#guess it doesn't really help the motivation when only 2 or 3 people seem to also like the au
ashtonisvibing · 11 months
the fear of thinking about something you're so intensely attached to less and less until you realize that attachment is gone and now the thing is added to the pile of discarded fixations
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
Why did Milsiril help with Mithrun's recovery?
Since people seemed to be interested in the post I made about why she adopted Kabru I wanted to write my thoughts about her helping Mithrun too.
I think with Mithrun it gets a little trickier tho, both because Mithrun himself doesn't speak much about his past and because most of it we get from a third party account. I'll also try to discuss based on what I see people say about their relationship although is probably gonna be shorter than Kabru's (came back to say it's not shorter), tw for self-harm because of Mithrun recovery drawings.
1 - So Mithrun could become a canary again
This is the theory I see the most often, probably it's whats on the main story, as far as I'm remembering there's no other mentions of Milsiril related to Mithrun besides the role she plays in sparing his life.
That story isn't reliable tho, Mithrun constantly points out that Kabru is glossing over details and Kabru himself is depicted as cooking (as the kids say) a good story that resonates with an audience.
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So we can't really trust that this framing is objectively true
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But even so taking just what happened, without the context Kabru added, what she did was spare his life once she realized he still had a hint of desire to exist within him.
Kabru lies (or rather embelishes a lot) when he says "and from that point onward, Mithrun lived only to slay demons. He ate even he had no desire to eat. He lived on even though he had no desire to live." he was useless for 20 years after this so 'saving him cause he will be useful later' isn't really too accurate. Milsiril also wasn't involved with his rehab until Utaya 18~19 years later so it definitely wasn't for this that she helped.
2 - So Mithrun could avenge Utaya by defeating the demon (She winded him up and set him on a path, you know, like a doll)
I think this one is kinda mean, I've seen people speak as if she only helped him after Utaya because she wanted to use him to defeat the demon. But there's no evidence Milsiril even cares about the demon or that she wants vengeance. My girl literally ran away and decided to look away instead of continuing to fight (and I can't blame her)
This, as far as I understand, is based both on the above section and on this part from her adventurer's bible extra
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She shows up to visit him and brings up the demon, and then sets him up to go after it, but once again I think it relies on an unkind interpretation of her character; you gotta assume she has unseen ulterior motives already before the comic even starts, since this whole comic is talking about how she completely misinterpreted who Mithrun was when they were in the same squad, and how she feels he's actually someone she would get along with. If you know Milsiril, you know she only gets along with other misfits, she's acknowledging Mithrun as someone who was broken like her even before his desires were eaten.
This is the complete comic
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"I always hated you. You were beautiful and perfect, and everybody loved you. You didn't seem to have a single worry or flaw.
But when I saw the dungeon you'd built, I was startled. It was such a warped, convoluted place built from inferiority, jealousy, lies and anger.
I wish I'd tried really talking to you. We might have hit off pretty well. Too late now, I guess"
She acknowledges him as a human being, when before she only saw him as the embodiment of the people that bullied her. And right after that she talks about the demon. There's no indication for a wish of vengeance anywhere in this comic, I'd even say the demon and the dungeons are barely important to what Milsiril is thinking, there's only belated compassion.
3 - Cause he was a new "project"
Related to the reasons pointed out in my Kabru post, people assume Milsiril is the type of person that wants/needs to feel superior to someone, or to put on an altruistic front or what have you. And that interpretation also leaks into how they see her helping Mithrun. I said the main reasons why I don't think she's that type of person on the other post so I wont repeat. But I don't think Mithrun is a "project" at all.
This was right after she fought on Utaya, I imagine a little after or a little before she took in Kabru, so she "had a project" already if you're gonna go with that wording. She was also finally free from the canaries and she had no obligation towards Mithrun. She also only went back to him decades after she spared his life, my assumption is that she did it because she finally could. She couldn't have guessed when she spared his life that 19 years later she would be free from the canaries and that Mithrun still wouldn't have been recovered and would have been needing her.
4 - And finally, why did she spare his life? Why did she help him recover?
This one isn't as straight foward as Kabru's adoption to me. I imagine the fact he had the potential to still be useful could be one of the reasons she spared Mithrun at first, but I also think that he newfound empathy she developed for him when she saw his dungeon might have been part of it, that seeing he still had some sort of drive and desire made her have hope he could still live.
Milsiril really seems like the type of person that likes to nurture, while I wouldn't say this makes her a "softie" and not able to execute him (I'm sure she could do a mercy kill) I think that soft side made her want to give him a chance. There's no proof for any of that ofc, and Kui confirmed in a QnA Mithrun wasn't arrested or executed because they were desperate for people to be in the canaries. (The choice probably wasn't only on her)
Now why she helped him? I think it's because she saw he could be helped.
She says herself she's only visiting, probably to check on him
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"They said you've fully recovered but you might as well be a corpse." so by this point I think his body has recovered and he has managed to stabilize? But as this extra from the daydream hour shows he needed 24/7 care to stay alive in those first 18 years
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Like she said he might as well be a corpse, he'd be in bed all day and have servants keeping him from dying, he would have fits where he would harm himself, he had no way to go on. It even says that even things that could remind him of his time as dungeon lord weren't allowed so he was probably being kept away from demon mentions (after all I doubt servants even knew about a demon)
But then when she mentions the demon he immediately gets up
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She's surprised so I don't think she expected that, and she goes and uses that reaction to help him "Then first eat this. If you finish it all I'll take you to a dungeon again"
Rather than using him to fight the demon I think she's using the demon to help him live. Here's what his bio says
"After Mithrun was recused from the dungeon, he spent a while on the verge of death. However, with time and rehabilitation he gradually became able to lead a normal life again. The Utaya incident was the event that roused him. He thought, 'If I'd been there, I know I could have dealt with the demon somehow' and he resolved to return to active duty. (...)"
So it worked, Milsiril might have been there to help with his rehab but it was the Utaya situation that finally was able to motivate him to find a way to live and rejoin the canaries, so I think rather than setting him up to kill she realized it could be used to help him.
Which isn't a perfect solution, as you might know by the ending, his fate was to die either way: either he would die trying to kill the demon or he would defeat it and die because he had nothing else to live for.
But it was what Milsiril could do for him at that moment and it was how she managed to help him go forwards.
And that's my thoughts about Milsiril and Mithrun, I don't think they as big in each other's lives in canon as some people assume, there's barely a mention of Milsiril on his profile and she's barely named in his backstory. But they were both people that left a mark on each other's existence if only for a short time.
But I don't think Milsiril was just doing charity when helping Mithrun either, I imagine she did it because she saw herself in past Mithrun, and wanted to help him because of it.
Also side note, this extra:
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That's past Mithrun saying she has ulterior motives, he isn't reliable and thinks badly of everyone. So ofc he thinks gloomy Milsiril is suspicious for helping, him doesn't mean it's true
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Disclaimer again I'm a Milsiril stan so I'm very charitable in my interpretations of her, but hopefully you can see there's no indication she is someone who would use a sick person for revenge with the sources I've attached.
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wolfiwonderer · 2 months
Season 2 shows us Sahed's life is a series of cages and betrayals growing more constraining each time. That he hasn't given up is impressive (but giving up would not be in his character). Anger and magic is basically all he has to hold on to, and I think we have yet to see if his anger at Tonny was misplaced.
Cage 1: the concentration camp that he grew up in.
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I'm not sure exactly how long ago this was, but I'm guessing 100 years, which means Ah'kon have not had freedom for over a century. And what's the first thing we see he's doing (other than being a cocky brat <3)? Building a flying machine to get out and see the wider world. He's enticed to leave peacefully because it comes with leaving. And so first betrayal of trust in someone offering an escape.
Cage 2: the research center. I think we'll learn a lot more about this, but clearly he started thinking about it positively, hence the happy picture. My theory is that the giant wave was made by Sahed, and when he implies he's killed before, that is the event he's referring to. We know that Steinheimer died young, but Sahed doesn't seem quite broken up about the guy. Since he says he was haunted, it just doesn't feel like that would be the haunt.
Cage 3: the circus
I think it's clear that Sahed was an addition after the circus started. For one, I can't see Sahed really confining himself the castle, but also it would be hard for him to live as a fugitive. So he manages to escape, but needs refuge and meets Tonny. Tonny promises to give him freedom from Kalgratt and that he'll support Sahed's cause. But Tonny continuously makes ill-fated promises that even a casual understanding of their situation is morally wrong. I want to write something about why I think Tonny is not good, even if he does not realize it. But suffice to say, Sahed didn't get what he thought he would get from the bargain.
Adding a cut because it rapidly passes into fast pass zone.
Cage 4: the circus but worse
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Now he's alone in a cage. And when he gets out, it's not really freedom from the cage, it's just walking room. Because while in theory Tonny is going to help now, the circus is turned against him. They're morals have long seemed suspect - very selfish and disconnected with how their choices might affect people outside the circus. Sahed and Julia are really the only ones still concerned with anything outside the circus.
The third betrayal is Julia, but this is different, because he also let her down, and because he knew he was in a position of power over her. This hearkens back to when he was the leader of his group of friends and led them into the research center. He doesn't know, I think, about her 1 year limit, so he probably thinks he had even more influence on her decisions than he did. Honestly, I think he gets too much blame from others on her decision. She wanted validation that Tonny deserved it because she wants to live. But Sahed delivered when he should have realized the consequences. He feigned confidence in the plan that he didn't have. Her turning on him hurts but not in a way he can get angry at her about, although I think he has a right to be mad if she really doesn't support his takedown of the research center.
Julia can give up in a way that Sahed can't. The only person she has to save is herself, whereas he feels responsible for the Ah'kon's treatment (even if he isn't). Still, Julia and Sahed share a sense of righteousness, and I don't see meek Julia lasting.
I am totally here for the shipping too, but I really love Sahed's character. I love how we start with Sahed as a potential villain (okay we knew he wasn't but Julia def thought he was) and brat, but as we learn more about him, his motivation becomes clear as an activist -- he's still a brat (affectionate).
