#gurney transportation services
safermedicaltransport · 3 months
Airport Transportation Service - Call Us 714-912-8300
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1-800medivan · 5 days
When it comes to reliable and safe gurney transportation in Leemore, California, 1-800 Medivan stands out as the top choice. Our gurney transportation services are designed to ensure comfort and safety for individuals who need special care during transit. With our experienced team and state-of-the-art equipment, we provide the highest standard of care, making every journey as smooth as possible.
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My Medical Ride Transit Services | Handicapped Transportation Service in San Francisco CA
We are your dependable and trustworthy go-to for Handicapped Transportation Service in San Francisco CA. Our top-of-the-line services are both a luxury and an essential need; we can give you proper value for your money with our promptness and professionalism. We are highly renowned for our Wheelchair Transportation Services in San Francisco CA. With our door-through-door services, we ensure that the comfort and convenience of the passengers are not compromised. Our reputation for excellence extends throughout the industry. So, if you need our professional assistance, you should call us today.
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bekolxeram · 3 months
7x03 analysis part 1 — Everything Air Ops
I promised helicopters, so now we get helicopters. I want to look into how Air Operations work in the 9-1-1 universe, in comparison to its real life counterpart in this first part. Then, I will try to figure out the location and intensity of "hurricane Ethel" during the clandestine operation in the second part. And finally, I will prove how risky it is to fly a helicopter into a storm and why Tommy deserves every bit of his Medal of Valor.
Real!LAFD Air Ops operate (Station 114) out of Van Nuys Airport (VNY/KVNY). It's not only one the busiest general aviation airports in the world, it's also smack dab in between major green areas of the city of LA itself.
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This location makes perfect sense in real life. Air Ops might get the occasional highway car wreck or urban structural fire calls, but most of their missions still consist of wildfire suppression and rural search and rescue. Being based at Van Nuys makes sure they can respond to emergency in a timely fashion.
in the 9-1-1 universe, the LAFD Air Ops are based at "Harbor Station", or Station 217. (Harbor and 217 are the same station, Chimney especially asked if Tommy was still at the 217 in 2x14 when requesting air support, unless the 911-verse LAFD has 2 different air operation units, which I highly doubt.) Obviously it has to be at an airport, because that's where the hangers and helipads are, and going by "harbor" I can only speculate that it's in the Harbor Region of LA.
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The only non-military airport in the LA Harbor Region is Long Beach Airport (LGB/KLGB), but it's quite a busy commercial airport, probably not a good one to run emergency services from. There's also the Zamperini Field (TOA/KTOA) nearby in Torrance, although not exactly inside the Harbor Region, it's coastal and close enough to the 2 LA ports I guess? Feel free to create a whole new airport using your imagination though, as you know 9-1-1 is set in an alternate universe where geography and physics work differently.
The LAFD Air Ops have 5 medium (FIRE 1-5) and 2 light duty (FIRE 6/7) helicopters, you've heard Tommy in 7x04. Everything applies to the real world counterpart, but the medium type that real!Air Ops operate is AgustaWestland AW139, the Italian-made medium sized twin-engine helicopter with a 5-blade main rotor primed for emergency response and off-shore oil rig transportation.
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It has auto-pilot, an anti-icing system for harsh weather and even auto-hover suitable for hoist rescue missions. In a passenger transport configuration, it can carry up to 15 passengers in a 3 row seating plan. In an SAR (search and rescue) configuration though, the middle row can be removed for gurney space. It's big and powerful enough to transport multiple patients, but at the same time, light and agile enough to get into difficult terrain.
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The AW139 is designed to be flown by 2 pilots, flying solo is also possible, but only under VFR (Visual Flight Rules), with an additional certification, which LAFD pilots can and do. To fly it under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules), it always requires 2 pilots according to the FAA last time I checked.
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The light helicopter type real!LAFD flies is the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X, a single engine twin-blade made in Canada. It's an relatively new airframe, set to replace the aging Bell 206, which the LAFD used to operate. It's quite a bit smaller than the AW139, it can only fit 1 pilot and 4 passengers.
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While it's perfectly capable of carrying a Bambi bucket to assist with aerial firefighting missions, it's mainly used as a training aircraft for new pilots and HLCO (Helicopter Coordinator) when there is a major catastrophe that requires on-the-site air traffic coordination.
These are all brand new and sophisticated aircrafts that a mere TV channel can't get their hands on without a government budget. So for 911!LAFD Air Ops, ABC went to their usual helicopter service company for prop aircrafts.
Helinet Aviation provides all sorts of helicopter services from aerial journalism, medevac, delivery to regular chartering. All the 911!Air Ops scenes in 7x03 and 7x04 are naturally filmed in the Helinet hanger, for convenience's sake, at VNY, just a runway across from real!Air Ops.
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911!Air Ops
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Helinet hangar Street View
I believe I've identified all the helicopters shown in 7x03 and 7x04, but let's get the 2 in the background which probably do not belong to 911!Air Ops out of the way:
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N72EH, a Sikorsky S76C++, still in its Boston MedFlight livery. Sold to Helinet in 2022, possible used as a medevac vehicle currently? Unlikely to have anything to do with 911!Air Ops, probably just happened to be in the background to make it seem like there were many helicopters.
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The one Tommy flies Eddit to Vegas in is N67TV, an Eurocopter AS350B2 Écureuil (aka squirrel). No fire department would ever let employees take their expensive equipment out for a joy ride so it's likely that in universe, Tommy rented it from somewhere outside of the station. IRL though, according to this forum post, it's used as a backup helicopter for all its customer news stations, but also any TV or film production purposes outside of journalism.
Now, for the one seen in the hangar, therefore explicitly belonging to 911!LAFD:
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N29HD, also an AS350B2, also a news helicopter. According to this reddit comment, it used to be shared between CBS and FOX, but now it seems to be configured as a dedicated aircraft for ABC7.
The one the who cares gang stole to rescue Bobby and Athena though has a fake registration number on it:
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You just have to look up Helinet's fleet, and you will see this is obviously a DHL livery, and it's quite easy to find out that this is actually:
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N211FN, an AS350B1 (so an even older variant than the previous two), operated on behalf of DHL for package delivery service.
