#guaranteed income plans
Securing Your Golden Years: A Comprehensive Guide to Annuity Plans
It is a financial instrument that converts a lump sum investment into a stream of regular payments, typically used for generating retirement income.
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gideonisms · 1 year
.....realized I would literally rather work 12 hours a day and come home to complete silence where my space is exactly the way I like it and I don't have to continue to mask my reactions than have to work all day then come back to a roommate. wish I'd had this realization 2 months ago. I've been crying about how much I don't want to live with someone else and just NOW realized I'm an adult and I've organized my life in such a way that I don't technically Have to I can just work harder at a number of kind of shitty jobs I'm qualified for
#had a whole breakdown in private when i found out they had already leased my place i am hot mess this year#there are other places around the same price it was just. i thought about not having to move and the instant relief and hope for the future#then again i thought about not having to live with anyone else in general and that did also restore my hope for the future a tiny bit#if i had just realized i can do what i want even a month ago#:(#i don't WANT to suffer the 2-4 month mental consequences of changing where i live#i was getting a roommate because i was like. so i lose my ability to be around people and still function/hold down a job every 2 years#i should start planning for the next go around of the cycle#THEN i realized wait. i was living with my family for burnout 1#i was working 2 jobs and going to school for burnout 2#i was living with a roommate for burnout 3#(extension of burnout 2)#i was living with my family working full time and doing classes online for burnout 4#what if. here's a thought#i wasn't living with family i wasn't living with a roommate i wasn't in school#and i worked the same shitty job that gave me $16 an hour#but at the end of the day i just didn't have to do any other work#hm.#idk if i will even be able to find a place that accepts me on my own without a guaranteed income but#god it would help me keep a guaranteed income to live alone#who knows maybe i'd even be able to get therapy for the fact that i have never felt truly comfortable around anyone irl#it's always been like i had to force myself through anyway but what if i got to stop for even like 2 years
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smokeys-house · 2 years
It will never not upset me that my brother's friend gets to live off a huge budget bc he tweaked his back a teeny bit in the military but because I was born with an illness that developed over many years and did not join the military I'm just supposed to suck it up and work myself to death I guess.
the man literally plays full contact sports for fun and has full mobility. I can barely work an 8 shift as a custodian and am regularly disabled. which one of us gets paid a living wage hmmm
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ikea-doona · 1 year
drives me crazy when casual employers act like they’re beholden to treat their employees badly even when they ✨don’t want to✨ esp when it’s an under-the-table type situation
like “ooh i can’t deny them work even though i’m the one cancelling on them, so i’ll bend over backwards to make sure they still do the same number of hours” …..or you could. idk. pay them their promised hours and give them the day off anyway on public holidays or if you cancel last-minute
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ageasfederal · 7 months
Guaranteed Lifetime Income Plans | Ageas Federal Life Insurance
Purchase an Ageas Federal guaranteed lifetime income plan online today. Enjoy the assurance of regular income for life with the flexibility to opt for either immediate or deferred annuity payments. Contact us for further details and personalized assistance.
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lifepolicy · 1 year
Guaranteed Income Plan
ICICI Pru Guaranteed Income plan For Tomorrow (Long-term) offers *100% guaranteed income* for a long-term period of 15 - 30 years. Get regular assured income irrespective of market fluctuations
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jainifashion · 1 year
Unlock Your Financial Future with HDFC Life
Unlock Your Financial Future with HDFC Life Your Trusted Partner for Term Plans, Pension Plans, Savings Plans, and More HDFC-Life-Insurance-Company At HDFC Life, we understand the significance of financial security and the peace of mind it brings. With a wide range of comprehensive insurance and investment solutions, we are here to help you build a strong foundation for your future. Our diverse…
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How it's going as a trans person in Florida: Planned Parenthood, 26Health, and Spektrum Health have announced they have paused all gender affirming care.
To recap, DeSantis signed several anti-trans bills into law this week. Care is banned for minors, care is all but banned for adults, Don't Say Gay has been extended, children can be kidnapped from affirming parents by non-affirming family, and there is a bathroom bill that subjects trans folks to arrest for using government owned facilities, such as those in courthouses, airports, many stadiums and parks.
The adult effective ban was felt immediately. The main elements are:
signing at every visit an in-person informed consent form created by the state
all care come from physicians instead of nurse practitioners
no telemed for gender-affirming care
Currently, it is unknown if existing HRT prescriptions written by NPs will be honored by pharmacies. I personally know one person who was able to pick up testosterone yesterday, but I have also read many reports of folks being denied. I myself don't have a refill ready for another 10 days and will report back after I try my own pickup.
