#guess who realized they could wear their hair in a side braid - it's me i realized
alexenglish · 4 months
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copper posting after so long 💫
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huffelpuff210 · 6 months
Saving part 3 BikerBucky Barnes x Reader
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Warning: Violence, Abuse, forced relationship, age gap, obsession, sexual behavior, 
You look at yourself in the mirror, James texted you early this morning, telling you to wear something pretty, God only knows how he got your number, 
You are wearing a black sundress with sunflowers on it, it was spaghetti strapped, You covered up the bruises as best you could with your foundation, hoping you did a well enough job, you also wore a jean jacket over the dress just in case, 
Your long brown hair was in a side braid, You wore flats you looked at yourself in the mirror turning from side to side, making sure there was no visible bruising, You let out a sigh, realizing you did a good job covering everything up, 
You hear the sound of a motorcycle outside, and you didn’t have to guess who that was, You grab your bag and make your way downstairs, Your father looking out the window with a beer in his hand, hearing you he turns around, his eyes looking you up and down, 
“You are not going with a biker.” He sneers, 
You scuff, 
“And what are you gonna stop me?” You ask sure it was out of character for you to talk back but knowing James was just outside gave you a bit of courage to stand up to your father, 
He sneered at you, 
“Get your ass back upstairs you are not leaving with him!” He yells 
“just try and stop me.” You say opening the door walking towards James who was  just getting off his bike, Your father standing in the door way glaring daggers at you, sure you knew you were going to pay for your attitude when you got home, But you didn’t care at the moment you were actually allowed to have some fun for once in your life. 
“Hey doll you look gorgeous.” He says smirking
“Thank you.” You say as he kisses you on the cheek, 
“Ready to go?” He asks handing you a helmet 
You were a little hesitant because you never in your life rode on a motorcycle but you nodded taking the helmet. You put the helmet on adjusting the strap under your chin James was smiling down at you then looked at your father who was still watching with daggers, 
“I swear he always has a beer in his hand when I see him.” James chuckles 
You chuckle lightly If only he knew 
James gets on the motorcycle and you get on behind him, 
“Hold on tight doll.” He says you wrap your arms around him as he takes off, 
Everything whipping by as he drove out of town,
He never did tell you where he was taking you but soon enough he stops the motorcycle, You get off first, 
“A biker bar?” You ask 
He chuckles 
“This place has the best food, besides I thought I would show you a bit of my world.” He says getting off the bike, You hand him the helmet, 
You arch your brow, 
“Come on doll you’ll love it, besides this is only our first stop.” He says slinging his arm over your shoulders, his arm landing on one of your bruises you wanted to wince but you held it in, 
When you entered the bar you were slightly intimidated big bikers everywhere, some were at the bar drinking, others playing pool, and others playing darts, everyone looked in your direction they all smiled when they seen James, 
You both sit at the end of the bar and order your food, you felt so out of place here sure you worked as a waitress at a strip club but big bikers are a different story, 
“So tell me why do you work at a strip club?” He asked 
“I’ve worked there since I was sixteen, it pays good,” You say 
“Really?” He asked 
“Why do you sound surprised?” You asked 
“Well because most teen girls are busy going to the mall and being stuck up.” He says with a chuckle 
“I wasn’t like most girls.” You say
“Clearly.” He chuckles 
To you it seemed easy to talk to him, you didn’t feel pressured into talking like you did most people he may be a big biker, But he seemed to care and want to know you as a person. 
“So what made you want to be a biker?” You ask
He chuckled 
“Well it wasn’t like that at all, When I got honorably discharged from the army I needed to find a hobby, I learned that I had a love for Motorcycles, so I guess it just sort of just popped out at me then.” He says with a chuckle 
you smile at his story, 
After you two ate your meal and he showed you how to play pool and he was convinced you hustled him he took you to your next stop a bowling ally, 
“You know how to bowl?” He asked 
“It’s been a long time.” You say 
“How long?” He asked 
“Since I was eight.” You say with a light laugh, 
He chuckles 
Bucky couldn’t place it but he got the feeling that you didn’t get to have much fun, He always saw you working, And when he saw you starting to lighten up a bit it warmed him up, He knew you were supporting your father, it’s a small town, all he had to do was ask the right people, He knew why you worked your ass off just to support your father, 
He didn’t exactly like your father for a few reasons one was because of last night, Bikers are many things, brutes violent, rough, But there are lines they never cross and that includes hitting a woman, 
Another reason he didn’t like your father is the menacing vibe he got from him maybe it was just because of his drinking or maybe Bucky was looking way to far into it but he just didn’t like the man, 
As you both were bowling when you reached for your bowling ball the sleeve of your jacket revealed your wrist where there was a massive bruise, 
James grabbed your forearm looking at the bruise, 
“This wasn’t there yesterday, What happened?” He asked in a dark voice, 
Your eyes widen not really sure how to answer his question, suddenly he was dragging you out of the bowling ally and he has you sat on the bench, 
“Don’t make me ask again.” He says in the same voice that sent chills down your spine
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pinkroseblooms · 7 months
Could you do a Mataka x reader x slight creepy Shindo. The reader is Arajins sister that just got discharged from the hospital and is cleared to go to school. (They are part of the reason their family moved back) They’ve had a childhood crush on Mataka, but they met Shindo in a book store. He thinks winning Arajin is through his sister, or threaten them.
This got my brain buzzing with ideas! Here's the first part, I'll probably break it down to 3 parts total!
A Chance Meeting and a Declaration of Protection?!
Summary: You've come back to your old hometown for a fresh start and a shot at a normal life; too bad being reunited with your childhood crush and attracting the attention of an unhinged gang leader is proving a detriment to your health in more ways than one! wc: 2.3 A/N: This takes place in an AU without honki people/magic, and tw for future chapters for Shindo being a creep/yandere coded because...I mean come on. Makatara/f!Reader/Shindo (mostly one sided though)
“Come on, just a little more…”
Standing on your tiptoes, you stretch your arm as high as you can, but the novel atop the highest shelf is still out of reach.
“Ugh, I should have asked Macchan to come and help me.”
“My, my, what do we have here?”
You feel a presence behind you before you hear their voice; at first you had assumed Arajin had returned to the bookstore to walk you home. Your mother had made him your personal escort of sorts and your brother had obeyed, walking you to and from the few places you felt well enough to explore. 
After spending so much time in a hospital bed, being outside was almost overwhelming, but you also felt restless. When you found out your favorite bookstore was still open after all these years, you could have cried. Now as you stand on somewhat wobbly legs, vision a touch fuzzy, the last thing you need is stress. Where was Arajin? And who was this strange man smirking at you like you were some amusing joke?
“You must realize the owner has a ladder for this exact reason.” 
He taps the spine of the book, easily reaching over your head. “This book, you want it, yes?”
“Oh, yes.” You nod, somewhat hesitantly; your eyes scan the aisle, but it would seem there’s no one else around.  Briefly, your eyes linger on his braided hair and light eyes; he wasn’t wearing a school uniform, just a plain, gray sweatshirt and matching pants. You were certain he was around your age though. 
“What are you staring at?”
“Oh sorry, I was thinking, um, did you want the book?” You smile apologetically, hoping your embarrassment wasn’t obvious. “I didn’t mean to be in the way.”
“No, no, I was amused by you hopping like a bunny.”
Your smile falls. “Uh, I guess I’ll just go on and ask for assistance then-”
But the stranger takes the book, holds it up over your head with a sickly sweet smile.
“I wouldn’t leave a lady struggling. Here, take it.”
“Oh, thank you.”
But before you can take the book, he holds it up even higher. You frown, confused; is he just messing with you?
“I thought you were giving me the book?”
“Isn’t it a bit rude to ask for favors from a stranger?” He asks innocently. “My name is Shindo  Akutaro; might I ask for your name?”
“Tomoshibi.” You say curtly. “May I please have that book, Shindo-san?”
“I suppose.” 
The book is unceremoniously dropped and you fail to catch it; the novel lands on the hard tiled floor and you slowly kneel to pick it up. Bending and stooping too quickly makes you light headed and your limbs feel like noodles at the least bit of sudden motion. 
“You don’t need to kneel before me for such a small favor.” 
Shindo’s smile widens until you see his canines; he looks down at you over the rim of his glasses, eyes shining with an odd sort of glee, as though you’re doing something very silly and he has to hold back laughter. You straighten up, standing up too quickly; for a second, you teeter on unsteady feet and your hand grabs the shelf for support. 
“You look very pale; are you sick? In that case, maybe you ought to be home, not hopping around.”
“I spent enough time cooped up.” You rub your forehead gently with your fingers, holding the book to your chest. “I should be able to manage shopping for a book.”
It’s more than your desire to purchase a new novel though; this book store is a place of comfort. You used to spend hours either browsing the selection or sitting in the cafe area to read the newest addition to your collection. It wasn’t like you could run around with Arajin and Matakara, as badly as you wanted to. Even now, you’ve only just begun to feel what you assume for others is something like “normal”. 
“It’s not funny.”
Shindo blinks, looking vaguely perturbed as you stare up at him defiantly; suddenly, you feel very irritated. Whether it’s due to his prior teasing or your own frustration, you’re not sure. 
“Thanks, I suppose, for getting the book.” You say quietly. “But I don’t appreciate a perfect stranger laughing at me. I never asked to be sick and I didn’t ask for your help. Excuse me, but my brother will be here soon to take me home and I need to go buy this.”
With a slight nod, you scurry away to the register on the other side of the store; as he hands you the receipt and your new book, a soft chime signals someone has entered the store. You turn around, met with the sight of a disgruntled Arajin and-
“Macchan?” You almost drop your bag and wallet. “What are you doing here?”
“I bumped into Ara-chan, so I thought I’d tag along.” Matakara waves with a sunny smile. “You’re doing okay? You haven’t had to go back to the hospital or anything?”
“I told you she was fine.” Arajin walks over to you and takes your hand. “Come on, let’s get going,”
“You’re in a hurry for someone who was late to get me.”
“Mom asked me to pick up a few things for dinner.” Arajin explains with a sigh, leading you to the sliding doors, Matakara following behind dutifully. “I figured you’d want more time anyway; you could have called.”
“You could have called if you were going to be gone later.” You grumble, slipping your hand from his grasp. “Arajin, slow down, I can’t walk that fast.”
“Do you want me to take that?” Matakara comes to your side. “Here, let me carry your bag. You look kinda pale.”
“So I’ve heard.” You sigh; of course he had to come and see you winded from the most menial task. “Thanks Macchan, but I got it.”
“Come on, we need to get home.” Arajin gives Matakara a look. “Don’t you have to get going too?”
“I can stay.” Matakara turns to you. “You don’t mind, do you? I feel like we haven’t had a chance to catch up since you moved back. It’s been too long.”
“No kidding; honestly I almost didn’t recognize you when you came to visit.” You chuckle and pat the top of Matakara’s head. “I used to be taller than you.”
“Um, yeah.”
Matakara’s face flushes a bit; it’s nice to see he hasn’t changed too much from the bashful sweetheart you remember. Now, if only you had changed as much; you both envy and admire your old friend’s strong build. 
“Don’t strain yourself too much tomorrow.” Arajin looks over his shoulder at you; he’s still looking a bit grumpy, but his eyes soften as they meet yours. “My class is basically across the hall from you and the teacher’s already know what to expect.”
“I know, I’ll be okay!”
You sound more confident than you feel; from what Arajin has said about his time attending the academy, the place sounds less like an institution of education and more a playground for delinquents. Still, you have limited options and if you have to attend a school in the area, you feel better knowing at least two people already. 
“I’m in the same class as Ara-chan; you can come to me if there’s a problem. If you want to.” Matakara says with an oddly serious expression. “I’ll be there, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”
“I’m not worried.” You lie, your smile feeling like a mask stretched over your face. “Thank you, Macchan. I don’t want to bother you though, you and Arajin have your own lives. I’m sure I’ll be totally fine. I’m so pitiful, even bullies don’t want to bug me.”
“No you’re not.” Matakara frowns. “You’re not pitiful, you're strong. I always thought so. You should too.”
You’re not sure how to respond; Arajin makes a choking sound deep from his throat and puts his hands over his ears.
“Ugh, I can not listen to this! You two walk back together, I’m going on ahead.”
“Arajin!” You gap as your brother stalks off down the sidewalk without a glance back at you. “That little shit! He’s lucky I can’t chase him down. Ugh, sorry Macchan, he’s being such a brat.”
“No, it’s okay.”
“It is not.” You huff, crossing your arms, glaring at the dot that’s now Arajin’s head. “He’s been on edge ever since we came back. I get him being angry with me, but you haven’t done anything.”
“Why would Ara-chan be angry with you?”
“Not me exactly, just,” You unfold your arms and they hang at your sides. “A big reason we came back was for my treatment. Mom’s settled in fine but Arajin…it’s not my place to speak for him, but I know being here is frustrating.”
“But it’s not your fault you’re sick.”
“Still, I think…he’d never say so, but I think he resents me. Arajin always has to deal with mom putting me first because of my poor health.”
Arajin never says it, but you can tell he gets frustrated; he never asked for a sister who constantly needed to be minded and tended to. Even now as you’ve gotten older, he’s still being pushed into the role of caretaker. You don’t want him to feel like he’s responsible for how you do when you go back to attending in person classes. 
“He brings a lot of it on himself, but I know he worries about me. Anyway, I don’t want to burden him or you.” You muster up a genuine smile. “I’m going to take it one day at a time, but I can do this. I have to at least try; I can’t let it all be for nothing.”
“You,” Matakara pauses, gazing at you with wide eyes and parted lips. “You haven’t changed at all.”
You can’t help snort. “Seriously? I know I said I wanted to toughen up and all, but-”
“You’ve gotten even cooler.”
Maybe it’s a good thing Arajin decided to leave the two of you in the dust; if he saw the way Matakara was staring at you, you might have had Arajin ready to drag you away. Before you can say anything, Matakara gently takes the bag from your loosened grip.
“For the record, I never thought looking after you was a burden. I want you to ask me for help. Matakara confesses shyly. “I’m stronger now.”
“I noticed.” Your eyes flicker to his arms; his muscles are basically straining against the thin cotton of his worn t-shirt. “Are you sure? I really don’t have trouble carrying something that small.”
“I want to!” Matakara insists; he almost whines and your heart skips a beat as he pouts down at you. “I could even carry you if you needed me to.”
“Okay, okay, I got it.” At this point the thought of your crush carrying you around in his absurdly strong arms is making you so lightheaded, you might end up needing to be hauled home anyway. On the bright side, you doubt you’re looking pallid; heat radiates from your face as Matakara walks with you. He walks in time with your steps; if you asked, he would probably take your hand to lead you home.
“I bet you’re really popular.” You nudge his shoulder. “Arajin told me you’re like, a class leader or something?”
“He did?”
“Uh huh. But don’t tell him I told you.” You put a finger to your lips. “If you do, I’ll tell him about how you cried after stealing one of my horror novels.”
“I didn’t know it was a scary book! I thought it was about a magic doll.”
“To be fair, it was brought to life with occult magic. I still can’t believe you threw out my baby doll.”
“...I thought it would come to life and haunt you.”
“That’s right, I was so mad!” You recall with a giggle. “Do dolls still freak you out?”
“Aw,” You feel a bit guilty at the kicked puppy dog look on Matakara’s face. “I’m sorry for teasing you.”
Matakara remains silent for a few seconds and you feel anxious: was that too far? It had been a long time since the two of you were able to talk like this. Perhaps you were getting ahead of yourself, acting so familiar with him. 
“Matakara? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hassle you. I won’t actually tell Arajin about the doll thing.”
“It’s not that.” 
Matakara fidgets with the handle of the shopping bag; the sun is setting now. The soft golden light makes his eyes almost sparkle; as if getting enough oxygen wasn’t already a concern. Now you had to have your breath stolen by the warm gaze holding your attention captive. 
“It’s just…I don’t want you to think of me that way. I’m not that weak cry baby anymore.”
“I never thought you were.” You tell him earnestly. “I shouldn’t have teased you.”
“You really don’t get it.” Matakara’s voice lowers. “Even though you were so sick, you looked out for me. Now I want to do that for you. I want you to see me as someone strong you can depend on.”
“Macchan, you don’t have to look out for me: that’s not your responsibility.”
“Do I…look different to you?”
Matakara inches a bit closer, as if he's afraid to startle you, before taking yours hands in his own. You can feel callouses on his warm palms are warm; his cheeks are pink and his stare is hard with determination. Abruptly, you're reminded of that tenderhearted boy who would rush to your side every time you so much as hinted at being fatigued.
"Do you trust me?"
"O-of course." You study his urgent gaze warily. "I always have."
“I could-no. I will protect you. If anyone tries to bother you tomorrow, you come straight to me. I’ll deal with them. I'll be there; as long as you can trust in that, I can only get stronger." Matakara squeezes your hands gently. "Believe in me and I'll protect you with that strength."
You’re taken aback; you’ve never heard Matakara speak this way to you or at all. Not that you don’t appreciate it; on the contrary, your tummy is doing somersaults. With that said, you can’t help wondering: just how much did your friend change these past few years? And what exactly is he expecting he’ll need to protect you from? 
