#guy who doesn know anything about weed
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pinkalliums · 22 days ago
I don't know anything about ISAT but can you draw one of them chuffing back a fat dart
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ok on it boss
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years ago
College AU: fuckboy!Eren hcs
okay so you know this won´t leave my head so I decided to write it down
you guys are just gonna have to suffer w me now
also biggest shoutout to all the ao3 writers who write aot college aus, I am in love with every single one of them
so let´s discuss the basics first, shall we?
he´s out at house parties every weekend and goes clubbing every Tuesday 
Tuesdays because those are usually family days and he will not have dinner with his dad and brother over his dead body
actually he does a lot to spite them
I mean he smokes weed, drinks a lot, probably fucked his way through the entire campus and always misses his deadlines
seriously that guy couldn´t care less about his grades
all of his profs hate him
he probably studies art, philosophy or history 
I can see him writing poetry as well
has an acoustic guitar cause he thought girls dig it
they do but he´s annoyed that he actually has to learn how to play it now
does the most stupid things just to get some attention
he probably trashed at least one car 
he´s actually pretty good at driving, he just chooses to speed more than necessary
always out to find thrill and a rush
does the hot thing where he rests his arm around your seat and leans back
overall he has no business being this attractive
like he´s just rolling up his sleeves or slicking his hair back but it´s the whole shojo anime moment
and then he gives you that smug smirk and you either wanna punch his face or hatefuck him
he´s really weird when it comes to relationships cause of course he´s detached and doesn´t want anything serious
but for some reason when the person he´s chasing currently is the same way they get so much more interesting to him
asshole behavior aside though I think he´s actually super chill to have as a friend
he´s an ambivert but I want to focus on some things he does on his own
because yes he loves hanging out and partying with his friends but he also has hobbies of his own
mostly gaming (he´s team console but also is really good on pc) 
he´s competitive so he always makes everything a challenge
will invite you over to game a lot too, it´s really chill since you´re just hanging out on his couch or in his room and are snacking while either beating each other in a game or teaming up to destroy the other team
one of those weirdos who enjoys art exhibitions way too much (and an even bigger weirdo because he genuinely likes expressionism)
a hugeee fan of the cinema, always watches the most niche films too
mostly arthouse and indie horror
goes to the sneak preview religiously
so when it comes to sex and such he´s actually really good
but contrary to believe I don´t think he brags about that because it´s just a known fact at this point
and he never pressures anyone into it either, doesn´t chase after you when you say you´re not interested
being fwb with him would be the best honestly because he´s just so chill and never has any expectations but also doesn´t do anything you don´t want to
writes really good essays but never hands them in because he´s annoyed by the word limit 
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sourbat · 4 years ago
#6 Pickleface, please!
enjoy :)
It’s nearing one in the morning, and Pickles is flipping through the channels, heel tapping through the line of infomercials with the steady hum and beat that echoes with the drum of Murderface’s fingers against his stomach. Coffee, booze, weed and just about every brand of chip and candied popcorn known to man litters the surrounding couch. The blanket once shared between them now clutters the floor, pooled mainly around Murderface’s feet.
Murderface sees a flash of red on the screen and spits up a bit of his drink. He points a finger. “Hey, shtop there!”
Pickles lifts his heel. “Here?”
“Nah, nah! Go back a few channels!” Murderface says, then grabs at the near-empty bowl of caramel corn. “I shink I shaw your fashe…”
“Oh, great,” Pickles mutters sarcastically, but a twinkle in his eyes tells Murderface he’s already looking forward to whatever insults the guy has in store for him. He presses his arched foot onto the pedal, goes back a few channels till Murderface stops him with a shake of the arm. Pickles slaps his hand away once he settles. “Alrighty, what’s the damage this time?”
A boring, late night documentary on the history of glam rock, starring a bunch of no-names who likely majored in music appreciation and realized the only way anyone was going to bother listening to them was to mask their fancy words with flashy images of bands Pickles barely remembers from his youthful days. His tongue drags against the top row of his teeth, tracing the shape of his left incisor while Murderface insults the jackoff with the thick-rimmed glasses donning long, poorly dyed hair.  
“What a fuckin’ tool,” Pickles comments, earning a loud cackle from Murderface. 
“For real,” Murderface agrees, then reaches for the bong situated near the edge of the table, and prepares himself a hit.
Pickles is in the middle of grabbing the discarded blanket when he catches the man fingering the bowl. “Oh, lemme have a bit when yer’ done,” he says, thinking he’s got another half-hour in him before passing out for dreamland. He glances at Murderface’s slightly protruding stomach and already fantasizes resting on it right once he’s finished getting stoned.  
Murderface flicks the lighter awake. “Shure thing, dude.” 
Then pops a frontline image of Snakes N’ Barrels, and as the screen is hit with a blast of smoke, Pickles hears the usual spiel from the narrators who try to come off more progressive than necessary. Some rando brings up how brave Pickles was for coming out before anyone else, how he was a pioneer for queer representation, what a badass he was for performing right after surgery, blah, blah, same old shit. Pickles takes a deep hit once he’s handed the bong, smiling inwardly as the words on the screen start to blur and intermingle with Murderface’s less than forgiving commentary. A thick finger waves at a much younger, shirtless Pickles posed with an albino anaconda, and the guy nearly retches a cough before breaking into a lisped series of predictable penis jokes. Pickles holds his breath through it, letting the smoke kill whatever reasonable thought he has before spewing it in the direction of a ceiling.
“Not bad.” Murderface compliments the solid twirl of smoke as Pickles places the bong back on the table, slumps back into the cushion, then slides further on his right, falling on top of Murderface’s side.
Pickles eyes settle on a debut poster for Snakes N’ Barrel’s summer tour across Asia, and as the nobody historian, musician-whatever dude talks about how androgyny played a role in levelling the field for women performers, Murderface utters a steady whistle.   
“Damn, you’re sho hot in that picture!”
“Thanks, was like…half my age back when I posed fer that,” Pickles comments. High on weed, sugar and nostalgia, Pickles stares at the dying image of his younger counterpart shifting into that of an all-female metal band, and sinks further, head now resting on Murderface’s arm. “Dang, I used t’ be a real hottie.”
Murderface ceases sorting through the caramel corn for chunks of crystalized nuts and turns to face Pickles. “Ushed to?” he asks rhetorically. “Dude, you’re shtill hot.” He rolls his shoulder, stirring Pickles to sit upright. Murderface sets the bowl aside and reclines into the corner of the sofa. “Getting the dreads wash the besht deshision ya did,” he says as Pickles drags some fingers down the corner of his eye.
A tired laugh. “Doesn’ help much against the baldin’.”
“Yeah, but look at you,” Murderface says, gesturing at Pickles’ arm. “You got bad-ash dreads, larger muschle mash, and your levels are conshtant now so you getta keep that goatee!”
Pickles rubs the bridge of his nose. “Thanks.”
Murderface leans in as Pickles reopens his reddened eyes, grim eyes shifting to a more suggestive stare. “You know I like your goatee.”
“I know.”
“Sh’real good look on you.” Murderface withdraws a little, rubs the back of his neck as his eyes settle on their covered toes, then adds, “Err, it’sh rugged.”
“Heh, thanks.” Flattered, Pickles brings hand to his goatee, tugs and smiles against the resistance of a full beard.
“Wish I could grow a beard,” Murderface mutters, mirroring Pickles’ movement with his own, and dragging his massive hand across his jawline. “Anyshing I grow comesh up uneven.”
“Nah, dood, yer’ good,” Pickles insists with a short jab of the elbow. “Ya’ aged fine. Yer’ rockin’ the ‘stache.”
“And a beer gut,” Murderface remarks, hands dropping to pat the exposed stomach peeking through shorts and a slightly raised shirt. With the atmosphere covered in a veil of smoke, and Pickles and Murderface already so high, it was impossible to read the words and tone and figure if Murderface was joking or not. Pickles, lacking forethought and a filter, assumes the former. Even at his best, William can be a critical, self-judgmental bastard. 
Pickles drops on his hands, rolls his red eyes and shakes his head at Murderface. “Whaddya talkin’ about, dood? That's the best part of you!”
Murderface frowns. “What?”
Pickles raises a finger at Murderface. “Ya used t’ be a skinny, insecure baby-face!” He snickers a wide grin, then jabs his finger at the round gut. “Now yer a real man,” he says, opting to pause and enjoy the gentle quake of William’s stomach, and raises his eyes to the widening lime-colored irises dilating at his remark. Pickles laughs. “A real man with a sharp tongue, good humor, thick-ass mustache and… soft pillow fer a gut!”
“O-oh, well.” Murderface produces that humble, shy smile he only dares to express when it’s just the two of them.
Pickles eats it up and pushes further. “I mean, ya may not be as manly as this work of art,” he adds, gesturing at himself and earning an exaggerated eye roll from Murderface, “but yer perfectly fine fer snugglin’.” 
Even in the dark of the room, and the hazy veil layering Pickles’ vision, he can make out the start of an uncontrolled blush.
Murderface opens his mouth, but only nervous chuckles come out. He scratches the back of his head again, raising a lax shoulder in the process and steering his eyes away as he struggles to add on to the piling list of compliments. Picking on the man’s lowering defenses, Pickles slumps further, arms sliding and body lowering, closing the gap until his head rests comfortably on top of Murderface’s stomach.
He feels Muederface twitch beneath him. 
“Look at me, Will,” Pickles says, and unleashes a mean snicker once Murderface drops to meet his lazy stare. The man’s definitely blushing now, and to top it off, he’s at a loss for words. His lips are curled in, fighting between a frown because he can’t think of anything to say, and a widening grin because he knows what Pickles is going to tell him.
So he says it. 
Pickles chuckles up at Murderface. “Ya’ know how I feel ‘bout my pillow.”
Some old broad shows her face to the camera. She narrates over some basic-ass music and talks about some band neither men recognize. A face of some unknown singer pops up, and Pickles yawns, flutters his heavy eyelids and brings the blanket up to his shoulders as he stares mindlessly at the screen. Murderface is nice and warm tonight, he thinks, and welcomes the cozy embrace of a cannabis-induced sleep. Underneath, he senses Murderface’s slowed breathing in the form of gentle rises and falls, and before he passes out for the night, feels something rough and wet press against his cheek.
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wexregolden · 6 years ago
Read it on AO3 here <3
And I wanna know, 
will I see you again?
The coffee shop was crowded, too crowded for Marti´s liking. But he won´t complain as he found a nice table next to a window in a corner somewhere.
His uni things were spread out on the table in front of him, books, worksheets, notes – everything, building a big chaos. But he doesn´t mind.
