#guidelines update.
trigunbookclub · 2 months
Bookclub Round 2!
Hello and welcome! This is an online bookclub dedicated to reading through the Trigun manga series (which is Trigun, followed by Trigun Maximum). This time around, we'll be reading one omnibus volume about every month to celebrate the Dark Horse deluxe editions releasing! You don't have to read that version, @trigun-manga-overhaul is a fantastic fan translation project, and a great alternative! (Though please, if you can, support Nightow and the official releases!) All official images used in promotion of this event are from Overhaul.
Trigun Deluxe Volumes 1 and 2 of Trigun - September 10th-October 7th
Trigun Maximum Deluxe Vol. 1 Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of Trigun Maximum - October 8th-November 11th
Trigun Maximum Deluxe Vol. 2 Volumes 4, 5, and 6 of Trigun Maximum - November 12th-December 9th
Trigun Maximum Deluxe Vol. 3 Volumes 7, 8, and 9 of Trigun Maximum - December 10th-February 24th
Trigun Maximum Deluxe Vol. 4 Volumes 10, 11, and 12 of Trigun Maximum - February 25th-TBA
Trigun Maximum Deluxe Vol. 5 Volumes 13 and 14 of Trigun Maximum - TBA
Guidelines and Info
Have fun! This isn’t meant to add more pressure or stress to your life, just to have fun reading a widely beloved manga <3
First-time readers and re-readers are both welcome!
Post your thoughts/theories/questions/graphics/edits/memes/etc. to the #TrigunBookclub tag on Tumblr, Twitter, or Bsky to participate with your fellow fans!
If you post spoilers for future volumes, please use the tag #TrigunBookclubSpoilers to help new fans enjoy reading along with the community.
Nightow’s artwork is beautiful, but sometimes readers find the action/dialogue a bit hard to follow. Feel free to ask for help deciphering things!
While the manga is a brilliant story, it covers very dark themes. They are spoilers, but if you trigger warnings, there is a Does the Dog Die page for the manga. There’s also a chapter-by-chapter TW list on Tumblr.
If you fall behind or come in late, no worries! Feel free to hop in at your leisure, just know the main tag will have spoilers for the current volume.
Supporting Dark Horse and Nightow is highly encouraged, but if you're looking for a place to read because you don't have a deluxe edition/want to read online with a different translation, check out @trigun-manga-overhaul!
Be kind to others! This is supposed to be a fun experience for a franchise that a lot of us love or are interested in. Harassment will not be tolerated.
And that's all for now! Follow this blog for updates, and I hope you have a great time if you decide to join!
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aniseandspearmint · 1 year
About covid being over: are we just meant to put our entire social lives, our entire society on pause forever? My mental health plummeted during lockdown and will take years to recover. Now that there's vaccines and crowd immunity and less deadly strains we ARE meant to learn to deal with it as a given, the way we have with many deadly diseases in the past, and move on. So for the sake of life moving on at some point it's **normal** to treat it as a cold, and I'm saying this as someone who's lost people during the pandemic too. Please do not fear monger.
No, but you SHOULD care about other people enough to still mask.
I am NOT fearmongering.
Covid is still dangerous, especially to the many MANY people who are immunocompromised and people who cannot get the vaccines (for whatever reason).
I know several people who THIS YEAR caught permanently disabling covid, despite all being fully vaccinated.
I am not saying you have to quarantine yourself anymore. That was NOT a thing I said. There is a world of difference between wishing that other people cared enough to MASK, a thing that is NOT HARD AT ALL, and demanding that people still observe full quarantine protocols.
Plugging your ears and closing your eyes and refusing to listen when people are still justifiably worried, and not listening to experts that haven't been pressured by the government to say 'COVID IS NOT A THREAT ANYMORE YAAAY!!!' just makes you a fool.
I know that's harsh, but it's the truth.
Hospitals are no longer required to report covid cases and covid deaths as such. This is a GIANT RED FLAG that people are happily ignoring so they can feel safe.
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
Hey everyone!
I don’t like doing this, but I just wanted to write a very gentle reminder <3 about reader etiquette.
