#guess who died (and woke up again dw)
fishporridges · 5 years
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xichenweek day 6
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hwangskz · 5 years
in another life (pt. 1) | soulmate! minho
part 1 of the uwma! au series !!!! i was so excited to get this up bcs, if u hadn't realised alrdy, i LOVE uwma with my entire heart :( (ps if any of u watch any bls or even just uwma pls hmu thank u) and pls read this post b4 or after ur done reading this fic so u don't get confused in the next part!! +++ tw suicide !
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• "y/n….do u like him?"
• ur automatically reminded of the time u first met
• u remember it as clear as day
• u both had taken film as ur major and on the first day, ur college held a lil gathering
• u picked up the nearest headband and read it's label
• 'belle'
• so….were u supposed to find ur beast now???? JSGSSHE THAT'S WHAT THEY SAID
• "10 seconds to find ur partner!!!!"
• u looked around bcs u were NOT standing in front of that huge crowd, later trying to find ur partner
• when a boy caught ur eyes
• he stood on the side, his hand limply holding the blue headband as he looked around
• and he looked ?? sad :( ??
• "last 5 seconds!!!"
• u turned around one last time and ?? EVERYONE HAD FOUND THEIR PARTNERS ALREADY??
• so u RAN towards that boy
• and caught him off guard as u pulled him down to sit on the ground as the announcer continued talking and giving out future tasks 
• "hey."
• "???"
• wow this boy is worse than YOU at communicating
• "are u sure we're partners??"
• "..."
• "right, yea. i was the one who dragged u..haha..sorry.."
• so u pulled his hand up to view his headband
• 'prince adam'
• u probably looked really confused rn bcs u just made the guy speak up
• "beast."
• u looked up, OBVIOUSLY confused
• this new voice box working??? wonder whose it is
• ":o huh?????"
• he sighed and held it up for u
• thank u nameless boy bcs ur hands kinda WERE getting tired JDKHD
• "prince adam is the real name of the prince in disney's beauty and the beast."
• ":OOO REALLY???? wait but how do u know"
• "..... google?"
• "... RIGHT sorry haha"
• even after the lil gathering ended and u got to go to ur class
• ur mind was still thinking abt the guy
• u probably didn't even notice u had entered the class w that DULL ASS look until
• "ouc- WHO THE F-???????"
• "still in ur dreams?? lmao dumbass"
• "this group needed the following of a sane person so im here too. hello to u too, y/n"
• "MISS YEJI??? PEOPLE THAT I KNOW AND CHERISH????? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ OMG HELLO TO U TOO"
• and there it was, once again, ryujin trying to get ur over affectionate ass off of her as yeji laughs 
• and when u take a seat
• u can't help but follow the movements of the boy who enters the class
• his moves aren't rushed; they seem calm. too calm.
• and that's when u hear all the whispers around u
• "is that blood on his shirt? is he already following in his dad's footsteps?"
• ‘what footsteps?’
• "i heard he dragged his partner today for the freshman gathering today?"
• ‘but i was the one who dragged him..then how-’
• "y/n?"
• "h-huh?" 
• yeji's third call woke u up from ur train of thoughts
• "are u ok?"
• "yea.. i'm fine. dw!!"
• "see i told u they’re thinking abt their fantasy boys and/or girls again it's fine"
• "yes y/n l/n i totally believe that"
• ur group's laughters echo in the room, along w the other friend groups'
• except for that boy who now sits in front of u
• u wonder if he's waiting for his friends
• but they never seem to show up
• even though it's alrdy been over 5 months now
• and that pretty boy in front of u is DISTRACTING u from the lesson (๑•ૅㅁ•๑) !!!!!
• and this one particular day..yeji and ryujin were absent..
• so u were kinda lonely anyways
• and hearing ppl continue to whisper abt that guy..it made u wanna talk to him again
• u don't know exactly why ?? but u did
• so u gathered up ur stuff from ur desk
• and sat at the desk next to his
• and immediately u could hear the whispers getting a bit louder
• and he ducked his head and turned towards u
• and u decided to ignore those words, and looked at him, with a bright smile on ur face
• "don't worry about them. i'm here now."
• it was something abt u
• something abt those words that made him feel some type of way
• he took in a deep breath as he looked down and then looked at u again
• "......thank you, i guess"
• u nodded and he turned towards his work
• a small smile on his face
• he had found someone
• "so?"
• ryujin asked u, bringing u back from ur flashback
•"yea..i think so.."