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Hey, I wanna say i really really like the way you write fics. It feels??? Natural?? To read it?? Always an adventure everytime I read a fic of yours.
How do you write so good?? I'm a writer as well and I'd love to hear your tips and tricks ^^
First of all, I wanna thank you for liking the crap stuff I write. (Cause I'm genuinely amazed some times that people just like it and I'm not saying this because.)
It's kinda funny, ngl. Lemme tell you something, I don't know if you guys struggle with Impostor Syndrome a lot like me, but everytime someone gives a compliment like this my brain just goes into self sabotaging mode.
In the outside its :
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But in the inside, my brain immediately goes:
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Cause I'm aware that I can do better. (And we will ~) it's weird. I'm always striving to do better.
As for the tips and tricks, I'm surely not the right person to ask advice from 😅, but Imma just tell you this from what I experience and from my perspective (Hopefully won't get backlash from this, if not, R. I. P. me jsksj) Be warned though, it's kinda contradictory cause writing is hard yo!
1. You gotta read. Either books or whatever your favorite genre is, but you gotta read. I consume fan fics and non fanfics cause you learn from other people too. I read fanfics mostly to know new words, how the character develops and the like.
I read more spanish stuff than anything. Which I try to transfer to what I write.
2. I try to keep it as simple as possible. With that I mean to not over embellish words cause it gets boring and weird. Sure, everyone wants to make their fanfics pretty (nothing wrong in that) but sometimes I feel that less is more. Like, nothing wrong if you wanna poet the f- out of your fic. (THIS IS A DOUBLE EDGED ONE SO BE CAREFUL!!)
I mean there is a huge difference in reading:
"The anger and frustration on her way of living was taking a toll on her mind"
"Her nemesism had muddled her mind into an endless spiral of what ifs and what not, and frankly if her mind could speak, it'd beg for a break."
It's hard to pick one style, but as long as you keep it consistent, I guess it's all good (?) (Funny cause I always aim for the second one and end up in the first jsksj and I dont even know myself if I'm keeping it consistent)
3. Get yourself a beta reader that doesn't coddle you. It helps alot!!!! Cause again, compliments sure are nice, but they don't tell you where you could get better. ✨( Unless the reader provides puntual feedback on what they liked and what not. Those are my favorites and a rare gem ❤️)
4. I know this one is hard because everyone at some point have done this. But IF YOU COMPARE yourself to other writers? You'll lose yourself. Not only you'll lose motivation cause you seem unable to write like them, but you will fall into this... vicious circle of self deprecating and burnout. And the self doubt sky rockets nonstop.
Everyone is different. Everyone learns in a different pace. Trust me, I wanted to make great stories with a good looking writing when I had the slightest idea of what I was doing (Still do!) 😂. Writing fanfics is not a competition to who writes more beautiful/good/professional than others. Or who has more notes or the most canon-stuck character, or the cause let's face it, none will get a character's personality to a 100%!!! (And that's ok cause it's fanfiction and we all have a different approach to the character either emotional or mental) .
Personally for me, the cockyest thing someone can do is to claim to know a character more than the creators themselves. Kinda rude for me, if you ask . Like, sure feeling a deep connection with a character doesn't mean it'll grant us instant access to their whole self. Characters just like us evolve. Either for the good or the bad, but they don't remain the same, so knowing them completely is a big fat lie. Unless stated by the creator. (But we're delusional in this site, so~)
I mean, sure characterization is something we all struggle since we guide ourselves by some of the character's most prominent traits and make them their default personality. (I've sinned in this jsksj so don't worry)
5. HAVE FUN AND TAKE BREAKS. I mean it. The favorite things I've written is where Im genuinely having fun writing it. But also after a well deserved rest. Cause if something doesn't feel right, it won't be right. And burnout is easier to get at than we actually think.
6. I recently started to follow writing advice blogs, one of my favorite @heywriters.
@she-who-fights-and-writes. (They have amazing writing resources, so does Pinterest and YouTube. Seize them!!!)
But yeah, I'm still an amateur on this, I make emphasis in the 5th one tho.
Hope this helps you? ;w;.
Love you❤️✨
Thanks for stopping by. ❤️
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dustteller · 10 months
I just finished watching all the available episodes of The Apothecary Diaries, and I have to say that it surprised me!
The premise of an apothecary working for the emperor's consorts and solving medical mysteries is already a gun one, but the execution really elevated the concept past entertaining romcom to genuinely fantastic storytelling. It's not revolutionary, but it's certainly deeply endearing, and I really enjoyed how it found a balance between lighthearted comedy and acknowledging the awful aspects of sex work and being a woman/lower class in a world where neither are valued. It doesn't explore the darker side in detail, at least not so far, but it still does a fantastic job in making the horrible parts feel like a real part of the setting while still making the choice to focus on the women's joy even when faced with hard situations. I guess I just appreciate these things being openly discussed without immediately having it be a psychological story about dealing with trauma?
The characters are also soo good, and while most lack depth (its been nine episodes, so for a cast this big, that can be excused), usually their schtick is strong enough that it can easily carry their appearances. You also get the sense that while a lot of these characters do fill out comedic roles/archetypes, there's a lot more going on beneath the surface. Their schtick is fun, but its not all they have, its just there to help the audience familiarize themselves and bond with the charcaters while their entire personality is unearthed. The entire cast is genuinely absolutely delightful and reasonable and feel incredibly real while also being really funny.
The romance portion is also really really fantastic. Both Maomao and Jinshi are hilarious little freaks, and their dynamic is so fun to watch. Maomao is such a good take on the cold, blunt, genius character, who is socially challenged but very far from frigid. She's practical and logical while also keeping a very strong emotional core founded in empathy and genuine care for the people around her. Her obsession with poison is also pulling triple duty, as it 1) serves to break her cold facade and provides comic relief in the form of an ongoing gag, 2) gives the reader a strong understanding of her guiding motives/desires, and 3)gives her role as a medical investigator narrative justification. Of course she'd know what was used to poison someone, that's her whole thing! Jinshi himself is a counterpart to Maomao's colder tendencies, being very clingy and emotional. This show is not afraid of making him a pathetic little obsessed man, and it's all the better for him. Unlike other possesive and obsessed male leads, Jinshi manages to mostly stay away from the creep factor by being so uttely pathetic and cringe that he never really comes across as an actual threat. Couple that with him actually being very respectful of Maomao, only engaging in light flirting, and how he never actually wants to change her (most rapey MLs try to break the FL out of their feisty charcater or demean her for it while showing her how they're more powerful), and Jinshi makes for a very good love interest that also feels like a very safe comfortable person, which I feel matches the tone of the show very well. He's also as much of a freak as Maomao ("she wants to crush me like a bug <3333🥰🥰🥰), so they're very well matched there, too. He's such a petty loser, and that makes him a stronger character.
The story seems to be ramping up, and while I don't think it'll ever lose the lighthearted tone, I'm excited about how it already seems to promise a more in-depth exploration of the world it's set up the scaffolding for. For what it's worth, I also think the show has done a very good job at making the world feel expansive and mysterious, while also balancing that wholesomeness, which for a show centered around sex workers is quite the feat.
Anyways, long story short, I think the nine episodes that are out so far are really great, and the story thrives through how utterly endering it is. I am charmed by the world and the characters and what the plot has promised us, and while I don't expect it to revolutionize anime or whatever, it's still a masterclass in narrative shorthand and the act of balancing its heavy themes, especially when it comes to the characters themselves. There's so many of them that are so fun and memorable that I didn't mention, but who absolutely deserve their own posts, and that's only nine episoded into a comedy show, which I think goes to show how strong of a start this series has. Overall, I'd rate the show so far an 8/10, and I'm really excited to see what will come from the next 15 episodes.
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emojifarm · 6 months
while i don't think you should feel obligated to share or reblog any emojis you don't want to, i think rethinking how you feel about MCYTbrs is important, since there's so many people on minecraft youtube.
minecraft is an endlessly popular game, and there's thousands or maybe even near millions of minecraft youtubers out there.
it's not MCYT in itself that's a problem, its the popular ones that get called out that are, but since minecraft (and minecraft youtube) is so popular, it seems like everyone in minecraft youtube is bad.
but i think you shouldn't say you "do not support those people in any sense.", since that continues the stigma against liking MCYT in general.
minecraft youtubers are just popular because minecraft is popular, there are so many minecraft youtubers that do so much good (ex, technoblade, who's helped raise so much money for sarcoma, even after his passing, and who's inspired and motivated many)
then again, people use MCYT to mean "the dream team and the abusive people they enable" instead of encompassing the many others who aren't even related to the dream team / dream SMP.
this is quite a rambly ask, but as someone who loves certain MCYTbrs, it's tiring to see people say they don't support any mcytbrs, when like... there's such a diverse population. there's some people who might count as minecraft youtubers who are minorities and who try to fight against bigotry and stuff and who don't do weird shit and to say MCYT in general includes them, even if you don't mean to.
although, again, you don't have to reblog any emojis you don't want to, especially since MCYT is a very large label and that CAN include people who are bad, and it's hard to know who's good and who's not, especially with youtubers in general since we only know the persona they put on, and how many there are that you probably know nothing about, let alone if they're an abuser or w/e, but... yeah.
i guess to me it's important since its like saying all actors are bad, when there's many actors who aren't bad people but there's a popular amount that are bad, n such. also mcyt just stands for minecraft youtube, or minecraft youtuber(s), so its like saying roblox youtubers or reaction youtubers, they're a category that has so, so many people that count under that. you can't say you don't support any of them.
unless you literally just dont like minecraft and dont support the game as a whole, or youtube itself as a whole, in which case i'd have more questions but it'd be more correct lmao. also sorry for the ramble i have opinions u dont have to answer this
I knew I'd get someone like this in my ask box when I put my opinion out there 🤦
1. There are literally clips out there of Technoblade saying slurs (including the N word) and him encouraging Dream to do things that have ultimately made others on the team uncomfortable and upset. You definitely need a better example than that. Someone being dead and/or giving to charity does not automatically make them a good person. I'm sure Shane Dawson also gives to charities. We all know JK Rowling does too. Doesn't make them good people.