Sending in asks for more parts of a fic is a no no.
Recently, I’ve been receiving multiple asks that demand more parts of one of my fics. I am not mad!!! Far from from it!!! It’s just that… rather than encouraging (which I’m assuming is the intent), it feels sort of discouraging than anything. Writing is something I love to do and do for my own enjoyment, and sharing it with you all is pretty vulnerable already, so when people send in asks, not just to me but to authors in general, asking “Where is part ()⁉️⁉️”, it feels like unnecessary pressure, and worse, it feels invasive, to a certain extent. Writing is something that is created naturally; over time. It is not something to be rushed. We are not robots. Authors aren’t even obligated to give you more parts, so please realize that that is a privilege when we do. For free.
Instead of sending in asks, you know how you’ll get that next part sooner? Likes, as well as reblogging, and commenting!!!!! Preferably reblogs and comments!!!! I can’t stress this enough!!! And when an author does give you more parts (that took time and effort), show your gratitude in the same ways listed above!!! Not in the ask box!!!!!!!
This feels way more appreciative and genuine. When we receive those reblogs and comments, we feel much more compelled and willing to write! The ask box does… the opposite. With that being said, you can still use the ask box if what you’re sending is a, “wow, part () was so good! Keep up the good work!” Or alike, then yes! This is good!!!
Please, we ask you as readers to not send in asks like “Where’s part ()?” or “I need part ().”. The ask box is for questions, concerns, requests (if open), and/or compliments, and nothing else.
Please and thank you <3
- Cupcake xoxo
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as of today 8/8/2024 we are no longer accepting positivity requests for introjects from specific sources. this is due to the fact that these sorts of requests have been outnumbering our other kinds of request lately, and it is growing overwhelming and cumbersome for us to complete these requests in ways that are thoughtful and affirming.
for those whose requests are in our inbox, we will still gladly complete your requests. this is just a new standard for our blog going forward. we have edited our inbox guidelines to reflect this change.
our sincerest apologies to anyone who is affected or disappointed by this change. we need to have boundaries and rules on this blog that allow us to maintain it in ways that are both achievable for us and that can prevent us from getting burnt out sooner.
thank you so much for your understanding, everyone.
introjects, we love you. we do want to support you and we care about you. introjects from all sources are still absolutely welcome on our blog. we are still happy to make positivity posts for introjects, just not for introjects with specific sources (i.e. markiplier introjects, dark souls introjects, aristocats introjects, etc.)
if anyone can recommend a blog that currently does make positivity posts for introjects from specific sources, please let us know so we can boost them! again, we are really sorry if this disappoints anyone!
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
I'll keep it as brief as possible, but please do read this post all the way through before sending in a submission.
First and foremost, submissions are only accepted during the periods when they're open. Just check the pinned post! If it says submissions are closed, please don't try to send something in as it will simply be deleted.
If submissions ARE open, use this form to send yours in. If you have problems with it for whatever reason, let me know. Otherwise, don't send in a submission through the ask box, IMs, or any other means.
If a character is featured in several different types of media (e.g. book AND movie, manga AND anime, comics AND video game, etc.) please specify which one you have in mind, otherwise, I'll pick and my choice might not be what you wanted.
Feel free to include links to pictures if you want, but make sure they're relatively good size and resolution, and most importantly unedited/unmodded/etc., or official art. No fanart, please. Don't worry if you don't have pictures, though, I'll find them myself.
YouTubers/streamers are only accepted selectively if it's obvious that the character in question is a fictional character and not their internet persona or such, and if a quick search online can confirm this.
Religious figures are also only selectively accepted if they come from what is a clear reinterpretation/fictionalization/dramatization/etc. instead of holy texts or straight out of a pantheon.
Please limit yourself to submitting 5 characters at most. When submissions re-open at a later time, you may submit 5 more, and so on.
Only 3 characters per source material. Anything more will be deleted.
Only one character at a time, please. So, if you want to submit 5 characters, you'll have to fill out the form 5 separate times.
Yes, you may deliberately submit either very well-known characters or very obscure ones. That's okay!