• yeji and ryujin sighed
• ur mind : ALERT
• IS IT BAD??? THAT U LIKE HIM???? (๑´╹‸╹`๑) ??
• "y/n...do u not know abt him..?"
• "(o゜ー゜o)??"
• they share a Look and turn towards u, worried looks on their faces
• "he's the son of a mafia... that's why ppl talk abt him in such..hushed tones..and basically isolate him"
• "and look y/n..we know that isolating him is truly bad, but maybe get a little away? from him? what if u get involved in smthg bad?"
• u...ur honestly a lil shocked
• not fully by the news that his dad is a mafia
• but by the fact that they think something bad can happen when ur with him
• with HIM
• "but it's his dad who is a mafia. he's not at all like that !! he's a bit shy, and is just scared to express himself. and don't worry, yeji. i am not going to get myself in trouble"
• they muttered an "okay" and leaned back against their chairs again
• "but wait.."
• ryujin spoke up again
• "when did u even hangout w him? enough to, well, get feelings for him?"
• "uh well..that day both of u were absent, i went and sat w him in class..then shared some of my lunch w him when i saw him on the rooftop..and kind of having been bringing him lunch and staying w him..during that time.."
• they laughed, and u could feel the tension easing away
• "never knew y/n's a dom lmao"
• "they seem like a switch tho"
• and so u did join the guy 
• (who's name u had learned to be lee minho)
• whenever u found him to be lonely
• and even tho minho seemed to be against the whole idea of u joining him all the time
• trust me he's a whole softie inside
• he just ;;;; he gets so happy whenever u come by
• and not just bring him lunch
• and not only during lunch breaks
• but all the time
• whenever he passes by u
• u always greet him, and 
• wave at him and u just feel like a shield from everyone and all the bad things everyone says and he just
• he can't thank u enough
• but it's not just that
• and he knows that
• even when he sees u coming towards him in the library
• sneaking in some food bcs it IS lunch
• so technically u ARE supposed to bring him food
• "hey !! :D"
• u take the chair in front of him
• and take out the food, both of urs, and shove his one towards him
• "WHY-"
• minho shushes u and u turn around to look if u made anyone else angry
• and perhaps...... u DID.... AJSBBE
• so u just duck ur head as an apology and the furious students go back to studying
• "why are u studying rn???? it's lunch!!!!!"
• "ok and??"
• "rest is important!!"
• "what makes u think i haven't rested enough alrdy?"
• "well i've seen u w the book the ENTIRE DAY ??"
• minho sighs, but then perks his head up
• "u..u watch me..?"
• "!! im not a STALKER-"
• minho shushes u again and ur pretty sure the other students r staring daggers at u rn JDVSJE
• "-im not a stalker,, ur in my class.. right in front of me.."
• minho chuckles silently at ur words
• "sure"
• u were flustered until u realised u just
• u just made the biggest tsundere chuckle
• c h u c k l e
• "did u just …….. chuckle at me…….."
• minho looked down, scared to meet ur eyes bcs shit ur rite
• "no…….what makes u think that………"
• u giggle at his failed attempt to delete that successful moment from ur memory
• minho smiles a little
• he was so happy
• even tho it was abt u
• even tho u had made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that u like him
• like at random times u would be like
• "damn i can't believe i fell for u"
• or
• "oh good lord!! i always try to hangout w the guy i like but he pretends to not like spending time with me!!!!!!! what did i do to deserve this !!!!!!"
• and in these situations what does minho do??
• just a bit bcs he's still under that tsundere cover JSGSJSB
• but like !!!!!!! in his defense !!!!!!!
• that too w his first ever friend..................
• little did he know he was truly so engrossed in his thoughts that he had stopped eating and had been staring at the sky above for like ??? more than 5 mins now ??
• "MINHO ???????"
• he flinched and moved away a bit at the sound of ur voice suddenly piercing his thoughts
• "w-what"
• "bitch i thought u died or smthg...u have been staring above for so long pretty sure some flies even touched ur food and it's now UNHYGIENIC"
• his eyes met urs and, as if he got some idea, he suddenly kept his lunch box away to look at u
• "wait im pretty sure the flies didn't sit on the food!!!! it was a joke-"
• minho exhaled loudly before he spoke
• "y/n?"
• "yes…?"
• "can i ask u smthg…..?"
• "sure!!"
• minho inhaled sharply before continuing
• "do u ever feel uncomfortable? when ur with me?"
• u thought for a while, before giving him a smile and answering him
• "why would i? idk if ur referring to the rumors here...or if they're supposed to be involved here but...they don't affect me. firstly, i don't even know if ur dad truly is a part of the mafia-"
• "he is."