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pommpuriinn · 3 months
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┈─★synopsis- finally Joohyung gets to go back to the US which she has missed dearly.
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౨౿ atlanta
౨౿ hair/makeup
౨౿ Joohyung was feeling a bit better since the whole houston concert which she reassure moa that she’s ok and to not worry about her, and enjoy the concert
౨౿ the members kept on playing with Joohyung’s braids causing her to yell ‘ya!’ into the mic making herself startled, and hitting Kai who at the time was the one of the ones messing with her braid
౨౿ “before we head to the next song I wanted to say that I love how you guys dress up for us.” Joohyung pointed at different moas. “I realized that when we go to the US moas like to follow the dress code or wear similar outfits from performances or mvs. They’re really pretty outfits and I love them, and you guys look really good.” She raised an eyebrow teasing the audience
౨౿ “how about noona finally teaches the maknaes the dance.” Yeonjun suggested, as then move to ‘the killa’ dance segment. “I guess I’ll teach them.” Joohyung playfully rolled her eyes, making the members laugh. “Make sure to use your face,” Joohyung pointed her’s. “Sexy like this.” She gave them a demo, but she didn’t get too far because Beomgyu and Kai blocked Joohyung. “Too sexy! Too sexy!” The two jokingly covered Joohyung’s face from everyone
౨౿ as they were performing ‘cat & dog’ as an encore song Joohyung took the time to read posters and followed what the poster was asking, along with dancing with moas and even the staff who Joohyung found hilarious because they were so hyped and dancing along with her
౨౿ send off
౨౿ “Joohyung you’re so pretty!”
“Woah! You really look AI! It’s crazy!”
“Honey are you even real right now?!” Moas were so infatuated with Joohyung’s visuals that they kept on complimenting her causing her to get embarrassed. “Thank you so much~ you guys are just as pretty too.” Joohyung sent them all hearts
౨౿ “Honey I just wanted to say thank you so much for saving me honestly, txt gives me so much motivation and happiness. It must be very tiring with everything you’re going through, but just know moas are always by your side defending and protecting you. We are also a shoulder you could always lean on and cry too. I love you so much, Honey.” Joohyung saw that the moa was starting to cry which made her start to cry as well. She wiped the tear that was coming out, “ah, moa~ don’t cry.” Joohyung playfully whined while trying not to cry further. “I should thank you for letting my dreams come true and for always supporting txt and letting us come and perform for you. I hope you never leave our side, and thank you moa~” Joohyung sniffled, as she lovely pat the moa’s head
౨౿ Joohyung ended up witnessing for first ever proposal and she was as shocked as Yeonjun. “Congratulations!” Joohyung clapped for the couple before taking a photo with them. Before moving on to the next moa she heard someone asked a question, “when is Beomgyu going to propose to you Honey?” Joohyung got so shy with the question her ears started turning red, which she quickly covered making everyone around her giggle. “I don’t know? You have to ask him when he comes around.”
౨౿ long story short the same moa questioned Beomgyu the same question and he got just as shy as Joohyung, and his ears ended up turning red too. He cutely started stumbling through his words trying to answer the question
౨౿ new york day 1
౨౿ hair/makeup
౨౿ another soundcheck moment to mention is the viral boyfriend Beomgyu look he was giving. “Do you like Beomgyu’s look?” Joohyung asked moas who responded quickly loving it. “Good because it was me who to put a little bit blush on him and did his hair. He looks soo cute~” Joohyung squealed, making the members coo at how cute she was explaining
౨౿ Joohyung’s glowy sparkly makeup was a hot topic in the makeup world along with all her makeup looks throughout the tour
౨౿ Joohyung was definitely in a playful mode, as she was spanking the members’ butts making moa laugh at her silly antics on stage
౨౿ in the previous stops some members have accidentally dropped their fan during ‘sugar rush ride’ and it was now Joohyung’s turn to experience the little embarrassment of dropping the fan right when the camera is on her. She laughed it off instead of beating herself up about it
౨౿ Joohyung saw many pride flags waving around which she pointed at the flag and sent hearts at the moas waving it, including seeing many hold up palestine flags which she also pointed at them sending big hearts at the moas with them
౨౿ Joohyung went so hard at the choreo for ‘no rules’ it’s another one of her favorite bsides. Both her and Yeonjun were going around jumping and dancing using all their last energy
౨౿ send off
౨౿ during send off Joohyung saw that the moa she was with was shaking and saying ‘sorry’ because she wasn’t being fast pulling up her camera app. Joohyung gently held the moa’s shaking hand, “it’s ok. Take your time, I’m not leaving you so soon.”
౨౿ ��can i do a heart on your cheek while we pose?” The moa asked. “Yeah! It’s ok.” Joohyung even leaned in more so the moa’s hand was touching her cheek
౨౿ Joohyung did a little tiktok dance with a moa, but she couldn’t keep a straight face so the whole time she was holding in her laughter
౨౿ even though Yeonjun asked to keep the pride flag filled with moas’ signatures and the staff said ‘no’ Joohyung asked the moa if she could keep it. Of course the moa said ‘yes’ and Joohyung grabbed it and the staff member tried to say ‘no’ to Joohyung too, and even tried to take it out of her hands. “No it’s mine.” Joohyung pulled it away from the staff member’s reach
౨౿ new york day 2
౨౿ hair/makeup
౨౿ Joohyung made all the members have a blushy look during soundcheck which moas thanked her for her service
౨౿ “New York!” Joohyung yelled after the dance break for ‘deja vu’ while moa screamed with excitement. All the members chuckled hearing Joohyung yell
౨౿ Joohyung was mouthing “runaway, runaway with me” to a moa causing them to have tears in their eyes, making Joohyung pout not wanting to make the moa cry
౨౿ again Joohyung’s body was hurting and she was trying her hardest not to show it, but once it was time for ments everyone could tell Joohyung was having a hard time as she was trying to rub out the pain from certain points of her body
౨౿ members started to really worry when Joohyung was hanging her head low and trying to blink the dizziness away, sometimes Joohyung would clinch on a member’s shirt or sleeve trying to balance herself
౨౿ after ‘magic island’ Taehyun couldn’t take it no more and walked Joohyung backstage so the staff members could take care of Joohyung. “Noona needs to cool down a bit longer, so don’t worry moa.” Yeonjun tried to reassure everyone. “Mm, noona works too hard and just needs a bit more time.” Kai agreed before changing the topic
౨౿ the members even dragged on the ending ments because they didn’t want to perform without Joohyung, so as they kept on looking behind them seeing if Joohyung was walking back they would keep the conversation going. “Oh-our honey is back!” Soobin smiled at Joohyung, who was walking back while fixing her ear-in. “I’m back~” she sang
౨౿ moas noticed the healing patches they placed on places where Joohyung was experiencing pain along with giving her an updo instead of keeping her hair down. Many speculate that Joohyung was going through heat exhaustion
౨౿ send off
౨౿ Joohyung brought out Bibi to the send off making moas jealous of NY moa Joohyung even let moas pet Bibi let how she let houston moa pet Poki
౨౿ “honey please promise to rest lots when you get home.” Joohyung could tell moas were really worried about her which made her feel really bad. “I will try my best, thank you.” She smiled before moving on
౨౿ just like how Poki was trying on gifts Bibi did the same and she was very vocal about it, “I think she’s saying thank you.” Joohyung was laughing at how Bibi was meowing at everyone who was gifting her everything
౨౿ “oh my god! You painted this?” A moa handed Joohyung a beautiful painting of Joohyung during ‘black mamba’ era. “Yes!” Joohyung looked at the moa and back at the painting making everyone laugh. “You’re so talented moa!”
౨౿ rosemont day 1
౨౿ hair (black bow)/makeup
౨౿ moas thought that Joohyung looked like those female Tom and Jerry cat girls but goth version with her dark makeup + piercings
౨౿ after with somewhat rest and not performing for two days Joohyung felt a bit better not fully, but enough to perform well
౨౿ despite her dark makeup and cold stares Joohyung was being clingy towards any member for example; rubbing her cheek against Kai’s arm while he was talking, holding onto Taehyun’s shirt while following him around, playing with Beomgyu’s fingers during a ment, holding Yeonjun’s hand while watching the maknaes dance to ‘the killa’, and giving back hugs to Soobin while resting her cheek against his back
౨౿ “I know I mention this before but…I really love these outfits you guys wear for us.” Joohyung points towards the second level. “I hope you guys are all comfortable and able to dance with the tall heels.” She chuckled, seeing moas look at their feet
౨౿ Joohyung unleashed her boba eyes during ‘isytt’ making moas squeal every time she was shown on the big screen even the members looked at her with warm eyes
౨౿ send off
౨౿ despite all the hardships Joohyung is going through she still manages to have a smile on her face for the people who love and support txt
౨౿ during this send off many moas made it their mission to tell Joohyung how much they admire her and constantly giving her compliments, and how strong she is to keep performing no matter how tried she is. Hearing all this was so overwhelming for Joohyung, but in a good way. That she was getting teary eye just hearing everyone
౨౿ towards the end Joohyung was signing a page from the moa’s dairy that was gifted to them while the moa poured her heart out about how much she loves Joohyung and even naming a few reasons out of 100 on why she loves Joohyung. Her speech broke Joohyung, as she no longer could hold in her tears and a single diamond tear fell on the page creating a little tear drop stain
౨౿ Joohyung profusely was thanking moa for coming and for being there for her before officially leaving. It was definitely one of the more heartfelt moments from the whole send off part of tour
౨౿ rosemont day 2
౨౿ hair/makeup
౨౿ during soundcheck Joohyung brought out both Bibi and Poki to no knows surprise both cats loved the attention, as they were acting as if it was their show even meowing into the mic making the group burst out laughing kinda surprised at the cats actions
౨౿ Joohyung did dress both cats up with the gifts moas were giving them and they even had fansite photos taken of them causing twitter have their fun with the cute cat photos
౨౿ one of many funny moments created in this tour is when they had to kick their mic stands during ‘loser lover’ and Joohyung completely missing the aim of her mic stand. She stared at it in defeat before kicking it harder than she’s supposed to because she was a little mad at her aim
౨౿ while Joohyung was going hard at dancing her ear-in fell out of her ear and as the song got to the climax the confetti canons went off scaring the crap out of Joohyung and many moas. She yelped into her mic making the members startled at first, but then laughed it off seeing that Joohyung wasn’t in any danger
౨౿ as the group was performing ‘trust fund baby’ Joohyung was seen zoning out just nodding to the music luckily not forgetting to sing her lines
౨౿ to moas it was hard to view Joohyung as sexy with her cute hairstyle and makeup during ‘the killa’ nevertheless she still caused imaginary nose bleeds with her bold moves
౨౿ Taehyun accidentally tripped poor Joohyung while pulling her with him to run full speed to the main stage so they can dance to ‘happily ever after’ together
౨౿ singing ‘blue spring’ brought back all the memories from the previous tour along with lollapalooza. Joohyung was done showing her vulnerable side again so she tried her hardest to keep the tears from flowing
౨౿ send off
౨౿ “are these the freebies you guys hand around?” Joohyung pointed at the clear bag filled with freebies. “Yeah, want some?” The moa offered. “Yes please~” Joohyung held out both palms waiting. “Wahh, thank you!” Joohyung smiled, while looking into the bags of fanmade pcs with sticker
౨౿ Joohyung was surprised seeing little kids waiting to met her. “Hello there!” She leaned over the barricade, trying to reach them better. Joohyung playfully ruffled their hair before saying her ‘byes’
౨౿ “is that my cereal?” Joohyung snickered, while reaching for the cereal box to sign it. Joohyung’s box was coco puffs for the general mills collab 
౨౿ “the amount of Jooie egg pcs I have signed this whole tour is insane.” Joohyung was slightly regretting all the close up photos she takes for her pcs. “Please keep taking egg pcs Joohyung.” Moas begged, making Joohyung chuckled at how cute their begging is
౨౿ washington (last one!!)
౨౿ hair/makeup
౨౿ welcome back short hair Joohyung! She was missed by many including the members who have a habit with playing with their noona’s short hair
౨౿ “hi I’m Honey and I have short hair again! Do you like it?” Joohyung beamed, hearing all the ‘yes’ in the crowd. “That’s good. Let’s live it up since it’s sadly that last US stop of act: promise. But let’s not be sad because this isn’t a ‘goodbye’.” Joohyung brought everyone’s spirits up
౨౿ Joohyung gave it all she got making sure there wasn’t any regrets with her performance, especially because it was the last night
౨౿ Joohyung let out a tear during ‘deja vu’ like how she did in their Inkigayo performance making moa go crazy with her acting skills
౨౿ “our actress Joohyung!” Soobin clapped, as the group was doing their ment. “I save that move for the last show since it’s very special.” Joohyung mimicked her tear falling. “Noona you do it so easy~” Taehyun dragged out the word, making her laugh
౨౿ Beomgyu kept on messing with Joohyung’s hair causing her to spank his butt to try and discipline him. Clearly it didn’t work because he kept on doing it
౨౿ “Kai let’s fucking go!” Joohyung yelled, while Kai was getting his guitar to have his solo moment. It hyped up Kai and moa, making moa’s cheers louder and Kai gaining even more confidence
౨౿ it was the last ‘dreamer’ Joohyung zoom in which Joohyung slowly slid her hand up to her neck while giving a seductive look into the camera, giving moa a moment to remember
౨౿ “I think moa really liked noona’s short hair version of ‘the killa.” Yeonjun teased. “The killa~” Joohyung immediately sang while doing the hip movements, earning screams. “I agree too!” Beomgyu cutely raised his hand. “Let’s make noona perform it one last time for us.” Soobin added. “Yes, noona should be right in the center.” Kai guided Joohyung to the center. “Ok, one, two, three!” Taehyun counted down before singing. Joohyung tried to wash away the embarrassment before starting which somewhat worked, as she winked and blew a kiss towards the camera
౨౿ Joohyung was making sure to try and thank everyone from every section for coming since it was already the end of the concert. Joohyung made sure to take her time reading all the posters she could before heading to the center where the screens from above slowly came down ending the final US stop of the tour
౨౿ send off
౨౿ “did you cut your hair?!” A moa asked while admiring the new look. “No, I just had extensions in since it takes while for my hair to grow long.” Joohyung cleared the air
౨౿ “honey we’re going to miss Bibi and Poki too.” Joohyung sadly didn’t bring either of the cats to join them during send off. “They are definitely going to miss all the attention you guys gave them for sure.” Joohyung smiled at them while signing their pc
౨౿ Joohyung gave lots of girlfriend material poses for moa’s pictures
౨౿ during the send off moa got to see a clingy Joohyung up close, as she was hugging Beomgyu’s arm while waiting for her turn with moas, and they weren’t complaining because of how cute she looks
౨౿ Joohyung blew lots of kisses before making her way to the exit door officially done with this leg of the tour
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syndxlla · 1 year
best friends don’t look at each other the way we do
A low stakes, high reward, and self-indulgent Zelink fan fiction. Canon-compliant. takes place between BOTW and TOTK.
chapter four: I’m better than ever
Read chapter three here
My masterlist
Song: Landscape with a Fairy by aspidistrafly
Summary: Link and Zelda start to get back on their feet, local problems in Hateno Village start to arise.
Warnings: PTSD, dealing with trauma
Word Count: 3.3k
Authors Note: sorry this took me so long to update! This is unedited so pls be kind haha. I love you all! Also I’m working on getting this uploaded to Ao3!
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A few days go by, and Zelda finally starts to feel like herself again. After three days of laying in bed, drinking broth that Link makes for her, and falling into deep, dreary sleeps, she can finally get herself out of bed.
She walks downstairs, not feeling dizzy or nauseous, to find Link passed out against the table. His mouth is slack, and the smallest amount of drool dribbles out onto the cracked wood. His eyelashes are long and thick, and he has an old scar through one of his eyebrows, causing a clean-cut line of no hair. He looks so gentle when he sleeps, soft and peaceful. You would never guess he was the threat he was.
Zelda knew how badly he needed to sleep, he had spent days restless over her. She knew he got some rest here and there, but never enough to really help. She notices his shoulder shake, he isn’t wearing a shirt. She swears he never does at home. It was cold, despite it nearing summertime. Zelda goes to grab one of the wool blankets he keeps on a bench against the wall. Before she carefully drapes it around his shoulders, she examines the scars on his back. It’s littered with cuts and bruises. Some had healed well, and were only suggesting an injury. Others were a pale shade of tissue, some were still red and pink. One even still had his make-do stitches in it. She wondered who did them for him, and what battle caused the injury. Link still had bruises on his side and bicep from the fight with the calamity. They were starting to turn a jaundiced yellow and green, his body slowly healing them. Zelda’s stomach turns at the memories of the beast.
She shakes her head and sighs, placing the blanket over his bare skin and positioning it over his shoulders. Link stirs and his breathing shifts, he closes his mouth, swallowing before continuing his dreams. His hair is out of his hair tie, and it lies loose around his shoulders and face.
His face and look is so alluring, there's something about him that’s so comforting. She could sit with him all day, just with him as he slept, knowing that she’s safe.
