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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 4 months ago
You could turn 90% of the population of Tumblr into card-carrying Young Earth Creationists if you could convince them that Matt Walsh believes in evolution.
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Oh damn the Catholics have joined in on the war against AI "art".
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 3 years ago
What I said: "Bullying and abusing random Russians, of whom many have even explicitly condemned the current war, and censoring Russian intellectual properties, even by people who died long before Putin was even born, is fundamentally unjust and borderline orwellian; and no matter how many appeals to emotion you stack one upon another, all this russophobic craze offers absolutely nothing of value to those who suffer the fury of this war first-hand, and constitutes little more than vacuous virtue-signalling."
What they heard: "I believe in Vladimir Putin as my Lord and Saviour. He is anointed by YHVH Himself, and has a divine mandate to win the war. Russia did nothing wrong. I love this war, and I hope Ukraine loses its national sovereignty. I hate Ukrainian civilians with a burning passion. Putin is the reincarnation of Emperor Palaiologos and I want him to win this war so then he can reclaim Constantinople and let us back into the Hagia Sophia. I am willing to abandon God, kin, king, and country if thereby I can gain Putin's hand in marriage."
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 3 years ago
If there's one thing about the Zutara fandom which infuriates me more than their nonstop tendency to demonise the heck out of Aang and Mai, it's when they insist that any and all hatred of their stupid ship is rooted in...*checks notes* misogyny.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 4 years ago
What to expect in an argument with a fundy leftist, vol. 10
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To celebrate the 10th instalment in our "What to expect in an argument with a fundy leftist" series, we shall honour one of the most beloved SJW clichés, namely:
"The rights of [insert protected minority "loved" by leftists here] ARE NOT 👏UP👏FOR👏DEBATE👏!!!!"
Or, if you like, one of its most popular variants, which usually takes the following form:
Some guy: *expresses a heretical opinion with regard to the religion of Wokeness*
Some SJW: *GASP!!!* "You're dEnYiNg My oWn HuMaNiTy!!!!11!!1"
(Bonus rich points because the reblog I have screenshotted was taken from a thread where the original post was arguing that there's nothing wrong with blocking someone for disagreeing with you. 😂 Thanks for the self-ownage, libbies.)
And the reason why these arguments (which I have even witnessed personally) are on this list of "fundy leftist talking points" is simple:
Barring the dime-a-dozen "kill all men", "down with cis", "Christian persecution is karma in action" cases, and a handful of actual hateful far-righters which have made their abode on this hellsite, how many people have you seen literally denying certain demographic groups' humanity and rights? How many times have you ever seen somebody actually argue that POC lives, non-Christian lives, LGBT lives, don't matter? Better yet, how many times have you seen those clichés employed in contexts where someone HAS actually expressed himself against a certain group enjoying human rights?
Because for me, and surely for many others, that number is zero.
So at best, those who make this grandstanding argument are arguing with someone who isn't even there, probably seeking to virtue signal.
At worst...they're actively trying to frame and demonise their opponent in order to discredit his positions off-hand and win debates easily. Not that they don't necessarily believe what they are saying, though; it's just that they have a very expanded definition of "fundamental rights", so in their mind, if you don't agree that abortion on-demand up to 1 millisecond before birth ought to be taxpayer-funded, or that anti-white discrimination should be enforced as a remedy for past injustices against blacks, or that same-sex couples should have the right to force Christian businesses to cater to their weddings, or that we should sanitise language to rid it of ""offensive"" words such as "mankind", "homosexual", "master", and "amen", you are, indeed, "denying those people's right to exist" in the SJW's eyes. Because for the SJW, "fundamental rights" translates to "special privileges for those I deem oppressed based on their intersectional labels".
P.S.: Just in case you missed it, see the screenshot above and notice how the protected identity groups have changed once again. "Indigenous and other BIPOC lives matter". For some reason, non-indigenous ethnic minorities didn't make the cut...
