#guy lafitte
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jazzplusplus · 8 months ago
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1991 - Jazz sur son 31 - Autour de Mingus - Toulouse (and surrounding towns)
Aldo Romano, Betty Carter, Irakere, Jack DeJohnette Special Edition, Mingus Epitaph, Big Band 31, Herbie Hancock & Wayne Shorter Quartet, Lou Bennett trio, Guy Lafitte Quartet, ...
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ozkar-krapo · 2 years ago
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(7". Le Club Français Du Disque. 1957?) [US]
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morganaconda · 1 year ago
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omgitskaii · 2 days ago
love that y’all liked the hc’s so i’ll bring some more to the table:
sam sometimes ask castiel to check if his soul is intact; no matter how many times cas assures him it’s there, sam always doubts himself
cas gets phantom pain on his shoulder blades from his wings
when dean has nightmares, he often gets violent with himself or things around him; there’s occasions he’s woken up with deep scratches on his arms or his fingernails stubbed and bloody from abuse to his wall. he tries to hide them when he wakes up.
dean sometimes flinches whenever cas raises an arm to him. he tries to play it off when it happens, but cas will always notice and assure him with a gentle touch afterwards.
when dean was still hosting michael in his head, whenever he’d fall asleep, dean would unintentionally visit him in the bar. michael would taunt him through the door, so often that dean has come to believe some of the stuff he said. he doesn’t tell anyone.
there’s a pillow in the library dedicated to sam for whenever he falls asleep/passes out reading lore books or cataloging
dean will get someone else to hand him painkillers, saying he’s too lazy to get them himself. but it’s really because he doesn’t trust himself.
cas will intentionally seem “dense” just to make dean laugh and does it mostly to fuck with sam.
sam and dean will play mystery puzzle games together to try to do “normal things,” but both of them will just apply hunters lore to it, which makes the game 10x more complicated, and then both give up.
it’s a habit he picked up when he was a kid hunting with john, but dean will still try to hide his injuries no matter how bad they are. it’s gotten him into trouble on multiple occasions.
sam bites his nails when he’s nervous or stressed out.
sam keeps an old jacket that dean gave him once when he was a kid that was way too big for him, even in his teens. it was a ratty thing from the thrift store and dean picked it out for him because he was too cold in the motel their dad set them up in. sam still wears it sometimes. it finally fits now that he’s older.
dean is soft on jack and claire because he sees himself in them, but deep down it’s also to reconcile how he first failed ben. he thinks of him sometimes, and on one occasion has sent him an anonymous birthday card. he believes he’s not father material and wasn’t made for it, no matter how badly he wants it.
dean has turned tricks in order to fend for him and sam when he was young. he’s never told sam.
cas makes rounds in the bunker to make sure both brothers are safely asleep
sam hates needles
dean has spent a lot of his time alone studying spell books to find some way to safely see cas’ true form, or some extension of it. later on, when he finds a way to make it possible, assures rowena with a quick text that he knows what fifth base is now.
sam and cas make an effort to hang out one on one. they go out for coffees sometimes when dean is off on a solo hunt, trade notes on different pieces of history and lore, or they’ll watch lengthy documentaries together.
dean goes to visit bennys grave in louisiana
whenever cas is pissed off he’ll mutter things in enochian
both dean and rowena actually do make an effort to be friends. they both just pretend to be insufferable for the sake of appearances, even though they did initially hate eachother. they’ll occasionally meet up for drinks, and rowena calls it ‘girls night’ despite deans annoyance.
cas gets pissed (and/or jealous) whenever someone touches deans shoulder
sam will sometimes jump on dean on the couch or throw shit at him when he’s relaxing in his room to piss him off, because he’s an annoying little brother. in older sibling fashion, dean will always chase him around the bunker at least once when he gets fed up before inevitably giving up to grab a drink or when cas yells at them for being idiots
dean lets jack, claire, and cas put on their own music in the impala. sam is furious about it when he finds out, but also secretly happy for him knowing how personal that actually is for his brother.
they used to do this when they were little, but sam and dean will still share clothes sometimes, even though they are sometimes too big/small. dean will lend cas his clothes too. it’s more of a comfort thing.
dean buys fidget toys for sam. sam has a collection of fidget spinners in almost every room in the bunker and multiple laying around in the impala for when they have to do stakeouts.
selectively mute dean. there are times where dean will go a few days without talking, usually due to rough nightmares or hunts gone wrong. he’s tired of taking his anger out on people, so he keeps to himself.
cas has robotically perfect handwriting, even when he needs to write something down quickly
dean likes to sing when he’s alone and he’s very good at it, but will purposefully sing off key when anyone comes in. he’ll usually sing whenever he’s cooking or working on baby, using his tools or utensils as a microphone.