She uses the washroom, taking her hair out of the old braid and letting the soft waves fall over her shoulders and cascade down her back. A pit churns in her stomach as she looks at her long hair. Her hair was always a part of her identity. Something she never cut, never damaged. It was beautiful, even after the years of divine wear and tear on it. She never had a choice with her hair. She didn’t get to make hardly any choices for herself. He runs her hands through her hair, sometimes she wished she could just rip it all out. Have a fresh slate.
She changes her clothes after searching for something fresh to wear, she would eventually need some of her own clothes. Zelda does all of this being as quiet as she can be. She doesn’t want to wake the sleeping hero at any cost. She finds an old pair of green pants that hit her at the knees, they’re comfortable, but tight to her skin. She finds the matching blue tank top that goes with it, and pulls it over her head. It feels nice to have some clean clothes on. When Link wakes up, she’ll ask if there’s a clothing store nearby.
The princess starts on breakfast, pulling some bird eggs from the cool inventory and a bit of goat butter. She has no idea what she’s doing, and very quickly realizes that she’s burning the eggs. In a panic, Zelda attempts to fix her mess, but somehow makes it worse. She quietly swears and before she knows it, Link is standing behind her, wrapping his arms around her body and replacing her grip on the skillet with his own calloused hands.
He engulfs himself around her, resting his chin on her shoulder as he pulls the burnt egg away from her. Her heart flutters, skipping a beat. She wonders how he was able to do an act that was so simple, so domestic. Did he think about it the same way she did? She felt safer and warmer in his embrace, wanting to linger there forever, feeling his bare chest against her back, but it's over all too soon. He steps away and fixes her mistake.
“I-I’m so sorry.” Zelda sighs. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothings wrong with you.” Link assures, “Open the windows.” He nods to the glass. Zelda goes to push them open, and they must not have been opened in years because they creak open with a tired groan and dust falls from the frames. Her breaths are quickly followed by coughs after the fact, and she scrunches her nose.
Almost immediately, Link is making a perfect omelet, and it smells wonderful.
“How do you do that?”
“Years of practice.” He smiles. “Grab some plates.” She follows his request again, his voice is still gruff and gravely from his sleep. Zelda places the plates on the table, facing across from each other. Link carries the pan over to the plates, cutting the omelet in half with his spoon and then placing each half on the plates, being sure to give Zelda the bigger piece. Zelda sits after thanking him, and instead of Link sitting across from her, he drags the plate for himself across the table to be next to hers, taking his place right next to her on the bench, legs pressing up against one another. Zelda begs her thoughts not to be too ambitious.
They eat mostly in silence.
“Is there a clothing store nearby?”
Link nods, “Yup, two of ‘em actually.” He looks at her, his eyes still sleepy, “I can go get you some if you like.”
“I would like to go with you, if that’s alright.” Zelda nods.
“Are you feeling well enough?” He asks.
“Mhm,” She hums, “I would really like to get out of this house.”
“What, you don’t like my house?” Link asks, pretending to be hurt.
Zelda giggles, chiding him, “I love your house.” She sighs, those words came so easily. The word ‘love’ lingers in her mind. “Will you teach me how to cook?”
Link laughs, “Oh no you can’t fix that.” He teases her in reference to her antics this morning. She frowns, unamused, and he sighs, “I’ll teach you, but in return I want you to teach me something, too.”
“Anything.” Zelda smiles.
“Teach me how to be brave. Like you.” He asks after a beat.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about it… and I’m terrified. All the time I am.” He swallows, scared to open up like this, proving his own point. He glances at the princess who stares at him with her beautiful, green eyes which inspires him to keep going, “I know I’m the courage guy and everything, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid of things, like I’m not afraid to beat up monsters or jump headfirst into a well, but I’m filled with this… this dread. Like something bad is going to happen and no matter what I do, I can’t stop it.” He explains, never being this vulnerable with anyone anymore. He used to be with Mipha back in the day, but she was gone because of something Link couldn’t stop.
“Link… courage and bravery are two different things.” Zelda states, taking a risk and placing a dainty hand on his, the touch is electric, they both feel it. “Bravery is the ability to walk into an enemy camp with a decayed weapon and two apples. Courage is the strength to keep fighting when it feels impossible to.” She explains.
Link looks at her, and he realizes how easy it would be to just lean over and kiss her. Her lips are so soft, so pink, so inviting. He glances at them a few times. He decides not to.
“I just… I just don’t want to lose you again.” He pulls his hand away, looking down at the empty plate dejectedly.
“Hey.” She pulls his gaze again, their eyes meeting once more. “You got me. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” She reassures him, and then rests her head on his shoulder. They needed one another.
He’s worried sick about her the entire time they’re in town. He can’t quit watching her, and she’s enthralled by the stimulation of the world around her. She almost gets plowed over by a kid running through the street, and she just laughs when it happens, the brightest smile on her face.
She takes a deep breath, feeling the sun on her face. The warmth of early summertime makes her cheeks a soft pink and eyelashes flutter.
“Did you have to bring that with you?” She asks, referencing the legendary sword that was strapped to his back. “It’s safe now, remember?”
Link frowns, “You can never be too-safe.” He just nods and she shrugs.
Zelda takes a hop-like step to the bulletin board posted in town to read the notices. One read that there would be a sale on milk up at the farm the next week, another was basic town hubbub, but one stood out to her. It was written by the hands of someone who isn’t very skilled with penmanship. It was a note asking for books, probably by a child. The note asked that someone would kindly donate a few new books for this young reader, leaving them on the bench outside of the mayor's home. She smiled, this was the type of kid she was.
A completely different note catches Link’s eye.
New monster spotted north-east of town. Killed two cattle. Please be cautious.
Link hums, turning the paper over to see if there’s any more information, but that was it.
“What is it?” Zelda asks.
“A monster. I would guess it's just a Moblin, but the note says it's new.” LInk frowns, perplexed. “I’ve fought every monster in Hyrule ten times over, there are only Moblins and Bokoblins in these parts.”
“Should we be worried?” She asks, her eyes blown-wide. She’s in constant fear of having to go through anything traumatic again.
Link shrugs, “I saw a destroyed fence the other day up there, I should probably go speak with the rancher.” He shoves the note in his back pocket, “Come on, let’s get you some clothes.” He holds his arm out for her to take, something he hasn’t done in a long time. He almost pulls it away in embarrassment but she gladly takes it, smiling at him as she does.
Both of their hearts threatened to burst out of their chests, but they each calmly forced themselves to stay composed.
Link leads her into one of the clothing stores, the door ringing from a bell as they enter. The shop was small, but had plenty of things in stock. Zelda pulls away from his arm sooner than either of them would have liked to start browsing. Link follows three steps behind, where he usually was.
“Link!” A woman smiles from the back of the shop. Ivee walks towards him, cheerful. “You’ve been gone for so long! I thought I heard you were back in town.” She says before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. Link is a little surprised by it and doesn’t really hug her back.
Link nods with a smile. “I’ll be in town for a while.” He states, being friendly but not too friendly. He and Ivee have some history.
“You? Never.” She giggled, stepping closer to him, she was a bit shorter than him, and had cute brown eyes that sparkled up at him. “You can’t stay put in one place for too long, you'll get bored!” Her body language was flirty, handsy, she thought Link was as handsome as everyone else did.
Zelda is made aware of the situation and tries to keep her cool. There’s no reason to get jealous. “Well you all better give me some work to keep myself busy.” He smiles, scratching the back of his head.
“Oh I would love to.” She sighs and Link awkwardly laughs.
Zelda steps in at that moment, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” She stands a little closer to Link than she normally does, not quite touching him, but close enough.
“Ivee.” She says to Zelda. “And who are you…”
Zelda takes a harrowing breath, “Who am I?” She asks, her tone increasingly offended, “Who am I?” She asks again laughing at Link, “Well I am the Pri-“ She starts to say and Link interrupts her grabbing her shoulder.
“This is Zelda, she’s from the west. She’ll be staying with me for a while.”
“Oh.” Ivee looks visibly hurt. She then looks at Zelda with a frown, “You know, it’s bad luck to be named Zelda. That’s what the Princess who killed herself a hundred years ago was named.” She sighs, glaring at Zelda. Her gaze softens when she returns to speaking with Link, “If you need any assistance, I’ll just be up here.” She smiles and turns around, “It’s great to have you back in town, Linky. I would love to walk up to the waterfall at Nirvata lake with you again. It was so fun last time.” She winks at him before returning back to her perch.
Links cheeks burn red.
“Rude.” Zelda mutters under her breath. “What in the name of Hylia does she mean by that?…Linky?” Zelda teases, scoffing at him. Link swallows, embarrassed.
He then signs to Zelda, ‘Ivee makes up stories’.
Zelda lifts an eyebrow, not believing it, ‘She’s not very polite’.
Link shakes his head, ‘She’s young. Times are different’. He pulls Zelda into a more secluded corner of the store, not wanting to embarrass anyone, ‘You can’t tell people you’re the Princess’.
‘Why Not?’ Zelda signs back, her expression frustrated and confused, ‘I am, aren’t I? I didn’t kill myself. Do they really believe that?’
Link nods, ‘Some people don’t even believe the Calamity happened’.
“What?” Zelda verbally exclaims.
Link holds his pointer-finger to his lips, hushing her, Conspiracy theorists or something.’ He signs, ‘besides, people won’t believe you if you tell them you’re The Princess’.
‘That’s absurd!’ Zelda angrily signs at him.
Link tries to calm her down, looking at her with his understanding eyes, ‘Until we can get the Zora to confirm for the Hylians that you are The Princess, It’s best to just lay low’.
Zelda frowns, wrapping her arms across her chest. ‘Fine’. She signs back.
Link nods, “Let’s get you some clothes.”
They leave the store with a good collection of items, some shirts and trousers, a hooded cloak, socks and a pair of boots for her. She was still wandering around in her goddess sandals. “Most ladies wear skirts these days, when you’re in town, you should too.” He explains as they walk next door to a nicer, more prestigious shop. Zelda was acutely aware that he did not offer her his arm when they left Ivee’s shop.
“So they’ve regressed?” Zelda asks, back in her day, it was becoming quite popular for women to sport trousers, even in formal situations.
“Very much, yes.” Link nods. “The calamity threw the world back, technology has been put on a complete hold, there have been little-to-no scientific breakthroughs since.” Link explains. It makes Zelda sad.
“That’s a real tragedy.” She frowns, “We were making so much progress.”
“I know.” Link says, “but now everyone just fends for themselves. If there's a famine or illness in a town, it's up to that town to solve it. There was a village in West Hyrule, before the canyon that had survived the Calamity. They were doing pretty well for the first fifty or so years. But then they had a bad plague, and were completely wiped out. There's nothing but a ruin there now.”
Zelda’s heart hurts, “It’s my fault.” She stops in her tracks. Link turns around, looking at her dejected composure. He walks back to her, taking her hand with his.
“Look at me.” He says, but she keeps her gaze set on the dirt road. Link takes his hand and gently lifts her chin to make eye-contact with him. “It’s not your fault. This is not on one person's shoulders.”
“I know but-“
“Zelda.” He stops her, “We can’t change the past. It happened. But we are both still here.” He takes both her hands now, “We survived, so let's look into the future. There’s only up from here.” He reassures her.
Zelda cracks a smile, and she desperately wants to lean in and give him a quick, gentle kiss on his lips. But she doesn’t, because she can’t guarantee he would kiss her back, and she would rather suffer in silence over her desires for him, but stay close, than jeopardize their friendship at all.
“Come on.” He leads her into the store, not letting go of one of her hands until they’re inside.
Zelda leaves with two dresses now, a soft, cotton dress that’s blue, and a white one with green and yellow details on the hem of the fabrics. “Thank you, Link.” She says as they begin their walk back home. “How do you have so much money?”
“Talus.” Link nods, not giving anymore context. Zelda shrugs, catching up with him.
They spent that evening cleaning, Link finally took care of all the junk he stored there, discarding old weapons and starting a burn pile outback to get rid of scraps and wooden bows. Zelda takes a big broom and dusts out all of the cobwebs, sweeping out piles of dirt, and taking care of the sand pile that had accumulated from his treasures found in the desert. She noticed how her heart twinged at the idea of the desert, the idea of Urbosa. She shakes the thought away, focusing on the task.
Dusk falls on them, and Zelda is wiping down the walls with an old rag while Link is sitting up in the rafters, dusting the wooden beams the roof is built on and trying to reach a bird's nest that had been built up there. He straddles a beam, shirtless, barefoot, and dusty.
As he sits up there, he peers down at the girl who kneels twenty feet below him, her long hair tied back into a bun and secured with a stick shoved through the center of it. Her feet bare and dirty, toes poking out from under her bottom as she sat on them. She couldn’t see him looking at her, couldn’t hear how his heart beat twice as fast when he thought about her, wasn’t aware of how his pupils grew at the sight of her.
She hummed, and he could hear it. Humming a song he didn’t know, but felt vaguely familiar, like he knew it in a past life. Link wondered if the past incarnations of the Goddess and the Hero ever loved each other. Surely they did, to some degree. Maybe platonic, or the type of love you have for someone you work alongside and deeply respect. He wondered if any of them ever loved each other the way he wanted to love his Zelda. Did it ever work? Had he been a king in a past life? Did their past selves ever have children? His stomach flutters at the idea of having a family with her.
She must have sensed his gaze because as soon as he begins to fantasize about Zelda having a baby with him, she looks up at him, and smiles. He’s so shocked by her sudden gaze, terrified that she could read his mind and almost loses his balance on the beam, falling his chest onto it and holding on. He smiles back and laughs. Zelda giggles at him.
“How’s the view? Up there?” She stands up and does a silly little dance around herself.
He sighs, and laughs, “the view is perfect!” He shouts down, “A little dusty.” Coughing a bit.
She asks, “Are you alright up there?”
Link smiles, “I’m better than ever.”
Chapter five
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ricardian-werewolf · 1 month
Take Me to War - Chapter II: Humbly beg the death upon my knee
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Part I
Cecily-Anne awakes in Ser Gwayne's tent and must come to terms with where she is in this new world. It is within it that she will come to form a new friendship and realize the depths of her grief.
TWs: Suicidial idealization, grief, child death, incest mention, abelism, mention of rape (though not committed)
Tag list: @lordbettany @fauxraven @rmelster
Cecily awoke to the clanking of chains. 
Chains, which by all accounts snaked around her wrists. Jangling them did nothing except force her to realise how tightly she was bound. In short, she was not a noblewoman kept here for her safety, but a prisoner. The thought and realisation filled her with fear. As a highborn woman, she was protected by a social code of purity - had she come through that cut wearing a serving woman’s gown, the horrors would be inconceivable. But seemingly on part of her fine dress of black velvets and wolf fur, she had been spared such horrors - for now. Raising her head, Cecily found her snood that held her hair back to have been torn off. Her braided coiffure tumbled down her shoulders. She had been tied to some sort of central tentpost and rested upon a woven rug bearing the image of a tower with green flames bursting from its roof.
Studying it, Cecily felt confusion rise in her. Not once at any point had she seen someone’s family heraldry bear such a symbol. As an avid studier of heraldry herself (Her own being the white stag of Richard II on an emerald green backing with ivy leaves at its feet). Lifting her head, she could hear the sounds of men carousing and making merry. Evidently the battle must have gone in their favour, perhaps?
As Cecily looked about once more, she noted the candles flickering in their sconces, settles upon which furs and rugs had been thrown to make a more comfortable space. A mirror and washbasin with a finely carved jug sat nearby. The mirror was a cut of fine glass backed (she assumed) in silver, and bore gold detailing. Whomever’s tent she was in was certainly wealthy. As she shuffled in a circle around the pole, Cecily noted the bed and its posters laid with yet more imagery of the same tower below her feet. She could only guess at the kind of fabric the bed-curtains were, though she assumed either satin or velvet. Cocking her head to one side once more, she heard the sound of two men arguing in what sounded like English, though it was certainly more heavily accented. A Northern twinge to it. Hope stirred in her chest, which she frantically squashed. No good Yorkshireman would ever have the daughter of the Lord of the North tied up like some common ne'er do-well. The tent flaps (made of stiffened oilcloth dyed deep green and edged in silver with goldwork thread made out to be tiny flames) parted and two men stepped in. One was more weary than the other, with dark hair and eyes. He carried a bottle of wine or spirits, which he uncorked and took a generous swig of. The other man spoke little, and as his shadow of a valet stepped into the room followed by squires of the body, Cecily watched. 
“What do we do with her, then, Ser Hightower?” The man hissed as he drank. The other - Ser Hightower, shrugged. Cecily froze as his eyes flitted to her, and she noted his age. Young, he was. Perhaps about ten-and-seven if not a year older. A knight, then? Of which order? She saw no familiar garter-belt about him or mantle-chain of office. He certainly wore spurs, yet not of gold but of burnished silver. Across his front of his chestplate was that same tower, and the name stuck.
Hightower. His name was of a noble family. Unlike Cecily-Anne who held no legal last name, she could say she was of House Plantagenet. Through both sets of her family, thanks to her parents being first cousins and ensuring a papal dispensation was needed to wed. Shaking her head silently, Cecily turned back to half-watching as the body-squires and barbers tended to this Ser Hightower.