What is going on here? 🤔
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 3 years ago
Libbies cannot make a point without entering "conjuror of cheap tricks" mode. Drink a shot.
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Who’s Alex?
Billboard demonstrating gender stereotypes as most people automatically assume that Alex is the boy.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 4 years ago
There are very few situations describing the broken mentality of Tunglr-dot-hell better than the observation that there are blogs which literally advocate for violence, suicide-baiting, or even genocide, and nobody bats an eyelash, but you will easily find yourself problematised and promptly "cancelled" (or at least on the verge of "cancellation") in a heartbeat if you DARE make a post claiming that Jesus died for all manner of sinners and that nobody has the right to disparage and marginalise repentant people, and someone decides to eisegete their own bad faith onto it.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 5 years ago
The "wonderful" """wisdom""" of the Left
So, in the mere span of the past six or so months, the "wonderful" and "rational" things that leftists have taught me include:
"Making a shirt encouraging people to pray for Trump means you (and your entire religion) are white supremacists if you didn't do the same for the previous 44 presidents."
"If you don't eagerly lick the boots of entertainment megacorps when they release Woke(TM) pandering movies/series, that means you're a Nazi."
"Interpreting a certain obscure fictional character as anything short of 100% gay means you're a homophobe".
"Pointing out the oppression and injustices faced by Western/Christian nations means you're a white racist." (Second case here.)
"Preaching the gospel means you're an antisemite."
"Exposing ignorant anti-Christian arguments means you're an islamophobe."
"Following traditional catholic blogs means you're a neonazi in denial."
Feel free to add contributions from your own experience, in hope that we might SOMEDAY manage to convince SJWs (and others who engage in such behaviour) that this sort of fearmongering and pearl-clutching DOES NOT serve to make their position seem any more reasonable, and that this contributes to a widespread cheapening of language the results of which might be too disastrous to fathom.
@anscathmarcach @bransrath @bagheadautist @theindependentconservative @ignorant-against-christians @venatrix-risus
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 8 years ago
What to expect in an argument with a fundy leftist, #3
I think I’m starting to notice a certain pattern with liberals…
As such:
Pro-life person: *tries to explain themselves, that they’re really in favour of all life and not against women’s freedom*
Liberal: “NO. I’m gonna call you anti-choice because you’re just anti-choice. Period.”
Christian: *tries to explain that they’re not actually homophobic and that their beliefs concerning sexuality do not entail hatred for any group, argues that “homophobia” has been rendered effectively little more than a buzzword*
Liberal: “Lol If you don’t want to be called a homophobe then stop having homophobic beliefs!”
Conservative: *argues why gender parity quotas are unjust and practically put identity politics over meritocracy*
Liberal: “Lol why don’t you just admit you hate women so we can get this over with”
In general, ergo: the sentiment that “You are an Enemy, so whatever I say your beliefs are, that’s what they are and I don’t give a s*** what you say.” Aka “You’re a horrible human being because I say so.”
And then those very same people flaunt how “open minded” and “morally superior” they are.
I’m tired of restating the obvious again and again, but it seems I have to:
Debate, pretty much like every other facet of life, presupposes mutual respect and, so to say, being a good sport. You can’t expect to only have rights and privileges while your opponent only has obligations. And if you do…well, at least don’t act surprised when you see that s/he does not take you seriously anymore.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 8 years ago
Concerning liberal Christianity
Random commenter on an article concerning homosexuality posted by a liberal Christian page (on Facebook): "I still believe that homosexuality is a sin, but no graver than all those described alongside it in Romans 1. That said, I am in no place to judge anyone but to merely speak the truth. Each person's journey with Christ is primarily their own and I am not here to judge them."
Gets 2 upvotes.
First commenter replying to him: "Translation: 'God hates fags'. You, sir, are part of the problem."
Gets 11 upvotes.
