#guardian fairy of zenith
lovelyllamasblog · 10 months
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Tecna ⚡
Fairy of Technology
Guardian Fairy of Zenith
Birthday: June 9 (4Kids) December 16 (Cinélume)
Fairy Sign: Elf (4Kids) Triton (Cinélume)
Star Sign: Gemini (4Kids) ♊ Sagittarius (Cinélume) ♐
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drsteggy · 23 days
One of my favorite con things is the ribbon and trinket exchange that goes on. It’s fun to get random little gifts from strangers. This is at its zenith at DragonCon. This is the con where this stuff got started and it felt like this year everyone had ribbons or something to give out- I gave away close to 100 fairy bottles to Zelda cosplayers or anyone who approached me to geek out about Zelda stuff.
On Thursday- the first official day of con - I was in Archaic Link. I hit the bathroom at the Marriot and I’m washing up next to Bob Ross. Without saying a word, Bob reached into their bag and drops a 3D printed guardian next to me.
I squealed.
“I have never been so excited to see a guardian! Thank you!”
Immediately, a conversation breaks out among everyone at the sinks about what is worse, guardians or gloom hands (verdict: gloom hands)
Bob Ross said they only made a couple of these. Most of their swag was World of Warcraft related - I later say them in a WOW cosplay and we chatted a bit.
I think this is my favorite swag acquisition all weekend
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snarky-art · 10 months
Perhaps the domino gowns of s5...they....they need a bit of love 😭
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Couldn’t not upload my favorite pairs too while they’re in such nice attire, as a treat
Anyway, bestie these were WILD to look at
Redesigning these meant trying my best to keep certain shapes, and then saying fuck it for most of them and just lore dumping through dresswear instead
Musa, Flora, and Tecna are in nice formal wear with some traditional elements and general stuff representative of their respective homes as guardian fairies and members of the winx and Stella, Aisha, and Bloom are wearing formal wear that’s drenched in years of political context and a lot of it with handed down elements select to the leaders of the body of government
Stella’s is a hodgepodge of her own selection and custom tailoring and Aisha’s is a more modern take on traditional elements that she prefers her royal stylist to stick to as a way to stay on trend and match with what she likes
Lore stuff and some explanations for changed that I feel like justifying below the cut if you’re interested!:)
For Musa I went more Ming dynasty and tried a longer skirt but it just didn’t really look right to me, so pants it is. The only thing I ended up keeping from her og dress was a line down the middle on the upper part of the outfit.
Aisha has the green gem featured in her crown (the one for the heir of Androsia) and her parent’s headwear as I’ve featured in other pieces and has been shown in between the two diamond jewels in the same formal wear pieces and as is shown on her bracelets. I realized I never specified what those are symbolic of ahaaa
The two diamonds are for the land and the sea, each equal in size and color for the symbolism of equal emphasis and importance in the standing of the government, with the green circle being where they touch. The Diamond shape is to represent each form reaching for each other and outwards, encompassing all around it, and the dot where they drop into each other, making the surface of the sea. Aisha as heir is currently meant to represent this unity as she is the result of Land and Sea symbolically through her parents with the way Androsian government works, and she is meant to currently do what she can to represent all her subjects’ interests before she takes her final place as the representative for the Land Androsi (if she does take that position at all actually because there’s some political turmoil in my thing with how government works rn that I talk about some in this post but shhhh we’ll figure that out later)
Tecna’s is a purple girlie.
There are lots of natural ways to dye things purple on Zenith (they do a lot of it synthetically or magically now) so lots of traditional stuff is purple and lucky for Tecna, they, like anyone who loves purple, isn’t normal about the color and enjoys a lot of traditional Zenithian garb as a result since a lot of it has that.
Flora was much easier to do and less time consuming because she’s already a floral person and I could translate the shape easily into something close to traditional Lymphean garb from her area. The only shame here is I originally thought it would be nice to keep it more teal and green heavy since she so rarely gets the chance to wear those colors in canon when compared to her more pink heavy color palette, but I ended up caving to purplish petals instead.
Bloom is doing The Most here, and I wanted to intentionally make her kind of awkward in terms of hair size compared to her body and fit in particular. Bloom doesn’t do much with her hair usually outside of a half up half down, but she has her mom’s fiery red locks and she is doing her first Official Royal Outing and not only is she going to dress to the 9s in a way that is over the top by most modern government standings, wearing as many official emblematic bits, shapes, and references to the royal body as possible, she wants to channel some of what Marion has as an expert diplomat and make her proud and she thinks looking like her might help. I feel like Marion has the genuine confidence, zeal, and presence through decades of experience and proper study and general demeanor to pull off the big hair though whereas Bloom is basically doing the equivalent of trying on her parents big shoes when she’s a toddler. It looks more like dress up on her than it does an actual fitting look for her first attempt at politicking (and Diaspro does point this out to Bloom, and while it is meant to be snide, it’s also meant to be her way of trying to tell her she’s trying too hard and she shouldn’t. Her and Bloom have a decent acquaintanceship of sorts at this point. They’re never going to be best buds but they don’t hate each other or hold any ill will. Their personalities clash though and they know their limits with each other at this current point in their relationship. No Diaspro Sky Bloom bullshit here thanks) and she’s anxious and insecure and desperately wants to make her Dominion parents proud, especially because of her insecurities for the obvious (didn’t grow up royal, new to magic, still scene as the legacy child for Domino even though it’s been newly resurrected, also meaning this is it’s first big foray back into the Magical Realm’s political sphere and it HAS to show they’re still a capable powerhouse, which is also part of why the meeting is being held on Domino too, as a courtesy favor from the other governments involved in The Infinite Ocean stuff to help get its foot back in the door), but most importantly, because she’s not Daphne, and that’s a sore subject at this current time.
For Stella, I managed to keep some shapes from the og dress, but it’s very slight. Stella at this point is big on embracing her moon heritage as well and advocating more for causes beyond just Solarian government stuff, as in the government body that lumps Lunarian stuff in with it, and is working hard on raising Lunarian interests as separate things, reenforcing the idea that their culture and people are separate but equal despite the attempted assimilation under the planet of Solaria itself, an assimilation that still hasn’t been fully stopped or systematically eradicated. She has charisma and charm to spare and is taking the actual nitty gritty “not so fun” parts of politics (ie actual info on sociocultural and socioeconomic trends, trade info, statistics and projected trends, etc. basically all the stuff that isn’t “show up to parties and mingle”) much more seriously now and is wanting to make proper and viable change in multiple areas of her future government, and she’s working on properly finding her footing in the world of direct action and political savvy maneuvering through proper head on negotiations.
