#guy should date me fr
bitter-hibiscus · 5 months
the best part of How To Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days is that everything that is bothering Vicky would be a dream to me. Talks about himself a lot? Wonderful, I hate talking and love listening! Ignored me on a picnic to go fight dinosaurs? Recharging from social situation time! Yay! Didn't offer to pick up the tab? That's okay! I like spending money on people! Made a mess trying to cook with me? Food fight!! Sure, getting attacked by Jarros and being gifted an evil alien plant arent the greatest moments but like, I'd be dating a superhero, wouldn't expect anything BUT that
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pa-pa-plasma · 3 months
look i'm gonna say it. some relationships are not queer, & that's okay. you don't have to cling to the idea that it's only okay if you can somehow make it queer. it's okay to be in a cishet relationship. the type of relationship doesn't make you less queer & it doesn't make cishet people inherently like. evil or something. chill out
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b4kuch1n · 6 months
1/ this bout of comms almost done and 2. spawndate in 3 days so I have! been fixin up some stuff for the itch store. that'll go live on the 29th! right now there Is a pack of the lineart stuff I did last year for folks who found that agreeable, still free to grab! for practicing coloring, or if you wanna mess around with colors when ur not feelin like doing lineart, or if you wanna try to figure out colors in a drastically different style than what you usually go for. or if u just wanna look at it that's cool too. small announcement that is all see u in a few
#bakuspeech#update on the situation: is mostly contained. it'll take a fair bit to make up for how much it's kicked us in the nuts#but it's doable. just Very annoying and tedious and sudden and overall it just sucks#esp. like right up close to my birthday lmao. like if it happened earlier this year I'd be like alright. sucks shit but par for the course#this year has already been so fucked up. this might as well happen#but since it's happened in december it really brings on the feeling of like. fr bitch?#right in front of my cake? me the birthday boy? the specialest fucking boy?#but well. theres a Thing around here that's ur birthday usually being the unluckiest day#but also we're the kind of folks who track death dates rather than birthdays. like up until very recently#all four of my grandparents have unspecified birthdays. their birth years aren't even correct. on paper they're like#a few years older than they actually are#and my granddad on my dads side was even from a family of some means so it wasnt even a class thing#man. last year Something was happening around this time too. idr what but it also sucked#mmm. well. what is really just is. and I've already taken a hammer to it anyhows#I'll do the same for the birthday thing. it Will be fucking good. I take a hammer to it#I'm very glad I still get some commissions even tho it was practically right up to noel#you guys are very generous. I don't say it as often as I should I think but I'm very very thankful for the support#glad to hang out around here still. glad to have the folks I have here. thank u for chillin with me#please look forward to the itch store update. got a new thing along with the old things ported over. stay tuned
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melloneah · 12 days
2 days till my final exam rant in tags sorry i gotta let it spill somewhere 😭
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catoscloves · 1 year
halfway through high school (american) and idk whoever invented the concept honestly ought to fucking be shot
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bornafter1993 · 2 years
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
i cannot believe i played all three high school story books romancing MICHAEL the first time. girl why did you do that caleb is sooooo much better omg it’s ridiculous actually
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oscah81 · 2 months
all because i liked a boy - cl16
charles leclerc x fem!reader smau
summary the hate ends up being too much for charles' new girlfriend
fc pinterest girls, sabrina carpenter
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liked by charlesleclerc, friend1 and 234.300 others
yourusername you make my heart beat fast, ferrari ❤
view all 240 comments
charlesleclerc ❤
→ yourusername mwah 🫶
friend1 the prettiest girl !!
→ yourusername says u 🥹🫶
user am I the only one who doesn't like her..??
→ user1 no fr... charles deserves so much better
user2 shes honestly an ick 🤢
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liked by charlesleclerc, friend1, taylorswift and 310.232 others
yourusername im working late cuz im a singer 😴
view all 356 comments
charlesleclerc ma cherie 💝
→ yourusername my pretty boy!!
friend1 stunning.
