#gunny van dyke
existing-on-cloral · 2 years
pendragon as vines (but it’s mostly bobbyspader (what is their ship name?)):
Gunny, talking about Spader/Bobby: And they were suitemates.
Uncle Press, watching from Solara: Oh my Halla, they were suitemates.
Press, about Bobby: Ooh, my boy going to save Halla! Fuck it up!
Gunny, canonically from 1937, pointing at Bobby and Spader cuddling: What the fuck- is this allowed? What the fuck- is that allowed?
Bobby: stahp
Gunny: (realizes something about himself)
Press: Two bros, chilling on a skimmer, five feet apart, cause they’re not g-
Bobby/Spader: (kiss)
Press: O.O
Saint Dane: You know, the Travelers can be really aggressive, so it’s important to take all precautions.
Saint Dane, blowing an airhorn in Bobby’s face: Get fucked!
Bobby, booking it to the flume on Eelong: AHahahahaAAAAAAHHh AAAH ahaaaaaa
Kasha: Why are you running? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?
Spader, after a bag of chips falls on his head: Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane Tor-till-a!
Aja, driving on Second Earth for the first time: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does.
Mark: Is there anything better than pussy? Yes, a really good book!
(Courtney hits electric piano chord)
Loor, to Spader: Hey, I’m lesbian.
Spader: I thought you were Zadaa-ian?
Bobby, behind the camera: AHHAa!
Spader: AHAH!HGir! Stop, I coulda dropped my craw-sant!
(Loor watching some deer)
Bobby: ahCHOO
(deer run)
Loor: Oh, nice, Bobby.
Bobby: I sneezed! Oh, I’m not allowed to sneeze?
Saint Dane, disguised as a police officer: Do you know how fast you were going back there?
Bobby, putting on sunglasses: I would’ve been going faster, officer, but you stopped me!
(Saint Dane dragging Bobby out of the car)
Aja, from the back seat: You goin’ to jail, boy!
Spader: We’re getting pulled over!
Bobby: Quick! Put these on!
(Bobby and Spader put on camouflage)
Saint Dane, in a slightly worse police officer disguise: License and registrati- WHAT THE-
(Bobby and Spader get out and run away)
Saint Dane, panicking: Who opened that? Devil car! DE-VIL-CAR!
Bobby, to Spader: I love you bitch!
Spader: wha- oh my god
Bobby: I ain’t never gonna stop lovin’ you. Biiiiitch!
Spader, doing fucking anything during The Never War:
Bobby: Weoow.
Aja: I don’t need friends, they disappoint me.
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chaotictissuebox · 3 years
Hey guys so a good ol buddy of mine @birdybirdnerd has been writing a pendragon au. And they just so happened to recently add nevva into it. And her armor looks cool so of course i just had to draw it. So i took the 72 hour design an entire armor set after her so i could draw her in it (either tonight or sometime in the near future) with of course my first design for her and some designs for other characters. This is a dump of all the art (not just the armor from the last 2 days) ive drawn for this so i put it under a cut so it isnt as long as the color of the sky historical post.  (also tap for clearer photo) Link to the story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35575876/chapters/88691260
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(now time for nevva’s armor redesign. Bc i found out its full plate heavy armor.)
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(also the raven symbol)
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Courtney: Why is Dodger on the table?
Gunny: He wants to be tall.
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pendragon50 · 7 years
Thank you Bobby Pendragon, Vincent Van Dyke (Gunny) and Patrick Mac for being Earth’s Travelers! <3
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dounice-blog · 8 years
Post 3 Fictional Characters with your MBTI
@sweetymutant tagged me for this, thank you :)
I’m not used to MBTI classification, so I took the test from https://www.16personalities.com/ and the result is ENFJ.
Protagonist Personality : ENFJ
Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.
Professor Charles Xavier - X-Men
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Misty - Pokemon
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Vincent “Gunny” Van Dyke - Bobby Pendragon
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(that’s why Bobby Pendragon should be read by more people : to have better pictures of the characters :P )
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jakehawkfield · 11 years
he was in his cloral diving suit and gunny called him space cadet or something like that i CANNOT rememebr and i don know where book 3 went
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Gunny: Everything will be alright.
Bobby: ......okay......that sounds fake but okay....
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chaotictissuebox · 3 years
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Thought of this after seeing this post. https://theneverwar.tumblr.com/post/648450536515977216/insp-by-this-post-saint-dane-is-there-because
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chaotictissuebox · 4 years
</b> Anybody under 5'7 can't be talking about fighting anyone. Like, what are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the nipples?<p/><b>Dodger:</b> Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole.<p/></p>
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I wanted to reblog this the original text from @incorrect-pendragon-quotes​ but I couldn’t figure out how to put in the picture. The original squad meme is by @riddlemd​
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