2. I don't have the time, care, or interest to do research on every single MCYT and it's really only the popular ones that do get emojis of them (with some exceptions, obviously). I only know what I do about the Dream Team and those adjacent because of things I've seen on Tumblr, via friends talking on discord, and some of the YouTubers I watch breaking down the situations. (Also, this low-key comes off the same as "not all men". Like. Yeah, that's true, but that's not who I was referring to. Some of the MCYT I'm referring to aren't a part of the Dream Team either, so I feel comfortable using the broad term)
3. Also, the mansplaining wasn't necessary. I'm not an idiot that lives under a rock. I know what MCYT stands for. As I previously said, I'm not making a broad assumption. I'm just using that term to refer to the people that people think of with that term. To me that's a specific subset of Minecraft creators. I don't consider people that just so happen to do Minecraft videos or streams to fall under that. To me MCYT is just the big ones. It's a title. That's typically what people are referring to when they use that title
4. Also, I've literally played Minecraft and watched others play it on YouTube since it came out when I was like 10 years old. Again. I don't live under a rock. I've just put some distance between me and the creators because I keep hearing bad things. It's not that deep.
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
No contact tarot reading /intuitive messages 🌟
1 2
3 4
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Group one
This is either family, someone who you were happy with, or someone that you worked with. It seems like you guys were attached to this person and we're hopeful about your connection and then were let down. A lot of you are trying to find yourselves and or fill a void that was left with this person being absent. That seems to be why spirit had them leave your life . This may be teaching you guys to be independent on some level and or that you do not need anyone to accomplish your goals. In regards to being sad or disappointed about what used to be, I see that spirit wanted your priorities elsewhere. This is all in your highest good as you can't see everything that they can ok. I see that for some of you it feels as though this person is still there even though they're not and that may hurt. It may feel like it will always be this way and it will always bother you. spirit is asking for me to tell you guys that in some way you need to consciously fight against this and confront it , and they want you to understand that whatever was between you and this person or maybe even people I'm not sure, was not the purest form of love. And they want the purest form of love for you. Nothing less than. I just heard guilty conscience. If this is you you can utilize this in order to get over this person. They might help make you feel better in terms of feeling guilty. If it isn't you, it's them. Or it could be both of you? The reason some of you feel the way you do is because this is a level of a spiritual connection , but keep in mind it is not the highest one. You have people that are more meant for your truest self. So this is signifying that by you having dealt with this person you were at a higher step on your spiritual journey, but I want you all to be encouraged to continue evolving and moving forward. This may have felt good but it isn't the best it can be. I wanted to say you have people counting on you so I suppose that is a message for you all that that is so. I'm sorry guys, spirit doesn't want to me to talk about this person much at all. They want me to ask of you all that you get over them. I hope this helps. I love you all. Happy times ahead you're in the middle of a period you can compare to when pressure is put to make a diamond, or when the butterfly is in the cocoon.☮️💕
Group two
You guys seem like you're still contemplating about this. Some of you want to talk to this person in a manner of defending yourself or something .I see you guys doing something to spite this person. Spirit is asking me to ask you all that resonate with that to please do not do that even if you're just using at fuel for motivation in your own life because it is a more negative vibing energy and you don't need that. Instead what you're really seeking is higher vibing emergencies you're mistaking as being spite, and they want you to go with that or those vibes. This is truly only doing things for yourself because you love yourself for instance. They want me to say also that by trying to spite them you're actually putting yourself down for this person which is the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish. You guys have to be honest with yourself about how you really feel. Don't tell yourself that it's any type of negative for feeling any way that you do. Emotions are strength and they are a necessary tool for human beings. Please some of you keep in mind if someone brings out any negative reaction within yourselves that you're letting them one up you in a way. Focus on yourselves and making yourselves happy regardless of what the hell anyone else is doing. Build yourself up. You guys need to look inward in general and sort of explore the depths of your own souls.
Group three
*this was such a specific reading it was almost ridiculous. Hear it out though I guess.
Wow . You guys. Wow . This energy is coming through strong and clear already for me. So somebody is really overshadowing probably even hiding someone else. This is for some type of public recognition. Like " look at me ! Look at me!" When the person they're trying to block is the one with good energy, so you can see why they feel the need to in a way cause an eclipse of some sort or something like that because this person is so in their ego and they couldn't have this other person around because in their mind they're scared this person would naturally without trying take all the attention away. This is me personally but why not just work on your energy instead of trying so hard when even standing alone you're not gonna get the same attention as if you were being pure about it. fuckhead. It feels almost like I'm zooming in on something now, so the person with the good energy is being surrounded by horrible energy sadly and they're trying their best to stay positive and ignore it.*along with being isolated. The sun card is coming out. So I'm getting that the person who is wanting attention is the one sending at least some of this horrible energy and they're about to be or have been exposed about this. So this person was digging themselves a grave , meanwhile the positive person though being rightfully messed with and things has been building themselves up very well. I just got that pertaining to this situation there is a major death and rebirth occuring. So this first part was the death, and onto the rebirth.. I'm picking up on someone almost sneaking up behind this person who is positive. I get they might ask them what happened and this person will get to share their side of the story. And i think things somehow will be made clear.so this is crazy the person having to defend themselves is going to get a happy ending it seems and oddly going back to the whole person doing all of this to them to get attention socially, the good person is actually supposed to and will be able to give to other people which is crazy that the bad person in this was stopping them from doing that for attention or something. Okay I don't know who the hell you are in this but socially things will come in I heard better than before and all will be made well basically. I really don't see at all how this is no contact but you guys know your situations this was so specific but I can relate to this and being that we're all family and tend to have stuff like this in common I won't be surprised if there's a good reason they had me do this reading. My best guess is you guys are either in no contact with the good or bad person or y'all are the good person then I don't know who the actual hell you're in no contact with less it's with the bad person or..... You guys duh no contact with all the people the bad person was blocking the good person with. I guess you guys know your stories. I hope this helps.
Group four
*this reading was a little confusing so take what resonates.
I'm getting something about a phone call or phone calls. You guys seem like you're doing ok at least I hope you are. This also may be some sort of physical ending that took place as well as verbal. Take what resonates. Someone or something spirit angel person I don't know actually really blessed you with this ending . Even if it may be a rough one which for some of you it is. Yeah spirit suggested you cut communication as a way of self defense. Either way this was guided. You guys definitely constantly check yourself to make sure you're calm and being mindful. Someone may have done something behind your back that would or has or will really piss you off. This seems like a woman. Either way I also see this person possibly having threatened you in some way to try to disturb your good energy frankly. For some of you probably a lot of you actually but not all. This person was trying to kick you out of their home or did. This was just to try to make you feel imbalanced. That's a dick move guys seriously. Like lowkey spirit just said "piece of shit" lol ok . Sorry everybody. You guys seem to really want to just be yourselves and enjoy your own energy and shit. Spirit just said "it's just a matter of time" also in my right ear if that matters to any of you I guess. I don't know fully how no contact this is cause they keep showing me that you guys feel the need to be fake somehow . You guys might have someone trying to talk to you and you're just not being receptive or well this seems like a different energy so this could be the one fully cut off. You guys know your situations. Somebody has or does make you feel like you're a certain type of person or something like that. This made you feel stuck. Some of you still feel stuck somehow someway. Okay if you do it's seriously just a matter of time before there's an ending so for some of you you're going to have to move out if you are ready to or not if that's your situation. Yah so spirit is showing me that there are resources that you can contact if that's the case. Damn guys I'm really sorry if this is so. I didn't even pull a card just channeling but oh my god the amount of transformation this will cause in you in just one event is insane. Like you guys snap and really become your own persons. For the future future after all this storm passes indeed you guys being very well off, chilled out, in control of everything , and no bad vibing person is showing up at all. I just got a glimpse of the persons karma and it's crazy. I will do readings on people's karma's next ok. Bless you guys one love and peace out dudes.
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youredreamingofroo · 8 months
Long winded rant of me talking about NSB, doing a new series, storytelling and whatever else I talked about under the cut, feel free to read it's just me rambling, I don't really care if ppl read it or not it's VERY long 😭
I've been painfully itching to start a new series, I know I'm doing NSB rn, and I do plan to at least finish the normal NSB legacy (up to Gen 9), although I might finish or take a break at around Gen 5 or 6, just because I don't wanna lose motivation and also because it takes A LOT to make some of these posts (for example, the last NSB post... took a lot out of me), and I'm only on Gen 2, almost Gen 3 rn, and I was originally planning to do all 30 or 40 Gens in the updated ver of NSB, which def doesn't seem like it'll be happening right now, because at the current rate at which I post, and how fast things in my game move, Sims 6 will be out before I even finish Gen 30 😭😭
Anyways, I don't know what the series would be about, if I were to do a new series, it would definitely be a lot more story based, if not completely story based, I don't know if I'd do/include gameplay, but I really wanna dive into more storytelling and setting up scenes, I'm not a film or theatre kid by any means, and I really don't know much about writing and setting up scenes and stuff, to be honest, i don't even know how I storytell, I guess it's just regurgitated content molded to shape the statue of my story if that makes sense lmao, I guess it's also the art of using so many fucking metaphors and similes that doing something like comparing love to drowning in a cold ocean comes sorta easy to me? I'm not grammatically inclined and don't know a lot about punctuation, my teachers all kinda gave up on me in English class, so all of my writing is basically self taught, which I guess is the case for a lot of things I do- I feel like starting a new series would help me learn how to write better, even though it seems like a lot of ppl love my writing, I still feel like I could improve so much and do so much better. I already have a couple ideas in mind for a new series, I don't think I'll say much rn just in case I decide to make them a series, but as for right now, I've got plans for Gen 3 NSB (aka Calico), and if I were to start a new series, I would not stop playing NSB, but due to how I function and shit, I would have to put NSB on hiatus, I kind of have a hard time doing two stories at once, hence why Sharkie's story got put on hiatus, because it was too stressful for me to double up, especially with how often I post (at least 3 or 4 times a week), I would like to go back and play Sharkies story and share her story up to this point where I last played her, her story is a lot more gameplay centered (for example, I am more inclined to make a blender scene for NSB, then Sharkie, for Sharkie, I'd do stuff like go to the bar and see how it plays out and take screenshots and just edit those) which I like more, but that's not to say I don't enjoy NSB, because I equally LOVE storytelling as I do gameplay.