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kifkay · 3 months
Jobs the Winx pick after they’re done adventuring [NewGen au]
the Winx, although still friends and partners, had officially disbanded! now they’re off to their solo adventures. this is an AU, where not all of the Winx-Specialists pairs ended up settling down together - because, let’s be honest, high school sweethearts rarely do.
In her mid-to-late thirties, Rhodos abdicates and officially passes down the crown of Solaria to Stella.
Stella and Brandon are still dating and very much in love.
Before becoming Queen, Stella tries out a lot of occupations — she owns a fashion boutique, starts in a couple of (failed) movies, runs a couple of charities which help repatriate Domino survivors.
Once, she even directs a documentary about the Winx and the Specialists. It ends up having very… controversial reviews, but the Team thinks it’s fun.
As queen, Stella advocates for friendly relationships between Solaria and many of the other planets - including Domino, Andros, Zenith. Even Eraklyon, although her and Sky don’t get along much these years.
Her and Brandon foster a girl, Mara, whom Brandon had rescued from a branch of a weird cult that settled in Solaria. Despite previously agreeing to at least hold off on having children, they love Mara to bits and are very protective over her.
Previously: Travelling Architect. Her one true calling. Bloom vastly enjoys being able to travel planet to planet, and come up with breathtaking architectural designs. This also gives her an opportunity to visit her girls more often.
As of now: Domino Palace Archivist. Queen Daphne’s mysterious illness has re-surfaced. Furthermore — it is progressing alarmingly fast. The royal family must be prepared for the worst, and so the second-born princess is called back to the castle urgently. For the next five years, Bloom serves as the Archivist of Domino’s records and history, as well as being low-key groomed to take over the realm - at Daphne’s own insistence.
In that period, Bloom finally moves on from her decade long on-and-off again situationship with Sky. She marries a warlock curse-breaker Saffi, with whom she has a daughter — Vanessa Mari.
Bloom also inherits her mother’s seat in the Company of Light and holds quite an important position there. Helia, who inherited Saladin’s seat, becomes her close ally and friend. Their family spend many weekends together, vacationing on beaches and having picnics.
Currently: Guardian Fairy of Linphea, focusing on protecting various eco-systems of her home-world.
She is more of an alchemist and a researcher these days, rather than an active combatant. Flora arrives in places that have been de-stabilised by either extreme bouts of magic or human intervention, and seeks to heal them.
On a mission to a particularly messed up place which reeks of dark magic corruption, Flora meets an old friend — Mirta, who has been commissioned as a dark magic consultant! They get dinner afterwards, and well… it just goes great after that.
Flora is loving being a step-mom to Mirta’s daughter <3
She becomes a musician and a singer, like she always wanted. Musa doesn’t reach amassing success, but she has a loyal fan base who love her for her amazing lyricism and vocals.
Tecna serves as her manager for quite some time, until she resigns for… reasons.
Musa was so sure she would marry Riven one of those days - but then he starts acting weird. Distancing himself. Holding secrets. Eventually, the specialist makes a huge spectacle of publicly severing all contact with the Team - and her. They break up, because of course they do.
Then, Riven goes off the grid. Completely disappears.
Time goes by, Musa stops touring and becomes a music composer. Her clientage is huge and spans many planets.
She has two daughters, one son, one husband and one ex (not Riven), who succumbs to a horrible, magically corrupting illness which, seemingly, comes out of nowhere.
Her and Nabu are going strong. She is the crown princess to the throne of Andros and he is her consort.
Being back in the palace of Andros — constantly reminded of horrible treatment and stifling loneliness she has been subjected to as a child — is hard on Aisha.
She starts regressing, becoming more withdrawn from her friends and acquaintances. Aisha is still a rebel at her core, willing to stand up and fight for what she thinks is best — but. she is just. so tired.
Nabu is always at her side. They have happy times; times, when the darkness and the apathy retreat to let Aisha breathe.
Aisha acts as Andros’s ambassador. Her, Stella, Sky and Bloom & Helia (who had both inherited seats in the Company of Light from their parents/grandparent) often work together.
They have two children, Manar and Sagar.
In recent years, Nabu had gotten ill. loosing his energy, his strength, his magic. none of the healers can explain the sudden shift in a seemingly healthy man; they only theorise that he might be suffering previously-latent repercussions of his comma and entanglement with the Dark Circle.
Aisha spirals again and distances herself from everybody but her closest family.
like Stella, Tecna alternated many professions.
throughout their years at Alfea, Tecna - thanks to her well-rounded and all encompassing education in Zenith, which included music theory, - has helped Musa in her artistry. Giving feedback, searching for gigs, sharing artists she might learn from online.
when Musa officially starts her music careers, she asks Tecna to be her manager - to which the girl readily agrees.
Tecna also freelances on the side: developing flying software for the Red Fountaine, writing codes and whatever else she finds interesting. Zenith tries desperately to get her to work for them, but she is not really interested.
Tecna is not interested in any romantic relationships, but stays close with almost all of her friends. Even Riven!
After years of working together, Tecna resigns as Musa’s manager. It’s a clean break and neither is terribly upset: Tecna is Musa’s kids’ godmom, for Dragon’s sakes! They stay close, although Tecna is awfully tight-lipped about her “new project with Timmy”.
The project Timmy and her are working on is — well, neither Internet nor any planet has records on it.
Currently: Tecna is working her way up as a Zenithian lab researcher. She doesn’t seem to be making much headway, but Tecna doesn’t lose hope. Eventually, she’ll get where she needs to be…
The Specialists will be up next! hopefully, the text is coherent enough <3 trying out something new
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solar-tl-27 · 11 months
The hanged man part 1
Winx reignited= Cryos
Hello hello and welcome too the hanged man part 1 there will be 2 hanged man cards for cryos shares this slot with riven because although they never got to meet their stories are linked!
We will ofcourse start with the art and … for the context i’m gonna have to drop so much lore for my plans for zenith OMG so let’s get into it!
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Descendant of the original inhabitants of zenith. A body preserved and reformed for its seemingly unlimited magical resources.
A boy who’s face was supposed to remain unknown forever. A world who has chosen to abandon its past yet forever haunted by its remnants.
