#guys if you read this please understand im not this much of an asshole i swear im just pissed and this person is getting on my erves
candeathbereal · 1 year
Random Astro observations
-Aquarius suns without an Aquarius Mercury confuse me the most bruh. I think to a certain degree it has something to do with myself having my sun and Mercury in Aries so I don’t quite get people who don’t have their sun and Mercury in the same sign. Honestly it made me wonder about people who have an Aquarius placement even just one. I’m cool with them most times but if they have an Aquarius moon I tend to feel a disconnect emotionally. That will bring me to my next point.
-People who have a different element and modality to your moon sign will feel so disconnected most times. For me it would be anybody who has their moon in a sign like Aquarius or Scorpio. As a Virgo moon I have always found certain moon signs almost impossible to feel a connection like I have with certain signs like Taurus and Sagittarius. Like this is how the order goes for me (from intense and almost instant connection to damn do I even know when you are in the same room as me.) Sagittarius, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini (really a hit or miss bro), Libra (mostly cause I can’t resist a Libra placement), Scorpio, Aries, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius. Now even then I am not entirely sure about this order of the signs. Tbh the only reason I put Scorpio before Aries is because of how many artist I listen to that have a Scorpio moon. Now I have met a good amount of Aries moons that I don’t feel that insane connection not even when their moon has a conjunction with any of my Aries placements. The only Aries moon that I can think of (at least right now) that I have felt an insane connection with is my grandma. Now my grandma is a Virgo sun with a Mercury in Libra, Venus in leo, and her mars is in Scorpio. So I feel like it influences me a bit more than some other placements would. Like I’m sorry leos but you guys do not influence me as much as I thought you guys did. I am pretty sure my grandma having both a Libra placement and a Scorpio placement is the main reason I connect with her so intensely. I love Leo placements but it’s just not the same vibes. ✨Anyways moving on✨
-Cancer suns with a sag moon (in my opinion) are so fucking nice to be around bruh. Are they the most emotional people? No, but that doesn’t make them assholes oddly enough unlike some sag placements I have seen…(sag Mercury I love the energy I really do but some of you either can’t read the room or have decided to close your eyes idk bruh). Sag moons are by far one of my favorite placements ever. I swear some have had the worst fucking childhood and yet don’t become a bitch like I am. Or as passive/people pleasing as the rest of the mutable signs (Virgo, Pisces, and Gemini) and yes I am included in that because I am very bad at confrontation and people interaction as a whole. People say they like me but I can’t understand their reasonings. If you think me listening to you vent makes me a great person I’m going to need you to raise your standards…
-Any negative aspect from the moon to one of your big six is a horrible placement to live with for us emotional babies. I speak as a person who has their moon forming an opposition with my Mercury and Venus while it forms a square aspect with my mars. Like I’m sorry I am not used to people comforting me when I’m sad. Idk how people can do it so easily. It is easier for me to just cry by myself than in front of others. It’s a work in progress for me.
-Honestly im glad I don’t have any negative aspects to Pluto tho…I don’t think I’d be able to handle a negative aspect. I have a couple positive aspects from my sun and ascendant to my Pluto and that shit is odd sometimes. I would love to hear some random shit that has happened to you guys with the negative aspects to Pluto. I feel like you guys have some interesting stories idk tho.
Anyways enough for me. Let me know anything you guys would want for me to talk about next or even just tell me some random shit.
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
Mental health
+Advice & guidance from spirit
Pick a group tarot reading + channeled messages
*I may upload more groups in a new post later on.
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Group one
You guys seem to be the avoidant types more or less. This could show as you straight up trying to hide from your problems. You guys may have heavy resting periods most likely due to depression. This could make you guys stagnant in life and possibly hold onto things that do not serve you and or make you feel secure but that keeps you in an almost unhealthy comfort zone. This may show up as bad character. For a lot of you it seems that in some way your family has had expectations for you that which you feel you are not able to fulfill. You may feel lesser about yourself because of this and you are lacking individuality, or personal freedom to be yourself in some specific area(s). Im getting it's because you were made to feel like you can't be yourselves in these ways. So real talk. Spirit's advice. If you're already into this term then spirit is saying do shadow work, and what I mean by that is you need to go within yourself and identify problems like these, and you need to want to help yourself get better and do that so you can feel better , because life is not worth sitting around feeling less than. You guys really need to nurture yourselves, step up, take risks, go outside of your comfort zone because even though that seems tough it is well worth it when you come out of it on the other side of doing so. You guys I'm being told you all need to focus on treating yourself the way every good human like yourselves deserves to be treated, dignity, respect, and being told and believing that you do deserve good things and to be yourself. I'm really getting you guys should put more work into self care whatever that means for you. You guys if you aren't confident you need to build yourself up, take risks. Someone specific needs to try dyeing their hair. You need to embrace yourself for who you really are, understand that you're beautiful, and you are a gift to the world. There are other people out there who will appreciate you for exactly who you are. And even if some random asshole judges you, fuck em. Carry that attitude maybe. Peace loved ones. I heard that from California girls 😂so one or some of you like that song?? Okkk 💚 good talk guys.
Group two
* I can sense some of you who are going to pick this it doesn't resonate, so sorry for picking Luna and misleading you, but please read some of this to make sure..
I feel like you guys don't know what it's like to be healed in the way that you should be. Like it doesn't even seem appealing so why even try? You guys. You need to think about this. You feel that way because you do not know what it's like. I feel your pain is deep. Some of you this isn't at base level mental illness this is trauma. Straight up. I feel a lot of you feel unworthy. Some of you don't know peace and you can't find it within yourself. A lot of you might not even notice this about yourselves but you're just holding on. To your sanity , you're holding onto trauma, stress, negative ideas put in your mind, whatever it might be. I'm not gonna lie this is a long healing process and I get that it's a big struggle. Some of you do work and try and it doesn't even feel like it makes that much of a difference. I feel like if that's the case you're not digging deep enough into what's really wrong. A lot of you find it easy to act happy so you don't get the help you need even from a therapist. This is self sabotage in a way. You need to at least let your guard down for yourself. Someone I channeled struggles to relax your muscles when you lay in bed. This is serious. I'm getting some of you feel that if you found true love it would almost cure you and they would take this all away. No. And even if it came in now it would not be true love and you all already know why at least deep down. You need to learn to stand on your own and be truly ok. So you guys even have me concerned. But good news. Spirit came through with some good advice and I even doubted they could do it this well. Well let me tell you all what you can do. You all must tap into the energy of love. You need to feel. I mean truly feel everything that you feel. I can feel you guys have love in your hearts. If you listen to that , every single answer is there. Anything you could possibly need an answer for , it's in your heart. As a healer myself , and I feel some of you are skeptical, but I have healed myself from horrible horrible traumas. At a lot of points this was all I could do and it's the only thing that could have possibly worked. Listen you guys you need to get serious about this. You need to be aware and catch yourself with every negative though, feeling, emotion, and you need to then tap into the energy of love and in your heart you already know what's wrong or right and you need to correct it. You need to nurture yourself. You need to think about what's wrong and you need to tell yourself things like that wasn't right it wasn't here's why , work things out in your head and be honest with yourself. And when it comes to grieving and negative emotions. You can't run away or they will stay unhealed. You need to feel them , be very brave and feel them, that is the truest , rawest for of strength. And trust me . They will eventually go away. I have been through some of the worst things and if you want to know seriously you can ask but there things I'm not going to speak about in caution of people sensitive to the topics but this was the only way to get better for me. Some of you of course can take psychedelics because I feel some few of you thinking about it and I need to tell you if you're doing it to heal you need to make sure that's what you're doing when you're doing that. Like go within. Think and feel ok. Don't just let yourself end up dicking around. Don't worry guys. I see you getting better. Not just at the very way end of healing but every major step I see you all feeling more relieved and more balanced within yourselves. It's going to take time. Please understand it's worth it. Another thing to note is if you're feeling like giving up understand the least you can do is take into account all of the other people that have gone through similar things, and if nothing else motivates you maybe true love can , so think , maybe you can help even one person like yourself and be the hero. Be strong guys. I love y'all. ☮️
Group three
You guys seem overwhelmed maybe overburdened and a lot of you might speak of this like yeah I got this this and that going on and plus mental health issues. So I'm saying you guys also recognize and feel that weighing you down. Ok. Well I got yall. I feel like I need to feel my heart for this reading so you guys I think you need to allow yourself time to feel things. Some of you can meditate but I mostly mean just feel all the feelings and emotions you have and feel your bodies , basically practicing mindfulness about yourselves. I'm getting for a lot of you the more organized you have everything the better you will feel. This could be school or work stuff , or stuff in your home, for someone in picking up on makeup for real. But it will definitely make you feel a lot better I'm really getting that. I'm getting that a lot of you guys aren't balancing out different parts of your lives as well as you should be. Some of you work too much. A lot of you might be like well I can't help that but here's what you can definitely do. You can remind yourself to be more calm and practice self care while you are working. You will then have more fun in your free time and won't feel as exhausted . Okay for some a vacation is needed even if it's down the street to a hotel or literally a day at a beach or lake . Also I'm picking up somebody should go to the theatre and watch a movie. Yep. But overall you guys need to go somewhere that will basically bring you some type of amusement or joy or something. I'm picking up on someone who wears their earbuds or headphones a lot. I love music it's my favorite thing in life but if you guys spent some more time working on your present, real reality Infront of you and shaping it how you want to be. For instance observe and decorate your bedroom , Idk. You will therefore enjoy it more and not feel the need to hide. That doesn't mean stop listening to music worst case scenario buy a speaker but I'm saying this because I'm being told you're using the earbuds as a form of escapism and that's not going to help you longterm.