While writing this, I did think of something I could do, which would be posting NSB every other week (so one week I do Sharkie or some other series and then the next week I do NSB, then a diff series, so on so forth), the only problem is that usually when I get an idea, and I finish that idea, I like to post it asap, I'm not good at scheduling posts lmao, but it might be worth it if people want to see another series (that is if anyone is still reading up to this point lol), I'd like to channel my storytelling into a more story based save/story, but idk! I'm just kinda doing my thing rn and I'm at a point where i wanna do something different. I especially wanna start doing more in blender, it just takes fucking forever to do some of the stuff I wanna do, and some of it means learning new stuff which is thrice as hard and takes thrice as long compared to normal posing and stuff 😭
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bettsfic · 1 year
Hi Betts! Almost 3 years ago -- COVID times, etc -- I wrote you an ask because I was very anxious about not getting into the grad program I desperately wanted. I didn't, but I got into another top tier program and now have a high-paying job in my industry - one that will allow me to support my parents in a few years and is only partly morally bankrupt. Life turned out okay, but every time I try to write I feel this raging shame. (1/2)
You've been wonderfully kind to people telling you about their shame in the past, and you've been very insightful in responses to people who just can't seem to get past the outlining stage. I don't know if there's much more to say - I just want to let you know I'm struggling but that your thoughts are helping. I feel ashamed that I want to write silly stories, and that I'm so badly out of practice with writing. I have ideas, and feel big emotions, but I can't get anything on the page. (2/2)
first, my sincerest congratulations. you have no idea how happy i am to hear that you've found so much success in your field.
unfortunately, i don't think the shame ever really goes away. it's something you have to fight as you fiddle with ideas and eventually one of them becomes bigger than your shame. the only way i've managed to work through it is by, i don't know, hiding from it i guess, the shame i mean. it's something external, not part of me, and i can find safety in the small dark spaces where it's too big to reach me.
maybe that sounds fucked up. but shame is a fucked up thing, and the truth is that everything i've ended up feeling proud of began with a "why do i even bother, who is going to read this" kind of defeat. but tucked away in that safe space, it doesn't matter. there, i'm able to say, "i'm curious about this idea, i'll just see what happens." shame is out there wailing on the door, but i've locked it. it's loud and annoying, but it can't get in. sometimes i follow my curiosity through until the thing i'm writing gets so big that it beats the shit out of shame, and that's when i find the confidence and motivation to post a fic, or submit to publications, or apply for awards and grants and residencies.
shame is so insidious that the novel i just finished was 100k before i thought, "hmm, this might be a novel." i was able to write it at all because i convinced myself it would be a short story or maybe a novella, 20k max, and in being that length it would be impossible to publish, but in being impossible to publish, i was completely free to do whatever i wanted with it. so much of my process involves repeatedly lying to myself, telling myself the stakes are so low, they're buried underground. words are free, after all. the only thing they cost you is time, and your free time is an allowance you're allowed to use however you want.
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Writer Q&A Game
Thanks to @clairelsonao3 for tagging me!
1. What motivates you to write?
I'm not exactly sure tbh. It almost feels like a compulsion. There are days where I simply do not feel good in my body if I haven't written anything. Then there are others where I can't bring myself to write because I'm too tired or too distracted from life. Honestly the second I get a clear head and enough time to myself, I'll start writing.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This isn't from my WIP, but from a fanfic I wrote a while ago. I want to try to find a way to incorporate it into something. Not sure where though.
“I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere,” he said, “but promise it’s not. I’ve had a long time to think about it.  A few years, actually. I guess, I just didn’t realize how deep I was in it until about five minutes ago.”
She kept silent, but the simple fact she hadn’t told him to get out gave him the confidence to keep going. . 
“I meant it when I said I’m crazy about you. I like that you take your sugar with a drop of coffee.  I like how you sing to yourself when you’re happy.  I like that you never seem to get cold.  I like that you never lose your head under fire, but still need me to get rid of spiders. I like that you can laugh at yourself.  I like that you can laugh at me. Hell, I like that you’re perfectly willing to slap my face if the situation calls for it.
I like so many things about you Liz, and that’s just the stuff I found out on accident.  I can only imagine the stuff I’d learn if I started loving you on purpose."
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I really do enjoy writing Finn. The boy just makes my smile.
Close second is another OC which I wrote for fanfic who I want to save and put someplace else, Lucy. She's my softest girl who has a lot of love to give. Might figure out a way to put her in this regency setting somewhere, but who knows.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The first draft spree. The moment when you get an idea and you have write it down as quickly as possible. It's rough and definitely will need some editing, but that rush cannot be topped. It just feels satisfying to exorcise even the smallest of scenes out of my body.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialogue, hands down. It's at least the part I've gotten the most compliments on.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I've only just started to dip my toe in, but I really do love answering asks. I like seeing other writer's process and knowing I'm not alone. It's just fun!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I've been using Scrivener and it's really helped me keep everything organized. I have a very conspiracy board way of drafting, so having all my random snippets in one place really helps.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Not sure world building is my strong suit for this current WIP. I suppose I'm enjoying expanding the world of the theatre, but I admittedly need to do more research.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write anyway. It doesn't have to be the scene that's giving you trouble. It doesn't even have to be for the piece you're trying to focus on, just don't get out of the habit of writing. Once you lose that momentum, it takes a long time to get it back.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Gotta give a shout out to @clairelsonao3 for being so welcoming in my introduction to the writeblr community. And @janec23, for being one of the few specifically romance writers to reach out.
But I really can't begin to thank all the people who have followed me from my fanfic blog over to this one. It really means so much to know people are interested in reading anything I put out there.
@flapjacques, @jo-harrington, @can-of-pringles, @handahbear, @auroramagpie, @justanothersadperson93, @sad-cat-hours, @ghostface001, @theowlwhocameback, @mattmurdocksscars, @roruna, @everything-intertwined, @sweetjedi, @arcanerazil, @vibratingbonesbis, @delirious0pandemonium, @llovelykenobi, @geek-girl7, @mixedupanddown
Know that I love and appreciate you all.
I'm also going to leave this an OPEN tag to anyone who wants to do this, and especially invite everyone who I have tagged above. (and
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steveisagay · 1 year
How to fix the damage
Disabled Munver
This turned out a lot fluffier than I expected lmao, that's because my munver playlist only played fluffy shit (also Gone, Gone, Gone, gives me such good disabled munver vibes (or munver in general) (oh yeah and in the original someone was supposed to get hit-))
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Eddie came back to their shared room after his own therapy appointment surprised to see that Jason wasn't even trying to sleep. He'd been almost completely ignoring him for the 1 and a half days since Eddie had woken up to him falling with his wheelchair. Of course Jason hadn't been sleeping when he arrived cause then that'd be too easy.
"Hey," Eddie started with, grabbing Jason's attention from the book he was reading. Someone must've dropped it off for him, "So about the other day."
"It's fine, it doesn't matter." Jason quickly went to shut him down, but Eddie always had a curious nature.
"No it's not, you could've really hurt yourself, you fell onto your wheelchair." His voice was laced with ounces of immense concern. Jason was always kinda there, sure they were never close but he was constant, and because of that he wasn't sure how it'd feel if he lost him. "There's a lot of people that you gotta look out for," he paused for a moment to think, "like Lucas, he might not talk to you a lot after everything with Max but you can tell he cares about you."
They sat in silence for a little while, Jason trying to think of how the fuck did Lucas still care about him if they didn't talk. "Wanna come closer at all?" Eddie was still standing so why not ask if wanted to sit at all.
"Uh, yeah sure," Eddie watched as Jason tried to scooched to the side, taking the invite to sit beside him. Then they sat together for about maybe 10 minutes until either one of them spoke. "I'm sorry about yelling at you the other day, I was just... scared, I guess?"
"I get it, you just care... for some reason." Jason tensed up when he felt Eddie slowly lay his head on his shoulder. It took a few seconds for Jason to also relax into it.
"So what were you even trying to do? You know, that night."
Jason couldn't help letting out a tired little chuckle, "Well I was actually trying to get to you..."
Eddie's head had never turned so fast, did he hear him write? "Me?! Why?" The whole idea sounded crazy, there had to be some other reason or ulterior motive.
"Cause you scream like crazy," Another chuckle escaped his lips, "You seem to get these terrible nightmares and you sound like you're actually dying..." His tone turned much darker, "you beg and scream and it's so scary."
"Oh... uh, thanks for trying to help? I guess?" Eddie was rendered speechless, he really went through all of that trouble just for someone like him?
"It's nothing," Jason moved his arm so it was over Eddie's, probably the closest Eddie would ever get to holding another guys hand, let alone a straight one. "Plus it made it impossible to sleep."
This time Eddie laughed, way louder than he meant to. "Well then I might have to see if I can get my meds put up a dosage,"
"Oh yeah it's really easy," Jason lightly punched Eddie in the arm, "just try to wander away!"
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d0llqueen · 6 days
Tumblr media
Just completed the visual novel Root Film
I liked the ending & it has it's charm but idk if I would recommend it to most people personally despite this.
If you really like detective mysteries this isn't mind blowing but pretty good.
Non spoiler free praises & complaints under the cut if you don't want the mystery spoiled don't read.