Cryos was designed as a battery his human side hidden behind the ruse of the king’s false immortality for he’s not the first battery… but determined to be the last. He descends from the original people of zenith people with extreme intellect and magical abilities. However as the magic aspects of zenith lowered the people needed to sustain their need of magic somehow. So their king was crowned a false crown that has been worn by countless people unbeknownst to the public. Until zenith gained it’s first guardian fairy in centuries then secrets started unraveling and suddenly…. He felt alive. A strong pain rushing through him as apparently a girl had punched his mechanic exterior so hard his mask shattered.
Suddenly a world opened up to him but he was also instantly thrown into the deep end with dark secrets uncovering, suddenly gaining mobility and self awareness. Tied between higher ups telling him he’s a king. And his heritage.
the hanged man represents pause, surrender, new perspective & letting go
For cryos that focus lays in surrender, pause & new perspective
Having basically been in a hollow minded state for most of his life it was basically like laying in a sensory deprivation tank your whole life only hearing whispers. His world on pause for eternity he also needs a large amount of readjustment time as although he possesses basic motor skills he’s basically new to life. Which is also why new perspective works for him in the sense that the people around him tell him one thing.. but he’s gained curiosity and wishes to learn and choose for himself. Surrender is the fact that he’ll eventually have to be locked away again if zenith’s plans are to continue. He’s defenseless against his creators. But there’s hope for him with the winx on his side!
Looking up towards the arms of a original zenith residents arms while being held in place by the arms holding on to his shoulders from the current zenith. Dressed in his armor to show his identity yet being unmasked. A depiction of the 2 sides of who he is in contrast with eachother.
This card was the card where I realized just how much i already shifted from cute easy cards with blush & bloom to
Incredibly lore heavy cards and i am making this difficult but fun for myself lol!
His armor is incredibly fun to draw and i also love drawing his hair (he’s very hunter from toh coded in lore but a lot more mellow in personality)
Also yes the person that punched him into basically gaining consciousness was tecna lol
This was part 3 and the next one will be the first one with a trigger warning (for vomiting no worries 😅) as it will be riven’s hanged man card a more … graphic depiction of the hanged man interpretation lol
Ty for enjoying part 3!
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meirisuu · 7 months
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decided to indulge in my 14 year old self's obsession with winx next gen ocs and finally design a whole group of them!!
character sheets and descriptions + doodle dump under the cut!
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21. Daughter of Bloom and Sky. An Alfea graduate, Enchantix fairy, Guardian Fairy of Eraklyon and Heir of Eraklyon's throne. Basically a burnt out overachiever and perfectionist who shouldered everyone's high expectations due to being Bloom's daughter, and had high hopes for the future but is now barely trying to hold things together. She can be a little intimidating and hotheaded, but that's because she's very tired.
She's cordial exes with Luke, Stella and Brandon's son, but they still remained best friends. She's currently dating a wizard named Ike.
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Lucian (Luke)
21. Son of Stella and Brandon. Crowned Prince of Solaria who has recently taken on more responsibilities as the de facto new King of Solaria now that he recently came of age—but...he doesn't really want to be called a King quite yet. He's a charming and responsible young man who's inherited his mother's love and passion for fashion, and is a little snobby about it sometimes, much to his friends' chagrin.
He's cordial exes with Blaire, Bloom and Sky's daughter, but they still remained best friends. He's currently single, but there isn't a day where he isn't talking to or seeing someone.
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Violet (Vi)
21. Daughter of Flora and Helia. Guardian Fairy of Linphea and a reputable freelance photographer who's a bit too chill for her own good. She can be nonchalant and a bit too cool headed at times it freaks people out, but it's quite handy for her job and hobby as a photographer, requiring precise focus to capture the best photos. She's also a deeply sentimental person, capturing and treasuring all memories of her family and friends through photography.
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Maxine (Max)
21 years old, daughter of Musa and Riven. Formerly an Alfea student and a fairy-in-training, but have shifted to Red Fountain to pursue being a Specialist. She turned out to be a skilled prodigy, and now teaches at Red Fountain part time. She's a chill and easygoing person, and is well liked by everyone in the school, even capturing some people's hearts. Despite this, she can also have an explosive temperament if certain buttons are pushed.
On a long term relationship with her former roommate Tesla, Tecna and Timmy's daughter. They go way back, since Alfea.
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20 years old, son of Musa and Riven. He's a quiet and chill guy who's had a bit of a troubled past. He went to Red Fountain alongside his sister but he mostly did it to appease Riven, and has no interest in being a hero, instead preferring to pursue his interest in music. He looks a little scary to some people, and he used to have a notorious reputation, but he's passed that now.
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21. Daughter of Tecna and Timmy. A gifted tech genius who dropped out of Alfea to defy expectations and pursue her passions, and now works as a reputable robotics engineer in Zenith's government. Her demeanor is generally blunt and sarcastic, which is off-putting for most people, but she mellows out around people she's comfortable with.
On a long term relationship with her former roommate Tesla, Tecna and Timmy's daughter. They go way back, since Alfea.
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21. Son of Aisha and Nabu, and the wizard prince of Andros. A reliable and approachable young man who gets along with everyone, and is actually in talking terms with everyone in the friend group despite the incident. He's also a very physically active person, and despite being a formidable wizard, he still chose to take some combat classes in Red Fountain. Behind his easygoing demeanor is a cunning and strategic mind that should not be underestimated.
+ some more doodles about the TxT and MxR kids because can you not tell that tecna and musa are my winx meowmeows
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beezonia · 6 months
Thinking about zenith today!
One big floating island with smaller ones surrounding it!
Capital city is named Binary City
It’s cold in zenith, meaning there are a lot of snowstorms and avalanches (hence why they built their homes higher up)
Zenithan’s? Yeah they tend to have very cold blood, and tend to value logic over emotion.
Zenith does have like a bubble to protect them in winter? Like a protective barrier if the storms are too heavy and no one can really get out for a few days
So it’s big warm clothing in Zenith
Think huge jumpers, fuzzy lining and hats!
You get, chemists, physician’s and all sorts of mechanics from Zenith
The kids are like super smart and always improving gadgets and machines for the future
(They always think ahead, paranoid they won’t make it to another year)
Occasionally you get guardian fairies or soldiers fighting for Zenith but other then that it’s a very independent planet.
Zenithian’s tend to connect well with metals, this makes production of machinery much easier.
Tecna can manipulate metals as well as her skills with technology!
Zenith don’t really celebrate any festivals, they don’t really celebrate much since the weather is the same.
They have no major events apart from a yearly show and tell of new ideas and machines that have been made
But they do celebrate birthdays and anniversaries!
That’s it really!
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changer00 · 1 year
can you specify what profession winx and specialists do?