I also see some of you having to manual do so much in your lives I don't know what I could possibly use as an example for this but it's like you're moving brick after brick and in reality like why the fuck are the bricks there in the first place??!you guys this couldn't be made more clear you guys just have to ask the right people or persons for help. You might need to bring some problems to somebody's attention because they shouldnt even be problems especially if this is a work matter but regardless of where it's happening this is true ok. So anyway for a lot of you some energy is taking form you and you need to learn to cut energies off from taking from you when they shouldn't be. Some of you feel like nobody will care or maybe believe you, and that's so not true but you need to speak really loud and really clearly about what's going on , if that resonates with you. Some of you need lights or more lights for a room. Fairy lights are always good :). This smiley face is horrifyingly funny so Im leaving it. Some of you need to laugh. Come on and break the ego you don't gotta be so serious.for some of you you still don't feel like this is going to solve what's going on, spirit is saying this is a matter of going withing and finding out what you feeling you're missing. This very well could tie into a destiny thing, and I personally don't like to give destiny readings cause... That'll mess it up. So it's up to you guys on this epic quest to find the missing piece of your heart. Ok I'm done. You guys have a purpose in life you maybeee don't expect but you're gonna go for it. Even if it's just a side quest. Alright you guys go enjoy a cup of coffee or tea or something maybe a good book or a movie and I hope this resonates and it helps. xxo💗💗💚
Group four
I'm already getting a lot about inner child. One thing I will say is I'm channeling that your inner demons are like your inner child it is just super out of control but we all started as children so hopefully that makes these things less scary in a way. physiologically yeah there are a lot of ways depending on the issues that you know it requires comparable types of nurturing. You guys definitely want to be free but being in that energy I see something blocking you forward in actually seeing something in an og pokemon game with ash getting blocked .if what I'm picking up on is how some of you guys see the world and your lives that's so badass. Nerds. Lol ok anyway. I'm being told to give you the advice to look at this like a video game. If you're being blocked it's because you're being faced with a challenge and you need to overcome that and you will also probably level up right. You guys are super dreamy like I don't know. You guys must be nerds cause I'm being told to guide you through emotional and mental healing in a rational way. I also see the universe giving you things like level ups or tokens or whatever like in any video game at the appropriate times ,so you must have manifested this because I do this too sometimes when I'm anxious at work I choose to look at it like it's a video game. That's crazy. So the universe operates for you accordingly. This group is teaching me a thing or two bout how things work. Some of you might struggle with anxiety though and you then at those times need to remember to bring it down to earth and breath in really deep a good few times as long as you can breathe in. I really just want to tell you guys people might judge you and make you think negative things about yourself and tell you even maybe that there's something wrong with you but there isn't. There's nothing wrong with you guys. But when it comes to whatever pain your feeling or whatever you're going through you can't hide from it or push it down forever. If you guys want a bright future you need to level up to where you're ready to walk into that. And that might mean facing yourself , which is the toughest battle of all if you ask me. But there will never be a stronger warrior than the one who comes out of that fully intact and better than before. Just remember what you're fighting for whatever that may be, if it's love or justice or peace , or to make evil disappear completely. Whatever it could be.im getting for a lot of you you are on some type of high horse though because of what ever happened in the past probably, but when you're alone you do need be real and honest with yourself and let your guard down. If any of you feel sad a lot it's because you have a big heart. It's a sign of something. You should try to figure out what around you might be making you feel like that that isn't right because it's your heart telling you something isn't as it should be. You guys are strong enough for anything that comes your way . Trust me.
Group five
I feel a lot of love towards you guys a lot for you guys your guides are here and they all wanted me to sit for a minute in peace and silence before doing this reading specifically after doing the other ones.
You guys need to refresh your minds a bit. I'm feeling for some you need to sort of change your trajectory a bit. I'm feeling like your ego selves are assuring you you're in the right direction somehow but there's something you're overlooking that you need to pay attention to.
I'm getting a lot of stress for a lot of you. It kind of feels like some of you guys you keep going and going and you're not moving in the right way or direction or something im getting what you're supposed to be looking at is going to feel a lot easier if you do turn in the direction it's in and go down that path. A lot of you guys for some reason are feeling resistant towards this for some reason it's almost like you're in some level of denial.maybe whatever y'all have been doing seems desirable and you don't want to change and I understand that cause I can feel the energy but in some way it's almost like stepping out of your comfort zone or taking a risk for something better and I understand it's hard to make sacrifices like that but I hope you take this advice to give it a try because just trying this is not going to be as life and death as your brain is making it out to be. You still have problems on the path you've been on and this other direction is offering you solutions. I just have a friend an almost identical reading to this and I bet you're here!! Love you ! I want you guys if this resonates to take comfort in that there's multiple of you going through this and I feel in my heart somehow you are all connected and Im feeling it's a lot of heart connection . I feel though that I'm going to break this into having a second part for a specific group of you so continue to make sure if this resonates or not
I keep hearing you guys are nearing the end of something. It seems that you guys are in some way resisting this ending or at least kind of sabotaging it in some way but you don't realize that this needs to take place in order for your desired future to come in. A lot of you guys I'm seeing should look into how to be more disciplined with your subconscious mind. This has been playing a major role as to why some of you have been in whatever more negative energies or stagnancies you've been in. Some of you need to learn how to not be defensive towards good things that come your way and this ties a lot into psychology I think if any of you feel inclined to look into that maybe. For some reason every ending is a bad one to some of you and blessings are scary. This is all about healing ,my friends. My phone is dying so I'm going to go. I wish you all well
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @rosieathena - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her reader
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Reid x Youtuber/Streamer Girlfriend
- Spencer Reid has a somewhat boomer knowledge of social media platforms, he doesnt really understand them, but he knows from his job that they cause a lot of problems, so generally he steered clear of them in his personal life
- that was, until he met you
- the two of you very quickly became good friends soon after you joined the team, and it wasnt long before you both realised that the connection you had was not one between friends
- you went on a date, and things have only gone up from there
- during a conversation Spencer remembers very well, you casually mentioned your side-job as a youtuber and twitch streamer
- Spencer didnt even know what twitch was, and assumed you meant you live streamed yourself twitching and got paid for it
- you slowly introduced him to the world of youtube and livestreaming, and he was fascinated
- at first, he would sit out of frame while you streamed, just listening to you commentate over various video games you played and observing the way you communicated with the people in the stream chat as if they were your friends
- by no means did you earn a lot through this hobby, but it was something you enjoyed, and Spencer would support any harmless hobby that brought you so much joy
- but then he discovered it wasnt harmless
- you had been very fortunate to have Spencer sit in on streams in which you received very little abuse in chat, and because he wasnt reading the chat you could simply ignore any hateful messages there and he would be none the wiser
- however, on the first stream that he decided to join, things were a little different
- Spencer was sitting beside you, the two of you playing a multiplayer video game, both of you visible to the thousands of people watching
- and he, being the genius capable of doing a million things at once, was able to glance into the chat and read what people were saying as he played, curious to any tips or tricks they may lend him to help him be a better player in the game
- what he saw was anything but helpful
“jesus christ, how the fuck did she manage to trick him to date her”
“this guy makes her look even worse than she already does”
“he could do SO much better”
“I’d rather kill myself than be seen anywhere with her”
“maybe (Y/N) should be the one killing herself since she clearly doesnt deserve him”
“yeah haha u right u right”
- those messages were among more pleasant ones, but Spencer couldnt see those
- in fact, he couldnt even see the game anymore because he was staring at the chat log, and as a result his character died
“Spence? Everything alright?”
“How often do you see messages like that directed at you?”
- you knew what he was referring to without having to look in chat, you had really hoped you could hide the negative side of streaming for just a little longer
“Trust me, it’s alright. People behind a screen think they can be assholes without any comeuppance, and most of the time they’re right. Repercussions for them are minimal. Im lucky to get very few negative messages on my streams, Im used to that and I can cope.”
- Spencer shook his head, he was not happy with this
“You shouldnt have to get used to something like this.”
- with that, he stood up and grabbed his phone, the fans in your stream confused as to what was going on
- “Spencer, what are you-“
“Hey, Garcia, can you do me a favour? The scum of the internet are in (Y/N)’s stream chat, could you- oh, you already see them? Great. Yeah, I know, they’re disgusting.”
he walked back over to you and leaned over to look at your computer, scrolling back through chat to find the usernames.
“Scroll back to where user jnjmemes sent a crying laughing emoticon, you see the string of messages after that? Could you send every single one of those users a nasty virus? Thanks Garcia!”
- your jaw was hanging open, you stared at Spencer with wide eyes, completely lost for words while your fans in the chat were screaming over Spencer’s protectiveness of you
“Oh, one last thing Garcia, is it possible to set up a programme that automatically sends a virus to anyone who leaves a message of a similar nature? Of course you can do that, I should’ve known, thanks again!”
- he hung up and sat back down beside you
“There’s a lesson for all of you in this: dont say hurtful things to people online. But there’s a lesson even more important than that, which I hope you’ve all paid attention to.”
“What’s that?” You asked.
“Dont fuck with a woman in the FBI.”
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marukrawler · 4 months
Please be controversial, i want to read about how marudan has more basis in canon than Shundan (i agree). Don't remember much about the show, justo that dan was an asshole with everyone and never learned a s&*t
AHSJAHDJKADHSJKASK well that's basically dan in a nutshell 🙈
but okayyy, basically i was referring to how marucho changing himself because of (1) guy and getting a whole ass skyscraper built just so he could live in the same city as dan and meet him is hella GAY but we only acknowledge grandiose displays of gayness when it's specgus huh/j 🤨📸
plus the whole "being able to sense when someone is in trouble" thing is a whole ass TROPE and while not inherently romantic, it was still smth that dan felt ACROSS DIMENSIONS when marucho was captured by the vexos. not to mention how marucho constantly ran to dan's rescue, how dan was on shun's case TWICE in s3 abt not considering marucho's feelings enough, (kinda ooc but i'll take it ig) dan calling marucho a great leader in ms1 and marucho tearing up abt it. . .plus this one deleted scene from ms2
idk it just feels like there's more to their relationship than with dan and shun who, might i remind you, are supposed to be CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. and yet, it feels like marucho understand dan more?? again, if im wrong pls let me know.