The only thing I wish I knew going blind was that the game is not horror and maybe play Riho's 2 chapters 1st then all of Yagumo
Imma start with my biggest pettiest gripe, the premise. This game is described in advertising and starts as a haunted film story. I love ghosts!
Chapter 1 resolves in the haunted video being a fake despite the fact that there is still an in-universe reason why the original production was canceled.
Personally I'm disappointed & really dont like the genre being changed as that influenced my decision to buy & play but fine. I still like mysteries...BUT
The canceled drama is integral to the actual story & haunts the narrative. I wish the writing played into this harder instead of keeping the murders in chapters 2-6 (Yagumo 1-4 & Riho 1 & 2) seemingly unconnected until the twist in chapter 7.
I also think Riho's 2 chapters being the 1st 2 films of the canceled drama was cool, but I'm not sure the twist is as impactful as it could've been.
Like the twist is that the villain has been involved with everything & INCITED the incidents but you do not see her in Riho's chapters.
The fact that Riho's chapters are in-universe fiction is hinted at ok, but you have no way of telling the true villain is involved until the gane tells you.
You could guess the fakeout villain but I had NO PROOF it was the true culprit outside of well the person the game leads us to think it is dies
And the whole time you don't know who Riho IS just that you have to play both of her chapters before Yagumo chapter 4 because they both have a shared location you need context for.
Also Yagumo vaugely angsts about finding out why the show cancelled, but does not say it's because Riho's actress is his dead sister until the last act. Riho's story doesn't indicate this but I don't think it needed to. Yagumo wouldve been more sympathetic & compelling from the start if I knew this from his chapter 1, maybe 2 if you had to have him vaugely angst about it.
So for his chapters 1-4 he's a new upcoming director who is rude to his underpaid assistant Manabe. It's played as a joke but it's not funny. And he keeps putting his, both his employees (who are both very helpful & patient), and his new actress's livelyhoods at risk solving murders and pursuing this lost media.
He has a good reason! But! The game! CHOOSES! Not to tell the player!! Until halfway through the last chapter!
I will say despite the mean to Manabe jokes the crew seem to have a pretty good relationship, even with the new addition Hitoha they seem like they'll all be lifelong friends even after they split up in their careers.
That's why despite pulling both the dead older sister AND an alive younger sister
(who is in the same field that the dead older sister is in but the game never touches on that she's barely a character just there to segway into Yagumo's past & give 1 piece of info I think was unnessicary)
-despite both those things, the final confrontation still has stakes because you care that your friend, who you've gotten on with for 3 chapters, doesnt die.
I think both characters having a terminal illness is heavy handed. I think it does work better for your friend, because you the player know her better than Yagumo's sister. It's harder to handwave motives the better you know a character. It makes more sense with Hitoha but the fact that the game already used the same twist earlier kinda cheapens it. Especially when other, stronger motives serve the same purpose earlier.
I think the emails were a good twist tho. I wish we had SEEN Riho's actress get the emails as well intead of being told but that doesn't affect how I feel about the MO itself & plenty other characters were involved the this 3rd act puzzle that WAS established from chapter 1. And it was a good segway from chapter 6 to 7.
Also keeping Kanade the camera guy mostly silent & unseen until halfway through Yagumo's route was a good way to show his character & makes sense with his profession.
A lot of times the tonal shift was weird tho. Like a heavy plot point (murder, danger, threat to liveleyhood) would happen, then next scene is goofy bonding, then the characters act bored investigating, but then a discovery & everyone gets serious.
I liked what it did for the character dynamics but kinda wish it was arranged a litte bit better as it could break momentum sometimes.
So while I DID enjoy the game, with a guide, otherwise it wouldve been too slow, there are too many issues for me to recommend it UNLESS you suffer from a want of murder mysteries like i do. And if I could talk to my younger self I would give the same warning I did above the cut.
0 notes
forcedtoland · 2 years
jacin clay in "cress" (2/2)
hi!!! welcome to part 2/2 of me just talking about jacin clay because i finished rereading cress and i love him a ridiculous amount
remember when i said the second part would be up "in a few days"? yeah me neither.
part 1 can be found here!
this post will cover his moments in cress from chapter 29 and on. enjoy<3
this post might include spoilers for all of the lunar chronicles series, since i sometimes make links with moments from the other books!
it will also probably end up being long because i have the wonderful tendency to overanalyze everything
for a bit of context, cinder just found dr. erland in farafra and is staying with him with part of the crew. part of crew being iko (still body-less and working full-time as a ship at that point of the book), wolf (unconscious) and jacin (barely trustworthy snarky potential-maybe-hopefully ally). not exactly an ideal situation, socially, for cinder.
jacin is painting over the naked lady on the rampion ship to cover it — HE DOESN'T GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS
he actually isn't getting paid at all he seemingly dislikes working with them and at that point he shows no clear motive to why he's helping them. i can't imagine how confusing that must be for cinder.
and yet he still cooperates. sure he throws in a lot of snarky remarks here and there (read: every 4.7 minutes) but he's still cooperating. and yet he's very much expressionless and keeps his mind blank all the time, shows no effort to seem trustworthy to the others... very much giving "oh i like to keep people guessing"
"Hey, mongrels, try to stay in the lines!" — i had to look up what mongrel means and even after searching i'm a bit confused but all i can say is that please do not let jacin babysit kids alone ever he'd terrorize them
wait but no he wants to be a doctor i like to think that he secretly is good with kids or maybe he only realizes that post-winter (when did this post turn into a hc)
"I’ve taken enough orders in my life.” YOU GO JACIN
no but he's kinda right even if he was harsh with cinder? the kids' painting was adorable but it wouldn't exactly be discreet when the entire world is on the look out for the rampion...
when cinder says “You have a funny way of showing loyalty.” and he just chuckles in response — and let the ambiguous loyalty misunderstanding continue
he chuckled
also stop being cryptic jacin this is why no one likes you /j
i really need to share this entire interaction because i was laughing so hard
Jacin’s concern turned fast to annoyance. “Your ship has some messed-up priorities, you know that?”
“Iko. My name is Iko. If you don’t stop calling me the ‘ship,’ I am going to make sure you never have hot water during your showers again, do you understand me?”
“Yeah, hold that thought while I go disable the speaker system.”,
jacin: ship, can you stop talking
iko: but i'm iko, the literal reason you have warm water and functioning lights i could literally cut off your internet access right now and make sure you always get locked inside the bathroom i will—
jacin: ok iko, can you stop talking
like he's just so annoying but i can't even be mad because it's so funny. my guy is stuck with people who don't trust him, outnumber him and could easily take him down if needed and he insists on antagonizing them at any chance he gets just because he can.
i love that the others never hesitate to put him in his place though like yess rampion crew humble him make him develop those social skills
i promise he's my comfort character
Cinder punched him.
Jacin stumbled against the wall, already chuckling as his hand came up to his cheekbone. “Did I hit a nerve, or was it a wire that time? You have plenty of both, right?”
what can i say.. if he gets punched again after this that's on him
thing is, jacin's so hostile when cinder is talking about her plan because he thinks she's just insane like ?? what is this 16 year old outlaw doing trying to overthrow a tyrant
you have to remember he has NO idea she is princess selene and he definitely did not sign up for this
at least kai believes cinder is doing it because she found princess selene. jacin never even considered the possibility of selene being implicated he literally just can't figure out what's wrong with these people and why they even think they have a chance against levana
long-ish quotes because jacinter<33
"I’m here because I saw an opportunity to get away from that thaumaturge without getting killed, and—” He cut himself off.
“And what?”
His jaw flexed.
“And what?”
“And it’s what Her Highness would have wanted me to do, although now she’s probably going to die for it.”
!^*#*%*@*×&#&#,,HERE WE GO
first let's appreciate the fact that he flexes his jaw and stops himself from mentioning winter
it's just. the fact that every time he thinks or mentions her his entire demeanor changes and it's so painfully visible. he's trained his whole life to hide everything from his face but he can never control his reactions when it comes to winter.
the way he abruptly cut himself off isn't something he can just shrug off. everyone noticed it. everyone knows he was about to say something important or he wouldn't have reacted that way. he probably knows that avoiding the question again (which is about the reason he joined them) would just make him more suspicious so he continues what he was saying and mentions the princess, basically confirming that he's not working for levana in any way.
also in the last sentence, and in a later quote too, he implies that something might happen to winter... and we all know what jacin does at the end of cress right
and then the big reveal, the moment we've all been waiting for: “Princess Winter. Who do you think?”
like sorry but he has NO clue why everyone would ever question who "the princess" is or why they're surprised and it’s just so funny to me? just thinking how in his perspective the rampion crew probably seem like a bunch of weirdos (like, on top of it all, you don't seem like you know who THEEE princess winter is? do better.)
“I thought maybe the princess would be proud if she heard about me turning against Sybil. That she would approve of my decision. But who am I kidding? She’ll never even know.”
i'm sorry but i just. they . i always talk about how jacin kept being a lunar guard no matter how hard it was for him so he can protect winter & his family but can we also talk about how one of the main things winter has always wanted was for him to be able to escape this life? even if it meant she would have to stay alone?
jacin and winter depend on each other's presence to endure the lives they've been forced into. they give each other a reason to tolerate it no matter how bad things get. and yet, all they want is for the other to be able to improve their situation.
jacin would do anything for winter, that we know. and since she's in no position to ever leave her situation (unlike jacin who technically can try, but would risk too much) the best thing he can do to help her is stay by her side, even if it means sacrificing a lot.
meanwhile, the fact that winter encourages him to leave means that she is willing to let go of him if it means him living a better life. considering her situation, her condition & the fact that jacin is literally her only friend, it takes so much selflessness to put him first like that.
they just want the best for the other. they love each other so much.
and obviously, jacin never planned on leaving her for good here, but for once he's taking initiative. he doesn't want to follow orders anymore. he took a chance. and winter would be proud of him for that.
“Do you … do you love her?”