If you have any questions not covered here already or would like me to clarify something, just shoot me a message. Thanks for reading!
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toobadmice · 2 years
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Some, er, late night mice
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newsmutproject · 2 years
Call for Submissions: Erato II
Send us your most seductive flash fiction and prose poetry*!
We’re seeking super short writing in any subgenre, featuring characters of any and every orientation and gender, so long as they’re 18+ and express their consent to all erotic activities. Whether they find pleasure through BDSM, fetish, or vanilla encounters; in long-term romances or one-night stands; with one person, a roomful of people, or just themselves, it’s all good.
How explicitly you want to portray the sex, and what counts as sex, is up to you - but leave the reader in some way breathless.
Vivid writing, clever and original plots, and stylistic or structural experimentation are particularly welcome. We want stories that are sex positive, body positive, and inclusive. Usually at least half the stories in our anthologies feature characters who are LGBTQIA+, including the ace spectrum.
BIPOC writers, trans and nonbinary writers, disabled writers, working-class writers, and writers of other marginalized and underrepresented identities are warmly encouraged to submit. We’re thrilled to work with writers from around the world at any stage of their careers, including those who have never been published before.
*Please note, prose poetry, not verse poetry. We share some inspiring verse poetry on our blog, but don’t publish it—yet.
We’re also interested in excerpts from longer works, including sex scenes from stories in a genre other than erotica. 
Payment & Length:
We’ll pay $25 for the first 500 words and 2 cents per word thereafter, up to $45 for 1,500 words. 
Please include wordcount with your submission. We’re willing to look at slightly longer stories, so long as they still fit the spirit of ‘flash fiction’ (e.g., if you’re at 1,575 words and can’t find more to trim), but payment is capped at $45.
Accepted pieces shorter than 500 words will receive $25.
All contributors will also receive an ebook copy of the anthology and a discount on paperback copies.
For a taste of our tastes, check out our first flash anthology, Erato, and our blog – but we love to be surprised by new concepts, and we actively want to expand the range of identities and perspectives we publish with each book.
You can also read two of the pieces from Erato for free online - both award winners!  
“A Study in Circuits and Charcoal” by jem zero won the Best Feminist Sex category of the Good Sex Awards.
“Touch” by D. Fostalove was a runner-up in the Best Sexy Talk category.
More details and tips below the cut:
Submissions open: April 2 – August 31, 2023 (Extensions can be made upon request.)
We’ll send a confirmation email (manually) within a week of receiving your story. Please query or resend if you don’t see this confirmation in <7 days. 
Acceptances won’t be sent until the submissions period ends and all stories have been considered. Some rejections may be sent out sooner.
Publication date: Early 2024
Some tips to save you time --
Our hard-ons:
All stories will be copyedited before going to print, but well-polished submissions have some advantage. Here’s a guide to dialogue punctuation - getting it right can save lots of editing time (it also shows you paid attention to these guidelines).
We strongly prefer 1 character’s POV per scene unless you’re doing something incredible with an omniscient narrator. Use scene breaks to change POV rather than ‘head hopping’.
We don’t require, but do enjoy, stories that feature realistic sexuality, including safer sex.
Throughout our blog, we share lots of stuff we find interesting about sexuality and would love to see reflected in submissions! For instance: do you know how excited we’d be to publish a story about a character with vaginismus? (Hint: very!)
We’re eager to see sympathetic and sensual depictions of people who are often poorly represented in mainstream smut. Just to start with, this includes Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color, trans women (as well as trans men and nonbinary people, but we want to especially recognize the impact of transmisogyny), disabled people, and fat people, as well as the many people who belong to more than one marginalized group. Writers of these backgrounds are warmly encouraged to submit. 
Some of our favorite erotic flash fiction opens in the middle of sex. However you do it (and there are many ways to do it), grab the reader’s attention from the first lines.
However short the flash, there’s always room for the ingredients that take a sex scene from a list of mechanical actions to an interaction between multidimensional characters. Some writers get creative by choosing to omit one of those tools, like dialogue - this can work too! We certainly don’t mandate dialogue, or descriptions of textures and scents, or whatnot. But if you’re looking at your story and feel it might be missing something, the Sex Writing 101 list can be useful.
