. She fell asleep despite her own aversion to it.
It wasn’t a surprise that she woke up with the fleeting visions of her father and this agonizing burning in her chest. Or that she couldn’t seem to forget the day that she scraped her knee on her fifth birthday when he taught her how to ride a big kid bike, and he cleaned her wound on the kitchen counter, kissing her knee sweetly when she was patched up. Or that before she woke, she dreamt of the day that he pointed a gun at her and tried to have her killed for where she was taking the company.
The sweat cooled and clung to her body, drying and chilling her to the bone. Tears streamed down her face, dribbling quietly into her hair toward her ears. Slowly, she removed her hand from where it was rooted in her wife’s hair to press it against her chest because she was afraid her heart was ready to hammer right through its cage.
For a few minutes, Lena caught her breath and tried to remain as quiet as possible. She almost thought herself successful in not waking up the slumbering hero on her hip, but there was this nagging feeling of never being able to sneak anything past Kara.
“A nightmare?” Kara whispered, lifting her head and wiping her cheek from the the drool that formed as she slept.
“Yeah,” Lena rasped.
“I’m right here.”
“I know.”
A sleepy Kara lumbered toward her wife and slid beside her in the bed, stretching some of the soreness from her bones from the awkward sleeping position.
“One day,” Kara murmured, kissing Lena’s neck and jaw. “I’m going to give you so many good memories, you won’t have room for any of these bad ones. Then you won’t have bad dreams.”
Despite her fear and her worry and her sadness, Lena smiled in the darkness and rolled to her side, deciding to hide in Kara’s neck this time. She’d sleep well if she felt her, if she could smell her.
“You’re my favorite.”
“I’m serious. Your brain won’t have enough room for the bad memories. I’m going to take all of them away and replace them.”
“I love you.”
“I know,” Kara grinned, her fingertips dragging along her wife’s back.
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