He glared at her, disgusted. “Don’t try to push your swoony psychodrama on me. I’m sworn to protect her. Can’t very well do that from down here, can I?”
jacin, baby, you're also "sworn to protect" levana, i don't think that excuse really works here...
and there he goes contradicting me right after i said they love each other so much. but he didn't deny it, did he?
“Protect her from what? Levana?”
“Among other things.”
Jacin peered at her like he couldn’t figure out why he was wasting his time with such an idiot.
that last line@^*$ he really has no idea why his loyalty to his "princess" (the only current lunar princess) would ever cause so much confusion.
now, a necessary compilation of jacin clay being an absolute menace
when they're all surrounded by authorities and cinder asks jacin if he can control any of the humans, and he goes "Yeah, right." — he doesn't even TRY ???? also this shows that he doesn't believe in his lunar gift skills at all oh wow
this thorne/jacin interaction:
"In that case, has anyone seen my gun?”
“I’ve got it,” said Jacin.
“Can I have it back?”
a MENACE i tell u
but also good on u for not giving a blind man a gun, jacin
"When he did talk, he tended to say something rude or prickly." that's my boy
take a shot every time someone describes him as looking extremely bored
“Let’s say you manage to pull this off, not that I really think you will.” — WHAT HAPPENED TO BOOSTING TEAM MORALE
cinder giving him instructions and him repearing "I know." after each sentence (until thorne cuts her off and goes "Cinder, he knows." — he might have saved some lives here)
also i need more thorne/jacin interactions i can't wait to reread winter & stars above
AND...... jacin betrays them
i'm going to be honest there i haven't read the 4th book in so long so i forgot some things related to that — like i know he did it for winter's sake but the exact specific reason is just a vague memory so i can't say much about this part
but we do get this scene with him and levana and i feel like it's so important to point out the fact that the queen herself decides to confront some "lowly guard" and you can even tell through their conversation how much she's just looking for an excuse to have him be considered a traitor... and obviously she'd love that to make winter suffer
jacin claims that he infiltrated the rampion crew as a spy and that he betrayed them after gathering info, etc.
he says that he's the one who gave sybil the location (did he though? i forgot lol)
levana tries to test his mind for rebellion but his mind is blank as always — obviously she's disappointed to not find anything but can we just talk about how ???? like even levana who has an EXTREMELY strong gift and an insane amount of practice can't even get near his thoughts and oh he's able to do that
and THERE the "tiniest ripple of emotion" before he goes all blank again
sorry i know i've said this before but even after years and years of practice and mastering that expressionless face it takes the MOST MINIMAL mention of winter for it to break in an instant my heart hurts she's his weakness and he doesn't even try to pretend otherwise
like. he goes on saying he serves the entire royal family — first of all, very careful wording because levana would be the type to find ANYTHING to use against him (like i can totally see her going "oh, so you don't protect my beloved stepdaughter? that's treason" if he hadn't)
but also it prevents him from telling a full lie about it. idk if this makes sense but something i've noticed is that jacin is ok with lying / hiding many things but when it comes to winter, he goes with half-truths.
is it because he knows he can't control his expression anyway and that his emotions would give him away?
is it because he knows they would force it out of him if he tried to? (since he's used to being controlled)
maybe it's that something in him prevents him from denying it, like even if it's a lie he just can't say it...
idk... but i do know that he didn't attempt to lie about it even with the rampion crew
no one, not even lunars with their gift, can figure out his thoughts so it actually seems fair that we rarely have any idea what goes through his mind either lmao
it's like. Oh. Oh.
suddenly everything starts to make sense to him and i have to say it had me grinning
actually, thinking about it, it's kinda good that jacin acted like an antagonistic jerk for 90% of cress (guys i promise i love him) because can you imagine if the rampion crew trusted him? if they had shared their secrets with him?
not only would hiding the plans he'd have known about from levana have been nearly impossible, but he also might not have had a properly shocked reaction at dr. erland saying that cinder is selene and hide the fact that he had known like...
levana would have gotten to them so easily.
in conclusion, jacin clay is the reason the lunar chronicles has a 4th book in the first place. his sarcasm single handedly extended the plot. everyone say thank you jacin.
this is technically the last moment jacin appears in cress BUT if you think i wasn't going to scream about winter talking about him to scarlet, then there is no way you have been actually reading this post because of course i'm going to scream about it
first things first, she is playing make-believe doctor/patient with scarlet
I REPEAT: doctor & patient
this isn't even directly related to jacinter but i don't care i'm making it about jacinter
when she talks about jacin going missing :(((( i'm so upset can you imagine how hard it must have been for her... her going "and I don’t know if he’ll ever come back" and nearly dropping everything
i just find it so interesting that while jacin never shows his emotions, you can feel winter's strongly. like she's so physically expressive, and not just in terms of facial expressions.
"But I asked the stars to send a sign that he was all right, and they sent me a shooting star across the sky."
despite scarlet not really looking like she's about to answer her / cooperate, she just keeps going and asks whether he's safe... she's so worried about him i'm actually sad
more about how expressive winter is:
when scarlet confirms she saw jacin: "Glee spread over the girl’s face."
the instant scarlet implies that jacin might have been killed: The smile vanished and the girl shriveled away, tying her arms around her waist. “You don’t mean that.”
it's just so interesting how marissa meyer made them complete opposite in that aspect. winter shows her emotions in such an open, unfiltered way, to the point you feel that emotion yourself, meanwhile jacin...
“Jacin Clay,” she whispered. “Sybil’s guard, with the blond hair and beautiful eyes and the rising sun in his smile. Please, tell me he’s all right.”
i love this quote a lot because first of all you can just feel how in love winter is oh god she loves him so much (also it's just so endearing coming from her)
second of all, it's just the huge contrast between the jacin we've seen up until now and winter's version of jacin (who is technically his real personality)
and obviously, as i'm rereading this i can immediately go "awww" but i can imagine that when reading it for the 1st time, when you don't know either of them that well, you'd go ?? who? is winter just blinded by her crush that she sees what she wants to see? or has jacin clay actually been nice to another living being before in his lifetime?
and scarlet mirrors that thought perfectly because she's like,, well i remember a blond guard but definitely not a rising sun in his smile. or a smile point blank. also he tried to murder us.
and then winter doesn't even react to the last part. him trying to kill other people. she's absolutely unconcerned.
and it's not in a "oh yeah he does that sometimes" type of unconcerned (which i've seen with different fictional characters for who killing is a 'normal' thing). but no really, her lack of concern about it is because she knows he would never do that willingly.
she knows he has had to do things he doesn't want to do as a guard. that fact doesn't change the image of jacin she has, since she's known him for so long, way before he became a guard.
and i just love that because all the other tlc ships meet during the story's timeline, right? so they all have their moments where they don't fully trust the others, or doubt each others' loyalties, etc. especially in the early stages of each relationship, you have several moments where a certain action one does or miscommunication causes some sort of conflict between them.
take wolf/scarlet, for example, wolf also gets forced into doing things unwillingly, and despite knowing that, scarlet still hesitates in trusting him.
not that it's a bad thing! if anything, it's realistic. completely normal. even when you really care about someone, if you don't know them enough, sometimes 1 wrong move (even if it turns out you just misinterpreted the situation) can make you mistrust them for a while.
but jacin & winter are way past that stage like there is nothing one of them could do that would make them immediately think the other might be a bad person after all or anything like that. they just know each other too much for that.
plus, she knows how ridiculously rational he is all the time so she knows that if he did a certain thing, he had his reason and it was probably his best option at the time.
have i mentioned how much i love them btw
so. that was something.
pleeaaaase leave your thoughts in replies and reblogs let's talk about jacin i want to talk about jacin
i'm also planning on rereading winter at some point, too, and i'm wondering if i should make a jacin post for that. will it end up being 6 parts long? perhaps. but i'm still considering it.
if you somehow made it to the end and don't yet want to block me for how ridiculously long this post is, then congratulations! you are now officially a citizen of the Jacin Clay Nation. we are proud to have you here with us.
part 1
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majimasleftasscheek · 3 years
I want to write some smutty fic + plot with kiryu and majima, but I've only played kiwami 2 so I'm scared I don't know enough about them as characters. Any tips or suggestions? (also bless your art c:)
klsdjkld thank you also I'm super flattered you'd come to me for tips 🥺💖 I can give a lil insight from things in the games so I’ll try not to be explicitly spoilery but just giving a heads up in case
so obvs I speak from a shippy dippy perspective but they do genuinely care about each other, especially in y3. Majima's a person Kiryu trusts and Majima's equally someone who would willingly do whatever to help out people he cares about. Majima's the type to be like yeah I'll die for you (serious)
since you've played 2, then you can very much see how Majima's willing to get back into Tojo bullshit cuz Kiryu asked him to. It's certainly telling that Kiryu goes to Majima of all people for help when it comes to Tojo shit which I think is a nice way to show he respects him to some degree. As nice as Kiryu is tho, he can still be a rude lil turd and likes to make jabs. He’s got a tendency to say shit he thinks is cool even if its inappropriate lol
also like, Kiryu doesn't really know how to read Majima but also I don't think Kiryu knows how to read many people tbh. There's a wild freeness about Majima that Kiryu enjoys seeing and indulging in, like when they fight and he seems to actually have fun with it. I don't think he's 100% aware of why he enjoys it or why he's willing to put up with Majima's dumbassery but Kiryu doesn't really need answers. Majima is Majima and that simplicity works for him
there's a lot of stuff in Dead Souls that gives insight into Majima and because I'm ill of course I know all of it. Lots of softie moments, Majima's a bit of a control freak about his appearance, he's an ass but it's playful assholery, he loves his subordinates even if he's a turd @ them, he's forgetful as shit, he's a bit of a stickler for rules - by the book type of stuff. THERE'S ALSO a part with a lil girl and he's so cute and awkward with her and it fulfills my dadjima addiction. I think Maji would love Haruka very much and Kiryu would be pleasantly surprised by that side of him
in y3, it's Kiryu's big dad simulator so you get to see him being a wise old fart even if sometimes he's a total boomer and embarrassing. He tries his best and has the best intentions but honestly his lone wolf attitude is often his downfall. Kiryu's very much a "I'll take a bullet for you even if there's other options to definitely not take a bullet" type of guy. He blames himself for a lot of problems out of his control and he's got quite the track record of running away from things if he feels like it'll be for the greater good of everyone else (it isn't lol). Suffer in silence sort of dude
they honestly don't interact much after 3 tbh cuz I guess it was too gay lmao but uhhhh they're definitely still motivated by each other's actions. 5 is very big on Kiryu beats up a lot of people again™, due to something that happens to Majima. At that point, Kiryu's life is quite far removed from the whole yakuza thing so I think it says a lot that he throws himself back into the fray for this bowlcut bitch
also! Majima’s wacky but it’s most certainly a façade. He’s very capable of toning it down in serious situations and equally, Kiryu’s a funky dude! Majima’s the type to put up fronts for his image while Kiryu’s very reserved but will absolutely go all out on something cuz he just can’t not put his 100% into everything even if it’s silly
I tried to keep things mostly factual based on the games with a couple of my own hcs thrown in so I hope it helps!!