• minho was staring at u intently, wondering how u'll respond to this
• "well, uh, nice for him? i guess? but it's him right? not u? then there's nothing to worry about."
• minho shook his head as he tried to look anywhere but at u
• "but what if u ever get in trouble? bcs of me?"
• "that's on me. not u. and if it's through u, or if u ever get in trouble or smthg-"
• u picked his hand up, holding it tightly, which seemed to catch him off guard
• "-i will protect u."
• he could do nothing but give u a soft smile, before turning his head away
• and so did u bcs damn y/n since when did u become so confident huh JDVSJE
• so u decided to go for it
• "y/n, will u be my partne-"
• u gently pecked his lips before moving away real QUICK JSGEJE
• WAS HE ABT TO CONFESS ???????????
• "i-i'm sorry….i didn't mean to-"
• and u looked up in time, only to see minho leaning in, before he connected his lips to urs
• it was a slow kiss
• it took u a while to get the fact into ur head that he's right here
• he is kissing u
• and so u snaked ur arms across his shoulders, as he held u tight, even closer
• and when u both pulled away
• both of u were flushed red
• and it did feel kinda quiet so u just
• "damn im glad we have lunch on the rooftop, huh"
• minho chuckled as he moved away
• "kinda ….. yes"
• and so for the next months u continued to tease him with this JDGSJS
• even tho yall are technically dating now uwu
• but he never tells u he likes u
• which is : frustrating
• and the fact that EVEN THO he's ur bf and u KNOW it, u continue to be curious if he even likes u :(
• so u just slam ur spoon on the table
• which makes him look up
• "what? is the ramen too spicy?"
• u shoot ur head towards him, a pout on ur face
• "do u like me?"
• ".........what"
• "u never….u have never said u like me…...and yea sure im not supposed to question this bcs ur my boyfriend and i know that but im sorry i overthink alot and it's just me saying i like u all the time but not u and i just can't help but-"
• "i …….. i like."
• "huh?"
• u shoot ur head upwards at minho, who now gets up to keep his empty bowl in ur kitchen sink, with a grin along ur face
• "u heard me."
• and u wish u could still be as happy as u were on this day
• when he first confessed
• well, half-confessed
• but u couldn't be
• even as he stood in front of u, saying that he loves u
• and he's grateful for u
• u couldn't stop the tears that continued to stream down ur cheeks
• ur eyes could only focus on the gun that he held right beside his temple
• his dad used to send people behind minho whenever u two went on a date
• "he wants me to go on w his job after he resigns" minho had once told on one of ur dates
• "do u want to?"
• "no, obviously-"
• he held ur hand in his
• "i want to be with u"
• then why
• why was he standing there, with that gun
• that stupid gun aimed at his temple?
• today while u had closed ur eyes, wishing for something, like minho had told u when he brought that birthday cake for u out of nowhere while u and minho were having ur date
• u opened ur eyes when u heard a muffled voice screaming loudly
• only to find it was minho's
• which confused u when u saw the hand covering his mouth
• but surprised u, when u saw his dad standing right behind him
• he kept pulling minho away from u
• minho yelled, tried to free himself away
• but couldn't
• until u yelled at his dad to stop
• and minho dropped on the ground, with his wrists red from being grasped so tightly
• u went on and on abt how he has made minho feel and what minho truly wants
• u had shut ur eyes out of fear
• but u had opened them to see what minho truly wants
• death ;
• an escape
• from all of this
• and so he spoke one more time
• "y/n. remember, i love you, okay? i….i'll always keep my promise."
• and then, a gunshot.
• u weren't sure if time had stopped or if it was just u frozen
• but u could only hear a beep sound going in ur ears as his body dropped on the ground
• limp.
• and at once u leapt towards him, sobbing, u fell to ur knees, ur hands grazing his cheeks and gently hitting his chest
• "y/n…. i don't know how to go on…"
• he had told u this months ago, when u guys had been dating for abt 5 months then
• "minho, we'll always be together, no matter what. i, at least, will be there for u, always."
• minho had looked at u with tears in his eyes 
• he rlly was so stupidly in love w u
• "but what if i...die...someday?"
• u sighed and turned to look at the night sky
• at least none of his dad's assistants had found out abt ur place yet
• (thankfully)
• u turned to look at him again
• "then...i'll die too."
• so that's what u were gonna do
• u searched for the pistol, as u blinked several times to focus properly
• when u finally found it, ur hands shakily reached for it
• and then as u aimed it at ur own temple
• the last part of that conversation popped into ur head again
• "then, will we meet each other in next life?"