We’re interested in erotic narratives that build or explore a consent culture.  We want to see affirmative consent, whether expressed through a verbal “yes” (or a “maybe, let’s try” or “yes for now”), through action & collaboration (returning their partner’s kiss, guiding their hands to where they want them, etc.), or telepathy. “Enthusiastic consent” can be a fuzzy target (who decides what counts as ‘enthusiasm’? does it leave room for more cautious experimentation or other nuances?), but we’re never going to reject a story because its characters seem too eager and excited to have sex with each other.
All sex that takes place in the action of the story must be consensual. However, stories about characters who have survived sexual coercion or trauma will certainly be considered.
At the New Smut Project, we’re looking for thoughtful stories that explore sex as a positive force in people’s lives. The overall tone of our anthologies tends toward the optimistic, although there’s definitely room for stories that are nuanced, bittersweet, and even gently tragic (both our Good Sex Award winners, linked above, are strong examples of stories that are bittersweet, mixing challenges with reason for hope - and have we mentioned scorching-hot sexiness?). Hope and defiance are very sexy. 
References to other literature, art, music, and more are awesome. Brainy is sexy. Nerdy is sexy. Do keep in mind we can’t publish outright fanfiction unless it’s of a work in the public domain. But we are all about erotic retellings of Shakespeare, or the Epic of Gilgamesh, or what have you.
Right now for Erato II, we’d love to fit in more super-short pieces (500 words and shorter) with intense feeling and imagery - prose with the impact of poetry.
Hard sells and hard nos: 
Our upper limit of 1,500 words isn’t firm because we want to make writers’ lives easier: we know there are times when you aimed for flash, overshot, but trying to trim more words could remove something significant or take more time than it’s worth. Remember, though, this is still a flash fiction anthology, so we can’t include stories that exceed the limit by more than a few hundred words. (The reason we’re not saying how exactly how many more is because that would become a new upper limit that’s not necessarily firm...ad infinitum. If you need a hard limit, aim for <1,500.) 
No coercion as part of the action of the story (as mentioned, it might form part of a character’s history, sensitively handled and not for titillation). This means no characters badgering each other into an activity or characters being “obligated” by circumstances. We’d also prefer not to see sex between teachers and students or doctors/therapists and patients. Especially gross and deliberate violations of the consent guideline may result in your email address being blocked without notice. Don’t troll us. (If you’re not a troll, don’t worry; the kinds of things we block for are not written or sent by accident.) 
No sexually active characters under the age of 18. 
Stories about deception (including infidelity) are very hard sells. Like many of our hard sells, these ideas are worth exploring in literature but often aren’t a good fit with our focus on sex as a positive force in people’s lives.
We appreciate bittersweet stories, but aren’t fans of when tragedy seems like a “punishment” inflicted on the characters for having sex. If characters have contempt for each other in place of sexual tension or the story ends with a death, it’s likely too grim for us (at the same time, stories about desire mingled with grief, pleasure in the face of impending loss, or ghosts with vibrant sex after-lives can be a great fit and are of personal interest to editor T.C. Mill). 
Stories about a character being seduced by someone who turns out to be a vampire, demon, or serial killer and then - surprise! - gets killed/eaten/tortured/dragged to Hell are not a good fit. Cryptid boyfriends (and lovers of other genders) are great, we just don’t want to see them tricking and preying on their partners; that’s not exactly sex positive consent culture in action. 
Other concepts we’re not thrilled to see: stories where characters have sex while very intoxicated/high, stories about sex robots (vs robots who happen to have sex; it’s a key distinction!), and stories where characters have sex because they are hired to (our focus is on different motives for sex; we welcome pieces about sex worker protagonists in their personal lives). Stories with other premises will be much more competitive in the submissions pile. 
Don’t send stories based in transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, fatphobia, and other asshole moves (but it’s fine to send stories acknowledging these prejudices as part of a character’s lived experience).
