sebsxphia · 26 days
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ghostnotoast · 2 months
"They both reached for the gun"
Except it's Arthur and The King In Yellow who are both reaching for John
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doodlebloo · 2 years
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whorez-corez · 2 months
i hate being gay i'm over here giggling and kicking my feet over a 40 year old man CHEWING GUM
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marsbotz · 2 months
smth smth angelas insistence on not using the word "dead" vs clay putting so much emphasis on the word when he tells bloberta abt his family
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unreleasedwrites · 5 months
may I request a fluff Gun x reader (him suddenly finding out his name was saved as "my big baby" in your phone and his reaction)? thank you ><
In Your Contacts
“Who do you think you’re calling a big baby?”
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summary:You decided to ring up your boyfriend’s phone despite him being fast asleep right beside you in bed. After a few rings, he finally wakes up annoyed. He reaches for his phone, only to see that it was you calling him. You explain why you called and even though he was being grouchy, he still said that it didn’t matter in the end as long as you compensated with affection. But before you two could go back to bed, Gun notices the recent call flashed on your screen which at first, he presumed that it came from you calling him earlier. But the name was throwing him off, “my big baby,” he had to do a double take and as you were about to turn the phone off. He stops you, solely to bring up that strange contact name.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: nicknames, fluff, reader and gun is sharing the same bed but are just sleeping, clingy
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unwrapped on: Tuesday Night, April 14 2024
wrapped up on: Friday Noon, May 31 2024
published on: Friday Noon, May 31 2024 (At around 12 Pm)
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You were wide awake at midnight and no matter what you resorted to, you couldn’t get yourself to fall asleep. Your long term boyfriend, Gun, was sound asleep right beside you. He wasn’t cuddling your nor was he even facing your direction, which high key offended you since you always count on the comfort and warmth of his body to put you to sleep.
So you decided to make it his problem too. After all, he did say that if anyone were to bother you, just call him at any time. Looks like it’s time to abuse that card then! You grabbed your phone from the nightstand on your side and unlocked it. You went over to your contacts and selected “my big baby” which was your secret nickname for Gun.
And then it started ringing, obnoxiously loud too. Gun wasn’t really a deep sleeper so he woke up within just a few seconds and picked up his phone that was on the nightstand at his side of the bed. He sat up and let himself gain some sort of consciousness, and then he looked down to his phone. Only to see that it was you who was calling him and he looked over to you with a confused look.
You pouted at him with crossed arms as the ringing went on, he was confused but decided he’ll bite.
He looked back at his phone and answered your call, and he acted as if you weren’t right beside him, “hi baby, its late. Why are you calling me?” He said with a sleepy voice. You muted his voice on your end so his voice wouldn’t echo, and you solely relied on what you heard from him, who was right beside you and even taking occasional glances at you. He also did the same thing so there really wasn’t any point in answering the call.
“I can’t sleep, and your sleeping is distant..” You complained as you rested your head on his bare shoulder, since he doesn’t wear a shirt to sleep or even most of the time.
“Ah. So let me just get this straight,” he scoffed, holding both of your cheeks with one hand and turned you to face him while he got impossibly closer to your face.
“You woke me up in the middle of the night, because you wanted my affection and some cuddles?” He added as his grasp on your cheeks only got tighter.
“Well..mm— yeah,” you muffled out.
He only stared at you with a stern face but eventually gave in and let go of your cheeks. You breathe out, “m’sorry..” with pleading eyes towards his tired, half opened eyes.
Gun only sighed, he ends the call and puts his phone away on the nightstand it was originally on.
“I’ll forgive you if I get to be the big spoon, oh and— you have to be facing me so I can see your adorable face.”
“Mmm.. But it’s hard to breathe in that position,” you replied.
“Then I guess we’re not cuddling tonight,” he said.
“Gunnnnn, pretty pleaseee can I just sleep on top of you?” You practically begged with pleading eyes and a tired pout.
“Only if I get to kiss you how much I want for the entire rest of the week, including tonight.” He said with a smirk spread across his face.
You hesitated, knowing how clingy Gun can be when he’s not busy. And since he’s got no work or agenda for the entire week and the next, you know that it’s gonna be a pretty annoying deal.
You stopped for a brief moment to think about this deal— an insanely clingy Gun who’s gonna kiss you nonstop just so you can cuddle with him for tonight, knowing damn well he will cuddle you at any time of the day even if you were to say no deal. Which didn’t sound too bad, after all, Gun’s kisses are to die for.
So after some thinking, you agreed and your boyfriend gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Awh, my baby makes such good decisions.”
“Hmph! You’re a scammer, aren’t you?”
“Oh honey, of course not,” he laughed at your sudden interrogation and added, “but it offends me that you even had to think about it, I didn’t get a yes immediately.” He pouted at you while stroking your hair and you pouted back at him, to which he only kissed your forehead again.
“It’s late, we should get to cuddling and sleeping now.” Gun said as he looked at the time using your phone, almost one in the morning. But he noticed a little something about the call you guys just had which was very short. It didn’t show his name or a nickname he knows about, instead it showed “my big baby” on the list.
You yawned and looked over to Gun who was holding your phone with a confused look. “Babe-? Something wrong?” You asked.
“Yeah.” He said, somewhat amused but you could tell he was still confused.
“And that is—?” You asked hesitantly, because what could he have even found in your phone to have a reaction like that?
“This,” he replied as he showed you your phone and the contact of “my big baby” was showing with all his details. At first Gun wasn’t sure it was even him, but the details proved that it was. You rose a brow at what you were seeing until you realized that Gun doesn’t know about this little nickname.