→ yourusername i miss u mamas ❤‍🩹
user4 I don't rlly think shes his type tbh
→ user5 thank god I'm not the only one 😭
user6 smells like pr relationship!!!
→ user7 bro stfu!!! let them live
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari, friend1 and 435.560 others
charlesleclerc light of my life 🫀
view all 777 comments
yourusername CHA 😭
→ user8 he didn't even reply ijbolllll
yourusername you are my everything ❤‍🩹
→ charlesleclerc ❤
user9 I still don't like her...
→ user12 IKR idk why everyone hating
user11 ew ickie nasty
→ user13 leave her alone already 😭
user14 she should just delete her acc at this point
user15 i gagged....
via instagram story
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[captions: much needed break]
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liked by user11 and 10.234 others
f1wags Is there a breakup in the Ferrari garage? rumor has it Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend of 8 months, Y/n L/n, have broken up, as she has posted vacation pictures despite it being race weekend...
view all 23 comments
user11 FINALLY
user14 charles deserves better!!!
user13 y'all just leave her alone...
→ user10 no really tho, like she just dated a guy and everybody got pissy over it..
→ user12 i hope shes okay 😭
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liked by charlesleclerc, friend1, taylorswift and 1.230.670 others
yourusername because I liked a boy out now!! thank you for all the support, my loves ❤‍🩹
view all 1203 comments
charlesleclerc great song ❤
→ user10 they way he's still down bad 😭
→ user14 date me instead!!
→ user10 girl you're delulu
taylorswift on repeat 🫶
→ yourusername oh!! my!! god!! i love you
→ yourusername NO U ML ❤
user11 i take back what I said this song slaps
user15 "I got death threats filling up semi trucks" 😭
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an: this is my first smau!! it took wayyyy longer than expected lmao
i may do a pt. 2 ❤
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maplesyrupsainz · 2 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙love language | CL16 LN4˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: charles leclerc x reader y/n (she/her) x lando norris
genre: social media au, polyamorous relationship
warnings: polyamory, dates on tweets make no sense to the story lol ignore them im srsly lazy & idc tbh
summary: in which your boyfriends love languages seem to be polar opposites
a/n: ur wish is my command also im fr running out of plot ideas on my own for the poly reqs LOLL so if u got any ideas then spam my inbox bbyyy
request!!!: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE more poly lando and charles (and kika)
fc: jules leblanc
my masterlist
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and 414,789 others
francisca.cgomes ☕️ yum
view all 12,053 comments
user2 kikayn my favourite bffs 😻
user3 waiting for lando & charles to comment
user4 charles lando come get ur girl
pierregasly that girl is a bad influence on you babe
yourusername i know ur not talking about me
francisca.cgomes crickets...
yourusername he's scared of me. iktr
francisca.gomes as he should be
landonorris next time i will succeed.
user5 LANDO
pierregasly in what exactly 🤨
francisca.cgomes he wants me dead
landonorris never said that
yourusername you kind of did
landonorris not explicitly
charles_leclerc lando stop causing fights
pierregasly yea lando.
yourusername he's all talk dw
francisca.cgomes yea keyboard warrior much
landonorris pipe down
charles_leclerc my girl so pretty
yourusername 🥰🥰🥰
francisca.cgomes this is why ur my favourite charles
charles_leclerc ❤️
user6 the difference in replies between charles & lando 😂
user7 most chaotic comment section award goes to...
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 216,823 others
yourusername ...fourple?
tagged: francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc, landonorris
view all 4,270 comments
pierregasly leaving me out why?
yourusername u hate me i fear 😔
francisca.cgomes not true he's just intimidated by u
user8 justice for y/n
user9 they do poly so naturally
user10 the third pic omggggg y/n & her boys
liked by yourusername, landonorris, charles_leclerc
user11 she's so gorgeous
francisca.cgomes no just ditch them both for me actually!
