#keep joking about me being your gf like i won’t get on me knees immediately i will FUCK YOU
bornafter1993 · 2 years
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averyonelovesjack · 7 years
see you soon ~ zach herron
requested: yes
Heya there! So you know, due to the recent events and like school shootings and stuff, I was just wondering if you could like write an imagine where the reader is like zach’s gf and they’re doing long distance but then her school goes into a lockdown with like an active shooter on campus and she gets really scared and starts texting zach in case she doesn’t make it out alive or something? I totally get it if you don’t like writing about this topic, it was just a thought. your writing is just wow
summary: y/n faces a tragic event while attending school and her emotions lead her to question her last meeting with her boyfriend. 
warning(s): mentions of gunshots, a school shooting, slight mentions of death
word count: 1900
author’s note: ok, wow. this was a difficult topic to write about because it is such an important one and it is a very new and fresh (not that it didn’t occur prior to the unfortunate events at Parkland) event, along with the rally of activism surrounding it. however, it is a story that i enjoyed writing because it got me into a state where i felt a lot of emotions and i was very aware of everything around me. this was hard for me to write, but i think that as an advocate for gun control and someone who has participated in the national walkouts and will continue to, it was life changing to think about the situation you would be in as someone inside a campus locked down by a school shooting. 
disclaimer: i am not a victim of gun violence on school campuses. i do not know a victim of gun violence on school campuses. i am a student and i used research and the powerful words of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to write this story. please do not take my fictional story as fact of what goes through someone’s mind in a situation like this, as i do not have proof of any one’s personal thoughts during something like this. it is fictional. everyone faces tragedies differently and have different reactions and coping strategies.
thump. thump. thump. thump. 
the sound of my heart pounded against my chest and a lump formed in the back of my throat, my back sore from the hard, cement wall that we were forced up against. a drop of sweat trickled down my cheek; or maybe that was a tear, at this point there was no way of telling.
this morning was a regular morning. i woke up ten minutes late and my dad yelled at me to hurry up. i ate breakfast in the car, which consisted of half a granola bar before i hurriedly said goodbye to my dad and left the car, slamming the door much harder than i should have. i then walked to my first period class, spanish and found my friends waiting outside. 
it was a normal morning. 
Small giggles left my mouth as Zach laced his hand into mine. Despite the fact that his plane would take off in only about two hours, Zach and I walked slowly and took our time in each other’s presence. Rather than standing in the airport, sobbing about how it might be another few months before we can see each other in person again, zach and i laughed and joked and smiled. We smiled a lot. It was a nice day out and we were happy, because we were together. Even if today was the day my boyfriend had to fly back out to California, we were very happy. 
Our feet stopped as we made it to the check-in of the airport, Zach looping each of his pinkies with mine, swinging our arms around gently, “I’ll call you when I land, kay?” 
My throat was slightly sore as i tried to prevent a tear from falling; that wasn’t what this was about, this was about saying goodbye for now. it’s not going to be too long, we always made sure of that, “please. i love you a lot,” 
“yeah, yeah i love you too weirdo,” Zach played, smiling at me still while we stood in the middle of the airport. 
“see you in a few months?” i question. 
“i’ll see you tonight,” Zach reminded me of our skype date that was pre-planned. 
“you know what i mean,” I playfully roll my eyes, exhausted of having to say goodbye so often.
“it won’t be that long this time, i promise,” He swore, “we’ll see each other again sooner than you know it. I love you,” 
“i love you too,” I press my forehead against his, “have a safe flight,” 
“i’ll see you soon, gorgeous,” he pressed his lips against my softly and when we separated, i felt a part of my heart tug a little too hard. 
“see you soon, handsome,” I replied and watched as he separated our hands, pulling his suitcases towards the line and getting on it while i stood a good distance away. He looked back at me, blowing a kiss as i pretended to catch it, the two of us laughing to ourselves. I watched as he left the line a few minutes later and then I watched his body shrink in size, his distance from me increasing.
little gasps left the mouths of each student crouched beside me as the sound of one gunshot sounded through the hallway. i closed my eyes, tucking my head into my knees and covering my ears to prevent the scary sounds from implanting in my brain.
with each passing second, i remembered the last encounter i’d had with each important person in my life. the screamed ‘goodbye, i love you’ to my mom as i ran down the stairs, the slammed door that covered the goodbye to my dad, the goodnight i’d said to my little brother last night, and the goodbye i gave last night to Zach over facetime. And prior to that, the goodbye I said last month at the airport when he had to fly home. 