Was he a poor knight then? No, his tent could not have been so lavishly furnished as such. Perhaps he was someone who preferred his material comforts over his godly ones. She wondered if he prayed as much as he ought to. What surprised her was no signs of crucifixes or depiction of the mother Mary or Holy Host. In fact, no priest had come to take Compline with the men or offer the Host in mass. Perhaps it was not yet Sunday. She did note however seven small figures in an alcove of the tent over which a glass image hung of a star with seven points.
“Have you no priest?” She spoke at last, coughing it out. Both men wheeled to look at her.
“W-what?” The first man asked. Cecily ignored him, holding Ser Hightower’s gaze.
“No, no Septons have been on this expedition, My lady.” 
Well at least he is not calling me a wench. Delightful. I wonder how this other man is faring, seeing as he is deep enough in his cups to call about a guard. 
“Septons?” She replied. “Of what order of clergy is a ‘Septon?’ “ Cocking her head again, Cecily sniffed. “One of the friars?”
“Nay, My lady.” Ser Hightower spoke again. “They are of our priestly order and raise poor boys to follow the faith.”
“So they do be priests.” She raised a brow. “Have you nuns?”
“Septas.” The other man coughed. “My lady.” He added after a long, cold pause. Cecily hungered to ignore such a slight, and settled herself back against the pole. “Tell me your conditions of capture, please.” She raised her head to glare at both men. 
“C-conditions of capture?” The other man murmured.
“We have no reason to view you as a prisoner, M’lady.” Ser Hightower spoke. “These ropes were to keep you from getting up and further injuring yourself.” He signalled to a squire who slashed through the ropes holding Cecily in place, and stepped back. Cecily rose to her feet unsteadily and gripped the tent-pole for support. Somehow, this did not feel right to her eyes and ears. Women such as herself in positions of little to no power when left with monstrous men, were often raped openly and if not that, brutally wounded, sold into slavery or worse evils. While she was Highborn as she had reminisced on earlier, her household did not exist in this place. She could not simply claim to be of some family either, seeing as she knew none of them.
“Leave us, Ser Cole. I have reason to speak to the lady alone.” Ser Hightower spoke to the other knight, who nodded. As he passed her, he turned his head and spat at her feet. Cecily’s hands balled into fists and she nearly moved to punch him. However, barely it seemed, she stayed her hand. 
As soon as Cole was gone - Cecily would have to watch her back - she found herself faced with Ser Hightower. The knight took a seat upon a settle piled high with furs and leaned one of his elbows on his portable writing desk. His emerald green eyes stared at her, and Cecily sat herself on a cushioned pouffe. Glancing down, she found her skirts to be torn and the velvet edging frayed.
“Once we reach King’s landing, I shall have my steward fetch you new clothes. There is a place near the port that sells very fine fabrics.” Hightower turned to his letter and Cecily shifted forward. She did not watch him per-se, but she was curious to see the writings of his hand in this foreign place. It seemed as though the people spoke English, but there was an accent to it that she had noted earlier.
“Oh..” She paused. “Thank you.” She inclined her head. Where was he going with this? She was only ten-and-five, he was ten-and-seven years. A proclamation of marriage had not been offered, at least not yet. Knights of noble households did not take strange women into their care. Perhaps he meant to replace her wardrobe before having her packed off to… a nunnery? She shuddered at the thought. Although there was none of her family left, she hoped to God that her grandmother would at least be going a little mad on her behalf.
The idea of Gran-mére Cecily tearing apart that nunnery for her brought Cecily-Anne the first relief she’d felt in days. She half expected the old woman to come charging through the tear she had stumbled through and rescue her. 
Sadly, that would not be the case. As soon as the letter had been dispatched to a place known as Oldtown, Cecily was re-shackled (for her safety according to Ser Hightower) and “gently” escorted from the tent by him to a waiting carriage on four wheels that looked nothing like any litter Cecily had ever sat in. Long, grand and consisting of no windows - which made her wonder what the blasted thing was like in summer - Cecily was put inside at once, her chains unshackled and dumped onto a soft bed of satin in that same deep green as everything else. The wood inside was dark oak with pearl inlay and heavy curtains were kept apart by splendid cords of gold.
Seated across from her was a woman, with white-blonde eyebrows and arresting violet eyes. Drenched in the same green as the curtains and bedspread, she almost seemed to disappear into the fabric. The door opened again and Ser Hightower stuck his head in. 
“Apologies, Your Grace. This is the lady I wrote to you of. Her name is…”
Cecily swore under her breath. The bastard had not asked her name!
“Cecily-Anne, Duchess of Gloucester.” Cecily rubbed her hands together. And princess royal, lady of Middleham, etc. She added silently to herself. 
“Lady Cecily-Anne.” The woman spoke, inclining her head. She had a nervous air to her, but one not unfriendly or unkind. Cecily noted her hair tucked into a heart-shaped hennin adorned with a crown of gold and emerald stones. 
“I am Queen Helaena Targaryen. Ser Gwayne; my uncle, has elected you to be my lady in waiting…. As my family believes I am no longer able to care for myself and require more proper… feminine company.” 
Her slow way of speech would have concluded to Cecily that this woman was slow or stupid, had she not been much the same. Cecily gave a gentle smile in return and inclined her head. 
“I thank you for this acceptance, your Grace.”
Reaching across the expanse of space, Helaena squeezed Cecily’s hands tight in her own and gave the other woman a beaming smile. “You are the first light of life I have felt since my son was killed. Please, call me any name you so wish.” Helaena giggled, the grief in her eyes fading a little with each passing moment. 
At that second, the wheels of the litter jerked into motion and they were off. From the patterned lattice screens surrounding the litter - or wheelhouse as Cecily learned it was called - she began to see Westeros in all of its late summer glory. Gwayne and his retinue of knights accompanied the carriage on its slow procession from the battle of Rook's Rest back towards the capital. To pass the time, Cecily found herself falling into the role of ladies maid as Véronique de Crécy had been to her mother, with ease. Helaena was an easy soul to charm and adored nothing more than kindness and attention. Her fascination with bugs and propensity to say the most hilarious things off the cuff had Cecily relaxed within moments. Cecily delighted in showing off her new gowns that were going to be sent, and listening to Helaena speak all about her children and her dragon, Dreamfyre.
“Do Targareyens really place a dragon egg in the cradle of their babies?” Cecily breathed as she and Helaena sampled a picnic lunch packed by one of the cooks. She simply couldn’t believe that dragons existed, and that the lady she was now serving had one as her steed!
“Indeed.” Helaena replied with shocked cheerfulness. “Do you not have dragons where you are from?”
“Nay, they’re just stories.” Cecily answered as she bit into a hard-boiled egg smeared with summer mustard. She examined the grapes on her platter, dark purple ones with a seductively sweet bite when chewed. “Are these not for wine?” She examined them in turn.
“Yes, but they’re my favourites. Aegon says I have a confuddled taste and concedes it is due to something happening before I was born.”
“And Aegon is…?” Cecily paused in sipping her wine.
“My brother.” Helaena responded as she smeared more preserves onto her bread slice. “And my husband.” She added as Cecily bit into her selection of preserved salted pork. Cecily coughed, half bent over as she struggled to process the words she was hearing. 
“By the saints!” She breathed. “I-is that not violation of some rule of incest your…” She paused. “My parents were first cousins, but the idea of my father marrying my aunt…” She shook her head. “How does your church not think it sinful?”
“The Seven turned a blind eye to it.” Helaena explained. “It is… strange. He is my brother and I have born him three children and lost one. Yet, I know naught else. My mother who you shall meet as soon as we reach the Red Keep married the king. Her father was the king’s right hand and she was only ten and five at the youngest!” She bit down on a pickle as she spoke and winced at the sour taste. “Eugh. Aegon says these are good for my health. I detest them.”
“May I?” Cecily asked, holding out her hand. The jar of pickles was passed to her and in reciprocity, Cecily handed Helaena the stewed plums. She hated plums with a passion and gobbled up the pickles. All of this was washed down with sweet wine sweetened with strawberry syrup. For afters were sugared violets and little balls of fried dough filled with flavoured preserves. 
It seemed like no time at all before they were back on the road and rolling over more of the dirt-packed and stone-riddled expanse of Westeros. “What reason is there for such large carriages?” Cecily asked as she watched the candle-lamp swing from side to side. A darkening sky heralded a storm with the crack of lightning. The sight of it flashing across the heavens reminded Cecily of an earlier time, another place where she had sat in her bedroom window up in the western tower of Middleham Castle. Rubbing against her arm then had been Ned, her dark haired, freckled twin. He had clutched her hand tight in his and the two of them had held their breaths. 
Their father had said that if one counted the time between the flash and bang of thunder, they could determine the location and direction of a storm. Then, there had been the waiting period and the yelps of joy both of them had let out when the proverbial bang did come. The flash of lighting across the night sky that one summer where Ned hadn’t been as sickly had made his dark eyes turn milk-white. It was as if the stars they had loved to create constellations of their own had taken her brother’s soul for a single, shining moment. 
Then those stars had faded, gone out like candles in the night. He was up there now, dancing amongst those beautiful, alien lights. Him and Maman and Papa. And Cecily was down here, stuck somewhere between Heaven and Hell. She pressed her hands to her forehead and began to weep. 
“Oh..” Helaena breathed. She had settled down for the night with her pet snake, which she now replaced in its basket and crept over to Cecily. “What is it? Did the lightning frighten you?” She asked, her voice so maternal and soft that Cecily only wept harder. Fetching a blanket from the bed, Helaena drew the material around Cecily’s shoulders and pulled it tight, then leaned against her.
“I noticed you do not like to be touched. Neither do I. I think this should help.” She explained. Cecily sniffled, and reached her hand hesitantly towards Helaena, who after a moment, gave it a bone-crushing squeeze. “My mother, father and twin brother are all dead.” She confessed in a whisper. “I was reminded of them with the lightning storm.” She hiccuped. “My father died only ‘ere this morn, and my mother went this past April. My brother went in the winter. He was only ten.” 
“You said you are ten-and-five, yes?” 
“Yes.” Cecily coughed. 
“I am truly sorry for your loss, sweet girl. W-when women like us know loss such as this at such young ages, it can be difficult to bear. My son Maelor was murdered in his cradle by assassins. I was forced to choose between him and his older brother.” She squeezed Cecily’s hand again. “I wonder often if the Seven do wish to test my faith and my love for my children with such horrors. I have wondered also why I do not go mad. You must be too.” She looked into Cecily’s eyes and the other woman recoiled in understanding.
“Y-yes.” Indeed, Cecily did wonder why she had not gone mad. Some days it felt like a good, merciful thing to do. Allowing herself to go mad would have meant her father could put her away somewhere. It would allow her a quiet death at her hands or the ones of her guard. Yet the church said to take one’s own life was sin. Did God not look upon her and Helaena and understand their pains? Was this just one test in many they were set to face?
Another flash of lightning, another boom of thunder. The door to the wheel-house opened and Gwayne poked his head in. In the low candlelight with the two women wrapped in blankets, he swore they looked like witches come to cast some spell upon him and this country.
“Your Grace.” He inclined his head. “My lady. We will be stopping for the night on account of the weather. The wheelhouse will keep you dry.” He nodded at Cecily. “If you need anything, please use the bell cord and I shall have a maid sent.”
“How big is this carriage?” Cecily asked after Gwayne had left. Helaena had turned to lighting the candles, which cast a warm golden glow over the room, and turned to face her. “It is large enough to carry us, a retinue of servants, luggage, a garde-robe and kitchens. In short, it is a moving palace.”
“Remarkable.” Cecily was amazed. “Where I hail from our wheel-houses are able to only carry perhaps one noble lady and her children. It is closed by wooden slats and drawn by horses.”
“Nay, we use others. At least I believe so.” Cecily replied as she rang the bell-cord. A maid came in, richly dressed and curtsied. ‘M’lady.” She had the comforting accent of a northern English woman, and Cecily started. It seemed that her homeland was seeping into this place in more ways than she expected.
“I would like to be readied for bed, please.”
“If ‘er ladyship wishes to follow ‘me, ‘ll ‘ave ‘er ready in no time.” The maid paused. “‘beggin your pardon, m’lady.” The maid curtsied. “‘Er Grace allows us to be much more open about our appearance and mannerisms as ‘he ‘mall folk.”
“Smallfolk?” Cecily inquired. “Ah. Common-people.” She surmised, and rubbed her hands together. “Well, As Her Grace’s lady in waiting, I am inclined to ‘gree.” Her voice was slipping back into its older more rough-and-tumble northern accent with the French roots and Latin pronouncements.
 It felt like home. 
Helaena gave her a warm smile, and for the first time since arriving into this strange land of dragons and politics, Cecily smiled back. No malice or pain shone in her eyes, and she found herself beginning to feel at home more than perhaps she had ever been since her brother and mother had died. 
As she crossed herself and knelt before her bed, the rosary-chain in her hand, she prayed silently to her mother once more.
Maman, Thank you for bringing me to a place as close to home as I can be. I hope that you and Ned and Papa are happy, wherever you are. She opened her eyes and glanced at Helaena who was talking to her snake. And keep a little Targaryen boy in your sights. I feel as though he and Ned would make wonderful playmates. 
Cecily crossed herself again and rose to her feet. She returned the crucifix and rosary to her pocket, then clambered into the turned down bed. She watched as the maids reached for tapers to extinguish the candles, and in the darkness, mused on one thing that had been made apparent by a mere day’s travel.
Ser Gwayne Hightower had been the lever and servant to her whims and had accepted them wholeheartedly. She had him to thank for her position. In the morn, perhaps she would ask the cook in this carriage to make him something sweet. Until then, she would sleep, and dream of boys with brown hair and freckles like stars, and somewhere out there, a mother who held her close. 
Somewhere out there also was a father who had died in a battle to keep his throne, and one who deserved to know she was at peace.
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A foreign urge – Lee Know
Minho x high school friend Iris, circa August 2024
When two of their significant others showed up unannounced but only one of them got to openly love each other, Minho found himself second-guessing the decision to keep his girlfriend from the world.
"Oh, she did not." 
Despite the harsh words, Chris fell into a laughing fit. Minho couldn't help but turn a curious look at his hyung. "Why are you laughing?" 
"I'm on Bubble to share some last messages before we go on stage, then a Stay shared this. Here – " He was about to show his phone to Minho when he stopped mid-air, frowning at the screen. "Hang on. Isn't this Iris?" 
"What? Where?" Minho grasped Chris' wrist to bring the device to his own eyes. It was showing the title of an article. 
Stray Kids' Bang Chan's fiancée Kim Bora spotted at Lollapalooza 
Below the title was indeed a picture of the noona getting off a car with a beautiful bouquet of blue hydrangeas, but Minho's eyes were drawn to the figure on the side who was helping Bora get off the car. Such a familiar figure, with familiar brown hair tied into a familiar loose braid, wearing a familiar blouse – 
"It is Iris," Minho said, stunned. "Did the noona tell you about this, hyung?" 
"Not a word! I can't believe it – I'mma call her real quick, hang on." 
"Hyung, we're on in about two minutes," Changbin warned him, but it didn't stop Chris from dialing Bora. 
"Love, just saw the article – are you really here? Like, for real?" 
Minho could faintly hear the noona's response from the other end of the call, followed by a laughing fit not unsimilar to Chris' previous one. 
The hyung's face lit up with a smile at the sound. "You're unbelievable. And you're really here with Iris?" 
Minho shuffled closer towards Chris' direction to overhear the answer. 
"...planned this girls' trip a while back. Tell Minho she said hi." 
"She can say it to my face herself after this," Minho exclaimed to the phone, to which the girls – plural, because he could definitely hear Iris' voice alongside Bora's – laughed. 
"You're coming to backstage later," Chris said. A statement, not a question. "I'll send my manager hyung. We'll see you ladies soon." 
After putting away his phone, Chris flashed Minho an odd smile. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Minho asked, suspicious in an instant. 
"Seeing our ladies get along really well makes me happy. Aren't you?" 
Minho didn't get the chance to answer because they were already ushered towards the direction of the stage. 
But later on, when they got off the stage after their performance and he spotted Bora and Iris having an animated conversation at the backstage area, Minho couldn't deny the happiness swelling his heart. 
Chris immediately went to Bora and pulled his fiancée into a hug. "Found out through freaking Bubble," the hyung grumbled, to which Bora laughed. "Unbelievable." 
Minho's first instinct was to move towards Iris, who just stood there smiling at the sight of her companion getting stolen, but then the realization hit him hard and fast like a train: he couldn't get to Iris like Chris did with Bora, not without revealing her as his girlfriend – which he'd still yet to do. 
When they decided to publicly announce their relationship a couple months ago after a very long, very thorough consideration, Minho had asked the company to leave out her identity. He knew very well privacy was something Iris had always been very careful about, especially after almost getting caught on one of their dates, so the company only stated that Stray Kids' Lee Know is in a relationship with his girlfriend of four years. It was the right decision to make – or at least, it had felt that way. 