yourusername well..... actually yes
francisca.cgomes YESSSS i wonnnn
landonorris 🤨
pierregasly 😤
charles_leclerc 😢
landonorris ilyyy hot girl
charles_leclerc mon amour ❤️
user12 i'll never get over lando & charles' completely opposite love languages 😂
liked by yourusername
user13 they r so real i luv them
yourusername posted a story
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liked by pierregasly, francisca.cgomes, and 113,077 others
user14 "double" date or third wheel y/n?
user15 CUTIES
user16 kika my 2nd fav wag after u ofc
user17 oh to be a fly on the wallllllll
oscarpiastri are you holding him hostage
yourusername dont you start too
oscarpiastri 🤐
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 301,185 others
yourusername home alone for a week 🏝️
view all 3,747 comments
user18 AWWWW home alone no charlandoyn content
user19 aww lonely girl
francisca.cgomes this is why u need me
yourusername im actually independent
landonorris kika ur obsessed with my gf it's weird
pierregasly bro ur gf is obsessed with my gf too...
francisca.cgomes it's called love. obviously
charles_leclerc i support it 😊
landonorris stfu
pierregasly be quiet charles
yourusername we love charlie <3
charles_leclerc 🥰
user20 will their comment sections ever be normal
user21 i jus know they miss her sm
user22 she's too cool
messages ->
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instagram ->
charles_leclerc posted a story
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liked by francisca.cgomes, landonorris, and 427,911 others
user24 favs omg
user25 aesthetic affff
user26 perfect couple (should i say throuple?)
francisca.cgomes ugh you guys are back stealing her from me
charles_leclerc you snooze you lose
yourusername posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 88,283 others
user27 love language strikes again
user28 he's soo sweet and attentive
user29 i want what they have
user30 lomls
charles_leclerc i love you
yourusername ❤️ love you
yourusername posted a story
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 95,162 others
user32 LOL this is sooo lando i love him
user33 obsessed with him
user34 i am once again saying opposite love languages
user35 he loves u so much
oscarpiastri i wish my boyfriend would do this!
yourusername hands off, piastri
oscarpiastri 😂
carlossainz55 he is so expressive
liked by yourusername
twitter ->
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 826,103 others
charles_leclerc happy to be home 🏡
tagged: yourusername, landonorris
view all 11,426 comments
user43 omg the last pic HAHAHA
user44 is that lando with the bows 😂
landonorris no comment
user45 obsessed with this
user46 y/n reveal charles' love language immediately
user47 TELL USSSS @.yourusername
yourusername words of affirmation of course!
user48 im in love w all 3 of them
francisca.cgomes the third pic awwww cuties
yourusername 😘
landonorris being nice all of a sudden?
charles_leclerc don't question it just be happy!
yourusername i love you!!!
charles_leclerc i love you our girl
landonorris 🧡🧡🧡
user49 charlandoyn you will always be famous
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 782,538 others
landonorris back where i belong
tagged: charles_leclerc, yourusername
view all 14,402 comments
user50 AWWW
user51 they love y/n sm it's so cute
user52 omg lando being sincere & sweet :))
user53 in his charles era
yourusername aww my sweetest boyy
user54 lando love language reveal y/n!!!
yourusername acts of service ofc 😊
user55 omg🥹🥹🥹🥹
user56 y/n is so gorgeous in the second pic
user57 literally majestic
user58 charles & y/n in the third pic omg me when
user59 i want what they have
charles_leclerc perfect perfect boy
yourusername in every way :)))
landonorris stop it guys im blushing......
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vibeclub-sys · 1 year
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person on the left: I bet he’s thinking about other women
him: bro why are guys so aesthetically attractive
0 notes
hauntedrain · 5 months
For Years! | Max Verstappen x Reader |
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Social media AU Summary: Max and reader get criticism over the status of their relationship.
✮▹ A/N: So sorry for not posting for so long. Life has been BUSY. but hopefully i can post more and write more! Love you guys <3
✰▹Warnings/Notices: Not edited. nothing really. reader mentioned to write music
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Liked by Max Verstappen, Lando Norris, & 3,345,678 others
@Y/N: Lovely time lately.
view all 19,234 comments
user1: LMFAO MAX.
user2: Y/N you'll always been iconic
user3: sometimes I forget Max Verstappen is dating THE Y/N L/N.