Ok, I definitely have some ideas, but not all of them completely fleshed out:
First you have your royals:
Stella: Her title becomes High Queen Stella Hyperiona Selene Aelius of House Solaria, Solaria’s Guardian Fairy of Light. Her role is obviously to rule the Solarian System. Once she becomes Queen she gives up her title as the High Fairy of the Solarian System as she can't hold both titles consecutively
Sky: Holds the title of High King Schuyler Julien Frederic Bougaimoux VI of the Eraklyon System. Her also hold other military titles, but steps away from the more military based day to day work once he takes the throne.
Aisha: Her formal title becomes Reigning Monarch Aisha Anahita Ara Bilal of House Andros. She still does some Guardian Fairy work, but she cannot take the position on full time.
Then your consorts:
Bloom: While Bloom is technically Sky's consort, due to her standing in the Magic Dimension she takes the title High Queen Bloom Cyra Eithne Kenna Bizeveron of the Eraklyon System. When she marries Sky she also must return the Dragon Fire to the Heart of Domino through the Passing of the Flame Ceremony, which reduces the Bloom to her original abilities. This for Bloom is a struggle, but she does become a Guardian Fairy of Eraklyon and an ambassador for many magical councils on Magix. She also does some occasional teaching at Alfea and has even been considered for Nympdom.
Brandon: Brandon does become Stella's consort, but his main title is in Commander and Chief of the Solarian Army. He often deals with military issues and security issues within both the Solarian System and Magix.
Your Specialists:
Riven: Riven, when leaving Red Fountain, had no idea what he wanted to do. He did some security work on Magix for a bit, but it wasn't until Stella offered him a role on her security council as a private contractor, did he love his job. Riven ends up working this role for several years, and then does other security work while still assisting Stella and her team.
Timmy: Remains on Magix and while he does some specialist work, such as high-profile piloting and weapon work, he does mainly do integrated magical core science work and study. He also in his very little spare time does some teaching, both at Red Fountain and Magix's Collage of Applied Sciences.
Helia: Helia returns to the Liphean System to fulfil his role as Duke. However, he is in the public eye for peace and reconciliation talks, often advocating for peaceful negotiations or solutions to conflict. This often takes him to war zones or small skirmishes in which he is a mediator for these issues.
Then the rest of the Winx:
Musa: She still does enter the music industry and spends most of her free time at recording studios both producing her own songs and others. However, she does remain a Guardian Fairy of Melody.
Tecna: she does become a Guardian Fairy of one of the four planet s in the Zenith System. She tries to change the system from the inside and make life better for magical beings on Zenith. However, some time with no results, she leaves and joins Timmy doing magical integrated technology work and magical core study.
Flora: Flora becomes a Guardian Fairy of the Linphean System and she loves her work helping people with big and small problems. She also does peace talk works, but mainly between bridging the social gap between fairies and witches.
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glowinxfairies · 1 year
Introduction for my Glowinx characters!
buckle up, this is gonna be long oof
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☾ Alora (human!AU name: Alora Walker)
☾ birthday + age (when first introduced!): July 6th, 21 ☾ star sign: ☼cancer, ☾virgo, ↑cancer - fairy sign: Hippogriff ☾ fairy title: fairy of dreams and the night ☾ homeplanet: Novalia ☾ mbti: ENTJ ☾ archetype: the Caregiver, the Sage ☾ likes: techical charms, being a nurse, helping others, cooking ☾ dislikes: rude + impatient people, bad smells ☾ significant other: Jun ☾ gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: afab, she/her, demisexual, pansexual ☾ Alora is your most typical girl next door that wants nothing but to help others. Her main goal in life is to become a full fletched fairy and the guardian fairy of health at the end of her studies at the Alfea college for transformational fairies. Though after going through immense fights alongside her group the Glowinx Club, she grows into an individual that may be soft but with scars to remind her of what she's been through. Don't confuse her kindness with weakness.
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✧ Elgan (human!AU name: Elgan Kendrick)
✧ birthday + age: Sept 26th, 22 ✧ star sign: ☼libra, ☾aries, ↑aqua - fairy sign: Nereid ✧ fairy title: fairy of zodiacs ✧ homeplanet: Apoteleo - but grew up on Eraklyon ✧ mbti: INFP ✧ archetype: the Jester ✧ likes: watching soap operas, astrology, gaming, makeup + fashion ✧ dislikes: being ignored, having to make calls, tidying up his room ✧ significant other: Conall ✧ gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: amab, he/him, gay ✧ mental history: adhd ✧ Elgan is an absolute joy to be around and his aura brightens any room he enters. He isn't afraid to play with his outfits and makeup - good thing he's a fairy so he has unlimited access to changing his hairstyle, outfit and makeup any time of the day! He has a hard time concentrating but once you ask him about your zodiac chart he will HYPERFOCUS! His specialty is human/earth zodiacs
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☐ Treasa (human!AU name: Treasa Jones)
☐ birthday + age: Dec 16th, 20 ☐ star sign: ☼sag, ☾virgo, ↑taurus - fairy sign: Triton ☐ fairy title: fairy of metals ☐ homeplanet: Zenith ☐ mbti: ESFP ☐ archetype: the Caregiver, the Diplomat ☐ likes: gaming, playing around with her metal powers, being in the right ☐ dislikes: loud spaces, ignorance + disrespect ☐ significant other: Neoma ☐ gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: afab, she/they, lesbian, polyamorous ☐ mental history: ptsd ☐ If there's some underdog being disrespected, Treasa wakes up SWEATING. The headstrong fairy LOVES discussing and arguing if she feels the need to fight back is there - but usually this fairy loves and cherishes her lonetime. Fun fact: Treasa shares a birthday with her great-aunt - Tecna!
