#guang hong my SON
deadshadowcreature · 1 year
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Predicting what will happen in the special
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jewishvitya · 1 year
Looking at the trivia part on YOI wiki just for a bit of fun. Ignore me, I’m not doing well in summer, the heat is killing me.
Kenjirou was planned as Yuri's Planned Design.
Help, Minami is what Yurio was supposed to look like. Yurio was supposed to be an angry chicken nugget.
Georgi is known in Japan as the "pigeon".
Seung-gil has an extreme aversion (a strong dislike or disinclination) to women and vegetables while he likes meat and dogs
Dislikes women and vegetables. That’s the same category. I hate cabbage and also half of humanity. Where’s that meme. “You’re gay because you love men. I’m gay because I hate women. We’re not the same.”
Seung-gil doesn't look good in anything, but he wears sportswear when he dresses himself as he basically has no interest in fashion since he's so devoted to his sport
SDKGHJLSHFGLKFHSLDH “DOESN’T LOOK GOOD IN ANYTHING” WHY SO MEAN TO HIM. He didn’t do anything, he just wanted to skate as a rainbow parrot.
He also has many mischievous friends.
This is about Otabek. What does it meannnnn. I wish I could read the source.
According to SNS, Phichit is one of the Three Most Adorable Men's Figure Skaters in Asia.
The others are Minami and Guang Hong. I love that this is a thing.
The caption on his Instagram post during the credits reads "Reunited with bae".
This is about Chris. Captioning a post with his cat. I want to know if that’s the cat’s name or if he’s just being ridiculous. Probably just being ridiculous.
Chris is near-sighted. He uses contacts when skating.
See, Yuuri, you don’t have to skate practically blind.
Emil does extreme sports during the off season, which makes his coach nervous.
dhfghdjhghjkfg I did not know this. I love. “I swear to god if you come back with a broken leg--”
It is likely that Celestino has a low alcohol tolerance.
The way this is phrased compared to the image of him passed out on the table with Phichit taking pictures
Toshiya does not know much about figure skating as he is more of a soccer fan.
That’s not an excuse, Toshiya, your son started doing it when he was a child.
On the official site, she is described as "the woman of Yuuri's dreams"
About Yuuko. I’m. What fgjhghjlfhkjg Even with my interpretation of Yuuri being bi, this is a lot.
According to Mitsurou Kubo, while the staff did their best to portray the appeal of the skaters, they didn't try very hard with Takeshi. 
Mila is seen during the Sochi GPF banquet taking pictures of Yuuri Katsuki pole dancing.
And I want to see her pictures too. We got pictures by others, give me hers too.
Sara's Instagram is sala-crispino
And I find this now, years after we had the naming discourse.
Michele is ironically described as a virgin.
The “Ironically” is the part that kills me here.
A portion of Michele's free program is skated by Yuuri Katsuki in the opening credits
Does he deserve the honor? And he was so rude to Yuuri too ( ᓂ︿⁾⁾⁾)
Actually this made me think about Viktor deciding to get back at Mickey for disrespecting Yuuri, and encouraging Yuuri to skate his program just because he’ll do it better. I think Viktor is that kind of petty.
Some part of one of Michele's skate program "Serenade for Two" have been a part of Yuri Plisetsky's skate for the opening of anime.
Definitely Viktor’s idea. And Yuri was in on it.
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saelterlude · 7 months
started making this list early (11/02) even though there's no new performance until 16/02 bcs i accidentally found somethings (also bcs I was doing that cursed height ranking).
so here is link click musical clip list pt.3! (pt.1, pt.2, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7 here)
37. 15/11/2024, this! the OG hug with Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan! Back when Shu Rongbo still (attempts to) have canon accurate split bangs and ponytail (unlike now when he has, adorable, messy bangs and a hard-to-spot ponytail), and his jacket still fits lol.
38. 17/02/2024, Cai Qi being a menace at rock paper scissors, Cai Lu being a menace on the sofa (+dog hat), and Wu Yihan being a menace to Hong Guo and they struggle to hold hands?? during curtain call. Also I don't understand why does Wu Yihan look so tiny next to Cai Qi, like? I never thought he was smol before this??
39. 06/01/2024, maybe it's because I was very tired when I found this but Du Guangyi tossing the cushion away like that is exactly my type of humor.
40. 16/02/2024, Let me give you the loudest QL slap you'll ever heard courtesy of Wu Hanglu and Wang Yifei's shoulders. Also, behavior wise Du Guangyi maybe the least LG-like LG actor but god do I like his humor (pls he jumped up the table like a pocong lol, and the way he jump kicked Wang Yifei? He's a Gem.).
(Honestly, I think I can make a whole other list just full of the shit Du Guangyi pulls. He's very mischievous but also giving grandpa. But I won't because @shimmeringweeds is working on a gifset of it <3 Goodluck!!)
41. 21/02/2024, Cai Qi being extra heart hands <3 and Wang Minhui being extra aggressive.
42. 24/02/2024 day, I have nothing to say other than Guo Hongxu is really pretty. No, I cannot explain why i pick this particular clip. Look up stage door pictures from this day too, I swear he's just really pretty on that day.
43. 25/02/2024 day, a second Guo Hongxu clip. Look at him being embarrassed and becoming a loaf.
Counting down to the 100th link click musical performance! These are the official special encore recordings from the musical's weibo acc. So they're modified versions of the actual performance.
Since we're getting into songs outside the usual encore, I'll reference you to this post by @sgdlr-asdfghjkl with lyrics and brief explanation to each song, it's an unofficial transcript but it's the best we currently have.
These first two are "Words Can't Convey My Love" (M07)
44. 20/02/2024, Wang Minhui bets he can confess better than Bai Zhuoming better, sings the confession song and fails miserably. And poor Wu Hanglu accidentally got kicked by Bai Zhuoming.