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baby-xemnas · 2 months
sorry for carrying on a whole ass conversation with u via anon asks instead of messaging like a normal person, idk how you feel about that so I'm just continuing like this! Please tell me to stop if this is annoying because I totally get it XDD just gonna call myself that 1 mihopero anon here lol
Anyway– I totally understand your stance on that! It can actually totally put me off a fic if I like character X and Y together but Y exists in the fic but X gets shipped with Z 💀💀 I don't actually have any Law ships but just because it's popular I've tagged something as 'very minor background law/x if you squint' although absolutely nothing to that affect has happened yet. And Bepo is still yet to show up in the fic so it's not like he's overshadowed by anyone! Law searching for him is very much a big part of the story 🙈
I just wanted to come on here and mention it because, where this particular fic is concerned, it's very much at a "Law isn't shipped with anyone and doesn't have to be for the plot but boyy would it spice things up if he had a love interest" stage XD I've considered a lot of different characters for that role but never really liked the ideas so far...and then I found your blog, and lwbp is suddenly in my head! 👀
carrying a convo on anon is totally okay, its less pressure on u and since i have a separate tag for asks now if it gets too much for ppl they can blacklist it
i'm very happy abt ur response because i was sitting here like "ah i mustve come off like a stuck up asshole, even tho i was just being honest" lol ♥♥ ty for understanding
it'd be pretty funny if u tagged it as that ship at first as a "if u want u can read it as that" and then smack them with LwBp LOL
im glad to hear ive infected you :D!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i mean he doesnt have to have a special guy who he spoils, calls cute, naps on and who hugs him for the plot of One Piece either and yet there he is, having one 💗
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ fondness (chapter 16)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5-6k
warnings- swearing, mentions of miscarriage, tae is sad sad, kaito is back, drinking, um i think thats all? lmk if not!
a/n- Lovies!! hi i hope ur all doing good. Im trying to write a lot more because i literally just quit my current job (they treated me like shit) after 2 months. Im applying to so many places rn but in the meantime im having fun giving my tumblr a little luv <3 also apologies for any mispellings, I had read over my previous chapters and cringed at some of the words I spelled wrong. I have been learning english for years now but apparently its still not to a 100, oh well! Anyways, please enjoy! -Nini <3
"I had my suspicions"
You blushed, eyes down on your water bottle as you sat in your childhood bed again, your mother sat comfortable at the end of it as you both talked.
You arrived back home around 2am yesterday, and to say that you already felt a little better was an understatement.
"you did?" you mumbled as your mother nodded, smiling.
"when you came to visit a while ago, I saw a lot of touchiness" she giggled "but I minded my business"
"ah this is embarrassing" your hands flew to cover your face, now knowing your own mother knew about your relationship before you could say anything.
"no, I dont think so" she hummed, looking at the carpet. "I just know when a boy is in love, i remember your father-"
you inhaled sharply at her words, biting your lip and looking away.
"-...he would always look at me like I was the center of the universe"
You stayed quite for a moment before speaking up softly, "what happened?"
She smiled sadly, "he chose a different life, and I resented him for so long, but I accept it for what it was, and now that I have..I feel like im free to live again. And thats what you need to do, accept it, accept whats happened." she whispered, calming voice infiltrating the bedroom at such a late hour of the night.
Your eyes met hers, a glimmer of love was bright enough to see through her dark brown orbs. You nodded as she began to speak again,
"Taehyung and you.....I always knew it would happen" she giggled, "I remember once you guys hit middle school, and the moment I caught you sneaking into my closet for makeup before he came over to play video games-"
"oh god, stop" you blush, shaking your head
"it was cute even if you wouldnt admit it" your mother waved her arm at you.
You hummed, crossing your arms over your chest as you got lost in thought.
"so, how is he taking everything?"
she nods, eyes burning a laser into yours.
"well...i dont know" your answer was honest as she sat up.
"what do you mean?"
You sighed once more before speaking, "he and I kinda argued before I left paris...im an asshole mom" you offered a sad laugh, looking down. "im an asshole...because, I got mad at him for trying to help"
She tilted her head, listening, "Im sure he just wanted to be there for you, he was hurting as much as you"
"i know, and thats the thing mama...but I just needed to be alone and away....and he got mad when I expressed it...its not like we are married" you roll your eyes
she giggles, "I understand my dove, but listen" she grabbed your hands, "things like this happen all the time, we cant run away from our loved ones when life gets bad. What happened between you both was terrible, and im so sorry sweetheart" she whispered, your own eyes getting a bit misty, "but running back home isnt gonna do anything"
You nodded before smiling, "I came here because its comforting, you're comforting.....now you're scolding me?" your voice had humor.
She laughed, "you are a 23 year old woman, I cant control your actions, like whether you stayed with Taehyung or came back to me, however I can tell you my opinion, and if your decision was right or wrong, not trying to guilt you, just being a mom"
You nod slowly, fidgeting with the heating pad sitting on your stomach to help ease the lasting cramps that only served as a painful reminder.
"you make your own choices hun, but...let me ask you this, do you love him?" she whispered
Your eyes shot up at her, your heart singing with sadness yet love.
"....yeah.." you whispered so quietly it was barley heard. "yeah I do" you couldnt help but begin to cry as she wrapped you into her arms.
A mothers loving embrace.
It could heal all, and this is exactly why you came back.
"You find comfort here, but as you get older, you need to find comfort in new things." your mother began, " life is scary, but its all about changing. Without change, life would be rather boring, huh?" her hands ran up and down your back as your face rested on her shoulder. "Taehyung has been here forever, youve grown together, but these new feelings? they offer new experiences,...amazing ones too. Im sure he loves you just as much, thats why he let you go..." she whispered, "but my dear, you have to fight through the darkness to find the prize, to find why you had the connection at all"
You were full on Niagara falls into your mothers sweater. Her words provided insight, but as well as pain. You shouldnt have left him behind, it was wrong, and you hoped he understood.
you realized that you were your fathers daughter, and not just in DNA. Your first instinct was to run away from your loved ones, run away from family when they would give you everything.
You were becoming your father.
And you hated how much you still loved that man even if he left you. and you hate that you take after him in such painful ways.
But most of all...you hate how you didn't even see it happening.
"shh" your mother cooed, holding you as she rocked back and forth slowly. "my child, life will settle, but you need to find your way, and if thats with him, you need to tell him"
"i know" you whispered, wiping your eyes as you clutched the tiny bear you packed.
The bear.
Fuck, you wish you didnt bring it in your suitecase.
It was the teddy bear taehyung bought the day after finding out you were pregnant, The perfectly placed initial on the middle that always made you remember he thought of you as a Kim, as well, even if you werent married.
It was a reminder he wanted you in any way he could grasp you.
As a girlfriend, a mother to his child, eventually a wife, but always....always his best friend in life.
Your mother looked down at the bear, smiling. "y/n..."
"hm?" you mumbled, leaning back as she put your hair behind your ears.
"im so sorry this happened to you" her voice was quiet again, "you would have been a beautiful mother....and if you decide to have kids in the future, thats exactly what youll be"
You nod sadly, "thank you...."
It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up again, "when I was in my twenties, your father and I decided to try and have another child..we saw how you clung to your pre-school friends and called them your sisters" she chuckled "so we thought maybe another baby would be good. Well- I got pregnant right before your 4th birthday" her voice choked softly as you watched, this being news to you.
"unfortunately I, too, had lost it" she teared up explaining the situation. "it was one of the most painful things I ever went through....but looking back at it" she smiled at you gently, rubbing your back, "im so greatful"
"grateful?" you whispered, in shock
"I had you, my little best friend whos always stuck by me even in the worse situations...you never had to fight for my attention, we were always together"
You wiped her tears as you smiled sadly, agreeing.
"and you have always been more than enough." she mumbled, "so my love, I guess the lesson here is...that once you learn to accept it and know the situation for what it is.....you'll heal"
You hugged her tightly as her words struck your chest with a great force.
She was right, whether you liked her advice or not, shes been through exactly what you have, and if she can make it out and be such a wise, resilient woman today, than you can too.
But you'll be damned if its in the steps of your father.
Later after she went to bed, you were left alone, the covers up to your neck as the tv played some old school tv show that only got airtime in the late hours of the night.
You found your hand resting on top of your stomach as you laid calmly. You had to acknowledge it to get past it. "im not pregnant anymore..." you whispered, feeling an overwhelming sadness fulfill you. Your eyes drew down to your hand as you rubbed your stomach, feeling a bit stupid at what you were doing.
taking a few deep breathes, you opened your eyes and looked up at the ceiling, "its okay to be sad....its okay to cry" you remind yourself aloud, voice quiet and shaky, "but I can heal....its not my fault" you nod, tears falling for the millionth time within the past few days.
You were exhausted, mentally and physically, but after tonight you feel like perhaps you made a breakthrough, you were proud of yourself even if it was just a baby step.
You turned over in bed to look at your phone, the time was 3:55 am, yikes.
You barley had time to register it before the lock screen caught your attention, now all you could think about is how Taehyung was feeling.
"why are you already back?"
"dude just give me my fish and dog so I can go" Taehyung mumbled, standing at the front of his friend Jin's apartment.
He laughed and turned away for a moment before returning with Hae swimming around in his tiny tank, the packet of food wedged underneath jins chin. "here"
Taehyung took the bowl and the food, nodding "thanks..."
"mhm" he smiled, "so wheres Y/N? The last thing you posted was a photo of her standing on the edge of some fountain, did you push her into it?" he snorted, trying to be light hearted with his friend.
"no shes just, busy I guess" he shrugged, trying to leave quickly, "wheres yeontan?"
Jin looked behind him and picked up the small dog, putting the leash on him securely before handing it to taehyung, who took it with his free hand.
"thanks for not killing my pets and taking care of them, even if it was probably Stephanie who did everything" taehyung referred to Jin's wife, who stood behind him with a wide grin of acknowledgment. "i'll see ya" he nodded before turning down the hall to leave, Yeontan leading the way on his leash.
Taehyung walked on the sidewalk, his feet finding the familiar path to his own apartment.
He left Paris a day and half after you did, only communicating with you through occasional texts that left much to the imagination when it came to how you were doing.
He unlocked the door and walked in, wincing at how messy you two left it before leaving. His hands gently put Hae down on the kitchen counter as he began to pick laundry up, tossing them into a ball and making a mental note to do a washing load this weekend.