Right now, though, as every single fiber of his being had to fight really hard not to go to Iris and pull her into his arms, Minho found himself second-guessing the decision. 
Minho was a private person by nature. He'd been trying to keep his most precious confidants away from the public's prying eyes: his family, his non-idol friends. But at the moment he felt a strong, foreign urge to kiss Iris right then and there only to tell the world just who exactly his girlfriend of four years was. 
He looked around, trying to assess whether it was a risk he could take – but no, the backstage area was far too crowded with too many people, including staffs from outside JYPE. His eyes met Iris' for a moment and even though it pained him, he could only offer her a tight-lipped smile and nothing else. She smiled back, much more relaxed than his own, accompanied with a wink which nearly made him scream in frustration – or rather, scream to the whole world that Iris Park right there was indeed the girlfriend of four years in question. 
"Hyung, are you okay? You look pale." 
Seungmin's voice brought Minho back to the buzz of activities in the backstage area. The rest of his members were mingling around thanking the staffs; he noticed Bora was still glued to Chris' side, and Iris was standing near the corner with no one bothering her. Everyone must've thought she's a friend of Bora and was just waiting around for her. 
Minho thought fast. They should have some free time after this. He turned to Seungmin, who was still watching him. "Can I have our changing room for the next twenty minutes?" 
Seungmin, ever so perceptive, understood right away and nodded. "Sure. I'll tell the others." 
Fueled by the thought of his plan, Minho started making his own round of thank you's and you did great's. As he wandered near Iris' spot, discreetly as if it was just a part of his round, he muttered in a voice low enough to be only heard by her: "Follow me after five minutes." Once he saw her subtle nod from the corner of his eye, he went on to finish his socializing duty before disappearing into the hallway leading to their changing room. 
After the five minutes which felt more like fifty, Iris showed up. The coast was clear so far, since everyone's still busy mingling at the backstage area. Minho grabbed her hand and quickly rushed her to the changing room before anyone could see them. Once they were alone within the confinement of the changing room's walls, Minho pulled her into a long, slow kiss, and finally felt like he could breathe properly again. 
He felt her smile. "Hi," she whispered directly to his lips. 
Minho pulled away, only to lean his forehead to hers. "I did tell you to say hi to my face yourself earlier." 
"That you did." Her hands crept up; one settled on the side of his neck, the other went higher to push his bangs off his face. "Congratulations for the performance. You were on fire as usual." 
"Yeah? So you did come to watch me?" 
"Was planning on going to the other stage to see Zedd, but Bora unnie insisted and chained me to her side." 
Minho hummed in amusement. "Of course she did." He took half a step back, fearing he wouldn't be able to peel himself off her if he didn't back away soon – and then immediately let her go altogether when he saw a PuppyM plush keychain and fan hanging on her bag. "Are you seriously still considering Kim Seungmin as your bias?" 
Iris laughed. "What do you mean, considering? I told you he is my bias, I'm not considering anything." 
Minho was about to bark back when he heard the faint sound of footsteps from somewhere far – didn't sound like they were going to the changing room, fortunately, but still it served as a reminder of their remaining time. He let out a long, heavy sigh. "We don't have long. I asked to have this room for twenty minutes only. Then you have to go back to being Bora's friend." 
"But I am Bora's friend."
"Bora's friend who's not Lee Know's girlfriend, then."
"Fair." Iris smiled, but it looked as bitter as it was sweet. "You looked a little sad back there. At the backstage." 
"Of course I was, I couldn't run to you like Chris hyung ran to Bora noona! It was driving me crazy." 
She chuckled. "I thought you wanted to keep your most precious ones to yourself? No need to share to the rest of the world?" 
It triggered another heavy sigh from him. Despite the narrowing window of time, Minho inched forward until Iris was back in his arms' range. He put his hands on either side of her face, thumb brushing her cheekbone. "I share SoonDongDori to the world, you know. And they're three of my most precious ones." 
"Oh, so you want to share me to the world and put me on the same level as SoonDongDori?" 
"What? Isn't it a compliment? You know how much I love those little ones." 
Something in those eyes softened. "Yeah. Yes, I know it's a compliment." 
A little overwhelmed by the rush of feelings and love for this person he was holding, Minho closed his eyes. "Do you think we'll get there? Where I can show the rest of the world just how much I love you?" 
She sighed before answering, "Maybe someday." 
Minho waited, but Iris didn't say anything else. When he opened his eyes, her eyes were already on his, drilling to his soul with a mix of hope and sorrow. "Someday," she repeated, and this time it sounded a lot more like a solid promise. "Until then, bear with me in private?" 
He smiled and stole one last kiss – for now, anyway. "Of course." 
For now, loving her in private was enough for him. Though he couldn't help but look forward to the someday she promised him. 
previously on | coming up next
Find more stories from Minho & Iris and the rest of Stray Kids here!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Good evening, if possible, I have a request for Hades, Poseidon and Thor (each separately). With a wife he always wears her long hair in a braid.
What would be the reaction of each god upon witnessing how his beloved woman's throat was nearly slit?
This is the context, they were both having a nice walk when Göll saw y/n and they were talking calmly, having her husband watching from a little distance so as not to bother the little valkyrie.
And let's say that for some reason they were distracted one second and the next they saw his wife throw herself to the ground, covering the Valkyrie and saving both of them from being sliced by an object or cutting attack at high speed.
And then... in front of y/n and Göll lands a large piece of braided hair belonging to the older woman, something like:
Göll: I'm so sorry miss y/n! For saving me her pretty hair ended up in pieces!
y/n: little sparrow, it's just hair, it could have been my neck, but it would still have been worth the risk to save you.
Well whoever caused the attack did it by accident... but I guess the husband wouldn't say the same. And surely Aphrodite will want to rip off the ears of the guy who destroyed the hair of her favorite client at her beauty salon.
(well I'm leaving... it was a pleasure to send this, you can add another deity if you want, this idea is all yours)
-Y/N, a goddess of beauty and elegance, known for her long flowing hair, that was always kept in the most intricate braids adorned with fresh flowers.
-Undone, your hair was more than eight feet long, which was quite long, compared to your petite, 5’2 body.
-Your husband adored your long hair, finding it soothing to help you brush out your hair after a long day, much like stroking a cat, it was simple but soothing.
-You had been walking with your darling husband, enjoying the nice weather before the rainy season was going to start, when you heard out a cheerful voice calling out your name and the two of your turned to see Goll, the youngest valkyrie, running towards you.
-You greeted her warmly and your husband gave her at least a nod before he stepped away, to give the two of you a bit of privacy as Goll asked for your advice, woman to woman, which you were happy to provide.
-You spoke for a few minutes, giggling with each other before a loud snapping sound was heard before a voice shouted out, “Look out!!”
-Before Goll could even blink, you had her in your arms, tackling her to the ground, landing hard, but she was unharmed.
-You both quickly sat up and Goll shouts out, “You’re bleeding!” you lift a hand to your cheek, wincing as you felt a cut, one that was bleeding before Goll gasped, eyes wide and you look over to see the majority of your braid laying nearby, sliced clean from your head.
-Hades- Hades, seeing you go down, protecting Goll, seeing your hair falling to the ground, unattached. He froze, seeing this before he felt his rage swell, seeing your bleeding cheek. He immediately was by your side, “Y/N!” your free hand, as the other was holding your bleeding cheek, gripped his arm as he looked at your face, “I’m fine, I’m okay!” you could sense your husband’s anger who instantly turned on the pair of younger gods who had been playing with a bow while Goll was crying, “I’m sorry! Your pretty hair!!” you couldn’t help but smile, rubbing her tears away, “It’s just hair Goll, it’ll grow back. I’m just glad you’re not hurt.” The two gods had sprinted over, seeing that you had gotten hurt before seeing Hades there, realizing who you were and they were both quickly crying, begging for forgiveness. Hades was glaring down at them as Goll helped you stand and she grabbed your braid; your hand met your husband’s arm, “Dear, it was an accident. Please don’t be too harsh on them.” The two gods looked at you as if you were a saint and he inhaled deeply, his eyes closing before he told them to get out of his sight. He turned to you before turning to Goll, “Take us to the med-bay.” She quickly nodded and led the way to get your cheek looked at. You had to stroke the back of his hand with your thumb the whole way, to calm him down, smiling up at him.
-Poseidon- He instantly had the two young gods who had been playing with a bow on their knees before him, like he was going to execute them, once he saw you go down. He didn’t see your injury right away, all he saw was you leaping in front of the child to protect her, which you wouldn’t have needed to do, if these two hadn’t been playing around with weapons. When he heard Goll shout out that you were bleeding, he turned in what felt like slow motion, his eyes instantly widening, seeing your beautiful braid laying nearby, and you holding a bleeding cut on your cheek. He felt so hot, like he was about to burst into flames, he was going to turn back to the two gods before he saw you comforting Goll, brushing her tears away, “My hair will grow back Goll, it was a small price to pay to keep you safe. And I know the valkyries will help with this cut.” Goll helped you stand and you turned to your husband, a soft look in your eye, he was froze in place, he felt like he wanted to give these two idiots behind him even worse. His eyes were locked on your hand that was dripping blood, and you could see the anger, but your other hand came to his cheek, cupping it and pulling him out of his shock, “My love, it was an accident. I think you’ve scared them enough. Will you escort me and Goll to the med-bay?” he turned and glanced at the gods, giving them a glare that made them nearly leap out of their skin, before he growled out, “Get out of my sight.” He picked you up princess style, surprising you and Goll picked up your braid and led the two of you off.
-Thor- His hand was on your cheek before you could blink, cupping your face carefully, seeing the cut and the blood, his face stoic but his eyes full of worry. You were quick to cup one of his cheeks and one of Goll’s, working on calming them both down, “I’m okay- I’m okay, deep breaths.” They should have been the ones calming you down, but you were shushing Goll as she was crying, “It’s just hair Goll, it will grow back.” Thor stroked the back of your neck, just above where your hair had been sliced off. The two young gods quickly ran over, bowing deeply and begging for forgiveness. I could feel the pressure around Thor, as he was furious as they explained they were trying to use a bow that required more strength than what they had and underestimated it. I shocked everyone by smiling at them, “It was an accident, so I’m not upset. Take your time with your training so something like this doesn’t happen again.” Thor was glaring darkly at them, but did nothing as you forgave them and they ran off, not wanting to enrage Thor anymore than they had. Thor swept you into his arms after you stood, your knees a bit shaky and Goll grabbed the braid, “Follow me, I’ll take you to the med-bay.” He nodded, squeezing you to him, slowly calming down, feeling you safe and sound in his arms.
-Aphrodite- While you were fine to lose your hair, the shriek that left Aphrodite and the other ladies of her beauty salon could be heard at even the furthest pantheons. You held the braid over your arm, bandage over your cheek, your hair uneven where it had been cut, and your pissed off husband behind you. Aphrodite was quick to fall back onto her chase lounge, fanning herself as she demanded to know what happened while you were ushered to a chair so you could get immediate help. You couldn’t help but hide your smile behind your hand, seeing them mourning over your gorgeous hair while your new cut was evened out. Your husband did like your new haircut when you came out of the salon about an hour later, most of your time spent consoling Aphrodite. You gave a little twirl, rubbing your neck, “It’s so light now~ I kind of like it! But I want my long hair back soon, I like it when you play with my hair.” Your husband just chuckled, bending to peck your uninjured cheek, a small smile on his lips.
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alicedehorner · 1 month
I woke up because of the uncomfortable rays of sunlight on my face. I sat up instinctively grabbing my bag to check that it was still there and that the crystal sphere was still inside. I carefully climbed down from the tree where I had spent the night and began to walk parallel to the river without any direction. I stopped a few hours later to rest, eat, and do everything else. For hours, I saw nothing but the same forest, everything the same, until near a hill, I managed to see a column of smoke, I walked until I found the origin of this, there, in the first streets outside a beautiful town I saw a beautifully decorated store, full of flowers outside and the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, and as if by instinct I looked up seeing the wooden sign with the name of the establishment, finding the initials "JH" with the image of a pie and a hand with the thumb up and a plum, I smiled sarcastically to enter the establishment and buy a cake, leaving with it in my hands while I walked to what seemed to be the center of town, it was a nice place, Spanish style, and as I saw it was called "Del mar" looking at the buildings, I quickly realized that something had happened in that place, since many parts of them were under reconstruction, especially a mansion that was in the distance, which was missing practically the entire roof.
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"What could have happened here?" I said to myself, sitting on a plate where I could eat the cake, taking a large slice of it, and when it made contact with my mouth, the rich texture and sweet flavor was better than I remembered, nostalgia made into food, it was curious how the smell or taste of a simple cake could evoke so many sensations and memories, I couldn't do anything against the wave of memories that unfolded in me.
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I remember how if it were yesterday the first day I arrived there, I had my reference sheet from my old jobs and I was wearing the best clothes I had, standing outside the huge doors with gold letters "JH", waiting for them to open, passing Escorted by some guards, I entered the huge factory. I expected to meet the owner and boss of the company first, but no, the head baker greeted me, looking at my sheet with a serious expression and then looking at me, as if she didn't believe what she saw. on the resume and with me.
"Mr. Horner will receive you, go to those doors and knock on the door," he indicated, reluctantly giving me my sheet and instructions and leaving to continue with his work.
I watched as the woman with black braid left, and I calmly walked to where they indicated to me. The doors were as colossal as the entrance, almost so that a giant could pass through there. I did not personally know the now called "Great Jack Horner" but like everyone, I had heard the rumors regarding his appearance, his intimidating presence and his criminal history not at all subtle, his very name caused a strange sensation in the spine, he was someone who you definitely shouldn't mess with, I guess the police themselves were afraid to arrest him or charge him with something. I touched my knuckles on the dark wood to wait for confirmation, hearing a "pass" from the other side. And honestly when I entered I had never felt so strange in my life, the truth is that the rumors did not do the owner of Lil' Jack's Horner Pie Co one bit of justice. Even though he was sitting and still not paying attention to me, he could Seeing his enormous figure, sitting in that chair watching some papers, he was gigantic, he was easily eight feet tall, dressed in purple and purple colors, including his hair which was violet, I didn't dare to look at his face, so I My eyes wandered around the room, full of magical objects and fairy tales, to a huge stained glass window of himself that dimly illuminated the room behind him. "So there's the company's money," I thought. "If you're done snooping, you can sit down." When I looked at him, he was looking directly at me, with a bored face. "I'm sorry," I apologized, sitting in the chair in front of his desk at his direction. "Give me your resume," he ordered, extending his hand. I passed it to him and, practically tearing it out of my hand, he read it quickly. "Wow, it seems like you have a great work history," he said, putting the sheet on the desk. her belly After a few short seconds of thinking about what to say and building up courage I spoke. "Well, Mr. Great Jack Horner, as you will see my most notable jobs are as a main employee in a cafe and as personal assistant to the fairy godmother, especially in her potions factory," I said. "Tell me something, why don't you work with the Fairy Godmother anymore?" He asked standing with the blade in one hand and the other behind his back, looking at the fireplace. "All the employees were unemployed when the Fairy Godmother died," I answered simply remembering that day.
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―I understand― he said without further ado before turning to look at me again. ―Now I want you to tell me everything you said face to face― he snapped, placing a hand on the chair where I was sitting to lean, looking directly at me while he was quite close to me. Many things were going through my mind at that moment, I had the feeling that he, like the head baker, didn't believe me capable of what I was saying, and in a way I did too, despite the fact that I had the abilities I described to him, this man's way of being made me feel like I was a novice at what I did, I felt tiny physically and mentally. ―As I told you, Mr. Great Jack Horner, I am an excellent employee, I am committed to my work and have confidence in my ability, and if you hire me, I will be one of your most loyal and trustworthy employees― I said, looking him in the face, still somewhat nervous, but I was able to say everything I wanted. ―Very well― she said, walking away until she reached her chair again. ―In that case, tomorrow you will have the opportunity to demonstrate everything you say so much―
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It took me a while to understand that he had hired me, but when the sense came to my head I jumped up from my chair, looked him in the face and said, "You won't regret it, Mr. Jack Horner," I said as I walked to the door. "I hope so, employee," he said as he returned to his original position behind his desk. That's how I left his office, and before closing the door completely I dared to look at him. He saw me too. I had the feeling of being prey about to be devoured.