This is liberal Christianity in a nutshell, at least as I have experienced it. I can willingly give a benefit of doubt and believe that their most extreme are also being the most vocal, but these attitudes are worrying nonetheless.
Do you know what I usually see in conversations involving them?
>These nigh-radicals of the movement think that hypersensitivity towards certain issues will help solve them instead of aggravating them and pushing "outsiders" further away. Which is, ironically, pretty much the same as SJWs' way of thinking.
>They think that every conceivable opposition to their ideology (especially their positions on sexual morality and social justice) can only be on grounds of hate and intolerance. Just like SJWs do.
>They think that intellectual dishonesty and misrepresenting their opponents' positions will help solve problems and also make the opposition weaker. Just like SJWs.
>They think that love and tolerance mean being unloving and intolerant towards people you deem a threat to the Narrative. Just like SJWs.
>They think that mockery towards their intellectual opponents is justified by virtue of being right. Just like your typical internet atheist.
And...no big surprise here:
>They sincerely believe that, whenever they see fit, it is right for them to resort to scorn and derision and forgo Jesus' commandment to love our enemies and pray for them, by virtue of having the "right" understanding of God and/or the bible. Just like fundamentalists do.
Once again proving themselves that opposite ends of an ideological spectrum are more like each other than they'd ever imagine.
Now, does anybody perchance want to argue to me that this kind of attitude brings glory to God and his Church? I hope not.
Friends, if any one of you is a liberal Christian opposed to such ways of thought and action, I am sorry that such people tarnish your reputation. Come let us pray for them and for each other. And come let us reason together!
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 5 years ago
Why civility? Why humility?
Let's have a look at the following statement.
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It easily becomes obvious that this person is an immeasurably hateful and disgustingly racist human being, who should probably be subject to several restraining orders, and most certainly never allowed to teach in a school or given any political office.
As it is, most of us on here, who tend to believe that these racist fantasies are deplorable regardless of their origin and target, would be tempted to lash out with a very heated reply, detailing e.g. how nobody should be made to suffer for the crimes of other people, much less people who lived in neither the same time or the same place as we, merely because of sharing a superficial trait; we would very angrily react to his calling an entire group of people subhuman because of their skin colour and call out his tunnel vision with regard to historical and current racial issues; we would be outraged at his considering himself part of the right side of history, and believing to "be of the right mind".
Yet, if you search his blog a bit more, you will see that he is also constantly plagued by suicidal thoughts, and his will to live is teetering on a very unstable tightrope. In fact, I would even easily imagine that all throughout his life he has been taught to hate himself for everything he does and is, and that his (internalised? Isn't this what libbies call it?) racism is an inductive extension of that; in context, it is difficult to interpret as anything else than self-hatred writ large, with ample amounts of projection.
So now you understand why we talk about civility all the time.
By all means, the truth must always be spoken. Evil must not be called good. Sometimes, we even have to become very strict in our condemnations (primarily when criticising those who are in power, and should be accountable to us). But this case should make you understand full well that when we speak of "speaking the truth in charity", it is for a reason, and it is not merely (as a fundy atheist acquaintance of ours would say) "flowery nonsense from our jerk priest". Don't be the one to push somebody over the edge. Don't be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
And this might be a good reminder for me as well, to exercise temperance over tongue and pen.
Also, brethren, please pray for this person, as it is clear that they are existing in a dreadful state. Please do not go looking for this person, trying to help him; some of us have tried in the past and were only met with ingratitude and derision.
And some disclaimers for those who might be tempted to guiltjump me based on the above: 1. No, I do not condone this person's ideas and behaviour. Racism is never something good, much less when it is so hateful. 2. No, I do not condone other kinds of racists, either. 3. Yes, I know that I have failed to adhere to this standard of ethics (civility and charity) in the past. I apologise for that, and wish my contrition to be manifest in practice and not only in theory.