Tae checked his phone for any sign of you, frowning when he was met with 0 notifications.
Would it be wrong to call you? he didnt know anymore, things felt awkward...you left with no closure or definitive answer on what was okay or what crossed the boundaries.
It definitely felt uneasy being alone in the apartment, he missed your loud laughing, and the good food you always made for him.
He even missed when you would force him to watch shitty reality shows with you because it meant he got to cuddle with you on the couch for a few hours.
The rumbling sound of his stomach knocked him out of his head as he turned to the kitchen. There wasnt much, other than a few now rotten bananas sitting on the counter.
His hand gripped the fridge handle as his eyes were met with an ultrasound photo hung up by a hello kitty magnet, it felt like salt was poured into his wound...his hand slid off the handle. he wasnt hungry anymore.
Beside the photo was doctors reports hung up for upcoming appointments and reminders.
This upcoming weekend was supposed to be the gender reveal. Deep down Taehyung didnt care if it was a boy or girl, but not that he'd be having neither, it felt more upsetting.
It was a reminder of something that he might never get to experience with you.
He found his way to the kitchen counter, sitting in the quiet room as yeontans tiny pitter-patter paws echoed through the apartment wood flooring.
Taehyungs eyes were drawn to hae, the tiny yellow fish swimming around in his spongebob tank, a toy pineapple placed perfectly in the center for him. For some reason he teared up.
suddenly he felt the urge to hear from you, but he felt selfish for doing so. You should be the one to reach out, right?
He didnt know anymore.
"oh hae....I miss mama" he sighed, leaning down to rest his head in his crossed arms over the table.
"are you gonna just sit in bed?" your mothers voice echoed into your room, the lights were off and the curtains were closed as two large blankets covered your body....it was noon.
"I'll get out soon"
She shook her head, leaning against the door frame "Hun, I need to go shopping, I need to know you are up and alive before I leave you here alone"
Reluctantly you sat up, wiping your sleepy eyes as nostalgia from high school mornings hit you.
"there she is!" your mom cheered, directing her cat to follow over to you as she turned to leave.
You smiled at it as you stretch, "hi baby" your voice cooed before turning over and unhooking your phone from the charger
2 notifications
"oh" you mumbled, quickly unlocking it and going to your texts. You wish it was Taehyung, unfortunately it wasnt...
Kaito: hey, I know this is sort of inappropriate to text you like this, I get it, but I cannot stop thinking about you. I cant stop thinking about the baby. Can we please talk about maybe getting a paternity test?
you frowned, petting the cat as she climbed into your lap
kaito: and I know btw that you dont want me to be the father figure, which is fine. Ive taken time to understand that...however i need to know if its mine, I cant live without knowing y/n. please call or text.
Oh thats just great, another person you had to break the news to.
Your mother came back down the hall, knocking on the door frame "so are you coming or not? im leaving" she smiled
"I'll stay here, thanks though mama, hows your back?"
She waved her hand in dismissal "oh im fine honey, I got my brace"
You smiled sympathetically as she turned to leave, knowing she was probably lying about the pain.
Shes always been stubborn, thats where you get it from.
After getting cleaned up a bit, you made your way outside to sit on the front deck, propping your phone up as you sit in the rocking chair. Were you really about to facetime Kaito?
....guess so...
After a few rings, you began to feel the tightness in your chest...the anticipation...the nervousness...
"hello?" his voice echoed through your ears, for some odd reason you felt like crying already.
"hey....are you at work?"
"on break" he smiled softly, eyes looking into yours through the phone screen. It felt odd to sit here on call with him, you havent done it since you both had been dating.
He sat down, propping the phone up against a wall as he watched you, making it clear he was ready to talk. "listen, please understand this isnt me trying to make my way back into your life"
You nod, picking at the skin around your fingernails.
"I just want to know if its mine is all, I mean, I figured theres a chance it is, no? so this is warranted right? i dont want to seem pushy...."
You sigh, looking at him, "um, well I called you because I wanted to discuss everything"
"what do you mean?" his head tilted softly
"kaito, I uh, I lost the baby" you said aloud, nodding as you did so. In some way, the words left your mouth a lot easier than just a few days prior.
You were knee-deep in the healing process
"oh." was all he responded, his face appearing confused and unsure, "you lost the...baby?"
"miscarriage" you add, "it happened a few days ago, I never had the chance to tell whether it was yours or taehyungs"
He frowned, "y/n, im sorry"
"dont apologize its fine, im fine"
"god...."he ran his hands over his face, obviously deeply upset by the news.
"its okay" you assured again as he watched you for a moment,
"do you think it was mine? genuinely?" he whispered
You shrugged, eyes dragging away from the screen to look at the cars driving past the house "I dont know"
You did, you were 90% sure it was taehyungs, this was decided last night as you carefully calculated the dates between periods, and the breakup vs when you and taehyung got together.
If it was kaitos, that would have meant you were close to being 5-6 months pregnant, and at the time of the miscarriage, you were about 3-4.
regardless, it was still upsetting, and in hindsight, it didnt matter anymore especially when you had to sit and break everything down to your ex.
He sighed again, "how are you managing?" he whispered
"im good, im at my moms house right now"
"wheres taehyung?"
you scoffed slightly, even after telling him the situation he only cared about you and taehyung. "Kaito I called to inform you about the baby and the baby alone, we dont need to discuss my personal life, you dont get to know information that no longer involves you"
He sat watching you for a moment before nodding "okay....sorry?"
"thank you for being understanding during this, and all I ask is that you continue to be respectful to not only me, but taehyung"
He rolled his eyes slightly "okay"
"okay" you repeated, sitting near the phone, "well...thats all I suppose, text me if you have more to discuss on the topic, have a good shift"
with that, you hung up and couldnt help the slight smile that popped up on your face, you finally stuck up for yourself, and taehyung
It felt good.
so good that you almost called taehyung out of instinct.
would he be okay with that?
you decided against it, putting your phone away as you sat back and swayed in the rocking chair.
Taehyung gently creaked open the door of what used to be his bedroom, but was now reserved in the space of a future nursery.
He hadnt been in here in a while, and now as he sets his eyes on it all, he wishes he didnt walk in.
There were boxes of items you ordered online piled up in the corner, he smiled sadly and looked through them.
The crib you bought, he promised he would put it together for you, you were never good at building things, instructions or not.
The thought made him giggle softly as he looked at the other things, the vanity and picture frames. The familiar grief found its way into his chest as he went over and laid on the rug in the center of the room.
It was a lilac purple rug, you picked it out and decided the nursery will be just that color scheme, regardless if it was a girl or not. His fingers weaved through it as he began to cry, eyes scanning over the room that will forever be empty, items put to waste. The small bundle of baby toys that never get to be played with.
He never realized just how much he was hurting, but he had to say not having you at his side made it sting even more.
Yeontan nudged his way into the room and grabbed one of the stuffies, making his skilled exit quickly as taehyung got up
"hey! thats not yours!" he frowned and chased out of the room after the small dog, following him around the living room before running into your room. He gave up and dropped the giraffe by your desk, his tiny legs leading him away to hide.
Taehyung kneeled to pick it up, unable to help the way his eyes scanned over the items on top of your desk.
Unorganized homework for school, binders left open and messy, he smiled a bit at it as he walked over, his arm accidentally pushing some of the books off the side.
"shit" he sighed, leaning down to pick them up.
There was a smaller brown notebook that caught his attention, he didnt want to snoop around your things, but when the front of it says "to my love", its pretty hard to ignore.
He carefully sat on the ground and opened it, feeling wrong for doing so but unable to stop.
The first page was full of your handwriting.
May 11th
so...today I just found out the biggest news of my life. im pregnant, its weird to even write. I just bought this notebook at the flea market because I need to tell someone. Im really scared, and im unsure of what you will think of me. I love you a lot, and I hope I get the chance to gift this to you after all is said and done
suddenly he felt like he was doing something wrong, reading something forbidden.
He scanned over the next page quickly, seeing how you spoke about dedicating this as a future love note for him, a chance to let him see inside your mind.
He tossed it back on top of your desk and sighed softly, he missed you so much and it seems like every second only let that feeling grow.
He wasnt sure what position you two were in, but he loved you dearly, probably a lot more than a person should love another human being.
He hoped you felt the same deep and burning desire.
Thoughts passed into his brain, he realized he was grateful you went through the crazy process of the past few years, in which referred to the friends with benefits situation.
If it never happened, you would have never been this close now.
Little does he know, that miles away from Busan, you laid on the floor of your room too, looking over older texts between the two of you and giggling
even if it was about groceries, or a small message asking him to pick you up from class, it made you smile.
Taehyung and your mom have been the only ones that you can say have never left you, the only ones who are there when you need them.
were you going to let him go over something that can be talked over and fixed?
you looked out the window and silently spoke,
"i'll see you soon”
Going back to your old doctor in Gwangju was an odd experience, you had too have been no older than 18 the last time you visited her.
“It seems that everything is going smoothly, and you said you’ve stopped bleeding?”
You nod, fidgeting with the gown you put on as the doctor wrote down everything.
“Your tests seem good, i would say you are coming along healthily after this, which is a good thing, right?” She smiles cheerfully, “do you have any questions for me?”
You shrug, looking up at her “I don’t really know”
She sighed and sat down “y/n, what you went through would be hard on anyone. You are so young and you already are stressed with work and college, and this being thrown on top had to have been difficult right?”
You nod, resting your head in your palm.
“Do you think seeing a therapist would be helpful to you?” She asked sweetly
You quickly sat up “well…im going back to Busan eventually and-”
“I can contact your doctor in Busan and have them find you a therapist”
You sighed deeply, therapy was something you never really considered. Would it help? Maybe. But bottom line was that you never liked discussing your problems, you have always been closed off and the thought of being vulnerable with some stranger is terrifying.
“Look y/n, I’ll send your doctor a note and you can discuss it with her once you go back, how about that?”
You nod reluctantly “okay….”
Once you arrived back with your mother at the house, she began to cook something up for lunch as you laid on the couch, cuddling the cat.
She purred in your lap, making you smile.
"how was the appointment?" your mom spoke from the kitchen, peaking over to you as her hands chopped veggies up on a cutting board.