• minho thought abt it for a few secs
• "probably"
• u nodded
• "i once heard that...when u fall for someone at first sight, it probably just means that we're recognising our partner's soul from our past life….do u think that will happen w us? do u think we'll…. we'll recognise each other?"
• "...i hope so…."
• u both let out a stifled laugh
• and so u stick ur pinky finger out, asking for his 
• "minho."
• "yes?"
• "promise me."
• "promise what?"
• "promise that…...that we'll find each other.."
• minho was abt to argue w u but seeing ur lil pout
• he had no choice but to agree
• "promise."
• and so, another gunshot was heard.
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fancat-not-fangirl · 4 years
It’s Not You Pt.10
a/n: I will be writing a few chapters focusing on their time together during winter break, so be prepared for fluff fluff and more fluff
No wonder Dean liked the Impala. The car was perfect. The seats were comfortable, there was lots of space, it was sleek and shiny, and, best of all, it smelled like Dean. Cas couldn’t quite explain what Dean smelled like, though. It was a mix of car oil, leather, and pine, but with something sweeter mixed in, too. It didn’t matter though, because it drove Cas crazy. Absolutely crazy.
“Turn on the blinker, you fucking moron!” Cas had been previously staring out the window, watching the snow covered  trees slip by, but he now turned his head back to Dean. It seems as if he wasn’t the only crazy one here.
It was a Saturday. More specifically, it was the Saturday right after the day that schools let out their students for winter break. Most of the kids at Cas’s college had decided to go home on Friday, and in hopes of avoiding traffic, Cas and Dean had slept over on campus and woke up early Saturday morning, ready to leave. Sam had also left on Friday. He had decided to stay with Gabe at Gabe’s apartment, but his usual two hour drive to Gabe’s turned into a five hour long road trip due to the sheer amount of cars on the road. Cas and Dean may have avoided the heavier traffic the day before, but people were still streaming to get to their vacation spots. The highways were stuffed to the brim with cars, and Cas never realized until now what bad road rage Dean had.
They had passed the first hour or two somewhat peacefully. Dean had pointed to various stains and scratches on the seats and interior of the car, explaining how they got there. One particular blue colored patch of leather beneath Cas was apparently from the time that Sam had fallen asleep with a blue lollipop in his mouth as a kid, and the blue drool had gotten on the seat. There was also the toy soldier, stuck in the ashtray in the back, not to mention the legos that rattled in the heaters. What Dean was most proud of, though, was the carved DW and SW on the inside of the car, no doubt the brothers’ initials. Cas suddenly wondered if he’d ever have the chance to carve a CW alongside them.
“If you don’t use the blinkers, you might as well shove them up your asses!” Dean was still grumbling to himself about the car that had cut him off on the road. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel, and if looks could kill, most of the drivers in sight would have died long ago. But, in all honesty, it was a bit amusing. Cas rarely saw Dean in a bad mood, and the curses and threats he kept throwing at people that couldn’t even hear him were very creative.
“Dean, they can’t hear you.”
With a glower at Cas, Dean opened the window and craned his neck out, yelling an extremely loud “Fuck you!” to the long line of cars. When he got no response, Dean stuck his head back in and rolled up the window. There were now snowflakes littering his hair, and with a smile Cas reached out and brushed them off. 
Dean seemed to soften at that, and sent an apologetic smile Cas’s way. 
Cas’s victory was short-lived, because the car in front of them stopped abruptly, sending Dean into yet another cursing spree. 
Cas sighed. This was going to be a long drive.
Cas hadn’t seen his house or his mother in weeks. She was constantly busy with her job as a travel nurse, and was usually away on weekends. They had both decided beforehand that it would have been better if Cas stayed at the college over the weekends, mostly because he’d have nobody to talk to at home. But this time her boss had let her take a few days off so that she could celebrate Christmas with Cas and Dean. Cas smiled to himself as he imagined the ugly sweaters she had no doubt knit for both of them. 
His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when Dean rounded the last corner and drove up to Cas’s house. It looked exactly like he remembered. Two stories, white shutters, blue siding. The Christmas lights weren’t up yet, and Cas had the feeling that his mother would make him put them up later.
The Impala purred to a stop, and both boys ducked out of the car. Dean went around back to get the bags, but when Cas started that way too, Dean waved his hand and gestured to Cas that he’d handle it. Grinning and blowing Dean a kiss, Cas took a deep breath and walked up the steps to the front door. 