Marti took a sip of his coffee before he came back to his study stuff again.
The room was filled with loud chatter but it didn´t bother him, he was able to study anyway. At least he hoped so. And even if not, the noises wouldn´t be the reason for it.
Marti loves his major, journalism, but exam period always brought him to the edge. Worrying about doing too little which lead up to him overworking himself, being overwhelmed. Which, by all means, wasn´t a thing to go with.
He sighted before focusing on his notes again, continuing reading about the development of online media and its rising back in time.
Marti was too absorbed in his stuff that he didn´t sense a guy approaching his table, stopping in front of him.
Only when he started speaking he noticed him.
“Excuse me?” Marti´s head snapped up, meeting a pair of green eyes.
“Ahm hi, sorry for bothering you. But is this seat still free?” the stranger asked, a bit unsure, “The whole café seems to be occupied and all the other seats are already taken.”
“Sure,” Marti simply answered, putting a few of his university things aside to make space for the other boy.
The nameless-guy started unpacking his things, seeming to learn for university too.
And only now as he was occupied Marti had the chance to take a proper look at him.
He had nice green eyes, dark curly hair and a bright smile that seems to light up the whole room as soon as Marti met his eyes, said smile plastered on his lips.
He looked beautiful.
“Everything okay?” the boy asked, still smiling at Marti.
“Yeah... Yeah, everything good”
And with that Marti focus turned back to studying. Well, at least kind of. His gaze drifted away again every now and then, stealing little glances at the boy sitting opposite to him.
Perceiving and catching little details about him.
The way his tongue lolled out of his mouth when he concentrates on something, his long curls falling over his eyes from time to time and him blowing it away again, his fingers playing with the pen in his hand all the time.
A smile appeared on Marti´s face. He was cute.
“Can´t concentrate?” he suddenly asked.
“What?” Marti asked perplex, feeling caught.
“Don´t know, it just seemed like you´re not focusing on your things, university stuff I guess. As exam period is about to start soon.”
“Gosh, please don´t remind me!”
“Stressed out?”
“Yeah, definitely!” Marti said, groaning, “it stresses me always more than it probably should.”
“I get it, it can be stressing as hell. And if you`re not the best at coping with stressful situations, well, it easily feels as if the ceiling would crash down on you,” Nico responded with a sigh.
“Word! I couldn´t have said it better myself.”
“What are you studying anyway if I may ask?” Nico asked curious, changing the topic.
“I´m doing journalism.”
“Journalism! Sounds nice! So I´m going to read from you in big newspapers in the future?”
“Hm, probably not. I´m specialising myself on online media,” Marti said, thinking back to the time back at high school, not knowing what to do with his future life. Not knowing what to do with his life after school, which university he should attend, which major he should choose.
He would have never thought that he would end up doing journalism, did never think about that major.
Thinking about simply doing some of the IT shit his father tried to talk him into. As it´s something useful. But it could have never brought him joy.
After a few talks with his friends, especially Sana as she was the one bringing him to the whole radio thing and probably the one person who saw the most that Marti actually likes it, and his mom, who told him not to listen to his father but to what his heart tells him is the best for himself, he decided to just go for it.
Applying to university. Journalism as his major.
And he loves it.
“Sounds interesting. So big online magazines then?” the boy asked, grinning.
“Well, don´t know? Maybe? If everything goes right it might be like that. Hopefully,” Marti said, a laugh escaping him.
“I´m sure that it will work out, my fingers are crossed for you,” the stranger guy said, smiling.
“Thanks I guess,” Martino responded.
He didn´t say anything else for now, just looking into the stranger's eyes, his beautiful green eyes, before he gathered himself again and asked him a question this time.
“And what about you? What are you doing? At university I mean.”
“I´m doing music therapy. As music has been a big part of my life kind of since... ever it was clear for me that I want to do something with it in my future life. I... It helped me through some dark times in my life and I´m forever grateful for that and well, I would love to help others who are struggling with certain things in their lives. Yeah, I´d love making my passion to my future profession. Oh, and Nico by the way,” the stranger, Nico, said, words spouting out.
“Nico. Hey. I´m Marti. And I´m glad that you found something, a major, that brings you that much joy,” he said really meaning it.
“Marti. Nice name,” Nico just said, smiling at him.
“Thanks...?” Marti responded, sounding more like a question than an answer.
“And what about you, what animated you to do journalism as your major?”
Marti thought back, to all those circumstances that brought him to the radio back at school.
“Well... It´s a weird story I guess.”
“Don´t worry, weird is nice,” Nico said grinning.
“Okay, back at school there was the radio group I joined. Well, was forced to join.”
“You were forced to?” Nico asked, a little confused.
“Yeah... Let´s say it like that. I lost some weed at a party back then and a now friend of mine found it and well, used it as a blackmailing method to get me to join the radio. The first meetings were odd, really, but in the end I really enjoyed it, planning, writing and researching for the radio episodes grew on me and I actually liked it after some time. And so I guess that´s the reason how I found out that journalism might be the major that would be the most fitting more me.”
After telling his story, Marti looked back at Nico, seeing him grinning.
“I told you it was weird!”
“No, don´t worry, it was actually fun hearing it. And so, any plans for the future?”
“Hm, not sure. Like, yeah, it would be nice to work as journalist, surprise surprise, but I don´t know if and how this will work out. Let´s see what the future will bring.”
“Don´t be so hard on yourself, Marti. I´m sure that it will work out.”
“If you say so,” Marti said, smiling.
Nico was nice, he really is.
“I do.”
“And what about you? Your future plans?”
“I would like to work in the music therapy branch but as you already said, let´s see if this will work out. I actually don´t like thinking about the future, the thought about the unknown and uncontrollable freaks me out,” Niccolò responded with a little, pitiful smile on his face.
Which widened and became bright as Marti continued talking.
“I get the fear of the future, I really do. But I´m sure that it will work out for you too.”
“Thank you,” Nico simply said, a wide and honest smile on his face.
It made Marti smile too, it was beautiful, brightening up the whole room.
“Anyways, I´m finally going to get something to drink. What do you want?” Nico asked him.
“I already had a coffee, I´m not going to order anything else.”
“It´s on me this time! I mean you shared the table with me so that´s the least I could do.”
“You really don´t have to, it´s nothing!”
“It is! I wouldn´t have been able to study here if it wouldn´t have been for you providing me the free seat.”
Marti isn´t going to mentioned that they haven´t actually studied since Nico sat down and joined him, being occupied with talking to each other, chatting, stealing a few glances here and there. Having fun.
“No wishes then? I´m going to choose something for you!” Nico said before he disappeared to the counter, not giving Marti the change to say anything else.
It was fun. Talking and spending time with Nico was fun.
And Marti knew that he wasn´t a teenager anymore, that this whole situation shouldn´t make his heart beat that fast. Spending time with a cute and friendly boy. But he couldn´t help, couldn´t stop his heart.
It took Niccolò some time to get back to Marti, due to all those people filling the coffee shop, a long queue behind the counter.
Marti tried to continue reading his text in the meantime, tried to focus, but it didn´t work. His mind always drifted away, looking for Nico in the line to get their drinks and then his eyes caught Nico´s uni stuff, the doodles all over his notes. Giraffes, skulls or some undefinable lines.
He´s talented.
“Sorry that it took me so long!” Nico interrupted Marti´s thoughts as he was finally back again, placing two cups with cold beverages in front of them. Weirdly brown looking drinks.
“What even is this, Nico?”
“I don´t know,” he simply said, a grin on his face.
“You don´t know?!”
“I don´t know. I simply ordered two vanilla milkshakes but with every special ingredient they had there.”
“This will be fun Marti. Come on, don´t be boring, let us try something new!”
“I´m not boring! I´m just not keen on getting sick on my stomach because of some weird drink a weird guy offered me.”
“Oh, so I´m weird now?”
“Seems like it. Who would order such a drink?”
“Well, me!”
“See! You´re weird!”
“Weird or not, come on Marti, let´s try it, it won´t taste that bad. It will be fun.”
“Fun,” Marti said sarcastic, forming quotation marks with his fingers.
“Yes, fun!” Nico said again before he pushed the cup over to him.
Marti looked at the beverage suspiciously, being sure it won´t be a good idea to drink it but still, he can´t resist Nico´s grin, it made him grab the drink.
“Okay,” he simply responded.
“On three,” Nico said and started to count, “one... two... three!”
And then Martino took a gulp, Niccolò doing the same.
As soon as the taste spread on his tongue, he grimaced.
“Nico! This tastes terrible! What even is in there?”
“I have no clue!” Nico said, laughing at Marti´s face, “but come on, it´s actually not that bad.”
“It is!”
“Stop being so dramatic, Marti.”
“I´m not dramatic! Just being rational, this can´t be healthy!”
“I kinda like it,” Nico said before he took another big sip, trying to hide his grimace.
“You´re a bad actor, Ni!”
“Oh believe me, I´m actually pretty good at hiding feelings,” Niccolò answered, a grin on his face, but still looking kind of bitter.
Marti didn´t know what to answer, he was just looking at Nico who looked back at him.
He looked down again, searching for something to occupy himself, to overplay the silence between them so he grabbed one of his markers.
Only that Nico had something similar in mind, their hands touching in the middle of the table.
Soft. Gently. Smooth.
It sent sparks through his body.
Marti looked down at their still touching hands and back up again, meeting Nico´s eyes looking at him.
Still not saying anything.
He felt Nico´s hand pulling away from his, only to come back a second later, caressing his pinkie with his.
Linking them as Marti smiled softly.
His head was spinning, not being able to think clear right now.
His heart was thumping.
And then it hit him.
Hit him what´s just happening.
“I need to go to the bathroom!” Marti just said and immediately rushed there, bringing some distance between him and Nico.
He needed to get out there for a second, trying to make the sparks that were between them stop, trying to get his heartbeat back to normal.
What did just happen? What was that?
And why was his heart beating so fast? He wasn´t sixteen anymore, getting a crush on every random guy he met.
But he felt like it was special this time, Nico was special. It felt as if there was an instant connection between them.
Marti sighed as he just stood there in front of the mirror, looking at himself, taking a few deep breaths.
And then he went back to the café.
As he returned there, he saw Nico packing his things.
“Marti! I´m so sorry!” Nico said.
“What? What are you talking about?” he asked perplex.
“I have really forgotten the time. I´m meeting up with my parents in a few minutes!”
“But it was nice meeting you. Thank you again for sharing your table with me,” Nico said, smiling.
And then he pulled Marti in a short hug before he left.
Marti couldn´t say anything right now, just a whispered goodbye, too quiet for Nico to hear.
And he was gone.