We can’t accept writing or characters you don’t hold the copyright to (this has been a particular issue with quoted song lyrics. Please only quote lyrics you have written yourself or know to be in the public domain. It also now includes AI-generated text). As mentioned, intertextuality with public domain works is wonderful, though, so bring on the erotic Great Gatsby retellings!
Unlike many publishers, we’re willing to consider stories we rejected from previous calls. It’s best to be upfront about what you’re re-sending and why you believe it might be a fit for us this time around (if the story has been substantially revised, if it received a personal rejection lamenting that we just couldn't fit it in a prior anthology, etc.). Also, be upfront with yourself about whether you have other ideas for stories to submit and if you’re certain you understand the kinds of stories we publish. 
Multiple submissions: We’ll look at 1 or 2 stories per author. You don’t need to send both stories at the same time, but if you are submitting 2 stories at once, feel free to do so as 2 attachments to a single email (easier for us to keep track of).
Simultaneous submissions: Please let us know in your cover email if your story is also under consideration elsewhere. Keep in mind that we’ll hold stories we’re considering at least until September 1, 2023 (and likely later, as it can take some time to make final decisions about which stories we’ll publish).
Reprints: Happily considered! So are translations of stories into English and excerpts from longer pieces. We especially enjoy republishing older stories (reviving those which have gone out of print) and love to look at sexy scenes excerpted from longer stories in genres that aren’t erotica. In your cover email, please give us the details and confirm that you can offer us reprint rights. 
How to submit: Send your story to newsmutproject(at)gmail.com as a .doc/.docx or .rtf file, a Google Drive link, or in the body of the email. In the subject line, include the story’s title and “Erato Submission” to keep your email safe from the spam filter.
We’re not picky about format, but anything resembling Shunn’s Modern Manuscript Format works especially well. However you do it, please include wordcount somewhere on the first page. This info helps us organize the stories we’re considering.
Provide your cover letter in the body of the email, not as an additional attachment. If you’re unsure what to put in your cover letter, no sweat. We don’t need much, but Strange Horizons’s tips are excellent. If authors are comfortable declaring marginalized identities that have informed their writing in their cover letters, we appreciate knowing this and will not disclose the information to others (it’s up to you what you feel safe and comfortable sharing in your published author biography and promotional interviews - and in your cover letter; all this is optional).  
Also, we appreciate hearing in your cover letter about where you learned of this call for submissions! Big thanks to everyone who’s done this so far - it helps us know where to promote future anthology calls.
Submissions will be read by T.C. Mill (she/her) and Guinevere Chase (she/her). 
Questions, updates, and more information: Contact us with questions and suggestions at newsmutproject(at)gmail.com. Answers to frequently asked questions are posted in the q&a tag on this blog. For updates and more info, you can sign up for our newsletter through MailChimp, follow us here on Tumblr, and/or follow us on Twitter (much less active).
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Updated guidelines 27/06/2024
Depending on the number of submissions and real life engagements I'm not sure how long it will take to edit and publish a confession.
All confessions are posted anonymously. Any form of hate, anonymous or not, will be immediately reported. Critically discussing ships, canon, headcanons etc. is fine, bashing people who like them is not. E.g. point blank accusing one or more groups of shippers of racism, or telling real people things like "get a life" or "touch grass" will get your confession deleted. I'm sorry if that's disappointing but I'm putting my foot down on this.
You can submit a picture or decide not to have a picture at all.
Nsfw confessions are welcome! Posts with mentions of sex will be labeled mature, so please check your label settings to correspond to your viewing preference. If you don't want to have the mark for mature content checked but would still prefer not to see sexual content and/or mentions, I will use the tags "nsfw", "sex mention", and "sexual content", so make sure to block those tags.
You can respond to confessions by ask/submission but I won't edit them, just publish them as they come. If you are responding to a confession, please try to include the number.
Feel free to inquire about the status of your confession, either by ask or dm.
Posts with particularly triggering issues will be tagged both with the general tag "trigger warnings", and/or with more detailed tags.
Posts with critical opinion will be tagged "critical confession". Critical answers to confessions will be tagged "critical response".