↪ user4: SO TRUE. It completely passes my mind that they've been together before he even got to F1.
↪ user6: YEA ITS WILD.
↪ user7: wait but they haven't gotten married or anything?
↪ user8: Yea no. They also avoid the questions around it. Kind of weird to me.
��� user9: But hasn't Y/N written songs about marriage and getting married? Why haven't they?
↪ user10: Maybe they just don't want to. Or max doesn't.
MaxVerstappen: Why did you choose that photo of me.
↪ Y/N: You want me to post the photo from yesterday?
↪ MaxVerstappen: NO.
↪ user11: LMFAO. PARENTS.
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Liked by Y/N, Redbull, & 2,345,567 others
@MaxVerstappen: Great race and great win! Getting ready for next week. And thank you to @Y/N for making me but those glasses, best purchase.
View all 14,567 comments
Y/N: I told you they were a good investment
↪ MaxVerstappen: I don't know if you would call it an investment.
↪ Y/N: I'll post that picture.
↪MaxVerstappen: It was a great investment! better than a house!
↪ user12: better than a ring?
↪ user13: STOP. but no fr, wheres the ring Max?
user14: Okay nice win but when yall getting married?
user15: everyone needs to mind their business, maybe they're just not ready to get married and that okay.
↪ user16: But its been 9 YEARS. NINE YEARS. Its a red flag.
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liked by 18,234 others
@F1GOSSIP: Max Verstappen and Y/N L/N have been criticized over the status of their relationship. The couple has been together for over 9 years however many fans have realized that there's been no movement in the relationship, family and marriage vise. Thought?
view all 5,567 comments
user17: I mean its their life but 9 years?
user18: Idk guys don't hate me but sometimes max doesn't seem interested in Y/N. Like all of the Monaco GP? seem happy around her.
↪ user19: Bro look at the pictures in the post. Does he seem unhappy in them? No he seems very happy.
↪ user20: Okay but lets be honest. Both only seem that happy in front of a camera.
User21: I mean for some of their relationship they were fairly young. Maybe they just wanna enjoy it little by little.
↪ user22: I think in 9 years you can enjoy a lot.
user23: I wouldn't marry her either. Max knows what's best which is why he hasn't done it.
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Y/N has posted to their story!
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liked by 6,678,567 others
@MaxVerstappen: happy 3 year anniversary @Y/N. love you much and cant wait for years to come. Also, people said I hated her? How could I?
view all 35,567,878 comments
Y/N: Guys my husband is kinda cool.
↪ MaxVerstappen: Kinda?
↪ Y/N: yea cuz im cooler than you.
↪ MaxVerstappen: Okay love.
user24: WTF 3 YEARS?
user25: max said hold my 3x WDC titles while I make everyone shut up about my relationship.
↪ Y/N: He just wins everything doesn't he?
↪ CharlesLeclerc: Yea its kinda annoying. you should distract him Y/N
↪ MaxVerstappen: Dont tell my wife to distract me, I'll lose.
↪ CharlesLeclerc: thats the point.
↪ LandoNorris: I just wanna win.
↪ Y/N: Im collecting them all
User27: And people said max didnt wanna marry her.
user28: Bro just keeps winning doesnt he. Y/N GIVE ME A CHANCE.
user29: if you look closely you can see me getting run over by an F1 car.
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⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: I hope you guys like it! I need to post more but ive gotten so busy and haven't had the time. But I'll try to post more often. Love you guys! hope you enjoyed.
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2K notes · View notes
ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DpxDc AU - If his parents are going to treat him like a punk, he might as well lean into it. 
Danny is getting seriously worn down by his parents constantly asking him to explain why he’s gone all the time and why his grades have slipped so far. I mean, sure, it took them months to notice, but now that they have, they’re alluding to the fact that he’s turned into some kind of punk and that he’s not taking life as seriously as he should be. This is what makes Danny kind of snap. 