As sudden as he appeared in his life he was gone again.
It would have been too beautiful to actually get to know Nico better, spend more time with him.
The boy he only met a few hours ago but already had the feeling that he would have been someone special.
Marti sighted and took a deep breath before he started packing his things too, not being in the mood for studying anymore.
And then, a part of his notes caught his eye.
Something he hasn´t seen before.
A little doodle.
There was a little cloverleaf and a ladybug drawn on it with a note next to it.
Good luck with your exams, Marti. You´ll nail it! 😀  Would love to see you again.
And a phone number beneath.
Marti couldn´t help but had to smile brightly, relieved.
Nico hasn´t just left him like that.
He hasn´t just imagined the signs, this something between them.
He immediately saved his number in his contacts and wrote a message to Nico.
 To Nico
Good luck with yours too!
And another one following immediately.
And I would love to see you again too.
Only for the sake of getting a proper drink this time of course.
I see, I see 😉
It´s a date then
To Nico
Marti has never been that happy to sit in a crowded coffee shop.
Hellooo :D If you made it till here: Thank you for reading! It means a lot to me <3 I don´t even know anymore how and when I got that idea... It just was there someday and I tried to write it. And well, here it is haha :D It´s basically just fluff and nothing deep but I still hope that you like it and enjoed reading it. I would really love to hear what you think in a comment or my ask box <3
Have a nice day! <3
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wewantcheapjerseys-blog · 6 years ago
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daebakinc · 7 years ago
Defy Inertia - Pt 1
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Pairing: Taecyeon x Reader Genre: Lawyer AU, romance, angst Summary: Your life is a story of settling for being alone, for being content rather than happy. Reuniting with Taecyeon, a high school acquaintance, makes you question if you want to continue that way. Word Count: 3.5K
Inertia: a tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged
There is nothing quite like a high school gymnasium. The scents of sweat, rubber, and floor-wax secrete from the cinderblock walls and wooden bleachers no matter how frequently, or rather infrequently, the floor is washed. Banners splay across the walls above a trite mascot to proclaim past glories of athletic prowess. Soaring metal ceilings with exposed beams stretch as a challenge to see who can kick any ball available and get it stuck in the rafters. <br />
For some students, stepping onto that overly shiny, squeaking wood floor is the best part of the day. Here, their grades improve the more they move. They’re actually encouraged to shout, to throw and kick and run with semi-organized abandon.<br />
Then there are the other kids. Gym is their hour of hell, where their nightmares of being publicly humiliated through no one’s fault but their own genetics are realized.<br />
You fall into this second category.<br />
That’s why you sit on the pulled-out bleachers with elbows on knees and chin on hands, observing your classmates scampering around and throwing balls in every direction with the energy that only comes with a rapidly impending summer. The gym teacher leans against one wall. A cluster of boys surround him as he listens to a game of some kind on his hand-held radio. He doesn’t really care what anyone’s doing at this point in the year. The only time he looks up and yells when a ball smacks the wall too close to his head.<br />
Some of the other girls in the class sit across from you, chittering and giggling like birds. You don’t try to join them. In high school, some cliques are as strict as the medieval social class system. <br />
Not that you mind too horribly, you remind yourself with a shrug. Being popular is overrated in your humble opinion. It seems exhausting to have hundreds of “friends.” Only having a handful is fine for you. Not to mention you know the kinds of conversations popular girls have thanks to your seat in the back in math and aptitude for being invisible. You don’t really care who’s dating who or which student throws the parties with plentiful weed. <br />
You would much rather be buried in the book waiting for you in the locker room. Maybe you could sneak back and grab it without the teacher noticing. The princess had just escaped to the dragon’s cave and was proposing to be its maid…<br />
“Hey.”<br />
For all its affability, the unexpected voice rudely jolts you from your thoughts. You immediately glance around, assuming whoever addressed you only did so to get a ball back. But there’s nothing.<br />
The seat beneath you jostles on achy old joints as someone sits beside you. It’s hard to hide your confusion when you see it’s Taecyeon.<br />
He’s not the quarterback or star forward, but his looks, athleticism, and easy friendless place him several social circles above you. He sits behind you in English, but aside from a few ‘thank you’s’ for passed papers, you’ve never really talked. Taecyeon is the kind of guy you half-heartedly crush on if you think about it. Tall with thick black hair that never behaves and thin, gold-framed glasses, he has all the personal qualities you want too, but you’d laugh in the face of anyone who told you that you stood a chance with him. Not even Cinderella’s fairy godmother could pull that kind of magic.<br />
“Hi,” you reply, trying to buy yourself time to figure out what he wants. Certainly not for you to do his homework. His grades are equal to yours from what you’ve seen.<br />
When he just smiles at you and turns his gaze back out over the gym, it unsettles you more. You look around for an answer but only find another layer of confusion added to the puzzle. Taecyeon’s usual group of friends are playing a bizarre kind of tag with pool noodles they unearthed from somewhere in the equipment closet. Admittedly, you sometimes catch glimpses of him alone in the library, but otherwise he always has a few friends attached to him. He’s just that kind of person people want to be around. You secretly envy him for that.<br />
Taecyeon glances over at you. His tone is casual as he asks, “What’re you doing over here by yourself?”<br />
Your response is knee-jerk. “Jess isn’t here.”<br />
“She’s your best friend, right?”<br />
You nod, unsure how he even knows that. Jessi is so loud and gregarious it’s probably a wonder if anyone doesn’t know her, but you’re not Jessi. You’re her quiet shadow, happy to soak in her happiness and brightness.<br />
“Why not sit with someone else?”<br />
“Cause they’re not my friends. I mean, I don’t hate anyone in this class.” You let your eyes wander around the gym. “I’m on speaking terms with a few, but I wouldn’t call them friends. It’d be awkward to randomly try to integrate myself into their friendships. I’d rather be alone.”<br />
Taecyeon’s lips purse slightly, like he’s actually thinking over your answer. You wonder why he cares, or if he even really does. Maybe he’s talking to you as a dare. It wouldn’t be the first time. The thought causes only a twinge of hurt, the knife too dull from use to truly inflict damage.<br />
Slowly, Taecyeon twists his body to face you and catches your eyes with his. “Don’t you get lonely?”<br />
No one’s ever asked you this kind of question. It takes you awhile to form some kind of answer. Telling Taecyeon a lie doesn’t seem right.<br />
“I’m used to it.” You shrug and glance away.<br />
You’ve been telling yourself this for so long that it’s the only truth you know. You are used to it. Used to sitting alone, standing alone, with only your own thoughts for company. Used to that familiar little ache occasionally worming its way into your heart as you watch your peers laugh and chatter in well-established groups. Used to beating that need for belonging back because your only other choice is to cry in the bathroom until Jessi finds you.<br />
When he doesn’t say anything else, you risk a look back.<br />
He stares at you, unmoving. Your fingers bunch around the hem of your gym shorts, but you can’t look away. There’s something in his eyes. Not the pity you occasionally catch in the people who sometimes treat you like a social charity case. If you were to go the easy route, you would call the emotion melancholy, but that would do it an injustice. No, it’s something deeper and something that completely eludes you.<br />
Taecyeon suddenly pushes himself off the bleacher. He looks down at you and gives you a small smile. It’s not his usual charisma-filled grin, but a softer, sadder cousin of it. Quietly, so the words are for your ears alone, he says, “You shouldn’t have to be.”<br />
Before you can respond, he walks away without another word or look back. He jumps off the last few steps and is immediately enveloped by his group of friends, leaving you speechless and more baffled than ever.<br />
Light taps beat in your heart as something flutters there, but you squelch it down before it can draw its real first real breath. You are safer that way. <br />
There are things you want in this world, many wonderful, amazing things. So many. But just as many are never meant for you to hold. They are stars, shining distantly like a hopeful child’s innocent wish. You accepted you wouldn’t be the world’s youngest astronaut to enter a new star’s solar system a long time ago when you found out those stars are light years away from Earth. Just like those stars, some dreams are meant for looking at and never achieving.