I have another post I'm writing for like deep angsty shit for another ask so if that'll be of use to you, keep an eye out for that :)
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passable-talent · 4 years
Hello! I am so sorry to request zuko, I know you've had a lot of him but could you do a fic where zuko and the reader meet in the tea shop when they get a job there and they grow really close and start to fall for eachother but the reader ends up joining team avatar just as zuko teams up with azula and the reader is angry and confused with him and doesn't know how to feel when zuko shows up to join the gaang after all they heard about him and Mai and him betraying them and iroh in ba sing se
also I really love the days of Lee just after Zuko’s illness, I wish we could’ve seen more of that side of him. When he was just happy and had so much of his heart to give, before Azula came back and ruined it :/
roe, about five hundred words down and not even halfway through the request: I guess I’m staying up late tonight
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After hearing your friends raving of a new tea shop in the upper ring, you agreed to a trip there. You were so damn busy with your schooling, you were training to be in the Dai Li after all, but you could afford to take an afternoon off to sit with some old friends.
You were never much of one to take part in conversation, merely sitting back to listen. You had sat in the chair closest to the wall, leaning back with your feet propped up on someone else’s chair as you sipped tea and listened, eyes drifting all around the shop. The owner and waiter seemed very nice, and the tea was delicious, though the scar of the young waiter interested you. You knew very little about the fire nation, but you did know that an attack by a firebender on an earth kingdom citizen would not be tolerated. Even a fire nation citizen was not above the law of the Earth King!
After that evening, you decided to learn a bit more about the staff of the Jasmine Dragon. You became a regular customer, bringing your texts up to the shop, and sipping tea while you studied. You learned the name of the waiter, Lee, and that the owner was his uncle, called Mushi. They were kind, and soon enough Lee could recite your order before you could even ask it. Your friendship began slowly- from his small smile when you walked in the door, to inviting him to sit with you when he had a moment to rest.
One night, Mushi dropped a tea pot and made a noise of distress when it shattered. You left your textbooks on your table and went to help clean it up, feeling as though it was the right thing to do, especially since the shop was packed and Lee had other things he could be doing.
“I’ll fix it for you, if you like,” you told Mushi, “I’m an earth bender. But it won’t look the same, though.” Mushi gave you a bright smile, insisting that you didn’t need put the effort in, but you gathered your schoolbag and dumped the pieces into it anyway.
That night, you stayed up a bit too late with the candlelight and reassembled the pot. It was a slow process, and just as you expected, the cracks were still visible. The earthbending, you suspected, reshuffled the porcelain back into the clay it was original formed from, and so the pot didn’t look nearly as nice. But it did hold water, and stood up to heat, and Wushi thanked you profusely when you gave it back to him the next day.
A week or so passed, and Mushi invited you to stay past the hours of the shop to have tea with him and his nephew personally. You accepted, eager to talk with them, and learn more about them. Mushi spoke of Lee, and how proud he was of ‘the man Lee was becoming’, and was happy to listen to your discussion of your schoolwork. It seemed, though, that he had an ulterior motive, as before the night was up he offered you a job.
“I’ve got the money to pay you a small salary,” he said, “and Lee could use the help, since we’re getting so popular.” You accepted, gratefully, and started work after your morning lecture, helping with the lunch rush.
It happened so fast, that you could barely process it all.
You friendship with Lee grew until the two of you would flick water at each other while wiping down tables. You would take your breaks together, throw up your feet in a back room, and complain about one unruly customer or another. You’d tell him stories about your training, and he’d tell you stories about his travels with his uncle before coming to Ba Sing Se. Your favorite moments were when Mushi would shove Lee and you out the door, insisting that he could close up shop alone, and that the two of you should get some fresh air.
You shouldn’t say that you fell in love with him, but the spring months of 100 AG were lovely.
Everything changed one afternoon when you came into work and found it empty. You were worried, and dared to wander up and into Mushi’s apartment, finding it empty as well. Just as you were about to leave you ran into Mushi, who asked your help, explaining that he needed to hurry, and he’d give you information along the way. You agreed, and somehow, ended up at the house of the avatar.
The day went so fast, so ridiculously fast, as you bonded with Toph and Sokka, and grew more and more worried for the fate of Lee- or was it Zuko? This whole time, you’d been flicking water at the banished Fire Prince? You’d been taking dating advice from General Iroh, the Dragon of the West?
It was a lot to take in. Even more to take in was the  treachery of the organization you were readying to join, and suddenly you couldn’t do it, you couldn’t stay in Ba Sing Se knowing everything that had been hidden from you. So you vowed, at first, to join Iroh and Zuko on their journies away from Ba Sing Se and the fire nation.
Then Zuko betrayed Iroh.
It was something you never could have predicted. This boy, who gently tended to a wound on your arm when you’d brushed against a scalding teapot, who’d held your hand on walks around the upper ring, who’d laughed with his uncle and smiled and had seemed so undeniably good-
This boy had betrayed Iroh and condemned him to prison.
You were angry and hurt, because not only had be betrayed Iroh, but he’d betrayed you. His masquerade, you could forgive, as he was a banished prince, after all. But he sided with the Dai Li, who’d lied to you, and attacked the avatar who’d come to rescue him, and nearly turned his bending on you upon the instruction of his sister.
You were so angry.
So you left with Katara. You helped her escape and reunite with the others, allowing you and Toph to navigate the five of you to safety.
You assisted them as best you could through the spring and summer. You learned stronger forms of earthbending from Toph alongside Aang, and offered your input on his training as well. You helped fight Combustion Man. You fought beside Hakoda on the Day of Black Sun- even facing down firebenders with heartfelt ferocity, remembering how it had felt the first time firebending was turned to you, back in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se. As months passed, more and more anger settled in the pit of your stomach, even as Aang told you to let it go, but he didn’t much help as he told you all the things that Zuko had done before you met him.
None of it made sense. Not to you. It felt like two different people- the boy who laughed with you, and the boy who turned against you.
It made even less sense when Zuko reappeared.
You’d like to say that when you saw him, all you felt was rage, but that wasn’t true. You were happy to see him again, because the lightness of his tone, forced as it may have been, reminded you of the Lee you’d known. But anger corrupted even those feelings as you stalked forward, interrupting his words, watching his expression as he recognized you.
“Y/N?” He asked, surprised.
“Yeah,” you said, and then you raised your hand. You wanted to smack him, but you realized you’d raised your right hand, and if you dealt the blow, you’d hit his scar.
And that felt cruel.
So you exhaled your anger and turned from him, letting your eyes slide to Katara, and then Aang.
“You guys decide this. I’ll have no part in it.”
And you left his sight.
have this meme because that was a really angsty ending
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edit: | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 3 years
Doom At Your Service: Analysis & Theories for EPs 7-8
Welcome back to another edition of analyses and theories time with me! I’m going to try and keep this post as short and as simple as possible. In case I don’t, I apologize in advance! Also, sorry if this post is filled with grammar mistakes and confusing syntax...I'm writing/editing this late at night and my ADHD meds have lost their effectiveness.
Anyways Eps 7-8 was pretty awesome and I’m glad that a bunch of my previous theories had come true! For those who wonder how I come up with some of these theories, I just look at everything whether it be big or small. I also try to look for connections and patterns. At the same time, I try to understand the motivations of characters and what is the big picture the writer is trying to paint. Once you're able to do all of that then you can predict where the story is going. This is how for the most part I was able to predict the events and endings of shows like TOTNT and TKEM. Anyhow, let’s get down to analyzing and theorizing! Turn on those thinking caps!
What the Rock Balancing Structure Represents
Rock balancing is a form of art that involves a person placing a combination of rocks in an arrangement. To achieve balance of the rocks, one must be very patient and compassionate. In its completion, the structure represents that while things may appear impossible, they are actually possible. So what seems impossible, but can actually be possible? Hmmm probably Myul Mang learning what it means to be human and ending up becoming human. Notice that both the rock art is next to the plant and the story of Pinocchio? It's saying saying that the impossible can be possible. It's possible for Myul Mang to be able to learn what it means to be a human so that the impossible can happen...he can "grow" up to becoming a real human.
The whole rock balancing structure could also signify that in order to grow, one must overcome one's deepest fears. I don't know about you all, but stacking rocks is a scary thing especially since at any moment the whole thing could fall over. Anyways, if you remembered, Myul Mang had been searching everywhere for Dong Kyung and feeling like one of his worst fears (Dong Kyung not existing) had came true. It's only when he goes to Dora's hospital room and sees both the Pinocchio book and rock structure that he got Dora's lesson. And that's why afterwards you didn't see Myul Mang going on another search for Dong Kyung somewhere else.
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A brief digression. I’ve seen multiple people theorizing that the plant and the butterfly represent Dong Kyung and Myul Mang respectively. To them I say, did you just completely miss the part where Dora says the plant is Myul Mang? Myul Mang is both the butterfly and the plant. For those who still don’t see that, let me break it down.