He cuts his hair, gets Sam to pierce his ears in a few places (which sucked but was nice to catch up with her since Team Phantom didn’t get out much anymore), learns how to skateboard and gets Tuck to help him mask his identity on the internet as he begins online protesting the unethical treatment of ghosts. He makes picket signs that he leaves outside of Fentonworks and it takes days before his parents see them because they’re down in the lab. They go back up immediately after his parents take them down, and he begins tagging buildings with protest sayings and art all over amity park.
No matter how they ground him, the Drs Fenton are at a loss as to what to do to control Danny. Jazz says it’s not her place to interfere and is cheering her little brother on for being passionate about a new hobby. 
Danny’s honestly really vibing with the changes. He always understood why Sam wanted control over her own look, but he’s really leaning into the whole shebang. Ember and Johnny13 have never bonded over anything more than they have the punk transformation of their King. He’s really representing them fr fr- she taught him how to play the bass. 
With enough protests about the Anti-Ecto acts, the JL step in and begin their efforts to lobby change within the US government. Constantine is up to date on the new King being from Earth and thinks they might be able to weasel out a non-apocalyptic scenario if they reach out sooner than later. A letter gets sent through the infinite realms (No way in fuck was John going to try and summon a fucking King excuse you Bats)- Danny gets the letter and decides to let them sweat a bit, sending back his own letter that just says “K.” cause he’s learned that adults/authority figures all suck ass until proven otherwise. After a few days, a portal opens up in the middle of their meeting. 
Ghost King Phantom is rolling in on a skateboard, with the Ring of rage dangling from one of his ear piercings and ice crown floating above his head. He’s drinking an off brand smoothie, wearing a leather jacket that has medieval chainmail on it over his now distressed hazmat suit and his boots steel toed.
“...Sup. Y’all want to do something about this whole situation? I’m an all or nothing kind of guy.” Danny greets them. He means that he’s willing to be diligent in his efforts to disbar the Acts. It gets interpreted as him threatening to end the world, ofc, but that’s an issue he has to deal with later. 
“King Phantom we have been working daily to-” 
“Uh huh. Look, didn’t you guys have like a teenage group? I want to work with them, they’ll probably actually help me get shit done while you fuck around with paper work.” 
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lewisvinga · 4 months
MY man | carlos sainz x fem! reader
summary; nobody knew that carlos was in a relationship until a rumor came about of him dating y/n’s best friend. so she decided enough was enough and finally revealed their relationship, with an extra announcement
fc; dolly zhang
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
note; requested ! carlos last message should say days instead of hours lol, i forgot abt the timeline 😭😭
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others !
carlossainz55: te quiero, mi vida ❤️ [i love you, my life] 6 years together and a lifetime of you by my side !
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: carlos🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
yourusername: i love you so much🩷 can’t wait to be mrs. sainz 🫶
carlossainz55: oh trust me, i’m already counting down the days !
username: OH WHAT
username: 6 YEARSSSS??
username: so he isn’t dating y/b/f and is engaged to someone else ??
yourbestfriend: yup! i just helped him pick out a couple of extra gifts for her 😁😁 he was nervous af😭
carlossainz55: my fiancée has very particular taste 😌
yourusername: thank you for my new cartier watch and lady dior to match my engagement ring 🥹🥹🤭🤭
username:she’s gorgeous waittt😍😍😍
username: carlos can u fight ??
username: tbh he looked rlly cute w the other girl ://
username: omg i thought i was the only one !
landonorris: happy for u guys or whatever but do u still have left over food?? y/n’s cooking is phenomenal
yourusername: unfortunately there is not, but i promise to cook for u next time i visit 🥹
carlossainz55: u don’t deserve her cooking.
charles_leclerc: congratulations, mate! about time 😂 liked by carlossainz55 !