Pax in Christo.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 5 years ago
At this point they're essentially demanding that we all do our necessary hours of field service if we don't want to get disfellowshipped "cancelled".
random anon: what’re your opinions on aphobia, the death penalty, and equal pay for women? tell me, a stranger on the internet, all your personal information so i can decide if you need to be Cancelled™️
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 5 years ago
> "Believe and support victims of domestic abuse!"
> "Supporting a man who was proven to have been abused by his GF, instead of exculpating her straight away, is misogyny."
Johnny Depp is innocent
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Vanessa Paradis
Lily-Rose Depp
Kate Moss
Winona Ryder
Paul Bettany
Alice Cooper
Zoe Kravitz
Jude Law
Gwyneth Paltrow
Dakota Johnson
Tim Burton
Helena Bonham Carter
Judi Dench
Angelina Jolie
Michelle Pfeiffer
Gore Verbinski
Armie Hammer
Kate Winslet
Alison Sudol
Ezra Miller
Geoffrey Rush
Kaya Scodelario
Javier Bardem
Penelope Cruz
Anne Hathaway
Orlando Bloom
Kiera Knightley
Marilyn Manson
Patti Smith
Paul McCartney
Doug Stanhope
Alysson Paradis
Geoffrey Rush
Sacha Baron Cohen
Kevin Smith
Kevin McNally
Keith Richards (basically Jack Sparrow's dad)
Lori Anne Allison
Juliette Binoche (activist by the way)
Joe Rogan (radio interview)
Robert Downey Jr.
Victoria Mary Clarke
Shane Macgowan
Joe Perry/ Tommy Henriksen (his Hollywood Vampire friends)
Danny Huston, his co-star in The Professor, said when he met Johnny Depp he "fell in love instantly. There is a short film on the making of The Professor. All of the actors praised Johnny.
being a fan of Johnny Depp is one of the things I‘m most proud of about myself. I never, for once, doubt him. always stood by his side since the beginning of all this shit despite ppl sending me death threats. I will always be there for him. he IS innocent. The fact he’s still so strong and remains so sweet and gentle despite everything he’s been through. He is my hero.
Justice for Johnny Depp
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 5 years ago
PLEASE go outside.
just saw “this show is bad because nobody will write fanfiction about this character of color” placed as a legitimate take. i don’t say this often but…..please go outside.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 4 years ago
@under-the-arch You're being incredibly humble and charitable towards someone who clearly interpreted the original post in bad faith and then tried to "impact before intent" his way out of being proven wrong. Your attitude is commendable.
(Just so we're clear in general, "impact before intent" is BS, and it borders on abuser logic. It's not my fault that someone else misinterprets my statements if I have made their meaning clear.)
Don’t act like you’re so special that Jesus didn’t die for you. Jesus died for you to save you from you’re sin.
Don’t act like lgbt people living in sin are so dirty and sinful that Jesus didn’t die for them. Jesus died to save them too.
But let’s go further. Rapists, pedos, murderers, terrorist. Don’t act like their sin is so great that Jesus didn’t die for them. He died to save them from their sins.
What about woman who had abortions? What about the atheists? What about that mean girl from high school? Or your abuser? Or your rude coworker? The teen who had a baby out of wedlock?
Jesus died to save them from their sin too. Whether you want to believe it or not.
If someone turns to Christ and repents, then who are you to say they are unworthy of Christ when Christ has deemed them worthy.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 5 years ago
Ah, yes.
It's ALWAYS SOMEBODY ELSE'S FAULT when a #woke movie or series bombs.
Always duh ebil menz, or duh ebil sishetz, or incels, or dudebros, or Brexit, or Trump. NEVER the people who made the movie/series in the first place.
How convenient.
bold of male reviewers to assume we care about their opinion on Captain Marvel
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 4 years ago
Oh, but wait!! There's more!!!!
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"Disagreeing with OP's inane bull**** means you're a Klan member!!!"
Nobody is crying wolf they said.
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