45. 22/02/2024, You have to watch this one. You have Du Guangyi being the comedic genius that he is, cocky speech, dramatic pause, Lu Guang rizz, pathetic crying, failed confetti. You get the best Wang Yifei outfit, also he's skipping around the stage. And Qian Anqi can't help but laugh too!
46. 23/01/2024, We got "Faith of Friendship" (M05). Teng Chunpeng and Du Guangyi gotta do pushups if they fail to land a shot, and the ending is hilarious, do give it a watch.
*note: You can see how M07 and M05 are actually supposed to go in the bottom of the pt.2 list.
Next two are also of the same song, the extended ver. of the sofa song "Forget About It" (M03). TW: hanging/noose. They take CXS's "I'll hang myself here" joke and put it in the song.
47. 24/02/2024 night, actor/role swap stage! Wu Yihan played CXS, Deng Xianling played LG, and Ding Xingchen played QL. Wu Yihan was definitely having fun howling here. Also, disastrous cast introduction by Ding Xingchen lol.
48. 25/02/2024 day, the actors are the right way around this time with Guo Hongxu, Ji Xiaokun, and Cai Lu. But they're all using different local dialect! You can even see Cai Lu cheats and read from her phone.
49. 25/02/2024 night, "As The Saying Goes" (M08), where mother and son have a quarrel. Cai Qi as CX gets scolded x4 by the rest of the cast as CX's mama. Yes, that includes Wang Minhui putting him in timeout. But there's more!
50. 25/02/2024 night, a very important fancam on the performance above. It's shaky but pls pay close attention to Zhang Jiahao, should be easy, the fancam is focused on him. the wig, the very real fried chicken (i thought it was a fake, it wasn't), he was munching the entire time, and the chair, thank you very much sir. You can even see him offering a bite and getting scolded by Deng Xianling.
(very good, very funny, a very special one fitting for the 50th clip.)
That's all for this list.
Last time I added a bonus clip of Wu Yihan in Love Musical. This time you can have these two bonus clips of Shu Rongbo absolutely slaying it in Hey!Arizona Musical. IDK what it's about but the set and costumes are so damn cool.
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dorothygale123 · 11 months
I'm sure all one of my followers were waiting with bated breath for my daily sh*tpost, but wait no longer, for I am here! Time for Kuan Yin 2, Electric Boogaloo!
You know how I said in my last post that Miao Shan/Kuan Yin's family all moved to live with her in the Southern Seas? WELL I may have skimmed over a FEW details about the trip. Nothing big, you know, just your standard kidnapping.
You see, on the way to the mountain the king and queen get kidnapped by the White Elephant and the Green/AZURE Lion. No one you know, I'm sure. But don't worry, the kidnapping gets fixed with the help of Ao Guang and someone my book calls the "Red Child Devil."
I'm sorry,
Those that haven't read JttW may not understand my confusion, so allow me to elaborate.
In JttW, Kuan Yin is present during Monkey's rampage through Heaven as well as his sealing under Five Phases Mountain. Then, after Buddha creates the sacred macguffin that is the driving force of the entire plot, she goes and chooses the Scripture Pilgrim and his dum-dum disciples around 500 years later. This means that Kuan Yin was already at least 500 years old by the time the story really gets going and the pilgrim posse meets Hong Hai'er aka Red Boy aka Red Child Devil aka RED SON. She takes him on as her disciple and nothing seems TOO wierd until you think about the timeline of events.
Kuan Yin was still in her 20's or maybe 30's when her family moved in with her in the Southern Seas yet Red Boy, a character she doesn't become affiliated with until she's at least 500 (maybe older, the length of Wukong's imprisonment is vague) is already helping her out??
You might argue that Red might just be a bit older than we thought, until you remember that his father the Bull Demon King is Wukong's sworn brother and definitely would have told Monkey all about his kid even IF said child was sent away to be raised by another diety to control his fire powers. This man had his son's date of birth memorized to the SECOND, you think he'd skimp on bragging about his kid to his friends? Yet in JttW, neither Monkey nor Red seem to know each other. Monkey only even learns Red is his sworn brother's son because some local mountain gods tell him, not one of them recognizing the other.
This is likely a case of mythology not really holding together under scrutiny because it wasn't MADE to, as is often the norm. Most videos by OSP will show many more examples. Here, Red was probably added to the list of rescuers because he was associated with Kuan Yin in later bits of folklore and mythology without anyone taking too close a look at it because they weren't really interested in that.
Anyway, enough about my Red Son tangent, didn't I mention something about Azure Lion? Yes, he and Yellow Tusk are there kidnapping Kuan Yin's parents. Why? Who knows! But they end the story being caught and forced to be the mounts of Kuan Yin's older sisters, which could wring out some juicy character drama if they ever met the goddess herself in more modern media.
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
A Quiet Calamity
Tag List: @skellebonez,
Riley's Notes: Knock knock bitch, it's angst o'clock. Nezha has to go talk to Ao Guang because he feels obligated to. He is NOT received the way he expected because this AU is supposed to have themes of trauma and recovery. Also, CW for referenced suicide as per Nezha's myth. Also note I am working on something else at the moment and this blog isn't high on my priorities right now.
He'd always known this would be the hardest part.
As Nezha made his way through the underwater, yet watertight city, he could feel a sinking sense of dread, a sense of fear that made his skin crawl... and that made the venom in his veins burn far worse than the restraints that had been used to subdue him. The Deity flinched as he caught glances of the distant descendants of the still-living children of Ao Guang, innumerable Dragons who each paused to look at him.
He could feel them staring, feel their judgement, feel their hatred for taking one of their ancestors from them. Nezha sighed, crossing his arms as he allowed the Fire-Tipped Spear to be taken by the Huan-Tian Ling Sash. The armillary sash clasped the spear firmly, wrapping itself around the blade in a blatant reminder of the blood that still couldn't be washed off, despite its invisibility.