alexandrasaintmleux: omg 🥹congratulations! sososo happy for you guys 🫶🫶
yourusername: get ready for bridesmaid dresses 🤭
carlossainz55: we already started wedding planning if u can’t tell ( we need help w flowers ) 😁😁😁😁😁
alexandrasaintmleux: oh of course i’ll help 😌
username: 55 girlies we lost 💔
username: they’re cute asf but he looked good w y/b/f too😭😭
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and others !
carlossainz55: vacations with my fiancée☀️☀️
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: always spoiling me 🥹 tq👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 [ily]
carlossainz55: the best for my best girl , tq❤️
yourusername: that’s MY man btw. MY man. liked by carlossainz55 !
yourbestfriend: pls stop saying i look good w carlos guys he is gross and y/n punches me w every comment 🤕🤕🤕
carlossainz55: i’m not that bad cmon
yourusername: she just hates men ur so cool babe
username:omg she’s gorgeous
username: carlos won the lottery fr
username: the second picture i’m 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
username: she saw y’all’s comments and got jealous 😭😭she’s so me bc if i was dating carlos i’d make sure ppl know he’s my man
yourusername: exactly. MY fiancée
username: so true bestie
username: he got her not just a regular lady dior but a himalaya crocodile lady dior???😫😫😫😫
username: i’m so sick i love them sm already
maxverstappen1: when will u buy me a lady dior 😔😔😔
carlossainz55: you can buy yourself one
maxverstappen1: so can she !
carlossainz55: she’s my fiancée it’s different 🙄🙄🙄🙄
maxverstappen1: i was there first 😒😒
username: 😍😍😍
username: ferrari rlly has the best wags
username: my parents already, i love them 🥹
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[ caption 1; MY man🤭 ] [ caption 2; 🤍🤍 ]
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csainzoperator · 7 months
yummy: LN4 ☆
summary: y/n is a chef in the mclaren hospitality who is famous for her fabulous recipies. everyone is head over heels for her recipies, and a certain someone is most definitely more than head over heels. but not just for the food.
(lando norris x fem!reader)
read more under the cut!
itsmey/n has posted!
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another day at work! for the british gp, their special "sticky toffee pudding" was a success :)
tagged: landonorris and oscarpiastri
liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, lewishamilton and 76,123 others.
landonorris it was so yum (she fed us the so called desert forcefully after giving us a 4 course meal)
- oscarpiastri you're such an ungrateful brat. it was great, bestie itsmey/n
- itsmey/n thank you pastry, and lando...i might leave you to starve to death.
lewishamilton i would kill for a pudding rn! you should drop by merc hospitality y/n!
- mclaren look at you trying to steal our goddamn chef....
f1wagsss oh my god you're so pretty
landonorris has posted!
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P2 AT HOME RACE BABY!! so proud of the team to be finishing at P2 and P4. also special thanks to y/n for feeding us well :)
tagged: oscar piastri and itsmey/n
liked by georgerussell63, carlossainz55, itsmey/n and 872,182,283 others.
landonorizz are we gonn ignore the fact that y/n just made it to a lando post???
itsmey/n its literally my job tho...?
- oscarpiastri some people are bad at their job. he's appreciating you for being good. (lando you fr have no rizz man)
carlaando lando are you trynna make a move GN
(time skip!)
it was the hungarian gp. you were in the mclaren hospitality. the mclaren kitchen was quite big, and your co-workers were extremely sweet. you mainly cooked for the drivers and mechanics, while guiding the others. you were tasting a dish when you feel a presence behind you. you immediately recognise who it is.