He looked down at himself. Dean had bought him the sweater that he was currently wearing, and Cas quickly wondered what his mom would think of the bear on it. His shoes were still the same ones he had left home in, although they looked less new than they did before. Cas caught a look at himself in one of the windows, and quickly smoothed his hair down.
“Relax, angel, you look fine.” Dean’s voice in his ear made Cas jump, which prompted Dean to chuckle. But despite his reassuring comment, Cas saw that Dean was just as nervous as he was, maybe more. Dean had his hands full of bags, and he was fidgeting with the wrappers on the presents and shifting from foot to foot. Dean’s mom had died when he was a kid, and Cas knew that Dean never had any real experiences with having a mother figure in his life. As he rang the doorbell, Cas decided to thank God that his mother was the way she was. She could be exactly what Dean was missing.
They didn’t even have to wait a full minute before the door was swinging open and they were greeted with the smiling face of Cas’s mom. All of his time without her came crashing down on Cas, and he launched himself into her arms. She smelled like cookies and butter and all good things. Her arms wrapped around him, and Cas realized just how much he had missed his mom during his time away at college.
His mother released him with a gasp and lunged forward at Dean, who was still standing on the porch, his arms piled high with bags. She ushered him into the house and immediately started relieving him of his baggage. Dean was looking a bit shocked, and his eyes travelled around the house, taking everything in.
He let out a surprised squeak when Cas’s mom finally freed him of the last bag and proceeded to envelop him in a hug. Cas giggled at his discomfort, firmly deciding that he’d tease Dean about it later. 
“It’s, umm, it’s nice to finally meet you Mrs. Novak-” Dean began, but was quickly cut off when Cas’s mom pulled back and placed a finger to his lips, shaking her head.
“Now, now, there will be none of that. You can call me Claire. No formalities here.” She took her finger off of his lips, instead running her hand through his hair. “Let’s take a look at you.”
Her eyes raked him over, and Cas tried to contain his laughter at Dean’s helpless glances as her hands cupped his face. 
“Well, you’re very pretty. And your eyes are so green.” She turned her head and winked at Cas. “You got yourself a good one, angel.” Cas couldn’t agree more. She then slapped Dean on the butt, which Dean was obviously not expecting. “Make sure you keep him.”
Claire then gathered the bags and presents in her arms and bustled out of the room, leaving a very distraught and confused looking Dean in her wake. As soon as she disappeared into the kitchen, Cas burst out laughing. Dean’s mortified face did nothing to help, and it was a full minute before Cas got himself under control. 
Still giggling every few seconds, Cas looped his arm through Dean’s and decided to give him a tour of the house. Dean’s eyes hungrily took in the picture frames on the walls and books on the shelves. Now it was Cas’s turn to do the explaining. He gestured to couches and corners, relaying stories and memories from his childhood. Dean listened to everything with interest, although his face still hadn’t lost its blush from his encounter with Cas’s mom.
They passed the living room. The Christmas tree was already up, but there were no ornaments on it yet. Cas yet again guessed that the task of decorating it would be assigned to him. 
Dean’s face lit up when he saw the kitchen. Cas remembered all of Sam’s stories about Dean’s love for cooking, and smiled at the spark in Dean’s eyes as he saw the accommodating baking space. Claire was now rushing about, preparing dinner for them. When she caught them trying to peek inside the oven, she shooed them out of the kitchen, claiming that she’d call them down when she was ready.
So Cas and Dean trudged upstairs, picking up the bags Claire had left at the foot of the stairs. First, Cas showed Dean the guest room, where Dean would be staying. He had his own TV and bathroom, and Dean looked overjoyed when he saw that he had a bathtub instead of a shower.
Then, with Dean’s prompting, Cas led Dean to his room. 
Dean whistled as Cas opened the door. The walls were covered with posters of Bruno Mars, as well as photo collages of Cas with his family in various foreighn countries. Blushing a bit, Cas tried to stand in front of his vast LEGO collection as to hide it from view, but to no avail. Dean had outright laughed when he saw the many many Lord of the Rings LEGO sets Cas had. Picking up the Legolas, Dean disconnected the legs and held the figurine out to Cas.
“Look. A legless LEGO Legolas.”
That sent both of them into a fit of giggles, and even after they stopped laughing, Cas couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off his face.
“Well,” Dean finally sighed and sat on the bed. “It’s better than any motel room I’ve ever been in.” His eyes then went wide, and he fell back and spread out on Cas’s bed. He turned his head towards Cas and said, “This mattress is so much more comfortable than your college one.”