What's additionally dangerous is those of us, myself included, who get non-HRT prescriptions from our gender clinics now face the uncertainty of continuing of *all* of our medical care. Our health clinics are at risk of shuttering permanently as they lose major income, and many of us will lose STD meds, depression meds, heart meds, etc, etc.
When we say "this will kill us," it goes beyond suicide risk from forced detransition.
"But you can still get HRT from a physician."
So many suck or are outright hostile and the demand outstrips the supply. Before I found my NP-run clinic, one physician just decided to not call in my Rx, another was so shit at reading lab results, he thought I had hepatitis, and the third I had to threaten to kick in the teeth for trying to force too large a speculum in me.
Also, the state-required consent form has not been finalized and distributed yet, so at this point, everything has pretty much ground to a halt.
It was estimated that 80% of trans adults would lose their healthcare because of how many use providers like Planned Parenthood, but the impact seems even greater now.
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"You can get your non-gender care elsewhere still."
DeSantis recently signed a bill that allows healthcare professionals to discriminate against trans people.
Sure, we can try to find care elsewhere, but it will be a slow and expensive process, with no guarantees. It took me over 20 years to get my heart condition treated because of transphobic doctors.
What can I do as a trans Floridian?
Stay in communication with your clinic - many are working on getting physicians added to the roster to prescribe HRT. Lawsuits are being filed and it's possible the changes to adult care can be rolled back.
Continue to try to pick up your meds, but begin looking for care elsewhere, though. Inside and outside the state.
Remember that while telemed for gender affirming care has been banned, you can still cross state lines for care. See Erin's map of informed consent clinics.
Many people will turn to DIY, but be sure you are aware of the risks here, especially if on testosterone, which is a controlled substance.
What should I be worried about next as a trans Floridian?
I worry about the following next steps towards genocide:
Banning getting care out of state. This is from the anti-abortion playbook. They will likely start with kids again, but we've seen how quickly adult care gets axed.
Being declared mentally incompetent or a risk in some way. This could be anything from being barred from gun ownership to not being allowed to work for the government.
Being declared a de facto predator. This has already happened with the latest bathroom law (cis people can eject trans people from government owned single-gender facilities, with arrest as a penalty), so watch out for it being applied to privately-owned facilities. Watch for discussions of official lists of trans people.
Gender presentation enforcement laws, essentially banning "cross dressing". Laws that block or rollback documentation changes.
These all have historic precedence and are huge "I'm in danger" red flags.
What can I do as a cis person?
Amplify all this news. Talk frankly about how this is genocide. And donate what you can to trans mutual aid campaigns so people can travel to get healthcare or even leave the state.
Here's some articles to get started on building awareness:
Take care, everyone, of yourself and each other.
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policychayan · 1 year
Understanding the Difference between Guaranteed Returns and Assured Returns
Yielding practical and good decisions is an art that life experiences teach us. To secure your family's future, it gets quintessential to make some good decisions that are related to investments. Therefore, people all around the world have started to comprehend the significance of life insurance and retirement plans. But, have you ever noticed that you entered a bank to choose the best investment plan but ended up getting trapped in the turmoil of confusion. The jargon of banks and insurance agents is tricky to understand thoroughly. And when it comes to insurance and retirement plans, one cannot afford to struggle with misunderstandings. Such misunderstandings usually entail consequences.
Two terms that are usually complicated for people to grasp are 'guaranteed returns' and 'assured returns". These terms may sound similar, but in reality both of them are distinctive. While both terms are associated with the monetary advantages of a Savings scheme, still don't be mistaken by assuming them alike.
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Let's Understand the Best Guaranteed Return Plan
When it comes to guaranteed returns, the conditions that are mandated to be fulfilled concerning the bank's financial health do not exist. Irrespective of the economic state of the bank or the insurance provider, it implies that the benefits will be delivered to the investor. A guaranteed, predefined (during the plan's purchase) sum of money will be given as a monetary benefit.
In life insurance, the guaranteed return is the minimum sum that the policyholder or nominee is eligible to receive when they reach the age of maturity, or in simpler words, when a policyholder outlasts the life insurance policy tenure.
A policy buyer who expresses their wish to purchase investment plans in India needs to pay attention to the amount of the guaranteed returns on the plans they are going through. It is possible that the higher guaranteed returns sum will secure your family's future instead of highly volatile assured returns.
Benefits of Guaranteed Returns are highlighted below:
Irrespective of the financial health, the insurer is accountable to pay the policyholder a predetermined sum after maturity.
