castilestateofmind · 1 year
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"Truth suffers from too much analysis". 
-Ancient Fremen saying. Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah. 
By attempting to approach any metaphysical experience from a scientific perspective, one will degrade such experience,  because the scope of it is far superior to the scope science can pretend to obtain.  One cannot have any scientific knowledge of a metaphysical experience since it is the metaphysical experience the one that will have you.
* Iberian Eye Idols
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heriugena · 1 year
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"When we speak of the different degrees of individual manifestation, it should be readily understood that they correspond with the degrees of universal manifestation, by reason of the basic analogy between the 'macrocosm' and the 'microcosm' [...]. This will be still better understood if one remembers that all manifested beings alike are subject to the general conditions which limit the states of existence in which they are placed; if we cannot, when considering any given being, really isolate one state of that being from the whole composed of all the other states among which it is situated hierarchically at a given level, no more can we, from another point of view, isolate that state from all that belongs, not to the same being, but to the same degree of universal Existence; And thus all appears linked together in various different ways, both within manifestation itself and also insofar as the latter, forming a single whole in its indefinite multiplicity, is attached to its principle, that is, to Being, and through Being to the Supreme Principle. Multiplicity, once it is a possibility, exists according to its own mode, but this mode is illusory, in the sense we have already ascribed to that word (that of a lesser reality), because the very existence of this multiplicity is based upon unity, from which it is derived and within which it is principially contained."
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2t2r · 3 years
Les masques d'animaux de Guy-Pierre Fauconnet
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/les-masques-danimaux-de-guy-pierre-fauconnet/
Les masques d'animaux de Guy-Pierre Fauconnet
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Some of my fave works of French literature/ philosophy 🥀
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nousrose · 8 months
No exoteric teaching is capable of providing true knowledge, which man must find only within himself, for in fact no knowledge can be acquired except through a personal comprehension. Without this comprehension, no teaching can lead to an effective result, and the teaching that awakens no personal resonance in the one who receives it cannot give any kind of knowledge. This is why plato says that 'everything that a man learns is already within him'. All the experiences, all the external things that surround him, are only an occasion to help him become aware of what is within himself. This awakening he calls anamnesis, which signifies 'recollection'.
Know Thyself
Rene Guenon
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Wolf's mona monkeys don't have to worry about their eyes being bigger than their stomach. Like chipmunks, they have large cheek pouches which can store an entire stomach's worth of food-- handy for fleeing predators mid-meal, or storing snacks for later!
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(Image: A Wolf's mona monkey (Cercopithecus wolfi) by Helene Hoffman)
If you like what I do, consider leaving me a ko-fi!
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entheognosis · 5 months
What the modern world has striven after with all its strength, even when it has claimed in its own way to pursue science, is really nothing other than the development of industry and machinery; and in thus seeking to dominate matter and bend it to their service, men have only succeeded, as we said at the beginning of this book, in becoming its slaves. Not only have they limited their intellectual ambition—if such a term can still be used in the present state of things—to inventing and constructing machines, but they have ended by becoming in fact machines themselves.
Rene Guenon
The Crisis of the Modern World
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ryversreality · 22 days
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de brazza babe w/refs
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josharlington · 2 months
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Lesser spot-nosed guenon
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raisongardee · 2 months
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"[…] aucun enseignement exotérique n’est capable de donner la connaissance réelle, que l’homme doit trouver seulement en lui-même, car, en fait, toute connaissance ne peut être acquise que par une compréhension personnelle. Sans cette compréhension, aucun enseignement ne peut aboutir à un résultat efficace, et l’enseignement qui n’éveille pas chez celui qui le reçoit une résonnance personnelle ne peut procurer aucune sorte de connaissance. C’est pourquoi Platon dit que "tout ce que l’homme apprend est déjà en lui". Toutes les expériences, toutes les choses extérieures qui l’entourent ne sont qu’une occasion pour l’aider à prendre conscience de ce qu’il a en lui-même. Cet éveil est ce qu’il appelle anamnésis, ce qui signifie "réminiscence"."
René Guénon, Mélanges, 1976.
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castilestateofmind · 4 months
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"In Tradition, every authority is fraudulent, every law is unjust and barbarous, every institution is vain and ephemeral unless they are ordained to the superior principle of Being, and unless they are derived from the above and oriented 'upward'".
-Julius Evola.
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kari-go · 1 year
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Guenon Doré, Night Mare, Chienne Brune, Orage Rouge
I struggled with Orage Rouge but I think she turned out nicely. I really like Guenon Doré.
Part 1, Part2, Part 4
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Nouveau retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55500 photos (et des brouettes).  Plus trop loin du présent….  
2016. Marseille en été. Au MuCEM, l’extraordinaire expo “Picasso, un génie sans piédestal”. Les photos étant stupidement interdites, la plupart de celles-ci viennent du net...ou ont été prises à la dérobée, je l’avoue ! (d’où d’étranges cadrages, parfois !). 
Une étonnante tête de taureau faite d’une selle de vélo et d’un guidon; et une “Guenon et son petit” dont la tête est une voiture jouet !
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eternal-echoes · 9 months
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Charles Coulombe bashing the two favorite philosophers of the alt-right.
I feel like it's misleading to call them heretics because they've both abandoned the faith. So wouldn't it be more accurate to call them apostates?
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nousrose · 1 year
Modern man, instead of attempting to raise himself to truth, seeks to drag truth down to his own level.
The Crisis of the Modern World
Rene Guenon
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animalsandanimals · 1 year
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A baby Guenon monkey
Photographer unknown
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