"well...It was fine I suppose"
"just fine?" she smiled, adjusting her glasses, "did she say anything bad?"
"no, no, nothing bad, but just...she wants me to do this therapy thing and I just-"
"oh that sounds like a good plan...I think therapy would be beneficial"
You sigh, looking down at the cat, "well I probably wont be doing it so..yeah"
She stopped cutting, looking over at you "and why is that?"
You simply shrug in reply
"you know theres nothing wrong in getting help...right?"
"yeah but im not sure im ready to go talk to someone yet"
She laughed softly, "thats when you should talk to someone, when you are unsure, get it out before its all locked up"
sitting up a bit, you look back at her, "I guess, I dont know, we will see...."
Your eyes returned back to the tv in front of you as your mother continued to create a meal for the two of you. As a mom, she felt defeated, she knew the other alternative here but knowing you, the reaction may be less than ideal.
The last thing she wants to do is interfere with your current situation, but hey.....
what is a mom if she isn't nosey?
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years
Part 2 of marked!! The one with Billy and Stu PLSS
Alrighty! Here you go Anon! Also i updated the trigger warnings so PLEASE re read them in chapter 1
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked(Poly!Billy and Stu x reader)
Word count:1319
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Chapter 12 -Dont think Stus a suspect
^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^
Me, Tatum,Dewy, and Randy all sat in the living room. Randy was on my left, Tatum on my right and Dewy sat in a chair infront of me.
"The...the voice almost sounded like someones I knew" I muttered, answering Dewys question.
Dewy nodded and wrote something down on a slip of paper. "Who did it sound like?" He asked. "..Billy Loomis" I answered, recalling how the distorted voice had the likeness of Billys voice.
"Yeah I agree, they did sound like Billy in a way" Randy added onto what I had said.
"Alright, im so sorry again all of this happened to you Y/n..youve been through alot over the past few day" Dewy said as he looked at me with sympathy laced in his eyes.
I stayed quiet... Not a singular noise left my lips. All I wanted was all of this to end..but...i didnt want to die.. I have so much i want to do and want to see... Theres endless possibilitys to the point death makes me uncomfortable.
"Y/n if you want I can drive over to your parents house and ask your parents if you can stay here for a little bit if you want" Dewy said as he stood up from his stool.
"That would be nice" I said, my voice barely above a whispered when I did.
Dewy nodded with a smile. "Ill be back, don't any of you do anything crazy" Dewy said with a playful smile as he pointed at me, then Randy, then Tatum. Dewy glared at Tatum. "Especially you" he added.
Tatum gasped, clearly offended. "Your an asshole" she said as she shook her head. Dewy just cackled before shove the slip pf paper in his pants pocket and walking off, opening the door, and shutting it behind him.
"So..what now?" Randy asked as he looked from me to Tatum.
"I knowww" Tatum said as she stood up then stood in front of me and Randy. "I got a question" she said as a sly smirk played its way onto her perfect lips.
"What?" Me and Randy asked in unison.
"Whats up with you two?" She asked, eyeing us both. "What are you on about Tatum?" Randy asked as he tilted his head to the side.
"Oh dont play dumb you nerd... Don't act like i didn't see you grab her hand, and also.. Theres hickeys on Y/ns neck..." Tatum trailed off then gasped, her hand flying up to her mouth.
"You guys had sex didnt you?" Tatum asked, her eyes wide. "What? No" I said defensively as my face started to heat up.
"Hmm..sure.." Tatum said, clearly not believing me. "We didn't Tatum, I am still very much a virgin" Randy said with a huff. "Same here" I added.
Tatum looked at me with disbelief. "How the hell are you a virgin? Randy i understand but you Y/n? Your such a beautiful girl...im shocked" Tatum said.
My face flushed red. Tatum called me beautiful..
"Im beautiful?" I asked, my voice soft and quiet.
"Hell yeah you are!" Randy said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and practially pulled me into him.
Tatum laughed at our behavior and flopped onto the couch beside me.
The laughter faltered and all was silent other then our out of rythem breathing.
I laid my head back onto Randys chest and closed my eyes.
"Ya know.. What if Billy was the one that called you?" Tatum said out of no where.
"Huh?" Randy asked.
"Y/n and you said that the voice over the phone sounded alot like Billy's..what if it was" Tatum said.
"Billy is the type of person that would 100% call someone and fuck with them" Randy added.
I opened my eyes and leaned my head up off of Randy. "Then that means... He....k-killed...Casey" I choked out.
My throat felt tight at the thought and my mind went to the possibility of Billy gutting my best friend...but...he had no reason to..
"I doubt it"  Randy muttered as looked down at my feet.
"What?" Tatum asked.
"Billy has no motive to kill Casey...out of everyone Casey knew..only one person would have a reason to kill her" I felt myself get antsy the more I spoke.
"Who?" Randy asked, looking down at me.
I didn't want to say it due to Tatum being in the room. Tatum was dating the one person i thought could have a motive to kill Casey and that was Stu...
Stu, as i figured out from Casey, that Stu dated Casey, then she left him..so he had a reason.. Plus..Casey was hung from a tree and gutted...
Stu seemed to know alot about how to gut someone and he was tall.. Over 6 feet tall.
"Y/n...who?" Tatum asked again, suspence raised in the room.
"Don't get mad...but....Stu..." I said, going deathly quiet when Stus name dripped off of my tongue.
I lifted my eyes from my feet and looked at Tatum, who seemed to be both ragefilled and confused...
"Its just a thought" I added.
"A thought that's wrong" Tatum hissed out as she crossed her arms, clearly defending her boyfriend.
"How do you know?" Randy asked, cocking his head to the side.
"How do you know?!" She fired back.
"He had a clear motive..." I added as my stomach lurched.
"He dated Casey...then she or he left her and she got with Steve" I muttered as i dug my nails into my forearm.
"Well there's no way in hell Stu would kill her!" She yelled.
Randy was quick to jump to his feet and put his hands on Tatums shoulders. "Cool your Tits Tatum! Its was just a thought! In shit like this everyone a suspect! E.v.e.r.y.o.n.e" he said.
Tatum glared daggers at me as I hung my head low.
I felt like i had fucked up by letting my thoughts slip out through my mouth.. I wish i could take the words back and shove them back into my mind and let them rot in there.
Tatum and Randy continued their argument as my mind stuck on the thought that maybe Billy or Stu killesd Casey..
Then.. My mind went back onto her...
She didn't deserve to die.. She didnt do anything to anybody..she was a sweet girl with so much she wanted to do...
It pained me... I was at fault.. If only i had been there sooner. If only I had snuck out faster.. If only..
I jumped up from my spot on the couch. Randy and Tatums argument was fuzzy in my mind as I rushed off, my eyes started to water although they were sore form all the crying.
I rushed up the stairs of Tatum and Dewys house and rushed into the bathroom and shut and locked the door.
I slid down the door and pulled my knees to my chest.
All i did was fuck everything up.
I fucked up by not being at Casey's quicker, i fucked up Tatum, and i fucked up with my parents...
My eyes were sore from crying, it felt like i had no more tears to cry at this point.
Why did all this bull shit have to happen?
If only I would have changed my relationship with my parents rather then shut them out maybe i would have been able to get to Casey quicker and i wouldnt have had to have the conversation I had with Tatum, which ended in her and Randy almost screaming at each other...
Im just a fuck up..
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svnflowermoon · 4 months
remember the anon from a few weeks ago who asked for advice about a girl called M? an anon with the emoji 🫀? well idk if u have already guessed but that was me
i told M that i like her and that if she didnt like me back she must tell the truth and she said ‘thats the thing, i dont know how i feel about you’ and then i told her i would wait
now i dont know what to do except wait, and like i can do that but like im just scared and we’ve been thru so much shit over the years between us and i feel like M probably doesnt like me the same way and thats why she said she doesnt know as in i dont completely know if i dont like you…..
like we used to be best friends and then we werent and like she smiles at me and ive heard that she wants a girlfriend, but i’ve also heard she likes this other girl who is super pretty like M and like im not that pretty and what if she is holding a grudge against the stuff i said last year to her???
like ive been depressed and sad and cried so much over her before, and missed her so much, and ive felt the whole spectrum of emotions over her, and i really care about her and i worry about her and i love her but what if she’s never felt like that towards me??? what if what she felt about me was a silly crush she had for like two months?
what if she leaves me waiting for months or years and then tells me and then ive spent my whole high school loving her and she didnt?? then what?
oh my god im ranted so much im so so so sorry you had to read all of that but i really needed to tell someone who would understand?? cos like non of of my friends have experienced desperate lesbian yearning and its like so hard cos they like guys and i dont
i just like her so much and i dont know what to do if she doesnt like me
again im so so sorry
omg hi!! i'm gonna be honest i'm oblivious so i hadn't figured out that it was you 😭😭
oh my god that's such an awkward situation like there's really nothing you can do except wait for her omg
i hope she likes you back omg, also about the whole thing abt the other girl, there's a chance she just has a flirty personality and has trouble figuring out who she likes fr bc she flirts so often?? idk i wouldn't know i can't flirt for the life of me. (also i'm sure you're gorgeous don't put yourself down like that angel <333)
considering you're feeling so strongly about the whole thing, i'd recommend making sure you spend time with your friends. try not to isolate yourself, just because you're waiting for her doesn't mean you have to put your whole life on pause. genuinely like spending time with friends will boost your mood sm, it won't fix it entirely but it will help you remember that you have other people in your life that are there for you <33
if she leaves you waiting for ages and then tells you that, then honestly she's an asshole 😭 if she didn't feel at least SOMETHING for you, she would probably want to let you know as soon as she could to save you too much hurt. ofc idk cause idk her irl but personally when i don't like someone i want to break that to them as soon as i can. so i think she probably likes you, it might not be as much as she did before or as much as you like her but i bet she likes you
don't feel bad for ranting omg never feel bad for ranting it's okay <333 the desperate lesbian thing is so real lmao i totally get you, please feel free to update me on whatever happens <33
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
My Thoughts in Real Time as I Watched Episode 13 of Love in the Air That Absolutely Nobody Asked For:
- I can’t believe this is the (second to) last time I’m gonna see this intro, I already want to cry
- Fucking Sig, I love him so much.
