#guitarists having fun
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bianca-mii · 3 months ago
Paul & Richard❤️
We all love pictures with our fav guitarists kissing or hugging, but I'd like to share some other, slightly less popular photos I find something truly special about:)
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Here they look SO MUCH alike. Almost like the same person one frame later. They're wearing matching outfits - black pants with extra belts, black jerseys, sleeves (Richard's a little longer and with red element, but with the red lighting on Paul too it's not much of a difference). They are in almost identical positions with the left leg on Richard's podium, their guitars are in a position in which you can't tell they're different, and most of all - they're rocking the same beautiful smile of pure joy of playing together.
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They look SO happy here. I don't know if it was raining (looks a little bit like it), but they don't seem to be bothered at all, they're so much like we don't care, the world is ours!
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Again extremely happy guitarists. Here not so much in the world is ours mode, more like the one is the entire world for the other. And nothing else matters...
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Now grumpy guitarists for a change. This pic makes me laugh so much. Aww babes, who stole your morning coffee? They BOTH look in such a bitchy mood:D
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This photo has such a strong bride and groom vibe. Only Schneider as the priest is missing;)
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That's probably only an illusion, but I got the feeling Paul shows a thumbs up while Richard is just about show s thumbs down. Also Paul is visibly pleased, while Richard has rather a scowl on his face. Would make a perfect picture for Richard's words "when I'm like NO, he always goes YES".
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Here with those little smiles they look like two schoolgirls gossiping during the break:D Richard obviously smoking, standing on a little stair (I saw the fuller version of this pic but can't find it now:( ), Paul standing on the ground. I've noticed a few times that when they stand next to each other, Paul tries to make himself smaller, as if he didn't want Richard to cone across as barely any taller than him. Also, they both seem to have their mouths open, I wonder how they decide which one talks and which is forced to listen at the moment. Paul probably has it easier because Richard has to take drags of his cigarette:D
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Guitarists in black with fans (there was a lady, similar age as the man in between, next to Richard, but I cut her off, sorry😶). I don't know where it's from, but I remember there was no other R+ bandmembers. Perhaps the guitarists flying somewhere together, just the two of them?😇
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Such an interesting shot. There's something about their faces that makes them even more attractive when you see them next to each other like this. They really are the match made in heaven...
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Ok, no Richard here, but that enhanced super charming smile was for him - Paul looked exactly where his fellow guitarist was sitting. I wish we could see Richard's face at this very moment too...
Edit: I remember no credits whatsoever, I'm really sorry;( please contact for credit if you're the author!
Edit 2: gif with Paul smiling charmingly to Richard by @mrsfitzgerald 🙂
Also, only 10 pics because tumblt doesn't allow more in a post:(
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notafraidofredyellowandblue · 7 months ago
Close guitaring
Gelsenkirchen 2024, by IG kaytekx
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For people wondering 'when did the relationship change'
right about here 😇
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pleucas · 8 months ago
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colored some band skks from the gram 👍👍👍
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year ago
If your favorite contains backing vocals, go with whatever feels right in terms of 'they are just as important as the main vocalist' or 'they are functionally another backing instrument like the guitarist or drummer.'
I know that the musicians are in fact just as important as the vocalist (obvious example: the guitar solos in classic rock, like Queen), but hopefully you get what I'm going for here.
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Paul coming all the way over there (in his sunny summer outfit) and some leaning against eachother with shoulders (as much as the guitars and still being able to play, allow) and a sweet ending ❤️
Mein Teil Intro, Budapest 12.07.2023
Mein Teil intro from Rammstein's concert in Budapest, 12.07.2023. Played on Richard's side of the stage, ended with a kiss.
Source: (Instagram) Don't repost without credit, please.
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bianca-mii · 2 months ago
The Guitarists
Some pics of our fav guitarists because why not.
Ever wondered who inspired Paul to wear low-crotch pants since 2019?😏
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That's right! Here's another evidence while guitarists are feeling the music and enjoying playing together:
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Guitarists about to make a simultaneous headbang:
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Guitarists focused on being angry and evil:
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I think this smile is oficially reserved only for Paul:
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Guitarists kneeling in front of each other during Benzin intro, 2009. Would they have believed had anyone told them they'd eventually kiss on the lips in this very position 13 years later?
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Speaking of kissing: just a little awww:
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And another awww:
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Awww too even though not on the lips:
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Ok let's not forget they're marvelous musicians and performers too:
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Those booties though... So well accented with belts, chains and whatever they got...
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Ok let's share something with Till:
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Oh this one... What a bunch of total and absolute... erhh... Rammstein members:
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Little kittens and big papa bear... I mean there is something seriously wrong with the perspective here. Neither Richard nor even Paul is that much smaller than Till...
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Hey, you two! How about you stop gossiping like some schoolgirls, you're at work!
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Guitarists going places together... Paul making sure he hasn't forgotten Richard:
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Looked like it was just the two of them:
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Guitarists off stage:
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Sorry, I had to! I saw that and literally went "where are their guitars?" Sadly, literally nobody understood☹️
Credits to the right owners!
Pictures from pinterest w/o credits mentioned.
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notafraidofredyellowandblue · 7 months ago
Guitarists on Du Hast
Gelsenkirchen 2024-07-31 from IG wir.sehen.euch photo by IG kidarctica (our own @derwahnsinn )
No words needed 🎸🎸
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nctsworld · 2 years ago
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a neo a day keeps the feelings at bay [73/∞] 
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when someone first thought of the idea of using coffee for makeup 😊
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I’m sorry what 👅🥵
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0rchidm4ntis · 9 months ago
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gift for my darling friend ell @memoryoflife <33 these two should jam together 🎸🎶
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stardestroyer81 · 2 years ago
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You ever wonder how Mike is going to keep seven foot tall animatronics out of his office with a flimsy door in place of the ones we're used to?
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Love when Paul's nose crinkles when he smiles 🥰
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Chorzów | 30. + 31.07.2023 | 📷 by KidArctica
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genericpuff · 23 days ago
one minute you're grieving over the death of circa survive
the next you're hearing some song in a video short from a band called L.S. Dunes and realize IMMEDIATELY without a SHRED of doubt who's singing, because it's that voice that carried and comforted you throughout your young adult years and through your 20's
anthony green is truly my third most loved anthony in my life dfasskdskfjdskl
(the first two spots are occupied by my husband and my work husband, so it's pretty fierce competition ngl)
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bianca-mii · 2 months ago
Guitarists being cute
Sweet moment between Paul and Richard during Ich tu dir weh
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Richard wants his Paulchen sooo badly...
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Source: Youtube
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notafraidofredyellowandblue · 10 months ago
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Found on ig little_babe_richard credit to nastasiia_ivashchuk
Guitarists enjoying a boattrip 😊
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