Each step began to feel heavier, like someone was dragging him down, trying to stop him from going further. Still, he persisted, even though he could feel the fear of his younger self as he struggled to slow him down, even enough to stop.
The only thing he had to fear was fear itself.
Nezha walked up the steps to the grand East Sea palace, even though each piece of cut material felt sticky, like his feet would be glued to them. Still, he marched on, until he was close enough to knock on the front gates of such an enormous building.
The deity hesitated, but soon enough, two knocks on the palace doors reach his ears, and now all he could do was wait.
The East Sea Dragon King opened the doors. His eyes widened for a moment, then narrowed, brow furrowing. This man had some nerve to be here, at his palace, after all of the blood on his hands and on his spear. One of the Dragon's sons had met his fate to this man long ago, but the Dragon's wrath faltered as he saw the tired bags under the Deity's eyes, and the way he carried himself. He behaved as if he was under duress, and as if he had been forced here.
He had no will of his own.
"What did they do to you...?" Ao Guang's voice brought Nezha pause. The Deity's eyes widened as the electricity in his veins died down, and with it, his tremors. Well. If there was any kindness, any love, to be found in this terrifying place, he wasn't letting that lie.
Nezha sighed. "Only the ones that love me would believe the answers I have for that question, and I can count them on one hand. Hong Hai'Er, Bai Xian, His Highness Erlang Shen, and Lady Lian Lanhua. Although Sun Wukong and Chang'E might be applicable, which would make six."
The East Sea Dragon King released a heavy breath.
"I will not press you for an answer you are unwilling to give... but you underestimate how many cartoonishly evil acts I have heard of, witnessed, and done..."
Nezha couldn't help but restrain a chuckle. Cartoonish evil? He'd been privy to that, privy to the worst of it. He'd been a victim of it. Sure, Ao Guang had his reasons, but nothing justified it. Nothing ever would.
"Like forcing a child to-" The Deity stopped and pulled away, the icy claws of dread sinking into his heart.
"...I... I should take my leave-"
Ao Guang grabbed his wrist.
When the shorter immortal turned to him, he realized that Ao Guang's brow had furrowed, expression and thoughts muddled.
"...No. This needs to be addressed.
I didn't have the right."
With those words, it felt like the world was closing in on him. Nezha could feel the stares, feel the judgement from across the city. His lungs felt like they were filling with fluid, filling with his own blood... just like that day. His vision swam as the steps shifted beneath his feet, all while the Dragon King remained steady on them.
Ao Guang caught the ancient Deity when his legs gave way beneath him. Some part of him just wished it would all stop, wished it would wait for him. But nothing and no one would wait for him...
He needed to rest.
~ ~ ~
Ao Guang carried the tiny Deity through the halls, arms firmly yet gently clasped around him. Where a 6'2 Deity had once stood and walked alongside him, a frightened, 4'6 child was now in his arms, trying so hard to trust one of the people who'd hurt him the most.
As the East Sea Dragon King sat down in his chambers, he let Nezha rest on his lap, running his claws through the little boy's hair. It was hard for him to miss the tremors from him that resulted from every touch, no matter how light, and it made Ao Guang's heart feel like it was made of lead.
"...do you promise...? Promise not to be a scary dragon...?"
Ao Guang retracted his claws, carefully adjusting to scratch behind Nezha's ears. Six hundred years ago, he wouldn't have known how important such a small gesture would be, but he'd come to appreciate a man he hadn't even liked before as a dear friend. It was only natural at this point.
Nezha released soft purrs, breaching the relative quiet of the room. For once, the scales felt familiar, soothing, and he couldn't help it. The tension in his body melted away entirely, as if he hadn't felt like he was choking on the steps mere hours before. As his heart slowed and his eyelids grew heavy, he finally felt the magics in his veins balance themselves. Finally, the volatility was quelled for a time, and Gods, had he missed this.
Ao Guang didn't move him, even after the little Deity fell asleep there.
Footnotes: FW!Nezha sometimes regresses as a trauma response and defense mechanism. It's the only way he can fully block out his traumatic memories for lengths of time. This is how I chose to integrate both his child and adult forms into this AU, as both depictions are important.
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dragbunart · 6 years
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You ever look through the wiki’s for something, only to find out something hilarious, and end up drawing something entirely different from the reason you started looking up the info in the first place? Well, I found out Phichit, Minami, and Guang Hong in the YOI universe were named the “Top Three Most Adorable Asain Skaters”. My first thought was: Make’s sense. The Second was “Man, Minami, and Guang Hong look significantly younger than Phichit, even though they aren't”. I mean there were no official rankings, so I just guessed. I mean, Minami and Guang Hong both have the ‘cinnomon Roll’ thing going for them, so their obviously the top two. THough I randomly chose which would be first.
Headcanon: Yuuri was fourth. And Both Yuuri and Phichit have a crisis on how young they look when they glance at who they're grouped with. I mean the other two DEFINITELY don’t look 19 and 20
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girlwithribbon · 7 years
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Happy Birthday to this sweet summer child <3
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cringemonkey · 3 years
Hiiiiii uhhh haha *twirls hair on finger* have u maybe..... Seen nezha reborn...... Any thoughts if yes... I thought it was GORGEOUS and the drama hit well but idk im curious abt ur impression!!