"what is it now, lando?" you ask with a knowing smile on your face. he sits down on the counter beside you and watches you as you work. "i was wondering if you would like to, maybe, just maybe, come outside with me and sit down and talk and get some food you know?" he blabbers
"are you asking me out on a date?" you tease him. "well, yeah. only if you want it to be. its okay if you say no" he says with a sad smile on his face. you cup his face with one of your hands and give his cheeks a squeeze. "ofcourse i'll come, dumbass. now shoo, let me work. you're too distracting"
the smug smile he has on his face makes you blush. "so i am distracting huh? what else am i? you can give me details when we go on that date" he winks at you and walks off. you just simply shake your head in amusement.
the date goes well. to be honest, more than well. you both have the most fun ever. lando is everything that you craved. he was the sweetest boy. day by day, meal by meal, both of you started talking more, discovering each other. one fine night, in his apartment in london, where you taught him how to bake his favourite cake, he surprises you by asking you to be his girlfriend. you say yes without hesitation. you knew he wasn't going to play around with your heart.
it was the brazilian gp. lando had placed P2 again! you were the proudest girlfriend to exist, and the happiest. you were just so incredibly proud as he was doing so good this year.
itsmey/n has posted!
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brazil you were brilliiianttt <3 liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, landonorris and 92,233 others.
oscarpiastri yuck i hate being around the hospitality now.
landonorris 🌟
- leclercvc oh. my. god. guys. i think its lando and y/n.
f1gosssip apparently some people saw looking for his "girlfriend" after the race, and some people even saw him kissing a girl in the mclaren garage! we hope its y/n 😫
landonorris has posted!
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brazil with bae. thank you team for making the P2 happen! more to come.
p.s i don't believe in soft launches. she let me hard launch after 8 races 🖐🏼
tagged: itsmey/n and mclaren
liked by mclaren, itsmey/n, charles_leclerc and 827,123,12 others.
oscarpiastri GAG
carlandooo MAMA Y PAPA
carlossainz55 finally mate! congrats :)
maxverstappen1 lando isn't a kid anymore
f1wags OFFICIALLY OUR FAV WAG (with lily obv)
itsmey/n i love you, baby! super proud <3
- landonorris i love YOU. so much. so much.
the end ♡
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theyluvkarolina · 5 months
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` he saved my goldfish from a burning house. trust. ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Sometimes love makes you act stupid. luckily, the f1 community has Logan’s back to help him with his crush.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ Logan Sargent x Supermodel!Reader
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌 ୨୧ some photos are of the beautiful madison beer!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ none!
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therealyn_ln I’m so honored to be a part of Williams this race! Looking forward to more in the future! 🫶🩵
username1 wtf bro she's stunning 😭
username2 they could have picked someone actually important but noooo they chose some model 🙄
username3 I can’t be the only one that saw how mesmerized Logan was looking at her...
williamsracing So happy to have you! You're welcoming anytime!
*liked by therealyn_ln!*
logansargeant happy to have you join us! come back anytime, I'll be happy to show you around Miami! 🙂
→ username4 LOGAN SHOOTING HIS SHOT??? → username5 bro sounds too proper 💀 → username6 I know he was shaking while typing that → therealyn_ln is that an offer or a promise? → logansargeant why not both?
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therealyn_ln has added a new story!
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📍 miami, florida, usa
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therealyn_ln It’s fun having your personal tour guide :)
username7 WHO IS THAT MAN???
username8 we lost her guys 😔😔
username9 logan and y/n collaboration????
logansargeant should have used sunscreen
→ therealy/n_ln hey, it’s not my fault the nyc weather got to me :((
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therealyn_ln back to the paddock! 🏁 as logan promised, I was in fact shown around the miami track! (ps. I took his sunscreen advice!)
tagged ; logansargeant
username10 they are so sweet :((
username11 pls tell me they will date
logansargeant glad you learned from the original florida man
→ therealyn_ln correction, florida BOY → logansargeant rude 🤕
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logansargeant Not the result we wanted.. but we will bounce back! 👊 Thank you to all the fans for the constant support!
tagged ; therealyn_ln
username12 “fans” it’s just y/n lol
therealyn_ln i thought we talked about using these kinds of photos bestie logan…
→ logansargeant never call me that again… → therealyn_ln can’t make any guarentees 🙃
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therealyn_ln pasta night was a flop… so we got chick-fil-a!
tagged ; logansargeant
landonorris @therealyn_ln logan let Max win the season, trust 🙏🙏
→ logansargeant i did??
username13 @therealyn_ln he saved my goldfish from a burning house. trust. 🙏
username14 @therealyn_ln logan saved my family from an airplane crash, trust me fr 🙏
oscarpiastri @therealyn_ln logan gave america it’s first f1 points in 30 years, he’s that good 🙏
→ logansargeant not you too oscar pastry 😞 → oscarpiastri i take that back, you killed my koala 👎 → username15 HELLO????