I felt another tear slip down my face as I thought about it, the see you soon coming into question. in any given moment, someone could come through that door and deem me a liar.
I pulled my phone from my pocket, a sob escaping my mouth as I heard the sounds of other concerned classmates increase, sobs leaving each and every mouth. Everything about this moment wasn’t okay. I came to school this morning, dreading it as always, and now i am questioning if i am ever going to leave this school at all. Nothing about this is okay. 
I glanced at my phone, my eyesight blurred with salty tears as i opened imessage. A tear fell onto my phone, making it difficult and slippery to type. I ran my finger under my eye, trying to avoid another situation like this as I typed out the words rapidly.
zach i love you so much. i love you more than words and i wanted to spend every day of my life with you. i want to spend every day of my life with you. i hate living so far away and i hate saying see you soon because what if i don’t zach? i want to see you every minute of everyday so i don’t ever have to say see you soon again.
i pressed send, my breathing getting shaky . another gunshot went off, this one in the distance as each person in the room let out another hard gasp and sob. the girl beside me was no one i was close with, but in this moment, we looked at each other and she took a hold of my hand. i gave her a weak nod of my head, squeezing her hand with the very minimal power i still possessed. 
beside me, she mumbled. mumbled words that i couldn’t tell if they were to me or to herself, “we’re gonna be ok,” i made out, “it’s gonna be ok,” 
we’re gonna be ok, i thought, it’s gonna be ok. 
I turned on my phone to check the message, still breathing heavily as my heart thumped against my flesh. it felt as if the muscles and tissue surrounding my heart were weakening with every beat and soon enough, my heart was going to beat so hard that it ripped through my chest and killed me before any bullet could.
zach had replied; 
y/n, i love you with everything in me. stop saying that we won’t see each other again, i mean it. i will do everything in my power to see you again. where are you? have the police come in yet?
I let out a soft sob that i covered with my mouth before i replied.
i’m still in my classroom. no one has come in. there have been two shots.
I watched the three dots appear right away and Zach answered my texts immediately.
stay where you are unless the shooter comes in, y/n. you are going to be ok. it’s all going to be ok, keep telling yourself that.
zach i’m scared. 
i know, baby. i’m scared too. but i love you very much and i believe that it’s too soon. you can’t leave me yet and i’ll be sure that it’s not time.
the time pasted slowly and my legs were numb. i couldn’t feel my face, the water damage from the tears sinking in and making it impossible to feel or see anything. everything was swollen as we all sat against the cold wall for the second hour. there hadn’t been a gunshot since the second, but my stomach pained at the thought that there could be a third. a third bullet, a third person, a third injury. 
boom. boom. boom.
loud noises came from outside the hallway and i squeezed the hand of the girl beside me, although i wasn’t sure that she could feel it. everyone closed their eyes, shielding away from the door as if that would prevent us from being injured.
as the door opened widely, it’s contents slamming against the floor, we heard the loud and clear voice, “THIS IS STATE POLICE,”
A louder sob escaped my mouth as i opened my eyes, watching the several officers enter the room and begin to help people up. We all stood up, nearly collapsing on top of each other as we began to file out of the room. There was not a single dry eye in the room, not a single unemotional person, and not a single person left without scars. 
For the rest of my life, I would have to live with this event, with this terror and this pain. I might hear something pop inside the microwave and go back to that first bullet. I might come back to school and hear the morning announcements and collapse against the floor, believing it was a lock down to protect us from the danger that lurked the halls. 
The fresh air hit my soaked face as all of the students began to sprint; not run and not jog, sprint towards the large group of concerned parents. a few cheers and roars came from the crowded front lawn of the school as students ran out and attempted to find their parents, and my reaction didn’t differ from theirs. 
i sprinted faster, my legs suddenly gaining an insane amount of power as i moved faster than ever before, seeing my little brother’s backpack as he was turned to face my parents. i got closer and closer, pulling his body into mine, scaring him gently and then feeling his warm welcome. 
besides me, i felt more arms and i recognized the scents of both my parents who wrapped their arms around my body. tears escaped from the eyes of each member of my family as we enclosed around each other, scarred from this experience.
my body collapsed into my mother’s arms as i pulled out my phone, very quickly dialing the number that i had memorized like it was the most important subject on a quiz. 
ring. ring. 
two rings came and then i heard zach’s frantic voice, “y/n, are you alright?” 