- Can we get a spin-off just dedicated to Sig?
- Rain, you nosy motherfucker. We love you for this.
- Also, I’m so totally here for Sky finally not holding back his emotions. Agreeing to give Pai a ‘prize’ if he wins? We love to see it.
- Prapai’s posting picture of Sky on his Instagram? I’m fucking dead.
- These episode names are too much. Can’t do it!
- Aww, little baby Sky.
- Sky smoking? Oof. I don’t care how gross it is, smoking is hot. Sue me.
- If that was really the first time Sky took a drag of a cigarette, he’d have coughed it all back out. The first few cigarettes as a new smoker suck, and they fucking hurt.
- On that note, don’t smoke, kids! It’s bad for you!
- I knew that it was gonna be Gun, and as soon as I saw him, I honest to god growled. Fucker.
- Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. (To myself and to Sky)
- Listen to your friends, Sky!
- Okay, smoking’s not hot when this fucking dickbag does it.
- This should go without saying, but for everyone out there reading this, don’t let anyone take advantage of you or hurt you unless you’re into it. Don’t go along with shit you’re not comfortable with just to prove that you love someone. Fuck them, fuck their feelings, protect yourself.
- Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now.
- Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I don’t wanna watch this.
- I can’t imagine how hard this was for Peat. The reaction video is gonna hurt.
- Fuck, I hope someone kills this fucking asshole.
- I know this is an emotional scene, but I’m losing my shit over Pai calling Sky ‘baby’
- Take your fucking eyes off of him and wipe that smirk off your face, you shitbird.
- Fluffy PrapaiSky will be the death of me.
- I’m so proud of Sky for not being afraid and being able to admit how he feels. My sweet baby has come so far!
- The look of terror on Sky’s face when he didn’t know who was hugging him is just one giant foreshadow and I hate it.
- “My lucky star” 😭😭😭😭
- Payu is 1000% done with Pai’s lovesick ass like he probably wasn’t just as bad a few months ago.
- We need more Payu/Sky and Prapai/Rain. The boyfriend/best friend dynamic is so freaking cute.
- Every time I see that bastard, I get so fucking angry.
- I was gonna yell at Sky to run as soon as he saw Gun, but I remember when someone who looked like my abuser walked into my job and I shut down and just completely froze, so I understand why he couldn’t run.
- It’s absolutely killing me that Pai knows that Petch is a slimy little snake, but that he doesn’t know why.
- Yes, Sky! You stand up for yourself! Your man loves you, and don’t forget it!
- Rain, I know you’re trying to be helpful, but I kinda wanna smack you.
- Rain really is a gold(fish)en retriever, isn’t he? Head empty, no thoughts, attention span that only lasts two seconds, but damn it, he’s a good boy that’s trying his best.
- I feel nauseous watching Sky walk into that apartment.
- You fucking liars. I’m so angry.
- I’m so glad that Sky doesn’t believe them. It’s amazing to see how much he’s changed.
- Sky Protection Squad in full force, yes! Go rescue him!
- Where the fuck are Rain and Payu while Pai and Gun are in the bedroom? Are they just making tea with the other assholes that were in the apartment? Come on, guys.
- Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him.
- Love him to death, but for the love of method acting, someone please teach Fort how to properly throw a punch.
- He should have killed him. And Payu should have hit Petch, too.
- I don’t know what hurts more, Sky being catatonic and not being able to cry, or Pai sobbing for him.
- He brought him home. Like, home, home.
- That picture of the two of them on Pai’s desk, I could cry.
- I don’t even have any more thoughts, I’m just happy that Gun and Stop are gone, all four of my boys are happy, and that Pai knows everything about Sky now.
- There are a bunch of scenes from the novel that I’m sad were not in the series, but that could be a whole separate post.
- Aside from finish KinnPorsche (I still have two episodes left), catch up on Remember Me and Between Us, binge all the other shows I have on my To Watch list, and tear my hair out waiting for Just Say Yes.
- Excuse me while I rewatch the entire series over and over.
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obxsprincess · 7 months
heyy girl, how are u? i know ive been kinda missing but i might need your advice on something bc im very confused and unsure (and my friends are being kind of unhelpful bitches lol
So, im in college right? and theres a lot of fraternities around, and I met this guy, a friend of a friend, and he lives in a fraternity.
So far so good right? We kinda flirted with each other for a few days until a party last night where we finally hooked up (i was drunk but everyone said it was pretty hot :)) but i had to leave bc my roomate was very sick so i never got to talk to him abt anything else basically. And my friend said tomorrow they'll have a small party to celebrate a bday on that fraternity, and everyone keeps saying i should lose my virginity to this guy (ik shocking im a virgin), but the thing people dont understand is that i get attached very quickly and to me our kiss basically locked in, so im kinda nervous ill get attached and he wouldnt want anything serious w me
Reading it back it feels kinda dumb but specially for people on campus and SPECIALLY on fraternities is very rare for u to get kinda together w someone so quick, so I DUNNO WHAT TO DO
- 💋
hiii babes, ofc ofc im always here to help!! and remember not even my opinion should persuade you into anything, cus I can only go off of my own experiences with virignity loss and hook ups 💞 but I hope my insights helpful!!
I lost my virginity at 16 back in high school (a long time ago and not at all saying ur guy is like this ! cus he probably isnt! especially cus hes an adult so I hope to fucking hell he isn’t) and it definitely happened very fast and quick, texted for a few days, made out, and then met up to have sex. in summary it ended with my nudes being leaked around the school and almost a felony on my name (for sending them?) but the thing ive took out of it (and only reason for the story, im srry cus I was so young so it might seem weird to include) n held close is to remember trust is one of the most important parts of sex really! because your putting your pleasure and body into someone elses hands, but also your emotional trust because sex is so much more than just getting physical for a few minutes, and its important to remember that the lingering thoughts shouldn’t ever be negative, or the guy broke the trust you put in him. truly the after sex reaction is just as important as being taken care of during. in my experience, because I didnt know the guy well, I went into it blind not knowing what I total asshole he was.
and trust, in my eyes, means knowing you’ll be treated right afterwards no matter what, even without a relationship basic aftercare if the bare minimum. and to me it doesn’t seem like you are convinced he’ll do that for you ! so pls pls be careful 💞 who knows ! he might be an amazing guy but if you arnt ready to take that step yet, don’t ! because the good ones are always willing to wait. I would say text him/talk to him in person if you have to too. because and I’m hoping not but you never know, his and your friends might have ‘talked’, and sex might be on his mind too. so if you feel comfortable, get on the same page with him with whatever you decide angel !! you deserve to lose your virginity and be glowing afterwards, its so much better than regretting it 💗 whether u choose to get to know him better or lose your virginity to him, stay safe bby and use safety <3 (pls make sure to discuss possible STD history on his side too btw !)
hope this helped a little love, love you and never let anyone pressure you please, cus fuck that
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sakkac · 1 year
summary of my thoughts on see you in my 19th life episode 1
ban jieum <3 <3
pool huh……..
water imagery… i miss the library as the location of their first meeting but water imagery is saur- [explodes]
idk personally i was expecting the car accident to be in the first ten minutes like a jumpscare, but i like how it was drawn out and hinted at throughout the episode. also i am soooo smug abt already knowing what joowon was telling seoha before she died. like that ate me up when i was reading the manhwa but now 😏 hehe. but im still saur excited for the reveal in the kdrama
they put so much money into this. it is deserved i enjoy it it is slaying etc etc
love the child actors… seoha’s child actor looks like hwanwoong so much though that i couldn’t take him 100% seriously as seoha. i’d see him and im like OMGGGGG…. who made baby hwanwoong CRY????
love how they contextualized ban jieum’s prev lives…. her past lives were things i always wanted more of. i wanted to know how she exactly became the person she is today. because i feel entitled to knowing how my wife became so <3
ban jieum as a child is the funniest thing ever like she just has a mission to see seoha again and then she’s doing the most outlandish things to get there. shes like “he made me feel like a child again and forget my remembering of my past lives” and then she becomes a child laborer. for him. girl i love you
really love the expansion of jieum and ae-gyeong’s relationship. in all im a very big fan of how many things have become contextualized and grounded in the kdrama vs the manhwa. but i still love the manhwa so much….. lee hye's manhwa ban jieum will always have a grip on me
seoha’s dad is such an asshole….. why did they change him. bring back the fucked up guy who at least kept to himself? [redacted] [redacted] 😭
adult seoha in the pool was 😌 my exact words seeing that scene was “man’s looking good…. NIPPLE???????”
they already showed how he only sits in the front seat now…. crying. no one look at me i need some privacy to recover
HoH seoha canon in the kdrama 😭😭😭 i hope they keep seoha’s habit of keeping the tv on too 😭
his hearing aid is sooo small and it looks expensive…. fucking chaebol
ban jieum please give me one chance. plea
great first episode…. got all the feelings and put everything in order for the viewer to understand ban jieum’s world
i actually never told this to anyone, but i always thought this would make a GREAT kdrama. like it has all the kdrama tropes (emotionally repressed and traumatized chaebol, poor but hardworking female lead, side couple, car accident, mom dies, one [1] friend each for the female and male leads) and an interesting quirk (ban jieum <3). so im so so so happy please take care of me in this life as well has a kdrama and it has so much money and effort put into it. and the actors are wonderful so far and beloved…. like apparently ahn bohyun lost some weight to play seoha bc seoha’s supposed to look frail 😭😭😭 GOD HELP ME that is so true hes like a flower you accidentally stepped on but you pick it up and nurture it because it has a certain charm abt it. this is why i trust ahn bohyun for this role... its like he peeked in my brain. anyways. if you told me two years ago one of my favorite manhwa EVER would have a kdrama like this i would say “it’s deserved” but i’d be hiding a smile.