Such plans concern fewer risk elements and usually present better benefits. 
Disadvantages of Guaranteed Returns are stated below:
The amount for guaranteed returns is typically lesser than how much an assured return could be. It is because the bank desires to minimize its risk factor to circumvent bankruptcy.
Premiums may be higher.
 What are Assured Returns?
The provider of insurance or saving plans offers assured returns, after deciding that the benefits will be delivered, regardless of the market performance of the fund option. Even if the market performance is unsatisfactory, or if the bank is encountering market-related volatility, the investor will remain liable to pay the money that was assured.
Nonetheless, this assured benefit relies on the capital-resource health and financial condition of the insurer or bank. If the bank or insurance provider announces bankruptcy or does not have adequate funds to pay off the investor, they will not be able to reap any benefits.
Market performance is unquestionably an important deciding factor regarding how each insurance plan pays you. It is necessary to comprehend that banks are also businesses, and loaning enormous amounts of money and securing the lives of several people is only achievable if these organizations earn some profits to keep the infrastructure and the machinery operating smoothly. Small banks frequently render assured returns instead of guaranteed returns to avert bankruptcy.
A note to remember- Sum Assured does not imply Assured Returns
A potential seeker can discover an array of investment options in INDIA that delivers assured return on investment.
The minimum sum payable by the insurer if policyholder's passes is understood as the sum assured. It suggests that the sum assured is the actual coverage rendered by the plan you prefer. It also decides how much money the policyholder is liable to pay as a premium for his installments.
Without any doubt, you have to look out for the sum assured amount when selecting your investment plans.
Advantages of Assured Returns
If the monetary value of your life insurance augments over the tenure of your policy, your assured sum may augment.
Usually the selection of a reliable bank lessens the risk.
When the bank repudiates claims despite not struggling with poor financial health, you can always take them to court and ask for settlement.
Nevertheless, if you are making plans with assured returns, it makes a smart choice to have a few backup plans ready to evade a situation where there is a possibility of no returns.
Disadvantages of Assured Returns
If you plan to invest in a bank that sustains an erratic track record, there is a high chance of not receiving a large sum as an assured return.
Unbelievably high-risk factors particularly when you invest in a small or amateur bank.
There is a high chance that your nominee will be denied death claims or maturity benefits.
Key takeaways:
While guaranteed returns, assured sum, and assured returns all fall under life insurance policies and savings plans, it's not always necessary to purchase two individual plans to reap these benefits. Most policies are designed to yield both a sum assured and a guaranteed return, but there is a catch that the policyholder will get only one of the two. The risk you want to bear when you choose a saving plan may not always be apparent at the beginning, so make sure to conduct a comprehensive research to stumble upon an immaculate plan. Searching online can also help you find a 100% Money Back Policy.
If your retirement is approaching, you need to look for a plan that offers lifetime Guaranteed Income. It will help you get a peace of mind that you will have a stable flow of income to fulfill your needs.
At present, it is no longer a daunting task to find a bank or insurance provider that can offer guaranteed benefits and the option to choose your savings horizon. If all premiums have been paid, a policyholder will enjoy guaranteed benefits at maturity.
This plan delivers life cover for the entire term, where you have to pay premiums only for a fixed period. Nominees will get a guaranteed lump sum of money on the death of the policyholder; and rest of the premium payments will be waived off.  Additionally, benefits will be paid to the nominees when the plan reaches the maturity date.
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122de2f3f · 2 years
Guaranteed Income Plan
Purchase our Guaranteed Income Plans, which provide *100% guaranteed income* for a period of 15 - 30 years. Also Get a steady income regardless of market fluctuations.
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cepheustarot · 2 months
Random facts about your future spouse
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
✧ Masterlist ✧ Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: Your future spouse is younger than you, but by nature very responsible and mature, quite reasonable and soberly looks at life, objective and honest, not one of those who hides the truth, can sometimes be too straightforward. They may look harsh, cold and unapproachable, but next to you they are very gentle, romantic and caring. This person is very fond of arranging romantic surprises, and in general tends to devote a lot of time and attention to lover. They can often arrange dates or give you gifts, talk a lot of tenderness. They also take great care of their figure, they probably have an athletic physique and they can often exercise and monitor their diet to maintain their figure. Their profession or occupation is closely related to a managerial position, they can work in the field of law, research, in the field of exact sciences, in particular physics and mathematics, in the field of medicine. They are quite educated and constantly improve their skills, in their free time they prefer reading books or listening to lectures or videos on a narrow specialized topic. They may be from a conservative and religious family. They also don't really like stability, they like to change something in their lives, for example, they can often rearrange rooms, they can experiment with style, or they can often get out of the house and do something they like, because they don't like to stay at home for a long time.