YESSSSSS I DID LIKE 5 TIMES and YES its absolutely gorgeous and i cant state this enough i fucking loved this movie im biased obviously but its genuinely like. top 10 favorite zixuan movies for sure also...…. many many thoughts..... i loved how it took very distinct inspiration from old chinese mafia films and the difference in aesthetics right down to their style choice between them like wukong is very old school with his wardrobe and the decor around him like his mancave(tm). it reminds me of old hong kong or at the very least a fantasy reimagining hong kong like the type of shit you would find off a highly anticipated triple AAA game (chefs kiss) ao guang and ao bing reminds me of the modern shanghai type mafia movies, i really like the contrast between the two. ao guang's power is shown through the iron fist he has on donghai's water supply and the exploitations of it while wukong's is very passive power, where he plays by the rules and can easily slip under cracks. very mischievous i love it. just like the wukong i know and love
and god.GOD THE FUCKING BACKGROUNDS again everything was so gorjus im shitting and crying i also really love the mashing of different geographical locations and landscapes in a singular city, such as shanghai, hong kong, macau, and xuankong si. theres probably more that i missed but the vibes were there.
and the lore....... we only touched the surface but its literally so cool and the fact we got glimpses of other cities GOD i started bawling when i saw erlang shen in the end credits scene along with tiangou FUCKKKKKKKK I CANT WAIT also i took alot of inspo from this movie for my own reimaginings but ANYWAYS.... gonna talk about the movie some more but ill spare those who dont wanna listen or havent watched it (also some doodles sprinkled in)
the way ao guang treated ao bing was kinda WEIRD like i could very much tell he cared about him and loved him because he literally got him a new spine and tried to talk to li yunxiang like heh sorry about your friends leg lol and the cat and also heres your motorcycle back (slips you 70 gold bars) but he also seemed out of character sometimes such as. like. the confrontation yunxiang and ao bing had together cause IF YOUR SON DIED TO THIS KID
YOU SAY DONT EMBARASS ME? INSTEAD OF SCOOPING HIM UP AND RUNNING? i get that the story has to follow its actual mythology (ie. ao bing gets turned into a jump rope) so i guess i cant get too mad but i do wish we got to see more of father son dynamics. also speaking of dynamics ao guang is very much a tough love type of guy, since he was doing all of this child murdering behind ao bing's back in order to protect him but like. come on making your son fight the guy whose soul is the reincarnation of the fucker whose sole (get it lol) job is to kill your beloved son maybe. dont leave him in a room alone with him
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also shifu wukong.... chefs kiss yes...... it just made me just a TAD bit emotional when he was like.... hi nezha long time no see when yunxiang summoned him like WAHHH THEY WERE FWIENDS........
i honestly expected the movie to have a wukong and yunxiang falling out like yunxiang finding out wukong was supposed to kill him but thinking about it now im thankful they didnt because wukong knew what he wanted from the start he just wanted to throw himself off ao guangs trail for awhile
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also. i love how they interpreted the yaksha in this movie, with him being the bodyguard (caretaker in ao bings case), i love how so many nezha movies make their own little takes on the yaksha since he was a minor character in the legends. its a lovely reoccurring detail and his facial features make it kinda obvious he was the yaksha since theyre very distinctly..... scary
ALSO. final note
FUCKINNGGG one of my favorite scenes was the exposition scene done by ao guang where hes like “是他爽了我,我,东海龙王” then he stomps his fucking cane and we get to see a sexy ass floor transformation scene and his voice is all echoy and the music goes all crazy DUDE. its so fucking awesome when i first watched it i recorded that entire scene (with ao bing being thrown to the ground too L) and would just rewatch it 4827 times its awesome.
yunxiang is also a very lovely character i didnt talk about him alot till now but hes such an endearing protagonist especially since his life went to pure shit cause some stupid gay mafia boy wanted his custom made motorcycle like just fucking commission yunxiang if you wanted one asshole now youre spaghetti on the ground. hes humble and hotheaded but he loves his friends and family all dearly, when his dad died i started beating the shit outta my pillow i was so sad
ao bing was just rich boy but I LOVE IT and it works very well only thing that unnerved me was that he looks and dresses and almost acts exactly like my fucking brother like hair and all. he used to scare me by saying he was part of the chinese mafia and he proved it by showing me this arm sleeve tattoo he got from china when he visited and one time when he was driving me home from middle school i heard banging coming from the back of the car and got scared and he said he had a guy tied up in there with a monkey and they were trying to get out and each time i heard the bang he would shout SHUT UP OR ILL THROW YOU BOTH INTO THE SEA WITH YOUR ARMS AND LEGS TIED BY ROCKS and i literally fucking CRIEDDD i was so scared Turns Out it was Fucking Soda bottles.
also.sorry i know i said final note and wrote 3 more fucking paragraphs but last thing. i literally love chinese fantasy films so much cause they always end the same: with a giant fucking boss battle where the cgi goes HAM and everything gets all funky and crazy and people almost die or DO DIE and I LOVE IT SO MUCHHH its so outta left field sometimes and other times its just so DRAMATIC GODDD I LOVE IT I DONT CARE its literally my favorite cause every time it happens i Know where the movie's budget went into
anyways thats it..... my thoughts...... i also drew alot of nezha reborn fanart these past couple days for no reason i just got a burst of energy for it which ill post! also so sorry sneakystorms for replying so late i dont know when you sent it but i just kinda forgot i had an ask box when i came back BUT THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!!!!!!! and hearing me if you or anyone else managed to make it this far <3
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metiredlr · 7 years
Okay but what if >everytime they met Leo gives Guang Hong a flower crown >when they have to go back to their home countries Guang Hong is the one that gives a flower crown to Leo >and they say goodbye with a nose boop and a kiss
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clairles · 8 years
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I just want to say they are sweethearts and now everyone can see that bye
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deadshadowcreature · 3 years
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what if we revisit Ao Guang in the special?
(//spoilers, reminder that he fought Macaque offscreen)
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bookofjin · 4 years
How did Liu Kun lose Bingzhou? From what I know, his Chief Clerk basically handed over the province to Shi Le but surely it's more complicated than that, right?