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p3girlsweek · 5 months
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Welcome to Persona 3 Girls Week! This is a week-long event from August 5 - 11 dedicated to celebrating the girls from Persona 3. Anyone is welcome to participate as long as they follow the guidelines! Rules and Content Guidelines:
Works should focus on the Persona 3 girls. If you include the male characters, please make sure they do not overshadow the girls.
Romantic pairings, platonic pairings, and familial pairings are allowed.
Canon and AU works are both welcome.
Please make sure to tag your entries appropriately.
Any type of fanwork is allowed (e.g. digital or traditional art, fanfiction, fan videos, etc.) as long as it was made by you. No plagiarism or AI.
If you wish to use other creators’ work in your submission (e.g. fanart in fanvids, MMD models, etc.), please obtain their permission to do so and credit them appropriately.
How to participate:
If you would like us to reblog your work, please tag your post with “#P3GirlsWeek2024” OR mention our account (@p3girlsweek)!
We will only reblog works with SFW thumbnails. For NSFW works, please put the full version under a “read more,” or link off-site.
Writers are welcome to add their works to the P3GirlsWeek AO3 Collection.
Late entries are allowed! We will continue to monitor the tag and reblog posts until two weeks after the event has ended (August 26th).
For people who don't have a Tumblr/AO3 account that still want to participate, you can submit links to your entries using this google form and it will be added to a masterlist of off-site entries!
Most importantly, have fun and don’t stress yourself out! We’re excited to see everyone’s works!
Have a question that hasn’t been answered? Check our FAQ tag, or send us an ask! We will be more than happy to answer ✨
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apparentlytheproblem · 7 months
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"I'm gonna tell you you're pretty,"
‧₊˚❀‧˚. did you miss me? - xoxo lizzie .scorpio.shoe size 6. your mom.
navigation - . instagram . pinterest . spotify
➤ masterlist . request information . prompt list .
➤ follower count: 1216
"till it makes you sick"
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moonlightspencie · 2 days
Just double checking that you're cool with minors on your blog just not on the 18+ posts of course
i’d say 15-16+ for the fact that some of my tags can get a little racy. but as long as the “luna is horn knee” and “mdni” tags are blocked, that’s totally fine since i’ve always had people of all age groups reading my clean fics :)
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vincentvalentineweek · 4 months
Since we're revamping the week a bit this year we'd like to make sure that we give participants adequate time to create, therefore prompts will be released in the coming weeks. However we request that participants keep their work unposted until the event week. We will not reblog finished pieces for the October 2024 event prior to 2024. Submissions for the Winter 2023 event will be accepted until October 12, 2024.
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Apparently I can meet my goal of roughly 400,000 words in 6 months if I just somehow write at least 2,200 words a day ghbjh... Almost 2,500 today... huzzah...
#Definitely not going to be able to stick with it just due to like... being realistic about my energy levels and etc. ESPECIALLY as we#enter the Evil Summer and it becomes hot all the time. But... one can attempt.. at least...#I'm also a very slow writer since I tend to re-read and edit while I write. and only move onto the next section once what I'm writing#seems okay. Which is easy for visual novel type stuff. since ''sections'' of a conversation are more clearly marked (like if you#have a menu option with 5 different dialogue choices. finish the character's response for choice 1 before moving onto 2. etc.)#Especially since when I'm done with a whole quest I always follow it up by playing through it and picking every option and making sure it#actually all works okay and etc. So I am already going to see it all a second time. Then I can go back and reorder a few words or remove#certain sentences that don't sound natural when I read them out loud (I always read it all outloud to myself since it is... just peple#talking.. it should sound like natural dialogue in their voice. etc). But my ''first draft'' is kind of not as first drafty since I pause t#edit a lot as I go along. So it also takes longer probably than it would take other people who I think treat a first draft as more#of a loose guideline or something. AANYWAY...#80F in my bedroom right now again... huzzah... I did end up finishing and recording that sims build video before the heat wave (or is#it really a heat wave if it's just summer..?? lol) came in.. but now... augh.. the editing... plus the costume photos and all else... Much#to do as always.. Often such a long todo list.. a giant scroll hung upon the walls of the evil hermit wizard tower..