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Pile 2: Your future spouse is quite an intelligent, erudite person, when talking to them, you may get the impression that your spouse knows everything and can answer any of your questions — and they really understand many topics. Perhaps their line of work is closely related to writing texts, they may be interested in journalism, writing, philosophy, and like to watch documentaries. By their nature, they are very calm, they can be slow, they have a relaxed speech, posture, facial expression and in general they are very relaxed in life, they are probably one of those who do not worry about trifles and live one day. They are quite responsive, kind, talkative and like to chat a lot, but they also like to listen to others. Perhaps in the past they were fond of horse riding or they dream of trying to do it! They are also fond of gardening, perhaps their family has its own farm or a house outside the city with its own vegetable garden. They are not afraid of competition, on the contrary, competition only motivates them, adds excitement. This applies to everything, even games are taken seriously and can perceive games not as entertainment, but as competition, to win at any cost.
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Pile 3: Your future spouse is a calm and reasonable person, they cannot be called conflicted, but if make them angry, they always know what to say so that they close their mouth to the interlocutor and that their opponent feels ashamed and regrets that he even started arguing. They have a stable job and a stable income, it's hard to say that they are striving for promotion, they are satisfied with what they have now, they are completely satisfied with their career. They can do charity work, volunteer from time to time, or work in animal shelters. Although they are calm for the most part, they tend to worry about their future from time to time, they can also have a lot of fears and they can panic too much when something does not go according to plan or when they face the slightest setback. By themselves, they are quite detached, they like to be alone, they are thoughtful and carefully choose their words before saying something and think a lot before doing anything. In terms of relationships, they are hardly romantic, but they are very loyal and will be with their loved one until the end, they respect their partner and support him in any decisions. The union with such a person is very strong and long.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 💕
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
Going through the bills proposed in the kentucky 2024 legislative session and some of the things being proposed are
make a PFAS Working Group
require homeless shelters to provide free menstrual products (it's actually disturbing that they didn't already)
require schools to provide free menstrual products
create harm reduction centers and lower penalties for possessing controlled substances
require insurance to pay for cancer screenings (okay. low bar but okay)
abolish the death penalty (actually has a couple republican sponsors)
decriminalize cannabis
make fluoridation of water in districts optional (?????)
make coal the "state rock" of Kentucky
Prohibit children from being interrogated in a "deceptive manner" (?)
Make weight discrimination illegal
pay schools to food grown at kentucky farms to provide for school meals at low income schools (hey that's rad)
Lower the age of carrying a concealed deadly weapon from 21 to 18 (?????????????)
Require companies to give their employees earned paid sick leave
Impose restrictions on the collection of biometric data by private entities
Allow poultry to be sold at farmers' markets and at farms
pay for cancer screenings for firefighters
let pregnant incarcerated people have midwives or doula services
require that public high school curriculum include instruction on the history of racism
Remove Robert E. Lee Day, Confederate Memorial Day, and Jefferson Davis Day from the list of public holidays (WE HAVE THOSE?!!?!?!)
Retroactively expunge some cannabis convictions
"Prohibit public school districts from expanding any resources or funds on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging or political or social activism; prohibit public school districts from engaging in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging" (HUH?????)
require schools to give kids a lunch period of at least 30 minutes (the bar is in hell)
provide scholarships for teachers to help the teacher shortage and give teachers compensation for planning time
require schools to have defibrillators
make it so a homeless person doesn't have to pay to get a copy of their birth certificate
require a working smoke detector to be present in any house sold (...did we not already have this?)
create the Kentucky Urban Farming Youth Initiative
Require local governments to lower minimum square footage requirements for housing, and facilitate multifamily housing, manufactured housing, and "tiny homes," and require that zoning laws have a "substantial connection to protection of public safety, health, and usage of property" (This could be a good thing??)