Cas chuckled and nodded, about to jump in alongside him, when his mom’s voice carried up from the kitchen, announcing that dinner was ready. Smiling, Dean heaved himself off the bed and they walked downstairs, hand in hand.
“Mom!” Cas protested and rolled his eyes when he saw her standing at the table with a camera, already having snapped a few pictures of them holding hands. 
“Sit sit sit.” She gestured at the chairs, and when they did so laughing, she put the camera up and said, “Smile!” 
Her grin turned into a small frown as she looked at the product, and insisted that they take another one because the lighting wasn’t right in the first. And another one after that. And another one. And another one.
Cas finally managed to convince her to put the camera away and sit down with them. They started eating.
Claire had really outdone herself this time. She had made lasagna, which she knew was Cas’s favorite dish. Along with a salad, she had made mashed potatoes and gravy, as well as garlic bread. Dean was obviously not used to meals like this, and he piled a little bit of everything onto his plate.
“So. Dean Winchester. Cas has told me a lot about you.” 
Dean swallowed his lasagna down quickly and nodded, preparing himself for a series of questions.
“But what he hadn’t told me, was what a gorgeous car you have.” That was probably the last thing that Dean had expected, and he quickly shot her a grin and straightened his back. 
“She sure is. Her name is Baby, and she’s a-”
“1967 Chevy Impala?” Claire finished for him, and Dean’s surprised look turned into one of respect. Cas knew that whoever liked anything about Baby was immediately put on Dean’s Nice List. 
It was amusing, really; the way that Dean and Claire got along. After Dean got over the initial shock of having his ass slapped by a forty year old woman, he hit it off with Cas’s mom. They shared a love for cars, and Cas had to stop himself from laughing when the conversation had turned to needlework. Apparently, Dean was excellent at sewing, due to the fact that he constantly stitched up Sam’s ripped clothes when they were children. 
Claire looked a little disappointed when Dean had said that he didn’t knit, but her question had obviously reminded her of something, because she had left the table and quickly ran upstairs. While she was shuffling around, Dean turned to Cas with a mouthful of potatoes and a grin on his face.
“I love your mom.” He mouthed to Cas, and speared another forful of lasagna into his mouth.
Cas snorted and nudged Dean with his elbow. “I thought you loved me.”
Dean winked at him. “She’s a close second, though.”
Claire returned then with two packages in her arms and a mischievous smile. “I know I’ll forget later, so you boys better open these right now.”
Dean and Cas happily pushed themselves away from the table and were each handed a package. And, just as Cas had predicted, under the wrapping paper there was a bright neon green handmade ugly sweater waiting for him. He quickly shrugged off his current sweater and replaced it with his mom’s new one. He heard Dean’s small laugh and turned around to see Dean sporting his own ugly sweater, but his was red.
“Smile!” Came his mom’s voice, and both boys turned around as Dean slung an arm around Cas’s shoulder, who in turn wrapped his arm around Dean’s waist. She took a few pictures, then ushered them back to the table.
“You better not get any food on them, or I’ll kill you.” 
Cas and Dean looked at each other and laughed.
When the meal was over, Dean insisted on taking their dishes to the sink and washing them, which Cas helped him with. They put on the radio, and soon the three of them were singing along to all the Christmas songs that came on. Cas and Dean were standing side by side, swaying along to the music, hips bumping into each other. They came close to starting a soap war with the bubbles, but Cas knew that his mother would never forgive them if he got her kitchen dirty. Therefore the fighting was kept to a minimum, and although the kitchen remained clean, the same could not be said for the boys, which had soap suds in their harid and bubbles on their clothes.
The dishes were clean and dry in less than half an hour, and Claire declared that she was turning in for the night. While Cas and Dean had been washing the dishes, she had been setting up the fireplace, which was now alive with a soft, warm glow. 
As they came into the living room, Cas and Dean saw that she had arranged blankets on the floor near the fireplace, along with a bunch of pillows. Dean let out a small sigh at the inviting picture, and squeezed Cas’s hand. Smiling, Cas was about to step forward and hug his mom, but she just shook her head and pointed above their heads. They looked up and came face to face with mistletoe. 
Laughing at his mom’s schemes, Cas lowered his gaze to Dean. Dean, who looked like the luckiest man on Earth. His eyes were brighter than Cas had ever seen, and his face was glowing with joy. And then he was leaning down and pressing his lips to Cas’s, and this kiss was so full of love and passion that Cas’s knees went soft. Dean’s strong arms held him up, and Cas allowed himself to melt into his soulmate’s embrace. 