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✿ Neoma (human!AU name: Neoma Florakis)
✿ birthday + age: Sept 10th, 23 ✿ star sign: ☼virgo, ☾taurus, ↑scorpio - fairy sign: Unicorn ✿ fairy title: fairy of insects ✿ homeplanet: Xaslerillia - but grew up in Magix ✿ mbti: INFP ✿ archetype: the Explorer, the Creator ✿ likes: lakes/water sounds, sweets, reading + writing, roadtrips, feeling needed ✿ dislikes: her own insecurities, insects, when she's talked down (disrespectfully), bitter flavors ✿ significant other: Treasa ✿ gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: afab, she/her, lesbian, polyamorous ✿ mental history: body dismorphia ✿ Neoma hasn't always been a fairy, she first started out as a witch but when she got to know Treasa and the others she soon noticed, channeling dark and sad energy was nothing for her so as soon as she had transformed into a fairy she asked the headmistress at Alfea for a transition to Alfea! Also, isn't it ironic how as the fairy of insects the poor girl is DEADLY afraid of bugs - you should see her face when she sees she has ANTENNAE in her enchantix transformation lmao
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💎 Minu (human!AU name: Minu Kumar)
💎 birthday + age: March 1st, 23 💎 star sign: ☼pisces, ☾aries, ↑sag - fairy sign: Dryad 💎 fairy title: princess of Andros, fairy of gems 💎 homeplanet: Andros 💎 mbti: INFJ 💎 archetype: the Creator 💎 likes: drawing, later baking with her bonded pixie, flying 💎 dislikes: risky people/activities, narcissists, being yelled at 💎 significant other: Layna 💎 gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: afab, she/her, questioning, later likes to label herself as sapphic and/or neptunic, poly 💎 mental history: anxiety, stockholm syndrome 💎 Growing up isolated and as an adult still under the watch of her strict parents and an entire castle, Minu never knew what it meant to stand up for herself nor how to go through life without everything being handed to her with no hesitation. You can imagine what a college life can do to such a fragile gem - but she also starts seeing what her life shouldn't be: controlling.
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✴ Cécilia (human!AU name: Cécilia Murphy)
✴ birthday + age: Jan 15th, 19 ✴ star sign: ☼cap, ☾aqua, ↑virgo - fairy sign: Pegasus ✴ fairy title: fairy of light ✴ homeplanet: Solaria ✴ mbti: ESTP ✴ archetype: the Ruler ✴ likes: fashion, makeup, herself, shopping, blogging ✴ dislikes: getting interrupted, things not going her way, noisy people ✴ significant other: none ✴ gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: afab, she/her, straight ✴ mental history: psychopath ✴ Cécilia grew up mostly with her father and inherited a lot of negative traits from the selfish man. Her mother, the new headmistress of Alfea is barely home. Cécilia starts out as Alora's best and only friend but (spoiler alert) soon turns out to be manipulating Alora and being a threat to all of Glowinx.
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☼ Jun (human!AU name: Jun Yang)
☼ birthday + age: Sept 6th, 20 ☼ star sign: ☼virgo, ☾aries, ↑scorpio - fairy sign: Unicorn ☼ title: arch duke of Solaria ☼ homeplanet: Solaria ☼ mbti: ENFJ ☼ archetype: the Hero ☼ likes: physical energy jobs, being useful, spending money on fashion (hyperfixation), rope/string fight studies ☼ dislikes: sensory issues/being overstimulated, childish behavior, ppl misplacing items of his ☼ significant other: Alora ☼ gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: amab, he/him, bisexual, later genderfluid ☼ mental history: autistic ☼ Jun is a true sunshine to those around him but that might just be because he's a little bit of a people pleaser. He loves his fashion and finally blooms as soon as he's out of the big mansion and studying in Red Fountain. Coming from a narcissistic mother and autistic father, he was kept in line with his beliefs on his sexuality, gender and looks - finally befriending people like Elgan and Conall he knows he can be who he really wants to be.
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🌿 Conall Daniels
🌿 birthday + age: July 11th, 21 🌿 star sign: ☼cancer, ☾aqua, ↑leo - fairy sign: Hippogriff 🌿 powers: nature sorcerer 🌿 homeplanet: Earth (born in Chicago, Illinois) 🌿 mbti: ENFJ 🌿 archetype: the Explorer 🌿 likes: botanics (don't u dare disrespect his plants), fun activities (going out etc), cleanliness, 🌿 dislikes: having guests over, big emotions (his own), having to overexplain himself 🌿 significant other: Elgan 🌿 gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: afab, trans man, he/him, bisexual 🌿 mental history: trauma (due to his bi+transphobic father, growing up on earth hasn't helped either) 🌿 Conall heard about the magic realms from his mother (a Linphean) a lot growing up so as soon as he finished high school on earth he went STRAIGHT to Red Fountain to train his nature related powers. He's a social butterfly and WILL take that call for you if you're too afraid to do it (yes, Elgan is very thankful for that). Also, he's Jun's roommate!
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🏹 Layna (human!AU name: Layna Hall)
🏹 birthday + age: April 2nd, 24 🏹 star sign: ☼aries, ☾cancer, ↑cancer - fairy sign: Phoenix 🏹 specialty: archery (especially plasma bows) 🏹 homeplanet: Andros 🏹 mbti: INTJ 🏹 archetype: the Hero 🏹 likes: cuddles, privacy, being secure + in control of the situation, loves being a listener 🏹 dislikes: sharing (but it depends), things hindering her from achieving her goals, scared of mistakes + disappointing 🏹 significant other: Minu 🏹 gender, pronouns, sexual orientation: afab, she/they, pansexual, demiromantic 🏹 mental history: ocd 🏹 Layna grew up admiring the royalty of her planet and even as a child made a promise to herself - one day she would live to serve the royal family of Andros. Almost two decades later her dream comes true after relentless practice but falling in love with the princess was NOT her plan.
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Honorable mentions!
These are side characters but still carry a significance to them that I just have to introduce those too! (these are being updated as soon as I find time to draw them all - parents, other side characters etc)
(From left to right:)
Lisa: fairy of darkness and the night - not my character but Alora's little sister (3 yrs younger). She can be a little draining for her family as her mental health hasn't been the greatest since she was a child but as she grew into a young woman, Lisa slowly starts to let go of past feelings and moves on to work on herself and her powers.
Florence: headmistress of Alfea, daughter to Faragonda and mother to Cécilia. She has inherited her mother's wise words and warmth to help her students where she can - unfortunately she cannot control her own daughter.
Queen Valam: Minu's mother and a strict queen through and through
Cyra: mermaid of volcanic rock - she and another mermaid are Minu's only friends back home in Andros
Maude: fairy of rust - after running away from home at the ripe age of 17 Treasa went to live with her best friend Maude who then became the fairy's first gf, they broke up when Treasa wanted to study at Alfea
Cherry: Jun's ex from highschool and a sweetheart, these two have no bad blood whatsoever, the breakup was mutual. After she graduated in Solaria she went to earth to start a new life
Adelaide: fairy of dreams - Alora and Lisa's mother. She's a tough woman but melts as soon as she sees her two girls. She became a professional and well loved doctor early on in her adulthood, something her husband, Johan, did not like at all. When Alora was 7 and Lisa 4 Johan started abusing Adelaide, only stopping 3 years later when Adelaide finally filed a divorce.