Don't get me wrong, the AStar (how the AS350 is called in the US) is a versatile and reliable aircraft. It the 4th most produced rotorcraft in the world, someone even managed to land one on top of Mount Everest. But it's kind of small? It can seat only up to 5 passengers with 1 pilot, and there is hardly room left for any gear. There is also no space for stretcher, so anyone they rescue would have to sit upright. It's just not very realistic.
I have no idea what medium duty helicopters 911!Air Ops operate, we're unlikely to see them in the future. There is this Bell 205 in 4x12 Treasure Hunt, but it clearly says L.A County Rescue on the tail.
Real!Air Ops pilots wear beige flight suits, it's the aeromedics who wear blue, and helitac crews wear orange. I'm not complaining too much though, Tommy looks good in blue. (I think the chief pilot wears dark blue, but I'm not sure.)
Helicopter pilots in general usually wear helmets, in case a particularly strong pocket of turbulence slams you against the body of the aircraft, or a bird decide to fly through the windshield into your face, but I get that it gets in the way of the camera, so I'm just gonna enjoy Tommy's beautiful face.
Real!Air Ops pilots work on a 24/48 shift schedule just like any platoon firefighters. Due to the danger of pilot fatigue on aviation safety, they do try to limit their continuous flight time to 6 hours before taking a prolong break.
There are 5 levels of pilots: pilot I (trainee), pilot II (probational), pilot III (full pilot), pilot IV (lead pilot) and pilot V (chief pilot). The chief pilot oversees the entire Air Ops and work on a 10 hour per day, 4 days a week schedule. The rest of the pilots are put into 3 shifts, each shift with a pilot IV, 2 pilot IIIs and 2 trainees/probies, together with 4 aeromedics. (Can't find the most updated version, the lastest one I can get my hands on is from 2022, so good enough?) Therefore Tommy's Bobby would not be a captain, it would be a lead pilot.
I've already explained in detail the timeline of Tommy's career as a firefighting pilot, but here is the short version of it: Once accepted into the LAFD pilot training program, he would have to train with the LAPD for 180 hours then back to the LAFD for 200 hours, that takes around 2 years, and by then he would be a probie. After that, he would have to slowly build up flight hours then train and certify for all types of missions on the medium duty helicopter, that would take another 2-3 years, and after that he would be promoted to a pilot III, which is probably the rank he holds now.
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We can see from the form Hen submitted in 7x03 that she initially asked for Lucy as their pilot, as she's forgotten that Tommy also worked there. Fortunately Chimney called Tommy, as Lucy most likely would've still been a probie if not just a trainee.
I have no idea who he is.
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I can sort of see his badge says "firefighter"? At real!Air Ops, everyone wears a flight suit as uniform, so that they can hop into a chopper in an emergency. I don't know what a dude in a regular uniform with the regular LAFD patch on his arm doing there.
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Tommy's arm has the Air Ops helicopter patch on it.
Real!Station 114 though do have a crash unit staffed with regular firefighters, maybe Melton is with them? But then, why is he doing with Hen's helicopter requisition?
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whumpbump · 1 year
Whumpril day 15
Cw: mentioned death of Whumper, mentions of starvation
Whumpee lived in the dark, alone. This was a recent truth. They didn’t always live like that though, because before Whumper had had a heart attack upstairs, their life was filled with painful fluorescent lighting and torture as Whumpee was easily overstimulated. With Whumper’s death being confirmed when Whumpee managed to break free of the itchy ropes that bound them, they tried to escape but realized, they didn’t know where they were, they only knew what was in this house. So they better stay. Eventually the power was shut off and they ran out of food. Whumpee was starving to death, alone. And they would have died there too if the social welfare worker hadn’t shown up at the behest of Whumper’s family.
Walking around with a flashlight, they took note of the strange dwelling but was concerned when they heard scuffling in the basement. They thought maybe there was an animal left when Whumper died. How awful, they thought. A poor animal left to starve. When they got down there and found Whumpee hiding in the corner, their heart sunk. So Whumper was one of those people. My other calls, they thought. The social welfare worker was also called to assist with patients on hospital intake who were… hurt in “specific circumstances inflicted by others.”
They saw that Whumpee was skin and bones so they offered their lunch from the car. It was a simple sandwich but Whumpee’s eyes lit up upon seeing it. They cautiously crawled over and reached out but flinched backwards so hard they nearly fell when the social welfare worker came too close to touching them.
“Here, you can have it. You can have my chips too. I think I have a drink as well.”
After Whumpee was fed, they were exhausted from the excitement of another person and food. They crawled back to their bed corner. The welfare worker knew that what would come next for Whumpee would be unpleasant but necessary.
“I don’t know your name, but we need to get you out of here to where you are safe and can be taken care of.” The worker spoke softly because any louder and the basement dweller would cover their ears and moan.
“Do you trust me?” They held out their hand.
Whumpee eyed them curiously but scampered over and took it.
The welfare worker handed them their sunglasses, “because it’s bright outside.” But they would have to cover their ears when the ambulance came because they “didn’t have any earplugs” and they were “very sorry about that.”
It was a one sided conversation because Whumpee wasn’t able to form words with the amount of stress they were under. Since they’d been taken, Whumpee hadn’t used their voice.
As much as the ambulance service tried, Whumpee was completely overwhelmed by the process of getting to the hospital. The ambulance staff had never seen someone in such a state before and wanted to work quickly but couldn’t because Whumpee would scream and fight back. The welfare worker wrapped Whumpee in a blanket and held them in their lap as they sat on the gurney so they could get moving. This weight of the hug seemed to calm Whumpee enough that they could be loaded up and transported.
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
What was the last thing you spent more than $20 on? A bill. A bit more than $20. Sigh, adulting. 
Give us a lyric from a song you’ve recently listend to: “He said Cashapp or Zelle, never mind scratch that I’m gonna send you a stack just cause you fine as hell. And I said, thank you, baby. Anything for my favorite lady.”
Do you wear actual designated ‘pajamas’ to bed? I am now; it’s a short gown. It’s blue and says, “Eat. Sleep. Coffee. Repeat.” Typically, I just wear t-shirt dresses or oversized tees to bed. 
When was the last time you were tempted to do something you’d later regret? Hmm. 
Have you ever had feelings for someone who was seeing someone else? Yes. 
Have you ever had feelings for your best friend’s significant other? I’ve never been interested In a friend’s significant other. 
What color is your hairbrush? It’s gray and green. I want a new brush. I really like the Wet Brushes. 