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evansbby · 9 months
This is gonna be so long i am so sorry but i’ve been reading WG3 all throughout the day, at work, on the street and as i ate my lunch so its been all on my mind for HOURS now and i have to SCREAM about it somewhere 🤷‍♀️
First things first… Wanda, bestie, is currently in, what i’ve coincidently learned recently is called, the ✨dick sand✨ its where you lose touch of reality and friends and everything that actually matters and just fall for a guy like a fucking idiot falling into quick sand, so yeah we definitely hate this version of Wanda but i shan’t judge until Curtis like cheats on her or something, which he will, and she’s left a sobbing mess being dragged out of the ✨dick sand✨
Also… we still have yet to see her handle reader in this fragile state and if she keeps ditching her for Curtis while she’s this distraught… you must kill her off please and thank you 😌
I understand that its more convenient for the plot for reader to forget about what happened in the ride back home with Steve but like she remembered being fucked in front of everyone by Ari while being most high and drunk! I’ve never been drunk before so i dont know if the haze intensifies as the liquor runs through ones’ veins but like i just hated that for her because it could have saved her but like i said it is essential for the plot i guess so i’ll just shut up about it 🥲
I LOVE how it all started with Ari forcing himself on reader and ended it with Steve doing the same thing and how the difference in her reactions was stark, depending on the dickhead, her feelings towards each one and just like the actual way they did the forcing! And i cannot believe that i am team Ari now! Like you’re really about to convert so many of us to Ari stans after this because Steve is a fucking monster and also you should definitely kill him off as well please and thank you 😌
Thank you for giving us a fragile and submissive reader who got to actually speak up and say no for once before all hell broke loose.. well.. looser 😅 with poyt, Omega was seriously pushed to her most extreme edge before falling over and just saying enough and even the way she said it was more to herself than to Steve tbh so this was a lovely change and i am grateful for it so thank you bestie 💜
Fucking Sharon! I can’t believe you made her nice and sweet! That is so genius of you but like also diabolical 😈 it’s like you had an angst bingo card and you’re just FEROCIOUSLY going for the win 😂
The ball hitting reader was just *chef’s kiss* and its just perfect for me cause this was such a classic romcom moment and then having Ari scoop her up and take care of her is also another classic romcom move and i love you so much for it! God you’re so talented im gonna cry 😭
Speaking of the scoop, Ari felt fast for reader, huh? Did not think he would fold so damn fast! I mean i understand your assholes tend to have a heart hidden deep deep DEEP within them that ends up beating hard for your readers but i thought this one would take longer so i am definitely pleasantly surprised i must say 🤭
Now for The Beef… i think Kira has to do with it. That kind of hostility between boys almost always circles back to a girl they fought over or like a sister that got burned lol but like also let me congratulate you on your stunning talent to make me hate Steve Rogers’ guts and to make him the WORST human being ever when his image is that of a golden retriever. Kudos bestie you have done what no one has ever been able to do which is break us essentially but we love it 💋
I can’t wait to hear Steve’s backstory about when he was hospitalized for his anger issues btw i’m holding my breath for that one cause neglectful parents 🤝 angry and confused child is very relatable to me and representation matters 👍
“I broke up with her.” is like singlehandedly the most powerful phrase i’ve read in a fanfic in a long time because the timing, Ari saying it and the way he chose to say it are all just so incredibly and perfectly woven together to create the best plot twist EVER! Again with the genius and the talent and the you’re the goat shenanigans 🙂
I love the questions at the end cause its such a clever way to engage with your readers and honestly you are one of the best fanfic writers in this fandom at that! Your blog is honestly just the best place to hang out and just have the best of fun like we’re all just this insane group of besties who keep fighting over Ari’s 13 inch dick (when soft) and spewing hatred in the ugly and icky face of Andy Barfer lol
I’m so sorry this is long but i’ve made a promise to myself that i would read every review for this chapter since i never did it for any of the previous ones or ever for poyt cause i have the attentions span of a snail so i just took liberty and just talked my ass off to kinda compensate for all the reading imma be doing lol
Anyway, in case it aint obvious yet, loved the chapter to death. Love you to death. Forever grateful for all that you give us. You feed us so well, mother, we are so chubby and cute just like little Rosie 😘😘😘😘
Yep, Wanda is definitely in dick sand right now! I love that hahaha, it fits perfectly.
And it’s not uncommon for people to remember only bits and pieces when they were drunk. When the Ari stuff happened, she had just drank. When the Steve stuff happened later, she was fully gone lmao. Like when I’ve gone on nights out, there have been times where I remember the beginning of the night but then have no recollection of anything else until the very end. And other times I remember everything! So it all just depends.
Also I didn’t really think you guys would think Steve was a monster 🤔😂 Like, as you said, they BOTH forced themselves on her. But the one who stopped and apologised is the monster and not the one who clearly didn’t stop? That’s soooo interesting to me mwahahah, but I didn’t see this reaction coming from yall but it seems to be the popular one! Tbh they’re both fucking monsters bahahaha but it’s called wicked games for a reason! 🤭🤭 also I think reader’s reaction to Steve in his bedroom was BECAUSE of her past experiences with Ari!! It made her wiser to the fuckboyness of boys hehehe and wary too!
Also hahaha I am so happy you appreciate the questions at the end tbh i do the questions at the end bc i remember a lot of writers doing it on 1dff (the 1d fanfic site) back in like 2014 lol and even I did it when I wrote a fic there! It’s bc whenever I finish a fic im so frazzled bc I’ve taken in so much info so all I can do as a review is a keyboard smash so the questions are a good way for me to gather my thoughts so I thought it would be the same for you guys!
Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a wonderful review bestie! I love you sm 🩷🥹 Now let’s see if Ari truly lives up things bc he has a lot more people in his corner this time around hehehe
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ao3feed-byler2 · 1 year
fool me twice
by kjfdfghubf
Fool me once,
 “Are we going to move again?”
“No, sweetie, we're going to stay here, and now you can finally make some little friends of your own.”
“You promise?”
“I Promise.”
  Shame on you,
  Fool me twice?
 “Micheal, it's time to leave.”
“I-i don't want to leave.”
“Well, you don't really have a choice, do you? Now get in the car.”
  Well, I should be used to it by now.
Words: 60, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Holly Wheeler, Joyce Byers, Karen Wheeler, Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things), Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Minor Original Characters - Character, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler
Relationships: Holly Wheeler & Mike Wheeler, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Mike Wheeler, Mike Wheeler & Ted Wheeler, Mike Wheeler & Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, The Party - Relationship, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane & Dustin Henderson & Maxine Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler
Additional Tags: I swear to God, this bitch deleted all my tagsssss, ok, SO, Mike Wheeler-centric, Mike Wheeler Angst, like so much of it im so sorry, Hurt No Comfort, none for a very very veyr vert very very, long time, Oops, ok so basically karen and ted pack up and leave hawkins taking only mike and holly with them, mike never gets to say goodbye, please please please read these tags, there is going to be a lot of heavy fucking stuff in this story, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, implied/referenced eating disorder, this needs to be a tag, TF, mike is so not okay, its not funny, im seriosuly so sorry, police plots, you dont understand this just yet but hopefully it will make sence later one, starting highschool alone, Dissociation, Yikes, Bullying, Bad Parent Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things), no seriously he is really bad, i am making him such an asshole, ......more so, and that inherently makes me an asshole, sorry guys mike has no good role models in this story HAHHA, Bad Parent Karen Wheeler, only good thing he has going for him is how close he is with his baby sister, how I love a cute pookie bear sibling relationship between Mike wheeler and Holly wheeler, Why?, because we never get it ofcourse, ;), holly calls him mikey, just to make you more inticed to read this shit once it comes out, marketing purposes, ykyk, ok so just to clarify mike has to leave after season 2 ends, or maybe season 1?, ah whatever all in know is that hes gone before season three
from AO3 works tagged 'Will Byers/Mike Wheeler' https://ift.tt/r6OFbuy
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chicago pd 10x10
this is a nice start
poor torres looks so lost
what in the actual hell is this story tho
adam checking up on torres is peak big brother behavior
‘how’re you getting home, man? i drove you’
‘uh, there's a thing called uber’
we love torres for that
adam and dante are now besties
im sorry
but i don't make the rules
adam coaching torres is great
i love it
adam further proving that bob ruzek was a shit father is great
we love bob ruzek slander here
oh yay
a call
can't wait to see how this goes
i don't have a good feeling about this
at all
im scared
irrelevant but adam and dante make a good team
watch it be only for this episode and it never happens again
oh shit
what's happening
oh no
ohhhhh noooooo
these poor people
aw dante being so considerate
he’s so kind
i love him
oh this poor poor woman
its not even five minutes in
and im crying
why can't we ever have a break
oh hailey looks GOOD
god i hate this so much
kim looks *mwah*
jesus christ im just thirsting over all of them
adam and danteeeee
danteee and kevinnnnn
i don't like this guy
this detective is a dick
i do not like him at all
youre worried about solving enough cases to keep your record up
instead of the victims
im in love with you
i wanna stab him
this is fun
i never understand how they can read the license plates from so far away
only thing I can see his blurred blobs
how do they do it
holy fucking shit
oh no
this keeps getting worse and worse
i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it
no no no no no no no no
come on
guess detective dick is atucally useful
holy fucking shit
still a dick
oh no
detective dickwad
i hate you
with everything I got
jump off a fucking cliff
poor dante
guys still a newbie
and dealing with all this bs
dante works so well with all of them
i love it
detective dick is back
i wanna kill you
i also don't believe you
youre dick face
hes getting rid of dante cuz he did something
i know it
oh i wanna see how this goes
dante hurry it up
come on
i don't want detective dick to come back
i don't believe his statement
at all
detective dick threatened him
i know it
dante would be a great detective
i want him to be one
dante looks like hes about punch him
i don't blame him
i love the way Kev says ‘chicago pd’ before slamming the door
shut the fuck up asshole
nobody likes you
i love how everyones looking out for torres
hes the baby of the unit
and everyones taking care of him
you don't understand
this interrogation is interesting
im curious to see where it goes
kev looking at torres
hes concerned for his baby brother
my sweet baby
i love you so much
take care of torres
shut the fuck up man
this is your fault
what're you going to do
adam and torres
i love my babies
what did he find
what's gonna happen
please adam
support him
oh no
come on
chicago pd writers
the fuck are you doing
please don't destroy their potential friendship 
i need this more than you understand
where's this going
thank you adam
‘before WE doing anything at all’
poor larry
dudes just trying to do his job
and then ruzek comes along
i wanna know what happenssss
just play the goddamn video
lets seeeeee
fucking detective dick
i hope you rot in hell
the witnessss
we’re backkkkk
oh this poor guy
detective dick
i will MURDER you
i feel so bad for alex
this guy didn't ask for any of this
oh how's this gonna go
god i don't like either of these options
adam and dante heart to heart
we love to see it
how're they gonna explain this to voight
real smart ruzek
voight humouring them is great
he knows what's happening
and he doesn't want to question it
we love it
oh mY GOD
i lowkey want voight to find out about what's happening
he’ll somehow make this better and worse
we’ll see
oh no
hailey looks great
detective dick is gonna do something stupid, isn't he?