When a clerk summons you to the head office, your palms immediately start sweating. As you sit in the overstuffed ruby-red leather seats with their cool brass studs pressing against your back, you discretely rub your palms on your modest skirt. Although you’ve been working at the firm for over two years, and interned here a year before that, you’ve only met Mr. Mason once.<br />
A man as broad as he is tall, his soft voice conflicts with his hardened face. When paired with a dogged intellect, these features have served him well enough to help him build a distinguished and successful firm of his own. You are just one of his many employees, one of the four law librarians. Until today, you weren’t even sure he knew your name. Now, even though you can’t think of a single infraction, you really wished he didn’t.<br />
The secretary across from you clears her throat. “Mr. Mason will see you now.” She gives you a small smile, but you know the one you send her back is still weak with nerves.<br />
Mr. Mason glances up from a document as you slip through the door. “Ah, good morning. Please, take a seat. I’ll be with you in just a moment.”<br />
“Thank you,” you reply quietly, doing as he says. You’re grateful his desk is high enough to hide your fidgeting hands. The smell of the old books that line two of the walls and beeswax that clings to the shelves is somewhat soothing, but not enough to completely banish your fears of being fired. You wish you were back in your comfortable, quiet library.<br />
A few more scratches of his pen against the paper and Mr. Mason sets it aside, folding his large hands. He gives you a fatherly smile. “Please, don’t be worried. You aren’t in trouble, Ms. ______. Quite the opposite actually.”<br />
With more than a bit of relief, you let your failure of a poker face fall completely. Hands stilling, you ask, “The opposite, sir?”<br />
“Yes, the opposite. Your superior and the lawyers you’ve worked with have all complimented your meticulousness and insight. I know Mrs. Jenkins is contemplating retiring in a few years and she has indicated she will put forth your name as her recommended successor.”<br />
You feel your cheeks heat, not only with pride but also at thought of being in charge of such a library. Wrangling your emotions, you offer a polite, “Thank you.”<br />
“Because of this, I would like you to do me a favor, if I may ask it of you.”<br />
“Of course, sir.”<br />
Mr. Mason smiles at your enthusiastic response. “Have you heard of the firm Perry and Hwang, I presume?”<br />
“Yes. It’s a small firm with an impeccable reputation that primarily practices employment and labor law, though it also handles some civil and housing cases. Its pro-bono program is very well known. It recently won a high-profile case concerning a university that refused to renew a professor’s contract when she came out as gay. I try to keep up with major legal cases in the city regardless of specialty. I like to broaden my knowledge base,” you explain when your employer gives you a questioning look.<br />
“Very ambitious of you. Why I ask is that Mr. Hwang is an old friend of mine and his librarian is about to go on family leave. Mr. Hwang mentioned to me that he’s been unable to find an acceptable, temporary replacement. If you are agreeable, you would spend six weeks at the firm and return to your normal duties here afterwards. Your pay will remain the same, as will the hours expected of you. Is this agreeable to you?”<br />
The thought of going somewhere new settles uneasily in your stomach, but you push it down, ignore it. One of your New Year’s resolutions is to put yourself out of your comfort zone to interact with people you don’t know. This is a perfect opportunity. Kudo points from the boss aren’t a bad motivation either.<br />
“Yes, sir. It is. When do I start?”</p>
<p> Settling in to your new worksite for the next six weeks is much easier than you feared. Mr. Hwang’s son, Chansung, shows you around the small, two-story brick building in less than ten minutes. The halls are oak paneled and navy carpeted, with each person in their own individual rooms so the only sounds inside are the distant tap of keyboards, the occasional phone ring, and the muffled murmurs of consultations. You meet most of the staff except for the junior lawyer in charge of the pro-bono program, who’s in court. <br />
When Chansung closes the door behind him after bringing you to the library, you wait until you hear the floor stop squeaking beneath his shoes. The instant you’re sure he’s out of hearing, you drop your purse and run to throw yourself onto the well-stuffed cushioned window seat. <br />
Cradled by bookcases and warmed by the sun streaming through old, thick glass, you sigh happily. “I could get used to this,” you murmur happily, breathing in the familiar smell of printed ink, old paper, and coffee.<br />
The floor-length bookcases that line the walls are old, cedar darkened with age. A forest green rug covers most of the equally aged wood floor, some spaces paler from wear of pacing shoes. Gold on the spines of multicolored books sparkles where the sun from the single window hits them. <br />
You allow yourself only a moment more before you follow your nose to the coffee machine and electric kettle. To your delight, the librarian you’re covering for left you a full bag of gourmet ground coffee as well as a pretty tin of assorted teas that smell heavenly. It all sits on top of a tiny refrigerator with half and half and other creamers.<br />
The desk is glass and metal, modern amongst the traditional. A quick glance through the desktop shows the software is up to date and top quality. Beside the keyboard is a stack of folders detailing cases the librarian hadn’t managed to finish before his leave.<br />
“Excellent.” No need to wait around for work. Armed with your own tumbler of tea, you riffle through the files for one that strikes your fancy and dive in.<br />
The cases prove fascinating as you delve further and further into the research. All the statutes and precedents and contracts and court proceedings to sift through and evaluate has you happier than a cat in a sunroom. The clock’s hands become inconsequential until your stomach complains. There’s a breakroom on the first floor, but you’re reluctant to leave when you’re making so much progress. Once you’re in a rhythm, you like maintaining it.<br />
“Chansung didn’t say I couldn’t eat here,” you murmur.<br />
You carefully clear a spot among the papers and notes. Unzipping your lunchbox by your feet, you choose a small container of strawberries. You hum happily as soon at the sugary fruit hits your tongue. A quick wipe of your fingers with a paper towel and they’re back at the keyboard.<br />
You’ve just popped the last strawberry in your mouth and are reaching for your wrap when the library door opens.<br />
A tall man with his head of black hair bent over two packets of paper steps into the room. The sleeves of sky blue button-down shirt are rolled up to his elbows to expose forearms more suitable on a gym rat than a paper-pusher. The strain of the fabric over his broad shoulders also silently speaks of a more powerful frame than the average lawyer. A tie hangs tiredly from his neck, loosened to a casual length.<br />
“Jay, quick question. Did you have a chance to find those architectural plans I asked you about last week? If you can’t, I have contact at city hall who may be able to find them.”<br />
Something sounds irritatingly familiar about his voice. When he lifts his head and looks at you, his glasses with thick black frames perched on the end of his nose, you almost choke on what’s left of the strawberry.<br />
His voice is deeper. He grew into his height. His facial features are more defined and matured. Yet in spite of all that, he’s somehow still the same. And somehow, he causes a little skip in your heartbeat.<br />
Taecyeon.<br />
Like most people, you’d lost track of the majority of your high school classmates. Most because of indifference, some because of simply growing apart. You were never close with Taecyeon, so you didn’t have a reason to follow how his life after high school went. But sometimes that short conversation in the gym crawled into your thoughts.<br />
When you sat in the window of a house whose owner you didn’t know, surrounded by a raging party but kept company only by the cheap drink in your hand. When you watched housemates giggle out the door with their arm snugly tucked in their dates’ from the safety of your own room. When you chose a solitary carrell in the stacks to forego the study group table.<br />
That’s when you’d wonder about Taecyeon. Where he was. What he was doing with life. If he was happy. Useless questions that went unanswered. Now, all those questions are bursting at the tip of your tongue, but your lips stay glued shut. You can’t embarrass yourself with such a display when he won’t recognize you at all. Resignation is already settling itself in your mind.<br />
“Oh, I’m sorry, you’re not Jay.” Clearing his throat, Taecyeon recovers quickly from his mistake. He straightens his shoulders and gives you an apologetic smile. “You’re from Mr.Ma-…”<br />
Instead of continuing, Taecyeon steps closer to your desk, frowning and adjusting his glasses. The way his eyes stare so intensely make you want to squirm, but you can’t look away.<br />
“Wait. ______?”<br />
An invisible hand clutches your breath in your chest. You aren’t prepared for him to remember you. Hell, you weren’t prepared to even see him.<br />
“_______, it is you, isn’t it?” Taceyeon drops his papers on the chair opposite your desk. His smile becomes the natural, excited smile of a little boy as he rounds the desk. “Don’t you recognize me?”<br />
How could you not. With a shy smile because what else can you do, you quietly reply, “It’s good to see you, Taecyeon.”<br />
His arms twitch upward as if to pull you in for a hug, but he catches himself. Instead, Taecyeon reaches for the spare chair and wheels it close. You stay still, too shocked at his animated greeting. An outsider would have thought you were very, very good friends instead of mere acquaintances in school. <br />
“Wow,” he breathes as he sits, knees almost touching yours. His eyes still roam every centimeter of your face. “Who would’ve thought… I can’t believe you’re here. I didn’t know the name of the librarian helping us out, otherwise I might’ve been prepared. It’s been forever. How long’s it been?”<br />
“High school graduation, so more years than I’d like to admit to.”<br />
Taecyeon laughs, a loud sound that matches him perfectly. It eases your nerves, so your smile relaxes enough to not feel unnatural on your face. You aren’t displeased to see him. Not at all. But to say you’re thrown by his obvious pleasure at seeing you is an understatement. You like time to study people, situations. Taecyeon is denying you that time.<br />
“Yeah, it’s kind of scary, isn’t it? Seems like it was last year,” he says. He chuckles again and glances around the room. “Some things haven’t changed though. You’re still surrounding yourself with books. You probably still have one or two on you too.”<br />
“Guilty as charged,” you readily admit with a shrug.<br />
“I shouldn’t have expected anything less.” He flicks his wrist to peek at his watch. “Ah, I have a client meeting in five minutes. We should catch up some time soon though.”<br />
You give him another smile to hide how hard your heart is still beating. Hope that his words aren’t empty make it pound harder than it should. “Sure.”<br />
Taecyeon waves as he scoops up his papers and walks back out the door. He suddenly spins on his heel to look back at you. “Take a real break. With your working hours, you are legally owed an hour lunch. I should know. Employment lawyer,” he says with a wink and points at himself.<br />
“I am well aware,” you laugh.<br />
“Right. Of course, you are.” A grimace of embarrassment at his bad joke crosses his face, but he quickly hides it with a smile. “Well, see you later.”<br />
“See you.”<br />
Your back slumps into the chair, all the strength that kept you upright and functioning like an adult fleeing. “What the hell just happened?” you murmur.<br />
Taecyeon was here. In this law office, in this city. For how long? Had your paths crossed before unknowingly? Once, twice, maybe a hundred times. Now, you’ll see him every day. The real question, you suppose, is did he actually mean it about catching up. You want to believe he did, but experience warns you not to hope too much.</p>
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Detective Rinoa
Squally better fucking gather info together with Camp B or I will kill him. I won’t be the only one pulling weight in this. 
Detective Rinoa is on it. 
First things first need to dress for the occasion. I find my best biker shorts, my tightest tank top (might need to use my womanly charm for info), my apple watch, three pens, my pocket journal and a short sleeve cargo vest for all my accessories. 
For protection I bring along Angelo and pepper spray. Plus my shooting star blaster edge. Hair tie on and I am set.
I make a list of all the people with possible info. Christian obviously, J, Tidus, Noah. Also Jenn and Yuna with questions marks after their names. Those two I doubt have any info but maybe since Jenn was dead she’ll remember something. Also I am suspicious of what Natsu was yelling about. Darn if only we had just a little more time together with Camp B I coulda got more info. Maybe they separated us for that reason.
Yuna I put down cause I don’t think she personally had any information but she hung with Eli a 
lot and he knows something. Or at least pretends to know. 
They shut off any way of talking to B. Our phones don’t work trying to call or text them. We obv can’t send letters. I even tried like hacking the system and using email or facebook when I really wanted to talk to Zidane but no that was all blocked. I just don’t get it. When we were in San Diego we were still able to talk to each other just not live together. Now they have us completely separated! Like we been with these people thousands of years and outta nowhere BOOM! Separated. They claim its cause we got “too rowdy” but we were like that forever so something musta changed. 
I bet Ulquiorra knows something about all this spirt stuff but not like I’ll be able to get anything out of him. Or maybe I can? He does have a weak spot for attractive woman. I add him to my list and check myself if the mirror. Yea you got it girl. 
okay who to start with? Christian I probably get most info outt a but I am not in the modd for his cryptic speech pattern right now. So no I wait on that. 
Me and Jenn are friends so I decided to knock her out quick. Okay Rinoa you got this. I whistle Angelo along and head towards her room. 
“Knock knock its me girl!:
“Rinoa!” She runs up and hugs me. She's so cute. I love her. 
“Isn’t this so shitty ! Its like I finally getta be back with Aiden and then they take us apart again ! How could they be so cruel? She pouts and sits on her bed. 
I have been trying the last hundred years to get her to dump that creep but no she's wayyyy into his flaming ass. He;s like a literal monster and fucking killed her! Jenn.  Sweet, innocent Jenn! But she doesn’t listen to reason just with her heart. I admire that in ways but just wish her heart was head over heels for not such a piece of shit as a person. Gray warned me if Aiden found out about what i was doing he would send me straight to hell. He’s not gonna do shit he's a pussy and so what if he does. He doesn’t have shit on me and even if he does that just proves to Jenn he is a fucking monster. Whatever. Fuck Him. 