Long rambling answer below
Let's start with the relevant relevant entries in the Annals of Emperor Min, JS005:
4th Year [of Jianxing], Spring, 3rd Month [9 April – 7 May 316], the King of Dai, Yilu, passed away. His multitudes reverted to Liu Kun.
[11th Month, Chang'an falls to Liu Yao.]
Shi Le besieged Leping. The Minister of Works, Liu Kun, dispatched troops to aid them, they were defeated by Le. The Grand Warden of Leping, Han Ju, set out and ran. The Senior Clerk to the Minister of Works, Li Hong, used Bing province to rebelliously surrender to Le.
12th Month, jiashen, New Moon [31 December?], the sun was eclipsed.
On jiwei [4 January], Liu Kun ran to Ji, to depend on Duan Pidi.
NB: There is a dating problem here. 4th Year of Jianxing, 12th Month, New Moon (31 December 316) was a yimao day. It was the next month, 5th Year, 1st Month, New Moon (29 January 317) which was a jiashen day. So it is possible some events have been jumbled around. However according to NASA, there was indeed a solar eclipse on 31 December 316 AD. Sima Guang points out that the list of eclipses in the Songshu treatise writes “yimao, New Moon”. So the simplest solution seems to be that the entries are located at their correct places in the annals, and it is just the name of the day when the solar eclipse took place which is wrong. Maybe someone had a list of eclipsed without the 60 day cycle names, and computed it wrong?
Moving on to Liu Kun's biography in JS062:
3rd Year [of Jianxing 315 AD], the Emperor dispatched the Combined Grand Herald Zhao Lian, Holding the Tally, to designate Kun as Minister of Works and Commander-in-Chief of the Various Army Affairs of Bing, Ji, and You Provinces. Kun sent up a petition to yield Minister of Works, accepted Commander-in-Chief, and set a date with [Touba] Yilu when they would chastise Liu Cong.
Soon after Yilu father and son plotted against each other, and Lu and his older brother's son Gen both died of illness. Their section groups scattered in four directions. Kun's son Zun had previously been a hostage with Lu, the multitudes all adhered to him. Reaching this point, Zun, together with Ji Dan and others, led Lu's multitudes, 30 000 people, and 100 000 horses, cattle, and sheep, and wholly came to revert to Kun. Kun because of that was roused again, and led several hundred cavalry from Pingcheng to console and admit them.
Just then Shi Le attacked Leping. The Grand Warden, Han Ju, requested aid from Kun, and Kun himself, since the multitude soldiers were newly united, wished to rely on their sharpness and so overawe Le. Ji Dan remonstrated, saying:
These, though people of Jin, for a long time have been in the wild borderlands. They are not familiar with grace and trust, and will be difficult hence to rule and manage. Now [if we] on the inside gather the Xianbei's remaining grain, and on the outside seize and destroy the Hu's cattle and sheep, and moreover close the passes and defend the defiles, apply ourselves to agriculture and rest the soldiers, and when we have accustomed and reformed them to feel righteousness, and after that employ them, then merit can be established.
Kun did not follow, and fully issued out his multitudes. He instructed Dan to lead 20 000 infantry and cavalry as the vanguard, Kun himself was the rear support.
Le had earlier occupied the defiles and strategic points, he set up an ambush from where to strike Dan, and greatly defeated him. As one the army were all lost, and combined with that earth shook in fear. Soon after there was again blazing drought, Kun's destitution was pressing and he was not able again to defend [himself].
The Inspector of You province, Duan Pidi of the Xianbei, several times dispatched words to appeal to Kun, wishing that they together would encourage the royal house. Kun because of that led the multitudes to go to him, he followed the Feihu [Pass] to enter Ji. Pidi saw him, and to great extent honoured and esteemed [him]. He and Kun joined in marriage, and pledged to be brothers.
Here there is no mention of Li Hong. Instead the deteriorating situation in general forces Liu Kun to abandon his own territory, and go to Duan Pidi with whatever followers he still had.
Wei Xiong and Ji Dan have a joint biography in WS23 appended to that of Wei Cao. Note that in JS61 Ji Dan's name is written 箕澹 while in WS23 it is written 姬澹. 箕 and 姬 were homophones also in Middle Chinese. “Emperor Huan” refers to Touba Yituo, and “Emperor Mu” to Touba Yilu. Liuxiu was Yilu's son, who rebelled against him in 316.
[Wei ]Xiong, courtesy name Shiyuan, and [Ji] Dan, courtesy name Shiya, were both brave, strong and had many plans and designs. In the era of Jin they were provincial Assistant Officers. When they had entered the state together with Wei Cao, Emperor Huan [due to their] vigour and their bodily strength, used both as generals. They often accompanied conquests and attacks, and greatly displayed their power and fame.
At Emperor Huan's hurrying to the difficulties, he petitioned Jin to classify their merits and deeds. Both were designated Generals. Xiong continuously had merit in battle, and bit by bit moved to General of the Left and Marquis of Yunzhong. Dan likewise, due to his brave achievements, displayed his fame. At the end of Emperor Huan, he had reached General of True Righteousness and Marquis of Loufan. At the beginning of Emperor Mu, both were entrusted and relied on. After Wei Cao passed on, they together became Assistant Assessors of Left and Right.
At the treason of Liuxiu, within the state there was great chaos, new and guessed and suspected, and frequently executed and slaughtered each other. Xiong and Dan both had the adherence of the crowd's feelings, and planned and wished to return home south. They talked to the multitudes, saying:
[I] have heard the various old people are jealous of the new people's courage in battle, and wish thoroughly kill them. [If] we do not soon have a plan, [I] fear [we] will have no offspring.
The people of Jin and the Wuhuan were frightened and afraid, all said:
Dead or alive [we will] follow the two Generals.