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First, what do butterflies symbolize? They symbolize metamorphosis, death, and rebirth. Myul Mang is not a literal butterfly, but he will eventually be one in a metaphorical sense. If anything, Myul Mang right now is like a caterpillar on the verge of entering the cocoon stage that is followed by a reemergence as a butterfly aka human. You can also look at it this way, Pinocchio is a butterfly too. Why? Well, look at what happens to Pinocchio. He is reborn as a real boy after having gone through metamorphosis (puppet -> real boy).
Now let’s examine the plant symbolism. What do plants represent in DAYS? They represent humans. What is Dora growing? A human Myul Mang..DUH!! Sorry, but I didn’t think it was that hard of a concept to grasp especially since Dora has already explicitly said what she is growing in that one scene. For Myul Mang to grow up to become a "good" human, he needs to learn to think about others, forgive himself, be compassionate (not only towards himself, but others as well), love others, etc. Other things Myul Mang would probably need to learn is how to love his fate or amor fati (loving your fate means loving it all, not just the good parts, but the bad parts too; loving it so much so that you would never want to change anything about it and would gladly relive your life the way it was over and over again for all of eternity).
I don’t think the "plant" will fully "blossom" until Myul Mang sacrifices himself to save Dong Kyung for the sole reason that he loves her (in contrast to sacrificing himself for his own personal gain). Therefore, that's probably the final lesson -- how to be completely selfless.
Dora just wants her son to grow up to be a "good" plant (human) so she doesn't have to end up pulling him out aka end him before he even becomes human! Okay???
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Sorry if what I've just said was confusing. What I meant to say is that Myul Mang's personal growth is reflective in the plant's growth. The more he learns of what it means to be a "good" human, the more the plant will grow until it blossoms into a beautiful flower (a real human).
If we want to connect the idea of personal growth to the story of Pinocchio, we see that Pinocchio's growth occurs only after he experiences pain (physical and emotional) and love. From these experiences, he learns what it means to be a "good" boy and is rewarded by the Fairy transforming him into a real boy.
One Wish or Wishes?
In my previous post, I had briefly touched upon how I think Dong Kyung is going to wish for brain cancer to be cured. Though I still think this, I nevertheless want to explore some of the other possibilities of what her wish could be.
Potential Wishes:
1) Myul Mang to Become Human
2) More Wishes
3) Contract to be Voided
4) No One Remembering Her After She Dies
For #1, Dong Kyung wishes Myul Mang to become human, but then she still dies from her untreated brain cancer…so nope. For #2 and #3, are these wishes even allowed? I would like to point out some flaws of the writer. Maybe it’s not so much a flaw, but an annoyance I have with the writer of DAYS. What one can or cannot wish for is not explicitly stated. Due to this, it is somewhat difficult for me to accurately predict what Dong Kyung will wish for. It’s like trying to detect a substance without being given its upper and lower limits or range of detection (sorry for the science related analogy) ! For #4, I guess this one could be probable, but there is just too much evidence pointing to Myul Mang's death. After exploring each of the possibilities, I'm still left thinking that Dong Kyung's one wish will be to cure her cancer.
Anyways, even if Dong Kyung wishes for her brain cancer to be cured, it’s not really a happy ending since Myul Mang still dies. Is there any other way for Dong Kyung to make another wish so that she can save Myul Mang? I think there is and it comes in the form of the “gift” that Dora gave Dong Kyung. In my previous post, I had theorized that the marble may have a larger purpose than just being a symbol of how the fate of the world is Dong Kyung hands. I believe now that the marble’s larger purpose is that it is a type of wish fulfilling stone. Why? Because we know fantasy dramas typically make references to mythology. In this case, the writer of DAYS is probably referencing Hindu mythology.
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In Hindu mythology there are 3 main gods:
1) Brahma: The Creator
2) Vishnu: The Preserver
3) Shiva: The Destroyer (Sounds like Myul Mang right? Also, the love story between Shiva and Parvati is somewhat similar to that of Myul Mang and Dong Kyung’s love story.)
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Dora is the equivalent to the god Vishnu in Hindu mythology. Vishnu is often depicted wearing a “Cintamani”, a type of wish fulling stone analogous to the Philosopher’s Stone (hint hint…transforms something from one form into another…immortal -> human) in Western mythology. Given this, the marble/Cintamani in Dong Kyung's possession could be the key to Myul Mang’s rebirth.
Some might ask, “Well why can’t Dora just use it to wish for her son to be reborn as a human?”. Well, remember that both Dora and Myul Mang are slaves to the wishes of humans. They themselves cannot fulfil their own wishes or desires. Meaning, even though Dora and Myul Mang can wish for something to happen, they cannot carry it out unless humans wish it too. Also, as I mentioned previously, deities in kdramas never just give humans gift because they’re being nice. Rather, they give gifts to humans so that humans can help them accomplish their overall goals/wishes.
So putting it all together, do you see where I’m going with this? Dora has the same wish as Dong Kyung which is for Myul Mang to live, but Dora is unable to execute her goals/wishes unless Dong Kyung wishes it too. Dora knows that Dong Kyung will probably use her one wish to cure her brain cancer. At the same time, this leaves her son, Myul Mang, to die. Therefore, Dora gives Dong Kyung the wish fulfilling marble with the intention that Dong Kyung will use it to wish for her son, Myul Mang, to be reborn as a human. With Dora/Dong Kyung’s wish, Myul Mang will be free from his cursed life as an immortal and be reborn to be able to live happily with Dong Kyung.
Side note, the rebirth of Myul Mang into a human can either be dependent on Myul Mang's personal growth or it can be dependent on this wish fulfilling stone or both! I'm leaning more towards his personal growth as being the catalyst for his rebirth, but who knows! It very well could be that the marble has a role to play in his rebirth.
Is Dong Kyung Going To Be An Immortal?
No…no…and NO!!
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Some might ask why don’t I think this? Well, for a bunch of reasons. I’ll admit I used to think that it would be very romantic for a human to become immortal so that they can be with their immortal lover forever. However, the more I thought about it, I came to the realization the notion of forever is not romantic nor beautiful. At its core, the concept of eternity is quite terrifying and ugly. And if you haven’t realized already, the writer of DAYS has been making multiple arguments against immortality. For anything to have meaning, it must have an end. In this sense, the end is beautiful.
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To get my point across, I want you to try and think about some things. What keeps life meaningful? Experiences? People? Well, imagine doing something you love for a year. Now imagine doing it for trillions or zillions of years. Experiences no matter how good they are at first will eventually become tedious if you do it for long enough. For example, eating your favorite dish may be good for a while, but not for zillions of years. At one point or another, you ultimately lose your desire to want to eat it or eat entirely for that matter.
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Now surely getting to know people and loving them can keep your life meaningful right? Well, how many times do you think you could handle knowing and loving people who eventually disappear? Eventually, you grow tired of crying and mourning over dead loved ones that you become numb. Now imagine being Dong Kyung. She would have to witness her family, their family, and so forth dying over and over again for all of eternity. Doesn’t that seem tortuous? Sure, one could argue that at least she has Myul Mang with her, but do you really think her love for him could sustain her forever? The relationship between Myul Mang and his mother, Dora, is a prime example of how a loving relationship could turn sour over a great deal of time. The gift of immorality Dora bestowed on Myul Mang became a curse instead of a blessing. So why would Myul Mang want to give Dong Kyung something that was basically a curse for him? As for Dora, she probably wouldn’t want to give Dong Kyung the same gift after seeing what it did to her son.
If you continue to think that Dong Kyung will become an immortal being, did you really smell what the writer of DAYS was cooking or did you just smell what you were cooking?
The Bad Case of the Riddles
From what I have been reading on multiple platforms now, it would seem that a lot of people are rather confused about a lot of things. It’s understandable! Throughout the show, the writer has presented some complex philosophical concepts that may be difficult for some viewers to grasp. To further add to the confusion, the characters at times do speak in what appears to be riddles. This I believe may be one of the major flaws of the writer. She has to consider that her audience are probably people who have never read any philosophical works before. Most viewers aren’t here to decipher cryptic messages or see how they’re connected to some major philosophical concepts such as eternal recurrence, existentialism, nihilism, amor fati, etc. Most are here to shut off their tired brain and enjoy some good fantasy romance! I know I’m totally one of those people!
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Needless to say, I did find myself in a debate of whether I should discuss some philosophical concepts referenced in the show as to help you all gain a better sense of understanding. However, I concluded that it would take too much of my time to do so. Additionally, despite my best efforts to use the simplest of words, I found that whatever I had already written may have still been confusing to the everyday reader. Anyways, if there are any particular scenes or dialogue you all want to me go over, please feel free to use the ask button and I’ll do my best to try and answer them!
Whats Going to Happen Next?
Probably more filler type stuff aka more bs. It's common in kdramas for characters to go back and forth on their initial decision of whatever. Dong Kyung is going to break up with Myul Mang because she loves him and doesn't want him to die. And before the breakup, she's going to give him some good memories to remember her by. Following this, she's going to try and love herself so that she's the one that ends up dying and her wish is going to be for everyone to forget her? Okay......Zzzzzzz!! Idk... Dora is probably going to intervene somehow to get Dong Kyung and Myul Mang back together again.
Other Random Thoughts
What I think would be interesting to learn about is the connection between Dong Kyung's parents death and Dora past self's death. It wasn't just all a coincidence that they both died on the same day. Who knows... maybe Dong Kyung was meant to be in the car that day with her parents, but Dora's past self sacrificed herself to change Dong Kyung's fate.
Also, I still don't think Dong Kyung is going to die, I mean you got her brother praying to the deities that she lives!
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Okay, I'm done. I wrote this in Microsoft Word and it was 5 pages long. My brain is dead. There's probably something I should've gone over or elaborated more about, but oh well. Thanks for reading this disjointed post!
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