“I know girl this is so fucked up!! Least we’re on the same camp side!!”
“Yea totally and I guess besides Aiden and Namine I am not really friends with any of them.” 
“Oh you have more friends then that!!” I tried to think who wasn’t a dirt bag piece of shit on that side of the camp. They definitely had wayyyy more then we did. 
“I mean I guess Marcus is like sorta my friend but it always seems like hes making fun of me.” Jenn looked upset at this and began messing with her nails.
You could always tell how anxious she was by how long her nails were. They were like stubs now. It was probably hanging with Aiden. He’s so stressful for her. 
“Yea I feel you girl him and that slut Lana just walk around like they are better then everyone and pretend they are like this power couple when aha- yea no.” (word from narrator. She said the last part with a scoff and a very pronounced “aha: in about the bitchest way you can imagine it) 
“Yea she like hung out in here other day and it was just weeeirdddd.” 
“That is weird why was she in here?”
“I don’t even know she was like asking me about how I feel about Aiden having Harry suck his dick, which I thought was super weird she was thinking about that. Like is she trying to imagine Aiden’s penis or something.” Jenn paused to grab her box of nail polish outta side table drawer. “Anyhow I told her its like fine cause Harrys so weird its like who cares about him.”
“Totally girl.” My nails needed some color too. I searched through her colours till I found a really lovely silver. 
While we both painted our nails and updated each other on our feelings about the newest bachelorette. I felt like Todd should totally get with Kaitlyn but Jenn felt Winston was the better match. Todd was just so cute. Okay now that thats all settled I needed info.
“Hey so like before we got split up Natsu yelled something about you being like a dark thing or like idk what?”
“Yea I don’t know what he was saying it was just like weird and its like how can I be that? Doesn;t make any sense to me”
Rats no info. 
“Yea I wouldn’t worry about it Natsus an idiot and probably just misheard something.”
“Yeah, your probably right.” Jenn looked a bit worried though.
Well this wasn’t getting me anywhere I should go see Yuna next just to get both the easy ones outta the way. 
“Hey girl I gotta go, I am trying to figure out whats going on in this camp. Somethigns fishy and I am going to find out what. Maybe if I do they won’t have us spilt up as much.”
“Okay yea, good luck to you! I know you can figure it out!” Jenn flashed her teethy grin at me. She lead me to door gave me a big hug and sent me on my way. 
Okay next stop stonerville
I tried her room but she wasn’t in there. Fuck hopefully she didn’t go anywhere I guess if she did I could just go to someone else on list. I saw Neji down the hall “Hey Neji have you seen Yuna?’
“Yes she was in the living room watching tv and smoking weed with a ton of people.”
“Thanks!” He seems less angry lately which is nice cause he was getting pretty flippin weird with all his hubris yelling. 
I walked into living room and Neji wasn’t joking there was like 10 people in here. I spotted Yuna squeezed on couch next to Lana and Naruto. Gippal lay sprawled on the couch with his legs on all of them. Such a lazy fuck couldn’t sit up for people. Um Rude!
I didn’t want to talk to her here and have everyone yelling their opinions at once. So annoying. Once I received more information I would relay it to rest of camp but not yet. 
“Rin No Na! What it be what it do?” Jesse yelled. He would be kinda cute if he wasn’t so obnoxious. 
“I am fine, no don’t move over I am not staying.” I looked at tv they were all watching the hangover. I did want to watch it with them but I’ve seen it like 5 times and my mission was important. I sat on coffee table facing Yuna “Psst hey Yuna can we go somewhere to talk’
“WHAT YA GUYS GONNA TALK ABOUT?” Naruto yelled. Great just fucking great now everyones gonna start yelling other annoying things. 
“I bet its period stuff.” Natsu yelled
“No I bet its woman stuff” Naruto yelled
“Periods are woman stuff you dumb fuck” Sasuke yelled
“Shut up all of you its none of your fucking business!.”
Some mumbles and a few more yells how we were gonna have sex and scissor each other. Everyone is so moronic here, it's sooo aggravating. 
“Yea of course Rinoa!” Yuna squeezed herself outta the couch with the grunts from Gippal. He better not vomit on the fucking couch again that was so fucking gross and disgusting.
I guided Yuna to my room which was the safest room to talk. No one ever came here except Zidane but he was with other camp so I am safe. 
“Oh I love what you’ve done with the room!” Yuna smiled and sat on the end of bed . She just sat there smiling. I wonder how her face isn’t stuck in that position from how much she does it. I dug around in my desk until I found my one hitter and a lil bit of weed. I didn’t smoke much so this was probably months old but whatever it will do. I hand the packed pipe to Yuna whose face lights up at it “Oh thank you Rinoa this is so thoughtful!” She takes down the whole bowl in one huge hit. Packing it again with her own personal stash. She hands it towards me but I wave it off. Have to keep my brain clear. 
“So whats going on? Is everything okay?” Yuna asked. Okay good the weed didn’t make her retarded. This stuff wasn’t that strong so that probably helped, also her tolerance I bet is wayyy too high for this cheap stuff to effect her much. 
“Yeah I am fine, everything is good with me. I am just, well I been thinking about all that stuff that happened before they split us up, like about the darks spirits, I was wondering if you knew anything about that?” 
“Oh yes it was such a terrible thing that happened to Jonis dear daughter, I am so furious with Gray and how it all happened. Just so Gray could oh I don’t even know what he wanted out of it which makes me even more mad! “ Yuna huffed a little after all this, its probably from the weed and she didn’t take a single breathe while talking but I liked to believe it was from the extra pounds she carried around with her. Ha chunky Yuna huffing away. Okay Rinoa focus
I didn’t really care about all the stuff with Jonis daughter but I needed Yuna to stay on my side so I said “yea that was so fucked up of Gray, Just cause hes sad and miserable doesn’t mean he needs to bring everyone to his level.” I scoffed and Yuna nodded in approval “So yea anyhow about dark spirits you know anything?”
“Its a horrible place. I don’t know a lot but I know a little bit.” Yuna drank some water and continued “So usually souls are sent to their worlds version of the after life”
Rinoa interrupted “- so its like hell?”
“No I mean hell still exists in some worlds but their soul is still intact for lack of a better term. It can still be retrieved and brought back.” 
“Ok so this place is like totally different from other afterworlds, its like its own entity?” 
“Precisely! Its its own separate place! I am not sure where it came from or how long its been around, Elis I know speculates it formed when the worlds collided, yet I know Aiden was there before that so I don’t believe that is true. Christian told me once its always been around, and after Eli heard about that, he speculated that the reason the worlds collided had to do with this place. I am not sure about any of that. What I do know is the place consists of dark magic and dark beings dwell there. Any soul who steps into that place becomes tainted. So what happened with Lily is because she was killed with dark magic she was tainted and had to be sent there. No other afterlife could handle such a dark being without becoming dark themselves. I don’t exactly know how it all works though.” Yuna looked down seemingly flustered with it all
I pondered on this for a while. She gave me a lot more information then I could have hoped for. 
“So its pretty much the worst place in the universe? No wonder Aiden is so fucked up!”
“Yes it is, Eli told me once anyone who goes there becomes tainted in a way, incomplete rather. Like they aren’t all together human anymore. He couldn’t tell me how or why. He also said anyone who goes their becomes trapped but Aiden is intact and he has his soul still, so Eli must be wrong about that. Or perhaps thats what usually happens and Aiden somehow beat the system? I don’t know its all so horrible I don’t like to think about it!” Yuna took the liberty to pack herself another bowl to smoke. 
“Hmm so if thats the case and J was there and also got out there must be some way.”
“Yes they must be! Ya know I can feel souls with my summoner ability and I have always sensed J’s soul be off. Like it just feels wrong but now that I know he was in that place, thats probably why it feels that way!” 
“Yea and thats why spirits don't seem to want anything to do with him and let him get away with so much shit because they don’t want him around. He probably terrifies them!” 
 I began jotting down things in my journal and Yuna finished off her bowl. 
“Hey Yuna no offense but I gotta go. I need to figure out more about all this and I have quite a few more people to talk to!”
“Oh of course I will leave you, if you need anything more I will be in living room!”
“Okay yea thanks” Just before she left room I thought of one more thing “Hey real quick so I am gonna talk to Noah, Tidus, J , Ulquiorra and Christian , know anyone else in Camp A that would know something?”
Yuna pondered for a second “Perhaps try Sasuke? He seems to know a lot about everything. Oh and try Jet! He was an old commander so perhaps he knows something from his time in charge.”
“Okay yea i put them down, thanks see you around! “ Yuna waved and headed out 
No way in hell was I talking to either one of them. Especially if I didn’t have to. Wasn’t in the mood to get groped and deal with the biggest asshole in camp. No thank you. 
Next stop Noah! 
I found him in his room laying in the dark with his covers up. He looked briefly at me when I entered but turned around to continue staring at his wall. 
I took the liberty to let myself in. I slid out a chair and opened the blinds up so I could see. He looked like shit. 
“Hey I know you probably don’t want to talk about this but I need to know about the dark spirit place or whatever its called.” I paused looking at him “Its important.” I added 
No response. I couldn’t wait for him to get over whatever this was.
“Noah, I need to know, help me out here” 
“Why would you wanna know about that place?” He said it in a whisper 
“I, no we, as a camp need to know!” This came out a lot more harsh then I meant it too. Whatever. Usually the guy was so dumb you asked him anything and he replied. No filters. But now when I need him to talk hes understanding what silence means? What the fuck. Where's lady luck and why isn’t she on my side?
“No you don’t need to know, you think you need to know but it won’t help anything, it won’t change anything. It will just bring pain and destruction. 
I was geting so annoyed at his inability to just answer a fucking question I blew up. 
“OMG are you mansplaining to me? I know what is good and bad for me to know. Fuck right off Noah. I can handle myself, I can handle this, I am not a moron.” 
He sat up slightly at this and sighed “ No you can’t handle this, you or anyone else in camp that isn’t already involved in this doesn’t need to be. Theres no reason for anyone to know anymore then you guys already do. Now please leave me I am not in the mood.” 
I wanted to freak out at him, yet I realized that would get me nowhere. ;”Fine be that way, go fuck yourself Noah!” I slammed his door as hard as I could manage . I sat in the hallway and cried for a little bit. Why can’t I know? He obviously told Joni or else she wouldn’t have had him kill her kid. Or maybe he's the only one that takes orders from Joni. She's such a junkie cunt I bet even if she was here she wouldn’t give me any answers either. Just yell about needing more booze and making stupid inside jokes with jesse that no one else finds funny. They are the worst set of twins I have ever fucking met .