“I’m out, Zach. I’m ok,” I cry into the phone, wiping a tear from my eye as I sobbed at the sound of his voice again, “they came and they got us and i’m out of the school. i’m ok,” 
“I love you so so much, y/n,” Zach said first, before quickly stating, “i bought a ticket, y/n, i’m at the airport now. I’m on my way to your city. I’ll be there in three hours,”
“Zach, i love you, you don’t have to,”
“Y/n, when something like this happens, I can’t stay this far away from you and comfort you from a distance. I’m going to come and see you and i’m going to be with you and i’m not leaving until we’re both ready,” He states, “You could have died today, y/n, and I would’ve been here in LA. I’m not ready to lose you and I can’t stay here until I know you’re ok,” 
“i love you a lot,” 
“i love you too, baby,” He told me and I could hear him moving through the airport, “i’m going to board the plane in a minute, y/n. I’ll be there in three hours. I’ll see you soon, gorgeous,” 
A small smile peered through my tears, “yeah, i’ll see you soon, handsome,” 
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randomprose · 7 years
How do you think Sakura & Sasuke from SA would act like when they're a couple at a theme park like Six Flags? I went last weekend for the 1st time & this one couple kept showing up @ the same rides as us. The girl kept saying she was brave enough to ride the front car & then once the "click" of the bar sounded she'd whisper "I immediately regret the decision that led me to this point". The guy just would shade her in line with his body/make jokes @ the photos taken of his friend during rides.
Sorry but I couldn’t fit my whole message! But that couple just kept reminding me of Sakura and Sasuke from your fic. The bf kept being snarky in a joking way and the gf was quirky with her “I can handle any ride but maybe not” attitude. Plus their friend was basically the equivalent of how Naruto is with ramen but with orange chicken from Panda Express.
anon, you don’t know how happy you made me for thinking about my silly little fic while you’re in Six Flags (i mean. you’re in Six Flags!! seriously. are you kidding me?? aahhh!!)
so, here. have a fic of how I think SS will be like in an amusement park ft. Naruto.
(also, check out my other Strange Attractions outtakes)
“We don’t have to ride itif you don’t want to, Sakura.”
“Shut up! Who said I’m toochicken shit for this? I can fucking ride it just fine!”
“I didn’t say you weretoo—oh, for fucks sakes.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes asSakura left to line up on the biggest roller coaster at The Hidden Leaf AmusementPark. The line was long and the heat is unbearable and Sasuke is regrettingever suggesting going in this godforsaken place for Sakura’s birthday in thefirst place.
The decision was somethingsimple enough—and incredibly stupid now that Sasuke looks back on it—when he remembereda conversation where Sakura mentioned in passing that she’s never been to anamusement park before. Like, what normal young adult has never even been on acarousel ride before? And Sakura always thought Sasuke’s childhood was sad.
So, when March 28throlled in, Sasuke marched himself at Sakura’s apartment at the ungodly hour of7am, brandished two tickets to THLAP and told her to “Get dressed. I’m givingyou the best gift in the history of humankind.”
Sakura, glaring up at himbleary eyed and with an impressive bed hair in tattered pajamas, croaked out,“And what the hell would that be?”
“A fucking childhood.”
Right as they were walkingto Sasuke’s car Naruto came bounding up the lobby and when he heard it wasSakura’s birthday and they were going to the park insisted he come alongbecause “Two is hardly enough for a birthday bash but three is a party!”despite Sasuke’s glare and his dark mumble of “No, three is a fucking crowd.”
And so here they are, inline at the biggest and scariest ride in the park, The Hokage. It has threegigantic loops, a zigzagging trail with a 98% chance of the riders gettingflung off the ride, three twisted rails guaranteed to make you fear for yourlife and make it flash right before your very eyes as you plunge to your deathof a 500 feet vertical drop with a speed of 250km per hour in four seconds. Thefirst time Sasuke rode it was the day he felt what real unadulterated fear wasand was the loudest and longest he’s ever screamed in his life.