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I finished the pie I was eating and stood up to continue on my way, it was there that I remembered a small detail, I touched my small bag tied to my pastry chef pants and noticed that I only had two coins, I needed money. I walked until I was alone and entered an alley in the town and took the crystal sphere out of my bag. "Show me where there is money in this town," I asked her, who showed the house I saw in the distance, it seemed to belong to someone important, I could get enough money to travel a while longer. I put the ball back in my bag and walked towards the mansion, before arriving I hid my things in a tree and advanced with my hood on, armed with my bow and arrows. I entered from the broken roof, seeing the house inside it did not look as bad as I expected, it was almost intact. ―There must be a safe somewhere― and so, I went through every room in the house, checking behind every painting and in every piece of furniture we found, until I found the main living room, in which there was a huge painting, dressed in fine clothes but with the face of a cat painted over the original face, I laughed softly, it seems that it had been a very good party, I walked up to the painting and finally, the safe. Seeing the model of this box, I put my ear to it and turned the knob until I found the combination. ―All that gold is for me― and when I opened it, I found the bags full of coins, I loaded what I could and walked to an exit ―For being the house of someone so important, it has terrible security― I said sarcastically to leave through a window, once outside I ran with the money to the tree with my bag and walked with everything carefully so as not to be seen by anyone in town, but everything went to hell when trying to cross a wall something ripped a bag causing the coins to fall and produce a loud noise ―! Hey, where did you get that money!?― A man who was with more people shouted at me ―It's the governor's money― a woman shouted seeing the logo on the bags. ―Damn―
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After that I found myself running from a small crowd of people with torches and pitchforks, it was the first time I had been chased by a real angry mob, and if it weren't for the fact that they were practically following me on my heels, this would seem funny to me, I smiled with satisfaction as I slowly began to gain the upper hand and get away from them, finding myself almost out of the town, as I watched them fall behind I laughed to myself, satisfied, but it took me too long to realize that when I looked ahead a huge cart had crossed my path and I was basically run over (or rather pushed) until I fell to the ground, unconscious.
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lisasmind · 9 months
Why Apple Cider by Beabadoobee is a hiccstrid anthem!!
Pre-dating hiccstrid specifically.
So essentially the song is about having a crush and wanting to give the relationship a try.
The way i view it, first verse is astrid and second verse is hiccup.
now let's break down the lyrics:
"We both like apple cider
But your hair be smelling like fruit punch
And I don't even like you that much
Wait, I do, fuck"
The first verse is rather short (literally two lines) but like this is so Astrid.
Bea, the singer, is pointing out their differences and then later realizing she actually has a crush on this person.
Not really gonna add anything more to this cause it's pretty straight forward.
(side note: this is making me realize we never had a proper moment where astrid realized she has a crush on hiccup. I mean I guess you can count the first movie when she kissed him on the cheek, but whatever. ITS FINE ITS FINE).
Skipping the chorus cause it's basically just "let's get together and see how this goes."
NOW! This is where the REAL dots connect!
It's actually crazy how on the nose verse two is like wow.
anyway let's break this down:
"You said you liked my hair
So go ahead and touch it"
Now this is Hiccup. As we all know, Astrid likes to make little braids on Hiccup's hair.
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also WE WERE ROBBED!!! Hiccup has had those braids since RTTE! The only person in this entire franchise who makes those braids IS ASTRID! And it wasn't Hiccup cause he apparently doesn't like them but keeps them on anyway cause ASTRID MADE THEM (I don't remember the source of where this came from but trust, it exists!)
I wanted to see a moment so bad of astrid asking to braid his hair for the first time or at least a little mention. That would've been so cute.
But ANYWAY sorry I got off track. These lines are Hiccup talking about how Astrid likes his hair and is giving her permission to touch it.
"You said you liked the jumper I wore
So I always wore it"
This wasn't really confirmed by anyone who worked on the franchise (at least to my knowledge) but it was more of a little gag in the fandom back when dawn of the dragon racers and rtte were released.
In dotdr, Astrid made a comment about red being Hiccup's color only for her to reveal she was actually talking to toothless.
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(just wanted to add this photo cause of his little pout HICCUP NOOO 😭)
Nonetheless, Hiccup still went on to change his wardrobe from green to red and the fandom's little gag was that Hiccup started wearing red cause of Astrid.
Again, ITS NOT OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED, it's just funny.
Hiccup wasn't wearing red yet but yk it still matches the lyrics. "You said you like this color on me so I always wore it"
The rest of the song speaks for itself with having lyrics like:
"It's really nice to talk to you
It's really nice to hold your hand"
"And even if we're just friends
We could be more than that"
They both enjoy each other's company and even though they're just friends, they both have feelings for each other and want to be in a romantic relationship with the other.
besides the lyrics matching up to their relationship, the song itself is really cute! it was really popular on tik tok and the editing community so I hope it isn't too overplayed for y'all.
Just a cute, fun, energetic song about having a crush.
I actually told my friends a while back that I am going to make it my mission to have apple cider be hiccstrid's song so I really hope this post helped y'all see what I see 🥹
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saintsir4n · 6 months
"CALI and I have always been friends. Her mum knew mine through modelling, then our dads realized they had a passion for shooting pheasants and watering plants." Felix relayed everything to his new friend Oliver. After the night at the Kings Arms, they had gotten close, extremely close. Oliver practically clung to his shadow. "People think she's this outgoing person, she is, but she's very kind, sometimes too much but she doesn't let it show."
"Is she scared of letting people in?" Oliver awkwardly shifted in his chair, surveying Felix's excitement whenever he talked about Calypso.
Felix shrugged, "Isn't everyone?"
"Not you," Felix chuckled at his retort. "But are you really friends? You act very close, India and Annabel shoot daggers at her whenever she walks into a room."
"They're possessive. But I don't really date."
"Wouldn't have guessed that. But you and Cali —" Felix's briefly hardening face made Oliver realize how true Farleigh's statement about her was. "Calypso," he corrected, "do you like her?"
"How could you not, look at her."
His tone was so enthusiastic, it was almost like she was in the room.
"I would but you'd have my eyes if I did for too long," Oliver joked, putting a warm smile on Felix's face.
After taking a long drag Felix replied, "She's not mine."
"But you want her to be?" Oliver subtly leaned in.
"Do I want to fuck her?" Felix laughed.
"Do you want to love her?" Oliver gingerly asked.
Felix already started, from when he noticed the scent of the shower gel she used to when she changed it to mango, he could've sworn that was his favoured flavour. The times her hair curls grew tighter with water and dripped with oil that her scalp absorbed. The giggle she let out at the show she was watching, Sex and the City, had a special place in her heart which Felix was forced to watch. All the instances she pushed up her glasses when they slid down her nose, pulled up her jeans that hung around her curves and flipped through pages of books she ranted to him about drew him closer, like Icarcus to the sea that caught him in the end.
Felix loved Calypso, possessively so.
Calypso danced like she and the music were one, the beat didn't move her, she controlled it, pulling at the drums, swaying to the symphonies and lip-syncing to the lyrics, putting on a show for all to see.
The strobe lights jumped around the room as she nodded her head, gossiping in the corner with Farleigh as he stared ahead, narrowing his eyes at how Felix catered to Oliver, shielding him from the cold eyes of their upperclassmen.
It was pathetic to him, seeing someone leach off his family.
"Come on Farls, dance with me," Calypso pulled him from the side, careful that his party hats didn't drop and twirled around him.
"Nice to see you in your fuck me pumps."
"They feel great," she teased, making him genuinely laugh as they pranced around, "It's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter."
Farleigh dropped his dismay as he danced with the girl, "it's never over," they belted out the nineties hit.
"She's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever!" Calypso's eyes scanned the room, landing on Felix when she finished the lyric.
He had been staring the whole time, beaming at her until his attention was stolen again. Oliver whispered in his ear and suddenly his eyes were on him and so she decided to stroll over, leaving Farleigh to the bodies who surrounded him.
Her braided hair was decorated with golden Jewelry, the first thing that Oliver caught when she appeared in front of them.
"What are you two nonses yapping about?"
"You," Felix shamelessly admitted, wearing a police hat.
He put zero thought into his costume, unlike Calypso, who was dressed like a cowgirl, donning boots that touched her knees, thrilly brown shorts that left little to the imagination, just like her shirt that exposed her midriff and chest. Her hat and whip were lost the moment she started drinking, not that she minded.
Felix's heated gaze drifted to her necklace that she sported every single day.
She squatted in front of them, leaning against Felix's stretched legs, fueling his lust, making him pluck off his hat and place it on his lap.
Calypso instantly smirked.
"You did something to your hair," Oliver snapped out of the trance and pointed out.
"Well, at least someone noticed," Calypso jabbed, playfully glaring up at Felix who pouted.
"I told you that this morning Cali," he said, sitting up slightly.
"But not this hour. Anyway, I'll soon be off to find MJ. Let's hope she isn't getting molested by your freaky friends."
Felix scrunched up his face, "She doesn't swing that way."
"She does and if she didn't it wouldn't stop them," she pointed out, expanding her hand on his leg, drawing a sigh from him.
"You told me she was shagging Colton," he said breathily.
"No, it was Cade, apparently they met last month when the twins dropped by. But Caspian the little git fell in love."
Oliver interrupted them, "Do we go to school with them?"
Their moments made his palms sweat, he often didn't know where to look, so he shared his focus between them.
Calypso snorted, "Fuck no. I mean that in the most loving way. They're my brothers. All complete dopes."
"Three brothers?" Oliver questioned, intrigued.
"Six," the friends corrected, stunning the boy. Calypso further added, "All beginning with C, just like me. Do you have any siblings?"
Oliver quickly replied, "No."
"Lucky you. Cherish that gift. Promise me," Calypso jutted her bottom lip.
Felix slyly smirked, shooting a glance at meek Oliver.
Calypso knew her impact on people, especially men, it was overwhelming, sickly to unexpected victims but alluring and interesting to the right ones.
"I promise." Oliver nodded quickly, as her gaze returned to Felix.
"Annabel clearly wants you," she stated, drawing him to clench his jaw. "She's in need of a quick shag."
Oliver, who was shocked at how the pair were acting as if they didn't need the other, was quick to pawn him off to her competitors. Or he came to learn she wasn't in the running. She had already won.
Felix sarcastically smiled and gently pushed her off, letting her take her place on the sofa next to Oliver.
The two now watched him save Annabel from Jake on the opposite couch, smacking her arse on the way out.
"Well, what the fuck, mate? I've been chirsping her for about an hour. I wanted at least a handjob," Jake exclaimed, groaning into his hands.
Harry scoffed, "I know. We all want a fucking handjob, mate. Get yourself a title and a massive fuck off castle."
Oliver didn't expect to see a smirk on Calypso's face, that met her sanguine eyes.
"Are you – you're not mad?"
He didn't understand and grew more uneasy when she faced him, crossing her legs, causing his stare to drop to them.
"Because I know he fucks them to the thought of me," she revealed, finding pleasure in the whole ordeal.
"And that's something you like?"  he leaned closer, breathing in her mango scent, momentarily closing his big blue eyes, making her chuckle.
Calypso innocently told him, "Well... I do the same thing."
She laughed at his comically large gaze and quite frankly Oliver didn't know what to do.
"With them?" he squeaked.
"Why not? The pool for good shags around here is like a pond," Calypso gestured to their fellow students who she wasn't attracted to in the slightest. She then smacked a kiss to his cheek, staining the flushed skin as she rose from the couch, "Good night Oliver and make sure to tell Felix that for loyalty points, I know you need them."
She didn't spare him a glance when she strutted away, immediately being welcomed into Farleigh's circle who were dancing to Madonna's Vogue as Monika screamed her name.
"Coming MJ!"
what do you think? keep commenting, i wanna know people's theories about the story.
https://pin.it/6CRef3fSp (vaguely how i imagine her costume) https://pin.it/3MHHGdJBm (how i imagine her hair for the night)
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lirusstories · 2 years
Run Boy Run - Chapter Four: The Fire Cracker
No Warnings(I believe)
Word Count: 3,906
Wilford wanders around the mall in some random city he poofed himself to, ignoring the weird looks he gets from the strangers. He hums happily to himself as he looks around, the mall itself isn’t terribly big but it does have a lot of interesting shops.
He wonders if he’ll be able to find anything for Dark! Maybe as a little apology gift for cause him more of that boring paper work he’s always going on about.
His eyes light up as he wanders down a certain part of the mall, A Hot Topic catching his eye as he quickly makes his way there. Certainly he can find something there as an apology gift for Dark.
He enters the shop, adjusting his collar, the store is a lot warmer than he expected but oh well, off to find a gift for Dark.
He wanders around, tuning out whatever emo song they have playing, surely something Dark may like, perhaps they have any of those… miniature records? 
He can’t remember what they’re called but he’ll recognize them when he sees them.
“They called DVD’s Wil.” Wilford pauses, well, that was odd, a memory perhaps? It sure sounded like it.
Ah well, no time to waste he supposes, shrugging it off as he continues looking around.
However, he is quickly distracted by the amount of shirts they have, staring up at the wall, recognizing some of the bands Dark likes to listen to.
He ends up standing next to a woman whose also looking at the shirts, wearing jean shorts and flannel and surprisingly golden blonde hair done up in a braid to keep from touching the floor he assumes considering the brain goes down to the calf.
She looks at him out of the corner of her eyes and double takes, her eyes lighting up with familiarity and confusion.
He knows she doesn’t know who he is, he’s wearing that glamorous thing that the Magician from McLoughlin’s side of things is always raving about, it seems like it’s one of the few things Dark will agree on with them. 
Speaking of McLoughlin, he wonders if the fellow has woken up yet. He’ll ask the next time they visit. Poor Chasey can’t act all the time.
He hums to himself as she turns back to the shirts and asks, “You need help finding someone dude?”
He hums to himself, “Perhaps~”
She sighs before saying, “Do you know what you’re looking for?”
“I’m looking for a gift for my friend I’m just…”
“Not sure what to get him?” 
Wilford merely nods as a response.
“Well… What does he like?”
“I’m not quite sure,” He ignores her incredulous look, “He’s very hidey about things he likes but I do hear him hum and sing under his breath. And I know he has some band shirts he refuses to wear in front of people. And make up, he doesn’t wear much anymore but I know he likes it.”
She hums thoughtfully. “Do you know what he hums, can you remember any of the lyrics? And if you want to get him good make up, there's a Sephora in the JC penny here.”
He perks up a bit at the sound of that and tries to recall some of the lyrics. He hums the tune, trying to remember the lyrics but it seems he doesn’t need to as the woman perks up.
“Oh! Mama!” He perks up a bit and looks around, making the women laugh, “No, the song, it’s called Mama, it’s by MCR.”
“Huh, I’m surprised you could recognize it so quickly, Even if you had given me a million years I never would have got it!” He tells her in a surprised and slightly dramatic tone.
The woman laughs, making Wilford grin, what a beautiful laugh. “Yeah, I knew a few people who would have struggled to recognize it before at least Virgil got his hands on them.”
“The part you were singing was “You should’ve raised a baby girl I should Have been a better son.”” She sings lightly and Wilford decides he likes her singing voice, it makes him feel warm it’s… Familiar.
“Huh, those are… Interesting lyrics.”
She hums, “They are but they’re… I don’t know, I guess they’re comforting, they are to me and I know they are to my son.”
“Huh.” It’s quiet for a second before he realizes what she said, “Son???”
She laughs, but the woman couldn’t be older than her mid-twenties, tops. “Yes, my son, he’s 17 and is… Traveling with my brother.”
“Well, you must be magic then, you don’t look a day over 22.”
She laughs, but he can hear an edge of nervousness beneath it that makes him curious.
“Well thank you kind sir, but he’s not my oldest, my oldest, biologically at least, is 19.” 
“Well that's quite fascinating, you seem to be as Ageless as my friend!”
She chuckles and just goes, “You’d be surprised. Now, back to what you’re looking for.”
“Maybe one of these,” she pulls out a shirt that's clearly for some band, and by the looks of it, it’s one of the ones he listens to. “What do you think?”
“Perfect!” He exclaims happily.
“Y’know what size your friend is?”
He hums thoughtfully and the woman sighs.
“Okay, how tall is he?”
Wilford raises his hand to about where Dark stands, “Okay good, and now for his build. What's your friend’s body like?”
Wilford blinks before speaking, “Well sorry little lady but he’s not looking for-”
He’s cut off by the woman's sputtering, nervous laugh, 
“Not like that! I mean so I can help you find the right size of shirt!” She exclaims, frantically waving her hands in a, please stop, gesture.
“Oh!” That's right! “He’s rather… fit? I guess you could say, he’s certainly not skinny and he is pretty strong.”
She quickly looks through the shirts, the blush of embarrassment fading from her face as she pulls out a large shirt.
“Here, if it’s too big, you can come in and replace it for a medium.” She tells him happily. “Need help with anything else?”
“Yes please! That’d be very appreciated sweet cheeks.”
She blinks before laughing and informing him. “My name is Liru, Darling. It's nice to meet you."
His eyes light up at the knowledge of her name. 
"A beautiful name!" He exclaims, bowing in a slightly dramatic way, electing a delightful laugh from the woman. "For a beautiful face,”
He grins up at her as he stands back up, "And a wonderful laugh~" He all but purrs at her.
The woman, Liru, becomes rather flustered, turning a bright pink color that Wilford feels he'd find in his own closet.
"A-Anyway!" The woman stutters out, frantically trying to change the subject. "Your name is?"
“Wilford!” He tells her with a wide grin and she gives a shaky smile back. 
“It’s nice to meet you Wilford.” She tells him honestly, even if she is still a little flustered, “Is there anything else you need help with?”
“Yes, please! I am, rather unfamiliar with this place.” He tells her, wiggling his mustache a little that seems to draw her attention, her eyes lingering on it before looking back up at him.
“Well I’ll happily find what you need, let me just grab a few things then we can pay and move onto the next store for what you’re looking for. Sound good?”
Thankfully, her blush is fading as her heart rates lower again as she looks up at him. 