Hence Xiong, Dan, and Liu Kun's hostage son Zun led the Wuhuan and people of Jin, a multitude of several ten thousand, and rebelled. Kun heard about it and was greatly pleased. He led several hundred cavalry to swiftly go to Pingcheng, and console and admit them.
It happened that Shi Le attacked Kun's Leping. The Grand Warden, Han Ju, requested aid from Kun. Kun, since he had obtained Xiong and Dan's multitudes, wished rely on their sharpness so as to wipe out Shi Le. Xiong and Dan remonstrated, saying:
The chaotic population is starved and exhausted, and cannot conveniently be employed. [We] ought to stop and rest, look for faults, and then act.
Kun did not follow. He sent Xiong and Dan to lead the multitudes and chastise Le. Kun stationed at Guangmu to make sounds of supporting them. Le led light cavalry and fought with Xiong and Dan. Dan was greatly defeated, he led more than 1 000 cavalry and ran to Dai commandery. Le dispatched Kong Chang to pursue and wipe him out.
We can see that there is considerable overlap between the “Ji Dan section” of Liu Kun's biography and this text, to the point of often sharing the same wording. Clearly they share the same source.
Moving back to JS, in the Yearly Annals of Shi Le, JS104, we find the following:
[Shi] Le attacked the Grand Warden of Leping, Han Ju, at Zhancheng. Liu Kun dispatched General Ji Dan to lead a multitude of more than 100 000 to chastise Le. Kun stayed at Guangmu to make sounds of support for Dan. Le wanted to resist them, someone remonstrated to him, saying:
Dan's troops and horses are spirited and abundant, their spear-points are possible to dislodge. [We] ought to [make] deep ditches and tall ramparts so as to grind down their sharpness, attack and defend as circumstances differ, [we will] surely acquire perfect security.
Le said:
Dan's great multitude have come a great distance, their bodies are tired and their strength exhausted. A gathering of dogs, sheep, and crows, their titles and orders are not uniform. [When we] can fight a single battle and seize them, what is strong about them! The robbers have arrived isolated, how can we let go and depart! A great army's single movement, how easy is it to turn around in the middle! Suppose Dan exploits my withdrawal, [and we] look back [for him] then without leisure, how would we get to obtain deep ditches and tall ramparts! This is the way of not fighting and then wiping out and destroying myself.
He immediately beheaded the one who remonstrated. He used Kong Chang as Chief Controller of the Vanguard, and ordered those among the Three Armies who set out late beheaded. He put deceptive troops up on mountain[s], and divided them into two ambushes. Le and the light cavalry fought with Dan, he pretended to gather the multitudes to then go north. Dan let loose the troops to pursue them, Le's ambushers issued out to the front and rear to strike from both sides, and Dan's army was greatly defeated. They captured ten thousand armoured horsees. Dan ran to Dai commandery, Ju ran to Liu Kun.
Kun's Senior Clerk, Li Hong, used Bing province to surrender to Le. Le thereupon ran to Duan Pidi.  Le moved the households of Yangqu and Leping to Xiangguo, set up wardens and stewards, and then withdrew. Kong Chang pursued Ji Dan to Sanggan. Le dispatched the Combined Senior Clerk of the Left, Zhang Fu, to present the victory to Liu Cong.
Kong Chang attacked Dai commandery, Dan died there.
So here we get the same events presented from Shi Le's point of view. There some similarities in wording between this and WS023. The main source of JS104 is almost certainly Cui Hong's now lost Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen States 十六國春秋 (SLGCQ), WS also most likely relied on the SLGCQ for its chapters on the Sixteen States.
The Taiping Yulan quotes extensively from the SLGCQ, and its sections on Sixteen States rulers is essentially an extended summary of Cui Hong's book. In TPYL120 we read the following:
Cui Hong's Spring and Autumn of Sixteen States, Chronicle of Later Zhao, says:
Former Zhao's 1st Year of Linjia [316 AD], Liu Kin dispatched Ji Dan to come and chastise. Le fought with him, and Dan's army was greatly defeated. Kun's Senior Clerk Li Hong used Bing province to come and surrender.
This adds precisely nothing.
I won't quote the account in ZZTJ089 since as far as I could tell it does not add anything not found in the sources quoted above. But Hu Sansheng in his commentary adds a helpful reminder that “at the time Bing province was seated at Yangqu”.
Going back to your actual question, as we have seen none of the sources give any detail at all on how Li Hong handed over the province to Shi Le. But looking at the big picture, Liu Kun had been on the defence basically since the beginning. He gradually lost the southern parts of the province and in 312 he had been forced to retreat from Jinyang to Yangqu which then became the provincial capital.
In the Chinese writings, the seat of an administrative unit is often referred to by the name of that unit, for example Jinyang was often known simply as Bingzhou and indeed is now called Taiyuan. When JS104 writes “Kun's Senior Clerk, Li Hong, used Bing province to surrender to Le.”, “Bing province” could be understood to mean not the whole province but the “the provincial seat of Bing province”, i.e. Yangqu. JS104 then continues “Le thereupon ran to Duan Pidi.  Le moved the households of Yangqu and Leping to Xiangguo.”
To speculate a little, when Liu Kun himself went to Guangmo to support Ji Dan, I think it's quite likely that he left Li Hong to defend Yangqu in his absence. Then when Li Hong heard of the defeat he decided to surrender. With the loss of Leping and Yangqu there was not much Bingzhou left to defend, not enough territory to support an army at least, and so Liu Kun had little choice than to relocate elsewhere.
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inkymint · 8 years
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A Leo/Guang Hong commission for @rainywithachanceofstars! 