he will
i can feel it
i'll slap him
if detective dick ruins this, ill riot
i will
don't ruin this
torres wait
he might have a better idea
comE ON
oh this actually worked
maybe i don't hate you as much anymore dick
maybe you aren't terrible
i change my min
you are extremely terrible
do something
youre awakening something in me
thaT VOICe
‘this is why i became a cop’
sir please
im not strong enough
voight looks so proud
ruzek and torres
in a bar
oh no
poor dante
im so sorry
i hate detective dick
with every fiber of my being
oh no
‘i just became apart of the blue wall’
oh poor poor dante
adam doing his best
hes so nic
trying to advise dante 
god I miss season one Adam
he was so innocent and carefree
and now look at him
trying to convince the newbie that everything's okay
im not strong enough for the next episode
im really not
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Hello dear!
Here comes the rant😆
What a heck I just read? FB for sure made some strange choices.
First of all - why we should twist with new boys? Mc should be sent home - like there literally was a text "if you single - you'd be dumped". Our theory about Finn and Kat twisting if MC single had much more sense!
Secondly. Suresh, dude, are you for real? Still playing games instead of showing everyone were you stand. And Lulu seems really sweet, how dare he to use her like that? I mean it was obvious she's his safe choice to stay but FB making him such an asshole? Why he didn't tell her "I can bring you but that'll be friendship couple cuz I only want MC"? For someone who's talking"i care about you, MC" he's definitely makes her life much more complicated!
Gabi. I tried to be civil, all right? Why she suddenly thinks she has to show how important she was for Suresh? He's literally told you "it wasn't anything serious for me" and your answer "I think it's a lie"?? Piss off, woman! You've been a rebound, a replacement of a real girlfriend. And your wants won't change the reality.
Alfie. Dude, why are you still trying talk to MC when she made it clear that you are friends, nothing more?? My MC even told you to couple up with Meera and was ready to go home. And now you bringing Meera back and all she's doing - making a show "we're such a power couple" and glaring at MC even though my MC has been telling "you are great together!" Arlo #2 much?? And now I read that she wants to dump MC?? Not cool. MC isn't to blame if you not confident enough in your couple, stop being a bitch!
My poor MC doesn't have any girlfriends on this circus! Please Lulu, you are the last hope for a true friendship!
Finn. Weeell. You giving me Noah vibes with your uncertainty. I have a feeling he fancies MC more then Kat but Kat is an easy option, you know? it's like under all his flirting and bravado he's not confident enough in himself to be with someone so gorgeous and cool like MC. I mean - dude literally said "you are out of my league" to MC...🤔 But maybe it's wishful thinking 😃
And Nicolas... OMG, he's just male version of Kat! I knew there was something about him and playing the game but damn! My girl had enough drama in her life and doesn't need more. I don't fancy men who loves stirring the pot... Now I have even more doubts about him. I don't see him in solid couple with a girl if she's serious and not in all this drama/playing games. But he's definitely a good option make Suresh jealous 😆
Welp... At this point I don't even mind taking money and never seeing those people again 😆 but we'll see new islanders. Maybe FB will give us a dependable guy (maybe an old friend of MC who's always been in love with her and hated Suresh for hurting his favourite girl??)
First - YES!! This made NO SENSE the text said single islanders would be DUMPED and then wait NOT U MC! ur special! No we're not! U literally drag us through the mug every fucking episode
Second- babe thats not suresh...idk who that is but its not him. because the man that said all that stuff to us before he left for casa wouldnt be choosing grandma Lulu who he literally has no spark with over us.
Third - Gabi doesnt seem to understand that one sided relationships exist. One person can like another person more than the other. Sorry babe but this happens more often than not...just because he was around doesnt mean he was around.
Fourth - I personally didnt get the vibe that he was trying it on MC I got more friend vibes from him, but maybe that's how I played it. Meera was being such a bitch that I can't wait for me to not go home next week, but to rub it in her face that her bestie is tho
Fifth - I low-key loved Noah 2.0 and If I find out something shady happened between Gabi/Suresh on that terrace rooftop im jumping ship to Finn so fucking fast.
sixth - idk im getting the ick from Nicolas 🫣 hes too much with the gossip and drama he seems more into that than MC. and saying he needed to fake their connection 🙄 thats a no for me dog.
im staying on the suresh route until it becomes even more obvious that there is none left and then will be jumping ship to Finn.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
LMAO the double whammy sassy asshole dynamic is so funny but I get what you mean about its practicality LOL I’m ngl between the Isagi post and this I wonder if rewatching bllk this time is gonna lead to isagism LOL Ok but genuinely my other thought was maybe more Barou appreciation!! Or maybe if you come across a tiktok edit to some fire music of a scene in s1 it could be someone completely random/new!
STOP THE KIYORA KNITTING HC IS SO REAL??? I don’t even know how to describe it but heavy on this vibe like, especially with the “not hiding just not brought up” part you kinda cooked with that…also bro the chokehold Rio had on me….talk about gateway bird media
SSHSHS OK IM GLAD LMAOOO the hiatus scare concept honestly just shows your dedication like no one’s doing it like you…we all trust you’ll cook LMAOO
The work you do for Karasu nation is immeasurably truly…ok but I can’t wait for whatever you write next!! The request lineup honestly slaps excited for another Mira banger o7
BRO THE EDIT??? You made that a little too fast but omfg I see it….it’s literally them….
Pause the good ≠ popular thing is so real like….just because something was captivating enough to become popular doesn’t necessarily equate to it actually being thought out well either…I mean there’s several cases where the art style can just be really good or the characters are good looking and it’s enough to get people to read….
I truly think that the inability to understand the concept constructive criticism is like biggest issue plaguing communities like you are required to absolutely love every part of something like hello….
The jjk hype build up/bait is honestly so real though…you can kinda feel it in how gege handles things that he can be reliant on shock factor of capsized to try and spice things up…
Honestly same the rat tails are a no no for me….i also think in terms of more assholey characters i much prefer ones like Karasu over Kaiser LOL
Noel noa being a paid actor would be so real HAHA I can imagine that they’d maybe even just go to sign marriage documents and wouldn’t really even have a full ceremony! I don’t really know enough about weddings to say much beyond that but yeah LMAO
Ok but wait circling back, how’s the dub LMAOO any character updates….
- Karasu anon
EEK DON’T MANIFEST ISAGISM FOR ME!! i just got to second selection but i will keep my thoughts to myself until i’ve finished all of season one…also it’s so funny to see characters from the manga in the background DHDJSKS even though they never put KARASU there 😒 maybe it’s because his hair is just so obviously not side character worthy that it would stick out too much?? like less of an easter egg and more of a “look at these guys”
LMAOO kiyora is mine now 😈 and oh i loved the rio movies too!! as a bird stan it truly is the perfect movie but also in general it’s such a fun and vibrant film PLUS it’s surprisingly heavy given the intended audience
i prefer to slow cook full course dinners instead making of super quick microwave meal fics 🙏🏻 JFJDSJ that was silly but ykwim
it’s truly always a surprise what i’m going to post next i feel 😭 but agreed there’s a lot of cool stuff in my inbox that i’m excited about writing!! plus karasu nation will be fed trust i have more than a couple of requests for him as you know so i will be back 🤩
THE EDIT HAD ME CACKLING BECAUSE IT FITS TOOOO WELL 😨 kaneshiro if you’re listening give us yuki x gagamaru PLEASE they both need friends so bad
no exactly i mean me personally if an art style is good i’ll watch something that’s otherwise mediocre…you see it a LOT with manhwa too where people will gas up the most mid villainess isekai abusive male lead shit ever because of the art style 😭 and yeah the day that people realize what constructive criticism actually is will be the day we reach peace in online fandom spaces
YESS when i think asshole character i imagine like sassy jerk who’s secretly a sweetheart (karasu or barou) NOT someone who is genuinely questionable at times 😟 i think it’s a matter of lightheartedness like with characters such as karasu you know that half of the time they’re just saying bs because they’re trying to tease you but kaiser lowkey means it fr 😭 idk he’s not my fav but that doesn’t stop me from writing him if people request it HAHA
okay i actually rlly like the dub surprisingly!!! i LOVE anri’s voice (probably more than the sub) she just sounds sm more mature and actually in control of things?? her and ego’s interactions also feels more equal somehow even though the lines they’re saying are the same…smth abt the tone though makes it feel less like ego’s degrading anri and more like he’s just kind of a shithead 😭 and oddly enough i rlly enjoy niko’s voice?? it’s very satisfying to listen to somehow 🤩 everyone else’s are pretty fine so far except nagi’s 😰 lowkey i don’t really like nagi’s dub he just doesn’t sound the way i imagined nagi would 😓 his japanese VA is just too iconic ig…also i haven’t gotten there yet but i think i saw a clip of karasu’s dub from the last ep of season one and i remember not rlly liking that either 💔 he was kinda too rough sounding i think i pictured him to have less of a harsh voice and something smoother 😩 but it was also only one line so maybe i’ll like it more in the future?? not that i plan on watching s2 in dub at least at first 🤔 i will say the dub does an excellent job of feeling realistic in terms of the dialogue lines and slang…like yes this is exactly what these losers should sound like LMAOAOA it’s honestly pretty funny at times
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