This was pointless. I went to my room and screamed in my pillow for a few minutes. When I was done my throat hurt and Angelo looked worried. 
Sign this whole thing was stupid why did I even try it? No I have to keep going. I decided to go see Tidus when he actually took his meds he was pretty cool and we hung out. When he was off them though it was fucking annoying as shit. Lately he seemed normal so lets hope for the best. I can’t have two let downs in a row. 
I found him in his room lifting weights, his room looked mostly clean which was a good indicator on his saneness. “35, 36, 37,-”
“Hey Tidus its me can I come in?”
“Oh yea Rinoa let me just finish these reps. 38, 39- I waited till he counted to 50 and set the weight down before speaking 
“Hey so I gonna cut right to the chase, your a spirit and everything so I wonder if you know anything about all this dark spirit stuff they were talking about?”
 He was drinking out of his water but stopped after i said dark spirit and his face fell. Oh he totally knows something. 
“Umm no I don’t umm sorry,” He faced away from me and I saw in his mirror him muttering to himself.
“I know you know something Tidus, just tell me I can take it.” He fidgeted around picking up random objects then setting them down. 
“I mean well I wanna tell you but I am not suppose to talk about it” 
“What? Who says you cant talk about it?” Now I was super curious a secret dark spirit place that he was banned from talking about. Oh this was juicy. 
I heard people out the door talking and heard my name so my ears perked up, it sounded like Jesse and Yuna 
“You were talking to Rinoa? Egh talking to her is like I have an itch on the roof of my mouth that only a shotgun can scratch.” Jesse said loudly 
“Oh shes not that bad!” Yuna replied
What a fucking asshole, I made a mental note to go chew him out after this but I didn’t want to wreck my flow I had going here. 
Tidus looked at me sympathetically and I waited till they passed by before talking again
Tidus spoke first tho “Hey don’t mind Jesse he’s just an asshole”
“Uh Yea duh I know that and why would I be bothered by what a lonely wannabe says about me?” My eyes challeneged him to say something stupid. Wisely he changed topics
“Well um what you been up to today? 
“Well I been trying to get people to tell me about the dark spirit place.” 
He looked uncomfortable and said “Uh huh I see, why is it you wanna know so bad?” 
“Because I, or well camp, has the right to know about this, I mean like shouldn’t we do something about it or like go save people from it.”
“You can’t get rid of it that's not how it works, its like saying your gonna blow up hell, its not possible. ANd saving people, why would we have to do that? No one we know is there so that just be a suicide mission.” He shook his head and drank down the rest of his water. Going to refill it in the water jug he had in his room he added “Even if we did have someone to save, we couldn't. It would just be a waste of lifes and resources!” 
“Well Lily got there why wouldn’t we go save her?”
“You know why Rinoa, she doesn’t matter to camp, she's just a kid with no powers.” 
“Omg why didn’t I think of that!” If someone that camp needed or cared about went there we would have to go save them and have to go there! I refrained from saying this out loud though so no one could hear my scheme and block it. Tidus just assumed I didn’t realize Lily was useless which I mean duh, I let him think that though. Makes things easier. 
“Yea I mean maybe she would have powers later but she was only in camp like an hour and I mean like Yuna liked her and- He started rambling about how great Yuna was and I spaced out. Who should I get killed though? It would have to be Noah killing them and use his weird demon thing inside him to do it, can’t be a gun, no pretty sure it have to be Virgo inside him. Hmm who to kill though? My first thought after what Jesse said was him but no he was immortal that wouldn’t work. I don’t know if immortality worked against this but I didn’t want to risk it. Only have one go at this. Hmmm maybe Aerith? She was important plus easy to kill plus Sasuke would go insane and make people go save her with him. Yes, Aerith would be perfect. I almost think Jenn would be funnier to fuck with Aiden but shes useless, so the commanders might not let us go and then Aiden probably just convince himself she never existed and we all would just move on in our lives. Wait, Aerith is a spirit though, that might safeguard her. Not sure but once again don’t wanna risk it. Fuck who then? 
“And shes so caring and pretty and- “ 
“Tidus shut up I am trying to think”
He stopped talking and made a face at me. “You coulda said that nicer” 
“Yea okay I am sorry, whatever, “
“What are you thinking about anyhow?” Tidus inquired. 
Was it safe to tell him? Probably and I would need help with this so bing bing hes the winner! I decided to ease into it though and gauge him out. If he seemed hesitant I would have to find someone new to ask
“I was just thinking how shitty it would be if someone from camp was killed and sent there.”
“Oh yea that would be horrible we wouldn’t see them ever again!”
“I mean never again?” I asked as innocently as I could manage “I mean Aiden got out of there didn’t he?”
“Yea I mean yea but he has Christian helping him when Christian still had access to virgo or well access to his powers”
So thats how it happened hmmm 
“Well couldn’t he access them again?” I inquired 
“No cause Virgo is in Noah.” 
“What about J? He got taken out too? 
“Yea I don’t know how that worked I only just found that out today, I assumine G accessed the igndaemoni stone. I heard that has to do with it” “ I also hear- all of a sudden Tidus’s face just stopped moving 
“What the hell?” I asked and just as I did I saw J walk into the room. Oh so he paused time. What an asshole 
 “J what the fuck!!!! I was so close!!” I pouted and waved my notebook around and my pen flew out of my hand as I flayed around 
“A little too close” His nasally voice said. God his voice was so fucking annoying
“Lets go to kitchen to talk” I followed him in there and noticed quite a few people in there all paused 
“Stop while your ahead Trist me on this.”
“Omg you fucking too-- omg look at grays face!!” 
His face looked like he was just about to sneeze. Contored and retarded looking. 
J let out his shrill laugh while Rinoa laughed like she was actually saying the words heehee     
“Wait Wait look at Lana!” Her face looked like it was turning both ways and her hand was in her butt cheek.
Rinoa and J continued to point out others with dumb expressions on each letting out their different but equally annoying laughs. 
J wiped a tear from his eye “Oh that rich thats just great.”
I decided to try again “So J what the fuck why did you pause everyone.” 
“For my own safety that's why!” He yelled back. God did he not know how to get his voice at a reasonable level 
“You’re safety from what ?”
J looked around like a paranoid drunk. “Just trust me bitch, you don’t want to go down this path.” J himsellf knew hardly anything about this, he had to take a class in it at the spirit university but he fell asleep half way through and skipped the next two classes and the final class he was so lost on the exam he decided to get drunk in the bathroom and have G make sure he got a passing score. What he did know though was that Ulqiorra would kill him if Rinoa started some shit up. Partly why they let Harry and him spy on everyone was for security reasons and as long as everyone behaved themselves, at least a little, they were allowed to continue being camp security.                                        
“DON’T CALL ME A BITCH!” Rinoa stormed, proving J’s point in her screams of rage if she classified as a bitch or not. 
After her yells subsided with some throw ins of “clay piece of fuck,” “get new friends” “your an fucking asshole” she sat down and crossed her arms and started pouting. 
“I don’t see why I can’t just know, I am not gonna do anything with it I just want to know”
“No you definitely want to do something and I can’t risk you knowing too much and fucking things up for me.”
“For you what the fuck do you mean?”
Shit J thought didn’t need to add that last part “I just mean me as like everyone in camp its won’t be good and Ulquiorras gonna flip out if you unite everyone in some doomed mission.”
 Rinoas face contorted but then twisted into a devious smile. “Okay fine I won’t do anything” She said as innocent as she could manage.
J stared at her with a look of disbelieve but he also was just about to go to Milwaukee with Paine, Yuna and Gippal and he really wanted to get to that. Distancing himself from harry has really done wonders for his social life. He gets to hang out with Gipplal, GIPPAL! His dreams were coming true. 
As J daydreamed about his perfect day with Gippal and how maybe they could break off from the other two and get ice cream and Gippal would get some in his beard and J would slowly wipe it off for him-- Rinoa was thinking of how to get j out of camp so she can continue getting answers. “So can you unpause it, I get it okay?” 
“Yea Yea fine,” J took out a device in his pocket and hit the button. Everyone instantly started moving. 
“What where did you guys come from?” Gray asked 
“WE BEEN IN HERE FUCK OFF” J replied and left to go find his new friends. 
“Yea lay off the dope its making you stupid.” Rinoa shot back at him 
“I don’t recall you guys being in here either” Lana stated
“Whatever you guys are all dumb then” Rinoa flipped her hair and walked out of the room, forgetting about Tidus for the moment and headed back to her room 
In Tidus’s room he was quite shocked by Rinoa disappearing and was terrified he had hallucinated the whole conversation “Oh no Oh no, she was here, wasn’t she? No nonononono! “ Tidus yelled and began searching around his room for her. Looking under his bed and in his closet for obvious places but then under books and his lamp thinking maybe she somehow shrunk. Moving on from schizo boy we head back to Rinoa. 
“Okay I just have to find a way to get J to leave. hmmm “ Rinoa mindlessly pet Angelo while brainstorming. Suddenly Yuna walked in. 
“Hey Rinoa is was lovely talking to you earlier, I hope you figure out what your looking for!” 
“Yea yea I am trying to think now so can you like leave?’
“Oh okay yea no I can’t stay I am going to milwaukee with some friends!” As yuna turned to leave Rinoa yelled for her to stop
“Wait who are you going with?” Rinoa asked, she had to get J to go with them somehow. 
“Oh um Paine, Gippal and J” 
Rinoa jumped up and ran and hugged Yuna “OMG I could kiss you thats fantastic! Don’t let me keep you go go” Rinoa shooed out the very confused Yuna. 
“Okay Angelo we are back on track!” Rinoa jumped for joy grabbed her notepad and ran to go find TIdus. 
-- And that finishes Part 1 of this story-- I will either finish it or can have Rinoa explain how rest of it went when I see ya tomorrow! Probably do the latter so we can move on with plot! 
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ieyasu-tacogawa · 7 years ago
Ieyasu JP Event Ch 2-3
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^He's saying "shut up!" This ass.
You know how fluffy chapter 1 was? Prepare to suffer after this.
This is chapters 2-3 of Ieyasu's event story. Link to chapter 1 (too lazy to edit cleanly at the moment, I'm sorry)
Ieyasu and Seijiro (? Is Kotaro's sprite a generic one? Sorry I don't know) exchange pleasantries and talks about the undecided alliance. Seijiro gives Ieyasu a letter that is offering a MARRIAGE opportunity to Hojo. Everyone is stunned lmao. Of course a few moments after, our unknowing MC walks in to serve Seijiro tea and all attention is immediately directed to her LOL. Seijiro gives Ieyasu the side eye and asks him to consider.