Everything was perfect here with Dean, under the mistletoe. Their stomachs were filled to the brim with warm food, and there were blankets and pillows waiting for them by the fire. And Cas was happy. Happier than he had ever been in his entire life.
Cas heard the clicks of his mom’s camera behind them, but for once, he didn’t mind.
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hansolmates · 7 years
170827 DIAMOND EDGE NYC: VVIP/HI-TOUCH & vernon moment!
disc. THIS IS A LONG AND COMPREHENSIVE post about my experience and mostly this is for me so i can look back at it in an hour and cry and i’ll probably add onto this later. im really really thankful that i had an amazing experience and i will love svt forever nd ever
During the day:
I woke up around 4am and arrived around 7.30 and they lined us up. My group of three vvip friends were around the 50s so we had a good line spot. The one thing I must say was that it was extra frustrating that the people who camped out (which is not allowed!) Were given PRIORITY tickets and cut the line! I can't even begin to explain how frustrated I was that they got special treatment for something they weren't supposed to do. We sorta just chilled around until 11 o’clock, we danced a little nd watched the carat ice cream truck go by!
But anyway there was nothing we could do and they sent vvip into the venue around 12 by then there were so many people and we stayed upstairs of the venue because having 3k people around one street was way too crowded. At first I didn't know what was going on but they were apparently preparing us for hi touch. We all lined up on the balcony and it was kinda sorta balls sweat hot. WE WERE BLASTIN MUSIC AND DANCING I WAS SCREAMING SO HARD lemme tell u less than 200 people on the rooftop that’s a party and then the staffer (who i will affectionately call J because she was amazing) was like “lol svt is doing soundcheck they can hear u downstairs and they think y’all are funny” and it was only 200 of us singing and stuff so they recorded us cheering for them and sent it back to svt. At the time she was filming i just came out of the bathroom and she filmed me and kris looking like absolute idiots dancing for svt by the bathroom LOL Afterwards mmt and svt sent us more water and snacks and soda because we couldn’t leave the venue to get food THEY'RE SO SWEET THE STAFF TREATED US SO NICELY!! J and mmt handled our fangifts with care and put them in sturdy boxes and made sure that we were hydrated and energized before we went back inside
OK THE HI TOUCH WAS A LITERAL BLUR they sent us to some stairs and was telling us the rules then all of a sudden we rounded the corner!! No warning!!! AND SEVENTEEN WAS THERE GIVING THE HI TOUCH!! The order thanks to haru peeps are as follows: minghao, vern, hosh, jun, jeonghan, woozi, seungkwan, dino, wonwoo, dk, scoups, josh mingyu. I wasn’t prepared for vern to go first nd I have an audio of me freaking out and going “oh shiiiii” when Vern was right next to me oh mah gah. I tried to pull it off and say “bro” and I did but Vernon kept staring at me until he got to kristine lol im so sorry vern!! But he’s even more gorgeous in person, his eyes are beautiful and his jawline can cut a bitch and he was wearing his cute red flannel that he always has on!! His head is big and his smile takes up his entire face and he’s just one big puppy you want to cuddle and im infinitely thankful for the eye contact!! Minghao is so hot oh my god he looks so confident and chill and he was givin those “yeaah babe” vibes. Their hands feel like lily petals. Boonseoksoon and cheol were very heartwarming, i squeezed all their hands until i was rushed off but i stopped to tell josh that he had pretty eyes and ended it off with mingyu and we jogged to our spot at vvip.
Concert Experience
I must say that i’m wholly impressed and happy that vvip did not push (it totally would’ve been fckin embarassing bc svt is really close to the stage so yes if they pushed it would’ve been awful) and i’m really sorry to hear that the rest of vip/p1/p2 had a really hard time trying to see BUT IT’S OKAY SVT IS NEVER COMING TO T5 EVER AGAIN. So im infinitely thankful that i was really really close to the stage and got to see the boys. BUT OKAY THE ONE THING THAT PISSED ME OFF? ??? CAMERAS. CAMERAS EVERYWHERE! I wouldn’t have cared if you were upstairs or in the back, but WE WERE LITERALLY FIVE FEET FROM THEM AND THESE PEOPLE ARE 6 FEET TALL and cameras were blocking my view because they were filming the whole damn concert. LIKE IT’S RUDE? GO TO THE BACK? DID YOU LITERALLY PAY TO SEE THRU A COMPUTER I DO THAT EVERY DAY!!! I ended up seeing the concert to its fullest so it’s fine BUT STILL SVT DOESN’T WANNA SING TO  BUNCH OF CAMERAS ESP TO THE PEOPLE IN THE FRONT? PEOPLE ARE PAID TO FILM THEM, THERE ARE FANSITES EVERYWHERE!! Enjoy the fleeting time you have with them!