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castielsprostate · 10 months ago
garthbenny wedding in the forks, Washington forest with all of their friends and family. the gay love radiating from them standing at the alter saying their vows blows up dean winchester, their "i do" zaps sam out of existence, and their kiss sends castiel back into superhell. they go on their beautiful, way too expensive but paid for with charlie's creditcard honeymoon and grow old together happily, comfortably, and live the absolute best monsterfucker life. they have at least 5 kids btw and they all popped out of benny magically, and garth bakes on the weekends, and beth watches the kids so they can go on date-nights, and their gay love protects the world from evil
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salted-snailz · 2 months ago
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crow-enthusiast · 11 months ago
in bennys words “what happens in purgatory stays in purgatory”
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starsifter · 5 months ago
Still watching supernatural. Onto season 9. Made this thing or whatever.
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soullessjack · 7 months ago
just had the most beautiful mind blowing epiphany that Benny and Gambit would be best friends . and Logan would shrivel up at the thought of another Cajun
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morallygreyintrovert · 10 months ago
Wow another category 5 supernatural event has just occurred. Taking the total to 2 in the last 2 weeks alone… 4 years after the show ended.
The gays 2 - 0 Cw
P.a Dean was right, werepires do exist.
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cassandrablah · 10 months ago
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Insert homoerotic vampire and werewolf here (they can’t keep getting away with this)
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jazzplusplus · 11 months ago
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1966 - Guy Lafitte - publicité pour Selmer
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mrs-bluemarine · 4 months ago
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bennyisjustafunkylildude · 2 years ago
guys you dont understand my love for Benny, I was just WAITING every episode after season 8 for him to come back, i just wanted my queer vampire pirate with a nice accent to come back AND HE NEVER DID AND I CANT GET OVER IT
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fallenangelblade · 10 months ago
damn dean, you just let your new boy best friend into your body so his soul could ride you out of purgatory?
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hauntingblue · 6 months ago
Jaya time
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I love these moments of nearly cosmic horror when they encounter inexplicable things (at first) they are so intriguing
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Is strawhat here?! *Megan thee stallion saying AAH 😜*
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This cover just goes hard... Get it chopper
#usopp and luffy wanting to go to skypiea and nami only gets it going when luffy says she won't do it cause she can't... now it's personal#robin getting nami an eternal pose..... yeah exactly#luffy eating takoyaki immediately after he finds an octopus... sanjis speed is no joke#THE FUCKING GUY SHOOTING THE SEAGULL IS THE ONE IN BLACKBEARDS CREW!!!! DAMN#dying swiftly or not is result of your actions??? i guess man whatever#FUCKING BURGESS TOO!!! and the fucking transing your gender virus maker.... here luffy doesnt explode!!!#teach and luffy having complete opposite opinions on everything.... having bad vibes immediately.... incredible its like luffy knew#luffy doesnt fight bellamy bc he isnt worth the fight sinply bc they have different ideals... yeah.. also emerald city when#the pirates that do it for the money and the pirates that do it for their dreams... which is weird bc luffys foil (?) is blackbeard#also a d also a pirate with dreams (the same one even?) but they go about it in two different ways still.... compelling#why dies luffy think about shanks and ace when he hears teach outside the bar i an going insane... why does luffy just stare at him#WHAT ARE YOU THINKING LUFFY!! DOES HE SEE HIM AND SEE COMPETITION??? THATS WHY SHANKS AND ACE TELLING HIM TO BE A GOOD PIRATE??#how do they know about the them. why do they not tell anyone. to this day they havent said A WORD#noland was also from 400 years ago.... we got joyboy noland and toki#also are the next cover stories about ace.... please......... i need to see him#el señor de la noche moment (luffy fighting bellamy) draws near... i am so excited#i love ace being a hobo and just jumping on whatever boat he can find to eat and sleep and nobody refuses bc he's with whitebeard ajdjajkqw#ALSO I MISSED YOU KING!!!! COME BACK TO MEEEE#gorusei kuma and doffy first appearance omg... hello everyone#'if we let redhair act more than its sufficient it could be problematic' does this mean they can control him? shanks sus evidence n.1#'redhair is not one to change the world on his own' is he waiting for luffy??? is that it?? is shanks rogers successor to aid joyboy???#he told something to shanks before dying about laughtale and left that work for him so thats why he went after the one piece right after#joyboy manifested in luffy. thats why he refused so outright to buggy when he proposed to sail together to find it... maybe shanks not evil#lafitte was a cop and is the one to propose blackbeard as shichibukai? for some reason even if he hasnt done anything yet ✍️#whitebeard appearance... loving this in between arc issues even if they are not in between arcs... in between islands arc i guess#see??? why does benn beckman care about what the gov thinks... why would they give af and why would they even think about it#fucking blackbeard was after luffy..... but he 'settled' for ace i am going to be sick#blackbeard should have died when the knock up stream destroyed his ship what happened there....#also i didnt notice cricket smoking so much and trembling akdhsksjk he is hoping he didnt send luffy to die#reading one piece
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