Tension is heavy but MC can't ask what's going on so she leaves. Later Ieyasu calls Hanzo and asks who that Seijiro dude was. Ieyasu tells Hanzo to keep an eye on things, especially around MC. Days later, in the evening MC is in their garden. Ieyasu hasn't arrived. MC decides to wait and it turns to night time. She notes that the flowers are budding. Out of no where, someone tells her "good evening."
It's Seijiro! Oh boy. They talk about the plants: to see buds bloom, they have to trim the leaves that are not needed. Seijiro gives some commentary. MC thanks him and he says "I'm glad I could help Ieyasu's wife" which makes MC go "uh oh, shit..." Then Seijiro nonchalantly informs her of the Hojo marriage proposal to Ieyasu.
Seijiro says it's the way of samurai (I'm guessing to gain lands and women) and leaves a stunned MC who is having a hard time digesting the marriage talks and her own self worth. Ieyasu enters shortly after. He notices MC is troubled and asks what happened. She comments on the flowers. MC says she's worried about the buds. Ieyasu hauntingly says that the excess leaves need to be removed for the buds to bloom, the exact same as Seijiro down to the very leaves they touched. MC watches and reaches her hand to Ieyasu's.
(Dude when I was reading this I felt like meter long needles were piercing my heart and soul. The metaphors were so beautiful and horrifying, you guys have to read it for yourselves to get that wonderful pain).
MC says she feels bad for them, to which Ieyasu says "there's no point in sympathizing with the plants" gg. MC thinks about how the old Ieyasu wouldn't hesitate to throw useless stuff away, but she is sure that the new Ieyasu is more thoughtful. Ieyasu then comments that if there's enough nutrition, it would be okay to keep all the extra plant bits which makes MC feel relieved. Ieyasu then makes fun of her gardening (something about putting trash in the garden and calling it nutrients lmao) and all is okay as they water the flowers together.
Ieyasu's been a busy bee, dealing with those Hojo people. He bumps into Seijiro who is surprised he isn't at the garden. Seijiro asks about the marriage again and tells Ieyasu that he has informed the Hojo dudes about MC and him. Seijiro suggests that it's important to make connections like marriage, not just allies.
Seijiro threatens a surprisingly speechless Ieyasu, saying that if he wants to conquer the heavens he will have to make decisions like this + it would be bad to be an enemy of Hojo. In the first chapter, the retainers were all chanting about Ieyasu conquering and reaching the heavens (tenka tenka) and Seijiro uses those same words in his threat. Tadatsugu enters and Seijiro leaves. Tadatsugu asks if Ieyasu is okay and says the Tokugawa clan will back him through any difficulty but Ieyasu rejects him with a sharp "shut up!" (ugh Ieyasu you asshole). Meanwhile MC waits late in the garden. She hears footsteps, turns around and sees...
Best boy Toramatsu. Ieyasu sent him in his place. Toramatsu apologizes for failing her expectations. MC isn't disappointed in Toramatsu, but she does feel pained that the garden was for her and Ieyasu to spend time together, but Ieyasu has not come. Toramatsu and MC pluck the weeds out and leave. MC decides to look for Ieyasu when she stumbles upon his conversation with Tadatsugu at the "shut up" part. MC hides and listens in. Ieyasu tells Tadatsugu they both know the marriage would be the best way to conquer/reach the heavens (my heart fucking dropped here). Ieyasu's also offended that just because he hasn't answered anything, people think he's weak.
Tadatsugu says the marriage doesn't have to be with Ieyasu and he should consider his own feelings but Ieyasu thinks it would be foolish to reject the offer. Ieyasu walks off. MC appears before Tadatsugu who feels horrible. MC comments that she felt prepared when Seijiro talked about it, but hearing it from Ieyasu shattered her heart. Still she decides to talk to Ieyasu herself. She runs after him, calls his name but he ignores her. She catches up and grabs his kimono sleeve. To convey how she feels, she looks at the flower garden and asks him if they will still take care of it together. He tells her "I don't have such time."
Ieyasu pushes her off but she cuts him off before he can leave. Ieyasu says if she really wants the flowers to bloom, she should have other people help her. MC tells him that she wasn't tending to a garden to make the flowers bloom, she made the garden so she could spend time with him. It wasn't the action of growing flowers itself, it was the intentions behind it. She then tells him she doesn't know what exactly his ambitions. However, she believes it's for the sake of the clan and herself. MC comments once again that she knows Ieyasu has changed and will listen to her. Therefore she will support him no matter what he decides (Ieyasu's sprite becomes wide eyed here), but she wants him to make sure he doesn't throw away his heart in his decisions.
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grugq · 8 years ago
Some very amusing tale of a smallish retail business. The main points on the opsec are pretty terrible actually. Using burners is very poor form for the modern day and age.
I want to point out a few things from this crew which are security related:
Never get in somebody’s car. No meeting in bars—you have to be in their apartment. No meeting in parties. No handoffs on the street. A cop might be checking you out. Dress professionally and in character. No marijuana anything on your shirt. No cute little shorts.” She points to one girl who’s wearing a dress that leaves most of her breasts exposed. “This is too low.” The girl, flustered, pulls up her dress over her chest. “We’re selling weed, going to men’s apartments. Boobs out for customers—no.”
I'm not sure why she insists on apartments. Thats risky for video surveillance. She seem to want the couriers to dress attractively enough that they don't get searched, but not so attractively they are memorable? Or at risk? I'm not entirely clear on that one.
The character we’re going for isn’t that of a pot dealer. It’s the student, the professional, the regular girl. Play the part—cool, calm, and collected. If a cop in the subway asks to see what’s in your makeup bag, just be cool, calm, and collected.”
Not a bad cover. There is huge security issue where she allows an outsider to not only meet her entire organisation to to write them all up for GQ. That is insane.
Never give the customer your real name or number. Follow your intuition. If you’re feeling unsafe, go into a bodega. “You’re working for an illegal business,” Honey reminds them. “It’s only a little illegal, but don’t tell your friends.”
This lady is no AlpraKing and these guidelines are nothing like his. I wouldn't trust her to operate this sort of organisation. She isn't being truthful about the risks, and she isn't giving them great security guidelines. Plus, again, inviting a reporter from a high profile to meet the entire organisation is just crazy.
Honey returns to the subject of what to do if stopped by the police. A runner’s main weapon is her smile, her ability to talk to the cops: “Say, ‘I love the NYPD! You guys are the best,’ ” Honey says, fluttering her eyelashes and making a heart sign with her hands. “The number one thing cops look for is lack of eye contact.” Honey urges all the runners to memorize her phone number, promising, “If you get in trouble, we’ll get you out in two hours.”
This is at least fairly useful. How to use apparent cover (pretty girl) to manipulate the law enforcement officers. Also knowing who to call to come get bailed out seems definitely useful.
She fields a question: “And if they ask you to open the box?” “Say you don’t have the code.”
This does not sound like a very plausible or reliable way to deflect attention. I'd think that an officer would just get interested and start with follow up questions that the courier may not have answers too.
One of the Angels suggests using a tote bag instead of a backpack to carry the box. She generally uses a WNYC tote bag, which is given out to donors to the public-radio station.
Nice cover, too bad that police are now going to be checking for young pretty girls with tote bags. Still, the concept of using good cover is solid.
Honey tells the girls to get a work phone from MetroPCS, which costs $100. When buying it, they should pay in cash and have a name in mind to put down on the form, in case the police check. “I like to use the names of girls who were my enemies growing up,” Honey says.
Tells couriers to get a burner phone. This is 2017, not 2003. Burners are dead as dead can be for drug dealer tech. Also, using the names of real people that are linked to you is a bad idea. Better to get real names of random people and create a full cover identity.
At the end of the meeting, I ask the girls for their names and phone numbers and they cheerfully oblige, writing them in my notebook. But then Honey calls out, “Give him your burner numbers. Don’t give him your real names.” An Angel comes up and takes my notebook and rips off the sheet with the numbers. They write again, with a new set of names; I’m using fake names in this story as well.
These girls are not very street smart, I think would be the polite way to put it.
next week, I walk over to the drug den again. I press C1, which has a black mark next to it made with a Magic Marker: one long and two short presses of the button. The door buzzes in response. Upstairs, I meet Charley, one of the five dispatchers on duty. She has been in the drug den since 11:30 a.m., and she’ll stay until midnight—a double shift.
I hope that is not the real code to get let in.
The apartment has a bedroom in which the supplies are kept, a bathroom, and a living room with an open kitchen. It’s centrally located for a business that serves both Brooklyn and Manhattan, and the neighbors don’t mind all the traffic—most of the other units are Airbnb rentals. Every six months, Honey changes to a new location.
Using a roaming safehouse that is situated in a block of AirBnB units where no one pays attention to anyone else's coming or going is a good technique.
The Green Angels average around 150 orders a day, which is about a fourth of what the busiest services handle.
Kinda small time, but still large enough that the police would be interested in the bust.
When a customer texts, it goes to one of the cell phones on the table in the living room. There’s a hierarchy: The phones with the pink covers are the lowest; they contain the numbers of the flakes, cheapskates, or people who live in Bed-Stuy. The purple phones contain the good, solid customers. Blue is for the VIPs. There are over a thousand customers on Honey’s master list.
that is not a good list to be on. o.O
To place an order, a customer is supposed to text “Can we hang out?” and a runner is sent to his apartment. No calling, no other codes or requests. Delivery is guaranteed within an hour and a half. If the customer isn’t home, he gets a strike. Three strikes and he’s 86’d. If he yells at the runner, he’s 86’d immediately.
That is actually a pretty good system. The couriers carry a large supply with them so they dont need to take the order beforhand. They can fulfill it onsite with the customer, allowing for just a simple signal to indivate that they want a transation. This is pretty safe.
To be honest, the real safety of these girls their white skin, socio economic status and good looks. Definitely safer to be a pretty young white girl slanging dope than a young black male.
The Angels work only by referral. The customers should refer people they really know and trust, not strangers, and no one they’ve met in a bar. If you refer someone who becomes a problem, Charley says, you lose your membership
The allow their customers to do the vetting, which is a bit difficult. Transitive trust, isn't. Any organisation needs growth if it wants to keep operationing because there is bound to be churn from the natural attrition of their existing clientele.
A text comes in asking for Charley by name. That’s a no-no. You’re not allowed to request a specific Angel. Another runner texts saying a customer is late and she’s been kept waiting. In such cases, Charley says, “We nicely scold them.”
Not sure what this particular protection is against, but it seems to be more about the security of the girls than the security of the operation.