#Anyhow.. I hope I can finish getting ready for bed early in time to reward myself with a game of tripeaks solitaire whilst I snack on#cheddar cheese and some of those preserved artichokes in a jar. hrgm... I actually have nasturtiums (ultimate best flower) on the#deck again this year but I had to move them all into a corner today because the leaves were getting burnt by the sun lol.. Also am now more#cautiously weaving through social media to ignore all dragon age news. NOT bc of spoilers (I actually love spoilers/literally never play#any game until there's full guides on it I can read to plan my entire playthrough based on knowing exactly what I want to happen lol + mods#and etc.) but just because I'm so busy with my ownprojects I simply do not have the brainspace to dedicate... Yes I love to think#about elves and fictional universe lore. but no.. I pretend I do not see it. Does not exist to me actually. ghgj.. OHH also took som#cool pictures of flowers in the garden section of a store and I wanted to do like.. character designs based on the colors of the flowers o#something. but that might just be another unnecessary project to add to the pile.. I want to commit to the daunting task of dyeing my#hair again some time.. hrm.. this is all of the updates I can think of. As if a bunch of random tags make up for never posting anything for#weeks on end lol.. alas.. too warm to think properly I suppose.. .. I neeeeeed a long lost relative to leave me some million dollar#estate in their will so I can have the resources to move to a colder climate or something ..augh#.. but for now.. I shall toil away in my little wizard tower trying to write 2000 something words a day whilst sweating and such ghbj
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kemvee · 2 years
How to see 'mature' content on mobile.
New Tumblr terms are here (aka welcome back female presenting nipples) but everyone is defaulted to 'hide' when it comes to the good stuff. Here is a step by step guide to fix that if you're on mobile. 18+ only please
Step 1: Go into your settings, click 'content you see'
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Step 2: Scroll down till you find the labels. 'Mature' is a catch all but there are specific options available
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Step 3: Personalise to taste :)
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tyhi · 9 months
porridge for champions (only)
you gotta prepare some of this the night before, so that the phytase enzyme in the buckwheat can get to work on the phytic acid in the oats to release the minerals and make them bioavailable and generally make all of this easier to digest and stuff.
combine the following in a jar or saucepan and mix it up:
oat flakes, however much you want to eat idk. you can play with the oats-to-water ratio to make more of a dry/fluffy or a wet/smooth porridge. the range is around 40-110 grams for one portion, depending on what you're going for. a tablespoon of oats is about 10g
½-2 tbsp of buckwheat -- i use raw crushed groats. less processed = richer in enzymes. crushed is a good balance between cooking time and enzyme content, i think
1-2 tbsp sunflower seeds, chia seeds or pumpkin seeds for extra nutrients, variety, texture :) (optional)
pinch of salt
water - soak em. enough to cover the oats etc + a lil extra bc they soak it up and expand. NB if you want dry/fluffy porridge then err on the side of less water, ie just enough to cover the stuff.
cover with a lid and leave at room temperature overnight.
cooking: add some fat. i love using fatty coconut milk or just coconut oil, or goats milk butter or even some kind of animal fat. i turn the heat to medium-high at first to get it all hot while mixing it, and then i leave it on low for a while. takes like 30 minutes or so
completely optional, i usually add some of these b4 i start cooking:
plain protein powder (im a fan of hemp protein personally)
maca and/or ashwagandha
matcha powder - ive really been liking this lately
collagen supplement (if u have an autoimmune condition pls look into healing gut permeability btw. even if u dont have digestive problems. ily)
carob powder my beloved. or cocoa powder. or both
or if u like savory porridge: curry powder, smoked paprika, leek, herbs, pepper
& some possible toppings:
any kinda nutt butter u like <33
stick some chocolate in there and watch it melt
jam. classic
honey and cinnamon
coconut sugar syrup
berries, frozen or fresh
some reading materials btw:
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mosaickiwi · 6 months
One more request left and then i'm taking a nap for 20 years doing a quick break to work on personal writing!! (nefarious hehe goes here)
Had a few people inquiring so!!! If you'd like to get pinged the next time my requests are open, feel free to comment here, ask me in the discord, or just send an ask!!
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