How many times did you ride in a car today? I had my medical transport service pick me up with the gurney to take me to and from my doctor appointment this morning. 
Who was the last non-relative to call you? Some spam call. 
Are you comfortable in your own skin? No. I feel like I get so itchy sometimes and it’s an itch I can’t scratch and I just want to rip my skin off. Like sometimes whatever I’m wearing I can’t stand to have on my body cause it feels like it’s just rubbing against me and wrapping around my neck. 
That probably sounds crazy.
What are your plans for tomorrow? I don’t have any plans outside of the normal stuff. 
Are you in a good mood right now? I’m okay. I think after a few weeks I may have found the special gummies for me to help with my anxiety, pain, mood, and appetite. I have a few different ones; certain ones for certain things. I was trying to figure out what dosage was right for me and how each made me feel. I think I finally have found them. Game. Changer. 
When was the last time you had an ice cream cone? Uhhh. I have no idea, honestly. 
Did you eat breakfast this morning? Yep. I switched it up from my normal Cream of Wheat and had over-easy eggs, beans, cilantro and onions, guacamole, crema, and cotija cheese sprinkled all over. It was sooo good. 
Have you ever been in a cemetery at midnight? No.
Do you live on your own? If not, who do you live with? No, I live with my parents, my brother, and our doggo. 
How old are your siblings, if you have any? 23 and 39. 
Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? No.
Have you ever used your cell phone as a lightsource in the dark? Yeah, many times. 
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? Yep, my birthday is next month. 
How old will you be in 3 years? I’ll be 36. 
Do you remember who you were dating in August 2007? Yep, no one.
Why did you cry the last time you did? Mehhh, life. 
Where are your parents right now? My dad is asleep and my mom is at the gym. 
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water? Fly.
Have you ever had a crush on a sibling’s friend? No.
Do you know where your calcaneus bone is located? I don’t remember.
Have you donated blood in the last 2 years? I’ve never donated blood. I have severe anemia. 
What was the last free t-shirt you received from? Uhhh. I have no idea. 
Have you kissed your 10th contact in your phone? I’m not checking, but I can bet I haven’t. 
When did you go to bed last night? I think it was a little after 11PM. 
Is there anything you are looking forward to at the moment? No.
Who was the last person to piss you off? Blehh.
Are you a Scorpio? Nope. Are you an Atheist? I am not.
Are you Asian? I have some Filipino. 
Are you blonde? No.
Are you taller than 6'0"? Haaaa, no. I’m like 5′3. 
Are you fluent in another language? No, I wish I were fluent in Spanish.
Are you in the military? No.
Are you female? I am.
Are you single? Very much so. 
Are you a parent? No.
Are you an artist? No, I wish. 
Are you a musician? No. I sadly have zero talent. 
Are you an athlete? Nope, another field I suck at. I’m not athletic at all. 
Do you like winter? I love winter. The holidays, the weather, the scents, the colors, the decor, the coziness, the treats.... I love it all. 
Who did you spend last New Year’s with? My mom and my aunt. 
Did you do anything special for St.Patrick’s Day? No. I got into the whole ‘wear green’ thing as a kid growing up. I’ve had a few green beers. And my mom has made corned beef and cabbage every year for my dad cause he loves it. I personally don’t care for it.
Did you have a Valentine last time Valentine’s Day came around? No. I’ve never had one. 
What is your relationship with the last person to comment you? Comment me where?
Who was the last person to sit on your bed? My mom. 
Do you have a favorite flower? Not really. They’re all beautiful. 
What is the best gift someone can give you? What I really want isn’t something that can be bought or is even tangible. 
Was your last kiss a mistake? No. 
Would you rather be stuck on a desert island with your ex or a python? Oh hell nah, I’ll take the python! lol kiddinggg, I’d take the ex. There’s really no hard feelings there, it’d just be awkward as fuck. I’m terrified of pythons, so that’s a definite N-O.
Do you kiss on the first date? If it feels right. 
Would you rather visit Norway or BrazilI? I’d love to visit both. 
Name three objects within your reach? My Starbucks energy drink, my phone, and a notebook. 
What jewelry are you wearing? I have a ring on.  
Would you get a shamrock tattooed to your forehead for $5000? Uh, absolutely not. 
What do you smell right now? The cream of wheat my mom is making me. 
Are you very flexible? I’m not flexible at all. 
Where was your display pic taken? It was taken when Alex was at the Met Gala this year.
Do you like Chinese food? Sure. 
Where was the last place you went that was more than an hour away? Why were you going there? To the beach early last year for my dad’s birthday trip. 
If your best friend asked you to marry them what would you say? I don’t have a best friend. Or friends. 
Are you under the influence of anything at the moment? I’ve had an edible and a pain med.
Would you consider yourself open-minded? Yes.
Who was the last person to tell you you looked nice? I have no idea. I haven’t looked nice in a very long time.
Have you ever been to a nude beach? No, and I have no interest in going to one. 
What time is it? 11:33AM.
What are you going to go do now? Watch some YouTube, eat breakfast, scroll through Tumblr. I may do another survey at some point.
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
This reaction is for the season 4, tenth episode "Sellouts" which originally aired March 28, 2023. The episode was written by Molly Green and James Leffler and directed by Tessa Blake. Spoilers ahead!
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A young girl named Mouse is involved in an accident that kills her best friend and his parents. Marjan sells her bike and gives the money to Kylie, the young woman she rescued from an abusive relationship. The 126 prepare for Marjan's return to Austin but worry when she doesn't show up to her welcome back party. Marjan is accosted by Kylie's abusive ex and ends up driving off the road. She encounters Mouse in the woods and the two work together to escape Kylie's ex. Marjan is rescued by her 126 family and we learn that Mouse was the nickname her parents gave her when she was younger. 
Now that we're all up to speed, let's have a chat about episode ten - SELLOUTS.