Throughout the day, the texts ebb and flow. Lunchtime is busy, and then the afternoon is slack. Then it gets really busy between 5:30 and 8:30, as people come home from work. On the weekends, it’s busy between noon and 6 p.m. Bad weather is good for business; on a beautiful day, someone is not going to sit around at home waiting for a weed delivery.
I wonder if this information could be used to detect potential drug operations. They have a pattern of operation which doesn't really match up with a pattern for meeting with pretty girls. It doesn't fit with their cover that someone want to meet with them in the middle of the day, rather than later at night. Or maybe I'm wrong. It does seem like it would be a good heutristic to detect a drug dealer. Hundreds of texts messages a day at predictable hours to the same few numbers, all saying "can we hang out?"
A customer has moved, and the runner doesn’t know his new address.
lol, the types ot real problems that real operations face all the time.
Then Marie gets a text from a new number. She shows it to me, saying she won’t respond to an unknown number. She advises the sender, “Please have whoever recommended you send me a text.”
On the one hand, not sending illegal substances to an unknown customer is good security. On the other hand, they're kinda sloppy about their OPSEC to interact so blatantly.
She stares in horror at a text: “I got two sativas and an indica if you want one.” It’s obviously misdirected, meant for some lucky friend of the texter. “That’s a strike. What a dumb-ass!” She calls a customer. “Can you open the door, please? I’ve been waiting ten minutes. Next time, can you be a little closer to the phone?” Then, after she hangs up, “That’s a strike, absolutely.”
How they are still in business is beyond me. I suspect that the DEA simply doesnt care. or the NYPD.
She tells me I’ll have to change everyone’s name, and I can’t say too much about her wholesalers, “or they’ll kill me.” She’s dealt with multiple death threats throughout her career. The wholesalers call her if she’s late on payments and say, “I’ll come to your parents’ house and shoot them.” Honey gives it back to them. “I say, ‘I’ll call the feds and have you shipped back to China. I’m waiting for you. I’m gonna fucking blow your head up, and then I’ll blow your mother’s head up.’ ” People are scared of a crazy girl, she notes.
Guess it is chinese providers. Given how lax the security is for this outfit, those guys should drop them and find another retailer.
she’s paying more than $3,000 per pound for good indoor-grown hydroponic weed. Selling it off an eighth of an ounce at a time, she can mark it up 100 percent. Honey’s business is always on credit. She buys $300,000 worth and pays it back when the weed sells. Sometimes it doesn’t move, especially when the quality is poor. The pot she sees on her buying trips may not be what actually arrives. Other times, if it’s coming over by truck, it could get cooked in the hot trailer on its way across the country; by the time she sees it, it’s like hay. The growers will try their luck sending a shipment that’s half bad “because they figure in New York, anything moves.”
The supply side guys seem to be taking a huge risk.
These days, most of Honey’s weed comes via FedEx. If she ships the stuff herself, it costs her $500 per pound; with FedEx, the cost comes to about $200 per pound, even though she’s more likely to lose a box or two that way. The FedEx employees steal more packages than the post-office workers. “A lot of them took the jobs because they know about it.” If you go to a FedEx parking lot, she says, you’ll notice that the drivers come to work in sports cars.
much lol.
There are FedEx inspectors who try to intercept the drugs. They will send a control box to the address and then bust in to arrest the recipient. Honey has a device that she waves over and all around the FedEx box, which will emit a signal if it detects a tracking device or transponder.
A controlled delivery would lead to an immediate arrest. What good would having that frequency detector do? It would be relevant after the arrest is made. Or it wouldn't matter because she'd find the tracker when she opened and repackaged the product. It makes no sense.
At the hospital, after the delivery—the baby girl was eight pounds six ounces—Honey heard the nurses arguing outside her room. “It’s only weed!” one said. They came in and took the baby away and put her in the NICU, where she was the biggest child in a room full of preemies. Child Protective Services told Honey that a doctor had reported her after they tested her urine; her THC levels were the highest they had come across in the hospital that year.
OPSEC fail.
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cratersofme-blog · 5 years ago
November 17
<p>You’re really all I had.. all I felt like living for. I dont know how to explain it too you. I know. I know all too well that I won’t end up with you, but I know I loved you more than anything, too. I don’t know what happened to me. I know you’ve told me countless times that Riyad was nothing but I can’t move past it, and I’m sorry for that. I know that’s the reason for my distance and why I stopped caring so much. It’s because you hurt me. Of all the people in my life, you were the last person I expected to do that. I know you say he was just a friend.. I believe you, but you know me. You know me better than anyone. So, you knew that it wouldn’t be okay. I don’t care about good conversation and I don’t care about friendship. I cared about us. </p>
<p>Ask Urooj. I’m sure she will would understand. Tell her everything ( if you haven’t already). I know she’ll tell you the truth. I didn’t want anyone around you. Anyone else. I know you’re going to tell me about all these girls around me, but you know none of them meant as much as you do. </p>
<p>Then there was this change in you. About weed.. and it wasn’t even a turn off, sexually. It was a turn off for me mentally. I hated it. I hated it with all my heart. You still did it. No I’m not trying to control what you do with your friends but someone consideration that this guy who’d did so much for you doesn’t like it.</p>
<p>You still went ahead and did it. </p>
<p>Trying to cope with all this bull shit. I know you. I know you didn’t mean that we only talk about me.. but with all these changes you’ve gone through it’s like I don’t even know who you are. I don’t know what to expect from you. I don’t know if you’ll hurt me again and that’s why I can’t invest any more of what I have left in you. You left me with 2% of my heart.. the other 98% invested in you. </p>
<p>I know you’re parents must be giving you a hard time.. with graduate school and I’m sure you’ll do fine. You have that determination and I’m happy in light of all this because I hope that’s what you’re going to John Jay for.</p>
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skiasurveys · 8 years ago
i dont know what number this is
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? - my boyfriend.
2: Have you ever been deeply in love? - currently am. for the first time actually, never felt like this.
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in? - almost a year. I think connor will be my longest. unless im forgetting someone LMAO.
4: Have you ever changed for someone? Yeah but for the best.
5: How is your relationship with your ex? -we used to talk more often but he tried to fuck me ( we never fucked in our relationship, i was a virgin when we dated ),  but i told him I was dating someone else and he just gets so annoying. He's really annoying, actually.
6: Have you ever been cheated on? - nah
7: Have you ever cheated? - No
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating? -No.
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship? - most ppl say being loyal or having someone but really its the connection. Like youre dating your best friend and thats cool.
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? serious
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”? - I had a chat with someone about this; I think breaks just mean " Im going to date other ppl but im gonna keep you in the background incase no one else works"
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with? - Ive never hooked up with anyone ( if youre talking about sex) lol.
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship? - I told him way too much personal stuff way early in the relationship and I said I love you when I didnt even mean it. Ugh.
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex? KIds??? KIDS?? KIDS HAVING SEX??? that should answer your quesiton.
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”? -Yes but unless youre 15 dating someone over 20+ thats weird as shit. But once youre both adults and are consenting then whatever. But i do like when a dude is 34 dating a 20 yr old, thats weird as shit and he prob jsut wants to bone.
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”? - No you can meet someone and click and then fall in love. But youre not loving them. You cant love someone until you know them and have a connection.
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet? - I mean if youre talking all the time and maybe skyping, then sure. But i dnt think so.
18: What do you consider a deal breaker? cheating
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?  When you literally do not feel anything for them. If you dont feel anything, dont stay. Youre hurting them and yourself.
20: Are you currently in a relationship? Yes, 8 months. 05/10/16. <3
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?  Yeah, ive stayed friends with dudes ive dated. I think if you weren't super serious or close, then yeah. My most current ex and I are still "friends", we dont hang out or anything we talk tho
22: Do you think people should date their friends? If youre into them, yeah!
23: How many relationships have you had?  So about 4/5 but a few of those were flings. about 2 of those were serious and the current one im in is serious
24: Do you think love can last forever? Yes.
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things? Not everything.
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?  Nope. My mom really doesnt think my bf is good for me but i dont give a shit, its like whatevr. he makes me happy and im adult sooo
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be? - Don't just date him because he said youre pretty, and dont trust every boy.
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work? - Yeah if you work on it.
29: What do you notice first about another person? smile and hair.
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual? straight.
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness? No, because i already do and i think he has depression he just doesnt deal with it. he smokes weed lol
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? - Yeah.
33: Do you want to get married one day? - I do.
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed? - No because if you ever break up, then its awkward.
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex? - i could but i need sex to feel loved.
36: Are you still a virgin? Nope
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality? - both.
38: Do you enjoy love films?  yeah theyre okay.
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses? Yeah last valentines day, but i dont care about roses tbh.
40: Have you ever had a valentine?  I had one last year, and he broke up with me after our dinner. ( wtf?) but I will this year i'll be with Connor <3
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?  Being happy.
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?  Yes and its not romantic.
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?  Both.  I have a personal level with my boyfriend but if i dont have my friends then im going to be lonely. Because your friends are always there for you.
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”? YEE.
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends? ehh, if i wasnt dating my current bf, maybe. but im not attracted to any of my friends.
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”? - friend zone doesn exist. they just didnt like you.
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?  No one lol
48: What’s your favorite love song? - I cant help falling in love with you - elvis
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? - yeah my one boyfriend i had to break up with because we were long distance and he was 7 hours ahead of me and then he randomly went to work and stopped talking to me for like a little more than a month and so I was like " Im breaking up with you blah blah" and then when he came back he was hurt and tried to get me back but I cant do online relationships.
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are? Im not.
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy? poor but nice.
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships? - Yes. usually.
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single? - usually.
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)? - I love it on facebook but connor doesnt care for facebook so we dont really have it, but he tells everyone about me so thats good!
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”? -almost all 3 lol. I get clingy and overly attached but not where its like he cant get away from me lol and i get jealous when i see someone whose better looking
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship? - No, and i would hate to do that!
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart? - No, suicide is never silly.
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? -submissive. I always go to Connor for help and stuff.
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary? No he hasnt. and our anniversary is confusing because we were dating off and on in the begining like we were seeing eachother and then we made it offical randomly so yea
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships? I think it's stupid. Honestly. whats the point of dating someone and then hooking up with someone else like youre basically just saving that person so that if you cant find someone else better that you at least have them. and its a waste of time.
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?  that depends.
62: How do you define “cheating”? If you have to hide it, youre cheating.  
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate? - eh i watch porn, i see hot dudes and i know he sees hot chicks but i dont care, as long as hes not telling me or being like "this chick is so hot" but yeah i mean he doesnt do it when im there lol
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?  Yes, i think its dumb that we need a day to force ppl to go out on dates when you can do that whenever it also pressures ppl tbh 65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”? yes.
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