Ayuna: fairy of ghosts and death - she first starred in my graphic novel 'Lost Spark' as the villain but she'll be the villain throughout s3 of Glowinx! A little detail to her backstory: she used to be one of the major fairies on earth alongside Morgana, Nebula, Diana, Sybilla and Aurora - but being power hungry and having a dark, twisted power she was deemed too dangerous and powerful so she was banished from the circle and never given much attention anymore.
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witch-ix · 6 months
Creatures born from Magic
Only Pixies and Dæmons are born from magic.
Pixies are born from the Flower of Life once a fairy has stabilized their first transformation. They are around 8cm tall, genderless and their skin has the same colour as the fairies magic. They choose their own names, once they are a few days old.
A Pixies personality is either similar, or very different to their fairie's and their powers are just what the fairy needs. But not every fairy meets their Pixie.
Pixies can also be born as Guardian Pixies. Those come to life once a huge amount of magic has been bonded to an object, creating a Codex.
The very first Guardian Pixie was born when the Magical Core of Zenith was created - the country was named after them.
A Dæmon or Witch/ers' familiar. It is the physical manifestation of the Witch/ers’ soul, which can be made visible to others once the Witch/er has created their Relic. The Dæmon is genderless and takes the form of an animal, although it is never taller than 50cm.
As a Witch/er and their Dæmon are one being, it is physically and emotionally painful for them to separate too far from each other. Through a mental connection Dæmons can communicate non-verbally with their Witch/ers and share the same dreams as them. But they are also able to hold different intuitions to their Witch/ers and reveal emotional responses to their surroundings that might not otherwise be obvious.
It is considered taboo for others to touch a Witch/ers’ Dæmon. If it is touched the witch feels a strong sense of repulsion and weakness.
A Witch/er who has become a Nymph can separate themselves from their Dæmon through great distances, but the mental connection will always persist. A Nymphs' Dæmon can also be touched by others, without it affecting them.
A Witch/er who is consumed by dark magic will lose their Dæmon. Although it doesn’t matter if the Witch/er themselves used it or if they were cursed.
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heliosoll · 1 year
ur winx dr sounds so cool! did u change a lot of the lore? i know there were a lot of plot holes in the original series and depending on the dub u watched, things were different, so im curious if you altered anything?
Hi! Thank you! It's so nice to see another winx shifter 💞
There definitely were some changes in both of my DRs! Both of them primarily followed the original Italian and Rai dubs and then later on obviously followed the Nickelodeon dub. Most of my changes were quality-of-life changes and fixing certain plot holes that really annoyed me. Other than that, it was fairly accurate to the original show!
Here are some major changes and plot hole fixes that I remember:
Nabu died but he was brought back to life with Aisha's Sirenix wish. I always thought it was sad that she hadn't done that in the show. (Instead, Nereus was saved with our regular magic)
Musa didn't see her mother in the Labyrinth, instead, she was faced with her losing her voice. I just thought that was mean :(
The way to earn Bloomix (it was actually called Draconix in my DRs) was different! Instead of performing a good fairy action, you had to selflessly protect someone. It was very similar to Enchantix in that way! Draconix can only be earned when a fairy who isn't a bearer of the Dragon's Flame is given some of that flame by a bearer. They then have to do the whole protection thing and the flame physically manifests in the form of magical armor for them.
The royal family of Domino was actually protecting the flame and not using it themselves. Daphne, as a nymph, was one of the guardians but put the flame in Bloom when the ancestral witches rocked up to protect both her and the flame.
Originally, there were more flame bearers but they had all died naturally or in battle! Their part of the flame would go to the Vortex of Flames which the Nymphs of Domino protected (and hid so no one would steal it). It's actually against the rules for someone to take any part of the flame and give it to someone else. The Vortex (which is kind of alive?) chooses the next bearers and sends out parts of the flame to whoever it picks. This is why Bloom is so powerful - because she has all of the flame instead of just one part of it.
The Winx graduated in season 4 and didn't go back as students in season 5 (I never understood that). They continued to be teachers! The specialists never actually graduate in the traditional sense? They're students up until their fifth year where they then get registered as an official specialist team. So... I guess you can say they graduate in season 4 too? They continue to live and train at Red since they're one of the live-in teams though.
There's essentially a council with representatives from all of the planets who help govern things. They established a "no death penalty" law and the planets that the Trix are from are all part of that council so they have to keep sending them to jail 💀
Tecna gained her Enchantix from saving Andros because there were people from Zenith living on Andros at the time (so the whole "saving the whole universe" technicality didn't happen).
The Ancestral Witches had lived for hundreds of years before the Company of Light defeated them. The CoL had also fought them for hundreds of years but "officially" defeated them and ended the war right after Bloom was sent away. Before that, the witches had been looking for the flame and wreaking havoc everywhere.
A big reason why there was so little information on the Dragon's Flame, Domino, and Daphne is that the royal family intentionally kept a tight lip so no one would figure out they had the flame. A lot of the planets, despite being so connected, also keep to themselves so most people just thought "aw shucks guess the nasty witches killed a whole planet for no reason".
Bloom was named Bloom by her biological parents too. Daphne's magic also influenced her adoptive parents to call her Bloom.
Queen Morgana had been locked up hundreds of years ago when the wizards defeated the Earth fairies, however, she was briefly able to leave in hopes that someone could help them, only to find that humans no longer believed in magic. She managed to stay for a couple of years where she fell in love with Roxy's father and had Roxy but had to flee back to captivity as her magic was weakening.
As for some smaller changes, Helia used his magic a lot more but never picked a magic stream (ie fairy, witch, wizard, etc). Riven didn't leave at the end of season 6 nor break up with Musa. Nex and Roy were there but they were just friends we made - they didn't date Aisha. Daphne was never brought back to life but was able to ascend her spirit to goddess level (which allowed her to manifest a physical form to visit realms). Diaspro was officially locked up after season 3; she was able to get out because of her parents but she was banned from the Eraklyon castle and interacting with Sky.
Hm... that's all I can think of right now! I'll update this if I remember more!
Anyway, I'd love to know about your DR! Being a mind fairy sounds like so much fun!
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bloom-agreste-cheng · 2 years
Winx Club Planet Origins
I have ideas for how the planets in Winx Club came to be besides the Great Dragon creating the universe. You know how Stella yells “Solaria” for her first transformation in 1x01? I wondered, what if the other fairies in the Magical Dimension did that too. So I decided to create some headcanons about how the Winx’s planets were created. Cause we know where they are from canonically so it’s easier to build headcanons around them.