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We start the episode with my favorite trio - Tommy, Nancy, and TK. They arrive at the home of an older couple - Arthur (Leonard Kelly-Young) and Edith (Betsy Baker) - and we get the first of two emergencies that truly made me squirm in my seat. It should be noted when Arthur answered the door, he seemed surprised to see Tommy, Nancy, and TK even though he was the one who made the 9-1-1 call. He ushers them inside and Tommy does an assessment of his wife, Edith. Edith tells Tommy she has pain on the side of her head. Tommy checks her pupils and she asks if Edith wears contacts. Edith says she does wear contacts and upon closer inspection Tommy sees quite a few disposable contact lenses in her right eye. More than a dozen disposable contact lenses actually. Tommy assures Edith (and the viewers) this is a lot more common than most people think. In fact, there was a woman in the United Kingdom who had 27 disposable contact lenses removed. Now I wear glasses but I did wear disposable contact lenses in my early-20s. Ultimately they weren't for me - too much hassle - but I can assure you I always made sure to remove them at the end of the day, especially before I went to bed. But I digress. I did think it was funny when Edith calls Tommy pretty and then sees Nancy and TK and calls them pretty as well. You're absolutely right, Edith. Tommy, Nancy, and TK are all very pretty. 
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Tommy tells Edith they will transport her to the hospital just as a follow-up and Edith is very appreciative. When they roll the gurney outside, another ambulance pulls up. The ambulance belongs to Paragon - a private paramedic service (remember them from last season?). Tommy asks Arthur if he called another ambulance. We then see our good friend Pearce Risher (Andy Favreau) and his partner get out of the ambulance. He tells Tommy that Arthur didn't call them. They saw a call come through from the address and dropped everything to come right over. Pearce refers to Arthur and Edith as his most-valued clients which Nancy takes offense to. Edith tells Tommy that Pearce and his partner have come to their home quite a few times whenever Arthur has had one of his spells. Tommy is clearly not impressed by Pearce's new employer. Pearce is a smug asshat in this scene which makes his comeuppance at the end of the episode all the more satisfying. Pearce chastises Arthur for calling 9-1-1 instead of the number that links him directly to Paragon. Pearce tells Tommy that he and his partner will take things over from here. He tells Edith that the LED lighting in their ambulance will be a lot easier on her eyes and he will even throw in a complementary herbal smoothie which definitely appeals to Arthur. Pearce and his partner leave with Arthur and Edith. Nancy asks if they are allowed to do what they just did and Tommy says she is going to find out. 
Title card!
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The 126 hosts a Stand Up to Cancer event at their firehouse. It should be noted that Stand Up to Cancer is a real organization and for more information, I encourage you to visit their website here. Owen gives a speech talking about firefighters suffering from lung cancer. Being that Owen has battled lung cancer at least twice, I can think of no better person to deliver the speech. It was so fun seeing everyone dressed up. Everyone looked amazing including Carlos who looked quite debonair in a black tux. This is the second time we've seen our Office Reyes in a tux this season. Hopefully the third time will be when he's exchanging vows with TK. I also want to give a shout out to our resident 9-1-1 dispatcher, Grace who looked absolutely stunning with her hair in a ponytail and a mid-drift baring black dress. 
After Owen's speech, we get to see each of our characters mingling with the wealthy guests in attendance. Judd does a horrible job wooing a donor. Judd is usually so charming but in this scene he was a rambling hot mess. With some gentle nudging from Grace he is finally able to properly schmooze the older gentleman. Meanwhile, Marjan talks about getting shot recently while Carlos regales an older woman about his abduction by a serial killer. Tommy vents to a besuited man about the cheap gloves her and her team are forced to use due to poor funding. She also alludes to her recent experience with Paragon. 
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The funniest interaction involves Mateo, Nancy, and another wealthy donor. Nancy points out that the wine they're drinking is from the Hill Country which, hey - all my Texans out there, is Hill Country a real place near Austin? I'm curious! Anywho, when the donor comments on the taste of the wine, Mateo says this:
Mateo: "Familiar yet unexpected. It's kinda like reading Dostoyevsky in the original Russian."
The donor agrees and is quite impressed with Mateo. He tells him that his wife has the checkbook and that he will be back. Nancy tells Mateo that she loves Dostoyevsky and is shocked that he does as well. Mateo comes clean and tells her he doesn't like the author and that the only reason he knew his name is because he heard Owen say the same thing when describing wine he was drinking. Of course, Owen Strand would compare wine to a Russian novelist! 
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Speaking of Captain Strand, he orders tequila from an attractive bartender named Kendra Harrington (Michaela McManus). They have some flirty banter. The chemistry between the two of them is palpable. He gives her a tip and he says it's a token of solidarity between two normal, non-rich people. She compliments his speech and he admits it's not easy for him to talk about his cancer journey. This is a rare moment of vulnerability we rarely get from Owen so I really appreciate him saying that. I've always suspected that underneath all that bravado and expensive hair product, is someone who has experienced more than his share of pain, hurt, and heartbreak. An older couple approaches the bar and they talk to Kendra. Owen figures out very quickly that she is not one of the have-nots like he initially assumed. Kendra comes clean about not being a bartender but Owen doesn't seem to mind the deception because in our next scene the two of them are back at his house ripping each other's clothes off. All I kept thinking during this scene is that Owen has a roommate and how awkward must it be for Mateo anytime his captain has a booty call. I can imagine him coming downstairs the following morning to have some cereal and he has to step over clothes to get to the kitchen. I'd like to also point out that Mr. Rob Lowe recently celebrated his birthday. The man is nearing his 60s and he's still fine as hell!  
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The morning after, Owen wakes up in the most golden room I've ever seen. Whoever lit this scene did a great job. I would seriously love it if every morning I woke up completely bathed in golden light coming through my bedroom window. Owen heads downstairs and finds Nancy and Mateo still talking about Dostoyevsky. Owen asks them if they've seen a hot blonde and Mateo says she just left. Owen tells them that Kendra isn't a bartender - she's a wealthy heiress. Owen seems pretty smitten with her and tells his two subordinates that he and Kendra hit it off physically and mentally and then physically again. Ew, Owen! It's one thing to live with your boss. It's quite another to hear about his sex life. Mateo and Nancy seem unfazed by this. I imagine they've had similar morning after conversations before. Nancy points out the note on the counter that Kendra left before she left their booty call. When he opens the envelope, he sees a check. Mateo insinuates that she paid Owen for the sexytimes they had the night before. Owen is stunned.