Leo bought Guang Hong a burger so he could get his fill of American junk food before flying home for CNY, that’s real love guys
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 5 years
Jean-Jacques Leroy Wins Skate Canada
Jean-Jacques Leroy defeats defending two-time World Champion.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
KELOWNA, BC - Jean-Jacques Leroy of Canada skated a difficult, though not perfect, free skate. He had two turn-outs on two of his opening jumping passes but was otherwise clean. His free skate score - 203.97 - and his overall score - 305.91 - are the highest scores of the season so far. It is second-straight victory at Skate Canada and fourth title overall.
“I feel great,” said the 22-year-old. “I had those two turnouts, but it’s so early the season, I’m thrilled with the high scores! It’s JJ Style!” His parents - who are also his coaches - also expressed how happy they were with how well their son has skated so far this season. He usually skates well here, though. It is still to be determined if he can keep it up when it counts.
Seung-gil Lee of South Korea skated a clean free skate, his technical score nearly tied with that of Leroy’s. He scored a 200.14 for his free skate for a total score of 295.25, winning the silver medal. It is the first time he has placed higher than Altin in competition. “I did what I came to do, and that’s what matters,” said the 22-year-old. “I feel great, I am in great shape and looking forward to my next competition. It doesn’t matter who I’m beating.”
Otabek Altin of Kazakhstan, who is the reigning Grand Prix Final Champion, did not have the skate many were expecting. His performance started off well, but he had two-step outs on two of his second-half jumps, and it seemed to rattle him. It was also not the performance quality that many were expecting from him, either. He scored 187.66 for his free skates, scoring 283.94.
While about what he scored at Skate Canada last year - where Leroy beat him - it was also his first competition. As this was his second this year, many were expecting a lot more from him. “This was... not my best skate,” the 20-year-old admitted to reporters. “I know I can do better than that, and I just need to go home and get to work and do better next time.”
Leroy competes next at the final Grand Prix event, the NHK Trophy, at the end of November, where he will face former World Silver Medalist Guang-hong Ji of China and eight-time World medalist Christophe Giacometti of Switzerland. Altin competes in his second GP event in two weeks at the Cup of China where he will also face Ji, as well as two-time US National Champion Leo de la Iglesia. 
Lee competes at the Rostelecom Cup, where he will go up against two-time World Medalist Yuri Altin of Russia and European Bronze Medalist Emil Nekola of the Czech Republic. Leroy needs to only medal to qualify for the Final, while Lee needs to place at least second. Altin needs to win to give himself a good shot at qualifying, while a silver would do it but would have to sit and wait.
The GP series continues next week with the Internationaux de France, which features Phichit Chulanont of Thailand, Christophe Giacometti of Switzerland and Emil Nekola of the Czech Republic and Japanese National Champion Kenjirou Minami.
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jojotichakorn · 5 years
HIStory3: Trapped: Review (& General Info)
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About the Series:
Summary: A police officer and a gang leader were killed in a gunshot attack four years ago. What's the secret behind this case? The only survivor, Tang Yi, is now the gang leader. Shao Fei is a police officer, who’s been following Tang Yi around for the past four years, trying to figure out what’s really happened during the attack. Will he be able to get to the bottom of the case? And can something unexpected come out of their rivalry? (Trailer)
Couples: Main gay couple, as well as two side couples - one gay, one straight.
Running Time: 10 episodes - around 45 minutes each - 8 hours in total
Cast (& their Instagram pages): Jake Hsu (Shao Fei), Chris Wu (Tang Yi), Andy Bian (Jack), Kenny Chen (Zhao Zi), Diane Lin (Hong Ye), Sphinx Ding (Dao Yi), Zhang Guang Chen (Andy), Stanley Mei (Li Zhi De), [more].
Where to watch? VIKI (if you watch on mobile, you’ll have to download the app).
Related Shows: HIStory is a recurring Taiwanese BL series, however, each season is separate from the others and none of them are connected in any way, so there’s no other Trapped content out there.
My Review:
Rating: 9.5/10
Short review: Trapped is my favorite BL of all time. It has a good plot, fantastic acting, the most wonderful couple ever (whose intimacy is handled incredibly well), amazing characters, awesome friendships and a whole list of other great things. Despite having one controversial character, a slightly questionable background couple and a not-so-satisfying (though still not bad) ending, I don’t think there’s anything that could stop you from enjoying it. And though, as usual,  it’s obviously your own decision to make, it’s definitely a must-watch in my book. 
Extended review (under the cut):
I consider Trapped the best BL that exists to date – without a shadow of a doubt. Not everyone agrees with me and that’s entirely understandable, however, I assure you that even though someone might prefer one or a couple of other BLs to this one, everyone considers Trapped one of the best ones for sure.
The plot of Trapped is thought-out and actually good. It obviously isn’t a masterpiece of modern cinema, however, unlike so many other BLs, the plot actually matters. It’s interesting, gripping, well-thought-out, with a nice mystery and some unexpected reveals that might actually surprise you. Everything gang-related isn’t just there for show – it’s done tastefully and doesn’t seem cheap at all, you truly believe it. So many moments are hilarious, especially in the beginning. And the show is very meticulous and careful with all its little details, so there are no annoying minor plot or aesthetic inconsistencies that could take you out of immersing into it. The pacing of the plot is a tiny bit slow in the first couple of episodes, but it needs that to build itself up properly, and it quickly picks up as soon as it can.
The characters in this show are amazing. You will not only fall in love with the mains, but also adore most of the background characters and hate the rest of them, which just goes to show how much each of them can impact you emotionally because they’re that fucking great. All the details about the characters are well thought-out and awesome too. Tang Yi is not just a gang leader in name – Chris, the actor who plays him, does a fantastic job of showing just how intimidating Tang Yi can be and generally convinces us of him being the Big-Bad-Gang-Boss through so many brilliant subtle acting choices. The villain is actually threatening and terrifying too. Shao Fei can be rather embarrassing and cringy, however, Trapped certainly manages to show that this is truly just his personality, and they’re not just doing this for laughs. Besides, I’ve heard many people who usually get second-hand embarrassment all the time say they didn’t feel awkward for Shao Fei at all – he isn’t embarrassed since this is his true, authentic self, so no one else is embarrassed for him either. Finally, two background queer characters are fantastic. Usually, in other BLs background queer characters, who aren’t there for a romantic plotline, are never anything beyond a stereotype and are always there for laughs. That’s not the case in Trapped. Both of the characters are absolutely incredible, authentic and beautiful – most certainly one of the best background characters I’ve seen in any BLs.