Domino was designed meticulously by the Great Dragon and it let its essence deep into its magical core/ heart after it died. This is why guardians of the flame are mainly born on Domino. I headcanon that before he went to sleep, the Dragon chose a family line to keep his power and keep watch on the Magical Dimension. He decreed that whoever holds his flame is to be the guardian of the dimension. After the great witches of the dark killed him, the inhabitants say that you can still feel it’s heat, its essence around sacred areas of Domino. Like the Vortex of Flames which is why the royal family built its castle around it, to be close to the dragon. Now on Domino many believe that they all hold a spark of the flame, that their power is connected to the dragon. So until they find their own battle cries, most fairies choose to invoke the great dragon to give them strength. For example: “by the Power of the Great Dragon, DOMINO LEND YOUR FURY!”
Solaria and Lunaria were created by opposing forces. The Great Dragon and the Water Stars had a fight which resulted in the great sun of solaria, which was created from the Dragon, and the Moons of Lunaria created by the Water Stars. When the Stars left, the dragon molded both planets after the light and sheer power floating around since their fight. He then made them neighbours so that everyone knew of the si and moon. Also to make sure Solaria understood where it came from, the dragon forged the second sun out of the first and gave it to the inhabitants, specifically to one he built to have special connection with it. The second sun is why fairies of Solaria scream “Solaria, Let your suns SHINE” because it’s second sun’s light is what powers their beloved planet.
Linphea is Mother Nature’s real name. After being created by the great Dragon, she went around the universe to spread her magic and nature. She chose planet Linphea as her final resting place and gave her heart to power the planet’s magic. The inhabitants can call on her name to help them transform. “By the great roots of Mother Nature, Linphea, I call on your forces.”
Melody as well as the rest of the Harmonic Nebula, was sung into existence by a nymph of the same name, who was graced with the power of the dragon fire. Legend has it that when you achieve pure harmony in yourself and the world around you, you can still hear the nymph‘s song in Melody’s core. So now, young fairies call on “Sing us a Melody!”
Andros and Zenith were once one planet until a comet separated them both. Let’s focus on Andros first. After the collision, Andros became most water. The dragon decided to populate the waters with mermaids and tasked them to protect the oceans of every world, hence the gates. Since fairies are the guardians of nature, mermaids are the guardians of the oceans. Some mermaids chose to leave the oceans and become land dwellers like those they’ve seen from other planets. But they never forget their origins even after intermingling with other planets. To remember their mermaid origins, the Androsian fairies say “I call on the powers of the mermaid, ANDROS, let your currents roar.”
Zenith terraformed over years and is considered one of the youngest planet in the magical dimension. The planet’s core was built from a material enchanted by magic from other planets. The inhabitants originally came from Andros. Those are are the people who choose to completely deny their mermaid heritage. They eventually brought in other people from the other dimensions which is why they have fairies and other creatures… just enough to be considered a magical planet. Everyone on the planet grew rather ambitious and were eager to prove Zenith as a great planet hence the drive to become the most technologically advanced planet in the magical dimension. They are actually the inspiration for Magix City as they were the first people to converge magic and technology. The inhabitants chose the name Zenith because it means the highest point of power which is what they always aim for—perfection. This is a world that doesn’t follow a type of religion unlike the others which makes them so unique. The fairies that come from this planet call on the core of Zenith to power them up with a simple phrase; may our power reach its ZENITH.
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winxrewrite · 11 months
asking for Critique on my winx club secret of the lost kingdom rewrite!
this is just the first draft so there are a few things ive changed, mainly in the girls character arcs
i feel like i didn't change enough but at the same time i tried keeping what i liked which ended up being allot.
Chapter 1: Graduation Blues
The Winx and Specialists graduate, becoming legal guardian fairies.
Bloom is the only one without a clear path, feeling left behind and uncertain about finding her parents.
Daphne is unreachable, and Faragonda can't provide much information.
Bloom returns to Gardenia with little direction.Each Winx member pursues their post-graduation path: Flora takes a part-time teaching assistant job in Linphea. Musa goes back to Melody to further her music career. Tecna becomes the new guardian fairy of Zenith. Aisha faces loneliness in Andros. Stella tackles Solaria's issues.
Chapter 2 : Bloom's Desolation
Bloom feels increasingly isolated as everyone moves on.
Mitzy's progress intensifies Bloom's sense of stagnation.
Bloom has a recurring dream with a fading Daphne.
Bloom wakes up determined, calls the Winx to regroup.
She has a lead on finding her parents and needs their help.
The Winx and Specialists gather on Domino.
Chapter 4 : The book of fate
Bloom uses Daphne's mask to find the library.
They encounter challenges, including a giant bird.
The Winx claim  the bird and find  the Book of Fate.
Daphne fully fades; her powers go to Oritel's sword.
Ancestral witches awaken, sensing the Winx.
Mandragora is summoned, stealing Daphne's spark.
Chapter 5 : Invasion of Alfea
Mandragora invades Alfea, causing significant damage.
Pixies arrive to help in the restoration.
The Winx share the prophecy with Faragonda.
The Winx get permission to go to Obsidian.
They gain a portal and arrive with the Specialists.
Dark energy of Obsidian affects the Winx but not the Specialists.
Chapter 6: The Obsidian
The Winx face illusions tailored to each of them.
The Winx regroup at the resting place of the ancestral witches.
Ancestral witches mock them and attack.
Aisha, Tecna, Stella, Flora, and Musa succumb to Obsidian's dark energy.
Bloom remains immune to Obsidian's dark energy.
The ancestral witches attempt to manipulate Bloom into breaking the sword.
Bloom fights back, risking her powers.
Using Enchantix energy, Bloom frees her father.
Bloom loses Enchantix and transforms back into her base form. The ancestor witches try going after her father, she then took the blow for him. Killing her instantly.
Daphne appears and possesses Bloom.
Chapter 7 : Reincarnation
Oritel and Daphne engage in a fierce battle.
The witches summon Mandragora.
Daphne defeats Mandragora alongside oritel.
Obsidian is destroyed, saving Domino.
Chapter 8 : Aftermath and Reflection
Daphne merges with Bloom's powers and moves on.
Bloom feels a mix of relief and uselessness.
We get a few flashes of resolutions for the girls.
A celebration ball is held in Domino.
Bartleby hints at more challenges for the Winx.