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Tommy goes to see Chief Reynolds (Amy Farrington) to inquire about the city of Augtin cutting a deal with Paragon. Chief Reynolds tells her she didn't want to say anything until the press release. Tommy tells her to cancel it and refers to Paragon as greedy vampires. Tommy doesn't realize that Paragon's CEO, Jacques Lundy (Adam Ray) is also sitting in the office. I'd totally forgotten that when the firehouse got burned down towards the end of the second season, Tommy, Nancy, and TK were temporarily reassigned. Chief Reynolds tells Tommy that Paragon will share 35% of their profits with the city. This is so disgusting but hey, this is America where we often take advantage of the least of us so it sort of tracks that something like this could happen. Tommy tells the chief that Paragon's code of ethics and safety are not up to their standards. Jacques disagrees and shows her his business card. Chief Reynolds is on board and Jacques assures Tommy he is here to help anyway he can. Doubtful ...
Tommy reports her findings to the rest of the 126. Nancy wonders if things go private, what happens to her and Tommy and TK. Tommy's solution is that they'll have to arrive at each emergency quicker in order to beat Paragon. Owen and Mateo join them and Owen the former is upset because the latter has compared him to Richard Gere. The others are quite amused with what happened between Owen and Kendra and they give him some good-natured teasing. Paul assumes it's a Pretty Woman situation where Owen's the one who paid for sex with Kendra. TK reminds everyone that his dad doesn't have to pay for it which kudos to defending your dad but ew. If I were TK I would want no part of this conversation. Mateo clarifies by telling everyone he is not referring to Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. In this case, Owen is Richard Gere from American Gigolo. Judd tells Owen that Kendra Harrington that her family owns a LOT of land in the area. Owen insists that Kendra did not pay for sex with him and that the money she gave him was a donation for charity. Mateo reminds him the check was not made out to charity. It was made out to Owen. Judd asks him what Kendra wrote on the memo line. Owen says that no one uses the memo line. Tommy cuts to the chase by asking how much the check was for and Owen tells her it was for $100,000. Owen defends Kendra's honor and says that someone who looks like her doesn't need to pay for sex. Owen gets a text from Kendra asking if he's available or rather 'avail'. Owen tells the others he will get to the bottom of this misunderstanding.
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Our next emergency is perhaps one of the worst situations I have seen on either 9-1-1 show. A man named Dan (Jared Gertner) boards a city bus and sits down next to a woman (Mary Claire Garcia). He sees that she's upset and asks her if she's okay. She tells him that she just got laid off after seven years. She tells him she feels useless and he assures her she's not. He then tells her that the hot pants he's wearing aren't a fashion statement. He's wearing them because he has a dialysis catheter in his thigh. He's been going to treatment three times a week for over a year. He tells her that having it sucks because he can't play soccer or go swimming with his son. He says there was a time he wanted to give up but he's just found out he will be the recipient of a new kidney. She congratulates him and introduces herself. Her name is Martha.
Dan sees a pregnant woman board the bus and gets up so she can have his seat. As he is trying to get up, the dialysis catheter gets caught on another passenger's cart. It snaps off and blood immediately starts spraying everywhere. Blood splatters across Martha's forehead. There's nothing cute about this meet-cute. Dan passes out and Martha calls 9-1-1. Back at the firehouse, Tommy receives word of a patient hemorrhaging and she tells Nancy and TK they need to get moving. Nancy is confused because there hasn't been a call. Tommy tells her that dispatch gave the call to Paragon and she heard it over the radio. The three of them load up in the ambulance and Tommy calls Grace on her personal line so she can help them get to the scene first. It was fun seeing Nancy drive the ambulance. Poor TK got tossed all about in the back of the ambulance as Nancy took every sharp curve. The 126 paramedics beat the Paragon paramedics to the scene and they immediately go to work. The 126 firefighters arrive soon thereafter. The Paragon paramedics finally arrive and Pearce tells Tommy this is their call. Tommy pulls rank and tells them they can start handing out water and towels to the crowd slowly forming around the bus. Pearce is pissed but he backs down.
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Nancy boards the bus and finds Martha putting pressure on Dan's legs. Mateo and Paul arrive with a backboard to transport Dan and they keep slipping and falling because of all the blood on the floor. Speaking of blood, the bus is covered in Dan's life essence. At this point there has to be more blood in the bus than inside Dan's body but somehow he is still conscious through all of this. I haven't seen this much blood since that scene in Scream IV where Ghostface absolutely brutalizes this girl in her room and the walls and floors are covered in blood. Nancy applies a tourniquet to Dan's leg which temporarily stops the bleeding. Mateo and Paul finally manage to get over to Dan and they are able to get him loaded onto the backboard. They run into an issue when they attempt to move him because the floor is slippery. So, their solution is to slide Dan down the aisle like he's a hockey puck. 
Paul and Mateo are able to carry Dan off the bus and TK begins hooking him up to a lifepak. Dan's blood pressure starts to plummet because he needs a blood transfusion due to too much blood loss. Tommy calls out to Pearce and asks if he has whole blood on his rig. Pearce says of course. Tommy tells him that if he can transfuse Dan then she will give him over to him. Pearce begins the transfusion while his partner administers compressions. Martha watches as they work on Dan. Dan's blood pressure levels out and Pearce and his partner roll him away to their ambulance. Pearce calls Tommy second best and Tommy's dislike for the guy intensifies. 
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We head over to the Strand residence where Owen is prepping for his second evening with Kendra Harrington. He's broken out the fine channel because he wants this evening to be more about romance than sex. Mateo asks Owen how he plans on asking her if the money was intended for charity or for sex. Owen says he plans on asking her to a high-brow event and if she says yes, he'll know that the money wasn't for sex. Mateo thinks he should be more pointed when he asks her about the intention of the money she gave him but Owen says that will be uncouth. Mateo brings up Dostoyevsky again and tells Owen that Nancy has him reading Crime and Punishment. I found this tidbit of information so sweet because when we were first introduced to Mateo in season one, we saw him struggle with dyslexia. Becoming a firefighter was an uphill battle for him and now he's reading huge-ass Russian novels. Good for you, Mateo! 
Kendra arrives with a bag of hamburgers which doesn't exactly flow with Owen's special romantic evening. Kendra recognizes the china on the dining room table and she wonders if her hamburgers are disappointing. Owen assures her they aren't. Owen asks her about the artist Joan Miro and tells her there's a special exhibit he would like for them to attend after they have their burgers. Kendra wants to stay in and have some more sexytimes. Buttercup interrupts the moment and Owen tells Kendra that he adopted him from a rescue that works with dogs with cancer. Kendra is impressed by this information and starts kissing Owen. Owen wants to take it slow but Kendra wants to put the pedal to the metal.