I must note that one character definitely caused some controversy in the fandom, and I can’t say much else beyond this without giving you a gigantic spoiler. However, even though I do think they could’ve handled the topic better overall, I don’t find there’s anything wrong with having one of the many queer characters in the show be a bad person. I’ve talked about it many times and, considering the fact that we still have at least six positively-portrayed queer characters, the seventh being a piece of shit does not affect the representation in any way and doesn’t suddenly give all queer people a bad name. There are shitheads among us too, you know. And it’s important to talk about it.
Moving on, let’s talk about relationships. For starters, the main couple is hands down the best enemies-to-friends-to-lovers you’ll ever see – that I personally guarantee. Their romance is developed well and treated with the care it deserves, and they end up being the most adorable, wholesome couple ever. I also want to especially point out how well Trapped handles their intimacy. A lot of other BLs have their couple treat each other like friends half the time, be dating another half and kissing/having sex on rare occasions. In reality, though, a couple is always intimate with each other. And I don’t mean that everyone fucks like bunnies – no. I mean couples have intimate conversations, hold hands, kiss each other in a million different ways (and on a million different spots), cuddle for no reason, hug, express emotions and, of course, sometimes have sex. Not every couple does absolutely everything I’ve just listed, of course, but you get the overall point. Couples are intimate. And Trapped gets that. It shows that. And that’s wonderful. As for others, the straight background couple takes up just enough screen time to not annoy you and it’s actually kind of cute, which is super rare for me to say. Now, the gay background couple is rather questionable. One of the guys is kind of oblivious and juvenile, while the other pushes him too hard. It’s not so critical that I’d tell you to skip their moments, however, it is definitely food for thought and I’d say pretty problematic.
The friendships in Trapped are sort of a double-edged sword. On one hand, we have Shao Fei and Zhao Zi, who were proclaimed to be best friends, but don’t end up having any meaningful moments together and are really out of the loop with each other’s lives by the end of the show. This can be explained and justified, but I still feel like it’s a little unrealistic. On the other hand, though, we have Tang Yi and his friends – mainly, Andy, The Doctor (whose name I, apologies, don’t remember), as well as Hong Ye and Tang Guo Dong. Despite only seeing a couple of moments with each of them, we get attached to every character and their relationships with Tang Yi very easily. His friendships with Andy and The Doctor are familiar and realistic. His relationship with Hong Ye is deep and authentic – you can truly see they are like siblings to each other. And his relationship with Tang Guo Dong is so beautiful and raw that you end up falling in love with the “found father” trope and wish you had the same relationship with your parents or any mentor figure, really. Despite Tang Yi and Tang Guo Dong only having four small scenes with each other – all of which are flashbacks, their dynamic is my second favorite in the show and their relationship is one of the best father/son relationships I’ve ever seen.
Finally, the show is shot beautifully and the acting in it is on a completely different level. Seriously, you will say, “Holy shit, this actor is so good!” like every other second. I literally grabbed my pen to write some version of “the acting is so good” in my notes, while rewatching the show for this review at least twenty times, and the only thing that stopped me is already having it written down thrice.
The very last note I have is about the ending. Now I will say immediately that this show does not have a bad ending – I could not have it as one of my favorites, if it did, I’m strictly a happy-ending kind of person. However, the ending is still a little too vague for my taste and I wouldn’t say I’m satisfied with it. It’s not the end of the world and overall it’s an alright ending you can live with – nothing bad happens. However, I wouldn’t call it the best ending this show could have – and that’s all I can say without giving any spoilers.
Finally-finally, should you watch this show? Fuck yes! Absolutely, my guy! Have you heard all I’ve just said? It’s brilliant. An absolute fucking masterpiece, I’m telling you. So yes, I recommend it to literally everyone. There is legitimately no other series I want to show everyone as much as this one – this is fucking mandatory in my book. Regardless of however I feel about it though, at the end of the day, it’s obviously your own decision to make.
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liveblog: yuri on ice!!, ep. 7
episode 7:
this is the kissing episode!!!!
when i telly ou that i cried the first time i watched this, i’m telling the honest truth
i’m probably gonna cry again
victor... is trying to hard
guang-hong jiiiiiiiiii
“i love you chris!!”
me as nina
my poor son katsudon
yes use those ads as landmarks chris
ohgod... look at chris 10yrs ago
the fucking curls
my... fucking guy... getting off at the thought of getting victor on the ice and beating him
i love him
yuuri is having a breakdown but victor is trying bless
how the fuckd they have pas in the garage though
i mean like i know they do but also how
hoenstly leo’s pep talk is very american and i like it
“this skater’s heart is as fragile as glass”
again, no need to write fic when they gave this to us
fuck i ate ti scene
i had to take a moment o really marinate in my melancholy
i love gerogi
i’m... not  ready
i’m not ready ofr yuuri and his free sakte
and the.. kiss
i fucking love yuuri and victor
god fuck i love the zoom in
god he really is skating in such a relaxed way
god i love yuurti
that was such a great skate
oh god fuck
fuck guys
it’s gonna happen
oh shit
my laptop made a weird noise
because i hit it so hard
fuck i cannot belive 
GOS @@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
quality content hoenstly like i’m so alive right now
shockingly not crying
but ‘m alive
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