Sakura is practicallyvibrating beside him. He’s not sure if it’s the nerves or she’s finallyrealized she doesn’t want to actually live anymore and is excited to cross theafterlife. The bright look on her face and the nail biting is a great contrast.Then again, the look on her face is just a tad too bright bordering on panic.
And because Sasuke is alittle shit he decides to make things more interesting.
“Can’t be helped then,” hesighs. “Alright, Sakura. Since it’s your birthday I’ll let you hold my hand onthe ride.”
That got her attentionenough to stop biting her nails and turn a glare at Sasuke.
“Excuse me? You’ll let me hold your hand? Oh, gee, Sasuke.How considerate of you. You’re practically a saint. I don’t think I deservesuch generosity.”
“Mm. I know. And because I’mso generous, as an added bonus I won’t even tell anyone you screamed bloodymurder all throughout the ride and begged to get off. Total silence. I swear.”
Sakura’s glare just uppedand if looks could kill Sasuke would be six feet under by now. He keeps himselffrom laughing aloud at the sight.
“Who says I need to holdyour hand? Who says I need to hold anyone’s hand? And hell yeah I’ll scream!But it’ll be because I’m having the time and the thrill of my life!”
“Thrill of your life myass. Look at you. You’re pale, shaking, and you’ve bitten your nails to hell.”
“Shut up, Sasuke! I bet you cried when you first rode this hellcar. Knowing you, maybe even puked your guts out.”
Sasuke gave her an amused lookthat screamed ‘Really? Me?’ before he scoffed, smirking as he rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, you crazy harpy.Offer still stands.” He said placating and in a tone that suggests he’s havingway too much fun at her expense. “I won’t say anything—not even if you cry.”
Sakura’s eyes widened asher nostrils flared. Sasuke had successfully poked the sleeping dragon awake.
“Alright. That’s it. We’reriding at the front fucking car.”
Ten minutes later foundthem at the front of the line but Sakura insisted on going on the next one sothey could sit at the front. The ride operator just looked at them, rolled his eyes,and mumbled “Thrill-seekers” under his breathe but allowed them nonetheless.
When it was their turn,Sakura tugged at Sasuke’s wrist and hurriedly got on. The operator rambled onthe usual safety precautions but it all went over her head as she stared downat The Hokage’s trail and it became clear to her that this is how she’s goingto die.
“I’m regretting any and alldecisions I have made in my life that led me to this point.”
“You can still hold my handif you want.”
“Shut up, Sasuke! Youstupid—“ was the last words she said before it morphed into the shrillest andmost blood curdling scream Sasuke has ever heard.
Naruto found them slumpedon a bench half an hour later.
Well, Sasuke was slumpedbent over his knees. Sakura was happily munching on cotton candy and sippingcola.
“Where the fuck were you?”Sasuke said as soon as Naruto came bounding up to them.
“Gorging myself with thegenius creation that’s fried ramen.” He turned to Sakura who offered him someof her cotton candy. “Fried fucking ramen,Sakura! Can you fucking believe it?! Ramen you can actually eat while walkingwithout worrying about spilling broth! What a time to be alive!”
“Carnival food sure is…interesting,huh?”
“You bet!”
“Interestingly disgusting.”
“Shut up, Sasuke.” Narutosaid whilst cramming more cotton candy in his mouth. “Yo, what did you guys dowhile I was away? Let’s head towards the games sections next.”
“We went to ride TheHokage. It was the most thrill I’ve ever had in my life. I screamed a lot.” Sakurasaid as they walked towards the game stands. Sasuke muttered “Yeah you did” andSakura elbowed him lightly on the ribs. “Sasuke let me hold his hand because he’s so nice. I thought I was gonna die.It was awesome.”
“Right?! Oh, man that’s myfavorite ride ever!” He took another pinch at Sakura’s cotton candy. “Wait.Sasuke let you hold his hand or you lethim hold your hand?”
Sakura laughed and Narutoleaped out of the way as Sasuke attempted to swipe at him.
“Say, did you know? Sasukepuked and cried the first time we rode The Hokage. Man, that day is still oneof the best days of my life.”
There was a pause in whichthey all stopped walking, Naruto a few paces ahead, before Sakura turnedgleeful maniacal eyes at Sasuke and Sasuke turned to Naruto with a look ofmurder.
“I fucking knew it!”
“Naruto, you’re dead!”
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