“It’s you, my big babyy,” you teased him as you brushed your fingers over his features.
“Wha-?!” Gun was slightly in shock but was highly amused with your utmost confidence and teasing, to which he added, “Who do you think you’re calling a big baby?”
You only laughed in response.
“That’s not an answer sweetheart,” he said with an amused tone.
“Well, if you must know, mister… That’s my handsome boyfriend, what’s it to you?” You said playfully as he pulled you in closer.
“Is that so? He must be lucky then,” he said, playing into your little shenanigans.
“I like to think that i’m the lucky one.”
“You really are a sweetheart,” he said as he pulled you in for a kiss.
You laughed again while he put your phone away and pulled you on top of him. He sunk the both of you into the bed and kept giving you kisses on the forehead while stroking your hair. You two eventually fell asleep in the same relaxing, adorable position.
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notes: idk tbh but this is short n sweet hehe
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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ask-eyefestation · 2 months
-Piky ( @expendables-ropg)
*She swam away rapidly*
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creature-wizard · 5 months
I don’t think people understand that Biden is genuinely the more lax president between him and Trump. The reason Trump isn’t saying anything against Palestine publicly is because he KNOWS that the young crowd of people who are upset with Biden due to Palestine are pushing the polls in his favour (as in, people telling others to not vote for Biden due to this singular issue).
However behind the scenes, Trump is literally reassuring his investors, etc, that if he comes into power he’ll flatten Gaza and all who protest for it. No ceasefires, whether temporary or permanent. That he’ll deport AMERICAN CITIZENS (to where?). Not to mention Project 2025.
And nobody yields the power of evangelical Christian Zionists more than Trump (despite the fact that he’s very clearly not religious himself).
Notice that evangelicals (and some other Christians as well) despise Biden (mainly due to LGBTQ+ acceptance, specifically trans people, as well as his tolerance for immigrants and non white individuals) and GUNNNNN for Trump.
To them, Biden having all of these policies and such while being Catholic, makes him the “wrong kind of Christian”
To all of y’all who think this won’t happen, undermining Trump is what got him elected the first time. Undermining the Supreme Court is what got Roe v Wade overturned. Soon to be Brown v Board (Clarence Thomas bitchass).
Yup yup, all of this. Biden's bad, but Trump is so, so much worse.
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papatya-guzeli · 7 months
Yeni gune BİSMİLLAH 🥰🫶
Aşk dolu bir uyanış🤩🤩🤩🤩
Aşk dolu bir gunnnnn🥰🥰🥰
#Aşk #mutluluk #huzur #güzellik
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Nasıl ki kudretinle geceyi gündüzle örtüyorsan; bizim de hatalarımızı, günahlarımızı rahmetinle ört.
Hayırlı sabahlarımız olsun.🌼💟
#gunaydın #Sabahul"hayr #yenigün #yeniay #nisan
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helloanthy · 1 year
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30.09.2023 💜 today's anthy!
shes supposed to be holding a gunnnnn butttt i dont wanna draw ittt ahaha ! its based off a photoshoot i did a few weeks ago except i dont wanna finish it. hehe
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crossover-enthusiast · 3 months
im off work and the thoughts have not left help
i really really like this exiled thing its so funny. Gadreel uses his hypnosis and shit to get away with not paying for anything. He jaywalks, almost gets hit by a car, and HE flips off the car that almost hit him,, yknow? oh theyre such assholes i love it
THEYRE LIKE PANTY AND STOCKING! but... in reverse. bc theyre demons not angels
i think i need to draw this
Gadreel gets cornered by like a robber or something, bc hes literally just. decked out in gold. and hes like "oh no oh noooo what everrrr will i dooooo he has a gunnnnn-" and he just fuckin kills them, through like epic shadow transition back into the snake-boy form
this is so fun. this is fun
Oh that is FANTASTIC
They're Panty and Stocking with even LESS moral code
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meiloorunsmoothie · 4 months
my brain did not just go
forgive me...
forgive me, for being his endddd
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princessbrunette · 3 months
ooohhhh i need mean dirty asshole jj his gunnnnn your mindddddd
i <3 him when he’s mean and dirty
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icy-gendango · 1 year
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Water gunnnnn for my warm up
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cadaverdolls · 4 months
Doll, I tried something new and this ended up taking so long. Trying new things usually doesn’t end up with me getting my butt kicked by said thing but today it did. I suffered, my wrist hurts so bad.
Plushie gunnnnn. Today I got @hakugin0 ‘s predator at the end of my guns barrel.
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Break down below
Doll hair, this is a unique case in terms of hair. If you look down further at my progress screen shot you can see the reference art piece I was using, the hair underneath is white. My drawing doesn’t really show that well but the under part is white. This could be done with doll hair a lot easier than felt if the person you commission does doll hair. It look a lot nicer then felt and the braid part of the hairstyle would be much easier. Noticed that this PC only had the ears of the TF turned on in the drawing. The two TFs they have is demon and wolf so for the customization I think magnetically attached tail, ears, wings would be best. Magnet or sewn on is a personal preference on the individuals part. Lots of my past post have details on clothing and such. I may end of making a master post with all the details on dolls so I can make these sections as short as possible. Also you could use puffy paint for the tooth to make it 3d and shiny.
Drawing wise this was so tiring, I might never do my dolls this way again cause it was just not a fun time, chnaging the color of the line art for each piece was torture and coloring inside the lines without overlapping another color was difficult at some points cause my lines are textured and you can see through them a little. It does look interesting but it’s not the style I want to keep doing. Good to try something new though. Also I changed the eyes are some point cause the original ones I did freaked me out for some reason.
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