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winx-lore · 1 year
Thoughts on Alphea
(Again I know this is a kids show but my mind wonders when i'm bored so I present to you this)
In the Winx Club, Alfea is the main location featured in the show, even when the girls have graduated school, however not much is explained about the school itself and how it runs and has to be inferred instead. So thats what I did.
So how would I propose that Alfea be designed?
The school would first of all not be a High school but instead a university/college which they attend from 18 years old (ish). The show was written and aimed for kids so I understand making Bloom 16 at the start of S1. However between the dorm mates, parties, parental freedom and training to become royals and fighters it makes more sense for the Winx, students of Alphea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain to be older than the 16 year olds in season 1. I would note that in this concept students in Red fountain start when their 16ish and have 5 years at red fountain (start training them young and explains why the boys were already red fountain students at the start of S1).
Alfea would also not be a normal college, but instead a very highly ranked college with large tuition fees and barriers to enter. Like older colleges and universities there is the prestige that comes with attending an older established institute, especially one responsible for holding magical objects (think codex S2) and hosting members of the Company of Light. The school would have better facilities (Magical reality Chamber), teachers and future opportunities than most other magic colleges in the magical dimension.
Alfea would also differ from other colleges by striving to make their students earn Charmix and teach and help train their Enchantix. Enchantix is a fairy form that is not earned easily and not commonly achieved and so most magic schools do not cover such a high power form. However Alfea is there to teach the next generation of Leaders and Guardians and so push their students. Training them if they develop Enchantix, or just going into great detail about these powers or help so they can to best prepare them for the future where they have a higher chance of earning Enchantix. (cos they will be responsible for people)
Because of this high quality of education plus the prestige associated with Alfea many royals and political leaders send their children to attend. These children make up a large portion of the schools students which ties in with the large amount of royalty we see in the series. Such as Stella, Crystal, Galatea and Veranda (though she didn't end up attending), even Musa, in one of the animation versions, is technically a distant royal . In this concept I would make Techna the daughter of a council member of Zenith, so not royalty and also not a role that can be inherited but only voted in democratically.
As well as these upperclass students there are also students who come from more normal backgrounds, who are chosen to attend due to having strong magical abilities with the aim of them becoming guardian fairies when they graduate and help defend the magical dimension. These students are able to apply and attend Alfea through the support of a sponsor. A sponsor vouches for the students entry as well as cover their costs and can be either an institution (such as a planet/royal family/Alfea itself) or a person (such as a Guardian/Nymph/Influential member of society).
The best example of this type of student in this concept would be Flora. In the series she is the daughter of two Vets on Linphea and in this concept lives in Separate land from the main Linphea (where the royals live) which is a nature reserve for animals and so only has small villages of humans. She is recognised by teachers for her stronger powers (she is the fairy of nature) which leads to the royal family sponsoring her to attend Alfea so to become a guardian fairy for Linphea. This would explain why her younger sister attends the Linphean fairy college in the later seasons as she is not sponsored and has to stay more local.
Overall Alfea would not be a normal school, but instead one for the development and training for the future Leaders, Protectors and visionaries of the Magical dimension. Which then makes the abnormal amount of royals and the amount of times the school is in danger in the series more plausible.
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about Tecna
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• Fairy of technology and Guardian fairy of Zenith
• born on December 16th ♐
• fairy sign: Triton
• practical and logical
• has trouble expressing her emotions
• loves science and doing experiments
• cares about her friends even if she can't show it
• bff: Musa
• favorite color: light blue
• favorite food: spinach
• likes playing video games, computer programming, playing chess, and solving puzzles
• favorite animal: Dolphins
• ideal boyfriend: Intelligent, tender and clumsy, like Timmy
• favorite movies: Science fiction
• favorite music: Pop and Jazz
• favorite subject: Electromagic
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• has the sickest gaming corner in her room, she likes to spend hours there playing with/against Timmy or programming
• won't let anyone near her computer, that's her sanctuary — and also doesn't trust Stella around it with nail polish
• probably loves talking about the best noise cancelling headphones with Musa, also helps her edit her music videos
• Timmy and her created a VR room to spend time together even when he's busy with his duties as a specialist and her as guardian fairy
• even tho she loves the online world, once in a while she loves to go out and discover the city
• she would probably watch conspiracy theory videos with Musa and Bloom and then list down all the logical reasons why is not real (or why it is)
• always up to day with the newest technologies ofc
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solar-tl-27 · 10 months
Do you have more original characters to introduce in your version of Winx?
I got a bunch!
I mostly make the original characters to either combine several character plots into one. Or help build the new lore I’m building!
Most of these will be slightly familiar!
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1. Blush
Blush is a character i’ll be adding along roxy in my version of season 4
She’s made to further the earth plot line & enrich the team, basically roxy’s specialist but just friends
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2. Azrail
Azrail is my version of archeron, he did so little in the canon i just went.. ok bu5 what if i flat out replace him. And now we have az! She will be a far more involved villain and i just really enjoy drawing her!
3. Malcolm
My version of brandon’s dad, another character i… very much enjoy drawing. He’s an important character in the eraklyon lore! He’s kind of a bad dad but he’s overall good at his job!
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4. Zoof
Behold… klashara 😅 or what’s left of her animal form. Kalshara will still be a character in my version however her story sadly did end during the time she & faragonda went to school. So in my version we have zoof! An absolute mascot of a little guy. Zoof was originally kal’s fairy animal but due to her disappearance they are now faragonda’s fairy animal and a little bit of a school mascot!
5. Har
Harmony or Har is flora’s older brother & guardian, he’s not an often appearing character but he’s a bio scientist in Lymphea
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6. Cryos
Cryos is technically already a character that existed but basically all that’s left of him with my version.. is his name. So i do count my cryos as original.
He’s basically just a kid who’s got the dna of the old king of zenith (it’s giving hunter from toh)
And he’s basically just used for his magical properties until the winx help him out
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7. Senator Blanche Tidell
Tidell is the curent senator of the engineering high commission of zenith. A character of high importantce in the zenith & andros season of my rewrite. Former head researcher for an archeological expedition into cave systems from old zenith, but she now seems to have 0 interest in the old zenith’s mysteries.. or it’s appointed guardian fairy.
8. Eryx
Eryx is the on call doctor for alfea, red fountain & cloud tower. He’s also tecna’s guardian sho she had somewhere to go when not at alfea. Eryx also originates from zenith and was a well known geneticist & researcher before switching to a career path as a on call doctor. However it seems his past has started to haunt him with senator Tidell’s ideology .
That’s all I have for now! There probably will be more in the future to help with lore building, but this is all I have rn!
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