require hiring and licensing authorities to allow people convicted of a crime an opportunity to get a job
Propose a new section of the Kentucky Constitution that guarantees the right of an individual to buy, sell, or use a certain amount of cannabis and to grow a small amount of cannabis plants, and put this on the ballot (LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE please this would be so funny)
Now let's watch how many of the good and basic common sense laws get left to die by Republicans because Republicans are ghouls
this is why it's important to vote in local elections, this is the kind of stuff that's being decided upon
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genderqueerdykes · 6 months
homeless disabled trans person needs help paying for hotel, storage unit & phone while government assistance housing program keeps delaying their move in date
March 21st, 3/21/2024: hello, I'm equinox or Johnny, I'm a severely multiply disabled trans person living in a hotel right now due to not being able to afford apartments on the housing market right now. i have a guaranteed apartment through a government assistance program, but their compliance team keeps delaying my move in date because they cannot figure out how to calculate my earned income because i am self employed. they have been running me in circles asking for the exact same information for six months and have been becoming increasingly more condescending and rude as I've pointed out that they're asking for information i physically cannot provide, like "bank statements" for GoFundMe, a fundraiser website that considers all money earned personal gifts, and tumblr bank statements.
i haven't been able to get my hormones in weeks.
i was promised to move into my apartment on the 7th, then the 11th of this month, and it was requested of me to put the electricity bill in my name so I could get moved in as soon as possible. I did this and now i have a $20 electric bill in my name because they've delayed for so long. my unit has been sitting empty for 6 months and now I'm expected to pay for the electricity that is running in a 1 bedroom apartment I'm not living in.
i have been homeless for 6 months straight. i have been living in my hotel for 2 months. my hotel has been without WiFi for a month which forced me to get a Tracfone with a data plan so I can do my job and communicate with this apartment complex via email. i unfortunately need to buy more data because this has taken so long. most of my possessions including large portions of my stock and shipping supplies are in my storage unit, of which the $78 bill is due in 3 days.
the hotel I'm staying at is normally $40/night but the prices are skyrocketing this weekend because this is a very cheap hotel due to its low rates. i can't afford any of these nights independently of each other, let alone altogether, and it's Thursday and i haven't heard a single word about my move in date.
i have been depressed and crying for days, i cracked a tooth from clenching my teeth and i haven't been sleeping due to stress and nightmares. anything helps. thank you for taking the time to read and support and share. everyone has kept me housed for 2 months so far. i owe you all so much
cash app: $glitterGraphix
venmo: @ Equinoxian
chime: @ Equinoxian
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
hello hello! if youre usamerican with federal college debt thats about to start needing to be repaid, you should make sure youve gone to check out the new SAVE income based repayment plan the biden administration recently passed. this plan allows you to pay a monthly deposit that’s calculated based on your income. a few things make this different from the existing income based plans, including that your monthly repayment could be as low as $0 per month. if you pay the calculated amount, no further interest is accrued for the month, and if you keep up with these payments (which again, if youre like me and you dont make a lot of money might be ZERO dollars per month) then all your remaining debt will be forgiven after 12-25 years depending on your specific loans. the program application is very easy but processing takes about a month, so nows the time to get it in before repayment begins in november.
tldr: the SAVE federal aid plan can have you paying $0/month with no accruing interest on your student loans towards a guaranteed debt forgiveness after 12-25 years and you can read more about it and apply for it here!
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In international development circles, most people are familiar with the World Bank’s data showing that extreme poverty has declined dramatically over the past several decades, from 43 per cent of the world’s population in 1981 to less than 10 per cent today. This narrative is based on the World Bank’s method of calculating the share of people who live on less than $1.90 per day (in 2011 “PPP” terms). But a growing body of literature argues that the World Bank’s PPP-based method suffers from a major empirical limitation, in that it does not account for the cost of meeting basic needs in any given context (see here, here and here). Having more than $1.90 PPP does not guarantee that a person can afford the specific goods and services that are necessary for survival. In recent years, scholars have developed a more accurate method for measuring extreme poverty, by comparing people’s incomes to the prices of essential goods in each country (specifically food, shelter, clothing and fuel). This approach is known as the “basic needs poverty line” (BNPL), and it more closely approximates what the original concept of “extreme poverty” was intended to measure. 
Extreme poverty is not a natural condition, but a sign of severe dislocation. Historical data on real wages since the 15th century indicates that under normal conditions, across different societies and eras, people are generally able to meet their subsistence needs except during periods of severe social displacement, such as famines, wars, and institutionalised dispossession, particularly under European colonialism. What is more, BNPL data shows that many countries have managed to keep extreme poverty very close to zero, even with low levels of GDP per capita, by using strategies such as public provisioning and price controls for basic essentials. In other words, extreme poverty can be prevented much more easily than most people assume. Indeed, it need not exist at all. The fact that it persists at such high levels today indicates that severe dislocation is institutionalised in the world economy – and that markets have failed to meet the basic needs of much of humanity. To address this problem, and to end extreme poverty – the first objective of the Sustainable Development Goals – will require public planning to prioritise the production of, and guarantee access to, the specific goods and services that people need to live decent lives.
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