“That sounds wonderful!” He answers with a grin and she nods, giving him the shirt for his friend to hold and he takes it happily.
She grabs Virgil a few band t-shirts, a few eye shadow pallets and grabbing a few other things for her brother and other kids as well.
Once they pay for their stuff, leave and are out of the store, Liru asks, “Okay, what are you looking for next?”
Wilford hums, looking around and his eyes light up as he spots a pretzel stand. 
“How about some food?” He asks excitedly, already walking towards.
Liru’s quick to catch up, holding her bags close so she doesn’t lose anything. “While Wetzel-”
“You mean Pretzel.”
She lets out an annoyed sigh before continuing, “The name of the stand is called Wetzel Pretzel, I would appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me while I speak.”
Wilford can’t help but feel rather embarrassed at the scolding, “Yes ma’am.”
She makes a face but doesn’t comment on his use of ma’am, “If you’re hungry, there is a food court that has more options. While I do enjoy their pretzels, they are a bit expensive.”
He shrugs it off, “Small price to pay for a soft pretzel!” He tells her happily, pulling a surprised laugh from her.
“Y’know what? Fair, this is the only place around that sells soft pretzels anyway. So you want a soft pretzel, a Wetzel dog, pretzel bites, or Wetzel dog bites?”
“Wetzel Dog Bites sound delicious!” He exclaims happily, She nods and orders two bags of Wetzel dog bites, he goes to pay but she just waves him away, getting them both lemonade and a couple of cheese dips each.
Once they have their food, she leads him to a table and sits down and they begin to eat. Wilford rather enjoying his food.
“Is there anything else I should know about your friend before we continue?” She asks after a couple minutes of the both of them being absorbed with their food.
“Well, sometimes they prefer going by she… or they.” Wilford tells her, he’s not sure if he could but he doubts she’d have any problems with it if the pink, yellow and blue button on her flannel is anything to go by.
Liru lights up a little, “Maybe we can find something at Spencer’s for them? I’m sure they have some gender-fluid stuff there.”
“Someone whose gender changes from multiple genders.”
“Huh. But what if he’s not?”
“Well then you can get something small like a pin or sticker, fold it in with his shirt and if he asks why it’s there you can just shrug it off as it was getting mixed up while getting put out for displayed.”
Wilford looks surprised, “That's, very clever to have come up with on the spot.”
She shrugs, only looking ahead as she munches on her food. “I’m used to thinking of things on the spot.”
“Oh? Tell me, what do you do for a living.” He asks, putting his face in his hands as he focuses on her.
She chuckles as she sits back, washing her food down with her drink. “Nothing really, I’m usually at home, keeping the house clean, taking care of my animals and garden and waiting for my kids or brother to drop by and visit.”
She swallows a bit harshly, thankful that no tears come to her eyes. 
Wilford can’t help but be a little sympathetic, with the way she talks she sounds… lonely, he supposes would be the right word but it feels like it’d be something deeper.
“Anyway,” She says, choosing to ignore those aching feelings again, “What do you do?”
“Oh not much, I help Bim out with his Game show and the Jim's with their interviews.”
She tilts her head curiously at him as the names ring a bell but she doesn’t say anything quite yet.
“Those sound interesting, what's the game show and news called?”
Wilford goes to answer before one of Marks and Dark’s warnings flash into his head and he decides against it. “Maybe later.”
She looks at him confused, “O-Okay?”
She watches as he digs into his mini pretzel dogs and cheese, eating away happily before Liru goes back to her own, still confused by his answer but just sort of accepts it. Glamour or not, she can tell he’s rather scattered, she almost wishes he wasn’t wearing a glamour so she could see why but quickly pushes that thought away.
If he’s wearing a glamour he’s allowed to have his privacy, Anti wears one too but she doesn’t pry.
She feels her mouth twitch, almost smiling as she remembers his excited face as she told him about some of the flowers she has and the meanings behind them. She’s glad he agreed to take the bouquet with him, hopefully it didn’t make him uncomfortable but she hopes they help push away what's bothering him and help with his anxiety.
Wilford looks at her curiously, seeing her absentmindedly staring at him, clearly lost in thought. He wonders what she’s thinking about.
It’s not long after that they finish their food and throw away their trash that they’re up and ready to keep looking for gifts for Dark and her kids and brother.
She leads him into a nearby Spencers, his eyes light up seeing the sex toys and games near the back. Oooo! They have lava lamps. He bolts to the back of the store and Liru’s quick to follow, laughing as she realizes where he’s going. 
He’s immediately draw to a bright pink and sparkly Lava Lamp.
“You like them too?”
“Oh absolutely! They’re so pretty! I’m surprised I haven’t gotten myself one yet!”
“Well, that sparkly pink one is right there if you want to get it.” She tells him, pointing below the sparkly pink one that's on display. He quickly grabs it with a grin.
She chuckles and grabs a dark purple one as well as a Pastel purple one. And a Magenta one. Wilford looks at her surprised.
“My kids like them, so does my brother But I’m going to need to grab his tomorrow.” Along with a bunch of other things.
Wilford merely nods, “Now, what's that fluid thing you wanted to show me?”
Liru laughs a little and leads him over to the pins and begins searching through them before finding him a pin that's pink, white, purple, black and blue.
He takes it, looking at it curiously. “What's it supposed to be?”
“It’s the gender-fluid pride flag.” She informs him with a light-hearted grin. His eyes light up at the knowledge.
“Ah! It’s very fascinating!” He tells her, she merely chuckles and nods.
“Are you going to get it for him?” She asks. He nods happily causing her to smile softly.
“Is that all you want to get from here?”
“Yup! Let's go pay for our stuff.” 
They quickly pay for it, the pins were right next to the check-out so there was no need to search for it.
They quickly leave once it’s payed for, “Now, where’s the makeup store?”
She chuckles and gestures for him to follow her, leading him to a strong smelling store that she makes a grossed out face to before leading him inside.
“Now what kind of make up does your friend wear?”
“The one that goes under the eyes! It’s black.”
She pauses before asking, “As in, Eyeshadow or Eyeliner?”
Wilford shrugs, “I’m not quite sure.”
“Does it look like bags under his eyes? Or Lines?”
“Eyeliner it is then.” 
He grins, he’s rather happy he found her in the store, he's sure he would have gone and mucked something up by now for sure.
She wanders around for a minute or so until she finds what he’s looking for, both of them making a face at the wide selection.
Liru sighs and asks, “Does he use a liquid eyeliner or a pencil?”
Wilford stares, a bit confounded at the selection before him. “I’m… not sure?”
She hums in understanding before asking, “Would you be able to buy one of each?”
He just nods. 
She picks up one tube of liquid eyeliner and one pencil of eyeliner and hand them to him, “Here, let's just stick with Maybelline until you can figure out what brand he uses. Is there any other make up he uses?”
Wilford pauses as he thinks, voice becoming a little dark as he speaks, well… “He used to, until a couple of old… roommates laughed at him for it and I haven’t seen him wear anything else since… He really liked dark purple lipstick…”
Liru hums with a frown, she hates people like that. “By the sounds of it, they don’t live with you guys anymore?”
“Nope!” She can’t help but feel a little bit of whiplash with how quickly he perks up again, it reminds her of how her fire cracker used to be. Honestly, everything about this man is like how her fire cracker used to be to the point it’s a little, disheartening. 
While glamorous could hide unmarked soul-bonds she doubts he’s wearing one strong enough to hide one, that or she’s just gotten worse than she thought. She quickly pushes that feeling away as she looks up at him, her hearts panging slightly as she does.
“Well… perhaps we can find some for him?”
Wilford pauses for a moment, looking down at her, before grinning widely, his mustache curling with his lips, “I think that would be a wonderful idea!”
Her hearts do not flutter at that smile they do not. 
“Great! Let's get him some. Was it shiny or not?” She asks as they walk over to the lipstick section
“Sometimes it was, sometimes it wasn’t.” He tells her. She hums in response, looking over the selection before picking out a dark purple lipstick and near black purple matte lipstick liquid.
“Here, try these for now.”
He happily plucks them from her grasp, nearly brushing his hand against hers and he nearly pauses when he feels something spark and something spacey flashes through his mind.
“Thank you pretty lady!” He says with a cheeky grin, she merely chuckles and gestures him to follow her as she tries to ignore the feeling the spark brought, it’s not him, it can’t be, she wouldn’t get so lucky.
She smiles happily and follows him to the check-out, and once everything is bought they leave the store. 
“Is there anything else you’re looking for now?”
He thinks, while he was intending on finding some music for Dark but, he can find some another day when he knows what to look for.
“That's everything! Thank you for your help sweet cheeks~” He says in a cheeky voice, grinning ear to ear. She laughs a bit and just smiles up at him.
Wilford is silent for a moment before he asks, “Can I get your number? I would love to hang out with you again!”
She looks at him surprised, almost questioning before she slowly nods, why the hell not, she needs some friends.
“Yeah, one sec, here.” She quickly scribbles down her phone number, which Wilford is quick to add to his phone.
“And so you have my phone number!” He sends her a text, Liru smiles at the Hello with a pink heart.
"And that's that, thank you for joining me on this shopping trip. I had a lot of fun."
"Me too!"
She smiles kindly up at him before reaching up and patting his shoulder, both of them freeze as it feels like their very beings are reaching out to each other through the now far too thick fabric of his shirt.
A memory, of one of his soulmates, he sees himself walking into a large kitchen, the person in there looking like they’re making enough food for a small village. It’s not the first time he’s seen this place, he’s already met a few of is soulmates, Yan, Mark, Dark… ect. He’s even met ones that have yet to have a past! Like, King and Eric!
He sees a woman standing there, he’s seen her a few times but every time he has he could never seem to actually see her. At least not until now, and her back is turned to him as she hums. She’s just a couple feet taller than him, not counting the horns sprouting from her head. And her hair is that shocking golden blonde that Liru’s is.
He steps into the kitchen, and the woman speaks, her accent, he notes, is similar to Jack and Anti’s but there's, also something else to it.
“Hello darling,” She speaks, a hint of amusement in her voice, “Do you need something?”
And just like that he’s pulled right out of the memory.
Out of an instinct he didn’t even know he had, he looks up, expecting to see the wo- Liru before quickly looking back down at her.
His heart drops a little seeing how spooked she is, her tan skin unnaturally pale as she takes a step back. “I’ll uh, I’ll see you around.”
And just like that she’s gone, quickly rushing past Wilford before he can snap out of his shock and stop her from leaving.
A few minutes later Liru appears home, quickly tucking her wings away as she enters the living room, pausing but relaxing a bit as she sees Virgil who turned to look at her as soon as he heard her.
He looks at her with concern, “You okay Momma?”
She gives him a smile, “I’m fine kiddo… there was just a lot of people at the mall today.”
He doesn’t quite lose his concerned look but he nods as he sits back down on the couch, as rushes upstairs with the bags.
Thats odd, she smells like bubblegum.
That night, Wilford is asleep in his bed as he’s plunged into a memory.
“Hello Darling~,” Wilford freezes as he realizes what's going on, “do you need something?” 
It’s the same memory that flashed though his mind when he and Liru parted ways today. 
The memory of him continues as if nothing of importance is happening.
“My wife~” Past him purrs making the Liru look alike laugh softly.
“Well I’m right here darling~” 
Past him hums as he wraps his arms around her waist and peeks out from her side to the food on the stove. “Watcha makin?”
“Beef stew with dinner rolls and salad.” She tells him happily and both him and past Wilford drool at the sound of that.
“That sounds wonderful!” Past Wilford says excitedly, making the woman chuckle and reach down, gently squeezing his hand before going back to the food.
“Do you need any help?”
“Mmmm, Could you set the table? I am almost done.”
“Of course! I’ll be back soon!” He stands on his tip toes while she leans down, letting him kiss her cheek before he leaves, the memory fading as he wakes up.
He stars at his ceiling as he thinks, a pensive look upon his face, the memory flashing through his head and he can feel more so close, yet so far. He thinks back to Liru’s reaction when she touched him, the look upon her face that broke his heart.
Confused, worried… scared…. But, why would she be scared, he knows she has kids, and he knows she’s young. Did she even realize that they were soulmates?
He looks over at his phone as he thinks. He wonders if she’s awake right now, would she even respond. Perhaps she can ask why she fled. In person, of course, he wants to at least talk to her about it.
With a sigh, he reaches over, grabbing his phone and texting her, asking if she’d like to meet somewhere in a day or so. After all, he did promise the Jim(m) twins he’s help with their news broadcast.
If you like our writing feel free to join our Discord where we're starting to be more active on and if you can spare some cash, throw some at us on our Ko-Fi
It might take longer for the next chapter as we do want to continue Bits and Pieces
Tags: @malaboos-bodacious-blog @glitchyartist @immabethehero @protectjj @septicrebel
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kennieswrld · 2 years
bad hair-good hair, long hair-short hair
All my life I've wanted long hair. I've never been shamed into hating my hair length or anything, it just felt like the "prettiest" girls in my classes in elementary school had long, straightened hair. Hair that fell and rested upon their backs and waists, and god did I fucking want some.
There's this run on joke between my mother and I about my desperate need for a ponytail when I started the 3rd grade. My very black family decided to uproot themselves from the peachy state that is Georgia to the rainy depressing state that is Washington state. This caused an unknown issue my parent's didn't consider would happen to me, a culture shock of whiteness (mind you this culture shock is still under effect around 13 years later). I had never seen so many white people before, and I was obsessed with their best and most common hairstyle. The ponytail. With its sleek look and sporty nature, a buck toothed 8 year old Kenji wanted to have that hairy fashion statement atop my head. While on the other side of the story, my mother had no clue how to tell me my curly naps would never be able to just naturally slick down and straight for a simple ponytail. For a few weeks she would put my messy hair up into a puffball, but as soon as I saw her "ponytail" I would cry and cry, repeating how this is NOT the ponytail I was looking for.
I guess it's funny now, but it wasn't then. But it's funny to think how much something as trivial as that spiraled into a sort of self hatred I crafted for myself. I hated my hair for years. I wished it were longer, I wished it had a looser curl pattern and I just wished the hair on my head wouldn't be my own. My mother never allowed me to dye or relax my hair while living under her roof which made the entire hair hatred problem even worse as there was no way to escape the hate other than obtaining heat damage for a couple of years in middle school.
But as soon as I got into highschool, something changed. Seeing the same sleek and sporty ponytails whipping side to side as they ran to class just became boring. I had seen it so many times that even if I were to join the club, I would be one of the millions of members. Also during this time I began experimenting with my own hair. Creating different hairstyles for myself via braiding or funky up-do's with all my natural hair. And it was the first time in my entire life that I had ever felt so comfortable in my own skin. Being able to wear my big kinky afro amongst the sea of ponytails finally felt as normal as wearing a ponytail myself.
But after a while. I felt off. My hair was finally exactly where I wanted it to be. I had just grown into loving my hair for who she is instead of trying to make her someone else, until I realized how I was allowing my hair to dictate how other's felt about me. Everything was for others and not me. The validation I felt over the afro I wore wasn't about it being in its afro state, it was over it being the biggest afro. If I wore braids they had to be in for more months of the year than my natural hair could be out. So after some feeling of inadequacies over my hair, I watched video essay after video essay where I listened to multiple black women explain how shrinkage is beautiful, having long hair that hits your butt is not the end all be all and to just be happy with you. So I shaved all my hair off.
Since shaving my head, I have been constantly thinking about that little girl who wanted a ponytail. Now she really cant get a ponytail, and I think she likes it better this way.
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wishful-seeker · 2 years
You know I found it really difficult growing up as a little girl in the South of United states. There were only 2 types of people I encountered my whole time growing up. People who despised femininity and me for being a little girl, and people who forced me to be feminine and refused to allow me to explore any other options. This led to me absolutely hating being a girl, I hated pink, I hated dresses, I was taught girls were weak and I knew I wasn't weak so I denied everything feminine. I cried when my parents made me where dresses to dinner when the boys could where shorts and t-shirts, I learned to hate pretty girls because they gave girls like me "a bad name". It was shoved down my throat to not only hate these girls but also to 𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮. It was so confusing and traumatizing for me. I'd cover every inch of my body because I hated my feminine parts, and I didn't want to conform, I didn't want for the assholes who raised me to think they won. My hair got shorter and shorter until I had a buzz cut for 3 years. And although I wasn't lying to myself, I LOVED dressing this way, it was ME, I also often wondered what it'd be like to wear a dress I liked. A necklace that sparkled, braids in my hair.
It wasn't until I turned 20 when I very slowly started to realize that me exploring my feminine side did not equal people "winning" or being "right" about me. It didn't mean I wasn't the same buzzed head tomboy that likes playing in the dirt and wearing my grandpa's army jacket. It didn't mean I was weak, or bad, or stupid. I slowly started to learn that not every article of clothing has to be apocalypse ready and 100% practical.
I've started playing around with fashion now, I've ended up really liking cottagecore, whimsiagoth, and Goth clothing on the feminine side. Dresses, skirts, lace shawls, ect. And I feel a lot better. I'm not betraying my identity and my fellow women by wearing dresses. I never was.