The next morning, Mateo finds Owen in the kitchen alone. Owen tells Mateo that he and Kendra had a great evening and that no money was exchanged. Owen monologues about how Kendra likes him for him and then he gets a Venmo notification on his phone. Kendra has sent him $40,000. Mateo jokes that the reduction in payment is a customer loyalty discount. 
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At the firehouse, Owen is conflicted about what to do with the $140,000 he has received from Kendra. Judd comes to his office and asks him about his second date with Kendra Harrington. Owen tells him about the $40,000 and how this payment did come with a memo line - a bone emoji. Owen calls himself a cheap himbo but Judd tells him there's nothing cheap about $140,000. Owen admits that the money is a bit of an ego boost but he's also bummed because he really likes Kendra and thinks they might have something special. Judd tells him to just give the money to charity.
In our next scene, Tommy, Nancy, and TK arrive at a perfume factory where there's possibly a toxic, airborne event taking place. Paragon beats them to the scene and Pearce asks one of the employees about what insurance he has which is super gross. Pearce tells Tommy that she, Nancy, and TK are on hydration duty. Nancy gets upset but Tommy says they will do it. Nancy and TK are pissed and annoyed with Pearce but Tommy admits that he is good at his job. She reminds them about how he saved Dan. Nancy asks her what happens when Paragon takes over and they don't have jobs anymore. Tommy says they will help as much as they can for as long as they can.
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Tommy receives notification that it's a false alarm and the three of them start to leave. They see Pearce and his partner load one of the factory workers into the Paragon ambulance. Tommy confronts them and Pearce tells her that they're taking the man to the hospital due to exposure. Tommy tells him it was a false alarm and Pearce tells her that she's out of line. Tommy calls him son and he pulls rank on her. Tommy apologizes for calling him son and says she should have called him a profiteering sociopath. TK calls him a sellout and Nancy calls him a coward. Pearce says he will report them to the chief and they will get suspended. He and his partner load the man onto the ambulance and then it explodes. Tommy, Nancy, and TK run towards the ambulance . Pearce stumbles out of the ambulance with injuries and Tommy and Nancy go to his aid while TK and Pearce's partner go to check on the factory worker. Tommy sees that Pearce's chest is not rising evenly. She performs a thoracostomy which is rare to do in the field and is successful. Tommy saves Pearce's life.
Owen gets a visit from Kendra and he decides to confront her about the money. Owen accuses her of treating him like a sex worker. Kendra explains to him that her brother died of lung cancer which is why she was at the benefit gala. She then tells him that the $100,000 is for the cancer charity while the $40,000 is for the dog charity. The bone that was in the memo line was a dog bone.
Kendra: "In what bronzer-soaked universe would I spend $100,00 to sleep with you?"
Kendra says this always happens to her. Money ruins everything. She never knows if people like her for her or if they want something out of her. Owen tells her he doesn't care about her money. He asks her on another date - a real date. 
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Tommy goes to see Pearce in the hospital. I thought it was very sweet that she brought him a peace lily (or at least I think that was a peace lily). Either way it was a sweet gesture. Tommy tells him she is there to check on the incision she made. Pearce tells her that the doctor says it was a good incision and that she's in the wrong field. Pearce tells Tommy she is doing exactly what she is meant to do. I find it interesting that Tommy performed the same procedure in the field that Hen Wilson did on 9-1-1.  Pearce tells Tommy he is planning on suing Paragon right before Jacques shows up with flowers and other gifts. Pearce tells him he wants $20 million dollars. He then says he plans on suing Jacques for everything he's worth ... and then some. Jacques says that everything that happened was an accident. Pearce reminds him that the accident was caused by faulty equipment in the rig which Pearce had already warned him about. Tommy tells Jacques that if Pearce lodged a complaint already then this accident is due to negligence. Jacques leaves to call his lawyer. Tommy looks to Pearce and tells him that karma is a beautiful thing.
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What a fun episode! This season has been filled with serial killers, sociopathic exes, and plots to blow up greater Austin. Now that all of that is behind us, it's great that we're back to episodes where we get humor and some fun emergency sequences. I really like that we got to focus on the paramedics this episode. I really enjoyed Tommy's pettiness while dealing with the insufferable Pearce. One thing Lone Star does well is its recurring characters. We got Ty O'Brien earlier this season and now we have Pearce back for his third episode. Hopefully we'll see Dave from the dispatch center before this season is over.
Owen's plot is everything I want from that character. Rob Lowe is a comedic actor first and foremost. He is not an action hero. When the show lets him be silly, that's where he really shines in my opinion. Of all the women we have seen him with, I like Kendra the most. I hope we get to see more of her and I have a feeling we will.  
I know some folks will call this a filler episode but so far I don't think we've gotten any filler episodes this season. I think season 2 is the best season of Lone Star but this season may just snatch the number one spot for me if it continues on this trajectory. If you're reading this, what did you think of this episode? Which plot did you like the best? The Tommy versus Paragon storyline or the American Gigolo storyline with Owen? Feel free to comment! I'm excited to see what happens next! Until next time ...
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Module 9: Infra-Techture Using AI for Infrastructure.
Hello, I am Jordan Harris, Chief Technology Officer of the startup Infra-Techture, dedicated to addressing the country's physical infrastructure needs. Our vision consists of integrating artificial intelligence into every facet of assessing, updating, consulting and advocating infrastructure construction efforts within the country, city, and community.
We aim to impart our valuable knowledge to provide city planners, engineers, construction firms, and governmental bodies with advanced AI tools to help analyze their current infrastructure and predict the growing population's future needs. Utilizing Big Data, we obtain a high volume, variety and velocity of information ranging from traffic patterns, population growth and projections, environmental impacts, weather patterns, economic developments and trends, structural depreciation, tax accumulation and expenditure to ensure everything is considered in our analysis. Our AI uses supervised learning to determine the different types of physical infrastructure, such as bridges, roadways, power supplies, traffic, and transportation, and decide, based on deep learning, whether it requires maintenance, upgrades, or construction to better service the city, country, or community.