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therealyn_ln guys, logan stole my heart and still hasn’t given it back 😞
tagged ; logansargeant
oscarpiastri thank god, i had enough of logan’s fan girling every day
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AUTHORS NOTE : first post ✔️ thank you sm for reading! Definitely not my best, but not bad for my first post! always hoping to improve :)
also, sorry about all the spelling mistakes! i really need to improve on them 😅
have a wonderful day lovelies 🩶
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diordeer · 5 months
“And I've been waiting for you all this time, I adore you, can't you see, you're meant for me, summer's hot but I've been cold without you” - lana del rey (smau)
contains: charlie bushell x fem!reader, the reader was meant to be coquette-ish but i kind of lost the plot i mean shes IS but not TOTALLY if that makes sense, super sorry!!
description: my bsf from like 6 years ago sent me a LETTER?! (she moved away) and we are officially letter buddies but now i am literally a little medieval girl, tumblr is my only social media and dont watch the news, now im sending letters
requested by: @tomblythsslut (i love ur username)
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Liked by walker.scobell, aryansimhadri and others
iamcharliebushnell this girl has my in multiple cafes daily this is not good for my health
View all comments.
↳ user2 people on here are crazy… someone has to be able to find her
user3 another one gone 😞
walker.scobell WHAT DID I MISS
↳ iamcharliebushnell a lot apparently
user4 this is so cute where do i get a bf who posts me and wears an ‘i love my gf’ t shirt
↳ user5 life has its favourites truly
leahsavajeffries have u seen priscilla recently?
↳ iamcharliebushnell yh why?
↳ leahsavajeffries oh nothing! 😊
↳ aryansimhadri what are you up to leah…
user6 OMG
user7 do u guys reckon leah knows who it is?
↳ user6 im soo curious omg!
↳ andrewalvarez can confirm… none of us know
↳ user7 WHAT!
user10 softest soft launch
yn.ln no way he has a gf now!!
↳ iamcharliebushnell taken sorry guys!
↳ user4 😖😖😖
user8 betrayed the fandom in the show, and betrayed us in real life 💔
↳ user9 girl u thought u had a chance 💀
↳ user8 omgg! I was joking be so fr
yn.ln just posted on their story
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Seen by leahsavajeffries, iamcharliebushnell and others
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Liked by leahsavajeffries, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln life lately <3
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↳ user2 and leah commented!! Oh shes so dating charlie
user3 cafe? curly hair? flowers? this is charlie!!!
leahsavajeffries i see u 👀
↳ user4 LMAO
user4 her account is so pretty tho omg
user5 girl really does have him at a cafe daily
user6 lets be so fr shes defo dating him for fame 💀
↳ user5 or maybe two people like eachover who arent doing the same jobs god forbid?
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Liked by iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell and others
yn.ln you caught me… im dating him for fame
tagged iamcharliebushnell
View all comments.
user1 OMGG OMG
user2 the second pic !!
↳ user1 they are adorable!!!!!
user3 guys she was in his comment section this whole time 💀
leahsavajeffries i think i should become a detective
↳ yn.ln im actually so scared of you i hope you know that
↳ leahsavajeffries 😘
dior.n.goodjohn we need to meet!
↳ yn.ln omg bet
↳ user5 oh to have someone kiss me in the snow
user6 gal shut them down
walker.scobell 🫢🫢🫢
↳ user7 my exact reaction
aryansimhadri awww
iamcharliebushnell ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
↳ yn.ln love u 😘😘
user8 the bows, the coats, the flowers, shes everything!!
taglist: @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @highfidelities
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