The next milestone I'm working on is trying to get the courage to own and wear a pink dress. The girliest thing one could own. I've discovered I really like satin in the dusty pink color. Just working up to wearing that slowly.
I guess my point is: your identity is your own, no one else's. No one can tell you you are feminine or masculine, something in between, or neither but yourself. No one can tell you what's right for you. And if you feel like you'll never be comfortable with femininity, Or even masculinity, that's perfectly OK. And if you feel like you really resonated with one of these things but now you feel that you can resonate with both, or you've completely changed and don't like the first one you connected with anymore, that doesn't mean you're betraying your old self. It means you're liberating them.
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
little dove
loki x reader
description - Loki acted so caring around you, more so than anyone else in his life. He loved to take care of you, especially when you had a long day, and he got teased by some of the team for it.
warnings - fem reader, cute loki and pet names, implications of gender fluid loki?, reader gets picked up, slight implications of a nsfw theme the night before
word count - 1900
A/N - this is a pretty plotless blurb but i just love this man, i have been obsessed with the new series and just wanted to write anything about him. i will inevitably be writing for him more so please end me now. there are no spoilers for the new series and it takes place in an AU after new york but pretty much otherwise out of timeline. all the avengers live at the compound together, endgame didnt happen and no i wont talk about it.
Loki was not someone who was overly friendly. To most of the people in the compound, he was courteous at best. That rule, however, was bent occasionally. The only exceptions were you and his brother (some of the time). He had been smitten with you the moment he saw you though he would never admit it. You were bubbly and light and the exact opposite of him. You were so friendly and kind that it almost made him want to be the same.
You were kind to him, which he was shocked by. Most of the people in the compound tolerated him but they were never caught being too nice. You, on the other hand, were friendly to him the day you met him.
You weren't an Avenger, you weren't really even a fighter. You were a genius in the medical field as well as the unofficial caretaker of everyone on the team. You made sure that they all ate, they didn't overwork themselves, that they were getting enough sleep every night because they were your closest friends. Everyone listened to you. You had this power over them all that they just wanted to make sure you were happy and that meant they wanted to do what you asked of them. They tried their best to take care of you as well.
When you met Loki and were very nice to him, he expected some ulterior motive. He assumed that there was something you wanted or that you would gain his trust and then humiliate him later. So he kept his guard up. This was proved wrong over the months to come. He noticed that you were that kind to everyone and you were just happy to be around other people. He let you in over time.
You became the only person who he opened up to, even more than his brother. You would keep him company even when he lashed out at others and when he was filled with guilt. You forgave him for his past without question and opened up to him as well. It took probably 3 months for Loki to realize that he was in love with you.
He couldn't believe himself. In love with a midgardian? What was he thinking?
But it was undeniable and uncontrollable. He just couldn't help himself. You would read to him and watch movies with him. You would braid his hair when he was stressed and would teach him how to cook when he asked. You were just everything to him. It took him a long time to confess. He was terrified that you would reject him. You could have had anyone you wanted, why would you choose him?
When he did confess, you were thrilled and he couldn't believe it. You kissed him and he thought he could die happy right then and there. He had never felt this much love for anyone besides his mother.
You continued to break his walls down and he fell deeper in love with you every day. He didn't, however, change his behavior towards others very much. He had grown closer to the team, having regained some trust from them all. He was no longer aggressive and he tried very hard not to lash out. Most of that was out of his own desire to be trusted. He realized that he was going to have to make his life work to remain with you and he slowly learned that most of the people in the compound weren't actually as awful as he might have originally guessed. That didn't mean that his personality changed toward them though. He was still slightly cold and short. He wouldn't smile too much and he was what some might call grumpy most of the time.
That only changed around you and everyone noticed. Loki got teased for it constantly and he couldn't care less. He just wanted to make you happy and he had no regard for what anyone thought of your relationship.
He was waiting patiently in the common area of the compound on the couch. Steve and Rhodey were sat on the couch watching something that Loki didn't recognize or care for, it was some kind of reality TV. When he heard the elevator door open he looked toward the door and you were walking towards him. A grin spread over his face and his posture relaxed. He could hear the men on the couch scoff at his sudden change in demeanor. When you got close to him he picked you up and pulled you to straddle his hips on his lap and immediately began kissing all over you. You buried your face in his chest and he kissed your hair.
"How are you, my love?" He mumbled sweetly and you hummed. "Long day?" he questioned and you nodded in affirmation. "Lets go get you some food then, yes?" He asked lightly and you hummed happily. He picked you up and you clung to him, arms and legs wrapping around him. He carried you with ease toward the kitchen. It shocked you sometimes how much he could lift and how easily he lifted you but you had to remind yourself that he was indeed a god.
"How come you never treat us that way?" Rhodey called from the couch and Loki grumbled a bit.
"Oh I'm sorry did you want me to pick you up and make you some tea?" He asked sarcastically and you giggled from where your face was pressed into his chest. He smiled at the fact that he had gotten you to laugh and he set you on the countertop. He tried to pull away to make you some food but you did not let him leave you, still holding on to the front of the shirt that he was wearing. "Do you want to talk about your day?" He asked sweetly, kissing your forehead lightly. You gazed up at him lovingly and his heart skipped a beat.
"I'm just tired. People are annoying and I didn't exactly sleep much last night." You winked at the last part. He smirked at your comment.
"I'm sorry, my love. I was under the impression that you enjoyed what we did last night but I would be happy to give you plenty of time to sleep tonight if that's what you would prefer." he teased and you punched him lightly in the chest.
"Okay fine you're right, I like getting kept up." You confessed. You paused for a moment and his eyes remained on you as he waited patiently for you to continue. "I was mistaken for an intern again today. You would think that after over a year of working here that people would recognize my name and my work but today there were some new investors walking through the facility. When they came to look at my work they started to talk to one of my coworkers and then turned to me to ask me to get them a coffee order while they waited for the doctor to arrive." You grumbled, your mood now sour at the memory. Loki frowned and he felt his anger begin to take shape inside of him. His eyes flashed green for a moment.
"Would you like me to go and teach them a lesson? Perhaps just to mildly terrify them?" he asked, fully serious. That cheered you up plenty and you chuckled. Loki knew that you were laughing because of the absurdity of his statement and the fact that he was dead serious but he was just happy to see you smile again. "I will never understand the midgardian obsession with gender roles. Though I suppose my own identity is more fluid than most asgardians as well." He confessed and you brought your hand to rest on the side of his face. He leaned his head into your hand as he beamed at you. You loved when he compared his home to yours. It reminded you just how powerful he was and that he still chose to spend his days with you. There was suddenly a flash of green before he held his hand out to you, now holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. When you gasped and moved to grab them he slipped from your grasp to move towards the refrigerator.
"Hey that's not fair, you tricked me." You pouted at him, now grumbling that you couldn't hold him anymore.
"Little dove, I cannot make you food when you hold onto me. When I am finished cooking then you can stay with me for as long as you would like." He promised and you nodded solemnly. He quickly pressed another kiss to your cheek before moving around the kitchen to prepare you waffles as he often did when you were having a long day. You observed the beautiful flowers in your hand and watched him as he moved around the kitchen, a million times more comfortable than he had been when he first moved into the compound. You talked contentedly with the people passing by as well as the man who was diligently trying to improve your mood. Occasionally one of the other team members would walk by and laugh a bit at how caring he was acting toward you, all of them just happy you were content though. Eventually Thor stopped by while Loki put some batter into the waffle iron and sliced some fruit.
"You know, this is the happiest I have ever seen him." He stated simply, a smile in is voice.
"It's the happiest I've been too." You responded with a small grin.
"The last time I saw him open up to someone the way that he opens up to you was on Asgard with our mother. She would be happy to see him being so vulnerable again." He patted your back and walked away as tears started to come to your eyes. The brothers would talk of their mother sometimes and Loki often mention the fact that he believed she would have loved you, if not for your own personality then for what you did for her son. You wished that you could meet her.
You were suddenly taken out of your thoughts by someone handing you a plate of waffles and sliced up fruit with a little container of syrup on the side. You looked up at Loki and nearly cried right there. You put the plate aside for a moment to reach out and pull him into a crushing hug. He was a bit startled but responded quickly, a hand going to the back of your head and his fingers brushing through your hair soothingly.
"Did something happen, my love?" He asked softly and you sniffled a bit.
"Just love you and I'm very thankful for everything you do for me." You got out and he affirmed to himself that he would die for you in an instant.
"I love you too, darling, but I slaved away at those waffles and now they are getting cold." He teased and he kissed your hair gently. You took a deep breath before pulling away, looking up at him with love. You smiled and then hopped off of the counter. He walked with you over to the dining table where he sat next to you and serenely waited as you ate, the food lifting your spirits a bit and easing your anxiety of the day. You planned on spending the rest of it with the man next to you as well as every day after that.
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she’s a baddie ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1846
request?: yes!
“Hi! I have a request for mgk (if your requests are open still) but I was thinking maybe something like colson’s girlfriend is a total badass and like has a bunch of tattoos and maybe is a rapper herself and he is kind of just gushing over her and tells everyone he can about how cool she is? <3″
description: in which he loves to gush about his badass rapper girlfriend at every opportunity
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
Tumblr media
The minute he walked into the studio and saw her, Colson was in love.
Dom had asked Colson to be on a song with him and a long time friend of his, a fellow rapper named (Y/N). Colson agreed - he always loved to work with Dom and he loved to meet new people to collaborate with.
He wasn’t sure what he expected of (Y/N), but it definitely was not what he actually got.
(Y/N) was in the booth recording her verse. Already, her rapping abilities were for beyond even Colson’s. He was extremely impressed with her lyrics. As for her appearance: she was wearing a pair of tight, ripped jeans, a white button up dress shirt that was completely open with the sleeves rolled up, revealing the sports bra she was wearing underneath.
With all that skin exposed, Colson could see that she was nearly completely covered in tattoos. Her arms were covered in tattoo sleeves, all the way down to her hands and even fingers. There was an undercarriage tattoo poking out from under her sports bra, and another poking out from her waistband around her hip. She even had one on her neck!
She radiated badass energy, and Colson was drawn to her.
Dom looked up from where he was sat and got up to hug Colson. “Hey mate! Just in time, (Y/N) is finished her verse!”
(Y/N) had stopped rapping when she noticed the commotion outside. She was looking at Dom and Colson, as if waiting for them to tell her what to do.
“(Y/N), come meet Kells!” Dom called.
She walked out from the booth and smiled at Colson. “Nice to meet you. Dom talks so highly of you, and I’m a bit of a fan.”
Colson smiled and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, too. Dom’s talked you up to me a lot, too. You definitely live up to the hype.”
(Y/N) tried to hide her smile to keep her cool status, but Colson could see the corners of her mouth tilting upwards. She put her hands in her pockets and shrugged modestly. “I’m okay I guess. Thanks though.”
“Her verse is amazing,” Dom said, bringing the attention back to him. “Just wait till you hear it when it’s finished.”
Colson sat with Dom to go over the verse he had written. (Y/N) sat behind them, distracting herself on her phone while the men worked. Every so often he would glance over his shoulder at her, hoping to catch her attention for even just a moment.
“She’s single mate, go for it,” Dom said in a low voice, but certainly not low enough that (Y/N) didn’t hear it.
Colson’s eyes widened and he quickly looked over his shoulder at her again. Her attention was still on her phone, but there was a knowing smile on her face.
When the three had finished in the studio and were preparing to go, Colson finally decided to talk to (Y/N). She was heading out the door when Colson approached her, falling into step beside her.
“Your tattoos are cool,” he said, immediately cringing at how lame the compliment was.
(Y/N) smiled brightly at him. “Thanks! They better be for how long they took and how much they cost. Yours are pretty sick too.”
“Thanks. A few of them are kind of old and I regret a little but that happens.”
“When you have as many as we do, you eventually regret one or two.”
There was an awkward silence as the two continued into the parking lot. Colson tried to wrack his brain for some way to save the conversation, but everything he came up with felt dumb or lame. He felt his heart fall to his stomach when (Y/N) pulled keys from her pocket and unlocked a car in front of them. He knew he’d eventually see her again, but he didn’t want their time to end just yet.
Before getting into her car, (Y/N) turned to Colson and put her hand out. “Give me your phone.”
He was taken back by such a direct request that his mind couldn’t comprehend what she had asked at first. “What?”
“Phone, unlock, give.”
Colson took his phone from his pocket and did as she asked. (Y/N) opened the contacts app on his phone and added her name and number, and even took a selfie of herself to set as the contact photo. She sent herself a text so she could have Colson’s number before passing the phone back to him.
“Let’s get drinks some time,” she told him before climbing into her car and starting it up. The roaring of the engine made Colson realize that even her car was badass.
He never would’ve guessed that that one encounter would’ve led to such a strong relationship between the two of them. Colson took (Y/N) up on her offer to go get drinks and, next thing he knew, he was waking up the next morning with her in his bed after deciding to be in a real relationship.
When the news hit the media, both of their fanbases exploded with excitement, saying how (Y/N) and Colson were perfect for one another. Even the tabloids couldn’t find a bad thing to say about the relationship. In fact, they constantly praised the two and complimented them whenever they were saw out together. As much as Colson hated the vultures that were paparazzi, it was hard to be as angry when they were actually saying nice things about him and the woman he loved.
And Colson couldn’t get enough of hyping his girl up. Even when she wasn’t there, all he did was talk about how cool and badass she was. It eventually got to a point that his friends would have to tell Colson that every time he mentioned (Y/N)’s name when she wasn’t around, they were going to hit him.
On the night of Dom’s album release, which featured the song that had brought Colson and (Y/N) together, Dom decided to throw a massive party to celebrate. Colson showed up with his friends, fashionably late as always. It didn’t take him long to navigate the large crowd to find his stunning girlfriend, who was wearing a skin tight black dress that hugged her body and came down to her thighs, paired with a pair of black stiletto heels and her hair pulled back in a braid. Colson couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over her body as he walked up behind her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, bringing her attention away from her conversation to him for just a moment.
“Sorry to steal her away,” Colson said to her conversation partner, “but I just had to tell my girlfriend how fucking stunning she looks tonight.”
A bright smile spread on (Y/N)’s face as the person she was talking to made a fake vomiting sound, but was smiling none the less.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, hot stuff,” she said with a wink. “Wanna grab a drink and I’ll be over in a minute?”
“Sounds good, baby.”
Colson kissed her head as his hand trailed from her waist to her ass, giving it a quick squeeze before walking away. (Y/N) turned and watched him go with wide eyes, but also with an amused smile on his face. He smirked to himself as he made his way to the bar.
Slim and Rook were already stood there, two empty glasses in hand but too distracted by their conversation to get refills. Colson ordered two drinks, one for himself and one for (Y/N), before looking back across the crowded room at her. An involuntary smile stretched across his face as he looked at the familiar tattoos that were peaking out from her dress.
“Bro, if you say one thing about (Y/N) I am going to punch you in the fact,” Slim said, snapping Colson out of his trance.
“What?” he said. “Dude I wasn’t going to say anything about her.”
“You have that look on your face man,” Rook pointed out. “The look that says the next thing out of your mouth is gonna be something about how badass (Y/N) is.”
The bartender passed Colson his drink and he immediately swallowed half of it. “I’m sorry for thinking my girlfriend is the coolest shit since sliced bread, but that’s how relationships are supposed to work.”
“That’s not how they’ve worked with you before,” Slim said.
“Yeah, before it was a lot of sex and PDA and eventual fighting,” Rook added.
“What I have with (Y/N) ain’t like that, guys,” Colson said. “I know I move way too fast in relationships and they all end the same way, but when I say that it was love at first sight for me with (Y/N), I mean it. I mean, look at her, how can you not love her? She’s not just another girl who wants to be all over me and gets jealous or upset when I’m gone for long because she actually understands that this is how my job works. And she likes to drink and smoke weed and party, so she’s actually fun to hang out with. On top of all that...well...just look at her! She’s smoking hot and badass as fuck. I’m sorry that I tend to talk too much about her and all, but I can’t help it. I’m really happy.”
During his speech, Colson hadn’t noticed that (Y/N) had finished with her conversation and approached the three of them. She joined the group just in time to hear how happy he was to be with her, which had managed to bring happy tears to her eyes. She tried to blink them away as to not ruin her makeup, but it was hard when Colson’s kind words were replaying in her head.
“You mean that?” she asked, causing the three men to jump and to look at her.
“Damn, you move quick girl,” Slim commented.
“How much did you hear?” Colson asked.
“Enough of it,” she responded.
Slim and Rook exchanged a glance before excusing themselves from the conversation. Colson held out (Y/N)’s drink to her and she gladly took it. She leaned into his side as he wrapped his arm around her again, fitting perfectly against him like two puzzle pieces.
“I meant every word I said,” he told her. “I think you’re the coolest chick I’ve ever met and then some. Way too good to be dating a dork like me.”
“You’re anything but a dork,” she said. “And even if you were, you’re my dork, and I can’t imagine having anyone else by my side.”
Colson smiled that adorable, goofy smile that (Y/N) loved so much. She mirrored it before leaning up to kiss his lips. His grip around her waist tightened as he held her close, never wanting to let her go.
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