The current methods of assessing infrastructure are inefficient and costly and usually fail to consider the multifaceted nature of our modern and growing environments. Based on a relatively recent article, the city of Toronto has allocated $14 billion over the next decade to maintain or replace failing infrastructure. However, based on their calculations, $40 billion is required to maintain current service levels, leaving a shortfall of $26 billion over the next ten years, a significant deficit for which the city lacks funds (Gurney, 2024). Using AI, we can conduct assessments that intelligently predict and prioritize projects based on data-driven criteria, such as safety, economic impact, and environmental stability, and develop a report highlighting the steps to ensure repairs, upgrades or development and construction can sustainability commence.
As such, with our AI technologies, we also aim to add efficiency by streamlining the construction processes, helping city planners, engineers, construction firms, and governmental bodies reduce labour costs and minimize issues with the supply chain by monitoring economic trends, weather patterns, environmental impacts, and supply issues. These AI tools can significantly help negate potential project delays due to material concerns, financial burdens, or possible problems associated with natural hazards and disasters, limiting time and money wasted.
Using our robust AI technologies, you can solve some of the social, economic and technological challenges associated with our deteriorating infrastructure, ensuring that we build towards a brighter, safer and more resilient future.
Gurney, M. (2024). We aren't taking care of our infrastructure — and it's not just a Toronto problem. TVO Today | Current Affairs Journalism, Documentaries and Podcasts. https://www.tvo.org/article/we-arent-taking-care-of-our-infrastructure-and-its-not-just-a-toronto-problem
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elevator388 · 6 months
Hospital Elevator Costs: A Balancing Act
Hospitals require elevators that are reliable, efficient, and cater to specific needs. However, determining the exact cost of a hospital elevator can be tricky. Here's a breakdown of factors influencing the price:
Capacity and Speed: Larger elevators designed for gurney transport naturally cost more than smaller passenger elevators. Similarly, elevators with higher speeds will be pricier.
Floors Served: The number of floors the elevator needs to service directly affects the cost.
Features: Automatic doors, advanced controls for multiple stops, and antimicrobial finishes all add to the final price tag.
Construction Type: Hydraulic elevators are generally cheaper upfront, but traction elevators might be more cost-effective in the long run due to lower energy consumption.
Local Regulations: Hospitals need to meet specific safety and accessibility codes, which can influence the elevator's design and cost.
Know more about hospital elevator cost
best elevator company to work for
advantages and disadvantages of traction elevator
Ballpark Figures:
Basic hydraulic hospital elevator: $30,000 - $50,000
Traction hospital elevator with advanced features: $80,000 - $150,000+
Remember: These are just estimates. It's crucial to consult with elevator companies for specific quotes based on your hospital's needs.
Top Elevator Companies to Consider (No Rankings Provided):
Finding the best elevator company to work for depends on your priorities. Here are some of the leading players:
Otis: Renowned for global reach, reliability, and a wide range of products.
Schindler: Known for innovation, energy efficiency, and a focus on accessibility.
Kone: Offers a strong emphasis on people flow and passenger experience.
ThyssenKrupp Elevator: Specializes in high-tech solutions and complex elevator projects.
Mitsubishi Electric: Provides a balance between quality, technology, and value.
Research each company's work culture, employee benefits, and career development opportunities to make an informed decision.
Traction Elevators: Weighing the Pros and Cons
Traction elevators use a continuously moving hoist rope to propel the elevator car. They offer several advantages:
Higher Speeds: Ideal for high-rise buildings like hospitals.
Greater Capacity: Can handle heavier loads, suitable for gurney transport.
Smoother Ride: Provides a more comfortable experience for patients and staff.
Energy Efficiency: Modern traction elevators are becoming increasingly energy-saving.
However, traction elevators also have some drawbacks:
Higher Initial Cost: Generally more expensive than hydraulic elevators upfront.
Machine Room Requirement: Needs a dedicated machine room to house the hoisting machinery.
Maintenance Needs: May require more maintenance compared to hydraulic elevators.
Ultimately, the best elevator type for your hospital depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider factors like building height, traffic volume, and patient requirements before making a decision.
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As a leading software solution designed exclusively for NEMT providers, we offer streamlined scheduling, billing, and route optimization features that make your operations more efficient. With transparent rate charts, manage your transportation services with ease, catering to ambulatory patients, wheelchair needs, and gurney assistance. Plus, adapt to the varying demands of weekdays, off-hours, weekends, and holidays effortlessly. Dive into a world of seamless dispatch management and advanced technological integration. Dial (623) 226-8966 or visit nemtclouddispatch.com. Optimize your NEMT business – book a demo with us today!
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blogynews · 11 months
Unraveling the Unthinkable: Gaza's Hospitals Cornered by Israel's Evacuation Order
The Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have caused hundreds of people to be injured, resulting in overcrowded hospitals and a dire lack of medical services. Ambulances are transporting the injured to hospitals, where they are forced to share gurneys and be treated in busy and chaotic environments. Only those with critical wounds are being allowed to stay, while the rest are being sent home. In response…
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safermedicaltransport · 3 months
Business Transportation Service - Call Us 714-912-8300
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1-800medivan · 3 months
When facing mobility challenges, accessing proper transportation can be a game-changer. Mobility assistance is crucial, specialized gurney transportation services step in to bridge the gap. These services cater to individuals needing mobility assistance in Delano, California, offering reliable solutions for those with limited mobility.
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learnwithlavesh · 1 year
How to Stay Compliant with HIPAA Using NEMT Software
Everyone who works in the healthcare sector, especially non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) providers, is aware of how crucial it is to keep HIPAA compliant.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 was established to prevent the sharing of private patient information. This implies that all patients can experience complete secrecy in a medical context.
NEMT providers have covered entities or business partners that are under the purview of organizations subject to HIPAA regulations. Make sure your NEMT business has the tools and processes required to uphold HIPAA compliance in every circumstance. 
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How Can NEMT Software Keep Your Business Compliant?
NEMT software is a fantastic tool to keep your company compliant. It was constructed with HIPAA requirements in mind. Who will buy a system, after all, if it isn't HIPAA compliant? 
Having said that, it is also your company's responsibility to proactively assure HIPAA compliance by putting in place particular measures like routine audits.
NEMT software facilitates compliance with HIPAA rules in the following ways:
Unique User Identification for Every Employee
Each of your employees can access your dispatch and billing software separately thanks to NEMT software. As a result, you have the power to continuously monitor all user activities as the NEMT provider.
You can instantly ascertain whether any of your employee logins were in use at the time of a data breach or any other indication of suspicious activity.