But in the end it was more opportunity for me to soak up all the fanservice because *twiddles fingers* mwhahaahahahha there was enough room for me to dance for hoshi and going svt and i made eye contact with him, wonwoo during the dancing as well, mingyu, jeong *dies* it was too much 
Vernon (extended fanservice + rapping together!)
VERNON GETS A WHOLE DANG SECTION OKAY!!!! BECAUSE HE!! WAS NOT OKAY!!11! Kristine and i have been strategically preparing for MONTHS watching countless performances to stay in the corner where vern/jun would be performing on the most, turns out to be the right side so im two people away from the stage so i had a really good view of vernon’s beauty. I thought it was just me being biased but out of all the members Vernon’s stage presence is IMPECCABLE!! He doesn’t quote-unquote try to captivate you, he just naturally attracts people because his aura is so so so palpable. He was made to be on that stage!!!
Fanservice w/vern!
*sweats* after the whole hi touch fiasco i was convinced vern wouldn’t want to look at me but i held up my “vernon u lit” poster (dw i didn’t raise it high to block ppl) AND IT WORKED!!! My main highlight with him together was during check in (skip to 5:00) and since there was a lot of room I WAS GOING OFF dancing with him and rapping mingyu’s part along with him and shit i thought we had such a “feelin it” moment it was so surreal we were both in the song getting super super hype and the music was just immersed around us and i felt like the whole room melted apart and it was just the two of us sdlfjds;fjk;dsf im so gross my heart is warm my eyes are watery as i type this!! i miss him so much
anyway every performance after that, especially rock/if i and the ending ment i felt his stare and y’know that feeling when you pass someone attractive in the mall and you have that five-minute crush on them… i hope vern had that five minute crush on me because man i almost felt a way that boo or someone might feel when vern has that stare on you. He’s infinitely sweet and thankful at the ending ment when he thanked us for giving him new memories for his hometown i almost cried but he was lookin in my direction so i swallowed my feels
Final Details
Dino is the best. Performer. Like hosh performs really well when he dances! But shiii boy dino is on ALL THE DAMN TIME. i was told to be forewarned when u see dino AND Y’ALL WERE RIGHT
Lots of dk/minghao stans!!!! DK’S EYES ARE SO TWINKLY I UNDERSTAND WHY U LOVE HIM SO MUCH! A vvip had their gift as sunflowers with dk’s face on it IT’S SO FITTING
Performance unit IS WILD i used to think performance unit was just bc they did a lot of the choreo BUT NO. THEIR PERFORMANCE IS ALL THE WAY UP THERE you could feel every inch of their body carefully calculated and perfected even with OMG and highlight ND I WAS NEVER PREPARED FOR “MY I” WHY WASN’T THERE ARE TRANSITION FROM CRAZY LOVE TO THEN HOW DARE U
I used to go to concerts and from far away watch them spray water in the pit and u wish u were those people during healing cheol sprayed water and i felt CHRISTENED but all of a sudden ALL OF SEVENTEEN SPRAYED US IT WAS WET AND I FELT REBORN
At the ending ment hoshi screamed “I LOVE NEW JERSS----I LOVE NEW YORKKKK” lol my jersey self giggled
wonwoo/jun/scoups/jeonghan were definitely the most tired. Jun and Wonwoo were spacing out like crazy and coups literally ate his mic. Jeonghan was in another world most of the time, especially during the ballads he looked out to the crowd making exhausted eye contact. It looked like he was trying really hard to sing. Jeonghan and seungkwan had very visible cystic/stress acne, even through their makeup
*sigh* i guess i can’t avoid talking about the jeonghan situation amirite. From where i was everyone was v confused, sevnteen included. It lasted probably total of 10 seconds and we moved on. It was bad. We know it was very bad. Although Jeonghan seemed lowkey amused afterward THAT ISN’T THE POINT the concert was 99.9% perfect and i hope everyone remembers that and doesnt antagonize american carats (as american fans usually are for all the baddies)
All and all i feel honored that i was able to spend a comfortable night with svt, i know a lot of people aren’t able to say the same esp the people in the back. Its still replaying in my head and im infinitely thankful to stan such a wonderful group of boys and im glad to be a part of their tour
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