Identity Verification and Password Protection
When logging in, many NEMT billing systems need two-step authentication. For further security, HIPAA mandates frequent password changes. 
Unauthorized users cannot access your scheduling and billing system thanks to these security features. By doing this, the likelihood of fraud and other wrongdoing is reduced.
Encrypted Transfer of Data
If you're electronically charging claims (which you should be), you need to have faith that the information is being provided through encrypted transmission. 
In addition to assuring that no device lacking adequate data protection can get sensitive information, NEMT billing software accomplishes precisely that.
Broker Integrations
For efficient operations, if you operate with a NEMT broker, you must integrate your billing program. You may quickly synchronize your data with your partners using the NEMT broker connection.
This guarantees hassle-free travel, employment, office work, payment clearing, etc. NEMT brokers will be aware of each patient's unique requirements. They will assign the appropriate vehicles and tools, such as wheelchairs, walkers, or gurneys, that they might require for the journey.
See How NEMT Software Can Improve Your Operation
In the healthcare sector, it is simply not an option to take a chance on a process that isn't HIPAA compliant. For NEMT service providers, this NEMT software offers a wealth of fantastic features, such as scheduling, routing, dispatching, billing, and vehicle maintenance tracking.
Additionally, you can control all aspects of your company's operations from a single location and reduce labor costs for billing and dispatching by up to 50%. An automated call system and the on-hold algorithm used by QRyde assist reduce no-shows by up to 50%. It guarantees more completed trips without requiring you to expand your fleet.
NEMT software like QRyde can improve your operations in a number of ways, including:
Increased efficiency: NEMT software can help you automate many of the tasks involved in managing your NEMT program, such as scheduling trips, tracking vehicles, and managing payments. This can free up your time so you can focus on other aspects of your business.
Improved communication: NEMT software can help you improve communication with your passengers, drivers, and other stakeholders. For example, you can use the software to send automated reminders to passengers about their upcoming trips, or to provide drivers with real-time updates on their schedules.
Enhanced security: NEMT software can help you protect your passengers' personal health information (PHI) by providing a secure platform for storing and transmitting this data. For example, QRyde uses a variety of security measures to protect PHI, including encryption, access controls, and audit trails.
HIPAA compliance: NEMT software like QRyde can help you ensure that your NEMT program is HIPAA compliant. This is important because HIPAA regulations require organizations that handle PHI to take steps to protect it from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
GPS Compliance
Additionally, QRyde complies with the updated GPS rules established by the New York State DOH. In fact, it upgraded its integration to ensure compliance with the rules back in 2021, making it one of the pioneering NEMT software vendors.
NEMT service providers have the option of automatically sending or manually reviewing this GPS data. QRyde provides this flexibility to make sure comfort and convenience while assisting clients in remaining compliant with the law.
NEMT firms can instantly check cancellations from MAS, receive updates, and automatically export trip data. A compliance management tool with thorough reporting and reminders is also available.
A robust instrument that aids NEMT providers and other participants in the healthcare sector in ensuring compliance with various requirements is NEMT software. This includes the GPS compliance requirements of the New York State DOH and HIPAA. 
With its unique features and tools, QRyde stands out from the competition and is a great option for NEMT suppliers.
To see how the software may radically transform your operations, schedule a demo with the NEMT experts at QRyde now if you want to take your compliance and business processes to the next level.
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malpractice-wagon · 1 year
And now for, a history lesson in American medical care!
- Although we have had ambulances for quite a long time, we DID NOT however have dedicated ERs, let alone dedicated ER Staff until the 80s.
- This also meant that at most Ambulances had blankets/sheets, Oxygen, bandages and some general bare bones equipment.
- They essentially would throw your ass into the back of the ambulance on a gurney and prayed you actually survived.
- Most staff had first aid and CPR training, however, it wasn't always a requirement. And it varied not just between states, but towns and cities as well.
- Which meant that a lot of ambulances, rural ones especially, and Sawbones being one of them. Could be built rigged to transport the dead as well especially in mass casualty accidents.
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These hooks would've carried a spare cot/stretcher, would've held the stretcher itself out of the way, or would've been used to hold body bags if there was more than one being transported in the vehicle.
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I guess it should be said that we should be thankful we've come a long way. Though that doesn't mean this style of ambulance has faded out of style. As similar builds are now used for Patient Transport between facilities, though I assure you, none of those that are in service are 47 y/o let alone, potentially haunted.
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accmedlink214 · 1 year
Non-Emergency Medical Transport and Its Benefits
In simple words, Non-Emergency Medical Transport is a transportation service. This service is provided to those who are not in an emergency but need more help as compared to a taxi service. Transportation typically offers non-emergency medical transportation services through computerized software. Additionally, this type of transportation is sometimes paid for by Medicaid, but not everyone receives it. Other funding sources include state and local government programs, aging services, and hospital systems. If you are looking for long-distance transportation services near me, you can visit ACC Medlink. Through this blog post, you may come to know about NEMT along with its benefits.
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What are NEMT brokers?
By using specialized software, NEMT brokers will identify the best transportation service. These transportation services are standard vehicles and specialized ones to cover all the non-emergency requirements. Moreover, this modern technology should allow people to handle non-emergency medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, mobility scooters, and gurneys with effortlessness.
The programmers will also consider the transportation expenses the provider will bill the brokerage for that particular trip, the provider’s service area, and the availability of drivers and cars at the time the requested trip is made.
Key benefits of NEMT
People with specific transportation needs may preserve their independence and prevent feeling like a burden on the family. Or friends thanks to NEMT and the specialized software that helps manage it. A chronic condition can be recovered from and managed more effectively with the support of this sense of independence.
By using good brokerage software, you can coordinate provider availability, and monitor the driver’s location. Additionally, keep brokerage costs under control, and provide many other flexible tools to make sure your customers get the best possible service.
Long-term, the right software is an economical and efficient choice for setting up and fostering a NEMT brokerage. Many of these consumers would not be able to get the medical care that is essential to their health without NEMT.
This is all about NEMT, and after reading this informative content, you may come to know all the essential things about it. Hopefully, the information shared in this post regarding Non-Emergency Medical Transport will help you a lot. Additionally, there is a comment box at the end of this blog where you can ask your questions or give suggestions to us. Furthermore, you visit the website of ACC Medlink, where you can find lots of articles and blog on it. Thank you for reading.
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